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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BY LUMSDEN, KENDALL CO. OFFICE 72, CAMP STREET. Mtttarday Morning, gcbraary, TERMS-OF THE PICAYUNE. 8uhcrjitioii received for twelva month for 813 Jmlf yearly rid mt t. All lubacriptiona IB advance.

6 1-4 croU. 4, Adrertiamueotj. not exiwlias twrlre line, InwrteJ ft 1 fin, ami ccnU lor ery uluieliieiit inwrtiwi. Tlicso fmitrr tentU clircd in irtortkm. t.W.

will be nuMialieJ one month and cbarrtl accordingly. But no a.lvrrtwmtmt or be stuped until all arrcara are paid wnlf at the nf tlie ropr'tor. AdvUmfnt pubUUvd at interval, wtvkly. -weekly tti or numtlily, are cliar-ed out. dullir per square Jbr Ttry ii.ertio:i.

and Obituary nolirrar chared ode dollar per square. A liberal duuonut made to tboe wbo atlvrrtiao lj tlie contents of the outside pages. Page. Snakes ami Witches, queer bit of noiueuse, or of sense, just as the reader- may tiuppen to imagine. Fourth Page.

A funny tale about some strange proceedings lit the Indiana Legislature New Orleans Money Market. Su.v.s' at Auction this pay, Fvh: 12. At 12 o'clock, Valuable Household Servants, by J. A. Beard Sc at Banks' Arcade, Also, at 10 oVlock, Service of Piute, at tin Camp ftreet Auction Mart, by J.

A. Board Co. At 10J o'clock, Imported Fruit at the Auction Store, 51 Common street, by Benjamin Kendig also, at same hour, Furniture, at the Store 13 Royal street, by Benjamin Kcmtig. Wo arc indebted to the polite officers of the fine steamer Henry Clay, for late Louisville and Cincinnati papers. Wo will rcciproaate, gentlemen, when you are ready to start.

Roast Beef. The two spleudid steers which have been exhibited for the last fw days at Tatlersall's will be slaughtered to-day, and exposed for sale to morrow, at ihe stall of Palmer Jackinan, No '52, Old Beef Market, First Municipality and at the stall of John l'orhce, No. 53, Poydras Market. lu either can purchase a supply of mutton, pork, of the priniest quality. Mutiny asd Murder.

evening the row of tho Texan schooner of war San Anto nio, now in this port, rose upon their officers and after dcsperatcwcoaflict killed Lieutenant C. r. Lulur and severely wounded mldship- Allen and Odell. The mutineers then robbed the vessel of arms, and made their escape to the cjty. Information Wanted.

Who is Recorder whom Idler, in the American, makes the hro of. his rhymes? Bcitus, Baldwin, or Bright? Explain! 03" We received late river papers by the Monongahcla and P. Miller yesterday. KJ The Naiad Queen i9 to be produced at the American (tn-night. Go and sec it, every body.

Be sure that it is something "tip-top' a little finer than any thing in the theatrical line this season. Illinois Mosey. The rain did not full faster yesterday morning than did Illinois money. The rain did not stay down, though, for it ran o(T; but holders of this description of currency wero obliged to hold on, for they could not get it off, nt all. Financial Faith ok the the utn iiift.

we mentioned that a resolution had pripsod the House of Representatives declaring tnai Louisiana holds her pledged faith invio late in other word, that the State is able, will ing and determined to meefnt maturity all her 'financial engagements. Although at the time wo gave credit to Mr. Morse for tbe introduc tion of this resolution, it was in truth brought forward by Mr. Hunt. Our brief remarks at tho time-were This, we think, is extra Iegis- lation.

Who ever doubted the ability or Inten tion of Louisiana to discharge all her obliga tions?" The Senata appears to have? been of oor opinion, for they have repudiated" the resolution. Whq ever goes into court of justico te prove bin chnractcr, unless it be first assailed and who can assail the honesty or the solvency ot Louisiana I O3 That good actor und clever fellow, Slo inan, the stage-manager of the Saint Charles, takes a benefit to-night. London Assurance'jis to be produced, for the last time, and Miss Rock appears in a favorite piece. Slouian deserves a good house, and we presume his claim will not be forgotten. As it is but seldom that foreigners speak favorably of our city, when they chance to do so we like to record the fact.

Two Englishmen ascended to the dome of tho St. Charles Hotel yesterday, for. tho pur pose ot Doner judging ol tho picturesque np- pearnnce. the beautv and tv. lakiiiff in ta nron from th the swamp, and from the Lafayette boundary a miw IMVI IU line to tlie barracks at one glance, as it were.

We ore not permitted to cive their oninions 5.1 detail; but this jmich we can stato as a fact, that they spoke very highly of our Crescent tJity. Criminal Court. In this, court nothing was aone yesterday. To-day Mr. Davis will i be tried for a violation ofthe law against sellin lottery tickets.

lunt a TI 1 Rosaline arrived yester- ii it i opposite the United fetalis barracks. She I on board three hundred Indians, on their way to the Fur west, ana a company of S. troops. u. s.

