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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 3

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11 MwSaawS a. OREGON. Hdn, M. cm, TTtf Mnain se SZJwSc" FASHION. Feeot, A.

M. P. DA.LMAU. Ray. 10 A.

M. 2wsr DOWNS. Clerk, 10 A. M. KOS A.

Meynier. is M. nkw ORLEANS. Whttten.S P. M.

i tierr. Wltbenburv, 6 P. KSSsr. POST BOY. ft P.

M. i iST. DHESDEK. Brew.rt.ft P. M.

Black. 6 P. M. iZZ, MONROE. Gwartney.

ft P. M. 575r, CI.KONA.Mmrttn.ft P. M. sSSirrrr.

edropa. stt. p. m. ir EASTPORT.

Muliken, 4 P. M. BELLA DONA.Oilbert.5P. M. LUCY ROBINSON, P.

M. tmltt SULTANA. Martin, 6 P. M. TeW H.

BACON.Ealer.8P. M. Mmrd Thm.t NATCHEZ. No. Leather.

6 P. M. BELLE. White. 6 P.

Z7htr GRENADA. Gwartney, 6 P. M. Jfw f. J.

8TRADER.LoaeT.P.M. yZi Jaws DOVE. Smith. 6 P. M.

7rr' CREOLE. Lake, ft P. M. car. GRANITE 8TATE, Hazlett, ft P.

M. i i rv ivr.r.L.iiu. nono. ft 51 LEXINGTON. Mather, 5 TRENTON.

Glaasrock, 6 P. M. SWAN. Sill. ftp.

M. SAXON. Estea. ft P. M.

P. KIMBALL. Kimball P. M. vJaw unnnica.

5 r. 01 car. rarSMrpers ofreight per steamship DANIEL WEB jTe arenotlfted to complete their lota To Day, at no slrritrht will be received no Monday. sia fl Tr pi t'TAu NfitW thrinriH.iutt..r... i ekip AMERICA, Pirrle, master, from Liverpool, will be i mm hlr far an dent.

i i i 1 4 mcvvjntbL ear NOTICE. No porciiaaea whatsoever for the DELI A by authority of tb undersigned, First Clerk Jam 3m EUM'i) CASTILLO. SriRITS TUaPENTfSE fto bbls. for tale by PIERRE C.

DE FEYSTER. FI St 7 Gravier at TTfcANDY 150 bbi. first, proot New York landing, lor fio at PIERRE C. PR PEYSTER.ST Gravier at OLD WHISKEY 150 bWs. P.tre Rr: 174 bbla.

Boarboo 100 bbla Convnnn Mononsahela. Feratleby PIERRE C. DE PEYSTER, "8 7 Grarier tt. fiiO HIRE A Nrgro Woa.o, firtl rate cuambermaid, and leneral booae aerrant rateuifent, qalc nro firt, arrunlomed to cMMret aw Hwnaui (aotc. Apply at the Verandah Drug Score it WAS BROUGHT to the atable of B.

Ktndie. a imall aorrel PONY, about la handa hub. wnL white fttreak down lua bice, about a rrara old The owner will pleeee call and take him away or he wi! a told accardlnc to law to pay eapenaea. a. tiers uiu.

i rosT A White Creole BOY. vr aI.1 ly He mi area a few a in the Flrat Diarrirt, on the LeTee, oppoaite alia At that Hne lie bad on colored woolen pan taloona. and a bine vnnl.n iarkrr cap. Peraooa knowlnc anything about him will plea lei ft aeknowa to bia lather, ZAMBELLI, ls7 Royal ttrret. anr Orleaaa atreet, or to bring him to the Watch Hour i tac rtratac Second Diattict.

Espenaea will be paid. Boot, Shoes iiwd Brogant mww iwiu i ti inini iiipu rui I dma; and Ly dia. CMbpritinf prime and mriuKDi ui ireaa aua arann Hre awua in lur lovre ima, tuiraoie trtne rny miu iw Hie on KcommDiUHDl trm and at the lowrat maket prirea. by FELT REED, B6 Gravier 1 F19 6t oppoaite Bank Place. fiew Orlean Satht Dear, Ullnd and MOULDING FACTORY.

THE aubacrtbera reapecttully aolirit the attention and patroaage of the citizena of New Orleana, and pa'tiro larry the bntldera. nerrnanta and property owner, to trjr NEW ORLEANS SASH FACTOR I aawrn toll operation, and prepared to raernte orders for ererr deacrtption of openingairbr atorea and dwrllinga A fall aaaortment of Window Saah of the regnlar Hire will ae always on hand alsoAalf aad lull moulileii Pou.l Boors, Saab Doors, and Blinds. 'stoldinta alwajs on hand, or made lo orJrr. Store' Dsora, wito Portable Shatters, made to order. WOTk ndeat the New Orleana 8aakartnry will te frmn tbe beat quality aeaaoned lumber, either Cyprersnr White Pine.

Or Jers left with Mr. DANIEL ROTHERY. at the Fac sarjr, 10 Front street, between Gaienule aud Suxrtte, or at ar Lumber Yard, 3i0 Magazine tt. Fltf 1m A. BROWN A CO.

Faelngr Ale talrie Course. rniary Proprietor's Porse lon janie three best in five Conditions, fair day and wto anberibera. agree to pace a race of mile heats, et in Bre John Burnett is to go in skrlrton wagen. 000 otterel is to go in sulky for tbe abore purse. Entries 1 8.

Ellis names b. Bob Cottrrtl. Bonbam namea ch John ttmrnttt. Pacing to commence at 3 o'clock P. M.

4 5" Admittance to all parts of the Course. 50 cents. 18 RBnNTnN Nauuua Sc Clark'a Piano Fortes. The subscribers announce to the cit: na of New Orleana. that Mr.

HENRI PARSONS. 13 Camn street, is aernffm the sale of their PIANO FORTES, with or without tlllmin'i V.Jt.n A Hn, aatdTYES'S TUNABLE REEDS, and the only person an tootised to use their namea aa each agent. In every in staece Plaaoa from this store are guaranteed by the mana CNN Ft 6t HA7 Broadway. New York. Paper and Hlallonrry Warekonsr.

ftl and 63 Common atreet. "KB. STEVENS CO. invite the attention of m.r tbanta, printers and other oi'ng articlea in their line to taeir extensiTe and varied stock of PRINTING, WRITING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. BLANK.

BOOKS, PLAYING CARDS, AND STATIONERY adapted to almost every branch of trade, and for aale'at tbt sweat nricee. Writing Paper, Journals, Prmrlng Paper, Ledgers, Paper, Day Books, Colored Paper, Cash Books. Envebme Paoer. Record Books. Steel Pens, (jutlis.

Cash Boxes. Bill Head Post Office 2 Hardware Paper, Copying Books, V) sfers and Sand. Cloth Paner. Copying Presses, Slates and Pencils, Snae Paper. Piayna Cards.

Ink Standi. Sampling Paper, Printers' Cards, tij Druggists' Parar, Writing Ink, Grocers' Paner. Convina Ink. Letter Fells, Padded Folios, Tin Cutters, Ivory Folders. Binders' Binders' Gold Leaf Printing Ink, Bonnet Boards.

atoaic raer. Bheatkina Straw Boards. mvempea, Binaers' tsoaraa, SaT Wa invite particular attention to our stock of BLANK BOOKS, which, for variety and extent, cannot be sur to tbe following new arrticlea for conn tins bnnw at, vis: Perry A Co. 's Double action Extra Fine PENS, very flexible; Gillott'a Doable Elastic Liverpool PENS aartra trie points Mann's Patent Parchment COPYING LETTER BOOKS: Patent Letter and Invoice Gummed FILES Jaio imsdr smadp Mr. Levi Segt to return bis beat acknowledgments to the ladies and aeatlemen of New Orleana for the very extensive patronage be has oeen honored with, and an ronse auence of having several appointments for Cie next nw aayapbe is nnable to leave thia week, aa he intend edtsdo.

Bat numerous engagements elsewhere will precrade the possibility of extending bis visit beyond a VERY FEW DAYS longer, and he therefore begt te suggest to ladiea who intend to honor him with a call, to make their appointments aa tarly aa possible. aua to give mm one aay notice. Inatnnl aneaaa nnrl Kfferrnnl f'nra CORNS. BUNIONS. CALLOSITIES.

NAILS A Anmin.1nlntli.riMh an.l Ihvu.lrof a peculiar and new method, without catting or causini tie slightest pain. Mr. LEVI, Surgeon Chiropodist, of No. 3 Conduit street. Regent street, London, SDd No.

Bis rue de Rivoli, Paris. arnmised by tbe Royal Famtliy and nobility of Great Bri aria and France, in returning his best thanks ta the ladies 1 and gentlemen of New Orleans for their kind patronage, aega to acquaint tta inhabitants that be will leave this city in a VERY FEW DAYS. Mr. Levi may be consulted from 10 o'clock In the morn rag until 4 In the afternoon. Daily.

(Sundays expected.) ar Na. IV CARONDELET STREET, between Hevia and etrodsta. Copies of Textlmoniala Pram H. I. M.

Napoleon III Je certitie que M. Levi an atT lea con avce one extreme habtlite Augoat. 1X44. LO01S NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. From Hit Grace, the present Duke of Cleveland I cer4l ry that Mr.

Levi baa completely cared my corns. CLEVELAND. From tbe Most Reverend, Hit Grace the Lord Arcobisbop of Armagh I certify that Mr. Levi theeorna wbicJi wen in my feet, without giving me any pain. JOHN G.

ARMAGH, 0 Charles Bt James" Square. London, August 8, 1843. From tbe Host Noble, the Marqnia of Lansdowne Mr. B. Levi extracted a corn from mc with perfect facility and 'Sarriaa LANSDOWNE.

Prom Root. Ferguson, M. PhTtirian In Ordinary to Her Majesty of Great Britain Mr. Levi haa most killrally extracted two corns from my fret, without giving aM the slightest pain. ROBERT FERGUSON, M.

9 Vneen street. May Fair, London, March 8, 1838. Je certifts que M. LeVi m'a extirpe plusiears cors, sans sae nUrs eproover la molndre donleor. CH.

COVELLIER.M. D. de la Faculte, Paria From J. 8. McFarlane, Esq.

D. I hereby testi hat Mr. Levi haa exhibited ceat skill and talent in tbe sneedv removal of severml Corna of long standing, and a Bunion and Callosity, which bad previously drfiedthe exertions of several operators, and i rccommena nim to me puanc 8. McFAKLANE, M. Corner of Poydraa and Circus streets.

Hew Orleana, January 1st, 1863. From Jno. F. Tborp, Esq D. Upon the testimonial of my friend.

Dr. McFarlana, I was induced to call on Dr. Levi. baa operated for me and my family. In my awacaie, removing a corn of some eighteen years' rand inc.

HI a anerationa are free from onto, and gives imme disea eMel I warmly recommend him aa a safe and akiUtot Chiropodist. There no humbug or deception practu ed. JNO. w. IBUiu', aa.

u. New Orleana, February 8,1863. From Tbeo. Sbote, Esq Mr. Levi baa operated tjpon my feet and removed a callosity that had troubled me for any yean.

Bia operations are skillful'and not attended witn pain. inr.u. bhu ia, common ac Mew Orleana, February 9th, la additioai to the above authenticated teatimonlala. aaauy tbooaands more in his possession (among which are several from ladiea of tbe highest rank) can be aeen by "Turing him with a call at ICS Carondelet. between Heria oad irod streets.

