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Black Rock Gazette from Black Rock, New York • Page 3

Black Rock, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SPERM CANDLES. 92 By Co. List of Letters, Remaining in the Post OJUce. at Black Ruck, October 1, 1300. Black Rock, Oct.

5. Ats are on the copies issued by the country innocents. Whether the other sets of book which I have not inspected, contain scrapings, I cannot say. The copies of bills will however determine that fact. Tworeturns of scrapings were made to m.e on the large quantities of ashes scut to this market, I must therefore lave been paying 22 cents, instead of 11 cts.

fbr inspection, becauso I have ascertained of-cially, that the proportion of ashes which gie scrapings, are as 23 to 41, or 59 MOth STI. James COIflMUinCATIOHS. to the Editor of the Black Rock Gazette. In your paper of the last week, An Elector" rates Mr. Garnsey soundly, because he spoke on one side'of a question and voted on the other side.

It is my impression that I have beard a member of congress explain this if my memory serves me rightly, it is as follows, and ciculpatcs Mr. G. entirely of the charge of having given a corrupt vote. It was very evident, from the long and tedious debate, in the house, that the majority of the people of AZrial Navigation. A Mr.

Greene, near London, has constructed a machine simitar in principle, but of smaller dimensions than that proposed bv M. (Jenet at Albany. As the result of many experiments he prefers for safety ascending in a still moonlight night to a-ny otner. 1 he air is stiller and less liable to currents. A convoy of two millions of dollars had arrived at Vera Cruz from the city of Mexico, one million and a lialTol which was embarked on board the British frigate Hussar, to be transmitted to England on account of the interest LATELY'dy for worms may be obtained at the drwiL'ist store of A o.

x. Jll. 1 til. In such quantities, as tie' community may rk cent; that they vary from 4-10th of one per cent to 12 l-9th per cent at almost all Which intermediate rates I have accounted to i patrons (according to the spirit of the the copies of the bills licA'Sfr I'tviiich they were taken." As a merchant, I ijfeel mortified and degraded at having been quire, at a coniparuivelv tiMliu expence Black Rock, AViit. I -JO.

91 Vnited Si3es, repaired ers of those whose property had been sacrificed by the measures of that government from which they were claiming indemnity and although it was die of the widow and orphan to the magnanimity of that body to whom they had a right to look for protection yet from the commencement it encountered an opposition in which men of talent nnd influence were enlisted a formidable host, who under the plausible pretext of guarding the treasury, arrayed themselves against it. In this crisis, the District could boast of a representative standing boldly forward in its defence with a zeal and ability which resulted in success. We shall not attempt a contrast between Mr. Tracy and his opponent but without detracting from the one, we find suflicicnt merits in the other, to entitle him to our support. Fror; the Buffalo Journal.

A severe gale. During last week, we experienced at this place-one of the severest autumnal blows, that has been known for some time so early in the 'made such an egregious dime vet as an in- Keft'er Benj UC) Lawton Mrs Isabella Mitchell James MoCawIcv Krancts McDonald Michael MeSn ci nev James Mdlou in. iWill Marshall (L'C Nielli; T.l.v"a Potter Henry Palmer John Pran Peufk-U Henrv 11' Renvntim Kilwni Roberts Wm Rhodes A Koucli liichc) (icorire Strecu-rSimeon Scebc-r Win ti Sullivan larv Sheiik Sjcoll (ieoi Seotl Jacob Jr Slickney Jcreliiiah Nliuinwiiv Straijrt, ov VrRO.M the subscriber, a short time since, larse, 'irlpv-hparled, crop-cared, BLtTS DCCr. 'pcclar, I cannot help admitting the ingenuity Austin, Aaron E. Arnold, Samuel.

a Beldcn, Bliss, Amos Bells, Mrs l.Mlii Boilinc. Frederick bird, Mrs Win Carll. Stephen thace, Jrom-t; (micn, Dennis Jr Chapimui Thomas '2 Chamberlain John Coon (larrisoa Clark Thomas Cooper John Car John Cou'i ei. Mrs Sarah Colbtiin Joualhau L2 CriL'cr John 1) DniiiiMi John Diaper uieou Uanos Mrs Ann Carr Richard Foster John a Clatep Alfred (iraiil and beautiful simplicity of the contrivance on the Mexican loan. of the constitution and, as Mr.

Garnsey and Mr. Mc'Duffie both by their several motions, desired radical changes in the constitution, it was perhaps thought best by Mr. G. to unite all the friends of any amendment, by voting with Mr. Mc'D.

So, that in any after proceedings being had, Mr. Garnsey would only be committed foran "amendment" of the constitution of some sort. BRAHAM. Oct. 3.

