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Buffalo Emporium and General Advertiser from Buffalo, New York • Page 3

Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

State of the Question The Jackson pnr leem determined to keep up the appear SHERIFF'S nre Hiitliorieprf to ctatn, that THE EMPORIUM. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1328. the Republican by any possibility, hereafter contain any thing worthy of nn-ice, it will bo mitterof such general notoriety, as not to escape our correspondents. By a friend just returned from Ningnra County, we nre happy to lenrn that the friends of the Administration in that coun'v RriiubMan Nominations. For President, JOHX QIJIXCY ADAMS.

cited to vottt tor those who have been long known hi the aide and efficient advocates of that system, and whoso public character are identified with, its success: shnll we put the child, the favorite child of the north, into the hands of those who begat, bore and nourished it, or shnll we put it ou lo nurse amongthose who always have, and do now seek its life, but who are willing to promise any thing for the sake of gelling ii once into their power? Fellow-citizens, which will you do 0 Puirs patrnt 9Jy 209 groce Buttons of various de R'triptions 10 pieces Book Muslins 12 do. While Col ton Huge; 5 pieces Indian lllikli. 5 do. Drab 5 do. Imitation Cain'iric 5 do.

Itordered Uhtifs. 20 Tapes. 'Morocco Pocket Hook and Wullets Furnilui'ti HiiuliiiKs, fee. received on con siiinm-nt. Ftr sain by the subscriber "at evi-Vork prices Corner of Maim; and Court streets.

N.P. SrnAGL'E, 212' IM Whom WASHINGTON, in 1797, consider ej "the imst valuable public character wa nan k.f; JEFFERSON, in 1785, esteemed so ance of confidence whether they feel it or They at first declared that Louisaniii, Kenluck) Indiana, New Jersey nnd nenrly all the other States would go for Jackson well, how have their prophecies turned ml All the Slates mentioned are certain lor the Administration! they also claimed six or eight votes in Maryland nnd two orthiee in here loo thev reckoned without their host they now say thev are perfectly sure of 25 votes in New-York I ye, gentlemen, you are just as sure of getting voles in this Slate as you are of gelling Vermont, and not a whit more so. We consider the whole question now resta upon probubililks and we consider the probability that Mr. Adajiis will get 131 vnti a (whirl) will eleel liiin) as strong. as that Jackson will get I2D.

The following votes may be set down us certain. For Mams, For Jackson. The N. E. Slates 51 New-York, 13 New-Yoik, 21 I ennsylvania, 28 New-Jersey, 8 Maryland, 1 Maryland, 8 Virginia, 24 Delaware, 3 N.

Carolina, 15 Ohio, 15 S. Carolina, 1 1 Kentucky. 14 Gergia, 9 Louisania, 5 Alabama, 6 Indiana, 5 Mississippi, 3 Tenuetaee. II 131 12j s'lm sum in ucrry-- pi itulate your country on their prospects in this voting Win VDISOX appointed fitst lo nego-ciute Trent Pence Whim MONKOS. wHi the advice of Gen-end first in his Cabinet Win ii THK 1824.

elevated to th hihfs' stnti in the world Wln-e administration, though n.sii'erl from in i beginnins hy mi opposition unexam-nl i.l for in bitterness and profligacy, has oiien singularly prosperous A'ul who, in less'than four years, besides di.lVayitij the expenses of government, gi int nid extravagant us they are said lo lv hi ii (I beside apply- in nr n-H- TWELVE MILLIONS to irks of public, iiiirrm noipnt and Nation.) ASPMnMORE THAN THIRTY T'IREE MILLIONS OF THE PUBLIC DEB I Ftir Vice President, i.innm Rusir, The present able and efficient Secretary of tlm Treasury and fearless ndvurate of the interests and honor of hit Country. For Governor, SMITH THOMPSON. For Lieutenant finvernor, FRANCIS GRANGER. For Elector of President and President, EBENKZER WALDEN. For JOHN O.

CAMP, For Perat'irs, nzii i rni. w. II SPENCER, For Assembly, DAVID BURT, HORACE CLARK, Foe Sheriff, Wit AY S. LIT. FIELD, For Count Clerk.

