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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


M. BOLIBOOK. OFFICE 72 CAMP ITRHTi TERMS OF THX PICAYUNE. Subscriptions received for twelve months for half yearly and quarterly at the iamb rale. AU subscrip- uwa ouijie copiesot cents, vertisements, not exceeding twelve line, inserted forf tion.

Thoae of prater length charged in proportion. I Advertisements, not specified ai to time, will be publish- I el one month, and charged accordingly but do adver- I tri-weekly, or monthly are charged $1 per ii every insertion. aqmu every insertion. A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the Marriage and Obituary notice are charged one dollar per square. 1 TUESDAY UORJStma, APRIL 30, 1844.

fr The letter mail doe yesterday from the pjorth came through, but the newspapers en- tire! CiTVTbe Hon. S. 8. Prentiss, of Missis-. sippi, is now in our city.

That splendid steamer, the Harry of h. tit West, leaves this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for St. Louis. tj- VVe learn with pleasure that the tnana- gers of the American theatre have succeeded in forming an engagement with the French company, and that on Thursday evening next "Anna BotenaT wlil be produced. It is right pleasant to know that our musical season is not to be brpnght to an abrupt conclusion.

By the steamer Diana we have Louisville dates up to the 23d inst. At that time Vieux-Temps was giving concerts to our friends of the Falls City. Aw IiiTxassTijro Mxxtikg. A meeting is ttvbe -Id this evening, st 8 o'clock, at Mr. Clapp'n Church, to adopt measures to procure for this city a statue of the immortal Franklin, to be executed by our countryman.

Powers, io Italy. A preliminary meeting as held ob the 24th inst. to carry out the same laudable design, but it was adjourned till to-night, to greater publicity to be given to the un-. dertaking. It is understood that the meeting will be addressed by Mr.

Wilde, formerly of m' Georgia, but happily at present a citizen of our own State. To hear, bim who so latelv and so honorably has been studying literature and the arts in Italy, were well worth any sac rice of time. Judge Eustis and Judge Lacy, will address the meeting. We wish all success to those who conceived this plan to do honor, to Franklin, and which, if successful, will give employment to the genius of our countryman abroad. It is the latter as-pect of the affair, we confess, which gives to the meeting its chief interest in our eyes.

The fame of the great Franklin requires no monu-menta to perpetuate he is one of the im- mortal few but it would be a pleasing recollection for any to know that he had in the most trifling' degree contributed to encourage in bis difficult but noble career, which will only terminate, we trust, when be has reached a station in the world of art as proud and commanding as Dri Franklin achieved in cience and the advancement of civilization. .137" We have to acknowledge copious files at very laje river papers by the attentive officers 1 of the steamboats Grace Darlinr. El Dorado, Missouri, Concordia and Belle of a a Arxansaa. XjlT There was a perfect rush of people to the hotel at the lake end of the New Canal nn Sunday.

equestrians, and those who went aown tn vebicles, the barges were crowd ed every If this is to continue, the com pany must see that good accommodations mav 1 a always ne loundat tne hotel Another Bone for the BottonPoti to Pick. ama water-melons on Sunday. Fbihch Thiatki. Mr. Groseth takes his benefit at the Orleans Theatre thia He is one of the most efficient vocal is in the company, and at the close of a Ion and oua season, he offers a bill of entertainment that certainly deserves a fine house.

Fleury-Jolly will appear for the first time io the charm- log opera of VAmbaatadrice the fourth act of La Favorite, delightful composition, will succeed this, and the whole will conclude with the performance of the third actofa'new grand opera, La Reint de Cypre, by HaUvy. The yaudville, La Rue de la Lune. will precede the musical performances. Surely this is a bill almost unequalled and we sincerely trust will draw a crowd. Who's oomo North t-Tbe attention of travellers is directed to the advertisement in another column of the steamahin v.w which; will leave this city on the 9th of June next for New York.

She is a eanitat Ko well known in the Gulf, and we have not a oouw will go to her summer quarters crowded every part. 1ST There was an arrival at 8avannah on the Liverpool, with the same d-i-. which we received by the Eleanor on Satur- oay; peing tnree days later than the advices neireS. thfre b7 the Sheridan at New York. Mesmirism Mr.

Webster, it will! be seen by an advertisement in another has se-ured fhe'use of the Charles theatre, and will commence there this evening a course of lectures and experiments oh Animal Bfagnetisro. If eny readers have any misgWings as to the genuineness of this sdealled science, to them we would recommend 'attendance upon Mr. Webster's lectures. Such as are already converts to' it will no where find its tenets more admirably unfolded and illustrated, for Mr. Webster is an ingenious and luminous lecturer.

