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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I I I -Sit as iVa wall 'tSt -ieiTc uyvyw Vrjyb UNM-tu Ajwuuwti oCwopnunenaauoo. wtro- TZnh almost tfcnnyleM. He uu nuuicui.0 wim i nBUiugiJut ii wuvu, Uivpresieitted himself, iifi 1 Hviiaf -doTYon" seek herer foqaired-the eeaml.wjUi bis accustomed brevity if MI come to ficht as a volunteer for American was the equally brief and fear less What- fcan tou JdoJ" was; Washington hJh iCosciusko. with his characterise 'ife simplicity; only rejoined 4 U'fPru maJ 7 r. hn This wasdone.

occasion Lis uh3btsr science and valor wsre evince above character was pd He. especially made a. furtfceWiMfngmshed himself. AU titi ribt long been to America, when he hasio to njaunted courage TiiJL-ii-iiad Conway, notwithstanding KEStllMIAIIf XINES. 'erminatioa of the Paet Coach Line at 8 irunean 01 at saw vw ojm NEW DAILY LINES OF JIAIL.

FroinColombes to Nashville is two day? the Steamboat Landinrs, Sr-. Fo Office, to he kept iii the American and Preach styles conjoin t- 1 1 sill From CoImSOiiUliiHtutiae lui titnlkret rTi. finit lay to JJkiDviUe 1 ordinar and a.lieiUUraDl. will TT I I rm.w BOA UUWt I lYm HlUir 1 on -ri Sop I Tha rooms, o.coasinieted ai to form a parlor ana bedroom, will M-iwuiea. wunoai ooara, i wiin Doara, ai per to Louuvilie.

uj 1 s- latwo ana i an From Colambna toBardrtowo, Jh Caw, Ky Fro CoianiDua.w ronton, ate Prom ColuiabMa, by 1 aiove Ja, Bext, Under contract do jrtaattr ficnaral for iwir yetira in- witB tb9 Greoa until let September, after weekly "rraded'or McAdamized road on tna anove bow complete laout two-third of the Ui-tance between Columbus aad Louisville i and on those sectioBa yet incomplete, the natural road will be kept ia first; rate repair until it. ja completely McAdamized. -i Tho above will le tbe most expediuoua routea from Louisville to New Orleans, or from Nasbvilla to St Louis. 'I LL: Tavern bills -Staw faro reduced to six cenU per mile. The separate lirdprietors of the several routes TB0MAgi West Point, Ky.

W. P. ROACH Pan, Tenneasee HAKKts, yvest ienaesee 1 I JOHN HLiAHJk. 11B8UYIUO IHUi tiehajVftberOttlajnwt.icn raey uieinneive. Tenn.

Vera Kfttiry-iffagr, tnis oauie waa lougui, i- Arrang 'ohrtntmoryierves us ngnt, at ma. juncuou 0 the Siat andXittle obsprved with satisfaction the: exertions of company which advanced beyond all the rest, and made its attack in the best order. Who led the first company asked Gen Conway of hi comrades, on. the evening of the memorable' day. The answer was, it was a young no-' ble birtlnVut poor his name, if I am not misr taken, is The sound ot tfie unusual name, which he- eould hardly pronounce, filled tbe hero svitn so eager ex desfre for the brav A stranger's acquaintance! that he ordered his horse to be saddled, a rode to the village, a couple of miles off, where, the volunteers were quartered for the Who shall describe, the pleasure of the otie orihe' other when thej" General entering the -teat, saw the Laptam covered irom bead to loot with blood, dust and sweat, seated at table, his head resting upon bis hand and examining th edge of bis sword, vtkh a map of the ooun-jjJS fry Spread out before him, and a pen' and his side beside the map.

A cordial kiosviue, uiarmTur t. two ln week, or From Coluattfa TT The beat cooka havo bee enraf ed. Tbe wines ia, two and hair I ana bqaora, of tbe best kind, will be sola at estrem' lv moderate prices. 1 ae mrnuura uni and bo paias will be spared Co make this establishment equal to any in too United States. i J.

SANDERSON A SON. Philadelphia, May 18, 2S42. i jel 10t2aw BLOUNT SPRINGS. The aubacriber beys leave to iaform his friends and the Dublic renerally. that he will ro-onen this well-kaowa Wateriuf the 1st of JUNI next, tor tbe reception of visiters bavins; made many alterations and improvements since last sea- i rr i son, be Qatters nimscii mat no can oner id a ace me a equal to any watering- place In tbe world, both to the aeeker of pleasure as well aa health.

I deem it unnecessary to aay anything about, the virtues of these waters, as many years experience has convinced those who have visited them, that the happy effects upon the afflicted, are unequalled by any. -j- I The subscriber pledges himself toavoid no eapenaa or personal trouble to make. bis table the bet the country affords. His bar will be furnished with the choicest Wines, -LiquersCordials, Cigars, fcc that can be had in Mobile; and by unremitted attention and exertion to please, he hopes to share a liberal portion of patronage." I have also procured tha services of a skillful physician, to advise in the nse of the waters, during the season. I I aATEs or board: Board, per $40 00 Board, per week, It 00- Children and Half Price.

Horse, per $16 00 Horse, per week, 5 00 JONES a LUCY, Trustee. BleuBt Springs. April 9 I ImsySStW THE BTATK OP. MISSISSIPPI Larstrrrt CoowTTJUy 19, lara Tint Ciacviv Corar, Jlfa for fl5Cf 03. WiUiajn F.

Gillespis) and Jasaoa. U. GiUespie, Charles Tloraan, Janes U. Caddy and Calvin Tate. dfta.

This day caiwe the plaintiffs, by their atvoraay. and it appearing to the eatisfaetioa of the.Coart.tbat tha defendants are aoa-reaidaara of tbe tie of Mis sissippi is therefore, rdered by the CoK that pabiieauosi be made In tbe Picayane.T uews- peper printed ia tbe eity of New Orleans, and la tbe tate of Louisiana, for tbe space of six weeks, notify ing me saiu aeienaanu oi van penaency oi uiis aan, ami that unless lhasaid defendants aonear an or be fore the next term of this court, to be bo We a for tbe conuty aforesaid at tbe eourt-house ia the town of Oxford, on tbe third Monday of November, 1842, and plead, answer or demar, judgment will bet tared, and tbe property ao aitachot will be sow. Attest a true copy: July 6-w .4 C. M. PHirPS, Clerk.

will made for a rerular-f worn Pocket, Irom Columbus to Cairo and back, daily. ttJTThe N.O. Crescent City will publish the above daily one month, and send bill to Columbus, for payment. 1 Orrnt Western U. 8.

