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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Slje I 5) ail icasuue- EDITORS proprietors. j- TEEMS Or TSJE r-lCATONKi tBsrrrpMons for Mm- Uji. math tar IM for WJ klv, SS b.i rmfi? uj aumrlt at a propor- ttenete naartlwi sabacriptioae to be paid invn. HiUf la advance "male eueass enc Atvertiaranrat or tw to ten Uaaa. Incla-alee, la Pearl eoHH iaina the raa UI the eeaer.

SI the ft rat, aad ceate eaca a insertion. twenty nuk tf taa Bra Ineentoa, ai s. each vaoaaaaant, lar be ran af tne paper, aad aa oa, If ordered to reuse' oa any ana page, a grli prtca will a charged. -fine, Second aad fnird page advertlsementa wilt be charged aa new each Insertion. gMvertisemeat published at tnverrela, 1 pr square each tneertloa.

steere! diereent anil at mad ta those who ad Vtlee tiealr-darU tho year rrartawmtnts dm epwtfteJ at to tiro. wlH be pablUhed aattl ardarad oat. aad charged according ly. lailiaitaMiaint ar eahecrlptlaa will aa stopped untJb alt imuiai ore said, anlaea at the option of tbe gebrrtageefaad Otrttuary Notice, fro an to tan BnadT Pearl eelld, SI Srst, cauta aach subeeqaeut insertion VKIDAT nnKlKH, JUNE tSBJ. The Trade Whirl; which we 2een bo anxiously expecting, for some da from New YosOwith dates to the does not make her appearance yet.

We begin to think she could not hare left on the day named by the New York papers. The steamship Marion leaves for New York to-day, aud the Blackstone tomorrow. The Buwanee goes to Philadelphia to-morrowr 1ST Hoffman Marks, J. Hoffman, auctioucer, will sell to-day a large and well assorted stock c( goods newly imported, consisting iu seasonable clothing, dry goods, hat, shoes, and fancy articles. X5T Miss A.

Fitpatrick advertises that she has remored ixom 62 Bourbon street to 61 Boyal street, where she has opened her new millinery establishment. She in ites ladies to call and examine her fine Stock of bonnets, which she will sell at the lowest possible prices. a 07 The steamship Marion, Capt Phillips, leaves her wharf this morning, at 8 direct for New York, with the United States mail and the following passengers Mrs. Coffin ajid family, Capt. Coffin.

t. Felt, T. JBnmae. O. Dickinson.

Mia. Sullivan aud family, Mr. Johnston, Meesn. Bmleni, O. W.

Wright, J. Piatt, M. H. North. Kspptr, J.

A. Hall. Mr M. 8'ewSrd, Mia. R.

Bovhtug. P. AI. utrt. Mra.

R. Kramer. BarS; C. H. M.

Iveus aod family, Mr. Darin. J.Gaurhv- nd dsoshter, Dauxtnser aad three bora, Mra. J. Worcester.

Mr. Stetson, Mra. Mat, Mr. da Doppf, Row Welmer, Mra. Bereft and family.

tteutsman aud family, O. la. L. Mayer aud fan ily. Mrs, Zcfcler aud family, Mr.

M. YVitsenbrrter avd, 1rt. Men and family, L. T. Morrill, C.

H. Mr. Davit and lady, Mr. O. WraT and duKf t.r.

M. Savr and danahtar, D. -Wollaoa and faanilv. vv. Van Wotdea, J.

Tr.noaa, Mr. Wuiict, Mo L. L. rimnh and family, O. Noi, T.

8oUiD. m.n, E. T. fimlth, L. A.

Lep-tnan, O. W. Go nIIow, Lieut K. fatker, J.B. erra, A.

it-UK V3T 5c Co. have clarified sugar and prime Carolina rice for advertisement. lr Edward M. Murphy, 91 Camp street, advertises coal oil, Havana coffee and choice buttrr for sale. A 'Washinpton letter writer says, in the latest received New York papers, that the Cabinet at Washington is now engaged in forming a commission of civilians, with a civil governor as its head, for the express porposo of transferring the administration of New Orleans into their lands.

The plan agreed upon by the Cabinet will be the same as that already adopted for the State of North Carolina. Gen, Bntler will still preserve the military command of the city, and direct the opera-v lions of the war. t3rAn freinGen. Shep-leyto Gen. Westmore, in leply to one from the latter, i.

ques.tiiip the former's decision whether Uen. V. aud bis staff, and the Regiment of Confederate Guards, aro included in the provisions of General Order No. 18, will be iound in another column. The answer is explicit and clear, and will of course be read with interest by all whom it immediately concerns.

The New York Herald, of the 4th announces the arrival in that city of ilr. Bouliguy, late member of Congress New Orleans. The Herald says that Mr. B. states that there will probably be a strong Union party in that city; that the accounts of universal destruction of property are exaggerated, and that for a -considerable time the rebel leaders have been turning Confederate notes into mouey, jewelry', Gou.

Prim, of whoe recent arrival In Hew York some account is given in another column, was called on, on his arrival, ty most c-f the foreign Consul re- aiding in that city. The Herald says Gen. Phi of Yrueztiela, ni the priaoipal 'Spanish saeieh-iiii riuiag busiues here, called on kim doricK tb day. The General had -cnade arran2eiurnuto $uit the Central Park and plHeis of interest in and aronnd the city, Kt the unfavorable state of tbe weather eomp.Ud bim to potpoo his ride. Daring ith nkorninsr, however, be tfuteu laland, Ut tUe ru-poae of periuillT inspect-log the aecoinrardrjna whu-h htve been pro- IrlVi0 DBlmUr of tts honejuiw brought Who um In th meauiar.

i 'VtcAimgto Intelligence. On the 80th the United States Secretary of the Interior sent a communication to the Senate relative to persons who have been arrested in tbe southern district nf xr. "York, from May 1, 1852, to May 1, 18G2, tharged with being engaged in the sUve trade, with the names and number of vessels arrested and bonded. Forty-one per-- sons are named, none of whom were convicted, or their bonds forfeited, which ranged from $250 to $20,000. In some peases tthey.Were tried and acquitted one Or tw escaped; but most are.

marked, VBondot. forfeited complaint dis-'misedr The number of vessels engaged Senator Fessenden introduced a bill, on the erro day, maklag the destruction of any vessel or goods belonging to any cit Uen of the United SUtea, on the high seas, punishable with a finsKt exceeding 1 tc. thousand dollars, aad, impejsonment not exefeding ten years, with th provi- Siob, jf BUy person destroy any -res- w. owner, with thetnten Jr't? inwuance policy, he shaU- SJ imprisonment has beeu7bUsed don the prosecution of two cw of the severity of tbe punishment, which Tendered It improbable tbat he could ob-Uda" coatlcrlpn. fr GOV.

