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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 a a a r' 1 i uu MitetCMtUM firm wiU tklc of bc, 4 Ui Sa Mtac ta 10 acka mixed itotf i 1C0B Prir ttaMcn dTUced rate I a go tkrccf csaTMed Huna at W. IBDlA JA8IS at ua offrr beard at aaalc CTr7ll Hr 0ta taJppt to HTrpo) at JOBS ft WASHIHeTON. aatd anlilaata, ara tba jj MHaaiaM Wail aal Dttt I crraMXED THIS MORNTNO. it PHtiam. Bvdtck.

Urerpool. 1 F.WhttnT co ASJUVZD. i Tmaktla. Clark, fm Mernphia at. baaaiinar.

na waamnfiaa. Maare ba St. Lauia iMaMla. Dm. Bartlcr.Havo, aaa tm Baataa.

to Hynaon EXTORTS. UrTtfOOU rmliua as aaa aada aitacaa. INBoa atavea OaTON Barfc eraca BaatoMBd an aalca cottos. Baai, an adla aiaia, Mil aMa aaaj. aaaalcacaca.

tMbbla ataa RICMPTS OF rRODUCE. IT ICim nu an Champion MS aks bras WO hoda kcaa 4a abto fiavr 8 KcasadT calao da aaka corn faa Eardalea aMbblaBaar Kemncdv ea loo da trian'T ea ua aWa arbtekay Prkv. Caaraae a 0 ma aia A Barh I bbda tarca JT LaBailatb ca 1 aluail It bbla (tea aaaaalardratdrtaaTillaBiaa adkt cottaa Oct Idboia traaa McCain, Bra ea 106 eta rape aftpra baaslac Dix lulatt Mem 108 bbla daar TM aka oata Duffy ire 1M aa aaoiee Bcataa la do Srhaeider as caaka Imimtm abiat HarralL tTayle ca 0 aka com Oteituu mwtri Warray lanakacora MJcbeU co S3 do ajca a bade aabacca Roateaaa Mem a bblaaaxaao kaaiwniikeT able Hoar Eobertaaa McDaagaU 4 pkg Vmmt Hi bu cbeeaa able ran Maore ca do 171 aaaitMr aasaaacara wafcamam and bbda tobacco to TvicWU Mem 1 da IMS bbla ftoar Hewitt. Norton oa 4m laaakacaaai ST aaa frait aa bbda taoacca erraa. Warn Mem I da Meare TaaColia do da B.

PrMtr a as cbotoe I Adama ca 1 pkr batter a Taaar aka con abli eaaa Weet Nettelton 10 aka tesacdTMaeaaaCTBaadeckealca bttlafloarta Chiaa Bay a bbda toaacca reliewee Mem da Jaa Taiata a afcaraer. AJioway Mem A Johaaoai Mem aa aula aataaa I Paaaliialj ca and aaaJnaa, aider Tal Kaakianaarri MJJinrni raaain kra rtrTlr" TT' Vataaer. Iiitaa Kiaiaoa Tl Hewitt, Norton Mem riiiwirc Onaaa a Bachanwa Carroll Mem 18 do Caa doa Caraiiki ktraae ay Boery Mem 4 ao Oaanaay Mem Walker. Hat hinaaa Mem do iin in aii mmnjrm Jh ta a Omaaiiid I bbda tobacco CraaiawU 1M da rape to Pamela Bra Sa a aJdIN'QTON Hamrr An Ferret baleacottoa Beiiaco. Habloaa kco da aFiltUma co do Meet at VaCans bead cattle and HaUa.

order P. mo: Aogt Arrbarfc Itlaervb. UW TOBJL. Aa Btae aad ba NOrle tea NOrte FtarWat TUw PtM Lvaawor. aV rtSaft rrrr duiud nxwaujiaf ajid QUU.UUyJ aaeartar eaoUtr.

rOOiT. BICOi, dt CO. at lea aad Old Baataa najiMriau Ftrntm Hmmm JeeBi HAViorai MM pin aiii aaaan mmi auaarlar aa and eaiaraad ha aOSoH ridTS ilLAU ai a been oaTerad ta tbla aaanaj af aayaaaa. la mmy faamu aa. AJMm.

rraaaad laaa ai ail oeeav dta. Uaarai diecaanta aaada be tba antp. aiew "ara aapia aaa COOTS, SHOES, AMD HATS, wffi tad to caa ad, aaan H. W. a ATMS.

xayiae at Bapaa. a call aad oavh wiuoa, Taad Caraadctetal tba beet ba PValalB. aa brw tlaaa RaaaJ wtna, kaeaa aa "1 lCMKI aa LAGlAKDU A A il ticCA CBVrm, baa aaa acaecerv baea iatradaeed aad already traaby aracba, tty bljalT i jaa. la lata, ai tba anaalj af Meaara. J.

laaawaia A aaeaaaa taa atbri a Bbc araule af tar oUnataia. A Uaaaren. Hat sanaee af tba tawaa ai Maria add Farm. aaal, aaa triad by tba iaey of tba Uarreraai FarJa, ta lasa. The core, eiie.aiBaaaoa At Ca.

