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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 12

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ljc )aUn KDNESDAY MOItXLNG, BIAY 5. (From our Evening Edition, of Yesterday. Uxf A seizure of cases of cognac and twelve; cases. of absynth was yesterday made by the Costom-Hooae officials, oh-board, the British bark Fancy Ealer, for a violation of section first of the act of July 28, 1S6S, -which prohibits importations of this character in packages less than thirty gallons. The importation was made by the captain of the bark through ignorance of the law, and it was while proceeding to make the entry in regular order in the Custoin-House that the infringement of the law was discovered.

Kailkoad Ttmb via tub KiveRv On Saturday next, May 15, the great river palace R. E. Lee will leave her wharf, foot of Canal street, for Louisville, Cairo, Memphis and Vicksburg, and will make the time to Cairo in three days and nineteen Lours. Capt. Cannon, of the Lee, has made his steamer extremely popular with, the traveling; public, and almost rivals the time of the railroad.

The general ticket office is located under the St Cbarles Hotel, and Mr. Wm. Be Dell, the accomplished and courteous ticket agent, will be pleased to dispose of tickets to all. points north by this steamer. Child Lost.

A little child, two years of age, son of Mrs. Eliza Comalan, yesterday strayed from the residence of his mother, corner of Girod and. Camp streets, about o'clockP. M. CP" Dr.

McShane, UY S. Army, arrived in our city to-day, en route from Fort Grifliu, Texas, to New York, with Companies and 1 6th U. S. Cavalry. The Doctor met two companies of the 4th Cavalry at GreenviUs, Texas, on the 21St nit.

Dr. Mr-Khan rennrta that, th vrora- dot-8 in Western Texas are becoming very troublesome, and announce their intention to be revenged for the loss of their chief Bickerstafi. The sub-sheriff at McKinney, who was fchot, is dead. Private Johnson, of Company who was wounded at the same time, is slowly recovering. Dr.

McShane very well after his long tramp Tiik Spring Hill Dinner. In com- IUVU nitu DUUjg Ul UIU VUllliClCO ux I L1XJ city pi we were invited to the annual dinner of the old alumni of Spring Hill College, which took place last Sunday at Bond i 'a well known Lake Restaurant. As a t-ocial gathering of cultivated gen-tlrti en, as well as a most elegant and recherche banquet, the entertainment con Id hardly hare been excelled, any-wheie in America. Tim head of the Jable was occupied by Geo. Laneanx, the senior aluuiuns present, while the juniors at the other end if the table were presided over right men ily by our friend Albert Fabre.

Tiiei warm greetings and pleasant re-iniutecencea of college days, the quick volleys of wit and repartee, sentiment alul tang, which now across the table as the fun grew fast and furious" under the exhilarating influences of the moment, would defy -description, and we will merely that, when the party broke up at a late hour of the night, we felt that we had. seldom participated in 1 1 i i uwic asictauio nuuiiu KauicrinKoi genial and high-toned gentlemen; Iu the course of the evening it was agn-i upon to have the next Spring Hill dim er on the first Sunday in May, and Messrs. Jules A. Blanc, T. Bailly TI a ti a rt an1 PnaAtnArwl imi4a vatu appointed as the committee of arrangements for that purpose.

The' New Bke Lave. Prominent among the visitors at present in our city, we Mr. Chns. Atmore, the general agent of the new short Cambridge route, from Ijouisville, by way of Jeffersonville, to the. Eastern cities.

This indefatigable gentleman does not let airy of the interests of his line suffer for a moment, and we have good reasons to know that the company he represents could not find a more energetic or effective person in his speciality. 'E We are indebted to Eyrich, 130 Canal street, for the current numbers of LittelFs Living Age," and part first of Hugo's "The Man Who We have also been favored by Mr. Philip Werlin, 80 Baronne street, with Nos. 30 and 74 of Boosey's Mnsica Cabinet.7 i Sitoirr Hani i in the Seventh Dis-tbict Court. We notice that Mr.

Ber-uioudy. Clerk of tUe Seventh District Court, has secured the services of Mr. J. an efficient short hand writer, who will hereafter be on hand to take tefttimon-. Lawyers can now assure themselves that in the Seventh Court their.

business will be transacted rapidly, ami the testimony of accurate! recorded. Warehouse no. Class No. 3. Col.

Casey, Collector the gives notice through -our advertising columns that as the proprietor of the Bonded Warehouse No. 2. class No. 3, situated at 45 and 47 Front street, has made application to relinquish said warehouse, merchandise stored said warehouse will be removed, on or before the 5th inst, to U. S.

Bonded Warehouse No. 1 class No. 1, untried that promises in. the least to strengthen his dynasty. His great card la the memory of Napoleon the Great and the glories of the first empire.

The latest stroke in this direction is a letter to his Minister of State, proposing an increase of pension to the surviving veterans of the Grand Army, the Emperor's old companions in arias. The 15 th of August next is the centenary anniversary of the great Emperor's birth, and the event is to be signalized by every surviving soldier of the republic and empire' receiving' thenceforward an annual pension of two hundred and fifty francs. a am -TicAji tnfhtk rrkwl lamina having charge of the entertainments at the Varieties Theatre, for the beneht of the Episcopal Orphans' Home, for a delicious pitcher of 'punch and a nice ranch yf strawberries, cake, boned turkey; etc i- A rotite Husband. We have heard of a polite husbaad who, on a New Year's morning, was accustomed to ask iiis 1 iUar hnv nIH ftrA rnn VfUG. Lll, wij uw.

going to be this yeart" That was con- i sideiate, and prevented any mistakes. I THE COST OF WATER SUPPLY. 1 i I iWe give below a communication on this very important question, sent us by a gentleman whose means of observations and extensive study on, the subject, are not inferior to those of any other person in the community. The reader, will see that our correspondent's inquiries into the public water question have not been confined to our own but extended to several of the leading cities. Our object in this matter is to do all in our power to bring out information, so that the City Council may act understand ingly, and full justice be done to all parties interested To the Editors of the Picayune Your youthful cosmopolite friend of the Times taxes you to tasK on my figures, given you a few days ago.

