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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

W-f" mmmmmMmmmmmm 1 w-- ,1, i BY LUMSDEN, KENDALL fTk. LuMdM, Ga. WOkjaa Ka4ll ui A. 1L Bobreek. orricx 72, camp Satwrday BXmhig September 3.

XXRMS Of THXTICATCHE. Sabeeriptioae received for tW noatix lor $l-htf yearly aod quatarty at the Mm ratea. JU1 in kdruca fiacle coatee 1-4 eenta. i 4wtiMBk.M( netaliu twalra bkae. for 01 tk rat.

Ml tO cti for ran rabaaqneut iaaartioa. Tboaa of raaar laae efcenjad ia arooertioa. AdrirtleemaaU, at apocittad to frno, wg ao poUiebed a moatk an4 charred aceere-tfr. But adrartwaowai aw olMCTiatiaa via atoppad utfl all arraaraeaa paid AdrartkataaaiapoblNtedatiatarTato.visi Ui-MaUjr, or aMMtlilr. Aar oUr CovGRXsxovAl-Oar news from WABhing- ton i to the 25th.

revenue or uriff biU i before the Senate, jwhich; M7 it Uilikelr to pass withour an material" amendment or, teation. 1 Oo the 25th alt. jnotion to take lution passed by Ae House, iixing tbe.snn the time of adjournment, was iosu obeerted that be the mr. Mimcr vww ji 0W just taken a. indlc.

cZ -t ntoon the revenne bill toere- fewLh. eoocurrea in rnmiei or IYkw Obiju.h According Thx Dtnx of-Orlxam'- FciI---raris I Tiucxot Booth it pUylec at Um Cowrry, to Cook Si Young'e Prices Current, the totat may well be called the city 'of maf nificent fa- I Forrest at the ChaUma. Tiw York. J. tC ofproducU.6r,the interior brotjght to nerlt.

v'Thof of Kepohon and the, Duke of Scott Is bUying tW Arch Etret TLetOra, NwOrleane, during ihetWelre months eoding Orleans are said to exceed in romp gnTpdeur I Philadelphia. lt of August, 18421s estimated tf and. magnificence any qf the ancient )Umon 1 CoDT-FaflDy Vita and I- linja Tbe receipts of cotton, during the eame time, "triumphal celebrations; have amounted to 740,155 bales1 On the occasion of the Dake's1 funeral Lruj The sugar year, abojaf 90,000 thousand men were under "arms. "The: lines of nahonal guards of the capitsl nnddepatrrjenta The receipts of tobacco bare amounted to attended nearly tli whole distance. 66,000 hbd8 iost tf ihem yery large.

When the detachment of national guards end Of Sour, bbls. were received. I regulars entered to take tbe coffin for the trans- nockAtooe are a4 fttblo's Vabcc This department of rV irsma seems to be neglected, by tnt all per. tut, party pollikians and marnirs of, Cungpea. It Is wore popular at Washington than elsewhere.

MARINE INTELLIGEKCR. LAI at. Zrtj "r-a, Ar. far A.m lar.aa.'Wu, UImW -Hirwa W.Tjlcr.T, Jj rath.r. F-ta, mu Ucitk A PtLA Three taUiti4aals were recently arrested in BUdTAKD AaKB a a a ii a a Ma4 aAA ff w.

a a a ldis. aim iauoe; the anduha. Uuciiesa oi uneans i postession ten thousand dollar. In rflnB. Irnclt Tnra it and bade Such an kdien Can- Ibis, unpacked, hare been received.

4 Of 22,725 casks, and 1,288,000 1 lbs. in i s' Lard 74 hhds 18,207 bbls.and3C6.694 kegs. Grain Corn, oats and wlnJat 210,875 bbls. Manias aa OfaitDarr aotioaa an ebarpd A libwal aTaaoMEt aMia tn taaaa wha aoafta fcjf ft CX)NTENTS OF THE OUTSIDE. PAGES, v-.

First PAGECaptain Haleabd ftfajor Andre, an interestiDg sketch of the Rerojutiotr- Ppechnew oVWegri Poer Modern Imnrovement Tariff Kates, SALAS AT ADCTIOjr Hewlett that he wiU do so as early as practicable. i. Mrner of St. Charles and I ai iu ciwk, Common streets. r-- from Louisiana adopted, so tit im who were opposed to the or portions i might be enabled to propose amendments.

offered by Mr, Conrad makes the bill the order of the day, and gives it pre- 1 and 388,70 sacks of 6321 bbls. and I gigantic funeral ca'rf and Louis Philippe'super cadence of until it is disposed of. A message from, the President of the United States was tt was in reply to a resolu tion pf the Senate, calling for information as to what steps have been taken to procure satisfaction for the claims of American citizens upon Mexico. The Executive says that, at present it would be 'incompatible with the public interests to famish the information'desired, but terfeit monev. not well be imagined; the mother and two AfrnonuATA-Oa bell east at tbe fou- pnncesses were nearly prostrate in another Zl.

part of the chapel. The" four. Dukes, the A nd ZT'cn brothers, assisted iit nl.cine the coffin on the foIIown PPropnate 3.000 PAi I 3 31 OR Wc Tk. m1 Innniyitinnt tka uiiraral r.7nT.,rv naT. Bional accordance with the pro- ne, wu, v.7r, 7 I visbna of the dUtricting system was dis- sacka of oat? 134,886 bbls.