Mall T.lne I From Alouthof WhileRicerto Little RtckrArk. ttr STEAMBOAT-AKD P'-jf COACHES. THE uudersigned, eont-otors for transporting the U. S.MaM from 'outh of White River, (on the MississippiO by St- aiboat to Rockroe, and from thence in four-horse ost Coaches to Little Rock, will put that Bne Jo full operation on Friday next. Paseogerg fiai the Musisstppi will take steamboat at thelouth of White river every Tuetdn, TaTsJand Saturday Morning, at 4 o'clock, for Rockrv, whore they will meet the Post Coaches, which 'will convey tbem through the Biff Prairie to UttVff Rock; ty'7, P.M., of the followlnv and passengers will leave Lame k-ock -r seay.

TKuraaay ana 3nray iuorw- vu, reach Month of rivy 4, P. of the following days--throusb ySarom 32 to 40 hours. This line foriVonnectiPg link between the greatJJxirLine by steamboats on the Missis sistfTand Ohio rivers, aud the U.S. Mail Post Coach lines diverging West and South from Little Rock to Port Smith and, Washington. I Passengers from other States, wishing to visit the celebrated HOT SPRINGS, or any otherGint in the interior of Arkansas, may rest assurer that this line will afford them a ready and snaaJoy conveyance at all seasons, grasp or his hand Dy ueneral wpnway imparted anj particularly wheatAtkansas is too low for to the modest hero his commander's satisfac- I navigation, which i-erally the caso through the WUf aim luv uujcvi vi a tibh aiu ai dv uuuouu the Hot times be IUstM Iraasiraiiwto sat New Orleans.

ATLANTIC PORTS. 4ct prem. To Europeyaotia North Sea, Uli uo in me ao ija Africa, U2 boulh 1 1 1 ros new urua: To Africa, 17... one port, l'dl do 1 ait Bahama Islands do UH Do. do additional port, U'Sli Capo do Verd one port, lial Uo do each additional do.

ll'ail Franee, Atlantic, lift- Do Mediterranean. lilf Great Britain or Ireland vv, On cotton, or lOl) On 1 Dry goods ia pkgs. lift-Gibraltar l)ftlr Lisbon and lftl Ift2 Uusaia, 2fft3 Porto Cabello, Laguyra liftlj Trinidad, Uft nrai SOUTH AMERICA. To any port between Pernambaco and River La lJftH Buenos Ift2 lftl -Sil WXST.lBTDIX ISLAKDfl. "To lft Havana and 1 ft.

South aide ports, 1 ftU 8C Domnift and Porto 1 ftl Virgin and Caribbee lftl To any oae pert, ljfti JDo each, Jft To 5 ft 3 ft2 2ft MEXICO. v' To Bravoa Santiago, lftS Rio del Norte, 2 ftS Tampion, lft Vera Cruz. lft Laguayra and Campeachy, 1J1J SwaU lftlj COASTmSE. To any pert North of i. -Do South, and North of Sajrannab, St Marys, a Johns, do 0 8uAurustiBSs Other Florida SPECIE.

To and from any port in North of Cape Florida, United Any port 1 Any other W. Any port in Meico and Tariff, mf Hirer Premlnma. FIXJT CLASS STEAMBOATS. Pram Aea OrUamM: fcprem. To Vickaburg and all laUrmediate landings, ft To Memphis, MiUa.

Point. Randolph, Man- v.cbesW,Shjeveport.HarrisonburrVer- t. Ua St. Martiasville and Jones' landing, To Louiaville, 8L Louis, Evaarrille, Ecare v.rabre. Coatee Bluff, Columbus, Geo, Shawneetown, Tuetumbia, Porumoutb, Mu To ftSktw mnd Amsterdam, Vib.1' ttbarg, Little To Forr.

Smith and 'ri'bsV To Aleiandri. and N.teMLw!.' Cnatern Haaiae Rsuc. rcxi Rates allbwed in the Custom Hou fof Uold aa per act of Congress of 1834, tabj- lb- tneroof. Convejts ia Stares and Hacks to Spalls, or any. other point, can at all I readily procured at Little Rock- No pains nor expense will oe sparea uy tne proprietors to render the -situation of all comfortable and convenient who may travel on their Hue, Stage Office, at Littlejtock.

at tbe Anthony House. IT All baggage at the risk of the owners. i THORN," LEB1MON Sc CO. Little P.oek, Arkansas, June 39, 1842. jy25 D7The Picayune, New Orleans Louisville Journal, Cincinnati Gazette, Missouri Republican, Vicks-burg Sentinel, Natchez Free Trader, and Nashville Union; will please insert the above advertisement in their.

weeklies to tho amount of $15 each, and send their accounts te this office for collection. -Arkansas Stats Paicttc I STEAM- BL.UE UCK. HOUSE, BLUB LICK This watering place is situated on the Mac-adamized road leading from Lexington to MaysvUle, 33 miles from the former, and 24 miles from the latter place. Visitors can goto or leave it in public conveyances daily, and if necessary, private conveyances can bo had at any time. Nature has done her part in making this one of the most delightfully romantic spots in the Union.

Tbe fishing and hunting are fine, and the water is acknowledged poesc mora medicinal qualities than any other In tbe Western country. In truth, many of the best judges pronounced it the best me dicinal water in tbe United States. It is useless, however, to speak of its qualities, as it ia so extensively used in the south-western country, that tbe happy effects produced by it are generally known. The proprietors, kaving but. recently purchased this property, have had but little time to improve and beautify the place; but in that short time tbey have made it probably more desirable than any watering place id tbe West.