If every gallon of water pumped was used ana paid for. there would be some reason in his statement; provided nothing was to enter the calculation excepting operating ex penses." But the wastage in all works is estimated, and generally reaches 12 or 15 per cent. With us, owing to the dilapidated condition oi the worKs, baa ponce, oaa habit of aUowing -innumerable persons access to fire pings, and bad construction, our waste is very large not less than 80 per cent. Besides this, our public supply is not paid for, so that another large element must enter into the cost of what is paid for. These elements, all combined, are put down at 40 per cent, on the quantity paid for only 25 per cent, of the whole wnicn is tar too low.

xtuc a ukoo do below the mark. In a very elaborate and accurate report of the Louisville Water Works, con ducted like ours, and where labor and material are cheaper than here, it appears that in a series of vears the absolute cost of delivering water has been per 1000 gallons Interest on cost of workper 1000 14 15c On operating expenses per 1000 gallons 4 3oc. Ourepairs 1 08c Total 19 5Sc With all these lights before us. however, mere charlatans are urging a reduction to a point which will destroy the capacity of the works to sustain themselves, and then these same people will turn upon the management and denounce that. How is it that the Water Commission ere, who have not yet one year's experience in delivering water by measure, 6hould so far excell those who have for vears and vears used the metre, a scien tine instrument, and have regulated their schedules thereby Let us look at the lowest rates of charges in different cities in the United btates, per looo gallons.

Kew York, snpplle1 without steam, 20c Bofljon, supplied without 39c Cincinnati, supplied by 15a. Jrrscy C'Jty, supplied by 16c ft. Louis, supplied by steam 20c lXHUsvuie, supplied uysieani iac. rhicaeo. snpplied by steam 20c New Orleans, supplied by 20c.

Bnoklrn. snpplied by steam. 20c Brmklrn, snpplied by steam. 20c Cambriiljre. by Fteam 20c.

It makes but little difference what the pi ice is, however, for any deficiency lias to be made up by taxation. The real question is. Shall that price be nniform or snail tne nca man, as neretoiore. enjoy a monopoly at the expense of the IHjorf Yours, 4 FOURTH DISTRICT COURT. Metropolitan "Warranta Receivable for City Taxes.

THE DfJUXCnOX "lSSOLVEI. The following decision delivered by Judge Theard this morning will be read with interest City of New Oilcans vs. W. S. Mount, City Treasurer, et m1.

This case is axain lefcre the court on a motion for a new trial. The new trial is chieliy on two grounds, to wit: 1. That the principal question involved in this case has not been considered uor decided by the court, namely: "Can the Legislature of the State of Louisiana pass a law making anything but gold and silver coin a tender of payment of debts 1" 2. That the court has erred in deciding that the city cannot enjoin its own officers: There are other collateral questions saised by the learned counsel for the city of New Orleans in this 'argument but as they bear on matters which are not before ine, I am compelled to pass them r.nnoticed. The courts are established to admin-ifcter the law, whether it be good, arbitrary, despoticaL or tyrannical, and that duty this conrt shall fulfill honestly and fearlessly.

If a law is bad or mischievous in its application, the remedy is in the hands of the people but as long as it exists, as long nsitis not repealed, it is the law, and, at such, must bo enforced. It is true that if a law is unconstitutional if it violates any article of the constitution of the United States, or that of Louisiana, it is the province and duty of Injudicial branch of the Government to decree its nullity. This is the reason why the court will examine the first ground raised by the motion for a new trial, and the question of form, which is a mere qnestin of procedure but I think it my duty to disregard all other matters. These two questions may be easily disposed of, as they present no difficulty. The States are forbidden by the constitution of the United States from passing laws making anything but gold and silver coin a tender of payment of debts.

This is a proposition which cannot be disputed. No law can compel my tailor to take metropolitan warrants in payment of the debt which I have contracted towards him. Consequently, if a tax is a debt, the city is not bound to receive anything but gold and silver in payment of the same, except, possibly, united States Treasury notes, to which the whole people of the United States have tacitly acquiesced, notwithstanding the article of the constitution herein relied upon. But if a tax is not a debt, what becomes of the reasoning of the learned counsel for the city And I do, without hesitation, and most emphatically, pronounce that it is not a debt, but a mere contribution, which can even be levied in kind, and with which the constitution of the United States has nothing to do. A debt is a sum of money due by certain and express agreement, (Blackstone, 3, 154, Bouvier's Dictionary, verbo debt) whereas a tax is a contribution imposed by Government on individuals for the service of the State, (Bouvier's taxj Taxes are not a debt to be enf orced by judicial proceedings against the debtor who has contracted it, but a contribution' required from the citizen by the government, and necessary to its very existence." Hennen's Digest, 1544, No.

H. "Taxes are not a debt to be enforced against the debtor who omtracted it by judicial proceedings, but a contribution required from the citizen by the Kovern-nient established for the protection of all." .7 A- The authorities leave not the shadow of' a doubt on this subjects As to the question of form, my opinion remains tne same. ne reanoninK ox ine counsel is that inasmuch as the Jaw di-reets that the City Treasurer shall take the metropolitan it was the duty of the Mayor to enjoin him from so doing. This is untenable, lxanse it is in his official capacity that is to say, for account of the city that the Treasurer is required to take these Therefore, in enjoining him to do so, it is the executive officer of thp. Ait.v who is en joining the Treasurer of the City: or.

in umer nuivo, vuo ciry enjoming iuovuyf which is a judicial absurditv. For these reasons the new trial prayed ior is reiusea. I ENERAL INTELL1G EN.CE. Denial by BritUk ItepreeniiuWes 'Wa exx nkriirvaj Anril OQ fTViA VAnrAOAn. tatives of the British Government here complain that the stories set atloat that England intends to recognize the Cuban insurgents are wnouy untrue ana got up to ininoir the relations between that country and the United States.

