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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

--C ruDuiautu EVERYDAY (monuats wcifted) DY LUMSDSryj, KENDALL CO. 1 r. street ft.7T. Merchant, 5'J -r avjw vine SDK. may 6 tf GEO.

New RICE. Alliirm m- a j-r ivw r.i wnr uor annate ftew Orleans, LaOffice Wo. 21 Rov.d uree. near Canal street. mar 3d ltd Wtf J.

Dtif, No. 22 Bourbon frear of ee an4 Customhouse streets, (roar of the Episcopal Church.) New Oris. fy27 6m P.fliL0 Skip Md Steamboat Jgcnt and 7f. 4 i'oydrai street, comer of fchoHpitoiilM gtrect. New Orleans ,,12 ONU SMITH Cper, Tin and Sheet-Iron (W7 No' 819 Tchoupitoulaa street, New "flean- feb 28 JOHN SCOTT.

"tr, attorneys at Law, Houston lexas. io, C2HEN. SurgtOH Dtutist.Cnpper, Bleeder, 5' CrodcIct street, vuiuiuon sir cots. u3lf 1. WHIPPLE.

Wholesale Dtalrr fat ilrur.irif nine a ttil I i Caudles. Poydras trect. New Orleau. n24 Cm 1)R. SXOWUEN-S Office and residence ia at the tfcr 'r, Lft3reu Square, on SuCharlrs three doora aloTe Poydraa 8treet.

ulstf ni'nfwNEDlCAL CARD. .1. offer" hi8 Profeaaional services to r.CU1?8 rten. Office at the cor-unr Carondclet and Union atrceta. may I 3m PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE PAINTING THOMAS J.

JACKSON. BY TR. J. haviny returned to the city, nnd removed lit to room. 8, St.

Charles, near Caaal street, is uow prepared to wt upon all who may be pleased to oil. iJ A fiuo Madonna w-jv hi. aeeu at his rooms. u2 tf SOUTHERN BANK NO.TE ENGRAVING CO. AXK NOTES, Boada.

Slock CertiScutes, Cer-X nficaies af of Exclwuce, and all other impettant papers engraved and printed With care and pmptitude. CLARK CO. O.ilce cornor SuChailes and Common street, oppi'Mte the Verandiih and Exchange Hotels. n23 YjCER Si. JACKS, No.

3J Camp street. DEALERS fa Wahcs, Jewelery. Silver VVare and Fany Uooda. Diamonds re-set Jeatelcry mauufuctured to order: Canes mounted at shotf notice. XT Watches, Ciocf a and Music Bo.

yt jfh lepaired and warrsbteoff 17 if FELIX S. S. PRENTISS, Attorney) nod Counsellor nt Law. MR. HUSTON.

jafaovrd to New Orleans. Mr. PRENTISS Ll rcmaiu for present at 4 addition to ttie Courts tu New Orleans and thore heretofore atffeuded bv Mr. Prontins, they wilt leeeiye business in Ciysordia, Madison and Carroll psmhes, and in the Spreine Court at Alexaudria. tf J.

S. JENKINS, lroftt Euiu(rr, HAVING returned thecitv, after an absence of several months, epectfully tenders hw services to Lis old frieufli and patrons and the public pn-erally, at his old sUud, Sn. 93 Commoniitreet, and directly oppnoite to the Verandih, where he will at all be pleased to eee bis friends. All likeuesses warranted if not perfect, no pay. J.

S. JENKINS. ASHINGTOnjaCKSON ic Commission and VtrdtcotfiHg Merchants, No. 90 Common street. New Orleans.

JACKSON. TODD fc CO, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Philadelphia. TODD, JACKSON Commission and For-warding Merchants, Liverpool. XT Liberal advances will be made on Cotton or other produce which may be sent to us for sale, or to be forwarded to either our Philadelphia or Liverpoo house. WASHINGTON JACKSON CO.

sl9 lyd Cteorge TV. Mraith, URHEON DENTIST, (from Phm-adclfhu.) Comer ef Oarodrlc and Hf via treU. ncreitCNces ik mew Orleans. Rev. Dr.

Wheaton, Rev. J. Twichell, Dr. Luzenbcrg, Dr. Ritchie, Jacob Willcox, Eq.

Henry Locke tt, Esq. T.Allen Clark Co. nlO tf Dr. Picton, Dr. E.

J. Coxe, Cuthbert Bullitt. Esq. John P. Nitbct, Esq.

Coxe Macpherson. TUOS. H. SHIELDS, ENGRAVER ON WOOD. ALL orders in the above line of business executed with neatness and despatch, by T.

