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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FICAYrWE OFFICE, I i 1 Thanitay. Fetnarr 10, IMe. Mvmr.11wM fa ft feif lBMirr kwC am lugtotha aay ale of mentriii. Ieod ctlT. Bales eoobJidK at atcadrpri K0UUSSE5 Mit tmKttled bjr large receipt 1.

galea aHkbk.atS3c Sate OLieatM 1694 SOandfQOSt acoTc DaKaawmnaacUBMatlyat rOi bU, Me wert aoU at i i ACOSDand actira. 8alea HO cuki Sidea all caikt Bboalden at Tfcc an 99 at Tic 1 aCANDI loo boxei Staraotd at 16.1c. C0FFEB 4W ban prime Kio were aold at 9c jrsXIQBT8 Nothing new. gXCHAKaES Fair deatand. FICATCNE OFFICE, February 19.

1809 Steamers. WtofteM trrtt. Carpenter, ftu Cincinnati. Emprror, Hopkiiw, hn Loiinlle. Boot Campbell.

Kagaa, fm Laiaarcbr. gt cbarlrs. Applegate, fin Alexandria. stonn, tu, fra Camden. Caado No Graham, fm Grand Fralric.

Flora, Jenluna, fm Vermillioo. tlaac, Streck, to DooaldaoaTiUe. yewltoaattandry.ftn BayoaSara. RECEIPTS OK PRODUCE. YZKVILLIOK Steamer Flora ts bidea.

114 bales rot DeGrBT a do Geardaia at Kerr 4S da Wright, SxIobSM Aeil do Freileea Avco da Bogart. Foley Trtt do eilly do, 16 hbda aagar i Beltoen 16 iVu bales cotton FBTy. LoMt Aco 13 do, lOhbdaaonr, aaboi in Hall A Rodd 6 do, bales eotten, II bbd i. witter A Bra ta do, SS bbu molaons Darby A Tre Bialet IT do. 47 fabds aunr a 8 haw fcco wo bidea xitsioasB UO do Witter A tiro Total bales cotton 111 abdt sagsr 149 bbk molsiars.

i Jieordon Jr si do Bogart, Foley A Arery 4T do do Bcms IT do Pry, Lobit Aoo 16 do Toledano A Taylor uaa. ix lilili nilairi Aagiutin A Thibaut 34 do JraU om. 7m 3D hls unr Brand 4c Lndrv Mdo. OS kola molasiea, 6 bales cotton Gerard Aco so bbds angar i i) BeUorq do Darby A Tremnnlet la do Tete atco gs so. Si bf 29 bbla innlsnws strttmer Mary Foley Total bbda wigir 343 bbhvmolaaaes 6 RAND fBAlUlB Steamer Caddo So 9 73 hbd sugar ban nilaa i de Egana 49 do, SI bods sugar Caxo Bsre 46 do.

16 bbbi nwlsisr Ousier aoo do, 16 bbds su prWsJBHtnnert do Aogustin A ThihsjU ti do OCroohartJ do do A Eeine 10 do. 70 Vols molasses Eotchford 7 do Morgan 75 do White Aco S0 hi do. 60 bs sarar i Deoegre to hbda do Rocbrrraa Aco 1 do A HatacUioase 41 do, hf bbla mnlsaara Degtloa, rwiM Aco Total 60 tea 416 bbda sugar 910 hf bois if" 14 VDRI A ttteamer St Charles S7S bales cotton to Hill, McLean Acs 319 Bnrbsnnon, Carroll Aco 400 Pnr aCWsod Aco 67 Skipweth. Tavlor Aco 10 A Wright A cm 10 at Greenwood Aco 3 Paaquier Aco 49 do steam er Echo 44 bbda sogar 8baw Aco 14 do BeHocq 10 as A iltenberger Aco 6 do Allaia 14 Tete Aco 30 i as. 100 bote molars Foratall Total V7 bbds angar 100 libit a'awri nrnt halra rntrnn CINCINNATI Steamer Win fleld Scott 409 tea aad bbla do bacon, 634 kegs 44 tcsaodbbsj hud A Montgouieiy luo tea uama, 330 bbla park.

16 do bot krIW Miloaak stco do pork 8 Keep 133 do beads I Maxwell co 4 bbla hhda hacon McGregor Aco W4 7 ska corn Hortey 17 hf bbla 17 kega tongues Perkins I hf bblsdo Marah, Ranlett Aco 3 do eggs, 4 kegs batter Boadecka Aco 4 bote cgxa gchnotier sut do park to LtjCMTTLLE Steamer Emoeror tea and bbla lard. TS as pigs feet Seccumb A Voorhlee 0B7 trs and bote lard Hewitt, Norton Aco 147 bbla flour RAJ Bactaaaaa 66 baa taper B. Stesena Aco 4 nags Adams Aco 6 bbls kioot A Scbeffetatein a bhda tobacco AlcCooorhie A iMuaka corn Cowan. Dykera Aco sis do, 41 cka 19 bote pork. 463 pork beads, SO kega lard, 1 bbds tobacco Twtrhett Aco X'TTi ska corn I Uorley balea cotton Cocke itco SO do 11 Moore J4 do Oakey A Hawkine 44 as Pay ne A Harrison 6 do Ward A Jonas a do Nolle, lox co awa jogeire wco a ooajioeTaon mnrait i Total 181 oalea JTciu C2bucrti0tment0.

For City WV. H. GARLAND a candidate for Tresanrer of the dtyef New Orleans. Fl 4eT NOTICE The copartnership heretofore existinrin tbla city anderthe commercial Arm of MOON, TITUS A la thia day dlaaolnd by aautoai conaent, (Mr. W.

Mesa rearing from bosinesa.) Meanra. Davis, Titos A Co. ant authorised to receive and receipt for all debts das the sue firm. and will pay an presentation. all liabilities afainst taaamae.


Bew Orleans. Febroary 17th, 14W. THE andersigned nava formed a copartacrsbip ander the flrm ol DAVIS, TITUS A for the transsc Boa sf a Cottoa Factorage aad General Commission Bosi aeaa la this city, and solicit acontinoaneof the patronage sf the friends of the late firm of A aatd tha pabiic icneralry. j. uavu, T.

TITCS. 1. M. JENKINS. FIO lra New Orleans', February 17, 1850.

LOUISVILLE PACKET BELLA DON TmiHvtlV. Knsuvlll. Heoderson. and Mount Vernon The entirely new and uoiiinl in ii SMmr BELLA LMJ A 4DO. W.

