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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 7

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MARCH li 1031 BLYTHEVIU.E, tAHK.) COtlRlEU NEffS CLASSIFIED Two cents a word (or first insertion and one cent a word 'or each subsequent Insertion. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. Count thp words and Uic cash. Phone 300 FOR SALE MORE BARGAINS IN ISED Never B3fore Have We Offered Siicli Tremendous Values in Used Cars. Even Other Car Dealers Are Coming to Us To Buy Used Cars To Resell At A Nioj Profit.

Better Take Immediate Advantage of This Opportunity To Get Yourself AI Good" Small Used Car And i Get- Jl TODAY. I t.ATi: FORD COUPE 35 PONTIAC "fi" COACH 90; '30 FORD "DELUXE" SEDAN S335 CHEVROLET COACH 5 SO' '28 WHIl'l'ET COACH S110 '28 CHEVROLET SPT COUPE S135 '30 FOKU 1'UUOlt SKKAN '29 FOKU SPOUT RDSTER S150 FORD STAND. COUL'E S32i FORD BUSINESS COUPE SIM 78 FOKU TUDOR- SEDAN S13S FORD TOWN SEDAN S283 '28 FORD FORDOR SEDAN S190 FORD FORDOR SEDAN' 45 DURANT 4-1)0011 SEDAN' S120 '30 -N'ABOHS Log Lhr. Tr. S2C5 '30 FORD TON TRUCK 5285 lAUPA LOU BPOQKMAN cvrsv M.niimi:.

1) K' 1 1 tit inri-1 I llf ulilrtt AI.AX rilllSllV ri-ni (nun far uml diilr iln Hif KfrJ miniati llr lirr J.AMil.KY. iirjiiiaruln Tun liilrr lirr OUR BOARDING HOUSE iln-lt Mill III till' Fl.i CD ri 'i 1:1 CII.M'TI-:it VII an Instant 1 ul idem. Then linen. "Why, i.cii" slip duelled lusul ullilt wins intended to'iu nniveil aside In lei liei pusa. Hiit in" illi! nut mine.

"Alan!" shu cried. "Where are you down at the suit case Cros'oy was carrying not leaving, aie yon?" Crosby nodded. to a pljiCL- far.hcr siM cnrlly. He Ir.slai:;. "Wltal nifdii to sal- is IMS jus! I'iil Vou feet rn.v about it loo, don't jisjp" Wliafll, Ol.vloiisly J.

Ei and sctaolprl waiter was boslde them. it he shook her thought ol (find was tin "Ham sandwich r.utl (Crosby ordeccd but wjit-n set before him 1: usicd Tbtt waiter Other Bargains To Select From. Convenient Terms, it' desired. Come in TODAY or Phone 811, 810, 777. PHILLIPS MOTOR COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealers FOR Chicks, All varieties.

Custom hatching solicited. Marilvn Hatchery, Blytievlllc. 20-CK-TF FOR third shares First National Bank stock nl 25 or will buy limited amount at same. E. B.

Lyman, Phone 21. 10c-kl3 FOR dry ccok wood, Buclianan Coal Phone 107. 11P-CN FOB Light Brnrmtna CJiickens. T. M.

Ricli- Route 2, Box 31. 11P-K14 ycu'd be inieresieri." She ovei looked tho (he words L'aiue witii an inciilierent rush. there's I want, to to you atiijut. 1 mean I paid labt Vou'll beiiovo thai, won't yuu?" The yon us rnan frowned gluncin" orcr one shoulder. K1 do you waul to do?" 1 1 "HrciadcastV sorry hnl I've to go--" I j.

can't: You've sot near nbat 1 want to tell svcro "I've qnt to no. Gypsy." Croilii (j ros iij. 00 kcd repeaud tm; iiently. He put uaiiri on tin- dunrkiinh. uirued i and crnssed the threshold.

Tlie cirl-caiiKht bis arm. "Not! yet!" she cried. "Ou. Alan! I Please let me tall: In you. Please I wail! for live minutes ii you're In a hurry, l-et'a go some- wh'Te where we can be They were Both the hous? now.

standing nt thu lot' of the Ilight of slor.e steps Crn3- Dy reached bock and closed the door heliind ihem. Where cuff HP." Worl; NLY a Eclf-ccnlorcd youns man, to bo on hlB way. would bavo 'failed to note tho misted eye-lashes, the Btnllo. Gypsy ehooli her head, 3ho Bald. "Uou'l wall, I'm not bonio tor a while." tiroshy had picked up llio suit "Sec you later llien.