STANLEY IN NOHTU CAKOLINA. We have already announced tne tact that the Hon. Edward Stanley, formerly aud long a Whig lueraber of tbe United States Congress from North Carolina, hbd been sent for to Sau Francisco, where be has been residing for some years pjast, and made Governor of Lis native State by President Lincoln. "VVe see by the papers received to-day by the Kensington that the new Governor has arrived at his post r.nd commenced his woikTyigorously. The eiTorts of he Abolitionist missionaries to produce and cultivate an Am I not a man and a brother" feeling in those parts of North Carolina that have been occupied by the Federal troops, seem to have met with--a in the initiative steps of Gov.

Stan ley's administration. -r. Ho had been in Newbern but a week when he had accomplished four acta indicative of his gubernatorial policy. First, he closed up the newly established negro schools, the pet project of a fanatical set of so called New England missionaries," of tho Boiibooiahgah stripe, under the lead of the canting Colyer, for the inculcation of an anti-white fooling among the colored brethren." The next thing the Governor' undertook was the enforcement of an served on these gentry, (we taeau tho fanatics uf jresaid,) to return to their proper owners the stolen negroes he found theui harboring, preparatory to running thom off North. By a vigorous example or two of Lis deter minatien to cnfoice this order, Governor Stanley produced a decided impression of his being in dead earnest in the matter.

One of the parties thus deprived of his negro companions undertook jto ride rusty about it, and to rescue by force his contraband." But befure she could be got off, the new Governor appears once moro on the scene, and sends word to all the captains in port that if they took away a single negro to go North, their ship should be confiscated. The next importantdpfficial act of Gov. Stanley is thus described in a letter of the' 31st from Newbern, in the New York Herald H. H. Helper, who been a constant banger on to tbe army ever since its arrival here, and getting his living oat of the crib of the United Suite Government, to be on secret service, burnioK bridges, ifco wrote an impadeot letter tu the Governor, presuming to criticise his conduct for the before mentioned For he was very riuietly requested to report himself in Sow lork as cen as poaeiMe, JJm Me.eru:er, onr gallant Provost, Kirm him additional quietus in the thape of an extra shot, teitibg him if he iMesfenger) fonnd hire in Newberu after the departure of tbe next he wnld send bim to jil fud feed bim on tcnh- beef.

Helper cleared tbat afternoon, as did Colyer also. The writer of this letter expresses the opinion that this action of tKe new Governor will io much towards recovering tbe people of North Carolina to the Federal Administration. Taken in couaection with the distinct repudiation of the President of the late absurd publication of Gen. Hunter ia the adjoining State, it certainly may be cited as a proof that tho policy of the Government at Washington is not, in all respects, what the the Greelies, tbe Fbillipses, and the Garrisons would like itjo be, no far as slavery isconcerned. The Encllak Vapera on erklawa INtw Orleans.

and The New York Herald, of the 4th, has this summary The London Times treats the retreat from Totktown as a great reverse to the Confederates, and says if kiohmoad is cuptnred it will be a tremendous victory to the Federals. It metaphorically enlarges a the that most arise in governing the Sjrun. wtieu the Federals, by coutii.ue'i victories, have bronght the secesstouiaU within tbeir power. The London News says aHhagtithe of New Orleans in a niHittry serite cannot be overrated, it is of Jar greater importance ia its social, commercial and political reeulu, as tbe poeceesion of the MirsitsipDi opens the way for the indastrial energy of freedom, and altogether deUrojs the poiiiictd poaitiou and territorial prestige of tfce Southern Confederacy. The great territories of the Weet are lost to the slate confederation, and this alone is a suitable recompense tor all that has been spent on this war.

It is an enormous gain, not only tor tbe Union, bat for Europe, for humanity and civilization. It praises tbe North for conducting the straggle a free citizens ought to do. In another article the Locdon News defends the financial policy of the North from tbe calumnies of its fees. It their financial position inriiighes a eii-iairjg proof of the constancy of a free people, the troe wisdom of their rulers relying on tat constancy The London'fleraTd enows grounds under which, after the decision of events at Corinth, New Orleans may be recaptnrad. It regards the poeesion of "New Orleans aa of the most vital political and commercial importance to the South.

The London Post thinks tbe present position of affairs eminently favorable lor effecting a compromise acceptable to both, bnt admit that it will be no eaav task reconcile the requirements of both. Tbe Liverpool Poet the war virtually at an end, atd look proclamation of peace at any moment. The captain of the steacasr Bcrmn Ja, in a letter to his wnerB, protests against her r-eizcre while she was goin from Bermuda to Nassau, and represents it to hsve takeu place in British wateis. lie. however, bears testimony as to the conduct of his captors.

The United States frigate Constellation left Ahreriras on the Cth for the eastward. Tbe Taecarora remained there, aud the Sumter at Gibraltar. In tbe Hours of Commons, Mr. a party speech agaiijat eoiH-nued heavy expenditure, and quetion'tug the cordial relations of France and Kngfaaa, reierred to tbe relations of the Enghsh and French ambassadors at WasblngtoD, and re-asserted that, not-withstanding the ministerial rivalry existed between them, aad it would be proved on ihe publication of documents. Lord Paiaietston, iu response, again asserted tbat Mr.

Dieraeii was misinformed, and tbat Lord Lyons and M. Merciur were acting, together with the utmost cordiality, as if they of one Power. iarl Koseell, iu aubmittiag the new treaty with America on the eiHve trade to the House of Lords, bore testimony to the efforts of President linooln's GoTernment to pat a stop to the traffic. The Pris.eorresponjaut 0ftnt, Poet cives a rumor that tne French Govern-Bent has decided pj withdraw their troops from Mexico as soon as, bat nothing -confiims this. more activity at Lyons, under the new? of the Union soo- From" the, 6raaeAaior we find tho fol- riowieg Paris letter on the same subject: TE4WS, Tha capture of New Or- leans, tollowed oy that of Baton Iwue-the politicahlmporTarice of which is familiar to even those least acquainted with" the geo grapby of America has takeu place In happy time.

