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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
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iriCK 72 CAM I' STREET. TKRMS Or TMt PiriniRf. SubscffpiKw received lor twelve nioiiilM forfl2 blf yearly ml Mannerly st the same rates. All sun- in advance. Single copies fci cents.

for fl t'ie first, aud 50 cents lor every subsequent itiM-ruon. Those of cieitter length cbaiged la proportion AiivirrtimsnH-nU. ixit specified as to time. wlJ one jnorUb and advt-rtisement or subscription w-ll be all arrearages are paid, unless at tbe option we proprietors. weekly.

Advmiseinems pushed at chmrstd semi-eekly, tri-weekly, or cbmrgta one m-llar per square lor every "TV rti.e by the A lilierul discount made to tlios vno advertise oy ui Marr.ases.nd Obituary one oou-r WEDNESDAY M0HH1 JU-u "r-p Weekly paper, con- -tHiniii" ihe news and tbe Interesting iucldents of the paX ran lrc: r-- -r- a .1 MRtn "Nature, finding the Municipality dilatory 1 in cleanii.5 the streets, operated on them yesterday herself, by a strong and wholesome 'shower that continued the greater part of the day. The oldest inhabitants were made for the nonce a portion of the floating population. The water at Lnke Poydras, Lake Gravier, and 'the other great crossings, were about four feet Krfintiut shout. A Spaniard was sliot by a negro on Monday evening, at the Ponlchartrain rail road, near the Gentilly Road. He received the wound in the abdomen, and died in a few min utes.

A Uerraan saw tne crime uumiumeu, and thought to secure the negro, but he made his escape. CTbahks: to the officers of the steamers Belle of Arkansas and De Soto for late river papers. T- tsr mere were two resoiuuous passcu uj the Council last evening which must meet the warm annnnl nf Via Onnat WnPtlta of that bfjdV. 1 One was, the grant for the relief of the sufferers by the Tallahassee fire the other, that for the employment of persons to keep the streets clean during the summer and fall. Fish.

Bell, of the Washington Hotel, at the lake end of the Pontchartrain Railroad, has on hand'and ready for cooking at the present time, live poiripanos, black fish and other delicacies in that line. We make this announce-ment ofyfoA-ally. The Baltimore Commercial Journal and Lefford's Price Current, is a sheet of much valuable commercial information. Personal asd Editorial Difficulties. The editor of the Tropic ihe Colonel kicks up a considerable fuss generally about the difficulties that encompass him, such as having been deserted temporarily by hi? associates, having the influenza, a hole in the elbow of his and laboring under unpleasant political reminiscences.

Man is a dissatisfied, discontented animal, that's sure as shootin';" and what man is In the aggregate, the Colonel is in the individual. Why, bis position is to ours as Elysium Zion Paradise itself is to purga-tory-j-or, if you ill, a still warmer place. We are solitary and alone. One of our editors has gone North whether to prepare a work for the or to prepare for matrimony we are not certain another of them is over the lake, stu-dying Walton on piscation and Scott on mili tary manoeuvring the third is used down with the iufluenza, and we, our individual self, are almost used up with the same disagreeable dis temper. We are so deaf that we cannot hear the compositors call for copy but through an ear-trumpet, so hoarse that we cannot call for paste, and.

so bad with the rheumatism that we cannot use the scissors. We are so annoyed by a concatination of evils that we have got no ideas of our own, and we are yet so conscientious that we forbear to "appropriate" those of Others. We are so "hot arid feverish, that if we go nigh the thermometer it immediately rises ten or fifteen degrees, and so agueish that we can vill a flute-player of the most mediocre musical ability to perform a succession of scientific shakes which would throw Ole Bull in the shade. To fill up -the cup of our misfortunes, we are indebted to our washerwoman, who holds a lien on our clean "dicky, and the Temperance. Society has stopped our grog! The Italiak Opera.

Antognini, the principal tenor in the Italian opera corps, has had his arm broken in a wrestle with Cioffi. Better liis arm had been broken than his voice. luST We are sorry to find that our friend Porter, of the Spirit, is so much addicted to Pvnch lately. His temperance movement seems to be an advance backward What will you take said Alfred yes terday to a fellow who went up to the bar and looked a if be would take something. I'll take brandy perse," said the customer, filling a full." go" and drinking it off, unmixed with' baser matter." JSecoto cm ci a lit Council.

The Council held rather a prolonged session last tught. Tlw quarterly report "of the treasurer was received, arid, on motion of Alderman Mac-farliine, ordered to be printed. An appropriation of $12,000 was made for the repair of the wharves previous and preparatory to the commencement of the business sea-son. j. On motion of Alderman Frerrt, seconded by Alderman Caldwell, $500 were voted for tbe relief of tbe Tallahassee sufferers.

Alderman Macfarlane called for the yeas and nays on this question. Aldermen Peters and Simpson were the only negatives. -v resolution: was adopted providing for the employment of not more- than twenty men in keeping the streets clean during the summer anl The prayer of several petitioners for remission of fines, for violation of the ordinance, was complied with. Aw Empty Bank. The committee appointed to take possession of the Allentown (Pa.1 Pank, found on entering the banking house, nothing but a few empty boxes, old desks and chairs.