Canaam maater. is aow receiving freight, and will learo for the above aad all intermediate ports on FUD AY, tbe sotb Saatsot. at 6 o'clock P. poaltively. For freight or pa aac having fins sccommorialious, apply on board, foot of Canal atreet.

or to fl OQLESBT A MACATJLAY, 66 Tchoopitonlas at. Vermilisirille. KEUULAB VERMILION PACKET FLORA For Vermilion viile.Petry'o Bridge, Mouth of Banoa Black. Bayon Bamf ana Fstirnuuvuie The sapenor swift rnnning tisaa ngi i packet FLORA. Wm.

Jenkins, matfer. will leave for the above on SATURDAY, tba 41st at 10 o'clock A. M. For freight tjff MmmtaM mSBOoV (toawfd 4V tO Fist" HALL A RODD, 1 Front Levee. rT XL rvainutin, ij.iminati H7nl Madison Tbe new splendid iiassnigfr 'ana Madison Tbe new splendid passenger lsteaaBcr J.

8. CHENOWETH, J. M. Cbene wtll lesve fnr the above and Intermediate eta. MJUr Wtnga ssi IATCIDAY.

tha lst instant, at 4 o'clock av rar freight or passage, havtag superior arcommo er to MeDOWELL, Jr. A 14 Poydras at. titmmvf fmr Hmle. 'TTTJATID at tbe corner of St Claude and Esplanade Pmrccalars mad known by appueattoa on tbe Fit at KaCiee. CrcCESSTON OF LOUIS MOONET The creditora of tas SMe isaM loaary ara reqnestea to present tneir Claima ta the abnrtnt detsy, to OCTAVE DE AB.MAS, Notary Public, Flo ateed 176 Royal St.

TANTBD By a yeaag woman, a ribaatson ia a family ss Wssbor aa ironer. She baa been accustomed to this work and can give good reference. Address Laondreaa, at this office. Fil It O. HaBlRY.

House FarutshlBa Store, end Manufac tory of all kinds of wnrk In Tin, Sheet Iron ana lead, o. 183 camp street, cuiiici Girod, (branch of the Goose Pond Sto and Lead, No. 183 Camp atreet, corner of AeA. 9 ase Fond Store. VUr No.

167 Pnvdraa arrest. OTroeslte Carroll.) rTeW Orleans, hu in nr m. loiee nsnrtment of Omametl tl, Britrnnia and Japanned Ware, rates. Cooking, Parlor Chamber aid Office Stores; Sperm and Lard Oils, Cam bine.Silatt Gas, Alcohol, Act Cofflna Leaded. Grata Bet far Wark dona with meatneaa and despatch, at reduced apo ti ly C'eml Cojal foal.

I7I0M this dav forwmra we will deliver the hest anal it A t( English Cannel Coal at 73 cents per barrel, in lota of vno ien oarrris, to son ruatomera. jer Orders to be left at 77 Customhouse, 369 Boyal, and Tcaoupttoalas streets. City Coal Yards) Fl at Mr BE AN, WILLARD A CO. I Old JVasaaUy (silrer Pli ADE aver new, or cleaned aad poliahed, aw sther Dierm. bv It) or exchanged HYDE A GOODRICH.

ata.n. mg Silver Ware and Jewelry. if liiliio teiitt Tbsmbseriberahavirreaorredmmovs coming year, will fream thia date oner 3 their entire atocA a a large redaction of Price for CASH. The following mii of tbe leading articles wilt and Punted China Tas Sets, Tssaa, Msgs, fTindlr twa ana mm Stone China, by ynaf end Pmsed Decantera. Tnmbli by ramblers.

15 the piece er asti Wises, Dtebea, Ae lives and Forks, Japan's) Trays ampaof all kinds, Table Kni surer Plated Castors. Forks. Sosona. Ae. arkaaoneaad BlaeA Tt AnnAa mM all kian.

i I HiscA Tla tsoeoa of ail kiads. AteM extensive rl tof COMMOK(AOCKERT fQLASSWAiLE for Country Trade. iaviu tbe particular attention of Home and Hotel 8tesm boots. City aad Coontry Rataileni to tha WLi. rmid to eloar wot ear stock by the v.

tesJsiy next, ssejatratury to moving, and they assy expect siriM r. av ltkM cot, 64 4.anmoa 'er 8nle. FAJOLY PHAETON BRETT four wheeled, Uttls aeed. and Silver Moonted Hsmeaa for so OHO, tue oojuoi' aavmg a dc seen at uavisa staoss. nam part 7" between Cnol mA pm.

Fls at tl.ll TStP Wight, wear tbe corner of Ram part imfOfSi fL aoLD CHAIN set sche to which mTSJT4 Locketm. one marked W. W. aad L. B.i ateet Toothpicx and Coml Cress, and a Breastpin wUa Mo lii" Tbe above reward wU seTeid tsTswy soe Was win aeilvvT th, ta Wat 36 BasiB street a 5t St FTY DOLLARS REWARD My by the jane, abost 40 or A T'W of ran awsr with hex two children.

Cjm. i George, tbe first aged about 10 and the second shout 6, all ve 1 vere omrk thee rait iM, a to SB circus streer, aooot tited of February. 6 daUgra reward wfl bs paid fortrapprr (Bumina PE 0 RLE A 17 8 i 17 The List of Letter remaining In the Posit Office will appear la this paper to morrow. tVsf The mail this rnornlnr came through aa late aa doe, bringins; aa dates from Charleston of the 14th, Washington, and Baltimore the 12tb, and Philadelphia, New York and Boa ton the Hth inat. 'TW'V'e are under obllgationa to the officers of the steamer Emperor for river tarora.

Thanks to the officers or the steamer Oregon for Mobile papers. I7w We are indebted to CapL McC. Baker, of the U. S. transport steamer Fashion, for his polite attentions.

FoBBaAzor8AimACH The V. 8. mail steamer Fanny, Capt Talbot, leaves to morrow, Friday, morning, at 9 o'clock. Agents, C. J.Meeker dt 60 Poydras street.

M'xx Cxxistx. This charming artiste's perfor mance last night of the part of Afissti, the Indian huntress, in the drama of Green Bushes," was another triumph of her peculiar and effective style. She obtains as complete a mastery over the feelings of aa audience by means of a few simple tones, and the change of expression tn features, as can be effected by consummate mas ters of diction. There was an excellent house prenenL Misj CATHAatxx HArxa. The Armory Halt was crowded last evening almost to its utmost capacity with a brilliant audience, assembled to bear Miss Catharine It was her second concert in this city, and the general opinion of all wno heard her was that she fully sustained the high position she assumed ou the first occa sion.

She sang witb great spirit, and tbe rap tnrous applause which was bestowed upon her showed that, her sweet notes did not fall upon unappreciating ears. The opinion which we had already expressed was confirmed last even ing, though perhaps with a slight extension in favor of the fair artiste. Her singing of the ex quisite ballad, Sarourneen Deelish," was re plete with feeling, and executed in the highest style of art It enraptured the house, and ex torted the warmest plaudits from even the most fastidious critics. Miss Hayes certainly stands in the front rank of vocal musicians. Hraa Cliicx.