France was begining to oscillate under tbe pressure of England, who, it hi said, his promised to wiuk at ber occupation of Mexico in. the event of a combination of policy in a reeogniuon Of the rebel Stites. Batviotory is ad ding1 trinruphant Uurc the Feder! urcs. If Engtaod, who, from firvtto tot.hna flhjea so litii a part in tm mm aeisewmu rsvolt. cbooeea to acknowlrdrfe th h.w.

ri it br tier- Belf for Fraoeev-brrpowerfaU'ly will nw hae tene e( it. We expett every mail to briPK us tidings of the capture of Savanaah, wtcn wvum meD oniy leave tt iiruiu-. Cbarleston and Mobile as place -of any i importance in tbe rebel hands. God grant that a gleriws victory may soon terminate this horrible civil war, aud tU United States, great, glorious ad free, wiih an army noshed with tbe ooneclonenes of. kink AAm anrl indomitabla dariuir.

inny again make ber voice fait in the councils of, tbe world. England has registered a rar hat United yoo II never again ot. Totrrs to make her rue her foul and unnatural oatb. She Inews fall well that she baa far nMA feav fmm tab than from Franoe, and while retenslbly against this last she pretends. to arm, job are toe spectre wqoae kuu.

imu dirtarba her peaceful alamber." "See knows that in the army of tbe United Stats? nay, in that of the very rebels a deep and laewug sentiment of aired and vengeance is engendered and increasing, wbich will exercise each a pressure on the Government tbat. 'come what will, it will be compelled to as-kcowledge and accede to it, and yoa may be very sore, therefore, tbat so loug as aa inch of ground remains in tbe hands of secession, England will nod means to encjurae it. And the following Paris letter on European intervention, cotton burning, Paris, May 16 Tnn statement in the Herald, to tbe effect that the French Ojrera-Tsent was aout to assume the roe of media tor in our affairs, has excited a great daal of interest, aud been tbs subject ot maalx cotn-roeut in faris. It accords perfectly with the tenor of tbe articles publitiied arioat the same time ft was made by yoa, iu the i jaruals which speak by a qnatu a'Uhjri'y, aad translations of wLich I torwarded to vou. That bout that time there wre negoiUtions in prores between tbis government aui the British Cabinet ia relation to au active inter-vemion there is no doubt, and it is be Tie red that since the reception of Si.

Meroier's report, and the news of the Uking ot New Orleans, they have been recommenced, perhaps upon a slightly modified basis. Count de Persiguy, the Minister of the Interior, is to leave for London to-morrow; aad it is highly probable that the object of his mieeion is oonneoted with American atftirs. If this be so, aad it is so beliived iu well informed quarters, it is not dim initio iuiiioe the general nature of the propositions which the commissioner will have to make. Per-eigny has from ths first beeu in favor of the recognition of the South, aud tne intervention, if necessary, ot France. lie it is who controls the columns of ha Corittiiutionrul, which, since the war began, has been one of the ruoet active partisaus of ths South.

Per-eigny'slong residence in England, where he is very popular and very intimate with the leading men, aud wbere he imbibed, ia no small degree, the Eunlifh feeliug of ha' red towards tbe Urited Sia'ee, gives bis appointment to tbis mission by the Emperor a great degree of iiapoitance. You may rest assured tbat the Juiperor Npoleou his not the slightest particle of inawkibh sentimeutabty about tbis matter, aud will act iu it jaat as he tbiuke ia best for his interests. In this conueotioa it is iutereslintr tt mention that since the Alr-roer att'tir has made bo much noise, be has bad another (iuetlectal, of course) interview with Jobu Slidell. Of tbis there is no doubt. Tberw is somethiag in tbe wind, and it is very cerutia that ttie question of intervention forms a prominent topic of conversation iu offltm! circle Dy before Testeidiy, indeed, a rumor was atioit that the Km per or had at length decided to recognize tbe Southern Confederacy.

After some trouble I encceeded in tracing the etory to re source. A Jady of respectability and s'auding iu o-ciety, wbo has a sou in Nw Orleum in tbe Confederate army, wm at a soiree at the residence of tbe Miuister of War a few eveuiugs fdnce, and she positively asserts tbatin answer to rocie anxious inquiries on her the Minister positively asserted that tbe government bad decided to recognize the South within tbe month of May. Tbe capture of New Orleans still forms a firozninent topio of conversation. Besides the arge commercial interests which hope to be benefited by it, there are a number of real dents of New Orleans, now in Paris, who are in a terrible state of anxiety to leara the particulars of the surreuder, and whether it is actually true that before retiring the Confederate forces destroyed so sinca property. I beard one gentleman yesterday, wbo has been very loud in his support of everything heretofore dene by the Confederatesbut who had two or three hundred bales of eotton at New Orleans, "dam Ding" Gta.

LovoU at a rate for destroying it. If it be true that this baa been done it. will not do the Confederate" cause any iu Europe. The Jaurnai des Debuts, ia a short article yesterday, in which it considers the taking of New Orleans as a very important fact, aid- "We have joomala ui raure vsLich are every day exciting the ectfering population of Europe against the NQh, in endeavoring to; throw upon it tbe responsibility ot the preaeut lack of werk. Workmen of LnncHsiiiie aci Lyine, if you are idle yon will know henceforth whom to blame for it; you will kuow on which side are the cotton burners." Federal Rcocc.tpatum of tJtt Yiuley of tle correspondence from under ddte ot' the 31st in the New York Herald of the 1st irtst-i is as follows Washington, May 31.

A dispatch received at the Wer Department states that a brigade of onr troops, preceded by four coaipnien of the Kb ode island Cavalry, nndrr Aldjor Nelson, entered Front ltol jesterdfty morniut' at 1 1 o'clock, and drove oat the CLemy, con-eistiog of tl.e Silt Louisiana, four Companies of the 12tii Georgia and a body of cavalry. Onr loee is eiht killed, five bounded nd one miesiug, fall from tbe Rhode Io'ajid cavalry. We captured six oibcere and oae tuindred oid fifty rivstes. Among the officers are Capt Bcclrwith West, of the Virginia lieituent 1st Lieut. Grinnell, of the Sib Louisiana Itegiiuetit Lients.

J. 11. Dickson fend Waterman, of the 12th Georgia Kegiment. We recaptured eighteen of oar own troops, taken. by the enemy Front it Tal, a week ago, amorg whom were Major Wo.

F. Collins, of the let Vermont Caeairy George II. Gntlin, adjutant of the 5tb New'York Lient. Dnryea, of the Gth Kew York civiley, ord Frederic Farr, adjatant of tLe 1st iLiry-lend inlautry. We captured a Irge amount of transportation waous, hui also, eugiuts and eleven railroad cars.