Varan Cepo." All atber artacka, aaan are, af coaiae, aapirtrliBi aaaatha 1 A.CAjtaanSCa. 0U Ieeaetraa, 7xeaaBaatai Iew Oiliaaa, aad are tba oaiy par eed tba pi aal aa Cepa." aa art XBSEa LADUKOaVB. I aaaaiaia At Ga. tartaw Bewlerk. iTT iit.

teaarally, ara arited tacaU i A. CAKFBBLU A kAaaaycrTaAAa IT 1 "lba lowaae a lejltliaair. F. JL COOK, vvaim, taa. ceau aXABB.

jaaarati 'aaaaaiaa Oraaaa.Haaaiaa.fai nnar taa. Bbiaajaat, ate. Ta BiejptibjMMtej ajtel rutatwra In 5Seew22t ML in a aa Bead WMOKI aa a nea aad am, Caae aad etaar CAbTTV, DBATB. TTJbV UAWSIIIAOIC4SI1 aod eaaaBdeaA6CWAwOSB, TftOCU aad WHuLbAbV Iml aa Uada, aad aQ etaax arOciea ta tba Ua Iinbaiwa aliiaalll li lb i la Taliiial A3 el tta Miat arorJea ara amalai'taiai oalaeaf atltaaak. wttb beack tacaet babev larae aiaiMl af liiainl Ua ailraa.

ol aa cp bAtrll.i PJAlWaaawraHoak, Macbiaa, aaw aa en daa at Ha. Caamp acrecs. TaJa aaarhtaa. far tap, lira aal tainelar rareaebt briore tWauc. n'iTwarnad wTwaaatM MBwaaete tbe aaada, tbea JaaaaSi af wbiebatTiaZeVaa fCliFiI ta peed eraer aad Bensiac ftJatola KbdSoaa bet.

JeaVJ, JljwSa ee, reTOIHf ool? vai CaaBBaaa atraat. deaaaaaaa JaH BBBwaT4r anWI WaattaPalwaTaai aap'ayj aTaaataa'aMi rba PtaBaaaar ijliit PaiMai, MARRIED, Oa Maeday, tb by Ber. Dr. Incut fr 08CAK J0RDT ta Miee MA BWILtt both oC Ulaclty. a a DIED.

Oa Taeeday mornina, loth it at 'clack, JAKE RC88KLL ADAMS, aped asoatha and SO days, daafater Thoajaa Adaaaa aad Mary Canity. Tbe funeral will take place at 10 o'clock aa Wedneeday arorninf, from tbe reeidence of ber pareata, an Pbillp, betweea Fulton aad Roe tor aa atreetA FearUi District. STORV ON THE CONSTiTCTION. SEW EDITION. COMMENTARIES OR THE COHSTITUTIOH OF THE TJVITED STATES Wttb a Frelimlnary riew of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and State, before tbe adoption af the Coaatitotlon By Hon Joeeph Story, LL.D.

Third Edition, rerieed. rala, sro. 7 eo. H0TICES OF TBE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. Ha work oa the Coaatitation of the United State ia one of aia ntoet eminently sacceasfoj labors.

Daniel Webater. Tbey contain a an oat cowpreheneiTe aad acenrate ei paaitlon. Tbey abeold be attaatlrery read by all who are deeiroaa of acqairlnf a correct view of tbe orfjioal conatitatlon of oar Americaa colonies" London Law Reriew. "The work now before aa ia ta oor Conatitatlon all that Blacketene'B Cemntentartee were to tba EafUtb Conati tatlen." Americaa Monthly Reriew. oat pabliaaed by LITTLE, A aalO dp3tY lis Washing ton street, Besto a isr T.

H. HISEEIBOTBAM balds rar fall Fewer of Attorney, oanif aaanwiraoi inr nir. New Orleana. daroet 10. ISQA aaia 3t WANTED A Bin tbat aaderataBda tba Hardware, Cooper.

Tinaaaitn. Iran aod Itna boainesa. One that sprats French and Enflieb prrferred. Reterencea repaired. Addreaa Bos 1 1 J.

root Oifice. aalo 1 ANTED A fod Cook, Waaoer aad Iraner Colored waanaa prriemo. Oood nfereacea reqoired. Apply ta R. rCHHI, Cmmr atrrt.

aolO Stt Dac Faaad. A bnll DOw. which the ewaer can hare by preriaf property aad payiBtcharara. Apply 'to LUL IS BkatbLSI, aaio st I Menteeat afreet. Third District.

DENTAL NOTICE. LL HEALTH baa compelled me to retire from practata ta tbJa city. I there fare take plea ears la recommend, tac to my patraoa my ear tamer. Dr. W.

8. CHANDLER, aa a competent an4 akillfal Dcatiat, ta all Its hrmachca. The buslaem will ba caatiBaed at the aa ne oaVc, Ho. IN Carondct atrret, corner af Laiayettt (lau Hrr i) sdlO taatdpT tJEO. W.

SMITH. OfflrlaJ. MATORALTT OF NEW ORLEANS.) City Had, lath day ef Aurast, Ci' Coaacil of the city of New Orleans. No. tlkt.

RESOLVED. That the Merer be aad be to hereby aatbonsrd ta (Tee pablic notice, ta Preach and Ena bah. la two af tba CUT newapapera, for thirty daya, that it ta the intention of Common Coancil of the cjty of New Otieena to liaTeapeaed Royal atreet, late street, from Loawa ta Deeir' atrret. In acardanca with the netitwn af tba awaere of real property oa eaid atreet for tac aaaee. wkicb petltioa baa baea pah'labet ta tbe official joaraal.

ia caaibraury with section No. Ill of the new city charter. (Haaed.) CHAS H. WALDO. Fresident Board of Aanataat tliliismn.

(ttned.) F. WILTZ, ncakleat pro. tern. Boars of Aldermen. Appeaeed Aacnat A leaA (Sined.) SERARD 8TITH.

Mayor. PajBuauttathe above raauleooa of tba Common Council, aa tee ia bereoy flven, that after the expiration of thirty daya from Una date, tba ooeniaf of Roval street, late Caar elrn atreet. rrom I nniaa ta Desire, will be proceeded with according to law. aalO aodl 6ERARD aTITH, Mayer. Otnelel.