JACul. A. BARKER, For Coroners, J.XMF.S II. Afl AMS. if Bllfflllo, Apa Wahrfv.

if Eiln. nnd William. Bivens. of Clo-renee. l- "Toyour tents, Israel" "why stand ye ttre all the tiny idle great nnd important question wbich -has divided and agitated our country fur the Utt two or three years, will in a few days he decided It will then be seen whether tjlat system of measures wbirli has been (Wopted lo protect our own manufactures.

nd our own industry, and which lias done much towards calling into action the re-" sources, the enterprise and the energy of our country, is to be continued, or whether jjf', are to abandon the protective System. 5' And suffer the whole British nation to com-pete in our own markets, with oil' own tnanufaciurcra nnd mei hanics whatever the Herniles may say to the contrary, this is R. n. HE COrK. En.

is no longer a candidalo for the Sliotiffdi-ality of this enmity. JUSTICE OF THE PF.ACE. ore tliitt ABS ALOM BULL, of Black Rock. will ben candidate for the nffi'ie of Justice of the Pence for the town of Buffalo; at the enni'iij election. Oct.

30, 1823. TO THE ELECTOR OF THE TOWN OF BUFFALO. P. I. LOW 01 V-liy nt the last election.

I wa i Itniirn one of t'te Justices of the Peace of IS i town nml for the lnt riin months have in that enptcity. If yo.ti are sut-isliid of rnv faithful performance tin- tie of the offiiv. I shall tbr- linlii-t' tlial it will lie s-onr pleasure to sijrii'fv sou' npprobati-m, by extending lo mc your suffrages for a re-eleciioii. DANIEL LOCKWOOD. 3D.

l.S2s. xjr a tjr (Lesi50 percent.) 1.1.4 lie paid iiKtnntlv, to nnv neraon, whether Jldams or JarJisnn mnn, who calls on the subscriber and pur chases the ticket which shall have on it the three fust drawn numbers in the NEW. YORK noXSOUDATED Class No. 15. to be drawn in the city of N.

Wednesday, November 12, 1828. "Let none presume or now complain, For fortune turn and turns again Capricious chance reverses all, Some stoop to rise, some rise to fall." S. C. BREWSTER. Oct, 30.

TT )TIC There will It-a Q-nr 1.M terly Meeting nf llie Baptist churches in Erie Co. and vicinity at II illan netir Dea. Clark's on the 2d Wednesday in November. E. U.

SMITH, Clerk. Buffalo, Oct. 30, 1828. Oil lt UI. I William iuce, proprietor of the l.iiiscun B- i.i, n.

U'-irilen it 1' In. il l-', near Ie v-i irk has itliisiie I a Treatise on I lorlii iilin en. brai-iti" -fi-sfriolinns nf a great ot I-nut atitl Ornamental rees and Miml s. ape Vines, Itii'hous Fbiwers.Green-Hoiise Trees, noil I'laiils fee. ilh directions for Iheir Culture.

Manage 1 lie work i lie had ol the subscribers, or t.t the Uouk store ot il e-- LAZELL FiH.NC'16 Oct 23 VI. I. AM) WIN 'IAI (iOUU.s 18. at lb- np'e and. l''ancy Dry Goods More.

i tO it 11 liUlll is now opSIiltis neWMippIv of Full mui Winter (Soods.whit I is very elensive, anil at the very lowest prices; among which are the billowing, viz Black, blue, In-own, olive, mixed and drab Broad Cloths, Do. do. do. do. do.

Cas'iineres, list irled, red, while, yellow and green lannel. Camlet and Scotch Plaids for Cloaks, Circassian an Caroline I' aiils, fiombaz'MIs and Bombazines. Srarlel Id'k Circassian, (iz'd Batlfneits, Worsted ant! cmteii Hose and' half Hose black, blue and mixed. Men's In iiM rJiut skin fe horse skin Gloves, Wonicu's beaver, irso skin and castor 1I0. pieces siiporfine French Prinls.newstyl 2il 1I0 fe coiiimou ii l-aiico, 100 1I1.