They declare that the story is preposterous, from the fact that England has no knowledge of any provisional government in Cuba, and that such intelligence is a matter of doubt in even unofficial circles everywhere. Excitement In the Interior Department. Considerable interest -has been created in the Interior Department by the al leged discovery of great frauds having been perpetrated by a ciaini agent on tue Indian soldiers who served in the territory west of Arkansas. About 3300 men were mustered out of the Indian bricade. The Government was indebted to them for bounty one hundred dollars each, and considerable baca pay, etc.

By some arrangement or authority issued here, at least 1800 of these claims passed into the hands of one man connected at the time with a well known law firm here, one member of which afterward occupied a nign position unaer jonnson. it appears that not more than 60.000 has been naid to the Indians, while the agent is cred ited with receiving the whole amount. The same party has obtained most of the extra bounty claims one hundred dollars each which are now being paid half in goods, at a 6tore ort Gibson, Cherokee nation. The chiefs protest against such payment. The store is believed to be owned in part by the agtjnt referred to.

secretary (Jox's attention has been called to the subject. Reciprocity. The Ways and Means Committee, some time before the adjournment of Congress, had under discussion the subject of a new reciprocity treaty with Canada, the mat ter being finally reterreur to Messrs. Schenck and Brooks, as a sub-committee. These gentlemen were directed to examine the whole question, and report whether or not it was aavisaoie to ne-cotiate a new treaty.

The committee had free conference with the agents of the Canadian Government, then in the city. It was thought that Congress would not approve of the negotiations by the committee, and a resolution was agreed upon by the committee, and finally passed by the House, recommending tne President or Secretary of State to open negotiations with the Dominion of Canada looking to a treaty lor the tree navigation of the St. Lawrence Kiver, the protection of American fisheries, and a reciprocal trade witn tne provinces Adjournment of Coucrcss then followed and Secretary was called upon by the Canadian aut hori ies to suggest some plan for a negotiation, it being the desire of that Government to conclude a treaty during the recess ready to submit to CongTess at the next session. Throuch some arrangement the Ways and Means Committee have again become interested in this subject, and the committee, or some of the members of it, will, during the summer, visit Montreal and Ottawa. in an official capacity for the purpose of observation and conterence.

t-natr Chandler on tbe Uawpage. Mx-cial to tho New York Herald. 1 Washington, April Since old Zach Chandtor made his famous sieech the other daj', on the Alabama claims, he has been on the rampage generally, and par ticularly to-nieiit. bti oiling into eick-er's. your correspondent beheld Zacha- rjah in a very happy state iu fact, highly so, and heard him declaiming to two gentlemen about tho conversion of the euate to his views expressed four or five vears airo on the Alabama question Sumner has stolen my thunder, by jingo," exclaimed Zach.

Ue has only rt-peated what I said years ago in one of my speeches. Have you ever read that speech, wirf you haven't; Well, then yon ought to, by Jove. Iu that speech I used up the whole subiect. Gentlemen, I am going home to Michigan, aild when I get there I am going to make a speech' to sixty thousand lnrys in blue. I am going to tell them, 'BoyB, there's Canada over there; run over and take That's what I am going to say.

I am going to England, too, (hie nic hiiO and 1 am going to walk down Whitehall street with John Britrht on one arm and Lord Clarendon on the other. Yes. sir. I am going to do it you'll see. Then I am going to Iiussin, too." "Are vou.

indeed" asked Mr. Bodisco. the acting Russian Minister, who formed one of Zach audience. Yes, sir, I am," said Zach. "Ihen I mnst give you letters to take there, including one of introduction to the Emperor Alexander," said Bodisco, winking knowinply.

"Yes. do. now! Give me a letter to Aleck, Bodi.HCot-I want a letter to Aleck, snre." exclaimed zach, in a particularly blissful manner. Zach was decidedly intoxicated about the Alabama claims and his proposed journey to the Old World. Southern Connection of Cincinnati.

Cincinnati. April 20. Both Houses of the Ohio Legislature passed a bill giving the city of Cincinnati authority to use ten million dollars for the purpose of building a short line railroad through-Kentncky, to connect with the Southern system of railroads at Chattanooga. The work will bo undertaken at once and pushed forward vigorously. Our citizens almost unanimously favor the proposed enterprise.

It is to be managed by a ltoard of trustees, appointed bv the judges of the Supreme Court, which will j. i rri. t-i insure nrsi-ciass men. iub vouluiillcu of -the Board of Trade to the Legislature, on the above bill, will make their report to the citizens, tomorrow night, at a general meeting. Xecro Testimony A ase In Kentucky.

ri 1 1. Anril Tnl cn minrl Ballard, of the United States District Court, has issued and ordered that a mandate be served upon the sheriff that si stay oi proceedings in tne caseot Jonn Conlev. the neirro -who was sentenced by Judge Bruce; of the Circuit Court, to be hung to-morrow, lne cietendantin nis petition sets forth that he is denied, and cannot enforce in the courts or judicial tribunals of the State of Kentucky, the right to testify or give evidence, which is one of the rights declared to him by the first section of the act of Crongress of April 9, The -petition exhibits a complete transcript of the record of the proceedings in the Strte Court, and asks that a writ or error oe allowed nun to remove the cause to the United States District Court in pursuance to the acts of Congress of March 3, lt53, and April 9, After ouotine at lemrth. the acts of Congress bearing upon the case. Judge ijauaru concludes Dyuiowmg me writ of error, ho that theTsetjous constitutional question suggested may receive full consideration before, the United States District Court.

The Atlantie and Mississippi Steamship Company. St. Loris. Anril 20. Tho creditors of the Atlantic and Mississippi Steamship i Company held a meeting to-day.

at wnicn it was decided to wind up the company and sell its remaining The company started, about five years ago, with a capital of 3.000,000 and twenty-three of the finest steamers on the Western rivers, all of which have been destroyed, either by fire, explosion or sinking, except five. The boats to be sold are tbe Lady Gay, Pauline jCarrolU. W. It. Arthur, Continental and Olive Branch, also a very laree and valuable wharf- boat.