CIMELDS, No. 5 Camp aired. july 14 tf H. W. CHANDLER, CUSTOMHOUSE BROKER, Corner of Front Ijcvcc and Customhouse (Over Tirrell Colhoon's Shoe Store.) ALL kinds of Customhouse Blanks for sale Customhouse Business arranged for Strangers and Masters of Vessels Baggtgr.

and Merchandize Entries furnished Export and Import Manifests made out; all requisite information imparted on form of transacting Customhouse business. fylu I HAVE again commenced the practice of ray profession, and will gratefully aerve my friends and tha public upon terms that shall be nutisfactory. very gentleman win un i ti uiucu iu nis interest iu nave plana and specifications of the intended buildings, made by a disinterested person, before any attempt is made to procure proposals for the execution of the works because, when contractors or builders are required, as they very oAeu are, to estimate and make their calculations from verbal explanations and rude sketches, many difficulties au-t tniuodcrtaiid-ings arise, involving hundreds of dollars in the dif ferences, and much that is troublesome and disagree able to nil narties. A few dollars paid in'tbe com mencement to some architect, who understands his business, will save hundreds in tne end. JAS.

H. DA KIN, Architect, wa iQ f.nal tvAt. between Chartrea street -o anl3 tf -H- nd Exchange Place WEEKLY PICAYUNE." COMPLETE file of -this paper can be had for the years 1839, MO ani '41, ready for binding. Ap- ply at this office. fel davvtr TOR.

SALE. LOW for cah, at the Picayune Book bindery, No 71 Camp street, RECEIPT-BOOKS, and BLANK; BOOKS of all description. BANK-BOOKS, TOBACCO-BOOKS, COTTON UnnKS. rrintpd. ruled and bound to any pattern.

(CT Orders from planters and merchauU ttended to prompUy, and on reasonaDi terms. febl PLANTS AND aubseribers beg leave to in 'form the ladies and gentlemen visit this city, and the public general Iv. that ne na a targe collection oi auuerb Rocea, of 100 varieties 200 mf Ka finest IVniihlat 11 ski --jflias a great number of Camellias, ueraainms, sou u)or greea-Buaw IrC'nliQU. wbich ho. is to ell on lower term than any other person in the city f.

auDurn. tvii. metrt, n. iuun fy23 corner of Tchoapitoala. B.vt: -y.

NEW SCHOOLS, En CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Jp BULLARD'S English Classical School, will Pn-Se year. A Professor ol icguianjr employ ea. ap27 lm SELECT SCHOOL LADIES AND I. K.

FOR 133 Julia ttrrrt THE ubscriber takes leave to inform bis. friends aad the public generally, that during the summer he will take but a limited number of pupils, who will be taught all the branches, necessary for a busiues or professional life. He has hitherto given, entire sat isfaction for the speedy improvement of bis pupils. His terms are such as to correspond with for The ladies taught in a separate apartment. He also keeps an Evening Class for such as cannot attend by day.

XT Being an Irishman himself, he solicits the patronage of his countrymen aud as an adopted citizen of this country, he relios on the impartiality of Americans to extend to him such portion of their favor as he will be found to deserve. mar 30 3m F. COYLE. Th Schoolmaster's Abroad." Military, Scientific Classical School, AT AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA. TTo be opened on tke fa day of March, 1842.

HI. undersigned, a graduate of tho United States ITnit West Point. te United fetatcs Army, and more recently an assistant superintendent engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad of the State of Georgia, proposes to establish at Aiken, fcouth Carolina, a SCHOOL of the above description, to be conducted on the inoet approved syste of instruction. He will have, as soon as the number of scholars will justify, Assistaut ieachcrs of experience, and of the most thorough inlormation in their several departments aud aided by a sclcc philosophical and chemical apparatus, he has no doubt but the parents who may flvor this Institution ith thair potrona-e, will find tho improvement of their sons und young friends under his instruction, equal to what it would be in most other inttitutioas of the kind in the country, either north or south. He can only say, that with tho view to making a profession of the proposed pursuits, he will spare no pains, nor bo wanting in all honorable euorts to merit whatever patrouuge he may bo favored with.

In this Institution wiJl be taught the Latin, Greek, trench, Spanish, German and Italian lanjruuees! ing, Reading, Writing.EnglUhGrammar.CW position, Elocution, Geography with the use of the Globes, Ancient and Modem History, Arithmetic, Book Keepiug by double and single entry. Abrebra Plain. Solid. Analytical and Descriptive Geometry Application of Algsbra to Geometry and to the Doctrine of Curves Mensuration Method of Calculating and Logarithms; Plain and Spherical 1 rigonometry Spherical Projections; Draw in-; Iheory and Practice of Surveying, Levelline, a connected wuh the duties of a Civil Engineer avigation, Conic Sections, Mechauics, Hydrostatics Pneumatics, Optic, Electricity, Galvauism, Magnetism, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, and Physiology A.tronomy, including the caiculatious of Solar and Luuar Eclipses Occulations, Transiu, Sic. i the Method of Fluxions Differential and Integral Calculus, and their application to Physico-mathematical Sciences; Menial and Moral Philosophy aud Rhetoric the Elements of Political Economy, with a short course of Instruction on thaElmeut of international Law, and the Constitution and form of our Government Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Tactics; Field Fortification aud the Principles of Attack and Defence, the Laying off Camp.

