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Buffalo Emporium and General Advertiser from Buffalo, New York • Page 3

Buffalo, New York
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oatinn of our village, the great want of Sci entific and Literary Institutions in the stir EAGLH DRUGGIST STORE. If. I. JIMESON, has just received, and ia now opening, at No. 6, Eagle Build any lysonv On Enrolled Eilti EJhim Bentoo, Wood-jrard jnd McMartin.

On1 motion of Mr. Spencer, It wit Eisolvib, (iflhn assembly eonciir) That (toy; elapsed from the time a Slate Convention for the formation of an Electoral ticket, waa proposed, lefrr 'the Covention held their meeting, nd 13 out of 15 electoral districts were represented: The Raleigh Register saya of this Convention "V'e confidently believe, that bad the meeting been delayed a month longer, nearly every county inlhe atate would have been It wat however a. powerful expresiinn of public feeling, and when we reflect, that nearly, twelve, months are, left tothe frienda of Mr. Adams to operate, and that all they wih la a diffusion of light, our anticipations are most sanguine." Tht Vict Prtidcney.A resolution passed the House ot Geor-(ia, on the 19th ultimo, nominating William H. Crawford as a candidate for the office of Vice President of the United States.

aenata vr'aa than aoroa timo engaged In committee of the whole on the governor's message, Mr. Carroll in the chair; and referred the various parts to standing and select committees. The, rwport of the committee was laid on the table. Then the senate adjourned until to-morrow at 11 o'doels A.M. i- Wf A ssem bly; 1 Wednesday, January 2, The Speaker announced the appointment of the following, standing eommitteea, in pnruance of a resolution adopted yesterday, viz: v.yS-;'""'- yy-.

Committee and Meani Mettri. Sherninn, Janet, Pierce, Gtnvr, Bowlojr. Meiirt. Moaell, Album, Miller, Mon-ron, Wadswortb. ami Election Mesirs.

Edgerton, Chllds, Jones, Snell, Heriden. Court of Jostles Mesm. BacUia, Hotfinao, Sacla, tivinfrton, Expiring Lnwc Mcfirt. Bntlcr, Goodrich, llani-tnond, Cnry. Vceder.

Claims Menrn. tViiliamt, D. M. Wescott, Dona, Miwr, Dyckmaa. College, Academies and Common Schools Messrs.

Skinner, Tallmadjre, Emmctt, Lathrop. Knpro.od Bill Meir. BradUb, Maxwell, Deau, Bishop, Fitch. Erection and' Division bf Tosrns and Counties-Messrs. Robinson, H.

Weitcot, MUUken, Armitrobg, Sweetman. vt Incorporation of Cities and VlUaees Mouri. Hart, Woodworth, Slocum, Tillman, IltverenuT. Agriculture Mesirt. Metcalf, Verplanck, TredweU, Doyle, IIowland.

Charitable end Relipiom Socities Messrs. Johnson, Fisher, Cole, Garniey. Trade and Manufactures Ile.srs. I.j ode, Peters, Avery, Todd, 8choonmaker. Banks Mesa.

Brasher, T. E. Clark, Sill, Baxter, Alien. Messrs. Scndder, Cargill, Shepard, Cha, pin, Faulkner.

Canals Messrs. Gi-anecr. A. Burt. Savaee.

Abl- PROSPECTUS OF THR BTjprALonian-scnooL. JONATHAN DODGE, Phincipal. fill first term of this School wilt comtnence on Monday Slat January, 1828. In announcing to the public the establishment of this Institution, wo may reasonably expect, from tbnt large anil respectable portion of the community, who take a deep and lively interest in the great and noble caosn of Education, aome inqniriea respecting the Mode of Instruction which we purpose to adopt the anticipated extent of Krudilion here acquired, and a general outline of the Course thus proposed. These, with such other particulars aa may he deem-ed important to be known by those, whose patronage we solicit, we shall endeavor to state as explicitly ns the Concise form of a prospective advertisement will admit.