The President of the is ru mored, has been arrested for embezzling large uui oi money, we shouldn't wonder I John C. Calhoun Tfc MM? CaM' the edhor of lbe wPaphy of tmuuuu AIJICU1 1 -T' TTa, rcm, 01 vaiuuuu. recentiv imhah rmm .1 eroiners, with having suppressed 7JZ7 Wr lh "PM delivered during the 1 io lVr0Un i eervice in Congress, irom the 13th of rwu. b. after K.

uu" 01i l- tew days auer he took hia sent tK- custom oaths ancient servea, more ne population ofthb city, to Bang a house wbfch tber. crane as a token of the presence of the be-reaytmenVwithin. If the decead wasvoung the color of the ensign of mourning is wjite-if old, it i black. Passing through Royal frflt 'veflterday we observed a white crape hung out from a house, the doors and windows of which were all closed, it's appearance drew us into a train of reflection had it been black ifwould not, in all probability, have su perinduced a To die is the lot of all; and when the aged pasB away the pang of pity is less severe the snocK wnicn nature re ceives is less violent. When we see the black crape hung out we think if we reflect on the matter at all that it is well, perhaps, death has been a visitant there.

Tbe deceased may have been a father having ungrateful 6ons a mother having unkind daughters. Ho sup posing him to have been of tho male sex may have found deceit where he sought friendship- detraction where he looked for praise injus tice where equity was due him. He may have been 'compelled to partake of persecution and to drink deep of adversity. Whatever may have been his lot he was old, or at least old ish if he had been happy, to live longer might be to outlive his happiness his demise, therefore, view it as we will, leaves little room for regret. It is not so when the white crape signals the death of tbe vouner and the beautiful.

1 When sweet spirits are snatched from life, on whose soul sin had not left its imprint nor vice its withering trace, we regret that they should be so prematurely takeu away from a scene which their purity illumined by rays of reflected light we think they take with them a propor tionate share of that goodness which nature with so niggardly a band endows mortals; we liken them to a flower blasted by an untimely frost a green and tender plant rudely uprooted by the storm. We flatter ourselves that as they had never known passion, envy or un- charitableness, they never would know them, but would go on as they had gone on, blessing and to be blessed. Never do we see a white crape hung out at a door, but thoughts such as these stir within us. Saratoga Springs. The number of visit ers at the Springs at present is represented to be full one thousand an unusually large nam ber at this early stage of the season.

What lot of hairy faces and brainless heads must be there. Storm. A severe storm swept the whole northern seaboard from Charleston to Canada on the evening of the 2d instant. At Charles ton, the turret of St. Paul's Church waa struck and much injured by lightning.

At New York there was, after a day of intense heat, a hurricane of wind and dust in the eve' ning which swept the Bay, and prostrated trees on the Battery, shed, At Danville, there was a thundergust, with bail, by which some nine thousand panes of glass were broken. Large trees were up rooted, and part of the bridge swept away. At 3 o'clock the thermometer stood as high as 103 and at 4 o'clock had fallen to 63. At Quebec there was a violent thunderstorm in the afternoon. Houses and barns were blown down and much other damage done, in the neighborhood and the lightning struck the church of St.

Rock while the people were at vespers causing great alarm, but no loss of life. The iron steamship constructed at Pittsburg is now being taken apart, with a view to its conveyance to Lake Erie, by way of Beaver River and the 'Pennsylvania and Ohio Cross-Cut Canal. ft A bail storm was experienced at Brad ford, Vermont, on the 2d which broke thousands of panes of glass. One hail stone was found which, the Bradford Protector says, weighed over a quarter of a pound, and mea sured eight inches io circumference. 'What a busting" shower it must have been Ep Hue8ton, of the Baton Rouge Gazette, has come out for Henry Clay for President, and has placed his name at the head of his columns.

Who will sav now that the prospects of the ancient mill boy of the Slashes are not bright ening up 1 Hueston, you should doff that white hat it looks Van Burenish Johnsonish. Railroad Travelling. The Bulletin, in copying a paragraph from the New York Her ald, stating that the Harlem Railroad Company received, on the Fourth of July, $1,200 as passenger fare, though their charge was no more man tweiye ana a nan cents tor each person, and tbe nde is seven miles, refers to the exor bitant charge extorted by the Pontchartrain Railroad Company thirty-seven and a half cents for four miles of travel and asks why the discrepency 1 It may well put the interro gatory, and we and the public reiterate it why is a price so much above adequate compensa tion charged by the Pontchartrain Railroad Company If it is done with the view of patting money in their purse, then it strikes us they defeat what they desire to accomplish. It is an erroneous dogma of political economy, even where no apparent competition exists, that high prices increase profits. This is now generally understood and conceded.