Tbe principal bouse is upwards of three hundred feet in length, in which there is a dining room ene hundred and eight feet by thirty six, and a ball room eighty feet by twenty-six; four galleries extend all round the bouse; li sides a number of cottages all of the sleeping apart ments being as desirable and pleasant as could le wished. After this improvement, we were aware of tha- necessity of having some competent person's to take charge of the establishment, aud we are happy to announce mat we nave prevailed upon Airs, doa-dard and Mr. Cockrell, formerly of tho Eagle IIoue, Maysville, and recently of the Pearl Street House, Cincinnati, to superintend it. It will be opened on tho 1st of July for tha reception nf visitors, and will he at all times in readiness to accommodate invalids. We would say to visitors who are fond of good music, that we have employed tho Neptuue Band of New Orleans.

Our charges shall be as low as those of any respectable water nig placo in the West. T. Sl L. P. HOLLADAY, Proprietors.

Blue Lick Springs. May 25, 1842. jel2 milE 8TATE OF MISSISSIPPI MADISON COUNTY Madison Cikccit Cod it. at Maw Term, A. On attachment for the sum of 23, ob as) open account and now, to wit, una 23d May, A.

1842. JAMES M. JLLZIT No.2322. is a a a PErritiiraTox This day came the said plaintiff, by his attorney, and the attachment in the case having been relumed duly executed, by levying en the goods and chattels, rights and credits of the said defoudaat, in the bands of James Simpsen, and summoned the said Simpson as a rarnisbee in this case, ani tbe oeiendant tail iar to appear and rive aoecial bail and plead herein and it also appearing to the sstisfaoiioft of the Court that the defendant ia a resident or tho Slate or Loo isiana It ia, therefore, ordered by the Court, that unless the said defendant docs appear here on or before, tho first day of tbe aext term of this Court-being the first Monday of November, 1842 and give special bail, and plead herein, judrment final, by default, will be rendered as-ainst him, and the effects ia garnishees hands will be wade subject to plairtiff debt, damages and eosU It ia further ordered by the Court, that copy of this order, together with a specificstion of the cause of action, and tbe amoant due from tne defendant to tne piainun, no puuiuueu SCHOOtSAND 'OtLllEGESr HlLLERSBUltUti INaTIT UTK A XawtstcAy. rTMIlS SCHOOL 4w tbe perm ia edifice erf JL Ur.

awd lira. UX RA. baVe si at Bar tnauuttoM ia Keaancky 4 anag twelve yearn, Their eaertMoa for Ue iuprovesncel of tawpvpia have B-ees raw arc wua ta sbom ptrasiag wit a uoeraj pursatrs, The coarse mscrBcisas) tae ecieaciJ aaeatai departavenu la aa thoroaf aa Is anal for i stun umm sec ininsKsi oi 1st achestl aa stnctiy 1 a saoral end pareatal aatara. Tbe SituaUoa of MUlirabarr eaaiaaall wrll rat culated for suckaa laauuta. as kiaoa tbe turapike road from Lexis (ton to twelve Bailee or taa tsiee-AfHa ewcU-fcaow taasy ioaablo resort for tbe Soataera geatrr dariag the summer atooiks it prcaemu laUaeeeaenta equaUed.

and aa regards health aot sarpaa4 ey The session eoaUts of lKT weeks, sad tha boarding and tuition feea. are payable ia adVaac iwawnag, laei aaa niata, par ifioa, art) Tuition, tn the t.aglwh depertmeat, per aeaaioa, 16 is tao rrenca isagajf 15 Music, with the use of iaavaatewts. 30 RcrsacPCKA lloa. Ueary Clav. Hem.

Jam eh T. MoTcbead. Hon. Garret Davis, Washierioo City Capt. John R.

Bailer, Harbor-master of 24 Maasrl- panty; K. si. r.uw, oi maraxtae atrcvt; WL. 11 Chine, Exchange Place, New Orleans John Telford, LexiagtoB. Keatacky.

fMOsaW a or Tui WEEKLY PI- Trl eiOBrxrjesee of daily paper Lai ily paper toucuy. sad lw recesviBg, fiom a Ml, ws Lave vm Aba 1 1 dribsu entitled -Ta Wu1 i fcopt the a re Tf tk fist we Uvs CtusJ xrya Kn or lbsubi ti- hH mcu nrr uri an ac4ta sh shape of rtMfLatltt ad if lb renoa oer wnscn ai taa vi snr crarerDOtne. we i.t douLrt, -a sa rich rctutr.s, COLLEGE OF ST. XAVIER. rHl3 literary eataUiabmefct, known for saaay 1 rears as the 'Albeasresa of CinciaaaU," hss beea recently muck improved ead embellished, ar4 ia bow re -ope aed under tae tiirectioa e.

the at v. J. A. ELrr, Isle President of the Uaiveraity of Louis, aided by aa able sod eapenanced Faculty, aad several efficient aad popalar Tutors. Tbe buitdmp are spacious, airy aad etef mt, and Lave beea arranged wkb especial otteauoa to tbe comfort and eoveiiece of stajaota.

The gretads are ample, and frequent visits are naade by Ue P- pils and talora to tbe beaithfal aad eaeeediegiy pc-tureeque country which immediately rerrouao Ike tn. Tbe course of studies ia of the snaat axicamve kind, and calculated te prepare thasiedenu for aer nags of profeeaional or commercial life. ReaUlea Lagtish and tbe Classic Laagusges, Grrasao, Frcacb aad Spanish are taught, without additioaal charge 1 tae r. for six weeks successively, in the Weekly Picayune, I French lsagusre is familiarly used by majority of tw 1 sue proicsaors la tnetr intercoerae wua aora PATENT: VERTICAL GRAIN MILLS. lfftli lift 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft-- Jft TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN BOATS AND VESSELS.

TM1E proprietor has two MARINE RAILWAYS a. one that has been ia operation four years for vessels of 200 tons and under, and a new one mere particularly for STEAMBOATS. Boats 200 feet long can be taken up, or vessels pf 500 tons. The advantage to Steamboat Owners hereabout is very considerable: first, tbe bisk of sending a boat to sea, when she wants repairs, and that on the most dangerous coast; in tho Union 1 then, the time and expense of a loag voyage then the articlo of fuel alone, that would be required to take a boat to the North say from Wilmington and, bring her back-would in an ordinary way cost more than her Rail way eea wouia amount to. Tkt faeUilita of repaira arc a followa We can start a gang of Carpenters, Caulkers and demers 01 bdoui miriy.meB, or more requirea.