The sale will bo at auction, after twenty days' notice, and for cash. The Foreign A flair Committee Not Ins Alter All. Washington. April 23. The statement that tho Honsfo Committee on Foreign Affairs has made arrnn cements to visit St.

Domingo and other islands of the-t Gull is pronounced by. tne Chairman without any foundation whatever. Tho committee lias been in session several days, taking testimony relative to the affairs of the American Legation' at Paraguay, and will meet in the autumn ior tne purpose ex laiuuR me testimony of the nieribers of the Brazil Legation, officers of the South Atlantic squadron, and others who have been summoned, which it is supposed, can be done iu ten days. GomIp About Cuba Immigration More Advices have been received from Cuban sources which indicate the failure of the last movement of the Spaniards under Lcsca. 1 his is the third enort they have made to destroy the revolution.

In several engagements in the Central Department tbey have met severe repulses, and iuo jmnioiu uuve vapiiueu number of arms, etc. There is considerable discussion hero about the report that Great Britain de- i i signs, recoguusiuji vuuou inuepeuuuuue, with a view to induce the establishment of a separate republic and thus prevent annexation, xi is Known uiai mere is a considerable number of leading Cubans, nciuiiiallit at1 -ilia rAtino? itiin uKa xm the idea of a separate republic, and of endeavoring to establish a federation between Cuba, Porto Kico and San Domin go, with an eve to the addition of the English and 1 rench islands hereafter. All movements of Spanish troops must soon terminate owing to the rainy season. The hardy population of the Cuban mountains are being organized to take advantage of this. Arms and munitions have been received by way of Mexico, and more are expected.

Bv letters received here from London. it appears that active efforts are being mime iu ciiecb BysLeiuuuu ciuiKiatiuu here this summer. Ifr-annears that lead ing trades' unions, aided oy liberal capi talists and politicians, sucn as Mr. Sain'l member of Parliament for Bris tol, have turned their attention to the en couragement of emigration among their class. It is believed that several hundred of the spinners and miners, who are now on a strike at Preston, in Yorkshire, will be aided to emigrate.

It is proposed, among other things, to send a commission of three or five of the leading work-ingmen to obtain information, and to establish a bureau to disseminate it. Among those who are active in the move- Secretary of the Reform League, and I otter and iloi3oKe. Hpragne's Movements. Senator Sprague has been invited by some unknown parties to go on a speech-making tour, but he has declined. He will leave Washington on Saturday next for a private trip.

To-day he called on the President and every member of the Cabinet who is in town. The President told him that he was glad he was not 6hot and Sprague replied more seriously that he never expected to be shot and had been in no danger. Helena, Montana, Burned. Omaha, April 28. Dispatches from Helena, Montana, report that a disastrous lire broke out this morning and destroyed the larger portion of the business streets ami many private dwellings.

The principal hanks and store houses being lire-proof were not destroyed. A lurse quantity of goods were saved. Tho is estimated at half a million. A large nufliber of families are houseless sunt entirely destitute. Nearly one hundred business houses, including express II nd telegraph offices, and forty private dwellings were destroyed.

Tne lire originated in a ChLucso quarter. Tennen-ee-Aflalr. Dispatch to the Courier -Journal.) Nashviij-K, April 28. Some of the teachers of the Southern Methodist hiirt are haviutr a hard time of it in r.ast Tennessee at the hands oi the loi-lowers of Brownlow. About six miles from Nashville, a few days since, Kev.

Jacob Smith, a quiet and unassuming minister, was assaulted by an armed mob, who first stripped him to his shirt, and then tying him to a tree, lioat him unmercifully. Ilis only crime was, as far as can le ascertained, that he persisted in preaching after being warned to delist. It has been intimated that Brownlow's recent arrival iu Xnoxville has had something to do with this lia errant outrage. It was near the same locality where Kev. Mr.

Neal. another Southern Methodist preacher, was so shamefully beaten and maltreated last vear. Outside of these outrages of the East Tennessee Ku-Klux, matters are perfectly quiet all, over the State. In the election next month for Judges of he Supreme Bench, it is prettycertain that the regular Radical candidates will be elected. Virginia Conservative Richmond, April 28.t'ho Conservative State Convention met to-day.

Two hundred delegates, representing fifty counties, are present. R. 1 Daniel was chosen President. The Conservative candidates, nominated in have all sent in their resignations. It is understood no nominations will Im made, and the Conservative party will cast its voteln election for Walker and the Conservative Republican ticket.

Alter recess, a majority report, signed by nine of the Committee on Business, was read, of which the- following is an abstract It' accepts the resignation of the Conservative candidates, and compliments them for the zeal they displayed in the cause. Secondly urging the Conservative voters to consolidate to defeat the obnoxious uro visions of the constitu tion, and to elect proper persons to the fctate. hue expressing hostility to the obiectionable features, this convention declines to make any recommendation to the voters regarding their suil'iage on the constitution, expunged of such objectionable, features, teeling that the voters will act tor tho best interests of the State. The report is sisne.d by Baldwin, Ed munds, McMullen, Cameron, Moshy and ot hers. Mr.

Onld made a speech in its favor. explaining that it was a coinmouiise of diherent opinions, and left tho conserva tive voters tree to voto Ior or against negro suffrage, against the constitution, or as expunged, it was a course of action meet the necessities and circumstances of the times. A minority report. Bigned by three of the committee, was read. It advocated the control of the State by the white race, reaffirms the principles announced bv the last conservative convention.

asserts that this convention had no right to abandon the same, and ought to follow tho leadership of the candidates then nominated. It expresses the doubt if au expurgated constitution was adopted and a Conservative Kepnbiican elected Governor, whether Congress would not sf ill impose additional trials on the people of tne State. The law which requires Virginia to adont the fifteenth amendment before coming into the Uftien, is affirmed to be unconstitutional, ineypreier tbe mili tary rule of a white man to an irresponsible government by negroes, and call on the white people or tne fctato to vote down the constitution. MT. Good supported the minority report in a speech chiefly directed against the abominations of the A motion was entered to lay both re- ports on the table.