That the, science of Education, within the last hnlf century, has received astonish ingly great Improvements, every one conversant with the subject will readily allow: and umongthe most iniportuntol thesei Improvements, none have shone, so cn. picuous have tended so ctTecliiaiiy to disseminate knowledeu generally to call -out the Intent energy of the youthful mind, and to j.rodiice that ardent ambition and laudable emulation so particularly desirable among all classes of scholars, as 'the method of Monitorial or Mirtual instruction. This modo of Inst ruction we venture to assert, is the only one which is philosophically adapted to the budding talents of tne youthful genius, mid while we are sanguine in the avowal of our belief, we are fully convinced. Ihnt by this mode, Instruction can be more thoroughly and effectively conveyed, end education rounding country, tha moderate charge for tuition, the known reputation of the Piinci-pnl, end the confidence in his Selection of Professors and Assistant Teachers, we anticipate no amall share of that liberal patronage which an enlightened public, ia wont .10 bestow. Josinh Trowbridge, Reuben B.

Ilea- cock, Jleman IS. Potter, Thomas C. Love, John G. Camp, William Horigt, Henry Kip, Ebenczer Johnson, Joseph Stocking, John B. Hicks, Barent I.

Stoats, Willium Ketchnm, George Coil, Elijah D. Efner, Abner Bryant, Trustees of the. Buffalo High School Association. Extracts from the "Bye-Laws" referred to -above. Section I In the admission-of scholars.

the children of elockholdera are to have the preference. Section 3. Registers shall bo kept tinder the direction of the Principal, in which sbiill be entered the names of all the scholars, the dares of their admission, department, promotion and discharge from school. section 4. The Principal is to appoint and employ such or Assistant Teachcis, in the several Departments, -as may be deemed necessary for the good rep utation and rapid advancement of the School warranted by the pecuniary prosperity of the Institution.

Section 5 Lectures oh Chemistry, Mine ralogy History, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, and other Sciences i will be delivered at the High-School, which the scholars in the Senior Department may attend ireetu expense, Si ciiun clAa aanuaUmUUuMuiwnsUMuuNMB.M. joint committee appointed to prepare tiiiwonrt joint rule repeeting (lie order. sifWiness, nndfha mode of proceeding io considering-the revised statutes. Messrs. Spencer, Waterman and Sfebbens, went appointed on the part, of the unite.

The following offered yesler-b Ml. Wiikeion, Wei celled up, viz; Rieotrtir, That the lerk lurnish to the maiden! and each member of the senate, during l(a present tendon, at (he) expense of (he newspaperese they may re- not-Mcepdlng io tfta dollars, paying postage, on tie imi a i also i the letters and pack ages directed to membera. Mr. Crary again objected to that part of the' resolution which aiithorlsea the pay-' ment of the posttgs of members. He, con- calved it to be an infraction of the letter end apirit of the which prohibits incroase of the compensation of members beyond three dollars per day.

He ad-'; dfeMid the chair nt some length to this ef-" fact. He Waa entirely of the opinion Hi at the board of membera, with "all. the trim- might aa well he paid from the pub. lie treasury as their posttrge. Mr.

Hart replied, and conleniled that it Wat never interfiled by the iraraara of the constitution, nor was it the language of that instrument, tli at incidenfiil charges to wMch members were liablu, ftoin their offi- ciai situations, such as pens, ink, postage, ftc. should Le-pnid from their present daily allowance. He was content tit confine the resolution extlnsiyely tooA ficial letters. But he wae the people, about whom so said and pretended, did nt thmr ranrjiaflintatlvAi with tl Iumi are offered He believed at least, that anj I 1 tue oonsiiimioii ana in mo authorise the acceptance newspapers, and disalll one was an infraction of the other was also and he whilst some, who were eatroj as to the latter, had freely rej the former. He added, that! gy of the Constitution relnti ofthe governor, was the sai ference lo-memoers: nna eanstlv a violation of that thorise the payment ofthe It "Executive aa the postnc.oof were a reasonable and just; PU'IIIO treasury.

-r Mr- t'vineston did not li 7 was any thing in the conslil hibited the present propoi mirht be objections to it in He was conscious that there individual loss. He had hit! forer. It was his fortune, have been a memberof the a An.liui1 nnnn when his postage bill amo eonsiderablo sum. Prec'i It ht anit occur, but othon wal nerhapt reaonabtetn Hia pteseiit purpose, howevi division on the suhjed; so if in relation 10 poeuge inigm a moire formal shape than Mr. Carroll, wes enureiy mlion.