(live yeu la ring sonic nlglit!" -nil "in I'k'e be-n inl'icvii- A iialn lljte-Vft-liiiirV Sh'o wnldictl his l.acl. uir-i" rvnsv cx'cni-c-il "Am Was It all riltilit-l wlic dis-'ipneriicd throiisli tho rt.ior. moan' nil I said fei Was she renlly hearing these a arose and 1 dou'l what ll3 the I i Balked out of the store. One or two me. -1 eyrtled.

tf.ce had bccccc Say you'll rio I clo'idy thlnES will ha the way t'uoy I "Wiiuc arc' you I re- IS, spcal: with anitiirilion The ulrl tried lo iilay the part. "Of course. Alan. I know It was Just kid stuff." lid food "Yes, but we had grcr.t limes "barely; I'll'. I've to woii; now haiJ.

Tiir.t's one reason I'm awjiy ftoui Mrs ME TJUs-r AM ABOUT -fa BE SUEP BV AMP OR ALO.Vifi he: Tivotity-thlrd Street. I ve 1 ro-rn cvc-r Ihero that Isn't msn'h bill it do. HnvliiB In Miovv Jroin the Cio l.y. tlms lannclitd on a cmi vein, continued: "Mrs. solus to introduce Die to' who can FOB SAT.E—Alfalfa and timothy hay in car Icart lots or less.

W. H. Werner. Canalou, Mo. 27P-K13 Used Car Bargains I Ponliac 2 Door Sedan, 1929, Looks new 5305.

riyinoulh 4 Sedan, 1W3 Low mik-age 50 1 Plymouth Coupe, 1D29, a good buy S175 1 Clin-slcr 70 Couch, a good one S250 See Them Now Leo Motor riulit. Wiiere cai. v.e nT" I haven't not much Tiiere nne cisoke "The corner drug rturc." inlrl bun. "We'll £01 In tbo corner." though another scene. "Forget It!" he said stiftly.

"It was ray fault loo. Just don't think about it any more." Tho IraRic look faded. Cyiisy was smiling. "Then everything's all rlsht I a lot nt who can luip mc- aijain?" slio asked hopefully. have InRiier.ce.

Tlist's Tlie young inriii ngrced. Tiicrc wao Ym sinn that should linva ivoitiui! ot trouhlcs ahead. 1 Crosby toyed with the liandh: his'coffee cup. A moment 1 lie looked up.nrxl y'M I'll have to us alonR ol iian.iC'In.-the iiun lie tsi'd. somsliiing I've bec-n moanlnK lalk to you about.

We. nsfcd to to get nliond in Kaw ELjo's been great to mo. SiiLiraliy yon cnn cee how rli Ir.r; nlslii! Rut d'jn't worry I'm to see lier lij-: die (iypsy c.vild rndui'O I lie iiala. ir.c about her." she said. shade of embarrassn'i ot her cnrinnsly.

nclthcr.i,i.-i irft nor out 'jitc 1 Hie slvuct liuirnd toward tbc imnuint; hijuso lo-jk tlie opposite illrec- ttpn. ll until she was cold, until iiiio found herself IJorlico-J whcro she had never licen before. A policeman navn nor directions and she look the subway BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES GOOD FOR TIPPY! By MartiL 1 KTKN In llrnos past she and Alan had slouneti at this drug More for a hasty supper or Sate ijefcre 1 went away, didn lunch They reached Ihu place i Touk ourseivcs rreily serinufly and Dcyond iho luncb then. Tiioiiirht we were giown counter and flass Hlled Lord you remember boo Ilirec iiack the two built-in (Jrand (1:11, only booih3 with ticnches on encb-sidi3 u( narrow laules. The corner with assorted wares were small tables.

t'urlher used to artao over every toi.ic under sun? Oil, it was tuis FOE and shrubbery. Reasonable. Will plant and guarantee to grow. W. S.

Lanedoii, Highway 61. 27C-11 FOR never teen used. Less than, hall price. E. G.

Hankins, 123 Missouri GC-K13 I nootb. toward wbicb dypsy led the I way. was enclosed and partly con cealcd from view. Tiie girl sat down acd Croiby pushed into the seat opposite. "Well," ho said, "ivhnt Is II that's on your mind?" His tone was cool, composed.

Gypsy's dark eyes sought the man's. Her- face was colorless es- ccpl for Ihe red lips which struggled to keep trembling. "I want to tell you I'm sorry aljoirt wiiat last night." liefore Crosby could reply a FOli household fuim ture and effects. Must be sold at once. Bargain if you need them.