Our advance was so rapid thr.t tbe enexy was surprised, and wa3 therefore not enabled to bom the bridges across the Shenaudoau. A dispatch give, tLo names of our killed as -follows: Capt. Win. P. Ains worth.

Corporal John t). Babcock, Corporal D. Bernard, Edward K. Barnard, Cyras A. Calvin Casbman, Ben.

Dathure and L. B. Aiiea, all of tbe Khode Island cavalry. Ths lose of tbe enemy is not yet ascertuiued, bat is said to be large, as our cavalry cut Iu axnoDg them ia splendid style. Baltimore, May 31.

A dispatch just received here says that Col. De eorrext," of t'ue Ira Carrie Cavalry, of Gen, Banks's corps d'armee, bas advanced beyond Martin barg. 0 reports this morning that Col. Keniy is at Winchester; wounded. Wasn moTow, May 31.

A dispatch frotnGen. Banks to the Secretary of War states teat the 5th Tew York Cttralry, CoL Forrest eom-mandieff, entered Martirjebon? this morning, and passed several tniles beyond, where they encountered ths euerrry's tJavalrv, eaptored several prisoners, wagon, maskete, ammu-crtion and an American Hag- Ool. lie Forrest reports that CoL Kenly is at Winchester, wounded. i la. see it stated that, among tha paescngurs to New from Key VTest, by tho Baltic, on the 27tli was Mr.

Charles Tift, in a letter 'thej Kew Vork Herald ss the brother of Mr' ASftP. Tift, who constructed flie rains Mississippi" and Louisiana, mid who is reported to have been recently hung.hy the rebel mob for not having them completed in time." Slstaer Jlarket and Jeamerclal. The New York World, of the 31st ult, ay" Niv Yob. Way SO. StoLei is esy to first eUss orroar at 4 aar ct ut eut htetiue ola.

loan ar difficult to nesotlate at aiy prie. Ttw coaaplivatiob and drfanttias ui Ktvru uf loan oaawd 1-y tbe ladUua tftau, atooa fraud ktiil iLtturua (a aci and atook aoarkaw Tkeniall anyobl of Sack exahanjea, evioeiice the atriou blow siren to apaeuUttoa by tha niMaixc aud aauc of oouSdeno aaitaad by tn la-diaaa liuli. Weak noldara of atooka aara Mn ntt-ficdtoratuii. Uurlrkab, aa aaeaay awdars Awlua. a aavot u.

uiarain. Tb uurretit 01 capital ts tarn ad upoa gorammaat tk and raila bonda end rstiaray abaraiar itt tn tbe Sand oi aavcuiatufs trold uM to-day at 3 paaalam. Toe Awuiut Tnraaunnr ranataa to day from Win ic(ton 1,000,001 in ltgl tender note ot tb densm-ikuou $lSau ThaaatbUiitforwardad. to by tbe Bnk out Coaapany i titebalaocev S4.0g000, wdl omplece4 thi rk. -Tbe ueraera aru nut buy on to.

ty-yrar ix amr eeat. boas. 'Tedaamabia at tbe pleasure oi Uowrnwaa iM yr. aad known by tbe name of 5:20 bond. Sterling aixty day biUd are firmer, aud quoted st 114 to 115.

Forriy IfriGoodt Import. Toe followlus tha comparao- statement of taa tmeort of fureiga dry Sood at itm port of New York tor Ut weak, eadiu lay 9 ai.d aiiio January 1 For the week. I860. 1861. 1862.

Entered at the 43.075 551.172 I'browB on 797. SM 28S.617 74r.KS Sino January 1. Entered at the 41.290.239 S3.6S1.389 S0.783.0S3 Xuruwuuu 27.401.4.H 2i.J74.JaJ The detail of the importation of dry iod for tha put week, auu fur tne correwpoudlod week tf IBrl, are a tollow CNTKS.KO rca cjssuMptior. 18S1. of wool $30,374 aottou I5.8cia Mnuulauturea of iik 4ti.4') of flax 14.343 Miacellaueou ll.St2 1832.

Sj.M2.9J5 BJ.bJii I4U.2I8 7tf.77J 25.225 i53.7 ToUl 150.St9 WITHDRAWN rkOM WaSSHOUSC. Manufacturer of wool jfi3.21t Maualactarts of ootb'n 19.632 Maijutacture cf ilk SS.432 AlsDufaoturt of S.3M8 Micoellaneou S.117 Total 115.757 Add entered for tooauai'aon. 150.860 45.674 4J.U1J 7.434 173.151 573. 897 Total ou market 42S8.til7 717.048 $33,803 13.833 2b.4b5 5.002 i.m EKTESEO FOR WaSKHeUxIC. Mannfaoturea of wool.

i.li8..) Mauuiarture of cotton 4.761 MaiiUtaciure ilk. 58.685 Mauulacture ot 1.553 MiaoeUanoou. 39.343 Total 315.215 Add eutered for eoniumption. l.Vt.Bno 67.8J7 Total entered at poit IKmtitic Dry Goodt Tv ndrause in raw ootton and tha proapectire limited lupply for aoma weeka to oome hfia ivtu ria to a trvu( kuaoulaUre muve-uieut iu plaiu eottou good, atteoded ia tome particular itb a docided adraiiov. There bu been a con-eidtrsblrt inquiry, with fuci iu cotton nanuela, and the Salmon Fail good bave been ai-vanued bom 14o.

to 15u. Siaudard brown sbeetiug are buoyant at 14c, (taudacd Cuiua drill 14') atau dard Mruched 14 kc, blue PrU -laj cl )tm have materially improved, aud wn quite 64x84 hrm at 7 If Tid rfiierally held at 8o. Tbe lower oottut are proportionately htaher. Priut are very trorj I'io. to Ho.

for good to prime Maddrra. Cuoheco and Mrni-uiac 11 'J- Leading are U'-arl ci. of cotton aud are to come extent withdrawing their good from the market. Trade in woolen i leu active. 'i lie export domestic giod for the ee'x ending 3iy ii, waa a id.wi To Hayti New Granada To Dutib.

Wnt ladle. 31 5 8 ti Total Previoutiy Since Jan. 1 Suce time 1S61 8rrie time 160 Sfcine time 1H59 Soma tuue 15? 1.713.919 1.5U.13.1 1.111 4U7 hankt The (statement of tha bank of the three principal cities of the Uciou for the last week ouojpve vrith tbe previous one, and the correp.adui3 time of IStil, a ioliow Loans. Depctitt Xprri: Circ N. York, il Boston, 60.TA S.ooj.fW May 3L.i.iio Kia.ty.