Slc; the Theory of Gunnery, with modo of formation, Pyro-techny, ice Full courses of lectures will le given to the student on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy aud Astronomy, iu which the principles of these sciences will be illustrated by a pood philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. The students will have the use of a good and select library of historical, biographical, philosophical and poetical works, Ac. Iu teaching very subject, particular care will- be taken that the s'udenU shall uuderstand the principles of the sciences they are studying they are then able to apply these principles to any particular cases. Instruction will also be given on the subject of nSuLuiiuri ncmiMry, or tne application of cueni istry to agricultural science. Terms of tuition will be fifty dollars a session of nve montns, or ten dollars per month for each and every month of the first session.

Board, sixteen dollars a mouth, navable in ad. vance, quarterly. Washing, fifty cents per dozen. Fuel and licbts for the winter, two dollars per ses sion. Books, pens, ink.

tiencils and miner at th store prices When it is wished that clothes, shoes or money shall be furnished a student, funds for thi., must be placed in the bands of the Principal. Students admitted from 13 to 21 years of age, and each should be supplied with towels an. I basin, aud his clothes conspicuously marked with hit name in full also, a siugle maitraas and such bedclothes as may be needed. t-nnted Rules of Order" will be furnished for the information of parents and others roneerneH the observance of the order of an Institution being so indispensable to tho harmony and best welfare of all counected with it, it is particularly desired that no siuucnt may enter tne Institution who is not entirelv disposed to comply carenlly with its regulations, as none wouia ceriainijpoe allowed to remain who did not comorni to ibeM generally.

An uniform will be adopted as soon as the number or scholars will authorize it, and will be furnished at the tailor's prices. With the hope that the Southern public will see the importance and utility of such an Institution in the South, the undersigned (who is himself entirely Southern in birth and education, bavin; been born and raised on a plantation) expects to receive a libe ral patronage, ALFRED HERBERT. references: Maj. Gen. Winficld Scott, U.

S. A 44 Thomas J. Jcsup.Q. M. Genl U.S.

A eng. uen. i owsou, ray Blaster Uen'l do 44 44 Gibson, Commissary Gen'l do; CoL Totten, Chief Engineer do; CoL Abort, Topographical Engineer do; Adjutant General do; I). 11. Manan, Professor Engineering U.S.M.

W. II. liartlelt, rot. IV at and Exp. Phil, do E.

S. Courteney, late Prof. do- do; Charles Da vies, late Prof. Mathematics do Prof. Bailey, Prof, of Chemistry do; Captj Casey, U.

S.A, late Acting Prof. do; Francis II. Smith, Sup. Vac Med. Institute Ben.

Hugcr, Captaiu of Ordnance, U. A Capt. J. R. Irwin, Ass't Ox.

Master do Alex. D. Kacbe.LLD, President Girard College; ucn. VUES, IUi i.HJ njuu. uuuii) VBIVUUS Gen.

Cantcy, Adj't General do CeLJlarnard Bee, Texas Hon. J. P. King, Aurusta, Ga. Hon.

J. M. Berrien, V. S. Senate; Hou.

John C. Calhoun, do Hon. Win. C. Preston, do Hon.

Col. Sumpter, M. South Carolina Hon. Wm. Cost Johnson, M.

Maryland Ex-Governor Samuel Sprigg, do; Hen. Theo. Bland, Chancellor do; Hon. John P. Kennedy, M.

C. do; Hon. Rich'd W. Habersham, M.C. Georgia Hon.

Thomas B. King, M.C. do; Hon. A. Meriwether, M.C do Hon.

John W. W'ildc, Augusta, do; CoL Win. Cummins Aneusta. do; His Excellency Gov. Richardson, South Carolina: ou wade Hampton, ao CoL Goodwin, Columbia, do; Gen.

Hammond, do Hon. Judge Hnpcr, Charleston, do; Hi Excellency Gov. McDonald, Georgia Hon. A. J.

Miller, Augusta, do Thomas Gadson, President Columbia Railroad neveray Johnson, Baltimore, Md John V. McMahon. En march 19 tf The subscribers, nronrietnr. the Tat. tcrsalls Stables, No.

68 St. Charles street. 30 pairs fine, well broke Coach Horses 170 fine gig, buggy, saddle and plantation ITnpae. which they will sell low for cash or rood Those in want will please call and examine for themselves. From this date their prices for Hone and Buggy for the afternoon will be Thev will keen a Dortion of their hacks and caba in front ott their atables, to accommodate persona wishing to go- to any part of the City, Lake, Battle uroaed, or Carroll ton.


O'RILEY, menber of the Royal College of bureeous. Ldinbiirv. rrnWnnt. i College of Philadelphia, and physician for many years to the Lock Hospital of Glasgow, established lac turc oi unmentionable diseases, continue to be consulted confidentially. "Dr.