Ly wuicli I was hoodwinked, (merely emitting the scrapings on the copies; but whether others have been so deceived, the copy in their The SlmbeHafadie canal in Nova Scotia, is to be 37 wide at the surface, and feet deep. The work i possession win sncw. SAID BOO, lias information invaluable to the man ufacturer, merchant and fanner, who have or may (directly or indirectly) gal in ashes but particularly to traders 'from Ohio, Michi- an, Canada, etc. who are about forming 'onncxions in this quarter. Had it not been for the fortuitous circumstance of mv ap Miiitli Caroline (I' C) pointment as an inspector (and my having personally suffered by the scraping operation) this information could not hav been obtained.

Mv tables, calculations, books, (iai iiei Co'riiclitis (O.SIiere season. 1 lie steam-boats j-uiienor and Niagara, after laving for two or three shewing these results in detail of my inspec tion and other returns, shall he submitted to days under Point Abino, were forced to To the -Editor of the Black Rock Gazette. Sir, At the last congressional election, the citizens ofBIack Rock, suppcitcd Mr. Garnsey. cordially, whilst the citizens of BuiTalo village as generally of his rivals for popular favor.

Whilst the general appropriation bill, in which nearly all the haibors on the south shore of Lake Eric, were liberally provided for whic'i Mr. G. claims credit,) was1efirc the committee, why did it not occur to the mind of Mr. Garnsey, (which was continually catting about for subjects for the benefit or the gratification of his constituents to slip in an appropriation for this harbor, or a return to port. As yet, we have heard t.oodi ichl.ivoma (hi d.

II Terhanjohn Milliard Daniel Taylor EMail 2 llen.rk Beiijtil) Taylor Adonijah Damp oi liefsey Tichenor Enos Jam- Haskins. Cyrus "i Ji.misi.ii i'lol SmiiiiIi ur Wakefield Nathan. Mof fMewns. illiam Isaac ny persons (who may have an interest in sliest bv calling at my office, as 1 have noth of no very serious damage to the Lake ing wbicn 1 wish to in my utiii.iai tninsactions. That 1 have remonstrated both vcrballv and Whitncv Benj on wiin ana a the navigation is expected to be completed by of this uyvirh.

A young man named Daniel Rash was senteuc on the nit. to be hung at Surry 0. for th, irmrder of his iincie-. Ho had previous-eloped with his aunt, who was the mother of twelve children, and who instigated him to the crime. The post master general has established a guard to accompany the mail between the city of New-York and Philadelphia V-thc person employed entered upon.the duties of his office yesterday.

On the 20 th insf. ihe day of regimental parade at Claveraclty, Columbia co. a person named Henry NicHok, was accidentally killed by the discharge of a gun by Valentine M. Stupplebeem, which he supposed to be unloaded. Hugh Gallagher was tried at Macon, Geo.

on the 1st inst. for the murder of major Morgan. The jury after three hours' deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty. He was sentenced to fee hung on the 15th ult. Jackson David S.

Jiiilson Charles A' KeHo WclU Wood Elijah Youn-7 JAS L. BARTON, shall be entitled to the thanks of J. KNIGHT. Black Rock, September 2ith, ld2C. FltksH BUTTER cf IIOXEY.

JO'DONOrciIl CO. lias just ved 200 lbs. FREESH BI'TTER, to bi. -sold forca-li only, and haviuu' been at expeiic? and trouble to procure it for the accommodation of their friends, they hope that their customers will bring in the cash when they call. The hn for mIc, a lot of new JLeleat HONEY.

Also, a few dz prs. Coarse Shoes, which ill he sold unusually low. Sep. Li c9 Proposals for Publishing, Bj subscription, a v-eel ly Religious Paper, entitles The Gospel Advocate 71; le ii to cause of impartial ruth, ns arrlnrrd in 1ie t'ectriiic o) Vir Bcstitu- tiot of all thiiti'f, irhicii (Jod hath sjokin. by the moult, of all his Ihly Proputs since ttia world began." CONDITIONS.

prnllE work will be-published by SIMON il BL RTON. at Btdlalo, Erie comity, N. Y. in weekly numbers of pajres super rural 8vo. each; the whole volume, when completed, to contain 416 together with a Title Page and Index.

It will be mailed for any post office in America, as may be directed by the i-'ib-scribei, subject to the postage. Terms: Tbe fiosrti. AjiVi Cv iT. will be afforded to subscribers, for One kdl.r and fifty Cents per volume in advance Tiro Dollars, if not paid within six mouths or Tiro Dollars and fifty Cents, if not paid within 11 mouths from the commencement of the volume, which will be 'h writing, with inspectors here and elsewhere, the wrong doings in inspection oifices, will jut be denied if so, I will cpiote particulars, being eculiarly tenacious of the point of ver- XL. Ji.

