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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

aw rf' a tV 1 wVViWiV'mW'''''i'' wfawh aaa. KBW ORLEANS. TCTEHDAT BYKHIWO wAl. eV188.x BOM.MOW. The newer ve by the torn that fit from th 4MUM of the ita i s.

IndUfe wouVI eB It own cub in ree yean The rambovVNi MM hoar fair a Uix yod Mia run up tresa Man. K.S. Frigate. lkrrimacJrh Vfviiiag aaSta430Uttilt.fMjBt private ktUr from aa officer on fcoarrf o' the steam MgaJta Mturlmaev to a MB in this city, states that this noble i lad encountered saveral fles, an lter owi SMed iwott from a huge wsterwpont, whrch broke ixHit a raile distant. Twaoftbn ship's "taiikB, supposed to bars contained two thoq Crew bad been pot Wr ottor allow KM CP Tba Matritoac would not stop at ths.

ihdand, tat make Bio aa. the first port, where aba wovki remain tor leomU oi weak. Hob. K. Meade, abeAntenean Minister to Brazil, who ia on board of tbja.hip, waa gmflering front a severe attack of the goat, gnrw Gipi.

A. convention, of sonta 400 or 500 Oipaiea was to assemble at "Dayton, Ohio, daring the holMayi The wwvaal, noticing the presenoe of A large ber, then already on. tha ground, says: These Gipsiea do enrione things besides telling fortunes and painting boraee. Some 20 or of botbaSex es were at the Metropolitan tha other da and tha women of tha party Invited (ha van to drink which invitation was accepted and Whole party gathered at tha counter and drank together. The women Mid for the liquor.

A short time afterwards the men retained the compliment, and trtmted tha woolen, and they continued thus doing the 'polite to each ether, till tha whole party had drank half a doaea TBE01T.Y. BlOlSTILAB. OF BiBTBS Aim PaAras. Some time aioee, allaaiod was made, in this journal, to tha novel and eomewbat extraordi aary coarae paraoed hy. tha present ineambent jof the pA ea of Register of Births and Peath for the Pariah of Orleans.

A late pro. eeeding, nomlnafly onder hia inatractiona, againat to citiaena ,9 the Fomth District both well known merchants of the Second District, deseme aeVere reprehension. An old yeaterdaj about 10 o'clock, tang the ball at the door of the of thaaa gentlemen, which waa answered, as ntcaj, a 'negro verrank Of this eervantj aa inquiry wu tnada ia regard to the number of ohildrea belonging to tha families and their ag4. Being informed that a yonng child formed part" of 'each family, the mothers were Bent for, and a dollar waa demanded from each for the regirtration of the birth of their children. The ladies referred the old man, who was soon after joined by two aaaociates, to the stores of their hnsbands, stating, that if (he demand waa correct, the money would be paid.

They refused to call, as the stores were not aitaated within the limit of tha Fourth District. They also declined to call again at the family residence at 3 or 8 in the evening, bat peremptorily demanded the money on the of coarse, was not paid. This horning these gentlemen are both served with notioea of a fine of ten dollars Tor non com pbmn with the registry Iarwr ana are cited to appear in the court of Justice the Second District, show cadae why jodg. inent for that amount should not be rendered The decisionjwil! of course be gi van against ahem, and tha ten dollars moat be paid tarily or after jt edition issues, anless they ap peal Tlua proceeding is certainly aajost. (Otnahalf of community have no knowl edge, of the eaietene of a law raqniring the yegistration of births and deaths, and no pro ees has been taVen to inform the pnblie fhe fluty jjupopediipoD parents in this regard.

A visit of thto cbaracter to the residences of followed by attempts to extort frofn ladks a dollar, a bill for which the agents vt tbe Scgistrar decline to present to the father rf aha mmily, a a species' of Impertinence worthy; a decided Trebuke. It is also a little flngalar that alt eases of thin character are Sent before the jnstiees's eeart mentioned, as it nyoVrs many in' much, trouble and Iom of time to appear, if opposition, to the de nand is thought advisable. TtnXjlKM's Ch lilt ABLE ASSOC The election for officers of this association to srre during the year 1858, resulted as folklaws it trtndrm rK. L. Bruce.

$ecr0tatiti J. FnhoM 7Veorcr Jaaaea BM. C1tf Engineer JaUu K. Orabw. rirrt jiuiitant David Bradbury.

8cton4 jinhtmt Charle A. Smith. Kard tf Vtmm Iiimiot I. Marks, V. Barger, 1.

t. Bevell, H. P. Joom and P. LW ChoUeul.

Office StABSirnij 'A' night or two since a diflknlty occurred on Bourbon street, between parties who favor opposing candidates for the pext Mayoralty, and the result was that Jones, a watchman of the First' jHstrict, was dangerously, ptabbed, onoa in his right am and once in Jus right aide. The woond in ma aide is very sari us, and it iafear ad will prove Jones is lying at his Mother's residence on Camp stroet. Palteo Hatters. 1 Bxron Rtcoaout 8TtTn. Owen Calhv hat, for carrying a concealed and unlawful dirk, was seat for trial before tha First District Court Bail, $300.

George Sjekia held to bail in the snm of f350, to answer, eq the 19th to a eharge of havmg, on the first day of the present year, aVtho steamboat astempted to shoot Baker with a pistol. I Oaorge 8mit8 waa arraigned sent to prison 1 Withaat bail, to await a hearidg' on the 7th inat.f informauon received, having stoles, a negro from a man named Davis tMiaaitrippi, was brought to this city and sold through tbe ageaey of a negro broker. The charge is inadejby officer Jkerney, of tha Frt District. James Jacksoa was examraed and sent be fore the First District Court under hoods' ef 3M. Last christmas eve James rode In a oaJ driven by Hearr Jenkins, a lad 16 years old, actd wbn la2 Asked him for his fare' he replied by a severe blow with a.

cane; hence the an eat and charge: James Finnegan was sent to prison, without bail, to await a hearing on a Charge ef having beaten his Wife, bffttally when drank. Caee txed for the 7th mat. 11 4eha Haoe is, on the lith insC, to andergo axamination on a charge of having stolen gold watch from Hr. Broneao, wbJlciLwatcb was found in. bis possession, BaS f3i0.

wis examined1 oa a charge bavmg stoleo a lot of wharf planks to the pawjwhee of hiaaeea of the wharvna, and aecaaed was sent befoia the Fust District Conrt for triai VI507tn. aeeosed of a4ieach Tv piss. Tefenee uonp ski' wfalsimigoVWas ent Wore the First ricCoart for trial. BaiL BfjaT 7 TT annrl afamrs HI! aaii, 1 XHstriet Coart for triaL BaiLaAon. alannei atamns aaaa m'satuMnl.

bMt.agaiiiM John Hagje the efleat tht Hague, an tha 3d but stoU a Wath from hia tmiasa, Ka 63 rraTr streak 7 Peter Tertyvwaa Wmm km pneon without bail' to awat a haarsag aik aat eharres that the tth iaat, in the rear of premises at the corner of fjevee and Soata Jiarket streets, the acensed forcibly violated a and hhd i4riof tt John Miller is Jiel4 aPfi test, to a a charge of 3 (W's carpet bag 13 at S0, froas'tha steamboat John SimosvMf SoVW bavlnfc aan ia suited brokenopea KOTand 14were tfiarfrargedT therd being bo, flf4reinst them. The negro has been se Ibeeta one of the aa the property of Gandy'swife. JohnTfelty and Maurice 0Biien, for fight; in and distorbing the had to pay $15 eaih, nd Mary Ann Stewart had to pay $10. COURTS. StxTB'DxtrrSiicT CovTJudf Aowatt A petition for writ of mandamus was filed in this conrt yesterday, praying the citution of 8.

M. Weunore, recorder of conveyances and mortgages for the parish, of Orleans, to show cause why he refuses to record an act of sale of real estate passed before John Cragg, notary public for said city, as be is required to do oy law. The Registrar denies that Cragg is a notary pnblie, his office having been vacated by an act of the Legislature of 1857, Cragg contends that no successor has been appointed to him. and that, under the constitution itself and the laws, he holds and exercises hia office nntjl his successor shall be appointed and duly qualified according to law. A writ of manda mns iasned from the Court, and the ease will tried on Saturday.

a. BALLSr BALLS. PBOF. J. VEQAS'S gcmm CkUdveas Faney Dresa Ball.

AT ODD FELLOWS HALL. a Trot VESAS napecttollr informs Ua friends Jfl and the pnaUc In pfa! that him SECOND CHIL VXDREN FANCT DRESS BALI. wiU be given oa fKr THCRSDAT, tbe tsth of Jaaaary, a Odd Fellowa' liall. when ait pupila will exhibit ail tha new Fancy Daares, appropriate for Chudreai tha Faahionabla Lanceis' and tbe Caledonlant' Quadrille will be Sanead forth ftrat time In Odd Fellowa' Hall, rba Ball to eovmemce at balf oaat o'clock P. and atiaa mntll 11 'clock after which tbe BaU for vb adulta will bajrln.