Ain-i'icaii prints of good quality, 1" d'i 6 4 Ticking, 8 do. 4-4 do. oOOil yards 3 4 In-own Ulllli) ilo. 4 4 do. Sheetings, 2ilti0 do.

bli-m-hcd Sliirtius, 1000 tl i I'faids ami Stripes, 31100 U.S. Cotton Yarn, SOU Candle Wii-kins, Cotton In'iting, colton cords, cotton fringe, nrnilure and Cain'trick Dimity, Black and liht colored Tubby Velvet, bang-up Cords, It'is-ia fdicciinga and diapers. (it) pieces it'itl half pieces Irish Linens, 50 do. Table Diapers, 1 4 Irish Lawn ic Handkerchief. Linen ciiiubiic.A anil linen cambrick hdkfs Ctiuihrick inns' ins, plain ii lig'd swiss iiiuil, 4 irceiiel nml J.icniiet muslin, Plain and fi'k botik muslin, muslin robes, While and nurcd cravals.

Clark's Thread and Floss, irseillcs -md Valencia irsnill-s Quilts and Coiinturpaiiea, Webb's patent nnd net Suspenders, Silk and cotton Umbrellas, SI Ml (iOODS. Black, blue nnd limey colors plain and lig'd -os do fMaps, Black blue Tetany, bl'k Italian Lutestring biucK Kusortod colors rn Ii iloulile sattus, -iiiin Levantines, India Laventiue, Sincliews and Sarsuels.creen gauze, Bbiek.tdue and silk Camlets, Striped nnd plaid Sarsnett and Florence. Green and drub do. Black, white, mdgraen Italian Crape. Plain and AVd and Canton do, Au eleittiiit asa irlment of Thread Lacca, Black Sobitiett Veils.

Black and white Bobinet Lace Caps, Col birs and Pellerin Plain mid stritied silk Vestlnts. Silk colors, crape shawls scat-Is, filK liairege SenrUiind dress Hdk'U, Fancy silk and Cashmere do. Merino long and square shawls, Thibet shawls nnd dress Handkerchiefs, dies haniHtrrcbiefa, Black Mode and Velvet Ribands, Satin and inllVtty llibaiuls Bicb tros dn imp1 and floured Cibands for Trimniiiii'a. of sii'ierior style, ll riluiiiilR ami saslies, Silk cords, hub ti iinmings and Silk Braids, It'ack nn I while silk llose.and lut'f I lose, idi-s'aiiil (Jentlenii'ii's silk Gloves, Black Italian sewing silk, twist, Sic. SlluKS.

handsome essorlmont, comprising Prun Ilo and T) 'iiinark ilin bonis fa shoes, I iroecn siriipii'd and plain walking shoes, 1. clusi'il mi I M'trocco flt'iits, Misses' Pruniillo, Kid and Morocco shoes, Lit nils' do. (In. nnd boots, I Which tneellier with a gnoj ussorimeut nf Carpcling, Rugs, be. have been purchased from the latest iinpiii lalions.aiid wilt be sold very reduced prices.

Customers are par ticularly requested tu call uud, examine his goods and prices. Oct 23. 817 AM F.D ininii'ilinti'ly, 111 lliis oflioo Jouriioyaiaa Pri uteri are are "wide awake," I bey are much more numerous also, (linn, judging fruni the noise and boasting oppositii our informant find been led to believe. He also states (lint Mnj Camp will receive a very strong support, much beyond bis wannest fiit'inls expectations, in llint coun'y. Good-things work well etery mnn to his past nnd in our next wo shall be able lo give the word, "ullawvll." SENATORIAL CONVENTION.

At a meetine D.Hcs-itc of tlis Senatorial District, frit-mlly i Ailmini.v lion ol tbe national government, lict.l at Batuvia on the 14th instant for the nurnnsi' of nominating ll sv italile person for Senator, io represent said district in Ilio of this Slate -Visiin Wilcox, Esij. ofUi'iie-see cnutiiy. was called In llie Chair, and William I jam -is, of iVajrara County, was appninteil Alter maiuiviy considering me niiiect in view, nnd duly weis'iiiij; ilia nnenitmle of the interest at slake in the F.l.-c timi, the Convention pr iceeiled to make a nom'nation. On motion of Judge Miicbell, it was Kesolvtd, that OZIKL SMITH, Etn of Erie county, lie nominated as a suitable candidate lor Senator, to represent tbe Eighth Senate District in the Legislature of this Male, ann tin is Imreliy recnmuienneri to the Electors as worthy of their undivided siippori. KesO'Ted, That we cordinMy approve of too nomination ol Sniiili riioiniison, tor Governour, and Friinc.i Genu ger for Lieut.