This famous rope dancer was received with most enthusiastic cheers by a crowded and fashionable aadienee last night at Dan Rice's Circus. After his act he was called out, and was again greeted most heartily. He has lost nothing of the remarkable agility and ease which distinguished him when here last He appears again to night. tTjr The V. S.

transport steamer Fashion, Capt. Baker, arrived this morning from Indianola, Texas, which place she left on tbe 16th inst She came into the Southwest Pass at 3 o'clock yesterday. Many vessels, bound out, were waiting for a wind to get off shore. The ship Me ridian was just inside, hard aground, with two boats alongside. The Fashion brought the following passengers Lieut.

W. P. Street. Sta Infantry i Messrs. S.

Mirish. Q. H. Strang, E. Kaochman, J.

Ingle, H. 8. Cook and Flnlay. AstrsK axivTS This Bvknoco. Plmeidc't Vmrit tt.

Sheridan's comedy of the Rivals," with a splendid cast. Baas, Placide, Holland, Wright, Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Rowe appearing. The Monplaisirs in the ballet of a "Stormy Night' Mrs.

Howard and Holland in the farce of Betsey Baker." A splendid bill of entertainment. St Ckmrlt Tkemtrt. M'me Celeste's second appearance in the affecting drama of the Green Bushes." written expressly for her. The farce of "Nature and Philosophy. Orleans Tkeatr.

Second representation of Ronaini's grand opera, of Semiramide. M'me Widemann, M'me Floury Jolly, Genibrel, Great and Tlaseyre appear. JJmm Rice't Circus. Benefit of Q'Connell, the "tattooed man." He will give a description of his captivity among the cannibals of the Caroline Islands. Ho fob California.

There is a sudden and an unexpected flow of emigration from this port to Chagres and San Juan, the ultimate destination of which is California. The Meteor, usually running in the regular Texas trade, has been taken out of it to meet this demand for transportation to the Isthmus. She is a superior vessel, and leaves to day with at least three hnn dred passengers. Another steamer or so could be profitably employed Just now ia the same trade. AnJ as the latest news from tha Isthmus informs us that provisions are extremely high there, particularly salt beef, a pretty speculation might be made, perhaps, by some prompt adventure in that line, too.

This sudden increase in this emigration from this port may be attributed to the announcement that it is of no use going to New York to secure transportation in the regular steamers to the Isthmus, as all the berths clear through on the route are taken for some time' to come. The New York Tribune advises persons bent on going to California not to go to New YptH, but to take the first vessel that offers anywhere to sail round Cape Horn, Then, too, a great many persons are now. he re on their way to the "Gold Dost" country who should have been here tome weeks ago. The bad state of navigation of the upper rivers kept them back, and now they come all together, and all eager to get to their Journey's end. We do not think the rash will last long.

WASHTKoroit Moktjst The contribution of Michigan to the walls of the Washington Monument will be ready to forward at the opening1 of navigation. It consists of a copper rock from Lake Superior, reduced by the cold chisel to a parallelogram surface of Sim Inches by 36 inches, brought to a high polish. The inscription, which will be of letters of Lake Superior silver, will be follow. jjic ahi (Coo of Arms.) A TOktt OF BZB TBDST nf tns UK 16, Mr. Riviere, a Parisian lawyer, was seized and sent to Havre to be embarked for Cayenne.

Fortunately the Government discovered that he was not tbe right man, ana oy leiegrmpu pewui prevented his embarkation. Bloomtrt in. Ionian. A literary gentleman in ton Jon writes to a iriend in New York as follows We Uar had enough of Bloomers here of late. They serve at the bars of public houses, dressed la pants, straw hats and tsrtcA feathejaj also ia tbe cigar and coffee shopsthe sign board being, A gtmuimt jloomtr serve euUtUkr.m Ei MrFilknore has received aa autograph letter from Loois Nspoleon; advising him of his his election as President, aad hisJHeadly disposition towards this count i The President has also aa antogrBp letter of a eompUm entary tOiaracter firo the Bey of Tunis, written ta Arabic iIhUttWB u.iumI iw rik wolret satchel.

With e4 Krtntawtn. 1 I 5 I fAaAT reauire," sid a sage of tha triootof Peaebacot, "hot three thing to make me happy." "What is the first inquired a searcher after wisdoal. Tobacco was the reply. "What ia the second!" "WaU, what i that third I Why, said the phiioso little more nu" TelegTaphed to the Ne wOrleang Picayune River Newt, fBy tbe Moras Western Line, St, Chariesstrset) YicKsacao, Fth. 19.

The following boats have passed here on their way to New Orleans The America, at 8 A. M. the W. A. Vlolette, at 4 A.

M. The Childe Harold, at half past A.M.; the J. P. Tweed, at 8 A. the Iroquois, at a quarter past 8 A.

M. and the Charles Hammond, at half past 8A.M. Mlssnawlppl Semater. Walter Brooke, Whig, was yesterday elected by the Legislature United States Senator from this State, to fill Gen. Foote's unexpired term.

He was elected on the fourth ballot. Hia term expires in March, 1853. Stephen Adams, Union Democrat, was nominated by a caucus yesterday. We suppose, as a candidate to fill the other vacancy for Senator, that of Jefferson Davis tt. Pic.

RJo Grande Correspondence. Special Correspondence of the Picayune. 1 BxowNsviu 7, 1853. Every thing is quiet here as yet, though rumors are rife aa to movements about to be made by Carvajal and his force. Some men who were cutting grass, about fourteen miles from this place, a few days since, report that, they saw a body of men, about eighty in number, well armed and mounted, apparently from the interior, who were moving up the country.

These are supposed to be a detachment of the men re cently raised in Texas, who are beginning to arrive. CoL Ford has been elected to the Senate of Texas in place of the late Gen. Burleson. This is thought to indicate his intention of abandoning the cause of Carvajal, but the friends of CoL Ford here feel confident that he ouly consented to be a candidate to cover his real designs, and that he will shortly be out here at the head of his men. They contend that he cannot now retreat without dishonor, and assert that he is not the man to abandon the cause of freedom in the hour of adversity.

Tbe steamer Camanche arrived this morning from Rio Grande City, with a number of witnesses summoned to testify before the grand jury now sitting here. She brings no news of importance. Brevet Majors Paul and Garnet of the 7th Infantry, have been placed under arrest by Gen. Harney, for disobedience of orders. The cause of their refusal to obey is not known.

Gen. Avalos was married night before last, and great was the rejoicing thereat in Matanioroa. His bride is said to be young, handsome, accomplished and rich, while he is old and ugly, and a perfect Sambo in color. They were originally married by proxy, and it is said never saw each 1 other until a few days since. c.