MAJRIE DE LA NOUTELLE ORLEANS. 1 Cenaeil Mantrrpal de illa da la Nee relic OrVana. Na. eisi. RESOLD.

Qae le Maire aM aatorkM'. coaime il I'est par ceci, a danner arta, ea raaraia et ea Aaeiaia, dans deax dea jearmaas. de la rUie, poor rente ioara, de ce anil eoir I'intmtioa da Caaartl ManJcipnl de la Naorelle. OrVime, de fatre oarrier in roe Rovaie, ci derant la rae ratarai de la rae Looiee ia roe Draire, en con foimit' a Tec la petitloa dea preprietairea dea proprirtrs immrnklra car la drte rae ret rfard, laqneile petition fc ete rohJie dare le oamal ofneiel, en conformity arec la aectiea No lkl, de la aoarelle chatre de ba riile. (niaar.

I i Hal at wtLiru. Preaident da corps dea Aaaie'aat Aldermen. Sin,) r. s. WILTZ.

Freeideat da cor pa des Aldermen. Apprenrl 6 Aout, lasA (Sin,) GERARD 8TITH. Main. En eerta de aa reaolotioa deasos da Cooseil Manbripai, aa donne aria par cecl a'aprra rexpiiation ae trenta lours do cetta data, oa orocednaen confotmiw arec la tot, a roaverrare de la rae Ray ale, ci derant la me Casacairo, de larae Lootac jasoa't la rae Dsir. GERARD 5TITH, Maire.

Le 10 Aeot, lftA aal Joi' beareaen THURSDAY, lith InaC. at ML IT. LOCIA, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS AAJld ROAD LINE. aa THE ONLT LINE MARIN 8 DIRECT ImT aJconacctiapa far the Etat, Berth and Waat sfaat Cars aad Sc Loom For at. Loejs Conaectind at Caera with tbe miBOb Ceatral aad at Bt Laaki with the Oaks and Maariaetppj kaUroad Tba ta eralar pamnnii packet CHAMPION.

E. B. Maore, a i will Isaea for Sc. Loois aad aU lain mi list asndmfa sa abort Tba Champion for sored, comfort tad aaarty tt Bat as ifaaii i by aay boat oa the rtrer. For paaaae or taroarh tickets ta all North Eastern aad Western citkea, apply to W.

E. RED DINS, Afcat. ander tbe St. Cbanea Hotel, Where a plan af the cabin caa be area aad stateiuaaai not all kinds ef tba 0nCS ABB tCOnd," which, aa asaal. wt safl lac rawer tbaa aay body alae ta the trade.

Jewelry aad Fancy Oaaaa, i REwOR WILSON, Fil lstpMAEtf aad Csiaal The eabacribcra are thai aad tba aidaat Maaaan taieiB af tba seeee pooaa ta tana caaatryi Stack aa band sarper tbaa all aia ii is ta tba city lataaUtkm Bole Learner TrankA sjsaa af 7 Wood Fakka Ladiea BP Valaia. a racktna 4 an niaanami Ak.L Toaetber with every sariesy sTtRA VELIN to irrt. mm. i a sa mm aiaau avtaf ui Bar A RETAIL DEPARTMENT csaaectad aatablliha lat FaTTERS A CO, Fat am aaa Broadway. Stew CRAAF.

Tarft. nwtmllle TtCSj far COTTON BALES. ted by F. COOK, af Hew Oriaaaa, March a. ISM.

The neepared ta fninnth latprercd A Theyca aar the bo, than rape or any ather trestle), id skater, aad tba bme am net expand aa that the bales are prod aced from mm "saaiisrr than wars aed wttb re pea. caam aadaae in ships hatda, araaa the Sler1 A The raA fraaa Ar mwca Waa thaa when hoaad with tlHTiTT IfllMt a the baiaa A TkewSaait aotcat or pertaratcd with holea. aa at aay perTkaaathe TntnaaTViamT A Tbey caa be aaedwtth arem mpmmt tm aecaaae tbe catttn ai taea aw the bale aa icoeired from piaararkaaa pi i pane them far an aad aaa. T. Tbey areferaJakta raat proof, aad are lmpti.luaata i aaan ss Ihi bsIiiSail riTTia iiamia aalnJaiiA BoacmseaBka be eeaa aad araers recUiid at the eSSce If I I Mil F.

COOK, at BKCK.H ITOIT, Wsaf sxsasl 8mft PtTt 'I'U TCC7T3a Blj7Bw4aav AWamaiamJ SawMrtcrs, Far FbTttag af tmt 8aaerfar 8a Kerr i BtfM SB lyo PEBBLE SPECTACLES. Fbiaa, rabble Laaaes cat to aatt aay frame Alaa. a oarr Baa awry apw ancCA FHI aaruf IHWiMl SipMrtefa, Of tan Beat I fjllis' 8aaerfar 8a Kerr Brrneaa. aftpaBsmmml wBwkwl CammwaaVBAawa BaaBmmsIer ttmleLsr Braas. lajtarrta satmak am llllll m.


AUG. lO, 183S. fp" Tbanks to the clerk ot the steamboat Champion for late St. Louis papers. Thanks to the clerk of the mail boat Oregon for Mobile papers, and to the clerk of the Ben Franklin for Memphis papers.

Opening of Casacalvo Street. Oificial notice will be found published in another column of the intention of the authorities to proceed, after the expiration of thirty days bence, with the opening of Royal, formerly Casacalvo street, from Louisa street to De sir6 street. The Sovthern Pacific Railroad. Dr. Fowlkea, President of the Southern Pacific Railroad, gives notice in another column, that all stock in the enterprise, on which the amounts due shall not have been paid, will be sold at public auction, at Marshall, Texas, on the 15th and that if the sold stock does not produce the deficit due, each delinquent subscriber will be held responsible for the balance.