It waa just III expense, tucb aa pnatae, til were liable from ilieir I ihoutd be paid. TI10 Inx, bl inequat niemoers or chum ar eflaflmittees, from Iheir oi were or migni no 1ax; and he waa confident Intention ot tne consinui'oi present daily allowance 10 JiM-liiit tit law. The qneation waa decide part or I lie reaoiuuon, rciui naners. wm asreed tf. nKM.

nr. joroan mm gainst the second branch of beeauae it involved a const it of a moro grave and seri ottht to bo Oiacnssou nnn 1 Vrithoiit sayinn hej In favourer acainst the broneht np in another sharaa delioerate cnnsioerauon and if-adoptrd, should be i than by waolnlion. Mr. Hart asjeniea loan ing it applicable on ly to offi Crary called tor me aye a The ours! ion was then tl the rr solution negatived, aa Billows: inga, a general ana very superior assortment of DHITGS it MEDICINES. His assortment is complete, and is composed of prime articles, which be will be happy to deal out to the Faculty, nnd to his friends "generally.

He will always keep on hand a full supply ia the Druggist line, and particular attention will he paid to the selection, Buffalo, Tan. 1. 114 TO THE PUBLIC Notice i hereby siven. that a petition will be presented to the nexlLcgislnlure of thisState, praying the said. Legislature to straighten the County Line, between the Counties ot (Venosee and Erie, and attach to the said County of Erie, the West part of the Town of Bennington, now making a jog into the County of trie of one and one fourth lMieu ssov.

12, 18X7. 17IVENING LATIN SCHOOL. The subscriber having come to the determination of closing bis dny school, on account of urgent business, would inlorm the public, tUalwhe wilt commence an Evening School, 1n Monday the 3d of uecemuer, tor tne purpose 01 teacuingiuo Latin Lanauaee exclusively. in W. P.

MAYERHOFFER. Buffalo, Nov. 22, 1827. 100 Franklin, with and without doors, Philadelphia, Cooking, Oval and Box STOVES, by the Gilt DO suliscribers Bsortment of of late request those (amino their tions, as they isold by any ILL Co. 7 nre auili- for the I applied on bts due tne 103 Lola, front-he from 6 to 21, I the office of ETT, Esq.

Is, willi np-do. Franklin ripe, for sale EYWOOD. 1 The sub- general as-enmprisina will be sold LL Co. 71 TJie sub--teived eighty- -almost ev-ine, will be ci Frnn- Ijand elegajit. iNew-Tork Coach, and MAPS of the (of Kentucky, Cut nnd IGTAIL do.

American rices. WOOD. 80 deceived by if Band Boxes fen or aingle, TT St 'We. HfCheepslde, 10, tear. TfOINCn'S -TOOLS, of the vnri-.

ant kinds, kept constantly for sale, by R. II. HEY WOOD. Oct. 15 91 rfnORTOISE Shell Comb Backs JL are wanted by the subscriber at Lis Comb Manufactory.

i S. W. SHERMAN. i Buffalo, Dec. 81.

ILK BRAID CORD, fur trim- mlng Peliece, Coats, a Just received and for sals by J. BEARDSLET. Dee. 24. 109 r4 1 1 iu'1'i 4 -li at 1 ai a ttu VsL r'or 1828, Just received, and for salo by thaquantiiy or sinla.

-r LAZELL FRANCIS. Koy.92- -J00 1THE8. Rockwell Grass nnd Cf Cradle Steel Back SITHES.warranletf, or sale by H1CKCOX, COLTONdtCo. Aug. 18.

-(. fl ASH, nntftlie hihU pr.pnld for TIMOTHY SEED and Wf BEANS. W.HOLU3TER Co. Buffalo, Oot. 8.

FORUALE nt the Grcn gtftrt 900 boxes first quality Pittsburgh Buffalo, Ang. S. W( GLASS Ink Tin? s.ilw sorlbershaves eottflanoieii' Glass Stands, whisk theywHl vrj low. LAZfcU. FAUCIS.