For particulars we would refer to the adver-' tisement. i B7" A man named Agnew was most dan- awamaIw fJaJlatin street, on Sunday night. Two of the patties who participated in it have been ar- rreBtei ny toe first Mm police. CouBTiarxtT Mo5xi.yiiij1mpjcrCewaB sent before the CrTJinal Court Valnt Recorder Genois, having io his.

possession a counieneit Piece. rurDortin? tn and passing off the same, knowing it to be cuuuierieji. ET The MobUe nerald and Tribune pro- uvum. Wlda tne most delicious of all the tony tribes." We are astonish from our neighbors, who have so frequently enjoyed the rich and savory pom-: pano at Tensacola. Chad are delicious, but pomsno aretnore so.

ennsylvacia papers of all oa ties, tLe public that the Legia-; Jatnre of has passed a bill to provide AT. payment of the State interest. Thx Last Pixa A wagtells afdnnjrstory; albeit slicrhtlv tininut with hvnkrbole. of a case brought before the Recorder. A fel low was charged witb stealing a piece ot clotn from a dry goods store, when tis lawyer put in, as a plea, that his client did not see it.

44 Knt uAif anM Him RnnrrlM "Not see itf He did not see it, sir," responded the law rer. coi "What do jr mean queried the Re- irder. Why, I mean, sir, that the individual c.harf cloth did not see it, sir he could not eee it, sir if an invisible green! A Learned Judfe-They have a Judge Down-East" who alway administers an oath in this wise: You solemnly swear that this ere you've put down here's true, so help 5 There is room for a new school district in his neighborhood. Stop Him Another mad poet has broke loose at the North. Hear how he goes on in the columns of one of the country papers How sad the news from Washington! disaster on board the Princeton A gun was fired we speak with pain, Many were wounded eight were slain.

Wives, children of Upshur, Gilmer, Kennon, Maxcy, Gardiner Your lamentations must be sore, Your husbands and fathers are no more. Was ever anything so dreadfully excruciating as the first stanza in "articular We hope the author will be able to steer clear of -a a asyiums. v. Br John Tyler, has written a long tale, entitled Remorse a Tale of 'the Old Do minion Hungry Poet, Boston Clay Club, No. offer a prize of fifty dollars for the most approved oatriotic son p.

deacrinrive of the life and character of Henrv Clav. adaoted to the tune of" The Brave Old Oak." Premium to be awarded on the 1st of June. Winchester, of New York, is about to publish "The Courtship of George Howard, a tale of New York life, by the great Seatafield. Ob, that he would prefix a Dortrait of Seatsfield's self! that we might ponder on his lineaments divine. Editor Looking The editor of thn Savannah Sun has been appointed a iudee judge of soda water.

BP" Signorina Borehese has made a Dro- digious hit in Philadelphia at a few concerts. BT Cowell Marble have leased both the Baltimoro theatres, and will keen tbem onen until the great Convention is over. BT From the adroitness which Mies Claren don discovers in her apologetic address to her rittsourg admirers and supporters, we are bound to believe that she will make a good manager. Some of her company disappointed her, but she managed to pull wool" over the eyes of the Pittsburg ians without their aid. Br Mrs.

Pierce- Butler, fonnerlv Fannv Kemble, intended, we see it staled, to sail for England in the first packet. Mr. Otis, the second of Mr. Sehott in the late duel, comes out with a long statement to explain why he removed his friend from the ground. As Mr.

Butler was likewise in good hands, and two shots were fired, we should think the affair might be allowed to drop. ld A late Cincinnati pa per brings to us the details of an elopement which must have been interesting in the extreme. The parties to it were a highly respectable young citizen of Am a a AS -rorKopoiis," and the wealthy daughter of a Country gentleman, who was completing her studies in Cincinnati. When "a beautiful, rich, sweet and lovely lady of eighteen" elopes, is sometbing for all to talk about, and for a poor bachelor to read and ponder over with al-moat scalding tears. Itims from St.

Loois. Yesterday we re ceived St. Louis papers of the 24th from wmcn we glean tbe following items: Mormon One hundred and fifty Mormons, from England, arrived on tbe 23d, making aoout tnree nundred tbat bad passed Su Louis a a a wnmn tne last ten days, on their way to Nau voo, the Mormon Paradise. It is said tbat Joe Smith, the Mormon nrn. phet, has turned his wife out of his bouse, for refusing to inform him what was the purport of a Conversation she had held with a eentle- tnan of the same aect.

It is rumored tbat she is now in St. Louis. Sale of City Property-The vacant lots mf a oppoaue ine camedral, on Walnut street, sold by order of court, on the 22d, averaged a price of more than $55 per foot, front. I FbT1 i i nere were Z4 deaths for tbe week ending on the 22d inst. 14 males.

10 female. The case of David McDaniel, tbe yoonger brother, in the Chavis affair, was still pro The Mississipni'above the Des Moinea H. pfds, was said to be higher than it has been AM inese years, and sbll rising. FORXIOM IlfTXrucZHCX. the maila which came through on Sondav we nerreivM that there have been two arrival of nark.