O'R. would respectfully aunounce to the rinl.lie that chemical and botanical annlysis, and from the re- pac.uva oi mouern patliologuts and physiologists, no is in possession of therapeutic ageuts by which tliose secret and delicate diseases can be thoroughly eradicated, without a particle of that destructive mineral, mercury. Those who might feel delicate to let their case be kuown, and would rather cure themselves privately, may obtain at his office Miner-va Box, being a packaje of medicine with full directions, warranted to cure, otherwise their money win be refunded. Patients in any part of tke Union can be treated successfully, by describing minutely their symptoms, per letter, post paid, aud enclosing remittance for advice and medicine, which will be forwarded, with full directions. The most honorable secrecy observed, nov 9 lv ItlEDirtr.

ATsBvar Ts'tp THOSE who are suffering from a certain class of disease, are reaueeieil iak.ii n. 1 i sun, no. 1SJ Canal street. Those more particularly are invited to come who have suffered from in.nm,... treatment and the abuse of morenry.

Recent cases slays; and those or longer standinr. in which the constitution has become affected, effectually treated within a reasonable period. Such as are obliged to leave the city within a day or two may nave an tne medicines required put up carefully, with sufficient directions: for. hvix through knowlecgo of secret complaints," and hia luugm oi experience, ur. Watson can foresee every tage they run into, so as to adapt hia medicine to all the symptoms as they arise.

Doctor Watson' method is to destroy the poison or the disease at the outset after which the cure proceeds by regular stages, in so much that the patient every day perceives himself to be improvod There is not the least iuterruntion riven i.v ihi. method to diot or exercise the medicines are not nauseous; there is no mercury used; and the patient is enabled lo conceal bis complaint from everv one. Doctor Watson, bavins' iutit tk. 'J uivn celebrated colleges of Europe, has had many years experience and practice in the United States, in which there are twouxands who can testify to his skill and knowledge. He has acquired this knowledge by devoting himself exclusively to this class or disease, which otherwise it is impossible for anv one to attain.

3 Office I2i Canal street, between Bourbon and nau. pnin streets. Open from 8 o'clock in the mornins; until 9 at nlehu mar26-dl8 1v a MEDICAL rkOCTOR WATSON, member of the Royal Col- iwli Sur'f1. London, graduate of the Medical Collere. New York.

fnrmlri the licneral Hospital. Liverpool. mnA successful practitioner in several part of the United his efflce consulted, confidentially, at NO. 122 CAN 41. STn rri where he caarantees a nerfpei rn .11 plainu commonly called secret diseases.

Doctor Watsou, who has received a cation, treaU all hU can. sucrerafully WITHOUT MERCURY, and without restricting the patieut in diet or exercise. Those who have aiifToMl ment.or who labor utider 44 Vttf from are more parUcuiarly requeted to calL Recent mgwgi long stand i ar removed completely from tbe body, by a method of -j new, iaieiy introduced into this country from Franco. Mercury, and all the diseases it occasions, sore throat, pains in the bones, eruptions, ulcers, etc effectually removed from the system. Those at a distance, who nldmi iwi li enclose a fee, on describing their advice and medicine sent lo tbem sufficient for their cure.

Office 122 Canal street, between Bourbon and Dau phin streets fy22 ly PATENT VERTICAL GRAIN MILLS. W'E take the liberty of calling public attention to the newly invente-1 Patent Vertical GRAIN MILL, for grinding Corn, Wheat, Rye, Barley, and an inuer Kinas oi urain. This Mill is constructed upon an entirely new Principle, aud combines, in an eminent desroe. sim plicity, cheapness, and durability. In our opinion, and in the opinion of tWe who have examined this Mill, it is the most important invention of tho kind which has ever been made.

Tbe certificate annexed to this advertisement will shew tbe attention which this Mill has excited in this city, where it has been in operation a short time. The Patent Vertical Mills will grind two bushels and a half of corn, or three aud a half of wheat, for every single horse power applied, per hour. The mill now in operation here, (which is propelled by steam, grinds thirty bushels of corn per hour. The Mills can be furnished at a less price than any other now in use and besides, occupy a much smaller space. They can be worked by steam, horse or negro power, at the option of the proprietor, and are, in every respect, worthy of the public attention.

4 J.K. MILLER, P. H. TWOGOOD. New Orleans, March 21, 1842.

We, the undersigned, have witnessed the opera tion of the a. atent Vertical Grist Mill, now under tbe direction or Messrs. J.R. Miller and D. H.

Twogood, of this city, do not hesitate to say, that in our opinion, it is an invention every way worthy of their attention and patronage. We have witnessed the operation of one propelled by steam in this city, the dWmcttr of the stone beinr oulv twentr-ene inches. and to our astonishment it ground at the rate of thir ty bushels per hour, making fine meaL Hon. Wm. Freret, Dr.

J. S. McFarlane. lion. J.

rtaldwin, B. Whitney, Esq. John Geddes, Esq. V. Sheldon.

Esq. Dr. D. J. Rogers, S.

W. McKneely, of East Feliciana, Jas.Puech, Esq. Thomas Conner, Ky. A. P.

Simpson. Paine Sc Clark, Natchitoches, T. E. King, Tuscaloosa," J. Evans; Gamaboro, Ala.