Whiskey 6335 bbls, lad 4,7256 pigs. ftlolaeBes 35,000 hhda. Staves 1,800,000. The British papers condemn Lord.Asbburton for yielding the right to navigate the St. John's river.

Ve believe, it was Mr. Bumble who made the somewhat sweeping remark thit "the law is an ass." Now, with equal candor though perhaps with not bo strict a regard to grammar, Legislatures to. elec their respective congres- Kthe paper is an ass. What do they know about the terms of the treat 7 What do Street Auction Mart. See advertisements 03" We are indebted to the steamer Norma for late Yicksburg and Natchez papers.

C3" We received two northern mails yesterday, leaving still one due. We like to have the balance of trade in our favor. KiT The Hon. Walter Forward, Secretary of tbe Treasury, is in Pittsburgh He is fast recovering from his late indjsposition. D3" Lord Asbburton arrived at New York on the afternoon of the 22d ult.

He took apartments at the Astor House. 03 General Scott denies that he te the treaty with Great Britain, as alledged in the Aladisonian. He prefers, he says, an honorable peace even to a successful war. Nrw Cotton. Tbe steamer Swan brought a cargo of 72 bales cotton of this year's crop to the city yesterday, from Alexandria.

lit Dirriutas-The schr. Vigilanta, from Tampko, bound to New York was towe4 into the river by the steam to wboat Prairie, the schr. being in distress. Ijtportaht. Our neighbor Beajislee's carrier pigeon was about town a good deal on Thursday, bat could pick up1 nothing.

"I'll put that down in my book," as poor Power used to say it is -of Such mighty moment to the Clay and commercial reader. ID" The annual statement of the New Orleans Price Current, published on a letter sheet by Cook Young, abounds in valuable commercial statistics touching the trade of New Orleans. As a specimen of typography it is unrivalled at least, this side of Mason Dixon's 4ine. cussed in the Senate on the 24 th ultimo, and so amended that such States-, as Louisiana, in which the 'elections were held before the law was known to them, shall I not be subjected to its penalties. It is said by the Globe -that the bill will draw forth from the President, Veto No5.

we know about it? What himself know about it does John Jones UooDvAtmcE. Somebody says wRun down a stag, ruu down a fox, run down a hill, but never run down a lady If they are chaste it's no reason why they -should be chased!" intended. In this very capital everything and every body waa ia motion by six "o'clock in the morning; sound of muffled tlruhirninute guns, hosts of citizens, wearing crape, bodies of priests and college pupils, assemblages of -national guards, and so forth. Four Tiours were consumed iu the march of the immenso and diver sified train from Neullly to Notre Da mo. In the apotheosis of Napoleon the cortege stopped at the Hospital of the Invalids, but this en, tered of course" into the heart of the ancient Paris.

The car which bore the Prince's body was built for the funeral of Louis XVIII, and used for that of Marshal Mertier. It was drawn by eight horses, caparidoned in mourn ing, and had black velvet hangings starred with silver. The Duke's war steed preceded it with suitable trappings the animal is called Sidi Mousa; it belonged to An Arab chief who pe- riphed in a battle in Algeria, at whjeh the new a. nr ceiUa-a. KALXOHIXK uraa orr tr AppUc4 by Ja3if seme nee is i asc ribed 1 will sound, Lord, to call thy people to- uai.

gether. I aaraaur Great Feat A wsger, we learn, cf $1,000 has been made between si Norris, or Marjlaud, And Captain II. Ids, of New York, tliat Dixon, the great pedestrian, would walk from Philadelphia to Wilmington, a distance ef thirty miles, in eix hours, and thre to take the plank ia the TownI louse and continue walking three days and twooight without sleep or rest. Dixon was to commence his journey on the 22d ult. Outrage bt a Negri On ibe 19ih oltimo an old negro roan, known at Alexandris, in this State, as a sort of nigger preacher," asaasd white man tlterr, by tbe name of Jacob man, but better known as Jake, and best him very severely.

The particulars of the out rage are given in the Re publican. wllarnan had turned the black fellow" out of 3 rUtr tar. At. raj fov karcAa. av kUrrW Tall! CT Wk A Um rixtl cf tail Stat. ERINO BACK OUR IKXX. jti jrtokUu; for an mU D.5. Dead. Nathan Palmer, for the last twenty- Christian roaster was prevent. A black coach, the house where, lie was staying.

