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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

asv ra ei ana a ruu ttv ntttJVt Was Bit BUSINESS CAHDS. ON tba lath May, HOFEJNS.B aaUie tntarcat our a a. ylT sn FEAAVal, IKlCTaVwACT wt FB.XRNTCFctwsadiMsraJCowusi Marcaaat, N. ts Baa ptaog. Fit Saa Ja.C.

Rapert, I Marti, a ahaaaettv nea. D. McLellaad. I J. T.

Hardaa. icutuaaa. JO Bit T. HARDIE SCO, Cam aioB Mercbaor. No, as tvrariar atreat.

New OrUao. Jel3 6W Ret a i mcea Henry J. saadJord, New York Waa. P. Whiti say.Boatoai A.

Holoroak. New Orlaaaa. aaSl Wtf ea. W. Itott, nia w.

it OTP Aaa. tana A Domestic aad Tat el Ex VJ change and Not Broker. OSes, N. 4 Alley, baiwat St. Charles sad Camp street.

alo ly WARD THOMPSON, Wholesale (trocar aad Dealai ia cnotc wines aaa oranaiea, com oa street. All good war rs ated to be as re eaeated. o4 1) Root. Uvaa. W.

J. Maaale. DYAI A Wbolcsalt Srocers, No. 19 aad 141 Mag arine street. ssnto ly C.

Boeert. F. W. Wllltasna. I uwasi, cv.

a aoip agenm ana i.i imissne 1 1 Merchanta, TO Camp treet septa A. BEARD A MA Y.Aact ton eers, Appraisers, Ate Rank Orieana. apl tl TALL ANT A WILDE, Backer, San Francisco, Call forma. Refer to Mass. Jamas Bobb A New Orieana JytT ol ly W.

TAYLOR, (of th late firm of Sklpwltfa, Taylor A Co.) Cotton Factor and Cam mission and Fans mediae Merchant, tt Carondelet street. Jyll ly Tboa. Waters. John B. Camden.

Cbaa. Water ATERS, CAMDEN A Commission Merchants Ba lot roydra street. New Orieana, as ly J. CarrelL S. Qreenland.

Carrell dc Greenland, STOCK, NOTE AND EXCHAN8E BROKERS, my4. 'S3 ly tl Com meeelal Place. Anatln cfc Alartia, Proprietor of the Ocean 8pring. OFFICE over the National Telegraph Office, corner of St Charles and Gravter streets. spsa 3m cl ENNY A CO.

Cotton Factors and Commls 1oo rderr hant. 4r Camr idel st. Jel NOTtCSi 'Ibe copaitueranlp beretoture existing in tnia city under tbe firm of Thornhlll a Me Ibeaoy having expired by limitation list nil tbe same baa been dissolved. Tne underttgned Informs his Irieoos tbat be will coettlnae a Cotton Factorage and General Commission Business at Ma Carondelet street, under the style of Thornhlll a JNO. THORN HI LL.

New Orleans, June 1,1861 Jel 3mdA6mW NOTICE The firm of Thornhlll A Mcllbenny expires this day by limitation, and la hereby dissolved. JOHN THORNHLLL, R. McILHENNY. New Orleans, May 31, 1R6X Jel amdAJmW PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The anderslaned ba formed a partnership with Mr. G.

ANDER8SON, of ttila city the buainea to be conducted bereafier under tbe name of FRANCIS WOOD A CO. myts Im FRANCIS WOOD. at mb taw XTHOLESALE and Retail Dealers In ICE, No. SI Com It merce street, and St.

Tbomaa. near the corner of Ben amln street. New Orleans. mhl '63 ly Lorenao ALU. J.

Q. A. Fellows. Allla Fellows. ATTORNETS snd Counselors at Law Ofice, Com mer clal Place, corner of Camp (treet.

building of toe Cres cent Mutual Insurance Company. oH ly vjepartaera nip. Tbe undersigned have formed a CopartacrthlpaaSertbt vie of BULLITT. MILLER A for tbe purpose of transacting Cottoa Factorage and General Com mualo Buuneas. COTHBEBT DUL 1.1 TT, TUUB.

II. BtlLLEa, LLOYD D. ABDLSON.Sr. New Orieani, Jaly 10. aair tdptf I Ilsal a a CLOTHING WARXi foDSE, No.

60 CANaL ITREET New Orleans. Bay Manufactory and Whole, Warehouae, d4 No. Pearl street, NewTork. leicier nvsirsji COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 Si Pearl street, Hanovei Square, New York. Reference Wm.

8. Wetmorc, Metsr. Wermov A Gryder, Grinnell, Mlnturn A How land a Asplawall, aes Tsy lor. Esq. li.

a a. aingsiana a coc, vv. Forest A Co York i Daniel P. Parker, Esq. i Gsrdnet Colby, Boston Edward tTarringtan, Esq Provt denret Wm.

R. Le)ee, Philadelphia Wm. Wllaoo A sooa. Baltimore Lamaaen, aeBoan at new vrirm sa. TH undersigned baa this day withdrawn from tbe firm of FEARN, DON EG AN A CO.

May It, 1863. A. M. HOrKLNS. ItVPARTNERSHIP The undersigned have this dsy formed a partnership, for the parpoae of conducting a cotton ractnraae and uenerai commission huib this city, under the style and firm of POWELL a HOP atcta.

at. w. rvnbLi. mylB Je6mW A. M.

HOPRINR l)r. M. Ullhert, (Late tt Povdra street. New Orleans) HAS removed to Meanpbla, Tennissn, ettled permav uentlv. and reopened hi exten1v Intrmary for the reception and treatment of patients, wba can remala season ot the vear.

BBV Dr. Gilbert treats Chronic Dlaeaaes ef every grade. especially cancers, Ulcera and lumora, vntooot tn xaiK. ue treat Chronic lie tfiaraaea witn great sore, Memphis, July IS. ino.

jyu tw lyaaw Natarlal Natlre. rpHEunderalgnrd baving been appointed by his Excess a lencv. uov. r. u.

Hrrjen.a notary rustic in ana tor tb renin ot urieane. and state of laouinaaa, aa tue sue caaaor of Jme P. Gillv. 1 oreoared to carry on tbe NO TARIAL BUSINESS In all Its various branches with promptaeee, corre ctneat aod despatch, at no. ao CABS Bl n.g.E.1 IB IDIS city.

He 1 also Com mtaeioner for the Stata of Virginia, Pcnn Ivanla. Missouri. Arkansas. Mississippi. Kentucky, Tea netaee.

Aianama. lexaa ana caiisornia. irenaauion. awa ll other Instruments of writing peculiar to Ibeae Staet will be properly execotea. my 1 1 am u.

I aitssuv, ivotary ruouc I bav temovsd mv Undertaking and Cabinet banners from Cooti street to 41 niia rbna street. I hsve a Uarse mace on Heyiaat er. between Br. raul snd uirond.ana in re rtlllat, where 1 can take all kind of furniture and carriages oo sto ge ls rortiitar carts to air a asust, tnyl tsept ROBT. WOOD.

OTEAM ENGINE AND ROLLINS MILL A first rate cond hind Steam Engine and Rol'log Mill ith on' art of two boiler, for sale plantation above the city ror najtlrulaxa annlv to BOULIGNY Jeia im A OANUCHEAC. to Customhouse at. rJraee Faaaalrv At Na. t6SSt.Charlestreet. betweea Jallaaad St.

Joaepb street a. Brass Castings and Pattern of aiiaeacnptiotia. steam Mat ana piantanoo wart asade to order at New York prices. Orders so licited and executed with Cash paid forold i A sui per aaa oraa. or craalltv of Spelter Solder, warranted euaal ta ay, aad for sale at the lowest marxet price.

Caab raid for old Comer: Bi i aad Blac, or ths saa take In exchange for work JT 1Kb GUILD. Ba Pradel, Pupil of th celebrated Charriere.of Pari of Surgical Instruments and Apparatua, of Cork Leg, Club Feet, Bandages and Brace or an kinds ol patents, and uvea tor and Sole Pronrietor of a aew Truss, high ly recommended by tbe medical (acuity of New Orleans nee i aiso on nann and nr sale large assortment of els tic Dog Skin Stocking SaT Surgical Instruments repaired and mads to order at toe snortest notice. Fit Urn B. PRADEL, St Charlesst. nuuiw tat Drssvii, Mo.

104 St Charles street. New Orieaaa. 4i Manufacturer of tb latest aod an oat approved style of Iron Ballings, Verandah, Vault Doors Shutters. Straight and Circular Stairs, Bridge Roof and all other kind of Builders' I roa Workj also, dealer In BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Fancy Iron Casting, comprising all the order of Cap rlety of Silver Plated, White Pearl, Mineral aad Japanned Pumtture, Locks, sad very dascriptlaa af Hardwar aaed I auiiaingu.

jea iy Ta Merekaata aad Planters. The subvert ber ha on band sad Is constantly receiving a large and complete aasortmetit of Philadelphia manufactured Plantation aad Cane and other Carts Dray, Timber beck). Ox Cart snd Wheels, era ey and Bag gag Wag ona, Trucks and Wheel barrow of all kinds, and all other article la the Hoe, made of tbe beat materials and workmanship, warranttd to be superior to any other maaonvctare, for sale aa good terms and lower than any other establiahment Purchaser wil. find It ta tbelr Interest to call aad examine be lore parch Lag cigewoerc. DAVID 6.

WILSON, 4 Ptrdtde street, betweea St. Char lea and Carondelet at BaT AU of tb ahov article are tnanulactared of (a test new jeraey wo it was, witn ruaca ixicust nana, aeaaaa ly Maw oiaBle Stare. 3 Cam street. New Orleans. I would most retnectfnllv Inform Tour Mends and the public tbat our MUSIC i aTl STORE I now open, and that we would 0 iff Hbs Ad ta ra celve a call from then for wtn pu as aiutlcal merchandiaa.

i Inspecting th music aad To Pianos art of tht best Aatericaa maaalaetortce, tne latest pacorrn aa lmprovementa, witn or wiuoax tae aEollaa AttacbmeaU) Harps, Meiodcoos, Galtars and 1011ns, ol supen or quality i Braaa inatre meats, at eve pattern and variety, tor Bead, Bass Violin. Violoncello. Teaor VMIaa aad Baafoa, Flatea, Caariaaeta, Fatgaoieta. from 4 to 9 keys, from the beat scale Mule Boxes. Baa Drums, Snare or Sid Drum i superior String for ail kind or Magical instruments, la tb greatest variety, be Idea every thin usually found la a coeanlet Maste aton i Dealers wil' find it to tbelr interest ta call oa as.

sa we ar abl to sell them many af but article oa adyt ahageou sa. Musician, Teachers aad Amttgui rt ar particularly vttad to examine, as as trill deal with them ta their ad vantage. ey aa that we sell will be fully aad satkaVioiny warranted as ta parttctatt aad durability i aad If aa ht aroa an a car uj teiai a a elective, la, amy be returned aad exchange for aaother. Old Ptaaot taken la exchaag far aew by paying i uniuta Pi aooa and other Instrument taxed and reeaired. sW Plaoos to let, M.

