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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 I IB 0 jUarkeis anfc JHarine. PICAYUNE office. Moniny. Jane 10, I P. COTTO Th demtn 1 appear to be limited ud tbus saBveot beard sale.

BOL AMES TOO bbl Rebelled were told at 16918c FLOCB bbla. eatra St. Louie at Si ST. P0BS.Maae retailing el tin sri. araisa keg Ne.

I eold at ic r. self bbla. Meat at 87 60. rtcflBTS Nothini new. gXCBARSES Demand Halted.

PICAYUNE OFFICE, Jane M. ARRIVED. Steamer. at Wrbbt, Phillips, Vickabnrg. Cbae Belcher, Car llie, fm It Louie.

BetadeeT, Mootgamery, fax LouiaviBe. ARRIVED ON SUNDAY, fa Brig fealta, Mm. day fm Biaal, to ballast, to Poif, Klr fcts diitnct Hrs tear Aatta, to, dayi fm Cam peachy, to Cam nitr Steam era. SHWioalow, Cincinnati. Dr Fabry, Daira.

fm Laourrbe. New Lerona Brat, fm Bavoa Sara. Aaaa No Labarthe, fm 8t Martinavi lit RECEIPTS OK fRMDIICK TKXSBUBa Steamer Wright 90 balea cot on to Mar aw, IwmSrr Ac 39 Byrne Act 1 Bn. ly. or to nWrt Jane i Hendeaon Peale 14 il Cuddy.

14 Tbornbilt IS da r. Williams Aco JIT Writ Williams Aco do Act I Feltowe otcr Watt Deeeallei Rick Ac a Beck II MandeviUe Linton Total (to balea cotton. Steamboat departures. THIS DA V. AS.

ROBB. CarreU. iP.H MART BUNT. Spotte.P. M.


Bay. 5 P. M. ELIZA. Steven, ft P.

M. 6LENDT BLRK.E. Bentlv.S P. NEW LATON A.Oroaa, 6 P. LO.

0. F. Meetings This Evening Wilt VI E7JCAMPMENT No. 7, Jeflrraon Ball, PUtrirt. at TH o'clock.

SALLE ENCAMPMENT No. 5, Room No.8 Odd Fel as1 Hall, at la o'clock. BBIOSLODSE Ha. a. Room Ha Odd Fellow' Hall, a' DELTA LOME Ma.

IS, Room No. 1 Odd Fellowa' Bali at 14 ejdoek. MASONIC Meetings This Evening. CHAPTER No. l.

at Maaoolc HaO, corner Bnruta and Pcrdido (teeta, at o'clock. yea? 5lDucrti0gmcut0. LOfT Ob Sanday after moo. bet wren tbe Half wav Haa aad tbe city, by theBieaviUe nad.iaOLJ FOB CHaJN. with a ring on each end, and composed Ajar eaaerat etrts.

A reward of St will be paid aa de gsjwyaf ttteM fa. METER. Cam at. Jtc at tat KAvLE LiE8s.EE LODuE No. Jon It, lata At tb mea.laf held tbia nlfbf, the following aiilAiil wee daly elected to erre ai officer during tie Dr.

J. B. CLARKE. If. Q.


A. K. B. D. BLOCK, A.

H. O. J. NCIELD, Secretaiy. THOMAS BALL.

Tret urer. Hal TQDU. P. O. Tat hw) alia Una will Ae place batnrday, July td, at the ajaai aaar.

By amor of id n. v. Jeto BAM ALFRED 8HAW. BecrUry. FL0DU1AMA ASSOCIATION OF YETEiiAS OF UB4 tad 'II Faocral Honor Tbe mrmbrra of tbla Socie Sarareoaaatedt weet THIS At finnooB.K a cioca.

Oe. Heaa'a naldaace. comer of Canal and raraodelrt anem, tm (b para of paying Abeir tribute of re. apactawtfaeawmoryof their late fcl' ow aolnter ALEX AN DEB McAXETEJL By order of the Pn alH eat. JOO A.


imk regalar meeting of thia Eacanipment will be beM aW at tbe Racasipaiein Rnw No. 8, Odd Fellowa' Hail, MONDAY EVEKlNQ. tbe th inac. at ball BMt a'clock. A paactaal attendance of tbe members la aarnroariy rraaeaua.

n. nelt MAK Scribe TItoU tJrarden. riROMnRT.KT WALK. Tlirt 8RAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT to be Maa MulDir. thth of Jane, with the amis ton mf we mnt em'nent Art lata of tbe FRENCH, ST.

CARLES and VARIETIKS THEATRES, under tbaatrectteaaf SIOMOH. oabicl PROGRAMME. 1 final Marrb "1 he (Vinmna" be Gunal. faad eaUenada 14 Tbe Itorminf of Cvoatantina" by Lwaajez. 1 fliwl.i.

Iit Anber. lila far the Flute, from the Opera of Masaanlello" by Fatal aim esecated by Jacob. A waka Th Bjoe Boita" he Prnch. Fbat Final fraea the Cpera Stra4ela" by Flotow aiaau raa room "xna aiuiarj iiauAuwa aMaa b. FFtimianrtn ftrntlrmr 98 cent Ladle free of charge BRAND BALL FaOawiag the Concert JelS td taT Miaara.


A BRADD, JOHN B. 8AINE8. will aappartad at tbe next election aa Director of the iioatar nana of beawtaa I Car HEW ORLEANS. OPELODSAS AND GREAT WUTERN RAILROAD COMPANY Jane 13, 1863. Tbe afar iim Aw a RmiiI nf nirwtAra nf thia Com Dan "re awat the firat Monday of July.

lf '3, until the fit.t liau Kill he held in ronfi mtty I tat caafter. oa MONDAY neat, from 8 a 'dock, A. M. to 3 to Company corner oi mm TUM Kreet and Ezcbaofe Alley. By order of tbe Boj Jelt td BESJ.

F. FlASDER, Secretary nIO LET A tbree atory biick buoe. with a Urge atara Bt for any kind of boaiueaa. ancb a drag ttaee, aracrrr. Ac.

getber with a two atory brick Wtebea, daura, wall, water wdVa. Ac Thia bauaeia ait uataaea OU Leeea atreet. No. 7, near the Lower Cotton Tim i i nux ttmmwk Ferdinand and Monte I nl mMm Thabaildinaa bare been newly painted and PI leaJiwl and an well calculated for a pleasant eummer rawaeaoa. Tb preaaiaea bare aa alley opening aw Be Taila Hinl.

anil II I la iiiiIt 1 nitli I ii Ami at No. 1W Bourbon between brUaaaadgt. Feteratreera CCBSR1ES la i ma Black Cherry Juice; Man Jojabe Bwatei 19 haekat Anteette, caai Wainat Catssp. (English;) 40 caawt Tomato Catsup; St rang Aacboviea; at ca Vanbenacbotten'a Plcklea; 14 caaea Preserved Salman and Utbater; Eagiiah and Bcatcb Ale and Porter; Bcatch and Irish Whukey; Am nvhlke. Ac in atare and for Bale by Jert ot R.

r. NICHOLS A 4 Camp at. QTaa UOTEI. at tbe BAY ST. LO0I9 will beopea fa the reception of visitor on tbe iUitt of June Fiilllai can be accommodated on rer mable tennt.

