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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Slie Sails picagunc. BY LUMSDKN, KENDALL CO. r. oVr fc 7 ami" Vti eet, TRSMS OF THE P1CATCNK. Subscript! received for twelve months for $12 ball yenrly nuarterly at the ame rates.

All ui- script ioi tin advance. sSinele copies Gj cents. Advertivineni, not twelv hues, msenea for SI ie first, cents lor every Slavery In Texas. flm MmorVa WPTP. elicited ftom a por- tion of the press of this city, when the subject of the abolition of slavery in Texas was first agitated, have attracted much attention at th.

North We have been loth to believe that any such project was entertained by any considerable number of Texans. Nor do we now think differently. But it is due to our readers to keep them apprized oi tne mcis oi me case, uuu uur 'erve'em Right. By the ancient laws of I Hungary, a man convicted of bigamy was con-1 demned to live with both wives in the same house the crime was, in consequence, ex tremely rare. Hieroglyphics on Havana.

UMBER MaXaTLan. The editor of tome Atlantic paper, of which the name bait, we regret, ea- 1 Je 2 A tetotaller who is about to go North was Been yesterday, in laying in his sea Btores, to buy Borne brandy. mi abb ne ropuialion oruavana-uenuemen an fc been furnished with the followinr Lsiaict The Fashions- 1 ne rrevautng i Mod ir Sec. extract of a letter from a young inidahmmaa on The city -proper of Havaua-that within the board the the U. 3.

ship C.taixsto hi. r.tW ia walls-is of an irregular triangular shape, the Baltimore, dated at MaraUan, 15ih of March, 1S4J I aunnoae tou would like to have a deacritv. tion of thi place, and 1 will therefore endeavor nseruoiu.Ttiow of eater leiiKthchaiged in pro-; jon hu8 been recently drawn to the sub portum' K. I. xt-.

i ac time, will be pub- 1ilit one ml mltcconllny. But no inrnt or subscription be all kffeiiraj-e are paid, units, at the opuon Uie Msufrwkly, tri-weekly, or tnondily are cDarge one per uare tor fT. Slrea one dollar Mnrriae and Obituary noUci are chTgea iKT (UHre. ho jdverttee by the Hindi dicounl rnade totnoae wno 'In by publications in Northern papers. a late uumber of the Baltimore Patriot there appeared a communication, written in a calm and temperate manner, by one who represents himself as having recently travelled exj tensively in Texas.

We have no reason to doubt the perfect authenticity of his article, bay forming one of its sides, the wa coast an other, and the bastion or wall (which extends i -t i i iion fi mi Why." said a friend what can you want "ora tiie sea to the bay) its third side, uutsiue a mil with brandy? Are you not a tetotaller VI 1 01 ie wall there is a large dike or joe phipman's limited means of nbaorvalmn win Yes. I am." snirl th nledcred advocate of which can at any time be filled with water; and allow, hi town, Jiazauan, is mum 1 1 I temperance I'm a tetotaller on land, but in tnis, with the several fortrcspes which surrouna favor of brand and water ver tea (te). tne city viz the Moro, the Oabana, the run- I I I mo niaics aim iiic i rnn. nc gico hi; ftceDilBDlS til the SparlaXUS. uo tiiu an impregnable appearance; and such is the I Caftilian blood is, however, much polluted, position of these fortre only repel or oppose an but the Cabana and the Principe could, in cape I nf iMc birth.

The men are, renerally 13F What letter in the alphabet is the great i. i I aiuucr ui jciiigupa lasnions D. or C. (D'Orsay.) AacOon Balaa ttj. -Malleo O'Hara aril, al 10 o'clock at 12 Canal street, cloihinf, bila, ice abd at 11 clocks aikd oen.

II. R. Wood Co. cell at 10 o'clock, at the corner of Common end Matxine recta, dry rooda. cloihinf, tc, Gr 5 adrrruf nrntl.

i'iT The undei signed bf Icare to re- tnni thrir nnrrr tUaaii uirtAr o( rtmc ire rmpvnr, Irutn uerttr. (pann-B to Com. ty No. k. ho fmt ih- tl mm 'i rh I mmyii, icy xjrtr i-j mwi wwm Gulf of California, and ha a population es- I tim pmtr frr crortxiv ccedine 10.000 souls.

They are lor iie moi ucrTr. part composed or the aineine.nDa uc c- Zi 'lZ je2 If -ance; and such is tlie Caftihan blood is, however, mucn pouuica, sacs, that they can not great pride is attached to be inr able to i claim an nnein from tki eource. A Mexican an attack fiom without, tn. of hi- vair. FRIDAY MOBNIKQ.

HTNE 2, 1843- CAcap Living: The St. Martinsville folks however we may differ from him in opinion. must find living very cheap. According to the I of commotion within the city, lay it in ruins in I upeaking, well inide and cftn cood looking. He states explicitly that among the Texan lnmllmltsra tK riupctinn rT tVo Anrlv nKnlltinn ET Articles of interest will be found on our Qf generally and familiarly dis- a (cw hours.

There are three highways or nnuiMa'to-dav. Tha travestie, a jree transia tionjrom Horace, on our first page, would make ilia learned Dominie Sampson laugh, if he could be resurrected" from the grave. It is a rich, classical cussed, though they' had determined upon no precise plan oy which to Dnng about tneir purposes. Some are represented as holding the opinion that without indemnity of any sort it would promote the prosperity of the country and enhance the wealth of the inhabitants to do Creole, pigeons are selling in that town lit ten cents a pair, eggs at five cents a dozen, and I public passages from the rily without the wulls blackberries gratis in the prairie, while they I to the city within, and at these there is always have honey enough to load tl souri. he steamer Mis- State ov the Market.