The smallest possible profit in individual cases makes the greatest aggregate gain. The revenue resulting from the English post-office, for instance, is greater now, when a letter is conveyed through the kingdom for a penny, than when the cost of its transportation was sixpence. Oh, but," say the Pontchartrain Railroad Company, we have no opposition, no competition there is no other railroad running to Lake Pontchartrain we can charge what we like." In reasoning such as this lies the great mistake he injustice and inconvenience to the public, and the actual loss to the company. True, there runs no other railroad to tbe lake, and most persons business there are compelled to Bumbit to the exorbitant charge of the company; bat when persons are about to leave the city, for pleasure or amusement, a different question suggests The party asks himself whe ther be would not do better by paying a nicay une for crossing over tbe river, to Dinneford's weii-iaid-out garden, which, by-the-way, is the most pleasant place to visit that we know of in the vicinity of the city or, whether be woold not better consult his finances and his feelings oy taxing we railroad to Carrollton, some seven miles, tor two bilts; or whether, in fact, il would not be better to stay at home altogether than to pay tliree birts for sl ride of four miles on the Pontchartrain railroad. If the companv consult their Own interest, urespectively of that of the public, they will reduce their fare to somethins like an equitable standard.

I Thx Whit Craj. It 3 amaiir tZT Will you go for Johnson for old Col. Dick, that gave the Injuns 11 said one voter to another, Cincinnati, oa the 4th, where th gallant old Tecumseh-killer had been making anti-British speeches. Yes," said tfce party addressed, "I go the whole hog for' the Colonel all but the red waistcoat I doesn't like red vests." Vert Good The Mercury says that Pu- sey ism" is a conspiracy to put down immorality among cats. It originated in the moral reform or some other society.

A Description. Dr. Beecher his ser mon in the i remont Theatre, thus descnDes our fair friend, Fanny Ellsler: Her pant were in close imitation of nature as baffled discrimination between costume and flesh her Bhort over-dress, rising as she whirled around amid shouts of applause which might have made the devil blush, and female virtue, had it been there, burn with indignation and hang her head." Fanny's legs might have ap peared rather bare, but then the Doctor's char ity should cover Female Modetty.Viha.t an unruly member is that tongue A blooming Miss on the coast has recently discarded a lover for remarking in her presence that there was a prospect of the wind ihifting Major Kelly says this; is he to be George M. Hinkle, baa apostatized from the lann or miner, ne nas set up as prophet on his own hook, and established a new Mormon Church in Iowa, in opposition to old Joe's, which he calls the Church of the Purified Saints." Down with monopolies, as the fellow said when he ran off with the ladies' umbrella, which she held up to protect herself from the rain: Prolific. A negro woman, near Wilton, South Carolina, was lately delivered of four children, two boys and two grls, at a birth would Parson Malthus say to that? Ranch's Ossian.

Punch gives the following humorous poem, after the manner of Ossian DUAIf i. i Morning rose on St. Giles. The sun, strut: gling through mist, tinged the summits of the fceven Dials wuti the yellow hue of autumn. Sleepless was the wife of McFinn.

Gloom hung on her brow. Gone was McFinn, of the light heart. To join his countrymen was he cone. Sacred was the day to Patrick. Why did gloom darken the brow of tbe wife of his bosom Supreme in her heart he reigned.

ureat was her love. Why burst the sigh from her lips Hearken By her not unseen was his danger. Bereft was the wall of his blackthorn. His tongue was swift, careless his heart, and his arm strong. Neither was his soul patient of wrong.

A vision wrapt her. On her spirit gathers darkness, she lore sees evil, is it Mcrinn they bear lifeless to his habitation 1 Her breast heaves sighs. Her hair streams loose on the wind. She shrieks She swoons Pledged was McFinn to Matthias to drink the purling stream. Loud was the laughter of bis mends.

Broken waa bis pledge, hnce was the cup filled to the brim thrice raised to his hps. Tbrice was it returned empty. His spirits rose. Loudly rang his laughter through the nail. His lins were opened "Sons of Erin" listen to the words of Mc Finn.

His soul is great within him. It swells. Unable is his body to contain it. Where are his mends 7 Hath he not one among all bis brothers to repress bis swellingy spirit Is be alone, that they heed him not And despised, that they do not regard him Met inn throws down hut bat on the earth, cold as marble; is there no one to kick it And his coat, will no one tread on it Is glory departed from Erin Are her sons cowards Soeakiner. his rolling orbs flashed fire.

bore was his spirit moved. Arose Flaherty of the auburn locks. "Ye sons of Lnn! Sous of the sea-girt emerald Are we cowards 1 Shall the cur snarl, and we not spurn it The wasp sting, and be not crushed 7 Shame to McFinn and wooden shoes to his children He spoke. And the gathering storm broke forth in thunder. Lightning flashed from opposing eyes.

Grasped was tbe the threatening arm extended. In equal bands the sons or formed around their chiefs. Their souls are kindled. The hall resounds with fearful crash of arms. Like the hill- streams, roaring down, the fierce blows of McFinn descend.

Frequent as hail stones aie the blows he wards. Stout is bis heart; despibing danger. 1 be walls, re-echoing groans, are sprinkled with the blood of the brave. Hot is the fury of the battle Fast fall the mighty. One by one they fall.

Overpowered, the friends of McFinn retreat, heedless of the voice of their leader. Turning to rally them, a treacherous blow brings him to me eartn. Sounds of mirth and misery, wo and glad- neas, nit ine nan groans and rejoicing. The wailings for McFinn. Charivari.