LEWIS. Propriety Bay ft. LauU. Jan lb. 18M.

Jeic Sl EOST On Tbaraday, ltttb Juue TWO jl drawa toy H. L. Rinney anl W. Fullertaa on A. I.

Hail I c. m.t a. Hill, dated Mav 87. laAl, at taaBtaa, ane for Saotu, tbe other for lono. Tbe ftoder trill as (awarded by iearlng tbe drafti at tbe Pica 7 one Rm P.bim mmA Hhaaahal Fawlt.

FIB SALE, ta lota sit porcuaaera. On Hundred and FiBv Kaong Fowls of tbe above named varieti, aBShtTais Spring. aad warranted purely bred. Apply at tbe earner at eplanat and Dorgenol streeU, oppotlte aa Baaaa jad Market, or at tbe omce of 1 a ani.i.ian Sa. Nine Cunnrrdal Place.

aTritta EGiS or lacobatioa) at any of tbeahove Baaed and ether varieties of Asiatic fowla, can be pra cara at awe tlm hv aocrivlne aa aaove. 1 Km i war KakJ m. TSEathacriaer beg leave tbe e.t uens ol New tbe raatic ia geeeL thM be ha, recoov Biaataahe ta aaaca lavorea aiw. BtUaaoa. bu 1 1 tne Mr mii mm atreet Mar wj ta cmrna street aide.

gara.atimtk.4.. vrau 1HT" 1 iel aia tjEORSE MAORA Bmu. 8 wea mum flat. ta casts last arrived and landing rrom sic kaeamil and Ssaaa W. Lind.

satta BJT oty aa tsasll I rrwae, wm mrw ltW 1 and 14 Csatiiaahaasa street. latvaa ralvaa. 1 1 a Arrived a sreaaaabip PeTtereraoe, frost lesiveatoa. Oae Hondred and Fourteen i CALVES, the laraast sta aaw tattaat Lm, mm thia ette. Bald ewlvca "Oipptd by i.

Dell to Mr. Jacob Mohle. wane ta as east wad aw aale at the Btoei icatn JeBrraas Cew ri.ioa1 MEHL "eary, CAerryt l)at, Usui mm luapio. IDIT racetTed, a flafhsat anal ef the abaw Mad of aab; eVelM Ckerry. iattctwt.

OaUt mad lUapUt. Dealsrkt tfakagaay. Wblta fisa, Satla Weed, Llgaea SaadaUalaaasf Fancy Waeia and Lambar, Tallow UrUOTT IHrslBlaVII. fciZ tw Fiaoaad Baa saA Bwika. Seat siesta, JelB SUAitW OAlDiNeTs teat, with hoard, several large airy Stye Qrueninci Jpuaijunc.

MONDAY EVKNINU, JLNK UO, 1853. f3r The mail it through llii with from Charlexton nf the lGlli, Waabington aud New York 13ih iuot hnre to thank tbe Hit era or steamer Charles Belcher Tor St. Loui papt 13" The officers nf steamer Reindeer will accept our thanks Tor rirer favorn. Elkctiox A stranger would with difficulty imagine that an election is taking place in our effyto day. The streets are quiet; business pv sues its usual steady coure, and were it not trrt now aud then a rab passes hanging out political banners on its outward side in the shape or posters, even the oldest inhabitant might be in duced to beiiere that tbe ballot box was not open and busy ia its Fate like occupation of spinning and clipping the threads of candidates A clerk of the Sixth District Court Tor the city of New Utlesna is to be chosen this day, and doubL less one will be chosen, don't envy him, and only hope he'll liave a good time ol it.

Gaeoen I.NfTirMENTjLL Conceat. Signor Oa iMatis the fine orchestra, which, composed of artists from the French and SL Charles theatres and the Placide'sf Varieties, will thin evening give an instrumental concert at the Tivoli Garden, on Carondelet Walk. Th SocTHKa.N P.nk. We see it stated thai the stock of this new institution in our city, has all been taken to the full amount nf R'ilaoad Diaxctobs. The election for directors of the Opelousas Railroad closas at 3 o'clock to day, at the company's office, corner of Exchange Alley and Cuitomhouee street.

RXGISTEB OF TUB LiND OFFICE. The C8S8 of Sifjir, praying for a peremptory mandamus aainst Grenshaw, for the possession of the office of Regiater of the Land Office, having been last week submitted on briefs to the Supreme Court, a dec tion wr expected thia morning. The court, however, on assembling, stated that the judges present, (Voorhies, Ogden, and Buchanan.) were to come to a unanimous conclusion in the case, and consequently that tbe case would hare to lie oyer until tbe next term, (Xoretnher,) when the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Campbell, who are now absent, should be presen'. The constitution requires a concurrence of a majority of all the fire judges composing the court, to the decision of any question.

Tbe Artesian Well in Charleston has been bored to tbe depth of 1,111 feet nearly a quarter of a mile without obtaining a supply of water. Hopes are entertained that, soon as they pass through the stratum of sand rock they are now boring, water will be found. Intelligence hr been received at the Baptist Missionary Room in Boaton, that Rev. G. Dauble, Missionary of the American Baptist Mimionarv Union in A tarn, of cholera, March S3, at Nowgong.

Nichols P. Trist, of Mexican treaty memory, hai recently returned From Europe, and purchrvd a farm in Monmouth county, N. J. Capture ef Sarca. Accounts from Batborst, coast of Africa, to the 10th of May, annouace that several slavers had recently been captured by the British cruisers, but that cargoes of ne groes Were occraionally run off under the Span inh and Brazilian flaes.

BA breakfast service of tilver has been pre sented by the underwriters, in New York, to dpt. L. Mcall, commander of the clipper ship Snvereigqof the Seas, for his skill and ability in fining his ship at sea, and taking her to San Francirco after having been dismaated. The Mobile Register of Saturday an nounces that col. 11 tiaiieit, 01 tnai city left this city on Friday 1 route for Europe, for the purpose of negotiating the bonds of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company.

Col. Hallett is President of the Bank of Mobile, and also partner in the well known substantial house of Wilson Sc. Hallett of Liverpool, besides having such other extensive commercial and financial connections in New York and Liverpool 1 will give him great facilities for accomplishing the object of his mission. A flairs In New Yark. Theodore Sedgwick.