PRICES OF ADMISSION ladleaaad If iaoea not papila, free wntlemen, Sr SO; yourf (entlemea not exceed lnf twelve 7 ran, 50 ceaU Maaea aad Mastera, papila, ft tc BaT Ladlea and Ckildren wiablnsao obtain Invttationa, will ptae Bend to Prof. J. VKQAS, at Odd Fellowa' Hall, eentlemen'a Ttcketa can be obtained at the BaU, and at all tbe Mule Storoa, and a aba Ticket night of the Baa No one wiU be admitted except he preaenU bit Ticket attbedeor. JeS td Orlemaa Thoaitre fbaked Haelety BaJla. A aabacription Hit ia now opened for a aarlea MA8HED SOCIETY BALLS, to be given at the ORLEANS THEATRE eentMmea wtahing to aobacrlbe to the above, are mvUed to can aa Mr.

M. RUFflER, at tha office of tbe Orteana ThaXre. Jal 7t A Orauad Oreaa Clvte and BlUltavry BaUl a will be grrea by tbe LOUI8I AW A ORATS, VaV AtOddFellowi'Ba fcV ON rtWJX BVRXIXG, JJXUJRTt, MSB. Committee of Arrangementa. Sergeant H.

B. Jnbnatoo, Sergeant J. Ryan, B.ennedy, T. HodgJna, P. Murphy.

KT Ticket SSeacb, can be had front any member af tha LaJWa' invrtationa can only be procarrd from the committee. No lady can I a aanaittea nuou on i i vttauon ttcaet. OOO JFELLO HALL. T0UNQ MEN'S SOCTtTT MASK AiiD 1AXCT DKCBB BALLS. There will be a eeriea of Five Ball, which wiU take place on the fallow lnf night Second Thursday, Tth January, 18S8.

Third Tbaraday, Slat January, W8S. Fanrtk Tbandav. th February, lwa Wta Tneaday, (Mardl Una,) 10th Febraaryv laaa. Manager. A.

amMb, J. F. Ftanchard, i. O. Laroee.

Cbarie Diard, F. F. Trincbard, 5. D. iUbca.

W. Wilaoa, Kmeat Conn, T. DeGrny. Thoaaaa Taqalao. Cieatlnnen wiahtngta nhacrlheto brae BaU will apply to the Secretary, at tbe otnee of the Bail Boom, ranee on LaAkyette aim.

Peraona wiauing to procure Ladle' Invitation are re jertted to tend In tbear name and reakieucei to the Tha win meet every Wedneaday Erea iC, at o'ciock. at the office af tbe BaU Room. Va lady will be admitted wit boat an Invitation ticket, bovrn. been approved by tbe Boe.rd of uasem All maaked peraona wiU be examined by a committee, aje for entering tbe Ball Roam. Positively aoLadiea' Invjtationa will be iatued after the hut aieeringa of the Managua, which will be oa tha night prevtoua to each Ball.

Pnaitively ns Bubarriber Ticket can be roc ore on tha aigbtof the Ball. td PORTABLE SAW MILLS. A BOUTIIKRN work. deaerve the patronage of A SODTHERX PEOPLE. art received and for tale a variety of the celebrated CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, from Babm'a Eagle Machine Work, of Richmond, Va.

One of theae Engine and MHI, expremly Gaaranteed ta 8aw 9,000 Feet OF ONE IKCH BOASXS PER DAT, eeUveredand erected complete, together with the eer ica of a good mechanic from ear awn Work to attend It tat on month, NOT COST THE PURCHASER OVTE tVOOO WHES FULLT COMPLETED. do not pretend bo bambug a to horee power; our air are made ander a apecial guarantee ta do the work aa reuiraeated, or the parchaaer ka tha privilege ef rot ruing the machinery at ear egpenae. Ta price of mall Hr h'Tr iaaboat in proportion to the amount of work (a be dene. Alao, a variety af email Engine for driving cotton giB, Ac Alao, Engine, together with Ivena' im proved plan ef applying ateem power to Hon Sugar Mil la Plantation Pumping Engine, Ac EDMUND I YES Agent; dao Im 60 Common street. Charle Scert.

t. V. Dixoul SCOTT DIXON, Atreraey aad Cattaaellara at Law, Alii) SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Mem phi. Tern. Toaacre Tebacce.

AFRICAN. WEST INDIA AND MEXICAN 'TOBACCO. Tbe subscriber ha oa band a con stent supply of Srat quality and of small hands fTohareaL attired foe Africa. Also, sunenor quality of heavy Mack and very rich, in nogahead or bales' of loo pound. weD salted far the Wert India neucaa traae.

Also. ef rawer aad cheaper qaallUea. In hogsheads or bales, lor piantauon lor aegroe, camp street. an TH09. K.

PRICE. CABBIAQE COACHES) KOCKAWATIi WAREHOUSE. HARNESS: WHIPS! COACH BAROUCHE BUGGIES; WAGONS, Ac; TRIMMINGS; VARNISH, Ac Par sale tew for cash or city acceptance "113 Uravler stad 13 Ualoa HEW Jaeft ay ly ItTJM CO. Urad Tkh! HEW ORLEANS CHRONOMETER AND WATCH Manufactory, Commerriai riace. Chronotneters and Watches aaade tearder and skillfully WatrbmahSra aaad not amid North to Earape ta set any new or aimcait piece aaade ta i.

waaca, ascney he famished at reeaonabl ratea. tf JAMES ABCAU. aTraaarta Anastraat ArniBrramfr, PATENT MLICITOn. wta awMnTawiea, and its'rS staTaTerft' th hvventLMa, aa which thy are asade, to effecttair ran Mrce. In vaton aappsst their Patent a ssarsnaai ta tbatrriahmol invention this ia a when cavvacalyantei iblng borenatl ta proper surK, tba Patawt saaat myn thaaa shaald be perfectly famiMacwitS both in practical aesstandlM thaaa i sm sci r.

aaa taasawaan snsjct tbsrui 'aghlw, aaa abac In bo4 fear the rlt vwatar ha eh a lattlsa they svaed mi In wtstB tkTfrrlshtssis aaaailsd AAdm bv tetter, earn af Caii A SVJUn. BTl It Batiaaal Placa, wiU bring a vat ysterview aa thla aah. awav Thla Wad af avdrswaastrlrcSneawttaL rjwrrw4 Mna far Sale. At POSTER'S SLAVE DEPOT. Ut wisaa aa aaw yy, aa aTa.1 Fieul Haaaa.

Hk vaapanws, a na. eatlrS pear will be fouaAa rNaaraea, pvavaaawa eaavsanty ar that ansibjl. raesdving aappliaa vory Aortng aha? sltewart master Deiwt, Sdrtion Bfa ana wl)T i so law Biwi wna stefraes araaWeaaawrbWgaarA i eaBem THOMAS rOsTEfc 1ST Car ttar fbr aUev Juag Brrtvod. erith ajaraa er eswMa la af paryhmd a I VTrgrata NAtsaavsta. aaa FWhl RhJ.

ar Lain Hanae Saraaala. a i Waahera aad baaata and will be wnrvaaa rrh aoties durta tha wws i aHef kWMlb ooMlaw for cab or goad any aaa t. JB. fee ceaweaa agtasac. Tkraagb lares and well aa bctei lot BaAadHba ZkAti.

PARTNERSHIP STEAMBOATS: A BuS maASilW. MBTTJ! LTOft .1 and after thl data. Tha aSaia a taw Aaa Jul wa. W. KSTXELTOJK CCv 7f eno.

W. KKTTELTOJ. r. rt 1 ni'lanait lana 7loPAATNEKSHrP UOT1CE atrV JOSEPH MITCH ELtlat af the bona af Drake A ef Havana.) at uau vvaua.a aAAbLLL at a aumiiiiin auu yartaen in our kooae from MUa WewOTUaaa, Jaaaary 1, IMa. Jas TVISROLUTIOK The meartaerahip heretofore xiarlng aader tb ana 0 TTXaNEaV A RENSHAW.

la tbj day giaaolved by nvarnal coiMent. Either partBer wih tha same of the la firm mHaewlntian only: CMPTKaTJTrt, Jat Ot fiaWKT EEysgAW. a.Trvnric tv. WAVnaHL BI rn jimJ k. 71 conaen.

aad tha aane 01 im arm wit aa eaaov ay mm WATHAH Haw Oriean. Jrary 1. SEFEERma to tbe above aatic tBe nndenrlroed wHl tumliiTii liiln in bis individual nam from and thl KBxrmcnSTXT, SLw Oriean. Jaaaary I. lata.

REFZSEIN9 to the abov notio the aBderalgned will eontiaaa the coaimiaeHia businaat ia hi individual w6.artt iaa Blew Oriean. Jannary 1, taw. Jal IS8OLOTION Or COPARTNERSHIP. Tu copart cranip heretofore axlstin between tha nndsraigaad. nnder tha Brm of J.

W. ZACHARU expire by limitation thla Slat December, 1S6T. Either party ia iteruad to liquidate In anaua 01 in lata concern. J. W.

ZACHARIE, A. I. Mew Oriean. December 31, laST. 3.

W. aACHARIE will contin tha boahteai ander the same rtyle for hi aoie account. Jal Ct AVTNQ purchased the interest of GEO. W. SQUIRE! in the firm of CAMMACK, SQUIRES A WEST, will eontiBtte the knatnem andr the ftrm of CAMMACK WEST.

