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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II i. CI; ailg pircinxrte. BY IX" "trV, KENDALL eh CO. ttaBM.iuiiBBMU.M.aouimeM Orrie Camp 8tm. TERMS OF THE PICAYUNE.

'felanlnilsas inwJ for weive months for SI tialf liiliJn, Sum cnuiaa IS Advsnjsernentis, not tea Lues, or tats, in Pemi, inserted lor i uie nm, sna to cent nrwrfniw saewt insert a. Thane of iiom length charged Lb oa the second paga Advertisements published at Intervals, Tlx i Weekly, temi Kiiy. vwiij or monuiiy, art nargrq tTlill 'naerriaa Anral discount will mads to those who adyerUst by the year. AihwHai ts, not specified a to time, will be published aoe month aad charged accordingly bat no adver aubscrintian will be atocned until all aa reaaaarea ara amid. at tha ontuia of tha nxo arictorm.

1 eaimsry nottcea are charged si per square. Nxw Cuuv Wi have pat a new carrier on tho route for ear subscribers In tho lower part ol th eit ir in amiaalona occur in hie service, we trust they will be asade known at the office, Camp street. Immediately. We' re indebted to the officer of the ptea'mer Chancellor for river favors. r'Wrn are) Indebted to the officers of the nmr a.

ay tor exaa papers. CJMr. Poole, parser of the ateamahfp Louhv lii" ha our tbanka fur Texas paper. Pr Alter Hat. Attention is called the advertisement of D.

W. F. Belden, at 5 Chartres street, touching the sale reduced jflices of their articles, as above named. MnxKAX BouifSABT CoMMtssioir. Lieut.

Col. Cot Emory, Major Bartlett, Lieut Bell, aud others connected with the Mexican Boundary Commission, arrived here yesterday from Texas. Waiu'g Fau CoMatrrrut. The Directors of the Fair to take place at New York in May uoxt, haT appointed a number of gentlemen residing la this city as a committee for Uie soutn anu West for the bosineas connected with the Fair. 'A meeting of the committoe.

whaie uamea will food in the advertisement in another eolu mil, will take place this erening at the Mechanic' t.las'Jtatav Krm OaucAKS Cmaxbck or Covivxacx. The officers of this Board for the ensuing year are J. a Woodruff, President Charles Briggs, First 'Vice President i VL Lapeyre, Second Vice Pre dent. 'The Committee of Appeals is formed of Messrs. J.

W. Carroll, H. Kennedy; W.S. Pick ett, R. B.

Sumner, Geo. A. Holt and James Green ''leaf and Mr. Charles J. Mansoni, Treasurer and Secretary.

1 Snppleaaent This Msraiag! Paper. Pxoat TBS Bio bawds. A correspondent of vs the Noecee Valley, writing from BrownoTille on iLth S3d mlt, says that intelligence has been re "ciTed from Monterey that the revoiuuon naa been proclaimed at. that place, and rumor has it that Carrajal is there, although one of his officers mutt be sear the frontier, as news bad been re. tivciTedthatCol.Montero,of the regular Mexican army, bad been captured by him.

He also says that the National Guards, who so nobly met the 'Y recalars in the streets of Matanforos, had been i ncompletely successful, tnarrived'at Maiamoro with the remains of his JU badly cat up forces, acknowledging that he had been beaten. When Cardenas was arrested at V.i Tula, Canalea aaeeeeded in snaking his escape. JemriBg in the bands of hi pursuers his hat, sash, sword, cane. aVe. What became of him was not kaowav hut it was reported that some rmncktr kbad murdered him.

This was not believed. The correepoadent of the Valley adds Oa Um 19th. Avalaa ceOicbtcacd the world by publishing couple af proclaaiarWwa one addreaard to his troops, and aba ether to the acopio of Marenaoroa. Tbe apcaaa of v. Taler, ranataarr.

adeUty and obedience tbe aecond tells the "dear people that their good is all be desires, and mKi Cn Ti Modi kind.heat. nhiluithm aooil They have mo effect, for they all know to what kiad of maatc be danoea. Tna Hifll MrtmirU Ceatra. The campaign may now be said to have opened in earnest It will be eea by reference to our advertising aolamaa, that the celebrated horse Wmit Hmmp Bmrrf and Piekmwmf will meet to day in a oatet of two anile heats. To those who know y.

tho pcrionnances and character of the contend Tothennini wo may say that Wade Hampton has 1 been a winner of four race this season, almost C' without a straggle; Berry has been successful three time, and but season ran the quickest two V. mils race ever run in America. Pickaway (un Massed nntU aow) ha also been, successful this i aeaaoa, aad is said to be in good condition. Old a tarfinoa are highly gratified at tbe prospects oi v'i'l the contest to day, and we shall be disappointed If not called apoa U) record a remarkable race. The coorae is said tb bo in good order, and all the appointments for the accommodation of 1 ladies ia perfect keeping.

We predict a brilliant opening for this meeting. in: Nkbvks. The most agreeable friends in the rworld may, by a judicious and persevering use of the facilities they enjoy, become eminently trou ,4. i. blesome aad unpleasant Of all these friends we 5 'wJ anew.

of, none more desirable in friendship, more terrible In enmity, than the one whose name we aave prefixed to thi article. We speak know iagly. He left na in anger, offended at a couple 4 of cap of coffee we drank against his advice, and na been over since engaged ia alarming and annoying as. He ha come np suddenly behind and given a rap oa the head sufficient to stag er an ox, aad left before we could look around He ha stopped, oar heart, and he ha set onr heart In palpitations that would have been fool iah to a lover. He ha produced a pain the right old and equalized it withanother in the left: aad oa arriving at Foster's Ferry stopped to take oacottoav: la attempting to land, tho wind blow.

lag hard, she ran oa aad at last accounts waa high aad dry, the river having fallen eonsid erabiy. 7TU Mmrtkm mukmfto Affair. The examina of the witnesses in this ease was proceeding at Columbua, Ohio, oa the 3d Inst On that day Mr. C. Barton was examined, and his evidence was laid, to be strongly against the prisoners.

CsTtoa Tho Port Gibsoa Herald says that Zvi.ipw oaie oi couonnavo been forwarded from tnai pisxe to uraaa wuu aaruig tae mot of December past, aad that the total amount for warded thl oeaaoa i 9M7 bale. fit aJ Zt Ci7 It is stated that the party under Lient if rage for the exploration of La riau and Para are making preparations to depart some tk time daring tho present month. River Ttessa. We take tho following items of ..1 ia, rirer in telllgeneo from the St Louis papers of s' a 1 i but himself in some form or other, he has re i inained by us, he has not left, and we fear will aot soon a may be desirable. To appease his i anger and once more stand with him upon a footing, we offer such daily libations of valeriaa and assafaetidas.

of Dills and nowders. a would long ago have propitiated tbe moot heathen of the old divinities. We give him this Botieo to quit the law prescribe thirty days i and if be not off then we shall bring an act of ejectment tbe most powerful that can be drawn from a pint bottle. tg The steamboat Allen Glover left Tasca s' loooa, oat the evening of the 3d inst, for Mobile, the 4th lnat.i A The steamer St Louis Is still detained at the 3 head of.TarksaT Island, there being too Uttie water in the river to allow her to come up. steamer Josiah Lawrence, in starting out oa Sundav afternoon last, was ran srrooua a tk sand bar at the head of Duncan's Island, mrs m.

a Atn aJT at lata linnrlnAt nivhL That 'TviurlwiBjd weatto her assistance early yester a day morning, and worked eat ner nearly ine auole day, but did not get her off. The utuo steamer fexceii, wmcn leu mis port a few day since), to ran in the Arkansas river traje, has returned ta a crippled condition, for Ia Rereading the river, when about a ve anile below the city, she broke a crank, wi id ontppaa her water wheel tn Lho river 5 14 "sceeaary for her to return for a new on, The Grand Turk towed her up. steajpahip Lonkiana, Capt Galvoatoa on tho Eth, brings ths following paaaeagere i Xit. s. Cat iwi.lj a.X i.