Shortly In the House, on the 24th ultimo, a vote was four jears editor of the New jersey Minor. with four horses, bore the uro containing tlie aftc'rwsrds, however, tle ruffisn retornrd again irried laying the resolution in to the His age was 74 years the oldest editor in New Prince's heart, guarded by foor priests. The with a slip of paper in his band, which he re- iperiments with Colt's submarine battery on Jersey. archbishop' and hi chapter rode in a coach' qwested Haman to read, ejd as be stooped carried ex These resolutions authorize the Secretary of the Navy to render facilities to Mr. Colt to make experiments with his submarine battery, requiring him to report the experiments and their results at thenext session of Congress, limits the whole expenditure to $15,000, to be taken from the sum appropriated at the extra session fog experiments, and? alio w8 from the $15,000 sufficient te cover tha personal expenses of Mr.

Viv 'A The bill indemnifying the State of Louisiana for the paymeht of militia called ont in tbe Florida war, was explained at length by Mr. White, who opposed the amendment appended by the Senate. When the vote bad been taken, on non-concurring with tbe Senate, the House 'adjourned. Robbery. The dwelling of an old Frenchman named Sefbacb, in Philadelphia; was entered and robbed, on the 20th of $1,438, in sovereigns, And French and American' gold, besides two' watches.

That notorious person age, John Smith, was a party to this business transaction. "a O3 A riot in Philadelphia on the 22d nlt another on the The former among rowdies at M'Aran's garden the latter among laborers employed on the Euleat, In Kensington. Both ended in.broken heads and arrests. A Tetotaler and ko Mistake. Dr.

AI- cott, according to the Salem Observer, has abstained from any drink whatever since the 1st of January last to the present "time, and his health has never been better. I with six horses; two hundred priests, distribu- down to do so by the light of the kitchen rr, ted on each side of the route, oug the offices of I (the only light in tbe eatabl'uhment.) be was Michael Walsh, of the NewYork Butt: ffj Joseph Sturges, the noisy Quaker abo- uiKiusui puc greaicsi (juuiiu gpeahEr I iniuuibi, nun iwen eieciea to me uruiBii rania 1 I 1 .1 i that has been known since the days bf tbe Buck eye blacksmith, and' be was contemporaneous with either Confucus or the Duke Of Salton- stall history does not say which. Next Door to It'." Have you foundjour dog which was stolen asked a gentleman, en the door step of certain provision store, the other I i uient. He has succeeded over Mr. alter, of the London Times.1 '1 Surrendered.

Doctor Hardwick, charged with aiding in the murder of Rufus Sewall, at Shreveporthas surrendered himself for trial. 1 1 i mm i Mm Decision1 iif Bakkruptct. An important decision, toaching.the right of a landlord to distrain property- for rent, after the property bad BIawdetille. The steamer Walker will leave the lake end of the' railroad at 4 o'clock this afternoon, for Mandevillo aud the Jacques auujr out i www vruere mejr tpn --tIirnMi rt, h.ntmnt sold the sausages!" Was tbe reply. ,1 tKi rn.

BaHa it S. District Court isitung at Pituburg. The Court decided that the right of the landlord to the dead, and a large cross, uplifted in the mid dle between particularly attracted the homage of the A carriage, completely black inside and out, with six horses covered from head to foot with a black pall, was occupied by. the four young Dukes. The corners9 of the pall over the coffin were borne by four Marshals of the empire, Soult of the He'looked broken and grief-full.

A great nnmber of official carriages, a long cavalcade of military officers and political and masses of pedestrians of every rank, troops, municipal guards and gensdannenea, admirably equipped, completed the immeasurable procession. It passed. under the-triumphal arch, tbe star1, beneath which the-Duke stopped in June, 1837, when he ushered his bride, wiih all pbmp, into the capital, where she was destined, as be thought, to share the throne with-himvelf. At Netre Dame every thing had been fitly sd-j iu ted for the reception of tbe precious deposit by Visconti, tbe chosen architest of the Napoleon mausoleum. The funeral nictnrepoue the dismal and the grandiose united the chant de profundi the catafalque, with its canopy forty yards high, from which velvet cloth, embroidered with velvet, swept the floor the six thousand lights the fourteen large silver cari-.

atides the sable dress of the whole vast inte rior of the cathedral the occasional salvos of artillery on the adjacent area the tolling of the' felled by a blow with a big clob which the oe gro carried. The black rascal then repeated the blows, layiog them with all bis might over the bead and body of ilaman, ontil tome oo came up dud stopped hi to. Frota the braised appearance of poor "Jake," be mast hare been struck at least twenty He is Kill a lire, but the beating has aOVcteJ bis brain, and it is will not recover. Tbe negro was immediately put in jail. 1 I New Orleau Mover Market.