B. WS wlU sis keep for tl FRENCH PIANOS. a a.ra aa rieyva. ear Maalc aaatfv HOMfEOPATHIC BOOKS AND MEDIcim) ton us ebole wKRALAN BOOKS, of tb beat writ aUby a at tw sintiiii a wtiiifiii. "iiai ON HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD Raa way from tbe abacriaer ea Baaday 11, th black boy HARBISON, aged aaaat a a at re The above re ward will ha bbIA for hie a ea aaA aot a ot im asm givaa aa aa J.

K. MATTHEWS Jafl tf erraer Catsa Start aad Graviar at FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD Raa awav aahserihsr, abaat tks 1st saw i ta iibii has, wa. tulles below Virksburg. a brtsht urn aviutaun, SB SB lacaaa la aerlahk. haa a aan riTIarJa i 7n.

tr, "no is tasty aiaraad isM.aadl 1 asappa ttr be na at hark ta te nla as be lived rt r. tVaav IB PtBCa, fiew unrsail A in imp aa at a yean before haw tsi H. DAVIS. Fart Ada, Ja 4, ISO. JT lsadAW gl a iw lacnea, ay tea oe a carnage painter, wnea ra aaa rr aarrladly aad with aa laawadt Baeat la hi speech.

It I pre earned that ba ha forged sa. probably I tb nam af Matthew A Daaa or la 00 THB DETAILS BY THE PACIFIC TA BrttJe Government had refuse Booms af Parliament, to stale whether or not Ite Medite ueaa eat liu. beea artered to aaust Aa latereaUnj dkcn loB In the Howe of XarAe had eeearre coaeeniinr the conduct of the Captaia Gerneral of oa in regan. la trade. All the Captalna are implicated except Concha aad Val e.

Canedo la deeply frailty. Spaia had seea remoaatraled with, and lad prom eda a dotes hot the BriUah fleet off Cabs will ha etre hened. The steamer La Plata bad arriTed from vera Cru with Arista oa board. She bring 27,5 26, oa arAii" ea dividends oa Mexican bond. The Rarah Sands, fro Melbourne, Febru ary MM, had arriTed at Plymouth, with 60,000 cte eae of void on freight The ship Black wall.

airiTiootn. iron ateiDoarne, eoruaxy visi, nau oa freight two toaa aad a half of gold and the Cheapatda, at Falmouth, had 19,000 ounce. A report pre railed at Berlin that Prince Fred aria William, heir apparent of Prussia, is the aoaband elect of the Princeaa Royal of England, aad that the pair will soon be affianced. The Prlaeete thirteen years of age. The story had ao currency ia Britain.

The committee of the projected Roman Catn Ue College at Dublin bad receded 300 sterling ia subscriptions from America. Tae A rcti expedition sailed from Queenetown OB the Hth for the north. The celebrated Aehilli ease, the Queen r. Dr. Newman," had closed by Dr.

Newman paying all the cost. Aehilli' costs were run up toaa im mease aooa, but were tared at 1,034 Dr. New aea own expenses were very large aaea larger than Aehilli'. It is rumored, bat doubted, that Mr. ampton ill be removed, aa British Minister, from Washington to a better poet.

riiiici. The aeaaioa of the Cny LtgW.aXxf closed on the 88th. It was ttated ia political circles that the coro BAtloa ia fixed for the 10th September. Ex King Jerome had resigned the Govemor abip of the Iavalidee into the hand of Gen. eVOf aao, and proceeded to take op his quarters in the Palais Royal Admiral Stewart, the second in command of the British fleet in the Mediterranean, has arrived at Marseille, waiting, on steamer Curadoo, a eearier from his Government.

SPAIN. It ia considered official" that the Queen of Spaia ia la an interesting way. a a x. A From Berne, 28th, we 'learn that the Federal Cooncil had resolved to Usue orders to the varioos canton, instructing them to raise their Military contingents at once, and be prepared to take the field at the first calL The suspension bridge at Peney near Geneva, fell ea the 87th alt Seven lives lost. tllllJT.

The Aurieh Provincial Diet bad requested the Hanoverian Government to obtain permission from the Caatom Union to admit manufactured iraa free of duty, and bars at a merely nominal rata throughout the ZoHverein. PRUSSIA. Tae marriage of the Princes Ann, niece of the Kiag of Prussia, with the Prince Frederick nf i (i rrt was solemnized at Charlotten aerg oa the SOta ulL The King liberally declined to accept a contribution from the nation ta pay expense. abstbia. Austria is ia a difficult position just now.

If aha supports Russia, the envied possessor of the 8aliaaa mouths of the Danube, she must give groat offence to her Germ a allies. If the resist Russian pretensrons in the East, the relation between the two powers must naturally be weakened. It ia doubtful, therefore, what ber precise course of action may be in relation to Tarkka affairs. au 8 9 I A Despatches, purporting to be from Kalisb, atate that the military camp generally formed daring the spring, near Warsaw, had been indefinitely postponed, owing to the state ol affair at Constantinople, and the van of the oath era army of 100,000 men had received order to approach the Turkish frontiers. Letter from Jaasy also state that the Russian ili tarr nreoarationa were continued on an exten aiva seal.

A permanent bridge is in course of erection over the river rruin. tumt. The attempt to make a joint reconciliation between the Divan and the Rnseian Envoy wa fruitless, aa Menschikoff persisted in his demand far the immunities of the Greek Church. Notwithstanding this intelligence," says the it seems diineult to believe that toe raptare of diplomatic relations between Russia and tae Ottoman Porte will be followed bv hos tilities. Oae guarantee ia the windom of the Coart of St.

Petersburg, and its assurance ot peace given to alt the European courts and another consists ia the fact that according to the right of nations the refusal to accede to a demand of accession and advantage not pre viaoaly agreed to, ia not regarded as a sufficient reason for the commencement of hostilities." Ia Syria there bad been much talk of the new fall which had been started in Persia by the apostate Mahotnedan Sheikh Babee, who denies the authenticity of the Koran, and will not re eofnizany but God, Moses, David and himself. He baa made many converts in Persia, and is giving the Sebah much trouble. Babee ha promised his followers that be will bring back ta life all who are killed in defending the fai'h. From Smyrna, May 17. The agitation which was earned by the late fight between the Greeks and the Jew had entirely subsided.

Tl latest A Constantinople letter dated May 14, published ia a second edition of the Lon doa Time, state that a Turkish steamer had been seat to Egypt to amist in transporting the troop that Abbas Pacha has ready at the Sultan's disposal The Minister of War bad sent courier to the whole of the provinces of the Empire to call the militia to arm, and to prepare them at the shortest notice. There were rumors at Paris that the Russians bad actually advanced, but this was prooaoiy mere surmise. A second edition of the Morninr Chronicle aabliahea the following postscript from iu Paris correspondent: "I have just beard that letters received at the Embassy from St. Petersburg, contain ina most inreatening language toward Turkey. These letters state that the Emperor Nicholas declared, oa hearing of the rejection of hi uiti matnm, that he would carry his cannon to Con etaatiaople to punish the insolence of the This must be incorrect the Emperor could not have heard of the rejection of the ultimatum at tae data or letter, The whereabouts or the French fleet is not known, and the orders of the British fleet are kern a profound secret Affairs look very critical, but may be settled quietly.

edge Jones, the American Charge, had pre ilea ni credential to tae viceroy or KrypL A U. 8. corvette and frigate had sailed from juexaaana lor rsorope. CAP OP OOOD HOPE. At the Cape everything was quiet, the Afthaa tea iavaaioa having been quelled.

lit 01 A. Affairs ia Barman look verv bad for the Bri Uah. They had been repulsed and the troops eat eft in akinnishea. A steamer bad been sent express for more troops, GHlWi. Tkaaewa from China i highly Important The kUast reliable date from Shanghai, to tbe 23 in af April, state that Nankin, being invaded by the rebel ea tbe 16th, the Imperial Coo miasmaer aired a fleet of Portuguese utunca i to relieve the city bv water, but they were captured by the vehsl.

Aid waa the obtained from the foreign Caasabi, and the French, America and Engli.h fleets agreed to hole. The British mt th aaader, Lily aad Hermes steamer, the French neat the steam frigate CasainL and th Ceasmiesioner, Marshall, undertook to place the Sasqaebaana frigate before Nankin. The resrfrt waa not aaewa, aaa several stone of imperial victories ia the interior were disbelievad. Cap. Parry, ia the Mississippi, had arrived a Hoag aong oa the 7tn or April, and bad spetcbed tie Plymouth to Shanghai on the 9th.

Till 11TIIT PBOM CHINA, fall rt a tip from the office of the Manchester Guardian quote a private letter from Shanghai, March 2D, one day later than the Th Taoete (of Shanghai) ha purchased two meala aad i sending them up the river with riea aad a munition, and fixed apon the Agnes, a Parse' easel, for the same purpose but the Oevernor, 8ir George Bonham, has stopped ber aad will aot allow Engliab ships to go on the Oar CcBMorador aaa inef coma ia and atatea taat tkera at aa aoabt aboot the lose of Nankin, far the TaonXe has oat a la card oa the walk ae kaawradfiaf it, aad offer a raw ird to any one waa wuj iaao tne leaner or omcera or tne rebel The aaeaaa eat also elate that the rebel are noaaiaaj awtftwaxd ia boat. Silk aad tea eaaaot be aot except for cash aw waieisi aa ana kss ta aila an JJffctaaed aad are takinx a good deal of silk into thetatarior. The liliiias il i mi i taa ukj ef Nankla. The U.S. steamer arrived aad it ia thoorht will mam tU Aaaarieaa hip 8deaa from being tent tne rtver, aha aaviag beea chartered by the for that aarpoae.

the VarMsa renoita eirralataH waa a arevallina oae that Kaahn. th. tv. iearey af iCaatea, bad made a very aeeerul attack aa the rebel force with tbe Imperial treeae. abaat 150 aiiles from la aa try tbaaeaada of the rebel were eaid to aa aaffared.