ROBT. CAMMACK, OKO. W. WEST. Hew Oriean, Dec, si, 1B7.

HAVING told my Interest in the firm of CAMMACK SQUIRES WEST to ROBT. C. CAMMACK and GEO. W. WEST, I wiU hereaUrgir my attention to the Sugar Brokerage busine.

GEO. W. SQUIRES. Mew Oriean, Dec. ISST.

dill dim Wf.m Setlee. THE arm ef WATT. RLE MOBLET i hereby diaaotved by matual conaent, and the name of the Snn will be aaed, by either partner, only for purpose or liquidation. WATT, NOBLE A MOBLET. New Oriean.

December 1, 16T. KOTICE Wt hsvB this day entered into copartner hip tor tha transaction ef a Commission and Cott on Fee torture bnaine in this city, ander tbe firm and style of WATT A NOBLE. JAM 8 M. WATT, K. P.

NOBLE. Nw Orleans, December 81. law. das lmdaavaW C' 0PARTNER8HIP NOTICE Mr. T.

PRUDH0J4ME was adaiitted a partner in oar bouse on the lit of No ember Iaat The style of the ftrm will be, hereafter, MOLONT, BRO. A CO. MOLONT a BRO. New Oriean. December 19, laST.

dta MABlm HAVING retired from tbe brm of WM. FREHN A I have this day established myself here for tbe transaction ef a Geacral Commission bamnefr my own account. L. A BENDLXEN. Omca 36 Caranrtelet street.

New Orleans, November 167. IS 8m HE undersigned have this day formed a copartnership for tbe purpose of transacting tbe Ship Brokerage and Commiasion busine, under tbe firm of MEEKER, KNOX CO, C. J. MEEKER, WM. KNOX, W.

FRANCIS SCOTT. New Qrlean. Nov. 10, lasr. mo tf (COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE The undersigned have this day formed a Copartaemklp ander the style and firm of NEVILLE A JAR READ, for tha purpose af carrying an the Auction, Real Eatat and Stock Bsokaraga baaiaea.

Omc, Na. Commercial Place. JULIAN SEVILLE, J. U. Hew Oriean, Oct 1, 1S6T.

LAW PARTNERSHIP The undertiped are associated in the practice of their profession from this data, on. derthe firm of LEA A MARK. Office Na. It Commercial Place. J.

N. LEA, R. H. at SR, May 1867. apM RT ly G.

W. H. MARK. 10PaBTNEBBU1P The andersirneo have formed a copartnerahip under the nam and sty Is of RIVES, BATTLES A NOBLE, for tha transaction asenerai racterag ana bewine, in th city af nw VTKSIM. Their otBce.

Na Careadelet street, wUl be boot 1Mb October neat. RITES, BATTLE A Mobile, i JOHN NOBLE. Mew i leans, July so taw. Jyl PRIESTLEY BEIN, Nob. 88 and 91 Camp street, IMPORTERS and in Hardware, Cutlery, Iron.

Cooper, Tin Plate, have i. 'ending and in (tore a full Md complet asaortment of Fr irj. nd Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Bar, Hoop, 8 beet, Jngte, Scroll and Revel Iron, which we offer at tbe very loweat price Are agents for HUlman Brother'! Premium Tennes aeelran. Alao. agents for L.

Hanks Cincinnati BeU Mann. Also, WOW ency Diwen mnm pwi A to, tor ins sate or user ana um ripe, rrom umraw. We invite tbe attention of Planters arm country mer chant, and the public generally, to give as a call aeiora pore Basing elerwhere. Jaa. 6t Teaiaieaaee Iron.

THE raoacribera, ageuu lor Hlllmau Brother's Camber kuid Iron Works, have just receivedin addi taou their already heavy stockv lh) ton Flat, Round and Square IRON. Also, Son PLOW PLATES. to tft Inches wide. boo sheets beat Premium BOILER IRON, 3 1 and t. For sale by.

PRIE8TLET A BE1N, itii at and tfl Camp street nalinh Iron, oVc. LANDING AND IN STORE 600 tons Flat, Round and gquare, assarted, ao bundles SCROLL IRON, to! Inch. 100 bars ANGLE IRON, assorted. son bar best REFINED IRON, sal inch for Omnlboa Tirea 60 tons best Refined, Square and Round, assorted, from 4j Inch. For sale by PRIESTLET BETff.

JS aw and at Campfrect. Cast Iran Pipe. ANDINO from trm Guuurow nd Live pool i euo cab For sale by Jal ot euo CAST IBXN PIPES, 3. 4, and 8 inch. PRIESTLEY A BEIN.

My ajid Camp street. Chain Cable. in store, and for LANDING i scribe rs sale by the sub short link proof CHAIN CABLES, 7ft fatha, inch. ka we TO a Tu riUEnLEi at scan, Jas fit and 91 Catnpatreet Copper. THE tabacriMra have fn stor aad landing ex ship Galena, from New York HCD sheets BRAZIERS' COPPER, is to 10UW, soxea 10 rssss to, 11 and ln, soxflO.

10 10, 11 and lan. HnHCl. 10 10, 11 aad 11B, soxoS. 3000 ponnds BOLT COPPER, to inch. For sale by PRIESTLEY A BEIN, Jaa i and Jl Camp street.

Plows. LANDING, In store and for sale by the subscriber J00O John King's Extended Bin FLOWS, 1 to 4. ire Robert HaUa, Calhoun A Peacock's PLOWS, 1 to A PRIESTLEY BEIN, Jaa 6t Wand 91 Camp street MaBillat and Tarred Kope. LANDING and In store the following, vis srw coils MANILLA ROPE, asaurted, 0 thread to inch. loo call TARRED ROPE, (I thread to Inch.

For sale by PRIESTLEY A BEIN, Ja3 and 91 Camp street Tin Plate. LANDING and in Customhouse subject ta debenture eoo baaeaTUi PLATE, Charcoal, nt brands, it 100 Team Plate Par sale by PRIESTLEY A BEIN, Ja3 8 and Camp street. Bbbcs Tin. SLABS BANCA TIN; in stor and for sale by 50 PkwlJfi a BEIN, JS At as and 91 Camp street Hbeet Iron. LAN DISH from Golden Eagle, J.

S. FarnelL and ka store too bundles 9K. 8 and 36 inches wide, assorted. best H. 86 and SO inches wide.

Ta Far for Stove Pipe. PRIESTLEY A BEIN. 89 and Camp street sale by J3 6t Heap and Bud Iran. LANDING AND IN STORE 100 bandies HOOP aad BAND IKON. to metes, weU assorted.

For sale bv PSTESTLET A BEIT. oa ana hi twa scree. Afetalrlo Jockey Clab. The Winter Meeting ever tbe Metairle Coarae will commence on SATURDAY, the td of January, with a aweenstake Raca sor three year old, bean, one mile subscription forfeit BIOS, with asfiO added, provided two or more start Th second horse ta receive We ef tbe bona. The JOCKET CLUB RACES will commence aa' tha Sth day of January.

IBM. Puree UOj heat thra Stile. THURSDAY, 7th Parse Soo a heat of two mile. SAME DAT Purse SStO; heats, aaa mile. FRIDAY, Stay Pnrs S600; heat, ene mil throe beat of five.

SATURDAY, 9th Purs alMO) heats, foBraUaa. The ejrtranc money, 6 per cent en the smeaat of the Bur, wrU go th Mcoad horse tf bo hsrsa i coad. It writ go with the par. If a hoias walks for th parse, he willrecasv the whala amoaat adsci tlatd. dia tf SIDNET STOarT.

Secretary. I Mexieaa Galf Ratilrssavd. aw i Aa arsaay yeraoa ar nader tae "aimBreasion that the Evearag Train alSeava a the asnal time, this is to ia aR seine bvthe ILaaA that the Traia. will leave at AfKlMl() M.and arrive in town at6i4 A. M.

and P. awtOafler 1st Fehrnary. Utder Mr. Artnatreag'a aperiateinsi a. othey are ran BJng wrrh reach regularity any In the eoantry, and atraagtia aad othera by tkaraa caa bar aa aajportawity af arcing she warrr the Galf, OaMad aateaor aad ShoU Baak, at PracUrviil Bay Pnlria, Palraett aad cvpreas swamp.

CaaeAraAva. Battle Graaaa, the praceaa ftn In taa Beaia Ju Oaa IItrBTrvl anal aaal lTtty Ffei Boath Caraawai at hand fa Hail). Kil lawaaad Gergia PiaBta a rv noa txavv arvmS Ohat arvara) nn Osrpsateax, extra Si Oap katv IA Swath CaroltamT thrvaaslvaa aefars mirchasiag alsassheaa, maias.a swiiisrcsMsasi Caaalfj Saiiaw Alaa, lis teas ANTHRACITE COAIa far fsaadrv aaa. In tr. Aaolv ta jal Ct W.