WashlasTf Cerrespoadeace. Special Correspondence of the picayune. Washington, Fth. 10, Gen. Cass made to day aa admirable speech on Clarke's non intervention resolution.

He showed, almost conclusively, In a masterly argument, that it is our interest, and within the requirement of our national honor, to protest against such infractions of the laws of nations as have lately disgraced the annals of Europe but he had no idea to go to war about it now, or at any time he could now name. He merely wished the world to know the views and sentiments of the United States in regard to what has passed, and to what may follow in the course of time. He took occasion to say that he told Kossuth, at his first interview with him, that it is madness ever to think of involving oursebres in war to establish the independence of Hungary, and that it is extremely doubtful whether such a sacrifice on our part would be conducive to the welfare of Hungary. At home, we may defy the world in arms; bat to carry war to the shores of the Black Sea and the month of the Danube, our means are inadequate to the end in view. Gen.

Cass, ia short, did not practically differ from Mr. Clarke, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, or any other practical statesman; but he thought the tini had come for the bold avowal of a principle, so that those who may come after us may act upon it, as the occasion may present itself, conformable always to our national polity. Such a declaration of what the people of the United States deem to be national law, need not give offence to any European nation, and certainly not lead to war.

It may induce other nations to review their course, and, perhaps, to cultivate our good opinion. Gen. Cass then cited a number of cases in which European Governments protested against the acts of other Governments, without that act leading to war. He alluded to the protest of France, when Prussia intervened in Holland, to the protest of England against the intervention of France in the affairs of Spain, to the vows offered by France for the re estab lishment of Polish to the protest of France against the expedition of England against St. Jean d'Acre, dec ail of which merely served to maintain a principle, or to prevent the world from believing that the party which protested acquiesced in the act which drew forth the protest.

The speech of Gen. Cass contains a vast amount of historical and diplomatic information, and is couched in tbe chastest terms that a statesman, speaking not only to his country, but to the civilized world, could select It was listened to with great attention by a full Senate, and especially by the members of the corps di plomatique, whose preseace added much in terest to the occasion. At the eonc.usion of the speech, Mr. Clarke, of Rhode Island, left his seat and crossed over to Mr. Cass to shake him cordially by the hand.

The truth is, Gen. Cass is a statesman of a very high, order, nnd Gen. Clarke, of Rhode Island, is not only a very able but a very high minded and generous man. If Clay, Webster and Cass were to set down together to deliberate on tbe policy to be pursued by the country, the probability is they would all agree in the course of the very first half hour As to Webster and Cass, no two statesmen have such a high regard for one another, or love each other so much as they do'. Mr.

Webster may be attacked by small men la the House of Re presentatives, but a sense of what, is due to his eminent services, and to the national reputation of the country, dictate a different course ia the Senate. Gen. Cass delivered bis views: te ttrmeto, without even once instituting eonrpari soas between his views and those of the Ad ministration or attacking, personally, either the President or the great Secretary of State. The debate between Clarke and Cass reminded one of tha olden times ia the United States Senate. The news that Mr.

Crampton is to be accredited as fail Minister Plenipotentiary to the United 8tates, Is very gratifying all round. Mr. Cramp ton is an able, and aa boaest diplomate, straight forward, ingenuous and manly, as becomes the representative of Great Britain in bis Intercourse with a friendly Government and a people which has spnuur from tha same loins. The Clayton. Barwer treaty will aow receive a speedy interpretation and av meaning which It.

had not, coached ta the terms ia which Mr. Clayton, in aa evil hoar, was Induced to sign It. The most cor dial relations aabsist betweea Mr. Webster and Mr, La Diablx Borrrvx. Aa official letter from Downier street an noonees the determination of Gove rnmeat aot taiatrsslac fata ParllamaBt any ms nre mn respect to education.

rjurijif tha past year the New Jersey pilots have brought into New York 754 vessels, a4 have taken 'out without meeting witb a sie sxcidBBj, If .1 cw EVENING ED if II If til i XXXII CONUKJif Firs ttesalsuu he senate. J' WAsirncoTON. Wtdneedaf, Fth. 11. The Chair laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of State, transmitting, in reply to a resolution of the Senate, the report made by the Board of Commissioners on claims against Mexico, together with a statement that the amount awarded by the board was $3,308,314 96, and the sum specified in the treaty for the payment of the war 3,250,000, leaving a balance of 941,685 04 unexpended.

The Chair also laid before the Senate the report of the Director of the U. S. Mint. Also the report of the architect of the Capitol. Mr.

Underwood presented the memorial of two Russians of New York, praying that Congress intercede In behalf of their countrymen confined by Russia for supposed offences, in the penal colony of Siberia. Laid on the table. The Chair laid before the Senate a message from the President, enclosing copies of the correspondence between the British Government and the American Minister at London, with re spect to the Prometheus affair, which was not read, but ordered to be printed. Mr. Clemens introduced a bill to change the time of holding the United States Courts in Ala bams, which was ordered to be engrossed.

The resolution of sympathy fur the Irish exiled patriots was taken up. Mr. Mason opposed the resolution. It was a kindred measure to that of intervention prayed for by Kossuth, and should not be acted upon before the resolutions upon non intervention. Mr.

Underwood desiring to speak, the Senate sdjourned. A XI 11 I Immediately after the journals were read, Mr. Stratum, of New Jersey, introduced a series of resolutions, which had been passed by the Legislature of that State, ami which it was directed should be transmitted to Congress and tbe Go vernors of the different States, expressive of its adherence to the constitution and pledging itself to support the compromise measures, as a final settlement of the question which at the time of its passing agitated the country. He concluded by moving that the resolutions be laid on tbe table and printed. The sense of the House was first taken on the motion to lay on the table, which was carried.

When the question as to the printing of the resolutions came up, the Speaker having decided that the motion could be separated, an appeal was made against his decision, but which was laid on the table. Mr.Giddings.of Ohio, took the floor, and charged the members with spending the first part of the session in idleness, and neglecting to decide as to a question upon which the States separately were coming to a conclusion. He did not object to the present resolutions, he said, hut he protested against States being allowed to make de clarations, while Congress remained silent. His views, he said, had been misrepresented, and he was desirous of setting himself right with the country and he called upon the Southern members to come np in support of the constitution, and said he would stand shoulder to shoulder with them. After a variety of other remarks, relative to the constitutional powers of Congress, and admitting the right of the slaveholder to arrest his property at the North, but not to call upon Northern men to assist them be was re plied to by Mr.

Stanly, of North Carolina, who charged the gentleman from Ohio with absenting himself daily from the House at dinner time, and with leaviug the public business unfinished last session to return home, and during the present aeasion, to attenff a convention in Pennsylvania. He then went on in a strain of most unparliamentary abuse to which Mr. Giddings replied in much the same temper, which oscupled the House for about oue hour and a half; when Mr. Houston, of Alabama, moved the previous question, and the main question having been put, it was carried that the resolutions be printed. Mr.