New York one, the St. Havre; the he Cambridge, from Liverpool. The Cambridge no later advices as to the a cugiiaa maraets man we received direct. I be death of the Due d'Angouleme, eldest eon of Charles is announced. It is of little political importance, aa he long since had abdicated in favor of hia nephew, the Due de Bor- The Emperor of Russia to psy Qneen Victoria a visit this summer, and the Queen, in the month of May, will visit tbe King of Prussia at Berlin.

These interchanges of social visits between the principal sovereigns go far to allay the bitterness of national antipathies and to promote the cause of universal peace. The political intelligence is not of jmportance; Nxw Yorx Cotto Ma rkit. The following from the N. Y. Tribune, giving the pr" feedings of the 19th inst.

6 pooThefe lation to cotton are bad a. r1" ihough the decline Sarcev al looked for. On lil bales, at a concesskin of id Ju. iT "T000 the Hiberni. arrived.

tfhY SSkaf htt'F not been nsibly aflVced the "util IZ ale, to-day, abttut 2000 baTes, ir at the asking price of yesterday. 5 Mobile Herald and Tribune cautions editors and boarding-house keepers' agamst one J. Scott, a quack-doctor, who sloped''. froa that citv u- billa. It is thought thuj he made tracks" for una etiy.

1. -i ClRCDIT CODBT. In thA States against John 1. Breerilnv f. ing tbe United States cancelled Treasury Notes from the Customhousei Judge McKinley natitfAVA1 uin aecision yesterday on the excep-uon or preliminary point, touching the sufficient cy of the indictment.

He decided that itahonld be quashed, and for the same errors, mostly, which were found in the previous one. The reasons for this decision vnnU fnmuinV. District Attorney in writing, to-morrow, (to- aay.j it seems to be truly difficult to frame an indictment to cover this case ibis has been the fourth one we believe which has been made out, all of which have been insufficient to proceed to trial Before many months more elapse the limit of time prescribed by law for finding the indictment will have elapsed. The owners of the tteamboat Luda v. TA owner of the tteamboat De Soto In this case, wnicn, as we have already stated, was one of appeal from the U.

S. District Court, Judge mcivintey decided yesterday against the defendants on the question of jurisdiction he decided that the Court below was one of comnetent jurisdiction. The appeal will therefore now be argued on its merits. It is fixed for Wedn. day.

Fast. Enough. Such will be the rapidity of travel between Boston and New York the coming summer, that it is thought a man will be enabled to take his breakfast in one city and supper before candle light in the other. Go it. Opposition.

Two steamer, the R. L. Stevens and Westchester, are now running between New York and Alhanv i The fare by tbe former is 25 cents, by the latter anvthiner thev can ri. On a mmki 5 wto. sion the Westchestercame into New York crowded with passengers she had broughtree.

It is Said that an ODOOaition lin ia nn tn ft I mvmm Bw WWWM SV from New York to BoBton, at a very low rate of fare. 1" The London packet ah in Glrf lflfnr uraa a ashore, on the 19th instant, at the point of the moo, out was doubtless got off with little damage. Exemplary Damage At th in Onondaga county, N. John Gardiner recovered of O. S.

BaBsey, both wealthy farmers, $1500 damages for the seduction and abandonment of his daughter under nreto-rt nf mar riage. The infamy of the defence, which was 7 uw iBBtimony 01 worthless men, to take away the previous character of his victim, doubtless ggravaieo, as it Bhould, the amount of the verdict. (CORRESPONDENCE or THE riCATUNE. St. Loots, April 23d, 1844.

Dear Pie: For the last few dava a nromi. nent topic of conversation here has been the arrival from your city of that large and elegant I. a ma- 0 uii, me missoun, iu 4 days, 7 hours and 50 minutes. Something of a eensation has been the consequence, and bettin? ha a rnmmonrnJ in spirited fashion with regard to what may fol- I il as uw, me new j. 01.

White being named and etrongly backed as the rival of the Missouri. One bets tbat between this and the first of January tbe White will make the trip in four days, "scant;" another enters into a wager that no boat now afloat can beat the Missouri, while other bets variously expressed nnd agreed upon, all based upon a supposed spirit of rivalry between these two boats, have been made and continue to be proposed and accepted. Last evening, just about supper time, some wag, taking advantage of the general interest yielded to the subject, spread a rumor through the town that the White was up in twenty-three hours! and not a few rushed down to tbe ends of Olive and Locust streets to find that they had been hoaxed most consummately. The rage for extraordinary speed, in every other shape or form of action, aa well in travelling, has been truly noted as a strong tuaraciensuc ot tne people of this Union, and so far from diminishing, it seems to grow more and more like a positive mania every day. This morning we have here, in the newspapers, a long flight of some imaginative genius, who brings over Harrison Ainswortb, Monck Mason and a select number of other aerial wanderers, in a balloon, across the Atlantic, in three days and some odd hours! Thev Mm A nvr tn a tempest, that blew tbem sky high and then let meui aown Boiuy at Charleston.