Tstsl iLaat Last 4.7(,Oi7 l.M,ja lS.tSi.Vn 2J3.471.WlO ld-J. 44,144,463 li5.Kl,74 MSha. BotUm Bankt. Tbe atatament of the Boston, bank for the laat vt-tek, compare with tha pre vlixa week, and tor tbe correspond wax iBbl, si fol Iowa Ma 10, 1862. Ma 38, Losns Sprrle UCPOSltS Sa.TU.'.'16 Uayrr, 1861.

6.4tM,ee Tbe statement of the pre soot week a eompsnxl with tbe prenediil, show an Increase of la thn items ot loans ttd discounts, s)17 40 in depotlu, and a decrease of la circulation, and In ipecie. i ISF We see ia the New York papers that tho hotels at the leading Northern watericg places Newport, Sharon, Sira-topa, Longj Branch and Koehaway are already putting out their advertisements. It is probable, the papers say, that this season they will all do a geod business. The arrival Xri the Matatizas from Now Orleans was immediately felt by New York hotels in the number of eld Southern guests tvhom it brought theui. As soon as all the -Southern ports at opened, remarks the Herald, ov.r watering1 places will, no doubt, receive accession of visitors, whose faces they have not seen for several seasons back, and to whoso patronage a portion of their former prosperity wis due.

EF" By General Older No. 14, (ica. S'aepley, it will be eeer, extend the lime for registering under his ordi No. IU, until, ftcd including tha 23d inst. Gen.

Scott, who has been residing st his old home in Elizabeth, N. for some time, has gone to his favorite summer quarters at West Poiut. Eiffhty thrte Thousand Dollars in J. J. Blair, President of the Bel-videte(N.

Bank, was at the Tombs yes-terdav under tbe following circv.ns'-uicee: Mr. Blair, it was proceeding dewo Broadway toward Wall street, hrtvinj in his pocket the snug sum of $8 As ne wae paeiDg on, a boy ran ap to him and accused him of breaking a g)as shade wliiclt tbe boy stated he was carrying. A crowd collected immediately, and amon? them several tvert thieves, but Mr. Blnir kept close Wfttch of his treasrire nntil a policemau arrived. The boy was load in his complaint, aad the officer, rot knowing Mr.

Blair, took Inta to the Tombs," where he was promptly discharged. For o'uee tbe knocks" were foiled. S. a't THE CITY. a) The- Strijcts.

The aans of employed in weeding oat the grass. cleauiug tne goners, scraping tne street, aeepemng and triisnring the diahee, Jcc, dec, are fast changing for the better tbe appearance of the highways and byways. Yesterday morning we saw several parties of men in the Second and Third Districts bnaily plying ths spade, hoe, scraper and broom, and carta carrying on the collected heaps of dirt with commendable promptitude. Wherever the laborers have been at work, the streets have an appearance of cleanliness and neatuess quits onn4ail hitherto, and ranch to be admired. the good work nntil lib aspect of the whole city is improved.

a' Bur UroN the Pie, asot Fruit Baskets. Wherever United States soldiers meet da eongregate, the itioeraot varadors white or black of pies. Citkes, fruit, nuts, Ac' are reaieeur a fine harvest of nldavanen and dimes. Ko sooaer tloes a basketful of goodies make its appearanee than there is a rnn upon it that speedily exh38ts tbe whole Although tbe number of these itinerant vendors has Urely increased. 'Js Jear that tbe supply of goodies" UTiot eqoal to the deiahui rau of soldiers for pies, cakes and plains, blackberries, nnts, Vc only comparable t-3 a run npoa a bank for specie daring a panic.

jAit Firisr-W 'nBderucd that Jode Bell, in the Provost Cwtrt on Wednesday, 2li lc4 327 4.282 447 53 ..2355 .43 021 101 17,506 rxade aa itsporunt statement in relation to tbe collection of jail fees from prisoners oon-ficed ia the police jails. The Jadge said mat no prisoner was to be taxed or lined in aay amount whatever, except bv tbe court that if a prisoner were guilty, he (tbe Jadre) would fine him heavily enough for the offence, aod, tf innocent, it was plain that he should no: bs cotnpeileti to pay for being locked up. The Judge concluded by remarking that if any ia-etanccs of charging 'jail fees were bronght to his knowledge he should punish the offlosf wbo exacted it. Provost Court. In'yesterday'e evening edition, we gave the morning's proceedings in this court.

Afterwards, the following oases were disposed of. The complaiot of Laplaee against the Bank of America being op for hearing, Jadge Ball refused to grant a petition, presented by the counsel for tbe Bank, (Mr. Bozier.) to have the case-submitted to a jury, aad overruled a demurrer on the part fit the bank to the jurisdiction of the court, the iqdge holding that the coort waa competent to enforce tbe orders of the Commanding General, one of which was that the banks should pa)' depositors in current funds, and this power clothed the court with tbe incidental one of inquiring whether there was a deposit and whether the order bad been disobeyed by any bank that tho court had no power to inqaire Into the legality of tbe order of the Commanding General tbat any attempt to set aside sash order must be made before an other tribaaal at some future day. Evidence was then given by complainant to the effect tbat on the of April he bad a balance of 7.400 in the bank, of which $3131 33 was his balance ou tbe 16th of September previous, that when he drew tbis balance of he was paid in Mexic an dollars aad $6,400 in Con-f derate notes. When the complainant concluded his testimony, Mr.

Fortier, the cashier of the bank, appeared and deposed that ths complainant, on the 21th of October, had re. doced his specie balance to about $1,741 81. The casbier claimed, on the part of tho bask, tbat tbe specie balaoise now due to the com-plaiDAnt was ouiy $741 89. After hearing tbe acumen's of counsel, Jadge Bell said it appeared to him from the evidence that the ral specie balance in favor of the complainant on tho 24th of October was $1,741 89 that eubeequent deposits could not increase this specie balance that in his jadgmsnt the real specie balance of the complainant on the 25th of April waa $1741 89, andr not the amount claimed, $3,131 33; ud that after deducting the amount paid in Mexican coin, the amount to be paid depositor by tbe baak in specie should be $741 89. Judgment aceord-ingly.

A man named Sanger, for selling liquor to soldier, and keeping a disorderly house and a place of resort for lewd and abandoned people, and two of his were each sentenced to three months' imprisonment in the Parish Prison, and Sanger's property, at the corner of Customhouse and Franklia streets, was declared to be confiscated. A man named HcfToian, charged with being a dnogerous and suspicious character, and re-furing to support bis children and turning them out of doors, was remanded for examination. O. Stuck, charged with passing a counterfeit $20 bill of the Canal Bank, was brought up. Ttere being no evidence that the bill was counterfeit, S.uck was discharged.