U. S. A iaior 1. S. Bartteta.

IteAtJiL ii'fv ry Conmia.oo vJVlT i aren.B.fcrun.m iwW uw, ier, bcraatoa heDderaon, Davenport, a. Vtaawnaod lvUace Muivy oa a sua (uuniaTva, fcjOWa 3 i T6 tfew Eriasfc Stlatarry. warn kabj, or Aaaapxan. The fbref ga accounts by telegraph nam the Earl of Aberdeen as the head of the new Ministry la England. The appointment is, however, not made.

meaning 4s, we suppose, that the Earl ho been commissi on ed to form an administration, and is making the attempt The supposition by which the statement is accompanied, that Lord Palme raton and Lord John Kaseell are likely to take office under Lord Ab deen. Implies an aaexpscted eombinattoa. has bee a erident, we thiak. er since the Derby Ministry was formed, that Its fate was in the bands of Lord Palm ere ton and the ConserraUTe who had become Free Traders with Sir Bobert PeeL, A a separate party, the Peelites had be ammarleallT small. A portion had returned to the and supported the Earl of DerbA and another portion, weaaea to ine nnan eial and commercial poucy oi on ovuon, wuuiu never cordially unite with Protectionists even under a pledge of acquiescence ia the policy as i ire risible.

These acted with tbe Liberausts in opposition to Lord Derby, but could not be counted as permanent allies of liberalism. Lord Pal merston, extremely able, eloquent and versatile, bad wrongs to retaliate upon Lord John Russell, and, in the close state of parties in the House, made himself felt to be a dangerous adversary and a most desirable ally. The union of Lord Paluaerston with the Earl of Aberdeen is, therefore, nothing strange, nor is there anything incongruous in their association with each other. Both were formerly Tories when the Tory party had name and strength. Both, have been Cabinet Ministers in Tory ad nunuatrations.

In tbe breaking up of old party associations, Palinentton, who had opposed Re form, joined a liberaf aoiniuistrution and tbe Earl of Aberdeen, an adhering Conservative, supported Sir Robert Peel in his destruction of the corn and navigation laws, and his ealabluto ment of free trade measures. The two thus became liberalized Comservativos, and their asso ciation in tbe same Cabinet not atjall aurpris ing. But how Lor John Russell, Uie very chief of the ancient Whiau. a Reforiuor, aud a Free Trader, mt Tigiu, whom the Conservative press has denounced as a treacherous radical, how be can sit with the Earl of Aberdeen, without an essential change of the professed principles of one or the ether, is a mystery which puzzles us. We are carious to eee how this will be explained in the Englifh press, if it be indeed true that the Earl of Aberdeen aud Lord John Russell are jnembcrs of the same Cabinet The new Premier, the Karl ot Aberdeen, is now far advanced in life, being sixty nine years of age.

His title is Scotch, and he is always called by it except in the division lists of the British House of Lords. He has the English title of Viscount Gordon, by which he is entitled to sit in Parliament. His family name is George Gordon. The Earl has great experieuce in public busi ness, especially as a diplomatist, having been the Secretary for Foreign Affairs several times in former Administrations. He was Foreign Secretary in the Administration of the Earl of Liverpool, that of the Duke of Wellington and those of Sir Robert PeeL American statesmen are familiar with him, for there is hardly any subject which' has ever been in controversy between the United States and Great Britain which the Earl of Aberdeen has not at some time been called noon to discuss.

His abilities are of a high order, and his personal character i that of a man of amiable and generous temperament If he has formed aaJAdmiaistraUon, it will, we are sure, take for it leading idea mat oi obstruction to any sudden or radical change in British institution; and with that view may be prepared with some administrative reforms and improvements in the working of the existing system but with the intent to consent to nothing which really increase the democratic element in the constitution. Declaloa oa the Uqaor Law. We find in our exchangee an abstract of the important decision against the Maine liquor law, which was pronounced on the 31st ult, in the U. Circuit Court for Rhode Island, by Judge Cur tie, of the U. S.

Supreme Court, sitting with Judge Pitman, the U. S. District Judge. The Maine liquor law, which has been re en acted ia Rhode Island, authorized a seizure and destruction of the prohibited liquors by the local constable under certain circumstances. The constable of Providence made a seizure nnder the act A citizen of "New York, who was inter ested in the property, sued in the United States courts to recover it by an action of replevin, and the argument brought up the constitutionality of the law.

Technically, the plea was that tbe act la a violation of the constitution of Rhode Island, bnt the clauses alleged to be violated are exactly the same in pnnciple a those contained in every State constitution viz the right of tbe accused in all criminal prosecutions to be to enjoy the right to a speedy trial by an, impartial jury to be Informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted" with the witnesses against him, and to have the assistance of coun. sel in his defence and not to be deprived of his property unless by judgment of his peers and the law of the land." This last phrase has been construed to mean, by due process of law. It was on these points that the decision of Judge Curtis was based. He stated that the right of property was infringed that the property was taken without due process of law that conviction was had without trial or the opportunity of defence, and the trial by jury was denied. Other objections were sustained to the insufficiency of the charge of offence, and legal defects for uncertainty in the specifications of the property seized.

The important points axe, however, as stated above. The opinion, as it reaches us, does not notice the points rawed against this class of enactments, in conflict with the constitution of the United States, 'in fo bidding citizens of other States, where the traffic in spirits is lawful, to prosecute or recover in Knode Island on notes given for that consideration and in obstructing, these do in some particulars, a commerce which exists nnder laws and treaties of the United States, and nnder the exclusive power of Con gres, for the regulation of commerce. These questions were noticed in the argument, but they are not referred to in the decision of the court. They will be, doubtless, reviewed in the Supreme Court of the United States, and judgment pronounced, which is much needed, upon the consonance qf these extreme repressive measure with the genuine principles of consti tutional liberty. PiCTTjmxs.

Passing along Canal Btreet the other evening, at a most leisurely pace, with an eye open to all things interesting and notable, we were attracted by an exhibition of oil paint ing, some of them very well executed, which grace the corner of Canal and Carondelet streets. We stepped in to examine them, and although the greater portion were poor enongh and well suited to the New York Art Union, now by the grace of the city defunct, there were, nevertheless, one or two paintings of considerable merit They are of a class' of things which interest us much. Even the poorest daub bas in it some thins attractive, as allied, no matter at what dis tance, to the transfiguration of Raphael, the Supper of Da Vinci, the cartoons of Angels and the products immortal of Domenichins, Pitian, Claude and Salvator Rosa, There are few good paintings in the city; indeed there are very few really good paintings in the whole country. Com pared with the works that grace European museums, palace and halls of painting, we have nothing, absolutely nothing. Allston painted some good things.

Stuart ranked high as a por trait painter. Inman got every respectable repu tation. Cole conceived and executed his Life," and Buchanan Read is said to have accomplished something very remarkable, but at present per fectly unknown. Beside these we might name a umber of other, some of them equal to the best wo have mentioned many a long distaace off, What doe it prove! Only one deficiency. To be sure great artiste are not inad to order any more than groat statesmen.

What we re gret Is that we have ao painter that eaa equal our none who do' with color what Power and Greeaoagh have accomplished with the chisel We are willing to await Heaven's ewa time for a Raphael aad Angela, bat do not experience the same patJenc with regard to a Lardnar, a Lawrence, or even a David, 1 E.7" Mr. Robert J. Walker la ia Washington; bnt i too anwell ta attend to baaine. He has a project for a railroad to' the) Pacifio from Lake Superior and asks of the Government a grant of public lands oa either aide of the mid of Its wn tXMtioa, Mv54ilS 'irrft TWotT Day lAter tfm Faaaa By the teamship Philadelphia we have et I Panama paper totneaum oj uecemoer iwre 1 An rm titer than oeiore rvceivecu i We notice report of preparation oath part I fGsn. Flore for another expedition agaiosfl Ecuador.

A passenger by the British steamship I Roa ota. from the South American coast informed I the editoa of the Panama Star that Flores is 1 gaged ia getting np another expedition. It is said that his army this time is to consist of Ameri enurely, enlisted in California, a large num ber of whom have already enrolled themselves lath ranks. The Star farther learn that two teamen have been purchased for the expedi tion, Dr. Salvador Camacho Roldan, who succeeds Gov.