How astonished they must have been at their velocity 1 Would you not imagine it was almost enough to take away their breath 1 It is this prevailing appetite for wonderful speed and every thing else marvellous that e'wen riu tn than. mm aw ns newspaper novels in little, such as Locke, on the Moon, and the present Balloon story. So eager are we to get beyond tbe age, tbat we can't let well alone, but would push success uio oiseasea extravagance, and torture reality to make palpable everv Dhantem nf im.oln.. tion. Depend upon it, when Yankee enterprise kuw westward oeyond tbe sun, they will light up tbe further regions witb gas or newly improved and highly phlogisticated Drummond illuminators A.

few years aro the anirit th day, like an aspirant in ethereal science yet in pantalettes and pin-afore, seemed satisfied with blowing "soap bubbles;" next advance brought us as far as kite flying, nd now nothing less will content us than a splendid dash To pluck bright honor from the pale-faced moon," and master Nature with ballooitery. Nothing exciting has trr here since tbe Jate City Election, party prints sfford us Borne amusement by attaching all sorts of drollery to one of the political leaders, whose fame has long since travelled afar with the de guerre of the Missouri Earthquake." By the way, buried thwnder is the.poetical expression of some of the red tribes for these ap-palling subterranean It i. pleasant relief, now and then, for the eye to turn from the usual stern and bitter tone of political papers, and see party violence manifest itself in a facenous way, even though, be, a. it must, sarcastic. The lighting of the city with gas is once more in serious agitation here, and with, I think, a better prospect of success than heretofore.

Jn every other enterprise St. Louis has Won honor for her h. uum una most ae-irable ched olher work ol remain comparatively in tbe dark. It is vain to boast abroad of boat building, manu-faclures, public works and extensive trade in OU Louis, while it remains to be added that we have not yet accomplished the introduction of -v and S.mi,h bus with their double summer, Ludlow managing here and Itarre Torn Placide and the Ptxarre Mrs. H.

Smiiir- prominent attractions. i Yours ever; M. CVF. East Ilaess. I 'v Fashion course.

The Bayoa Sara Ledger furnishes us with the result of two days' running over the Fh ion Course: 'l: WxrjaEsDAT. Anril 24. lfi44.P1at sV.t- i Mmw aw WMsmv conditions not given one mile B. Dayidaon Ca's br. ZAUU Trick, by hno.

Tranby.dambyFloriiel 4y. John Tnrabull'i br. by Tnunpator, ont of Nell (the sr. dam of Pressure) 4 y. Joseph Walker's ch.

iien JaAnitm, by Birtnlnff- ham 4y. B. Woodward's gr. f. Mwrg Donghm, by Jerry, dam by Stockholder 3 y.

J. A. Har boor's b. g. GUneoe, by imp.

Glenroe 5y. lime, Thprsdat, April 23. Proprietor's Purse, $100 entrance $25, to be added, and receipts at tbe gate. D. Field's ch.

m. Viola, (pedigree not riven.) 1 B. Davidson fe br. Little Trtot, (pedigree a bore,) 9 2 Carter fc McKoeely's Ann Stewart, (pedigree vwtpyen.) 33 John Rist's cbestnnt mare, (pedigree, tc, not given,) 44 Time, In this race the winner was closely pushed, in both heats, by Little Trick, tbe other entries not aspiring to the laurels of a front position, or not having the heela to take it. Awsexatiow or Tixas.

The foUowing extract we make from the letter of the correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger" as much to be relied on," Bays the National Intelligencer, for a knowledge of the views of the Administration as tbe President himself." It is of such importance jhat we publish it to-day, although we hae been anticipated by the papers of yesterday aa, I wrote you some time ago, that in ease the Senate reject the Treaty, the question will come before both houses in the shape of a joint TeKolulion.Tf,ntm imm lerntory of the United States, and possessed of pujjuiaiiua 10 iorm a state, in that ease I ran nttur ih A be earned there being a sufficient number of uBuiuwaiiv Tuiea in dou nouses who will go for Texas as a party meaeure, and a sufficient number of Southern who, joined to Inn fltmiiKnts mill --1. I nrn uio.c iub requisite ma jomy." At a large meeting in New York, on the iin the most energetic measures were adopted for obtaining the subscription of six millions of dollars, to complete the New York and Erie railroad. If accomplished, it will be one ot the grandest works of internal improve ment in existence. Hatti. The editors of the Bee learn bally, by a passenger from Jamaica, several nemsoi interest in regard to Havtien affairs.

It appears that the Government of Hayti is singularly unfortunate. Besides two thousand men killed in an encounter with the Spaniards, three thousand more have gone over to the enemy, leaving the Government troops utterly powerless. This is not all. The blacks seem to cnensh a most vindictive hatred to the mu lattoes, and the latter are persecuted, assassinated and burnt wherever they are found. af umbers of them had fled to Jamaica, and when the Comet left, more than 1200 had al ready reached that Island.