Nearer Nankla, at Taeplor, the Iarpe ria 1 forea la alaa said ta bars defeated the rebel i witt mat loan of life, Tbia aews require eon. a rani 1 1na A iett atnyaarial mka, asaiitad by hirtd For. is at It th river to oppose the pregreee of the insurgents, had beea overpowered by th rebel Astilla; and the latter, Bailing down the Yangrtektang, had anchored without opposition immediately opposite Nankin. Tbe division Of toe revolutionary army Investing the place by land in stated to have been 30,000 strong, and increasing. It acknowledred by tbe Chinese themselves, that the loan of Nankin would be the loes of the Empire.

The Friend of China mentions a report that Commissioner So had been degraded from hi office, and invited to strangle himself. He had taken the faint and committed uicide. WATERING PLACES. MlaitiaaiDBl C'ltv. uamcn Th UnTt SOM Will oe pmrv IWW mipxra of Tiutor oa th lt Ji ne.

Tb accsmmodattoM will be Iband equal to anv establisbment on the Lake 8b e. Separate batn boaaes for rmi lies, trooa waan tmcbri thTprrmla Billiard Tables, attentive Ber rants aad eve thlaf conducive to tbe comfort (oeata. eood 'stabtiof BtaiUiaie Terma moderat. A. Hn DAKDIES.

Biloxl House, BUoxt, Mi. Mra. A. NIXON, respectfully inform! tbe put lie that abe will open tbia boate lor tbe reception of Tuitorm on tn Mb dv of Jane next Tbe home bat been thoroaiblv renorated, and will be kept tn sood style. Ibe table will slwayi be aapjlied with toe dehcaciea of the ara coatt and New Orieana market Attached to tbe bonae will be found a Bar and Billiard Koom, Tropin Alleys and Stablea.

Feraona deairoot obtaicioi roomi will please addreat the proprietress at Biloxl Terras moderate, and dednc tinns from tbe regular prices made to families. Biloxl. May I'M. mil Ureea Oaks Hotel, Hiloxi, Alts. This famed and popular snmmer retreat, tn generally known tbrougnoQt tbeBnothem eon'ry.

under the man xemeot of Mra ELIZABETH PBADAT. and ber son, NO. V. PRADAT, about oae mile dis'ant rrom the vil'ageof Biloxl. will be opened on tbe 1st of Jane for tbe reception of visttora Tbe ern Oaks" is too well known to need ao extend ed not ire for mini years tbe poprjlirity vl tbe establish ment bas ben suadlly Inceaslnr.

Tbe any natoial advantages, commanding tne finest water prospect on tbe lake, and rereieina tbe pore salt water aa It flows from the Gulf, bare not failed to tmp eaa favorably the many vlait ors from New Orleans, alouile, and the surioondliig conn "Coring tbe winter tbe proprietors have made many im proveaoeota aaa samiwu iut wi mu'wu tboroogbly a used and fi'bd op. and sail boats will be at all dwrsat tbe service of the visitors, free of charge; also. claret at dinner. Carriages and nerves may oe procorea at any moment. In ad.lltlou.

the celehratrd braaa bnd of New Orleans enraged, an i a ball may be xpecud twice eeery week. Visitors wlshine ston at the Green Oaks are reqaested to notify the captains of the steamers, who will land them the wharf of the hotel. Terms Per week tin Per eay CblWren and ae ant, half price. myto am Bachelors' Hull, BUoxt. SOL MILLS would rerpretfat'y Inform hie old frtendeandthepabltc cent rally that this well knowc hoote.

haVinc been thoroughly tefttted and nely stocked, is now open for tbe snmaitrseaa n. Tbe village of Bi'oxl affords to those seeking bealtb and amosemeat rare facilities fvr both: and tbe proprietor of Bacbelnrs' Hall feela tbat it ianot necessary for bim to expatiate apon tbe superiority of bis accommodations, the Kith. Sea betnlng, wnicu may be eujoyen at iuioxu mcea will always betn accordance with tbe times. mrW ln Ocean Spriagre, Liynchbura, 911s. The nndeiaigned having leased fer a term or years lese newly discovered and highly valuable Mineral Springs win rprn them for tbe reception of visitors on tbe lot of Jane net Tbey are located about five mile east or Biloxl, immediately on tbe seashore, poaseasitig greet ad vantages for sea bat bios, fine bracing sea air.

fishing. They are eaay of access at all veanos of tbe yexr fine low prvs re boats, wblcb ply dally daring the Snmmer, starting rroro tne uike end 01 tne rontcoarrrain tiroaa. The aoal)sisof tbe water, aa made by Or J. Lawrence Smith. Professor of Cbemlerry in tbe University of Lnnls iana.

proves, bryood a doubt, tbat tbe Springs possess mineral qualities nf tbe highest order. He nys: The medicinal virtue of these waters is to be looked for more particularly in tbe oxide of iton and bydmgen, both of which exis in notable quantltlea and ia therefore apparent tbat many chronic diaeasea xtilgbt be cared, or receive important allevia ion fromth ewa tera as a bath, it coold be applied with mncb advantage." Amusements of every description win oe una on tae place A Hotel, capable of accommodating ahont three hundred perrons, has been erected, and tbe proprietor hopes his long experience tn tbe boul business tn New Orleans will be a sufh'ient guarantee that his guests will be properly rated for. mvT EHOCH FVrBTTT. liladon Springs, Alabama. GTnc andervlgned.tne propnrtottkbeae celebrated and popular Springs, is nappy to inform nis numerous friends who have heretofore v'si'ed and partakes of these invaluable medietbal w.tera, and the puolic gene rally, tbat be ia now roared to accommodate, comfortably and well, any Bomber of vtrtora.

Those who bave never been to the Springs are Informed that they are sita ated Inur mllea from the TomMgbre river, and eighty five ml lea from Mobile, with which city there Is regular steam boat navigation. Handsome. god and safe rarriegs are always ready to convey to and from the eteamboata passengers visiting tbe epnge. The coonrry adjacent to the Springs is plesaing. undulating and healthy, and iBg at all favorab'e to exercise, contributes to the rapid restoration to health ol tbe enfteblcd Invalid.

Tbe wattrs are especially renowned for tbelr caratlve effects, particularly In disease of tbe liver and kidneys and in neuralgia, wile 'or dyspeptic affections experience has a own that tbey er a jaitive a. ec'tir. my9v COSNOii A WOOTEN, Pro rriet LlTtrpstl aad Loodeu tire Inssraoct COMVANV. CAPITAL, Ten Millions of Dolls. Reserved Fund, One MUllaa Three Hundred Thousand Dollar, with an limited personal liability of the stockholder foe all obll garton of the Companv.

CHAR BRIOUs. agent, nU sta. Jail as corner of Ir Charles and Onl Klavea for Hale. FOR SALE By JAMES WHITE, at T3 Baron oe street, a Mix 1 aearrstrvaa. seed vea s.

ondenranda making gentlemen's clotting, sucb ss shirts, pants, vrsts and sum mer coats, and all kinds of ladies dresses: she Is veiv ikelv and folly guaranteed I Isave also a number of otbrr avea, amongat tbera a fint rate butcber, t4 year old. eiy.eaa a nne aaroBer. 3 vraia old. abv oe rson wian to purchase would do well to call and examine, i im Iran. Nnll and tordavae.

aASkavL, LUtat. ia receiving in store aiion oannirs ot kj unop Iron of aasorted sires; Tim bundle antet Iron 760 kegs of Nails: coils of Manilla Rope, aaaorted star tor aaie ar toe lowest marxet price try BAJu LVltc, 7, 8 and rront Levee, mbll between Cast otn boose and sta California, aa Aaatralla llama. IS) A CASKS H. Amrs A Co celeb ated eateatcov A avx ered Hams, perfectly air tight, and will keen furs voyage of any length, aa has beea proved by shipments to ilurnia. for sale bv mots O.

OODRDTT A in Magatinesr. 144 t'nnal rt. 1 44 t'nnnl at. NEW OKI.KiSS MANTILLA rAt.TORK 3000 FLVET. Cl'th and Metino Cloaks tnd Silk embroidered Mantillas, of tbe newest style and latest trimming, for ladlea and misses price to suit all customer at the New Orleans Mantilla Factorv.

No. 144 Canal street. The troorletor of this establishment twrtfoUv solicits the inspection of tbe ladiea of New Orleans, and part leu larly strangtr coming to the city, who are not aware of ni large and ep lenma stork ot Cl. akaand Mantillas n'W opened and ready for sale at bit Mantilla Rooms, to call and are them before tney purchase at any other place, and bey will he convinced tbat we are now selling them at half the price of toy ot her store in be city. In addition to our splendid and large stork of Cloaks and mantillas, ladiea can aee here evrry article in the fancv drv goods trad: Silk in all srvles for dresses: French site and fancy straw bonnet and ribbons; a large stork of ernnroldtrle to be sola here oa commisl at tbe mans Mctorer'e prices: Lsce and muslin sacks and mantillas, capes, chemisettes, sleeves and collar; floo embroidered linen nana in tne same lot.

to be sold without reserve: new style bloomer trimming, and other trimming for ladies dreaats that cannot be bad at any other store. A epienaia lot or rirn UKjrt shawls; embroidered KUUEi tor wrdding dreosrs; Bablra' long cloaks and robes. friugs and velvetao tbe richest styles and different shade; Silk velvet in tbe niece for making mantilla Ladlr wishing to bave anv particular atvleof Cloak or seaoMiia, can nave oy giviag in tueir order. ijaoiea vaaoionaote ureses mane to order, oai rm illarblelzed roa Maatlea Caloaint, PEDESTALS. TABLE TOPS.

Ar at THE 8ALAMANLER MaRBLE COMPANY Invite public atttntioo fotteir Marbleixtd Iron a one of tbe great et dlacoveriet of tbe age. and for which tby trcelved tfie uoid Mrdal at tbe last reir of tbe Anrlcao Instrrute. ar.d the Mtdal at the Fairot tbe Metropolitan Met nanus Institbta, held at Washington la Febtuary and Marches this vear. Ttts material, having a metallic bad. 1 more durabls and cheaper than Maible; its lepresentatlooa of precious stones and the cnMceat Marbles in more than sixty ditter ent varietlea.

are exact and sut passingly beautilul; It 1 capable of mining a greater degree of beat, and it cannot ne injure! oy in acaoo oi aciua or oil BIL.AS li. tlLHIlinil The manufacturing department of this Co nan is under tbe superintendence of B. F. A J. P.

illiam, the inventor of the system, and tbe financial and gene ral Votineai department that nf JOHN whom allcimmo nicatlsna may be addressed, at tba Principal Ware rooms. his urneiwav. new "TK vr7 im II Ft. 1.WU1M. VISITORS and residents of this beautiful Watering Place are hereby Informed that tbe undersigned have opened a Family Grocery Store, where will be found every vaeivij oi BKap ana nancy anici in incir line.