District Coort. A jury was swnm yesterday -to try the case of DePutron. in tbA it a wuueu diuics Uistnct Uourt; it therefore comes on this morning. The charge about lo bo tried to engage in piracy, tar mart a a Hundred and twentv passengers arrived hero yesterday from Bre Tuf flvmn-w A AsjuitAfrcj. Uoinr into ivj uuuer your vest a bowl of oyster soup, a liberally i i 3 uc uanes at luncn lime hidinjr under Butiw i iubbi ueei, uuu tne lesr ol a enhi chicken washing it down with a elass" brandy nothing, and final Iy, in an independent tone, calling lor chanjre of your dollar bill, and refusing to take seven ten cent pieces! demanding as vour right post office money.

This has been done and this we call superlative assurance IO It ia stated in the New York Evening Mile, uial Boz hurt of hia big ioea on his limP9 tt 5 WM IWMcetle shorter than in him and Kent davrf. m.ik $21 are meet not few was the of to a I I I i of CORRKSPOSDESCE OF' THE PICATUSE. New York, January ou, ib. John C. Colt stands convicted of the crpe of murder.

The case was given Jo thoj jury last evening at fix o'clock. At four o'clock tlu's morningplhe jury came into courtwilli a verdict of guiltj of murder jn the first degree, Colt had buoyed himself! up with jtlie ibelief that he should be found guilty of the second degree, only and the issue filled wiirj horror and amnzemcnL The verdict receives the unauiinous assent approbation of the whole community. York, January 3l, 1842. To-day- tht counsel of Colt calledlup jtheir inbtiou for a bill of exceptions, ami Judge baa allowed two weeks for the ptirpose of nrPliMrutinn In flirt ttipnn lltfl. sentence is RiiK.iftiwlp.l.

Ir ia nossible. but I think not that Colt may escape death, The Collector of tho Customs, for (reasons unknown! to me, has suspended paytneut of; the salaries of the ofiiccrs of customs, for a few I I Ikncy he is not in funds to pay. Thci stock and money markets d-day re gloonfy enough. Almost every kind o.f stock tumble down. Indiana Bonds sold for 1 8 iS; Uliuois, $21 21 J.

Nothing of any consequence Going in the cotton inarket. The provision and flour mar M'ts languid; and the only operations are to actual consumption. Theatricals are at the lowest ebb, and I shall be surprised if every theatre is cloiedin a fortnight. 1 No news from the Eastern States, worth It is not unlikely" that tho 1 Bank Destruction1 will reach New England in a weeks. Several of the bauks of Massachusetts and Rhode Island are strongly sus pected.

So we go. Singular enough, there not a fire or a murder last night, The weather is very dull and gloomy, and a kind of settled melancholy sits on every coun tenance. Yours, truly. 1 Joh5 Smith, of Arkpnsaa. "Another Robbery.

The clerk ofthe steam' bont Angora a Bayou Sara pnckcj spys Bee ofj yesterday, has absconded withjthe fuuds of tho boatt and the money remitte in several letters under his charge, amouniing ul together, to very considerable sum. llo lias not vet been heard of. PiCKixcj Pockets. Day before yesterday, three hundred dollars were extracted from the pocLetsofla gentleman, iu the St. Louis Ex change.

work-along-shore-manian tamed James Smith, met with naiuful accnlent.yes terday. Whilst engaged iu shoving a raft froan his lesr caueht between the two. The consequence was, that nil the ffcsh on one side his leg was taken off, from the knee jto the ankle, and ihe bone laid bare. He was imme diately carried to the Charity Hospital- Tell that to the Marines.

If -a bull be perpetrated, no matter by whom, it is placed the credit, or rather to the debit, of an Irish man; and if a cute-trick is played off, it isjinva- riaoiy snoveu on uie Biiooioers oi i uukcc. Now, while we admit that tlie Irishman beats ii an competitors in uie. iiiiii-iuuKing uumuubs, and while we believe a Yankee can play a trick lectle the slickest of all creation, yet we ki now there are several, neither Irishmen norj Yankees, who try their hand at both these linens. A native of la belle France, for instance, carried about, yesterdny, a large glass jar, full of jwhat he called newly-imported leeches, which he offered to tho trade, at greatly reduced prices. As the newl imported leeches, however, were, in reality, bo1 many slick, slender snakes, and as the apothecaries to whom he offered them, could distinguish between the lancet of a jphle-botomist anil a wood-cutter's axe, the speculation turned out a failure, and the enterprising individual narrowly escaped being sent before the Recorder, ns an impostor.

KJ Mr. Bedford's bill to incorporate the fire companies of New Orleans passed the House of Represenatives yesterday. A Job for Judge IBermudez. An Irishman who died recently in this city "made his last will and testament after this fashion: I order and direct that one half of the propert of which I lain now possessed whether in moveable property, real estate, or otherwise be given to my loving wife, one half to my only son, William, and the other half to my mother1. in Ireland." I Now the difficulty with his executors is this after erivinr one half of the nropcrtv to his loving wife, ond another half to his only sont they are at a loss to scrape up third half th proceeds of which is to go to his mother, inJre land! Here is a knotty case for the Court Probates.

I I I More Moderk Financiering." Iii our PaPer of thc r5th llimo. under thi ead, we oi urresi irom me ommerH a -a I Vy.ourV.iaU been exec ted -n a man named ol wnom u. SM I I 1 I BlBU luePop purporting to be Paa1 at the Bank of Troy, New York, and "hiv-h Mii-jr- jiaiu liuu fuj. Alter tne uie mey receivca sucn iniormation as led theni to believe that the certificates which they had purchased were forgeries, and hence they took thc legal steps for the arrest of Uibson by a civil process. They immediately wrote on to New York touching the subject, and received a reply to their letter yesterday.