Governour, and we pledge ourselves to use all honourable exernor.s to secure their elec tion. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed, In draught an Address to the E- lectors ol ibis UHlrict, and that W.I lam Mitchell, Obver flrnce, nnd Silas Finch, Esqs. Im said Commit lee. Hcsuiced. I hit we cheerfully concur in the name of anv suitable person, lo fill the vacancy iicc.Rsinnt-d by the resignation of Charles II ii roll, may be brought ir-Ward by the Reiulil ican Electors of l.iv-ing.siou county, friendly to the A luiinislru-lion of the General -vcruuii'iit.

Resohid, That tins iitn.ii stand ad-j iiirued lo the sncoiid Tiied.iy in Oi lo'n-r. 1829. then to inert at the I ie of Ablrich at the village, of B.itavia. A WILCOX, hu'n. WM.

P. DANIELS, Sicr'y ADDRESS. To the Electors of the tilh Senatorial Dixtrkt. FELI.O'V CITIZKNS: In ihnpffriarmHni- of ihe ilnti" lo a. we fnf ourftves cal cd uiin.

to li-irfl clip ni'itiv -wliiih initaceit iIij iwminaii of 8.1IITH. Eq. as cnn.lltliite fr th" P'nu'n, I aUo, in-cu-renrpof the cnnvirum in ih; n-i'ni Hi 'i of TllOVrSOV for fi.iv? iiour. niul niAMUS fiRAN- tfKR, Kq. for

Otivitrnolir of tit-? As a JurUt, Tliomjson for iii li' refutation, too kimwj loir of comment, anil of wbioh Hip Pt-oe of w-York my prou.l. Mr. Or-oifi'rU a yoinir man, posing ral'nti of tit" first onl'-r iiiiiti ftfppmed ty wht know him, ami i in every respect worthy of your I'jnjmrt. It wn, on the most mature aV liberation, Irli'V-dtiy the convention, thnt upon no man wiiiiin DutriM would die of the Ad-ni it-tnttion ire readily uni'n, tiin uooa 02IKI. SMITH, Kq.

of ttw county of Krii. A in tin: ponuliir brnnth of the I.eyidHturo, hi diiti" wore performed wit'i pminplti aad alwjiyiu minner sntifactorv hi- con ociienn. In addition io tbi, he i with the other ndtiiinhtmlion canditlatei, the advocate an.t IVieud of ihi yn-m. Acrustomeil lo relv -ton l'ie resources of hit own mind, he has nvr attached, hintelfto panies or fdctionii, ttnd h'tvine none t.f thorn nrej tidier uiih1Iv created hy such degrndin nstto.iatioa-, it wa btlinved tint hi w.ialil he a caa ltdnt't, nttoeetiier unexceptionable to the iirere f'itadt of tlioe mea-ure, which are calculated to the ititerct ami prosperity of thi counvy. In hi.

we ore conul-'nl the thit di-t'it i i'l always find, that nir -veriuff, i itluitry, prattieal iitirlienoo tuid Ii mest in-denei(i''ce, cunitituioia safj and vuluubie le-giOa'or. Wehave'n tt fellow citizens Icen unmindful of the fart, thai the general icltninistraii in ha hen and cin-tinue to heHisaihiU iinrl ettirfre made and reitoraled airainit the executive, without a shadow of proof to su.tain Th? r.liarneterof this opposition it loo wellhn own, to req'tlre comment or explnnuri-in. It is nnty necessary lor us to say, tint te factions the disapooinleil the uu-irin -iolc I nnd the dehided, seem to hv' made common caue in the pru.trulion of ex-nlled worth. In addition lo what we ltavsaid. it is our duty fir-ther toobterve, tli ttho poote of thToiinrv of I iv-insston, have nomiiiitti'd WIl.I.l II.

SI'KNllKH, Ksnj. to fill the yacaacv in the -n-ite. oceii-ionetl by the resjnalion of the Hon Mr. Carrol of that county. It will he seen hv the proceedings of your Conven'ion, that it was resolved to support such nominution, nnd from our knowledge nf Mr.

Pjeiicrr, nnd from hii Ii the counctli of our we tru.t tiiat yott will sustain him hynnttatlividd vote. We cannot do i' 'hat evry can Hdite friendly to the administration, support, if so, we car. have uofuari as to the result. MEETIN3 AT BL ACK ROCK. At a meeting of the citizens of the village of Black Rock, convened at lite School house, pursuant to previous notice, on the 25ti iut, for the purpose ol nominaling a suitable person tube at the ensiling election, for the office of Justice of the Peace.