The Convention ad journed till to-morrow. Chicago Convention. 5raia x.tlveuieat. Chicago. April 2S.

A coinnicrciaTcon- vention. composed of delegates from the Hoards of Trade of Milwaukee, Oswego, Chicago. Bulial o. Dctroitand Toledo, and the New York Grain Exchange, met here 1 1 Tk i 1 3 esieruay morning, mo xresuieni, ox tue Chicago Board of Trade presiding. Hon.

Mr. Beusett, of Buffalo, spoke in reierenve Torne granting oi national aiu to the Erie Canal ana removing it from State politics, with the Question of tho possibility of procuring a reduction of the canrttiolls ou grain, was discussed, and the appointment of a committee to co to Albany was strongly urged. Sov-: eral New York membcre declared that no heavy mine ion could be secured so long as tho great JNow lorlc roads were sj powerful. Others elaimed that ratos mnst be reduced not only on the canal, but at Buffalo, Chicago aud Milwaukee, on the Northwestern road, and that it would take very close figuring to cut rates down so as to compare favorably with those 'by new route, via New Orleans. The necessity of lower rates was admitted, but there was no agreement as to how to lower them.

At the night session resolutions were passed for tbe appointment of a commit tee to visit Albany and the managers of the Northwestern road at New York, and another to consult with tbe elevator and insurance men, to see what could be done to lower their rates. 1 A resolution was also passed recommending that the boards of trade represented consider the most feasible means of- securing water-communication from the lakes to the ocean for vessels of the largest 6ize, and to report the same to the next meeting ot the national Board of lrade. Adjourned nine die. Cuba. Havana, April 28.

Accordiug to the Havana journals, tlm news from the Eastern Department has of late been favo rable to-the Government. No great re suits are announced but several skir mishes, in which the Spanish troops were victorious, are reported. The two vessels captured bvt he Union. off" the Vuelta Abajo coast, proved to be wreckers. An order has been issued by the Governor of Porto Rico, prohibiting vessels from entering tho harbor of San Juan at night.

'New April 27. A Havana special says: Advices from Nnevitas to the 20th liave been received. Gen. Lesca left here last week on his return to Puerto Principe. On Friday he had reached San An tomo without bring a shot.

Gens. Lia-tona and Escalante. with the Cataloniaii volunteers and the Mobilizoo 0 colored troops, marched from Nnevitas on, the 23d, for Puerto Principe. our thousand men are actively en-aged in making temporary repairs on he railroad between Nuevitas and Puerto Principe, in order that provisions may be transported to the latter point before the rainy season sets in. It is reported the insurgents are dissatisfied with Gen.

Quesada, because he is always organizing and never fighting. The insurgents still hold Napoleon Aiango a prisoner. They have also ar rested an American named Kobert cste-vens for condemning the detention of Arango. A Government tugboat had brought into Nuevitas, as a prize, a schoonor with a crew of five men on board, but cargo. Dates from Santiago to the 22d state that the American brig German i a was wrecked off Inagua.

Her cargo, con sisting of munitions of war, was nearlj' all lost. Louisiana Mr. John Caru there, of Lafayette par ish. has raised tobacco which the Adver 1 iser pronounces little inferior to periaue. Dr.

A. L. Plough has been addressing the good people of VerniiiliouviUo on his favorite subject industrial lairs. We learn from the Planters' Banner, that at Jeanerette new buildings, fences. bridges and improvements of all kinds are going forward.

same paper has the following: The orange crop this 3'ear will bo heavv. We' have orange trees so full of voimg fruit that the limbs cannot possi hold the -crop when the fruit is full grown, iney annosi grow in clusters like grapes. The Baton Rouge Advertiser says the Smiley place, a cotton farm in the cane a few miles from Lombard, the terminus of the Grosse Tete railroad, sold recently for 3100 to an Mlinois purchaser, who intends cultivating it this year. Tho mails between the city and Natchi-toehes. are still very irregular.

We learn front the Natchitoches Times that the grand jury of Winn parish -have found two bills of indictment against N. A. Robinson, District Attorney for that judicial district, for misde meanor in oitice, in compromising criminal prosecutions in cases not warranted by law. The following is from the same paper Our. old favorite, St.

Nicholas, sunk in view of our town since Christmas last. and lying placidly straight and even, has had to succumb to the nood. un last Sntnrdavevenhigher whole upper works. pilot-house and texas gave wav with the heavy current anu unit, ami noa-teu on the town. Nothing now remains in sight of the St.

Nicholas. rianllmi I'rotptctt. The Planters' Banner reports tho Weather throughout St. Mary unite favorable to the crops. The New Iberia Times, of the 231, says the crops are doing well, but needing rain.

The Planters' Banner learns that plant ing interests in tho Jeanerette neighbor hood are prosperous. A mucn larger surface of cane has been planted this year than last, and mnch more corn. Both crops look promising, and the planters are encouraged. I he Banner also learns that in the par- i .1 being cultivated in cotton aud corn by white laborers. It believes that white laborers can the fields of At-takapas as successfully as black, and more so.

ibis matter is no longer an experiment it is a certainty. The Laf a3'ette Advertiser, of 24th. says During this week it was our lot. to visit a great portion of our parish. The crops though belated aro in a fair condition, presenting a fine stand of healthy green he planters have sown heavily and their fiehfs are in a most cleanly situation.

We have had heavy rains, fertilizing our fields and giving new impetus to the growing crop the planter owner, as well as the employed, or freedman, are at work in good earnest, and with concert of action and interest. Everything that we saw in our trip bids ns hope thafc the crops in our parish this year will be most abundant and remunerative. San. Domingo. i ok thk annexation idka COCJJTEJ! IN 1T.VENCKS AT WOllK.