President of tbe Commit tee of the Crystal Palace, accomnanied by An thony Barclay, Britinh Consul, on Saturday, visited tbe irigate Leasarr, wnicn arriveu iruuj Portsmouth, England, on rriday, and waited on bis Excellency, Lord Ellesmerr, who returned with them to tbe city. Lady Ellesmere and the Lad's Alice and Blanche remained on board. His L.ordship and suite purpose leaving for Nia ara ha on Wednstlav. irom wnence mev proceed on a tour to Quebec, Montreal and Lake Champlain and Lake George. Sir John Acton, win accompany L.ora Kiiesmere ana lamuy 10 Albany; from thence be purposes coin on a tour through the South.

Lord E. Cecil, Midship man, Assistant Surgeoj Blace to Niagara Falls on Saturday moruine. Among the tnidshiDtnea (tweaty Dve In number) is Lor a llooert urosvenor, granaton 01 tne marquis 01 WesLminater. it is understood, will leave for Halifax in a fortnight, and return for Lord lies mere about tbe middle of July. The ship is of 2.000 tons bjrtben, and is commanded by Lieut George Vincint KiDg.

As she came up the Day on ay sue urru hiuiq ui iwcuiy vuv guns, her band plamg anxee uoouie. Lord Ellesmere brought a number of valuable paintings and works of art, from bis private col: lection, to be displayed at the Crystal Palace. Amon tbe Pacibe a are 11. i. nay mnml the N.

Y. Times, and Lewis Cass, Jr. The Vanderbilt steamer. North Star, arrived st Knnihamnton on the 1st. It is said that the Commodore intends to combine a little of the tt; with the dWec of bis trip, in eadeavoring to get a contract from some European Govern ments to build war steamers on tne mouei 01 nis ynt "Japt.

Malonev, cnargea Wlin muruenug a son man named Kmsnuel. was to tiav acquuieu. There is still another indictment pending against him. Tbe clipper ship Qaeen of Clippers, built by Mr. Koaert K.

Jacseun, bast nosun, atw mra aaruie 'i jaa tons, nae Men soiu in tois cut, where she was loading for ban ranclaco, tor 3 VHW. A telegraphic aespatcn irom Aioany says tne trestle work of tbe bridge on tbe Albany and Northern Railroad Tell this morning, fatally in inline: aeveral persons. Tbe committee Ol conierenre upon ine suojer.t nf enlarging the Erie Canal has agreed upon plan which will command an unanimous vote in both Houses. On the afternoon of the 12th Inst an extensive conflagration occurred in the immediate vicinity of Atlantic Dock. Brooklyn, which involves so aggregate loss of nearly three hundred thousand doilara.

The fire originated in a shingle yard, in k. Wirnt 4a Haiauts etaoies, oa van Brunt street near Summit, and thence spread to ward nf Decker Sc. Sous, which covers bo are, of forty JoU' of ground. The aTra.kB aa twATt I Fl fUlfTfl lurv. aUUCU UT UI wind from tbe southeest, that the eflorta of the firemen who worked unceasingly proved or no nntil the desti ovine elemtnt had nearly reached the water's edge, when it progress was i ,.,,1.

I rH, Immense, Bad mostly unlnsnrsd I ThYdaSeT aa ca. be mm rU m. ttminii. inanred for 830,000 In twr BrooTT foar New V.rk offleej, I among which ara th Brkyn i Bro I norga MeMahon.

94,000 tons of CoaJ wB; Letter from New Yrk. Correapondrnce of the Picayune. New Yomk, June 10, lbl Afier many year absence, I once mure find myself mingling with tbe busy multitude hat throng Broadway, loiter outhe Battery, or gaze at Trinity Church. Emotions of pleasure, surprise aud sadness are mingled with each ste.i while with every turn new objects of iuteres. present themselves, challenging admiration the present, and calling up regrets for the pail.

I propose while lingering for awhile amidst tbt si once familiar scenes, and pacing these crowded thoroughfares, to occasionally dot down my io pressions of nieu and things, comparing the remembered past with tbe actual present, a anticipating the probable future. I shall not a' terapt to enter tbe Geld with the industrious an energetic reapers attached to tbe city press, wl secure the full harvest of news, but content myself with gleaning stray blades of corn, over looked by their eager eyes or dropped from their full sheafs. If long residence at the South hri fixed my habits of mind in favor of Souther ife, early associations render Northern habits pleasaut, so rhat while praising New York I do not forget New Orleans; looking oa both cities as the future grand centres of businer, weal, and intelligent of the country. Next to tbe growth of children, the growth of aA during my absence has most surprised me. I ought not to have expected that wot have remained stationary, but I was not prepar to meet tbe woudenul alteration which ro reets me.

The saplings ol my remembran re now lordly broad vpreading trees, while t'te boys and girls who formerly climbed my knee, now rejoice in noble manhood or matronly grae. Among the crowd of youthful faces that now it before me. I frequently find myself somewhat puzzled to unravel the complicated entangle ments of alliance, for whatever sins may be laid to the door of my old friends, they at least bare peaking evidence of their efforts to multiply and increase. It needed actual experience mo convince me how great a difference exists between New Orleans and New York in the climate, air and seasons. 1 felt tne lormer warm in a linen jacket and found myself cold here with my overcoat on; but the debililatiug weakness produced by the former has given way to robust strength, wrought by the bracing cool sea breeze tlia'.

now fans me. The fruits and vegetable that bad lost their first freshness to New Orleans palates long before I left there, are now making the mouths of tbe New Yorkers water; what tbe South first tastes tbe North enjoys the longest; the luxuriant prodigality of the teem ng earth in the warm latitudes being here coun terbalanced by more hardy and enduring vege tation. This city ha indeed altered since I last re. sided here, and I frequently find myself lost lmost while standing en some old frequented corner, in vain attempting to discover tne oio or standing on what was formerly open commons, now high piled with brick and mortar. Having now, after several days of bard work.

succeeded in getliug through with much shaking hands an4 kindly greetings, I hope in my future letters to interest the readers of the lavorite Picayune with the rambles in Gotham of their devoted Glsankb. Match if ace at Richmond. The match race between Virginia and South Carolina, for a bet of $2,500 a side, two mile heats, came off on Friday, tbe 10th as has been previously e'tated, over the Fairfield race course, near Richmond. The entries were John Belcher's b. h.

Rfd Eye, Virginia horse, years old, weight 124 pounds. and T. G. Bacon's b. m.