RDSLET. ed to con- rst rate Coal, ONdeCkf 1 Si Our Canada editors, at least some of them, take a warm interest In our Presidential election. Asa specimen of then observations and opinions on tho subject, we extract the following from the York Freeman. "dndrem Jack ton and the peepte of (he United States. It appears -toy 1 tie stale of the poll, that Old Hickory ia likely have a sweeping majority ofthe votes ofthe people for-the next Presidency of the United Slates; and if any thing were necessary, in addition tothe horrible undSecmiugly un-prt.

voked murders tbitt reach our ears' from all parts ofthe Union, to show that the people are retrograding most" lamentably in moral since the days of Washington and Franklin if any thing were necessary, wc say, beyond the accounts of inhu man butcheries that Oil the columns ol every eviaenceoa "XElsTlA JOHNSOX, Secretary of the Convention. 4 Our Fathers where are they rom official documents recently transmitted to congress, it appesrs that four hundred and ninety-one revolutionary and invalid pensioners died in the year ending 4ih icpt. last; audit is slated that no returns were received from Delaware, Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Alabiima, Michigan, or the District of Colombia i A distressing accident oscurred in the town of Greenwich, Conn, on Chrirlmas day, by the explosion o( a cask of powder. The howdnr was in an upper room of a dwelling house, (the owner's name not recollected) and it is supposed fire was communicated to it by a child, who, observing a number of boys burning powder, according to holiday customs, was led to billow their example, and (toing to the cask with Are, an explosion took place which fore off nearly all the upper part of the bouse, and sadly shattered the whole building. Tho chihl was alive when found, but it wha thought could tint survive Out.

Eccxstric Bi.nvot.Kncs. A young gentleman hiiMtittJghtschnolN for threfej winters past, in different towns of Rhode Island, without compensation, paying for Ids board, and j.fteii furnishing books for-the sobulnrs. His name and place of residence are unknown; he is called "Mr. A. and "the Mas'" He advertises in tho autumn, and offer self to a certain town, and dtret'ts Ictleis will reach hint.

He hafnumr-d: tleborongh, Vt. at one time, and Amherst, N. H. at anothef, Ho has junt offered his servicesagain tor the ensuing wl.iler, and letters may be sent to New Ipswich, TV. H.

in one Instance when he cloai-d his school, deleft 846 to hire a young lady for a summer school. Button Rao. i DIED In Norwich, Con. Mr. Oirlslo- her Starr, aged 61.

In Roehestsr, Mrs. lummlnc, wife of Rev. F. H. Cumming, Rsetor of the Episcopal Cbursh.

JaliMamii Thorn. Koaos and Bridges JloSsri, 1. Burt, ueiainp, Whiteside, Boyad. Sperry. State Prisons Messrs.

Cowles, 8. Parker, Turk, Mnhle Bntft ject. West America. A proposition to establish a colony on the North-West has been agitated in Congress, every session, for several It.ia now understood, that a compi nynf young men in- New-York, are about memorialise Congress, to make some legislative provision on the lubject. Persons who have visited the country In ieulon, (extending on the borders of the Pacific, from iat.43 to 64 deg north.) represent it to bo superior in climate and' soil, to any spot on tho globe, it Is already the seat of a commerce, worth to our country, more than a million of dollars per annum To secure tb la trade, as well as to secure to the United Slates, the possession of so de sirable a territory is the object contemplated by the establishment of a colony on, or near, the Oregon Iliver.

Disaster at Coopcrstoicn. The Coopers-torrn paper, gives the fotl.twing, as some ol the results attending the fall of the stage, at the execution of Kelly on the 26th ult, "Among thrm was the body of Mr. Ell-aba C.Tracy, engraver of this village, the upper part of whose face was actually crushed in mora than en, inch. Life was wholly extinct. An elderly man resident at Richfield, namrd Daniel Williams, had bis leg and arm broken, and died al about 6 o'clock M.

Mrs. Patten, wife of Mr. David Patten, of a limb frai.tur-ed and a daughter of Mr. Jacob M. Planter, of this had her leg broke pnd body much braised.