CrrrtclU DeilftUlktiJUt eW. W.Wmri At C04, If. S3 Cmmp tlrttl tTmer tf Craan. Lxckanxfl oa Ear land, GO 4fr5irt Do Paria, darm. Do Naw York, at Do New York, CO day Do Roatoo, at aifhu Do Bnaton, CO dajrt bo rbiUdalpku, at lH rbiladrlpbia, tO day.

Do lUltttuoro, at ait Do Dai ted SuteaTreaMrj Sorcrif apaauk DoublooM TaUiot do AmericaoCiold, fnac Mexteao Dollar, Half Dollara, 4 Dimes, OKXX1B1 CITV .1140 3 ILM Ipraai rSldaxt 3 1 prM Olducl "it Iprrai Sldiacl Is 9 paraidia't ft Matt rt ....103 IC tU bom tn iatpra taP'J9 P' rr 3pr drcldod tt to Liu I No TtCaatc rrcotapesM. Ua i aaran Matk it roJW, k'ck ia loacnWA Trm, ti rTi Etrayad oa ik mit.t cikA AoraM, a Urrt BAY IloasK: v- a4 UU ara ery Uck. tmM Lk tu rw lari kaa a rwJl wkita 7. fafaktiaH 111 0 kia far CeH i wkit a4 ataw black. Tko above ravard tw da ao wko vill Mm Urn la 3 3t bxwta) E4ar4 aXatuaaK iintEjfi7 Tko rrt of tko tkrr-vary twtllwt ko Tck 1 h4 vlik a kydraat of tka aaerctallUr fc -o-ka.

To a rN Utaaa Ua rtkt will ba mxyicn vT- (a tirca mm tka It dav ef tU. UApphr at No. 13 Camp MLMPI11S CITV 1IOTA.L. HCJtrwt. TtmtHL TfcU aw aad apkftdtd aaublUktMai opa for tko rr9UMi mi tra can mt indara.

art or reta- i rd of aaa prryvar UAoat lot! XSjt par atagto aaoMk na Indrvt. 3 per aak by rrr wiik for 1 L. d.T Mt fcg Uod(iacpr u. 1 1 OrSl fC-4 mm mm a ooo oow Firoa, rack lloraa per Aar-M S3, leti. H.

CTTko LmmviHo JoorwaJ, Wt, rtcwOrtoaea PmriM wijl Umn iWaOraai oaika a ad fora-ard tkotr orcooata lo ofbw MrmfhMTmm.) Emfnrtr. 1 tm SMALL CHA.VGt IX) 8ALirv7 a oSea. J1 rLoL R. 1 4 BBLS. aww wkeat Floor (rUkrr'a W.

A.vr-x Uadtarfrooi Mtiawr Loda a4 fr oW 1 at T.C.TWICHKLU 7 Par Or. ew TEA. lOn CEST? rWu aod 13 Ik." hc A.UU Yooaf linoa; xkoar a4 iWact Too, ia atora m4 for aai I 3t T.C.TWICHELL.' rrdra 01. LAKH. 1 nn XrCi Prtnxi leaf Lord io ator ni Ywr aaiotr T.

CTWICUELU 1 74 Jordf-Mt Haas or iyoulaiaaa, rixcia. Arrest for RoBBiRO the Mail. A mail S. District Court i sitting at Pituburr. The I rior of the cathedral the occasional salvos of I Meckaaica and do do driver, named Paden Sides', was arrested on the I Court decided that! the right of the landlord to I artillery on the adjacent area the tolling of the' Sii'A'lV cU)'l mj- 1 1 1 1 ivnui juoij so ua iupre will leave for the same place at 8 o'clock cuuoiauia, iur oeing uuiraiu tna propenj on toe premises ana to coiosaat oeuana au inn tuner cnurcn ochs 01 iXMtauna staia Back, Iiai3 do do.

to-morrow mommg, returning in theVftemoon. conceroed in the. robbery of the mail in March sell, was not impaired under the provisions of Paris in a sort of recitative, consummated this rrt Bank. do do Here are two opportunities for enjoying a lake la8t nea.r Frostburg.ito the amount of nearly the Bankrupt law. i work of marvellous ingenuity, labor, al and c7aJ do do excursion and pavine a visit to as nrettv a Dlaee I araits, Dank notes, Sides is sus-I We have not learned whether the decision I expense.

I Coaoohdatod Bank 2930. do de and as well-kept a hotel. (Davis') as there is on the margin of tha lake. Laxx TRtP-The higb-pressure Bteamboat Southerner and the steamer Creole will start their steam for over the lke this afternoon, on the arrival of the 6 o'clock cars at Mitneburg. As usual, theytoQch at Bay St.