The thermometer xis rising, the river is falling tipplers are high, 1 away with slavery at once by a general act of fat.beeves low (loo) flying machines are going emancipation while others were looking for an up sldVly, old houses are coming down indemnity for the loss of their slaves from Go- Mcsuieriem is on the advance, theatricals are vernment, believing that for this specific pur- on the decline granite is firm, morals are loose p0se England would open her coffers to Texas Alio newspapers are dull, musquitoes are to almost any The causes which this brisk ladies' dresses are easy, (after the Nora writer assigns for the adoption of such opinions Crcinii fashiou,) corsets continue tight mo- Py nien who are almost all Southerners, born destv is scarce, presumption is plenty credit and bred slaveholders, are, to use the writer's nono in the market. tr" We see the story going the rounds of the papers that Maurice Connell, the eldest son of Daniel O'Connell, who, it is sqid, is about to visit this country, "is a soldier, and one of tried valor, having served with distinc tion, and having attained a high rank; in the Austrian service." Maurice O'Connell never served in the Austrian service, nor in any other service. He never attained as high a-military grade as we have burself ho never was fourth corporal in a volunteer corps, nor even a militia His tW We are under obligations to the steamer Nashville for late river papers, delivered yesterday morning. Specie. The following amounts arrived yesterday: Per schooner Luda, from Matamoras To Schmidt Co, $5326; Durand $1500.

Per brig Tunante, from Havana To F.Tio, -( Per steamer2 Clipper, from Bayou Sara To S. Bush, $30Q0. Per steumer Monmouth, from Mobile To Dr. Shaw, $1000. Per brig Velocity, from Kingstou Ja.) To Hamilton $7,000.

For Havana. Don't forget that the steamship Alabama, Capt. Windle, is to be off tomorrow morning. This is about her last trip for the Beason, so make good use of it. VZF" We thank the clerk of the steamer Meteor for late for St.

Louis, Memphis and Natchez papers. The Closing of Theatres. We know of uo clasd of individuals to whom the change of seasons from the cool and bracing atmosphere of our Southern winter to the clear skies and fervid temperature of summer brings such en- tire change of habits and pursuits as the New Orleans editors. When the weather becomes so warm that a man could not exist in a theatre for fifteen minutes but for carrying within its walls an imaginary ice house in the shape of a firm julep, managers begin to think it time to shut up and be off. This happens usually near upon the coming in of the merry month of May." From that day forth, the editor has noj longer occasion to keep his left eye open tight" for the bills of the day the benefit of the distinguished tragedian," Mr.

Sniggins, or the bist appearance of the fascinating Mins Spiiggings. A whole load of care is at once taken off his shoulders, and he is allowed of an evening such evenings as no other clime can boast to take his ease in his own fashion; "to have his own way, and his own way of having it," in spite of all the managers in Christendom. Our theatres, however, form an agreeable rendezvous for the tribe editorial, and in no city within our knowledge arc they more resorted to as such. It is one of the pleasant features in the life of the members of the craft here that they do, as if by general consent, congregate habitually in the cooler months at theatres and concert rooms, facilitat-ingcach others' Inbors, and smoothing over the own words, the hopelessness of an annexation to. the United States the fact that no immigration is now going to the country', and many are leaving, not having found it so advantageous for planting purposes as they had anticipated that nearly every man in the country is a large landholder, and only requires to augment the demand for land in orderto become wealthy, while he is now so poor as hardly to be able to retain his lands and pay the annual taxes the expectation that England will favor the country commercially, and by the investment of capital some feeling of soreness to wards the United States, on account of her onerous customhouse regulations, Since reading the above we have met with an article in the N.

Y. Journal of Commerce a paper of high authority on any subject, and the avowed and unflinching opponent of Northern abolitionism which sustains the views of the writer we have just noticed. We copy a portion of it: to awaken the attention of our readers to the subject. It is not to be borne that the crafty policy of England or the mercenary schemes of land speculators, should avail to build up on our frontier a receptacle for runaways from our servile population. The inconvenience and daily loss which slaveholders ir Maryland and Virginia suffer from the proximity of Canada are as nothing compared with the injury which would be inflicted upon the Southwest by emancipation in Texas.

We cannot indeed bring ourselves to believe that the scheme is entertained to any thing like the extent represented, but the subject is of so vital an interest the South that attention should be called to it at once, that whatever difficulties it may involve, may be grappled -vith in the out set, before they grow beyond our control We have private information which leads us to believe that measures are even now in pro- gress tor the accomplishment ot the great object indicated in the above extracts. The Present number of slaves in Texas is 25,000 or 6.000. At. $200 each, including children, which is all they are now worth, their aggregate value would be about 1,000,000 sterling. If a loan for this amount can be obtained in England, on landed security in Texas, (and for such an object we arc inclined to think it can be, either from the Government or individuals, or both,) we are strong in the belief that slavery will be abolished in Texas, either at once, or by a rapid process of graduation.

Some of the reasons for the. measure are intimated by the Bee. It is not- prompted, we are inclined to think, so much by motives of philanthropy towards the slave as by a regard to the interest of the master and the general welfare of the country. The slaveholders themselves, or many of theme are among the most zealous advocates of the measure. They cannot send colonel, the lowest of all military ranks.

brother Morgan, a younger man than he, was for a brief period in the Austrian service, but it was at a time of peace. I Three of the Indians who perpetrated the recent murders in Delaware Iowa, have been arrested and were brought down to Dubuque on Monday, the 15th' where they have been tried. New Boat. The Admiral, a new steamboat, has made her appearance at St. Louis.

She is commanded by Capt. J. N. is owned in Cincinnati, and is intended for the Mississippi trade. Her length is 169 fret, breadth 21) fcBt depth ol hold 5 feet 9 inches, and carries 24 tons.

She is a beautiful model, and constructed with a due regard to strength. Her original cost is $16,000. American newspapers. i he oreign Quarterly Review has published another arti cle upon the newspaper press of the United States. It is even more severe than! before upon certain portions of it the New York Courier and Enquirer, for example.

It denies a strong guard of Boldiers. The population without the walls exceeds numerically those within. Within the walls the population i stated to consist of 22,502 whites, 9134 free colored, and 17,224 slaves; that without the walls at whites, 26,125 free colored, and 22,723 slaves, the prisoners under sentence for felonious offences not included. In the city proper the houses are all as we have already described them. Without the walls the style of architecture is more varied many of the private residences being of alight, Moorish construction, ornamented rouud on the top with gaily puinted urns.