OLIVER A Camadslrt at 'w brm acr ustaiui Aaaixarrate wraawaviy awhapA alim Patch Jin aaa a issmiiia I i Rlvv. Xlgahg eaTUJESPAT. 6th toaCrtjy. Bt run u.a. Artu Ajiu.ii, B8ShrCTeortrdyStMuri, CsmpUi.Gnand jEcore, Alexandria, and.

Gor ria Can naav fdtue mvers xnat suporo, tight dsaugh and wilt rm.friafct tesaseT WTr. LrOUOkAA Ben. TarbeC aa pssstnger tear ear ae aaove ana an BBS i iwighh ar aaaaaga, hawing landrnia, abaw. apply en, GEO. t.

HTTB 'ACO Frt atraat Lsavss oh TUBSDAT, 6h Inst, at P. M. "llflDLlx HURRICANE AND CAR TUBSDAT, 6h Inst, at oUaa Bbtg aeket Fov Alexandria, Cane and Little Rivera, Natchitoches, Grand a. a.Nk. 4tnnS RatM.

RhmMnrt. and Cartnrna Blana The elegant and swifs fj onaing paasenger pacae aaamrr w. uvvuuus wi. TariwlCinaatarrwnTleava aa above. Por fiaight ar aaa Leave en WEDNESDAY.

th InMSf SL mSSTir BEH I Jl'C frtDn, Fort Caddo, Moo ring's Landing, Swaav Ti Landing. Albny, Bhrsveport, Grand Eayou fJalnJt, Grand Eeore, SA Maurice, Catile, Alex stay enni Ha rsm and all tateraiediate mnaing on aen River Tbe z. l. rr a G.Paair, wiU leave aa above. Por freight en board, or to BALDWIN tea I Front creet.

Leave on TUESDAY, Mb at M. INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S LINE. FOR MINDEN, MOSCOW, PORT I JlafJl Bollrsr, aad aU intermedlaia landings an Biatenean and Red River The suae, nor ogot araogbt freight and paaseagar steamer BON IT W. H. Daaiel, matter, wlfl leave as above, For freight or passage apply on board, or to J7t vr' T.tL SMITH.

4 Tchonpi tools street. Leaves aa TUE8DAT. 6th inat. at P. M.

rOK JsrrEKwn uihvaiiri me new. fine. faM running, Hghtmughtpeaaenger ilMniirAltKNiDA. J. W.

Martin. master, win leave aa aoove ror rort oao, saiii BOtlTC 111. ut smMWf i it's Landing, Shrtvcpert, Grand Bayou ore, St. Maurice, Alexandria and ail In. ix an Red River.

ForyfreigSor passage. Benton. 0 war son' Campte, Grand Ecore, lawllnM navlng; ansnrpsaaed aceommodatlooa, apply onboard, or Jag to U0. D. till at rruni m.

Leaves ea TC ESD AT. 6th Inst, at 6 P. M. REGULARRJED sUVEK sbuj uua Bisteneaa Packet For Mindea, Moscow, Bolivar, and all intermediate leani iding light TaTT EeVa I I I i 1 Ty 1 jk aaa Docket Bteamer BONTTA. W.

H. Daniel, master, will leave a above. For freight or passage, having elegant accommadatwaa, apply onboard, or to BALDWIN A CO 6 Front Levee. Leaves TUESDAY. 6th at 6 P.

is. L. KOCNS A BRO'S. LOW WATER LINE. FOK SLfti ADO i rxra 'raft The Ught draught steamer ERA No.

John Kenn. master, will leave as above. site River ana natcniiocne. i tor anon, bwwbsuu ichi and all way landta Apply to w. siitni, roa.

snn, Jal T. B. SMITH. BaT ERA No. 1 will be ready to leave In ten day.

No bill paid without a written order from either boat Leaves en TUESDAY. 6th Jan at 6 P. REGULAR GRAND ECORE AN Natchitoches Packet The new, fine, fast rarmrne. maeniticent pasaenaer packet uamcr HarlOKs, no. oowty, mailer, wui tc above noaitivelv.

for Grand Ecore. NatchitocheaAlexan drin, Cotiie, Gorton's Landing, Barbin's Landing, Nor. man's Landing, and bit Intermediate landing on Bed River, via Case and Little Riven. For freight or pataagr ly an board, or to GEO. D.


MAUBUCJS, Grand Bavoa. Grand Ecore. Alexandria. and Gorton Landrna Tbe new. decant win ranikina na enser naexet ateamer nsnunAur.

C. Montgomery, master, will leave for the above and all ntermediate landings, a above. Far freight; or passage apply on board, or ta. Jas T. B.

SMITH. 4 Tchoapltonlas street, frf The steamer National will take freight for Kiaraicba, Rowland, Lanesport, Fulton, and all landings above tbe raft. rehippingn the lil.t draught Upper Red River packet Effort and Reub White. Leaves on WEDNESDAY. Inst at 6 P.

M. FOR SHREVEPORT D1KKC1 Tbe fine, fast running peiiger packet steamer NATIONAL. P. G. MoHtgoraery.

master, wilileaveas above for Shreveport, ttrand uayoa, urana Ecore St Maurice, Cotiie Alexandria, Gorton's Landing, aad all intermediate landing Red River. For freight ar passage apply on board, or to JV) GEO. D. HITE 6 Front St. taT Tbe Kational will take freight for Upper Red River, to be reihipped on steamer Reub White and Effort.

Leaves on SATURDAY, th at ft P. M. INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S LINE. rOK tttl rtf on i waA haiuu, 9t Maurice. Camntie.

Orana Ecore, Alexandria and Gorton Land inc Tbe eieeant and swill running passenger packet steamer P. F. KIMBALL, W. W. Vlithenbury.

master, will leave for the above aad all Intennediatt landings a above. For freight or passage apply on or to Jafl B. SMITH, 4 Tchupitoulai Leaves oh SATURDAY, ytb Inst at 6 P. M.

asp, FOR SHREVEPORT, GRAND BAYOU, VptSJ 8t Maurice, Campt. Grand Ecore, Alexan im dria aad Gorton's Landing Tbe elegant anu wifr runmng passenger steamer p. r. 61MHALL, W. W.

Wirbenbury. mter, will leave for tbe above and all intermediate landings os above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JaS II GEO. D. HITE 4 6 Front street Leave on TUESDAY lih Inst at AP M.

THE REGULAR. TEN DAY PACKET. REuULAH SnKKVErOKT ArrLI BAT cliitoches Packet The new tut running maenincent Dasaemrer packet steamer Is nil AuDlerate master, will leave aa above, posi tively, fnt Shreveport, Grand Bayou, Couchatta, fmpte. Grand Ecore, Natcoitocbes, Alexandria. Cotiie, Norman Landing, Gorton's Landing, Tarbin's Landing, and all intermediate landings on Red River, via Can and Littl Rivera.

For freight or paage apply on board, or to Ja GEO. P. HITE A 6 Front rtreet Tennessee River. Leaves on WE ON ESD AY. fith at ft P.

M. KEUUL.AR TENNESSEE 'Packet The new running; paasenger racket steamer EA8TPORT. W. Har master, I now at tbe wharf receiving rrelgnt ana wUl leave as above. Tor Florence, Tosrnmbia.

Padurah. Cairo, Hiriman, MeiuplUs, Helena, Napoleon, and all intermediate landing. For freight ar passags apply on boad. or to dsi GEO. D.

HITE A Front street 3v The Esstpnrt will take freight for Cumberland River, to be resliiuped at Paducab. Irleaat Zlon Collegiate Instltnte, In Winnsboro', C. THE BrhoiaaHr Year is divided iato two session, the first commencrn on the third Monday in January and ending on tbe third Monday la Jnnei the aeoond commencing on the first Monday in July and ending on tbe first day of December, I86H. nicer JOHN A ALSTON, President and Professor of Roman Literature, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. JAMES H.

RION. A. Prufe or of. Mathematics and History. J.

WOOD DAVIDSON, A. Professor of Grecian Literature. Professor of French. J. McCABTH Professor of English and Preceptor of the unlor Department.

Terms Boaading in the amity of the, President (Including tuition in all branches except Philosophy, Che mis try and French) per session Ortf yo Tuition of day scholars in the Classical ar Mathematical Department, to be paid in advance 96 In other branch's glo to Coarse of Chemistry or Philosophy in French 16 A student will be received at any and will be charged at the same rate from tbe time he enters to th end of the session The Principal wnald urge upon parents and guardians tha importance of entering their sons or wards at the beginning of tbe session, in order to secure a judicious Crassification. di.v ltawim JOHN A. ALSTON, President Exrelater ftelasaes Kefiaery far Sale. i I establishment i now In complete order, and wifl A be sold at a fair price. Apply at 6 Qravier street dgu at Plantation far gale.

AVERT valuable Tract of Land, situated la tbe Pariah of St John Baptist, meaaering about 1906 erpenta, 90S ef which are cleared, and the balance well timbered together with a good Susarhouae, Steam Engine and Mill, Dwelling house, Ac. For term and condition apply to 831 am ALFRED BOD LION ag Gravlsr st Ta Milkmen and Htock Ralsers. FISK'S GROUND COTTON 8EBD OIL CAKES Thai Is tbe most valuable feed far cows and cattle, a wellaa hogs, thst is now use. A cow will increase her milk oar half after having fed on this Cake one week. The price of this article is much reduced tbw year an Is muck tbe cheapest feed in market for caw and stock.