A.lilaclumitnsnop is attached to the establishment, and I am authorized by tbe President of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company to say, that work ot any description (except shafts) can be done at their Depot here. JJ Caulking and Joiners work is carried on at this establishment, and all kinds of Spars are iurmsncn. Price for taking up Steamboats. 50 cents per ton. and after 24 hour 1 0 cents per ton per day.

Vessels 30 cents per ton, and after 24 hours 10 cents per ten per day. Pine Wood for steamboats can be bad at $2 per cord. JAMES CAS8IDY. Wilmington, N.C July 13, 1842. jy22 6wdaw Rtftrenceas B.H.

Jacobs, steamboat Oov. E. B. Dudley, President of W. R.

K. D.O'Hanlon, steamboat owner; R.W. Brown efcCo, C. C.Stow, Dickinson At Morris, Barry fc Bryant, Brown DeRosset, Wi.liam H. Lippitt, Hall St Armstrong.

G. W. Davis, L. S. York St Co, Wilmington, North Carolina.

87 Tbe. following papers will please publish the above, advertisement for six i weeks, and aend their bills to this office Charleston Courier. Sava. nab Republican Augusta Chronicle, Columbia Chronicle, Georgetown American, aud New Orleans Pica-yunow Wilmington (JVV.) Chronicle. lift 1 iii1! IT ltd a weekly newspaper publishes in the city of Orleans, State of Louisiana, aud that all further pro- ceediufs be stayed herein until the next term of this Court.

1 In testimony that the foregoing ia a true copy from the minutoa of said Court. 1 have here s.1 unto set my hand aud affixed the seal of said Court, this first day of July, A. D. I WM. MONTCOMKRY, Cltrk.

i Bt If cubv R. Cocxtcr. P. C. Wxslkt Drake, P.

ft. CtW The Sckoolmaater'a Abroad." military, Scien title Claaalcnl 8ckeI( AT AIKSK, SOUTH CAX0LIRA. To he opened on tkt 1st day of March, 1 812. THE undersigned, a graduate of tha United States Military Academy of West Point, late of the United. States Army, and snore recently an assistant superintendent engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad of the Slate of Georgia, proposes to estab lish at Aiken, South Carolina, a SCHOOL of the above description, to be conducted on tbe meat approved system of instruction.

He will have, as soon as the number of scholars" will justify, A ssistaut Teachers ef experience, and of the most thorough information in their several depart menu and sided by a select philosophical and chemical apparatus, be has uo doubt but the parents who may favor thia Institution with their patronage, will find the improvement of their sons and young friends uuJer his instruction, equal to what It would be ia most other institutions or tbe kind in the country, either north or aoulh. He can only say, that with tho view to making a profession of the proposed pursuits, he will spare no pains, nor be waating in all honorable efforts to merit whatever patronage he may be fa vored with. 1 -v In this Institution will be tsuglit the Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, German ami Italian languages; Spelling, Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Composition, Elocution, Geography with the use of tho Globes, Ancient and Modern History, Arithmetic, Book Keeping by double and single entry, Algebra Plain, Solid, Analytical and Descriptive Goonetry Application of Algebra to Geometry and to the Doc- si tve a a a stBseais as msy desire to acastre a knowledge ef it. Copies of the full Prospectus may be had of Mr. P.

Rochet Kernion, No. Barrack street, who is agent for the 8t. Xavier Centre for Louwiaaa, Mia-siMippi, Mexico, Cube, Vc aad a ill receive the pay-meuu and seed oe sack yootks aa assy be recota-mended to his care by psreats or ruardisna. Rcfertncrs msy be bad to Tie Right Rev. Dr.

Purcetl, Bishop of Cincinnati, to wuose pauonsga the Institution owes It origin. eaais. s.acDarir, Charles Kennedy. F.variste Blanc, New Orieaae. T.

Barren, and Dr. Cbaa. Snowden, Chailes Tessier, J. Larguier, Villeneuve Baaooard, Trasimond Landry, 1 East Baton Roage. Weat Baton Rouge.

I P. Commsgere, Barataria. July KEMTER COLLEGE. THE Preparatory Deperlmeat ef thia larUlslioa is situated about five miles aoutha-ratwardly from the city of St. Louis, ia the State of Missouri, id a pleasant and healthy location.

The mala build-ing is of brick, with a store boremeet. At preaeat about sixty pupils can be boarded, sad a much larger number can be instructed ia all theXraachaa usually taught in academies. Tbe Trustees hope soon snore fully to accomplish the objects of their iacorporaUoa, by erecting a College proper, and by organizing College classes nod to thsi end lave appointed the Rev. Silas A. Casus, A.

N-of the Protratant tp la- copal Church of Vermont, PresMleat, who baa loag been ia the successful practice ef teachiag. Under his guidance the Trust ca bsve every confidence (bat the preparatory and cMleglats departments ef Kemper College will be equal to the moat highly lavored 01 our land. Oue great design of the laaUtatioa ia te give a thorough classical education, without secrificiaf the morals of the pupils. The greatest evils atteading modera Institutions of learn ing, have arisen from tha circumstances that ben children have left the bosom application or Algebra 10 i.eometry ami to tne Doe- fiiee, Bt, Uhea tbe place aad trineof Curvca; Mensurauon; Method of Calcula- of a eareet. Thuevil tine eaturl ITatsaaa 1 Avavilkmii Plaaaaa aa n.l 1 ting and Using Logarithms; Plain and Spherical Trigonometry Spherical Projections Drawing; Theory and Practice 0 Surveying, Lcvellinr, Sic as connected with the duties ef a Civil Engineer Navigation, Conic Scctieus, Mochanica, Hydrostaiica, Pncumatica, Optics, Electricity, Galvanism Magnetism, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, and Pbysiolo gy: Astronomy, includiug the calculations of Solar and Lunar lclipses, Occulaliens, Transit, sVc; tbe Method of Fluxions; Differential and Integral Calculus, and their application to Physioo-niathemelical Sciencea; Mcatal and Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric; the Elemeuts of Political Economy, with a short course of Instruction on the El meals of International and the Constitution aud form of our Govern ment Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Tactics Field Fortifications aad the Principles ef Attack and Defence, the Laying off of the Theory of Gunnery, with mode of formation, Pyro-techny, etc.

