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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iJailg ptaimnc. -BY LUMSDEN, KENDALL ft CO. A. LUMOB, 6B0. Wll-KINS AMD C.

1ULL1TT. orrici 72 CAMP STREET. TERMS Or THE PICATU5E. iabacriptioa. rciT.d for twalr.

month for fcalf vaarly 1uiirurly atths aam A uaacripUoo. advance, act icaediaf twelva lias, inaarted for 1 tba 1 oOcsnts for wy aubsequaiit insertion. Tho of (raster fcvnelh charred in proportion. Id wMmnU, XX rc.fiel to time, wiU b. published OM month, aa ehareed aecord.ncly 1 but no advertisement or uhacriptioo will bo atoppad anul 1I irmml ar paid, malira at th option of the proprieUira.

AdTOTtMwmoU pabliaaed at tatarral, van weakly, aww-weealjr. tri vMily, or monthly, ars charged (1 per square for rrery insertion. A liberal discount win mad to thoM who adverb's Jby ths year. Marriar and Obituary eoticea are charred tl per sanare. FRIDAY MORNINO.

PECKMBEIt 35. 13T The again yesterday from beyond Charleston' 3gr Wc aro indebted for river favors to the steamboat Atalantis. Wc received yesterday evening, by way of the river we presume, the Philadelphia news papers of tho 11th inct. They were due here last Saturday. Christmas uay.

tiinstiiias is tho most glad festival of the church throughout the world. Viewed in tho strictness of its rcli gious import, it is tho anniversary of the birth of the Redeemer of and is therefore paramount to all other festivals of the church in its importance. To the young it is the sea son, par imminence, of holiday and not unuiinglcd with devout thanksgivings to l(d fur his loving kindness. The formal cere-monies and social observances which are peculiar to this season all purtuke of the nature ot tlve momentous event of thebirth of our Saviour. Universal thanksgiving and bounteous charities are the appropriate forms by whic to mark the Were the institution at onco deprived of the sanction of its divine Origin, yet would we not see it abolished.

It is most meet that once in the year, by general consent, the old and young should forget the cores of plodding, weary life, and give themselves up to the enjoyment and pious contemplation of the blessings of this world. It is the appropriate season for social reunions and domestic gayeties; but while wc all sliiye in these appropriate mani festations of joy and gladness at the return of the season, it becomes us to bear in mind that the highest duty connected with the day is god like charity. Let each, to the full extent of his m. opportunities, this day remember the poor. blessed as we aro in this delightful clime with the gifts of a kind Providence, yet is therO in our own midst much of want, suffering and anguish.

To relieve and mitigate these is the first duties of ao good Christian nor must wc forget that the destihttiori'which has the strong est claim upon is not that which stalks abroad, obvious to all eyes it should lc sought out in the hiding-places wherein it would fain neck concealment. lct the poor and needy, the sick and broken-hearted, have cause to rcmetn-. tier the day with pleasure and gratitude. Thus fhall it be blessed to all to him who hath abundance of which to impart, and to the weary and heavy laden. Counting the Cost.

We regret to notice the frequency with which lhe Mexican war is dir cussed by the press, with reference only to Us cost. The cost of the war should have been considered before it was de-clared'; but now that we are in the midst of one, it is scarcely proper to assail the administra-, tion upon that score, save only as it may make an improvident use of the money appropriated by Congress for niilitary operations. In regard to the commencement of the war, we are amongst those who do not think the United States drew the sword any too soon. The Mexican Government did not give us an option in me case, i ue question ol war was settled by "an act of the enemy Congress so decided so that the matter of cost was at once adjourned to tho overbearing necessity of the case. Congress might huve decided that it was too expensive to chastise insult and oppression, too extravagant to invade Mexico, and contented themselves by ordering Gen.

Taylor to guard the Eastern bank of the Rio Grande or, indeed, to retire behind the Nueces. But such a course would not have satisfied the American people any more than it met the sanction of the National Legislature. If, in the numerous homilies wo read upon die cost of the war, particular instances were cited of extravagance, or needlessand wasteful expenditures were pointed xuit, there would be less qucrulousness in them. Taking the sum total of the war expenses, as presented in the Secretary of tho Treasury's report, it does not appear that the cost has been disproportionate to the achievements of the Army. The Government has been made to pay dearly for some kof its purchases but this was unavoidu blc, and the time that would have been con sumed in cheapening its bargains was worth than the money that might huve been saved.

Tho economical system upon which the military establishment of the United States has been kept for a scries of years, was not auspicious to vigorous and cheap invasion of a foreign country upon an emergency. Thei rank and file of the regular sen ice was insuf ficient to garrison the fortifications on our coast and frontier, and the means of transporting even this meagre, force was wholly inadequate. 1 he sudden enlistment of volunteers demanded as sudden an enlargement of all the appointments and materiel of the service. To provide this at once required a heavier expenditure than the -same tilings would have cost, if they had been collected leisurely. Taking every thing into consideration, the war has been conducted cheaper than it was sfpposcd it would be, and certainly as cheap as it should have been.

II there has been a fuult in this respect it has been upon the oppr site side. It is 'questionable, for instance, if the Government should not have had vessels for the Gulf service constructed at heavier cost than the sums paid for SUCh aS llftve tieen nn.U. 1 at secona nana, The navy has been sadly in need of steam tug oi greater power than the revenue cutters thjft have been operating with it. Large" quantities of provisions and munitions of war have Ufecn lost by not hAing more seaworthy st6anirS in the transportation service. Some of thejequip-menta of the Army have not been made" 0f tlie best material In these respects tlaCro may have been extravagance in a desire to economize; but how far, if at all, the Government is II.

l. tf .1 iu iiituiic, wo wuiuu uo gmu II Ur6 "cost counters" signify. War is an expen eive luxury, and no outlay is extravagant which is attended with corresponding effectiveness in military operations. There is no greater mis take than to suppose that a cheap war will cost the people less than an' expensive one, if the heavier appropriations are wisely and promptly applied. A cheap war wUl for ever.

A sharp war is short and costly. Ono would be a chronic 'drain upon the treasury; the other a sudden exhaustion an I a speedy conval escence. Let the war be as short and as sham as money can make it and Mexico will save us the trouble of counting iu cost. fir Nix steamboats ply regularly between Wilmiugtiio indFayettevUKN.C. rir The ladies of Tuscaloosa have it in contemplation to pay up the interest on the State debt of Alabama, by a voluntary sump tuary law.

Tlie plan is based upon tne -laei census, which gives a total of 107,181 women above the age of twenty-one, and 64,180 under that aee. Now, of these it is thought that 50,000 wear silks, laces and woollens, and that tlie excess of cost for these foreign fabrics, over the charges for calicoes and muslins which are to bo used instead, will, when paid into the treasury, preserve the State from all danger of repudiation. The Mobile Herald and Tribune, remarking upon this fiscal project, acknowledges its feasibility, and conjures the male portion of the population to second the patriotic views of tho Tuscaloosa lady financiers, by abjuring broadcloth, "cigars and cogniac" for a term of yenrs, and thus pay off the debt as well as interest. The editor thereupon indulges in visions of that sweet time when Philhs and Chloe led their flocks afield, and the yeanlings gambolled on the green sward whilst Strephon piped "sub teg-mine fagi." Alas! for the realization of these dreams of liquidation and pastoral simplicity, the best laid schemes of financiers "gang aft a-gley. The elements of failure and dissolution nre mixed up in the first clause of the Tuscaloosa plan we lay no stress upon tlie Herald's proposition including men in the system for since Gough has become greater from his backslid-ings," as tlie New York papers inform us, like Antinpus, stronger from his fall, we hold i.t impossible that the revenues of Alabama will prosper much against such a shining example.