From this there is no doubt but the letters of credit are forge genes. As mucn as ot the same kind of currency, issued by the same individual, fcii. nihcnn ii. nnru mui n. th i.L- tiiiiiu us noil ao itio vifll iurr mil jk brought against him, the spectre of the Baton Rouge penitentiary bhould, we think, stare him in me lace, there not be some peculiarly severe punishment Inflicted on all fashionable financial swindlers i There ought.

lBE -Tallahatchie. This stream is fast growing into importance. A lt numl.Ar Uf i fUft ta i 8tatethat tlie logs, lean- I uvr trees and other nha.i-n.-.- 1 I -7 "-uuu, wave neen re and "ooaUofvery respectable size "ww''WIWm run several months in tlir. Ne JoirniX 1 fr0m WyaU tn ihn iv-i vicjujij, irom tne conve nience of shipping their cotton and receiving aunnlies nn.l 7 mrcaseu value cnnunnAnt nioraaoail -1 Of their Innrla Ja'rrr Nearly 10 000 bale of neariy au.vuu Daieaor cotton will come out the Tallahatchie tbi t. 1 ailll0ugn tn crop swill Toll mtirh arinW vT mw.

wai may generally expected. -The merha, been infin, boatiAg uruer luo ui uie ume 8incefUie first Ml bank was They This snfrty and Job said the upon wise day, bank after calls city are not in the the in 0 of be pf i' Pll ntlelphia Bank. There is great trouble, aiiiong; the banksat Philadelphia. A run was mode ou tfie Philadelphia Bank on the 31st ult.fAt 2 o'clock, V. tti mh 'ntra wfi.eI iti notes; But the continued to redeem itsLn0te8 to 3 o'clock, the huuVfor closing: Gov.

Porter was present in the bank for wiM. Hmo. ,.1 crowtt immeuBe. butao disturbance took place. redeemed tltcir notes mostly Moya- mensing.

On Thursday the bank did not open its doors. course was pursued in consequence of the action of the Governor, who, to provide for the of the public monies deposited in that institution, as well as to promote tho general benefit of those interested in the! bank, had directed the Attorney General to; apply to the Supreme Court for an injunction to restrain the President and Directors from paying out, assigning or transferring the assets of the bank, also for the appointment of a receiver. The application was founded upon the affidavit of Maun, Treasurer of the State, shewing that upwards of were deposited in bank, forj the payment of the" interest on State Debt, falling due on tho 1st inst. i i The Bank of Pennsylvania being -enjoined, which it was presumed there would other have baeri a severe drain, a sharp run was commenced upon a neighboring institution, the Moyamensing Bank, which was continued all and was met with greit readiness and cheerfulness. To accommodate the public, the was kept open for a considerable time the uu A hour for closing, with an understanding that it should remain so long as were made.

I On the evening of tho 31st, an adjourned meeting of bank officers was held at the Philadelphia Bank, The arrangements between the and county banks, as to the issue of notes, nearly completed; and in the meantime the paper of each ofthe institutions will be universally received on deposite, or in payment of debts. The Pennsylvania and Girnrd Banks included. The anangements thus far have been made view of a resumption of specie payments on first of August next. A boy at New York caught a hungry dog the other day, tied him by his tail, and then coaxed him out of his skin with a piece liver! The British barque John, Smith, which sailed from Liverpool on the 20tli Dec, with a cargo of three thousand sacks of salt and a fw bales of dry goods, for Charleston, consigned to J.

Robertson, went ashore on the afternoon of the 3d int. about 2 o'clock, on South Breaker ship during a dense fog. Capt. Smith and the crew arrived in Charleston their boats the next morning, and state that when they left the vessel she had jbilged, was full of water, and will be a total loss. Messrs.

J. S. Bowie had about forty packages dry goods on board the John, on which there was an insurance in the office of the Life and Trust Company. It has since been ascertained that the John has gone to pieces. (G3 Mr.

Williams, of Maine, is about to resign his seat in the United States Senate. OCP The Washington correspondent of the Charleston Courier a shrewd observer says the state of parties is very much perplexed and confused. The President's nlan of finance will, as some think, still find favor with the are it, whig party particularly as it seems neces- Though this article has grown to consiJeia-sary, in consequence ofthe present bank panic, ble length, according to bur standard, our sole to establish some machine, as a fiscal agent, for object in writing it, has been, lo bring before the the government, and to aid, in some degree, the restoration of tho currency. The House Committee, confiding in this will report the fiscal machine of the President with little alteration. But I must say that there is little prospect of its adoption." Arrivals at Philadelphia.

Tho fine southerly wind of the 3lst says the Phila- delphia Enquirer, brought in a number of ves- sels among them were two ships, Chester and Ohio; one barque, Josephine; and the brig Danube all from New. Orleans, with full freights and valuable cargoes, of sugar, wheat, flour, provisions, lead, 03 The anniversary of the birth of Tom Paine was celebrated at Cincinnati. The Microscope says one hundred ladies were present. 1) i B3f The Globe of the 1st inst. says, the bill introduced into the Senate for the postpone- ment of the bankrupt law, wiil probably be passed.