'The streets. Urn, are much wider than those within the wallit, and there is less to remind one of' grim visaged war." Neither in the old nor the new citv is there any exclusivencss observed with regard to residences. The negro tailor lives next door to the titled count, and the sickly-looking cigar maker resides opposite to the noble knight of many orders. Nay, we have seen the basement Btory of the palaces of some of the most weal thy nobles occupied ns a general store for small dealers, and redolent of the smell of tive cabbages, sickly onions, ancient oranges and unsavory garlic. The fashionables of Havana dress well', but not with taste.

Their clothes are well mude, but bespeak the fop more than the gentleman their coats are generally green, blue, or claret color, with large, flashy, gilt buttons; and their are white. You never sec them wear a suit of black, except the wearer be a priest, or a lawyer in his professional dress, which is rather on the oulri order, but of which we shall speak by-and-by. They evince a strong pe cfuint, too, for gold-headed cunes, massive gold watch chains, and all such appendages. The Almost every mm is a skilful horseman, end you would be no doubt, at Kcing one of ihcm at full gallop Moopinr, end without losing his scut pick up any thing upon the ground. The women are very pretiv, and some I have ecn here arc boih tieautiiul and intelligent.

The dancing the country is principally composed of the Waltz, Carhuchn, Quadrille and Boliza, of European oriein, and the Iota And i'onlralanzn of the country. All dance very gracefully; tn'icli that an American is almost always thrown into the shade. This ton has very fine band, com posed of about twenty iiiiliidual; and the music, although nation is very preily indeed. The city has no fortifivnlioiis all; it owe had -some guns mounted uou a promontory, so as to command the harbor, but they were thrown over the precipice some jenrs since by the military governor of the place, to prrveiit their fulling into an insurgent's jwikm-miou. It his, however, in the inurior of the.

riiv, a pre- oiimo ol tmrrucks, ami a lorre. ol IU or regular recruits. The whole roast cannot even boast a man-of-war brig or schooner, ns the Government, whenever it needs the use of a vessel, has the right of chartering and retain ing indefinitely any vessel belonging to a Mexican citizen. The commerce is mostly engrossed by foreigners, ihere leing few native merchants of any note. The exports consist principally of dye-wood, hides, tallow, specie and plata pina.

The town is very flourishing end is daily increasing. Many merrhnnts of the place are very wealthy. The inward trade is mostly done by smuggling, at which the Customhouse officers, if well paid, wink. The nicrdiunts here, it is suil, pay them very handsomely to keep quiet. There are two theatres und circus from the citv of Mexicv.

VALLETTE a THOMAS. AlfVr. PLANTATION MEDICINk: Tbe aben Iwrt, a are of 0 knpnrunr la Wutrn e4 pfcreU ciatsof bating ttiitH wLxfc raa be oe al frttk mmJ fraaruvr, tafcea la Ckje rlrrlrm of tbeir Vxi. aw trnn tbf (brjr have tnso fat Ixv-U-o, rrw u4 N-w Tort frvrrcrt. in Otntant (rrtit eapf Ue.

tbry ifl aJwaya be prr. pared lo fartiM Plantm ami ftryniiar uh Mf6 cuMt, wlwcb tley will rt rfr ol acprr quality. MCKLE4 Drarrau, a tf Nx 40 Cauai atrert. tlTTO PLANTER. AND DCUO GISTS.

Tle Btnrr4wT bring rnratansly KppliH with a large and w-U anrtvd atnrk t4 Medicava, Paints Oik, Dr Stu A.C, a warranted an be raaa ail rmm'me, t4Trt tbma for tu rUMrrs. f'fcj'atclafte and upon tbv ronac rrxooaMe terma. JAKVIS ANDRE. Comon atrert. mil Itn and 7 Canal strut ttovr.

TnUCATION Hay St. Louts A Li lul'r qifl in tnrrtK- im itie are-tal lr lit- nf Kittl.4i and V.tmtmM. al EJaraiioa aud MiUx-maiirt, lot arrani'CaMtil to lak a clx iI' pj.U at lb Bar Sc. artartunr Biunirr. tMiielrr nnC rr t.U.

tvi Up voi4 l- glad tu rcrie a lew aJdanctai irW4n of en A f-'w yoong pr.i l-m-n ran funmbrd ab taard ail loltftne iu llx- tbe inarracUif. Tina prrpinn lc rolk-f would be rreTL rrwWM wuliing in rare id. arv reawqrj a niakerarlr aiHcatm to O. Meat, ILUar-en. or W.

C. Mtroa. Eq. ft lr MAGNETISM New MnMfu-nf racaaaar rmiaf Mr. THEONUIX'S HK and Mr.

C. T. JOHN HON ai3 Wivfv arvl pmmrtil a I A a tl rr. lb a R5 I ami lotnrraw (FRIDAY) rmatg, Jaar 1st aud il. Aftrr litf Ira-iure, Mr.Jobftana 'Ul latrodac aoaa eipr marts' nrvrr by any filyr m.

niiar-r ui init CTMjtury. aiuuimo iMnuimaau rtitu llw atatr at le winap I invr, ai bo Ul bolti exhiltil tbe m- tIk rnwa xmBltaoIv. I oiw-o at 11-naM? 3' Wk kv Ttckl-U crt rbll.lrea half rl S' A N1MAL altogether that Mr. Dickens was tha author of contrary, dress with remarkable the previous article on the same subject. Bv taste aud relying on their per aTi a I ia a a the way, John Keal 41 fixed the flint" of this 8onul eecticw the toreign aid oi or- man Dickens in the Brother Jonathan the other ment hey observe it great dav.