EF" The Louisville' Journal, in allusion to Major Noah's political changes going from one party to another, to a third and finally to neutrality calls bim The Wandering Not bad, but rather personal. Natal. U. S. ship Saratoga, from New York for the' Coast of Africa, was spoken on the 11th ulL, in lat.

33 30', Ion. 46. of the ichooner Drusilla, by fire. The packet ship Ssheffield, which arrived at New York from Liverpool on the 9th, spoke on the 7th inst, in latitude 37, longitude 71, whale ship iicnry, ui irora Bag uarbor for Cape of TT 1 mi uood Hope, and took from her Captain Jenks. mate and crew, of the schooner Drusilla, from Boston hound lor St.

Domingo. The D. had taken fire on the night of the 6th. in lat 40. long.

70 40; all attempts to quench it proving ineffectual, and it increasing, they were obliged to iae, to which situation they wem up py me Henry. Fire. The woods on Cape setis, nave Deen extensively devastated by fire, caused by a stroke of lightning. They were IOJIl WDIttA hv tka 1 UB.WUIlug Element to tbe ex tern ot mteen miles. AIDVT "ffl a xney nearIy a miUion and a quarter yards of cotton cloth at Lowell per week, employ 9000 operates, (6375 femaleV.) and use 434,000 lbs of raw cotton per week! Thu flnnnal nmnnn of 22,568,000 pounds, (enough to load 50 250 ton.

I iwaauiaciured, 70,275,910 yarda100 pound of cotton will produce bv yards or doth. Smoking. The Council General of tion in Switzerland has forbidden tbe whole of I tbe students of the several faculties to smoke, upon the principle that the habit is' not only useless ana oi paa taste, bat expensive, inju- nous to neaitn, and at tbe same time dangerous to the public Can't we get np anti-cbewing anu ann-smoking societies here I Association I can effect anything. Madame Castellan. Tbe New York cor respondent of tbe National Intelligencer (be lieved to be N.

P. Willis) thus sketches Mde. Casteuan I should take Madame CaBtellan to be about twenty-two. She is a plump little Jewess, "with an advantage not common to. piumptuude a very uppish and, thorough-bred neck, charmingly set on.

A nortrait of her dimpled shoul ders and the back of her head would have been a fit subiect for Titian. Her countenance ex presses an indolent sweetness, with none of the wide-awakity so common to her tribe, indeed, the description of the Persian beauty, by Hafiz, occurred to me on looking at her Her heart is full of passion, and her eyes are full of sleep:" A most amiable person I am sure she is but. unless I am much mistaken, there is none of Malibran intellectual volcano in the cray- ther." and the molten lava is what is wanting to make her equal or comparable to that won derful woman. 1 certainly do not think we have heard a voice in this country, not even Malibran of more astonishing compass than Castellan's. There is not a chamber in her throat where a cobweb could remain unswept for a moment.

Her contralto tones are far be yond the plummet of ordinary soundings," and as rich and eborlless as the gurgle ot a riug-dove, while her soprano notes go up with the buoyancy of a lark, and rais3 on tip-toe all of the audience who am not lortunate enough to obtain seats, still, in ascending and de scending this angel's ladder, she misses a round now and then. There are transitions which catch, somehow. She wants fusion. In her trills, more particularly, the balance is one sided, and there is a nerve in the listener's be- Moin which is not reached by her warble. Give ber more practice, however, and more pasBion-ateness or stimulus, and she would melt over these trifling flaws without a doubt.

So near perfection as she is, it seems almost impertinent to criticise her. Wallace's concert at Baltimore was attended by from eight hun dred to one thousand persons. The applause, says one of the papers, was tremendous. In deed, the admiration of the audience came near bringing with it, by its expression, a fatal re sult, for the plastering of the ceiling wus loos ened by tbe shock, and the stucco work around one of the chandaliers giving way, it fell to the floor, with a report like that of artillery, among the radies, missing every one, however, in its fall. The bench from which Wallace bad just an instant before risen, was broken in two a moment, and he would have been killed upon the spot CP The.

amount of subscriptions made in France, and paid into the Central Treasury at Paris, up to the 15th of in aid of the suf ferers by the earthquake at Guadeloupe, was 2,826,201 francs-. Important Decision. The Supreme Court of Errors at New Haven have decided, in effect, that the proprietors of the lost steam boat Lexington are responsible for all the freight on board at the time of her destruction, al though notices were posted up in the boat, and inserted in the bills of lading, that all freight was to be at the risk of the owners. The Tariff of Brazil. Letters from Rio de Janeiro, of the 24th May, received in Balti more, state that the Brazilian Minister of Fi nance has appbinted a committee of five per sons from the Customhouse, to examine the present tariff, and to select therefrom the arti cles of firat necessity.

He recommends an in crease of duty on all articles of luxury, to be put in force at the expiration of the treaty with England in November, 1844 also a duty of 60 percent, on all coarse cotton goods, and 40 or 50 per cent, on finer descriptions, with the view of protecting industry, and finding a home mar ket for the raw material grown in the country. Ep-The late Frederick Gebhard, Esq of New York, bequeathed the sum of $20,000 to Columbia College, for the foundation of a Pro fessorship of the German language and litera- iure. jona Liouts leiiKarapt has been appointed the Gebhard Professor, and will pro rw ceed to Germany for the purpose of opening a correspondence with literary men, and procur ing a library for the Professorship. On the 1st of January he enters on his direct duties. Burning of Bibles.