Major Daniel S. Davison, was called to the Chair, and Gjorge M' Knight was appointed Secretary. Un motion, the meeting proceeded to reil-lot for a choice, and the result wut as follows Absalom Bull 38 Dnnlel Lm-kwood 7 Resolved, Tint tlm proceeding of this meeting lie siftitf-il by the and Secretary, i.nri nit wi. tied. DANIELS DAViSOJf.Ch'n.

GEORGE M'KMGHT, sSec'y. Messrs. Editors, Modesty an amiable trail in the character of any man. Ciiicimiatiis, the Rnmii'i ws forced i im ike plough, and advanced lo the of cot sul. (ireal chaiiues have taken lace itiica llie days of Ciuciii-IihIiis.

Now, Instead of the citiz 'lis buvitii; lo fo'ceauy of their Ciiicinnaliis's to leave the iiIiiiikIi, for an flice, soma up-tan stranger lint llie modest assurance lo enforce claims for office ii(ani iho iiiiirniit iougb boys very ibkiiilercstcdly to Im A man an viug in tin- buck oo's Com llie refined city of Nantucket, would very naturally suppose the iffiiorntit people could not do without his ten ices, as first ofKtter ol the county. Ilenc the (T pertinaciously i isim that he is (im 111.11 pop ular candidate In ihe eotni'v. Tba itb'so November will IcIIHie story. Friend M.scv, do you take lincurd l'n vgli-j pgt Mil "1 in iinn I tiBRIED-fn 'his vlllaoe.on Fridnv tasi by Rov. B.

Sniltk, Mr. John Moe, tu Miw Pamela Howard. In this vllliiue.nn Ibe, by 1L Slade, Mr Jose.h I -inch, of'N. Vork to Mrs. Kuima Coukey, of Cla etice.

DIED In ibis village, on Mondav last. Francis, youngest sou of James Sliuldoti, B' f. A I) til A few questions to be answered by Mr Van Buren Or any of his friends. 1. What, in tbe whole course of yotlr public life, have you ever done for the Pei.p'e of your native Stuto lo doierva their support lor the first office in their gift 2.

Did you not oppose, with all the talent of intrigue Tor w'ticli you are so justly eel el.rateil, tlie project the Great Western and Northern Canals, nnd ever ridicule Mr. Clinton nnd those who were its staunch and decided friends 1 3. Did you not say, in the Convention that formed the present Constitution, of which you were a member, thai "the further power was removed trom the People, the better 4. Did ynu not in 1827 when the Turin" bill wns about lo be called up and the question taken on its final passage in the Senate of the United Stales, take your hiit and walk out until that question had been decided and the bill defeated by the casting vote of the Vice niton ing that you had not patriotism enough lo vote as you knew your constituents wished, (which would have saved the bi t) nor independ" ence enough to stay and votetat'rt your party and against your coo-til uentj 5. Did you not, in 1824.

prevent the passage of a law giving the choice of Presi dential Electors lo the People, for the purpose of securing the vole of this Stale for your candidate, Mr. Crawford 6. Have you not always, and do ynu not ever believe Mr. Adams is a more fit Bnd proper man for the Presidency than General Jackson, and do you not support the bitter against you bettrr judgment and merely because you eipect to derive sum political benefit from the suci ess of that party which is headed by Jackson 7- Did you not, in order to secure your re election to the Senate of the (J. States, declare to the friends of the Administration, or mnerwise give them distinctly to understand that you would support Mr.

Adams and his administration and do you not think that in puraiiingacoursediainentically opposite to that which you are in honor bound to pursue, you have acted in a very undignified, equivocating and contemptible manner? 8. Have ynu not done much towards. introducing a very disgraceful system of politics into this Stale by which it has become contemptible in the eyes, and aWword in the mouth, of every honest and patriotic chirm in the United States 1 9. Did you not endorse a noto for the sum of 91500, for the purpose of raising money lo buy out a part-owner of a Press who would not consent that any press in which he was interested sliould suppirt you for Governor, and was not the money raised and applied to that purpose! 10. Is that the kind of improvement you meant when you deulaicd that the ccmdiliw of the Press in this country must be improved 11 Do yon believe that this kind of im piovi ment of tbe Press is call ulnied to ren" der it more vigilant and faithful as a centin- al upon the watcli-towei of more impartial in icrutiuizinz the ialifii-atiniis of candidates for office, and more careful to disseminate correct information among ibe Peop'e, particulmly with regard to the hon esty, the i nlegiity, and the qualifications of can didntes for office We should be glad lo have yon give the People of Ibis Slate, hose suhYages you nre now demanding, satisfactory answers, if you can, to these impoitanl qneslions.