New Orleana. Fit tttSdp New SatiaaT Oooais. YiT.r. Jr. 27 Masaxioe atreet.

B8YECTF0LLT Invite tbe early attention of their CUatOBMva anil all ntrjer all HThflfml. Rovers visitfns i umr jst orsiiiu 1 vv vwh Jrtatioa, (nowcomplete,) in erery variety in their GOODS. FAIICY DRESS eOODS, STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS and ATtobesoU of kind H.Kaa.p, l.a.(., vonnnaes the practice of Lis profession at his otflce and residence, in" met, Ksr nsi All who wish mmnanlv tenet intend ta ilor1 CHlAP DENTISTRY, or who A USE TSr Caartoo Taeatro. Managers L0DLOW A SMITH rhu i Dross Circles and Fsrquette 75 cents; Pit 60 cents 'i Gallery cents. afeAAHoT" SATURDAY EVENING.

Peh turhixriii i the celebrated Drama of the KNIGHT OF ARVA nunaon (witb tbe song of Love's Serenade): Donna Marina. Mrs Estehe Potter After which A MORNING CALL MrVSillmgVwit" Anna Thillon i Sir Edward Ardent, Mr VuiTA'i 1 ranrnfK wirn ine new rarce of BOX AND Cox MARRIED AND 8ETTLED Box anJ DrBsrand Mark Smith. SUNDAY BENEFIT OF MR LEWELLEN. tar Great prr pa rations are making for the Twenty 'Second. aav Performance to commence at 7 o'clock.

Piq Placlde'n VarfeUea. APpearnnre ot the BATEMAN CHILDREN. the SVV ISS CGTTAG F. Nats Teick, Mils Bateman: max, rur nateman lunette. Miss After 0 tne YOUNG COUPLE in J'i'h Misses and Bitrmsn will dance the MINUET DE.LA conclude with the laughable Farce of the POST OF HONOR Csbus lerts.

Mr Holland; Captain. Davis; Baron, Mr Bradley; Toby. Mr Donaldson; TruJgeon, Mrs Howard Adeln, Mrs Crocker. tar Private Boxet s. Boxrt and Parquette 75 ctnta.

Upper Boxes (colored) 0 cents. Ualkry cents. sW Perforinatice to commence at 7 o'clock. Fl9 Orlpnns Theatre. SATURDAY EVENING, Feb luth Fifth night of tbe celebrated Grand Opera, in four acts, by Rossini, ol SEMIR AMIS Principsl characters byM'mes Wide manu.

Fieury Joly, and Mr Genibrel. IWIn Rehearsal The Grand Operas of THE HUGUE NOTS and THE MARTYRS eaT The libretto of the Opera, in French and English. Is for sale at tbe Box Orhce. MT Commencement at fi o'clock. Fis A Card t'lartile's nrietles.

The BAT EM E.N CHILDREN respectfully announce to the public of New Orleans tha' their drst I is appointed to take place at tbe Varieties, on MONDAY EVENING next, Frb. il, 1W.3. On which ocrarion will be produced a New Comedy, writ ten exprnsly for them by tbe Brothers May new, of tbe London Punch, entitled HER ROYAL HIGHNESS; or. The New System. I.ropoldlna.

Miss Kate Hatrraan St rack i no, Miss K. Ba'eman Dr. Birdini, Mr. Batrinan. Together with the Fifth Act of Sliaktneare's Tragedy of RICHARD THE THIRD.

Richard III, Mias E. Bateman; Richmond, Mist K. Ba'eman. With a variety of other Entertainments. Places nisy be sreured at the Box orhce.

FIX Dan Hire's itlaaeuiu, CONTAINING A MILLION OF CURIOSITIES! And has now on exhibition tbe WILD BOY OF CEYLON (a Lusus of such rare character as hss astonished the scientific world. A large living OURANG OCTANG, that semi li creature which anea mankind. The HAPPY FAMILY a curiosity in mature that amazes all beholders. A large collection of LIVING ANIMALS. A Cabinet of ANT1JC1TIE9 of great rnritv.

Thousands of Speri mens 01 NATURAL HISTORY. A deputation irom tbe CELESTIAL EMPIRE, among whom is one of ibr descendants of the Imperml Throne of China A MODEL OF THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, which will remain, however, for this week only. sar In preparation 'or exhibition tbe stupendous Geologl csl Relic the ZEUGLODON. It wnl be presented in a few days. Museum Is open from 9 A.

M. until II P. M. Bar Ladies can visifit. unattended, at any hour during the day.

Admission, cents. Children, half price. Flu tf St. Joseph's A MASK AM) FANCY DRESS SOCIETY BALL will be given at THE ARMORY HALL. On SATURDAY.

March I1C.3. Committee of Invitation. Smith, D. E. Monroe, Delacrout, H.

Tricon. J. Casey. M. C.

Cbeva'ier, E. Auhert, Chartrea F. W. Starlbrd, Camp street, J. M.

Cofty, 17 Poydras s'reet. W. Ramsey, V. St Charles street, tat Application for Ladies' Tickets of lnritatiou to be niadr to any member of the committee. aaT No Lady will be admitted without an Invitation Tlckit and all pe'Sont will be required to unmsftk before enter lug tbe Room la Gentlemen's Tickets cau be had at Mr.

Msyo's music store. No. ft Camp street, and at the Hall. Km sol bTe st rTeu sT American Theatre. MACA1.L1STER! THE WONDERFUL MAGICIAN, ill appear for the ninth time to night in a PALACE OF ENCHANTMENTS, and perform Incomprehensible Wonders.

THIS EVENING will be liitrmlarrd GREAT MAGIC SHAWL! A Fret that is only performed by Msrailister. and can uot oe spproai bed or equaled by any other Magiciau 111 the world. JT.Full Particulars in Small Bills. sat" Prices of Admis.ion Dress Circles and Parquette. cents; Secoud Circle and Gallrry.

cents Doors opeu at a quarter to 7. Soiree commences at hall past 7 o'c'ock. Fis ARMORY HALL. Ilme Kmum i. ItoMtwirk, of New Y'ork, Respectfully informs the citizens of New Orleans and her frends that she will give ber FIRST GRAND CON CERT on EVENING, Feb.

Slat, assisted by the following eminent Arris Tbe diatinguished Violinist Mr HENRY APPY, Solo Violinist to the King of Hollsnd. The celebrated Solo Flutist. Mr. JULIC5 SIEDE. First Flute Professor of tbe Hoyal Conservatore, Liepsic MISS ANNIE OLIVER.

La Petite Fille du Regiment, only nine years of sge. the wonderful performer on tbe Concertina, daughter of the Band Master of Her Majesty's Regiment at Mon treat. ERR THICOW. Sole Pianist to bia Royal Highness the Duke of Coborg GotUa. UW Tickets 81 each, to be had at the principal Music Store and Hotels, snd at the Door on tae evenli.g of the Con cert.

Doois open at 7 o'clock, Concert to commence at o'clock. ss" Choice Seats, without extra charge, nisy be secured at the orhce ol tbe Hall, Irom In till o'clock, Friday, Saturday and Monday. 1 F. THIES. Agent taeorgla's Champion.

THE INFANT DRUMMER. This Lilliputian Musiol Wmulrr is on bis wny South, and will shortly arrive in New Orleans. Tbe echo, thi spirit stirring notes of this intellectual prodigy, the tri umph of the Nineteenth Century, the pride of America, is heard In tbe distance. tf TT Dan Hire's Hippodrome. Ofened on St.

Charles strrer. for the Season. The magnificent Wardrubeand Trappings, the Scenes of lh TOURNAMENT. the rYatsot EQUESTRIANISM. th.

A. auk AC 1 of tne ongiuauty ana arui lery of DAN RICE, and toe wonderful performances ot extraordinary Trained HORSES, make tbis one of tbt most interesting places of amusement in tbe South. Performance at 11 o'clock every Saturday. Adinisaion to Dress Circle so 11 in Fttf Ole Bull's Farewell t'oneerts in America. OLE BULL begs leave to inform bis friends and the pub lie In general, that before retiring from bia artistic career he will visit some cf tbe Southern cities, when be has met, on his former tour, with such a cordial re ception: aT The first Grand Concert of Ole Bull in New Or leant will take place on MON DAY, the 2th of February for which occasion he has engaged the eminent Vocal ists, M'me AM ALIA STRAKOSCH and Slgnorins ADALINA PATTI.the Musical Phenomena, only ninr ears old.

Director and Conductor MAURICE STRAKOSCH. Jairt tf Notice. VERANDAH BATHS AND TON80IUAI. SALOON. Nos.

20 and 24 Cbarles street. The subscriber flatters himself that he is now prepared tc receive bis friends and tbe public generally. His Italian Mirble Bath Tubs have been reset; his rooms have beet enlarged and well ventilated, where be can accommodate bis patrons with every variety of Baths. He bas tbe besi of workmen, who are always ready to serve gentlemen witL alacrity and despatch. He baa also a choice and well as sorted stock of Perfumery and Famishing Goods together with the best Tonics and Dyes for tbe hair, Ac dl tdp3dptf JOSEPH Bollix a Odd fellows Hall.

THE elegant and spacious room in the Fellows u.n nd the various rooms connected with it. are now completely furnished in the richest manner, and ready lor ine nse 01 amstee vuiung our cuy. For concerts It ia not snipasard by any Hall in tbe Union; ita construction being ss perfect aa to give to tbe voice tbe greatest possible power, with perfect melody. There Is a large stage capable of accommodating an or rhrstra of forty musu iaus, with ample room or the artiste Sixteen hundred persons ran be comfortably seated in armchairs on the hall floor, besides about one hundred in the music gallery. For terms and other particulars inquire of H.

G. STETSON, Chsrt res street. RICH'D SWAIN, Crescent Mutual lua Co. THOMAS HALL. ii Canal St.

Flo lmis REMOVAL. Dentistry at New York Price. LHAHLt.3 r. rv iseuusc, dh removed bis office from the corner of St Charles and North art to no. loo CBoeJ, second door from Bourbon street.

New Orleana Arti8cial Teeth Inserted with all the late Improvemente. Entire satisfaction guaranteed dirt 1 3d vv TO RENT Two rooms at No. 120 Canal atreet, where families em be accommodated with board. 120, between Bourbon and Daopoin tta F'rv ftt Helllnar at T7ROM thia date we will sell our large stock of WINTER A' GOODS, coosistirg in parr or Silk and Satin CRAVATS and SCARFS Mrrmo and Silk UNDERSHIRTS snd DRAWERS GLOVES; HOSIERY St SPENDERS ROBES DE CHAMBRE, cost. Jost received, ill dozen superior, well made.

LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, which we will sell at 81 ib each. D. GORREN at. 13 Cbartres at. Remember the number.

F17 3pdtf rA.n.v fae Male, ITE Is a veev black man. a finished workman in XX Iron bound casks, mol'ases barrel, and every other branch of hit trade; fully guaranteed, and will be sola on liberal terms to a good master. Inquire or Fis 3dptf J. A. BEARD A MAY, Auctioneers.

Ax. Hnavpp cfc I. Chandler uuial a K.U i.u.ia, 104 Common atreet, opposite the Rains of the St. Charles riorei. H.

KNAPP. (senior partner of the late firm of F. C. 8. J.