Some of the Senators who voted against the repeal, will vote to postpone he operation of the law, with a view to its modification. 03 Tho Richmond Star states that on the 1st inst. the family of Mr. Paronctt, consisting of himself, his wife and two. children, and a negro girl, weie poisoned by the accidental mixture of some arsenic with the flour of which bread was made for One of the chil dren died, and Mrs.

P. in consequence gave premature birth to an infant. OjCoI. Alexander Cummings, U. S.

died recently at New York very suddenly. He had just returned from the court martial at St. Louis. Col. C.

was a native of Ireland; he entered the army in 1808, from the state of Pennsylvania, as 2d Lieutenant of Light Dragoons; served through the whole of the last war with Great Britain, and within the last few years against the Indians in Florida and in December, 1839, was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the 4th Regimeut of Infantry, which rank he held to the tiuio of his death. KJ A Philadelphia paper contradicts the rumor that a certain newspaper reporter al ruq over uur)f on purpose to I fj a statement aua.vt uub a io make an item. A statement has gone the rounds of the papers that Miss Caroline Henshaw, the re ported mistress of Colt, convicted of the murder of Adams, in New York city, was tlie daughter of General De Wolf, of Cuba. The editor of the Hartford Review has addressed a note to the Boston Transcrint. in which he nav that nothing can be more untrue nor outrage- I i ir i oua in us ooseuess ui vuurncier mau uiis mate- ment.

Miss Henshaw, or the person known by that no way related to the family 1 Geperal.JJe Wolf. He say. John C. Colt never saw but one daughter of General De 1 Wolf, and she is the wife of his brother, Chris tonhpr ntlmn tV. hlo-lat 014 geuMcuinu wwo, uigucat I i I a mT mf tlt vi Huiiy.

auo muy upon wuwia respectability. The ladv onon whom a most IL. has beeff mad8 to fix thu damna ble cnlnmn. '-t uoia" au ractcr, and is one of lh brightest and noblest' I ornaments of li0v I est of human heartcouldave conceived the I uesign of inflicting so base an injury upon an luuiKcui ana vinnani r.m;i. HUUUt in a I I I i I Fur-Off rjailanlhropy.

JMen the most charitable and philanthropic said to take an extended view of things. This is too often literally true; fur in most instances, so far-seeing is their sympathy so strained is their vision to descry objects for the disjilay of their liencvolenee in the distance, that hundreds daily drop ofl' within thejinme- diate focus of their even' destitute of nhv- a aicul or mental assistance. Thus there is in 1 England society upon society, and association after association, for ameliorating, as thry call the condition of the negro race. They have the "Negro Blanket Society," the "Negro Boot and Shoe Society," the Negro Moral Reform Society," the Negro Bible Society," omiting-altogether the1 fact, that the negroes for which their Bibles are intended arc utterly ignorant of the elements of spelling and reading On all theee objects men with little brains and nervous old maids expend thousands, and dub their labors with the high-sounding terms of charity, philanthropy; and all that sort of Nor would this be so bail if millions of persons in their own country were not either I dragging-out a wretched existence in their i oo I overgrcvn factories, until the materia of those loathsome clnmial houses puts a premature period to their lives, or dying at tho very doors of theee philanthropists, of utter destitution und starvation! While they have not a penny to expend on these true objects of charity, they have pounds to lavish on the niggers," who know no want and have noawishes while they look with sto ical indifference on tho scenes of squalid misery and distress that meet them in every street of the great metropolis itseif, thevshed floods of sympathetic tears over the imaginary sufferings of a people whom they' are told have black skin i Of what a combination of hypocrisy and humbug are their minds formed The system is carried to a great extent in this country, too, though the current of this sickly feeling is not so often directed into the kame channel. Drop ping England and the physical side of tho pic ture, and viewing the morn! side of it, as it is painted here, we will liuu the Iceling us uti- sound, and the evil similar.

We have itinernnt prer.chers, migrating mis sioitaries, travelling lecturers, traet distributers, evangelicul reform societies, and sects aid so cictics innumerable all seeking to bring erring souls to salvation all roaming over tho land to find a field for their pious labors. Now, it is strange that some of lhose wbo so thirst for the salvation of souls und the reformation of society, do not pay an occasional iit to the parish prison God knows, there is there an ample field for the exercise of their piety a a harvest which call loudly for the operation of their religious sickle. Let them read the late report of the grand jury, and the vivid picture of the vice and immorality whioh prevail there among the prisoners will startle them into a sense of their duty If we are correctly informed, there is a little society in this city for distributing the scriptures nmong free persons of color would it nut be well if they would supply the white captives with a few numbers of the good book We regret-to learn that, none of ourclergy-uien of any denomination, visit the jail. Novv, 6ince it is with them, no pny, no pray, we would respectfully call oil the Legislature to stop the prisoners' -grog, and pay a chaplain for regular attendance al the jail, aud for in- parting to tie prisoners religious instruction. Legislature the suggestion contained in tho last sentence.