Louis, Pass Christian, Biloxi' and Pascagoula, and return previous te buaineas hours on Monday morn ing pected to be concerned with the gang which robbed the mail near Uniontown some eighteen months since. I I I Thihgs the Richmond Aurora has never The Richmond tar without a brag in it, The Picayune without something good in it. That's very goodvery good indeed. Ain't it Corporal i i i relative to the right of the landlord to distrain, extends to rent accruing after the fling of his petition, or whether for such rent, property re- 1 turned in the schedule can be exposed to sale1. We see it Stated that Judge Penny backer, of the United States Court for the Western District of Virginia, has declared that after the filing of the petition in bankruptcy, and the or der of publication, the petitioner is exempt from Latest from Havana.

The baroue Hi The trip pshaw! every one 'knows 1 nun W.Tyler, arrived yesterday from Havana I aca end that no execution can be levied (XirThere is no limited monarchy of Europe where the preBS is so restricted as in France; and yet known where it at timesexbibits greater independence. La France (a primary Legitimist organ) speaking of the funeral procession of the Duke cf Orleans," was bold enough to pronounce tbe whole concern a detestable comedy played behind funeral draperies." Explanatory, Grandma," said a little how delightful the trip is, without our telling I reports the yellow fever very bad in Havana I Pn n'8 fieptor can a ImdlordZ warrant I girl with rosy cheeks to an elderly dame, "what them. Thx Consolidates Bank. At a meeting of the shareholders of this bank on Wednesday last, the- Board -of Currency submitted statements to tbe meeting showing that from the 18th of June last, the day on which the Board ex-amined the affairs of said institution, until the 27th of August, the cash liabilities of tCb bank had been diminished $427,519 89. It was then resolved by the stockholders, that the meeting all hands on board, with the exception of one man, were sick while in Havana jthey however The man who escaned whit of attachment." A Slavs Case.

-The northern abolitionists lav Buch schemeB and execute such corttri- in Havana took the lever on the possage from 1 vances to rob. those' of our southern' citkens Havana to this port, jand died on his arrival in this city. John Smith has said manv rood thin pa. and amoss; the that ua newannnwr Uka a wue, Decause ought to have one of nis own." 4 JVom the multiplication of newsDaDers with- approves of the conduct and administration of I in few should think that every man I JMJI iuicuuott iu uare one oi uis own. tuxenanee wlro take any of their slaves with them there, that they must desist from the practice' altogether of taking their slaves along with them when they We notice a recent case in the Buffalo (New York) papers, which is in substance this.

A Mr. Thompson, a southern gentleman, who had been stopping for a few days at the falb of Niagara, was robbed of some $500 by his slave, who ran away with it to Canada. The muster Cittzons' 3fti do do taproreaieat EUak. do do do Exchange Bank, New Or.eaju,..r30G5 do 'do Bank of Or lea oa, do do Alcbafajrala Bank, do do do' Commorciai Batik, NaUkea, checks oa I 30 323 AlercbaoU Bank, New Orleaiu, Jdiacoaat I wonta.or the McaicirALmiA Kaalcipality No. 691 pr ct.

diacl meorcipaiuy no. i o7 do do Municipahty No, Tkreo, 3S940 do do OMCcaacRT Moasv. diaeoaot. Doited 8utee Bank Alabama Stale Bank aifcl 30S33 PUntera Bank Port Notes, Nalckos, 533 80 RraadGalt, 63370 Miaiiuippi Union Bank Commercial aod Bailroa Baak, Vickibarf ST Port 903-00 C337U streaks that flies out is the lightnin', and the vTai. aad eZ niiRiin in innnnpr i 4 Ohio Coantry Banka OU.S.

BAGS. VUU atero a ad for aU hr 1 at T.CTWICHLLUTroydraaau MOKLO BLCF.TUXil A 23 doaea porior Nortkrra Bur ToorMa; 500 Ika. do. do. Qaokad Bort -100 bbta.

primm Tor. For low to tio. a uwiiral kr 3I 31 JOHN IULL.irrlUm. uku. KCCS a a 4 fc) uU.

Lard. mwirU mt aieaanira WesLara tuna mmA Pm ri k. of aoprrior aaJuy a ad ta Coo aktppimf orJar- jar FKXTEK A LOASDALC 3T tTTckooptioAUaar 500 1JJJ WetUralUlW FFTTrB A- I nv.nii Sir aW by CORN. ACAS era taadlar ti a ad P-Xrick Ifaarr. g7Tckopptpot at 2500 makes it thunder and lighten)' Well, my darliog, I 'spect the light from the blessed sun gets lodged in the clouds, and wh6n a snag on't gits it basts.

Tbe WUTtM BAWKB. the Board of Directors: and that a meetinff I Htende Stock riolrtAra nt tKIa tnati'tntr! k. 1 1 k.u Kt I Wewspapers. are like wives in another wav. A ber next at '11 o'clock A in nrAr a.