8. Knapp.) la now devoting bia whole time esdnsive ly to the practice of bis profession, and 7 lav be consulted at tbe same ace which be nag occupied lor many years pear, ne naa aseociaico with him In practice Dr. CHANDLER, gentleman skill and experience )el I '62 dAWadp Philadelphia manufactured Plan ration and Road WAGONS. Cane and otber CARTS, with wood and iron axletrees. for norses and oxen, 1 1 a jrrMT ana Dunn and DRAYS with iron and wood axlea; Ox and Timber rrnrris arith and aril hoot axletree TRUCKS and WHEELBARROWS of every kind, and all other articlea in tbe line made of the beat malerisJs and workmanship, for sale at reduced prices, and as low as any oineT ewaoiiau menL Apply to isnuu.

nijou No. 94 Perdido street. ap3 'Bs ly between Bt Charles and Carondelet streeta. OR SALS A SUGAR PLANTATION, 10 mile above A tbe dry, wun a tot of vataaaie neui nanas rwwnss A. J.

aadcoMlucMereiy Im Y. LI'S I Pi 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. umi ai ivn mbbiinu. ymne service 00 SUNDAY MORNING, the 20tb Inst, at II oclock. la the First Congregatioual Cbnrcb, on St.

Char lea atreet, between Julia and St. Joseph streets, by Ministers in attendance upon tbe Southwestern Baptist Consultation Meeting Fo 9t" LOUISIANA STATE BANK, I New Orleana, Feb. 19. 1B3. This Bank will be closed on TUESDAY, I be 2d, Wasb ington'a Birth Day; notes and bills falling due on that day.

are payable on Monday, tbe Slat, which will also be the offering day for discount. FI9 at RICHARD RELF. Csahier. N. O.

CANAL AND BANKING i New Orleans, Feb. IR, 13J This Baukwill be closed on TUESDAY next, the 9 2d inst Bills and notes falling due on that day will be payable on Monday the lst. which will be tbe ottering day lor dis counts on Wednesdsy. SAM. C.

BELL. FI81T Cashier. BRANCH LOUISIANA STATE BANK, New Orleans, Feb. 21, IXM. This BaukwiM be closed on TUESDAY next, the 22.1 (Washington's Birth Day.

Paper falling due on that day will be payable on Monday, the Sltt inst on which day tbe Boird will meet for discount. OBeriuga for dis count must be made 1 Saturday, 19th hut, Fl" R. J. PALFREY, Cashier. MASS MEETING OF THE WORKMEN OF NEW ORLEANS.

All inhabitants of tbis city who shall pay a professional tax of $10, nuder the ordinance of the City Council, are hereby requested to attend a great Mass Meeting, to be held in the hall of BANKS'S ARCADE, Maga ziue street, between Natchez and Gravier, on MONDAY, tbe list at 7 o'clock P. wherein resolutions will be considered to effect the repeal of raid oppressive tax. The wa is NO TAX UPON LABOR!" Messrs. J.J Lugenbuhl. Judge Collrns, C.

S. Hruniscb. Thomas J. Dnraut, E. Gn'te, P.

Herrmann, and others will address the meeting. Rally! Rally! Come ail! Fail nobody! By order of tbe Committee THCRNER, President. AI.B. HEUN1SCH. Srcretary.

Km NOTICE PELICAN DRY DOCK COMPANY The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, March 7 o'clock, P. the ofheeof the Agents. td C. J. MEEKER A CO aaT NEW ORLEANS AND PEARL RIVER RaIL ROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY.

Books of sub scri ption to the capital stock ol this Company are now open at tbe ottirea of the New Orleans Canal and Navigation company, no. ot. cuariea eireer. w. ire at VigDle's auction room, corner of Conri street ant Ex change Alley, and at Wm.

L. Cnahing A Co. 's office, Na ti:) Common street, snd will remain open for the term of four months, according to charter. By order of the Board of Directors. WM.

L. CUSHING, Fli Im Secretary pro tern. BANK OF LOUISIANA, New Orleana, Jan. 2s, 1H.W The Board of Directors of tbis Bank have thia dsv de ctared a semi annual dividend of five per cent, out of the proms 01 ine tasi six niontus. Also an extra dividend 01 both payable to tbe stockholders on and after Mouday.

tbe 7th of rrbruary next. jana in rv. m. ua J3, casner. LOUISIANA STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY Re gniar Physicians and Apothecaries, resiling within the II mits of the State of Louisiana, wbu may desire to apply fur membership In the State Medical 8ociety, are hereby In vited to forward their applications, accompanied by testi monials of good stauding, post paid, to either of tbe under sienrd.onor befoie tbe 1st day of March, IBM, and they will be submitted to tbe action of the Board ot Administra tors.

By order of the Board. J. C. SIV.ONDS. M.

Cor. Sec'y. lm O. T. BROWNING.

M. Rec. Sec'y. FIKJSJ3 iPARTMENT AMERICAN HOOK AND LADDER FIRE COMPANY No. 2 Tbe officers and members of this Company are hereby notified to attend a special meeting to be held at the Truck House on EVENING, the 21st inst at 7 o'clock.

Punctual attendance is requested. By order Fl W. O. DENEGRE. Secretary.

MASONIC. ViUITMAN LODGE No. 7rJ, A V. M. A spfrisl ulvarmertiug of this Lodge will be held at their Hall.

atV corner of Commercial Place and Camp slreet.un SATURDAY EVENING, lub lust at ch ck. Meinbera are reuueste 1 to be punctual as business of un pcrtanre will be brought before the Lodge. Visiting breth ren are fraternally lnviteil. By order ot the v. In.

ns I HOJIAS BAKKKn. secretary WANTS. ANTED A Wet Norse to ma in the rouutiy TT need dpIi without ffnrHl rvlrrrnrei. Ant lv? urn. tea appijr wiuiout gnoa rtMrrr Apply of Philip earl Piaquf mint sfrefts, 4th Ditrict.

rl7 3t WANTED Employment Clrrk in dry goods or crnrcTT store, or tM Baikrrt inatiottrL Apd't to tbe undt rttgued, at the Veiaudab Hotel. K.7 1 W. H. WHITFIELD. WANTED TO HIKE Kit tern stout Nefro Men lor t.

months, with the DriTiiefe of one vear intlieritv. for wh im uncni wagej will b. paiil. Apply at No. 4J Rieu ville street, or No.

il Barrhua sfreet, F'7 UTaNTCsD By a reprciao.e KuKiiati wuiubu, whu hm ha.i murh exprneure in tbe husiness, a situation Cnok in a private fatuily. Address F. Ficaynne ottii e. 1 17 at' 7" AN TED A Uvertiess to instrurt a young nt rsou at ber home, in the ordinarr nrnnrbes of an education. for hrre or four hours per day.

Address by letter, staring terms. W. Post Office. Flit tf ANTED A Cat bulit: lady ot mature age, wnoisra pa tle of teaching all the branches of a thorough ed both EnaU.u and Freut h. AddrrM M.

at tbis office, with name and reference. F4 tf TAN TED A situation is desired as Clerk ol a steam boat, or door clerk of a mercantile bouse, bv one who bas bad some years' experience in tbe first named business. For capacity, promptness and activity, can sire satisfactory references. Address at the oltice of the ricayune. rj ti WANTED A sitnation by a man who bas been active ly employed for the last twenty yeais about railroads.

steamtoats, stages and boteis For nttentiun and prompt ness to business ran give the nest references in our country Is author! red to refer to some of tbe most prominent gen tlemeu in New Orleans. Address at the office of this paper. Jai if Tf VV ANTf.U A vuiiui sent gt nt Iriiian. having Juet fiiiisbed bis roime of sttiaiea at one of the uioait pipu ar and celtbrsted iustituiiuns ui Kentucky, desires to obtain a situation aa Teacher in a private family, either in the city or a few miles distant The very best references given both in this city and Kentucky. The most relrbraUd di viues ami business gentlemen will endorse the aove.

or full particulars inquire at St. Charles st. Jaio tf UT ANTED To Merchauts. Ac A yonng man of several years' experience in a Western Commission house in this city, wi employ ment as Hook Keeper or Gen era! Clerk. Advertiser is well and favorably known by many bnuea in town.

Please address B. Box Post Office. Ja2 lm AUCTION SALES. "Kire BV MORI'HT A EV10S Ou MONDAY, the iist at 11 o'clock, will be sold at auction, at L. J.

Webster's Warehouse, c.imer of Lafayette anil Masazine streets, for account nf wbom it may concern caKSS II. slightly itumaerj. Terms Cash. Fl I'nineliii Japonlcnx, tiertirrrn, Uosra, J. L.

CARMAN A Auctioneers On TC ES i DAT. the at 11 o'clock, will be sol.l at auc Hon. at No. ''i Magsririe street. Banks's Arra.le A larae ana valuable collection or rare an.i vaiuaoir PLANTS.

conastitiK of t'amelia Japonica, Chasseias and Red and White UraDe Vines. Fernet ual Roses of various kinds. Celeste Fi Trees. Oranxe Tres of vari ous sort, part in fruit and blossom; Mesptius Jnpnicss or Jnpan Plum, Hybiscus. Mutabilua ami Sinensis; Arbor Vities, Crape Myrtles, Pomesrana'es, Crateros Glabra and Sinensis.lCrdsrs.

Jamiura. PeactiTrees. Palermo Citrons. Uerauiums. Hrlirtrope, and a a rest variety nf other trees slid ants, from the celebrated gardens ol Sell uler.

Carroilion, being the best plants rais in the Sjutn em country Tf iim sn on tne spor ri Fine Household Furnllurc, J'luno Forte, mucn low, a. i By M. A CO Auctioneers On MONDAY, the 21st at 3 o'clock, will be sold at tbe tetulenreou Live Oak street, between St. Andrew and Josephine streets. Fourth District The entire contents of sni.1 dwelling, consisting of a gen eral assortment nf Household Furniture, and one tine oj octave Rose word Piano Forte.

Also. ote superior Mtlcb Cow. Also, a lot of Cochin China and Shanghai Chickens from Burnliam's stock. Boston. 1 psirBiirtoik Pigs, raircnina rigs rn fOR MILLIK.EN'8 BEND.

VICR.8 bora. Warreuton, New Cartnage, Grand QulT. Rodnev. Natcbet and tbe Coast Tbe unrivaled packet ateamer SOUTHERN BELLE, Capt. J.

M. hite, will leave ror ine shots ana an lntermeaiate landings every SATURDAY EVENING, throughout the entire year, commencing on Satarday, October Kith. For freight or passage, apply on board. 6m run. icrv aubu.i as i Trade snd Lafourche Tbe steamer MARY )jQSaS3B3SBBBS rvubl i I HI in rm uias'er, will means fur tbe above nlaces every TOESDAY.

at 9 o'clock A and FRIDAY, at a o'clock B. M. For freisht or Das sage applyin board. JalS sm FOR THE COAST The favorite steamer E. D.

WHITE, Theodore Elfert, master. willeatend ber trips from and afterTHUHS Iiai. emu at ft o'clock. P.M. Simmsport.

Wil namsport. Pointe Coupee, Bayou Ssra, Waterloo, Port Hadaon, Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, Bayon Goula, New River, Uonsldsonvillr. snd all intermediate lanoinga, re rurnlna will leave Williamsnort on 8un1ay. a o'clock A Bayon 8ara on Monday, 8 o'clock A Baton Rouge on Monday, 1 clock riaquemine, oionaay, a ciocs The pnblic can rely upon the steamer E. D.

White as a regular parser, ror me year. inter ana omnaicr. For farther particulars apply an beard, or to J. H. MORRISON A AUGUSTUS A THIBADT, DARBY A TREMODLET, J.