Gorman, of Indiana, chairman of the Com mittee on Printing, reported a resolution authorizing the printing of five thousand copies of the report of the Judiciary Committee, relative to the fees of clerks and other, officers of the District Courts. He briefly explained the grounds upon which the report was made; among others was the enormous expenses incurred in the shape of taxed costs. He also moved that 3,500 copies of the geological report of the States of Iowa and Missouri be printed. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, on motion of Mr. Houston, of Alabama and took up the joint resolutions explanatory of the act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers, who have been engaged in the military service of the United States, struck out the first section which forms the first section bf the Senate's bill, and which had already been agreed to by the committee, amended the second clause, and while the third clause was under discussion, relative to the payment of receivers ia tha Land Office, a motion was made that the committee rise.

The House having resumed, adjourned, the usual hour of adjournment having arrived. Jenny Xtind's Coup D'Stat. The press, the public, the itemizem, and the tea table coteries were all taken by surprise yes tnrilnv. on the smears. nee of the evening Darters containing the announcement of tbe nuptials of the peerless jenny Ldna ana ine too nnppy uiw tioldschmidt The news was rapidly dinsemlna ted to every quarter of the city.

Wherever one went the announcement was trumpeted in his ear: "Jenny Lind ia married I the nightingale is mated the bird is caged there's no Jenny Lind now she's a gon'er." By 8 o'clock in the evening there was not a beau or a belle, within fiftv mi lew of Boston, who did not. know the news. nr had not rend it in the evening naDers. It was rushed into the telegraph offices, and flashed off to the east, the west, the nonn, ana tne soum, and it was known ia Halifax, in New Orleans, at Quebec, and St. Louis, and all along the shores of the sreat lakes, before nightfall.

It was the event of the day Jen ay Lind ia married, aad all America) knows it i. For some days Jenny had been very busy ia making calls aad pure liases, and pat on quite a patronising air yet no one suspected anything wrong; the itemize of the press were unable to fathom her movements, and were unable to find a straw to make a paragraph of. She bought her parlor plants of Hovey St Co at Cambridge her family stores of Pierce her kitchen utensils at Waterman's her Jew eiry and plate ml Jones, Ball AV Poor's. At this last place a ray of right ana aJwrat to nnen on the world, as the order was about to be given to put the mark, upon the plate and jewels rwe shall have the secret now; but, when the mysterious cipher was Jiaaaea to tne rti t. the, simnle.

"AT all ana darkness again. "Ol what can. this mean I "Otto of rose." was ail they could make of niero amfrahlv haxVennv tnaxnured thia little affair, She has shown a genius for a not second to that ot Louis' ine house, the silver slate, the all were luwieh eeWMilw dsrinwnir and the iact was an nonneeoV to the public through tha. papers stall nobody asospected what it was ail for, any more than they did the Prinoe PreaiUetU was doing. Having arranged every thing, sered eve peat, wea aver Gea.

Everett aad otAt she toWitha city by surprisej, and was married before her inLenUona were even saspectedu The Bemodicta tear their hair; batUBSgaa.i The i huirht of harm beea beaded oft bnt their ara vain Mrs, GoUiarrimidt inaviieas amila ia her hone via a cage at their daapaU. nsam TYscrt, Iftk. JiW. CaAsA A reat asmaalion has. haaa caused at Vienna" by tha toteOUgfne.tJant Daa JiisjL.bnwtAr(SDaUn, second sea otuaa uanoa, lma.

ram a war from his with an EngQah gs Tha wifa la aistar 4vtba Paka of Daniel There is no name more familiar, and hone that commands more respect, and excites more reverence and admiration than the one with which we head this article. There Is no man living who has done more for his country and the cause of humanity throughout the world none who is more tooaea to lor advice, ana whose opinions have more weight none who 4s more open and frank, more honest and capable than Daniel Webster. Does a cloud overhang the nolitieal world, and threaten destruction to our loved and peaceful land Who is the Franklin that Is looked to, to draw the subtle bolt from the heavens and divest the cloud of its terrors Who is the Morse that is expected to harness the invisi oie power ana make it expend its energies tor tne benefit of mankind Does not the mind as in stinctively turn to Daniel Webster as it does to tne sun lor light Yes, he has been the anchor of our hones for more than a third of a century, and he will be the instructor and adviser of his country for cen tures to come. His name is as familiar as household words, and is associated with the earliest recollections of the Infant mind. It is the most prominent one connected with the governmental affuirs of the country and stands at the head of the list of public names as conspicuous as that of the stout hearted John Hancock at the head of the signers of the declaration of indedendenee.

He is the cynosure of the nascent mind of this great Republic every father points him out to his youthful son as a noble and glerions example, and every schoolboy wishes himself Daniel Webster. The "first men" of the country are proud of his notice, and make debasing signs to catch his eye." To break a lance with Daniel Webster is an era in their ambitious career which may carry tneir names gown to posterity, along wiin tne memory of the illustrious statesman, appended aa the merest incidental trappings of his every day life. We are all of us proud of him proud to call him an American citizen: and we should have no fears in putting him against the pror foundeet and most brilliant intellect of the world. If there is one who doubts his superiority, let him point out his equal let him sbow a second intellectual Hercules. There is not one on the broad earth that could cope with him with a rational hope of success.

There are many who make a startling show who can astonish us by rushing in where angels fear to tread," but mere is not one wno can pursue that ongat, 'serene, undeviatiua course who can exert that resistless influence that ia the peculiar characteristic of Daniel Webster. CW. Y. Pay Book. The Wheeliaa Bridge Cause.

The Pittsburg Commercial Journal gives an abstract of the points made in the decision of this case by the Supreme Court, as follows 1. That the Ohio is a public navigable river, tbe free navigation of which is secured by the regulations of Congress, establishing ports of entry, and by public expenditures to improve its navigation, and by express compact between Virginia and the other States when Kentucky was admitted into the Union, and Virginia is bound by that compact. 2. Tbat tbe States bordering on the Ohm river have, therefore, no right to obstruct its navigation by bridges. 3.

That tha WTieelina briilre does obstruct the steamboat navigation of the Ohio river, and is a public nuisance. 4. That the obstruction of navigation on the Ohio river by the Wheeling bridge is injurious to the pub he works of Pennsylvania and to the commerce of the river. 5. That the State of Pennsylvania has a right to maintain her suit for the abatement of the nuisance, on the ground of its injury to her public works.

ft That the State of Pennsylvania, being a proper party to the suit, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction to grant relief. 7. That the equitable powers of the Supreme Court authorize it to grant relief, as prayed for in the bill, by removing the bridge, or compelling it to oe elevated so as not to oostruct navigauuu. 8. That the bridge must be raised to the height of one hundred and eleven feet, twenty feet hieher than it now is the hirfaest Doint.

for a width of three hundred feet over the channel of the river. It was suggested to the court by Mr. Reverdy Johnson, on the part oi tne oeienaants, mat tne nhTrurtinn mishit be removed bv makina a draw on the bridge. The court said, they would hear a motion, it tne neienaanis aesirea to suomu one on that point. The decision has created much excitement In Wheeling, and considerable prejudice seems to prevail against Pittsburg.