The division of tlie ladies into two classes, those over and those under the age of twenty-one, will be fatal to; the patriotic ends contemplated. The public spirited projectors of the Tuscaloosa scheme must have been either young beauties rejoicing in many beaux, or matrons in goodly estate as to help-mates and continuations. Would Madame de Stael, or Mrs. Mashani, or Harriet Martineau, or any other female intriguant or spinster politician of experience, have adopted a financial measure involving the necessity of single ladies, over the age of twenty-one, acknowledging the family record, and that too to be made eligible to taxa tion? This is. a mortal mistake in the plan, and will exclude from the list of taxablcs tlie moat desperate silk wearers in the Republic The inverse plan would be more successful; that is to say, to list every unmarried female under twenty-one for taxation, and publish her as above that age upon default of payment Married women should be rated separately, ant widows allowed to fall back upon the clause relating to single damsels.

Under such a law there would be no voluntary evasions of the tax, and tlie treasury would reap a great contingent advantage from those who may have forgotten the dute of their birth a weakness epidemic towards the close of tlie "teens." There ought to be a provision inserted in the plan for plain cases. By allowing persons at a small premium to be put upon the tux list nt tinder ages, go that five yeurs might elapse before the age of twenty-one, and then giving them a certificate with permission to go upon the half-pay list, the revenue would be kept up at its maximum, as it would receive more from forgetful maidens than1 it would loose by the good souls whom mohair caps make conscientious in the premises This matter of providing for a state debt is a grave one and whibt giving due credit to the patriotism of the pro jectors of a scheme of liquidation, it would Le doing them injustice not to point out the defects in tlie system. It is not imryobuble that the ladies of Alabama generally, who are more beholden to nature than the looms of Lyons for their commanding appearance, would co-operate in the plan, if this preliminary difficulty could be removed. Tne idea of an auxiliary male society should be abandoned at once. The ladies are the only resource on the voliui tary plan.

They arc willing souls, and fruitful in their expedients. LATER FROM THE ARMY. Arrival of the Blansachnsetts Later from Tampico Army Movements, Jfcc. By the arrival of the U. S.

auxiliary steamship Massachusetts, Cnpt. D. Wood, we have received Tampico dates to the I5th and Brazos to the 18th inst. We acknowledge our indebtedness to Capt. W.

for his kindness in forwarding the latest information, and also to Mr. A. J. Clifton, late mate of the Neptune, for a list of vessels in the harbor of Tampico. There had been quite an excitement at Tampico, caused by a report'that a large body of Mexican cavalry had been seer, borhood.

Ofthe truth or fals.ty of the report we have no means of knowing. On tlie 7th inst. the bark Mopang, Capt. Huffin-ton, in crossing the bar off Tampico, in charof a pilot, struck on the north breaker and lost her rudder. She was abandoned, but 1 fl" nnl trtWPil trt tVlfi MtV.

was aiterwarua gui where she would be sold to pay salvage. The British sloop of war Alarm, Lieut, fliays commanding, had arrived at Tampico from Vera Cruz. Her captain was left sick at tne former place. The U. S.

steamer Fashion, witn ueu. jes- sup on board, arrived at Brazos on the 18th inst. Gen. Pillow lcit Matamoros on me i-tui insi. He was to go 25 miles, and then wait for Gen.

Patterson with the rest of his division and train. Through Mr. Beard, one of the passengers by the Massachusetts, we learn that Gen. Tuy- lor was to leave Monterey on the lUth inst. tor Victoria, with Gen.

Twiggs's division and a portion of Gen. Smith's brigade. It is also re ported that Gen. Urrea, ot wiiom we nave not heard of late, was at Victoria with 6000 ca- v1rv. fipn.

Wool remained at Parras and Gen. Worth at Saltillo. It was positively rc ported and believed in camp that Santa Anna had 28,000 men at San Luis. The following items we copy from the Mata moros Flag of the lGth inst. Mexican Rertorts.

A Mexican, just'arrived from Tampico, informs us that Santa Anna is purging his army of all officers to whom the remotest suspicion ot cowardice can do at tached, and retaining only such as lie lias tne most implicit confidence iu their bruvery and skill. Gen. Amnudiu, Col. Carasco, and seve ral others, he states, have been imprisoned, charged with cowardice, and an order has been issued dooming to instant death any officer who shall disgrace his flag by cowardly or unoflicerlike conduct in battle. Santa Anna he represents as having the unlimited conli dence of the soldiery and to such a pitch has he raised their ardor by eloquent appeals to their passions that it would Be impossible to conceive the enthusiasm tnat prevails among inein.

a general desire is expressed to be led against the invaders. The following paragraph, in relation to the hospital at Matamoros, wc copy from the same i a ferrule "when lovely woman stoops to dishes up a tolerably fair thanksgiving story fnUv it's all up with her, as O. Goldsmith, for its readers, all about a Cincinnati auction van hn nneticaliv expeessea euicreu UOMp 1 the Recorder's office yesterday in a flood of tears and a' scant maroon-colored merino dress, rather whitey brown in the seamj a faded shawl of Questionable color, and a palid-looking straw bonnetwith a pea-green ribbon, merchant, of unimpeachable character, and his loving wife, who sat chatting together on thanks giving eve. The merchant had been promised a fine, fat turkey for dinner next day, and was awaiting its arrival. The door bell at length rang, and the gentleman ran down to the street like the junior member of the firm of Dombey door, picked up a basket, and returned to his tfc Son, in his days of jawnility, "somewhat wife, saying: "Here, dear, is the turkey, ban crushed and spotty in; its (general effect." To look at tlie owner of the bonnet with the pea- greeu ribbon, and at the proprietor of the maroon-colored merino, or at the face of the lady- even at her damaged-looking gloves, displaying the most persevering industry, as they did, without at once, and without hesitation, being able to name lier.

Her rome could be onjy Evelina. If the clergymaji had attempted (to christen her anything else he would have raatlc a most lamentable failure of it. I This female, then, entert-d the office, lookkig very unhappy her nose blve from the cold ipul peaked from infancy, and Ker chin of the sajne pattern and appearance. She was evidently lalinrincr under a considerable pressure on ex- citement condensed in tho smallest possible compass, and ready to burst out at the earliest ket and all The lady made preparations for the disposition of the turkey for the night, and raised the covering, when to her astonished eyes appeared an interesting inffttd of an hour Before fainting, she had only breath to say, Dear! if you call that a fine, fat turkey, you can cook it yourself! for I have no relish for such thing C2P A scene ccurred in the Legislature bf South Carolina on the 17th which excited much interest. A message from his Excellency Gov.

Johnson was received, covering resolutions from the State of New Hampshire, in reference to the annexation of Texas and its effect in the perpetuation of slavery. The message having been read, it was on motion ordered by a resolu tion that the Governor be requested to return opportunity or entirely destroy the fra tenc- tlie whole matter, without comment, which was ment that encased it. Sh was followed by a vnanimousfy adopted. But two gentlemen par- man. with dad.

lack- ticipatcd in the debate on the subject, but they lustre eyes, fishy and waterv like a bftd oyster took the same side and rebuked the officious- henvv.8harirv eve-brows. ill-trimmed, griz- ncss ol the new nampsnirc iuhuuhuums hi OCT. Arrival at ibe Principal Iletela Der.Sf. ST. CHARI.rS HOTKI B.

H. ButM.llak Irnf. Borland; Wm. P. Rrvkma.

Mi) T. K. Iptnr, Jmtmtm rtmwt, J. W. Joimb, N.Tj L.

RuM, CH-A-i Jo r.b i Johm Shnrp W. S. Duaa 1 I. H. CayUM, I.

T. Cuftna, C. Tenant, U. Wonhinrton. C.

FoKon. Mr. Calbmw. i. A.

Kriwarda. Louuiana J. 8. Hollarto. J.

S. Workmrtnn, Win. B. HrxWmm. lira.

K. kwm, Mra. Bla. k. R- BuUard.

W.O.K K. J. L'ncka. Ala.1 Rntmt Tbnaai. W.

K. Mas. Gu Wi Hampton. J. La.

B.C4 Dr. Leoaard, treUna Jaa. Tappar S. Grvwllo. N.C.