Governor. Who shall be our next I lover nor 7 The patriot Thompson, or the American Cntaline Next week will determine bow many of (lie electors of this state will bug the conspirator, wo in 1824 by bis imiregiies disfranchised them from the choice of electors of President of the United States. Fellow Citizens, the hole course of Martin Van Buren's political career, shews that he should be the last man, freemen should trust with power. If in his powrr, he would sell the Stale fot a mess of pottage, or place in the cabinet of the nation, as best suited bis ambitious views The cilizons of 'this slate have partially felt the effect of his iron rod, when seemingly, he was destituie of power. A long catalogue of political crimes ate Indellibly registered against him.

The intcgri'y of Smith Thompson, the Administration andidale above suspicion. The Elevlmsof the conn ty of E'ie will not be ungrateful-The mem. my of Clinton ill incite them to an honest discharge of the eleitive franchise Vju Buren Jius always been the bitter enemy ol Clinton -a violent opposcrof his liberal policy, mid even ridiculed the accomplish meat of IheEi'iu Canal, a source of wealth, and the boast of us all To the polls then. mid make THOMPSON your Govkimior. Every friend of the Administration is imperiously bound to place bis ballot in the box for Elector of Piesidenl.

The opponents, small as (heir number is, in this die trict, will display their whole fo-e, which willatpesr comparatively, much larger than it ready is, if contrasted with a small portion iiibtend of all the friends of jlis Ailniinistra-lien. It may bo profitable, hereafter, to baveprevemedtiiiafljf wra," TICE. Tbe heretofore existing, bt-iivei the sub- Huribera is this day ilis-iilyed, by lilt lual consent. Either of the subscribers w'll ntlentl lo the settling of all accounts which it is alts ilnt. Iv neccsdiy should be closed without delay, JOHN B.

FLAGG, SlDMEYllURR. August 21, 1828. 280 imve k9 isl received, and have fur sale, al their Bookstore, Sign of the fled Bibk, The Fashionable Tour, a new edition and improved On Lisie, or the Sensitive Man; Tales from the Vest, by the author of Letters from the East Blue Stoeki.ig Hull: Confession of tin Old Maid i The Family Director in Ibe arl of Dieing; Religious Discourses by a Layoiau I iifnotry Exercises Pocket Maps of New York, do. of Ohio, do. of Michigan.

Biiti'iiis, Aug. 27. Oil Ykars I.f.sse THREE LOTS. 31 ny 115 feet, bcltiiitiinK lo the Baptist Society, yet rcmniu to be leased, for llie term of ten or fifteen years, at Ibe option of the Lessee. Tliese Lois are beautifully situat ed, on hio, and dry ground.

Terms reasonable. Apply to J. A. LAZF.LL. Buffalo.

March 27. 87 UST rrceiveil nml lor au'r. hy tl.o subscribers. 2 tons Bar Iron, from F.ria Ohio. CURTISS iv ROOT.

Jiiim5. 179 11 IK Depository of tlie Triirt Society of the Hol'nnd Purchase Bapt Association, will be kept al lha llotise of the subscriber, on Seneca street, Buffalo. Auxiliary Soci-lies and individuals can be supplied wilh Tiacls, at tbe rates of other Depositories. E. B.

SMITH, Agent. March 6. Ii F. jn-i t-eivfil a nn supplv of LEGHORN HATS. at 1 1 Cheapside, Buffalo.

May 10, 1827. 44 fin IIKiitisoM SLIPS iii (lis BnptiKt -la. Aleeling House, are lo be let. Application can be made to tbe subscriber or either of the Trustees of the Society. Sept.

4. S. FHANC1S. 1 tlKCi Li.KCTtiits Offick is ictno- ved next door In-low the Emporium Office, over A. EATON Store.

Sept. 4. 2d I.COIIOL. A few linrn ls liih proof, un for sale low by W. KETCI1UM Sept.