"Self resner.t" was ihn Bnhir i uniformity in their ni parel. I heir out-of-door article, and it would do no harm to anv Ame- costume is generally a thin muslin dress, white ritan to purchase the st number of the Jona- or liht colored, with the sleeves cut short, than, and carefully to read it. I Mr. Neal makes which 8hoW9 to advajitage their well-rounded it one of the most vigorous papers in the lan guage. The tone of the review in question is exceedingly savage; it is.

full of errors, with some graius of truth, but, we trust, may yet do Bome good in reforming the personalities of the American press. Judge Goldthwaite and Mr. Dellett, the respective candidates of tha democratic and whig parties for Congress from the district in which Mobile is situate, are stumping it to great effect. A man must have a good stomach for politics to stand out one of their evening entertainments. Last night, for example, they were to address the public at the Mobile theatre.

Judge Goldthwaite was first to epeak an hour and a half, then Mr. Dellett was to follow for the same length of time in reply. Judge G. was then to have another hour in which to 1 a a rejoin, ana air. u.

was to conclude with sixty minutes' more talk. Were we a legal voter in Mobile, we should incontinently cast our ballot for thft man who should take the least ad van tage of the time allowed him, arms. 1 hey never wear a head-dress or any kind, and their glossy hair is dressed in the plainest manner. They invariably carry a fancy fan, but wear neither gloves, gold necklaces, nor ponderous ear-rings. We Fpeak of them as we saw them on the passeo, which is the fashionable resort of the city fashionables.

We "have frequently spoken of and may often epeuk of them hereafter. As many of our readers may have never seen one of them, we will endeavor to de-crile them. The body is something like that of a cabrioletf with a spring top attached, which is made to fall back or turn over the head, as may be desired it holds two or three, jiersons, and is hung upon large leather springs. The wheels are remarkably larg and the shafts' remarkably long. The wheels arc a long way behind the body, and when it is drawn, the hore or mule is a long way before it.

The parties inside bit wiih their legs Mietchrd out in a horizontal position. Its motion is most easy, being a succession of gentle undulationsftr vibrations Dieaae of tle are vrry nunit-rnus and their tlio.gv bitlirrtrt ba been invuld in mm oliaruritv. St Klu-cm, fur iiitnre, ctuhritrea no laity ih.Vrniit vnlia of cutaii-na diai-aw bat itie name ttwlf aimply the diarliarce of a aaltih fluid imin Uir iiralrd aurlare. All tlia-a- it: Ringvnmi, Tettrr. Scald IIail, f-pra.

Krxnna, bate Ibair oriio lit an impure Hale of Uie ltin xixl ofUie il'ifiivc onrana -n rally. Tl awwnach. ug lo an unl.raUhy flow of i nnablr lo jwrfcirm ila function iroiTly, ami tbr akin cyniaitliira witii it, cauain? clrym- and itrbintr M-n'sliiw atine lime, at anothi-r a ntoilur anl I Im p-tiriit i firt annoyed witU a burnini; anl rnliar ling of tli akin. lnrli iihIuci' rul'liin? 5 in a Jrt time sn.ill watery r- apjx ar, tli-bargr aial run, Iravinil the akin raw and anri; llw-n follow araba or ral-, liir dry up, arxl fr a diort tmai- tliere i no of di-'a. It -it il anon brvakt out aain, a 'Hin, and l''- tlinuL'h tin aam rourar.

rontiituunf prailually to inciraae in extent until tlic liole body in dieaf. faixla Sarkapanlla la, from eiperirnre, proted to be a radical for thia elat of fliaeaara, win? to iu peeuliaroprraiionon lite oiem. Itertert into it influence i Irll Ut lit rm4-1 part of the syalenu II give tone ami etrrzr 10 the -ers of iiatnre, and Uie bloo.1 the -fraud tuitnn o( lion ralliea, divaxr ilhrun off, and the -utx ol r- I Itnmodiatcl alnred to pi-rb-ct liealth. I of OLD WRtlUHIIT SCJ 1 tor particular, are auvemaenieiiia ia ana oumt I Urh Uxr bigbcat emk PitMiTd ami antd by A. B.

S.WDr fc Co. Dnrct-i, Ne YiH-k. fold alv at Ibrir olh-p, Vo. 12 Si. New itrii-ana.

At. bv MCKLK.1 it Co. 43 Canal au-wt. and if A. OLlVKlt It Co.

C4 Chvrr acrt-rti ami lv liotitl and metxbanui Uirrtucbout the Sialev Pnee, I per Untie; Six latttles for $5. Captiom. Me pariicuUr lo ak lor anii'i Sarsapa-rilla. and take im nibrr. F.BUFFKTaS CLASSICAL and COMMERCIAL llaLr DottDumtnoDiT hcwH Tt- r.a-iiaJof Ihia Itiitot-oa rrturaabiafTati-lul lhar.kt 10 ltT.I u-wi New traaa (or IUer ami patrrmar-'.

a1 La a rttr tf Inlormmr llrf-m lltal ll.e luacltnai I cpr-urd lite yrr mand. atxl tal be Ul be bapp lo are tboat Ixt ill Hk-it rtnlWn lo bit care. Tb ImCHUttoo at wort wan Hn-rt. air -t-r'Iiaa noi iwi J. r.

BvrrET. WET NURisE-A Wet Nurw ia il-irrtl liy a roortjf rrnrrlatMe a WWw woman, w.Ui a braltby breaat ofmili. Tbe brat raw frrrnct can be fri'rn. Iinire at No 1X2 Carnn at. ta be yard.

)t If "MOTICE. All tkcraoni having ac- JL roam e-rainst the aia-artw-r raiaiotsr. made ioce Um 'Vb Novnilarr, 142. WiJ pa tevtl Hwm iu.tdjiHv f-r payiorat at Ibedjoeof J. M.

KKYKS Ctl. No.31 Campa-ra-n. tr BU UN HAM'S Patent lrkjtaDd. A Ua of Ifikaiaada of Utia rxtraordiaary LaUoa juat rccrnred and i-ir sale bv OOO ALL 4. CO.