S20 or 30 other persona, a mong whom Is a young man from Springfield, named Stnnurdj were severely hurt, It Is remarked, ss an Indication of ths strength of Ike friends of the adminlstratlofl North' Carolina, thai only fttcnty-sissis mure easily diffused and generally disscmi- the vailou branches or8clencc, aVt meretion of which, by name, is not heie necessary and eitending through tbe IliehcrMatbemat'c, sad an latiainie se- qiniintniice tltb the principles ol alurat and cxpeinneiitai iiiiosnpiiy, luaaenerei oullii.e of our Com ae here p'roposecf ia cm-braced in three Departments, 1 whietC.We term Introductory, Junior, and Senior, and for the particular studies in each Department, we beg leave to rofer to the- "Bye Laws" I'd-ompanying this cnti-lied, "Rules ami Regulations fur Ihtf Government of the DulTalti Hijji School" Sec-lion 17 and ton aubaequotit section for I ho pries of tuition in each Llepaitmunt. We do not indulge, in the expectation of every scholar, admitted a member of the High School, going through a regular nor is there any particular term assigned as tho minimum for admission but each will he admitted according to the wishes parents Or guardians and to those more advanced students, who have hut little time to prepare fir entering on the active pursuits-and business, of we would to render our. High School, a Technological Institute, from whence the pupil might be tram-fet red tnthebiisy scenes ol the world, actually fitted for that sphere in whfcli he'might be destined 10 The biam of the llich Sctinol lor the education of Girls, is graduated into the same number of Departments and in a4di-i in.n KM ia ana tisctut uranciist ana of tin Lectures in Ckemiftry, Jogy, Natural Hi' lory, Nitnral Pbl- 1 they will have opportunities according' to lift patronage ofthe Institution of improving thennolveslii Dtawlug, Painting, and ctlwfr ornamental brandies necessary to jftmplcte Female -j, The funds necessary for erecting suitable buildings, during iKA ensuing season; are already subscribed the nusetinie, at a temttorarv rvanrt rooms ars pro cured, In which to commence the uudertuk- ing and, from lbs kssllby and liws to- 7 a S'- AYES Messrs. Alio Hater, HaH, Lake. Portei termaii.

Wilkeaon. 10, NOES Messrs. BVnto Elaworth, Jordan, Livingsi Martin. MtMichael, Olivei 5rebbins, Todd. Whee er, Mr.

Waterman oflered tit solution, which waa.nnan RrinLvrn. That the cleri cause to be printed for the nse of this house, the constitution ofthe United Sthtcs, the constitution of thie state, the Tnlra and or-. dura of 1 he senate and asaembly, a list ofthe Riembers of tho senate and assembly, with their places of residence when at home and in Albany a fiat of the senate orrnnged to the dlatricts of the rmiiective nember1ind the atnndlng committees of the senate end assembly i nai ine itkntion and roJa bo printed with margin- al notei, ia duodecimo and that the trk niorufa a sufficient namhor of duode- cimo almaimea, and copies of Finley'i amall auarte tBdpsoi ma aiaieoi nrw-ir, mm Uit whole be bound, and ony thereof be the wp delivet oelWem to eacb roemucr tud officer ot tins house. On motion of Mr; Da van. 1 :1 aiiaitm tn 1 ne juumi biiu oenior veputr- meiit.

37 1-2 cents per Quarter. TTTlIt li UP PL Y-E. D.v ii. EFNER, Merchant TaUor. hu this day roceived, in addition to hit former stocky a good atsoitment ofthe following artlolest Camblet Cloaks; Over Coats, Poa Dress Cloth, Toillnett, nnd Swansdown Vasts, Cloth, Casimsre snd Bangup Psntaloons, Lambs' Wool Wrappers and Drawers, Flannel 'do.

do. Also, a general assortment ofTrimmlags. 1 The TeUbrlnaUusliisss attended to. sual, with puncliiallty psti dpaUb. Jan.

Bxsotvxtn. That aerretary of state furnish to the chairman ofthe canalcominit- teet, alt survey, maps, profilca, or other pa-- pra, in hie possession, relniing to the canal routes, uurveyed in pursuance ot an act of tbe legislature, pnsaed "April 20, 1825. A communication, from. the Revisers of i the statutes, transmlttingan analysis of the 4 third part of tlie proposed revision waa re-' calved. The communication was laid on tba tuble and ordered to bo printadr' DOMESTIC LivJngeton oflered the following re-lohuinn, end announced that he should call (otthejr iionaldoraiion to-morrow.

1 Rkolvd, (if the aaieinhlv concur here-' In,) That tne aenaiors of thia alate in the senate ofthe United 8lales be, and they are berehT and the representatives of this 5 requested, in make every effort to rfvro the pessage of a law, that will eeta.ilsb inch a tariff as will effeclually protect and aecure prosperity to our nation, al mHriofheturea oflron, woollen, hemp, Ahx, and every other article connected with the intertsie of agriculture, manufactures and 'eommetc. -i EraoLvxD, That the gnvar nor be, and he is hereby tequested to transmit al copy of taa abov resolution to each Of onr aenatora aai repreaentatives ia ooBgraw..

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