II. 211 TU A I.M r. CA PS. Tlie subscribers have just received a supply of Travelling CAPS, which will be sold low. BALDWIN WELLS.

Sept. 11. 211 SALI', Some well siiviuted 'illage LOTS, Apply to tbe printera boreo Jul I 17, 1828. 10 TKD Ti eontrnrt to deliver a ouaniity of Cord WOOD on the dock. Applitalion can be made at the Emporium Oflice.

liiiffalo. Aug. 11. PlISKS. anted lo pun lnise a number ol Horses suitable for Slaea llorscs, for which cash will be paid.

II. D. COE. Sept. 1.

JO WMARD NOYES' I.K Powder, and Liquid Ink. in Bottles. sold bob-sale and retail by the subscribers, at their Book Store, (sign of tbe red Bible.) IUC N'P It. IV 4-Wt A- U.lUVJEail KIULUUS. Oct.

9. gl5 IMPkOVED HAr.IES.- lie kiiIi-scrihers have established the Manufac ture of HAMES, of a superior quality, of which they have a I a nre assortment now on hand, at wholesale and retail. J. MAYHEW dfc Co. Buffalo, Oct.

0. 215 Tlm Ftibsrriher wauls a Journeyman Carriage Pain ter. A vouni man of eood habits and a good woikman, can have immediate employment and liberal waces. MATIT1EVV WALTO.V. York U.C.Oct.

3. 213 MILITARY For sale cheap, the entire Eaninane of nn iiluiilrv S1.1II HcKr.iticlutliiitf Horse i Q'iip- nge. iiienihclM nre ot the first qua ity; anu most 01 mem nearly new. inquire of W. KbTCHU.M Co.

Sept. II. 2H ILL SAWS Hf tlie different sizes, tiiis day received, and for sal 9 U. WEED at CO. Aug.

81, a 208 CU VPPKAUS DES BRAS. n.w finishing by W. KETCH (JM Co. of (UNty patents, nnd olegant Iriinminirs, for ol-liut'iH of diirment entiles. Military ollicerl invitnd to call and examine them.

Snpi 811 IH1KS MliSl.Mi. Sniiit fil-uinKs of the Snv.and Woodstock, nr niissing from our S'loro as well Its the oluuioot Mis F.dgeworllrs tales, nnjr erson who has thcin, or either of them, III oblige us by returning Iho WANIKl)-TciiiniH for lj cords of W00O. Apply al R.IlOCKWtUP. tajjtli. 5 now the iiestion and the only question to be i derided by the People.

The present Ad-ja ministration are identified with the Aineri- can System, and so closely loi, that if one i falls the oilier mu't also. It is vain for Ithose bo support the opposition to ay that 7Aytoo will suppiirl ttint system. Such an serlimi is an insult i tbe romnion sro-e the romo. unity what evidence do they ive ns that such will lie the cisi-f The fact jbal fjeneral Jackson is in fivor of a iudi- The following votes may be considered doubtful the probability beingas greut that they ill be given lo Mr. that they will be given to Jack son New-York 2i Maryland Illinois Missouri 310.

The friends of the Administration Im ve therefore every reason to ant'cipnte success in the approaching contest-let every man do his du'y at the polls and the day must be ours "Adams Liberty." "iMir Country Stour riglils," un i "success to The American System," are our mottoes, ai.d ''in these signs shall we conquer." In the cnnlest firth higher officers, we hoyie our friends wilt nut forget their candidates for Sln.riff an I Mr. Liltb-field and Mr. Barker are worthy men, have dune well heretofore, and deserve the united support of the Electors of this County. Col. Buit, we presume, will receive his usual support he is won by of it.

Mr. Chirke lias also claims wbii-h we hope will not be overlooked. Halation in Office. The Jackson party declare that they will not vote forMr.Adams because it is right and proper that there should be frequent changes and rotations in office. Pray, hnw does it happen flint the same men who are so tenacious of this c-trine, support the re-election of Mr.