Bonkarlrt je2 3t aodtHauoorra, 4 Camp at 100 tons SCllAf IRON, trr raf wi.l tap Mid AfMTtO it- r. mi 1 11, iu royuraan. N. R. On band ami far al Aa of brat quaMvIIOUSt fcllOE NAILS, Cbrap lor Caab IS irt l' lur irrtu.

jrZ pOKK, LAKD, BACON, FLO UK. 175 bbl Ptk, rarioiM quaiitw-a. RHCCMATI5M asd Hour. Vritflil Indian Vrjria-ble Pill are a nw4 traordinary nifdicine lor tbe core of llbeonutiaiu and iley mil oolv clanr the ttomarli ami bowelsitl Ukm- evtrtnd bataota birli, if taken into the circuUiion, ami Uirown Um Ute mrm. braim ami muarlca, are Ui" csiim of li.e alove paint jl mxladis but Uiey ile tle alorleiit vrast-li in lake 011 that which already drj.o;tej.

and llw-rrfor- are at.aolutely ceruin to iiiaUe a prrtett cone of l(b-unia- tixnan.l OouL A Li i-nl lnnl Wnirlif. Indian V5eUble PilU ill olu-n Um nvait atonil.ine te. lirf; and per-v-ranc arr.K'l ni; to ilirelatoa will be renain 10 drive p.iinof rvm l-vriolionrrotiiitie Ufcty. Wright's Iinban enviable alo act an I improve dietiion, ami purily the bUvxl, and Uierciie give b-alih and v.frr to the wb.ilr. fmn, a well a make a prrl'erf cuiv of Klieamati-ra ami UuL Ofitrrtt Il ahould lie remembered all reoame inolicme nn Imlian esetabie Pdl" Dratlv h-2 I V) do l'nnt ao.1 lr Bt-L 1 cak Sn'e.

Utablrr ami I Una. 70 bid very openur Lrat Lard. 2J at itv-rf ne floor. 411 do bile Bran- For bv J. BOYD.

Povdraaat. IJUOTS JS AT COSTI 5j Uerrq' Wild Pigeons. In Iowa the pigeons seem it is, iu fact, a kind of mesiaeric machine, and I printed on the idr of the 11 1 Aijeni fir Uie ale of Wpjtirt Indian Veeuble would, we think, be more successful in putting I in Kew Oiiean. I I .1 I .1 IT I fl. a.

I I nsjirruica 01 parusan controversies, by a tree oacK tneir smves iq tne unuea atates, ana tne iely to invade the territory the accounts of interchange of opinions and mutual communi- Jj-Pri ce of a thdr "Umber8 CXCCed ning of the kind cation or all sorts of intelligence. Perhaps we A "1 that we have ever heard. It is 1 1 1 1 1 0 uii. A i- latiu il 1 uuu regret ine approacn 01 summer more for this rightly conclude that the existence of sla than any other reason not that it diminishes very checks immigration, and thus prevents in any degree the good fellowship that exists among the brotherhood, bat that we are deprived of the trynting tree," around which all were wont to gaihcr when the labors of the day, were so nearly over. Thus are all things human mingled of good and evil.

We get clear of the bore of writing puff, and the more atrocious one of solicitation to write puffs, and "by the same token" we lone the opportunity of laughing together "at the inordinate vanity of this comedian or the stupidity of that manager, or the still higher luxury of sympathizing together in eeneral an plauseof fine strokes of art" and genuine efforts of genius. their lands from appreciating as they otherwise wouid do. remaps they are influenced in part hv political considerations. They know that the aid of England, for the adjustment of their relations with Mexico, would be much more cheerfully rendered, but for the belief that is an immense pigeon roost in the forks of the Maquoketa, in Jackson county, such us was tiever before seen in that country. It is three miles long and half a inilo ia width.

There can be no estimate made of their numbers. Their roosting places are about a mile'distant from their nests and feeding places, being three 1 .1 a-l a suMccr to sleep, man many 01 tne profes sors of the science. It is probublc there are in the city, of these vehicles, five hundred public und two thousand private ones they are al most exclusively the ouly carriage in use. There is' a spirit of rivalry among the owners of ihe private volantes, each one essaying to excel his neighbor in the costliness and grandeur of his turn out;" hence muny of tliem are richly mounted with massive filver; and the negro Jehu, when be dons his full livery, I by so doing she would aid iu the continuance 1 aa l.aaanaa rw.l-. al -rl rcon a 01 fancier him3elf quil0 an important personage.

filler I fiJCHft. RlnVPrV WnilM Ka AKr.IlcllaH a a I Inrtil a v. I ra nn A MJ 1 1 I I wiaoBa.u uo u. muu "Uj it joooiiig; iu uuu II lilt UaiKr II i.c,r J''Xms -ir th, r.mi" come to an end, and that it is not wise to frame 1 trees Wlth i and hundreds afe killed O. N.

MORISO.V, 11 Maffatiaeau Beware ofutinir quack remed'wa, if vonr hair i dropping out, they only ac-eirrat thf a'ppmarb of l.aldnt-.. A pern in called in at Kletehcr'a. the oUkt dav, wIm hail used a bo-tle of a mixtare of amiie kin-l, callitl by a hipli aoundiot; nam, an I bit hair wa dmppinir nut fvr lhan Iw fore be mm. inr-iK-ed uwnir On it wa tlml Jhi uaM P.Iie. btJm bad n-arly df-Mroyel lle liair.

The only true method of prr-M-rriiijr the hair lo krep il properly rut and the ad freetroni whTi ran be eVctel by callinc at WM FLETCHEK'S iiair-ureiiig Kooois So 41 St Charles ureal, jl Hewrt' jNerve ami Bnw Uniimnl an.1 Vegetable El xir," an infallilile cure for rtM-onuubm, gout, contracted cord end inoclra, ami twollen lunh. oiiiriiige's Hiilm of Colombia." the onlv article their institutions and habits on a foundation 1 by getting entangled in the falling limbs and! a a a Ia Wr Vlll Si IM. tT a a ar UC -drives as postillion, Sitting on his COb or I thai lailetl tomiore the hair on bald head. I tnite.1 Stain D.iprnttlorf i 1.1 1 i- 1 111 it I or preerve it if it ha not fallen nuL I barx piia-macupiar. ktauufartared mule in a black polished Mexican saddle.