R. Cnrell, Esq. A. D. Crewman, L.

S. Heorhton. Aikin it Gwin, Vicksburg, B.aiuier, well, Esq. M. Eastman, Esq.

D. Dana. Evariste Blanc, H.Blakesly, E. D. Crocsmaa, Boston, J.D.Kaettle, J.

G. Rowe, Ala. J. Hope, agent or tne w. Capt.

H. Latham, P. Foundry, Planters W. IL Lyon, Demopolia, si frest, ajooue, aw. N.

B. Whitfield, Marin go R. Taylor, Sumpter coua-MHiiitv. Ala. tr.

Ala. 1 D. Richardson, Meant W. J. Stratton, St.

Lonia, Hebron, Ala. 01 una, mobile, Hon a Iloppa, Mayor Harrison Wwr, Mobile; Smith Co Mobile. ATI orders for the above mills, addressed to the proprietors, box 36 Port Office, or to the care of A. b. Crewman.

Esq 8 Canal street, will be promptly attended to. may 7 Cm KTTERRY WINE- TV.W Smarter aasks suBerkw Palo Sherry. Very A old, btndin; ex ihlp Cabinet, froaa Lostdon for aaio oy tUJicii LA.wAvctr, 416 6m 1 Uasson'a Baildinjrj Royal at. i 1 MORNING, JUNE CARDS. By Iler majesty's Royal Letter Patent ()NE of the Manager of tho London and Ameri-Rnrr W'T'apaooFiNG Cmrany, Mr.

T. ROGERS, will leave New York for New Orleans, in October, to lay before tbe public of that city, one of tnb most invaluable iuveutiona that has for many ears como before their notice it is an. by which cloths of linen, woollen and canvass also, made up impervious to wet, or damp of any kind, at the same time with a free escape of perspiration, making use or no Indianrubber or glutinous matter in their process. The cloth, Ac, retaining the same feeling and appearance us previous to their uudergoiuir the proofing. The ubovo facts will be in every iuslanre fully and satisfacterily proved before them, by the most severe tests.

This Company was established and patented in the year 1839, aud for the first time, this process was laid before the citizens of New Yrk in Juue, 1841. Any information required, please apply to Mr. GRFF1THS, at the. National Hotel, the Conjpauy's Agent, who will give due notice when their factory comes into operation. THUS.

K. ROGERS At Co. Manager for the United States bead office 106 Fulton street Factories 3 Gold street and 5 21st street. New York. Boston No.

5 Doane street, Edw. G.Tuckeramcn, Agent. Salem No. 276 Essex stn David Seville, Agent. Rhode Island Wm.

J. Spence.Agent In tbe above mentioned places the Company have established Factories nl tf BLOUNT SPRINGS. The subscriber begs leave to inform bis friend and tbe public rcnerallv. thut he will this well-knowu Watering place, on the 1st or JUNE next, for the reception or visiters ha vine made many alterations and improvements since. Ul season, he flatters himself that ho can offer inducements equal to any watering place io tho world, both to the seeker of pleasure as well as healt b.

I deem it unnecessary to say auything about the virtues of these water, as many years experience has convinced those who have visited them, that the happy effect uponf the afflicted, ore unequalled by any. The subscriber pledges himself to avoid no expense or personal trouble to make his table the best the country affords. His bar will be furnished with the choicest Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Cigars, A that can be id in Mobile; and by unremitted atteu- nuu aim exertion to iiica-e, he hopes to share a libc- I ral portion or patronage. I have also procured tha services of a skillful physician, to advise iu tbe use of the waters, during the season. RATES or BOARD: Board, per month $40 00 Board, per week, OJ Children and Half Price.

Horse, per month, $1C 00 Horse, per week 5 00 JONES C. LUCY, Trustee. Blount Springs, April 2. fmayS GlW S40 REWARD. Ran away or stolen from the subscribers on or about the 11th of May, two negro men.

named HENRY and JAMES. Henry is about 24 years or age, dark griffe color, about 5 feet 7 inches weighs about lttl pounds; recently from Natchitoches, iu this Slate 1 formerly belonged to Dr. Gruer, of that ParUh. He is a very smart boy, and is a good plasterer and white washer; plays the fiddle welL JAMES is black, and aged about 18 years, very heavy built, weigh about 150 pounds, about 5 feet high 110 mark recollected, except two front teeth near the gums are very much decayed, which way be noticed when he talk or laugh. He was brought into this State recently from Florida.

The above reward will be paid for the delivery of the said boys, Henry and Jjmcs. or twenty dollars for either of them or secured in any jail in this State so we get them again, bv applyinr at No. 6 Esplanade street. LOCKET rcay274tdfc2iW J. B.