EJ" Several cases of small-pox have oc. curred at und near Milledgeville, Georgia. The City Council have adopted immediate measures order to prevent the spreml of this discuao. uZr At Savannah, recently, a mau by the name of Hugh O'Rilcy made uu assault upon Mr, John Riley with an axe, cutting him se verely ou the head and nhouldera. The rufii.tii examined before Justice Rus.ell, and ad mitted to bail in the sum of It is the opinion of the physicians', that unless inflam mation takes place, the injured mau ill recover'.

i i LJ A curpet bug contninin splendid jewel lery, owned by Mr. G. from Havre. r. wuo Bcii-ii iii lew nuys ago, iy the V- Marshal, as smuggled articles.

The 'loer with anny Jitz and Buckstoue, on board a vessel for Havana. 03 Among the distinguished strangers now in Washington, is the Hon. Nahum Mitchell, of- Boston. Thirty-nine years ago he was a representative in from the district now represented by the Hon. J.

Q. Adams. Judge Mitchell retains the vivacity and vigor of a man of middle life, althougn he is seventy three years of age. He will find but one or two persons counected with Congress, who "tic iiioiuuciB Tviiii iiiiii. a luuuuir uiiu nun I ofthe members of the House were born sine he had a seat in that brnnch ofthe government.

i 1 British Ship Ann Hall. A letter was re ceived at Charleston, on the: third instant, by Mr. Ogilby, M. Consul, signed by the mate and all of the'erew of the vessel, (at anchor off the bar,) stating that it became necessary. some ten days previously, to confine the master This course was adopted, (says thc letter,) as a matter, of safety for their own lives, and the nrcservat on ofthe sh and enrfro.

Thn mn.ipr of the ship also wrote to Mr. Ogilby, but neither letter mentions the particular cause of his being deprived of the command of the vessel. The state ofthe weather since has been such as to the ship from coming up, or having any communication with her from town. tCP The paper mill of Kins At at Lock- land, near Cincinnati, was destroyed a few days ago, between 1 and 2 o'clock. The mill and stock are alinost'an entire loss.

The amount lost is estimated between ten and fifteen thou sand dollars, on which there was insured at 1 ner .1 ti Insurance Ouico four thousand I the Cincinnati dollars. KJ3 The people of Cincinnati are rather tin easy just now. The state of feeling there is illustrated by the following extract from the iuuivu lUliUltlu: CMiaVI IIU11I 111 Gazette Last week people hurried into broker's office with the larger notes of th the Grauville Bank, and sold them at two per cent. 'ax. discount.

let these notes were bankable in i nnrrirv.t Uw. asqMHI "mvm IUV Uggerated reports of the failures at-New .7 leana, anu me aitncuities between tlie banks there reached US. individuala. flnfkfd. Intn nnr city banks, and deposited good New Orleans notes at par.

Yet the brokers were paying for thia very paper three per cent, premium at that tune i suport hid To ut New Svlfh, from ill IT W. the free l'ast, "al lnu Texas nJ fellow aiid the ilf of lug more and A II 10 1 a To tlie Editor of the Picayune Gentlemen Please anuouaco ia your paper that tlie friends of PAUL, UIOBERTU3 will again support of Recorder of tht Firat Muuici- election. feb 10 liitn for the office nality, at tbe uext election. feb 10 FOIL MAYOR DEXIS PR1EUR. Messs.

Editois Ploaje announce in your re pectabki and popular journal, that Denis Pkieok is candidate for lh Mayoralty. Ho will receive the of the First, Third, and atcowp MOHlCiraHTT. the Editor of the Picayune Gentlemen Please publish in your journal, that tho request of his numerous friends, WILLIAM FREUET baa consented to become a candidate for ro-eleclion fur the effico of Mayor of tbe City of Orleans, at the ensuing election. dte A CARD. UT The undersiriied, late master of the schooner wrecked on the Alacrans, on her passage tliia unrt tn SiRl.ndontl tills method Of tender- bin rateful acknowlmlrmenU to CommodorA E.

Moore, Lieut. Com. Wm. Seegex, aud tho Officers of iheTeffts stoop of-war Au-tio, for the timely ati-iitaiiio aud kind treatment received from them ou occasion of bis recent misfortune, which he ia to confer would have resulted in robbery at but for their scasouable appearance aud efTcc- Anurn? ii K2U V.h. n.t i wl null tn tnm fTnminandrr ol Infi Squadron, for'hi ho-pitality, fo tavisbly and uuexpeclftuiy beittoweu Inn gentlemanly, courteous liberal behaviour to himself, as well as to Lis auUVrers.

ha affixed upon hia memory a feeling of gratitude that will neyer be forgotten. the pnnsage from Msal has contributed lo to the many obligations he is already under, by urbanity ol ninuncr, gentlemanly and bopitable l'rlniciit of the Commander and Officers of the schooner San Aiitouio the almost exclusive service which vessel was tendered and eagerly accepted byhhnto return to this port. lie regrets thnt precludrf the Msibility of bis manifest- ins gratitude to Commodore Aloeas ia soma uitable Hiuuncr, but at the same time hopes hi reward may be such it bis manifold merits deserve. 012 WM. MeKINLKY.

Died. On Friday, TTlb im-taut, of apoplexy, Mr. John Blackwooo, nged3 years, a native of Scotland, for miny years aVeMdent of Alabama. II funeral will take pWce thia morning, from the Circus ttrect Infirmary, aPO o'clock. J3rribal5 nt tbe at ST.