TU article will be old in quantities from ion pounds to a ton Apply at FISK'S Cotton Seed OU Factory, 74 New Levee street dxl 6t J. tf Bnrrawav'a PATENT PLANTATION CORN AND FLOURING bjiij ise nest ana cneapen now use. ORE than ,600 of the Mills have been used, princi in tbe South, and never have an been returned from fiuUne to oleaee. The above Mill ia warranted ta grind aa much good meal, ar Soar. In a given time, with tbe same power, a any MIH ever offered in tbl market, of the roe sixe, and to give entire satisfaction, or may be returned at oar expense.

PRICES: SSinck, Doable Geared. TTfi(t Inch, Double Geared. SIR SO 826190 146 30 Slngla too to Single its wi. 16fll L. J.

WEBSTER, Bole Agent, 6 St Charles street Warebeuse, earner Magaxine and Lasayett etreeaavNeW im imaiotw Fiska Cotton Seed Oil va. Laird Oil. SINCE th cold areatber it ha bn almoat Impossible ta fill the orders for this celebrated OIL Over 12.090 gallon of thl Oil have been o4d at retail wrthia tha Iaat month la this city. This Oil will barn much longer aad better than Lard Oft aad wiU stand cold weather at all rime in thla climate. Persons that ase amp are particularly reqaasted to give this Oil a trial, la all caare this Oil la warranted ta alye entire satisfaction.

For sale at the Factory; t4 New Levee atraet di ataUe, A VALUABLE SUGAaV PLANTATION. A PLANTATION, consisting eg exat 1609 anew LaaA sitnated La Terrehaane. about faar sife I itaaf th OpeiousB Railroad: having five handrtd aod fifty SAO) acre af open Land, a brick Sagarhouat, a gaod Mill aad Eaglae and ether aacaaaary buUding; 36 Mate, witkv Cart and other tsomag utensil. WHh tbe Ptaatatiaa will be id as Negro that have baea accastoned tha cajtare ot ssgnr. ror aerm appty to THOS.

B. LEE. IS St Charlea da lot No. Bp aaaws. Hll.

DiODIg'l a JBnBaj xavaie' isaavrai 1, too vowoe axreaa laoatsa fpHIS fMtituMaa new Tisasfmil ta tha axrawasd 1 i sin ndiiius swIMIas Wsas hnawa Ml. Mil Han Eeardtng School. Prof. J. 6.

D'AQTJIN fotara, take charge ef tbe hjguer cennjei In this astaWisbtnent The ariab Department will, ia a.snacX aiaiar, a eaAraated kg hat tfar. Reside the unHnaiy biasirhss of a 1 irf rlliifafls. thestaaieeembrac EhgUah and Frsach BUtetori. a alao ataasaned coarse Hiatory, ancient aad aaodera; ajad af Natanal PbUoaopby. Chemistry aad A choice Liararj kj aniactaaT far the uxc af the najAer Maata ta pBrtarolavTy.

ttteAded to; every trrascb tt behtg asaht. tka theory and gvactfea of harmony and Ifeagieinrtaded. SedSleaacars latatew toiwoaaota aha aaaratea weaTa smvdcaJ hsBrevesneaA i 'KaaT feE? a tsaby' ww rain 10 Das Scholars. 1 ruling Hurricans (via Biam T.l 11 According ge the classes. Jal i IF iSra VWiSsl ILLE.

FolghSar IZjffifififaa. 4 irn jaaam. ataaa. The' resalar passenger packet stw for the abov and aU hit rated iate SrSTamner, wilt, leave ior tne sw anu TUESDAY. 6th last.

6 P. FOR WMMSVJUAK Tha Jm reaalar nuimr packet DAFiD WHUB, SGra aVer, WiU wave nisi va. 11 a xa ly aa beard, ar Awv wtjcHAHAH 3aty Podr stsae. SbT A plan af her caara can be seen aaa cvrea uy appiymg as ta agent. Leaaaa aa WEDNESDAY.

6th at FY pa encar packet E. H. JFAIRC HLLD, H. arriD faiiiau ig.t. mr 1 tbw nriwx ahFanaett master, will leave tor wjurraa hartina, abov.

Far freight or paaaxge apply ea board, or ta BUCHANAN COVj dsif XI Poydras street, gar A plan af the cabin caa be teen and, Stat room cared by applying to th aganta, Leave ea WEDNESDAY, sth at trB FOR PnTSBCRGH, WHEBING, CTN I jjMXr sZrchuiaa. LooiavUla, aad aU Intermediate landings The regular pas nger packet ateamer AURORA, Rhoad, master, wiU leav above. Pofreightorp ge 'y Front streat lave on WEDNESD AT, 6th inat, at IP. H. mm.

FOR LOUISVILLE Th fine regniaf I aJaulTs. jpasaenrer packet ateamer WOODFORD, aaaaaaanar Garnet Mather, master, trill leave for Louis landing aa above. For freight wp JaS 67 Poydr street gr a plan of the cabin caa be seen and staterooms se cured by applying to im agema. Leaves on FRIDAY, sth Inst, ats P. rOK LiUUlBVLUJjrJ, sisoiiimui, 'Cairo and Memphis The fine regular paa packet ROBT.

J. WARD, kOfler. ler, will leave lor urauvuic ana au 3 'XT00" TH5o: KEfW "rJieTirl Apian of her cabin can be aeea and staterooms securad oy applying so ner sajeau Ta.aa with desnatch. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regular tpaaaenger packet fanni dullui, si. rtanhani.

maater. wUl arrive en Wednea I I 11 11 1. At irm ami leava ior uraaruic ana au pr tavmediate landings abov. Por freight or pans apply a. board, or to BELL, BOCHANAN A JaR S7 Poydr atraet.

mW A plan of the cabin caa be seen and stateroom ae enred by applying ts the sgentA Cwmberlavnd River. Leave am WEDNESDAY, eth lost. at 6 P. S. FOR NASHVILLE, Canton, Eddyvllie, smitniaao, radn and all intermediate landing on th Cam ruind River in aopenor ana ias raiinnia nacaei atesmer FLORIDA.

Stephen W. Lee, maater, wlil leave a abov. For freight or paage apply on board, ar to Ja3 G. R. ARHADIN E.

at Front street Leave an WEDNESDAY. 6th at 6 P. B. FOR MAIsUVlLLfi UUUSCT TO new feTand superior tegular par set ateamer belt 2rl BOVEaV W. Strong, master, will leave aa aouve tor Bvuie, ciaraaviiie, (jantvn, Eoaynue, uy earabnrff.

Bmlthland. Paducab. Matroooli. Cairo. Colaiu bus, Hickman, New Madrid and intermediate landings, Far freight or passsge apply on boaid, or to mm tatOI A vuriLui, simi, Ja earner St Charlea and Perdido streeta Leave ob THURSDAY Jth at P.

FOR NASHVILLE, CLSULBV1LLE, 'Canton, Eddyvllie. Smlthiand. Padocah, 'u A rA Intermedfare 'landines saoerioe regular packet steamer JAMES JOHNSON, Jesse John son, master, wui leave as bdovc, ar tragus ar passage ply on hoard, of to or B. DC FIELD. Ja2 comer St.

Charles and Perdido sti tela irleaBDfeio. Leaves oa WEDNES0AY.6th Janat 6 P. M. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS Packet Line For Memphis and th Bends. wdTbe spienata pecxex steamer una si Church, master, will he ready toraceiv freight oa Monday orniag and will lease aa aoov.

For freight ar ge apply dai Ofltce ander the St. Cbarie Hotel. This line connects at Napoleon with regular packets for the Arkansa and White river, ana at. utmptia wren superior packets for St. Louis and Louisville.

aydams1 Expre carried regularly by this line. Ia.aa FRIDAY. 8th inst. St P. M.

MEMPHIS anu new uaitcarts Packet Line For Memphis and tbe' Bend The first rla steamer BE FAST, WunCiSyni rav. mter. win oe reaay in receiv freleht on Wednesday morning, at the foot of 6irod street and leava as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or ta rf FRELIGH? Jt2 OtScS nnder St Char lea Hotel This line connect at Napoleon with regular packets for the White and Arkansa Rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets for at Lo'uisaad for Louisville. Bar Adam Expre carried regularly by this line, Xcavea an SATURDAY, wth at 6 P.

M. REGULAR UEHrtlAB rAt rtr. 1 1 spleudid passenger steamer ECLIPSE BroadwelL maater. will leave above taking reixut lor fsapoieon, sor rune ana aruu mvers, ua alii landings and plantations In the Bend. For freight or passsgs apply on board, or to Ts7 JOHN E.

HYDE A Poydras st BaT Til Ecflrae will attend her Vicksburg friend and freight usual i Leav on MONDAY, 1 tth at 6 P. M. mcnrnis ali rx.w va.t.E.aa Packet Line Monday Packet For Mean nbis and the Send The fine passenger steamer BAN KAN a LIN J. Clara, master, wui re erive freight ob Saturday morning, at foot of Girod street, and wiU leave aa above. For freight er paa ge apply oa boorto H.FRELIGH, ja Office nnder the St.