Attached to tbe establishment will be a reed Store aaV Every article will be sold at city prices Jel lm WILSON Lenistsna Wharf laaaer atyv rvtiaaaa, t3 I'af a a treat rIs amagniflcent Saloon were opened 1st Rsweta A ber for the reception of visitors Thev contain a vert extensiva collection of Dago erreotype Portraits, a well as raimin ov tne moat ceieora ted Arusrs, cnoice mrno tint Drawtnga, En era vines. Statuary 6 ems of Art lust received from Paria and Iwwimi every attention will be beat ed by th Proprietor tt gie laaaiw, not onry so ni parrrm, out to etna nd atranger. who are invited to visit this entevurld Sailer of Fine Art Bvthe nerioe am neement mf Hw I.IM In tbe Operating Room, constructed at mat ftrwm. witk an immense Sky Light, the Daguerreotype Portrait are taken ia a lew seconds IB any wearner, with the pea pea gradation of Light and Shade, thus rendering th 'fcerfw pert ret and natural. For the bleb character which this establishment hasen loyed for many year, and for the superior exllenc.

beaury and on nancy of roe rort raits, stranger are re erred to th proprietor of th St. Looi, Verandah and City aa well a ta our aaoat respectable cltuen. Portraits sent to any part ef ta united States, excep uaitttrr at, rre of cnarg i a tv ftewara, N. rSaddJery Wareaaaae. A ITOUEW S.

BULL At Na.71 Canal street. Nea It Orieaaa, bstwutu Camp and Magazine, Manafacta and import at BADDLEKY and BAU11L1. bave ci wall ally aa nan 1 a la aad complete assortment ot Bad diea. Bridles Maitlnsislea. Trunks.

Whip. Skirting. Ham ea sad Bridss Leach, Hogsklna, SADDLE SA' TOOLS aad rrtxaiag af are daw No. 71 Caaalstraet. mmsi, eawTiarw a.

nni.t. a ca Tt AfT away ii stfAMARIg aTViWaaeakO CNTV F1VE iHU.RS REWARD Raa qoeatbeaubacriber. the griff negro woman IsNNE. aaed about ts yeara. fcet high, gfjjw peak French andCnglisb She ts rather delicate, rf has been living with a Pi been living 'ertugea as wth a wood' en leg, a ao works oa th steamboat Delia, now lying at SratoAv The above reward wil.

be paid ta whoever will de liver Ber B. LAPLACE, Apothecary, corner Elyriaa 'ms ana icnry streets, xaira jjavxna. jaia tt be said for th ar ba pan avrav arssa ta rsigaad. at about foot Id. atsat.

his costalaBlaa UartjacAMatMa TOBTT DOLLARS Will a Rstaf thaaacro MOtEA. inikstkiasl th aada 4h laches high, years ii a aaosiert darju awh aMWVaaspnamffiv Craeovrat Alat ai laaa ea Ussnaay, In caaiaemlty r1Utarqmt of I i Ca yastysahasltU WtowtBfitat( atlvlai sf prtsaia reotiv tar to yaw ending JaJv 11. li poa aaexpt'rad risks. eoi.tiT t4 S4.tlt 1 axananr at ptc Jaly It, li ovt.iu yi Of which tter kv baea recarlvad, For Plr premlaau If Far alarlB do. 1S4.WI 6 For River da.

1A4.X1 ta For Lilt da. it.aitM Total botmt of pfemlaat ending July It, ie for to rear ti Leas mlams oa risks aotteratl aared iios.ioe it ll.Mt tlM.OMM Betara prenai Earn edpremlaaaa for year ending Jalytt, It Paid ia same period, aa totkne vui liOaaea Ft risks. 9t.0&i 18 Loaaea oa Marina risks. m.too SO Loam on River risks. 146.016 ao Losses a Lift risks too oo 6t.l9 It Ac 0 tl Lcssintereat.diacoant, U.tSflll 19.6T4T0 TTttt etea The Company have the following asaetai Baal estate, being amount caid on cash for tarn Bills receivable, pre mlum.

Botes a I bonds and mortgages oa real estate In the city of New Orieana, worth double th am it ltt.filT 8B Pee for premiums ta coarse of 14.931 4t Cash oa hand tt asio.iu 4t a The Trasteea have asolved ta pay aa latereat ef la Par Ceat oa tbe Certificates of Profits for they ears of 1860 and last, to (he holders thereof or their legal representatives, oa and after the 9th day of Aagatt text. They bavs also declared a dividend at Thirty Psr Cent oa the earned pre mtams nf th cona peny for the year ending July ltth, 1861, for which certificates will be Issued oa and after the second Monday In September aezt THOMAS A. ADAMS, President, M. SEXES WOOD, Vict President C. J.

MAN80N1, Secretary. cat Orleans, Jaly tl last JyJl It Trustee Thomas A. Adams, Samnel Bell, 8 lend Barks, SLOre en wood, J. W. Eacbarlo, John D.

Beta, M. Wright, David Hadden, J. W. Stanton, Wm. P.

Convene. Loots Deaauiles. 1. A. Bare 111.

oeorge Jonas, J. U.rayne, Z. Taylor, Fk. Camerdea, F. Pnig Palg, 1.

Rlfflard. P. aimms, M. H. Norton, TboaJ.

Dta, A J. Mummy, Wm. Feilowat, J. 8. Stoase.

Meeker, J. W. Carroll, R. B. Bnmner, C.T.

Buddeck. 6. Hawklne, W. F. red en burgh, a n't H.

Beanady, agio roig, Koran OClc ileme fllataai lasaraace Cetapaay New Orleaae. The following statement of the affairs of this Company la published ta conformity with the requirements of their char Amount of premlnmt on policies lata td forthc year ending 81 it December. 1 U2, vli i For Fire For River premiums For B.164.S61 41 1V7.7VS as 81.147 Total premlnmt. 433.904 SO Let return premiums Leas premiums on risks not termioa ted, 83.963 19 gj Earned premium forth (338.18 Paid during the asm period for loaaea, vtxi For Fire tosses 160 IV For River losses. S3.

181 71 For Marint rr 10 S143.I6S 0 Amount re in rmnce an I and ex penaea, leas Interest, Netearned profiU fortheyeaj ending Dec. II, 'M. no Tbe Company have tbe following assets, vttt Bills Receivable, being subscription notes 1247. MO 11 Bills Receivable, at abort time, for premiums asnied 66. 0U 68 Dee for premiums, to course df collection 6.6T4 t4 Cash on too.

to Total amount of 0 STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orieana. itremembered.tbatontbe luh January, IbV, before me, tbe subscriber, a Justice of the Peace In and for tbe city aforesaid, personally appeared Alexander Brother President, and James H. Wheeler, Secretary, of the Home utual Insurance Company of rtrw Orieana, who being nly aworn, according to law, do depose and say tbe above accounts are ot and true aad correct transcript from tne books of. the said Company. A.

BROTHER, President, JAMES WHEELER, Secrets. Sworn to snd subscribed before me this, toe day of January, IH61. V. JONTE, Second Justice of the Peace of tbe Pariah of Orleans. STThe Board of Trustee have declared a dividend of Forty Nine percent on tbe earned premtam of the Company for tbe year ending the 31st December, last, for hlrh acnp certificate will be Issued on and after the 1 of March, next.

This Company continues to Insure against tbe perils tbe Seat, River, and Ins or damage by Fire, st the current rates of premium. Office No. 44 Camp street. ALEXANDER BROTHER, President, JOHN R. IHAW.

VieePreaident JAMES H. WHEELER, Secretary. new Orleans, January 16, IIAS. JslS tff SaT Tbe following name compose the Board of Trustees at the Home Mutual Insurance Company of New Orleans, tori KM John R. Shaw, S.

L. Levy, W. L. Lanier, Joba Tbomaa. A.

If. Mav. W. Tuft. Jobn Green, John H.

Owen, 8. DeVisser, John O. Woodruff, Jobn Hall, Robert Dyaa. P. Harrison.

Rafns Mrllhenn. Rnrf Joseph Hoy, Jobn O. Cocks, J. W. Oayle, Lc.

Jurey, Jobn A. Dougherty, John Rodenberg, 8.O. Nelaun, Isaac H. Slander, Wm. H.

Letcbford, Franklin 8bew, Tboa B. Taylor, E. Converse, W. C. Tompkins, John C.

Sood rich, J. Eager. e. Roger. FrecLW.

Rlrchhofl. Koyal lasar are Ceoipany af I.lvervael. na 11.1.1 una, in BetARX OF A tO EACH. Trustees i JOHN SHAW LEIGH, and R. B.

H. BLDNDELUEtq. Director. Ac, In Liverpool: CIT 1DI WO TIIDMtD a. 1 .,1 Awm.cA, vuBirman.

JOHN CAMPBELL, and J. BRAblLET MOORE, leputy Cbairmen. Michael BousSeld a Richard HoughtonEaq. Tbomaa Boucb. Eao uwini jooosTon, rq.

Roger Lyon Jooea, Esq, James Lawrenre, Esq. Francis MaxwellEaq. George Maxwell, Eq. Robert McAndrew, Esq. Edmund Molyneux, Esq.

William Smith, Esq. tiaipo or aieoank, 4J. Ttovid Cannon, Esq. William Oaxton, Esq. Thomas Dover, Esq.

Ktcoard Harbord, Esq. Robert Ellison Hi v. Fan Thomas Dyson Hornby, Esq. tjeorgc a. jsorsnaii, eq.

jonn lorrrq. as Available Caoital TEN MILLIOrt DOLtiRI Paid up Capital SEVENTEEN HDN DRED AND F1FTT inuUIAPU VOLLAU. Th Subscriber havine beesi aoanlBbul Aeent fate SH. ahovs wealthy and highly respectable Liverpool Inu nuca Omc. Is bow prepared to accept Risks, and lasut oiicieai or ii iraace against lost or aatrrage from Ire 1 the city of New Orleans, and on tbe most liberal terms.

The very large capital added to the Individual liability of every stockholder to tbe entire eatent of his nm Is a perfect guarantee to th Insured of his safety In case of loss. The usual abatement made to nine thla en Bauiv puim on par wiiu toe mutual umce; ana an settle menti for losses will be made here, both prompt and liberal am z.o aauu, agent, 07 at. nariessireet, din ltmadplm Lilfe laswranre. RTARTT.rrv irrnniTV psbpi rrrv THB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO MP ANT OF NEW I OK. a.