Kfer to the advertisement. i In consequence of the late disaster to tie Virginia, Toby's express arrangements are suspended for the present, as is annoanced through an advertisement in another column. Seward of It will be seen from an advertisement in another place, that reasonable evidence having led to the belief that the ezploeion on the steamboat Virginia was the result of nefarious design, a reward of; $2,000 is offered for the detection ami conviction of the guilty parties. I pDCCATION FOR YofNG LADIES IN NlV York. Mrs.

Mean, who has with great success so long conducted the French and English boarding and day school for young ladies, 30 and 32 West Fifteenth street. New York, gives notice through our advertising columns, that the next session of the institution will open on the 9th prox. The establish ment has just been enlarged, so that it can now accommodate eight more boarders than heretofore, and teach, ers have been engaged. The most satisfactory references will be given on application to Mrs. Mears.

For Sabikz Pass and Galveston. The Southern Steamship Company 'a, steamer Cai honn, Capt. Gardner, will leave for Galveston, stopping at Sabine Pass both going and retaining, on Friday next, the 13th ins B. Payne, manager, 57 Camp street. For Texas.

Tbe Southern Steamship Company's steamer Charles Morgan, Capt. Place, will leave for Galveston and MAtagorda Bay oni Thursday next, the 12th inst. B. Payne, manager, 57 Camp street. i For Camdek.

The steamboat W. V. Farmer, Capt. Glenn, will leave for Camden and intermediate landings at 5 o'clock this evening. Agent, T.

B. Smith, 4 Tchoupitoulaa street. i The Ten Million. Loan. The Washington States, of the 4th inst says No bids for taking up the proposed loan of 110,000,000 have yet been received from foreign countries bni it is expected that offers will be received from England before the 9th the day appointed for tne opening of the bids.

Oregon ami Washington Territories. The Washington Union, of the oth says The Commissioner of Indian Affairs has so Jar received no official intelligence from the Snoei intendent of Indian A fairs' for Oregon and Washington Territories, in relation to the recent difficulties with the Indians in that quarter. The Department feels somewhat embarrassed by this state of aSairs, bat took the precautionary step a month ago of writing to the Superintendent to do everything in his power to neat the growing discord between the Indians and the whites. It is sopposed that the Superintendent is with the Indians, and is therefore unable to make any communication before his return to the Superintend ency. The Paraguay Expedition The Washington State, of the 4th says There will not be so much delay as was anticipated 'in sending a eqnadroa to Paraguay.

The, Bainbridge, now on the coast of Africa, will not return home, bat will proceed immediately to Paraguay. Guns of a large calibre were sent out to her by the storeahip Relief several weeks since. Texas and Ser Mexico Boundary (Jom mistion. The Washington States, of the 4th says We understand that the Governor of Texas has written to tbe Secretary of the Interior, informing him that no appropriation has yet been made by the Legislatore of Texas for running the boundary line between Texas and the Territory of New Mexico. As more than a year will elapse before the meeting of the Legislature, it is not unlikely that the execution of the work will be delayed for the present.

U. S. Practice Ship Preble. The Washington States, of the 4th says The Secretary of the Navy has received a letter, dated at Cherbourg, France, July 18, from Cem T. T.

Craven, announcing the arrival of the practice ship Preble at that port on the dav before, twenty three days from Hampton Rods. The officers and crew were well On tM 5th nit David Lowry, Akil maker's mate, died suddenly of disease of the heart. Com'r Craven expected to leave Cherbourg on the 20th for Madeira and Cadiz. The Preble will return to tbe United State by the 1st of October. The Nett Ministry of Canada.

A despatch dated Toronto, August 2, bbvb Tbe new Biinicsry was annoanced to dav, as follows Premier and Inspector General, Geo. Brown Attorney General for Canada Weet, Hon. J. McDonald Attorney Gene, ral for Canada East, Hon. Mi.

Drsmmood Provincial Secretary, Mr. Mowatt Speaker of the CVaancil, Mr. Morris Poatmaster General, Mr. Foley; Solicitor General for Canada West, 1t. Connor; Solicitor General for CaubdaEaat, Mr.

Imbergw; Ciaiamrmer of tbe Gown, Mr. Doriaon; Cwnusaaooer of Pablic Work, Ur. Holtoa; Receiver General, Hon. Mr. lasreax President of the Ccmncfl and Misumter erf Agricmltnre, Mr.

ThibeaacVsaa. v. Faviiamient atet afternocm, when a bbo tion of want of rxjundenee in the new Gov erniment was pswtxmsd ia fcota Hosabsr It warn emrried tbe Upper Hoarse. Aad is new (8 P.M.) bran stisenaaed in the Uooee of Asv centbiy. AFTERNOOXT EDI I TELIGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE.

Bpeclal te the New Orieui Pleayane. THE STJBMaIlINZ. CABLE. BQTH ENDS LANDED SIGNALS PERFECT! By the Soathern Line. New Yore, Aug.

7. The telegraph brings intelligence from Newfoundland this morning that the Agamemnon had landed her end of the and that the signals continued to be perfect from Trinity Bay to Valentia. It is understood, however, that several days will 'be required for the' making of experi menta before the line can be opened for business. The Niagara's end of the cable was success fully landed at Trinity Bay yesterday, the 6th jnst. i The pe Riviere Affair.