It will be remember ed that much excitement and angry recrimina tion grew out of a statement made in the N. Y. Jour, of Commerce and other northern papers, last winter, charging certain Catholic Priests in the north-eastern portion of the State of New York (Champlain) with having been guilty of the secrilegiouB act of burning a quantity of Catholic The affair, at the instance of Bishop Hughes, has been fully investigated by a committee of Protestant and Catholic gentle men, and their report, which we give below, is published in the Plattsburg Republican. The editor precedes it with some remarks, and savs As the friend of justice, we freely give place io mo report in question, ti places me wnoie .1 I I 1 affair in its true light before the public. It satisfactorily appears from the report, that an itenerant Jesuit rriest (late from trance) did the sacrilegious deed, and hs alone is re sponsible tor it.

We, as Protestants, rejoice that our Catholic neighbors and friends had neither part nor lot in me matter, nowever much we mav diner with them in religious tenets, (and differ we most certainly do.) we should be grieved to see injustice done them by imputing to them outrageous acts, of which tliev are not euiltv. anu in wuicu toey never paruciputed, oy word, 1 .1 act, or aeeu. REPORT. The undersigned, in compliance with a re quest from the Rev. J.

Rooney, of "Plattsburg, and in conformity with the wishes of Bishop 11 L. M. I. I I i 1 Jtuurs, new ivr, j'uuiimiicu in me pa pers, met at the Corbu, in the town of Cham plain, for tbeurpose of ascertaining the facts in relation to the burning of the Bibles in that place in November last. After having examined a number of witness es, we have to report, that Bibles were burnt, and that the number will not vary much from forty two we think that to be the precise num ber.

They were burnt by Mr. Telman. a Mis. sionary from Canada, and recently from France. a nar omai tuai rar.

i ennun was the sole instigator and mover in the business of burning Bibles, and in opposition to the wishes and feelings of Mr. Dugas, the resident clergyman at the Uorba. It appears that the number burnt was but a small proportion of the whole number distributed among the The Bibles were given to the Catholics by Protest. ant agents of the Bible Society, and in some cases were letcwitn individuals, after" an ex pression of repugnance to receive them. nA but a small number of those who gave un their moies io oe uurncu, cuuiu at he BuAop at ou vuruu alter the aboye transaction, and expressed in stronz laneuace uib avuipproDBuuu ui ujo wnoie auair.

Therefore, in view of the above facta "and circumstances, we have arrived at the conclu sion that, whatever odium there is in this transaction, it belongs to Mr. Telman; and it would be uncharitable and unjust to throw it uu uie wiiuio ucuuuuuaiion. EBEN'R A. SCOTT, HIRAM LADD, Protestants. 1JAV11J 1 MICHAEL HAGERTY, JOHN RtLEV, Catholics.

PATRICK MOFFITT, 5 Clwplain, Corbu, 9tl Emigrants. The emigration to this coun try from' the port of Havre this year, is very extensive, During three days in the early part of June, two thousand quitted that port. One peculiarity, until now unexplained, says a Havre paper, distinguishes this new flood of pioneers they are no longer only the peasants of Alsace, Switzerland, and the poor States, situated at the north of France, who expatri ate themselves to run after prosperity, but our quays are covered wtth a different emigrating population, whose picturesque costumes, and strange physiognomy excite the curiosity of pas sengers and cause them to stop in their course. These are the inhabitants of the depths of Norway, who have come by the economical method of navigation and who after having passed over from north to south, eleven degrees of latitude, have come to Havre to embark, and sail for more favored climates. Several companies, numbering more than six nunareu men, women and children, have already passed by our city, and almost all the Norwegian vessels, this season, bring us some of theseLemi-grants.

An Old Fool. A crazy old Frenchman, named Schickler, lately died at Paris, leaving 100,000 to Fanny Elssler. A Convention. Much has been said about a State Convention much about the necessity for calling one much about the policy of call ing it much about its powers when called much about the limit or extent of its duties-much about its bearing on the interests and well-being of the State much about it in every form and phase. A writer, however, in the Democratic Advocate, published at Baton Rouge, has set discussion on the subject for ever at rest, by defining its nature, pointing out its powers, developing its illustrating its aim and end.

All this he has made as ldnr on mini ab IntplII trihl na flip liiprrw glyphics on the ruins of Palenque, and as com prehensive as "Miss Harriet's" mysterious epileptic influence. In witness whereof read the following extract from his essay, addressed 1 To the People," and signed One of Your selves:" "Conventions are essentially. 'respectively equipollent and omnipotent a self-evident pro position, conclusive by the very terms of its enunciation, the faith of which is directly im peached by the converse supposition of at tributing any faculty to the former convention of impairing by detraction from the plenary equivalent powers of its successor, a posterior nanantSnn There, let us not hear another word about the Convention till election time. CP" Lt. J.