Horrent at Panama, arrived in that city oa the 90th nit The mail steamship California sailed from Pan ama on the Slst ult, with the mails and a lull complement of passengers, for San Francisco. The steamship Cortes, of the Independent line, also with a full load of passenger, sailed from Panama on the S2d ult. for San Francisco. The Star, referring to a report that th affairs in dispute between tbe New Granadian and Pe ruvian Governments had been amicaoiy ar. ranged, says By the last steamer from Callao, we learn that it a orranvaiiinnta entered into bv the Peruvian Miniatnr Tavara.

at Bogota, have not been ap proved by the Peruvian Government, and Senor Tavara has been recalled on account ol the steps he had taken iu this matter, it mniuH that the Granadian Government holds an old claim against Peru aince the time ol Bolivar, and has also made a recent claim oiminKt ilia latter Government on account of the Flores expedition, both of which Senor Tavara, the Peruvian Minister at Bogota, had acknowledged as being justly due to New Granada by his rinvMrti ment. On receiving Senor Tavara's Bigualure to this effect, the Granadiau Government deipatcned overland, by way of Quito to Lima, Major Mateo aanuwvai, to ciaiui uio auiuuui uud huui wo ruvinn liivprnmRnL Ttia latter ilnvurnment at ones 'disavowed their Minister's acknowledgment of these claims aud refused payment thereof; the result of which was that Major Sandoval was obliged to leave l'eru oa the lout aleamer with empty pockets, and is now in this city on his return to llogota. What the finale between the two Governments will be, is hard to predict The war may yet come. Iu the same paper weliave the following ac count of a curious Peruviau relic, presented by Gen. Ramon Castillo, of Peru, to Capt Pederaon, late commander of the steamship Quickstep, who, it appears, intends to present it to one of the public institutions of the United States.

1 be Star says: Our friend. Cant Pederson. recently arrived from Peru, brought us for examination a day or two since a reinaraab curiosity. It is part oi a Pnnrha due from an Indian (ran at tha town of I Huacno, about sixtv nines from uni. lis texture is moderately line; and the rained flowers embroidered on it are as fast iu their colors as when first manufactured.

It is in itself a convincing oroof that the Peruvians were acquaint ed with the fabrication of woollen goods loug before the Europeans ever discovered the country. as there is no question that this poncho was buried with the body which it enveloped previous to 1532. The evidence of this is that it was obtained from a grave near that of one of the la cas and it will be remembered by the reader that when one of these sovereigns died it was the custom to sacrifice a large number of his at tendants, who were interred with them, that they might appear in the next world with their lormer aignity, ana be served witn ine spect as they had been in this. Tbe Star learns that Mr. Green, chief engineer of the British West India Mail steamship line, arrived at Aspinwall some lime since, with me chanics and necessary materials to erect for the company a permanent iron wharf, which is al ready considerably advanced.

The American ship Hampden arrived at Pan na, on the 86th ult, with a large quantity of railroad materials, among which was a number of carts. Operations at the Panama end of the istnmus raiiroaa, it is expected, win be com. menced at an early day. Tbe Star mentions a report that the new Gov ernor, Dr. Roldan, has express authority from the General Government at Bogota to make arrangements for the establishment of a small steamer to ply between Panama and the ports to the South, as far vs Buenaventura and also to make similar arrangements on the Atlantic, between Aspinwall, Carthagena and the inter mediate ports.

The opening of a communica tion with these places, especially on the Pacific, the Star remarks, will be of immense benefit in extending up the trade of tbe interior, and in creasing the business of Panama with the coast Mr. Rice, late U. S. Consul at Acapulco, who has been spending some time in Panama, was to leave for the United States, with his family, on the 3lst ult The Herald of the Slst ult announces the ar rival of A. B.

Corwine, U. S. Consul, to re sume hi official duties, which during his absence in the United States, were efficiently performed by his brother, David Corwine, Esq. In reference to the late earthquake at Acapulco. tbe Herald, of the 21at says We have seen a private letter from Acapulco, which gives no further information relative to the earthquake man nas oeen aireauy punusuea, ex cent that there was a great fissure in the ground.

from Which much smoke and a strong sulphurous vapor arose and that other shocks were anu i Dated. The same paper has the following awful knock down story. Durinr a thunder storm last week, we have been informed, that, nearly 800 head of cattle assembled in a corral on a hacienda," about ten leagues from Panama, together with the men who were employed watching them, were all struck to the ground by a thunderbolt that fell amongst them, but that lortunateiy neither men nor cattle received any injury. From Chili and Fern. By the arrival of the British steamship Bogota, on the 19th nit the Panama Herald received Valparaiso journal to the 30th of November and Lambayeque to the 5th of December.

The news from Valparaiso Is twelve days later than previously received, but it is not important From the summary in the Herald we glean the ollowing intelligence The capital of the Chilian Insurance Company at Valparaiso was nearly all subscribed. The company was expected to commence operations on the 1st inst The President of Chili bas published a decree. ordering the new law relative to the duties on the exportation of silver and copper ores to come into operation on tbe 15th inst The duty is 5 per cent on silver and copper in bars or ingots, and 5 per cent on silver ores called frits, and crushed ores in proportion to the per ceutage of metal contained The Mexican steamer Guerrero, late Com. StockteD, hhs been rechristened the Caupolican, and is intended to run between Valparaiso and vaidivia. Several changes are likely to take placo in the Uhiiian diplomatic corps.

A small steamer of 46 tons, called tbe Phos phoro, arrived in Valparaiso, on the 15th Novenr ber, in 1 20 days from Liverpool, of which her sailing time was only 48 days. She ia intended for the navigation of the river Maule. Sundry improvements are projected inValpr rawu, aim. uie railway progresses with much spine i there is no political news from Chili. The harvest will be abundant A few slight shocks of earthquakes had been ieiu i aw ieu WBrn rpDKnt pnn.wmrar.iji a rvr 1 HutuiKHii.

uwuz uiu uvsii inaae iauiornia. IT I If li 1. 1 QIC if jc DVPADnVD CDVAtal UNNATtraAZ. Laeceny. Maria Madelaine Cro qmre waa veaterdav arraated Uu lu m.

nii twm of JpaTing stolen from the trunk of her hither. Pierre 2eboias Cnxmire. in 8t Ana street, tbe ansa of eioo. The a.aer aiso cnargea tne a sue nter, Marie, with having aid napped and inveigled his other daughter, Marguerite. hbeach or Txust.

A man named Guillasse was yeaterdn arrested, in the Second f)i strict, en the chre ef hnvtog committed a breach of treat, by having WW" bis own aas ear that bad beea Intruated gaus. aeau naguens tor the purpose of baying inhttlttno a Last. Patrick Daily was yester oay ureated and taken to ths Second Diatrict Calabooae bv Proesod, foe having, while in the Bayen bridge 1 ii lauiiia aaaae onr ner ut tne Assadxt wrra a zUrvc. Thomas Locy was ha vins oa track John examinas before aVacorder Genoia fcr wIT i. iTv aasaaited and asassi sriaai SB al 11 llTSs A QM aaaOCwBl District Court.

lammxm was Beat before the Pint tAXTOvx. jean nerra Ooerro was veaterdav fhexga hsviug, fa (tliirUlXSS The Sranawo a i WATctntAit. William Johnoon wws jibi my uiaigia wan aai lug, mj list i i the ciab from oos watchmaa and heat named Leonard Aiaioue ever the head with I bead Weed basis', sod all with the intent to a 1 JISU, AW a 1 ket ta as I aWMSJBJl BI arTrs another ooe' it, aaaaiaa Uia OS tltV? caitic. 4 1 5. IORBIQN ARK.

BIS rBvlis Katioa Yoax, Jam. 1L The Liverpool cotton mat was dnlL Prices ruled la Uvor or ta yer. Sale of 7,000 bale for the last two day; mostly tha trade. Fair Orleans, tta. Middling.