The Savannah Republican, of the Cth thus describes the closing scenes in the comedy at that place At 10 o'clock the Magistrate's Court, consisting of Justices Staley, Connell, Raseel and Hart, ascended the bench and announced themselves ready. The court room was densely crowded, and large numbers remained outside awaiting the arrival of the prisoner. Two hours and a half elapsed and no prisoner, prosecutor or counsel had appeared. The Court then despatched the County Sheriff to the jail to ascertain the cause of delay, bat no prisoner was to be found. Upon further inquiry it was ascertained that Capt.

Riviere had been turned over bv City Sheriff Pren dergast to Constable Galloway, and that the whole party, including prosecutor auaai the counsel both sides, were at the Palaski House, ia conference upon terms for an amicable adjustment of the knotty affair. At this their Honors became vastly indignant, and considering their dignity outraged, issued orders for the arrest of Sheriff I'rendergast, Constable Galloway, Col. Blount and Capt. Riviere, (we wonder they did not include the counsel which was accordingly carried out to the letter and the parties conducted to the courthouse to answer for a contempt. Col.

Blount being unprepared to sustain his allegations as set forth in the information, moved, through his counsel, that the whole proceedings be.dismissed. The Court insisted upon tbe Colonel's swearing to the statement, which he did, and the matter was accordingly stricken from the docket. Sheriff Prendergast filed an affidavit stating that the prisoner had been turned over to Constable Galloway, and tbat he had no further care of him, whereupon the Sheriff was discharged. Constable Galloway was not so fortunate. Although he alleged that the parties were in consultation for the settlement of the case as his reason for not bringing in the prisoner at the appointed hoar, something must be done to appease the offended dignity of the Court he was accordingly fined 2, sentenced to pay costs, and committed to jail for the space of six hour.

This reminds us forcibly of the story of the Dutch Magistrates of New Amsterdam, (so well told by Washington Irving,) having assembled, and finding, to their extreme mortification, no criminal case on the docket, they Considered it beneath their dignity to adjourn without doing some official act, and they accordingly scaf the constable to jail The whole affair at the courthouse was rich beyond parallel. We are authorized by the counsel of Col. Blount and Capt. Riviere to state that their difficulty has been honorably and satisfactorily adjusted. In our opinion the Zouave Captain, notwithstanding the unfavorable aspect of affairs in the beginning, has come oat of the difficalty by no means second best." He will return to New York by the next steamer, and Colonel and Mr.

Blount will leave for Mobile, so soon as tbe latter shall have recovered rrom a slight indisposition. The Georgian, in closing its notice of the proceedings, says It is romored that the terms of the honorable and amicable settlement of the difficulty are as follows Miss Emily is to remain with her parents, while the Count proceeds to arrange the little obstacles that now stand in the way of a marriage, after which he is to return to the full possession of the charms, ideal and solid in the pursuit of which he has encountered so manv moving accidents by flood and field." A surgeon in Cincinnati, on the 2d while operating on a child for the removal of a tumor on the neck, according to the Enquirer, unfortunately divided important vessels and caused her death. 17 The woolen mill of Samuel Rodman Sons, in South Kingston. R. was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, the 1st inst.

The Iocs was about R4000, on which there is no insurance. Seventy five hands are thrown oat of employment. Counterfeiters Arretted. Three New York omnibus drivers were Arrested in that city, on the 31st ult charged with counterfeiting U. S.

coin. In searching tneir premises a large quantity of counterfeit coin was found, together with dies, metal, etc. The coin was of all denominations from one cent to fifty cents, and was made for the purpose of passing to passengers in omnibuses. The parties admitted their guilt. Singtlar Case of Sntcidem Maiden, Mass.

The Boston Courier, of tbe 3d says Ob Sunday night a currier named Monroe, and residing in Spragne street. Maiden Centre, both attempted to commit suicide by taking poison and inhaling the fumes of cnarcoaL The attempt was fatal to the woman, but the man was alive yesterday and was expected to recover. After taking a dose of laudanum they closed the doors of their room, and took other measures to make air tight, and then placed a vessel or burning charcoal in the centre of the room. About midnight a man residing in another portion of the house, was awakened by the odor of the burning charcoal. He traced the odor to the room occupied by the Munroes, the door of which he burst open and foand Mrs.

Monroe dead on the bed, and Mr Munroe by her side in an insensible condition. Mm Monroe was about sixty years of age, aad Mr. Monroe ia about fifty. The cause of the tragedy has not transpired, but it is probably revealed in a letter which Mr. Munroe left for his son.

The TeknanXepee Transit. Route TiM WaAhington States, ef the 4th has the loBowing: There is every reason to believe that the New Orleans Teiuantepee Transit Company will be prepared to eenrnenee the United Stalea snail aaarviee, and have the roote reajdy for the tranersartsrieaioa' freea New Orleans to San Francisce and Frazer River by the Itt of v. In Jew slay the stages and harnees will he shipped, and every ether amtttajamry ar nseju lor tne opeiiing ex unj great roete be speedily eoaBplrted. There are now 350 er 400 laborer at wet on the rraad. aad, by October it will be in no good tiavet rag fanlipon an any turnpike in the United i nn 1 (i Aet Letter from Paan Christian.

The KefttlA. Special Coneapnadenea ef tbe EleaynaA Pass Christian, Aug. 9, 1858. friend Pie. The regatta given by the hotel to day brought together a large and enthusiastic crowd from all the points on the Coast, the city and Mobile.

The judges se. lected by the subscribers were Gov. P. O. Hebert, Rich.

Millikea, Esq. and Jar He Closkey, Esq. The hoar of starting was fixed for 12 clock, bat at that hoar there not being a five knot breeze, no gun was fired, and the crowd was kept in suspense for fear that the breeze would not come bnt as there was a bar on the wharf, as well as outside, they sought consolation in leading ta. The race was the usual one of the S. Y.