TeBaccnmulated Cash Fond near II Securely Invested In Bond aad Mortgage. All th profit are divided amongst tbe assured. JOSEPH B. COLLINS. President rp undersigned has beea appointed agent of the abovt m.

institution, it great security oners superior ad ran wgea to per na acai ne manraace on neir vea. THOMAS A. ADAMS, atCreaeut Mutual InaantneeCacnpaa V. CHARLES McCORMICB Phv telan. Ja na Tly PATENT COFFEE HECLAS, Patent Ice Pitcher Flb lag Tackle, Seine Nets, Limerick Hooka, ArtiS cial Baits, Ac, a complete asaortm est last re rr ved and foi sby Sal E.H.M An BKOTttER, cor per of Common sad Magasine sts.

myt4 tot 8, Aa Van Neaa Ss Terboas, pike ENaina build era, no. im lsmi sueet, NewTork. eR L. ROBERTSON. Agent Office 4 Camp street.

"Ordeva respect fn II anIUite apt 7 i THE Srnlthland Sectioa Dock Company" having put chased from the late Kentucky Dry Dock Com pa ny tbelr Section Docks, and removed them to this place, are now prepared to dock ail Steamboat, and other water emit, on reasonable terms, and with deapatcla. These Dock are thought ta superior to any sa th West era Th Cannuiv nava mmmJ as v. F0LDE tl Superintendent, he being In eve sneet anal. lfled for that station. For further Information we take tht uoer sernng to reuowlng genu men, v1l Cant.

Beativ. lata af tba Boatnnai Caoa. talaev the Lexington Cap. Brow, of tneeea.Lalayttet Capt McJUm, of the Empirei Capt. Hot ma, of th Princeaa i Can.

Ixtbrs. the Natcbes Nil, Capt. Isaac Jooes! ot so a. iaei ion, at, iissisi aa cot ma ..1 1 1 iainci SB inaLariBavi a itaviiaa By rder ot th Board of Manage WM eORDON, Chairmaa. Smitbland.Kv..

January 14. IMS. Ft aaa P. A Mr. L.U.

False will take contract fag building AT a a. a. a r. i I3B It WM PlSalllllHaalla. lUC wwir UU9.aKtlmD 9 faqui ebb may im tm ADAMS A CO.

despatch Freight, Sped, Jewelry, Tals abl Paeaagaa, Parcel. forl th Mertfaara i aad Easter Clttaa, aad CaJisnsia, by At IAIXF MTRAMiHIP. ADAMA A ca.nCaarast Htaat ibaau far 8ai. ia 9 A slaambnat now raaalng la tba aarkat Ia wf trad. wiU cany abMt 150 a cottea SaT I has nccatty ha tbrroaiiiry tjpid, im a gooa cawa, saa ca raa at mm An aa, wm fm TO TRAVELERS.

BED UTBB AND TmX A Ualted Btatea Mall State JAwf, IB ouewguu a ag uiluui tarlatan the abova ruas froaa eraad JUd Eivar Naeohea, Texas, oaaaectiag with tasWsatava a Ciactnnact. HaatavtUs. aaiavnia iss a e. aa th travclla aaalle that they aa acaaia, saav rahr aniu Buy rely apon being wasesyad ov their part af tbe roata. tri areealy, la csaiiKtabai oaacbea, with eertalaty, safety and deapitch.

BiCH. AUUIXB CO. Sraad Eco Jaas 1st, Itex Jea am Paal.LartrsI gaJlragttla SOS Excarato Tickets to aad frost Us Laks.sam day ceata amer gUrmngesaent for the departara oftht Can, to i k. S4. THE CJl2j WILL LEAVE an us Th city el, o'clock A.

1 At At At At At At At At At At At AA At a o'clock A. M. At At At At At At At At At At At At 0 aa lot, tit a 10 ii it a a r. m. r.M.

a At At At tH At Ob Sundays, the Cart leave the City End every hoar. Omnibuses leave ths earner of Canal, Charter and let At a Jefferson Ac Lake PantchartrtUa Katllway connection with the Carrotlton Railroad From New Orleant to Lake Pontchartraln. TRAINS: Fum New Orles' (via Carrolltoi)to Lake Pontchartraln. Week Days From Perdldo street and Ttvoli Circle De pot a. 7, 8, in, 1 1, it, a.

o. r. m. nn.iays From Perdldo street and Tivoil Circle Depots, 7, nr. iv.

a. m.j s. r. arier wnicn tne following Express Trains from Tlvoll Circle tag, 3(, P. M.

From Lake Poutcnartraln (via CarrolUon) to New Orleans. Week Dave To Perdldo street and Tlvoll Circle Depots, e. a. 'u. sa.j isi, tt, 3M, 6k., P. M. Sondsys To Perdido street and Tlvoll Circle Depots. 6U, wn, nit, a. n.

ana r. the following Express Trains to Ttvoli Circle, 1 if, th, ig.4k,6,.k P.M. All the above train take np and land passengers at Carrollton. aaT Ex press Traint stop eny at Horse Station and Jack ton street. Baggage, received at Depot only.

fare Between New Orieana and Carrollton, IK cents each way. Between uarrouton ana tate rontcnartrsin luc eaca way. apis as Far Attakapaa and Opelenaaa. D. I.

MAIL LINE. Tbroueh ta Franklin In It boars. 'HE new 0. S. mail route from Donaldaonvllle, term! nating at Washington, Parish of St.

Landry, is now complete by stage coaches to Lake Verrettl miles from Donaldaonvllle, and steamboat from Lake Vcrret to Berwick nay, rattersooviiie, ceatrevtlie, rrantun, toar ronton. Jeanretti and New Iberia. (V miles below St. Martinsville,) distance 90 miles and by stage coaches from New Iberia to Washington, distance 64 av Ira. Paaaengera from New Orieana leave Tn the Vermall boalaat 6 o'clock P.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridava. and will arrive at Dondaonville on Toeadava. Thoratiays and Saturdays, In time for th stages at to'clock a For comfort, speed, and safety, paaaengera will Bndtbia route superior to all others, as no freight take, and tbe delays and impediments of th aid routes are entirely avoided. JaltM ly M. VINSON, Contractor.

l. IH33. J5nntig 5g 3 Great Central Keate, and U.S. 01 all Line. The Cheapest and most Expedition Rout between Ml issippi aiiey ana at lantic MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD LINE.

CONNECTING with St. Lou by tbe Illinois river steamers, and bv th Chicago and MlaslsslmRail rnad, with it connections to Laaa lie, thence by Rock Island aVauroaa to tuicago. Season Arrangements One of thetoleudld Illlnala river steamer will lave foot of Walnut sUeet, St Louis, dally. at 4 clock r. connecting witb Kori island Railroad st LAsaue, arriving at tnicago second dy, in time lor r.ven r.xptea i rain.

Paaaeneratakinthiaronte.wlU have two hour I Chi cago to take tbelr tea beta leaving In tbe Evening Train, and a good nlgbt or day's rest on steamer on Lake Erie. N. A baggage master will be at tbe Rock laiaad depot to receive check and convey baggage to tbe Central Ball road, free. TWO TRAINS A Evening Espresa Train leavea Chicago dally at o'clock at Detroit next morning with tbe splen did North Six line of steamers: May Flower, Monday and Thursday Ocean. Tuesdays sod Fridays Borkeye State, Wednesday and Saturday, direct for Buffalo, with oat landing, arriving In tins for Morning Exprea Train for Albany rrw I or and Boston.

Alan with the steamer Bay City, for i and oaky, connect" Ine with Mad River Railroad to SoriogAeld. Dayton. Ham I Item and Cincinnati, and Mansfield Railroad I Newark, Zaneivllle and ColumboL Morning Expre Train leave Chicago dally, (Sunday! excepted.) at o'clock A. connecting at Detroit same veuing with tbe splendid low pressure steamers, Reystane Mate, Mondays and Thursdays; Niagara. Tuesday and Friday; Uueea City.

Wednesdsya and Saturday, direct for Dunkirk, arnvirg iu time tor r.vening express i rum, rrtchlng New York next morning, via N. Y. A E. B. R.

Ala, alth steamer Cltveiand and May toeen, direct for Cleveland, connecting witb Morning Expre aa Train for Wheeling, nttaburg, rbiladripnia and Baltimore. Also, witb Lake Shore Railroad for Dunkirk or Buffalo, through to New York. Albany and Boston. Also, with trains from Coiumnos and Cincinnati. One of Ward's splendid at camera, Arctic and Traveler, leavea Chicago dally at 8 o'clock A.

M. for Racine, Mil weokie and Sheboygan. taT Tirkrt Office No. .10 Fourth street, (under Planter House Jobn Frink tCi 'i Stage Orhre 1 Tickets may also be procured at tbe other of Mr. J.

B. Canon, a Lev and "i Commercial street, Bt. ijoaie mo. aw Passenger will nnd It to tbelr Interest and convtn tence to procure through tickets before leaving tbe city. u.

uaa, linn agent, under tbe Plantei 'a House, St. Louie. pH J. W. BROOKS.

Detroit. Superintendent. far Lake Bsrgse asd itlsilcaa tlf. SUM MER ARRAN6EMENT, on and after March 11, IbbS. 32 Itlexieaa Gnlf Hallway.

Depot eoraerof Good Child oatreet and Cnam psEly 1 1 riw.ivnivii,LiE, Lake norgne uisranc. 7 ante Leave tne city at I Leave ta Lake at sla o'clock A. I o'clock A 10 o'clock A I I o'clock P. M. aad o'clock P.M.

I o'clock. P. AL BF Omc No. 90 Common street. For all business of tbe Railroad Department, or any other buslnets connected with tne estate of tht tste Alex, worn on.

apply to Jyin ISM W. t. BAREWELL, Exacutor. a2mm rfii a Through Far fro Charlatan to Baltimore BIT to, ta Philadelphia to New York So. EAV1N8 th wharf at th foot of Laura us sire et daily a 9:30 P.

M. via WUmlactoa. N. Cfraas which point two daily train are despatched at I A. M.

and I P. (ex crpt on Sunday, when but one train leaves at 1 P. tht 8 o'clock only connecting st Weldon, N. with th Sea board and Roanoke Railroad ta Norfolk. thence bv steam era ta Belt! more, and botb train connecting at Weldon witt tne lines toreten inurg turnmond, wastungton, Bairuaors rcnaaeipniaand riew iorm.