He J.iy., Liotae- cor for the i c3nboi wears a pair 01 strong, oiacK, pouiic(j leatner I air iye, coror uw iiair aixj not ue which is so soon to be swept away. Different branches. The people kill them with clubs 1 Inula 1 IIUTC 0. V.UI jinn iiii'ir Tifiij. id an dmot i i i Socthern Cjrcds Company.

The ner Ibrmances of the Southern Circus Company, uiccuruer oi oi. viiaries ana royaras streets, last evening, were witnessed by a full and re- epectable audience. The actors are all adepts aX.the'if several departments. Dowsiso's Watch. It now turns out that thc watch found on the premises of Lucinda Cook not Downing's watch.

Mr. D. had his watch repaired by Messrs. Tyler Jacks. They took down the number of it, and also the maker's name, neither of which agree with those on the watch at the police office.

I Attempt to Murder Caution to Sports men. Ai a young gentleman, named Green, was; walking yesterday afternoon along the lower Bide of the Galvez street canal, at the foot of Gravier street, in the wods, he was stopped by two negroes, who demanded what he was doing there? Mr. Green answered, it -was none of their business, when both drew large knives and attacked him; He had no weapon buj an ordinary pocket knife, which he ftnAn'aJ urVia. tl.A II uj-iitu, migcai uuc siaDDea mm in the side and back in two places and in the head. He was then knocked down, and on recovering his senses, found both had fled.

Mr. Green states that he thinks be cut the hand of one of them severely in the scuffle. He describes the rufliaus as a grhTeand.a negro; the grifle is middle sized, with a red flannel shirt, Scotch cap end greyish striped pantaloons the black is very dark, shorter, and dressed ia dark motives may influence different individuals But we are assured that the movement has no fellowship with Northern Abolitionism. Kj Information was yesterday lodged be fore Recorder Bert up, charging the slave Arelde, belonging to Mr. Beauregard, with stealing from Eliza Oliver $125.

S5TKAUSG a Watch. G. Collins, Charles Wilson. William Bainbridge, John Walsh and John Hay den, charged yesterday, before Re corder Bertus, with stealing watch from on board the steamboat Waverly, were remanded for further examination. Condition ofthe Banks The following is a statement of the condition of the banks, as omcially published by the Board Of Currency: Bank of Lou, Aotb es.

-r. 'V There is a camp within tl Ay feet of the Gal- Cooal, and there is no doubt that, owing to I- the dry weather, thwamp ja tha rear of the are full of rot; 'jlV would, there- fore, caution' huntCTs aud others to be "ri their fired among them the report cannot be heard and a person can stand in one place and shoot all day, the birds returning as soon as you can load. They are building their nests, and the' people are. alarmed lest they should destroy their crops'. as leggings, mat cover the knees in trout, and rTAHthe tlxive named article, mav he f.mttd at No mve a cut behind, to admit the bending of I 25 re-t, with ocb pmot 'of tbeir efficacy r.

a L. tf rv THoaa't Com roc no Kxtbjict or Coeiv SaAraii.La Tbe ntn-l infallibU? rem-ly ever rlia-. overed lor ihal claw of diea renerailv. In bka ters. HLs jacket is red.

or some other wudv ti r.i. rr r-MiiiiKiani a ii nuiniKiQi aaie IP ts a leather thong. He wears spurs so large that when he walks they clink like a criminal's fet- -TIf mlxrhuer hav l'X-t of their crediiora. nbdrawa froot the Bankrupt Coart, and nirnl no a cotnpromtaa, are now ofli-rn lo aril ott llieir larpe sad well aar-l-eJ inrk 4 Boot ami hUtra cot. and punva of it.

that a liv.l brtiutd Ute prtaroi faabaaa, at mack below I bf-oriental at U1h-' IeM Lncliab KKlMlp I Ld cfirrd Kt.1 Mip atad ft I La.lm' colored Ki I Bukina fl 1 J.lira Him and tbm c-le dn. Tic. lo (1 2 Cbddrrn' Sl-a, tOKMrd and black i Ankle TmUi Irra ami Brnran. 1 Are. I ad oibrr ktoattof Bout at I 5boea at prcr ia prnpnciwn.

Tlie public ceoerally, and oar old rafv.iwii and friettd in tatniccUr, are iovru-d lo rail at4 eaaniifae for tliemwNs beo we eti leavnr to aatiatv Uarfla it i no 1LUAM k. HAN'T, r2 lw It Cantpatreal. I TheeaUi rvaiem will lie ttictly adhrred ar, It. STILLaMA.VS Sarsarntrilla Sy- raa mnd PtUi ia af Iri Tbe ou.Volted a ad wcnmIomi curative t-nVcl oi Ur trvrd rtoa are no w-etl knon to ored any fartbrr rrcrvn meli kmi hi Ky rnpeawl America. Dr.

illmn wid cool rial bioiari bv ttvu loiiow kitrr, wbKb mot ootrvrace all rraaotiable parva. tliat tbrae nelarnara are tbe twat ili-C'icr-U in ibe Mlror Cerop. Or. SuUmaa l-rl prood I hat tbeae nrontaof myal (mr will, be bopea, tie aotVtent tn roroarare all bo ar alnictrd with diarae, in oar- bi pavooae arspaeilia syrop an-l fiK. ad oooibert a ooe bmile rA bat mma.n ibe mslieinal vbloea aod tieinlW SB bo.

tie of any nUter "vyantion prrparwd arrraMmr LOqa) asd ta- Nrw OrVraaav i jnOooe atreel. "4d by my 'rem ihrnochoat tbe I'atrted tvalea and Kerope, ri atxl Y.m liajkra. avad Soulb Ammo), loo caawT-o lo utntt. TU initowui; Inter, ad Jn aad to my AtrrU, Mi--mi. T.