The Gazette says it is in contemplation in many places in Pennsyl vania, Ohio and Indiana to declare and hold a non intercourse with Pittsburg until its people cease to pursue their contracted and narrow policy towards Wheeling. The eitisens of Green bnnr. Pa recently Held a large meeting, and adopted strong resolutions against the action of Pittsburg in relation to tne Wheeling onage declaring that the prosecution was concocted by a few steamboats and requesting the delegates from that county in the Pennsylvania Legislature to urge the passage of a bill for the removal of all the bridges over tne Mononganeia in case Pittsburg insists upon the removal of the Wheeling bridge. Affairs in France. The correspondence of the American letter writers iff France continues to be filled with details showing the system of terror which prevails in that unhappy country.

The following is aa example The terror in the Provinces goes on increasing daily. Ia many parts of the country the troops go out and beat the woods for men, as if they were hunting game. A detachment of the 35th Regttnent, alter a long chase, lately caught seventeen In a forest at St Tbibery, in the Herault, at the nnsportsmanlike hour of o'clock in the morning. In the same neighborhood, the papers of to day speak of arrests, by the dozen, and by the score, as having been made by the military at Boujan Puisalicon. Caux, Neffies add Pezenas.

At Clermont, Canet, St. Andre, Aspiron, and several communes of Lodeve, cafes and public houses without numberhave been closed. In the Vaucluse, a lieutenant of gendarmerie, at the head of some gendarmes, and 120 men of the 54th Regiment, have been very successful in making captures. A man named Sauvan, who took tn hia heels, was brausht down bv a grenadier. Tbe ball entered his back and came out at his belly, yet, wonderful to relate, the man still uvea.

At Cuers the sport seems to be left to the civil power. M. Guard, a judge of instruction, is indefatigable there. Within the last eight days he arrested 370 men, being about one fourth of the mil nrmnlntinn of the nlaen. The iailor of Ton Ion was the other day surprised at the visit of a large column of men, who, struck with terror, and driven to despair by the incessant hsrassing of the soldiery, came to surrender themselves prisoners.

He had not room ta lodge so much unexnected eo osnv, ana, after taking down their Minis, bssrawd than ta be rood eaoarh to mil a rain thee did. and the were ulti mately stowed away somewhere. In the fort of Lamalgue, at Toulon, there are now 1,900 ariseav ers. In the neighborhood of Crest, the purauit of political refugees can only be compared to chamoia hantirnr. The eoantrr there rocky, and several of the proscribed have been shot at repeatedly by voltigeurs, as they skip from rock to rock.

The chase here has aot hitherto beea so successful as in many other place; for, after a long and fatfgningday, the troops captured only one man, named vanjoa. He was, however, a leaden and ta capture is eonmderad important la the town of Crest, on the 16th inst Airier de Paon, the commander of the, insurrection there, was taken, and a great crowd assembled In the marker plaea to see it must not be sap posed that arrests are ran fined ta the people eaUed Socialist. Judges, eoancil lorn general, barristers, physicians, mgrchants, proprietor, and people of the highest respectability, are arrested daily. There seems no prospect of anv cessation of the system. The prefects write the most sbmnlaiiaa; letters ta their subordinates, urging them not ta hesitate ta use their rjowars aad arrest any man whom they may saspeet.aad even, nscsaaary, io aeep mm in prison wiuoui specuyug any cnarge against mm.

Goodhue, of the IHlnnsssta Pisaesr, aad owsas ot Moorutof tAe iTinaasnnta aavai oeea tAeeea printers to the Teviliot lal IegiaBitare, ova Robertsoa, of the paewrat. 1 1 sjasasana asnaa mm msus i unsaaaua I A cat fish five fee long and weighing 178 pounds, was caaght la tha Ohio river, aeai Loo isTiUA raw turn 1 i' The Property of tha Orleans Family. The telegraph from Paris to Londonv gives the following account of the' decrees lately issued against the property of tha Orleans family. It will bsobaerred that the credit to Foorrier, of our despatches, was a mistake for eredit fncier Pabis, Jam. 23 A decree is promulgated which enacts that the members of the Orleans family.

their husbands and consorts, and descendants, cannot gossess any property (movable or immovable) in France. They are bound to sell it within the year, and in default it will be sold bv the domain. Another decree cancels the donation made by Louis Philippe on the 7th of August to his children, and enacts that their properties, of about two hundred millions of francs, shall be employed as followst Ten millions to societies of amours stasis. Tea millions to the improvement of. the lodgings for the working classes.

Ten millions td the establishment of a credit fonder. Five millions to a benefit fund for tbe poorer clergy. All the officers, sub officers, and soldiers in active service will receive according to their rank ia the Legion of Honor. The legionary, 230 franca the officers, 2,000 francs grand crosses, 3,000 franca. A national palace will serve for an establishment for the education of orphans aad families whose heads have obtained a military medal, wuica uuius uwu a pension tor uio oi xuu francs.

The palace of Saverne will serve as an asylum to the widows of high functionaries, civil as well as military, who have died in the service of the state, and the state is charged with payment of uueir ueoui. Civil list or last reign rtc.1 Dowry of 300.000f. rranted to the Duchess of Orleans is maintained! The President renounces all claim respecting confiscations pronounced in 1814 and 1813 against tbe Bonararte families. The decrees are countersigned by Uie Minister of State, Casabianca. Sbkious Btrao Ftcro Accidxxt.

We copy from the Beverly (Mass.) Citizen tha following account of a serious accident, resulting from the use of burning fluid, It does not appear from the statement given that the accident resulted from carelessness, to which such accidents may gene rally be attributed Fire children of John Whipple, of Hamilton. from the ages of two to twelve, were shockingly burned on Wednesday evening by the bursting of a spirit lamp, about which they were sitting, looking over tneir lessons ior scnooi. i ne lamp bnrnimr dimly, one of them took it see if it needed filling, when it suddenly exploded with a noise like tne discnarge oi a pistol, ana enveloped them in a sheet of fire. With rare presence of mind, the oldest boy ran and plunged himself into a snow drift at tne door. Three others were seized by different members of the family present and earned to the pomp, where the fire was extinguished, whilst the fifth was dipped into a tub of buttermilk, which very fortunately was at nana.