Aie. i FuU courses of lectures will lie given te the students on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and Astron omy, in which the aiKCirLEs of these sciences will a a a at' a- a a viip.i..i.:i:v..i.j..ii: I oe luusiraiea ey a gooa pmiosopntcai and Chemical the newlv invente.1 Patent VeVuS Tna the eve of a MTILLfor YSSSivSSS RveU BarSaid "A biographical, .11 .11 9 9 tfti wl 1 ll iiftii lf2 9 ft2 2 ft2r ft 4 al 1 axing the value United States Eagle, old emission Do do new emission. English. Do Do Seven shilling French Double Louis, (before 1786,) Do do Do Double Louis (since 17860 do Po Napoleon, or 40 De or 20 Do (dame as the new Louis Frankfort on the Main Hamburg Mxtta Double i. Do, Do'Deail Louis McTicaa Doublooos, Hollsud Double Ri Dollar.

Do Rix piece lWCCiLTbalera, Portuguese r-ovJOo panlik Donfcloons, before 1773, lo-rwdd 1750, Colawbiasi Doubloenav. EGAtlSA large sxsortainnt of the best brands aiwaya on aaaa. ir aaie dv 10 0ft a 67 1 68 09 4 84 15 .4 57 ,7 70 3 85 .8 27 a 27 9 27 4 83 33 .15 53 12 20 6 04 a 7 3 90 7 50 32 70 17 30 17 06 16 03 15 53 3T88 15 23 LAW PARTNERSHIP. CALVIN MILLER, of Panola, and WILLIAM SMITH, Bellmont, Panola county, Mississippi, ander the style of Mills Smith, have associated themselves together in the practice of the Law, for- the purpose of devoting their entire attention to the practise of protessioa. They practice in the Courts of Panola, Lafayette, Mar shall, Desoto, Tunica, Yallabusha, and Tallahatchie counties-, and ia the United States District Court at Pontotoc, and In the Chancery Courts held at Carrolton and Holly Springs.

Ail business confided to their care shall receive prompt and satisfactory attention They will also attend to a general Land Agency business for, non-residents, and those living at a distance such as examining and perfecting titles, paying taxes, Slc I axrrasifCES. i Henry, Laird i Ai Co, Stanton Ac Con Clark 61 Carrol BeUmont, Mia. J. H. Cullen Co7 F.

Barksdaie, Fuqua Adams Yazoo Citn, Miae. David Sbeltcn, Wm. Thompson, Eeq Judge Mays Jocisoa, Mite. i Robert McDewell Ellis St Foster, Goodwin Foster, Stafford Sc. Bartlett, John Parker, Gen.

Henry S. Foote Pfev) Orleans. David Park, Esq, Messrs. Nelson Sc. Titus Mtm-pis.

Tenia. i r- Eakin St. Brothers, H. J. Kirkman-JVflJltitIZe.

Samuel Kercheval, Esq. PnUtki, Tenn. PaUop, Esq. tfrnsUvtUe: Ala. W.

Probasco, Esq FlorcncOtAla, Henry Lomax Demopoli, Ala. 1 MtLbER A SMITH. Bellmont, May 24 1842 Aug 15. P. Communications aJdressedeitber to PaaoU wfl raeel with promptattentioa.

tf New Orleans Weekly Picayune.Nasbtille Ploreace Gazette, will copy the above to thi nffi i ior warn tnoir acoounts to tLMempkit Enquirer. oraajord all other kinds of Grain. This Mill is, constructed upon an entirely new Principle, and combines, in an eminent degree, simplicity, cheapness, and durability. In our opinion, and ia the opinion of those who have examined this Mill, it ia the most important invention of the kind which has ever been made. The certificate annexed to this advertisement will show tbe attention which this Mill has excited in this city, where it has been in operation a short time.

1 The Patent Vertical MiUa -will grind twe bushels and a half of corn, or three and a half of wheat, for every single hone power applied, per hour. The mill now in operation here, (which is propelled by steam, grinda Utrty bushels of corn per hour. The' Mills can be furnished at a leu price than any ether now in use and besides, oceupy a much smaller space, They can be worked by steam, horse or negro power, at the option of the proprietor, and are, every respect, wormy or the public attention. J. II.

MICCejK, D. II. TWOGOOD. Niwflu.rmi MarrhQI IRAQ QWe, the, undersigned, have witnessed the operation of the Patent Vertical Grist MilL now uuder the direction of essrs. J.

R. Miller and n. H. of this city, do not hesitate to ssy, that in our opinion, it is an invention tvery way worthy of their attention and patronage. We have witnessed the operation of one propelled by steam in thia city, the diameter of the stone being ouly twenty-ono iuches, and to our astonishment it ground at the rate of thirty bushels per hour, making fine meaL Hon.

Wm.Freret, Dr. S. McFarlane, Hon. J. Baldwin, R.

Cnrell, Esq. B. Whitney, Esq. I A. D.

Crossman, John Gedde. Esq. L. S. Houghton, V.

Sheldon. Esq. Aikin Sc Gwin, Vicksburg, Dr. D. J.

Rogers, S.Millor. S. W. McKneely, of East J. W.

til well, Esq. st. Lastman, Esq. D.Dana. Evnriste Blanc, H.

Klakesly, Jt eliciana, i Jas.Puech, Esq. Thomas Conner, Ky. A. P. Simpson, Paine Sc tochee, T.

E. King, Tuscaloosa, J. Evans, Gumsboro, Ala. J. Hope, agent Of the W.

P. Foundry, Press, Mobile, E. D. Crossman. Boston.

J.D.Knettle, J. G.jRowe, Demopolis, H. Lathanr, W. II. Lyon, Demopolis, Ala.