Ilobn Co, Cbnrande, orpo. Pal" Cborrb. Lonona. aid fnibUabaHl iaibe 1 Tunc. Apt -7ih.

UCL It ul r-ak (or nail. Noata Wlil CaaoaicLC otntTir, Marra ix 1 color, covered over almost with lace and but tons, and there is a deep lace baud round his hat. The ha mesa of his horae or muln Anomer axiraorasnary Hail Storm. The rally suoolied. like the vehicle, will, silver or! rr 11 a A a a- I lauauega iAia.) watchman, of tke 24th ailVer-plated ornaments the tail of ihe animal gives tne lonowmg account an extraordinary id carefully platted, turned round, attached to hail storm which visited that region a few days the saddle, and by this is made to look like a I ba constrictor.

If tlic reoder can now crowd On Wednesday last the neighborhood known i. i M(9 iuiiju 1llianMtttlU'IUUKIIIt: IU as Howel's Cove, four miles north of this ace. -t i -i I lante. the Silver or Silver-seemine- linrneaawlliA was visited by a hail storm surpassing anything of the kind ever seen in this section of country. Canal Bank, 20.875 City Bank, 142,770 Lou.

Slate Bank, 1 MechV it Tra. 480,7.50 Union Batik, 84,370 Circtdition. Dtponti 2,116,84.5 59 8,243 ea 342,269 98 562,644 02 1,306,102 61 33266 00 Specie. $18,844,954 4,613,532 02 The cloud was small, but little over a inile in compass. The hail was as Worn no li0na or.o hI ff 1 1 lhe Xh.

of two feet in r. ana against tue sides of fences and buildings. Large quantities! remained on the ground four or five davu. On rv- 400'832 5G tt four-horse waggon load was brought to S6.2G1.419 79 I rv.v.u lor use. medicine ba oltfainrd lor itie Uk-t kar vrar.

a crr- tain criterion of iu immt-u ctlnr. It ba atooired the ounoa fame in alnax every Jart of liaa tx-en eiamioed. anoroved of. aod aancttoonl the hvnlty of medicine. and recorocarttoVd by tbemort nuiMiu in mr jTrui'-aaifm.

One recommeidatHMi this preparatloo errrt above alloitieriH it in-atf joruilife form pot op in iHa Uie nexlc in wbicb it may ba- taken. l4-in la-iib aiv atvi ilt-aanl it tatrie nature welt no r-nctKO in diet or ronf.neotnt froni dailv boine Tm4lrTi erciaily would find tin nmlicine biTtJy out. and eosrhl oever to be unpnivUlnl lib a p-rtainila-i pn--iii(f the advantaa winch lle prr-wn noe coot, binra. Im ntrdtcinv a pamplib-t ei ut uurrrmi iafr Ol U'llrf, wiOtotil any eitra tharjrr, rona.o.ii( full and ample dvecuon. mwiiB IMF iji-tutx.

Irrtan-d hy J. B. TUnm, rhctniat, Lno-loo and for ie hv sitKLM tu, Urogi 50i72 59 481.762 54 665.625 02 1,632,960 62 New Orleaaa, 40 Caual tveet. I pmna 1 1 These six are the onlv banka in tho uestroyeu-beids of v. Kiuitt uirocunu i.

I i.i i i New Orleans that meet their engagements in cash. Their cash liabilities, other than circu-latjjKr-irstl. deposits, amount to $567,078 48, and their cash assets, besides specie, amount to $1,353,896 42. Tobaccg and Hemp. The warehouses and landing at St.

Louis aeaid to be stocked with If! i a llf 1 1 nussoun, wmie large quanti-1 veruser oi eanesaay exposes a rascally hoax wo ui cljia Crops 09 Red Eitek. A Caddo corre spondent writes that, owing to the combined causes of a late spring and wet weather, there will be a falling off in the cotton crop of od- tnu-u, compared with the quantity produced last season, -i, Swift observes that it is an uncontrolled truui, tnat no man ever made an ill figure who a most painful sensation, esoeciallv aa it wa understood his pwmaleiusnor a good "one who stated the boat had been swamped in a heavy a sea, ana cone down, with all on board, eircnt. ing ttxee perso? ia 13 fethoma water, negro all leather and prunella," aud the Bucephalus, with his tail platted and tied like one of the continental army he can conceive some idea of the nonular the faahiun- 1. able the indigenous vehicle of Havana. To UL.E" complete the picture, let him operate a little on rs Agreeably to notice, the cnaimaiH.iir officer, of the organ of imagination, and place in it two feirEf ladies, dressed as we have already describedi f.a tirorlT- Bliord.

Ktq. ht ibe Chair. 1 The rrrident mal known lo Ibe tsfrtinf what with eyes of liquid lustre, faces of the finest had been etr-ii hv JrTJ i tw ble or pasture land, corn and cotton lienten into Grecian form, and busts of rounded beauty, and I'11. rtrrmr? aummnned on Jorv. and ti-i ti final the rronnil Jn onb liearin? had le poMiMtrtJ br tlie Aiinnaay Orot-ral ara 8ucn a manner as to make it ne- he will draw tlie best picture we can give of a ontil tb Jolv of ibe Criminal cort 1 ami aim cessary ior tne planters to replant their crops, volante on the nublic nasseo r- thai iwwrfi rt.jH-.

in r. Not a pane of glass was left in some of the OD lne PUDIC Pa88eQ' D. C. for toch Kirn. a be ram-notard 00 Jary ma'ied g8The SJB P-erably a- Very French paper, quoiing a bVmmnoed Kott r-ii- umber rauch injured, and the letter from Bourg, says The ercat aubiect iar durinr monthof Jone.

ibe Dark ot saplings knocked off, beyond belief -t: b. 1 1 cer 01 the company to which be may bewn report 3 ua 1 of conversation here is an eagle which a sports- ihe name of ihe p-raoo 10 ibe cmry of ii nim- bnameies Hoax The nn. aa. man has just killed, as astormdiiiiff as the roc If r1" iica. I .1 the appearance of stub- of the Arabian XNiguts In I of ihe Militia required vach ru-rmaaiopmlucetoihf perpetrated in that city, the author of which it stomach werw found several diamonds and richly deserves to be sent to1 the penitentiary I other jewels, small in size, but of a very Coo contrary touie aeveral charterof tb Fire Comr.