Aiaa, South Carolina, 5 years old, weight 107 pounds. At 1 o'clock both horses came to tbe post They appeared to be in excellent condition, Nina, however, showing much better spirit than the Virginian, which, by many speculators upon the results, was held as sure data to warrant llie ac ceptance of any oilers her. Large bets were made npon the issue of the first heat, the favorites of Nina giving some slight odds, while upon tbe general result greater odds were offered against her. We noticed, says the Richmond big, an oner of $73 against $100, made in favor of Nina, upon the general result and not accepted. At the appointed time (Ualf pait clock,) they started, Nina taking the lead after a lew bounds from the stand, getting about twenty yards ahead.

rbis advantage she held during the first mile, save within bdoui nve nunureu yarus oi mo stand, when Red Eye rallied forward, leaving Nina in advance bnt a neck as they passed the stand. As they proceeded, however, Nina gained about three or four lengths, which she kept for bout two thirds of the course. At the approach to the stand the coaleat became somewhat interesting. Red Eye bearing up and giving rife iudicatidns that the contest would terminate bus far in his favor. He was, however, beaten by about two lengths.

Time, 3: Iti. At this time the confidence in Nina assumed necessarily increased firmuess, and we were informed two to one in her favor was freely offered. Meanwhile the friends of Red Eye were dis heartened, and promptly accepted every offer tendered on the other aide. Those who held heavy wagers on the general issue, were yet fully confident in the superior strength and bol torn of the Virginian, me small odd in tne first heat wat regarded, by all conversant with his Qualities, as a slight advantage in view of the sanguine hopes manifested by the favorites of Nina on the result, and tbe known tardy and dull qualities of the Virginian at the outset Tbe estimate founded upon the enduring power of the latter looked to a favorable result in his behalf, holding that this reservation of strength peculiar to him would far more than counter balance the odds in the first instance. The second heat commenced and Red Eye took the lead immediately tbe start, keep ing in advance aoout nueen yarus uunng we first round.

The odds, however, were less no they passed the stand. Red Eye continued, during the second round, about two lengths in advance and came in triumphant, without having in the least degree tbe distance in advance bis antagonist, which he had gained on entering. Time. 3:54. Nina was then withdrawn, resigning the con test to the Virginisn.

Th hotter on Nina were much dissatisfied. many of them being inclined to dispute their right to hand over the stakes while tbe mntter was virtually undecided. Mtdeirm. A letter from an officer in the U. 8 Navy, dated FuneutJ, Madeira, May is pub lished in the Portland Advertiser Tbe hill side of Madeira appear pictures of fertility, ana it le to De no pea tati a year oi iruia fulness is to eucceed the last year of famine.

Aa we aoDroactied our anchorage this moraine, the fishermen in the boats, as we passed them, sainted aa by doffing their hats and crying. A food nation," "A food nail on." showing that the charity of Boston and New York has been felt and appreciated, and fulfilling an old saying that the war to the people 'a heart is down their throat ry Mr. J. D. Raid, Superintendent ef the National Telegraph Company, has resigned.

Gen. J. K. aloorfaaad has also resigned the effloe ef President ef aama eostpaay. James AasMr on, wat etected by the stockholders te fiH the yaeancy caused by the reaigaaUon of Oen.

Meor THE DETAILS BY THE PACIFIC A D. The British Government had refused, in both Houses of Parliament, to state whether or not its Mediterranean fleet had been ordered to assist Turkey. An interesting discussion in the House of had occurred conceruiog the couduct of le Captain Ueneral of Cuba in regard to tbe slave trade. All the Captains are implicated except t'miclia and Valdez. Cstledo is deeply Spain had beei remonstrated with, and md promised amendment but the British fleet oil' Cuba will be strttnglheued.

The steamer I a Plata had arrived from Ve. Cruz with Arista on board. She brir on ucc uul uu divideui'e on Mexican bonds. The namship Sarah Sands, from Melbourne, Feliru Htb, had arrived at Plvmoutli, with 60,000 ict of gold on freight. The ship BlackwaM, Plymouth, from Melbourne, February "JU1, hrd.

freight two tous aud a half of cold aud the MONDAY'S EVENING EDITION. keaaY 'ueapside, at Falmouth, hud li.OCJ ounces. A report prevailed at berliu that Prince rred ric William, heir aoparent of Prjssia. is the usbaud elect of the 1 nuce i Roy pi of Eos land, aud that the pair will soon be atliauced. The l'iincer is thirlet years of age.

1 he story hrd no currency in Britain. Ths committee of the projected Roman Cath olic College at Dublin had received HtSOO sterling In subscriptions Irom Americr 1 ne Arctic expedition irom uueensiown on tbe 27th for the north. The celebrated Achiili raie, "the Queen Dr. Newman, "had been closed by Dr. Newman paying all tbe costs.

Achilli's cos were run up an immense sum, but were taxed at xl.ujt Dr. Nrwma own expenses were very large much larger thau Achilli's. It ia rumored, but doubled, that Mr. ampton ivill ha rAmnraH Reilili Mini.ler frnm VVntth. ingion to a belter post.

1 a a The session of the Corps Le 'itlatif closed on the '2th. It was stated in political circle that the coro nation was fixed for tbe tOth September. hi King Jerome bad remaned the Uover.ior hip of the Iovalidea into tbe hands of Gen. Urnano, and proceeded to take up bis quarters in he Palais Royal. Admiral Stewart, the second in command ol the British fleet in the Mediterranr Iipi arrived at Marseilles, waili" on steamer Csradoo, courier from his Govern ir en SPAIN.

It is considered "official" that the Uueen of Spain is in an interesting way. IWITIIIL1SD. From Berne, 28th, we learn that the Federal Council had resolved to issue orders to tbe various cantons, iustructing them to raise their miliBBYy contingent i at once, and be prepared to take the field at the first call. Tbe suspension bridge at Pencr. near Geneva, fell on the 27 in ult.

Seven lives loL a a Tbe Aurich Provincial Diet bad requested tbe Hanoverian Government to obtain permission from the Customs Union to admit manufactured iron free of duty, and bars at a merely nominal rate throughout tbe Zollvereiu. rionu. Tbe marriage of the Princess Ann, niece of tbe King of Prussia, with the Priuce Frederick of Hesse Cassel was solemnized at Cbarlolten burg on tbe 2bth ult The King liberally de lined to accept a contribution from the nation pay expenses. a a i a Austria is in a difficult position iuat now. If he supports Rur tia, the envied possessor of the Sulinah mouibs of tbe Danube, she must give great offence to her German allies.

If she resist Russian pretensions in tbe E. st, the relations between the two powers ruue. naturally be weakened. It is doubtful, therefore, what her precise course of action may be in relation to Turkish affairs. a I a Despatches, purporting to be from state that the military ramp generally formed unni the soring, near Warsaw, bad Deeu ndefioitely postponed, owing to the state ol flairs at Constanunople, and tne van oi tne southern army of 100,000 men hrd received rders to approach the Turkish frot Let erk from Jpsv also state that tbe I jssian mili tary were continued on an extensive scale.