N. B. WhisOeld, Maringo TL Taylor, Sumpter coun- coumy, aib tv. Aia. D.

B. Richardson, Mount W. J. Stratton, St. Louis, Hebron, Ala.

J. K. Collins, Mobile, Hon Hoppin, Mayor Harrison St Blair, 1 of Mobile. "Smith Sc. CoM Mobile.

i 1 All orders for the above -mills, addressed to the Sroprtetors, box 36 Post Office, or to the care of D. Crossman, 24 Canal street, will be promptly attended to. I may 7. Cm 150 REWARD. Enticed away from me, and taken out of I mv noesession.

on Neneav mrt. the 7th of June, a negro girl named SARAH, about CourCthuVubCeXVho Brighrmulatto ha. a paper published Tin ltt Pwayue." 1 tulr sppearance tf.the eyea apparently the term of u.rle,n.once, rX. I cross eyed. Supposed to be Ukea off by Richard fendiut I-J.

lhe said da-' I North, formerly a stage driver, a man of middle size, philosophical and poetical works, Ac. In teachiag every suDjoct, particular care win taken that the tadeuta shall understand tbe principle of tbe sciences they are studying tbey are then able to apply these principles to any particular cases. Instruction will also Le riven en the aublect of Agricultural nemisiry, or toe application or chemistry to agricultural science. Terms of tuition will be fifty doltars a session of five months, or ten dollars per month for each and every month of tbe first session. Board, sixteen dollars a month, psyable is ed-vancet quarterly.

Washing, fifty cents per dozen. Fuel and lights for the winter, two dollars per session. Books, pens, ink pencils and psper at the store prices, 1 Wben it ja wished that clothes, shoes or money shall be furnished a student, funds foas this object, expressly, must be placed ia tbe banda of the Principal. i Students admitted from 13 to 21 years of age, and each ahould be supplied with towels and a -washbasin, aad his clothes conspicuously marked with bis name in full also, a single mattress and such bed clothes as may be needed. Printed Rules of Order" will be furnished for tbe information of parents and others concerned and tbe observance of the order of an Institution being so Indispensable to the harmony aud best welfare of all connected with it is particularly desired that bo student may enter tbe Institution who ia not entirely disposed to comply carefully with its regulations, as none would certainly be allowed to remain who did not conform to them generally.

An uniform will be adopted aa soon as tbe number of scholars will authorize it, and win be furnished at the tailor's prices. With the hope that the Southern public will see the importance aad utility of such an Institution in the South, the undersigned (who is himself entirely Southern in birth and education, having been born and raised on a plantation) expects to receive a liberal patronage, ALFRED HERBERT. v. 4 ear earners Maj. Gen.

Win field 8cott, U. S. A 44 Thomaa J. M. Genl U.S.A Brig.

Geo. Towson, Pay Master Genl do Gibson, Commissary Genl do; CoL Totten, Chief Engineer do; CoL Abort, Topographical Eagfheer do; Gen.Jl. Jones, Adjutant General' do: D. If. Mahan, Professor Engineering U.8.M.

A I remedied at Kemper College. The res id eat is Use father of the family, aad the teachers are the eWor brethren of the pepila. la lam preparatory department the boys neither study, eat, sleep or play without the preaenco ef Thia department is already ia secceaifu! operation, aad oow numbers on Us list between 20 aad JO pwpiW, wbo reside with and are instructed by ire teacher. Tbe year is divided into two terms of 2 weeks each, one commencing ob tbe first Mood ay of October, and tbe other on the first Moadsy of April. Tebms $180 per academical year, for which tbe Trustees furnish board, tuitios, beds.

beddiar, fuH. lights, Ac Washing ef wearing apparel, books and stationary are furnished, and the French end Spanish languaree taught, wbea required, at aa extra charge. Washing 50 cents per dozen Books and Stationary at wholesale prices; and $15 per term, of 24 weeks, for French or Ppeoisb. At tbe commence snaal of each term aa advance of $50 is requited of each pupil and if bis parents or guardian reside out of the county of St. Louis, the whole amount for the term, a a less soaoe resident of the couaty becomes responsible.

For further inforaaauoa, application can be saade to the undersigBod Committee of tbe Trustees, or ai ibe College. J. PPALDl.NQ, EDWARD TRACT, July P. DOANE. To prepare cur Ttlle craft ft .1 tend vl eea 00 which aha -i ws Jive pot upQbei nary a.J tprovrtnrole.

fc'aroa bar been ulea out and ly Cireatet Srteaaorrment Xtm and af tn rcglb ef Learn, and ber siertshAvt rru Bt. rially rDletxrd- Note itliatasdU)( tSe loerrsar i ui1t las njsy rrst arsorra toai tne Jacwt tEr- be cnaLled to Verk la eAavf vZe. i 1 mm minuiuir, tug Krta f7 ccctnmuoicstka wl.icb it be tbe dull, heavy vessels at f-r acting this port to est Cofmiasjoo astrchaus'aad eiiia freight ia the eLspe adrvrtisraarxta for the cccrvry traJ, wold ta a t' tnrrn on t-cari tl per, as ake r-ry eity io lie Histea, aatf diets undics. We reiterate te ihee fabaitra! -j Va cruise under tSo hUch tg i-. very brcsuse they rre tLeaueelTrs hth of irDorsucfl end sopenritioD a be rera-ri robcUso the opjxr decks of tbrir er'jih si oue we raj look wet 1 -v Mat a a JOlloitmceperS we rrcotnnsrofl la every ber roeimander rst to lesd 00 tbe teasrtfrrs To iIm lleaia of i'amdirs the trim m.

-1 1 anre 01 oar era it win nil ocjoa 1: Moot married fos bare tipeneocr tl -a of lifki-tporriAt Ve slislletidrtvwtotnsletbot; tie Hacbtlors, be ve to ahs tsgrs tf tbe proper rr taendiiiff uoable stats-ruom, Wti, i We shall seodopr boat aboard and ter BtaBserorcts; Iboe preny boats, which tnakeoor paaaAa ortr 1. life sodrlrchtfuJ. arnt shall es-" eocourse; as wecoceis tiai txa t. vessel depends upon kreniar bail Oo 6rsi lauocblnc tbe 'Vwywas" miatd lo carry a jrrctt cf tail la caee a warranted by a vfr from the prraa. TLr all tbe atorms which have raed'alnce Sa tailed she has boras en under iofl out evrr tirio takra sbacV.

and is sow r. A 1 at all the losursnce 1 eity. Our yWtrysiill holds rod, and wet iotenJ it shall run cvL Uroppiog our figure, and ratumaf tn rls lsnvece, we will now add that we rawai aske the rksycoe a veiiicls of fua, wtt-I a a cior sad sDUsueDi aaa a niue 04 every that's goiof on." It avhail be oardsJuLi crack jokra, to tell stories ia our owe ridkole fully, and. te correct tbe rDhABrrs age by exciting laughter afaia. them, this, however, we shall endeavor to avoij liceniibuaoess which vainly aerks lo bear 1 public by wounJtcg the ieeliers A portkoo of oor paper wifl be octoptrd mt camrtreheaaira stottcea ol all paaiae; rrftrts bavinc the pith of the oews of ibe day, a 12- 4 burdenavane details.