The youngest child has since died, and one other seems in almost a hopeless condition. The others will probably recover, though all are very sadly burned, their faces and upper extremetiee being blistered and almost entirely denuded, save one, wno iortnnateiy escaped wiin ourned nan as and arms. No reason can be given why the accident should have occurred. There are ten children in the family, and at the time of the accident there were fourteen persons in the room. The lamp was shattered to fragments, and the pieces driven across the room with great violence.

The appearance of the little sufferers is repre sented as neart renaing in tne extreme. i JTohility ta France. A Paris correspondent of the N.Y. Herald says: Ia a few days a decree will be rendered public by which the titles of princes, dukes, counts, viscounts, marquises and chevaliers, which had been abolished by a decree of the Provisional Government, will be reestablished as before. It is said that Louis Napoleon, having desire to see around him a crowd of men with titles, and not darinr to be the oalv one called Prince, has de cided that he would annihilate the decree of 1848.

The uniform formerly worn bw the Minis inters. Deputies, Peers and public officers daring tne umpire, tne Restoration, ana even nnaer ine rein of Louis Philippe, wili be also resumed in a short time. It is said that the uniform of the Ministers win cost about 400, as they will be covered with gold lace and embroideries Well, all this will be aping tha Empire, and without any glory. The Mietieeippi VocmncUt. A long series of preambles, terminating with the following resolution, have been introduced into the Mississippi 8enate: JicMolced, (the House of Representatives con curring,) That the two Houses convene in the Hail of the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, the 18th inst.

at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a Senator ia the Congress of tne iinitea stales, to nu tne vacancy oecasionea by the resignation of the Hon. Jeff. Davis. And also, on Saturday, the 21st inst, at 12 o'clock, MM for the purpose of electing a Senator in the Congress of the United States, to fill the vacancy created by the election and inauguration of the Hon. Henry S.

Foote as Governor of this State. The pumping out of Harlem Lake is ap proaching its end already the water is so low that ditches have to be dug to the bottom to lead it under the pumps, by which three big steam engines suck it out Thirty thousand acres of good land will be reclaimed by the operation. There is a difference between Harlem Lake and the French people; the former has beea pumped oat, and the latter "sucked in. The Pnblie Opinion a Legitimist paper, which has quite a large circulation in Paris, has been stopped by the Government for having pub lished one of its numbers in which tha place of all the articles which had beea suppressed by the censor had been left ia blank. This sort of pro testation against the present arbitrary laws ta repress the journalism has caused the ruin of M.

Nettrement, the editor and proprietor of rowtn ton Pubuque, find many of his associates and Louis Napoleon is determined that hn rule shall not be a blank lin French history. and he wouldn't let it be represented by a hUmk in the newspapers. Restoration, of Titles. The Minister of the In terior, in his official report to Louis Napoleon. addresses him of late as the Prince President The letters K.

F. are somewhat giving way to the initials L. N. A decree is dally looked for by those interested therein, restoring the titles of nobility to those who lost them in 1848. These titles have never beea entirely dropped, in conversation, bnt they are not legal upon paper.

A document signed tha Count of this, or tha Mar quis of that, is aun and void. i i ii Pretest ef French Citizen. There is ta be I meeting of tha French, residents of New York at Lafayette Hall, to put on record a "pro testa tion against tbe nsurpsjioB, of Louis Napoleon, following the example of some of their country men set in St few dayssinc, Qsriem4 Us Ceilint Steamer. The Mlow. mg statement of tha operations of tha Conine line of steajaers has beea made ander oath by tne book keeper of the company Tlie easo wi of IK.

notlta. nnS of steamera' e'i '1' WhOe the present condilloaof tha aa follows, rhti ft tin ii a ill rfnitrlr aw sea was i. es6L)ej 71 7 riM SssMO'igT rvrje. i a hi Tamil ia i i of inter st, lAoajOOO eMelMV al avers coots? each veraes tn naiau ana back fav. 6.tt6 64 Mdeaeysaca far twenty ISJSJSTS aMS64 Tha Sunday Courier nerne tea the td Wing Jj, f.

vrf; fH must everybody approve of Jenny dad's marriage to tne pianist, uoiuscnnuut i Because every body most acknowledge thai she nan into roornt to; waeo ana awnea bubo Snprems Court of the' United Statea. Wkdi snAV. Fti. U. lSTtWohtt letting.

Esq. of New York, wns admitted attorney aad counsellor ef this eewrt Na. 87. Joshua Kennedy's Executors sua A. U.

Beebe et si. In error to tha Sucre ma Court of Alabama. Mr. Chief Justice Tanev deUvered the opinion of this court, affirming the judgment ef the said Sunrem Court in this ransa with cos no. bv.

Aurawiara vs. James roui la. Appesu from the District Court of tha United States for Western Virginia. Mr. Chief Justice Tanev deUvered the opinion of thia court, dismissing this cause for the want of jurisdiction.

Nos. 90 and lOOT Aaron" B. Cooley, plaintiff ia error, vs. Tbe Port Wardens of Philadelphia. The argument of these causes was concluded by nr.

ryson, ror tne ptainua in error. No. 10L The Union Bank of appellant J. S. Stafford.

The argument or thia cause was commenced by Mr. Hale, for the appellant Adjourned nnui to morrr 11 oxioca. i i The Empire in Fraaoe. From Louis Napoleon's introductory programme to the new constitution, we extract tha following significant passages I have said to myself, since France has for tha last fifty years progressed. by virtue of the administrative, military, judicial, religious, and financial organization of the Consulate and of tha Empire, why should she aot also adopt the polioV cal institutions of the epoch Created by tha same mind, it must follow that they bear ia them seivoo tne same character of nationality ana practical utility.

i Indeed, aa have recalled to mind In nrn clamation, our existing society (aad it Is essential to establish the fact) Is nothing else bnt Franca regenerated by the revolution of "89, and organ ized by the Emperor. Nothing more rosaaina of the rnncitn remit than great reminioceaees and great benefits. But all that then organized has been destroyed by the revolution and all which has been organized since the revolution and which is still in existence has beea ss through aapoieon. Alone the First Consul reestablished; unity, hierarchy, and the free principles of govern ment They are still in rigor. For the last fifty years it is tbe Code Napoleon which rules the interests of the citizens among themselves it is still the Concordat which rules the relations between the 8tate and the Church.