A pe. mauent bridge is in course of erection over the river Pruth. Ttiiiir. The attempt to make a hint reconciliation between tbe Divan and the Russian Euvoy was fruitless, as MenrhikofT persisted in his demand fjr the immunities of the Greek Church. Notwithstanding this intelligence, says the Itouittur, it seem difficult lo believe that the rupture of diplomatic rrlalious betweeo Rusir nd the Ottoman forte win ne loiioweu oy hos tilities.

One guarantee is the wisdom ot tne Court of St. Petersburg, and itt easuraoces of peace given to all the Kuropean count; and another consist in the fact that according to the rithl of nations the refusrl to accede to a emaud of accessions and advantages not pre viously sgreed to, is not regarded as a sufficient reaxnn lor the commencement oi nosi nties. Ia Syria there bad been much talk ol the new faith which had been st med in Persia by the apostate Mabomedao Sheikh Bahee, who denies the authenticity of the Koran, and will not re cognize any but God, Moses, David and himseii. He has made many converts iu rersia, anu is giving the Scbah much trouble. Babee has promised his followers that be will bring back to life all who are killed in defending the fai h.

From Smvrna. Ma 17. The agitation wnicn wat caused by tbe late fight between the Greeks and the Jews bad entirely budsiusu. Tkt Tafeet. A CoaMlantinople letter dated May Iti, published ia a aecond edition of the London Times, stairs tint a Turkish steamer had been sent to Egypt to aasiet in transporting the Iron pa that Abbas raraa na ready at tne aunan duinusat The Miaiatar of War bad sent couriers to the whole at" the ftTwyiBeee of tbe Empire to rn iltbe sailiUe fe trtaa, and lo prepare uiern at Llie ahnrteet notieo.

There were rumor at Pari that the Russians had sctsslly advanced, bnt this probably mere awrmise. A aecond edition of the Morning Chronicle publishes tbe following postscript from its Paris correspondent I have lust beard mat letters received at tne Russian Embaasy from St. Petersburg, contain the most threatening language toward Turkey. These letters state that the Emperor Nicholss declared, on bearing or tne rejection oi nis nut matum. that be would carry his cannon to Con stantinople to punish the insolence of the Parte." ITbis must be incorrect tne emperor couiu not hare heard of tbe rejection of the ultimatum at the date of letters, i The whereabouts of the French fleet is not known, and the orders nf tbe British fleet are kept a profound secret.

Analrs look very critical, out may be settled quietly. Judre Jones, the American Charge, had pre sented hi credential to the Viceroy of Egypt. A U. S. corvette and frigate bad sailed irom Alexandria for Europe.

CAPE OF O00D HOPE. At tbe Cane everything was ouiet the Athan tee mvation having oeen queued. INDIA. Affairs in Burmah look very bad for the Bri tiab. They had been repulaed and the troops cut off in A steamer had been sent express for more troops.

It A Tha new frail China is hirhlv important The tat j.t re labia dates from bangnau lo tne xein of AnriL state that Nankin, being invaded by the rebels on tbe loin, me imperial uommiwiuow hired a fleet of Portuguese launeoea to relieve the city by water, but they were captured by the rebels. Aid was then obtained from tbe foreign Consuls, and tbe French, American and English fleets agreed to be o. Tbe Bntisn sent tne oaia mander. Lilv and Hermes steamers, the French aunt the steam frigate Cassini. and the American Commiaaioner, Maranau, naanooi lo place me Susquehanna frigate before Nankin.

Tbo result was not mown, ana several imnw vi iiupanai ietriest ia the interior were disbelieved. Perry, in the Mississippi, had arrived at Rnn.kona on tha 7th of April, and bad de spatched tbe Plymouth to Shanghai on tne ul ATI IT IOb CHINA. full of iftukm. A slip frem tbe office of the Manchester Guardian quotes a private letter from Shanghai, March 29, one day later than the fa Hj tSFa avtl A The Taoate (of Shanghai) btrfporehaaed Jwe asvd aMdlaa taaen no the river with rice and amaMattioet, and fixed upon the Agnes, tnm laa usi narnnana bnt the Governor, Sir George Boa ham, baa stopped her ana will not allow tsnguan am pa go Berne. Sia fiwww nwra laaai aa nir IT Our Comprador has juet come iu aud slates that there is no doubt about tbe loss of Nankin, for the Taoute has put a placard on the walls acknowledging it, and offers a reward lo any one who will take the leader or officers of the rebels.

1 he document also states that tbe rebels are coining eastward in boats. Silk and tea cannot be got except for cash down, which no one has. The silkmen are frightened and are taking a good deal of silk into the interior. The Miesionaries and Ameiican Consul confirm the 'aking of Nankin. Tne V.

S. steamer Susquehanna has arrived and it is tbou'ht will stop the American ship Science from being sent up the river, she having been chaptered by the Taoute for that purpose. Among tbe va jooa reports circulate there was a prevaHing oue that Keshep the former viceroy of Cnuton, bad made a very surer "ul atteck on the rebel force with tbe troops, about 1j0 miles from Naok' in which many thousand of tbe rebels were to have suffered. Nearer Nankin, at Taepii tbe Itnpr rirl force is also said to have drfeateu the rebe with great loss of life. This newt requires co fi onlior.

A fleet of Imperial junks, assisted hy hired Po tnguese armed lorrhrt, which bad been sent up tbe river to oppose the progrs' of the iosurgpnU, had been overpowered by the rebel and the lat'er, sailing down the Yrngetekiang, had anchored without opposition immediately oppc site Nankin. The division of the revolutionary army investing the place by and is stated to have been 30.0C3 stronr, and iuc erring. It I acknowledged b. the Chinese therasa've that the loss of Nankin would be the loss of t'je Empire. The Friend of China mentions a report that oner Su been Traded, from hi office and invited to st'antle himself.

Ha bad tbe hint and committed suicide. PICTURES OF MEMORY by alice Araoot the oeaui ul pictures hang on Memory 't wall, Is one nf a lim old forr That ee' meth of II Not for its gnarled oaks olden, Dck with the mislleto: Not To the violets golden spriukle the vale below; Not for the milk white liM'c Th lead from the fra nt hedge, Coqueting all day with eSkunbeamr, Anu st. tueir golden edge Not for the vines on the old upland Where the bright red berries rest Nor the pinks, nor tbe pale, sweet cowslip, Itseemetb to me the be. I onre had a little brother, With eyea that were dark and deep In the lap of that old dim forest He lieth in per ce asleep l.iehtas the down of the thistle, Free a tbe winds thai blow. We roved there the beau'iiul summer, The suo ners of lont 'o But bis feet on the bills grew weary, And one of the autumn eves, I made for my little brother A bed of the yellow leaves.