VKRANDAH HOTBt n. H. Habbar. T. O.

MitcWctt, S. S. Bnykr. J. H.

Hnh-oanb, T. 8. Read, W. II. VaVer.

Miaa Aarfrrann and acTvant, Mcmpbia J. H. Moora 1 T. W. Wondcack, Mi) W.

r. Radgm. O.S.R.; D. C. T.

FaMenwin H. ladan, A. J. looiaa, n. I.

HEWLETT'S EXCHANGE. Jot.n Burke, T. E. Rohert-ann, H. Moaa, J.

K. Harna, A. W. Warren, Loutwaoa; Uea. W.

P. Hama, Hw. PLANTERS' HOTEL H. Stott O. B.

Vincent K. V. Hl-y, J. K. RicUardwo, Teiaa S.

I rout Oba; J. M. Weatnn. Mobile. ST.

LOUS HOTEL. E. Smith. IIU II. Dnfoar, A.

Laurie. E. Harre Mia Mary Dixun. Miaa Janaea 2iinpaooi A. M.

M. Langhlm, U.S.N. On Thursday Ereninr, Scott. I. Mr.

O. KNOX, ixitli of ll.ia city. Harried. Dfcmbr A.VT1L1 mber Ulh, by the Rt. W.

A. V3 Miaa KEBKCCA SARSAPAKILT.A.VHad we a key to all the tnysterga of rrealwn we abould find that wrtbing baa been made in vaiV In Ute propreaa of arienre we diarover almoat daily Uiat iV-tancea berrlotore deemed worth lea poeaeaa a-luahle DnnrVn. Por tlmoaanda of year the root Saraapa- nila lay in the rlatajno the earth unknown or unappreciated, yet now ita tuirea iimTimiL mil ion with other yep-table element, are, in tlie form of 8and78anuiparUla, made available to the nam of man. Iliaeaaea on cuoaidered arurahle, are reaaoTed by thia preparation with a fjdity and certainty whirk may well atrikethe patient tbwneehja with aatomabment and find that acmfula, rtietimatwm, Aflantmatjone of the aam. eruption of all kind, torpidity of UiV arret ire orrana, riranenaa.

luaa of appetite and etrenctb, mere Vial aSertjon. boda and anraa of all kilMla, witn a muiuiuoe 01 aumenu, iaM to the otereeat. timic and rently aperMrat rorUea of operation of thai mud and agreeable rrmedy. t. IV Prepared and aold by jBan P.

A VDS, rtrncriata, N- Tork. Sold alo in Kew OrlrTKa. by SICKLES A Canal atreet and 34 Macaxine atreetVnd by A. OLIVER at and by llrnggmUacd MercbanU through' out the United Ma tea. IV" Price tlper bottle; $11 bottle for VS Be particular to aaa mi Steamboats caoing tljis Dan.

Sec 1st and Id pare. Tmaraarr No. 2. In, Hoore, IX ml rdabtrt AM BASS AIM lit. Crump HatnuSarm HAISBOW, Sdit4 it Hatn Rngt AJKST1C, re, lit a.

a. arcA V1CTRKSS. TUamaa-on. IS a. SfLTAN.

Miller. iTTi. Hiern. 21 Price, Ijjj. aaInaiAniea HOLLAND CHJ TKR No.

9 or ROYAL Ar MASONS wiU I Vbrme lira JOHN on MONDAY rh rtJiJJ-wiU form at Uk: 'ioorn Na MumVTT Canai afreet beirem Exehaa FiLiii Ruyai alrrt-t, at 9 o'clock M-, fnm, SencTtt- prucea 10 Uie ruraru Alrrt Metbodiat Cbareh where public InatallmionV' UieofIicrri c' rK. r-k. Urr wiU take place. AU MaV. i.

rr 1 mad the public renenily are Xrud he prLOT AND A VYlUDMTALrKST-TS JL riUX. Bremd. rr.mrWnicle. aale dl ANDREWS fcVEWEY. 91 Commn, now Wfr-I uenot ciiron, by UMBER.

22Kif, A-J Uinaum Irorn in r.lfttVM. f. aU A rn A la) foH IIfine re A GOOIl ctMiK. a a- at 93 Tcboaptioulaa air? Alto, lot ao boxea real TCHOLS CO Cum at I IK.UNKJL Sanda'a SaraapanlU." and uke no 1 MEDICAL Itber. 62i OAI.VAMISM.

There are many aerioaa Armor. If ra to wlurh we are aulifert in which the ordinary 1 1ST It is said the Government is aeain en-f tleHvoriiig to buy the steamboat Southerner Her owners ask $180,000 for her, and ju-tify themselves in charging such a sum by il- leging that she has made them five per ceni a month since she has lieen running in 4he Charleston trade, for which she was built. Col. Piorce M. Butler reached Chatles- ton on the 18th to assume the comfiand of tlie South Carolina regiment.

In atjothcr day the regiment, it was thought, would bf com pleted by the arrival of three compuni from the country, when it would be ready to jfail for its destination. Congreional Election in Arkawuu. The Arkansas Democrat of the 18th inst. gjJcs some returns of the election for a member otjCongreps which took place on tlie 14th inst. in fhat State, but not enough to enable us to fon a clear opinion as to the result.

There we six candi dates in the field, both parties beiig split, but raschal or INewton will probably 1c elected t3P The Creole, in going oveto Mobile on Monday, got aground in Grant's Pass, and arrived in Mobile at 9 o'clock ofl-the evening o'f Tuesday. Of course tlie mail going North that day was lost. Anotlicr Brigadier Gaieral. The Cheraw (S. Gazette announces that Col.

James Gadsden, President efdfhe South Carolina Railroad Company, hay ecn appointed Brigadier General by the resident of the United States. Gen. Gadsden ii to take command of trio nients of volunJoers from the States of Virginia norm c-aroiura ana aoum Carolina. paper: About two hundred sick have been received into the hospital since Sunday. One hundred and thirtv arrived from Caiimrsro, and the re mainder were left by the and 4th Illinois' Regiments in breuking up their encampments t( commence the march for Tampico.

Dr. Wright luts had his hands full for the lust fourmiinths-'-the nnmlier in hospital averaging from three iu six hundred during this period, and it shows him possessed of more than common cnertry and industry to have munaged so successfully the complicated duties of his department. Deaths are much less frequent in hospita)' now than during the full nnd summer montlri, and patients are all doing well. The editor of the Flag holds the lollowing lunguuge relution to the nioveiueiir' of troops The 3d and 4th Illinois Regiments broke up their encampments at this place on Monday last, and commenced the macj) for Tampico. It is the intention, we undrrstand, to form an encampment at Moqueter, a rancho about six leagues distant, and jvait the coming of supplies, which we liert it stated will take some eight or ten dayeTto send forward.

A part of the Tennessee cavalry regiment marched with them and pie remainder will follow in due time. The coyibincd strength of the three regiments is notennore than eighteen hundred men the twobfllinois regiments furnishing little over half thfl number, sickness and death having reduced tKeni one-third their original strength. Gen. iPattersou still has his quarters in the city, and wc ciuiiiui vcuiuru u. Biiiienif 111 as 10 any nxcu day for his departure, such information not being easily come at the best way to state it, is" to say that he will be off when he gets It is given out that the expedition proceeds first to Victoria, which will lengthen the march to Tampico one-fourth and make it a journey of near five hundred miles.

But we shall see what we shall sec. We cannot conceive what every body is to be sent to Tampico for. 44 What do they in the south when they should be" somewhere else. Murders continue to be committed in the interior of the country. The Flug of the 10th instant says Within the last week three persons are reported to us as having been killed on tlie road between Camargo and Monterey, but the name of only one we have ascertained Mr.

Wm. j. Downing, clerk for Mr. Mann, sutler at Monterey. Jlr.