Caarias Hotel aar This Una connect at Napoleon with regular packet for tbe Arkansas and White rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets for St. Louis and Louisville. fa Adams's Expre carried regnhv iy thla lib. MF.MPHIS AND TtBTW 'Packet Line Thankful far tbe liberal np port extended ta them neretoiore, tti New Orleans Packet Comnanr have now the lea. re of annauncineto their friends and tbe pub lic generaUy, that their arraagements for the afipraachijig seoB ate perfected, and thot from and after the 1st October, their boat wUl regularly in the trade, and wtlt leave positively and purK tnariyonthedays a advertised MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 4 o'clock P.

M. Tbe boats ar all of the first class and ar arranged ta leave as follow OaMoaday NEBRASKA. A. R. Irwin, master.

BEN FRANKLTNjJ. D. Clarke, master. On Wednesdaya JOHN SIMON DS, C. B.

Church, master. INdxOMAR, J. W. Goalee, maater. On Fridays H.

W. HII.L.T. H. Newell, master. BELFAST.

W. War, master. The Company have in addition also arranged with the owners, of ether boats af large capacity, to ran in the trade In connection with them, a the supply of cotton and ot her freight may require tneironject Being supply tnnnur far the wants of the trade. Our way and plantation friend are assured that win pay parti ci freight and paasenger way. Our aoats have been thoraaahlv urix hauled and refitted.

and are In charge of most experienced, prudent and able oasamanders, sad apecial regard will be paid, in the entire Baanageaieat, ta every requisite that wnl conduce to the comfort, fsty and p.e ure af naasfnger, to the careful transpartatisn af cargo, and to the afromodattoa gwnar aily os oar patrons. These packsts connect at Memphis with sin packet forCsiro, St LauisL Laoisville, Cincinnati, and Nhville. and with the Memphis and Chariestoa. the Memphis sod Ohio, aad the Memphis aad Grenada Railroad. I.

W. GOSLEB, President Por all basin taauv.cted with the Use apply at the Bfth.Cnany,teJliAWUir Secretary and Tie mr, aloaby a Hunt's ifuildinga, Mem pott, er J. H. FBXIJGH UCllUaU JaatWaKa. alt 4 ander St Charie Hatei.

New Orients. 183. Winter Anraaaeitreat. 1898 HVJ NEW ROU1 I aiXs wl North by St ear JZJbyCnaAateBl Railways, which are now eon NEW aOUTa TO THE EAS1 AnAV Steambsat te Mmpnls Thence an Raitroaa ana tta coanectiag com Dieted ta Huntsvllie, Savanauth. Knoxville, naanviiia, Chstanooga, Atlanta, Macon, Lyachaur.

Aagosta, Richmond; Columbia rsbnrA Chariestoa. Norfolk. Wilmington. Virvlnla Sprinsg, WaahingtoaCity, Baltimora hiiaaeipaia, ana new I orx. This route ns ing throegfa a Beatrttfal and picturesque country, affords to passengers from New Oriean and the entire Mi hwlppl Valley, a mode af transit possessing greater despatch and comfort than any other, aad pa Ing through slave territory, a pi security if sJforaed for the conveyance of servants.

Ticket always good, with the privi'ege at stepping at any paint exited, from Memphis on. Far information respecting this rente, restate aod. ircignt, appiy te J. a. rrtaiuiuri.

Memphia and N. O. Packet Ofnca, St Charlea Hotel. 411 Office af Use Now Orient avad Csvlra Btail a Company. Ha, 1 Front st Leav an TUBSDAT.

Jan, 6, at P. BL Ana w. a. jaau ooas DAVID WHITE, McGIU. iv Bssbeve, stopping at tbe foUawing aaau anaV BatoaRoaae.

Hatches, Vickateurg, Lake vhteaee, GraaALaka, Paint Waal blngtsa, Green viiia, sruambia. Napataa HeUwa. Msphis. NwlxadrJ4 Hickna, Cetaathaw. For freight ar passage, aayiy i tlOLLADAT.

at Cairo Mall Ca Prow vYicaat auad Catlra fttaUl Iaa. i twHarawiiaua il la mm aa Mail aa Rente T80B, 1 6 a'cloeh P. ee. IN IA. Chan.

V. aavaalda. aisilm C. aiAJ I An iS a n. vv.

sama. nra as regalar Sastday al i at IS a'earck A BL awd Calm, ifmmrmtmn aad ahl eera aaay taly aaan paBctaaiityaf theae boat. rnl til lim) gwMbi KT. Bdwrtised xpvvary ta carry the aaafla. wc anrvs pacaer mu BWTM mi tlisin sslaisa tsi il Ins lxBHCat ALL BieU i irrii al, kxtTaaishawMZan.

Tt A BaAOrXrRTeshjtae SOS 1 iTaaal a awS.tOt ngrse tmr tseueu I' a nn a aa yry eoeic aaieetioa ef Maryaaad aad VrrxiBsa pEr. er Field Hand, ftaacka Bow Servant. Geeks. her and In Iraswra, 1 reooiv Ac and will rsaatsaBH racerr hfhs Ska aaaaaa alt a talM aa darina aold law far caaharTaa. vw caaa or geee city va WDrrraT laJSr I BSl ea wa.

af Msrsaa sad Espteaadrata. nit)', 1 "ainsisntsi" Ji Ft RVA Htera. asaater; tar, ana uauuro moaajaa. i i aw apriors niiiiitwdsinina lor tu lavhe trad. ae above atisaitw DAILY.

to arrival' af the Waathar and water aentdttitisL tha tn.rt tebik a MONDAYS ant THURSDATS triU acoB at szsz' VJT Cabtn 66 SB Nsgroe, In Tot of Ave aarVvrirr.r "ilT 69 HewOrieeJPeccmtanlA 1667,.. d0 Tra I) PES, BaaJk Blace. tf BfAIU 1 JtTmm FOR MAJxDKTILLB, LKWiUQKgL RjBW wMaaiaaavilla, CovtaftoV aad AMta aVaaaaaBwaaaBrgprlng Fr and aster 1st Novembar, I6T, ttre fine tow svvars toaraer ARROW, W. Um rjater wU laav tor a 1 aatsum ih ab a fallow lSrjr MOHDATM K.SC..

ftrt CovUgtaa. SATURDAY, IS Cwvingtaat stesartung a VaaraaCovragtoB Mrfaday.M A x. v.w Jv A lt, Covington Thraoy.a 6 1 A MadiioBvlUeFTtday.atpiax; 4 AaC Far farther rticuiars aptHyen awsra, se ta so R. ED DBS, Agaat, U) BePTaee. an ais ao crsai 183T.

srwnSa sad fast running Lai FALL AND WINTER ARKANGaV an. War aSaadawlUa. Had laonville aad Covington Tbe ubtantiat Lake ataamer VIRGINIA rEAHUvaaa. a nt JM KFvWUy ISI BntSI a I wiu a ai wtu leave tram and anar l.ta louowa Pea Paatchartrain R. R.

I Pram CerinaXSak 10 A. BL can. I monaay. a Starday IiTif ..10 ..10 aoneaaay I a way, Si. Meats, 60c.

P. H. BiUNTON A It Canal st Atabasua. KJver. Leaves ea TUESDAY, td inat.

at P. M. COX. BRAINARD A CO "8 TRI WEEKLT LINE rust nusiLE, stun ixtu f.b.1, wae eatptampaaana aerma, via toe Janautaai ana A Jefieraon Railroad Regular Through Line, ureiy new hike steamer CARON DELFTIUcaard ha en Binnott rnaater. will ieav a for Montgritnsry, Wetnmpka aad all landings on the For Treignt er naarsre apply an board, ar to jal JOHN E.

HYDE A CO. 66Povdrast The Carondaict ia aaw raceivtag freight at tha depot. Ttvoll Circle. Leaves on 7tb inat. at 6 P.

M. COX, BRAINARD A CO '8 TRI WEEKLT LTNB. rux ausiLB, wi iv i uu e. a Br tnmpka and Selma Regular Through Line, via the Carrolltan wnd Jefteraun Raitroaa ic entirely new light draught steamer WM. BAGALETv John Sinnott, maater, will leave a abere, for Wetump ks tnd til landlcn on tbe Alabama River.

for ar aamaga apply en board, or to Jas JOHN K. HYDE CO4 68 Foydraaat. Bar Tbe W. B. ts uaw receiving freight at tha Railroad Depot Tirol! Clre'e.

Tbe t'pper Mlsslsalppl. favr na TH ESDAT. 6th at 6 P. oAn on ohts nron uirr rvn oi. uj 1 WASB.V, Memnhla.

and all Inter eiat landina Tbe new splendid pa eager par kst steamer EAD. Dsnree. avow ia part seeeivingr freight, wiU leave as above. Farfeeight a 1 ge apply ea board, or to J6 J. F.ALLEN.

Agent, It Peydre street enpan.v t.a I'm a. a at FOH ST. LOUIS, niLaaxn, Memphis and all intermediate laud hire. The new. splendid, swift ran nine niasi narr packet steamer HEN RYCHOTEAIT, Duryee, maater, will leave ahrv.