'Correspondence of the York Herald St. Domingo, April 2, 189. Tho idea of annexation to or some form of protection from the United States is taking possession of tho Dominican mind to an incredible extent. In a recent trip into the interior sections, where the African population largely predominates and where we least expected snch an exhibition of interest, we were overwhelmed with inquiries as to when the Americans were coming, i Almost everybody has something he expects to sell to the Americans for their beautiful gold aud silver." Lands, cattle, horses, pigs, tioultry eyen are to find a cash market when the -'Americans shall take charge of Dominican prosperity." There is a secret but steady counter current at work, however, which will take a distinct form should Congress refuse to authorize, the President to effect the annexation. One and all deny the soft impeachment, but it is not the less true, nevertheless, that at least two of the European consuls- have united in urging a counter plan upon the Dominican Cabinet, and that one member, (but one, I believe decidedly prefers the European plan to the policy of annexation to the United Some members of the Senate Rnv that whil tViA vnta fnramwYO.

tion woufd undoubtedly be unanimous, if 1.. k. i 4 J'lvucim uj uw VJllXll ICUpUlLeM. bUUUUUtX- ter plan is equaliyBure to work out the independent prosperity of -the island. I( is even asserted, but not on authority that Lean learn, that the inspiration comes' from the Tnileries, because a gentleman from Paris has been the chief advocate among the Dominican merchants of non-annexation, a.

The counter plan looks to tho confed-crntion-of Cuba, Hayti, Porto Rico and Jamaica, possibly, under a European recognition which shall amount, to an Efficient protection of "the Republic of the Antilles. It is thought here that such a pressure could be brought upon Spain by France, England and other powers, that Spain would give up Cuba to the Cubans for a few million francs upon the condition thatXuba shall remai n-an independent State and agree to -grant something like permanent free trade for Spanish ships. If the-Dominican Republic will renounce the. idea of annexation to the United States and declare the ports of Samana and Monte Christo free and neutral ports, valuable aid and countenance wTill be rendered the Baez Government through a bank which parties stand ready to establish, taking the mining rents as a security for, the loan now in abeyance. Naturalization.

-The following shows the effect of one of the naturalization treaties which have recently been negotiated with German States We, Nicholas Frederick Peter, promulgate hereby that we have felt moved graciously to ordain that all those bound to do military service who were born before the 1st January, 184fi, and who were required to enter the military service before the 15th of November, lfcOC, and who have tried to escape performing their miiitary service by leaving the Grand Duchy, shall be acquitted of the-punishment thereby, whether the same may have been legally pronounced or not tue fines, however, that have already been naid shall not be refunded. Given under our hand and seal, Petek, Grand Duke of Oldenburg." Alces's gold premium cigars are sold at 185 Rampart street, below Canal. gCN MUTUAL. INSURANCE STJX MUTUAL. LNSURAJftE OF KEW ORLEANS, Jan.

IS, 1S69. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL. STATEMENT. In conformity with the requirements ot their charter, the company publish the following, for the year ending iec. 81, 1863 Amount of premiums for tbe year ending Dec.

31, 18G8, viz: On Fire Risks 1136,974 95 On Marine Risks 67,144 71 On Kiver Rinks 92,475 93 Add Unterminatod Risks tor 1S67. 60,418 00 347,013 69 Dednct Unterminated Risks for 1868 59,264 00 Returned Premiums 3,029 17 Net earned Premium a for 13GS $281,720 42 Losses paid during same period. Viz i On Fire Risks 50,910 4S On Marine Risks 1S.223 31 Ou River Risks 37,292 04 Expenses, Taxes, Discount on Premiums, Rout Account, Reinsurances, lu-tt-rest on snips and Prolit and IOks, less Discount andluterest 90,390.61 197,32137 Net Profits 05 The Company liave the folloirinff assets Consolidated and Railroad City Bonds, (lowest market cash value). $351,790 00 State Bonds, do 15,200 00 Rank and Gas Stocks, do 163,069 00 Loans on Pledge 83,818 27 Loaus on Mortgage. 52,200 08 BUls Receivable 7,575 00 Premiums in course of Collection 34,795 65 Scrips of other Insurance Companies.

10,931 87 Couiona on State and Railroad Bonds, not coUected Cncnnrnt Funds 4,000 Cash on hand 124,542 27 Total Assets j. 08 The Tove statement is a Just; true and correct transcript from the books qt the Company. THOMAS SLOO, President. THO. ANDERSON, Secretary.

STATE OF LOUISIANA. 1 Parish of Orleans, city of New Orleans. Sworn to and (subscribed before me this 18th day of Jiinuaiy, lsc9. A. SHELLEY, Second Justice of the Peace i for the parish of Orlean The Hoard of Directors have resolved to pay SIX PER CENT.

INTEREST on the ontstand-inj? Certificates of Profits; also TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, on the balance of the Scrips the year 1S58, on and after the second Monday of February, 1H69. And they have further declared a Scrip Dividend of SIXTY PER CET. on the net earned participating premiums for the year ending December 31, 13, for which Certiorates will be issued on and after the 15th day of March next. THOMAS SLOO, President. THOS.

ANDRRSON, SecretAry. J. GAINES, Vice President DIRECTORS. John G. Gaines, E.

J. Hart, J. C. Ricks, I. H.

stauffer, J. B. Bres, I. N. Marks, Thomas Sloo.

Henry Reushaw, T.LonsdaJe, B. Biscoe, J. C. Bart-Hi. Hngh Wilson, Ual "70 JpHCENLX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT.

EDSON FESSENDEN, President. JAMES F. BURNS, Secretary The PHCENLX MUTUAL LIFlfi INSU RANCE COMPANY invite attention to the following plana, peculiar to itself j. -n uie auvaaiages or ui casn ana Jiau sole company. 2.

If a party insures to-day for $5000, and pay or.e-half cash, and one-half note, on any table, and should he die to-morrow, next week, next month, or uext year, the full amount of the policy is paid and NO DEDUCTIONS OF NOTE. All uotes returned as omiittnua, and never out lour no! en on any table. If payment is madn ALL CASH, the insured receives IN CASH the amount, (i5000,) with dividends CASH ADDILD. a. resuiciion on employment 4.