Downing left Monterey in company with fllr. Mann, Col. L. P. Cook, and others, for Camargo, and- with a Mexican servant of Mr.

Mann, was riding some distance in the rear of tlie party, when he was attacked by Mexicans" or Indians and killed, and the servant either killed or made prisoner and carried oil. Mr. D. was personally known to us, as also to a large number of the citizens of this city, who will receive the newB of his death with the deepest sorrow. He was a native of Baltimore, but has resided in Texas for a number of years Corpus Christi being his home for the last four years, where he was universally known and esteemed.

arolura and f3F MrJenness, recently a Senator from New Haiiepshire, has been nominated bv the democrat to represent, in Congress, the district composed of Stafford and Rockingham counties. Godip about Peace. The N. Sun of the 14th, instant, that a gentleman from Mexico, (who is a native Mexican,) well ac quainted with the feelings of the people and the Government, is now in that city, who states that the Mexican Congress will appoint com-'missioners this month to meet commissioners at Havana, or such point as may be mutually agreed upon, to negotiate a treaty ot peace. Although he is not prepared to give the views of the Mexican Government, yet he has no doubt that the negotiations will be entered into in good faith on their part.

He is deeply im pressed (says tho Sun) with the importance of the two millions asked for by the President of the United States, and thinks that grant indispensable to an early peace, as the Mexican Government cannot relinquish their pretensions toie territory now in possession'of the United States without a consideration in some shape or other. lie" A resolution has been adopted by the Legislature of Missouri, instructing the Com-mitte ontheudiciarytojnquire into the expediency of constricting a Macadamirl from Warsaw, through Bolivar, Springfield una iicwuu, iu uio northern boundary line of Arkansas, in the direction of Van Buren. HT Harry Placide was playing at the Bos ton theatre at last dates. zly whiskers encircling his ghastly pale face His clothes were old and dilapidated, and had been touched up iu spotsrfiv yellow cluy as if to complete all that waswansjng in the picture of a poor inebriate. The female vs his wife and he, when he united the deapnv of a drunkard to hers, con ferred upon Iter the name cf Waters.

Had she been drowed ore she wedded him her fate would horc been a happier one, for her recreant spouse l(hcw water but by same, or remembered 1. nt rat vnuthfiil beverage tlie use ot winch a as a.a he haabiurcd for many yirs. Mrf. Evelina Waters, th in, all tears and with a secs of effective sighs, herself to the ilecordcr for redress fjom her grievances, lf Wntr-ra at nnd sullcitlv bv. looking sod- dealy upon those around 1 .1111.

Mr. Recorder," said Mrs. ci you 1 eta ild only Know wnai 1 ia mini mi nu tls torment'm', perplexiu wurritin' crectur, u'd excuse my aparent ngitutioii. 1 vc got a mplaint to muKC as is smnt-icut iu un un IIkIv ravin distracted.

1 declare to man nc't I was nicrrid to'thjit poor, unfortunit, avward. obstinate, thoughtless, heedless, Irnnkcn, good-for-nothing crectur, seen nothin' but one continual, cverlastm never- endin' dav of misery, lit- don do nothin for himself, he don't nothin' fr his poor, unfortunate wife, and he don't th nolhin' for nobody. He has seen me a worriting, nnd a cryin' and a frettin' and wcarin' of inyH'lf into a gallopin' consumption, and my gnrVc, which 1 Iiojk; I shall sec afore long, for I ijoif cxjicct to see a mite of rest this side of it, I'm a livin' and a brcathin' woman. I'm a illin' crectur, but I can't stand everything. 44 Vou won't give nobody, no pence this side of the grave," interrupted Waters 44 it'senough to drive any man to do any thing, such a woman is it's enough to make a commit a murder 011 some rcspectulde old as never harmed him.

It's enough convert a man into a barrel of whiskey or make him sing just one song all the time, 4 A comin' through the Little did I think, Evelina, when I married you, what I was a a marry in', ot 1 might just as well have let myself out as the overseer to a aviary of green parrots, and a lit Je wcllcr, for then I could have taught 'em to wiy something agreeable nnd flatterin' but i's always one thing with you always a picking at me and nbusiu' if me." "Oh, did ever mortal, h'eathin' woman hear such an ungrateful, horrid feller! Oli, John Waters, John Waters, vtjien 1 resigned inv maiden innocence to yont keepin little did I suppose, or had reason to suppose, that I should ever live to hcv liecrd such, dreadful words from your lips," exclaimed Mr. WM talking with great volubility and getting, hysterical. 44 That ever I should hear it Oil, give me back my heart agin John Water give mc back that heart, iu all it's maiden inftocenec and purity, that I put in your kecpin' and thut you have wrenched and twisted ever since and made to throb, and wruiig with the bitterest sort of pangs, John Watcjs! Oh, who would have thought, two years ago, when you sworo to protect and cherish it would come to this; that I should be fitced up to the bar of justice, among lawyers, an.i officers, and judges, and pickpockets, and felons and bad women, and all sorts of folks, prefer a compliant against my own lawful, husband, who ought to shield me from ali sorts of harm, and vice and mortification. I never did see Here Mrs. W.

wept frc-ety, giving her body a sort Of half rotary motion, like the balance wheel of aVatch. The Recorder seemed to be a little 44 worritted hiniscti by the rehearsal of this domestic drama, and tagged to inquire of measured terms. The Arkansas Democrat, published at Little Rock, in its number of the 18th inst. thus notes the movement of a detachment of mules from Memphis to Camargo Mule for the Armu. We understand that a drove of between 3.j0 anil 4(H) fine mules, which have been purchased in lenncsscc for the U.SS.

riny in Mexico, are on the road from Memphis and are expected to cross the river at this tdacc to-tlav or to-morrow. 1 hey are in the charge of Capt. H. Toiihiiin, Quartermaster of the U. Army, and their destination Camargo, Mexico.

Among the gentlemen assisting we notice Col. John K. Taylor, formerly sheriff of this count who, we understand, is employed to go ahead ot the drove and make contract for for age, kc. J- roni his general acquaintance on the route, at lenst as fur as the Colorado, wc consider his selection for that, object one of the best that could have Im-cii made. His contracts in this vicinity have been made much lower than we rxitcrtcd.

tSiF A bill to re-district the State of North Carolina passed its second reading in the House of Commons 011 the loth inst. by a majority of nine a test vote of the sense of the House on the measure. The Arkansas Intelligencer says that some one or more of the volunteers (so supposed) now stationed at Fort Gibson have recently killed two Cherokees. The Cherokee are greatly excited nnd loudly demand redress. aairr 1 ordia of iliy-iana are ol alicht avad theee are denominated romplainta.

and they are aurh ia reality, beinf rauaed entirely by a diaonlered a tale of tlie nerrona ayatem. Tl armla-aUoa of the new agent calicd Gaivaaiam baa beea foaad of tl greateM advantage in tln-aa caaea, and when roierljr applied, rarely faila to alfiird tlie ronet valuaUe and immanent relief. Paralyaat. Kita, Headache, Aaidely, Ienra-ary of Phyaa-al Km-ro, KlariiinaUani, I apepua, Ac, are all under the bead of Merroua Complaint, and may al! be cored by the judicata application of thi wonderful and myatenou a-nt. The nt apomved lortn al Uiat of tlie Kuir.

BHta, and Mapa-tir Kind of Ir. Chnatie. wlurh are at once tlie moat aale, auupat and rsVa-m" nietlioda at preaent I Sea ailrertiaement in anotlier column. Only areata ia New Orleaiu, (it ION Jc corner of St. Chartr and Canal alreeta.

dJ A Card a TO CITT ASD COtXTKT are inrited to call at tlie M.W ORLEANS SHIKT TIE POT to examine a eplendid ttaanrtment of riSt IASES SHIKTS. Alan, ML' SI. IX wiUi LIN'tX BOSOMS, whab (or variety of pattern and 6iuh cannot be equalled ia thai city. AUo. juat receited direct from Par, neb SaUn SCAUPS.