B. PLADCHE A MARTIN GORDON HALL A KEMP. Fa 3m E. GERARD A CO. iw BALIZE, SOUTH WEST PASS AND rftMBBsaaaBSasv, iom oi wtwil Fagot, master, will commence making two trips a week.

Leaving New Orleana for Bappelet's Canal on WEDNESDAY, at 9 o'clock. A M. Returns on Thursday evenina. Leavea on SATURDAY, for Balise and South West Paas, at a o'clock. A.

M. For freight or passage apply on board, foot of St Louis street. nao rm ly mil SARA. FOUR TIMES wrrH The fine naasenaer steamers NEW LATONA. Gross, master, and EMYEROB, Cotton, master, leave for Bayon Sara and tbe Coast, as fol Utmm: New UinM leavea New Orleans on MONDAY.

St 6 o'clock P. and FRIDAY, at o'clock A. M. Leavea Bayos Sara on Tuesday ami Satarday. Tbe Emperor leaves New Orleans on SUNDAY, at o'clock A.

and WEDNESDAY, at 6 o'clock P.M. Leavea Bayou Bar on Monday and Thursday, after the arrival of the cars from vvooaviiie. or ireignx or passage appiy on "wu.w OABJEY A HAWKINS. J. A.

BRAUD LANDRY. BURBR1D6E A ADAMS. 04 PAYNE A HARRISON. Maryland and Virarlnla Ne Twesfor Hale, Just arrived and for sale At No. 18 Esplanade sr, inn NF.ORnr.9 mutaiiii of a choice selection lr of Field Hands, Hooae ServanU, Cooks, sabers.

lrooers, Seamstresa, Carpeotera, Blackamttba, and a fine Painter. All of which will bs sold oa the nt at accommodating terme by di aw J. M. WILSON EASONED CY PRESS LCSaBER Now landing at the Coal barf, in front ol Br Mary's Marcet, rirasma tiiOrWO feet Clear Seasoned Cypress, assorted, from 4 to Inches, for sals on tbe wharf, for cash, or delivered in sou to alt purchasers. Sea CtetaT Seasoned Whits Pins, assorted, from AUCTION SALES.

Beard IHwy'a n.lew sn KlrstPac Furniture Furniture. BT R. M. MONTGOMERY A Auctioneers On SATURDAY, tbe Iwh February, at id), o'clock, will be sold, at tbe old Auction Mart, 87 Campstree, A large assortment oi new ann secon nann rarior, Hed. Room and Kitchen Fornitnre.of every descripiiun.

Fin Forriatn and American Dry fjoorls. BY VINCENT A Auctioneers. 4 1 Bienvillestreet On SATURDAY. the at In o'clock, will be sold at their auction room mi piects CANTON MATTING; lono d'sen COTTON HOSEj Ginahsma. Plln ed Pancv Prints.

White and Colored Linen Lrill, Barren, Bleac.Led Thnrndike Shirt Ings, Drap d'Ele, Checks, Muilin Robes. Brorhe Mus ins. riau ewirai luaatin, Litsiauus, ijinea xoweis, an. Foulard Hdk's Dlspe s. Ae.

Fm tiroceries, Provisions, llquors. Arc. BY olORPHY A NEV1US On SATURDAY. IDthlnst at to o'clock, will be sold at auction, at No. r7 Magazine atreet uj.

aegs lara; ou noses sperm uanuies; 7ft kegs Batter; liO baskets Anisette; 4u half bbla Roll Batter; 7.1 baskets Champagne; In tierces Hams; 1AO baskets Olive Oil; 37 casks Shoulders; 90 bars Rio Coffee: Ml boxes Brandy Cheiies; boxes Brandy; I'iU boxes Cheese; ll boxes Codfish: 5 boxes Green Tea; 2O0 boxes Soap; CO half cheats Black Tea; 77 boxes Glassware; dozen Cords; boxes Cuba Sixes Cigars; lift boxes Tobacco; i0 boxes Pipe Heads; IV) boxes Claret; 7K.0U0 Cigars; 40 qr. casks Brandy; bbi Brandy and Gin; eighth casks Brandy; 4r bbla Whiskey, Rice. Nails. Coffee Mills, Lamp OilCandy, Vinegar, tc. Ac.

Fly Poriwnrdens' fale. BY MORPHY A NEVIUS On SATURDAY, tha loth inst at 1 o'clock, will be sold at auction, by order and under the Inspection of the port wardens, for account of nom it may concern, opposite rosr io. in, rirsr uistricc Lot of Sails and Rigging, dmiaged, taken from brig Sum tnrrs. satrjerms Cash. em Flour mad Huron.

BY MORPHY A NEVIUS On SATURDAY. the 19th at in o'clock, will be aold at auction, for ar count of whom it may concern, on the Levee, foot of Uravier street, landing ex steamer isatrbei No. a 3:1 nillS FI.VUK. I cask BACON. aT Terms Cash.

Fli (jirocerles, Provisions and Lilquors. BY R. 8YKE8, Auctioneer. On SATURDAY. IJIh Inst.

at 10. o'clock, will be aold at his auction store. No. 61 Magazine street 100 noxes riaisins; iao boxes and diums rigs; till bags Rio Coffee; HO boxes Confectionery; luO baskets Oil; 3 bsskeu Anisette, 50 boxes Lemons; 8 bags Almonds; A boxes Cbeere; 60 bbls Wblskey; 2.1 boxes Candles; ISO boxes Tobacco; Clears. Nails.

Glasswsre. Soan. Sardines. Corks. Whale Oil, Port, Sherry, Muscat and Champagne Wines.

Fiw Cotton t'otton. BY R. B. SYKES. Auctioneer.

On SATURDAY, the at 1 o'clock, will be aold at auction on Clnuet street, between Moreau and Casaralvo street. Third District fto bales COTTON, more or lets, damaged and saved from the wreck nf steamer John Swasey. sr lerrns casn. ri't Hale oT Improved Krai Kaiate in the First Dis' net BY J. O.

PIERSON J. A BONNEVAL, Auctioneer On SATURDAY, l'th at li o'clock, will be sold at auction at Banks's Arcade, to the highest bidder, and wit boat reserve That valuable property in the square bounded by Felicity Road, Constance. Richard and Magazine strrers, and form in. the corner of Felicity Roal anil Constance streets, and measuring on Constance street Ml feet frant by a depth ot 91 feet, and on Felicity Road sti feet by a depth of feet. On said lot are two cttagea and one two story houe, the corner, a good location for a family grocery.

See plan at sale Terms One third cash; balance rt. and ih months, bearing interest at i per rent, and if no, paid at maturity 8 per reut interest after. Fla Positive Sale of Vnluuble Property Second and Fourth Districts, to liquidate a concert IJY H. W. PALFREY Office No.

Catnpstreet L. ly Lewis. Notary. G. R.

Underbill. Auctioneer. On SATl'RD AY. February lit. o'clock, will be sold at nansa Arc s.le A very desirable Dwelling House iu the Fourth District, built In IS4 on a lot ri i feet II inches 1 lines front on Josephinr by US feet deep and front on Camp stieet.

The house is divided into four rooms of Iti by 1, kitchrn, servants' rooms, cis'erns, Ac. Only one squsre from the railroad and omnibus line, and two squares truin the Mag ame street market house. A Valuable Dwelline designated as No. in Rob ertson street, in the'Sermd District, late First Mnnicipali ty.on a lot havinaJT'v feet front on Robertson strent.

be tween Main and St. Philip streets, and fret deep be tween larallel lines. 1 lie niaus are now exinoitea at me Arcaoe. Terms One third cssh, and tbe balance at 1 2 and 1 mouths' credit. F'7 Four Lots oT ml in First District BY CARMAN A CO.

Auctioneers On SA1 IK DAY. Ivxh inst at il u'clock Hill be sold at auction at Banks's Arcade Three Lotsof Ground in the squsre tKiun.le.l by rerr.lo. Johnson. Galvez and Gravier streeta. and by tbe numbers l.tfaml Lot No.

1 fo ins he comer of Johnson and Ferdldo streets, and messurs 'i feet lines on Perdi ilo street, bv 12i feet in den'h and front on Johnson street Lot No. 3 measures fert ti inches front on Perdnio street. by 1J0 feet in depth between parallel lines. Lot No. Jo measure 2 i fef if inches lines front on Johnson strrer, by 'M feet inches ft lines in pth between parallel lines One Lot of Ground in the square bounded hy Potymnis.

Nsvades. Euterpe and Apllo streets, being lot N. t'. and measures St feet fronton Polymnia street, by 17 feet In IncDes in neptb between parallel lines. Terms One third cash; balance at ix ami 1,1 mon: ui for notes sernrrd by mortgage on the property.

Acta of sale before notary puunc, at me ex pense of the pnrchaser. Fl7 Nrhssnrr ui, II. Monlagar. BT CARMAN A CO Auctioneer On SATDR DAY. the l'th at li o'clock, will be sold at auc tlon at Banks's Arcade Tbe remarkably fast aailinssrbouneru MOtlTAUUE.

of 117 tons burthen, built in Istf. metal dtomed 111 July lat. when she was caulked from garboard strrak to pans shear, decks 'caulked in Malaga in August last. ar.d is a very superior bu It vessel. Has made two voyase Irom New York to Malaga and bsck again in Hi days Made tbe passage from New York to Rio in dnys and returned in 311.

llcrlait passage to tins rt wss40lns. beat 1 lis tb whole tiett. This vessel Is well calculated lor the Havsna or Mediterranean trade. Heriuventory is com plete and can be seen at the office of the auctioneers. Sue now lies opposite Jackson street.

Fourth Disttlct. rrrnis at sale. n. Sale of Improved and Vacant Property 111 the hirst and fourth Liistrict. BY J.

O. PIERSON J. A. Bonneval. Auctioneer Will be soidst auction on SATURDAY, 'tb at Banks's Arcade, at o'clock, to the highest bidder.

without reserve, tbe following descrilied real es'ate, to wit I House and Lot in the square bounded by Terpsici ore. Nayades. Apo In and Melpomene streets, measuring 7 feet 4 inches on Terpsichore by feet in inches snd lines deep. Improvement consist of a two story frame house, with gallery in front and side with two rooms in main building, a two story ki'chru with four rooms; also an ad ditional two story building across the rear of the lot. con taiuing three servants' rojms above, carriage and wood noose ano sraoie oeiow.

Two Lota of Grnnnd in the square bounded ny Anuun elation. Faranier, Richard su.i Orange streets, measuring each 31 feet 1 1 inches 1 lines front ou Paranier street, by a depth of 1.7 feet In inches and a lines. Nos. ft and 1. on tbe rear of lot of No.

6, ia a carnage house end stable. 3 House and Lot in tbe square bounded ny fneur. Ho man. Cvoresaand Hevia. lot measur nc J'i feet inches on Hevia.

feet ti inchea i Cypress by a depth of feet 4 inches and lines on tbe line inwards rrieur street, reet 10 inches and 6 lines on the line towards Human street; tbe improvement consists of a two story Irame house contain lug four rooms, cistern, A'C 4 One tAt on the souare bounded bv Roman. Prieur. Jackson snd Palmyra, messunns .7 fret front on Jackson, bv lir fret 10 inches and lines in deptu. 1 111s property is in the third square frum the new market ou Claiborne street. One Lot of Ground in the square bounded by iteii einna.

Oranse. Richard and St. John the Baptist streets nieaanrins I fert 11 inches and ti lines front on Religious street by r.i fe 10 inches and lines iu dejih. Four Lots 01 irround in tne roarrn iri inci, 111 rue annare hounded bv Masarine. Seveuth.