Tbe nubile I re eetralle Informed that theeteamenof these line are I first rat condition, and arc navigated by well knowa and experienced commander: the Railroad, are In fine order, (th Wilmington and Weldon, a wail at the Seaboard and Roanoke having recently been re laid with neavy rail) mere oy aeconng noto aaiety and aeapatcn. By these route naaaengeraavaillns themae Ivea of the FiRFT TRAIN may reach Baltimore In 40 houra, Philadelphia In boura, and New York la Ml hours and by tbe SECOND TRAIN they arrivs In Baltimore In 50 hoars, Philadelphia ia oo noura new iorx ia oia. ooara. Through ticket can alone be had from II. WISILO Agent of th Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the nfflc af tba Company footof Lau as stvoet, Charlts toa.

S.C., to wbota pica apply. myUM ly Aaatla oV DeaJors, Mknaiacturrri of Copper, Tin aad beet Iron War. AUBTin a Hovuwin would particularly in vite the attention of purer)' era to their splendid alork of STOVES, wbtchco eywlll ae ll at a small on cost, stove jptno an loosing ia tneir unc will meet witn i yom pt attention. Jytl Palladalphla Saddle tfe Tr ak Wareaaaae xao. sua sine street.

kudd a (late Bono ja receiving ttew Good froeaf their Manufactory In Fhlla a delohla. and bv direct imnor tloa from England, and arc prepared to offer to dealt toe moat liberal inducement. Tbelr stock Isiargeandwec aaaaiery, naadiery ttaru ware.tlarn ea Leather Traveling and Packing Trunka. India Rubb wood. Saddle, Coach, Harness sad Track Makers' Mat risa.Tnmmlogs, Ac.

rarchaaerttr lnvltad to call. ar tt ly GLEASON'S Pletarlal Drtwlsg itaana rmnaln. S'S. DOTY, 130 Camp street, new Orleans, is tbe only authorised Agent in Louisiana and neighboring State for tbe above popular Illustrated Weekly Journal i also for the FLAB OF OUR UNION, publlahed at th asm office He keep conatsutly on hand aad fur sale volume snd of the Pictorial Drawlsg Room Com panioa, cle gaatly bound In cloth, with gilt edge and aacl rorm lug a upero parior ornan nt containm a nearly Three Thansaurl Illustration. The subscriber laalao general agent all of Gleon' Cbeao Publications, a catalogue of which ua be found la tbe Flag of Our Dalon, which ar flered cheap at wholesale or retail.

Be alaa keeps constantly en hand all the back number af th Pictorial ft a th com in race in ent of it pubtiratioB. Per on wishing to sn bacrib for Gleaaon1 Pictorial, or for the Flag of Our Union, can do a aad secure tbelr pa per regularly by calling oa th subscriber, or by nioig a walla us auuaa ripaiou. a pvia, to a a 1 sTw v. wa a vrrrauaa. Term Plrterlal BS per annum.

Invariably in advance: Flag of Our Union tl In advance) Pictorial tnd Flag at ner annum, in advance. aav All order promptly attended to. ly Beaker UIII C'laar Htara, No. 9 Camo street. TBE rreprletort ol tb ahovs named tstabnthmeatjaat bow opened, would ievecl rally lnvtt the atteatloa ef tbelr friends and tbe public to tbetr splendid sad well se lected stock of HAT All A CIGARS, comprising aU glass Imperiales, Regalia fall site.

Regalia medltna, Clllndradot, Brevaa, Paaetrias, Load miliar, a. 1 Of th vary beat aad kno a Brand af CubaEoa. Uguea, Cabargaa, Partagaa, SoU Ac. Ac El Daeada, Sryin.aa, They hop by tbelr uertloat to pleas to aterltathart pubrlc patronage. Grocer and" Cotton Pact having small order woara oo vre caii a to UBder igned i tartr fava wUlbthaakfaUyicvadadBvoBMtIa ly J.

LIBANO A CO. Jalea Falrre, PIANO DEALER AND MANUFACTURER. fa. a stay I street, betweea Custouabaaa aad Rleavllle, sa lauaiflwa, pay snips un a war, wamwnaig, tn TBeran J. 8.

Gtlddea. a auagai Scent enef Pt saaa, af hi foe tw with th Wn gwt Iraa, tan, iialit tai t.rt. vrblekaBtm partial eiaai its wart asaaidat a he la vee iu is aver a ana ia aunux vyv amr A Hm Car trill leave th City End every morning o'clock, and th Lake end every evening at o'clock. JrXi ly J. w.

iMITH, general gooerttitendenL a. a Fresh iavotca ar expected ed khlas Tue 1 I aa for ki I BtAtMtAaaaMMO7A I per xnaaai Bt AM Jl IUAL UAxvDo. JVL i 1(1 A Tf tfT 3 On ktra Jnat Pabliahed. A NEW DISCOVER 1 IN MEDICINE A few aa tlaaaal traatxa ien af Ssm mean ill ae tavalaa. tary sesalnal lostss.

ca habit youth aad the aa ay cany souse, snaaotttary caass ei is iplalata Pa'ntiag aaa ta enabled a re aaedy By mesas sf which at hlsssctr perfectly, aad at the Be bad gratia, by addiaasing, aoat least Doaaiba cos. May bad gratis, adresstng, a paid, Dr. B. DE LANCT, Bl Llapenard atrs Box 16V Broadway Post Othce, New York. Jet 3 EC RET DISEASES.

Maw Orlaaaa Haateriaa ittsaema a 10 Carondelet betw eea Povdra aad Perdldo. TMJCTOa HUNTER tares leava to lnfora a tb Boa then I nubile that he haaestahlMned a branch theoldtlme honared nUBTCRlAN DISPENSARY, foanded In IBM. Nat Diviaioa st. New Ysrfc. la this city, ander the chargt UJ.

j. stu tt xaa, jr. woer ii bis ceieof ao muoiea bow BO well known throng bout th United State fat .1. I Tl. A i thereto, may ohralaed.

The remedies sr a result a) yean of great experience, and tb erownisg (Sects of aa Im ease practlc, without tb ue of mercury, a deatruct Ive In It consequences, or aay oeietenoo sunrsacs wnat ever raoidly storing th system ta its original vigor. Tn taevaanu wna arc annaauy cure at aecr oiwaais at tbe New York Dispensary where the treatment af the be physicians, and all other remedies bave foiled, prove Uu aeeided adnatstM ov our avare During thirty vear of close observstloa have made great ana important aisLovene. ue ia ao sscrnsisij the patient ia thorouihlv cared without Inlury to bi coo Kl tattoo, which can hardly be said of tb general practice Is these case. Tht superiority 'of the Hunteriaa system ot curing, over the ordinary treatment, consist In th foci that toe poison Is thoroughly taken out of the blood, Urn cutting off all possibility of return or secondary forma of tbese terrible is rears, so commonly experienced by thoat who thought themselves cured. Many aid abandoned bave been cored bv the Doctor, althonsh butlateli established In this city.

Those ufienne from the effect! of Mercury are partlcu rarly Invited to call. aavreraona living out oi new urieans. nygivrogaa scriptioB of their case, can have tbe medicines sent ss dl rear ted, carefully packed, and written direction how to ba taken. Address, post paid, New Orleans Hun terian Dtspea r. No.

106 Carondelet tweea Fovdraa and Pardlda New Orieana. DUnenaarv open all day. from la the morning until 10 at Bigot. ra person present excep tne uoctor, woo will pay strict attention to patients. Private apartments.

aia ra ly Medical Office. rp HERE are ao many persons without knowledge, nam or cuaTBLm. uuwauaTi au i aurciar uirutai laiui public paper, that for some time past I have been hesita ting whether 1 would do anything more tn that way. There la. however, thla one consioeratioo by which I have over persuaded myself i there are many, I have reflected, whe stand in need ol medical advice, and woo wish only tocos suit In private manner, that know not where to apply ea cent tne ouonc prea direct tnem so that unless some pny siclaa of teal merit ia at the nains to publish some notice: or card for tbelr information, they cannot fail fall into the hands of aamcauuskillful wretch, who make a trifle of life and death, provided only be makes profit ol a tew dol I art.

It la this motive aloue that induce me once more tc make known to the public that I still conttnae. at I have done for ao many yeara, to treat cxrluaively theenereal liseas lor wuica 1 oave aire any etrtainea so extensive reputation. There i no form of tlieaecomplaintathst 1 havt not become acquainted with, from the vast number havt had under my care, it i very great mistake to imaging that tbese complaints are uniform In their nature that it requlreabut a narrow experience to understand, and but one single nostrum to cure them. I never yetknew a family or general pnysician tnat naa any toieraoie Knowledge oi vc nereal complainta, or any man that did not give himself to tnem exclusively, as ion nose ignorant leuow tnat know nothing of disease of any description, I say nothing. In fact nan every aay cqoiuiicu uy warr poysiciaae, wno are way ready to confess candidly the advantage my expert ence ha given me.

But, in truth ia a point so evident that I need not further Insist upon ur. watson sa remove to 87 cntromnouae, ner rees Royal and Bourbon street. W. WATSON, M. D.

Separate apartments provided. dlO ly IDM lafallible Remedy. nt ABERNETHY'S GONORRHOEA AND SLEEI 1J DETERGENT. The only Infallible remedy ever dl covered. Is too well knewn in all part of the country tc require any comment.

Its universal racces, which in ar Instance has ever failed, ba warranted to cars la forty eight hour the most ripe rate and inflammatory cases at uonorrnora, uieei ana vrmtes, in ail taeir stage, tons ou nd only at Wo. It Magagine Treet. auilo, luft ly Medical NatJca. DOCTOR WA ION, who ha obtained ao great a put tloa la th ca. ef th Venereal Disease, may raited at his office, na.

irr Luiiumauuas siaairr. Doctor Wataoa la aot on of thoa who aretead to area thoa complainta they an without th kaowlad of. Ht obtained hi diploma lor Surgery la London, la hlchdtv beatadled la the large boars taLs, aad be took nemadtca. deg a la New York where he practiced for asanv va before Ut stet of his health obtiaed AUato raav Lot sou tn. Doctnr Wstsoa ixa Urns a cure la recext run hi a lava His medic ss ar sot BaateoaA.

nor bard to take They never keep any cere from his business, nor oblige hha lo alter nia snet. in; aJoctar nev masea use or anilke thoa whs a vertis that tbey da aot pra scxtb gltboagh they pracrt ttte every case. But what the Dor: may. without vault make a boasts la his success la th treatment of those old ohstinst cases, la which th jotson of th disease has lain In the body fc year. Patients themeelvea know very well bow Itatt a at tnem in toe casus, wneiaer By alee ia tn tnroatori a tbe akin, a hlotchea, aaiasla tbe Back of th Maldw taxogot to tesncM, rta many ot er gymptoma Dr.