CKAVATS, OPERA TIES, and a ery aaperior arutle of white, bUra and colored KID CLOVES, with many other aru- clea lielongin; to tlie (entlwarQ 'a Furmauing Department, wiU be aold at onr n.ual low pnre. re- qU qq, yrtr aaaed. 'il in ISAAC HART, IS Cauip next to City Bank. PERSONS wUhln-iS'maWe a contract to cir CANAL, fnim furtvto rente acre )oir eSt frvt wulf. four tvtrl deep, in a.

Cypreaa Swaicn. cJ. ililrraa tlirmaelve to Us UDderioel, on hi pUnt, lion at or to Mwa. mlh Hirn-00, Engineer tin: Mexican Oolf JUilrravt. I TIlPTIva Pariah Sl Bernard, Lav, Pre 23, dZWa- Hlarkftniik for SsJr.

FalKR tnT Mlliim a R.n.1. ahoul 2 Tear ol.1V Alao. a aiwn- hi irr' SMITH, about Zt rear tTHfcm. Both fun e-jacamie-t Inquire tf A Pt-'PERlou of LUw' and Shirt. Ac.

tn the fre aud fully fuaran az-e 11 BKARnALHOfS It CO. 11 I -fi rqi Irraa fop ranlr. lMSTRcSS. utwand Maker lretr- CkiOiea, OevUenwtrt la about zz yrara of aire en CO. The editor of the Sunday Atlas thinks if the AlassHhusctts Yankees do not bestir themselves, and raise the new regiment of volunteers speedily, that the Bunker 1 1 ill Monument ill be down upon Uiein.

CI IX TELUC.ESCE. American Hicatre. This being a holiday night the alrnnpeiit attraction ia put forth by the nihil-ap'iiK'nt to satisfy tlioao im are always nllra tnl to a theatre on mich occniiionii. Mr. Btrney Williama, an Irish romniediun of repute, ho has played at New York and elaewhere with micceaa, ia to make hi first appearance in the petite comedy Born to CihmI Luck.

A new me lo drama entitled the "A venter," and the farce of A Soldier and a Sailora Tinker ai a Tailor," are to tie produced the firal with new ao r.ery, tc. Thts? tliat attend will have good Chriitmas cheer. ft. Charlc Theatre. The tragedy of George Burnwell or the London Apprentice," The Backwoodsman," in which Dan Marble appearn, aud ihe farce of Crimnon Crimea" are to le performiil this evening, iulerspcrsed with a number of comic aonL'S and dancing.

I.xtraordinnry Cure. AI.fitKRS, llinrte N. Ortrana ller. 17. lOK.4aa.

Com'tia A (n-ntlemen I hare beea arila-ted the uu nine rara with tlie mr.t kiatliaome nd runnuar aoreor ulcer on mv h'. clear in lu tlie I went to Uie and re lluined 1b-re nine naintlia Witlenit rereivmit any Va-aent ahal-evr. 1 he Ili Inc. adviaiM me lo liaretle ut.n- ariaNl. whab I tlnmilit 1 would do.

until receiving a letter from a daa-tor at Catniea-li an mttmate -friend of nine. advaunc me to try PA1X EX1 RACTOK. to la- Lad at Pin draa atreet, aha 1 applied immediately and tuand relief; nl by uaing two bolea, my -r al entire!) healed. My wife ha alao u-d 1 tr aore eve. and rreat rele-C Ge tlenien, 1 aend ou thi fr tlie pmil id" eunVrinx liutnamt.

1 hoe wiliue to aa-ertain tlie facte Will find my rtvataaap aext duor to Jana-a Itaa a abop. ateatnlMait and ah-p oiner. lteapertful'y, JOHN I.K.ER, HouMCarprater. "CAMPEACHT. Hh May.

HMV-Mr. Joha Lieer. Alw-r lletore lny departure lriu ew Ork-ana. I prornred ('unel a Magical Pain Elri tiT. at Pi, draa atreet.

With tlua omtnaiit 1 been eiudjed to reduce iidl-immatama of very rhmuM- and alamnne ayniptom and couditxin. and of every deaa-riptaia and nature. really convinced that by apply mc it to your kf. treat relief would be tlie rea-ih of the eipenment. Yoiira, ree-1fiilly, J.

IU" Kemenilr. the tirtrinal and Wenuin Maea-al Pain Extra, tor Depot a at COM." I A pi.ydraa-at. t4 PR. CVI.LEN'S IMSIAS VttiETABI.F. PAACF.A ia warranted to cure Hereditary Tetter.

Hereditary Scrofula, Men-unal lliaeaae. and rteanae tlie bliMMi all inrtnle-a. I 'r. Cullen'a Indian N'e-ttile remedy warranted to cure Gonorrliirs, Syphilia, and Lui orrlKra. ia It worat ataeea.

III. Cullen'a Indian Vegetable (a-ific fur female ctHnpUint Will only need a trial to aecure it a place ts dHnelic prat-lire ercr tamil. Arenr y. No. Ml A A atreet.

nl' ImdAW PR, TOWSSEM1S CiiMl'iiI'MI EXTRACT OP SIR-SAP Alt 1 II. A. in nuart lioltlea, for tlie remnrsl and permanent cureof all diaeaaea ariainx from an impure atate id the l.kiod or babifiif Uie ay.tem. It inanalily rurea I udicewtjoa or l-pep-aia. and Nervima leoift Uie lver t'omlaint.

1 nilam-matHin in 11m- kidney a. and ail tlioae irtattrndaina to wha fe. male are La hie. Tu'ia Kllrai ia warranted to ue aulerMir to any other now extant, and each buttle containe the euantity for tlaaame pre e. $1 per bottle, or ax bottle for Tlie rra eral and only agency i al PALLET'S.

I'l Cbanre at. dl-lm BEWARE OP rnlsiKI KITS. The only and rrauini I Mil AN VKtir.TABI.1. PI LUI have the wnttea -aixnatiire of Wm. Wrlit on the toi laj-l of earh box otle-ra ia Pun haae fmm no peraiMl unlea he can Unw a certificate of A-ency, aigned by Willmm Wright, Vaa Prcae dent of tlie North Amenran College of Health.

dl'-ot A. IlKUNS'EMA. An-iJ. AN INVICORAT1NO AN II ALTHFLL EP1CINE ain tioned and patnint-eil tlie mrH eminent of tie Medical TARRANT'S FFF.RVESCF.NT SELTZER APKKILNT laoueof the moat mm well aa mddeat puritaticea now before tK public It p. aw i.

pa all th roola-al virtuea of the moat apmed aahne aperM-nt, with tlie apart line agree.ihleneM of aoda water, and aa it acta gentry upon the ay --tern, it restore Uie dige-live powera when inactiee, and excite tlie pate-nt Frrh tNarrlea Sreda. Hmrrmnttdtke Craarta 1S46. Jtut ree'd per bark Joaeprnne frn rhuacW-2phia. a larjre aaaorutK-W of OARDL" KKIS, arranted irrrrarib of of every variety for Kail andSpririr aowjne. Alao, EO3 GIANT ASI'AuATL larre ortmetit of Double IlalUia Roots, Vfct ail Vellow (ni3 ertl.

Karle Supar C-oru, Ac Country. Merchant anriplted with Seed by the dou-a or bundrtil papers, neatiy labelled for retailing, or ta txrvea coniajiiine a well matorted vanely prkre. troca 2tofAiecU, d2-3f D. JIAlTAT. CaarB at.

rrcera) tt IIir. TO HIRE KtiitOatK YKAK 30 NEGROES ta famihea, to a ponaW reapunnble man, at krar price.wbo will obligate TVltlMrT shall be well treated (16 nw-ti ajul Ihit. wcinDd (nrlaaad 7 children A very relocatable eaaie for attrntioB to Om cuildreti. If not hired by tbi-Vb inatard are woo id rent a plantation lo work aaid mc-ar. Any oral de sirous to tire amid nejrroe.

irr WLJ rail on tne nMrnlier tmnievliaje daw If PL RVI5, WOOD k. For M. I harie sL, -A Kararaln. ACK WALMT PIAKO, tnaaiuarrurea ty rark-Boatua ix oclare. trrm rained.