15 miles, SVa triangles twice around, and the entries were as follows PlkST CLASA Sylph, by no. O. Robinson. Witchcraft, by anndry individuals. SECOSO CLASS.

Elizabeth, I Vent are, Carrie, I Phantom, Ese, I Min ne ha hA THIBD CLASS. Virginia, I Whirlwind, Spirit of the Tunes, De Riviere. Making in all twelve boats, a much larger number than has congregated upon the coast for several years and as the Rapid, Ripple, Edith, Julia, Spy, Stella and others, were not present, it will convince you that yachting is still followed np, that yachtsmen are not all dead, nor is the S. Y. C.

tick or in a decline, on the contrary, tbe 8 Y. C. never was in a more healthy condition. At 2 o'clock 48m. and much to the relief of the expecting crowd, the first gun fired for tbe boats to take their positions, the judges having concluded that there was a five knot breeze twenty minutes afterwards the second fired to make ready, and ten minutes after to get under weigh.

At the last report, np went the anchors and jibs, and off they started for the first stake boat. The start was not only beautiful but exciting, and if. their speed had been a leetle more equal, the race would have been more bnt as they continued to string out, no time was kept, except as tbey turned the stake boat off the wharf which they passed in the following order, the first round riasT class. 4b. 4 SECOSO CLASS.

4 4 4 4 4 4 Witchcraft. 04m. one. 21 2 14 SO 18 29 21 oo 21 SO 30 25 3D 4S Carrie. Elizabeth Kagle 12 36 20 40 26 48 32 15 TBISD CLAM.

Spirit 4 4 4 whirlwind De Riviere Virginia 4 The wind, which was from the southeast at starting, hauled more to the eonth daring the race, bnt did not increase much, and the second round, with one or two changes, was but a repetition of the first. The following ia the time FIBJT CLASS. 5b. 10m. 00a.

5 41 42 SECOID CLASA 5 2S 41 5 35 02 5 36 32 5 41 52 6 00 30 6 08 00 Witchcraft. Phantom. Elizabeth Cat ike Minnehaha Eagle THIRD CLASS. Spirit 5 27 06 Whirlwind .5 43 M) De Riviere 5 58 00 6 OS 26 The Svlph winning the first class prize The Phantom second The Spirit third The Svlph performed the whole distance in 2 hours 21 Vk minutes, and no doubt deserves much credit for beating the whole fleet, bnt none for beating her competitor, the Water Witch, no doubt the ugliest and slowest boat on the Coast of her class. I am sorry to say that the Edward did not start her mast was slightly sprung, and in hauling her down, to clean her bottom, the mast cracked to such an extent, it was deemed advisable not to enter her, much to the regret of ber many friends.

The prizes are splendid, and will be presented to night in the parlor and after the skiff race to morrow, I will give you an out, line of what occurred at the presentation. The house is full, all are full, ef enjoyment, and we anticipate merry times to night. Yours, in haste, Skewball. Arkansas Rtrer. The Little Rock True Democrat, of the 4th, reports three feet water scant in the channel, and still falling.

The Brazil Squadron. The Washington States says it is confidently reported that Capt. W. J. McCluneyJSiI be assigned to the command of tbe squadron on the coast of Brazil.

Arkansas Election. We have a few returns from the Second CongT saioiitil District, in which there were three candidates for Congress, viz: Bast, the Democratic nominee ex Gov. Drew, independent Democrat, and Jones, independent, Tbe vote for Con in Hempstead, Ouachita, Calhoun and Clark counties, Clark incomplete, is aa follows Rest. Drew. Jones.

Beenpstead ..948 73 15J Ouachita 747 52S Calhoun 421 2 Clark, inconipirtej. 54 TS The Little Rock True Democrat, of the 4th gives no returns of the election, but says that Danlej, the opposition candidate for State Senator, is beaten in Palaski county, and badly beaten in the district. The Cotton Crop in the Yazoo Country. The Vickeburg True Southron, of the noticing the arrival of the steamboat Ranger from Yazoo river, says We learn from Capt. Parrisott that the cot" ton in that section is ripening rapidly, and that planters whose crops were overflowed by the recent high water have not experienced as much damage as was at first anticipated, and that the prospect for a good crop is verv flatterins'.

Ar Cotton from Yazoo River. The Vk ksbnrg True SoTrUa4ithe 8th, says: The Yazoo packet Home, on her last trip to this port, brought down two, bales of cotton of the new crop, from the plantation of Dr. Thomas Gale, opposite Satartia. We learn that the cotton in that section is opening rapidly, and that picking will be very srene rally began to morrow. Weather and Crops tn Arkansas, The WaAhington (Henpatead eoonty) Telegraph, of the 4th inat.t says The weather continues excessively warn anJdry.

The cplaad crop of corn is pllarng rrom the drought, and if continoesj dry e. er ten daya longer the upland coCtom crop will be nwteiially injured. The CffHrfn (Ouachita T6snty) HeraI4, the 5th inst, aays Tbe weather for a vajtadweeks paathae Tdnetin eur street ia nearly ic Pr the crop literally bening apv Tbe eorn crop Meat assarts a great extetit, ani cotton will be watsAnr xanBtmV aTBJesa wehaTve rain in a lew eaya. i IT. 17 The Republicans of the Nineteenth District of Pennsylvania have nominated the Hon.

John Covode for reelection to Congress. Senator Chandler, of Michigan, seriously injured on the evening of the 2d inst, by an explosion of gaa at hiresidence in Detroit. The Rev. Robert W. Barnwell, of South Carolina, lately elected to the presidency of William and Mary College, Virginia, has declined the appointment.