The injured is permuted to travel or rd'J iu part of the United States. Europe and the soirtliem pr-rtion of fckmth America, during any ail seasons oi tne year, tree oi cnarge. i uu never before been offered by any company of its see without an extra elmrire. varring from tlO to $50 for every thousand dollars insureiL ix. invmenan ine i utenix nav wb ana are new fifty per cent.

Tii is flfrv tier cent, on all its tables. XI the annual premium is 100, the is Sort. 7. 1 1 always pay8 us losses prompuy, ana never coiiterts a claim. 8.

All its policies are non-forfeiting, thereby no posidixe cluuic-e of to the insured. 8. OriUEsry Hie wiicies nuu-ioneiunr uier three vsyu.lMits, while the policy is in force for full amount of EVEN DOLLARS OF PRE- M1U3JS PAID, bolder many other great advantages. The Plufciiix has paid to widows and or. Pxt.000.

and never contested a single claim. and ha nafely secured for like pnrposea. in. iUosne have been met by the aunual aud a sumlus of interest 1ft over to swell the- general fund belonging to Uie inMirwi. if.

Its rates of assurance are as cheap aianv company di'iitjt a SAFE -business. imiirr. tvunitv tTWOftfTMT. LIFE. GEO.

S. DARLING. General Agent. JOHN D. SCOTT.

Xocal Agent. OtiU-f 112 canal street, corner St. Cliarlea, Jai7 SuTliSaotf JEEF BEEF BEEF Clear and Mess "BEEF frmirNnecos County Packing Company, Texas." For sale by PERKINS, SWUXSON COt, ap lm 4 Carodelet raer Union. Jw 1 2C00 sacks Carolina. In Store.

Forsaioby i J. C. MUPPHY A myl-3t' 34 Poydras street FOR SALE. FOR STEAMBOAT PIONEER, sternwheeL with all be tackle, etc. Thi fine ppituiiity for party who wants a smalt and light draft boat.

Measurement Ii tons; 14 feet wide, MXtr-nve feet long, double ensrinn, and in good running order. Apply to J. WEsT, my2 3tj 3 North-street I TUNE BRICK TfHOU PITOULAS street, for aale mt a Bargara.l-A. nw two-, story brick Store, situated No. i Tclioupitoulaa rf street, between Poyiiraa and I.ataye to streets, for tale at a bargain, Apx4 stan for a West- em Produce Giooery, or any kind of business.

Will pay a good rent on the Invest lru-ct For aale by BOLTLIONY fc HILL, myg St Oravlwr streot i FINE BRICK COTTAGE- IN JEFPKR. son City for sale at a ralswl brick cottage, with lirso ball in centre, two parlors, diiiing-rooni, tlu lurgu twu-sttjry kittheii wltli fonr large -eistern, bath room and large lot 50 bv 115-feet siluatM on Magazine Gen. Taylor tit roe Jot- fersouCitr. Forsalgby BOULIGNY A HILL, lny2 6t 127 Gravier street "DOR SALE SIX SEA ISL-: Kb COTTON Gin Stands, of most approved, make. They are onoiea ui a siicnure to close a concern.

Ap ply to ALFRED INGKAH AM.1 ap29 lm ia Commercial I7IOR SALE OR RENT MY FINE LAKE Shore Roeideuce aud Gruunfs inBuoxi, Miss. F. A. LULING, ap25 12t 84 Union street ') FOR HALE A PLEASANT COUNTRY Residence, situated at Lewishnrg, parish of St Tammany, within two hours daily run of the city. Tbe house is one-story Frame Cottage, with all the necessary outbuildings, arbor, sum- hortje, etc, all in complete repair.

The groutiilg comprise abont fifteen arpenis, are well -fenced and in an excellent state of cultivatlou. The Vegetable and Flower Gardens jire. not sar--passed on the Lake Shore, while the Orchard contains a fine collection of Plum. Peach, Pear, -Apple, Fig, Pecan and other valuanlo tree. The soil Is well adapted to the cultivation of all kinds fruit The place lias a frontage on the Lake of about 400 feet with a good wharf -and bath bouse attached, thereto.

The locality is nnvu-passed for health, neither cholera nor yellow lever having ever prevailed in the netghborhomW The depot of the Mandeville and Sulphur Spring Railroad, now in rapid process of completion, with a splendid wharf attached, is to be located witliin few hundred yards of the pi Terms, reasonable. Apply through, the Post Offioe, Glass Box 109, or at 134 Common street between the hours of 9 and 11 A. the ensuing week. ap25-lm ALU ABLE SAW MILL PROPERTV i-s 1. Ten acres on the Tchefuncta River, between Madinsonville and Covington.

Ou the premises are two engines, one saw mill, one planer, one grist mill, one lathe machine, all oamplete and ia good runnimg order the necensary mill houses and houses-tor workmen a good dwelling house, built last Tar, with kitchen and outhouses, a garden, fruit trees, The distance from Covington or -Madisonvillis Is about threa anil a half miles by god roads. I 2. Four lots in the town of cihiborne, opposite Covington one of them is triangular, and extends from the river to Plumb street U.e whole length of the town front. 8. A tract of timber lund containing twelve -hundred and twenty (1220) acres, to which access is obtained by a wooden railroad, which has been recently relald, and lain good 'order, and can extended into as line a timber region as can be found upon tills continent The motive power on this road Is a locomotive.