B. Cutting died suddenly of ap oplexy, on board the frigate Columbia, while lying in the harbor of Rio de Jenairo on the 29th May. He was buried on the 21st with military honors. iy Tbe Sisters of Charity have the pleasure an nounce the receipt from Udame Adolphe Maznreau, the sum of $93, being the a mount collected by her from the ladies of the. Parish of Pointe Coupee, in aid of the Female Orphan Asylam of New Orleans.

Sands'i Celebrated Sarsafarilla. This excel lent compound, which is creating such a universal in terest turougnoai uie country, uas at lengtn made its way successfully into tbe favor of our citizens and the people around us. We have read again and again of the efficacy of this invaluable medicine if we can call a very pleasant beverage medicine bat not until recently have we bad any positive proof which could induce us to speak tairiy oi tt. If ut trora tacts In our possession we are now well convinced that, without any exception, it is Uie narest, fleasantest, and Best compound ever offered to the public for tbe cure of all chronic disease, rheumatism, scrofula, and all impurities of tbe blood, together with many other complaints. "nostrums and nostrum-venders," that we hanlly dare it nas so ion? oeeu remarkea mat uie aire is one ot recommend a valuable discovery in the medical science.

lest we jeopardize our reputation lor incredulity and consistency, but in this instance we hesitate not to hazard the remark which we have made above. Hart ford Review. rrermreu ana soia dv a. b. sain ijs it uo.

urnetnsts. New York. Sold also in New Orleans by SICKLES It Co, 40 Canal street, and by A. OLIVER Co, 64 Chartrvs street: and by druggists and merchants througlHiut the United States. CV Price, SI per botUe Six bottles for $5.

Caution. Be particular to ask for. Sands's Samoa- rilla. and take no other. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge.

Some medicines war ranted to destroy worms in children." are very well calculated to destroy chi Idren too. This is not the case wnD Jayne's Tonic vermiruee. It does not contain a single ingredient which can harm the most delicate in- tant, and yet it etpels Worms Iroin tbe system with a facility, and certainty, perfectly astonishing. Nor is mis its only sanative property it is a fine Stomachic, and in remiuent and intenniuent fevers has been administered with most gratifying resalts. Obstinate cases of Piles have yielded to its influence and 'its maw.

qualities renucr an excellent medicine in tle convalescent stage of all diseases, pleasant to the taste. For sale by lt is exceedingly S1UK.UK3 CO, Druggists, je22 lm 40 Canal street iy THoair's Compound Extract or Copaiva and Sarsaparilla The most infallible remedv ever dis covered for that class of diseases generally, in which Uie use oi copaiva and sarsaoan I la have been found serviceable. The estimation and enormous sale this medicine has obtained for die last four years, is a cer ium trim hju ui us luiiinrnsc uuuiy. it nas acquired the utmost fame in almost every part of Europe. It has been examined.

arDroved of. and sanrtinnml hv the faculty of medicine, and recommended by the most ciuiMcui iu uie proiession. One recommendation this preparation enjoys above au ouers is lis neat, portable form put up in pots the mode in which It may taken, lieing both easy and pleasant its tasteless nature with no restriction in diet or confinement from daily business. Travellers especially would hnd this medicine highly useful, and ougnt never to tie unprovided with a preparation pos sessing the advantages which the present one com- otnes. Accompanying tue medicine is a nanioiuet ex planatory of the different stages ot tba disease, without any extra cnarge, containing lull and ample directions.

It contains no mercury. Prepared hy J. B. Tliorn. chemist.

London and for sale by SICKLES it CO, Druggists, 40 Canal street, new urieaus. Br Howard Association." -The members of the almve Association will attend a Snecial Meetins on THURSDAY EVENING next, ihe JOth of July, at No. 12 Banks' Arcade, at 8 o'clock, P. 51. runctuai attendance is requested, as business of impor- taiice wui ue urougui oeiore me Association.

jyia u. j. kiuakuu, sec'y. t-e?" At an adjourned annual meetm? of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION, held on the 6th of juty instant, the totiowing gentlemen were elected omcers to serve lor tne ensuing year; r. iv.

aiorcan, rreHient; V. Emerson, 1st Vice President C. H.Noble, 2d do do; J. P. Breedlove, Trea5urer D.

J. Ricardo. Secretarv Director for the First Af unicipalitu W. L. Giles.

J. Willis, and C. H. Brush Director for the Second Municipality: V. Boullemet.

MUm aoii, mitt v. (my? Dirtctort for the Third Municipality E. Hy L. jsuipru, anu v. ADrscoceuu A true copy from the Minutes.

jy93t D. J. RICARDO, Sec'y rpO LAWYERS The advertisers have for sale a LAW OFFICE ALMANAC, or Leal Directorv of the Stale of Louisiana. It is printed" on a single sheet, and exhibits at a plane the time of 1.1 I I til. and ti'tffa- ent Judaea.

Shf rifT and Clerks of the Courts it shows rhe Parishes and DWtricfs into. which the 8tale is di vided and contains an Almanac, arranged in a novel manner, exnresslv for the use of an Attorney's office, The muttriiila for this convenient sheet have been col iected and arranged by a Lawyerof this city, and may be Tully openaeo upon. For sale at this office. jL.iiW WUJJUU'lN KJtlA.lMXjil.O.' iMOtniG2 -a w- 1 "tkT A tr k7more trying to the cotwtirt tion than sudden chanT( of tbe atmwsphere. 11 eat ran lies the blood, quickens the circulation, and increases the perspiration but when suddenly checked, these humor which should pass nflf by the -skin are thrown inwardly, causinr coughs, colds, consumption, difficulty ol breathing, watery and inflamed eyes, sore throat, fevers rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many other complaints, the usual symptoms of catching cold.

WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are a delijrhttul medicine for carrying off a cold. Four iie oraiJ taken night on pinr to bed, icw uay carry on me most obstinate oold mt the same time the digestive organs will be restored to abealthy tone, and the blood completely purified. tPf- Observe-It should be remembered all penuine medicine bai Wright'i Indian Vegetable PUls, neatly printed on tbe tides of the boxes. Airent for the sale of fWright'a Indian Vegeteble jyl? G. N.

MOaiSQN, M-aiine Aoction Sales-- This Day. July 19. Hyde Moss sell, at their Ruction store, No. 39 Common street, at 10 o'clock, groceries, cigars, tobacco, Hewlett Cenas sell, at No. 19 Camp street, at 10 o'clock, music and musical instru- rnents.

See advertisement. TAMILY MEDICINE Tarrant's J- CoRDiAt. Elixir op Turkey Rhubarb takes fu place as llie hat rrmHv fnr Dvanensia and In.lirr-. tion of the present day and for its. efficacy and safety, deserves the name of being in truth a Family Medicine.

Those wlio suffer from excessive fatiffue, mental anxiety, or intellectual application of whatever kind, will find it to be a medicine of extreme value. This preparation will prove a healhful stimulant for the pafient who suffers from the frequent use of wine or spirits. Sold, wholesale and SICKLES CO, Druesists. Druggists supplied. je2f lm 40 Canal st AGAVE AMERICANA.

Tbe subscriber bess leave to inform k. ladies and srentlemen of New Orleans, that this SDlendH and rare Own nf Phmi ii be in full bloom on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thur. day. Those anxious to see it will please call at the Flower Depot, opposite the St Charles Hotel, Com. mon street, or at his seed store, No.

11 in Uie same i street, where cards of admission can be had dnrin? -the season of LloomiuV, at 25 cents each. 7 WM. DTNN. MAMMOTH The subscriber has just received from Judge But lev of St Francisville. a handsome SQUASH, measuring 4 feet 8 inches circumference, and weighing 60 pounds, wbicb can be Men at his Seed Store.

jv9 WM. INN, 11 Common st SUNDRIES 50 casks Bacon Hams, Sides and Shoulders; fiOO bbls superfine Flour 600 bbls Rectified Whiskey In store and for sale by FETTER It LONSDALE, Jyl9 71 Tchoophonlas 26; i yea rs, speaks English and French, of tbe dinary height slender and well known uet Marchande. She took away with ber ord as a Bouquet Marchande. She took away with ber one cottonade and one Dink muslin Dress. The hn reward will be paid for apprehending her, and lodg-" tag her in jail, or on delivering her at No.

82 Common street 3t v- $10 REtVARD. Absente4 himself from the milwtrriher. on th mamim. of the 18th instant, CARTER, a mulatto boy aged about 23 years, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches and mustaches. The alove reward will be given to any one who will brin? said boy to anr Auction corner of St Charles ami Common streets, or lodge him in any jail so we may ret him.

'l- jyl93t BENJAMIN KENDIG fc CO. ft BOOTS AND SHOES a l' AT COST. The subscribers wUl" continue to sell at cost, or leu than emt, such of their Mock as remains on hand, which was withdrawn from the Bankrupt Court They will also receive frequent additions, so as to keep up a geniTnl assortment; and, in order to sell off tbe remainder of the old stock, will continue to retail such fresh stock as may be received, as low as it can A be bought elsewhere at wholesale. Tbe following are a sample of prices -Gents' Boots, good quality, $2 00 to 4 00 calf and morocco Brofrans, do. 185" 250 Lasting 200 Linen 4 75 Ladies' Linen and Lasting Gaiters (fine) 2 2 kid ahd morocco Slips and Ties, 0 75 1 12 Children's Brogans, Buskins and Gaiters, 0 60 CP They will sell for CASH only.

jyl9 2w WILLMMS it GRANT, 18 Camp LOOK HERE all who bum Chemi-. cal Oil, or who wish a safe, clean, cheap lieht. -Theonly Camphine or Chemical Oil. Manufactory in this city is FULLER CCS, No. 72 Royal strcet where you are always sure of being supplied with an article 25 per cent better in quality than you can rt 1 elsewhere, for tliis obvious reason Camphine Chemical Oil will keep good but a short time in -any hot-climate when kept a few weeks it will not burn well This is the reason why your Lamps sometimes burn well and sometimes so badly.