Eightlsand Camp streets, being lots numbered 4, ft, 7, measuring each if. feet front ny feet lnrnra 111 neptn. 7 Five Lots in the square bounded by Plaquemine. Sixth Seventh and Prvtania streets, being lots numbered tf Sri, 27 and an No. ir) measuring 31 feet 3 inches front on Plsquemine strret by a depth of 1J0 feet fmnt on Se; venth' street rnr.a 'i7.

n.i an i 14, earn .11 leer incurs front on Plaouemine street bv a depth of 11 feet. 8 One Lot aqaare nounnea ny vrasningmn Avrnue. r'amn mitA Vn.irtK rT a mviuinni feet 7 inchea fines front on Washington Avtnue by luJ feet inches and .1 tines in deptb. i Three Lots bounded by Magazine, Camp, Pleasant and Tnletlann afreets, beina numbers 4. ft and 8 measuring each feet 1 Inch fmnt on Pleasant street, feet 3 inches and ft lines front on Toledano street, ny irregular aepina, as per plan from street to street.

Terms One third cash balance in nne and two years, with 6 per cent interest, notes to be secured by mortgage on the property; if not paid at maturity the notea to bear 8 percent interest until paid, ine improved property ro be insured in tavnr of tbe vendor, until tbe notes are paid. Acta of sale before a notary designated oy tne purchaser. Fl Books at Aurtion. TY TWOS J. SPEAR A Auctioneers On Trll RS jD DAY.

the 17th Inst at 7 o'clock, will be sold at auction at No tt 0 Charles street the sale will be opened and continntd day and evening until tbe volumes are sold Five thousand nine hundred ana ninety seven nraers win be printed with the title of book or nooks, ana tneir respec five valnatinna These orders will be placed into envelopes, sealed ana mixed, after which they will be numbered from I inclusive. The envelopes will then be pat in packages. sealed, and deposited In one nf the city Banks until lbs nf rhe aale 1 envelope win contain an order lor a ooos vaiaea at i 1 ftno 1 1 I I ifto ifto 400 100 lfiO Miscellaneous Books no 40 no ia 60 aft 15 10 soo 100 4 each SDOO 3887 1 valued at 20 rents 777 v. lurries. 86,177 TTnat nne.

Un C.nta inr Mrh hnoir. A similar receipt to tbe following will be handed to each parr baser at tne time ol sale, to avoid any nusiascs oi iuu rnafnn at th rime nf deliver. Received, New Orleans, Feb. li5S, from Mr. the sum of One Dollar, being in full for book or books named in order contained in envelope No. If tbe value fixed on tbe book be Su.ftO or upwards, tbe purchaser will be paid the amount In caab, if. on examination at the time of de livery, be will sell said book at said valuation. SPEAR At CO. These boots comprise the latest standard works, are all new, handsomely and well bound, and may be aeen at any time before or daring the aale.

Every person purchasing one or more of these Books at tne price ot a ataaoa an equal nance io an urc uuu. II ran P. S. Ordera from any part of the State will be puncto ll a A.J av 1 1 FIS milj awitsZUUCU JJSJ1 ptBJU. Extensive Sale of Fine Jewelry Watc es.

nr MnNTfiflMmr a ro Auctioneers. Will II ha anM ar urfm a. tk. irnm No. 38 Camp MrCCt.

rnmmenrln. on WEDNESDAT. the 9th February. St 10 0 lnCnrln atneb nf na TTOT ri UT erWaiStiDI Of Oold Lever, Anchor and Lepine Watcbea, of the beat makers. THannnd Rinn KnaMalal and Ear lint.

LSdlea SUd Gent's fine Goid Chains, and a general aarortment of Jew .1. Amm. silver and Plated Ware, i. as. K.i hina.

Bohemian Glass Ware, and fsvscy articlea. Every article will be Bold under 8 fall guarantee aa to quality. rr in l. 1 Immuiii na Mandav tto morrow) morning. Tbekadies axe partieularly invited to aar Tbe ssi will be continued every Monday Wadnea day aod rriday, antU the entire stoca is sapwoi rrj iw r.

i. A l.tmrM nf a Roarriina HssstlitstU knows IseaUltyuesx CAs ssreet. Appty kpsi srramar, sr ss vwr inr ir STEAM BOA TS. mobile aad the IiaJAa Paeket. FOB, MOBILE Daily D.

8. Mail Line nier Arrangement. rne new ana Isnlendid low.nreaanre naeW.4: at camera OREGON, R. A Hiern, master. CALIFORNIA.

Samuel Rose, master, and the hi.h.nrvaaur lake ateamer ST CHARLES, Reuben Post, master, having been built ex preasly for the lake trade, with superior accommodations One of the above steamers will leave the Pontchartrain Kaiiroad DAILY, on arrival at the Lake of the 4 o'clock i ar rascagouia on Wednesdays, gong and Tuesdays and Fridaya, returning. iii riimiuigiur muuuewiii leave tne omce or tne cent at 3 o'clock I.rtjr fnr L' nf 1.1 be put in the mail. VZ GEDDES, Agent, 10 Bank Place. Ssjr Freight for Eav St. Lonia.

Paaa rrhpi.ii.,. p.m. ragonla.must be sent for steamer Creole. 8EMIWEEa.LT PACKET STEAMER. CREOLE For BUoxi, Fort Pike, Bay St.

Lfluil. MiHlMiMi PlH. extending to Lynchburg Springs and Paacagoula on Saturdays, and leaving Fascagoula on Sunday mornings The new, splendid low pressure packet ateamer CREOLE, w. loh, master, (built expressly for this trade,) with superior accommodations, will leave the Pnntehar. train Railroad on arrival of the cars at the Lake aa follows: rum new orieaua I From BiloxL Saturday by ft P.

M. cara. Sunday Evening. Wednesday by 10 A. Tburslay Evening.

tatr Fare to or from Biloxi or intermediate landings, t'i fto Children and ServanU, 81 fto Deck, tl. taS Tbe letter bag will leave the office of the Agent Tegu arly on Wednesday morning at o'clock, and Saturday evening at 3 'clock. SaT Freisht received at the Railroad demt nn Mnndava Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, up to 4 o'clock P. on Wednesday mornings up fo o'clock A. M.

niti, rv. uLuur.g, Agent, iu nana riace. Alabama Kiver. REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET for Monteomerv and Wetumpka. Ala Tbe new and splendid passenger packet steamer ftlAliiHULIA.

W. F. James, master, will leave Mobile for the above Dor's everv WEDNESDAY, at ft oVIock P. arriving at Montgomery in time for the Eastern cars on Friday morning. Returning, will leave Montgomery after the arrival of the cars on Saturday evening, and will be in Mobile in time tor tbe Orleans mall boat on Monday.

T. OFFICER, Agent, Jaft "3 Commerce monne. 1 ne Ohio River. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regular passenger packet KCLIrSE, Btnrgeontmas ter. will leave for Louisville and all inter mediate, on TUESDAY, 8th March, at ft o'clock P.

M. For freight or passage apply on board orto MARTIN. OWEN A 1 13 Magazine at. FIS or to STROTHER A BROS fovdraast. aav A Plan of tbe Cabin can be aeen and State Rooms se cured by applying to Martin, Owen A Co.

fTTr?" FOR LOUISVILLE The fine passenger packet steamer LEXINGTON. Jaa Mather, iaa master, wilh leave for the above and all in termediate landing on SATURDAY, 19'h instant, at ft 'cloc P. M. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply on board, or to Ik MHUlnr.K at royarassr. FOR LOUISVILLE.

EVaNSVILLE and Memphis Tbe splendid passenger packet steamer ROUT. J. WARD. Silas F. tier, master, will leave ir tne above and all intermediate landings, on THURSDAY, the March.

at ri u'clock. P. M. Fur freight or passage, apply on btmrd. or to Hr.u.

sh i k. ti common st. SiML EVA 1NG. as Gravierst. N.

This boat was built fcxprer s'y for a passenger paiket. A plan if her cabin can be aeen and state rooms secured, hy spplying to Then Sbute. ii Conimon sr. FOR LOUISVILLE The splendid pas Heifer packet steamer SULTANA. J.

M. Martin, master, will leave for the almve and nleruiedittle landing on 8A I'L'RDAV, the at ft I'clock I. M. For freiatit or nasssse. havina auperior accommodations, aply on board, or to ri7 siKUin r.rt at 4ft roy.irasst.

(sr A plan of the Cabin ran be seen and State Rooms se cured by applying to the Agents. FOR LOUI8VILLE 1 be tine regular passenger packet MARY HUNT. Monroe Uuamer. master, will ave for Louisville ana an intermediate landings. onTUr.SDAY, Jd lnt at ft o'clock, P.

M. For freight or passage, apply on Doard or to MARTIN, OWEN A II 2 Mgzne or to STROTHERA BROS. Agents, li Poydras st. laf A plan of the Catiin can rte seen and State Rooms se cured by applying to Stro'lier at Bros iiniberlnnrt Kiver. FuR NASHVILLE.

CLARKSVII.LE, F.d.lyville, Ac. The new Xmi nioginticeni pnsscnirer steamer H. R. W. HILL.

Thns. Neweii, uia.tcr. wiil leave for the above and mtermedi ate landings, on MONDAY, the Jlst inst. at ft o'clock P. M.

positively, ror freight or pasr age, having superior ac commentations, apply on tjoard, or to THUS HAMILTON IS Cn nnrfelet St. Itlver. REOl LAR YALLOBUSHA RIVER Packe For Grenads, Troy. Green Marion. Trhula.

Yazm City, Satar tmaii cs.burg The light draoght passenger steamer MONROE, S. Gwartnry. uiarier, will leave as above on SATL'KDAY. ILa i th inst at ft o'clock P. M.

For freight or paieage apply on board or lo llCnV 1 at rori a.uu no r.K, iiiu.t.i nn i l.en.ire The supentir steamboat c'Y ROBINSON will leave for the above .1.1. i inc. Hale landings ou SAILKIIA1, lue l.Uli uarant. at ft o'clock H7 J. H.

HEALO. Agent. 3ft atrnrr St. tlunrhili lfiver. FOR BAYOU MACON.

TENSAS AND Black Rivers. The safe and fjst running steamer J. M. RKI.F. Chas.

Hall, master. leav. i.r the soove and all intermediate landings, on TUESDAY, the inst fto'clock, P.M. ForfreigLt or pa.sase apply on board or to Fi J. RELF CO isend New Ivee.

rvw s. REGLLAH PACRr.l run mOUlii ur LjussffrsjjBniiniliinny Mouud Bayou, Contre Point, aSasvaaaaaaawa Choctaw Bavoo.Pin Hook. Trinity, and all lan.l.iiK on Bia'k and Tenia Rivera Tbe new a supe rior steamer StVlAN.Jotin It. am. masier.wiii irire the above nn SATURDAY, the at ft rioca M.

For freight or raasase aprlv on board, foot of Cm mon street, or to STEVENSON A 1 17 comer ol uravier and rtiiton streeta. fT BAYOU BARTHOLOMEW PACKET. mj iTiJif Bartholomew. Point Pleasant Ouachita aaKasSaaaWt'ity, Trt tuun, Monroe. Columbia, llarns K.

Trim and all intei meiia'e Landings on Black Kivei The superior steamer TRENTON. D. Glafscork, master, is low Iviiik at the I.evee rer iving irrigui forme ilinr. snd will' leave on SATURDAY, l'tb at ft o'clock P. Ft freight or pas.nge aprly on board, or to Kir FPr.AKK A McCRK A Tch ni itoulss st Arkiiiisin Kiver.