CONNER. HUGH LUPUS. The imported horse HUGH LUPUS, by Prium out of Her Highness, will make his second season at tbe plantation of Rouzan Sl Brother, one mile above Car roll ton, at (50 cash, $1 to the groom Hngh Lupus is a sure foal reiter, bavin; had 23 mares the last season, and they all proved in foul unit jo Philadelphia faddlrry, No. 3 Magazine street, necr Canal street. MA.G AG EE, KNEASS CO.

have always ou band very full and reneral assortment of SAD DLERY, which for durability and reatoes caLnot be surpassed, and which they ff-r to sell at prices which they believe will bu satisfactory to the ne ck aser. Their assortment comprises almost everv article appertaining to the Saddlery mud Saddlery JIardteare Business, and is et op at their manufactory in Philadelphia, expressly for this market. Purchasers are invited to call and examine their stock ociore ftnrchaswg elsewhere, as inducements to purchase will be offered to them, for cash or appro veil city paper. decl5 1y King's Carey Ploughs always on hand. DARDANELLES CHEKELY 8PR1NGS, TEl.L COCNTT ARKANSAS.

mHTS WATERING PLACE aitunteH in th. 1. Petit Leah, ou the south side of the Arkansaa River, eleven miles from tha Dardanelles, a point of notoriety on that river.whero passengers from steam boat may disembark and find easy transmission to the Spring. The Dardanelles is about 85 miles above Little Rock, the teat of Government cf the State. The locality of the Spriur is interesting and peculiar tbe groves of tbe valley around, are diversified and handsome.

A aituation near tho base of the Magazine Mountain, gives the spectator a full view of the variegated and beautiful scenery of the sides and summit of the mountain. Tbe waters are tbe white and black sulphur, the springs Mot many feet apart. The good effect of these waters are abundantly ample known to all those who are acquainted with their application the general, we may say, the uniform effects of the use of these waters are to increase the appetite, purify the blood, and reaovats tke system. These waters have been peculiarly eScacion is confirmed and alarming cases of dropsy. In 1840, LieeL Gore, of the army, stationed at Fort Gibson, was so afflicted by this complaint, that the Medical faculty and all his friends thought hi death inevitable and all efforts for hi recovery hopeless and idle taking counsel from despair, as a last, desperate alternative, without the.

newer nf Irvnmnlmn he was. removed to the Spriest, and in six or e- cu a raojcai ana- inorongn euro was effected; fie is now a sound and healthy man, doing service with his corps is Florida. He will bear wil ling testimony to the truth of tbe facts here set forth. Jb cases of Messrs-Fttllertoa and Montgomery were as afflictive aa that of Mr. Gore, aud they were as effectually cured.

i The undersigned, have become owners of the springs 000 or them bar too premises under hy special management. They have made and they wd eoutinae to make adequate and amplo arrange" to giro comfortable aud genteel aceommodao 19 see their visitant. Enquirers, whether Invalids or those wish to pass their summer months agreeably, aa respeetrul ly referred to our travelling citizens to gent.emen of other States, who, at preceding SMsn. hT Tisited this Watering place, Aadtbey are speciaby referred to Gen. Matthew Arbrckle.

of the army, now statiwned at Baton Rongn who has a knowledge of the waters. v. These Spriags are 75 ntwafr-m the Hot Sprmp of the Onacbita. -1 Tk Prffnrita rMrreS Will OW BHmmic, aou, as far as practicable, made to conform with Ue pre sure of the times. L.

CLARKE, I13 4IBW "aaian. TO RENT, TO RENT AT WEST PASCAGOCLA. A fine two story dwelliur hous. situate on ii.k; est rascngouia liav. near the Hotel or lrs.

McRae. For further martin-Ian nnnlv ni29 10t L. RANDALL, 29 Old Leree. HOTEL FOR RENT. That well known establishment called the EXCHANGE HOTEL, formerly hv Mr.

Philiis Kjri9 i. WU.10U vu uts twiner vi icvee and Jackson streets. Iravette. The Property is completely finished in every rcspict navmg eleven larre aud deu 1 n.tached. with fruit trees, Ac.

For further particulars, apply EDWARD D. TURNER, 1 or MORTIMER TURNER, Lafayette, May 0J-lnL premier FOR RENT. Two Story Frame-hoase and kitchen. Two Stnrv Situated ou St John street, be'tween Povdraa moderate -TV' moderate. Apply at 12 Camp street.

Imayl4 rrHpR.K lS CHARTRES STREET TO LET. reulcd. fo- balance of the seasoj. Possession given immediately. Apply to i-csses- aB2i V.

B.WALDRON, on the premises. HOTELS, BOARDING, ike. Mnc Hoarding. RS. ANDERS, Nos.

03 aud 67 Poydras street, can accommodate Day Boarders at $00 per month limit 1.1 .3 VAIUUCr. ma3 lm a-FFW 1 BOARD. tt single gentlemen can be accommodated t. with comfortable room and board, in a respectable private family, during the summer, at No. BEralo trte.far 4 50 per week.

m3 1 EXCHANGE HOT2U I RICEs, to regular boarders, of Board and Lodg a ing, from ihe lirsl ofMay. to tho first OTNov-m wHlbefrom lo S15 ocr WMlc.s.r.vdm. is room occupied, nil WATERMAN. EAST I'OTEI- Tui well known Hotel, situate on East Pa- j-jy cacouia liay, la now open Tor the season for the aasriasreceptiou of Boarder. A share of the nnblie patronage is respectfully solicited.