Sweetly his pale arms folded Mv neck in meek embrace. As the light of immortal beauty Silently covered hi face And when tbe arrows of sunset Lodged in the tree tops bright If Yell, in his sain like beauty, Asleep by the gat of light Therefore, of all the pictures That bang on Memory's wall. The bne of the dim old forest Sebmrth tbe best of all. Affairs In Wnahlngiton. Kx Gov.

Vroom. it is said, bas signified to the President his acceptance of tbe Prussian Mission. Hon. James Buchanan is expected to leave for the Court of St. James in the course of next month.

Thomas Hart Hyatt, editor of the Rochester Advertiser, was yesterdav offered the Consulship to Arnoy, China, aud will probably accept He returned home this evening. 1 he examination ol clerks, preparatory to their classification, continues, and bas so far principally been ennuned to tne interior Department. The examination will he commenced to. morrow in he Third Auditor's office of the Treasury De partment. tiov.

Parks, ol Maine. and Ueall. or Wiscon in, are in town day. Among to day rumors is one that the Navy Department de; .11 to in "itue a profes oivhip ol' dancing iu the Naval Academy, that rccom piistuiienl being looked upon abroad as assential to tbe ioiercl ai te nf civilities. 1 here is ano'her rumor that advices have been received of filibustering movements at New York, which promise rich developments.

"Ion," the correspondent of tbe Baltimore sun, ays Washington is becoming dull. The office seekers have abandoned it, with the exception, perhaps, ot those who come here to take a chance iu the general distribution of clerkships. turns out that the uolumnus transter agent of tbe late Administration has not paid into the treasury even the five per cent on tbe sum that he was to transfer to New Orleans. If $5,000 wa recovered from him, as is said, by Messrs Ewing and R. Corwio.

it. only answered the purpose of paying their fees. It did not come luto tbe treasury. Ia due time we shall see the correspondence on this curious subject. Burke assault upon the President policy of neglecting tbe "Old Democratic Guard," ap pears to have been unexpected, and has produced an impression bere as well as elsewhere.

The New Hampshire Democracy would not of course, countenance this assault, except to fares to elect tbe assailant as President ol the convention. But we shall in due time see more of like demonstrations. The state of things in China bas much interest for tbe people of the United States, but the British press gives our Government too much credit in its surmise that our interests in that quarter have been carefully watched, and that we are ready to seize upon any advantage that the revo lution may present Tbe occasion calls, how ever, lor some attention on tne pan ot our uo vernment and fortunately one member of tbe Cabinet, Gen. Cusbing, is better acquainted with the subject in all its respects, than any individual in tbe country. Hi advice will, no doubt be the policy to he adopted in our relations "With the Ce esiial Empire.

It is supposed that Mr. Marsh will be retained at Constantinople for some time. The next offi cial advices from him may be looked for with great Interest. The last accounts are ominous of the BDeedv commencement of a desperate even for the very existence of the Otto man Empire. The downfall oi mat empire, to long foretold tfnd reseep, tray be retarded by the Interference ol Kuropean powers, ana particularly of those that may expect to become the next victims of Russian rapacity.

Paris twice been in tbe band of a Russian army, ar may be again in the course of a half a doze years, vvnen mat event, so enu lor r.urnp wn civilization, shall recur, there will he leas toler ance of protracted celebrations of "Russian vi tones, in this country, than there was In 1815 To send, at once, a suitaoie Minister, as tne represen'utive of this Government in China, will be the first duty of the Government Tbe per son now indicated for the office would rather earn his outfit and. salary in some essier way. The emergency calls for the services of a msn energy and Knowledge ol tne reiauons wilu which he is to deal. CiT R. W.

Walker, Esq ha accepted the Whig nomination for Governor of Alabama. Tha it atsamsr Corwln. from Key West eurveying the coast arrived at Charleston (S on Tueaday last. Tat lonowing oi ner omceur i Ltent. Craven, oomnjwdinis Lieut Febtrer i Pnaed ValIMM IWH HAM Mldeulpman e.aiow; arr.

wan too Hall and Hayaes rw Ths Louisville Courier, of tbe 14th inat. says the Bomra Ol aiaarmoa pan em taa orut nance authorizing a subecridlion of $1,000,000 te a. the Knoxriiie tutiroao FOR SALEA Hears Wawaaa aged aba Ha. I wt aar sad lienor, good cans and aged abaat SI years, a aaraaate. Bat BCgra atww aiwwau way wall i 1 For parttcalare apply Ul i BI DDALL, eagjEWai A Tia el Otwsun Swrtaurt oq.MCaaaya.

QWIIt be ee far ike ntina ns ot SUNDAY, nc lata, ISM. JKorelarnera In Hta Francisco. The San Francisco Alta Califoroian has interesting sketches of the French and German denizens of that city There are about six thousand Frenchmen in this city. They are engaged in all operations. They are hankers, physicians, speculators in land, importers, wholesale jobbers, retail merchants, chan ics rod day laborers.

A fair proportion of them are wealthy, and nearly all sre industrious and good citizens. Tbey come from all parts of France from Paris, Lyons, Marseilles, Normandy, Bretagne, Alsace and French Switzerland, and from Louisiana and Canrda. Tbey all have the characteristics of Frenchmen; they must live in company, and so Ion as tbey remain awake, and gesticu te while they talk. There are very few of tose from France who intend to make California their home; they long for the time when they may have enough of the shining gold to retur.i to La Belle France, and live there in ecse and independence. They learn tbe Eng 'l language very slowly, probably because Ho not intend to make tbeir permanent iio here.

Tbey cannot avoid comparing Cali loi ia rs it is, the growth of half a decade of with their own country, the growth of a thousand years, and as they see it the. comparison Is very much in favor of tbe latter. Their universal intention of returnir to France is an error, for which many of them will repent in time. They complrin that they have suffered injustice at the hands of the Americans. No doubt mrny of them have, like many of the Americans themselves.

But one reon that the French have suffered injustice is, they have no political powe They have not endeavored to become eos, and they have not learned the English language. Tbey are in the country, but not of it. With such numbers, no less than thirty thou sand, and more coming, tbey would soon make their positive weight felt. Let them consider'ornia as their home; let them become c.ti ens aud let them endeavor to change the evil of which they justly complain, to goou. It may be tbat California shall be changed for the better, and many of her faul' purged away before tbey shall be readv, with fortunes made, to return to France.