L. i ii i I. i 1 rs. run An.n.A.3rto 1.1 ii. hi.

a5daiu(ht fa.l ru uu ins steamer DOV K. Snilf li 1 1 1 I V.n Ho. I. lii. Km k.

Pine Blutls. and all lntermruiste lati.lin on the Arkarmas River, on SATl RDAl the ith at ft P. M. ror freight or passage apply on boara, fo of Csra' street, or to Ki'i M. ORKENVVOOli CO 1 srondelet st.

Hrrl Kiver FOR JF.FFERSOk. PORT CADDO. Shrrvepoit. tiraud Ecore an Alexandria Trie tine steamer 8. DOWNS, Geo.

Ciaikr. master, will Irave for the above and sil interme diateportson SATL'KDAY. the lth Instant, at In 31 ror frright or pas tage appiy on ujani, or J. H. MORRISON A CO 1 Front Levee.

bT The II has been nnrrhased expressly for the atxve ira le, and shippers and traveler are assured that he will remaiii.duriug the entire season FOR GRAND ECORE, NATCHITOCHES Alexandria, and all intermediate landings The spirnd passenger packet ateamer P. UAL.I1AI., V. Kay. master, bavlt.g been unavoidably ne tamtd. will leave for the above on sailkdai.

istn ist at lo o'tlork A M. ror freight or passage, having good accommodations, spry on hoard or to 1 i i. ru.nnui ar om.iri RED RIVER PACKET, via cane snd Little Rivers Fur Natchitoches, Grand Erorr. Alexandria, sn.i all intermed ate nn l.i.KS. via lane and Little rivers lue new, swin ana elegant passenger packet steamer P.

F. KIM BALL. m. aunball, master, win leave as aiiove on mth at ft o'clock P. M.

For freight or passage, having supenor accommodations, apply on board or to Fis SFEAKE A MrCKKAK .3 Tcnnupuouia sr. fTTf? FOR FORT SMITH. VaN BUREN, Little Rock, and Intermediate Landings on the Arkansas River The regular packet sieamer HOvK. snut u. master, win leave as auove on SATURDAY, the at ft 'click P.

For freight or passage, apply ou board, nr to SSI A i i i i r. i v. Flf M. GREENWOOD A CO AltnkarfHS. FOR ATTAKAPAS The fine and fes running passenger steamer ROSA, A.

Mey nier. master, will leave for the above SAT UR Al. i ne ihiIi instant; at oclock taking rreignt nd rassragrrs for Pattersonville, Crntreville, Franklin, New Iberia. St. Martinsville, and all intermediate landings on the route.

For freight and passage, apply on board, orto F18 DARBY A TKLMUl'Ltl, 24 Bienville sr FOR ATTAKAPAS The new and hne light draught steamer DELIA. E. Castillo, maalrr, will leave aa above on every WED vsTJa at li o'clock taking freight lor St. Martina ville. New Iberia.

Franklin. Crntreville, Pattersonville, and all intermediate landings on the rou'e. Tbe Delia is a new boat, and no pains baa been spared to render her as agreeable as possib.e. Passengers and auippers can rely on all orders being punctually attended to. For freight or pas sase anply on board, or to Fi3 rim UAKBl a nirnvni' ar.

FOR ATTAKAPAS The new and fine light draught regular passenger ateamer ANNA No. a. J.J. Labartbe. master, will leav.

lor me aliove on EVERY TUESDAY, at o'clock taking freight and passengers for St Martina ville. New Iberia, Frauklin.CentreviUe, Pattersonville.aud all intermediate landing on tbe route. Tbe Anas No. 8 ha been thoroughly repaired, and no pains ha been spared to render her as agreeable as possible. Passengers and ship persran rely on all orders being punctually atieuaea i j.

For freight or passage, apply on board, or to ill' DI ivr 1 C.nwlinii.. at Old nui 1.11AL. Lf uua i wm.w."wm Vlcksbnr REGULAR WEEKLY 'PRINCETON 'Packet Steamer 8 AXON. For Princeton. LsaSkipwith's Landing, Milliken' Bend.

Lake, lir.nd fill If. Rodnev. Natchecfort Adams. Bayon Sara, Baton Rouge, Donaldsonville, and all intermediate lanaings. ine new ana rirtaui i uru nacket steamer SAXON.

H. Estea, master, wilt leave for the above nn SATURDAY, st 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, having elegant accommoaa nona, apply on board or to DlKUinr.n j. aa Tha Sa.nn will take freieht for YaZOO liver With the privilege of reablpping at Virksburg and will have a clerk receiving freight at loot oi crowmsa day morning.

4 I A k. TUESDAY Vicksburg Packet Steamer MAGNOLIA For Vicksburg, Warrenton, New Carthage, raud uult. nr. Jrsepn. rtoanev, ana him ud auk mwA aaifl mnnlna rauvnter DSCket EtSSmer SLAU NOLIA.

St. Clair Thomasson, master, will leave for tbe 1 TJ BaC A SV V. a A jM above and intermeaiate lanaings, on i ou. um i February, at 6 O'CIOCI 1. tn.

ror treigut sr pesaage appiy t. bhu IE. 22 common sr. fmT There will be a clerk on the Levee early Satnrday morning to receive rreignr ii FOR HARD TIMES. GRAND GULF, Rodney, Waterproof, Natchez, Fort Adams, Baton Kouge, Bayou rsra, ate ice pacxet Sleauier Altnu cso.

1. r. Leainera. master, is now tbe Levee receiving freight, ana win leave as aoove oo SATURDAY, tbe at ft o'clock, P. M.

For freight or passage, apply on board or to riri ir. k. LAr.r.uLi.. i union rvow carooae i ev. 18 A clerk will be on the Levee, for of Canal street.

from Thursday morning, to receive freight. frs 3. THE REGULAR MONDAY EVENING L'sT7 ri th rri tt tbe Session. PRINCESS SraaaMANo. 3.

wiU leave every MaNUAY. st 6 clocs n. rram rne foot ot (Janai strwt, ioric.s. Warrenton, Grand Golf, New Cartbaee, Hard Tim" i u. haaiuiKiis and all In termediate landing Tbe fine PRINCESS No James M.

B.oadwell, master. wiU leave as shove For freight erpassage apply o. board, jo Qn Tbe Princess will take freight ior Yazoo lege of reshipping. a n. Muear Mill el email slse.

1 all new end complete also, two 'l'Ol lncb diameter, feet stroke. Apply at be tx roundr. yv et Jttarket0 anb iHaritu. nCAlUNE OFFICE, I Friday Evening, Feb. 18, ISM.

COTTON The week opened with as active demand, tbe sales on Saturday having reached 1R.000 bales, of which about one half was reported oa speculation. Price bad been in favor of buyers, severml large lists having been sold at a decline of Mc. This activity was however of short da ration, as on Monday the sales were confined to Sooo bales On Tuesday tbe advice by the Asia, the ateamer of theWth nit, were before tbe public showing an advance of These favorable advices were however neutralised by local can ea, tbe principal one of which fat tbe scarcity of shin ping, and the sale did not exceed 000 bale at irregular and drooping price. On Wednesday factors submitted to further decline which brought oat buyers, and the sale on that day and yesterday embraced 17,000 bales) establishing a decline of fully Ajc To day tbe advice by the propeller Alpa and the steamer America, tbe packet of the Sd and fttb bring a further advance of d. Fair being quoted 6)td.

and Middling 6d. Tbe same local cause continuing in lull force, namely an immense stock, a scarcity of ship ping; these advicea have made little impression on our market. There was a fair demand which resulted the sale of 66oo bales, making a total for tbe week of 46.500 bales. ine purcnasea bave been chiefly for France and other part or urope, nortnern Duyers having operated sparingly. The week closes without animation at our quotations jrainary 7J4Oood Middling 9J.8) nu I jib ivl iillln.

i oriu Middling 81Fair io5s COTTON ITlTtMmT Stock on Ld September 1, 186......... Arrived 1 Arrived to 10.00 .14.865 11.380 Exported to date Eapurted to l.X16.tft4 8611.41 ti.filti 87..037 Stock on hand and on ship board not cleared. 3rx.si7 Receipts at this port lastyear 841,141 hales Exports 66, 7rH bales. Weather Willi the exception of one or two slight showers, the weather has been favorable to out door business umil to day, when we were visited with a steady rain. TOBACCO We have still to report a dull market, tbe sales op to this morning being confined to Jihds.

Today we only heard of a trifling sale, although we are aware tbat some large lota have been aold during the week. In prices there is no quotable change, although the medium qualities are rather eaaier. Refused 49H friik Common Admitted, ft nfftiChoice t2'tl 4 ran naaaniDlawa a ATI TOBACCO STATEMENT Stock on hand September 1, hhJa Ift sno Arrived circe Arrived to day 842 Exported to Exported to Stock on hand and on ship koard not cleared. Js 27 iftv SUGAR Theactive demand of Monday last bss subsided and tbe market has been heavy since. Sales of tbe week 70UG hhds.

of which 500 bbda were sold to dsy We quote Inferior .3 Common I Choice ft 4Tft'. Fair iCiarified 4i7 Week's receipts hhds Exports 23J3 hbda MOLASSES The demand has been less active and the sales of tbe week amount to 8000 bbla. Prices close at Wa tic for fermenting, 13 a He. for gocd and prime and it1, ir tftc. for reboil d.

Week's receipts bbla Exports 1C77 bbla FLOUR Unfavorable advices from Europe, and higb rates of freight, have depressed tbe merket. The sales up to this mori ing embrace 8000 bbls the market closing at the following rates Ohio tl iwa Ml; Illinois and St. Loots $4 SOir 4 extra $.1 7S. To day 14.100 bbla Ohio in one barge and 7 flat boats, were sold at tl 1 delivered along aide ship in 3 lots at $4 ift; HO at loo St. lMuit at 4 7u and 2xj extra Illinois at tft 2ft.

Week's receipts 31, wl bbla Exports bbls CORN The same causes and large receipts have opera ted against this The sales up to this morning roi brace sacas, the following being the closing rates: mixed and yellow ilatsc white prime white and yellow 6ftc. To day the sales were confined to 7iio prime yellow at sic; this day's receipts of about 14,000 sacks not being landed on account of the rain Week's receipts sacks Exports 43,336 sack a WHEAT 1200 bushel prime were sold at $1 bushel. Week's receipts 71 sacka OATS Some 75uo sacks Illinois and St. Louis were sold at 4" 42C Week's receipts onftii sacks Exports 1030 sack BRAN The receipts bave been sold at nftartnic. 100 Ifi.

WHISKEY Tbe receipts of Rectified Laving been light prices have advanced, SI having been paid yesterday. To day lit bbls Rectified were sold at 21 c. and ISO bbls. Raw at ioTiC, the stock of Raw being large. Week's receipts 3481 bbls.

Exports 1476 bbls. PORK The demand has been more active, and ft'i bbla have changed hands at the following range of prices Mess usperted is 7fti16; uninspected tl ROS'is 75 M. O. tlft 2ft and Rumps tl 2. To day ri7 bbla inspected Mess were so'd'st tlft 7ft and too uninspected at tlft 50.

Week'a receipts 15,3 28 bbls Exports 74ti7 bbl. BACON There baa been a tieady demand, and l.ouu casks Sides ani Shoulders were sold up to this morning, nearly all at 8lKe. for Sides, and 7c. for Shoulders. Sogar cured Hams bave sold slowly at To day 36) casks Sides Were sold at at 8c, and 30 casks clear Sides Week's receipts fiaft casks and IS'iS tierces Exports casks tierces.