Blake your purchases at 72 Royal street, where you are sure to get an article warranted fresh and good and you may almoin have a brilliant light, Come and look at our Office. Saloon, Store and Ta-, ble, Chemical Oil and Spirit Gas Lamps, which Can not be surpassed. We invite a comparison with any Lamp or Light in tbe city, for brilliancy, cleanliness and economy. Our Night Lamps will burn all night without any aiienoance wnaiever, at a cost ot 2, cents and are equally adapted for burning all day in Coffee Houses, or Cisrnr Stores. Our kdroom for Hotels and Board-Ingbouses.

can be trimmed to burn half an hour, at th con! of SO for 121 rents. Ye Ltrvtrt of Eetmamv! come and trv them, and judge for yourttlves. jyI9 lm GTATE OF LOUISIANA. First KJ Jx udicial District Court JOHN HOEV n. Hie Creditors and tbereditorsof Hoey Co No 20'005.

Tlie creditors of the inlvefit and all others interestsd are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, wiinin ien oays irom uie nrst publication nereor, wuy the tableau of distribution, this day nresented hv J. tt. Marks, syndic of the creditors of tbe insolvent, should not be approved and homologated, and said syndic discharged from all further trust and responsibility in uir firruiisrs. Witness, the Hon. Chas.

Manrinn. Parish in ST the absence of the Hon. A. M. Bnrhnnan.

thlHTTlh day of July, 1840. jyiaatiort T. OILMORG, Dep. Clerk. ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE.

Cour du Premiere District JudirJare JOHN HOEY contre sescreancierset les creanciers de Hoey fc. Co Na 20.091 Les creanciers de l'insolvable et toutes autres inieressees, sont par le present notifiaa de faire voire le raisons, s'ils en onl, en dix jours de ta oaie ae la premiere publication de cet avis, pour- 3uoi le tableau de distribution present aojourdhui par B. Marks, syndic des creanciers de l'insolvable. ne serait point approuve et homoiogue, et le dit syndic "rK" responsaoaite dans ranaire. leraoin, i Honorable Charles Maurian.

Juge de Ith roisse, representant rllon. A. M. Buchanan pendant son absence, ce 17eme jour de Juillet, jjiaoiivu -i'. uiLMORE.jjy Gretner.

PROSPECTUS or the "NEW ORLEANS STAR." The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. HE establishment of a weekly newspaper in the city of New Orleans, devoted the promotion of Temperance, Education and Religion, is an object of sucb importance and so imperatively called for by tbe peculiar moral and religious circumstances of the great South-West, that it cannot fail it it believed, to secure the approbation of an intelligent and patriotic public. While every other section of tbe mon abounds in such periodicals, we have not a single paper throughout the entire South-West devoted to the promotion of these great objects. Why should noV the great Emporium of the South and West have i'" Temperance, Literary and Religious pipers, as welt sustain a number of such- periodicals, New Orleans and the whole South-West surely can and will sustain one. And the time has arrived, it is believed, when an attempt to establish such a paper ought to be made -The public are therefore respectfully informed that It is the purpose of a few of their fellow-citizens, sliould a (uthcient numler of subscribers be obtained, to- establish such a paper early in the ensuing autumn and tbe public are moreover assured that every effort will be made io give to the New Orleans Star a high-, moral and intellectual character, and to render it every way an interesting family paper, adapted oially to the moral and religious condition ot the Soutb-West.

Though the chief object of this paper will be to pro-, mrte the cause of temperance, education and religwiv ftfltl it will nflntaln th nriM onivent 1. AMM. and general review of the markets carefully prepared, and such other local Information as will be interesting to planters and country merchants. It will contain also a summnry rtf foreign, domestic and political news. The editorial department will be conducted by -association of gentlemen in Louisiana, assisted by col respondmy editors for the States of Tennessee, Misns--sinpi, Alabama, Arkansas, and the Republic of-Texas.

TcaMS. The New Orleaos Star will be publisbtil -every Saturday, of the medium size, on fine nnner.and with clear type, and at the low price of three dollars pet annum, always and absolutely in advance. All communications to I addressed to the Editors of Uie New Orleans Star," post paid. TO COTTON SHIPPERS AND PLANTERS, fcc The subscriber offers to furnish bis PATENT DOUBLE PRESS, and to sell rights for States, fee. it is the latest patent, of very great power, far superiftr to any press hertofot in use, and adapted to a variety of purposes.

The first press bo'dt under his patent, is uow completed andio wasnington street, tu this city, hisb cmnpres-ing cotton for shipping, and tmtktlie of one man it compresses at the same time fa bolet cotton as well as the steam presses now used at the South, ami with but a trifling difference in time and by ine addition of a one-horse power, (at a small expense,) the difference in time can be saved thus raving tn hands, at a far leu cost is simple in its eonstrucrio durable not liable to get out of order, and can be used -to compress- one or two bales at a time. Prew bahng cotton mad under this patent, can be put up to adjoin the arm, and being much lighter, can be forded so as to induce planters generally to adopt tbein. will also make them adapted for pressing lard ana-linseed oil. The great advantages of piess is its' great power so readily by manual labor, and doing Uie work of two p. -esses at one operation, ke.

XL $10 REWARD. Kan away, (SSL on Friday last, the 14th instant, the Negro fiTSiIx Woman LOUISE, or Lucinda Fd 'about WfwYQni (UiiTi; jnneTiin, im. rvn ANTED A good house-serranV either a man or woman, about 20 years of age, experienced, and vu can produce excellent recommendations. Ac" "TSon would be Apply at No. ZIl between i and 1 but,.

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