1 seen at Mde. Pochtitt. xt diaor to Vankho School US if To VVALt'ABLn Rotunda, torether Trvenrla liurat tare C'onnelHer. ulection of aplendidiy framed OIL exhibitinf in the M. CbarVa i oilier articles conaistinf of 75 rtnze anioiiiuine In "Vne to ftJin.

are to be diartoard of by CT acce at to each, rerauns wialutie to avail ibenieiTeof a rood chaoca ia a colleriion of rare and valuabi'orka of art are riled to rail and examine tbera. lTba cubscnptuia bocaX containing; aa acciruiit of the arrzea can be area oa appltraiuaa at tlte tamr tn the tVve place or at taw a i-niiMiaiL. rf Che Ti Ie Lai jrnrd; rji Kine OTTtR, ClAtTU 'LCAI'a can be rot at I le-aiiny ami irnrmia lone wi uie aiomacu, gluing lo Ila ticisiuy xirt u. i inn VMiinilMlim ill i to I renewed health aud atremth. It atron-ly commeada itaelf to Passengers in the Massachusetts from Tampico Capt.

Henry Place; Capt. Capdepon. Kroiu Brazos bland Messru. Beard and servant; W. H.

Hull; I lamer; J. Bellow, L. Miller; R. D. Denton; CapL Jenkins, (late of steamer Sea,) and three stewards Siimor Ramon Revilla.

LiH of Vessels at Tampico, Dec. IMh. Brig Empre-sano. Coiling, discliarpinp; brier C. H.

Rogers, 10 load luetic to K. Orleans schooner Mitw, Thompson, discharging; schooner R. M. John-eon. Harding, discharging; schooner Oella, Hane, discharging had lost both her anchors outside; schooner T' scnooner Monitor, Wise, waiting for freight; sciiooner H.

A. Schroeder, Failes, di cnarging; schooner Home, Kenney, wailing schooner vine WUPB nati several barrels, marked ii i i wuisKey, seized sloop Mag-Jfc as a lighter-had lost her to bar' wnd to go up MiUmfdol Purairie-Clark-rArcherus, fiate." h'elchii ine-masted schooner Arispe', win, riXLonS. "nez Invincible, Mori 5MaXit8keeT' LeaCh5 orUB' iMasiers orvewels and othtrs should be notified thataU spintuoug liquors not entered at the Collector's office, wUl be confiscated: and that m. liquor are allowed to be landed. tdiT Senator Ashley made tho iournev from Ldttle Rock, to tlie City of Washington in precisely ten days.

'Tis said to have been the tiuickeit time wade between the two poiuts. The native Americans of Tiostnn nominated Mirian C. Betton as their candidate for Mayor. We copy from our contemporary. thi Commercial Bulletin, the following letter, which the editor inserts under the leading head of "Important," and vouches for it as being from a first rate source." In the absence of any news for the past two days from the capital, the ratiocinations of the Bulletin's corres pondent are not without their interest 14, 1846.

I give you the following, not as one of the on dil of Washington, but an important fact, which comes tp me in a shape and through a channel entitling it to full belief. The President has determined to recommend to Congress to create in our Army the rank of Lieutenant-General; and if Congress accedes to it, the further intention, or rather the fixed purpose of the President is to nominate Col. Benton to thia station, and he will accept. The object would be to Bend Lieutenant-General Benton, with the sword in one hand and the olive branch in the other, to conquer or negotiate a peace, as he best may; uniting thus the highest military and diplomatic honors. Whether Congress will sanction the recommendation is more than I can say; (or myself, I see no good reason for creating such an office in order to prosecute the Mexican war to a successful issue.

Gen. Scott is fully able to conduct it, and bo wan and bo is "Old Rough and Ready." Mrs. Waters what he coulu do for her. "The Ixird on'y known' sir, for I'm sure I don't. You must excuse my grief, but it's enough to draw tears from a pinciiehion what I suffers which nobody knows bettci than John Vatei there." "If he is a drunkard," reuiarkcd the Recorder, and docs nothing for a lrSclihood, it becomes my duty to send him to the; workhouse." Oh, John Waters how: do you feel now Don't you feel as if you'i like to sink right through the Boor for shami' What a disgrace, John Waters! the workaiouse! that ever I should live to hear of such a tiling as my own lawful husband a-goin' to lie workhouse It's lucky that we aint got no children, John Wa ters, to be disgraced by tjieir good-for-nothin' father." I think it's rayther lucy we aint," retorted the highly respectable Waters; "for you'd be a-wantin' to shove them into the poor house or horphan asylum, or some such place, to get nd on em." Oh, John Waters! the Idird forgive you for sech a terrible thought! No, Mr.

Recorder, I don't want him put in the workhouse, but if you 11 just bind him over tit keep the peaco and be of good behavior, I'll tr him a little longer -1 a aa a rajwer man nev my lectin continually liar-rowed with the idea that iiiv own lawful hus band is in a horrid hremain open a few niglita longer in Barrack street near tlie V. S. Brunch int. Iu succchs continues to be great. We have no oRen spoken of the superior excellence of this well conducted troupe, and indeed it in so well known generally by the public, Uiat prai- would be superfluous.

Almost all the old favorites are still with It, aud several new riders and the horse are an well trained as ever. The education of appeara to have beeu completed, at lean it would seem Impossible for a horse to know more. Kur to-day's performances we must refer to the bills. First District Court. Yesterday lieing st apart for the hearing of civil cases, there was nothing before the cou.rt worth reporting.

tHr" The several District courts adjourned yesterday uutil next Saturday week. tsP A young man named Michncl Norton was sent for triul before Uie First Dixtricl Court ve-terday on a chnrge of insulting a lady tn a most out rageous manner on Camp street on Wednesdry evening lat, ami also with attempting to pick a gentleman's pocket who arrested aud brought him to the office. John Licnghcn, charged with stculinr iZl and a lot of clothing from a boarder in the Feli ciana House, was sent by Recorder Baldwin yester day for trial before the First District Court. E3r William Strap'e, charged with stealing pair of blankets from Thompson Riley, wits brougl.t to the Hevia street police office lat evening and com mitted for examination. Inquest.

The Coroner held an inquest yes terday at the lake end of the shell rond, on the liody i a man named Canon, who was found dead in a house in that neighborhood. Verdict Death from pneu monia." TheEwlof Oic Worhl. Anclli's great paint ing, "the End of the World" ia now open for exhibition at Cook's Gallery in St. Charles street, nearly op posite the Verandah Hotel, and from the elaborate criticisms and almost unqualified praise that has been bestowed upon it at the North, and wherever it has been exhibited, we cannot doubt but that it will be visited here by all connoisseurs and lovers of the fine arts, as well as by all percons of good taste. We have not yet had a sufficient time to visit it and fonn an opinion of Uie merits of the work, aa it was exhibited for tlie first time last evening.

In addition to Uie attractions ef Uiis picture, Uie gallery contains many other very excellent works of art collected by Mr. Cook, which in themselves would at any time amply repay a visit. Theatrical Arrival. Mr. Leonard, the Irish comedian, who came over to this country this year, and has played at the North and inaome of the Western cities with great success, receiving the most flattering notices from the press, has arrived in our city.

Mr. B. DeBar and wife, late Miss alee, a danM-use of repute also arrived yesterday, on their way to I lavanr. Public School Exhibition. The pupils of the Tublic Schools of the First Municipality having undergone an examination at tiieir respective school houses for several days post, were assembled last evening at the Sl Louis ballroom for a public exhibition, to gratify their friends and Uie public in general.