LAUD The demand having been limited prices have declined, and the last sales of Prime were at ic, in barrels and tierces, and inc. in kegs. To day we only beard of the sale of too kegs Prime at 10c. Week's receipts 7r and 5ft4o ksgs Exports bbls. and isn kega BEEF In the nbsence of any sain of moment we quote Mess 3 7'aHi Prime, ttlH and Prime Mess iu tierces tls fto.

Week's receipt 2.10 bbla, and 2818 tierces Exports 1332 bbls. and 4r tierrea DRY SALTED MEAT 20 puunds Hams and Shoul ders were sild at ti pounds hog round at and 37O.O00 at tic, and yesterday' pouuds hog rcuud at TALLOW The last sale of city rendered wa at 8 c. CAN DLE3 Tbe demsr has been steady at 214ir'22c. BAGGING AND ROPE Ou Saturday vw pieces Ken tucky were sold at coils ati India bagging is selling at II Krf 4iw bale having been aold yesterday at II ltC Week's receipts 30o7 pieces. 241 colls Exports 300 roils.

HEMP We Lave not heard of a sale. Week's receipts 44 baits Exports fto bales. GUNNY BAGS Small parcels are selling at c. L1J1E The last cargj of Tbomaston had been sold to arrire at tl 4o HAY Western is selling at t2i21 per ton. Yesterday 10 bales were sold at til 2ft820 r0.

COFFEE The demand haa been fair, and the sales of the week embrace wll bags Rio at v'if9c, leaving a stock of bags in first and second handa RICE There Las been a steady demand at 4 3 4 je. mostly at 4 c. SALT Several Liverpool were sold at 7 ic. for about one third tine, and yesterday a cargo of tio32 sacks, about one fourth fine, at under 73c Tbe price from second band continues at fttKic. for coarse, and tl lOfrl for fine, delivered." FREIGHTS Vessels arrive very slowly, and few at a lime.

A British ship was takrn today fur Liverpool at 11 with consignment, and a bark for Havre at 1 for a full cargo. Cottou to New Yotk Cotton to Biston 15 lt Sugar irom the City ti 2ftS so. Pork to Boston tl bbl. Flour to tbe North Sftiyuc. bbl.

Flour to Liverpool rid. bbl. Corn to Liverpool led. sP bushel. EXCHANGES The supply of bills having increased the rates Lave declined.

London. Paris New York to days. New York dsN If cent M.16VsVft.x. IJ rent, discount. scent.

discount. monetary. Fnday Evening, Febrnary lft. Tbe inclement state of the weather has interfered with monetary operations to day. Stocks are languid and transactions inconsiderable.

Tbis inactivity it produced by an impression tbat the demand for money may become more active, and higher rates be demanded by capitalists. To this impression we alio at tribute the 1 mited negotiations in paper buyers keep aloof in expectation of higher rates, while tbe abundance af money induces sellers to look for low rates. Notwithstanding this diversity of view, the general feel ing is one of strong confidence in a long continued ease in money, and, we may add, the expectation ef the community will be sadly disappointed if thia predicted ease be not accompanied with cheapness. Foreign exchange is not plenty at thia moment, but this doe not lead us to anticipate shipments of coin to any ex tent; the rate of Sterling will be governed by shipment of produce, which will be large throughout the season, and again by tbe immense influx of foreign capital, attracted by our comparatively high rates of interest. The upward tendency in all our securities bearing over per cent, will not be fully aeen until the influence of tbe gold discoveries in Australia exert their legitimate Influ ence in England.

Tbey are now pasatng through rather a depleting process, similar to tbat experienced by na after tbe first discoveries on tbe Pacific. As soon as the enor mous yield enriches the Bank coffer, and augments the circulation as it will be augmented, we may look for a corresponding movement here such aa few bave anticipated. Thia morning's mall bringa ua New York dates to tbe 11th inst. Tb aoDDlv of nmnev waa fallv nn to tbe demand, at rate ranging from 6 to 7 per cent The Exchange sssrket was inactive, rarea steads at iiUaf 10 ner cent In Boston the demand ior money in the street had diminished, and the Bank were discounting freely fur taeir dealers. The prosperity of important lines of railroad cansot be too frequently made public We observe tbe receipt, of tbe Baltimore aod Ohio road for January were being an increase of over 80,000 on the receipts of the same month last year.

Oar Legislature will reassemble on Wednesday next, and sooo after the menu of the Free Banking law will be fully disrussrd Their eooititnenta expect cheap money, and are generally agreed tbat the mode of tnsaricg it it by rro mating emu petition in loaning U. Cattle Market. Jeflerson City, Friday Feb. 18. BEEF CATTLE Receipts of tbe week 104 bead A rood stock of Western arrived since yesterday with aa am ole supply of inferior descriptlens effering.

Price of fine and choica Western are firm at 6S.att).c. net. HOGS The stock ia very ample and the market easy at Receipts 846 bead. SHEEP Ther art over 1600 head remaining oa sals. sUceipttof tJ week law IveAd.

Price to jr IwwtL Br Br 8c MILCfl tOae jlceeipta M.hesd. Market slow at tOS etanAebead. CALVES AND EAULinao uax sew sen ia, price looking sp. Receipts 887 bead, jrnces sows. bettd.

FICAYUWII OFFICB. Febrnary CI KAREO YKSTKRDAY. ihip Cerro Gordo, Chandler, Liverpool, Jeiikimr Sbip Jessore, Cobb, New York. Wm Creevy Ship Meteor. Bearse, Boston, Jf i Ship Oregon, aerr, Liverpool.

"xr Ship Home, More, Liverpool, frST Brig Patteraon, Oolcord. New York, Bale Brig Hamlet. Crawford, New Yk. Foadick Aco hr Jane EUzabetb, Love, St 1 bomas and a market, Bchr Mary Eddy, Eddy, Sabine Pass. Barriswa Aco ARKVKL.

Steamship Wm Penn, Sears, fm New York, 8th Inst, to Marks A Thomas Ist district Stesm sri. Lexinrtos, Mather, fm Lonisrille Winalow, Cincinnan. St Louis, Taylor, tin St. Louia Soathern Belle. bite, fm MUiken't Bend.

Saxon. Estea, fm Princeton Sultana, Martin, fm Louisville, PF Kimball. Kimball, fm Grand Ecore. Natchez No Leathers, fm Hard Time. II Hill.

Newell, fm Nashville. Edward Howard, Northern, fm Naahville. Emperor, Cotton, fm Bayos Sara. Grand Tower, Yore, fm Cincinnati. Gen Stokes, Williams, fm River.

Gipsy, Ure, fm Baton Rouge. Wanona, fm Tbe officers of thia beat having peremptorily refused our reporters the nse of her manifeal we give no farther report of her. EXPORTS LIVERPOOL Sbip Cerro Gordo 1244 bale, cotton, 100 tcs beef, ftrtf7 sks corn, 3nJ0 stave. NEW YORK Ship Jessore est3 cotton, 13fj6 bbls po 1331 bbls whiskey, 600 keg 6 tcs 146 Obi isra.aos Dais niaes, a pxgs mcise. BOSTON Ship Meteor lfi24 bale cotton, 1011 sks corn.

LIVERPOOL Ship Oregon 28 bales cotton. IbsO bois LIVERPOOL Ship Home 833 baJe cotton. 1819 tea beef, 3ooo bbls fl jur, 1 bbl whiskey, 1 do pecans, ISO hxt tobacco. 3m staves. I NEW YORK.

Brig Pfttterron 3756 sks cojrnePOO boss molasses NEW YORK Brig Hamlet 399 hhds sugar 1 bbl do, I do molasses, 1 do bsmt, 1 hf do pecans, 480 sks corn. ST THOMAS SchrJsne Elizabeth 660 kega 800 bbl lard, lo tcs hams, 18 do rice, so bbls potato, too sks corn. SABINE Schr Mary Eddy loo bbla floor, aft do bread, 26 do sugar. 2ft bbls whiskey, 60 bbl polar. os, io ck bacon, 10 sks coffee, Ac IMPORTS.

NEW YORK Steamship Wm Penn Assorted mdse. RECEIPTS PRODUCE. GRAND ECORE Steamer Kimball SOS hale cot ton Blarhe Aco 141 Roubieu 70 Mandevitle A L'n ton ft4 DeGruy 44 Payne A tsAmson rtuiuiTiming. Stewart Aco 26 Toledano A Tayior 20 Smith Aco 18 Kelly, Conyngbam Aco 12 Gillv Bucbannon, Carroll A co ft Ar Miltenberger ft Byrne Aco Ss hbda so rar. Ar Miltenberger AO do Bachaonon, Carroll Aco 1 do Wade 40 do, 0 hhds sugar everici Aco 30 do Bogart, Foley A A very maeaoroor TotaT 64f bale cotton.

NAsnvn.i.P sreamer Ed Howard B64 blue cotton A Johnson Aco eM Williams 97 do McGregor A AUo way uri Hewitt, atco tt xeaiman otco m. xr Cooper Aco I Fraarr Aco 6S Swiney, oreen Aco 8 Wriaht. Williams Aco 14 Bvme Aco 6 hhds tobacco cMcGregor A Alloway S7 do Hewitt. Norton Aco 13 do uammacx. at west io oo oumi at.v lard, 1 do pork, 3oo sks corn Turner, Wilson Aco do Geraldin Aco ftnft do, 13 do plu bbls beans, 18 tea and bbis lard.

3 bbds tobacco ooei sz umpoeii wo, earn 1 1 hhla lard anil Ml l'tmSD ACO 329 do DOtk. 31 cks y9 bhds tobacco Fellowes Aco I cks bacon, bbls mdse Cresap 89 bxs tobacco (J A Tate tM A 1 3lOOrr8 OU1B SrOUt, l.T UU Cgy. V. aw uv Schneider sundries, order Total S16 hhds tobacco 90 bales cotton LOUISVILLE Steamer Saltans 113 pa bagging, 171 tas rope, loo bbls pork Geddes 4A bala mdse Burnaide Aew no pkgs stoves Byme 11 do Long A Maglone 111 do Nature Aco SI do A Sullivan do Perry 41 do Devereaux 27 do Stockbridge Aco do mdae Price Coulon ols twine Pope, Ellison Aco pkgs mdse Ellis Aco 819 ps bagging, ist! rareptro rasu, iiopi ro 1M do, IftM ps bagging Scott Aco 36 cks oacon Hewitt, No ton co loo ps nagging. ia pc H.n In h.

C4raluitn 1 bbla lard Oil. 3 OS VU1 egsr, 1 pkgs Bobb 7 bbls eggs. 4S bbls lard, 1 do beans, cks 14 tcs nams, sks roro Hurley Aco MO do, bbls honey, ft do eggs Twicneii co no lard. io7 sks corn Biscoe ft Simms 61 do wheat, 4o sks oat a Yeatmau aco 7 bbU beans Kennedy roster i pork Nalle, Ci Aco 60 sks wheat, 60 do bran. 13 Obis noar isdokroot Oglesby A Macauley 760 aka corn, ska oara WGivens 83 bbls pork.

'6 tea lard, 1 bod tobacco RH Short Aco 6 obis eggs, hf do cheese Martin 8 do. bbls eggs Schneider WJ Da lea cotton il do Buckuer A Stanton ift do Brsnder, Williama Aco sund. les, order Total 76 bales cotton 1 hbda tobacco. BATON ROUGE Steamer Gipsy 14 bales cotton Sid dail.Green Aco U'J Lallande 7 Gerard Aco 18 hbda sugar Rotcbford 4 do, 64 bbls molasses 8 icbolsMii Aco las do Dcgelos. Plaisanta Aco 2ft do Avet Bros 10 bales moss, I oo rags Sbields 3 iw empty bb! liaave A Ale Call 7b do Creevy Toti! 31 b.lea cotton.

TALLAHATCHEE RIVER Steamer Gen btokes 908 bales tron to sundry consignees. BAYOU SARA Steamer E.peror 75 balea cotttn to Payne A Harrison 7 Cherry, Henderson Aco 36 Roce reao Aco 6 A Wright Aco 6 McRae. Cuffmsn Aco I Heald 6 Wright, Williams Aco 10 Byrne Aco iv Oakry A Hawkins ti Gerard Aco 9 Ward A Joaas sugar Gerard Aco 80 do Plaucne Aco lSc Watt A Desaulles Roman A Kernioo 88 do, tl bbla molasses Gordon Jr So do arson 3d do Kelly, Conyngbam Aco 1 2 do. 40 hhds sugar Laove A McCall sundries, order Total S36 bales cotton UK hhds sugar 43 bbls molasses. PRINCETON Steamer Saxon 119 bales eotontoMc Conocble A Donnell1 1 9 Payne A Harrison Ward A Jonas Watt A Desaulles iw FrelUen Aco OT Brsnder, Williams Aco Fearn, Donegan co rW Jsckson Aco 47 Cocks ftco 53 Byrne A co la.l2 sou Aco 14 Donald Aco IS Pincktrd Aco do Thornbill A McIlbenny 36 Hill 363 1 Buchannan.

CarroU Aco 170 McRae. Corlman Aco 66 Walker Aco 127 Williams 22 Bradley. Wilson Aco 18R NogentAco 27 McLemore. Cuirin Aco 2 Low A PaJ'ison 16 Pick ett, Perkins Aco 52 Fellowes Aco 38 Cooper Aco 31 Swiney, Green Aco 2rin Wright. Williams Aco IS do Jr A Owen Aco 14 Bullitt, Miller Aco 36 JAG Cromwell 10 MrMahnn 60 Downs, Caddy Aco 44 Curry A i (iray A Campbell 14 hides Greenwood Aco Total 2ftti bales cotton.

MILLIKEN BEND Steamer Southern Belle 361 bl cotton Bnrkner A Stanton 1 Payne A Hamsoc 183 do Wright, Williams Aco I McRae, Corlman Aco 1ST do Curry A Pereuu Buchannun, Carroll Aco 6 Brander. Williams Aco to Downs. Cuddy Aco fti Mart 10, Owen A co 70 Pinckard Aco tl Hilt t8 ellowes A co Greenwood Aro 34 Thornbill A Mclibenny 38 Nelson Aco 27 Watt A Drsaullea 10 Swiney, Green Aro Byrne Aro 23 Ar Miltenberger S2 Gerard Aco 2o A Wright Aco 16 Cocks Aco 14 Beck 14 Rohson A Allen 13 Connolly 12 Bullitt, Miller Aco Nugent Aro Fearn, Duueran Aco 6 do Rawlina, Duncan Aco 4 Hart Aco Ij Heald 60 ska cotton seed Muir A Smith suudries, order Total 1760 balea cotton, HARD TIMES Steamer Natcbex No I 93 bales cotton Buckuer A Stanton 2 Watt A Desaulles 2t Fellowes Act loi Henderson A Peale 60 A Owen Aco 44 Man deville A Linton 44 Lee 42 Bcsart, Foley A Avery S7 Ricks Aco 36 Berk 32 Leverich Aco SOeo Connolly 25 Downs. Cuddy Aco 24 Brander, Williams Aco 24 0nkey A Hawkins 20 McRae, Coffman Aco 19 do Greenwood Aco 14 Ward A Jonas 6 Moore 646 sks oats Anderson A Metcalf ii sks corn Payne A Ham sou 2o ps baxging Swiney, Green Aco 33 bbls floor, I hhaV bacon Landis Aro Total 177ft bale cotton LOUISVILLE Steamer Lexington lft bale bay 0W Given. A bbls eggs, 4 do apples.

3 baas Hurley Aco 7 pes bagging Scott Aco 4 bdls paper Smith Aco sou da rope Pope. Ellison Aco 3 pkgs Morgan Aco vt bbla whiskey Wills A Rawnna no rfatoe. Donnely A Be zini 27ft do pork, do lard, 57 tcs bams, 49 cks bacon Martin. Owen Aco 707 ski corn CTwicbell Aco 133 4n. ISO ii oats Turner, Wilson Aco 700 do corn Ovsrton 7 bbls kgs isrd, 2 cks bacon, 14ft sks com Kelly, Csnyngham A ro ftoS do.

64 do oata. bbls egg Short Aco 600 do Krk Hewitt. Norton Aco 3 bbls apples A Povoe 68cko con. lt 2 sks corn, 12 pkgs furniture Secomb, Voorhies A co 14 bales rotten Siddail, Greene Aco 18 do do Cherry, Henderson Aco hf bbl hominy Murray, Millnr Aco sundries, order Total 32 bales cotton. CINC1NNATI Steamer Winslow iftl bbla pork, bhdsjoles Shultz A Hadden 3 bbla eggs Moore 10 do, II do hogsheads, 441 do pork.

SI3 do 826 tea lard Giraldln Aco 173 kgs do, 177 blids baron, 2ft bbla sausages Martin, Owen Aco 21 do pork. 100 hhds bacon Nye. Bro Aco 68 McGregor Aro til pkgs butter A Grieff Aco bdl lightning rods Beatty, Liggett Aco 6 casta mnsrtard M. Barlow 34 bhds bacon, 57 ob whiskey and sundirea. order ST LOUIS Steamer St Louis 140 bbls ficur May A Van Hook ISO do Lyman Scott Aco l'do Eager Aco 80 do Pope, Ellison Aco 66 do Si rot her Bros 239 do, 161 sks oata do corn Horrel'.

Gayle Aco Syoe do Shaw Aco 20 bbl alcohol Seaman 13 do esgs, 3 do bams Schneider 27 kgs bonter Dolsen l.hds tobacco Siddail. Greene Aco 2 do Turner, Wilson Aco do, IB balea cotton Yeatman Aco 1 0,000 gold coin Benoiat, Shaw Aco 81'msio do Kennett Aco undriea4 order CINCINNATI Steamer Grand Tower 73 ska corn Twichell Aco 100 boxes starch A 1 fctnett atco 49 reel yarn Gedde 142 bbls be.f Beatty, Liggett Aco 40 do name. Ixa do whiskey Connoly Aco 3o0 do, 98 bbds bo con McGregor Aco 40 do, 140 bbla oil, 18 bbds tobacco Sbullz A Hadden 27 do Murphy A rails do, 38 do bacon, 80 bbls pork, 6 do lard, 32 bales bay. 14 kgs butter, 64 boxes cheese Sec comb. Voorhies Aco 047 bbis pork Woodruff Aco 6 bxs mdze 8troud Aco 16 bbla eggs, 88 kgs butter, 14 hbds bacon Giraldin Aco 0 do.

100 bbls whiskey Sturgrs, Adams A Grabim l8th cks brandy. 40 bbls oil Kidder A Fabian lot furniture K'loem 3 bbls 19 hf do whiskey. 20 bbls oil. 61 do 19 qr cks brandy Deptyster ftl bbds bacon. II kgea butter 8 do lard 8 Wr.adt Aco A4 bbla beef Martin A Farrelly 800 do floor Kidder A Fabian 10" do pork.

31a do beef Nye, Bro Aco 156 do tcs do Miihank Aco 62 bbls whiskey Rusha iVi bxs soap Landis Aco 610 bbls floor Taylor Cariliy 3o do liquor Vicker 6 bf do Queymae A Laags dorfl 0 bbls pork, order at pkgs furniture Shropshire A Son snndries. order. NASHVILLE Steamer II Hill 60 hhia tobacco, 9 sks corn. 5 jars butter, 9 bbla beef Short Aco 944 sks corn. 41 bbels tobacco.

II09 balea cotton MrGresov A Allows. ais do Williams. Phillina A co 37 co Hill 175 do Williams 4 do Fearn. Donegan Aco 40doR Freser Aco 13 do Nrsdley, Wilson Aco I do tseiaon Aro ftl do do, 12 bbla lard Pickett. Perkins Aco 196 balea cotton, 44 hhds tobacco, 126 bbls pork, 10 do 18 tea sks corn Hewiit, Norton Aco ttftl do Giraldin Aro 281 do, 5 bhds tobacco Acs 10 do Turner, Wilson A co 22 do, 4 bbls poik, 402 bsgs nutsSoery A Campbell 2 bbls lard, 24 bhds tobacco Fellowea Aco 3 do Cammart.

A West 68 bbl pork, 29 do TT tc lard, 191 cks bares WW Weston 68 pes iron Relf Aco I6S do 46 bdl do, 8 kg roots Folger Aco 166 bbls beef Brady Gorman Aro IS do rggsC Schneider I do do floor Gutter be I Iowa David 10 do eeddea 22 bags fes'hera, I do wool Jowes. Bibb A co 26 bdls paper wW' ll IVtJ. 3 do ploogh Msckey sundries, order Total 6 bale cotton hbds tobacco. Flat boats. ID Mead's boat 1700 bosb oata, 3 ton aborts, 4)00 bbls Pj BT boats ISO tons nay to master.

liiDGrsce A Pepper'a boat 90 toot by Dnffy. MEMORANDA. SaT Steamship Wm Penn passed yesterday ou bride lbs Bar bound in. brig Breezo Inside tbe Bar bound sp, ahip Joarphna, bark Eaxioe, end 3 oris names unknown. Bsw brig arhore yesterday, about noon, off Paaa Cavall coakd not ascertain ner name.

Rraamshin Wm Penn. aa Mtb lost, boarded tfaip Italy, dismasted and abandoned, six feet water in bold, ia let 30 03, kn so su Domestic Porta. NEW YORK. Feb 11 CldshipRobt Centre, Arnold, Baa Fraocisco. Ait abip Isaac Allerton, Sears:" bark Mary Barney, Lather: brig Cleopatra, Carver.

NOria BOSTON. Feb 11 Cld ahip Koasoth, Percy; barkSeJaa land, Sweetser.B Oris PASSENGBRS. Steamship Wm Peas, frum New York Lieut 8 Baleh 0 8A. TretTelle Leseil, Simssons, Dt HcCaaaiaad, and ia Bteerage. ON HUNDRED DOLLARS RE WARD I will pay One Hundred DoUsra fbv tbe dab very af any slave MARTHA is the Work Hooae 0 the First District She Va the wie a Stack snan named Jim White, who went so Cahlorni last nama lr Perr.

Collhia abaiaa dark moJattrexssr Hcnt gnffoo, aboot to years old.ratser atsall shoaldera.rd ta der ma is, aboat the middle height, with fc atares somewhat svwaanbUns tbe Isdiaa 8hs was tares ssiy fca tbe trssarf of a Mrs. Coilina, oa Philtppa atreet, near Live Osk stnet. Lassyette. I warn all persons against bixeinf or harboring ksr. user tb penalty ef tbt law.

susw idstf eiO. JL 0TTJl Tit Si ti ii IV.

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