Floor market aachanged. No change ia tno corn market. i'T'''' 'l TbemancBOKer irao is ramer quiou i. Tho Now is if Una ailMisti y. NnrYou, Jaw.

1L Premier, the Bar! of Aber deen; Russell, Foreign Secretary; Pakneraton. Home Department; Duke or New Casus, Colonial Secretary; Gladstone, Chancellor of tho Exchequer Corning, Postmaster General He bert, Secretary of War. The Marquis of Lands downe is also in the Cabinet, bnt without office. Earl Granville is President of tho Council; Sir James Graham, First Lord of Admiralty. The Earl of Aberdeen has announced to the House of Lords the policy of the Government conservative, but nevertheless liberal.

The Earl of Derby signified his intention to sup port the new administration in all useful reforms. Terrible usue. There have been terrible gales in the English channel. Ship Conway, for Liverpool from New Orleans, ashore, and in a dangerous poeition. Ship Manilla, bound to New Orleans, out water edge.

The Childe Harold, also bound to new Orleans, lost mate and crew. Many vessels re turned. The uom'uia'ioa of Prince Jerome as heir to the throne fails to give satisfaclion. Australia. Steamer West Wind, from New York, arrived at Australia hi sixty slays.

Congressional. Washington, Jan. 10. Nothing of importance was. transacted iu Cong re a to day.

The Clayton Central American treaty was under discussion. The House paused the Senate bill to fill va cancies the regency of the Suiithsouian In stitute. BaJtliaore and Onto ltcUIroad. Baltihobx, Jom, 10. The Mayor aud City Council of this city, the President aifd Directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the Governor and Legislature of fifty members of the Virginia Legislature, and seven hundred other persons, left Baltimore to day for Wheeling, to attend the formal opening or tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

JA trial trip has already been made on Ibis road, the train running through from Baltimore to Wheeling in fifteen hours and fifteen minutes, inciUuw stoppages. EU. Pic vv 8 Steamship Arrival. Mew Vosjc iu. The ateauiship Northern Light has arrived, frum Aspinwall.

Haprcnie Court Decision. PMiLAOKLrHiA, J. 10. The Supremo Court of Pennsylvania has granted an injunction restraining the Franklin Canal Company from lay ing or using any railroad from Lake brie to the Ohio line. Death, or liaanonn.

Niw Yobk, Jan. 10. Thomas Hamblin, man ager of the Bowery theatre, in this city, and con nected with the theatrical profession for the last thirty years, died on Saturday evening of a brain fever. Fire In Now 1 ork. Harrer Sc.

Co. 'a wire factory, in New ork, is horned. Loss about $100,000. River IntelHsence. CnrcMWCATi, Jan.

la The river has fallen about 14 inches since last evening, and is still slowly Indications of more rain. Prrrsauao. Jan. 10. There ts now scant a leet inches water in the channel, and the river still falling.

Louisville Jo, a There is now 1 1 leet water on tho falls, and the river yet tailing rapidly. Tbe following steam boa ta have led here for New Orleans Tte Gulnare, the New Orleans and the Alex. Scott The John Simonds has repaired the damages sustained by the reoent explosion, and also left to day for New Orleans. The Win field Scott, the Reindeer, the H. D.

Bacon and the Arctic have arrived here. Louisville, Jaa. 10. The Falcon, the Gen. Scott, the Mary Hunt and tho Buckeye have arrived and the Oulnare, the Bride, the Ohio and the Mora Castle have departed for New Orleans.

The river has failed 5 feet during the last forty eight hours, and there is now scant feet water oa the falls. Weather rainy. AsrusxMXNTS This Evxsino. St Ckmrlls Tk ah Last night but three of Miss Julia Dean. She ap pears in the interesting play of "Adrienne the Actress." DeBar and Mm.

Potter in the three of Sketches ia India." flKKk'i rortcfw. Third night of the drama of Char lotte Corday." 'lie Lola Montez appearing in It She also performs in the Bpidcr Dance." Sir Wm. Don in Who Speaks First." FrnuA Open. Rossini's celebrated grand opera of Othello" will be performed to morrow evening, at the Orleans theatre, fur the first time this season. Bordas and M'me Widemann appear in it Jmtritmm Tkaafrs.

Last night but three of the troupe of trained monkeys, dogs and goats, the whirligig maa and the kaleidoscopical illusions. AfeaW Sam Fraarlara. Memam's model can be eeen at the Odd Fellows' Hal Steamboat Dkps.tuks To Day. For Iask vWc The Nashville, Capt. Bellsnyder, leaves at P.

M. Agent, Thos. Hamilton, 13 Carondelet street. For Attakapa: The C. Hay re, Capt li M.

Agents, Hail at Rodd, 4 Front Levee. For BaJhe.Tht Fashion, Capt Fagot, at 5 P. M. For Baou Java. The Emperor, Capt Cotton, at 6 P.

M. Agents, aee advertisement StkambHif DKFAATuans. For Aesj York, HawatuL. Tbe V. S.

Mail steamship Cherokee, Capt Baxter, leaves UKday at 8 A M. Agent, J. R. Jennings, ta Magazine street For Galtnton and Matarord Bow. Ths U.

S. Mall steamer Texas, Capt. Lawless, leaves to morrow IAH Agents, Harris Jt Morgan, 79 Tchonpitoutaa street. For Armlnchicvla. The America, Capt.

Aahby. leaves to morrow at 5 P. M. Agents, Wood A Low, 37 Nate hex street The Kibst Distsict Nioirr School. The re cently instituted branches of this valuable institution opened last night The school for girls will be continued, as heretofore, at the Franklin School House, 8t Charles street That branch of the boys' school for the district lying between Canal aad Delord streets, will be located at the Marshall 8c boot House.

St Mary street. The branch for the district lying above Delord street and between the river and Kayadea street will be located at the Jackson School House and the branch for the district above De lord and back of Kayadea street, at the Jefferson School House. School of the CHnisTLAN BaoTHsas. The semi annual examination of the pupils ef this school, and a distribution of prizes, will take place to day at 10 A. at the Lyceum HalL A CoaaxcnoN.

Mr. L. Placide Canonge, con nected with the office of the Courier and Superintendent of the Third District Public Schools, requests us to correct a statement which appears In Cohen's Directory for lHnA. to the effect that an anolicacion to him tAimnlir a 'list of the locations of the Third District School Houses. was answered by Mr.

Canonge saying that he did" not know where they were located." Mr) Canonge says that tbe truth of the matter is, that an individual, whom he did not know, called on him one day and asked for the residence of tbe directors of these schools, to which he replied "that he did not know." We find a fuller statement of the matter published In the Bee. Pointed Pen. Mr. B. M.

Norman, at Na 14 Camp street, is the agent for tbe sate of Fife's pa tent oblique pointed gold pen. We have tried It and it strikes us that it is the nearest approach to a good quill pen tnst we nave yet come serosa. vi anu iiaaniAinvn 1 ZLZUUrM. ht xt zneomceoi uiia una naa oeen remove a to tne room in the St Charles Hotel, at the corner of 8t Charles and Oravier streets. The advertisement In fer gives further particulars.

Boox Keetiko roa Plantxas. We call tho attention of planters to Mr. Dunlop'a advertisement. Be has organized a set or books tor plantation use. Tvpe Foundbt.

We call attention to tho advertisement of Mr. Green's type foandry and printer's warebooar. it gives a good description ef the an aliment of new type and new styles be manufactures and has oa hand In New York and this city. His warehouse here ia at No. 43 Canal street CiT Messrs.

J. A. Beard May sell this dav. at o'clock, at Banks's Arcade, the following described l. For the estate of 8x01 Bhakenware.

deceased, a house and lot oa Bartholomew atreet. A For the estate et Tboa. Newsham. a earner Wat aa Common and St Marc streets. A very choice lot of ground situated coraer af Caaal sad Philippa streets.

4. A very choice let ef groand formlnz' ths eorner of Paydraa and Bertrand streets. A deatraaie two atory frame dweUlns aa St labva streets Fawrth Dletrict, spoosits.ttia residence ef J. W. De han, near the market.