The room was perfectly crowded by the children and spectators, among whom we were happy to perceive planter TjA neraua rninc to Sea. a Ita Tirtttea Lemc enoatlr elTu-acmua on aea or aliore, ir in any climate, it mi) be n-ed wall freater facility tlian any otlier preparation. Tlie ananinufr arith wlia mediral men join in ita praiae, aa a anre eiiaraity tliat it ia deaemia; of tlie charm ter tbey have givea it in Uic numeruua teatiruoiual received ly the prrartnr. TESTIMOM At. From Jamea H.

Ror-ra. M. Marine made nae of 'Tarrant KBerreacent Peltier 1 rheenull) my teatumimnl in it favor. It baa proved a nwt elcelleut family meda ine. It convenient and porUMe, mi.d and efni-ietit in it action on tlie ayvtem, eltrena-iy refrealtinr.

and invisiiratin; to tlie atnmarh. ami aa a deWhtlul HTmeaeal draught, re-eniblitic Soda water to tie taate. and imvtro to tbe cuntitution all tlie benefit of Uia famed Sehaer Spni of (iermany. It none of tlie obiev tiona uanally attend u. Uie operation of Uie ordinary purgative.

To peratm fiiliiff.or reHidins a-arm clunatea. it v. .11 unqueauoaaldy prove a medicine of great utditv." (Signed) J. H. kor.F.RS.

M. K. York. New Tort, November 14. 144.

lT? Prepared and aold. snob-vale and retail, by JAMF A II II A NT, and Apothecary. No. GrerTiwa a atreet, corner of Warren, New York, mdd alao. wb4eak and retail.

I.y MCkl.KS At Uniri-ta. Ac- No. Canal and S4 Mas nine atreeta, N. Orleana. Acenu for prop re-tor.

dj lia Dry (Wood 'rr ai JtVaTaTTVrwai ieatea. are now m-eivmjj per Howard, se ld of FALL GOODS, such aa Caahmrrea, Aipacraa aua in ruoea or by tarn trUarrrs. flints, hhawla. Flanearl. Riaukeia and a varV; of otlier riaija.

Tbe roods ourhl la have aim iTI'iaji I In i months aro with aa ordinary royare, but Uioael was injured by a pais and put into tiaiutnore ar repairs, and only arrived berr a few days men- ITie faV beine far adraiiced we are de-irrmined to otJer tlmAcxatKl at very low prices rather than keep Ibrm over Le prmman. This is no haaabae, but for us an uufortutifte fact, and raeranris in want of any of the above kiinliaf poods, we think will pro-mole Um-ir own and exarnimnf for thenieelves. VALSH At OEHKKB, No. 1 BuiTtaaC Ccanpanv's Row. die tm TchorjpHoula atnW.

corner of Delord. SILK. dS-at ANKIN Is. ST GrarW liauMilntiea of C'aartnrrahip aul cw ArrnnaTcmrnla la THE firm of MiKiSZlE, THAVtK 4. CO.

wia on the first day of February next be diaaolred by muttial conaenl, and arrerable lo tbe above we have determimvl to cloee out our entire stock of DEY GOODS previous to that dale. In order lo ret our Goods arranred and price reduced our store will be chiaed on Tuesday at I o'clock and opened again on Wednesday eoonuog to cusa-mence sale. We shall reduce the prices oa all fmods from 2n lo 50 per cent. Our object is to close out our stock aa nearly as puasiMe at private sale. All Goods retnaio-iug nusoM alter fiit Fetiruary will be aold at public auction.

Tbe public will at once ee this to be a rant chaure fr supplyinf thenaerlves with DRY GOODS at price much tea than coat of manufacture and tat-poruuiun. Our (Amd are fresh baring motUy beea bought within tbe lat three month. MchXNZ-lE, THAYER dg fiUdp No. 29 Cbartrea atraet. Neik-e.

4 LL persons liavinr claims arainst the suhacribera i. a. will present Ibem immediately for payment; asd all persons owinr tnem, oreitlier of them, Ul tk settle their accounts tm or before tbe ft rat dav of arr, d21 lr2p ana- L. A. CALDWF.LU JOHN S.

CALDWKLU ft am Ca6SJ C'hritryi I.unrh nt tbe rrwrnt. aaa. lit'SMjeat, enisonand CratibHsJelly.Turhies Hoasleil Turkies, I nlverr iMiU1LiPrairie Iteiie, rrelirn 1II1CB, ltel ti 1 urt.e aiKl oyster Soups, kc (tUWlt WALTKR. Sl'KDRIES. Weftlie for sale Ult fnllowinir rood on acrnminiaialiiie terms, viz 150 lkets ChaiiiPKK'ne, nuarts and pints, "flicki." riirwier nucde alnHint.

and oUier brands. 70 calks XXX London Brown Slout Torter. 6j dl superfine Kueiiah Ale. quarts and pint. VI don bottle superior Port me.

Si do do isitli side Madeira Wine. an do do Sherry Wine. 'JO do aajiiaters Scotch Salmon. 3)1 boxes fniil'aiimli Conlll. 2 do AbsvntlieNijiraroa ami Maraschino.

8iMKI whole, hal'f and qi te'r boxes Satdinea. ax) boxes Claret Wine-lilitTerent brands. New Citron, Raisins amlfjurranla. Spanish Chocolate, SnicA if all kind. Almonds, Filberts, aiiilis.

Cream Nut. Crackers of all kinds. 1 SPIRITS Cognac nrali in bonles OUI Rum, do; Scotch WhukV, do. WINES of everv variety, put up in same aVle, expressly for use of laiiillira. CONFECTIONARY.

Svruns mtnttfar. tured and a treat many other hiielLiiiVa loo nunienmi to mention, and for sjiwrinieiit caiinal suriraesed by any other house in Uie cilv. R. V. NICHOLt a2S 3t Wholesale Confectioners.

76 tfC8 Camp st. ameilierred 3 In pa and Jnvrnilr Hooka AT BiKKK Bo Camp street GAfc OF MASTER RODBURY AND 1IIS I'UPIBB. wiUi colored vicuetu-s. GAME OIIR. BLSI1Y.

Do VINOS, in various stvles. Do HEROHS. with colored illnstrationa. Do WJE NEW WORLD, containing Ameri can nistoraa PUNCH'S LAUOHABLE GAME What d'ye Buy COMIC COTlLLlOCARDS.orQuatlrille Psalirnes. ILLUSTRATED ANDVmuSINO ALPHABET.


SCRIPTURE HISTORYVilh vipnette cards. DISSECTED MAPS, amulins: and instructive. BUILDERS' BLOCKS, with the Alphabet, kc JUVENILE BOOKS, la greJVnHety and adapte.1 lo every capacity. dZ3 3t ANNUALS and STANTARD iiuMe for tllKlMMAS ana NEW YEAR l'V-SENTS. ChiiHtniaai and New Year Keceived.

aiauCamnaL. this day a fine assortment 77J" of tine Gold Watches. Watch triniiiiinc. Seals. Kev.

Guards also, rold Peucils awl Thimbles, line Bracelets, Neck ornaments. 1'artienlar Notlet To Ir ('tamer. MUNKOK'a ONE PRICE CLOTIUNO it Magazine street. For the acrtimraod auoa of Uiose of my cuaiotnera who are unable to rail dunnr the dav. I shall in future keep bit store OPES IN THE EVENING until 9 on SATURDAY EVENINGS until 10 o'clock tore cot open oa San-rit y.

As 1 always ruaraniee erery article lobe what it is rrpreseuirxi, and intend to irive perfrx eauiar tioo to ail my cus touiers, if any article purrhaai ia trie evetunfr sliould not prove satisfactory araua view-mr it by dsylirht, it may be retained and tbe aooney will be refunded. dll-2Jplni ALFRED UN ROE. 54 Maeaiipest. iDterratins; to Iadiro aad (ratlecrera. liALtL'S ccLraaatco DYE FOR IE HAIR.