1 We iracbew partieaa yet we tul cominae to all public meeseree. Follies ia well aa ia social lite are epea to ridicnlr; wlxa the hutour suites ua we absll au rtv them, cq hklsrvrr party ibb ceuors it U' All locsl Murrrnrof rosrUarrrrataWi be promptly Dot iced, ao ibet onr dtatant eai era msysaee at a glance tha minis tars erarij wlik-h ta congregated iathMftnriorisRa With rbis exrwsf ef eur Inw-euoc, nj lo endeavor with unrcmiUir' Irfta. try fulfil tbem, loch wlib CPtti'- kt a continuance of that pbliof.a tu hitherto brea ao cordialU exirnJed te Tbe IVetUjf ric" in be i every slbnusy morntrg, at ajl per 1 pstsbJe io all esse ia advance: sad lain four aJditionsl cotosnsa, eaobram a so SrBtarcttUe vs. A. IV.

apoearini i.uc vhh, inau the uaiacuon 01 lenaii pieaa, answer or damn saia de- I oa or before the first dav of iw the actioB, rsrther low and well set in person, black hair and Court, to be held on tbe fourth it 'i11 TeTm hU 1 1 heard when growing his nose somewhat next, the aairf action win September I sharp, rivinr a pert look to his countenance; his judgment rendered sccordinrlV.1 "fe nud'Wht forefinger ia off at the second joint He has I 'the pronert I enticed Abe rtrl oiT for "lh. nnmun anUinv and WivNiss. Heurv Mouare. Jud8 iTL hi and peobobly ci.l Uitririr "1 1l" -Wi- sage to MemphU and tbencetowarda New ir.flV ZL, 7 -i." rvn Btoadair I vfrieanstv the -ivr 11,. n.

i rkU I u.rcn, at as court House-ef U- I wai riv. e'k rs wru iur nm rnturn 01 ua nerro bbwi ikA 1 ci and wn or wt. end a proportioaal iAII rendered I i '-T Tr conunement of either. County, and the seal of said Camn ay31 oamCm SAMUEL DAVIS, Clerk. H.

N. CARTER. a203t Mfla ai sneaifj 1 P. REYNAUD, 18 Elenvine st PlflAVIIVs? AW mm umx wu lf-TV AW 1. J- AS, W.

waUAi ItnVwl UUtDSMreil TIr till Tap rha I ta NulblBfh Junta lOAff Ply at tarn office. ah 12 dawtT I cice-SmSJ eecouattothi. 1 i 7rr lyiastw W. H. Bartlett, ProC Nat and Exp.

PhiL do; E. S. Courteney, late Prof. do do; Charles Davies, late Prof. Mathematics do Prof.

Bailey, ProC of Chemistry do CapC-Oasey, U. 8. late Actiag Prof. do Francia IT. Smith, Sap.

Vac. Med. Institute Ben. Hurer, Captain of Ordnance, U. Cape J.R.Irwin, Ass'tQr.

Matter do; Alex. D. Bache, LL.D, President Girard College; Gen. Jones, late Adj't Gen. Sooth Carolina Gen, Cantey, Adj't General do CeL Barnard Bee, Texas; i Hon.

J. P. King, Aarosta, Ga. Hon. J.

M. Berrien, U. S. Senate; Hon. John C.

Calhooa, do Hon. Wm. C. Preston, do Hon. CoL Sumpter, M.

South Carolina Hon. Wm. Cost Johnaon, M. Mary brad Ex-Governor Samuel Sprigg, do; Hen. Tbeo.

Bland, Chancellor do; Hon; John P. Kennedy, M. do; Hon. Ricb'd W. Habersham, IL C.

Georgia Hon. Thomas B. King, M.C do; Hoai A. Meriwether, M. Hon.

Jobs W.Wilde, Augasta, 'do -CoL WnvCummiBg, Aagusta, do; His ExceHeney Gov. Richard so Sojik Carolina Wade Hampton, do; i CoL Good win, Colambla, -de; Gen. Hammond, dej Hon. Judge Ilsrcr, dot His Excellency Got. McDonald, Georxia; Hon.

A. J. MiDer, de; Tbdrtss Gadsoni President Col ami ia Railroad Reverdy JohnsonEeo- Baltimore, MJ John- V. L. McMahoa, Esq, dot ssxoaI9tf PROSPECTUS OP 8T.

JOs'ETH'S COLLEGE, BABDSTOWW, (acarpcKV.) HIS lastiiutloa has beea ia operalioa since the year 1820. It soon became favorably known. and for tbe last sixteen years baa enjoyed a very cxieusive pairoosge. it waa incorporate aad empowered to confer Academic degrees by the Legislature of Kentucky La There ia but owe Session, including eleven snoqtbs, to wit from the first day of September to tbe first day of August. Students are received at aay time during tbe year.

The Branches taaghl-4a tbe Preparatory School are Reading, Writing, Arithmeue and English or am mar. Branch Taught in tke Ce-lUge Prefer Geography, with the use of Globes History, An cient aaa modern net otic ana r.locution a rem. plete course of Pure Mathematics aod of Mixed Mathematics, embracing Surveying aad Mensuration aiecnentcs, iiyorostaiica, Hydraulics, 1 aeirtnstka, Optica, Gunnery and FortiCcatioe, anJ Astronomy; the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Spsaiab and Italian Langu igea Natural and Experimental PhUoso phy; Logic aad Mental Philosophy; Physiology and Political Economy Music hod Dancing to which way be added Fencing aad Civil Eagtacering, wbea deemed necessary. 4 TERMS Board, Washing, Meadiag, Caadlee, Firewood, and Tuition in all, or any of Ike Branchea, per ana urn. ai vt a uiuob) suodo, in ue rrrparatory per annum, Tuition alone ia English Grammar, Geography, Book-keepiog, or Practical Purveying, per annum, Tuition in the Languages, Mathematics or Pal- loeopby, per annum, There is an extra charge in the class ut Natural ana bxpeumeeui rbilosophy, for the use and repair of intrttmeat.

ir ananar. of There ia also an extra eharge fir Music and Dancing, for each, per quarter. 10 General Rale and Rtgnlatiema. 1. Psymenu are to be made semi-aauaaOy, ia advance, for boarders; aad quarterly, in adrance, for day scholars 2.