I b1508 there are some of both, competent and offered a reward for the recovery of the lave liberate on the state of affairs of the bank at incoroPetent i bad. Let every one, and money, whereupon a number of constables that time; and that in the meantime the Direc- tnB.oe' crefulin the selection a good wife, from the American aide went in pursuit, and tors shall continue to diminish the liabilities of and readtoread to her, are very succeeded in "arresting bira near Waterloo, in ao tac ky. Indiana. State Batik of Baak of llliaoia, Toaaeaaeo TEXAA Texea Treatary Trxna dUoOBAl part 5310 5 537 (3379 41 7 "at. the Bank, by all the means in their power: 03s From a pastoral letter of Bishop Blanc, last evening's Courier, we are pleased to per-iceire that the di5cnlty between him and the church-wardens ia in a train ot amicable arrangement.

-v "The wardens have, made a proposition to submit the question at issue to the decision of the pope, to which the Bishop; has assented, with the understanding, thtu untU tbe decision of his HelhraMta given Mr. Kousselon remain's in the proviawnal poasessioni of the -rights of Cl 8Utti8- The Bi8hP C0Iude bis letter a spirit tt Chfistiin meekness. He y5 We exhort the f.ithf,.! the reaulttif the anr-Jii "7K Jn Pe?" PnnttfT. and 4 CSOVerei tnem an their ears to the suggeations of some i gooa imngs either. No man aught-to be without Canada.

Partly by persuasion, and partly by 1 I I 4 I i luufuiuuuou, tuey prevaiieu upon mm to return to bis master; got him into a boat, hurried him across the river; and gave him up to bis owner. It is said the money was also Mr." Thompson immediately started with bis slave in an extra train of cars for Buffafo, intruding, as has been supposed, to return with him to the Pontiff, and TMmirtmAl -i- 7. T'. nem anew to ihnt inoir ears to tne suggeationa af ia.i!S?k?S;. ifSta Jifalr" Petteaable course Death of a Veteran.

The Wilkesbarre Adyocate announces the death of General William Ross, who died at his residence in that town on the 9th inst4 at the age of 82 years. He was a native of New London county, and went to Wilkesbarre with, bis parents in 1772, and was the only man in the aoutn -a n's 'was discovered by enough at the time of the Revolutionary war i om tDe abolitionists that he had a black tt AnntJa. liia i JK I it I man in tfAAninff ttkrt iib1ia iu duvdiuu uia iuuhci Mil uloinc oi llDcr- I vr wf ia Ufa 11 cc" ties" of bis countryi VVe never read, of the I doin, and efforts were at once taken to set him death "of one of these brave old soldiers of the I at liberty. He was accord inerlv'. on tha 14th armv of libertvi but we feel as if a nfllar bdl ultinvo.

taken bva Iwrit ofWabeas eomi fYon Carver, Capt. Farwell, of Maaa fn 11IV AM tarYAnla -rr. a -1 1,:. I chuseUs. (not Maine aa reoortedl was at Beii bay, a trading village on the west coast of Afri ca, inhabited by uauvea of a very savage char acter.

No dispute bad occurred, as previoualy reported, "between Captain Farwell and the natives; but they- induced bun to come ashore to see some cm Wood, which they propooed to sell bim. On reaching tlie shore he was treacherously seized, and delivered uver to the tender bustin' I Riot. Numbers of the unemployed Irish laborers wbo had congregated at St. Catherines, Canada, with the view of procuring employment on the public works, but were disappointed, resorted to acts of violence and out rage on the 17th They assembled in im- mense masses, with banners bearing various devices and inscriptions, and proceeded to sup ply their wants with a strong Tbe town was completely given up to them, none daring to make any resistance. Several stores and mills were plundered of goods' end flour, and an American schooner bound down was boarded and plundered of the pork which (wrmed part of ber.

cargo We. have not beard that any lives were lost. It was a terrible thing, says an eye-witness, to seo so many hundred men frenzied wiih passion an hunger, with no re straint upon the impulses of their wild natures. Mors or the African SIurtDiRS. The frightful particulars of tbe murder of the Csp-tain and crew of the American schooner Mary Carver, is thus given in" the Baltimore.Sun.