CHARLES EXCHANGE HOTEL. A Warnar, Tenn 8 Baratow, A 8nltns, 8 Sultus, Mr Marxhull, Tj II Roy. Mobile Ka-ran, Gowdey, Ala Mims, 8 Mims, A Ti-baultand I lv, Retrau.Mr Evins, Ilutchens, Miss; Smith, Poindoxter, Concordia; WS Park-liHin. Mitlikeii'a It ml: A Curwell. Vickiburr II Buck nor, Kyi II Rogers aud lady, McGraw andf, 1'attar-on, A Fulton, Louisville Taylor, Port Gibkon; II WKlliaud lady.

Miss Beck, AIj; Utiiuu, Mis; McRca, Natchez Springer aud, Mrs Jones, Mil's Febeger, I'ureell, Cincinnati t.npt Alexander, 8 A jj Caprr, USA: TO Siark Lieut Chad wick, Lieut lirovcr, A Siinmonn, Postou. NATIONAL HOTEL. mit1i. Mobile: P.oyd, MerriCeld, Port Gilon II Payne Funston Carroll, II Lewis, It Alrxan.Icr.G Watson; Louisville; A Frasier. Samuel, flew Orl; Morris, JefTersonville, Ind Crawford, Harrisburg, Pa; NJ Williams.

II ilawkius.Sh'-lhyvitlr.Texa; II Smith, Ala Old-hsm, Analarhicola; Moore, Terrebonne Oiiiicher. Illinois; Jaryis, Piltxburg Jones. Miawncctown; A 11 Grceniliaw, Charleston; Thompson, Wnohingtou Cook, Cincinnati. JIT The RCMourat of the Shaknocare Hotel." No. 83 Cump ftireeVwill be open for the reception of viMtnra on c-ATt RDt mokmnc, the 13th iiuuut, at o'clock.

X3T For Haenna. OwiniTTo unfavorable weather. tho tcainhip ALTILSIA'rf departure, is postponed honoav, the HiirVistaiit. at 5 o'clock, P. at which hour pasacugersvo requested to be on board.

AILICVEt UEYLLE CO 4S Old Levee. lr A CA l. The new aii(N wilt runnica steamer BELLE OF THE WEST, for Louisville, Cincinnati aud Maysville, will leave the wharf opposite Povdras street, this day, Saturday, at 4 o'clock; at riurii hour paarngers will plo be on board. fyl3 JOHN HYDE, 12 Poydras st. iXJT Tbe U.

tfXlail atcamer CAROLINE. Sutton. maater, leaves th Lake end of the Pontcbartrain Railroad, for MolJUe, ou Satokdat mobninc. the 12th uistaut, alter llXrrival of the 11 o'clock cars. or freight or paaf ejcply lo A.

G. SIXKJ. fy 12 U. S. MW Office, 25 Camp st.

CARD. '1 be swift and spleudid passeurer steauirr T. W. Duuuka, muter, will positively leovear St. Lou in, this evkninc, (Saturday,) the 12th iiitlujt, at 4 o'clock, l'assenf era are requested to be ou at the fool of Poydrts street, at that hour.

I fyrJ J. SMAbJ. 73 Tcboupi'oulas 0A CA11LX The splendid aud swift rnnninr pacner meuiuer DIANA, Frank Carter, master, willlcuvo for Louisville. Evansville. Smilhland and Cairo, oh To-Monaow (Sunday) mobninc, the 13th uistaiii, at 10 o'clock at which hour pasaeof era wul please be on board.

I E. LAWRENCE Sc KELLOGG, Q12 I 73Graier streeL WA CARD The racket steamer CADDO. J. K. Davi.

matter, for foot of: the Raft, fibrevenort. Campte, Natchitoches, Alexandria, and all iaUi me- uiute landings on Red River, having been uaavoiaa-bly dctaiucd. will positively leave for the abovo pla- Satuday, the 12th instant, at 12 o'clock, U. rr freight or passaro. having uaaur passed accom- modations, apply on board, toot of Canal street, or to SAMUEL S.

COBB fyU 15 New Levee. NEW-ORLEANS SACRED MUSIC SOCIETY. trrr At a meeting held on Saturday evening, the 5th iiiktaut, tho following geutlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year I i 1103. iv. Morgan, 1 resident Jas.

J. Day, Vice President; Jas. A. Wiiitk, Secretiry; Nathan jAavttwTrcaaurer; J. A.

Noble, Librarian. aud J. Msrye. i I Vctd Leader F. Fcrst.

Organist U. J. Applications for membershio to be mmA tn m.irarrra. Bv order of the Ttnanl fvll 2t JAS. A.


SLOGAN'S BENEFIT, on Saturday Eve-ninc, the lilh February. 1842. for which oa- siou Mr. J. S.

Browne, Mr.BAaaETT, Mrs. Stuabt nun misi nocK win appear, i Mr. MAJAiAm respectfully announces that his Ueneht will take place on Saturday evening, when when will be performed (for tbe last time) the suc-cssaful Comedy of 'I LONDON ASSURANCE The Iat time itcan be acted, id consequeoeeof forth- "3 ner wuicn. A CELEBRATED PIECE. In which Miss Rock will sustain tho principal character.

Several COMIC SONGS, and George Alexander Stevens' Description of a Storm, Ship in Distress, ULU UT ilir CLUaAR. The whule to conclude with a lauzhabls FARCE. ii CLuain ia which Mr. Sloniau will appear. Tim Box Book now fyl0 AVIS.