No boarder ia admitted for a shorter time thea six months; sad ao deductive is made for abseace, ex'ept in case of sickneas. Stationary la furaiahed at $0, aad bed and bncU ding at $3 pee aaa urn. 4. The A rent ef the CoUere will furnish no fine clothiag nor boots, unless area Is ao Instruct kirn aad deposit money for that purpose. i.

He will close all accounts the first days of May and November, aad charge tatereet from those dales. 6. All letters writ tea or received hj the stedeeta are subject to the inspection ef the President, except letters from parents gnardisns. Students coming from other CoIUres shall be required to brief testimonials ef good moral sttsd-log. .8.

No stadent will, ia future, be received wbo wia not board ia College, ualeaa be have pereataera guardiaa la town, who will be responsible for hie good conduct. mil m.i...ImiU.. 1. k. 4Uil i.

LANCASTER, President. a xww ut the week, wMn wblierer uxrv-t tranrpirrs on Sunday. Tlwi perse ua at a stance wbo wIH care luor sulsctUxra, aud wen urn a JO 1. 1 io current money, ah al. tie a titled laooe trj grat r.

at OU paosnxres or Tbe) nertbrrm RtatwAarrAU THKaadcraifaed wpalLsk st CaMrvie.sW Rirr coeaiyTexas. wewhty arwapsper wA the abore title. Tke first number wi3 te siasstaa the lUm of Jsly esiBf. Tns Svavoaao will proa at le lis rea4es the latrA Items ef news, derived (rem tke cccjwarr and fiaas paaaerwaa eomwpoadeet cf kk 1 30 SO 10 ter.ecotHTpaiaMl iOi sack rweuaxka as Mm ihrts wt swggost. It wiS frody com meet epoa all p-i.

A aawvrateata coeaiag 11 ia lis cowasoaratiou. o4 ataad te sack aasttrr wU be btrk and reoelta, tepecsalty aacbewbg Us bigotry ef Vu and tbe iavrctive of the r-aruaaa, aad raAwi -at aQ tunes te draarve roaLdaace by the tbe atrait anoderato lows of Its ii raisiias Tbe paper wUl prvweat aeiectloa of avprar tnatxer from tke boat Egih m4 Aa-- perVodicala, with orcaAKl extracts from vC Ikterary and voentiAc works. In edditioa tbta. wilt be wulCsVed. 1 si Improarmeau la arricwllera 4 agncmlinraj aaBLs.

end geeereUy sack U-Crauos as ma bs vsluable te Ue farmer, the BwrdU aad tbe er.issA and to those he msy reesbiaa, sry ef ft--, the refined taste aad aceocapustimrs of is nmsj. TWe oditor will cxl rater snake tbe r-i4ri ao full a record of the acuoa cT tke saaaL, aad iWa jxJilieal, ccntMrcU! lS progrras of Ike people, aa to be a tyt erVnce at taa resource, eiiuauow aad prospocu of aud aa seek destrekle to ail tbqsa visvaS Vjm-v Ue eoadiiioa ef Texas, lib a vW tsi-iw. or for any other perpoae. He baa Vers awr Ui sis yeara ia Ue eoaalry, sad is celate4 vti charachrr aad latere sis of Ue dearest swettonaef a. Mcrckawt steamboat capteiba aad a4-seT baviar bcuiseae witk axv part Ue Vrf River coeutryf will fiad tke Standard, a eTT eruauig.

aa its rireeUtioa wt as otk in Texas aad Arkaaaes, ead 'Rr. Reference Right Dr. Blanc, Rev.J.MaUoa, I Mr. ritxwiaiaaa, New OrUa Dr. M.

Cacao. I Mr.Tkemas UsVa, OrWesa, Tmm Pleat uimePeebatwtry mud nstUaa: ,77 ciur iiiiir, WU12IE all werk ia tarn Use va be done with ueetaeas sad Aespmcb te order Eoeaa ef every deecripiioa Ce saia. lab I 1 tec 1 a as for asv verr rilrsuts. txith Will be ibe oely paper bevtag geoarnl elreaiaiaas BS the Bed altaer dttrtetof Texae. Tbe pore of tbe paper wiS be per en auaa.

In advamce. Jaas 1 A2t4a4tW CHARUg PE KQt TO TRAVELLERS Iharaii Kmrlmrn. TT.X, TlfE Tkia new aaA Item. oesn roa tbe ttnmos or wiarTras ea ue Jca, sn-XT. Tae clear, pwre water of tVwae frter.

erem.7 rawesnUieg those of Ue Wkna Pa'psar rrt at Vlrrtma. have bora proves ta te rtT eC la Rheemetic, Ctaoa, E.J:jas. a4 lrwr complaietsi aad, te Ue rwre i-rweeaa, tfcrofala, Lrrer rirU e4 grrrs? biUy; in anetiy dbar rr-s-s, as by seave of tha mort eaer I. 1 I rtf.i Ueroeatry, SlrKiasI aaJ tie -mw -awrpeaseo wmd betiwed te be Ui; 1 ex; Ue Uastad ftutce, Adi4 te Ueaa, the rides la Vxiry, rewa vUlr. ewteeaive vwvi, nmd roanxatsn acraarv.

ore aaaorr Ue au Uoaa ofrr4 le Uoae. aeakisf, sa Ue baai aver, cttker beallh er pleoswrw. TVee priara are bt bowrt rt toga. Trey, Albaay, Ac anJ art Caaalnkana. AA lia XTLi A 4 t'lioa kkiM miM Jiilt ami llj imlli if I aaa- tnis of ear tiatw Wartre ertA cowvey viaslers te Ue a i eagkt miiea.

arrtrlrf ta taxeptke frees l.i at 1 mt a a I Uaara, erary I JTf Aa a. CVJ at ef tl 4 1 ii nn II.

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