On the 20th of April last, tbe schooner Mary I fT, E- sia dv, la.Urd.y. tko raaaeafrre will plraja CORN AND WHEAT- SACILS Cora. mm4 aocks XTmrnmi, Bow laoiliaa- a Aaa iklppUf order a ad for nU hy FETTtRA tXXSDAtX. 1 Trkoa pimlH at MOM AS'ftlX 8TX)E UMl, CtM r. XI 11 1 irraa aaaaatoa biooo 1bx OViV7 Uadtof amd ia Uormi Rowaa aad liydraalM Cotaaatt imut ax -i rutna Uairi f-ttk aad Aaaawcea Tin Brkka For raie ia Iota to nut ptKkawn, l.tiimiv mrrwr 2T Iw ai "tEMOVALl k- a4 rr PrismmU 4 FrmmU CUmU tit a mj m.

mw mw JAi Urn M-SO'fcm to kor reMlara r.n 7 Cottar, betwota Ji. oad tX iok rtr.u -rtera eocUawto iBKrwcf rr. rlmw -lilbe fvrmm UetrM ek a orna. era rrrevd lo aaake la appuouoa at arr maraeo. all.

I Kc" aU the Vaterin Placet. 83 A CAK'iX-The anleadii kifk preamire ataeaaer SOUTH C. Swiie, aiaater, will Ura tke 'Lake end of the thi kvcio, (Satardar, tbe 3d ioU) after the al of Ike 6 a'clock car a3 OtNN At DUN SI New Levea. 1T A CARD U. 8.

Mail ForVvuriUa.CiaoSl natL, Portmotttk-and PiUikerr. Tke epUodid. 1 i or i 1 HENRY Uaro rau ni.tno, (Salarday ai 5 odock, at Toydrae etrroi hrf? 7 17 -P? wmtmmm, aad t2f J' JOHN FT Tke Ptlrick ex, Yickaborf tko Beoda, -3 TOTtiniTDUr, "WIFFICB, Uriof ra AIA e-rrod La f.M o-rt of WAJ-L FAFE. aro p4 to fi ll street wharf. rl, tP coi-o paper.

a llf 011.1 E. HYDE. Poydra. l-P-i iko mmml Heary wiU take fraihl for Kaick-I rZ. JSLr5- Beoda, Mempku.

Ac. I eatl ad aitatax tke aa- ID A CARD Tke lijkl draafkt aieoaaor PRE. EMPTIOff, Capt. (ear for PU Loom at 4 o'clock, P. 14 4 at kck boar panenrera will pleaao Uoa board, at tbe Loor mV.

a t. j.eaLL,xrtL tko etoro Jim. 9 TowWaao acrrrt. 1 ortairat at Otd Lerre. Uooao mmi tm Paiatiar ia aH lu braiKkrA, aaa.

at So oa t-iwral taraaa. CCTA CARD. Tke epleadid. tifkt draockt ate er -u-ia, n. jLHtietoa, aaaaur, wl poaturrtv fallen from the temple of freedom.

Natal Court MArtlaL. This court has I gn I resumed the trial of! Lieutenant By he way jt turns out not to be' so trifling an affair as it seemed to be at the commencement. Mr. Wilkes has submitted'. a protest to the court, alluding to the specifications under the and otn charges, in which the Allegation of 1 VUHjLtD la WW U1VU I Latest froiT, Ydcatait The schooii.

morder i. 1 Anna Maria arrived yesterday from Yucatan -Again I repeat, if l-ammiltv of mnrrW. to broHght w-my life; bat let not my reputa- SSHe left Bisal 00 the 19th and $2000 in specie to Zacharie Co Tbe Minister of War was on a toar of in-fspeotion, and was' superintending in person the preparations, for the of their seaport Five gnn-boU were at Cam-peachy and Laguna, each tamount one thirty. me wi Uh it under th nn.t... me for disobedience of orderi; He concludea thua: j.

"Could ntiilm officer of NmTOJWt0? that States could coutc mrpsrr'4 airead-r A strong party were in favor of an i.nwi;.t. me. and nana- Jowtid. Declation of Independence.

Another party SS wej, for waiting nntil the country was attacked, ViX and Alter th. invading force cuU to declwe their, mdependence. v. nd to inxXtS GeiMtral Nantmna in ji i r- tne without th t- ui vuiuwbuu in ma oiate muicouon. of Tobasco, that State bis master's quarters, at the Eagle tavern, and carried before one Joseph Center, "Supreme Court Commissioner, by whom, after an.

ex amination, and the declaration of the slave that he desired bis liberty, he was declared a free roan. Upon' this he Was arrested for the theft of his master's money, upon the complaint of one oj tne persons woo accompanied bis master to -lie taken, before Justice Leonard the next morning, and after a short investigation was' committed for farther examina tion on the following day. When the prisoner was brought into court next day, his master and the persons who assisted in taking him there had left the place', and there was no one to appear against him The magistrate, however, after the examination of one or two witnesses, decided him for trial Upon this he was again taken before ommissioner Center, by another! writ of habeas corpus, by whom after a short hearing at the' request of the 'District Attorney, he 'was committed for further I if not at all improbable that'tbis Dogberry of justice Commissioner Center, msy clos bis judicial eyes to the act of robbery of wldeh the alave haa been e'uiltv. aa well as everV other consideration of right and justice involved 1 run rtoiae. 1 orrricoe to tko Urayett.