Far freight or rwawig aprl yon board, ar to Jaft CHILDs A WING, Ageata Leave on TUESDAY. ftth at 6 P. mJ REtvU LAa ST. LOUIS rAtBET fine regular packet teamer MARIA DEN ING. CarreiL muter, will leave for St.

iro. Hickman, and all intermeaiare ranainesaa above. For freight or passare apply oa board, orte Jal JOHN rl HfDE A tw Poydras at taT The M. D. will take freight for Cairo, Hickman, Memphis.

Helena, Napoleon aad sll intermediate I ad lugs tan WE ON ESDAT. ath tear. UtF.A run. bt. Louis, caiiui, uiclbah, Memphis and all intermediate landings.

Tbe regular racket ateamer MARIA IKN dTiau! Can Carrell, maater. will leave st SDere. for lteif ht or pas ae apply oa boaia, or to d. M. WHTTE.

we rreet street Leave on Vt EON ESO A Y. Otb at 6 P. roH. an. iaiuib, tJAiivu, 'New Madrid.

Menrnhia. NaMleow. aad all Intermediate landing The new and light Irauaut, swift rnnnrnr end elegant paasenger packet teamer PHILADELPHIA, Wayne, master, now in port ready to receive freight end wui poaitrvely taave aa aoov. ror rrgnr or pasaa apmy an Kara, or aonlv Jet CHILDS A WING, IV, in ruya afcreex. war aad pisntatiou boat.

ar Strict attention paid to aH war a Bens, and freights taken for Memphis. Napoleen and tbe Bends at par art rate. Leavea on WEDNESDAY. 6th Inst. at 6 P.

M. fUK 51. A.ISU10, AtttU, AW, New Madrid, Memphis, Helena, Napoleon, Natcnei and au intermediate latMunga. in. coiiucctiou with tbe Illinois Central Railroad to sll tha Eastern cities Tbe splendid, light draught and swift running paangrr ateamer PHILADELPHIA, C.

G. Wane, tec, ia row in port ready to receive freight and leave above. For freight or passage, having superior Bccommaoationa, appiy on oocru. or to J4 TT J. r.

Al LLE, 'Agent, 16 Phydrat street 4 ueavea qn 1.. and mag Leaves qn WEDNESDAY. 6th nunx.atP. M. K.KUI.

LAHV MtBJIr For St. Lout, cannacting at Cairo with the Illinois Central Railroad Tha anttnely n. and magmncently rurnrsarrf tiasswnggs steamer ALONZO CHILD, Joseph a Hoilaad, vnartcr, wUl leave foe the above and all way landings as above. For freight or paage apply on board, or to JB4 1I R. 8.

RAYMOND A 16 PoySraaat. Leaves with despatch. REGULAls fiT. LOUIS PACRtrr 5 Th fine rerular naasenger packet ALONZO 4.CXVI ll.HJ aillUH.Swlh 1.1,111 nuiapi, manvi, wwmw ive and all intermedial lauauiat as aoove. rorireigns er paamge apply on board, or to a.

BELL, BUCHANAN JaS 87 Paydr tret. Leave with desnatcbi Louis packftv The fine regular passenger packet ED. WALSH. B.

Wood, master. wiU leave for the Intermediate leading aa aAaev. Farfaaigjht rr passage appiy oa board or to BELL, BUCHANAN A COw 5 Ja3Y Paydr strset M'biUe Klver. 1 1 Leave an WEUNKSBAY. Jan.

6th. at 5 JP.Bl,; KEIiliLlt HATE aMVGk rAUSSl. DaveBraadenbdra. t. i.

anw ia nart roeeivla freurht and will leave aa above, for Batesville. Jsckumport, jFocahonta aad all in. tennediate laaaings. ror treignt er pssasgr sppty as board, or to dag GEO. P.

HTTE A Cf. ProalNtret. Oaachlta. Klver. T.

Leave on TUESDAY. 6th hist, at RKULLAU. OUACHITA, BAYOU ABr SPthoiomew and Black River Packet The fine passenger steamer WM W. FARMER Caoner master, will leave above tor a Is bams standing, ratnt rieaaam, traacBita uty, Btorungton, renter Monroe, Pine Bluff, Coiuashia, Hams burg. Trinity and 11 Intermediate btndina.

For. fralght or fassngr apply an board, or to C. W. PHILLIPS A COt, St Union at' Ja4 or GEO, D. HITS A 6 Front st tar Th W.

W. F. wiU take freight for Lower Teas aa high a the Lake. ri' Leave WEDNESDAY. 6rh at P.

SL. REGULAR TEN DAT, PACKET. wa! FOR kMDEN, BEACH HILLS, CHAM I sJJnrnSpagiioUe, Ouachlts City, Trenton, Monroe, BlnaT, Columma, Hatriaonbarg, Trie I ft ana all intermediate landings The elegant, Swift pas 1 sr nger steamer MESSENGER, G. H. Kirk, nater, f.

J. BeaJs, clerk, will leave a above For freignt or paage, navlng unsnrp ra accommooaxion. aopiy on i Jat to T. K4MlTH.4TchoapitaBla board, or Leaves ea WEDNESDAY. 6tb rnat, at If.

M. FOR CAMDEN DIRECT The trnnngUght draught pa cngsr packet axilla, i leave aoove tor Camdea. lleacn Mills, tiamoasTiollA. ilmiaston. Moreen.

Pianaa Hilla. Marl fin liar 6lkma Laudiux, Treatoa. Monroe, Colambia, Haxriaaaharg, Trinity, aadall intermediate landing an Ouachita aeul Black Rivers. Far freight or posasge apply on board, or ts JsT GEO. D.

HITE A 6 Pront at. SaTTbe Blafi'Citywill give clear biUs lading te Leav aa BaTTIR I) A Hh inst at P. M. XXtxULiAX 1JAI A SI 1 7 1. IV AB rnrer packet CD AH TOUROl W.

Ewina. master, and E. 8. Batter. rlerh itwcn.

Beacb Hilhv Miller's HluS. Rnarfe'a. Cnamnasw notio, Wituiington. Mora Bay, Piaaan Hilla, Marie Baime. i evxttb lauioHia, sMnsms ia mi, uoacnita uty.

ac llagton. Lochiomond, Trrmton. Monroe. Pine Blans, Caa. tro, CaHnabia, Harrisonburg, Trinity and all way laodiags and.

Black Rivers. A clerk will ready to receive height on Toesday. For further iafrnvaatiea apply en board, to G. L. KOCNS, 41 Front tree, at Ja4V Shaw A Zunt a afBe.

Leave oa SATURDAY, sth Inat, at a P. at. AC 1 A I Par CaasSea, tlabama Landraa. Point Pie nt Oaasbita. Citv.

Lochlammiti. Me. nth D'Aiaie. Traw. ju.

Monroe Pin Mian Caster a lauidtn Cnla bav Harrisonburg. Trinity, and All landing aa Shark River The srndidfrelght and passenger packet PAUL JONES, John Glenn, niaster, H. BL Haslett cierk, wui leave ag above. For freight orrsiiisr apply ta Jas T. a.

aatlTn. 4 Tcbaapiteul Rsvaa Leaveaaaf WKDNP.SDAT. Rtn at P. M. THK IlW LIBHT BaADCHsyAgRn SILVER MOON.

fa. Glanseoek, asaater. I will leave aa above far Bavan DeGiaxa. Old iver. bixusnsit ana all lali Taiaiiiaia lualiu.

SW freight pasge apply en board, ar te Jest T. at J. Hermewt. TTawaaa RIwsiw. Leave ea TUE8DAT.

sth I at F. xaV. 1 roa, YALLABU8HA AND WS River Granada. TVav. 1 eAov.

Oeeau. aas nanvera aa atauncb Ught laiAt Market UriPF. Sa Jlal eeivtog freight aad wffl eve Poxttirery te Fag srwut ac apply Jat KG. HIT a raw sa. ImvrMV aki.i "aUCraf AWhrABMtrk aw rvs h7RrvemGrwaas, xflore, Or sw 1 a A tadaB.

TchaU. Tssoe City. aVtarthv aa the TaBBS aad Tali ha a Rfrcm The ataaaea, Sight draagftt packet stsata ar Gwartnvy, Baasoor, a kha wxrt caivirjg freight, aad wH tear aoaftivary aoAkBBS. For SMITH, 4 TrwipHeaumet. Leave aw TBCBSDAT.

Tib tawt, at ft M. riaJwa' REGULAR TALLA HATCH LB AND Packet The sis it, Bgfat gaanght fart rxaniag fn TnaSSi: raavxing freight a ana. pa Iroastx Kivera. takiai Va BahanR Satartav Ta aaawx.ity. auus, and SNiW Inara.

Tilatnba. id ail war la Sana'. a a rt. Ja6 BTaMlTH, 4 ft. 0efsass, taaaesattia WFDNHSDATaBtST.

avewr Wr DN ISDATaBt I. BL yo i otelou sab i nBtace af atiaahir AaawxVnwt, Vai.t ea re trtiat trwta, wvH leave ah aawve, xakiag xrtkrkd wf mu I i.M.JQMKaom w' at i wwat at i did low a i 17 aia rirSk 1 rLC.B.10 AW tt. Rotchinr maa I i a i rr k. ar, sneer aiii jriil leave height tor. Uaaav Graea avdinA as Ilaadaa A And 'TJ i.