Arbesteh In the First District, last ever.iii,-, J. J. Donoho was arrested on Girod street, charged by Catherine Yoaug with larceny. Bernard Gara wan arrested on Franklin street, charged by Tnomas Terrance with breaking into' his house, corner of Lafayette and Fieret streets, and making threats. Atu Houston, Lizzy Bark and Margaret Ho ui an wera arrested on Perdido street, charged by Charles Walker, of Company II, 14 th Mniue Regiment, with robbing him of $15.

DIKD: Ob tb at Corinth, or typhoid frrsr CUaRI.RS agrd si years, son of Thsldeui and Son K. Clan, of thl city. On tbr 3d April, 1861, tn Qalrrstan, Tex, of confession uf tbe brain. PKTEa S. MILLER, seed 40 years, formerly a snerchact of tbis city.

Card er Thanks. NEW ORLEANS, Jane 19. ISM. Tha Sister cf Charity in chars of tha Female Orphan Asyluns. Catnr street, tender many (ratata! acknowledgment to the French Brlaade, lor tha handsome donation of Cv i hundred dollar, receirad on tha Slat brooch Mr.

E. Korbaraau. Tbsy sronld offer an apolofy for bavins withhold ao Ions the xprssion of thsir gratl-tniie aararicf the brnerolant donor that their prayers cnited with tboaa of tbe orphans, shall dally ascend to tbe Throne of Mercy, aaing for them the cuoicsst blessing of Heaven. jrSO-sdpit SISTER WILT. COAL COAL OIU.

Ir. jtcre and for a 'apply ot Forest QaiUty COAL OIL, Which I will rstatl TO MORROW at the Old Price, 91 23 per Callon. 41n, a let of FINEST HAVAtta COFfEE, aod the CHOICEST JJOTTER, trery reasonable price. Late JAMES DONOVAN Brocer, 91 Camp street. EDWARD SC.

MCBPHT. itr.MJ (QUARTERS MILITARY COMMANDANTJ QT HEW ORLEANS, City Hall, 1 one IS, 1841. Oentral 3. Westmore: I bare tbe honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Intrtr, requesting my drclron, whether yourself and ttaff, anJ tha Regi'urnlot Confederate Quards, are Included in the pro-lsioris of my General Order Ho. 13.

By tbe terms of that order officers and ac'diera, now In tb: city, "iho bnr eerrrd In the Confederate army, are required t- comply with it prOT'sions. The nn qrtadon, then, which can arise In tbe mind of any ont in donot a to whether be is sabject to the reqiiifements of he order ere two: First Am Ian officer or soldier: Second Hita 1 se-red in the Confederal The Ciusj-ds. a regiment iu yrmr brigat'e. With two companies of csralry, (tbe Maids and Hussar,) under your command, were on tbe ath of Msirb. by au indorsement of Sor.

Moore on the roaster rolls, wblrh also eoihi scad yoorself and stajpT, t-anrfrrred to Major General LoTeil, Conjtdtrate army, to: local defence. Ordered tha to repirt to a Major UencrV. in tlie Confederate army, in oSedin-e to tbe order cf Got. Moore, tbtse forces entered into the service of Confederate army. The abeaent order which relieved the Confederate Goarae from doty at Camp More, nhere they had been fairing, did not discharge tie ufCctrs or inldiera from arrice.

They still remained, and now are "officer ard soldier, not prirat cltlxen. They arc officer aad soldiers who hare served In the Confederate army, and a. dearly tmbraced within the cf tbe order. To avoid loisronrttlon. end at tbe same time to dcSne cliaity tfc sUtm of aimtLer c'fof persons, formerly, lot not now, ottren and sck.ifra, I wish to state that tna older does sot, in terms ar In spirit, apply to officer regiiarly 4isciiar(ei from service before the arrival ot the ftde-ul lorcee.

Such persoae ceased to be officers or soldiers from the date of tbeir discharge. Altboogb ttiiy may haTe been in the service of the Ccfedei ate army, they are not to be considered a aad are ri-t err braced, in the term of ths order. 6 tVltb reat raapect. Q. 8UEPLET.

Milixry Coniuiandaut of New Orleans. JAS. E. DCNHAW, Secretary. Jel-sdltf SHOE THREAD AND 1 II UB A Di Just r-ceived from the Maofactaraea, WILLIAK BARBOTJB SONS.

HSBDHH, 1RELASD, a con-s'gon ent of tbe absve goods, which we offer at LOW BICS. py be tase only. E. REILLT, JelS-tdytt 1S1 Canal street. CfilSTAUOttO'S.

HAIit.OYE THE OITLT DTK THX PNLVDTK TWB OSLT OJ5LT THE OJtLT TI the ohwt Anal yzad Sworn to be Folsonlsa. a Living Brown. a Perfect Black. Peace detection. Ja Inatantaaeoag.

fs. i TUB QXLY.DYB Fat aO he desdrs tAbe tb ceiay wf their hair changed wnn ssaary, ccnausy aao. rspMity, ear aay shads they maydestra. ataunfajtcrrt by. CRISTADOaO, Sol Aster House-New York.

every where, ar i apptlai by all hair dresvers. Jew-sSpeadvystltn Prereat DlarafceU'e UfBce. Bit ORLEANS. LA-, May It, IAS. The, Frovosi Marabal'a an Faaspwt Office ha baea raarvad froaa CasJ sfratt to CANAL STREET.

Bosinass boor rem A. K. tn r' JOIlAf BL FRENCH. syl-4dV FrsTost Marshal asd Atd da-Cama, HEADQTjAl-TEBS HI LIT ART COHHANDAJfT, I iivw wmnm, 1 General Order No. 14.

Aa many o0eeT sad soldiers st the Confederate army desirous ef com ply lag with the previstone of General Order 10. 13, have been anabte tadoaa, lacoaseqa neaof tbe crowd of applicant, It ia there: or ordered that tha tiae for itAristry ender aid ordr is hereby encoded te (and ln lading) tb twenty third day Jane, By command of O. F. SHRPLET. Military Ccmaaandaau mt Hew Orleans, EDWIN ILSLET, A.