It mar. therefore, be affirmed that the frame. work of Our social edifice is the work of the Emperor, aad has survived his fall aad three revolt! tions. dm fit avT4m tli mm me MtiAnlA not the political institutions have an equal 'chance of enduring Mr conviction was long since settled, aad that is why I have submitted to your judgment tha principal bases of a constitution borrowed from that of the Year VIII. Having received your approval, they are about to become tha foundation of our political constitution.

iet us examine in wnai spurt at iramea. In our count, which has beea monarchical for the last eirht hundred rears, a centre of oower has always been on the increase. Royalty de strayed the great vassals revolutions have scat tered tne obstacles wmen stooo up against ine rapid and uniform exercise of authority. In this i. centralizing cvsuiixy puuuo ujiiuiuu jteo oniur ually referred everything, good or to tha chief of the Government Thus to write at tha bead or a cnarter mat tnis enter is irresponsioie, is to belie the pnblie feeling; it is to desire tbe establishment or a fiction which has three times vanished amidst the din of revolution.

Tkb Rrrxa. A despatch of tha 11th inst, from Havre de Grace, Md says lea here remains firm. It extends un broken two miles below, and has not been very sensibly affected by the rain of last night Thirty five loaded cars passed over on the ice railway to day. It is the opinion of careful observers that the ice will remain here for two weeks ret The railroad agents are extremely vigilant and whenever horses cannot cross safely, they think men should stop. They have too much at stake to run any since the routs rimy New Castle is now open aad boats ready ta run as soon as tha crossing hare is unsafe.

Another despatch, dated later aa the same day, a The Railroad Company have commenced thia afternoon to take np the railroad track laid across tbe Susquehanna oa fe ice anticipating aa early breaking up of the. ice bridge. The river, two hundred yards below the sits ot the railroad track, is completely clear of ice. rassengers win, to morrow, do conveyed eta Wilmington, whence boats will ran to New Castle, aad thence over tha Freachtowa route. Tas Lekuimm Murder.

Philadelpliia dospatches of the 11th inst contain tha following: Two men have beea arrested this morning and identified as the two Hungarian refugees against wnom suspicion strongly rests as tne murderers of young Lehman, the pedler. They were living in a house near the South wark Canal, and although they had just paid a month's rent ia ad vance, were in ine act at moving away wnea arrested by tha officers. Some of the Jewelry of young Lehman has been found in the cellar ol the house in South wark occupied bv the two men arrested to day. One of the prisoners has also beea Identified aa pawning a ring the day after the murder, which is aow identified by the lather of tha murdered boy. The third man.

named John Kaaer, is still at large. The two ia custody are Mat bias Sknsp insky and Blaea Skuspinsky. MarhU Status to fTaeJumgUi The City Coun cils of Washington have adopted a resolution appointing a committee to procure a copy, ia marble, of the statue of Washington la the 8tate Houas of Virginia, at Richmond, to be placed in the City Halt There hi bo less than two thousand Insur gent prisoners in Ale single arrandlsssmsnt of Brlgnoles, in France. CITY, 11TTKZ.I.IQ Kit 09. Fibs Dirrnr Cocw BtatimfM.

If Derer wj Breath ap far trial Mors Juda at was or ht ap far trial seta Judee Lores this ne so the charts of knocking down and kicking rliasaaa, a tCs Aloises side ef tharlvw. ssi the moer mrnX. It oppe areS A a the liatlai any for Mm Starr td of Deoember the Man. Mm Mrs riaawaona ontemi a lot ewaeo oy the sreusad. and was sickles mm mat shlnlss, when he an proachrd sad desired ber pat them Sown.

80s complied, hot was Immediately Irnocked down by tba oceosed, whs then kicked her. The lot wea aot asacrd ha. Oae niUaas stated that Mr Deveroa caUsd Usm. F1 ana tat son of a and tbe cempielnea swurs roatuvriy, kmc tea as 1 struck her wtta a stick. sritneae Aw tha Ariewco (Mr.

ktsasev 1 tooHAed thet whoa Mrs. Flsaaaaa laid down the abtns lea she walked of a nrw yoeos ashwdanrirk aad Bong ht at Mr. Ileswroauaad no sarins eveieea toe Hew snotnea wataoa no raawa slapped bis Btcei that be then nuahed ber a tittle, aad aba klliwVik. imA the olA not maaatt her saw a. Mr.

Maaary swsoa sosiurely that Dwreroa did no strike ass with a stick, and did aot bore a. and did no kick her. Another wtta satd metiers. FloxMaa aUryid tha arrmis lmmedmtely after aottiag the shtasias dssna. aad afterwards Buns a Wic at him.

The wiin ssins far the dafcnea saw pimststlua directly contradicted sea soother im rslotl ts sets which they all aaid that they distinctly witnessed. The ury lutssiid a verdict of aot euitty, witbout lesvlns their 1 Tan TaiAL ros MraoKB In tha case ef Henry A Ssmpia, whose triol hefsre the First District Court for tbe murder of Jamae flray ia June War, we ease uiijml of thia aaorning, tbe jury, after being locked ap all ntsht, re ported through their tin isaa thia tooioli that Bm woo aosiaiiSIUty thar they woo Id aerae um sdlct, aad they were dlseharesd by Jadira Laroev It wua ladi lataaft that are wer a for acquittal, and se for verdict sf aaasr ntnfhtar. ti.ff rul wj'rtt Thb CotnrTaaraii'sis. iCapt Fsrao iwade sffi dstthisaaornincacainatLsonardsad Moors Hbltemth, tar eewnterieiting coin a house ta 64. Mary aa aa, La fciyiitta.

uhsas see ssaaratas audi art ia eesas alms ily de scribed by as, were bond, Tha cam will be, rtamlasd la a fcwdaya, Atto rx Juv Tta DaLntorinrf1. A little lad, sosd sham roars, named WsnMrton fwtrhol, wm sent (o the Boom of Xefose by Bocorder Coldwod tbM ssorntngfer commttttng potty lore em en rnsro mwm jm jb airs sffiwins. aba. If aal at empaaas as. deaed ia com asm become a can us society am aBNtHsmiwfa iv Fun a E.

Kil lingo was fiaed ti by Recorder CaMwuUUrlaassrntBe.uwattoasgrnc to derer a watch; by isaioins wUA a cmb am Tiktssflislss ssiaat last Bignt gut TaraB MtnncirALmr Txaosot. la ear sice thia moniHir of tbe srreot of Chariot Porter, for tha order of Mr. Cbillnu's fare aad the robbery of hie honae. the mots umui pnaaniy ae oevs'oara lo ee which weald load to a disnnet unorratmndiBK ot taearaeic I flair. Bventa this mornine have vm ard this stow me at.

eiwsl. Starr's evidence, aad declares that Parker, Ada 10, mHms Aaawa, (wboar srreot we have his (OeLiae's) Brother and MasIf were the eriwiiatla DsLs 'a bm her has Irnem auiaaad by Cspt. Bun of tne Thtrd anict lify no lies davs, bat the foiw eluaed hia vttriiance. aad baa, we understood, left fhr C'hasr We noticed thia morn lag that TW be coU, eluUlaf to tasst St Men from Mr. CbiUion bod be 1 ut Acute SB ketrack SHWot, '1 i ii.

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