Wataoa devotes himaelf exdaaivelv ta thoa plaints which Is tb only way that aay oa eea laaratham wo i laiuy. in. wataoa naa no so to ao. WT owransnMS.Dar wtg Royai a Boarao atietsa. Constaat atteadaace from Via tht man itaguatlia at girt ueeara se acar seats pro aaa aario.

ii i ltledlenl Celleae. Dr. Mullen hai removed from No. 86 Customhouse street to No. 9A Esroange Place.

INVALUABLE No pay required until a cure i enectea. nvste oiees cured in a lew aays py a regular physician, without mercury or other poisonous medicine, at no. un exenange riace. new unrana, a Dr. MULLEN call tbe attention of those amieted with any of tbe form of a certain disease, to bis general adver tiaement In another column.

Tbe treatment adopted by bim la tbat which haa the approval of the most dlxtio guihed surgeon of Pri, London and New York and tt universal auccese has proved beyond a doubt, tbat a per manent cure for the worst cases of conatltutional Byphali 5onorrno, nnctu res, enlargement ol toe prostrate gland nut M.Z. can now he obtained to a moral certainty, if application maaetotooae wnoae intelligence. ani. and exnenence can be relied on. Since Dr.

Mullen opened in thi cftv. all tbe many case that have come nnder hi care have been cured without a single exception. Some of these were of years' standing. One remarkabl ease of stricture. toirty yeara oia, naa oeen curea.

to tne Boron Be oa tne patient The gentleman (whose respectability ia know to tbe citixen of New Orlesncl I at band, and (bvtls permission can oe referred to. Tour. fn. treatment of stricture ii not known south of New York. His treat ment of gonorrhre and gleet is the moat peifect ever diacovered.

It 1 the shortest, safest, and surest. The patient takes no copaira, cnbeba, turpentine, or other naoaeou doses, but a cure is obtained In one or two day, witbont pain. Inconvenience, or a change of diet. pay unlet a cure is rtterted within the time named. Impotency.

Young men or other, who, by sexual ea cess or self pollution, may hsve brought oa themselves any of the painful consequences resulting from aa unreatraio ed indulgence oft be peaaion, such as peemarnre impo tenry, involuntary seminal emissions, general debility, ot constitutional derangement, may consult Dr. Mullen with honorable confidence be often them a perfect cur. The 1 strictest secrecy observed. Dr. Mullen can be consulted st bit office, No.

96 Ex change Place. BENJAMIN MULLEN, M. D. Remember Na. On Exchange Place Jel iwvt ly Itleidlral ('aval.

mHE treatment and certain ear of ihlliHc TVii ujuiDaani ranramii ana experience nave rev dered competent to perforn what they professes Bow knowt to be positive fact, and it 1 1 to be hoped where proper mod leal advice raa be had in primary stage, that theaecoo darj form of thi bideoua affection will gradually disappear. As also during the last few year we have seen the treatment of Syphilis by tbe immoderate use of Mercury nearly aban demed. except by thoae ignorant of both it beneficial and pernicloa effect, so may we expect ts see It entirely abol iahed.or at lrsxt only prescribed la those rae, fortunately rare, where It ia really necessary, but where sound Judg ment must be used or a more terrible and Incurable diseaat than the original 1 entailecL. How many are now Buffering nnder this loathsome affection who could bave been cured by a simple application to tbe primary soref And how many have done irreparable injury to tbeireonstttntion by the ue of mercury, who could have been perfectly cured without that mineral Dr. L.

C. TH OM PSON offer hi serrire for tbe treatment of Syphilis In all It form and stages. Mercurial Diaeasea, Mercurial and Syphilitic palna. Ulcers, Ac, and will cur by the abortive treatment, those who promptly call oa him on perceiving the first symptom of either affectiom Private Dispensary, (established lgsa.l No. 18 Carondelet street, between Canal and Common street, third house from Common, sign of the Marbl Statue.

SaTSepa private rooms reserved. HF Off lo boors from A. M. ts P. M.

Bar A Treatise on Stricture, Gleet, Impotency, Ac, to bt had gratia. si ly IBM. Secret. TTNDER the name nf secret I Imply certain form of KJ bility of the Sexual Organs, brought on moat common ty by self abuse, although aometimea proceeding from ether cause. Long residence in a warm climate Is apt to debilitate tbe generative faculty, frequent indulgence and variety of Intereourae.

In Turkey, where all three of the cause sre united. It Is not uncommon (a the Maltha re mark,) to finds man impotent at the age of thirty, when be abould be In his prime. Close application to bualneai has a like effect, but sometimes there ia a disposition to it from birth or it come on epootaaeeualy. It 1 bow many years that patients have called on me witb an affection oftai nature, showing most of tbe symp torn of premature decay. Wasting of tbe organs them elves, hea rinras la th loin, a dull act acion ta the teas riea, lose of memory and dial sates of venereal pleau I impossible, I believe, for one to be placed in a morv mortifying condition i cutoff, as it were, fram all ths al lure menta of female society, without hopes of domestic bsppiness, and deprived of one half of the incentive of life.

During twelve thirteen, year that I have been treat lag th venereal disease, many have called a poa with thi other affection alaa, insomuch that I aeon began tc have a nicer know ledge of it than before, and at length be cam ao well acquainted with it as to induce me to aaaki it known to th public. This Is all I will say poa ths matter. Dr. Watson has removed to No. 97 Custnmhoosc street between Royal aad Bourbon street.

WM. WATSON, M. D. Separate apartments provided. dio laot ly Dr.

Lerey'e Medfelaee. DBS. LEBOT'8 and PELETIER'S (of Paris,) COM. POUND MIXTURE and AfiTI VENEREAL BPE iriC. forth corf Gleet, Vcn aeal Diaeasea, Ac, Ac.

In offerrag theae preparation to th Public, Dm. Ley aad Pcletier fearlessly hazard the aasertioa that the ae not only unsurpassed, But unequal ed. eltheir forthelrcura Uve properties, or for mild ess. safety and eertainfy I lety and eertatnry ta compounded for dad tbelr ooeration. bv any pre para oo, lar purpose, now before the i Lone standing cases of 4 i tbe nubile.

of Oenanbam. Gleet, Stri Pain la th Lotna. amine la the Urina have beea cured by tbia Compound Mixture, and" ewe af gypbilUaf tba mart Inveterate description havsnr aptly yielded to th effects of th AaU VenereaL ja us im vjTM mrm early tasteless, aad g.ects Moeat cur the apae of five or ix day, without MT mm a mnMa la U1SS, BBV SI I IliaS I aa aBi tag, tt asvee leaves th pan aaujaci ia ta a nblaaom i wsakaam that occurs sa aAaa anar taauat af otbarnsaedicln giaanllj anA mmm taaaa la tba Brat tag of th aissssr, tt wiil a aai aapiu foallaaS la a Saw iaaa 1 1 Protracted ar chronic stages of the diseases la "it 6hLtmim Complain each ae Whltaa, with oat doabt ths mart eaectual remady yr dieovered. do mot offer theae preparations as a Panacea, or" thing bat for aA lV7. tharW by Dr.

Leroy Blettar, at raila, Uu Uvea tart, to anarante a care. Wewoal her remark that thaw jutuaratlm naval fo the plic af New Or lean for last alas ad thay aavs aalvaraally pro ved efficac aa. Thorn paoa, No. CARONDELET STREET, be wean Caaal aad Comma atata Thinl hnastfissa a J2JJja th Harbla Btataea, Sato Aat th UaUaf Omeaapeaf i aTA.aT F. at at IBS ly Jrlf Care aad 8 plea uu.

PcnUda aula GRfgN. OAPl IP ABL ROUNB COFFKB sad SriCEA Co jsastsi aaiinaitad TT. flaaltfc Keater4 MdlaUa lr dutlBgulsbed aa a pby iciaa, a cbeaatat a juices of this trav so avoir extracr, ar aaa 1 a hitherto unheard of. la thiswsay the propertlea attributed ta Ptof Mar fs ixtr and Cordial wer deewud UtSm rS. deceived, could not believs tk7tUs3BBXbati announced by the dUcam.

Bat nTl 2 att rated by wife nm of tb highmf art now triaaphlag aver all INCREDULITY IB OVERTHROW 7 by arnaa of testim ooy which I perfeal. MtaZSlv, 1 be Elixir remedle 1. all sing sa a mlauae or abuse af the vriai2rl make ap the wonderful machln called Maa. lP full vigor every delicate fuactiaa caantacted wtt teriou compound agencr of malttr and tbe re prodoction of human Hi. mnacular frame, or deficient la vital Aaa muscular frame, or deficient ta yital 1 bT.

mended a tb only mesas sf 1 which Is necessary ta 1 bs proper enje oeat 1 him a um. mm inn as at toa nigDCT uikaaJa think tbemselve beyond tba reach af ih 'mm even tbese tKspalr. Th Elixir deal kT exists, wit boat refereuce ts caa et, aad will move tbe disorder Itself, but REBUILD THB BROKEN CONSTrTTrrinw Brought from a vast distance, th artaefoai of the Elixir can only be procured at a saVTr2r" tbe process of manufacture Is also costly. tsis ii" to he st all remunerative, must neearaaiflr baaS that of tbe trashy, chance compounded nm ig tbe only ex penae constat In tbeadvenUln. BastraT9' I indeed a price lrs bl stag." thea lit.

iiairaaa turoiat sou rneaiat Ttyiilrl i a world. Tb dcrangementt of th tvMtm. hainaai cbbcb, sau luc aa a ai 1 1 una QiaeBSS aaHt, ni i. waiiv iiw.iic i iaa aa aaaaa dies for which this preparatioa I a spa ever, mav be en umeral ed. yiai aea Java, ttm dplent paralyaia, headache, hyaena, dysaauaT no ot tne heart, spinal anactiaoa, mastalai atatiuTT mors, firulec.

a pricking aearattsa ta tht IaLaif. eat, torpidity of the Uvar, saea'al tb will, tndlaposltlon ta move, fal ataeai bSWsmIzV' ability to remaia la one place ae aasiUaa. bisbai LT terrifying ama, weakneaa of th prertiry7" nal Incompetency, melancholy, aiinsaasls. itm sinking at tbeiion inch, female tiregatarittsa a tgaaw? dency to miscarriage, eaoaciatlaa, aad aa bm ing out of a tree iBdulgeac of the mk scat tbat doe not proceed from organic eaasa Wst reacb of naedicimfi Whenever Ibe organ to be acted upsa are fc xiation or strictural diseaaea. it la averred tbat MORSE'S INVIaORATTSa JJiis win paaca weaanc wun a re ngta, cieacy.

i this aot eject oa all maladies, avstea. a 1 1 sod sensation is physical oeata. a aear ta asad. that for every kind of atrvoas dlseaas th dial Is lb ly reliable peeparadoa kaswa. A GREAT MEDICINE FOB FEMALKt.