Sao Francisco mist have a large French population for many years. The French have no important po. sion of their own on tbe Pacific, but they have some commerce, and there are a great many Frenchmen scattered through Spanish Americr Of all thia Frencb commerce of the Pacific San rrncisco must natural! be the bed. A considerable number of the French residents of California were living in Spanish America at the ime of tbe discovery of tbe geld mines, and thus it is that so many of them speak Spanish. Many of the beet eating bouses and finest saloons in the ci'v are kept by Frenchmen.

Some profes sions tney almost monopolize, si importation of wine, une coosery, making, ace iney occupy almost exclusive one of I be largest gambling houses in the aud are very well represented in the others. Tbey have a theatre here, which they have supported exceedingly well, considering their small number. They bare benevolent society, which hat expended large sums of money, and done a great deal of good. They bave two newspapers, which are very well'd. Our Frencb citizens take but little interest in party politics, and, if naturalized, would probably divide themselves nearly equally between the Whig and Democratic parties.

There are 5,000 Germans in San Francisco. Tbey are of all classes and from all parts of Germany from the mountains of the Tyrol to the delta of the Weser, from the hills of Alsace to the sanon of the Vistula. Many of them bave long been away from their native land some in the United Stales, and others in Spanish Amer and in the isles of tbe South Pacific. A area' many of the foreign merchants in Mexico. Peru, and in the provinces on tbe eastern coat of South Americr are Germans.

Germany has no foreign colonies, and yet there is not room for all her citizens at home. Tbe Spaniards have a partiality for the Germans. In former times Germany and Spain were united under bne fctnneror, tbe most powerful monarch of Kurope. and the associations connected with the history of tbe Empire are agreeable. But probably the main cause of the preference of tbe Spaniards for tbe Germans is tbat the latter possess no political power out of the Continent of Europe, while the English, French and Americans are dangerous, on account of tbeir maritime power, as wen as ot their grasping deposition.

oaniriU America has been a kind nl Paradise for adventurous young German merchants, that wished to sow their wild oats away from home. Many of tbem, scattered from Chili to Chihuahua, were attracted by the gold of California. and some of tbem are now amonggtur wealthiest citizens. This residence. in Spanish America ac counts for the fluency and correctness with which many of them speak Spanish.

The great majority of the Germans in California intend to mtke their permanent residence here. They are almost universally Republicans nearly all become citizens, they learn English readily, and tney adopt American manneu and customs more readily than any other Europeans from the con tinent The Germans bere are very different, as a class, from those of the Atlantic States there. nearly all are mechanics and laborers, and but few well educated, while bere they are nearly all intelligent men. They have several associations to keep up tbe memory of tbe Vaterland Among tnese toe rem vereio, or uymnastic Union is the first Ever since its formation it has been in high favor with tbe German people. It was started at a time when all popular gather ings were forbidden by those who feared tbe in tercnange oi ideas among tbe people, uymnas tic exercises are part of tbe education of youth in Germany and are even beid so high that an academy is there called a When sll other sssemblages were forbidden, those for gymnastic exercises were consider? 1 harmless and were permitted, but they soon became the school of democratic ideas which they have since so effectually propagated.

The San Fran cisco urn rerein is in a very nourlshinr condition. The Suemjer Bund (Singers' Bana) is another popular German association. 1 be weaitmer uermans, who desire to ne ex clt'tive, have a club. The Club pos sesses a valuable, though not an extensive libra ry, and bas it rooms very finely furnished. ne uermans oi ianiornia bave one news paper, tbe Staats Zeitung, or State Gazette, for heir organ.

It is published every week day, is edited with spirit and has considerable circulation. It is Democratic in politics. Tbe Germans here, like tbeir brethren in the Atlantic States, are nearly all Democrats, but, being more iatelli pent they do not carry tbeir party spirit so far. 1 1 tun iniaiiiuiiiiy ui parij Duuiiuauuaa ia a uuc trine in which they are in no hurry to believe, having seen too many facts which would not ac cord with such doctrine. San Francisco has a German theatre, but it is as yet iu ita infancy.

There is one German school in the city. Tbe German population is very orderly and industri ous. There is probably no claw among the peo ple wuicn ni icwer repreaentauves, in prooor tion, as offenders before the eour's than the Ger mans, and tbey have very few or no gamblers amour their number. There are some occopa tions which thev nearly monopolize thus the most of the deaiera in cigars, musician and brewers in the city are Germans. Tbe Union Band is composed entirely of Germana, It is proposed to form a German military company.

wbicb we would giaaiy see. i neir military spirit and tbeir capn'f iu corps in everything of this kind enable them to attain the thoroughness of sciplme in which tbey hare been unsurpassed ever since tbe time oi rredenck toe Urea rOR SALE To go oat of tbe dry a Creole Near vrnr oin. a a ooa aaner. ror rortner particaiara app' to N. F.

RICE, Star Bakery. JelS ti' A LMONDaarLaagsedoc, Collet and Tarragona la store and lor eat by Jeli K.F NICHOLS A 4 Camp at. ft A18I38 Layer nod MR, wuolaa, had res and quarter base, la store and fur at' by Jel 6t B.F. NICHOLS ACO.SiCt epet At CASES WoiSVa Aromatic schnapps, quart and iv iianawwnur, Ja.0 B. F.

NICHOLS A CO. .04 Caaap at RASPBERRY aad mwaerry Vtayar BaaperTy and Cherry Bounce; Swiss Aseyatb. BlrrhawfT) Maraacalao 41 Ear. Caracas, Ac In ntnre and far aale bv Jei st I WICHOIB A CO, St Camp at. In M.

Watt. A J. Sykea, aV Plckaaa Naaa. YVt ATT. SIRE it NQBLX Cattnat Factors, wenend vv Commieaiae and Ferarardlng Marrhaala, as Cam tree.

New Oriama A JTS aaT Mr. PATTTSOIC Bold ear Bmltad arwaer Bttaeney. ai per aca pwaww wiaaay, seae ISIB. lata. Beam a A leaiiQBin, awiary wannc dels taagM wish baa cbaBcsaeanatUI eecara teem bv anaraiae a abase.

La dire wiU pUaat attaad la tA ta aaaia aadaantlime ba iwaai iiwawai swa aa NOTICE Th aataecrtbera ta Uat S30OJ raflU ar mtbraaed tbwt tb itadaaaar emkatsal aad wilt brata tafhsew eaTon MOMPAlTiB totaiaac, at Uw earner efjoataatna and Lavas atrawta. Fawtb Dtatrtct. Tbeae wtabkac ta ban ITT llfTKLLIO II If M. Duel A duel waa fought on the other side of the river yesterdsy afternoon, between Mr Cohn, editor of the Staats Zeitung, and Dr. Wintzel, editor of another German paper, published ia this city, which it is feared will end fatally for oje for one of the parties.