STEPHEN G. FIELD, Prnnnelnr- mav 26 1 A IS KHS' HOTEL Placitmise. La. TAvit S. U.

D. SCHLATRK having purchased an interest in the above house, the business will be conducted in the name of tha undersigned, who respectfully solicit the patronage of tbe public Carriage always ready for the accommodation of traveller. F. N. BISSELL.

may29 6m S. V. D. SCHLATRE. PLEASE READ TniS The subscriber respectfully inform the public, that he has opened the EAGLE HOTEL, on the corner of Girnd and Cnmmerre-atrneta.

tor the reception of gentlemen boarders, low for esilu The tabic will always be supplied with the best the market can afford. No care and attention tha I be wanting to render general satisfaction, and tbe b-aenber solicit share of the putronage of the public. P'-1 3m J. K1SLER. TREMONT HOLTS Next Door above the St Charles Theatre.

rpilE subscriber respectfully informs his friends A and the public that, he is again prepared to receive Boarder, and tbe following low term for the Summer Season. Hoard and Lodging, per week, S3 00 Board aud Lodging-, per day, (1 00 Board, only, per week, f4 00 Breakfast, at 8 o'clock; Dinner, at and Tea, at 7. lm p. IRWIN, Proprietor. AlISSLSSirTl Cl TV HOTEL.

This Hotel is uow open for the reception of "uaruers 10 tne summer seaon, under tbe Vasss, superintendence of W. A. Ciiamplain. at reduced prices for hoard, in keeping with the times: Say hoard per month, $30 00 Board per week, 8 00 Do. per day.

1 Thi Hotel is situated directly on the ea -shore, between Pas Christian and Rfloxi, and la not sur passed in pleasantness of situation by any watering (mucb on ue sea-censt 01 Misswippi. W. A. will endeavor, by ass.duity ii his attention to thoxe who may favor him, to merit the patron-aye or the public. ap'W tf MONO A II ATcTUS PlTTSEURC.

PtNN. MThis new aud splendid Hotel, erected in the spring of is now incomplete and suece, ful operation It is eJipibly located, front4g on Water, Smitbfield and Front streets, command ing a full view of, the Monougaheia and Ohio Rivers in thy immediate vicinity of tbe steamboat landings, shipping and coinioission nieridiaM. and other pieces of busiuess of ihe city affordm? equ-l facilities 10 men of business and those travelling for pleasure The bnildicg contains two hundred and ten apartments, one hundred of which are singi? chambers, together with a large numtcr designed espresrly for the accommodation of Families. The Proprietor (late of the Exchange Hotel) respectfully announces to the travelliug community, th-it expense ha not been spared in furnishinr tbe Monongnhela House, for the aceommodation of his guests, ind in point of comfott and style it is not surpassed bv any Hotel in tbe United States. m3 2wd JA.MES CKOSSAN, Proprietor.

N. B. Offices for the Express Canal Packet Line to Philadelphia, aud Eastern and Stage Linos, are ic the basem'nt story of tbe Hotel. PASS CHRISTIAN This well known establishment, and watering place, will be permanently open for the season on the 1 0th of Juue, under the suiierioteadance Capt. James Pennoyer, formerly of the steamship Neptune, and present of tbe "Eutaw House," Mobile.

Owing to the pressure of the time we are induced to receive boarders at the follow ing rates: Board per $10 00 Do per day, 2 00 Children and servant half price. Erery exertions on the part of the subscribers will be made to accommodate and please their guests the Bar will be furnished with every luxury required for that department. Ten-pin Alleys, Billiards, and other amuiej menls, are attached lo the establishment. Uraent. IN, Propriety will rJC.

CHARLES RHIPMA.N JAilES PENNOYER Thote WuO wish to engage room will WfBrea quire of E. King, at the American, street. TO TRAVELLERS tR II felharon 9 prime, "JT I r-A vii w.n This new and lk. 1., opes roa the EECErTioN or Springs, freaUy Sulphur Spring of resembliag those of tbfj k.K.m. Jknm.

Yirgiaia, have been Ufcn liZTy" po-ese. a. certiaed Medicinal and Healing Properties un-ZZZXiod believed to be unequalled by any iu Stles. to these, the rides in the vicinity, nume- As extensile yiew, neighboring caves, imA romantic scenery, are amour tbe many attrac lions offered to those, seeking, in the heat of summer, either health or pleasure. These Springs are bat a few hours ride from Saratoga.

Troy. Albany, Ac and are from Canajobarie. on tbe Albany and Utica nil road, where carriages daily await the arrival of the morn ing train of cars from Schenectady and Utica, to convey visiters to the Pprinr, a dUtaaee of about eight miles, arriring in time for dinner: also, by the turnpike from Albany to Cherry valley, by daily state, being about forty-five miles west of the city 01 Albany. .4 Warm, Cold and Shower Baths furnished at all times either of the mineral or freak water and, every attention given to gender the stay of visiters agreeanie. I Aa abuadance of the puresl 1 taia 8pringr; in store, for the Aa abuadance of the purest TCC, roan the Mow the Seaaoo.