Aha, arverajslaTea. ee adhrrrtumenfav 1 1 1 4l. "I 1 r. 1 9 mm. IM to at I rLeUl.

Hani waa mkd A rWl I tSOAr.D nw AtDaairxif. Thi Board met last erminoat t' boar. CI ai borne. President r. Ine fonowuuj aaemsera ware vseuti Co home, SewelL Clarke, Bark, Vood.Lnr x.

i arriaaodGlqoet a i i oaa His Koaor She Mfr. ealline uie a Board to the ner realty ao point Dflhe es eleetio for the Joaoee of faaTFeaca, tn i .1 vaoucr caused by the raajnasaon. en of Juge Alexander Partes. The eohject eras laid ever tot the moment aiXraaaaiiaMeai tor ths McDeaosh property. The anoteot eras iaia owr aaca TheJointt anrtinnment Cirmmin of bath Boarda relative fee the a Hant afthe tax fcreayuigthe interest the a Mad loan, made their report.

They reported that hd a. toterviewU JTSZtTZX SrteTlaat reek by xldcriaa Converse, beinj apportioned introduced by aim, with the exception of a sughtditter eiiS iaefareioe othe Third District. The rr port wee received, a nMinanec.ahnUarto the one we mentioned last week! apportioning ths tax far nayinr the Interest on me ljnaonaaieti IlaerSaa Claiborne moved that the ordinance ofAlder mu Converse he referred to the Finance Committee with Instructions principally aa follows i inai ine vw nMw anil the of the sinking fund be added to the property of the whole city, and expended for the reduction of the debt previous to liUB. AJso that all contracts of a local character pending the time of the consolidation of the city, be ascertained and the exnense of auch'contracta he charred to each Dis tri4 enarjracta. That the amount of taxea collected iu 18M from the different Districts be credited to the Districts for which they were collected.

Alderman fMaihorne exnlained bis views at iemrth. aranine the Just nu nf hvir annlication to the Third District. Alderman Converse explained and replied to the objections against tbe ordinance. ancr. AHiermaa warn wianea to proceea to levy mi mice, bnt to netitaoa the Lesnala omiiiiaaioner to settle the accounts between the differ ent Districts.

Tbe question, after a protracted debate, was finally taken on Alderman Claiborne's motion to relerthe aiiniw ta the Finance Committee with the instructions introduced bv him. The vote to refer was carried by 6 yeas to 4 nays. The Hoard then adjourned. Boaxd or Assistants. This Board met last tl.

PrMiHent and twenty membera nreaent. A ineaaage from the Mayor waa read, vetoing the reeolo Hon authorizing the aale of the contract for running a draining machinr in the Fourth District, on the ground it w.iil.1 i r. with a nrevioua contract. A message from the Mayor waa also read, notifying the Council uY the necessity of holding an election lor an 1 1 1. 1 in.mi,n.

Jadse Derhf s. reslsned. Thrsc messages were ordered to lie ou the table, subject to call. TitaturtrU Scau MontUM Report. fin hand at tsst reuort 1.027 11 RcctuvcJ since.

Total S07.4M 41 Disbursed Balance on hand, December 31, 1852.... tXi A inniiiiiinlrotiiin aavaia ksarl fmtn tha Comntrntler. ad vUinit tbe Board of adjudications made by him. Ecferred In tW nn and IiandinsM. A communication from the Surveyor relative to certain improvements in the Insane Asylum waa read and referred to the Committee on improvementa and Buildings.

A communication from the Surveyor waa read, advising the Council that the Orleans Navieation Company had commenced widening the Canal Carondelet and Byou St. John, and were entrenching upon the public property of pub the tbe city in their work. Referred to Streets and Landinea. Committee on A letter waa read from the City Attorney, In reply to the inquiry wuetner unoer ine cnaixer oi ioc cuy a reaoiutiun autlmrizine tha Mavor to enter into a contract, tbe sale of which bas been authorized by the requisite majority and the contract been adjudicated, must be passed by a ma Jnrity of the whole Board, or by a majority of thoae pres ent ana constituting a quorum, nc Attorney gave it aa his ooinion that a maloritv of those present and consti tuting a quorum waa sufficient to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract wnicn naa oeen previously aujuui cated. The quarterly report of the Fourth District School Board was received and referred.

The report of the fines collected by the Recorder of the trst uisinrt was recei vea ana reierreu. fttUioru. Krom sundry citizens residing in tbe vicinity of Magazine Street Market, Fourth District asking for a plauk road ou a portion of St Mary street, for a more con venient access to the market aud also asking that tbe market be painted. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Landings. From suudrv residents in tbe rear of Galvez street, ask ing that streets be opened aa tar back as the Metallic Ridge.

Referred to the Committee on Streets and Landings. From several fire companies, asking for appropriations. Referred to Fire Committee. From three hundred property holders and residents, iu favor of the granting of the charter to R. It W.

Hill is. lor the construction ol a railroad through toe city, re ferred to the Railroad Committee. i From sundry residents in the viciniry of the Port Market, Third District, complaining of the selling of vegetsr Dieson tne sidewalks near tne marxet aa a nuisance, tte ferred to the Police Committee. A few other petitions of no particular interest were read and referred. The Board then took a recess for lislf an hour, to await tile action of the Board of Aldermen on the ordinance im nueine the conaohdated loan tax.

On assembling after recess, it being understood that the Board of Aldermeu would be occupied the whole evening with tne ordinance, tne zioara aojournea. H.E COURTS First Distsjct Cottbt. Judxe Larue. Crimi nal Trials Ytttrrdao. Anthony Wood waa convicted of stealing a watch, valued at $10, from Edward Anderson, on the November last.

Henry Schmidt waa convicted of stealing a gun valued at SsO. from Frederick Kecstner. on tbe itsth October last Wm. Meyers was found guilty of stealing a pair of shoes worth S4, from Peter Ulsasrr, on the lath rtovemoer last. Ellen Ryan waa found guilty of steeling a ham, valued nr.

iu afc 1 WW uii in. i Augusta E. Frry and Emtle Meyer were convicted of stealing a Dorse vaiuea at ana a ouggy vsiuea at S3U0, from Joan Alien, en tne stn novemoer last. FotTBTH DlSTXICT CotTBT Jadjft Rtfnolio. TKe Rattia Cm.

Tbe aecond trial of this celebrated case, in which Paradlae, Lawraaon Co. are plaratiSs, and the Bus Mutual Insurance Company and two other Insurance companies are aetenoaate, was coaajnencea ester as Before a lurr. A verdict and Indrment were obtained on tbe previous tnai sue toe piaintura. ina case coming oerore tne su preme Ceort. was remanded for a new trial Arrival at the Principal Hotels Jan.

11. ST LOOIS HOTEL Pratt. Mrs Field. Rev Melbarn, Summers, Mobile) Weaver, Lock ett. Aja Ring, King Jr.

Dummett. Lee, Duncan. TtsbeU, Cal Day, England A Vamer, ragb, ind in Ludlow, wenaei, A ztarrtng ton.NOi Rev young. La; Mott. NY; Carries ton.

Ark Bartlett DrrH Webb, Radilminski, Jacobs, Force. Hex Bouncary Commissi on; Mrs 8 asmse and family, Joust VERANDAH HOTEL Gerr Coast Smith Sr. Smith, Jr. Austin. Mobile; Falfbod.

Ooree and lady, Mtas Ooree. Miss Mcore, Copland, Alaj DrJ CatliB, ttnexner, tt Long. Tunis, j. Davidson, Bast. A Harris.

A Pens, aimer, 3 Morris, Roberts, La: A Andrews Jr. Andrews, Armstrong, Turner, a Newton, A Robb. Ind Ludlow, NO Bell. Va Mott, Greene. NT Rirkland.

A Alford.Dr Pollock. Miss: OW Hanaon. Ala Strobel, Krenser. Olbam and son, Bev Burleson and lady, Texas CoiC A Msy. Msj Emory, Lt Bell.