EP" The Hon. Edward M. Erskine, Secretary of the British Legation at Washington, arrived at New York in the steamship Persia. fjy The Democrata of the Fourth District of Michigan have nominated Robert W. Davis for CongTess.

tjcr" The corner stone of the Military Institute buildings, to be erected at Charlotte, was laid on the 29th of July with Masonic ceremonies, and addresses by ex Gov. Graham and Victor Barringer. The River. The Memphis Appeal, ef the 7th reports the river steadily falling at the rate of about six inches in the twenty four hour. Letters from Berlin repeat that the Prussian Government is engaged in plans for a considerable naval force, that it may rank among the maritime powers.

Yale College. The annual receipts ot Yale College are stated to be $55,704 21 expendi tires, $55,351 86. The average amount spent in New Haven by those connected with the college can hardly be less than $400, so that the college yearly disburses some $300,000 among the citizens of that town. A colony of Waldenses from the French Alps has been commenced near Odell station, on the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad, Livingston county, lllinoia 1 nuty five hundred acres of land have been purchased at a reasonable rate, and eight heads of families have become the pioneers of tbe settlement Boat Clubs on the Schuylkill.

There are nine boat clnbs in Philadelphia, which have 151 members, and keep twenty boats of different classes upon the SchaylkilL Besides these, several skiffs and other small pleasure craft, owned by 'private parties, are on the water. In the eotning fall two new barge clubs will be added. The Tiger Seeing Use Elephant. Sir J. Napier, in one of his India latter, says Fitzgerald has killed fifteen tigers in the Dejarat One fckw got no to the howdha, and the elephant shook himself so that one of Fitz'a guns was broken against the howdha, and nothing but Fitz'a great strength saved him.

He held oa by one hand, and with the other shot the tiger enough to make him fall, and then tbe elephant kicked the beast between his fore and hind legs, like a shuttlecock, till every bone was broken." ty In Paris, the hot weather has affected the theatres most unfavorably. A fanny story is tohj of tbe manager of the Ambiga, who one night looked into the house between the acta, and turned with a face of dismay to the prompter, with the scared question of Why, good gracious, where 'a the audience?" Monsieur," replied the prompter, without moving a muscle, he is just now gone to get a bottle of beer at the Cafe de Strasbourg. Chilly wiped his brow, from which the pei pi rat km was streaming. Will he return, do yon think Most certainly he expreesed himself highly satisfied with the play, and applauded as one man." "Then let the business proceed," exclaimed the manager loftily. fy At the Hague, the defender of Sebas topol, Totleben, has been royally welcomed by tbe King of the Netherlands, whose family alliance with the bouse of Romanoff is known.

The Order of William in its highest grade baa been conferred on the great artillery officer. "Fighting McGregor." A military writer in the July number of Blackwood, deecribing the 1st Men gal European rSisiliers. at Lack now," mentions a Lieut. McGregor, of whom he says I never met with any officer who had sb great a love for the fighting part of his profession. Generally reserved, and by no means talkative, no sooner was there a prospect of a scrimmage than he came oat ot his box, looking absolutely amiable." Disaster and Loss of Life in Zetland.

We have to record another very sad disaster in Zetland. The scene is the Island of Yell, one of the most northerly of the Zetland group, and the unhappy men who halve lost their lives bv ha occurrence were inhabitants of Sellafirth, a small fishing village situated npou its coast. It occurred on the morning of Friday week. On that day a boat, with George Moar and a crew of five, went to sea to par sue the haaf fishing, and shortly after their departure a gale came on, wnensshe was swamped, and all on board were drowned. The ax ill fated men who formed the crew were in the prime of life, and were all married.

The distress which their loss has caused in the small community ia consequently great. The six widows, with their thirty three fatherless children, are left totally unprovided for. In addition to this disaster, we regret to say one still more serious lately befel the fishing population of Zetland. Tbe missing sloop at the Faroe fishing is now given up for lost. Fifteen or sixteen men have perished in her, and have left nine widows and thirty three children.

A boat from North Ma vine, which was missing, has fortunate! returned safe. John CfOroaft Journal, July 10. A writer on liffhtainff rods erges the necessity of dosing tbe windows oi a noose after the outside has become wet in a shower. The outside is then a good conductor, and the dry air of the interior a non Cwndoctor, and the chances are small that the electricity will enter the house. Eb When a stranger treats me with want Of respect," raid a philosophic poor man, I comfort myself with the reflection thai it is not myself he slights, but nry eld shabby coat and hat, which, to say tbe truth, have no particnlAr claim to adnuraton.

So if my hat and coat choose to fret about it, let them, bnt it is nothing to me." THE VITY. Sales or Property in New Orleaxs. It has been the cnatom of many during a year past to repreeent the condition of the city aa anything bnt nattering. Commerce? has been boidry asserted to be declining, real estate to "have become drug in the market, and a general stagnAlion all depArtments of trade to have pieailed. Whether tkeee aAvertioes have orispnated in adeaire to affect the position of aofitocal partiea, erhave been annde to Bait a favorite theory, or to create a sensation at home and abroad, there ia little basis to be fesjnd tor tbea in the atatiirtice that form part ef the reccarda of onr pubEe effieee.