319 E. Kentucky. P-K-H FOR SALE Late '20 Model Ford. Standard Ccupe, liody Like New. Will Trade lit Your or 29 Model Roadster or Phaeton Company.

Body. Phillips Motor It scons crazy now 1 mean lo siy. course, is. it was just hid stuff a sketch of her. It you only knew School boy and f.ciiool ski affair.

ncr, Uypsy. you'd understand how aLout it Leo. i she is." love with 1 it 1 he "She's cvc-ryrSiius and I haven't Vou feel dnri't yes It r.3 war.lcrl her ti oE iicr. She crept up to her room silently. afraid someone would bti.p her tn the hall.

Luck nilli her aril fahc reached life lltlle foiulli Huur ioum ijiiei rnntitm. and tot i Ho I'ctl out tlie sky was yrayins with tl.i\Hi livfoic she linally Licr eyes at she siined sat up In tied-and nil Irust r'islil's mcmnrlra rclnrned. was souo. Uverytiilni; was. over.

Getting dressed and gtltlim lo work was nn onleal. Somehow livpsy did both. Stic hail never realized how much she bated the Mac. Naniara Co office, bow inucu the bntcd pounding a U'oewrller. At 11 o'clock Lllinlic-ili 'I'Mille came hur.llins up lo Gypsy's dcslt.

"Miss Mclirlde." tbo said. "I'm onp 1 got UIE yon were ciudcsa with tin si I) at Thomas's. I'm" gains tc lenors yesterday-. Mr. Itcynohh disappointed.

nut two typed pages with plariim hluc r-en cllled circles. "You Eureiy cannoi espcct rae to proinnlo you on such work!" Tutlle," siic said, "1 don't cxtcct It. I'm "I'd have Uitd you hetorc." he "only didn't know just Imw yn'j'3 She's Gypsy licr two months ago in I'arls see she's interested In urL Sl.c's sot nionoy and could spend ail timi hr.viiiK a good lime, l.i.i she likes to nrl and young musicians I was sure you did she n.nst care for you. I L.oucht I'd belter mention it. You're a lltlle kid.

Gypsy, Hs smiled. "Thanks for TOIC and I like you! Gruai kid. i ol coalidence. I've too. Got a lot of new lieaux I'll to ikish Ho ai his Marry a rich one some diy ar.d wn'rli.

"Twenly Tninutcs al forb'ct all about Hi2 Aro you coins up the young artisl you used to "U'Jt, my youns woaian, you Ejj'lisy lialf-way lo tho door. 'No?" she lurnlng. "Who's dns to stop TiicV And thcu the dcor shut sitb a bans. (To lit FOR flat and unfurnished house on Ht-arn St. Phone 678.

OC-TF FOR room furnished rat, garage and ccal house. Call G18-W. i LOST AND FOUND brown Ininlng bark book liurse, n.ud Ii KENT gold double rimmed in Dr. Werts case. Finder return to ien Furniture Co.

Reward. 10C-K13 FOR RENT Bedroom, private bath, close in. Phone 185J. Mrs. Belle M.

Wood. 18C-TP FOIl room on Uougan, newly decorated, hot, and cold walcr. Appiy Ike Miller, Phone BSD. 11C-TF FOR Dell, 3 room bungalow. $5.00 uci month.

4 room bungalow. £10.00 per month. LA Fowkr, Phono 450-J. JC-TF- OR rooms, modera, fine garden spot. Holly.

Phone 100. E. D. Ferguson. OC-K12 -t- KINDS OF MACHINE WORK Electric and Gas Welding done OSBROX H1.ACKSM1TH SH01 1 115 X.

Franklin SI. WANTED POULTRY WANTED Market prices paid at C. L. Bennett Co. Feed Co.

210 N. Railroad wtsi 'of courthouse, J. E. Flr.hcr, WC-TF WANTED Tamil Washings. Washed and ironed by competent white woman.

Mrs. Brown. ,704 S. Lake St. 17CK-TF POULTRY prl- ces, sny fiuanlily.

Marilyn Hatchery, 210 S. Fourth St. SC-TF One young man with retail CNpcriencc. references About S125 ptr monlh to See Mr. Euffinglon between nud' 9 1-' todav, Glcncoe Hotel.

11C-K1 1'EUSOXAI. Vavln? l)is(rl-(s 2 rhone -121 The Tax very short Books Utr.c. penalties and other costs will add. to your las. You can see tlie advantage in payinj C.



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