DBA Knowlton. BoaoJ Houston, Clark, Gardiner, U8 Boundary Commission Orely. Mrs Halbert and child, Mrs Randte dud daughter, Dr Carry and daughter. CITY HOTEL. 8 Batlef.

A Sibley, Bawen.W Wilson. Csl i Warner, McOehee. Miller, A lrew, Hasan aad lady, Pike. Humphreys, IT at nosmer, li: uoram aci isay, lv. sry and family, Pi aev.

Mtss: Hail, moo'le Cranston, Texaa de Yarn pert, Mobile Yentress, I Terrv. and hnrv. Edwarda ARCADE Vaugban. Collin. La A Clark, A Bel).

Hammell. Panama Kaney, Na naCitv: FIcClellan. San Jose: Williams. Ri4 welt, Rid wall. McDade.

A St Ixiaia Parker. Md Hafgerty. Culler, NO Hurley, 8 Mattinsly, Johnston, Boar. Hickson. Cal Dr Gould.

NG Weaver. Seima Caldwell. Tenn Reedy, 8 Hook, Msa; Fianders. Woosti r. Oakley, BI i Hirers, Texas Lane, Lockett, ut t.

VI el seger. The Ureat Kemedy. "The discoverer of a great remedylor a formidable dis ease, has no right to keep Its use from his fi llow erf urea. So thought Dr. M'Lene, when be waa induced to ofiVr his great medicine for worms to tbe public A profound nhv aiclan, enjoying a very large practice, his sense of duty to wards suffering humanity outweighed his fear to be con founded with tbe herd of quacks who impose upon Ihe public weir worthless stuff as patent medicines He therefore induced by BUdd A Druggists, to dispose of bis ngut as discoverer i and this best ol all Vermifuges is now tor saie in every vlllsge and Iowa ol tbe country.

It Is tbe sovereign remedy tot worms. saTForsaleat I SCOVIL A MEAD'S, I 111 Cbartrea street. New Orleans. Wholesale Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders mast be addressed. Also told afell respectable Drug Stores In this city.

Jail 6t3dpatltW New York World's Fair. The Board of Directors of the Great Fair to be held ia May next, at New York, have appointed the following Committee for tbe Southwestern States, resident at New Orleans: James Robb, Msunsel Wbite, Lucius Duncan, J. DeBow, Hon E. LoSere.A VL Holbrook, W. A G.s quet, Alex.

Walker, W. N. Mercer, Cbas, J. Leeds, H. B.

W. Hut Newton Richards. A. F. Axson.

Tbe Committee are to meet THIS AFTER NOON, at o'clock, at the Mechanic's Institute, Philippa atreet, near canal street. Jalj lucp A Perfect Pea, at Last, at NORMAN'S 14 Camp street FIFE'S PATENT OBLIQUE POINTED GOLD PEN. The excellence of a well made Quill Pen if acknowledgvd by all, hot few are aware that the causr Is that it bends laterally at the point, In making shades, and becomes aa oonque fen. The ordinary pen, when fine and well made, is a perfect Instrument for the BACK. HAND, for tbe split snd the shades, or downward marks, are there in a line, and the pea does not score or scrape the paper bnt It is Imperfect for writing of the ordinary elope.

Teachers ef Penmanabip always d'rect the paplla to bold the Pen so that tbe top win point over the right shoulder, for by so doing the split and shades are brought more ia a line; but still, when held well," there is from IS to 36 de grees difference between the aplit af the pea aad tha down ward marks. W. FIFE'S OBLIQUE PEN obviates this difficulty, lt carves or deflects from IS to 3 degrees to the tight at that point where it cornea in coo. tact wttn the paper, and te as perfect aa inatrament fbr SLOPED WRITING, aa toe straight pea ia for back band. orinioni or wtuiuiu MASTERS a aiwi engagea teaching than forty years, I am quite familiar with all the kinds of Steel and Gold Pens which have been af fared to the public, and however good some may be, I have found nana in any way to compare with voar tin Pui aid Pea.

Yon appear to aadentaad the only correct principle apes which the pen ihooid be made, to area MaU tbe elasticity aad ether advaetsges af the best made Quiil Pea. Years, respectfully, B. H. RAND. Tbe Oblique Potated Gold Pea Invented by Mr.

Fife is a decided improvement apoa the ordinary pea, aad ben eaaally weU max better work in wilting af the aa a. SLurrr. EXPORT OP THE JUDGES af tha Frank! ia Inatttuts Exhibition. (After speaking well ef ether Pens.) Gold Peas, by W. Fife.

These Pens, for atreagtb fXif th. mwmtm. ia uw sutuoitiea. 3 "atvaato snperlor to Brown's md suaiwaaaiaaiVKa v.f lan BMip PIOWOl AvaUirostal Catajaarry. New Orleans.

Daiawihes a tana Bubfsaiberg to tho capital stack of this Company art I the of ts I I I aaA If Baa. aavaahn I I a .1 SBfLlSJall Hmn am tntM ltwaTmIraa.aatiaaw aaaV A I Evl ll" tailiaui I veninro oa oranrs 1 "1 V' "Ufc 1 1 I i "arn, i anoaia do very nanny fc da SO, hnt I 7 7 "7.n I 13. a ft AT OW BI I a rw a. rf T'" JOEH CHAW I Bsa, en Titr lim Oc.ia Liverpool; CHART' iTiiJ SEJL. fct Chs'rrT' tu lianatv i1iaiiaa II Richard Koastitaa, Est).

Edward Johnstoa, ceo, aaipo David Cannon, saq. WiiUaaa Claxtam Eaa, Tboaaaa Dover, Eav Raaer Lyoa Jones, rso, iifkwreace, a iV Praacis iaxweiL Swaree jut well, Xaa. Richard Barnard. Kaa. Bobert Clhsaa Hamy, Eaa.

Tboaaaa Dyaaa Hornby, Aaq Babert lacAndrsw, Esa. CdmaaS Maiyaanx, Wiluam Smith. easrfS B. iiaraaill. aaa.

John TerrKea. Actnary Percy M. Dove.Xaa. Available Csoital TTS MTLLIOH TM1T.T. ittd raid ap Capital BgYBWTEEM HUNDRED AND riTTT nuuBAii iMMiia aa The sabscrlhea bavins beea apvotatad Asent a aapoutea A(ent Bar tn Hliai abas Liverpool Iaaa.

I to accept aUaka, aad laaae lose er Jsansgs fraaa Firs La aoeve weaitny ana nigniy i ranee Offlce, Is aow prepared PoUdaefor Inearaaca acainet I eltv af Mew Orieaaa. aad aa the asset liberal The verv laree caoital added to tbe individual HaMUtV every stockholder to the entire extent of bis property a perfect guarantee to the Insured of his safety ai ut va The asoal aoateasent maae ts piece una company a Dolicies on a par wttn toe mutual otncea; sas an seitia Jl ires U1SEE. AmbL St. CWlailtnet. dl 01 Smfel pins i China de Boltoo, WHOLCSALK DROQQISTa AND AFOTJ3CCARIES, aad Importers of Cod Liver OU, Perfumery, Fancy Toilet Articles, Brashea, Colognes, of varioas brands i French sad Enstiah Chemicals.

Madicilie Cbeatx Also, a farge variety el Burgeons' Instruments, which they offer oa the enoat reasonable terms to Plaaters, Physicians, Xercuanta, sc oai sdDSmSanWAF 1. AillAitraMl luiiitn. uj 111 First end Second Claaa will be held at the Hall of the Louisiana Hotel, on THURSDAY EVENING, the ltth fust, at 7 o'clock. All are fa vlted to attend. oma at.

uiouuiui DAN. EDWARDS, Secretary. JB7 sopi 1 OlastazineM. Just received at J. C.

MORGAN'S. Exchange Place, adjoining the Poet Office. HARPERS' MAGAZINE for January. PUTNAM'S do. do.


JOURNAL OF 8C1ENCE AND AST 4br January. MINIflE MECHANICAL DRAWING BOOK, for SeU Instruction. JanS It SdpAltW Lyon's Kathturon, The most deliabtiul tailet article and effective remedy for asnuruu, nervous bmumuk. mjb u. mm wi m.h, in the world.