It is positively affirmed that Riviera Herard has resigned bis office as President of the Re public an office which, under present circumstances, seems altogether above bis capacity. John Gordon has been convicted of the murder of Mr. Sprague, of Rhode Island, and uw oroiner wunam acquitted. commendable. The authorities nf IkUlU have thus early commenced operations for cleaning tbeir streets, gutters, lots, yards and outnouses.

with a view tn nnmm tho on. a rating of disease. Will not our Councils look to this matter, and give us clean streets and gutters, at least 7 There ia much filth in some of the streets of this Municipality. CP" John Orniskv died in th Mobile Guardhouse on Friday night last. The verqicioi the Coroner's inquest was "Death oy tne visitation of GojJ." Arkansa River.

lAue Rock niiwni nf th 24th inst. speak of great destruction of crops by the recent freshet in this stream. On that day, however, the river was falling at that 1 WV piace. white river was fifteen feet over its banks the Ouashilaand various other streams nad been much swollen. Abijah W.

Dunn, chareed with the murder of Mrs. Margaret Ann Irving, a widow woman, in Mississippi, has been held to bail by 4Tm cniet Justice Bhsrkey, in the sum of $5000. English Cobjt Laws. We have long been sausned that treat Britain would be compelled to repeal, or materially modify, her corn We note in the correspondence of the N. Y.

journal ot Commerce, the following significant paragrapn Another important acquisition has been made to the League, in the distinguished accesaion Of the Duke of Sutherland. Tk. wealth of this influential nobleman, his vast agricultural possessions, and bis exalted rank the highest next to royally in the land have all united in giving immense power to the move ment of bis Grace in favor of free trade. The league now uas among its advocates the largest owner nf furniin anA n.u. 1 i uiuci lauuo iu me King1 dom, the Duke of Sutherland the most exten BlVe POSSeSKOr Of hoUMa.

thn Marnnim fc-nmstar; and the greatest fund-bolder and mil luuaire, oir. jones Lioyd. Constantine Cachelin. indicted fnr th murder of Wm. T.

Wyser, in the Circuit Court ot ureene eounty, has been tried and ac quitted. A Scorpion. One of these venomous insects was round at Little Rock a few days ago and taken alive. It measures two and a half inrha in length, is of a pale olive color, and has a most formidable etmg. Mad Dog few days ago, a nfad dog was seen at Greenville, S.

which bit two men and several dogs. The latter were killed. Poisoriho. On the 10th seven children, living in Montreal, went into the fields about the mountain, when they found and eat a quantity of the wild parsnip." The consequences were almost immediately fatal. One is supposed to have died in the fields, not hav ing been since heard of, three died the same night, and tbe others were under the doctor's hands, and not expected to recover.

The bodies jf the deceased children became black almost immediately after dath, and covered with large umpa. Joseph Lancaster, indicted at Carroll-ton, for the murder of Clarke, late whig editor at that place, has been tried and acquitted. Clarke, it appears, bad previously' killed a Mr. Rhodes, of the same place. E7" The wife of "Yankee SulUvan," the notorious pogiliat, was lately burned to death by her bed-clothes taking firet Her husband waa not at home.

-t Sficir. Per schooner Caroline, from Mata-moros To Schmidt J. W. Zacbarie $1,000. Total, $22,890.

Per steamer Diana, from Louiaville To L. Corning 6c Co. $5000. Per steamer Ohio. Belle, from Cincinnati To L.

Corning it, Co. $5000. Per steamer from St. Louis--To Duncan, Morrison St. Co.

$500. Per steamer El Dorado, from Cincinnati To J.A.Knox, Total amoudt received, $34,390. Gov. Yell, of Arkansas, has resigned his office of Chief Magistrate, having accepted the nomination aa candidate for Congress. Br" Postmaster General Wickliffe was in Philadelphia on the 20th inst.

Served Them Right. A jury in New York lately awarded a lad $500 damages against the master and first mate of the barque Rollinson, for unjustly flogging-bim. Br" The Canadian capital is to be removed positively, it ia said, to Montreal. Br" The infamous Restell baa again got off clear. Jeremiah Haskell, of the Senate of Maine, died suddenly at Augusta on the 14th iust.

SALE CONTINUED. Tbe sal of Real Estata belonging to the New Orleans and Carrol Hod Rail Road Company, will be continued THIS DAY, at It o'clock, at Banks' Arcade, by Hewlett It Ceuas. a30 ty We are requested to call tbe attention of families to the sale of the Furniture and Fine Wines of Mr. H. Anderson, on Annunciation street.

The whole to be sold without reserve on account of departure. Tbe sale of Furniture commences at 1 1 o'clock tbe Wine sale at 18 o'clock. The Ladies Fair, by ihe fair in Gentlemen Permit me to call th wa uwr eibzens, through your valnable paper, to a Fair to be aa a a orm vo me ist aay or May at the boose of Mr. A. G.