The Mandeville and Sulphur springs building, will run rough this troct of Innd. -The whole property, r--the 'undivided two- thirds, will be sold cheap, and ou liberal terms. Te any person desiring to form a partnership with an experienced and industrious mill mau-ager the two-third Interest Is reoommeudeil. For further particulai apply to JOHN S. WALTON, Unlti-d States Mint; or CHARLES FOX.

ap23 lm Cwrbmlelet street pOR SALE A VERY HANDSOME, LABOE and commodious Frame Cottage, standing on -pillars seven feet high, situated on Constance street, (shady side,) between Melpomene It is for soundness of material, extra size of lumber, and honest finish of workman, bhip, biie of the very best frame buildings ever -put uii in the citr the groumbj are large, being H7H feet front by 17 feet of rti the yard is well vaved and the Walks hanrisoinelv tla trel fences all new and very neat; house in perfect order. It is a most comfortable and niry residence, (36 windows,) unusually broad galleries, ami withal a very stylish cottage antk. srsnimds. For prlJe and tei uia, aldress Lock Boxios, Punt Office. ap22 lm FOR SALE THE SUGAR PLANTATION, with the Improvements thereon, known si The Camavon Plantation," nitnato on the left bank of th river, at the -EngUsh Tnm.

sixteen miles below the eity. Tlds proirtv. well known for its capacity for the culture of sugar, can also be easily arranged for rice culture. The property will be subdivided to suit purchasers, on accom- modating terms. Apply to ALFRED ING RAH AM, ap21 1f 12 CommerciaL Place XOR SALE.

A PLANTATIONrilTUATED 7 in the parish of Plaquemines, tifty-two miles from the city, measuring four acres front on the Mississippi River, by forty acres in depth with -dwelling house containing six well fiuished rooms, kitchen with servants' rooms, stablws, eto. The placo, which oommamls a beaatifnl view of the river, is planted in part with sixty bearing and numerous young orange, trees, covering -about ten acres. The balance of the laud lias been under cultivation until the last two years, and its low lands are now planted in rice. For further particulars apply to ESTOPTNAL LEGIER. No.

43 Levee street, opposite Port Market Tlurd District ap20 otf 1 jlOH SALE TWO DOUBLE TWO 8TORY situated on White, between Jose- and St. Amlrew streets, four squares from J)rj ales Market, and half square from The cars. Eiu honiU) contains two rooms on the first floor, and two rooms on rflie second floor, with kitchen and servant's room large cistern, aud yards, 14. to 150 deep, more or less: stabling for two cow or more, ready sale for milk, with many vacant lots in the neighborhood can be rented low. Tliis affords an opportunity to persons to own their own home ami be free of paying rent Terms $500 cash, balance in 1.

2 and 3 years, with notes secured by mortgage on the property. Acts of sale before W. J. Caatell, with Internal revenue stamps, etc, at the expense of the purchaser, with 5 per rent, clause. Apply to W.

J. CASTELL, Gravler at Also two lot's of ground fronting on St Andrew street, at ho auction of Rampart street aUoin-ing the grounds cud mansion of that Justly cele-briited architect and builder, Frederick Kuow Price $1250 each one-third cash balance in' one ami two years' credit Acts of sale before W. J. CarfelL. where plana may be seen, with Internal revenue stamp, etc, at the expense of the apis liueocd IOR SALE THE SCHOONER OLOFF, of about 40 tons American measure will carry 56,000 feet of lnmber well suited for tho Texas or Lake trade draws about fe feet water foaded sails new, and genernlly w-U fpiuiit Apply to WM.

M. GRANT, BjH4 lmTT .300 Rainnart streetv OR SALE A DESIRABLE PLACE, S1TJ nateii on a commanding eminence, within a nan mue 01 junguoua trine county. on the line of the.New Orleans and Jack son Railroad, bs miles from the city, containing about 120 acres Jand about 40 acres clesred on which there Is a beautiful residence, completed, fnrnished with All the necessary outbiuliUng. An excursion train leaves tho city every satnr- day evening, returning la time for bnsinuss Monthly morning. To a person wishing desirable summer resort this presents an excellent opportunity, ne it can be had on most advantageoiui tcrnis by applying to Lca tiox oiki, or A.

J. AlA IACA ULA 49 carondeTet street apt I lm SALE THK STEAMSHIP TA 1 V- -V A 3 am carries 3200 barrtls, having beii thoror gldjr ro-jiairefi ia hpll, spars and machinta-y at a hsavy xpense, and cow In perfect order, is offernd for shle on accommodating terms. For further par- ucniars apply 10 wm, I'KEtvr, 17 33 CarontIelt itnwt LARGE RAISED COTTAGE HOUSE FOB sale. A neat, well finished ilouolo tenement. containing, fourteen rooms in all.

together wit liatn-notue ana outuuiidings, all coverea wita slate and in omvlef order ha every couvw nience gas uirougliOiit, tmt- and cold wafor, ma a Mott's Patent Hang, two targe cistenm -Xot 32x130, bricked all over, ami ery high; lias alley ways on each side auituuie ior two sruau, gru- teel families, or one large family. Has shad trees and shrubbery. Annnpciation street cars pass )mth sides of the square erry thro minutes, ami ti is wiiuid mroe aqiun- 01 inr Mairazina Street MsiVtet. and conveiifenti cluurches and in a t-i Is ble either as an ir vesfment- for dwelimv. Price 00, half iwlaiic at six amt-t weir month.

Addreso Box asi.Post Otttc. Otf ALABAMA Li At KR SALE A AM CON-stantiv rec-i 'in i Alabama Mme, I oner for sale in Ir i'uit the purchasers a lli lowest market This Lim 1 Mip-rior to all other Llm thai here, and for voruieing, hanl-flnislung roaking far suiMtrior For sale by SAM'I. JAMISON. Jy4 otf 'arfndlet frut. 1 R.

IV- NTIST, HAVING UK. 1 ij ii; 4 wiy ui jiw vamu numb, nr at i evrner Borwii, uili atu-ml XksM rtHitiinu hj services. ArUtiriaJ TWfhmaite ti onlnr i vvtsty fly It. AU. wvpuuciii iinuticw, u.

ptisnible. IHWi uu i'" ait olvt-of Dr. A', experiunce by calling as a'v. fiom 9 A. M.

to 5 P. M. ap4 lm MIDWIFE. MADAME WOLFF, MIDWl VliT HAM HEU. self permanently locnted at 10U preparod to receive and answer eslls iumtiptiy.

nih28 M'me WOLFF, Miilwiie..

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