ISAAC G. VtlLtLlat3- i NUMBER Hi: iPaWs 33ftafiunt. A a.r. sb omaiauaa. Rnr i 7' bewtiful and yoo aa 1 a wife with oonf.

hUO! wh "uch a tonrue. ouid jou improve ycr present Ufa. I'd have to marry lwh Sfoi. 1 io certain she tcold HooR roR a FoETFitt Greea lUlIeck has beo appointed by tbe Board of Su- pervisors of New York, a Deputy Suaerintend-ant of Common Schools. Dicekks.

Tbe London San if of opinion that it is honorable to tbe people of this country that they are ready to pay the'hooiage to genius which they deny to rank. Quite a sensible remark for a London raoer. a Takikg a Lick Hack. A good recent joke is Ipld about tbe steaaiboat Roaalie. On her upward trip she stopped aa usual at tbe tow 1 of Hambnrg, 111., which is airuated about midway between St.

I-nilia arv1 Trie fog was very heavy that morning, but tha.pilot thought it was not mere so than usual, md concluded t0 gft ahead, ao after a abort lurry, aher.4 the gallant Rosalie went, rolling the fog from either side like a gigantic plough in a Cld of snow. After running about two hours day began to dawn, and they oca red a little town on the llliuoia side. Tbia excited fame surprise, for every one knew that there was no town on that tide above Hamburg, nearer than Quiney, and it was hardly probable that they had run ninety-five miles in two hours. Numerous were tbe guesses and reckonings of the passengers as to where they were. These were eoon put to rest by tbe pilot, who informed the honest gentlemen that they were back again at Hamburg! And there they were sure enough.

Stop the Rascal. The Feoria Register of the 13ih publishes the following A fel low calling himself lilies, minister of the' gospel and teacher of who had been hers for the last fortnight, sloped on Tuesday night, in debt to more than a score of oar citizens. From us he stole (that is, took by permission but failed to return them) about a dozen valuable hooka, besides owing us a printing bill, lie is a German, of medium height, stout figure, has light hair, high cheek bones, a countenance which indicates tbe predominance of the propensities and a. love of rtrong drink, and is withal bold and impudent in his manners. He is a consummate rascal, and the public are cautioned to be on their guard againsf him.

CT The Pittsburg Chronicle has perpetrated the best thing we hare seen for a long Hear him 44 Dr. Ezra Blia, Jr has escaped from th custody of tlie Sheriff of Johnon county, Iowa. We presume he may he styled unheard of Blit IO The SL Louis Organ states that there are two hundred houses in that city and suggests, as an antidote, tbe lowering of rents. Small Things. A crown is a bauble and there never was any pitch cf greatness but may 6ink into contempt at one time or other, as the mind soars and expend.

Tbe (olio ing pithy remarks are deserving cf corr 'deration i Trifles are not to be despised. The nerve of a tooth, not as large aa tbe finest cambric needle, iil sometimes drive a man to d'a traction. A niuoqaitocan make an elephant absolutely mad. The rock which causes a nary to founder is the work cf a worm. The wanior that withstooi death in a thousand forms maybe killed by an insect.

Small plravure make the sum of human happiness. The deepest wretchedness rtfien ref from a perpetual coatinu-ance of petty pains. A single look from th' we love often produces exquisite pain r. lojed picture. Tbe first glass of v'" was drunk ld to all the horrors, vv that have prung from darkened the earth for WATS.0'.d maid.

they can't get them old b'lcn only they are afraid to' money, only they c.y rt hf J0 WMt vljnkers are all broken; inendin, only thr. ti- fe oae charter, finding two, is Rhode Island 7 one loo,wanl hoDein wants hlA want P01. orptan boys waieD' "leo W8- means, lawyers wat C-Et, clienta waot law, law wanta jus std a "harniiie eute of society tire wants Orial Thiskisg. Shakpeare cays: "There is nothiug eilher good or bad, bat thinking make itro." Wi5Dikavcp ot thi War. The "late war ia little Rboda is at an end, and tbe muse of History haa already dipped br pen in red ink to record the tragic doings of the Dorr conspiracy tgainM the rightful King.

The follow ing official report of the killed and wounded, from tbe Providence Journal, must draw tear from all eyes, exhibiting to -pathetically tb 44 horrors of war Killed, Wounded, Missior, 0 789 a 4 3 22 .227 Seared, Horribly fnchtened, Women in Torn Powder burned, said to be (but tun ct. FhoKiperided, Temperance pledges broke before I Governors tuissing, The behavior of tbe troop. w. yond all compare, an4 tbey began tbe battle with the following song wXsT sTnir4if Then up arose ni I Tbe valiant Governor porr a ji.U I am resolved to fight a Bold this word' od at word It ftoBi the scabbard flew It has drawn blood in Florida, 1 draw it now tor yoo. II ir 1 ft A i 1.

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