A. A. ii. Jsl do DBUG8 AND OHEMIOALS. Ob hand and for sale, at greatly reduced prices for current fends.

fall PP1r ef PRDGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, Amiof which ere eco ot. QtrNLNE- Power A Weightman' od Felle-Uers. IP OFrTJM Turkey, prime, S6 ox. MORPHIA Sulphate.


bbl. CASTOR. OIL-East India. SO grots SE1DLITZ POWDERS -Extra weight, goo esses CONGRESS WATER Clarke White' In prime order, tc bbl. BLADON SULPHUR WATER.

bbl. EPSOM SALTS -English. SCO TB QOICK.8ILVER. 1000 SWEDISH LECcHCS, of bt quaUty. 100 IB SAL.


Also, a few cases of FRENCH LAWNS. For sale at reasonable prices. r. McPHILLIPS, JelS Sdptf TS Camp ap stair. BRANCHES OF THE OITY CORN MEAL MILLS.

First, Pecend, Third aad Fearth Districts Braucba of the Mill have been established as follows 1 FIRST DISTRICT Robert McLeay, Family Grocer, corner of Calliope and Liberty streets. SECOND DISTRICT St. Axn street, between Marai and Villere TBIRD DISTRICT Corner ot Greatmen ani Elyaian Fields street. FOURTH DISTRICT No. MSoraparo (tract.

Meal in small quantities, for family use only, can be bad at the above place. JAMES BEGBS, JAMES DAVIS. Jelt-rSJptf OHEAP DRY GOODS, THEODORE DANZIGEtt'S Corner of Royal and St. Philip Streets. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HOSIERT AND WHITE GOOBS, BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTICS, MOSQUITO BARS Of ell description.

LINENS AND LINEN CHECK. WIU be sold at Selling Off Prtcaa. Jell edptf ff NOTICE. The Arm af GIQUEL JAMISON, which has cr 1st el in this city sine 144, was dissolved on tbe 1st May. Tba name of the nrm will be signed by either of the partners, In liquidation only.

Our boose and accounts are at tb office of our lata partner, MB. E. G1QUEL, who ha parcliased oar stock, and wiU continue tbe business in hi own name and for hi own accucat. GIUUELatJAMISOa. Jl Sdplm la Liquidation.

I SCCCCISOA TO QIQTJEL cV JAiMISON, 190 trSBIT. 16 Having bought the Entire Stock FANCT AND STAPLE DUV GOODS From the late arm of OIQORi JAMISON. I wlU offer It at VERT REDUCED PRICES, Oa and After rrjeadey, Jane 'J, 1864. Jcl SilpUn IM CANAL STREET NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Tbe andersignad parties having complied with the resolution of the Common Couacil, 6017, and placed tbeir securities In tbe hands of the Treasurer, tbe public ar hereby informed that tbe issues of Small Note ot aid parties will be redeemed at tbe Hry Treasurer's Office, commencing on WEDNESDAY tiet inst.

Tha Treasurer would respectfully request parties baviag considerable earn of the Small Notes, and tbe mean of holding them for a few day, to do so under tbe assurance tbat tbey will be redeemed a early a possib'r, and by tbi mean give a chance to the poor people wbo bave them in small amounts and require, it for tbeir dally austraaace, to be relieved first. He also assures merchants and other tbat bey may take them for tbeir merchandise in salety, as tbe partiea bare lodged abundant security for tbeir redemption, and bound themaejve to make no further issue. Thns. C. Payan Ac Co.

D. H. Holmes. Joseph Santint. B.

Miller Co. William Willi sms. Dan. Edwards a Son. AO sns Waguer.

G. H. W. Lefade. Baals St Miller.

Boltaei and Zoelly. Creaap McMillan. J. A C. Davldaoaw W.

Caasmalck. Mere A E. Hacker. Haggerty Brother. James Ceagrove.

H. E. Lawrence en P. Case nave. Benderatm tt Sataea.

Geo. W. Gregor Co. Samuel Ban. Leeds A Cm.

G. W. Holt. Asa Bait. iv McDonseU A McGraw.

tV H. Faaauan Co. St. J. and G.

N. Railroad Company. ADAM eiPPEN. Jet edptf City Treaaaretv CORN MEAL. A Cora MeatMIU baa been establish in tha building recently area pled by Cook A Brother, corner of Smi Market and Levee streets, tor the accommodation the aoor.

Sold In small anentftlea. only, at the rate af el perbeahcl for anelftedi alrted. SS, baited, SSi extra, as mm. mm. ma MA tHS wm I I pvwHS, JAMES BEGeS, I JANES DA.VIS Committee.

JelS-tdptf OOUNTERFEI.Tfl. We bare Jus dlscvrd a Coentarfeft FTVB-DOLLAR BILL, at oar iaraa. Holders of ermine Bill are quested to present them at ear star for it Jel-edntf HjtGOERTT BROS. Jatr OF NEW ORLEANS TB1B TETSTH ASKUAL BTAT-tUXlTT In centonalty with I'e amended Charter tb fIBJ trikhe the following statement! Amaant af Fremlam for the year ending loth -ft Anrri. tam VASLtU- Vis Premlams en Fir 9l.s ot Elvr Risk 7:, I a T.lff.

SU.S. m. eHu 7 at earned Premium for tbe year ending tuH April, i Lcaaes paid during period, vis On Firs tusk eSt uisr a in, 3, 1 Jver Risks. 18, TW S1S0.WS Deduct Interest, Sitcoavt, Profit and Lea Leas GeaSral CenUngent FonA 'ii ltt Mrned ProflU or ye4r endlnf totk kptO, A OXja. aereai wMaa- Th Company bare the ol 'awing Assets, vis Loans an Fledge Bank and Public Stst.rai sj" Sloans 1 Bill Rat airabie for premlama, Da for Fremioms tat coon Seal Estate (Ofric Camp 1,800 Shares Bank Stock La.

State, C. S. and City Scrip of other Cab. nws. U4.T sua rt Total smotuit Asset.

STATE OF LOUISIANA Parish of Orleans. Citv of Hrm I wvn u. tuc u.i'nj'.'C uvu, u.w im rCBO BB ag for tb city aforesaid, personally appeared Tboasats. Adam, President, and G. W.

Epratt. Sacretvi. af tea Creecent Mntnal Inauracre of New Oriss, who. being duly sworn eeorling to law. do desoss sj 1 aay mat tee mregoing account are at and troe, sag THOMAS A.

ADAMS. Prrslii, ril n. W. SFRATT I. o.U 1SS8, beor me, II VITCHrT.I.