Oftro A a. 10 kKi, rt, dooraaWa Poyd wkrra be f.A ot ml ooirv msw 1 1 I ba oa board at lka boar, at Iks Tmydr. 1 7 r.wae er mlitmrn mt Ike tr aTtV- tZJ J.ltMALU ArroL 3ZTA For Yaaoo CMv. It T. aod lnht o.

-M ataauMf tAIl OT KEXTVCKY. 1-lllaru. rv.tirrty Jevo rati irraiao. vonniij)iM. acJock.

rer Yaaoo a 1 oatca It MO poo- 1 -aii WALTON -OC-LATT P. Vbu ar raatafoab-, rraiuv rx io.) ria By Lota, Pom Ckriaoao Dwib-iii vpienei aew low prMt Hot, coroer mi iacka mmA i aaat Uk prompt Otauoa. V-'w i4 1 to-tik at tVa 1W oaryof CW.Oat as rer of J.i, 4 Tifc-or' tootae otrawta, boa vo wU prrr.k, (or tko T1 c- 'rw, V. St. Kwt rl Tbaaaaa blr IV fL all la aaaa I nfr mercies of the women and children.

pjacketCREOLE.Copcll.A. HWra, wOl Irovatbo rn II A 1 rZ-L, bed to a tree pelted with stones by the worotrn Moaday inomiaf. 1 tL and children, beaten with pestles and nf preerat ieidcdoa8ot.rd.y wi. rrJcrVtTai a ra AV A4V OW IVIM. A LfOnHIII RJUH kOII.

mi 1 SB I To a a fovv ar Sb1 I a I .1 tlU I ifk tL. command or uo locatan brig or war, lately I met purpose tnan to gratify malice by my luolc8e. oo leb the fellow free becaose captured bthe lUiiwii, died at Campeactr bck skin When ignorance and fitnati- about 15 'X i wulwnetmdBtrAngle truth and justice. ex- brutal ly waa enacting on shore, a more extensive trsge dy on board the schooner was goin on. Tbe me a of the trit-e boarded ber and unirdered the entire crew, one who bad fled aloft being xom-pellet! to descend, hen he was deliberately pot to deatfi.

They, then: returned on -shore, informed the captain of their sanguinary with the additional ioibnuation they would complete the massacre by killing bim also. He begged his life at their bands on a count of bis absent wife and child, but the ruthless savages had no ear for bis entreaties They attached a "stone- to 'his' person 'by sus-. pending it from bis neck, put bim into a esnoe put off" from the beech, and deliberately flpg bim when he sank to-' rise no more. The vessel was then beached and plundered by lbs murderous villains. 1 To J.

R. UEDDr-S, ktrwvt, -I 9ZTA CARD. Tke renter wrkly pket TfOR- MA, Werrea A. Qrtcm. arr, wJl teara for Vxka-borf and ell the iatannedtaie taadraja oa Scaaev aai.

tko ilk iul at 10 o'cUrk. For frrifW peoaa ja apply wa bonrd, tttoi mt acrMt. ar to '3. .1. riLRfO.M, OT Mscearee eC CD" A CARlWTke ateaaar U'Dl.

rwk. wiU iraanebcr reralar oaaklr 1 rrrM IA 1 aa Mra aad all iaienaoc! uo Update oa bcaotv. 4Ui bo ia aa rood r(HM frtirkt at Us Loaf Wkarf; appoeita UoCoatoia llooea, el CTA preanrra 2rt(aaOt rrYr-" order that rt r--r be (rMraOy kaowa. aj paaaewyeTa lo te '-ri-r rU( oot ba miraforaieA for-the ma paaM by to klfb proeaora ateemar -O LTTilil.SR, for Ue balaaco mi tke een wa, a ba tbe mmm boa bora le la it tkrre eka, oa Patery rvrtuarm, rra VJ to Bay Ft.LorU.Paae tkr and Jiiar. errri city la tOoxi aod Pacaj-0 rw.rm- utue eaaka.

JjC7 tf Ot- ra. kUc aad TVrrpaiWa, Aaaleo vf lr. ttatAaa (rut. r. Ci raai M.

t. fkaao. -T. i0 O. r-aa.

Jlrf.J Sa-Ake taO laairrau r- Aur.ou.Tt) ra i lix d. NOTICE Tke Krto Co- XrWW roe eVa to aad -t rn v. aAe of TteoU CkrrAe, Were Mrpr. Ar Carrt-oao oai Itiranwiiaia lUcw etne ewra. HuTrteAiv:" A r- 1 aiw k-r ta4 iu MCLl 4 1 Tta tiA.L-t.ooa mi tko lo 'ko Co rUrlac, ta ittrt erdor.

el 'J vktt cf act Uaar a--" i. aC3Ut UfTl.UAf-. '5 II.

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