The scamp in question started therumor that' wter" ittlZU prembie the steamboat Arkan. ViinV .1 1 I Truvnn WnraKAS. 1 lie Cbanra of ibe vni i-. r- imj 1 wwU.u,.c),UUCIa 1 iqiu tuts null M.ulaf,ir;i. in that citv on Sundav last for P-i- in tb ic-- vj- r.

r41o.lhr,r niember, 10 uouia, wu lost just outside the bar at Mobile Point. She had on board quite a number of citizens of the place, who were making a pleasure excursion to-PensacoIa, and of course the rumor created are negotiating in the city of New York for a deiiverto iteMTr 1 I ntenla of tlie Militia. an t)v to ill menu of tlie Militia, oo tbe la or lb of October of mistook hero, if Swift did djea fool, lie 1 a wisa man. loan of a million and a half, wherewith to com plete some of the internal improvements of the state, upon which large sums have already been expended, and which are yet entirely un- nr pruouciivc. 1C Stnteo tliat one or the at practicable to ibe oacrraiawVrm.n,w bonks of New York has taken $300,000 of the I within called for by Umit loan, payable probably in the securities of the I On motion, adjourned.

i.auui.ivlrcadjheldbythebanka UkAC rmidraL AVhtieai. in October A nn Pnmi. ranlid. and eonaeqoently there were 00 Corumaa lln-Officer, to receive aid roll thercf-re J5 rttolved, Thl ibe aerrral Fir Coropaaie be wfamiab lb rolU of tbe Ke. meu TOT.

Itotarn V. Ia-LrcmUlrmm- I baverrawl fb-a- aore ba vannr. that I am a war af -vral rnawrkabwa rorp a-flacu-d In I hi enjr by Dr. tMillrrwa' tar-apa-nlU 8ymn and Ptbv F'r InVnre, I couvt ttaoar Uirv rr.jcialjr wuwat a. wbo.

lor toaay year, baul beea aohirct to comtaaint. of anoaal ccaTntra aial Img doratmw. Inaaad rtrroctatirif (atta In tbe -ootrbirjf, vomntnc aud rpruirc. V-revbT Willi headache aiyl knataf apfa-iiu, bot wbicb a ef- crnnljalVvl lv a vrw UaxrM yoor eacaKlava pi ami yrap Ol Narwa(Till; and Ur una, Ximf adva.ari ft yrara, roarr braULb aad if--. 1 br tur man, bo, Ut a loot panod.

bad aaTrred Irwa alaarlrwaaof braa'b and rvpr-ajoo at ibe rbeat. laa a I -f atJ) our l-0. Inr Ue braav fit be bad t-mvd Irr-n tie ae of lit. rHadoauT bar aparii auj ftlh. I am, arwWirn, voars tntly, Jaai Bter.

Rftld wb-aa retail bv ita? luifawlr-r Iroca trains. T. RoVvxa at bn, Lraa I'm. a 1-1 tty rarcm irmrraJf ttKoarbnot Ur I'ailH A tr-al Brtiam and li lanu. a' Iteab aapt ly jitfrrtad pr bip Baliae.

Dr. Haraaparviia baa an awartar aala a tin p.a).na. and mmif lrf itoliir plTUIarv tf Hrr Maiy ti rvtwar. Hrrb.ital llirbnraa tlaa Daxta-a cf pCeot. Ib-T Kral Uar IcSa I CastljCajra.

liar ll ltcbncr Sorluik. Hr tvaaa of BacrlrvCaV Ilrr (Ira re Ha Iacbr of NoriboitAarriaatd, Hrr lfrr the Dtcba td Patix-l Url The Mn Mnm ibe MarrtiWaa Dw.e4 qiaaiarT. TVM'ai lot.O Marrbiooravfaf Abavr-sv. Tb tlrtxibe Marrl aTneaaof Ta loM linn. Ibe Marrtnu of MnraL The III.

How. the Counm of Arvndrl and tMjrfvy. Tbe It.jrbi 1 1 to. Otain, of Dataware. Thf ItitW How Uae Coot of RrrrJL Ta v-a Hon.

Uar I1T Cbarve DviWav 1 be II hi Ibin. Uar wooaaara Tiarv. TUe I low. iLrf. Virtaaira Beveaaard, Tbe RigH.

Hem. Ibe Vwnoiuw ( Tb KurU Ma. I'ap VkanMinK-aa Itowtra- Tbe It Una ih l4y bn brafaei. Tbe Ki-U Hoo. Uaf Iktwarer UaJr Lytllrtoav Tlte lUfbi I law I aienbaaa.

Tbe Moo. tr, Wtllaim Aal.tev. Tb I loo. Mr. Iwrna 0ia-abote.

Tb Hta. Mr. Adm. Tl llaa. Ma ferry.

TbIItn.nH fUrkry. tdy Aotrea tavly OariliivT. Tb Wr MtTtrra. Krr- 2d fcon.ber of Dr. Jooraal of WeCrat RWr, to Enylob.

Frwarb aud Ppaawb. Tbe tneOn-al farnfty of ib L'oivrrsrtv of New Tcrk. and Cvonbaiid Mitral bnr4 of Mary land, frw tvania, Indiana, Kwk Carr.lina, iwl otl-rv all prvacnba recannd Dr. fVxicmJraied Cotspovad Bymp of ferwparlUa a Pill, aaiveraajly. Thi rrand rcie for baanaa III" CL deatoeraiam of Uar brOmx art, at cw rmrd ni'1 by (be orirtraU and aoar ioni kind T.

aTlLLM.lN. M. rx, at lua rVwUra Cbeaond bh' raiory and Vorka, Caa.Uat I kaaa. J2 a 1.

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