Tbe Board of Trustees bave resolved to pay INTEREST at Bis par cent, par annum on all the outstanding Cant- -Scateeol Profit, to tbe boldr therecf, or tbeir legal il 1,. K.I 0. Awm aiVW PER CENT. of tbe Scrip of the year looa. Payable kt Confederate Notes, on and after Mondar neat, tba lata dsy of May, interest thereon ceasing an SOtk Apt: isrtx.

Tbey bare further declared SCRIP DIVIDEND Of FIFTY per cent, on tbe net earned premlcma af tea Campeayrfor tb year ending oth April, less for which ertincaree win ne taeaaea on and a'ier aecsn MondaF (11th day) August nest. THOMAS A ADAMS, President utUKUE JU.119, see 1 resiaena, J. W. SFRATT, Secretary. Trustee P.

Avendano. Samuel Smith, Jobn D. Be'n, R. W. Eetiln, P.

Slmma, P. N. Strong. The. Henderson, J.

J. Peraon. -Cornelia PeMowei James Turner, 8. B. Newman.

Samaal Ben, Jobn Watt, M. O. H. Norton, C. T.

Boddecke, R. B. Sumner, H. M. Wricbt, G.

P. Hawkina, H. Prelum. 1 8. H.

Hennedy, W. G. Robinson, J. W. Carroll, Moses W.

B. Talil, J. Noble. John C. BareflL Alexander Da tan, A Heine.

Adam UltfVu, Cora. M. UiUi. mrs NOTICE. OFFICE OF M1LITART COMMANDANT, I Hm 4tb daw of VI mv Isu I All person who bold tbe bills issued by tbaiudiridaalg at the office of the City Treasurer, a aeon as aaaSkieat number of the City Novae can he prepared and 1naa.

Ample security having besj given to tb city lar the redemption of tbsse issues, holder au cas-Joned aralnat parting with them at sacrifice a low their par raise and Butcher. Baker and Dealer Iu Prpvlsioa ar SX- pacted aad directed to receive them iuayssent frees v. mnA h. -trr will iIji and insitli redeem them. F.

SHEPLST. Military Commandant of Nw Orteaaa; myas-adptf Brewa aad Wait MOSQUITO NETTINQ. We have on band, two hundred ard fifty thousand yaitt ef White and Brown Unen MOSOITO NErilJia. For sale by BENTHUT8EN, LEWIS C0i llri Canal street. MJI r.M DADlSlli CONOBE88 WATER.

Maeh spnrione Mineral WaUr la aoU as CONORES4 WATER bv unprincipled persons or counttrfssters, whs, when they dare not use that name, call it "Bai alia Water, which many persons suppea ta be tbe real tttstef the Congrr Water, although It ia only tha name ef tag town Ua wbich the Spring la. To protect tha pnoltc from aocb Impoettioaa, ws nasi all our corks branded thus: "CONGRESS WATER a Aay not having those wnYd and letter a SH cork ar coontarfeit 1 and the purchase! should arsaai cute the seller for ewindllog. Order will receive prompt attention, it addreased at raw sontaern vrpoc 01 congrr rr ko. vvsai street. New York City.

CLARKE a WHITE, New Tork City, Proprietor Congress Spring, N. B. We have made arrana-ement to keep the fCa isg gentlemen of Orleans constantly applied (ssav mcT and winter with the Genuine Congress Water direct from onr house and would recesnmend them faverakly H' peraon la New Orleans and its vicinity, whadenffte purchase Genuine Congress Water; StHE'S PROTAW, E. J. HART St CO i UILDRETH CO St Charles HALL A St.


aTtaUaa Paper Seven bund lea of Printing Papr, marked 'A-, H. aire 33 by 44 ln-bea, taken from tbe Werabeate the Jackson Railroad Depot, oa Friday, April As, areAsH missing. It' tne parie wbo took them (wbo art knows) will return at once to this enVc, all, reason Charge will my7 Soptf KENDALL. HOLBROOK. A COf BARRY'S Is tbe best aao cheapeet article for drresiog, bcautUyttw cleaning, curling, preserving and restoring the kafe Ladies, try it, Boid by all druggist and pert umer.

ces adply Braaeb ar cut uern meal miue, FOURTH DISTRICT. A Branch of these Wills, for the accommoiatton af tW reeidents of fhe Fourth District, ha been estaollsoed (t No. 14 SORAPARU STREET, near TchSapiteaW tieet, north aide of Soraparu Market, where Meal can I had in email quantities, for family ose na JaMKA BEUOSs JAMES DAVIS, anyST tdptf Con. mitts SB250 REWARD. CAUTION TO TRK rCBLIC.

TREASURER'S DEPARTM ENT. I New Orleans, May Tb printing ofF.ce of Isaac T. Hintna, en "fcneru' Alley, having bean broken open daring 1, and six hundred sheet of printed Note of tb City New Orieana Mob's therelroiu, of the denouiaatlaa St, S3 and bve of ra an the aheet, th paUX art hereby caatianed not te reseat any of the City Net tb above denomlostinn, except urh a arrpcastsd bank note paper, and printed oa both ti tt These fc" are priatad ana shin, yellc wish- hit piper, iikt dollar bills recently pot in -ircaiaUon. The above new aid will be paid by the Cfcty TMamrst fK the detection af the thief, and recovery of tb sbeeta. ADAH my4 Sdp City TrrssartT- STMt aiarskaPe otnee KXW ORLEANS, NOTICE.

Th keepers af ail Coffacbeuaw, kWJva1 Hotels, Gaming EetabJshnsents and Billiard Salot. brabr natUied that, in uaniuu arlth the 4 the Major General ni ending the Department, tf anoat ma as aa sat cry prarur Lsrease. Any laliar fiy trite aach instruction will be Inttowed by tbe laa" ttiate daatag af tbe tahUnnat aud the couicaiia See proptrtg thetnder. FREKXlH.rr J'" MarthnU-i-f myl Sdp aw OatseO'J HAIR "HAIR Iy-- BATCHELORf LIQUID HAIR DFE be aparo'' Dye of the age tbe esly rellaoia and fcarmleat efT Dye known. All otbera era euere Imfta'inus of tbis fra ilglnai.

Jr pradocee instaatly splendid black ar aaav rn. without injuring the or staining tbe esiai tha Iti egrets af bad dyes remedied, and the hair mrsja! ated lee Tbe genuine laatgaed WILLIAM A. ATCH LO tba steea engraving, en arb aide of every boa. Ail" are ro, aad should be avoided. tWe-bf- JOsIN WRIGHT A CO, ti street.

Xe-vOrlA Creeeeat Alataal laaaraaca.

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