The conditions of the duel were that they should fight with pistols, the one winning the first shot to fire at fifteen paces, the other at five. The following are as particulars of what transpired on the g.ound Mr. Cohn fired first At fifteen paces, nd missed. He then advanced ten paces and halted, when Wintzel raised his pistol. While a'l were expecting to hear the report his hand s'owly sunk to his side, sod the seconds rejoiced the idea that no blood would be abed, and an estimable life be preserved.

But their hopes oved fallacious, for Wintzel again raised nia p'stol and fired. The ball struck Mr. Cohn ia the right side, just below the ribs, but did not past out, and at a late hour last night no hopes were entertained of his recovery. Win'zel bas disappeared, but the police are in hot pursuit of him. Dr.

Mercier is attending the wounded man. Inqccst. The Coroner held an inquest last evening on the body of a white man, name unknown, aged about forty years, found dead in the river opposite the Barracks. The following is his description Light hair, atout boilt five feet eight or nine inches high, on the right arm he was marked with two ships, in India ink. His Nothing consisted of a red flannel shirt, gray caesimere pants, and rough brogans.

The jury returned a verdict of Accidentally drowned." RECORDER WINTER'8 COURT. Discilasged. Mary Donahoe, arrested as a fugitive from justice, on the strength of a telegraphic despatch chsrging ber with larceny In Mobile, wti examined this morning and disci a ged, there being no 'proof against ber the prosecutor turning out to be ber husband. Stelikc. Jacob Sample is in custody on a charge off having stolen a gold watch, the property of John M.

Cfiidy, from a house Gravier street, lrtt night Vaqbawts. Elizabeth Powers and Sarah E. Walker were sent to the Work House for sixty daya each, for being vajranta and lewd and abandoned women Catherine Daly and Tom Chilton went to the same institution, tbe first for sixty snd the second for thirty days, as incorrigible and confirmed vagrant'. Andrew Hanly, a juvenile vagrant, was sent to the House of Refuge. DisoanxaLY Bsothxl Mrs, Lorian Da via was sent before tbe First District Court on a charge of keeping a disorderly brothel on Gravier atreet.

Concealkd Weapons. J. L. Law was fined $00 fur carrying concealed weapons. Bonds.

Mrs. Winters, for being drunk and disturbing the peace was ordered to go to the Parish Prison for thirty days. Labciny. Mary Anne Barrett charges Peter Wild and John Troston with having stolen $17 in paper money, the property of W. H.

Cook. Their examination is fixed for the 23d. Dead. On tbe 15te inst a warrant wat issued, on the affidavit of Mary McPberaon, against Mrs. Kilkenny, for ruault and battery.

When the officer went to serve the warrant he fonnd the ca dead in a house on the corner ofTrhoup and Nunn streets. No PaoaiccToa. Edward Kelly, arrested for attempting to rob and subbing H. E. Ledbetter, wti this morning discharged, no prosecutor appearing against bim.

RECORDER RAMOS'S COURT. Singulab Thxft. Edmoodt a slave belonging to Mr. Gottwak, bat been arrested on suspicion of baring stolen a milk cart belonring to Mr. Gamble.

Attemt to Cbxatx a Riot. Victor Ageaet and Charles Miller were arrested on Jackson Square yesterday evening and locked np oa a charge of attempting to create a riot The prompt action of the police in this case, and the presence of a large force under the command of he Chief, probably prevented a renewal of the disgraceful riots of the previous Sundao. At a little pett 5 o'clock, the Square waa densely filled with men, apparently well disposed' to re commence the affray, but the precautions of the authorises compelled them to suppress their belligerent propensities. Pickpockets. Henry Burns and Thomas Hoy, at the requeat of two gentlemen, who had seen them picking the pockets of a drunken, man named Porter.

They were locked np for examination. Assaulting a Woman. Leopold Englehart wai arrested in Burgundy street la it night for having ac suited Mrs. Mallory with a sword cane." Stabbing. L.

C. Berniard was arrested at the corner of St Louis and Tretne streets, last night, for having stabbed aed dangerously wounded Thomas J. Mahon in self defence. Berniard ia an officer of the 8eeond District police, and we presume this affair occurred In the exercise of his duties. Amour to Frederick Myer waa arrested on the Levee la night tor attempting; to steal a watch from Mr.

Ashbow. Aaazrr of Neoboes. Tbe police of the Se cond District arrested about thirty aerroea oa Saturday night for being in unlawful aasem blages, gambling, Sec, in cabarets kept by free negroes and whites. Tbe proprietors of these dena were heaviiy fined yesterday morning by Recorder Ramos, and the negroes, slaves and free, were locked up for examination. RECORDER SEUZENEAU'fl COURT.

La aca xy. Michael Cord, tvlts Carroll, waa arrested in a house on Cbartre' street between Spain and Mandeville streets, together with a lot of cabin furniture, atolen from the steamboat Mountaineer. Stolen Ppofcbty Rxcovxbxd. Charies Richards wat arrested on Washington 8quare for having a lot of property ia hit poweeaion supposed to be stolen. 4 Attempt to Shoot.

Tracya slave who say he belongs to Mr. Grass, was arrested at the racquett ground in the Third District yesterday, for attempting to shoot two bystagftJera. He had a I taded pistol in bis pnaasaaion, a watch, and a copper dollar. Mcbdeb most Fowl. George Elder was ar rested at tbe Lake for being drunk, disturbing tha pesce, and murdering a chicken.

So fowl a crime ought not to go unpunished. I mux tlx Ofpicbbs. Dennis Hera and Mra. Frederick were locked up fur insulting la the discharge of their duty. RECORDER VAU6HT8 COURT.

Daxobbocs, Ac Fritz Hah was arrevesd la the fourth District yesterday, at tha request af C. Esgle who charges him with being a danger ou ana suspicioua caaractar. Dsckivd am "rnffi BsrhaidThsasee ana locked up oa the. charge of decalviaf aa eseer while on duty. i iftii.

FOR BiXC Tba etock a FaaTuy Svaeary, catad aad eata fwd baafoeae. ia lb First Piatrlct, Sold en accaaaiwftba owner wishing bt leave th eitv. a Bold ea acceaat th owner wishing bt taaoa af 'the pawed can as had fee ana, KTQTICB Taa krsaa olHrVlAUJ. SGfiia.e an A tbla eny aae new iota, were awaalvad ermatae I earn naaaaaanaa new ana, ita sane, tans I wiutaaa aLctora taavtac pwrcaawadta War ef BV Si ua 11 1 ws a ralasBraaa.aa4 hasnag aawataad aUtba, I rial 1aT tl "ldam. aaTag lb rami 'kr b'l bt UoaUvtleaoBly.

WILU1B HrClOU. iall e. BV AXMIUm.

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