Kan Lestral. for tho Heatocaticai td Hair; Indian Vrrt-table Oil to make the ir Curl: Eatt Divine de Venn, far Reamtirs. the Coutplevten Medicated Nvaiph Soap, tar Uie removal of Tan, Sunburn and FrecAJt-s and variety of article-a f.n- the Toiled, Juat received and for sale bv nl 2dn.U Wif n. F. WA YMOUTH.

57 Canal at. latere 6JUI THE the II Hair i New Inexact a. eaeaaw I haT just rrcetved by the ship j-nj 'JVrvTairUonl from France, a superior. ,) I rich and beautiful aSe'rVfANCY GHDS of far Ladiea, con- 4f if tisr I CUB, hoiisA. n.nn, a very great proportion or ladies.

could only re uo uui to mo to get rel tIie crowd from bearimt and seeinir eonubiieu ana everlastin' sufficienUv well to furnish an Intereslinir acr.sint of 1 1, i i Bneerui and Bpcckin and a filldiu I the proceedings. Every one seemed to bo highly de limit, retorted John Watefs. I lighted by the performances of the youngscholai and Broaches and tineer Rinirs. In rreat variety silver Spoons, Ladles, Cups, A.C. fine Cutlery, tne dressing some place during the last year.

Several masters and misses spoke from the stage, and delivered their subjects in an unembarrassed and pleasing manner, extremely creditable to them. Louisiana Volunteers Francis A. Girault was yesterday appointed by Osjr. Johnson Major of Uie Regiment of Louisiana Volunteers, he havin( received the greatest number of votes at Uie election tbe preceding day. Another election for a Lleuiaiant Colonel of Uie regiment is ordered for to-day.

Cars for Lafayette. A new arrangement on the railroad to Lafayette hoi been made, under which the cars will run every hour until 11 o'clock at night. This has been effected for tho benefit of persons re- iu8 iubi ciry ana desirous of attending baUs and other amusement in this, and is equally convenient for persons wishing to attend tbe ball there. poods. I think you'd better lei me eo to the woik- la Vftrv irrA.I rkriinieriivn or lanma ua.niiu iwTv I nnnnni i.siIIim Cases, funcv work Boxes.

Paper Marine, card Travs. work and glove Boxes, Portfolio. Ac Fans a (Treat variety of very superior Perfumery; Uie renuine Fererfa Cologne Thermrrmeters Brushes, Ac, together with a great variety of Jewelry, fancy roods. Ti. I i -c I lC, any ot wiucu wm oe aoia uuraj tm iiuiiij at I lie Kecorder ucemeJ ennal.lor pleased at the manifest improvement that bat 'Aken extremely low Driees.

Please call and examine Uie WT-. I ,1. 1 I 11 A TVIVP ivh r.v wmi ii I i uiauunuK iihi tcoi. uviciaiuiuiuii auuuiuei I aiuia. HOTl tliA nann .1 r.

i accoruingiy ordered him to fiud the necessary John wna tnken off to the constable's officer while the partner of nis me, witn mat anection jthat alwaya charac terizes a woman, hastily departed to find friend to act as her husbanu's bondsmnn. Suicide. Mr. Joseph Caldwell, one of the most aged and respectabltl citizens of Panoln county, committed Suicide on the night of the 12th inst. by hanging himself in his stable.

His mind, for boiii3 time shattered, had lately received a fresh shock in the death of his wife, which Btate of aberration let! to tlie suicide. C'hriatmaa and Now Year Caiftn. GREAT VARIETY 8TOHE, AV So Chartra Stmt. BFIPPET respecU'iHy the ladies that he opens this day an assortment of fancy articles suitable for presents, such as Toys, Doll, in the newest style, Fine Checkers, Whist Uncs, Dominoes, Necklnces, Fancy Cutlery, China, Tumblers, Tea and Coffee Pots, Pocket Books, Card Taaes, Guard Chains, Gloves, Perfumeries, Purses, tofreUier with a very large quantity of other fancy article. d22 8t C'hrlatman PreaentMa JUST RECEIVED ROCKING HORSES, VELOCIPEDES and VELOCIPEDE CAliaiACES, for aale by d24 Ot MAGEE.

KNEASS Maearine at. IQUORS AND VViNES-i iincle-i a miub Whisker, i half pipes London I kick Brandr. and SO quarter casks superior Port Wine, under Cusiom- nouse ivoca, cnuueo to aebentoro, lor sale by ad DAV1E3 OAJSES. Camp lb siating iu part of VISETTS. Manu-ana, Matitillas, icaris.

Shawls. Embroideriea. Bndal Ireneve anrf r. lands. Ribbons, Laces.

Flowera, Gkrvea. Hiaviery, and a variety of article, for Drews and Ornament to scut all tastes. Also Bonnets of every kind and airle. They will be opetssd on Monday Booruinr, ii Nov, and I muat respetfully Invite ladle and jrerjllesnea call and examine tiarrn. Ccrmmiaaion Merchants and others having orders for MUlinerv.

are nxtt rrsperv fully invited to aend tbem to na. and we will aaa our endeavors to rive satisfaction. ni adpoawt u. V. A 1 MOUTH.

57 Canal at. American l'ah Lozrsses. OR Couchs, InrJuenra and that uin-aay fVkliog sensation in the throat, attendant non ailrcoons of tlie air passage, these Loxeuge are exnuarntly aer-Viceable. Prersxred and ft sale by DR. E.

J. COXE corner of Majrazine and Povdras street. Also to be had of E. CO. No.

Camp streeL AZ1 2pdaW DR. MJLTHERN COL'GH SYRtTK The experii-nce of many year bas proved Uie efheary of tins aneqaailed COL'GH SYK'l and the late imorovenaeuts in iu eoinposilion render It suil more worthy of nublie Prepared and for aale by UK. E. J. COXE, corraer of Magazine and Povdras street.

Alao lo be prorored trom t. MAt TUEHXI.M d2 gpdaW (OXE'S EXTRACT tK COPA1VA, SARSAPA-J KILLA aud CL'BEBS A remedy anaurpaaaed by any in use. A at preaent prepared, with many valuable additions, this Extract is confidently recotB-mended fur the cure of those disease for which, tho ajiove art ir lea are used. fiT Prepared and for aale by DR. E.

J. COXE. corner of Marazine and Povdras street. Also to las had of E. MACPHERSON 4.

No. a Caanp St. d22 2pdkW COXE-8TONIC ALTERATIVE. EXl'RACT OF SAR5APAKILLA and TARAXACCM- 1 ham prepared this of utiuaual trv-ngth, for the cure of tboae diseaae caused by an impure slate of the blond, and can conndenUy rerurnmetad it as erpecial'y adapted for deranremenu of the Liver, Cutaneous, RbeumaUC and oUier Chrosie diw-aat-a. KK7 Prepared and fin- sale bv DR.

E. J. COXE corner ol Maeszine and 'Povdras street Also to be had of E. MACPHERSON it Na 29 Camp street. d22 SpdaW DR.

E.J. COXE'S TONIC BALSAM of WOOD NAPTHA. TAR, HOREHOCND, BONE5ET, LIVERWORT, f- Uie Relief au4 Cure of LiOJN-CH1TIS and CONSUMPTIO.L Wlthool presuaung tn effect impossibiUUtw, it ia ronftdeotly aaaejted that thi preparation ha been need with tbe rrraiest sac- res in many ease of those disease for whack it ta been compounded. Prepared asd for aale by DR. E.

J. COXE. coruer of Marazme and Poj-dra street. Alao ho ba had of E. MACPUEk-SON CCA, Ko.

29 Camp at AO 2pdaW DE.E.J. COXE fa, Wnoieaale and Retail Drugciata, corner of Maraxme and Poydras auk. New Orieaoa Plamatioai order prornwjy and faithfully executed upon reasonable term for rash or approved city acceptance. d23 Ok. EDWAA0 COXA.

ZVWltO MACTHtkAOee 1 A a- it.

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