That the eowmeree of New' Orleans has ajrswn in a ratio that is truly flattering to theme who desire to. have proof of the pros perity of onr city has bees again and again demonstrated by tbe resulta furnished, front the CuBtomhouBe, and from the reports of our river receipts. For several yean the totali representing the values of the reeejpts by the river and from tbe sea, have shown aa bvt' crease of millions over the totals of previous The sales of real estate in the city also pre sent a very favorable rea ult. From official sources, we learn that daring the monthj of January, February and March of the fjreeent year, five hundred and forty five separate transfers of property were made and recorded. Seme of these transfers include several pieces of property which will considerably swell the total amount.

For the months of April, May And June nine hundred and thirty four separate trans fers were made and recorded. These figures, if each lot aohi was separately reported, would considerably avcead one thorleand, For the month of July, the number of tTans fen of property, ia that section of the dty embraced between Canal street and the lower line of Jefferson City, is one hundred and twenty four. These are all bona fide sales to responsible parties, citizens of this place, who have purchased not for purposes of specula tion bat for improvement, and as a permAneat investment Considering that no speculative demand hat' this year existed that these sales been made to those who are, for the most pspsr man en residents of the city, tfr'making jMerv Derations to fix the habitation of thsir fami lies among us tbe statistics here presented are strikingly favorable. t. This result, it should be remembered, ha been obtained immediately after the pressure of a financial crisis that shook the commae cial world to itscentre.

The sale of one has' dred and twenty four pieces of property tn the month of uly indicates the gradual ex tension of business into the middle of snrnmer and is evidence of a desirable change in this regard in our business habits. A large portion of these sales have been made at private sale, and the prices which have been received sustain the opinion, so of ten uttered within six months, of the upward tendency of real estate which fs so situated as to be considered desirable property. Potdras Market. The condition of Poy market is disgraceful to any civilized city. From radical delects In toe exmatrueuoa of the gutters along its sides, and of the bridges across the narrow street that passes through itj, and from the want of "water and of tubs for oflal, it seems impossible' to pre serve a passable degree of cleanliness.

Jf caying bananas egg shells, bits of putrefying meat, com hnaxs, pea pods, and the refnse every garden vegetable anil orchard trait, are strewed over the streets on either side of the market, and lie in piles on the edge of the gutters. These, mingled with the manure of horses, send up a combination of odors that cannot tail to disgust every one who is coav peHed to visit this public pUce to obtain his daily supply of food. Why the filth'does not breed a pestilence in the neighborhood surprising. The gutters on both sides of the stark et dfminiah in width from the front to the resz of the structure, in some places not benar over seven inches wide: Some six inches of the filthiest compound, black, of little less con siatency than paste, lie seething in the sun, emitting a gas as foetid as that of a eessj pooL is not water fanished, and are not these gutters widened so that a purs ear rent may be poured through them, at least during market hours Only eight offal tubs belonging to the city are to be found in the inarket Making virtue of necessity, the hucksters and btiica ers, and vegetable sellers, east their offal into the streets, or leave it in piled which aoon Had their way into tbe gutters and ths atreet We know not who is in fault for this eondp tion of the market It should be at ones attended to. We doubt not tbe labor of ntore than one department of the city is needed to pot it in a state of The bridges across the atreet that pass so' through the market arrest the water of the street, and make a pool of water after every, shower, and then one of mud.

The gutter along the front is so constructed that it cannot be cleAned by raina or tbe CTrrents eoasing; down from the streets, aa it is too high te discharge the latter or to receive any supply from the former. Let tbe authorities of this' city examing this market in the condition in which we foand ft this morning at 11 'clock and they would for once experience a decided ranisation. reUee Blasters. Before Recorder Scxkera Wsry Brown and Mary McCoy, who, after a bard struggle with the cares of Hie, have earns eat full blown vagrants, were sentenced te hard labor in tbe Workhouse for two months. Mrs.

Willett was arraigned and required to furnish bail in the sum of $500 te answer, on the 16th inst, to a charge of having stolen about $785 in bank note and gold and silver from tbe residence of Mrs. Ann McGuire, on Vine street, between Crpusn and Julia, streets. The money was stolen from a cheat, and is alleged te have belonged to Mrs, lie Gnire'SBons, Ellen Jenkins, for a gross breach of the peace and tbe use of obwceoe Lea gang), was to pey tne of $10, or go to tne Workborjee for a kwrnth. Bartholomew Riley, for tJlovring carriage No 6 to stand on the steamboat landing with out a driver, and for re matin sr officer Clark, bad to pay a fine of $7 50 with jail fees. Peter Connelly was called up for examia ation on ar charge of having dangerously wounded one Timothy Noonaa with intent to nrarder him.

Noonan was adaxrtted lata the Charity Hospital on tbe 16th of July, and was dischsrged, cured, on the 20th of the same month it is, therefore, inferred that his winrieewere not of a very aevere character. When the prisoner presented bintaetf Noonan was loudly called for, and as he failed to an pear the case was discussed and Connell was told to go his way. Joseph Rtdgfey, acCTsed of having kicked Iris wife and thrown her Into the gaOr r. was brought aad eneetioned. Ha stoutly dasaed the charge and attempted te prove lU innocence, but aa the wife's affidavit was waaave the Recorder arnt Joseph primonor ttn dara, ia deXaalt of paying a fine of 10.

JkfryCosu as accessory, were arraigned and imanded for examination oa the lh iMt TLev are accaaed of having stabbed Nancy lyteiLeai the 5th iaaPL, with ansa to kill her. physician new pivmomjKtn her out of danger. Robert Singleton was required to r1 a ine of $10 and furniah peace twada. It wzs ia proof that be amtpJoyed a 8pnnisb ea to rrmvev a load ef wood to his reai Jence, i then refusing to pay the required fare, (.. cnliy eavard, sad the carter was ao aar? beaiea by Singleton that he was laid cp fr, thr eda vs." Th other case were eontljniedL i.

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