Zellers, 247 Camp street. Beautiful specimens of industry and taste will be exhibited at this Fair. The ar. tides are collected bv the efforts nf th. vnn.

atuched to Mrs Zollerf school, and a larga portion of ujem we wora oi tneir own Tair banda The proceeds of this effort will be distributed amongst tbe poor ol our city, throogh those whose doty it is to perform this truce. Tiu an undertaking so laudable pass nono-ticedf Surely noCw MERIT. nw.I.A?L0??f An eminent writer oberyes that if a man in Europe were tn go to bed with the conviction that China would be swallowed affected than liw ih. UMI OWn lllUe fineer was to be amputated tbe followinfr moraine. It 1 ttranr.

with .11 iki. ...1 .1 i t.b. mn. i "UNuirw, mat men soouia take so hule pains to cuard srsinu disease, and to arrest its progress. A specific ior that terrible scouree of tbe human family.

ScaoruL. has lately b-en discoyemi. and yet the statistics of our hospitals and other charitable institution, as well as the reneral bills of mortality, show that thia disease annually de. stroys whole heucombs ol victims. In SaooVs Sarca-P' Pdy remedy Is provided for Scrofula and all otber disorders originating in un.

IT Btby JfcfetHMW a diseased condition ol the viul fluid. Tbe numerous teslimonmli of the extraordinary cures it ha wrnurbt, and tbe increasing demand for Ibis valaable preparation abundantly attest its value. tor further particulars and concluMve evidence of its Yae "nd efficacy, see pamphlets, which may be had of the agents eratis. m-TIT T1 id by A. 8.

8 AMDS II Co, Dmreist. New Orleans by SICKLEi; rhL ell f1 A- OLIVER Co, 64 Chartres street a ad by druggists and merrha'rt throuirhout the United Stales. fy Price, SI per bottle Six bottles for -Caotiow. Be particular to ask for Sandss Sarsaps nlla. and take bo otber.

tCTTbe most ditreinjr cnmlaint to which any are jubject is the Sick Headache, which is readilyTuJJd I JI" fld 3 streeu where is auo Allen's Baham for Consumption-ives tbe best pn" of Dy we have ever sold for that Te Oil of Tania, for leather, which renews it like Uanin? it anew, and keeps out ibe water. Thi-re for CArriage lops and bar-ne. Sold at 32 Magazine street. The most astonishing: fleets are produced by tbe MagKal Pain Estractor. sold at 32 Masraiinesowt.

hi all case of burns, wakls, saltrbeum, and all sores of the skin. It has never failed to cur. Tlie Chinese Hair Eradicator, sold at 32 Mapaiine street, whicniemov superfluous hair hi two minuis and treckles in one. Javme's Haib Tonic-For the erowtb. preservation and restoration of the hair.

The pmprirtorhay devoted many year of study to the treatment of th? hnir? has at length succeeded in composing a pre para-Oowhich has proved eminently scejf ul in Very in rronh and strengthening the roou of the hair, and in several cases. whereTwUlness has -xist-d for years, tt baT pro- WIS? of bair. testified eeri respectable individuals, whose certificates accompany preparation. a ir 'Ton ic particularly recom-mended it gives a luxuriant Iwiliiancy to tbe halrTand preserves tbe curls from the encudain7e! fiS.T"! TJJ imP'e their whiskers, will find this a most desired assisUnt, riving thatu a thick. pto.y, fi euriine Prepared and I wld by Dr.

D. Jayoe, PhiUielphia. aq SICKLE CO. Druggists, CDI Agents. Also-laynes Carniinitive and Sanative Pills.

r.nfI?fl,..Ti'"c medicines war ranted to destroy wo mi in children are very wu calculated to destroy children too. This nVj 5e ca ngle ingredient which can harm the most delicate in-" fiwt, amfyet tt expels Worms from tbe sy item with -MlbF' PerfecdyastoauSnNoTta PTty It a fine Stomachic! iWit? irntif1ng results. Obstinate bf yielded totu influence; and iu tonic qualities render it an exceUent medicine In the convafescent Uge of all diseases. It is excdinsSy pleasant to tbe taste. For sa le by "ceeomgiy m28 lm SICKLES CO, Drnggisu, 40 Canal st fECToaAWT For Coughs, Colds, Con- kLlo preparation Jias been long and favorably known, as one of the best

duvTd, for the rebel and cure of the IlU iustly recommended by numerous and respectable individiala, who have found relief from its ue. For sale by 11128 ln SICKLES It CO, Agents. 40 Canal st. EF'New Orleans Fireman's Chari- table Association. A called meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association, will be beld on TUE3- Br" thr ttbe Hn LonUiana Hose Company, at half-past 7 o'clock, P.