HE.NiiY. Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes. night house. The subject of a liglit house bh crait. 1 he pier constructing at Fort-land, was entirely carried away on Thursday night damage estimated at 500 dollars.

We. learn from the papers, that Mr. Clay has returned to the seat of government, and that his health is greatly improved. During his absence he has been every where received and greeted with the most friendly and cordial welcomes. In his own State, and among those who were his immediate constituents, he received the most marked attentions.

Public dinners were Contents of the U. States Literary Gazelle, fur September, Rpvieics. Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of ork Dr Warren's letter on the Dislocation of the I lip Joint Hints to nvy Country men Fourth of Julv Orations; Mr. at Boston Mr. Child's, at Boston; Mr.

Everett's, at Cambridge; Mr. Column's, at Sa'cm; and Mr. Bancroft at iorthainptoii Captain itland's narrative of the surrender of Bonaparte. Miscellany. Remarks on Pronunciation.

Letter from an Adventurer in England Italian rical Poetry Biographical Notices of Vittoria Colona, Veronica Uamhara, (Jaspara Stnnissa, ami Michel Aynolo. Original Poetry. The Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus Extract from a manuscript Drama. Critical Notices. DcuTschc-s I.csebucli fur Anfani i lieriiian Reader for Beinneis Le T'raclucteiir Eiancais or, a New and Practi him, and every manifestation of respect which a grateful people could bestow upon a faithful public officer, were profusely lavished upon bim.

Even in Virginiajie was cordially received and invited to a public entertain nZACK noes, Tiht.sday Evening, October 5. A Count ij Meeting, wis held at Uataviu, on the "-'olli nit. to take into consideration the ftrangc proceedings which took place in Bata-via village, on the 11th ult. by which William Morgan was seized and cani.jil forcibly away to C-'nancfaigna, and from thence to Hanford's Landing, near Rochester; and by which D.C. Miller, editor of the Advocate, was taken in a violent and unlawful manner to Le Hoy.

At the time these procoe jings were enacting, Mrs. Morgan, wife of the person who had been carried off, for the fute of her wis told t'iat if she would give up certain papers, left her husband, which were supposed to contain an exposition of masonrv, that she should be taken to the place where her husband and should see him. She gave up mioo of thpSHSfiwas taken to Canan-di'iin, bet did not sec her husband. The or- cal system ol translating tne trench Language on, or near, the hist ol 1 ebruarv next. No ment, at which were present many of ubstriptioii will bo received for less than ono Bird Island, was agitated in the papers at that timer This attention in Mr.

G. would have been proper it Would have been suiting the action to the word." But no something was to be done to ingratiate himself with the people of Buffalo itness the pompous manner of his announcing those appropriations to citizens of BnlTalo He was as much surprised at his success, as the people of Buffalo could possibly be his speaking unuttciablc things to grave senators his bringing thcino-vcr to vote for the bill bis sleepless nights 4)is acceptance of the dinner invite" and his partaking of the same with the avidity of a pensioner all prove his dovotedness to that village and his noglect of this. "His surprize" was probable sincere, and true. For, I have been credibly informed, that, at the time of the discussion of the bill before the committee, Mr. G.

was sick, and that the attention of Gen. M. (who was perfectly well acquainted with the topographical situation of Buffalo Creek,) was drawn to that subject and, that it is to him, and not to Mr. G. that the citizens of Buffalo, are mainly indebted for their harbor and light house appropriations.

If my information i incorrect, let some one who knows any thing a-bout it, contradict it, if they think proper. PAUL PRY. Black Rock, Oct. 3. On the Cth of February last, Mr.

Garnsey moved in the house of representatives, fur the Volume, and no paper discontinued until all arrearages urn paid, and notice en to the publisher, at lex-t one month previous to the cum Indictment trials. The Court of Oyer and Terminer says the N. York Advocate was holden in the session room of the city ball. The number of witnesses and jurymen exceeded in numbers any thing we have ever seen in that place at any previous period. There were no spectators admitted, there being no room for thnn, yet the court room outside inside and the bar was nearly filled.

We understand" that four lin nhcd persons had been served with subpiruas on the part tubes New Spanish urannnar Kest ot the nations; a poem, btlelligrncr. Hieroirly phies Egyptian Mummies; Fossil Fish; Subterranean Tree; River Navigation Telescopes; Variation of the Magnetic Needle; Poisonous Wuiuu's; