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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 3

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AV TTBiaar.a SI A. sx. on IT. CHARLEA Dwaatce, KM. maratey, it M.

CNCLS UV, In, M. Ore. P. M. t.JIIIivCVIIT.

Taroell.B p. 1L. U1B TUNA. Hitim 4. P.

rrstAaiTf'e will tmiOit en rx'. 1 i 1 feat (fCml street receive freight OpS' STEOTHEB A BROS. 1 AuUln b. ugas nwn wimcr n. 31 JTlg.

Hw aatar kM tins B4aef tbe P. Bay Sara trade, trd will lewva tb aane Ht1CSCA mi vi iirr ff i i TJU Jf Caaal ttreet, to reoelv freight. EVERY yivMPTw this dare. Jcqo tf T7x raEL to able No. I aad 1, In stare ami for axle ill "cALPIN Common and 33 Canal at.

CgSBSZ ion boxes English Dairy aad Plnearplr CbMt. Jaat receivet per steimship Star of th Smith. McALPIN Ht a Common and 33 Canal It 'TlOO boxes la. ra'h Imperial; tot bates 810. rich (iunpew ter; ball cheats B'ack; a kalf cheats extra GoBpowdrr; jwd lecetved end toe aale by K.

at. McALPIN SO Commno and .13 sr. Levi bko yreaal i Pianond feinted Gold Prno. 'ipill amda la now manufactured by bi Rtciu it. vj.

RE.ItY H. BROWN, wba having for nine yert the sjwkwsa af hhi ratabltabmcat. and th'cc rtwt a aana fr air. Levi Brown fe b) fully competent to lor 'r ii.i aatrariaad I be writ pahlic frorrmly with arada annerlor ta aay rTrr UVred. Harioa ma laaanaaaara la makin( and fioiihfnf tbepa, aaly tb arat and most tkillful wjrknirn, I Jgcftstm at aarlca that casco: fail to mair tbrm tec anaear, taT ar tlx moat durable pro In eziatcacr.

fMaaaa aartof any aimralty la ai.dlnf paatoaait Iktav, caa (aaea eaclosiaf ay mail a eunpia prn. a'rel or in fnld made to wri: la any style 5t avast iinVm.L Bold by ail toe Jeaeleri and station taraotaaat taa State. re aad Factory Ho, 10 Front street, Brvklyr, mI1 aoi7 rt Daairl Hlaaliaa 'k Ofara air sale, at bis lon( eataoliabed Na aeriea. an Waeilme collection Nursery Prod ace. embn.

In saamsecry aarlety af Fruit aad Ornamental Tresa. Flrw sfaa Ibnrt. Twieriea of Eeercreena. Norway Sprurc, pmuf oa a. varieties af Fiait Trees, e'f bt years frorn 'be Pasr Tresa an pear storks now Id bearioa.

Tbe Cadia milc af Cananta, tronartvrrtea. Strswoerrles, Baiuiaiika, Ac Aaparafus Roots, Sea nvsle, Rbubaib rsussMH sr to make their own stletrtlnna. or Isfc to lb peofrieter erery justice will beorn. Orle.s fasai ill pans af tb Ualoa will, a osoal, meet prnmpt at sratMa. Cataiofoss aeut atia Ad1re DlMEL HIG.

a. Waiamaisa. Flasbinf Long UauJ, or An hoor J. sNckcr, Ma Broad street. N.

T. suit at POR IALK fire squares of ground in Carrolitoo, un thr I' gsurasa. jsa laaailllT' Ifarale. near Fifth street. Oat salsaMe Mjoars and improTynenu ia OreeuTillc.

Oaa Tarsal Srreueille. Tamtlsriaai Pint street, between Dryadeaaa.1 S'. Denis. pas ajrra aa Camp, between aWbia and Race ti a ia. TaVne krfa la JrSerasm City, oa Camp, tween Upper Liae sad Robert streets.

Pqmn af Braoaa an 1 Improrementa hoanded by 6th aod na, vaaaaat ana rtaqaemu.e sareere. faarlscsaf froaad comer Camp aod Eishth streets, say sbist fcet sqa sw. 'For terms to sal at J. O. PIERAOM.T C.mmen ial Place.

Uatrarw Hecsla tirswik mf Par steamsbip star of tbeSoatb, ernnstinf In port at lasserisl Cahbae Letrnce. Extra Early or Tb rty imjm mm, aoiaaaw aaaoneq, inoafe aaaorKQ, nr rarsbip, "ataiiy, D. street, oesr Camp. FOR BALE Toe fast sailtrfsbip SEA LION, nai reaiarer, carries ll Dales rot ton, w.ll 'fiait a sod rlKtinr, aad can be fitted for sea rar trass apply to J.

P. WbUTMfcT Csrop tt. a Mm saotisi(ntJ respecfully informs tbe unacclimated A Sad taaSr frlettda. hat be baa determined ri trtmm A sack sawsat wba say feel disposed to tra thesaarlTes to kisearrthaaiaf bad, from ckse rbserraiion. sr.uch bed aaeaaarteaca la tb present preraillni disease, bebai was ca aau nia scrrices to me pnntie.

B. W. COHEN. Campstreet. VI bouse above Uracte at.

Feajnauklsaad Hoak Kre plaar. new is ssi oerin tnis wees at UOLUEJUfS Wtlting ao4 Book Reering Academy. If usu sarcrt. a. a baJles atteud dare I (rota I tt I ML 6entlemen from lit to lOla A.

M. and to a P. M. Boea ran afaia ana evenin. Merchants aooiv bee far vaniist aioa steeper.

sal 4 tr RCI 1CFD8 DOLBEAR, irn Canal tt tlsxita, Hmra aatl Brtfaai. 73 cases aow iaadins from sbio Hart A Sard, coat prising a priase aad general Basaai ssrtment af fresh sni seaaoaabw eooia bb tba abore line, for saie oa ressoaab'e terms by bbt st oo ejraeier arreer, opposite Bank Place, Five Dallara Reward. Lost, oa the nth a da brinJIe BDL1. with ears and tail rat bort. also two or tbrea fraar teeth oat, with thebstr om oH a ettana.

Tbe abore reward will he naid to an aannDucHiHiia ctrens street, txtaren ut te aaa rerdMa street. so 1 1 HENRY PARSONS. 13 Camo street Veep at ad time for tale Piano Furtra tram CHICK ER1N6 and NONNS A CLARK. It la now admitted bv all ar all acquainted with the basin as. that tuee I bedlders stood far In advance of all the others.

Jt is at toeaer aqaestioa a la who make the best intttu meats. Taepsblic are reapertfally Invited to examine. BBTTCttlNts and REPAIRING done faithfully aad with aramstirad. aon 6t Tm Bailcbera. TJIOFOSJJJ are inritrd until 13th intt.nt 11 A 'dock, fcr buildm.

I VAULTS in tbe Cypress Orsve Ceaartery, ta be paid for in caah on completion ol thsawk. Aidres Cypre Groee Cnmmtitec, Firemen 't Charita ba gaswiatliia, at tbe Oa OfEce. aalt st E. CALDWELL. Prest F.

c. A. Aastla dk. Ueaieri. saiUlsis of Copper, Tin aad Sheet Iron Ware i AUbTLN tiOODWYN woald particularly 1n I vlt ta arterirlon af carctn' era to their apleadld I Sts ck BTOVES.whljhto ej will tell atasmaii sdvaace oa ent.

Btova lot aod all lobhina la their ilac will meet wtrn eomnt "mtfpr II, IS NaT It FRONT LEVEE SOUS RUB IDNDR1E8 bats. Boyie't per cent Ataahol; so bMa 1st and foartb proof Neutral Spirit: half a pea 1st and trh proof Neutral Spuita. an kaif bbla Boyle's Wbi.key; bbla Okt Moaopftbela and Boot boo Whiskey; Sot kalf el pn Old nor. ga beta Whiskey, iron boned, bua. first proaf Brandy aad Sin; UA eifkLh and quarter casks 1st and tt proof Brandy; 68 bbi.

very superior Rve and Boarbon Whiskey; A bbn. Linseen OIL Whetstone brandy 88 bala Sptrloj Turpentine: lt saxes Star Candlea, Oross A Dettrich brandj tat) bases Oletn aVwp. For sale cn liberal term by Ball At PIERRE C. DK PEY8TER.V7 eravlerst liERCHANDlIE la store snd lor aale to arrive per A snips Cbaaca, MIOdleaex, Paiar Star, and cats V. v.

1009 boxes Ccdfi.b; tn baas large Na. 3 Mackerel; ISO half bba large No. 3 Mackerel; ISA bola Fir led Heniags; SA casks Winter Whale Oil: 0 boxes extra Family. Na 1 and Ox brand Soapt; tb case Brace's extra aLatcbes, very low. Far sale by J.

H. CARIEE A 13 and 15 Common, lanaaj nad Tchoopiti oat sta. Iaat Htalen. At the fir No. 44 Apollo rret.

nn Sunday reealnc.tbc 7th one Bold Hooting An char Watch aod Cb tin, ace Diamond ng, troll Tutor. Csmp sf. Oxsa MatsatrcMl lAwilara Rewara. st board steamer Califcrma, a 60LD sVrvb LEVER WATCH. F.

Ssmaels A Co. maker. Lie fS9 No. II JM. with twaoid fashion gold sT' strarbed tot Wscknbbon, Tbe finder will rwr we anan re warn aou no euestinriB rsni, taiar no.

to mass sine street. uo4 a aesers, BRJEDE A R0DER, Proprietors of the Ltke Hotel. trTminu JefcTsao aad Lake Pootchar it ai Rairroad. have tbe pleaaare to inform their Tmmtm tad tba labile ta general that bey have, besides 7w weukaawa restaurant, also opened onpa lor bxlgera vyt" fnjsa tb coaatry wishing ia avstd New Orleans teeseat time, can rf so by stopping at their boose igesboCarwlttL taTLsA packets Craaie, Callfcirnia and 8t Charles stor FalUdelnhla Saddlery Wsurehaasa, ai U. u.

Wa. I Magaxlas street, aad Na. 47 Canaastreet AS, Manofcctarert sad Importers a riery aad trnMirrj Hardware, Harness, Trail ks LeaU Jaatertalsand FlndiattloTSad lZ7 Cotca, Traak sad aboearakers', comprising aee ol rv a mstt womptete aeaortiarnu to ocioana is acock PWMgbA, of every Aesailptlo Km A III jrjff, Mawms aad S. of Kegalla and parapoerna lery eat riptlun the largest and moetcompiete as a roana la toe United states, ROBBER BELT1NO. PACRIN0 At xIST'Jr tr the principal agents far tbe Bostna TyV Cotxpsny lor tb salt India RaBoer Belting aad ba ataasa lotata aad hotlerai Hoar mi every slae.

3i a complete saaortaaent af all dearviprioB at gsaas.waica taey ar attaa lawaataaarsar Ho tax afaadini la tb aaar at bt lT3da Maine at. Hknia Pradaee. Wlihe. vellow and brown, of all traalltlea. MrVaalta da AbaJ aad Cabs, Iw wrapper! stT.

ra barrel and traall packages, raperior anai 4 "ej at a earefally selected aas nil meat of Jtr CI8AJU mi tb beat brand. Regalia, Prensa C7. "na, stiiiar, rsaeteia, Cllidradoa of toa man Syaf CtbaAaaT Cartiai, CaAargas. Pacta. Men paarptAIA will a received by tbe Joint Committee Caraavattaaa af the Psrish af Jefferson avtil day Beptvashtt.

I8H, for 1 he purefss. af a saw nTaaauM ta taw law a mm earreuroB. saia tb recCsa of aeowrt boasa and jail nl. md Sa ftkuA llurfSl.

In th "af CmmM a axrajltsa. W. T. 4TLLWOKK, Seuilary. i friiZXftlttSe kwadWa of whMfaf Marajaa.

UL. wLlll. 1 llAaDfj, Blaatirbl sta Cholea jyaniUy Wlnas, rsar cm swt la I wfB asi'll WtsenkaflA Eaaaa. Apyprta' sal aaar kf li I saJekrahN fTJ Case, wit a cbalu attached, and tucdry atoer arttrtes of Jewelry, belonging to the bnaf Mr, CaraliM E. Toaeg.

A liberal reward wli be taaf hr tb rscoverv of all or any of the an Ides, by BBJ a p. ROBERTS i I I C. P. J. J.

J. J. SPECIAL NOTICES. TCtLuitca octETI TM mssakiw if eh. aawra ascmy.ara isaictiauy raajtsats ttat a Csmaslltsa I CTteadlai a i iT TT I IMSai sag aaaaw tu sYa, Al.l.

UK I smokl aw i. COLUMS. J.X. IDL UVAR. Cotnajlttea af Health aad lie'.

aM 3rwt O. P. KKI.IEV iiyu 1 r.rir inn.Q AN A LOD8B NaT. I fBhaa T. AHya.

Prvradetjt. IK Charter aad Circa at. r. Seswaci. PhJibm mmm imi.

Qcaff II. at J. C. Morgan's, Exchange Place, aad ear. Common nd St, Psul sts.

Lotseile, it New Leva aad By Jacksoa trict. Pint Dis Masstaa. 10 Bank Pntca and Defard, between Camp aad BIBgaUD s. Joseph West, in Tchoapltoalai af. sr.

assoa, 6 Baccbas s. H. Puraa, comer Clio and CMbnrne sts N. Mew Basin, and White, between Tha lia ana Melpomene sts. By order of I lie H.

O. In 0EORSE ELLIS, Bee'y pro teaji. SPMFXrilNiLa' FIRS CO Jt PAN No A. Tbe mem bers of tbe aboec Caen In arrests of fioea and dues are btrrby axrlnnt tn call oo the Becretsry, witiiio ten nsts. to uJe.

io default of wbich tbe by laws snail be stxicue enfurcrd. By order of ibe Company. sal 3 tt A. UAPKEMONT. Serretar y.

if NOTICE Krcetrer B. okers and Draler In Susar hare come to tbe not to stUnl 'o botiuest on tbe Letee. afie I a cluck, autii tbe 1st October ntxt. auis 1 trl O. KELltr COJtallTTtE OP lltl.r.

Luuut ra. ia, t. v. u. m.

Watson, No. 47 Cooatanc street General Super lnte idauce. Wm Wat son. No. 1W Trbonpttoolts street SatuMaTS.

no, anii'iwu, nui; ja lauir, kloeriy BCCWet loaua aau e.rao atreets monaava. Lutber Homea. It', m. Chart i strett Wns. Hyde.

89 tjatr street taesnsys. M. Laborde. a gaune street Cornelias Clark, 31 St. iiMimta s.ree; wenncidats Wm Kelly, corner CaJ.iope aod Drysdet atreett Tbomsa Diamond, iri i Tcboupitoatas street Toatdsya D.

Fowler, 171 Baroon street Jrtb, lit. Chart es, be vwnrea uiiTirr iuj uimnierciij ruct rnntvi McCullocb, Poatrnartrwa Railroad gundav a aulitf NEW OBLKANl SAINT ANDREWS' SOCIETY Notice is hereby giren to sll tick and indigent Scotchmen or their families, who msy rrquire asistaore or advice durinit the present eniileniic. that tliev will the sanieby liratiua to either of tbe following niistibera ot tnis society, vn: Kooert Mimsun. MT Csnal street. J.

B. Mnnsoa. A Tcboapttoulsa and Constance ttrert. Jimri raltersoo. iI7o icnoupttoulss street.

H. Brown, stevedore. Third Diatnrr. Malroira Wright, Common strict, A MrVirar. ihtsr 'udelet or St Ptnl ttrect Members of the Society who mav rraoire aid sre re mnded that the following members of the Health and Keller Committee are authorised to give It Mr.

Wm. McLod. Magazine atreet Mr. Geo, Anderson, I1 Julia street. Mr.

John Sinclair. Custoinhoose ttreet By order of the President aul FORBES ALLISON. Sec y. Independent Candidate1 Tor Oonireat In Dr. JAMES JONES, of tbe F.iurth District, ia a randi da'e to represent the beewnd In the Congress uf tbe United states.

sun i linlaterlal I rvlrea. Those deslrint the services of tb undersigned, Methodist Ministers, tn suiting the sick or burying toe dead, during eoioemic. win piease lesve airectlens on in sure at ro. an camp atreet. neiween tbe boors of 8 A M.

and P. aod at ot tier boars at the residences H. N. MrTYEIRF. corner of Feliritv and ttreett L.

PARKER. No Carandelet street. C. KEENER. anll tf corner Thud and DutXln sta Carrollton.

tT WASHINOTON AND NEW ORLEANS TELE onarti cu Biortuoidert in the above Company are hereby notified tbat the dividend of tie pr cent, dec act oa Ju.y nth. in bow payaale at tbe olhce in this cii v. and tranefer books are now opened In New York for tbe sale ol atorx. aulO Im WM O. THOMAS.

Director. MECHANICS' AND TRADERS' BANK, I New Orlrant. Autnst I Th't Bank w.ll commence a oi WEDNESDAY the Hitb inat. Discount days MONDAYS and TUCKS DAYS. Otfrings discount to be made on the preceding BiTrisn nr. OAEwniAB sua ncunuusi. 7t CRPZAT. Cahlr. TO bF.A AND LAKE SHORE PASbENOtrvS Jetrerson snd Lake Pontchartrain Ratlaay, in connecfion with the Carrollton Railrnstl Depa.tunt of steamboats rrom tne Late terminus or tots Koad niiJ ai Tuesday Wednesday, Moomy steamer arrival of 8 A. M.

cars Calif 8 A M. cars Creole A M. cars California, ha M. cais. Friday Saturday Creole y.

n. cars Cr o'e P. M. cart California, 3 r. "a caa ounaay.

Bt Charles A M. cars, returning for tbe M. cat. from Manic Vlile. Lewlsbur CnvlliStnn and Mhllianrillr Notice Tbe Receiving Clerk at livoli Circle Drput will receive and dispatch freight and biggagr from A M.

until 6 P. M. every day. except SuBdaya Tbe trains stop opposite tne fine Carrollton Hotel to take op atranrert woo are anwilllng to go tb rough tbe city. Jyn im OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OK IHfc COS llEUl Or NEW ORLEANS.

New Orleans. July i. InVl this at meeting nf tne Board ol Commissi ucers held day. it was unanimnotly Resolved, Teat Pr italt be received at this officedurlng thirty dsys for the purchase of sll or any Doit ion of tbe In terest Coupons, No 3. du January 1PM.

un the Bends of mt coneoiiaareu city ana aiso. i.r the purchase ol any muer nMiigaiinna or me iare vi i ciry. rirtt. second an Tbrd Municipalities, and City Lafayette, mat or lag tie tween tnis uuc idj toe munin oi January next. By order: Jy7 im A LA YET.

Secretary. LA SALLE ENCAMFMENT Ni A I O. O. F. Mirtt at Odd Fellows' Hall.

No H. an the tirat and third Mondavi jvWAtc' CB month, st hall past 7 clock, r. I Otticers lostalled for tbe uresrnt term 8. Irwib, Ii. Smith.

H. J. Davis. S. W.J eilkee son.

Scribe. Tbos. Anderson. Triasnrrr. Lew Lvnle.

a oi sister cncampmeiiia are repreiniiy lnvurd to Tint. J. U1LAEIUUM. Jel7 Scribe. D.

I. RICARDO. Esu is lawful Aernt and Attorney la fact to represent mr, during my ahuce from I tills rlrv. C. M.

RUTHERFORD. New Orleans. June 8. la. Jer 3m OLEASON Pictorial Drawing; Uo Companion.

Ct A DOT 30 Camn street. New Orleana. ia the on It O. aathoriaed Agent in LoVstana and neisi.Lonns States sor tne anove pnnuiar muwratea wi egiy Juarnsi also ror the FLA 9 OF ODR UNION, published at tbe tame of nee. He keeps ronttantly on hand en for sale volumes 8 and 3 of the Pictorial Drawirg Room Companion, ele gautly bound tn cloth, with gilt edge and bark, forming superb parlor ornament containing nearly Three Theoatjd Illustrations.

The suiiscriber is also general agent ir al' 01 euoD i LDrip rublleatlrin. a cata.ogue 01 which be round in the Flag of Our Cnlon. which are offered cheap ar wooiesa'e orr.tau. tie also keeps constantly on hsn ail tne nocx. nombert of txe pictorial from the commence meet of ltt publiratmn.

Persons wishing to subscribe for lesson's Pictorial. ot foe the Flag of Our Colon, can do so and secure their pa pert regularly by calling oa tbe subscriber, or by entkxlng toe amount of annacnrnionpoet paia, to A S. DOl T. rw Camp sc. New Orleana.

Terms Pietotiel 83 Der annum. InvaiiaSlv la advane: Flag of Our Union ti in advance Pictorial aad lag I per annum. In advance. tr Ail order promptly attended to. myi4A3 ly Cotton liatdt.

fp HE Mobile and Dog hivrr Matisfactntipg Company. having repaired the damage done by tbe late fire at their factory, are now in full ope ation and are rcerared to torn lab. from tbelr orace, na vtster tueet, alobtle, on BToraoie terms. FHEETINtJS OSNABCRGS. YARNS AND BATT3.

Of so peri or quti.ty. jy r. KUHr.KT.irru r) Camp atreet. TOCNQ A WATCHMAKERS. Ac The uodrrtigned having purchased the entire Interest of bis hue partner ia the above firm.

will continue tbe same Ir.r hi own benefit at tbe tame place, and a cootiniance of the pa'ronar to not rally extended Lreiore it res rtroiiy toUciUd. H. P. BCCKLEY. 71a.

imp atl BUCKLEY, ate Young A Co.) Watchmaker. Importer and Dealer in fine Watches, Jewelry ard Silver Ware, will tbtirtly be lo receipt ut addition to mA .1.. Particular attention gives to wstch repairing of even ocu 1 1 prion jyo uinmonoa reaet son cane moonten Fire Dollars Heward. Will be paid for the recovery of a small POCKET bOOK. left on tbe desk of tbe L.

I findr will piease keep what money he found In tbe pocket book, aad return tbe noper ta tnisomre sno no qoeaionaastecj. jyiH r.aot CoMrtneraliia. The andrrrly ned hsee formed a Copartcertblpaadcrths vl of BULLITT. MILLER A for the parpeat 01 transacting a Cottos Factoragr and General CommlatUw 1 unmv Bnr liven TH0S. D.

MILLER. LLOYD D. ADDMON.Sr. ew Orteaas. July 10 am ado" Philadelphia faaddle eV Troak VVavrehaaa ill 4 ailgsainc streex.

B. ROBS A (lata HOOD 1 rrf rf Falrbaln.) are cueMtaatly ill tSJlirecFT" ew ood rrom l'l I' I their Mannlkcteev In Phi la oeipuia, ana oirectimpor tatioa frasa England, aad arc prepared to oiler ta dealer! tbe as sat liberal Inducements. Their stock 1 large ana war saoctad, a saitow 1 Baddlery, Baddlery Hardware. acnew xraeenng aaxi rarxing jmnsa, india wdw Usoas, laddla. Coach, Haraeas aad Track Misers' Mab liakcTruVsmiaga, Ac.

Parchaasrsi larclavltad to call. B7 I ly B. Pradel, aiik. mi.ii.1 cn. 1 Mr inkrls atannfiwiarer of Sergical Iosrrament aad Apparatus, of Cork Less, Club Eeet, Bandage and Brace ef all Kinds ol patents, ana lnreu tor lad Sola Proprietor of a new Truaa, blgb recaea mended by th medical atcarty of New Orleana eepsai Dog I taTSoi aou aw aair a targu swn isani vi visw Bkin Btnckinaa.

irtical InscruaeBts repaired aad madt to order at ue toorteat aooce. Fit llm a. PKADEl. an it. cnartetar.

Or. at. Ullborty (Lata ISA Pordraa street. New Orltsas TT Al removed to Mamnhla Taasaaea nettled Xl nentlv. aad reopeaad hi external IaAmmarv fr the racaptloa ana rreataisat af patleats, woo caa remain 8 is at ue year.

Dr. Gilbert treat Chronic Plans it of every trad. especially Csnrert, Clears aad Taaasra, with tba kaift. ue treats cpmujc rraaaat tnsr wan area rcea at ens per w. July 13.

InM. Jyan sa ivdAtv TBaaeasra saasrsxw 84. STACK EK IRON WORKS, feraaeriy atewar As TMcra I raaaeiyaence of tne grewt advaac ba tbe artce of kraa aad aaber, tb prices of tb Kettle, grata bars and far after ta wxh taasc, as fallow sa Mac aaa uaaer at cevrts aa lara, Praaa 40 SB, aaeraatva, SI sa lack. Praaa Tt ta 84, lacroslv. at 81 88 aa tnch.

117 Mwtb l4BM Bad IT fwcfewtaa V.aSiaxhBtltS it of urea arWiaa sJwav aa haaat Baml' aasaaa nwr aorrrw wnwuww I iwrs. or r. aa tiiilb.u aa, so sgeuu lydAW aatst, IvsatartaPw) tarVtaafB) BBHSk fataff B. A. Vaai Hm dtefTsib 000,1 FIKJI EN SI NX.

"ega ATS IAI ImtmmAjTT' ac j. 0SIBTS0. Ja. Van Aa I. a a A a i atdatb swrkaf i VT it aulas Irssa tha drr.

Must aoeak Co 'Wawnv' Aasartraa swaserrad. Apply taJOgrt MEwM AN, at wan aainss. a aair WASTED TO HIRaV A Was Nana aa tb Lake far tb haiaaca af tb sasaoa. Apsly at lb corafraf Eaplanadt aad Rayal straets, a sUplaaads. aair lt VVITCD A geatlemaa wishes as heard with a pies It ii area aa aa.

or, rva vmce. WA?" Is IbtDniltsti carwsr WCbartres aad Cast sta boas streets, a Boy or faaaa Man. Oa that hat a slight eaperleac preferred. auiT at WANTED A yoang mas wb write a rood hand, a who raa earn awll nj AWWICM n. viuce.

AtlTED Aalarie tbrea story brick eilii if boast Situated Bear Canal Mtr A i.k. .1 K1 i fr. sain J. PI ERSON. 7 Commercial Plar WANTED IMMEDIATELY Three io Brick Hi soos, to go In tbe country Apply to BAVAUE, WILLIAMS CO 4 i Commercial place WAN I CD By a young luan of experieucc la tb gro crrr and llouor baaineaa.

aaltnKiiMi Utem Nt ohjectioa to going to tbe country oreiswberr. Apply at Msln street. Second. District, or sddrrss ff. at thit offire.

sulH I'ANTED A We: Nurse, Immediately, at Mrs K.AI TV SER'S, No ail Cbartrea street, no atalra. An seen snatetl nurac preferred. am A tt WET NORSe A resvectsble woman, baring afresh bretSt Of milk. Wishes to take entree of ulnful at home. To a person siring to entinst a child to a capable narse thit offers a rare opportunity.

Address Mrs MARIE iuu smcr. aulo CH WANTED IMMEDIATELY A Colored Olrl at child's Burse, to mo over tbe lake Annie al RimMn a between Customhouse aad ennlie sta aula WANTED A Clerk in a wholesale aad reUU drug Stare. A Person fuCr commtent and acclimated may bear of a permanent situation by apolains Immedi ately to St ME. suit 31 Canal street, corner of Carondelet V7aNTED By i sUoattoa ss yoonc man from Louisville. It.

Book Keener la a commercial bonar. nr Clerk on aeteambiat running la a Swthera trade. Has oao. an expenrnre in to anove Datinest of seven yeait. it wen accumaira ana can give uoesceptionaBie ren renre.

good salary will be expected. Would mate an engat ent tocossmeace immediately, or afany time ui to tbt oi uctooer. ADdreia Boa 44, Post Office, Nr Orlesifk. sail WANTED A competent AiMbcary. Addreaa i Post OrHor.

giving raterrnce. anil At WANTED To pJaavase On Hundred Negroes fur the Texas market, for which tbe highest cash prices will be paid. Apply at No. HS Philippe st Jy ANTED An experienced Bonk Keeper ana Sales man qu ws ana correct at accounrs. III be oat of employment in a lb jrt time and is desirous of making an arrantemrnt with some commission boose for the coming season, a permanent su nation ana good salary expected.

Address No. 4.Tosr Office. Jew if WANTED A lady, competent to teacb all tbe brasrhes of an Eotlisb education, and soeaklne French, bar ing several buura during the day at her disposal, wishes to give a few private lessons. Unexcepttanaale city refer encea can be given. Apply to moei, ir MASONIC.

BAP LOUISIANA LODGE. No. Kt New Orleans. June to, InnS Puraoant tn a resolution of this ldgr. the nil.

lowing brethren were arpolotrd a Committee of Relief, donng tbe rerest of tbe Lodge, vlt: CLAPP. 33 New l.cce street. DANIEL UOODMAN.wieravieraod loose sts. AARON HARRIS. Iif snd tin Canal atreet UEOROE NATHAN.

Al St Cbarles and tis Canal streeta A A IN, customhouse and earner of SU Louis and Burgundy streets. Attest: J. BAKER. Jra tol Secretary rpo COKE CONSUMERS rm and after this dale A the price of Coke will ba FIFTY cents per barrel. riew Orieaht Oat Light Compary, Y.

WOOD. Treasurer. MANILLA CORDA6E AND TARRED SPUN YARN. 300 roils rh Karte for tale by aui3 3t GKEEN. HARD1NU A CO PoydTu tt.

ALE ROPE loon coilt Kenucky and Miraouri, choice XJ brand, for sale br aull at OREEN. HARDING MF0R SALE A new Cottage, with gardn and grounds a'tarhe j. at the bealthy town of Covingtuu. For narricularv apply to auio tf MERRltr A HATCnETT.6 Nrw Basin. LOT This mornwg.

a note at days, drawn by BIs bee A for the sum of One Hundred snd Fifty Dol Ura. In favor of John M. Barb, dated Augost 1Mb, ISM. All nrranos are cautianed agaioat trad'ug I ir tbe same, aa pai aneeit baa ben at.rned. I i HE HU'ierelgutd having laaru the a'ore No.

1 1 Cuts mon tteer, will cundnrt the eed businees In bis l.uU it JOHN McEMRY rPHE underaisned ilv tbeir Irtendaand tbe public, it dale tbev will close the! I that from and atev tbu dale thev Store st 3 o'ciotk P. during the neevlenc of tb epl per pro. SMITH A COOPER, J. A. MITCHELL.

Jr drmic. an I it fnaiaragf Pasinrsge. Good Pasturage for Horses sod Mwlealaafifty Jet At ere lot at Algiers. Term si per brad per month. Apply to Am T.

THAYER. 77 Pnyd asst t'HT Hotel. This Hotel will close on tbe tAth for a short time, to make tome necessary repair arid Improve menta. Jyoim BARTP.I.S CO John Al. lecfe.

STOCK. NOTE, EXCHANUR AND REAL ESTATE UIUItK. suA tf No. 17 Comn.erril Piter I OST Yesterday, tha lltb a valuable HHEA6T 11 N. lontainlng Twenty One D'amonds, with Cross in tbe centre.

Ibe buder will be liberally rewarded by tcaviug it st 4 Canal street. lull 3f 1 Boots, rnoea, rtrogiana, Hats and Cops, AT WHOLES AJ.E. ir above itfcrjl constant al terms i plantation, ordert mr RUSSET BROOANS. WOOL. STRAW AND MEXICAN HATS FROST A 10 MtxatinetL sal Iv Una Ta Prl 3.I0AW For Hair.

Bn. A Plantation situated in Marlon count v. bttwli asj tlppi, 3ci miles from Covington, with all tbe Improve asAn menta thereon, crnn. Ac v's a ennd dwellinc ru.nae. blackareltb shop, out he uses, tA bead 61 cattle.

4.S bead of sheep, stock of bogs, iron snd 3 yuke of oxrn, 6 horses, aith all the farming implementa Sad plantation consists 01 suu acres good land, in srrrs 01 wLIt lie now in colli vatfn. vlt 40 tn cotton and tne balance in corn and rxa toes. Ail the huildicgt are In good condition and nave Dceu out receuuy erecieo. For temieand cooditons of sale apply at 41 Canal atreet betweea Msgaxin and Tcbocpitouias streets, or to jyr nn JAStrj a. jourdon.

rordsviiie. m'ss lloaae Faralablac ratoro B. BROWER A 17 Camp street. Cblaa, eiaat Bad Earthen Wsrei Sliver, Plated, Bad Britannia War) Tin. Iron aad Woodaa War; Japannery Stoves, Fenders and Andlront.

BkAi.n .4 aMra Lampt.Slrondole. Rattan CtAlrs.Ac Ac. 07 88 lysdp Notlro. VERANDAH BATHS AND T05S0RJAL SALO0B Noa. 80 and 88 It, Charles ttreet.

Thetahscrlberflatterthtaiselftbstbelt now prepared to receive bit frteodtand tba public generally. Hit Italia Marble Bath Tab bav been react 1 bi rooms bav bees enlarged and well ventilated, where be caa accommodate bis patrons with every variety of BatbtU He ba tb best of work men, wba art alwayi ready to serve gentlemen with alacrity and despatch. He ba also a choice and well as sorted stock of Perfumery and Parnlthfng Good together with tbe best Tonics snd jet for the bslr, Ac dil urs lpAMptr jusrrH aoccis Olarklrlied Iron Maatlea. lolamas, Pm ATAI.8 TABLE TOPS. Ac Ac The salamanler marble company invit public atteatloa to tbelr Marbteixed Iron a one of tb trea' est discoveries of the see.

for which I bey tecelved tbe Sold Medal at tbe last Fair of the Amrriraa Insutol and thr Medal at tbe Pair al tbe Metropolitan Mecbtnics Inttlttte, held at Washington la Febtoary and xiarco 01 thit yes. Tki material, having a metallic basis. 1 more darablt snd cheaper than Marble; It rrpreacotatloa of precious Stones sno toe concest narDies id more man sixty ainar ent vaiietle. are exact snd surpassingly Dealt lluli it capable of reciting greater degree of beat, and it cans ba Injured by th actio ol adds or oIL IILSB flbatlPU. The maaafactarin densrtment of this Coesnanv is andar the toperintendence of B.

F. A J. P. Williams, tha iavea tors of tbe tystem and tbe financial and general baaineaa department that of JOHN whom allotmma nicarlont may be addressed, at tb Principal Warerootua, 813 Broadway, New lorx aiyii a Htevm Klco Itlllla, No and 18 St Joseph st eet, near 1 he Levee. tTTHEfiE Mills, now tn tbe coorse of erection, to com bine nil tbe modern Iraproventenft, and be capable of rrrparng ICO0 boshelt per day, will be la operattoa ealy in tbe fall.

In time for tbe present crop. The main abject nf tbelr erection ft to boil and polish the rice grown In trill etare. ana mass it tans witn toe nest im ported. Tbe building! are large. ix stotles high, dry and well ventilated, aad contain storage tar tuuu iisrrei ana arm bushels aa ti 11.

K. No. 1. INTF.BWAL AN EXTERNAL PA1NK RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will Instantly atop and quickly remove toe caoae, R. R.

Diarrbsaa, Cholera Marbos. Radway' Ready Relief will check tbe most painful discharges, and stop the annat diarreaaln nalns In a few minutes. It allsytlhr must painful Irritation By bathing the bead, neck, or ace, it refreshens tne senses, ana imparts uasig uie, wrrngxu and vlene tn tbe weak aad wearv. Tb very moment R. R.

I tax en or appnea its ntagic iiBeenecraareexperMroccci. It Instant I albai tbe moat caiafnl mroxyama of Near alsia. Rheumatism. Cramns. Spasms.

Toothache. Sorenese la the bones or Joint. Psla and Weak arse la tb Side. Lumbago, out and raralTStA laiea inieraaiiy. ltciraoaes tbettomacb from acid.

core heart burn, sad imrartarweet frsgraBce to tbe brill Persna troubled with Sirs Head ache Will receiv instant relief frix th at of H. a. R. No. 8, linWiTI RENOVATING RESOLVENT Make ibe Blood I ore.

Rich aad Healthy Renovate, Cleiase Bad Eancbea tba bisod, ana resorees swsy iroat ih ininf. hiivIm hmM and anllda all diseased and Pol aoaou Drrowts. cares leers. Fever aoeea. Bad Hnasaea, Scrotals.

Vitas 'a Dawce. Syphilitic Cows plain re. KmIm Watta AwelllneS Taomre. Caacer. Broacblal Swell lings, Woanda.

Bait KAeaas. tacrcanai uostp mao. it arts quick aad powerfaily 1 ia a few boon after taking tbe oa sorveot, tbe weak, emaciated, aad dlsewsa eatea patient fecai a alow af heaJtb aad atreagth tbrla throegh tbe tytton: Price of R. Rvt at 1 per bottia a n. a.

taa a untii'i RiarjuTOU Ta. ai He nain. weaken, or sicken tbe patient. Small nkta strew dose cart. Oa aswbktov will tawaacn, giawya river com re alar, dy.

NodTraae or pal a caa aftTiet th system wall an der tha PrS 2 it St "va cents. SO ct.tA RVaaJveat, 8L aVlswra.Mra yerbaJL Omre, rJ Iti isilAW in Caarresw. Mloaanbont for BM 10 a. A it Brw earaaiaa lata sacxat mt agoHcajta, tTadTbor agdtUUa 8AJHB, tttimtih. ora A general assortment of tbr I received by tbe 'steal arrivals.

I le at low prices and nn Hiiera Particular attention paid aa tb Varl A a 01 a nw oi. ng. (lit AUCTION SALES. cngrai.UaiPatl ilanaa, HI Urn sd tmmy gfcO, I tHOItllll tha OY d. STKES.Ai MJ II ata laataat.

at 10k o'rWck. will aa sold nr tba af Mrasra. Taarbiaa. Srlggs 4k N. i Tebaunitaaia street, foe scrouut ot Im It may cneiccra, folkrw ng sundries dnaxe I by (pa aad wa ee, via rai tercet sugar care 1 ms.

varloas beanrla; S00 baxr aad half kxt Saar Casdieai 10 firkins Batter: no dies Pasp, Olieas brand; box Siarchi an Boxes BW Tangnest cases Cbnrwatei an ktla Dried Beef; bbla. extra Floor. aaTTtiuis Caah. so IT Mtwck wf tvrceries. Ltqnara VK.Ca TIT MORPHT At NEVIDS.

On FRIDAY, the loth IJ ml 10 o'clock, will be sold at a art ion at No av Bgaslo street, lor account ot wuom it may concern A Isrg and select sssortre it of OROCBRIEs, Ll QOORSi WINES, Ate, saved from the Isle fire on Qra yiers'rert. No. i. AF Terms Cash. An ftld Karablinbed lrua Kiare.

B1 J. L. CARMAN CO Oa SATURDAY, the 21b ml at 10 o'clock, will be sold at suction cn the pre tn 'see. rnrnerof Baron and St, Joseph stieett, on account nf he sir kness of the spot be can Tbe contents of raid store, to block, consisting af gen erai assortment of pore and fresh Druet and Mrdiciors. Terms One third cash; balance a' 1 and months for notes satisfsctorily endorsed, bearing per cent interest, sain Ien t'redlt Mnle at Auction Of Fifty Five Acclimated Creole eiav.

a fl.ST. MARTIN. Sbrrilf aod Auctloneer. MON DAT. August sYgtfoU.

at It o'clock, will be ld st Auction ration. lately oeiooging to mr. rieero. tn the pariah of Charles, nineteen miles shove New Orleans, neat below M'me Louis Labrsorb. left side: Fifty five Slaves, lately belonging to Mr.

Pisero, and comprising his plantation, negroes, all acclimated, and farming one of the best aod moat desirtbl gsagi of ne groes in toe state. Lewis, carpenter and sugar maker, 4ft Anson, engineer, cooper and mechanic, 4f Hilalre an Marcelln, blacksmith sad Andre, no Hyarbinte.barnla, 68 Bob Ranson, 3 Robert Jackson, 87 Baxtile. Gabriel, 3d Ned. 4A sugar Joe, 3A Charles, sugar maker, Juhn Alme, 4A Oacar, ad Jack. tVilas.

tv. neire. driver, Dal 8 dlf ate of the ryes, Helene, 84 Ursole, 41 Polly, Ai Richard, sore leg Mi Jean Baptist. 4i Dtvis Livsuilals, 4A sickle, AA Pierre, 4" Baptiste, Charity, 40 Anna, 3A Use Pel, Jeanne, xa Ueorge, SH Hana, one arm, and bat ran Maitha, away, 33 Em lie, S4 Celettloe, go l.ydle, 4H Little Praorois, DMirn. I Urtin, 1 Coral ie, 11 Little Lydla, 7 Betsy.

4 ran, lb Prosper, lit m. Justine, Mellnds, ally, Jolle, Loalse, 13 ri edge. TO Orv Davis, fin 40 AO Lstarre, 60 lexis, oo so MM, and Terms One half payable on tbe 1st January, balance on the lit of Ja iuary. Iasa, in na uarv. In nes of the pnrcbasera, accepted by tn acprnved commereinl brute In the city of New Orlrant, bearing tpecial mroigaee on the property.

W.tb interest at 8 per cent, per annum, from the UBv at saie tnm nnaiiy paid. 1 be purcnasers to tire toe name of nrm an cn tnev ntend ta accept said antes or drafts, directly after tbe sale earn eiave. aon ii uot sppn veu. tue aiave or aatves to be reanio st once, at tbe same time abd place tne slaves win be at tn rise or the ourrnaser rrom tii saoment of adindtcatlon. but possession will only be alvrn on tbe plantation, after tbe deeds sball have been sriii onre givca ana aceeptea.

acisoi isle beiure I htoivnre osvoi, notary public, new neans. si toe et prose 1 1 the porrnasera Tbe purrt.aeis in all cases comply with the terms if sale within ten days of tbe adjudication, otherwise tbe sves to oe resold at toe nst and expense ot said per baaera. without any further notice, or putting tn legal de fault. N. ST.

MARTIN. Auctioneer, JyJl dAW Shertfl of Pariah of St. Charles efleraon cV Lake PontehnriraJn Kallway roBBertlon with tbe Carrolltoa Railroad From New Orleans to Lax Pontchartrain, TRAINS: Fom New Orlea s(vla CarrolltoDto Ike PoatcbartTTiln. Wtrl Days rrom rrrdlio atreet and Tlvnli circle lit pot I. A.

7. It. II. it. A.

1. 1. 3. 4. 5.

A. 7. P. M. Van lays From Pcrdido sret snd Tlvoli Circle Deport, following Express Train from Tlvoli Circle tit, lift, 4M.sit.oia.TM, r.

ts. Frorn Labs Pontrhartrala (via Carrollton) to New Orleana Week Daya To Pn dido atreet and Tivoll Circle Depot, la lit. Ik, luk, llii, A p. M. rs Peedido street and Tlvo m.i tun lay Tlvoli Circle Perot.

Ala. 7H.fU.vk. ink. ilk. A M.acdlik M.

after which tbe following Es press Trsii.t to Tlvoli Circle. 1 P. M. aT All the above trains take ap sad Isnd passengers at Carroiium.

BAT Express Trains stop snip at Horse Station and Jack ton street. tar Baggage, Ac, received at Depot only. Pare Between New Orlrant and Carrollton, IS cent each way, Betweea Carrolitonaad Lake Pontchartrain, 10c each way. apit as ly Piano Karte and Mlngtlna. Mr.

FRANCIS POTHONIER begs leave to Inform thr public that be rootinurt to devote hit attention to these respective branches, and hopes, during bit resilience New Orleans, to lisve mrefled appro nation by hit iraloua efforts in forwai.l ng the progress of bis srholsrv Application to be made fur terms to P. P. Vt EHLE1N at hia MUSIC STORE. NO. i CAMP STREET.

myTl im ir j'ip hk: 11 1 STAFFORD A Wboleaale and Retail dea.e In J.1CE, No. 13 Elyslan Fields street, put ltt the Pout art rain Kaiirnao itepot, lower tide No. IfW Old Levee street. No. it Tcbupitools strreL No.

7 New Levee ttreet, N. New Levee ttreet. No. Commerce street. No.

asa Tcboapltoela street. Nil 4fl Levee street. Two Ir Hooset betweea Ninth and Harmony ttreet. nurtn inrmri jai ly i'anllan iHK followln Bank Notes, msi ed Bt Huntsville. Ala on tbe id snd tih inrt.

bsve not come to hand. Tbe pobllc is ciutioned igiinst rsceiTlng or triding for the asms payment thereof having been stopped. Said Note hare ail been cut in two Canal Bank N'des 4117, Jane W. 180, ki. June, liewi.

All AH li. 7, Jan. IA, 1RM, Sinn iA. Nov. 17, IKA1, B.

Ant. Nut. 17, Wit, Jan. 16, 18A3, IMA, Oct. 184S, iwt.

Jsu. is, ISM, inn MM, Jsn, IA, 18AP, All MtT, NOV. 17, IBft', A A A. lv4V.Ort LIMA, At 60 C.IA78, Jan IA, 1HA3, rV' 60 BUS, NOV. 17.

IS t. D. Oct. 1 1B4A, Loci iaoa State Bank Note. Ap'l 91, IA47, gin A.

I VI. Aug I. mi'. A. t'J.

Feb lAVS, HAS, IVAt, ISM. ItttVI, IM', A. 4 oil.Feb 4:0. Fb. Ml reb 1.

B. 3WJ3. Jbb. IO, a.iatu. Aug.

1, latu, li vel. Jio, 30, IPoo, 111 4K14. Pea. IBA1, IKi IJ .60 SKI 0 lii ll AO CO. ri6, Feb.

ikaj, fi B. IM, Aug 1 Bank of Lou 'liana Nmes swa. Jan. an, ll, 4tH. Jan 9i, sm.Jan.

to, TA Jan. go. 1AV1. Situ lf F.iVJi M'ch 7. IM, 3444.

cb 7, 1H41, P. 44IU. M'ch 17, IAAI, An1 4774, tO 17, IAAI, P. 4 i M'ch 17. 1A.M.

E.tata June lb I84A, uT rit BRADLEY. WILSON A BRIDGEWATEa. Fire and Weather Proof Paint. Deaot No. 70 Cimp ttreet.

TH public are respectfully notified that the Bridge wo ter Paint Company have loot completed tb erectlo at tbe mine, of two additional mill, aod the difficulty here tofbre experienced In supplying the demand for ground is oil will for tbe future be effectually remedied. All ordert can now be relied upon being promptly filled. It Mine intention 01 tne company, in a rew wrexs. to an an a tact a re lead, green and other colors frorn the Bridge water, when It wilt be Immediately Introduced la thit market ta convenient sited package. The dry mineral caa be mixed with lime (Instead nf oil.) for ordinary purposes, la covering wood and belt Bay ooe twentieth Urn, well lacAtd.

Tbte experiment ha been tested at tbe Nortb. Bad more recently la thit city, and work admirably. For direction, a fall description of Its properties, certificate, Ac see pamphlet, which caa bt baa at tba depot, or of any of tbe so rv agent a Dry, la aouv sreigning era to aud Dry, la ball bbla weighing too to tAO I hi 1 Ground, Ib oil, ia kecs of 88. 60 and 100 lb. For talc by BOGERT A Agent forth State of Louisiana, Atebatna, Pes Iv Mleataalnrd aon Teas.

Ala tern momae cV Forwarding! Company. 1 1 HE Inderal rued la cow prepared to receiv oa Storage, or Farwaraing, at tb uew Iran Warehouses the Point. Alliens, all kinds of Western Produce. Salt, Ac. Ac Tbe facilities for receiving and delivering cannot betar mn I easels returning in distress, win ona erest con venience this point for tbe storage of tbelr cargoes salt Is but a short distance below tbe Docks and Ship Yards.

Railway Iron raa be received aad forwarded on to most fevorabl terana. Having railway tracks from the end of tbelr wbarve to tb place of aeposit, irao can oe receiver! from tba aide ef tba ship aad delivered to tba boat with great facility ana economy. A II order attended to at tbe Warebooae. or at tbe office of tb Company, ar Thayer A 77 roydra street. im a IV t. Section lioeka. THE" Bmlthland Section Dock Company" having purchased from the lat "Kentucky Dry Duck Com po ne" their Section Docks, aad ranoved them to this place. are bow prepared to dock all Steamboat, and other water craft, on reasonable term, and with despatch. Tbe Docks are thought to superior to aay on the wester watera Th Company bav engaged the semes of Mr. i u.

FOLC aaRunerintendenC he bain in ever respect qoal Ifird for tbat station. For farther Information we take toe llbertv nf tbe Bnllowin sentlemen. Vlt: Case Bentlv. hue of th Bostons: Car. Mather, of the Lexlaetan 1 CsoC Brown, of the Gea.

Lafayette i Cant McKim.ofth Empire 1 Capt, Holmes, of tbe Princess; Cap. Leathers, af tb Nate bet Na 8 Cpt. Isaac Jonea, at tn un. rise uapr. tore, ar aa.

xoni asra aapt jamee mootgotnerT, of looutviii. Byerder ol the tvoard ef Msnage anager. WM. GORDON, ChBlrmi Kni P. A Mr.

L.U. Porae will take contract forbulln BE all af Steamboats. Tb timber ass tb Camber liver Is af very superior qoabty.aad klaveaxxsasasanipacaii eonal to anv la ta. ewx. Ptovar OrlcMaaaa Aarencv 01 Tapscott't Geaeral telgTatloa and Forelga Cxcbaagt ooscat.

To aad from England, Ireland, Scotland aad Wales Office. 88 Gravier street T1 HE ndcTBltned. being aorointed tb New Orleant is ent af the Ion eetabliabed aad well knowa boasr 01 w. a i x. TArscorr a new lara, ana vr TAPBCOIT A Ca, Uverpool and Dublla.U aow preparad ta rarnlaa raatragar Certificate ta aad frota ail toa ana ctnai town af Great Brltala and Irelandi ass drafta para able In any parts! tba Daltad lingrlota, trota Al aad ap Aregxlarweekty ntutof packAttfrata Liverpool New Orleans It ratibllsbed, conaWlna af first class ease Is with aLi: aneqaslad scorwsuDoosUkrna, aad saason arndibg mr tau friend asay rely poa tMr biM BroojbtUtAMprx Um tt amy rely 1 coaaJortabls and txpedltoo For aay rsu aptHV saatonally at tb fllc ariassl 1 ff.

mm DEWXT txarravi 1 SB 1 Ea Seiaet af different sxa, I aat irmrvwd tTtot the atanaoact rrand for take by WATUMASI BROTH EB. enraeraf a Is) But Cosnsnoa aad Magasia st. NoOeo to Conrrttrtara. SOOTHKRN RaI LKOaD, ISA wealed Pi tg will rwceived Bt taacflVa of A llartaaU. Esa Pb aWat af taw aVaatherw Bulnnwi 1 ai kaswrs aatll a P.

as August una inr tba gradaatiaB. Acf taa part of tbe lia tnrwwdiatj taatwardly (rasa Bit laa as TyasrtSasamttadaSs lmUoa srarx is sail trai all uUly bealthy sxaytlsa BtmadMstilB kiaia aa I iBSltastxl ta 1TI sually bealthy satiasa of tba tins try. Aifct tarts an ability. Ac, will ba rawa 1 Plane. twlee aad a limy, avcwiu raajaireA Psxaa.

oesfile aad asacltTatioa. arlD bd nlb8 laaa BB re. aaa AtaaAso. aftat tb totb day rf Jal X. A a.

AaS UC. HAiDxV Calof. or to ui 1 Ml nxed gk Iemk Pssflatwia. DAILY O. B.

MAtAasJJIli BIBBiaT Arrangeaarat For arwlilr. Bay St. Loakt aad Pass Christian. Tha salendid law packat ssaaaaars OREOON, R. A Hieras) master, IR1DA, John AiuL ainatnr.

havlne been built and FLO expressly for a I alt trad, erUb superiar sxxomsaada tboa. On a tb above strainers will leave tha Poot cbartrtJa Railroad DAILT, aa arrival at tbe Laktaf tbt stopping dally at Bay ax. bavnsaaa PasCbrlan ening sao returning, and at Pascag.iula aw Wednea1av and a Tkm. dav returning. The letter bag for Mobile and above pi aces will leave tbe office of tbe agent daily a41 o'clock A M.

mf Latter. for East of Mobil must be pot la th mall, i ey wi 1 1 oe aeiaineo one day at Mobile. SaT rrelaht for Bav St i. Mh be sent iortteamert Laltftjrata or Creole. rararo aay tit, ixmnand Psas Christian Children f.n.'! i ck SI.

rare to Psacagoola S3; Children and Servants SI M( Deck 01 t.v WEUUES.Atent in Bank Place AJJP bHORE PACKET STEAMER CREOLE Summrr Arrangement For landings The new and .1 CKEOl.r Charles Walker, mafrr.buiit expressly lor this trade wnb superior accommodatiOLs. will leave tbe Car rr.ll'oo and JetTeraon Hallroad 00 arrival at tbe Lake of tbe cars, as fo.lovrs Mondays by SAM car. I Fridays by 3 M. cars. mednesdsys 8AM csrt Saturdira 3 P.

M. car And toe rontchi'traln Cxilrnad nn .1.. luc nm I'nwwi Leaves New Orleana. Leave Ocean Springs. Monday evening.

Thursday eveuingt. Saturday moruiuga Mondays hy 0 A. M. car Wednesdays? A. M.

cir Fridivt 4 P. can. Siturriiya 4 P.M. car. Sunday evenings.

On batur ayiand Sundsystbe Creole will stop only at Mississippi City, Biloxl nd Ocean tpritrgs. Freight receivei at tbe railroad all tie week nn to o'clock on Ba urdayt. That lor Wedneadava ooaht to be sent on Tuesdays. 1 nc way letter bag win leave tbe office of the Agent oa Monday and Wednesday, at 8k. o'clock A and on Fridays soi Saturdays at 3H o'clock P.

M. Fare 10 flay Bt. Louis and Past Christian 81: Children tnd Servant tl JA Deck 81. Far to Miwtee nr flrw Biloxl and Ocean Spring fi 60 1 Children and Servant 1 nu; urcx ai. Jr4 R.

GEDDF8. Agent. 10 Bank Place. va LAKE SHORE TRI WEEKLY PACK. KUswaaET STEAMER CALIFORNIA For Bi nrinH 1 Christian, Mississippi City and Bilnxt, stopping at Fort rixeon loeaiays an 1 nursaays 1 spienam ana is vorlte low pressure packet steamer CALIFORNIA, S.

B. Frost, mastrr. built expressly for tbe Lake trade, with an perior accommodation, wi if leave tbe Carrollton aod Jefferson Railroad on arrival at tbe Lake ol tbe cars, a lot loos: Tuetdsyt by 8 A M. cars. I Saturdays by 3 P.

M. cart. lhuisdavs a A. n. r.n I And tbe Pontrbar.raln Railroad on arrival at tbe Lakaof tbtcara, as follows: Lenves New Orlenns Leaves Ocean Springs A BUoxl.

Tuaaiay by A. M. car Thursday by A. cart. vvednedy t.venlog.

Friday Evening. Leave Mississippi City. SatiCav Evrntn Leaves tor Mississippi City SAtnr.lty r.y 4 P. M. ctrs.

The California doe not go beyond Biloxl on Saturday eveninga rve 10 Kay Rt. loul and Pa Christian SI Children audservauts si so; Dec ai lo missinsippi city, Biior and Ocean Springs tt 6u Children and Servaiiti 81 60; Drck 81. BaT Freight received at tbe Rtllroad depot all tbe week up to 1 o'clock Sat ordays tbat for Tuesdsy and Thursday trip to be sent on Mondays and Wednesdaya BjrThe war letter baa will itavrthc office ol the Agent Tuesdays end Thursdays it 81, o'clock A Satur daysst it, 0 ciocx tr. ai myss K. ubiii'r ageot.

pins risrr COVINUTON MAIL LINK For Mnilvllle. Leaichurg, Aiidiannville Covington, o'd landing The splendid and liins'suliai lasestesiner ST (built expressly for tbe lake trade,) T. W. Dunulca, master, will lesve follows, in wit Leaves Pontchartrain R. Lear Covington, old land's Monday.

Ii m. tara I rrirsd.ty ciots m. Vtednesday, It M. cars. Thursday, 6 o'clock A M.

Friday. Is car. Sttnrday, 6 o'clock A Saturday. 4 P. M.

cart Ai on fur. my itieet the Lute ent 01 tbe rnntcnirtniin on tte srrirai of tbe o'click A. lesTts tbe Csrrollton nd Jetf erson Rsiiroid on tbe unyil at tbe Ltke of the o'cio A. M. cars, returning in time for tbe 7k P.

M. car to tbe city on each of the above roadt. Also, leaves Madltosville st A 0 clock A. M. on Monday, and will tend ber aengers to the city by the ok.

A. blears Passage 81 meals 6.1 rents Fxruraiou licketsun Suiiday 81 AO. JelO Jm The Upper irilaslaalppi FOR BT. LOUIS Ilgnt Ireugbt passenger stetmer UNCLE SAM. J'lhu Ie, ma rf, it new ia purl receiving irigt nr.

win leave pt Bt Luts and lnt rnieniate ivniltg with derpstch. Forfreirbt or passage, having tu pTl acxoaiUiOdatli'ns apply on nosril or to a ill G. W. SHAW CO Poyrlrat it. IttktDtt.

FOR ATTiSAPAS The fire strambist LANIER, Johnson, master. i now rereivng freit'nt aud will leave for Tie abivr on 1 11 1 1 1 AY. iHth inn it uorUk ta king freight for Bayou A. hi to bayoa Black, fat'rr roiiTille. t'entreville, Ftai.llni.

New 1 tier a. gt. Minim vi le, en 1 ill 11. term. in; laud legs.

For freight or pa age Pi ly 00 board or to u7 CHd UE Dl.arrt:. 14 costomnouee su ttstd reiver. for siiBr.vEt ORr and all in termediaie land.ns Tb gbt draught suamer HHKtU.I'UHl. Taruell. mater a 1.1 Irilr lor 01 lock P.

M. au7 be ajoreon EKNEbDAY. 17L In at 6 err freight or page a. fiv on hoar.i mr to etiAw Auis.T rurrnii. Opeloaana.

ffwwj, LOW WATtR ARRANGEMENT For (jfctStJOfelousas. via tlie A'c baaia a The new jrsKSBssaaAand safe sieao.rr OPELOLsaH. Miurk liy, u.ulrr, 1.41 he trips, tbe Atcha'llys and biuTiniifiort. tud will trke fr iglit lortH land nrinn tre route, and wil. leaee Nr Orleana every WEDNESDAY, i lo'i o.

ari Ope.ouMB every Suud at iu clock A M. For freigttt ur app'y nn biur Fre gUt taken I BryiU des Giauis t.i 1 J.K auJrd st tm Sirnmipnrt. 4 intra mil Kiver. REGULAR TR1 1A F.EKLY PACRTT for BI ADON SPRINGS, every MUNDnY. WEDNESDAY sud Kl DAY, 3 o'clock tionusko tb season The fine light draught pat teoger it nruboM COL I'REMONT.

A Johnson, mister, will I iare Mobile ponctualiy every Mohi'iy We.lnet day tnd rriity. at 3 o'clor k. anlvibg at bladou next dayt by lo ork. Returning wll leaee ad Fpr.ogt 00 Tutsdsy Thurnliy sud Sunday, im o'. iw P.

arti Vlbg at olobtl in time for tne mall boat to New Orleana hi ROT HER A BRO Agents, New Orleana CAMPKElL A CO Mobile, tat" Passengert will do well tn tike tbit boat. the only goes to sdon, consequently tbey canalwsys be sccm with rocms bein crowded by passengert to pulCIS sovc STB THF.R A BRO. run. XU.MUUMCHI FROM MOBILE every Sit urday in placeof tbe steamer Sam Dale Th. new and splendid passenger iallie CAKBUn, Charles miner, master, win leave Mohile for Montgomery every SATURDAY, st 6 o'ciotk during summer and falL For freight or passnge apply on board or to ULnnr.

w. vr icwvuraii, JelA 9m or CAMPBELL A CO Mobile. ALABAMA RIVER WEEKLY PACK From Mobile, for Mmtgomery snd all 11. ten i.termediste landing Tn new, i.ui iirassut fast running steamer JENNIE BiAtt, Lose ainwright, master, with superior aceommodtinos tor passengrr. will leave aiooiie very rniuai mua.T passei lo o'clock.

nrriiiri nr Jen tf at New Orleana No. 10 Bank P'ara 1 FOR BLADON SPRINGS AND lit mopol a The new light drangbt and fast rnunin nunnlar Brsnicr OCTaVIA. B. rr. will leave for the above ports on Saturday.

atno cioc r. ana win counuuc io mn 1 regular pac 01 le for BlacTon ket daring the present season, leaving Mo Bnnnxrind Demopulit every SATURDAY, o'clock P. md for B'rwlou Springs alone on every WEDNESDAY, at 6 o'clock P. M. aoT Pagseiigert may teiy upon a conveyance 00 tbe shove days, for if the water becomes too towf tl.e Oct via to rou.

her place will be supplied by tha very light steamer Heroine, as id ooat win leave punctually at ciota, iiaaarmrra and 1 hlnncrs trill n'ease oe in readlnes. Pas seneerf who wish to eosaxe state momi snv trips ibead can do to by applying to the undersigned aud paying their ro' freight or rjage pp on tmarrj or to myl4 Am M. WARING A CO Ageati. Mobile REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET Sum mer Arrangement. For Biadon Springs, Demopolti.

Gainesville, Warsaw aad ten Toe i.e. and splendid light draught passenger st ner AZILE. M. Macartnev. Bitter, will leave Mottle for the above aad intermediate landing Every TUESDAY EVE NING, at 4 0 ciocx.

rorieeigot or passage ippiy to DAVID A IUHU, cor. Contl aod Commerce its MoW'e. The A rile It entirely new. built exorrsslv for tbe tiade. and from her exceeding light draught (drawing ily 14 inches) passengers may rey on ner raving as anove tnrcugn out tbe season.

T. B. SMITH. Agent, myA Im 31 Poydrat atreet, rt. u.

The Conat. POR LAFOURCHE Tb. new steamer JEAN WEBRE, U. I'. Terrebonne, master.

be only tbrt utb boat tar Latuorcnr, no ea ai h.r lauding, foot of Contl ttreet. and it prepared to receive freight slnne for the Bayoa Lafourche, running st tar down a Loci port. Her reguisr trips cummence on Friday, Aogott iih, at 9 A. ieiTtng New Orleans there or each FRIDAY, at 9 o'clock A. and Thibodsux evrrv Mjn.isv.

at 9 o'clock, reachin New Orleans every Tsftday ruing. For freight or paftsre apply on txrd or to bxauo a la.iiiit. Csnt. Terrebonne returns bis tbints to his Datmu md istils built bit boat rxrr.aaly for tbr La mrebe irwie tn low water, la nuw prepared to accommodate them with despa co in 1 saic y. auis tt FOR BAYOU SARA.

WATERLOO. Port Hudson, Baton Rooge. IirrpaJdsnnvil ind ail interrnediate land iu, fair steamer S. W. DOWNS, (ia nlareof tbe New Latnaa.) Emlie Gross, mister, will leave ir tbe above nn MOND AY, at A o'clock P.

and on FRIDAY, tt 10 o'clock A. bL For freight or pa sage apply on boa'd or to r. ejr.u.AHl a Jyio BRACD A LANDRY. STEAMER JEAN WEBRE. U.

It. Teire bonne, mtarer. will leave New Orleans ere FRIDAY, at 9 o'clock A ana leave Tuibooaux every Monday, at 8 o'clock Far freight or pa saga apply on board or tn a Lm. trn.v ccw vreiw, Jy7 tf a S. T.


Mall Pae et NEW LAT0NA For Bayoa e. tmAr w.ek Ti. above boat bsvtn n. bv Cant. Emlie Gross, will coa.lnse in toe Bayoa 8ra aad Coast tradeularing Sammer and Winter, le.eine New Orleans every MONDAY.

6 'clock, P. asd FRIDAY, at 10 e'etoek. A. M. Retarnmg, leave Bayoa Sara eTscy Tuesdsy and Saturday after tbe arrive! at to can rroan woaovtuc fr ej H.A R.L1 ID wsnnuciciBi.

Ko Minn A LANDRY. Shippers can d'pend spoa the New La ton remalnlsg la Be Bayoa Basra traoe ounn nim. snHniT.sit.idKk A. Bad WEDNESDAY. P.

M. Leavaa Bayoa Sara en Mody aad Tbura day, after taa arnvat as uoora a aaa wsaveviue. ear WJ oTkey a HAWKINK I. A BBAUD A LANDRY. ORBRJPG A ADAMA aaa PAYNB ARRiaos.

TWICB A WIU D. MAlLPACAn uts.t ewc oi Eoaae. Port Harlten. Waterloo uWyoalisea. aaa autai! mm ate isaaiaga J.nBwweasser wir SwvITDaV H.

lira, new vrieweo sclock A BL.aad vr WEDNESDAY ta Bayaa Bara xscA trip altar haanca. Forfrelrtt or twssaan rrury a boar HOLMES A CLAUaSl AAWtravStrravicrtt. 1m atrnsm kwliln mm tti. waarl at turrlanwrra. wae wfil always fetttstwawd a elarkto rwceivafreigBt diragtka STMMBOATD.

1 r. tbe tist sywqn. POR tAYOU Aaaa, TWO TIMES A I Tb.SBpaae.gaeaaner KM PR Illlnt A Laaan. aaaer. iant br Itvas m.

n. isllowa i stave New Ortaaaa an I Ship ooip Br odis bet new by A oeen IJ I by toe led 0a 1 me B. A C. C. A.

i fP a. ljr7 I HTus snaanct st tn taorrwBtsisBaaatnarr aoarai I lei'Jw fostraaBiagFBssrBi AlrwcUfrstjMvawlltw sksvaaviBlb.aAna I 1 a. a vw stayeag a'waswwsMs4ttiai4Tmasrs al. i.

I Tni ssaal Fr I WS mmm, i fftTk tnnxi awn Biiaaniint asi WWAIJ AsavOal a aeaj MARINES 8. PCaTDWb1 OFFICE, Aagast jy. issx OlrfHAICKIt VKjrracliiiT Twq.Ha.Do.gWy, Llvarpool, Buter umKi niiiiasa, Bint, Roster 8 MaUwws, Naot, BalhH taoadtuaaT YasEgana AKttlVbiU. toa sa era. Kimball.

Orr, fm Bayoa Sara, Jeaa Webre, Ten bonne. Ins Lafrmrcbe. Opbelia, Sallba, fm Ballae. EXPORTS. LIVERPOOL Shin Tarauin 1408 balm cotton.

HAVRE Ibio Lemnal Over IAS bales cnttaa. 46004 staTcs. 1 oox anon. an tt do bread, 3o do pork. 6 do vinegar, do potato! and onions, tea nams, 10 bxs cheese.

4 so tooacco, osa nee rsls Icatner, Ac RBCEIPT8 PRODUCE. BAL1ZE Steamer Onbellaa hhdesfiearfoP Roy S8 nioissses cam. on re an atcn ix axs rice Avct Bra sundries, order. LAFOURCHE Steamer Jean Webre 50 tct sugar W43 newer nnus ao. sot mors tiersrd do uraii A Son a do Troisrlatr A HiTdal sundries, order.

BAYOU 5 AKA STeamer Kimhall 1 ba'e cotton Rocbereiu Aco 1 do Byne Aro sohbdstuger rrire. rroc aco ao a mutenoergcr Aco 17 bbli mo lastet Cstentve tandries. order. 'ICE The coblic im heier.v cautioned seainst neeo atlng or trading for Certificate of DeDosit drmnn Jsaies A Co In favor of Jobn Mays, dated June Is.V), for Five Hundred Dollars. No 3tM.

the saine bavin I' bt. rayoucui una ocen stoppeo. aoio AtU L. A LEVY. JR.

REBOILED MOLASSES loo barrel tnd 60 choice article. In store and lor sale at the CREaCENT REFINERY, 013 3t 93 and A Jul a it EST PENNSYLVANIA BOILER IRON 100 tbee best PeuniylTBtila Bailer Iron, assorted, 3 1Mb and inch, lauding ex bark Nashns, liom Philadelphia, for t.le PRIESTLEY A BEIN. soli lot 09 aod 1 Camp at BEST TENNtbtEE BOILER AND BAR IhVON 00 sheets best Tennessee Boiler Iron, assorted, it and 3 ia Inch together wl; a ful assirtnirnt of Bar Iron, landing irom HeamDoai rsnny smith and in store, nr tale oy B0I3 lot PRIESTLEY A BEIN, Wand 91 Camp at OHEET IRON sou bundles Eotlisb Sheet Iron.aas'd Nos 16 to i. In More snd for rale at t' lowest market rates, br PRIESTLEY A BEIN. Bull lOt 09 and Camp it.

nOARDlNS To rnt, with board, several Urge airy rooms, for the summer, at tbe Fkxanc House, ana aoutn ttreet, opposite La ray CI i' Jelt ALE At a reduced price, about lHoa seres tae most vaiustii land In Louisiana, situated on tbo Bayou DeOlatz. This land extend Wat two mile on Bayou, witn anaie cnio acre cleared, upon wblcb an negro i ablna, gin boose, dwelling, Ac. and might oedlvl Into three plantation, rice aud termi reasonable Applrto RACE A FOSTER, rttt 14 Ezrhana Place. Board at iHandeville. Sir.

DK hit opened Private Baardlne jS House at Mandrviiie. where the can accommodate three or four families. Term $30 per month, or 75 per week. Ar.y information can be had by applying 71 marazine atreer jyvii im TVTOTICE 1 be public la cauiioned aglinat receltlngor inning lor tne lollowiog ball Bank Note, pat on board steamoviai nt. Lnuis.

st icxsourg, on tne 1st insc, ao ornsica to uie uuaersigneo canal Bant notex June IftAO. siiki 1x36, Jan. 101. Vfi, Nov. 17, im 13V.

Jin. IA. ItaM. Kti D. Ij7, Jin.

IA, I AM. t'OP IV A I7br, Jan. IA, lro3. Oit 1, ltnA, D. iom, Jm.

15. lew. 100 $10P Loulslsnl Bilte Bank. 3SXS. Jsn.

JO, loAOorM. I A 84W. Aug. 1, 184, ta, June 3, 1Mb, Mechtnlct' Tnvirrs' Bsnk. 100, Aug 1, Si1'1! li, Aug 1.

i860, Ply mrit of tbe said halt notes bat been stopped, the ion tame not oaring come to nana aoi3 At Mcdowell, mixli a co. Fletcher Wettnty. riOM MISSION MEhXHANT.UOPewltUeet.Hanovat square, new gorx. References Wm. S.

Wetmore, Esq. Messrs Wetmore A Oryder, Grlubell, Mlnturn A Col, How Isnd A Atplnsrall c. Mm a 1 1 W7 ur n. Forest Co i'n ew Vorxj Daniel P. Park er, Esq.

Gardner Coloy, Boeton 1 cam net on. esq rrovi deoce 1 Wm. Lrjee. Philadelphia 1 Wat, Wilson A Sons Baltimore: Lumaden. Kendall A New urleans.

tin 1 1 road Notice. Ti Storkbolders in 1 be Mrmouis and Charleston Rail 1 road Company are hereby notified tbat tbe Board of uirectors bae mde tbe lollowiog calls on tne capital Btu ol ssid Company, v.i One call of 8 per cent to be paid lit September. 1BA3 Ooe call ml per cent to be paid I at October, ltei3 One call of 8 per cent to be paid 1st November, ihai. One cwi o' 8 per cent to be paid 1st December. 1H53.

OntOcall of 8 rent to be paid I January. 1HL4 One call uf 8 (er cent to be laid 1st Feb nary. One call of ptr rrultobe paid March, I AM. One call nt rier cent fobe Mid lat April InfC Sud Ha to be raid to FEaRN. DONFOAN A CO.

Ageuta, st their oce. on or before tbe oTove dates, sol tfV SAM. TATE.Treax M. A C. R.

R. Co. A Card. rT II subscriber, though on principle opp.ied to profes I siorsl siren iking. Tscompelled, being utrinrer, to reron tn tbat medium to inf rm tbe rublK uf bis inteoti' to ri ride in New Orleans and henceforth partQe his daties 1 in tnis city.

tvin vnited vtriout pnrtlnnt of South America for th po we of raeiiicsl well at toe West Irdi Islands aud from his experience while restder.t pbysicim Cbssres and Pansuis. he believes himself to be tlio ruagply conversant aitb tbe different success ol modes ot treat metit reqnitue in tbr arverai diarases to wnico tne in hahitantt of u'hf rn climate are mble. Tbose isho int uuder any rm of Chronic Diae re reive especml ten ion frota 11 to 1 dally. OfEce 1KB Ca roinletet, near Glrod ttreeL JvM Im ft. By AN.

nf, D. Iliirpalnn rent Ilnrtrnlns, Phi V. ROSE'S CHEAP STORE Corner of TrbouDitoulaa and Ninth ttreett. 4th District. Greit bargains tan be bad by calli: at tbe above men rioned cheap ifore.

Dry gnodt and shoes selling st les fhn cot rerront wantiog anything in my line wvu'd do well to ra I immediately, at I am determined to tell out before gi 'ng North. anil im xdpit m. New Bnaio Hnab, Door and tlllno Factory. BAVtinu itiHiMnu ipu nibii. MAHOGANY.

Walnut, Cedar, Oik, Asb. Poplar, Wb'te Pine and Cyprest Lumber constantly on band at.d sawed to order. Newels. Ba'ostert, Awning Pottt and Mouldings ef eve defrrlptlon. Also, Lake aud rensacola nre Brick, sand, Lime, ce mrnt, Ac.

Order received snd executed witn derxtcn at tre actrr. comer of Julia Slid St. Jobn ttreett, oppor.te tb. New Bio JyT al ly JUI.FX A BI.A Circular. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES, I Pbi'id'iiibia, ily rrth, ikax 'pHE Director of tb Mint gives notice tbat from and I the IM: dav of Ausuet Bcxt.

payments nf Sliver purchased for the Mio at Philadelphia, snd at tbe Brarcb nt, New Orieanx will be made three fourths In lilver eoina nf th. new emission. Ind one fourth in gold In IC esc ds nee witb existing arrangements, the whole price wiM be BdTiuced la the brat Instance in gola.sno as tne new com is ready lor iesoe it will be ptld out. in the proportion specified. In exchange for gold returned by the pxrtlet selling silver, ind in order of tbelr peto Ity of

At the New Orlrina Brsnrn mint in option reservei to substl'nre. partially or entirely, riiafts on the Assistant Treasurer at New York, for ibe guld otherwise isyabie silver pnrcbsBf d. 1 he present price 01 iiver, wuicu win ut rmiumrii Ha til fort ber nwlre. is tdlowt For iliart of Mexico, Peru. liviA Chill and Spain, for franc, and for silver coin of the United States, otter than thee, rents Si tl an ounce STOOL For thaler a of awedeo, and 01 tbe northern outre 01 Gem anv, SI 01 so ounce For silver lo bars, tor mixed coin, and for other silver not herein ipee1ftd.

81 tl fur eacb ounce 01 standard nne oesr. (nine tent hi I a ce'ertnineo on at toe mim. jAtun ni'ip iiuw 1 r. 1 1 Th. Ilrlraa.

Hiatal I lleCV "CORNER Fortietb ttree' mid Sixth avenac opposite the Crystal False, New York JUI1.1 iAAIlB, trupnrwif, JT1 0 mrt Int. nf N.w Orlan SloTf stoves. ttrr arrnrenared to oiler to tbe trade a roll and com plete assortment cf Cooking and Heat ing' Stove for mwmi nr tmml ich are th. c.lebrstrd ack Dil mond. Great Western.

Mayflower, ibe Irving, Boston and Prmnklln rMl wood botoee. Ind Ot bCT Stindlrd BOd IS prove.1 pattetnt We think it advantageout to mike their purchases dire from the manufacturers 10 ttetd of paving a profit toi Msny of oar Stoves sr ipecislly to tbe Southern and vrearern marxct. and we hall DC ease a tn ruceive oruers n'i 1 nr tn. iv r.m D.DDW Eagle Foundry, No. 110 Beaver atreet Albany, N.

Jy7 3 fVnilre Flanr Iaanectlon. TACR1NG tbe otesent oppressive beat and th pre valence 1 of Ibe enldemic. the Floor Inspector of tbis ciy hse diterrtilne.1 tbat from and after tbe 10th inat, tbey n.111 wk nn the lv. from A tn 11 o'clock A. M.

OtVV. Merchants and rice leas are requested to reeognlte thit arrangemeot and to issue tbeirnrders accoiairg'y. mmrmmm A 9lmmrA J. A. UUH.LU igr v.u sulO Steod E.

WIN GATE, for New Board i mr mmW IfMlaneilBt. Lake Shore, near tbe Terminus of tbe Jefferson and Lake Pontchi traln Railroad, third boose from the Hotel. The noaersienea, .1 wMwctfullv in ES3aS Mends and tbe public generally, that tbey bsve fitted op the sbove retivrant In a ttyie mienor.o none iJ iiV mS ml A eaaaa Pel all AV rkfl buIY UBr TFY tucui wit fordi Tbe bar wiU at ill times be supplied with the holce rt Wines and Liquors, tnd wim rw" nil menttoa, hope to merit share cf public rUtirxe aar Pnvate rooms tor rwrtieso JellUSnl It. A St tl I ii i 'f ww If Irrr. wrral.f PACKET FOR LEFLORE 1 iatermedlate asaaings on tne I axn Toe lUtat drxogbt si earner on 1 1 m.

if KlDU TS BDT L. DOTe Uu BU iniermv dlte landings on the Yaxno every week, on tbe arrlyalcf the steamer Nitcnet no a sr Tbe Hen. Stoke trill connect aitb the Natcbex Na 8, Irons New Orleans trieliahnrn. FOR PRINCETON. LAKE PB0TT dence, Mtlllken' Bend, Ylcktbsrg, Grand unw.

null. run a nn. bu bara, baton Hoc re. Donaidsonvtll. sad all tb Inter.

mediate ssnrfinga. Thcspteyidid pasti nger packet sxeamer FRANK LYON. J. H. Eatea, naaster.

will leave tbr tne abov on FkUDA I of eacb week throughout taa trsiai aod wtu attend ta ue oarntas el tne steamer fjoauiet Belle for the Marmrr.ahe having laid up for repalrt Titw Frank Lyon will have a clerk receiving freight at tsedjuot ef Canal street WedBesdsy mortilna. Jy tf I HlVTHEk A Agexjta. FOR V1CKSBURG, New Ctrthae. Hard Tl Josr bh. WsAai lAuof.

Natcbex. ante, aaa auinterwieaiar maainaa lptkck ttcaxnerNATCBEl No. t.T. leave a abov aa SATURDAY. tor.o a.ioa at SB clock P.M.

Fee freight or ptstige apJyaa boart er te D. JL. CAJLiiOLL.s3 vasta aww no a ts aitb ib iqc farmer nm. naBtaaaa bttbiiiiwi tteaanersTowsMaad W. CaaipbcUaad tall texe hj toeallpotauoa tbe Bar The HsAcbes aow at tn uenw Mae I JL Lmmmrn lA mSM ieeviwdtate landiag I ni Allm irr ba abo track aa a I "gswsa.

FOR SALA Tba I fad, ill sunt 4 eanaerEMrEROA Hear Oy'raat In tba I. A. KjsATJD A LA9DKT, WAR RE ft TON, Rodney. At ForVAaaars. Pes br barely Law BUI Stock Stock 14)fc SO and colli New New New Jo 104 sr COMM rrCATOWB OFFTCa.

Tatar CO btihj. Aaftat COTTON Tba daaasnd was at rtacb 100 bafsa, So srbscb vo add ISS sadaa aaM Fa terdsy. Ordinary Mlddlta Ilk 111 ft. Middling, lw ioaj isamonos; eaic. 1 ia wis Middling IPs, aril iFair 11 40) BTATeMENT OF COTTON.

back aa band 1st aeptarober. 181 lABOo inrvr ej manaraw 1 1 J.Viba. krrirM tj 1.BF4.730 Exportod tsMata. ExporUd today. oa haad aadaa sb1a brd attflsmsll TOBACCO Wa baa aa baard a sal.

STATslMENT OP TOttrra atocx oa bib a it acptembcr, 1881, amvaa Arrived lo day. Exported to Exported to day i.tai on hand and on ship beard not rlenrej SC8AR Three wer torn seders ta tb ma kat aad yas trrday aod to day 160 bhds. were sold parti fx export at 3tkc MO LASSES 186 bola sermenung sLe Balled sears soat ot and 70 bb'a Texas from store at itc FLOUR Salrs 100 bbis st Loan a aa at wan mm mm it; 100 extra at So so. lis at bt, aaa istx aifnt iw aa perfine St. Lools at S6.

CORN 800 sacks prime wnire saw at oxc. aaa aaa iaxs riorat67c. OATS 360 tacks 8L Lonis wero sold at 40c. PORK Met retailing at IA BACON Ii caskt prim Sboalders told at Bite LARD 608 tierce anl too kegs prisM ware awhi at 1040. lltjc ROPE Sales 880 coilt at 7c; 140 at; an yetxarasy twj 6Vt7c COFFEE Bile 950 bags Bio at aad SSB bags akiav miog at 7c.

FREIGHTS Nothing doing. EXCHANGES Demand limited except far Kght on York. Londoa 9sa qfeeart, pi ami ata. Paris S4.tsstsaf.10. Tork AO days I kOl, coat.

dlacoanC. Yoek airht Jte i cent, discaart. DENTISTRY. DR. J.

8. CLARK, DENTIST, Ha Canal, near mi Charlet ttreet. New Orleans. aaglf ly Dr. Geo.

W. Mmltk, Don tint, FT AS returned, and will attend to tba datkeaef htoPrai XX fesaion asusasl umceaaa ressaencs deletsad Hevl street. JtBMI H.Kltlt. I. unnsBeiinc erBcucssi bibb ata bitodes dbd raaldeaca, No.

IA Bsroane street, aear caai. All wba wish for what Is nwamtarT termed CHEAP DENTISTRY, ar wba not intend to pay as sooa aa tb opsi atlua la uassiletBd. aeertesleen nor csesll. II. Cc J.

e. Ksaaa. DENTAL AD Rat EONS. Common street, opposlt tb New St. Cbaeia HotaL' svr giving conatanv arreatMsa ta tne practice of their stun sssua ia til its aaenai ta so nn.

Teetb extracted Teeth extracted withowt nata a afiaewea Chlomtorai. vtus A at rod lall 8 dOWXap Charles K. Kelto. Frota New lark. DENTIST Jan.

laiaaraiislsliiil, Artifl te lin flcial Teeth laAerted la tb late Imaeovemavibs. tt i nertnitred ta refer ta Kraona bow wear ax partial seta, which for beauty, atJUty aad eosalort to tha not oe exceiiea. us iyuasw J. VVeat, lit Bt. Charles street.

Bear tba corner of Poydraa atnet. Woald respectfally inforas mtsnxeaa of New Orleaos and tb nclatty that is perform all operationa aa tba taetb Inn most skillful and sattsfactsry nstanaac. Tb superiority of J. W. Artlacsal TactA above sll others, have for th last eight years heaa well known and appreciated by hundred who ar new tnftila; tbe benefiu of them.

Persons desiroas af having tbelr teeth operated on wuold da vsell to call aad eMXrria hia tpeciment. Dental depot for tb sale ot Teeta, Fast, sa umce aaa resinr near the corner of Poydraa, TO RENT. POR RENT Tbe fine four story stars aad dwell lng 187 Camp street Also, tbe fi dvatliiac I0S Canal street. Poreess'ou given I mediately. Ap ply to TATLOW JACKSON.

ia tf 111 TcboapltBalaatA ft FOR RENT lb bnxette street Taaacca Iaspsr Hon Warehouse, with front oa Tchoupitoulas aad aide on Suxerte atreet auS if A ADDISON A CO. SI Natcbex at MTO RENT The three atory gran it buildlig Na. 37 Magxlne ttreet ocrapied by Messrs. Gray, Mac muido A Co as a banking boas. iacladlngaU tbo fixtures therein, from Beat 'j8 Tbe three ttory granite store Na at Brtvicr street, frovi the lit A gust, 18A3.

Apply to Jyir im J. ABRAH AMSON, 13 St, ClHsyvsatA a PUkMauEU HoUaE TO JLEAX la a i Mnient location, conrainlcfs vea room la to aula bolldlng. betide kitchen and servinft' rootaa Apply Jyso ff to T. BELKNAP, ta gravier ax. sysaai TO HAM Ibe tarre story one store saw.

1 Poydraa atreet, between at Charles and CluadSBt, bbJ. Poaaeasion given immtdlstely. Apptyto Jy97 im O. 7coaa sx. TO RENT Tbe two three story brick stores NcA 69 and 01 Gravier atreet 1 tba first frogs lat BepUuf ber next: the latter, pu sat sain glvsra imbwrllatery.

"FP1' to i myn rr juttn su MFOR RENT A desirable two etory atick asreuiagj bouse No. 17 Carondelet street, btwiwa Bawta and Glrod street. Aoolv A I. GUIROT, my tf at the D. Braacb Mmt MFOR RENT Tbe large and com mad loos stare ta Grand Lodge Hall, former Commercial Ftchnaa iioited In St.

Cbarle ttreet, aod lately acce pted by Moreao at a ReaturanL For partacnlaia apply tt autjsxy ixaaati.ii ww ma RENT The anoer nart ar dwelliast of ba No. 90 Tcboupttoaia atreer, wen tsraptea wi pe vate boarding boose, conraialng eli ng bouse, conraining eie eea rwawsa, ancw lm ia coenpieta seder aad will be rented tat for tb summer. Apply ts R. GEDDES, 10 Baak Place. en, hydrant, avc as low toa good teaaox apt tf OPOR RENT rrom ll a 11 et taovemuwi aua, ww two stores tu the belldia now erectlBg satj corner of Canal and Bacoot ttreeta, saitaoi fa Faacy nrv Good or Vanetv Btocaa.

Tne locatloa being ooe of tbe beat la tha city, and conUenoal to tbe depot of tbL Ayettc and Carrolltoa Railroad. Also Three offices la tn same bandbut.frwattnf ea Bo ro nne street. For partlcJr apply at tbe Petveaa Omk, No. 9A Canal atreet. jean as grata.

TO RENT One handsomely rra state syntax, tn if 3 a very pleasant location rati est na given I aw tt Jbta.atelT. fctereoces cxcAtUtged. Ally Wa 173 Ce mdeiet street Jeaa Iff OST A FRENCH BONNET CASE, with baastla Li mm. im nmhablv taken be 1 board tea ui er Creole, at am coast landiag. on ta eve ping of the nth inat.

Any person oa retarnlng tbe tease ta Blr. UHtfiUA, cierxoi toe www, i 7JTr aits ir le.i. ii OR RENT From Ibe 31st of October next, utos very snd well toca'eo. Bcemiae over lias rw nmrm iw rnnUd s. the Excbanx Readtng 1 Their'pecuiiar locality render tbem actlrible for tb far pos tbey tre now occotted or for Clob or Blliiard Boaat.

itber occopatioaa. lury wwiiii ral ttreet to Exchange Place, the BVAmda being oa af tbe htndsomett rooms tn tbe Culled States psc unmux le formation tpply No. 67 St Cbarle street. Jyfl 3dpti isvrtoptt Felter'e Coffe nnd fAale XT11U, 49 Perdldo street. ALWAYS ON HAND.

OREE wastip, MbrtViwrT rnirn aad SPICES Code Roast srl br Steamboat, FimiUesaad Oroceris at taa snatcl0 rice. lhJL wMitsiks derBpaactaaity atnraora am aawj i 1 real of th aityna of caargv, aaeap, vstan sa PweAtsVsst: UnlTcrslty of Lonisiajsa. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THE Annual Coo rve of Lec'nres in tbst If op bb reir in ei mmeBcc oa MONDAY. NeTensbtx 14.

and wUl lermlna' tn tbe ensotng March. Jame Jones. Profeasor of Practice. J. L.

Raddrll. M. D. Protestor ef Cbemtatry. Warren Stone.

Prolertor at Burgery. A. H. Ceo, M. D.

PrnVssot of Xbytrtca A. Wedderburn. M. Prolessor of Aatdngay. Guttavm A Nort, M.

Professor af Materia Mediea. Tboma Hunt, M. Fn4eatot of PbyasoaSgJ and fatb CornfiirsC. Beard. PtniiBtHaftsttxT Ssrauel P.

Cbopprn. M. ABansny The rootn lor aistectiBg win ae apea araaa aass sauiw Monday iu October to tb let of April Tbe Faculty ar Vrtttag PbyatcUa aad Baigea effrsB Cbattty Horpi'ai. inn a't oa tori insBwnow sa i.wi.u. ber ta ApriL Tbe students irnafsn taa Piilmin ta their visit, and tbo enjoy exDaoralratry asnrAsral sWvaa tage free of exptaee.

I her are looot oae tnontnan paaeana rranwa daily la tb'a Hospital Tne umber pan bub at aatsny ibibij i wear. THOMAS HUNT. M. Peaa. jyi USTT'ffVtll Bernard Lanker Cwpony.

tm TEN BteatB few Mill aa tbe waters Biktxl Slngl few, eltBgad tJtJ ZZ win contract to raraUh aallroad CompsaJas, KMswata, nit hrm THBSW. Yattsl twsswn. and alt etners warning Office. a Trttwa WalA A.t IT7XK. fAij3.

fMcfrtmM tZZ raid Proband Sprta BtFle. Fata trait jsxtlea Bkttag Hata tauatll awcy iw i ware ana MLDEN'B, Marelot Hats, a TWENTY F1YC DOLLAR RX WARD ba AfT stev twward wUI be paid for tb arraat aod sVtUv rl Jryla )ail af the slave EDWARD JJ loagiBg to Edwiead Fortier, Ji pituvtariea, paewh CaL.a Orieaas. smerip lAcneta alanfnrtan Said slave Ml his born tataa saoawaa age. He at a aril, tared iswwt ayears, asset 7 sarbsa Wga btaatpwtef whsta hair behind tbe bead, aad keorw hia left eye alatost caav ttsBtiy seiat. Bt sa Bsks kwtA EagtUb aad rVapca.

Haas awpsBMrdtebehnktMtwawtt ta IA Third DssttwarasM bw paeewta list it rwr taa aas tanera aapty swsn FIFTY iMCaAAa iUkWAAi WiU eel mmjf It tt aaaewt td for taa capttrea and rNsrev tjsy Bft. td a yevra twlthPoe wyslBo A bat no aptarr front taatA. hsa aw 711 ItKbea blga. Be stasis nsr ws swT, VBAtt.wtB TVoi.LskA V. AAU.

Aaa awwy FIFTY TWT twltg, tba TlZEZmU la.B,.ged akoaA NswOrtaaB. bast attaasr, with all tha ra Mberu BenmcbaaT XwBfesmiAwlil.

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