-Punctual attenJai.ce is requested, as reports from several important Committees will be presented. By order, fa25 THOMAS LA AN, Secretary. ANIMAL MAGNETISM i-St Ckarlu TktatrZ JVK. WEBSTER will commence thl (TUESDAY) night, April -JL. -at- mtirUIAr t7 In iK iTT.ii Jr uiwh-u Clairvoyant aX the suhiect for expert- dience.

nnnura oy tue au Doom nnn at 9 nolw.b I "uti" commence ai a. Tickets 50 cents to th Parquette and first and second vimy win utj ciogrq mJU 11 CONflKRT THE NKW nDiriua aiovn utrnn SOCIETY Will nrrfnrm on II It Rni Kvr.NiNn o.i u. .1 VI buurca, nayan's unind urmtorio of THE CREATION. lder- Mr. Wm.

Furst. r. s. Mftller. The Concert will commence at ball past 7 o'clock.

"uu av yier st Jcm. Camp street, and at the principal bookstores and notel. a2s GRAND CONCERT, At the St. Louis Hotel Ba'i Room, C1GNORA ESTER COfYSINI, Pri- of Havana, and Signor CALVET, first baVitoneofme au wuira Ua4Bl UJsET Will 91 Wa previous to tlieirdepanure for Earope. iLGRAN, FAREWELL CONCERT On WEDNESDAY r.vii-Mifun St LouU Bai R7.

the assisted by several distinguished ariiata. JvT v.rt volunteered. Leader of tbe The niMH arhlli'srSII Vu r' from the most dnVuif made known in the bills of tbe day. la ciTv iJZ so much ndnm 7 Where uiuiv lavur TCkvll ftl-aA Kiw) al ika nTA Al of St Pete'r andTcbarVATT Royal street, opposite 8t Anthony's Square, and at Mr Lanfranco's, next to the Louis Hotel. 27 2t CORN-1000 sacks White Corn for sale bv aStt Rnvn oi t- FLOUR 1000 bbls.

Superfine Flour for sale br v. -j aSA nvmrrt. ou i v. 2m rovaras arm REEF. 400 bbls.

Mess and Prim Beef for sale by a3 BOYD, 38) Foydra -1 1 On Monday e'venwe. Anni mmption. Mrs. Ann "tM. Motile, of this city, of Dorchester, ftiaj NotA.

of this citv. and MlTZZl klr. fcvcj wuiiatn The frhd and accaalotanee. w. awet.

between PrZ. ha streets To-morrow. 1 itbout furtker notice. Anctlon Salss-Tal8 X5ay i Bl IV O'clock A roods, clothmg, boots, shoes, brl? nats; also, at 12 Mfe provisions, tobacco. Ate.

enes tad Benj. Kendig Co. sell, at the comer err mon and St. Charles streVut 10 o'clock, new and sM curled-hair 1la "nuiar- Beu-d Richardson at the air. Henry Anderson, Annunciation at 11 o'cock, splendid also, at half-past 12 o'clock, iaTp1 the enure stock of choice wines.

8ee advertisements. TARRANTS CORDIAL' ELIXm OF.TURKEY RITTT AR PPr- A1 or.TURKEY RHuBARBForthecarejrf 1 CufkMaW Gout. liatuUncy, Thia preparation is madetnirBiS beu Turkey Rhubarb, alT properties, combined with such wmZ found materially to assist in iuormtnn, and oL by rendered an exceedingly useful Jrj; of affections where a cordu 'wiert meaicine. Uliul. (Uie Turkey) hu fc-.

considerable period held a bisb place is tbe medi world, and has thas tar proved itself emiHeuUy aeJZ ing of its great repoution. through erues universally conceded to be peealiar to it irtS procured in iu pure state. In cases of Dyspepsia or Indiirestion, it kao bvaina. ble remedy and as a preventive of ihe varioai Ida. eases arising from tbat very coopjo, bolds a high place in tbe, esumrfiioo of the meaS profesnoa.

In carfs where griping pains affect the stomach' and bowels, this preparatioo is strongly recommend? wbilst it will found a good carminative in reliS Flatulency. To persons afflicted with GooL UadZ has eiyoyed high praise from those who have alrwLi. xpenenced iugpod quaJkies.) ft ia cofidentlySJ ed. as it can at all Umes be taJkea wbea a coo gau ve would otherwise be attended with Sure? Tbta preparation cannot be too strongly recomA." el to the nwuiy thousand, now sufferiug trwnw s.a or liyl.gesuoo, aqd iu cooseqnrncel HeaHacha? DUurbcea; ConstipaiiG FUtulency, GraveL keTaTfce'-uS both asto ItihiSS nature and highly eumtjve qualitie. or'e ho legale and reuil by the Arr.tx.

r23 2m SICKLE a CO, Drngsu: "cSSi CLAM CHOWDER' and Bt the Crescent- This Day CH WALTZl WESTERN PYPH Kr' 'corner of Tcboupitonlas and Nstchel 3 a lov wai k- LA5tig? cgs Lard; a30 BOYD, 28J Poydm at WU ISKEY. 100 bbls. CinciDni Rectified. For sal- by J. C.