1 Bureau de la Cie. d'Assvrancx d'Ocean, Nouxelle Orleans. Fevrinr 1. 1SI5 i m. .7 cet.t0 Compajrnie sont pre- TCJiuuuD 1 election .1 r.n..r tnurs.pour servir ppur I'annee suivante.

aura lien uuw cus-dit bureau, rue du Cam d. No. 4.L no 1 CYTier depuis heures da matin juaju'a deux noares l'apres uidk fy2 chai nmnrQ jtvarj. Office of th Ocean Insoxance Compant Ktw rlea February 1812. Annual Election of Nine Directors of this Company, to serve for the ensuing yenr.wiU Uke place at the Office No.

6 'zZl w'u TuEiCAT, the 22d icL. betwe. W. and 2. P.M.

ty? CUAS. BBJGRH NOTICE. "ACU Bd C- WAR FIELD bare formed coparUierabip in the Anetion. Cnmm- -r the Arm of ,7" icuu. The most punctual ntten- iI110 Lven affairs entrusted to their Their office N22 Exchange Place, imme-diatsly oppoiiite the Post Oilic- i JOHN M.

BACIT, fylO Saw lm A. WAR FIELD. 5fifl BAGS prime green Havana Coffee, now landing per schr Seminole and for sale by P. REYNAUD, 16 Bienville it 11, 184 I 1 by to gBfrtttfetng tolnmns CltJJIr' -r-: run Cnanm. TO THE Dasaew 1 I Hmik, to I Sd Mliaaa.

Steamboat aMlothOTCanU, 6th Kew Aamt, 4 TH1KD PACE, -V ua rniu nrf JtiUnr r-j 's nmuuHlLoiim, 4U Sbip. aa SBkL 1 FWKTH FACE. Steamboat FarkeU, 94 I HotU Bo.rf I rteu aad Railroada, ad 1 Matbca) CarTo MARINE INTELLlGgNry CLKAHXD. Ship Woodaidn, Welch, for nwra. Phip Sbaw, Lovett, for Boaton Barque 8 a war row, Steeper, for So.

Dm. va r' "at. 8chr8.L.8ouUMrd,RnrBdcll,Onioafc. ARRIVED. Ship Ocean, Higgins, fa Rottet dam.

Ship Copernkua, ProbU, fin Bremen. Ship Clementina, Geaselraain. fm 1 1 wi noston. Ship Heei, Bnrt, fm Stcuin, via CibraJu. t' Ship Caii, Childs.

fm Boston. Ship Talma, Cayal, fm Tiber, Covell, fm Liverpoo'. Ship Rosalind, Pike, fm Tampa Bay. i Brig Lime Rock. Falea.

fm CharlctionV' Brig Republic, Gatea, fm A pa lack ico la, Brig Carleton, Jameson, fm Barba.Ioea, ir 8chr Dream, Taylor, fm Sabine, Texu. Steamer Henry Clay, Joae. fm CiocinaatL i Steamer Monongahela, Stone, fm Cinoanati. Steamer Suluna, TafU, fa Milliken's Beai7 1 i Steamer P. Miller.

Smoker, fm Shfveport. Towboat Tennesseean, Riddle, fm tbe Passes. 1 Towboat Mohican, Heaton, fm tbe Pase. Towboat Southerner, Wbon, fm the Passes, Towboat Pacther, Beebe. fm tbe Passes.

Towboat Swan, Limbert, fm tbe Turn, CHANGE! TT L7 Persons wanting small change can be tap- applyinar at our office, DANCING. RRIED LADY, who haa for many 'r- COu. ''xl UanciDir Academies with rmia- success in -'on, Bath and Cheltenham, and aanw had the bocor 'caching some of the first and a 1JIIHJIIVIV flStUlilCl 'Ii IHUH UUCt, IM UCPirOUS 0 fek, taining a select numtAsvof pupils, and will be hvar attend one or two LaAaa' Schools or privat fill pes. Apply at No. 6 SL CWIesst.

fyi2 TO REN TV Two comfortable acw hdWa. I ivuum uu iicou, ets'era aki b-Pryuanee aud He via strccU. Apply at 200 street. i fVrVVSI Strttl tm 'm io. 33 Pordraa Tin rpAKK NCfCE, Epicure ofthe Second "ViA -(' iicr a grana aupiay of EErt and MUTTON aTSiPoydFaa Market, at No.

23. well known aiflVlepi by JOHN FORSSLJL Likewise, two very fine auiig CUB3. The Unm of good meats can be axcoflwpodated at the abori suil, on Sunoat Mobninc nexCVuh an eitraUfT N. B. Prices to suit the times.

fy, TO HOUSE pOR S4iE-Two verjt likely Nrgro yeara or are. four One of them ia a crSsic. speaknir Freurh lish, a good house acrvaOlLThe ether has bees si the city Cur years, and axcinateJ, is a sbim washer and ironer, and a plain ccnk. Sold only tm wain oi ronpgy. Vtppiy at OJ tap fS fyH NEW MEDICAL WORKS.

APn jcal Tbeatisc on Medical Inhalatioh' With tsaiueroua case, dernoustratiog tb cv-Live powerapT the local application of rahoas remedies inKoncbitis and CotuuiapUog, aa4 other diseases QsWthe Respiratory OrxasJ- By Dr. J. CoxETCsaiVe Orleaas. or sale by HOG AN, TWaJiPSON St CO, 3t 7 OCassnsL- SPRING BONNE' OPENING AT THE- JUmrasin des Modes et de Noutcavtcs. J).