Tbe unparalleled effects of this great restwxllv ml complaints Incident to females mark a new en Is nsli of medicine. Thousands of gtimulanta hsvssaa? vented thouaand of invigorants concocted all yen wT Ing to be specified in the vanous disease and Gmrnt. menta to which tbe delicate coafon oatioaaf waiT der her liable. The result ha heieuifais bee sailana Theae nostrums hsve indeed imparted a momentary nra city to tbe nervcrus tyttrm, a transient and seiaTt rial to the mnacle; but this flash of relief ha bee nrxatae hy a depression and prostration greater tba before, the end haa too often been utterly paralyse Use Mem' rative power of tbe nerves and the vital or raaiiatisa.aag finally to destroy the unhappy patient. Bat MORSE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR 1 presented aa a phenomenon In the autsria sa aH erto unheard of a stimulant wlthoat a reectara.

Toe berb which Its mala InimHsai kssksu al mitted by all tbe great medical aad hiiasiBBllias tutiona of Earocc to be is this rpect gd mamrm. it, Morse, whose name Is sa undisputed aataanty la sesaav diacovered ths productloa ta Arabia, wham aaaiat waa excited by the woaderfally iByigoracfagaBaaai tya' duced upon the nsMvea Ia tact tba woadarfol sn endurance, the exbaustlea rigor exhibttad by tht AaaI botb sexes. In tbelr desert pllgrimigts, ia BttrUaiMm a tbe oae of thlsvitalirinf tverb. An appeal is made to EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE. X.v who suffers hum weaknsa, draaseaiaat.

sen Bon. pains In tht back, or aay say at ber disorder, collar to her st x. sr common ta bath i (ivtlhti vtgoratlng Cordial trial. MARRIED PERSONS 'V or others, will find this Cordial, after they asaehsttlta two. a thora neb re generator of the a tea.

The nature of the maladies relieved by thi usually such as to leave the DublicaiioB af cer cores cut of toe attention, or th rMarsnctor could host of tbe most conclusive testimony to bw tks Msr st reputation It enjoy waa not accentally aasaassl, i firmly baaed apon Iu positive and a peart ally alona virtue. In ail directions sre to be loaad thea pur parents of healthy offspring, wb would aot has baaa but lor this extraordinary preparation. gHtti not ent foe the maa disease for which it I Thousand af young men have beea lulsna byashwA and not In a single Instance bas it failed to beaeat tfoa OPINIONS OP THE PaSS.t Prom the Journal. A valuable remedy Dr. Morse's Invl rating CerdlsL We Invite public attention to this medlcia.

havt prated 'y beard it warmly recommended by away 4 a Iuished phyridans, as tbe best remedy ever distal 14 weaae of the genital orgsaa, aad tboss srising kwm my ent hebit of youth. Tei disorders are aftea rae la tnelr progre, undermining tn censutusaoa, tbe sufferer tats a fatal prostratioa af caauaa speedily arrested. Tt dlaorders sr mors aaa lb community have any idea of, and ptedttlw ths Mat fearful morality. Dr. Mwvet Iaviguratlag Carssi will at once arrest tbese coi nptaints aad BWBthBSaQat from the dsngen that threaten him.

bmt Salem Register. We advise tbe yoong and i Sf twshad with boar complaints so dstnac tb mladal auaia the body, ieacroylog all proapaot of fatal ksprlssi. fotsj Dr. Morse's IaytguraJing Cordial. Wi has aeaa wiaaa to maay of tea beaeftnal reaalt in the perm a sf nasi our acqualataaces, who, la rnra qsats af tb vtaarisB a tboa laws which govern man's social aai pby Asa) assa were trembling an the verge af a nopeira who were on rescued by a timely use of Dx.

JHat tar dial See advegtlae lent. a FACTS TO TO THE MISGCIDEU These sre some of ths sad and metaacbBty etrtttp duced ny early babii of youth, vtai weak eat tb a and limbs, pain in tbe bead, dlauns sf aght, hsjsf ealar pa er, parpttattoe af tb heart, dyspsssla, SSI i Irritability, darangeaeat of tb ill ill 1 1 1 lisiiiiliat. gsssat debility, symptoms of cacaumptiaa, Ac. Meotally, the fearful edect an th miad a mask It tl dreaded. Lass of memory, caafasi of Ms of sot rite, evil foreboding, love of eobtad, timidity.

Ac, arc uucea. i latrmpe are In the use ef ardent spirits Is ast as species of dirtipation which marks for Its victim th tic children of gen log, for Ibis terribi disc, wtarkwal 'or its heracomb of victim a aaeriAee. a thskakc lB BDoucr aitar oa wnicn tn aaa pasma tbouatads of the most geacrsu hi sits sad i lecta. IT IS A MELANCHOLY PACT. that dlwrpation, of whatever eraae, always stxgiai SStW vengeance the most gifted snd best hearted, PARENTS and GUARDIANS ar art adW elk respect to the cause or enarea of discs ta tbetr as ml ward.

How often do tbey preaerib as athse eaaaad warting of the frame, tdiatcy Kwdacsa. palpltatkaf as heart. Indigestion, derangement af thi si nw sfttat, csogh and symptoms lnuicatiag caasaaptlaa, whs at truth that the have beea eaaaed by indalgtng kt sa nlcioua though aliaring practlc, destructive of ra bod' tar TESTIMONIALS. i No newwper would bold tbe many certificsfu assla rlmonlaa of gratitude to tb propriei wa a at IT to pub Ub tbesx. Below is a few of the many tho aa certlfltats.

isii being at liberty to pobllih tbeas LET FACTS SPEAK. FOR TBEMSELVEA Hear what ths calebeata and slngulsd Da. WmA sf al Bisarhaaetta rays af it: Massachaietu Iusaas BosrttsL Wsfrmrer. Dear Sir It give as pica ta tafana yoa tbat my patient while In Boston prs catad soomW yaw CB lal, which he tell me ha ba take tw sseeks, wMck be ba not bad a single em last on. while bafof be bad I art eacnweea.

nearreany took tike ai tim lookad aa pale aad tbia aad ws tcarrcly ski crawl around. I thought It scarcely aosabl far fcua vn. regain nis ran try eagia end foeatttat ha a extremely bad one. I prescribed the nasal BMtdida In such cases In the Hospital, bat they we af aseSad. Ia the Bieaatim my pa eat had aeaewad said yatr Cordial, which effected a cure, I am ssriiSil aa sT rnedldn coold have don.

1 shall ever wwrwty aaead It whenever na opportsatty ec ir Th tnvesta a nay younger dsyi I well remember a beta, naslilms1 as) of tbe most skillful physicians ta th United StaKs, ssd bad beard bis cordial very highly spokes sfs but wa ssl af the Iner dulow aa ta it axnt aaril I wa ss sns rl edly and aMurfoctorily caavtaccd to tb cant. as, be a great coraolatiaaa you, to think what a rtm ssscasl of human misery your Cordial 1 allevtatinx WKk FT aai meat wishes for your health, happiness sad tsa Ol laa cce I remrna, very trarv THE MEDICAL JOURNALS Have not (n single Instance that ha beea atjflwBfl given their sanction to aay other rpaiatloa far tks ipiami. it dss ta maay rlalent aad i effected radical cures, after patient had bee and tbelr conditioa prev tounced liiiTiiliaikj alliilpa titioner of high iinlisl ml character. Myochavtag beaaU a Man where tk Cesdat kept for rale far over thrsa years, aad mysup lun. Judging of Ks eaecf soasewbat a salt aaa.

tea aswy creaelngdem and, and that wllbsat Bat tie ad sulis tmiati telle for ItaelC I have sasa a rasa sf weak whitk bsd rcsisftd all treat eat for aver ft yea bstbto thssy st and Philadelphia, and th pwsoa Stir candid clde, isdlcally cured with eaa Aoaaa battlaa Hsbsdspst buoerada, withaut relief, gad was aad wtthUM Bs dollar wort of Pr. MrseuCrdli. A anAha a ctda pie eaca aver any 1 blag of th kind wts wnirki aaa acquainted, a aa to its saedlciaal iln aaa ssl iss ablepr'c at which you sell K. ia case af asivsa ar ity trowi the fleet of audlcin arlodlacratiaa, caasaktw In youth, ar tba xcealv ladalgaoca tba yaassaaa adducing gens I phyrical prust ratio, lassltsilt. wsat sv bi oo fa stin smsansas, raca parity for basis, oiB Wsocfasy, Ac lam ataea Pi raw! a Itoeassrs, wh CavaAdeace recam arad to th rafraaae fewtoa a vatosbl atraillary forn wrrag dssais of the most troaMssoaxs form.

ad ta aJI aa a salt sad saHlcmedlclas BENJABUa i BrsoaJya.N, taaiL It Is pat ap Biealy Mac tad, fa plivt bat el, rb ama Mow ta tbe giaa, aad sold Im awbst lor ei font, 4 tbWosea. lavwta 1 paradbyM MORAE, M. kradsVf CJJ ft. BS, eeera 1 Agent, Ot Itf Baoadwsy, Bra ls BUI "7 JOrTN WR18HT ft CO IS' CerrB tiaat.grw Q. JAXVIS A WCCDMAIT.

Mag tawaxem. aiatsley, Bt, Aaala ratve kw rua a a Maaklat, CioclrrBatL .,4 Iitaa. itmniua. 3aa. DtM0KSXrflTIGOATlNeIiai.

70R ceaturt, awdleai sdaca UL I' veautablaSBd arlaal i'iii" ttlngtSitaaauld reator. th gJ7L?" 2 th a and laataaw sysre wrtasItTL" Ofsubsaqaaatpra wtimm.mhIrAUlSSLIZt acs bad tmmakn tmtttiti. S' i beea fouad. ftiaavrmtaW piodarSuTLIlT I aa its; Dtneaciai enect are not confined to ehher age. mi reeaie gin, ine ailing wise.

ts ii youth, the averw ar ataa of bualnem, anna H.n.W, ika iHlairf a7 7 "WaSaT Mlity or from the weakness of tinglsin aa Immediate aad permanent relief from thaaaiw 1 com arable renovator Ta too wba bav amal wil prove a can plats aA guard against that terrible malady. Them Eaoa. who have an trifled wi their ch, mt" la. Dr. Morse ITr i Ssm Mm ilan yea i)sib1s try a Ion of tb virtae yatrr Inviaorutitrg Cord I ppa dtogtv It.

I havr bad tt to usy artica, and Ball mm ara a aJ asstl Pa.

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