1 TTbe new, sfcdft and ieuj 1 let, GEN Ptr, A S. J. Brawa, a 4 3 a. rr'aMBS L.TT. tf' 'r ll'RBOCi aa PAT at 10 clork A.

M. piat ie Heh awiy. lUrtunusfViB 1 SnN AY aiornaax. arrixiiix at Meav tkria a 1 and Thanday. Pstartar and Invar ar and shlpuara rw.

Mv parVraW a bWdoLaT?" aawaaaa re a wui rocai AM A. TITCS, 7S Cidlt au a. taT For freight or pasvv annty a boar. avervaWtDNESIJAl BTIKTRa ARRANT I aJ aJWeilnssasv Packet LAI ta4cwa tAaranrcaw. iLr.v.

iii 11 ajtaveaevavy 'cim ui at A kt osVavrrrv I every FRIDAY araiai ff Aftari te' aar 1 Oriean avry TUESDAY ad THCgliTArt laftsewul W'V A.COi Aeeai, BUS LBvraavry THORsda sseuut th.0 LaJW packet yiCKgBTIkw ar a wtu leave a LaxaPrwvia nca, Hilliksa a Rodawy, Habehea. inga. Far nvigb. "Tir'rwzrjzrz Ti, a 1 EG, sr. su i vv 1 er Vk 9 SHISSI 1 BIITI ai ewd Ign thraagh feallaaf Wine with COAST Akb LArrjnii 17 The suamrr PR.

ATKF, ter, least. New Orisana, ever FRIDAY, arA lirai, arv 4 jjaa'is TOE8DAT 4 Ibh dawn tbe riralShxjae IT. DAPNIS A BROK. toawdaa. sr fi ef A GINDRT.

rfaa(bxtavllw Uave every TUEsDaV and F4nAT.ei j' va W1KTER ARRANGxJkntNT; ef avark For Baa ise. swmwe Tw 'raVaalaSt'ronnin MOlar aai ket' BAaawSklaVi A I ieaanVesa, raaster, will hav New Otw a 'clock A My tat F4aret arising sa nrv vnean ra nwinwi us BsJavry FRIDAY, at irt o'Mck Aji aw a Baotbweat Ps rtniwg to New Oriasa as, xaraMalrest.ega... KroTCHFO jklmll tV ff I eV toANOEtp 7V iTZZZ ar heTteaSJr MAatKOLIA. HinaiiTnv a WiU keav for Vicltsburg, Warrfniaa, GraAd aiJJ Joarph, Rodaey, Waxpcoof and BitaBAIaAg SpiON freight appifi aa board. to cv 1 a.

araaxav Aaave every SATURDAY. REGULAR ATXTE AY MO 1 JAT'MOf met for JrrkpburfML be frfir .3 org. WarwtrluB. New Caifnase. feraal Or' a Joseph, Roduer, Watrrproof.

Nalche, Fori AAaBB, Sara, Bat an Raage, Plauuvial ls ssMaaaviiayse4 kg Cud, aawve. Porfraxkt'ur ajwiai appiy tskMta 'lo w.C. atavar 4 Bar ParacBhar attennoB aivaa ta aU Dawtaauain Tatee Rivar, freight take a high Water rate, Sua iaj vAvllegaaf slshipptug lv v.erj btfwUI iaaVr far tkr VmMa a. i Jt a Laraliiui. Asbteau PAotwrt I I aritti's 1 aa rlai I str rVsrirhrnrs Camai t's Mi lii ban's Baad.

VickXtaiis. Gnad Galf. suiaary.bwca Fart Adaraa, RaaVIUvrr Lanttiug; Rayon Savsc Vait it saw. Batan Raoaa. Ptaoiaassne.

aad Ponairlsorreaav. taT Tbe at Pft elf will rake Yaso ajvcraSatf tan thro axb hi Ha tadiag forfi wtth6riiew. mVLm. JWlll a port. Bayo axVlt aad ail intern) lanaiags raa aiMaa MCambs, taaswir, wifteeaaaae et ad ft, xaeaciBS on SATURIIAY.

lb Augost.aam.wi5 i hrwagbatit the araxwBttag nea vnamrarii ar aweniag at oraci, auo nt day, an arrival af th car front WoadrUla, T7 A clerk irillwaaHitbegervwtat, ana ilri rrelgktTharitsl irricnhw atnHjV amJ te taA i aalvtaWlaadbBid ai9 ee tf" fistrrn states i j. mM. i ''r Ire.en 1 0 ESDAT, afsF. lh Bsemm eaircauea cie a aebrt PRINCES! WVlsoa, masux. 1 for ffawaidwatviilK Ptaaaawnaa, t.

At a bbbbbbSx. wair. svaBtE Baar BwnBvrktngatsr BBLaBBxawaBBBri ai Grand Gulf. WTnOB. tnd yirtilawAevei Tl lMBxeoBBxsViaaa B.

Aid, aad will tak frrigtitvar aa aas aaBsiaaaa iaj anw BJwsr as high at Green waoA. Tilt ilriiini I ill Tf Mail paoket VICbUBCbA Bon. asaater, will Have sor; rnamaoaritA i Ttaiou Rous. Pott Hadann. Bayea Sare.

Red iyver Fart Aim, Katraec, wtrjnwx oo U. VLb.hrS ajTlO.MmH Laka FtevvarBcaBTacK Aaianilgivery is laadmAFort Taaeah. Grand 'WBSlxXw wrU tska farigW Iv all aWingaaa lM BJorer aa high Oaanwoaif aAalgh. BpBaft J(pB Jy TV ahova mcatieaea ash 1 davawit. faoirt tae h.

paiatsd. AU hasmes eatiusl aaxa wf are stir ann ran amity eanau The ha 'responsible WV any awvevsj regalar Mi nagf eta eonti aAaaad aalne. and im fruigbt jpaidii IU ia tiabie aeposrtee wit the clerk ri' thaps rained ra tbwirk fw wrf. SMfTII. 4 Tchatrmtwcdaeaa km Bar The W.

Foweii ceonrae at VttBaoa at 1 1 ss 1 1 A Aid and wHl take Ci wn the Taaae Rtvst bjlsh a a lUtlDtlifn ras as r. w. FOR BLACK M1VJ at ana Bavou Mscotv sBS Trrorar p. steait.oe MILXOlv gELr, va v. Par th aauea aaaVa asaaewe.

Bar reij. at mmmm eave on TVESUAY. 6ta iwt. at f.j a IK DEPENDENT PLANTERS1 UKi, a. ri BAYUt) MAScoa aa TTVa 'WCW' and elnaaf aswi er pa JC in.

01. wltt leava rr 'it catle, 1eernld, vaw raewtW paiot Wga eat nayow maeatn ntaxa euvar, lorhtrpaa VatM fya, Sar Tba Aa tirls hat to ia awrtsghly 'ff'Sa ssd ea expre iy tar She akw ggg patnters caa rely au nerBaarWgtsmaBingaia BTadarerthgaatt dWf Us ever, TH St IT EwULAB TH 1 I VBri axs siaiu am twuarsAioB Iltl I. isaatsa naaiai iisarrTrirnri sua Qui I aaa asnioaa, laayvva ltTi aTlllt Ttntnr and yaaiiis, at wih rtM 2 iaa a tea iiace with Bnr hara Mail Ceacba. for Bt fm aw ah to Vl awkaaaBV MM' ft 1 tf aaa.1 lto at flBSBFxMrjFaaa jy mmT' I I avayaa, sa Alth A heU leava tawBAffraaddj larinir iw aniiniH i. tmae.

Bar au poenaiBigBvp pari Ahiimsaa writ aJ aaa tea empta learnM.cawwtckV kayary uaeajj AY, an thaatcaaxer CAJUIES, A. SankVaw Itewikwrie, St MAraWrSaWs aalTlKawASBT Wt IWf Shipper cy te jaavA. their dra AWxWW. SS every inusmi.a REGULAR BAYOU OA TkwtfniMetaads At waS ejst Va 6FrwJvwv atoradat tt 1 ABl IS Sat IB AnSl V.i Jr hteaBBer S. 8, PKbNTISa.

JaawaT Sia7KloB5ay hL shuiT This pdVasyit 1 ateamer WiU have New Orleatu tanaii aJ. 1 if Yf a. COAST AMD LAvL4C' nataa erpaafcge apply aa board. c.oct, aud Mergaasav vHw Orisens verr SI DAT jilO aaa WJ 3 awSes. 1 1 '4 at P.

and TrrTSadaa 4 ri turViciili Th anarrancent hail iwoae bah nar a. Tsistaera, aaMbrr, will leave Bv PMmmmt ns. naxon xsnw. orcrjuoaon. vva awm wv a.

AdAa. Nktchrt: Weteraveot GuhT WarBitnn Bad YatsHarn waxS Itrsstrjt IACbWJVP Tha Saaya USSS mtar a. i a ar veryi a awa ICDVLAS XAIVU UStw. aaw.

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