BOYD, 28 Poydra. street. PORK 300 bbls. Mess and superior qualities. For sale by mi.

du lm. zk, rmrnrmm RA CON 50 casks Bacon a30 -T oaans, ana Blioahle For sa le hy J. C. BOYD.l Pnvdra. TO RENT.

Oil Terpsichorl iT "aia-saAvjv, WC HUtea KW iMTtX mall families. Anoly to GEO voii Circle and Triton Walk. REWARD wlU be giren to any 1 jtreet, a DEEK, which ran away oa SUNDAY la hind legs, made by tbe bit of a oir T.AW undersienei TT located permawntly Nw hi ProfwAton KNEY eCi renee riven ii rtqued. Ofl5ca opposite tbe City Conn. SAM -L STONE nau on tne ILJLsecond flnnr a a "i m.wv J.l SjmJIAflifia ivii i urioi, cor- ntiiai5m -ii- airte aSO-lw uni Aprxv IO )AKIN.

No.48 Canal st a awama hats, ri F8 WC re, haa now 1 nni-lkAVI tin A aM-4a a a savxaaaaa a. 1 'reU'lBt moderate prices. nru foeiStSSr drable utnmer "ata, shot. GVS- Lady aa sl wucrr we cooancied some Ol tne first mnn nn.l 1.1 wum wu mm engagement with a family about to leave for the Coast. nliP im na eta aa ished ttZK'X" bl7 fin- -iiipicu- anowieage ot TStr'.

Dd ll rone and let- IwL.m lncfrom fnUiesof dirioo. Ad- iTJiJi PTl OtficerXfayette, where her address rnv tP ietvt REWARD. T.efr thai roai. ii de nee of aMa between of the anlian-ilr- rw i u.j wir uuvn. child MARY.aged between 4 and 5 years.

speak. ine Enehsh. and whm iHi nJ. lTi Stanna II Ffast nn mrkM the left eye a litUr- aore. The above reward ill be mn.

brr- -WWB' 9 Kinrm ni ii niniiw. i-n iim i PHILADELPHIA PIRP. vs mwmw-st aAJTS aajaVllBl x.r by John Agnew, PhUadelpbm, Diete nlarinor arAmr Tl l.k -i i 1. -i vwiinTTa, 19 inca simse in uiruw nuou water, and will throw wauw 160 to 170 feet Is oa aprinys. inrown on or off io a lew seconds.

For sale cheap. Apply to StW JOHN 1IOEY. 9 Camp st. $10 REWARD will be paid for the delivery of the negro man JOHN, whp aliaeonded from my reaidence about tbe 23ih of February. The said negro ki about make him walk lame.

He is rA iLi Ji l' T7 ret employment as nch. Masters of ue ia w. ivnUhK8.aiHrWLr? HEUMATISM AND GOUT f-v Iwfin VegeUble Pills are a roost extraordinary medicine for the cureof RbeumatHni ebd l.niif II A I I i7 I iiwooiTtioiDs? me stonuicB ana tvweis or those morbid humors which, if taken into tbe cireuratwn and thrown upon tbe membrane and moscte. are the cause ef the above painful tsaaadies, not Ibey excite ihe absorbent vessels to take up tbat which Is already deposited, and therefore are lDtf ly crrtain to make a perfect care of Rbeumatian and t.OTlt A in 9V iMif tin. 1 Vegataole PIU wiU often give the re- iu uirecuoBS wm oe certain tod rive pain of every demtription from tbe body.

(urecuoBs tfe.M.fWP? abroad, he par- ble Pxlii. mMKjmr rrnghCt India VtsOm- at the rTSSlS BRONSEMA. "-BIDIHTT, 7Z L.K L.amp tt. a30 Biiu. enf ih- "wincioi uouauana rre- tbe oetiiinA S-Ti? -5-Upoo reading aBmmi t.

seu tne property Uco.h11!? eonsung'ofnoies and 8utes DUtrfct Court. ainnn ior ue price and Sura ot fl a'hrJ" rf forth, It ordered, of Ued petition be had on Thcdat! -f com aaau lted. a28 zttoiad JEWVTvna -OF X. M. NA- tvzi ioji states District Court.

April 28, 1844. Upon motion of Rrai.aV. and in rMfn it. i. rf DCIfJAanji, hereby 7in, on TH CRs AY, tbTsdTdy of Mar next, the almv -mUiLt 1y Ot d.ri,ntio debts according to law tn VwJ.

1 proTca uteir Tarred a. mSooS By order of Court vterred as aiiove mentioned. a ZllOd Bi2 superior caa- HAT 5T. lnJl orV and for sate bv az vius EN FIELD, if: 80, Poydraaat Ji30 i 4. aau.

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