Calhoun for Vice President How can they make that right in, one man which they -dare wrong in another But why do we talk of right and wrong, these terms are not to be found in the ocabnlary of that party they have been stricken out, for the purpose of inserting the words "politic, and impolitic." And has it come to that A well informed gentleman said to us a few days ago, that, though he did not consider General Jackson in any way qualified jr the of President, he thought he should vote for him. for the reason, that, if he was not elected, the pBrly that support I im would prob-nbly immediately attempt a dissolution of the Union by fot cr Shade of the immortal Washington las our country indeed arrived -at siif.h a crisis thai must electa tyrant, lo stve the Union Farewell, then, a long farewell to our boas'ed privileges, and the Liberties of America if such is t'ie stale of our country, we may for a while amuse ourselves with the mere forms and shadow of liberty, but the sub stance is already gone, and we are the slaves of fear and the humble tools of the ambitious. We have received a communication frnm a very respectable correspondent, headed Messrs. Liach and Fillmore. We have not room for its insertion.

If Mr. L'-ach made the declaration that be "would not be a candidate for any other place, nt the lime, and in the manner slated by our cot respondent, we presume he will promptly, cither decline the nomination for Clei or resign the office of Treasurer. Wi'dl our correspondent says about Fill more is no doubt true. He lias long been ready lo take a nomination for almost hoy office, aifd from any source he could get it. That he sought a nomination at theAdinin- islraton Convention Is well known, and it ia as well known that he was rejected on ac count of bis double dealing.

Tbe friends of the Administration will not throw awny their votes upon a man so accustomed to bo ''on the fence." They will be true tu them selves, nnd their country, and vnto for Messrs. Burt, and Clark, whose open and straight lb: ward course, enables their friends or enemies, to know where they may bo foundi Some few weeks since we commenced an exposition of cbaractur which tzr.udingly nettled Mr. Salisbury of the Republican. Trtilh, always will do its office It caused Salisbury lo wince, rave hnd tear and finally to conclude that lie could best screen Imself by declaring a noninttr course with the Emporium. The printer nl the Republican has become so acrustomrd to that ha has already broken bis own prolci tlve decree pricked anew, a petty warfare upon the Emporium, without having the manlinrss 'osend us a a copy.

However, we give him credit for his sagacity in witholHing llie usual exchange number of his paper, being of more Importance lo blnieelf, Uian lo bavo no use fur It. VT i. v'H i urcn. Mr. Calhoun and every o'ber pro in put mem'ier of the i-n aeii that ipv too are in favor of a judiriovs THriff, nd vp t'wy have strenuously opiosi rvrry tlml has been proposer! Iivtlie friends ff (be American SyM'-m during (he present Admin is' rat inn us from surh friends CS Tariff.

What is a judicious Hf ri IT in their estimation, is a very injudi-tiSniim (ilia in llu. .1... J. rriiiitnuiMl mil lllill- r. n.

I mi in. ij, nun IibI, we would ak, nre we lo expect Irom i parte, pin ii'd ihey come into power, who. Slfit POIlfpnt wilh ft lutiali.ff.iifl aiiA ttftidienifii-d opposition to the Tariff on the fftior of Consre, openly nnd iinlilu-biiielv pec la re their determination to eomprl to ip'nl the Tariff I.nw.or they wi'l dissolve Ibe Union Do the supporter of General "Jackson and Mr Van Bnren. under'ake, in i ih ice and eyesof the numerous meetings tiiai have been held at the South nnd the inflammatory and trensonbl'e speeches that Mve been made al these meeting by ii'most nil their men of influence and public func--feliBiries, to say lb it tliis pti iy will support tut Amerii Bn System And is there a man oriberu States, who is not blinder1 i ry jinjiinice or passion, suinciciiiiy creiiu-icve Ibis absurd mid false asser. Il It fiTins to us impossible, and yet py many (here are will go to the polls 1, tnfiiid ibis parly to obtain power For the tifiiid this parly to obtain puv iTj'akeof our beloved country, fid! i Twejbeg ol'ou to reflect a inor 'f consent to place pi llow-riliiieiis, moment cro ymi power in the hMds of tliop who have.

ulniednud insult eii'iiu, mid declared tlml they would use it 1 nui destruction. The Penple are the PI mid tin yum made tip of ludi-r upon the votu of individuals do Yjiilf the fate of each man I titn ri fleet tlml his tott may deride the 4t)tiny if tliias nation what an awful and enliious responsibility On the one we are rnlled upon lo vote for those friends in the northern and western s. declare I bey will tuppori the Aineri-V'tiitp but jtose friends in 4lieoulli-WjrtJPt'aici a erl that they wiil appose that Esq. axed two year.

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