Jt requires but one trial to aatialy au. Bold by tbe trade generally throughout North and South Ameri ja, Bnrope, i cents. ca, Europe, ana toe laianae ot toe uccan, in uu ge vmn E. THOMAS LYON. 161 Broadway.

N. T. Bold at manuiacturer prices, oy Jal Widp J. WRIGHT 161 Cbartrea it More SliU Ciood Shirts. Just received at I.EIIiHTU?! ITU.

B. fresh supply of excellent LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS aaeains ail the anoearance of a S3 SO aliirt. and suitable any centlemana wear, offered at tbe astonishing price of si xo eacn at C. LElu HTon a GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Ja9 Sdptf 8.

W. corner Canal and St Charles sts. The Cabin and Parlor. This admirable work tbe only answer to the notorious book of Harriet Beecher Stowe continues to meet with tbe full approbation of all Southern readers, and the fairs of the work throughout the whole Union are un precedented. A new supply just received and for aale at flVSBIH'l, BOOK.

ESTABLISHMENT. Js 3ttdp 14 Camp atreet Wlrar)si fnandian Vernlffge. This medicine la acknowledged bv all who have need It to be tar superior to any of the kind heretofore offered to tbe nuhlic for the exnalsion of worms from tbe alimentary ranal. and beine more aalatable than any ether if more eaaiiy administered, it not oniy aescroys worms ana in vigorstes tbe whole system, but it dissolves and carries off the slime or mucus, so prevalent in the etomeca or boweal of children, more especially those ia bad health. Tbe anal forms tbe bed ar nest in which worms produce their young, and by removing it, it is impossible for worms to re main in the body.

It is harmless In its effects oa the system, snd tbe health of tbe patient la always improved by Its ase, even when ao worms are discovered. Phvsirtsus eenersllv now use WINER'S CANADIAN VERMIFUGE Tbit medicine Is a simple vegetable pre paration, ant ran always be administered sua pertert aaze. ty and confidence aa to tre result, as lt will always destroy warms and restore the nitient to health. Over one thousand cerrjucatee have beea Bert to the agents from planters, merchants and pfaysiciana, bearing testimony to tne rmcacy oi luis uuaiuote remedy. Ear Prenared only bv J04N WINER.

MsnofactnriruT vi arraniea au caaea. Chemist ana wno esaie fragrisT. niminon, Sanson west. far ooai wnoieaaie ana reran, et wianuran areas prices, oy j. WKittHi a 1S1 Cbartrea street.

New Orleans. Ja9 StSdp Under the Orleans HoteL Bellinc oil at Cost. Mratsnjt BALDWIN A CO offer for sale the esttreatech of the late Arm of H. E. BALDWIN A CO.

AT COST. slating of every description of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, MILITARY GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES. Ate, Ac Tbe pub lic are leapectfully requested to call and examine issttouf ts puschsalng elaewnere. gJeat inducements being offered, as the establishment will be shortly closed, die lausdp Gran el Pyroteeale Celebration, And opening of the St. Charles Hotel.

L. P. CATOIR, the American Pyrotecnist, having been enraged to condnct tbe celebration of the above event, announces In this manner that be will call upon tbe stock holders daring the mm' week, and hopes to be regarded msweicomevUitOT. idptd 1 tatrsM niamaado Watches. ST.

CHARLES LOAN OFFICE, 34 ST. CHARLES ST. WATCHE8 AND JEWELRY. The subscriber ia now eetlinc watches at retail at the following remarkably low prices, being much leas than any other house: Fine Gold Lepine Watches, 4 holes S2S Fine Gold Detached Levers, fall 30 Gold Enameled Watches for 35 Usld Hunting English Patent Levers for 6S uoia nuDUDK houc, wuicu ran cizui oaya Gold Watches In mane cases which chance into three different watcbea Gold Watches which wind np and set bands without any key. JTJLE8 JERGENSEN Watches, with certificates from bun with each watch, perfect time keeper.

tuurts wtnou, Duplex and Levers, tome in hunting eases, perfect time keepers. INDEPENDENT SECOND Watches for timine horses, in (old and silver reset, Bpienaia uoia rorsec CHRONOMETERS. Gold and Silver Levers, Detached Levers. Leptnes. and all other ryles of Watcbea Ail of tneaoove lor aaie at rnaii.mncn tern tnan tne usual price also ell kinds of JEWELRY, Diamond Rings and Pins.

Bit, ek sroons. Also, all kinds of Gold Chains, pore gold Wedding Rings soil aevsand scale, role reus and rencua. sold and silver Thimbles, diamond Rings and Pint, Bracelet go'd Lockets Cuff Pint. Ear rings, gold sod silver Spectacles. Breastpins.

Finger rings, silver fruit knives, sterling silver spoons, caps, forks. Ac. at much leas tbaa the usual price. Watches ind Jewelry exchanged. All watch ea warranted ta keen pran iinew rzcninrcu.

Watcbea. Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the beat man ner, at much leas than the usual prices. JOSEPH KAFEL. 34 St Charles at, Imrorter of Watches and Jewelry. wboUsale and retail Jail end Kosrers's Liver wart Mat Tarl A sa'e and certain care for Consamotion of the Lanes.

Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Broncbit t.Wbooping Cough and all Pulmonary AttectionA ca i. The Louisville Journal savs Dr. Roaera'a T.taer ut uaniii aaya vr. zuigers a Zjiverworz vea immediate relief in cuoghs aad co'ds isoony of bus of the highest standing it is making aose very remarkable mnm mr uk onry gives immeati oat, irora tne testisaon here and elaewhere. I run i.f consamotion.

Tlie Rahway Register a Ida We have heard It stated, by persons of great respectability, wbo have aaed this medicine, that it is one of the most remarkable medicines of tbe age, for coughs, colds, influenza, broncbitia, asthma, pain in the side and breaat, spitting of Mood, whooping cough and all lung complaints, which if neglected usually terminate In consumption, and tbe certificates attached to the advertisement would seem fully to Justify this state ment. The New Yotk Mirror asvs Of the virtues ef Dr. Ro gerx's Cough Medicines, prepared from the above articles, it ta needless now to apeak Ms efficacy ta speedily curing coughs, colds, and other lung coaaplainte, which too frequently, if neglected, result ia coosnmptioo. la too well cs tahliahej in public confidence to need eulogy now." Sold by BCOVIL a MEAU, Jail eudpAltW 111 JbArtres street P.

PABRE A CO have removed from No. Maeasine street to tbe corner of St. Charles and Common streets, under tbe St Charles Hotel, and Invite the attention of their mends to their large stock of Fashlonabls Clothing, which is now rendered complete by recent arrivals front their manufactory ia New York. nss dpdAWtJ Yessg CAMP STREET. WATCHMAKERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS, Hsve now on hand a complete assiiilimiit of the finer descriptions of Ladies and Bents WATCHES and JEW KLRY.

Also. large assralnnnt of PURE SILVER WARE, which we offer et very reasonable priceat the whole of which bat been manufactured and selected aadet the euperintandenre of H. P. Buckley, of this boose, and wuo rwawsaoca loairecs oia piiannai attention to re pairing ewta naa watches sa are cntruat to oar cJiara o. New Orleana Jackooa aad Ureat Nortbera AABxiroao tompajiy.

New OrlesnA Dec to. lfue. A meeting af the stockholders of thia rnmnaais will aa neio at we company omce, wo. 40 Carondelet street, sa SATURDAY, the loth day of January, at is o'clock aazL. jDV IM Rot aTsfl taeSl af ths skmssk Ifr Let MiaJ Al A ARajitrturr usiii qs pcTinmea 10 oc.

wtaiiat mnj inmm huiu wtutt 01 ir. noaru uu aupwaia JUHfl CALHOUNeCy. ar CORNER IT. CHARLES AND COMMON STREETS, Invite the atisotion of their friends to their choice and "'livestock of Fashionable rlnfng rsriiksiin i EJH2 COATS, of Black and Bias Cloth PRDCK COATS, af Black, Biae, Brawn, OUve aad BUSINESS SAO COATS, ef overr variatjr a OVER SAC COATS, do. da da.