P. SCAN LAN, 23 Charlre re Lie nduon to his extensive Mock of Vrruik FancyStfy Goods and Millinerr. hasjs recti ri ala rre utnnnvm of ll and children's Paris Vde spring and summer Ca-pottea, in OrgandL Batiks and Soie Erorae) Taseu Braid, Leghorn, Chip njidHtuUand 8traw Boaneta. From the immense quanVr of goods sobf at Qin establishment, and the great fWuciioa of prices by the manafaeturers, ladies are nW odferodsock b-ducemenu to purchase na cannot beWpastrd by other house in thia city. I FRESH GARDEN SEeSir.

'Direct Importtu a wmrrn 1 1 afkrt nmlUf-m ro Hale st WILUAM ULNN. At hnetabluhed Seed and Flower Root Store, Ma. i aonaoi street, corner ol Tcnovpitonlas sU NeV Orleans. mo The cclleetion consists of evVry ri. nety or UarJen.

rsrm and Flower 8EED8; Dntch BuTLons FUwrr Roots; fine Roses: Bnterb DoUa DAIILIAS.oraSovAlOOrknir.Mr. ties: Greea HaauPl.nir iknij uoofceoerrrnna ir 1. Also Red asVl Wbis Clover SreJj Lcm, Timothy. OrckaiA Grass, Herds and Blue Grass; Wheat, Barley, RyAfiae Scotch Pouto Oata, llarrA urtxal and Frencttngar fai dirertio-i for cnltnre and maauftftuni oSagar; Monia Mtriti--eanlia Trees, with trestle on culture. Country my unciKii paperv, raaoy tor Tetau, or in koiea from $10 to $100.

or by theVJ oxen papers, or poo ad and bushel, (if tbey prefer kaklng their own selre. tion from the general caUloguV) or for which a separate price list will be furniahed Planters farnubed witn ooxea, well assorted, at frodt i to t'0 wack. Market Uardeuers furauhed wifc the best oaslitr of articles, and on reasonable trrn1 jnese Seeds are Imported dtrec from the i eminent and experienced growers idVtae Not (sera SutM, and from tbe first Seed EstaVithnteaU ia rrance, HolUnd, Esgland and ScoiLaaJt4 ssay ba depended on as fresh and genuine. Also Ploughs, CulUvators, Corn SheV-rB aad Straw Cutter, of tbe most approved raVties Garden and Faming Tools. Canary Birds of the fnest sour BreediorSod aney Bird Cages.

j. kJ- mra ed or every sort, with a treatise other snag frlz3at II. W. CHANDLER. CUSTOMHOUSE BROKER, Corner of Front Levee mnd Customhouse SU-, (Over Tirrell II Colhooa'a Shoa 9t ALL kinds of Customhouse Blanks for sale Customhouse Business nrrauged for Strangers and MasteV of Vessels and Mercbanduta tries furnished Export end Import Manifests mass out; all requisite information imparted on form of -transacting Customhouse business.

fyltf noticii. THE nndersigned having been appointed by tU District Court of the United Slates, Commis- sioners under the Bankrupt Law, inform the public that they hold IheirofficeinExchango AUey.betwees Conu and BienvUle streets, where thev mar be found irom 1 clock in the morninr till 7 in the eveaiag. fyltt tf E. LAUVE II L. DUVifiVAIID JEsiiersj, sit Thin! i ne subsenbera beiog old euier here, end notwiifc- rstindijig the very bard limes, have, hv thi the vast number of caterers wbo reside here, been I a wWV iceiuc a "deraU price, two splen- I ...,.1 nac" exhibited in Th will K-IJ1.

ua UO pUOIIC IOT 1 TatterssJl's, opposite tbe St. wf" chBe The Red Steer, thrte yeara old, Win. Hume, of Bourbon county. Ky4 has taken the ca wurnani, was raued and red 1 1 r- otcrr oxnioiiion. me otaer, ucpw led Steer, three years old, full blooded Durham, was raised aud fed by Dr.

Samuel D. Martin, of Clark county, Ky brought down by Mr. Geo. Eriuercr. They will be slaughtered and exposed for sale on ScNDr morning next, 12th instant, nt PALMER.

JACKMAN'S StalL No. 52, Old Beef Market, First' Municipality! and nt JOHN FORSHEE'3 23, Poydras Market -N. B. Prices to snil times. fy BARGAINS.

IN BOOKS. I T7 OH 8 ALE at 74 CaoaJ street, very low, an to- I roice of BOOILS. eonsJatin. aT Tbe American Almanac and Repository ef Useful riBowiouf a Token and Atlantic 8ouveair and a no i oeta oi Asncncn, luaatratej. tjhjc- CHEAP EMBROIDERIES.

-fUBROIDKRED Collar and Cbemiattes M-i Embroidered Robes end BU Dresses Mourning Collars Thread Laca and Edging Worked Frocks and Bodies' t'T WideBcotck Ginghutf and Irian. 4 Fot sale very cheap; wholesale retail, ly J.U.NORJL4NSVCO, 17AUrau aL fylO lw comer cf Commoa..

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