OVERCOATS and PALETOTS, a)a. da. VUTS, of Silk. auiir blus twin xrva Mala and man embroid'i and Velvet, PAN TALOON af Black, Btaw aad i ilffT affflarh ItlaTT aad fcn i f.i i ti.v et et anenoo, vottrm SBd BiJAT. i iVr ri Cvir jtrr.

ai ef toe late Parniaa sty lee. "dfnhTlcB4mtsrfbord auiaw valuta ac.av an I V. K. J. rFar I.

A. Beard at 1' yl tea t'r Ill B. Sykes sells Dry j. a. no' sins stustt also, ioar, at Uo.i, ta paatte Oraviar Btreet.

MorpfayaY. NevieS seR TohacrT, 1 o'c' uravler atreew LCaraiaa fcCa. sett Perm thaOrteanari aas 11 eVlock. oa tbe Lev tt and the Cotton Preaa, 1 rCVlgule sells Law Books, a. 6 aga Alley eaa coutl ret J.ABeraaUysaUaealc i Arcads.

By Harndsn's Expreaa, ht HCaaie MEAGHER'S SPEECHES, wttn Intradactary BIANCA A Tale a Erie aad Italy, ay Matrr a. L1FK AND ACTS 1H M'jrtUAXI la TUB aUCCESSFOL MERCHANT Bv Ar. KATIE 8TEWART A Tree ory, (trjaa I 1 LIFE AND LABORS OP DODDRIDGE. CONSOLATION Diacearsea oa ectT RODOLPHTJB Fnaneeela Stories, by Jscob i LIFE AND MEMORIALS OF DAfilrL vols, cheep eatuaa. NEW JOTENILES, Ac.

Ae. BJeeHelneo "FOB. PLANTERS. FA MDL1A am Pare select powdered Medicines ef every da. an dao.0, vr XXJ JBL.


Ci Keads's SAR8APARILLA, BartVi Trirn VERMIFUGIKOSSO WHITING. BRIMSTONE. BoJax.fJSi FANCY SOAPS aad BRUgHESot iSkhZ EXTRACTS for tha Haadkerciiiefafetr COOKINO EXTRACTS of Pesrb," We are aseato for James Hsra A LIVER OIL and PATENT MEDIClNLio i mm SOLTON No. Tl St. Charles et, corner of Ualon i 't Jsj swida So 8s WedttW SaJo of Watches txm Jawr The whole remaining retail Mark ml WARE PLATED and PAPIER m.

i M. 1 a POCKXT CDTLEET, aelect UaU aad Duplex WATCHES, aad a large 'Z F.LRY selling of at extraoro. "crT etnn coins loto the wlwlessjebuOoest SEWILL, of London, on hi. amm m. lu.

I JaT fdzVrt eod Carpet Warahotues Mo. 31 Lately received, new natternt ef TV, PLV8.1 Drngseta and Linens af various widtia CLOTHS i Window Shadsei TABLE and ERSt Stair Rods Saga aad Matin 4, colored MATTING i FLOOR OIL CLC. qualities, S4 feet wide, cat to salt til i All of whicn are otlered at AiiM. i of previous years, by Jsa Sdpot A. BROUSSEAU A Ca.

CU. I rati' Tbe Oresu loaot of CUtAL FOR GENTLEMEN, YOUTHS', BOYS' AiiJ i DBEB, OF ALFRED MUNROE A 3 luaraziao tt, coraer Tbe system of business which baa been thia HOUSE cannot bat be sastaotoryto every Every arocJe baa ths laweat pnea saarzed Vxxi i variation from that, ia any Instmnce, a em watt. Pan haw rt, whether they ara gsoderhad! quality ef goads, may rest aaaut i of sh'sipins at the lowest price without tbe tear af being after ths purchase ef aa article say diaattzn exist it may ha Tetarnsd, aad the sooner a i I 4 faaded. DRESS AND FROCX COATA OVERCOATS, 4. CLOAKS.




Jan4 sdpU 4 Ma A To Steaunboat Captains, OvTaf .3 1 Asthelatokwef Congreas ia reasckm now la efwrMion, and as Life ritsci una wilt perraat Item la tbe requi ails of that tnosta we would remind ear river frienda, rnmi ail to aea ia ahipa." that tbe CORK JACKET LIFE PUSERVET are not only the cheapest, bat have beea pranoaf officers nf the Navy and Steamboat Captains tlx PRESERVER ever invented. For sale, whoieaaie ar retail, by the tots seen siaaa, TOD I Coanmitsifm Carpet Waiei uuaua, ut JaS tldp JiearRoyaLTomra. 4 HlzsTajwzTrws so canal rr: THE latTTRE STOCK OF WINTER DRY GOODS. 'AT THIS HOUSE, NOW CLOSING OUT, AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN TkOBBpOOB M. NlXOB, FASHIONABLE CLOTHIN No.

10 Camp street, opposite are aow la receipt sfa large aa4 rartd Stack aT PINK CLOTaTIe rnanufactored by thaznatlyas sxpressty for fit I TRADE, and embracing eyery variety ef OVER COATS; fMLA COATS) I DRESS COATS, PALlrOTSt 1: AAC i GENTLEMEN'S PURNISHINfl CCC of all tie latest aad best Stylss. UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS AND HALF af Bilk, Meriao, Caahmere, launas Wool i SCAKFS. CRAVATS, TCES, AND STOCKS, PORT M0NNADSS. POCKET BOOKS, ClflAl CI' POCKJET HANDKERXHXEFS, OsaBBXLLASi af Silk, Ginaham aad s. DRESSING ROBES i of CaafaaMrt, Mas as Lalae aad CeV PERFUMERY, COMBS, BrObTTES, coat tnncs, sHooLrrs i.

LINEN AND COTTON SHiAt. ojo sdptf i CledttztaT aiaoo to Oraer. Gentleman desirous of having their tsiirn ats Clotfrias which thev mar want ths cosalnf sea os. speetfuU, Intormad that Mr. Thtaisses ft' tsew i and arlll be pleeaed to attoaa ta theai and rfvS hi" nalacteattaa to each articles at they stay order, A ments ordered they waziaat shall prove aatisfsctt7' be unaorpassed In point of tryla amteriat taa THOMPSON A NIXON.

Camp tt, Jsll tsdp wadraBraadoayi BJS OPENED. CLOTHINO. CtOTEI5. Narrla ttc Way, Carner ef CazopsCamassa oadertaeCityl Having recently tmproved aad natted their a esTer to ths public a new and eeaatirai PALL AND WINTER naprislngaa exteaatve aad well aas art variety af' OaxcrlpttoB af Clothing and eEirxiXMXN'f puRNiSKisa few msnsaVtaiwi eapeciaUy far retail tales, cstaU. I OVER COATS, Sen.

Black Cloth DRESS AND FROCK C0A3 Sap. Fancy Cloth BUSINESS COAXS, i Ipeom and Derby COATS, I BLACX AMP FANCY CAHITTTr.n.S ASJ af tha latest styles, aztduexitireaarwaaaartaaewtW WINTER SCARFS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ATtDRXabzux 1 ''J' vv af" fAJBjsl lai Threogheut the entire seatna ttieywillbsm ceipt af tha latest srtr it an tan I article of apparel amwrtainiof to a 'GENTLEMAN'S Bar Cau aad examine. fv als dp rl Basrar too barreie and nxi eoLi: i Si SO barrels and 1 1 LOAF, POWDRi AN tow CLARIFIED SUGAR, V. 3J 31 mfk I.U. Sitfl 1 Constantly ea hand snd for se 'e en aaposa A vr.

Y) aLTImOUe koA JU.iuvi. A tale by AL.i Watll Fa JUST received per staamer Benj. tret a tares sssarrment of ail Haa. wWh will ae aald the ti" per cent Lahaaest cent cues pay tnea can wm ru. it tat ha city.

trr auail av'a ae in i ipt danii. of ha, rH 1 1 aud TOd of vstws, no nrat invoice We would respect. Kidcou' t. t. ty 'jfria.

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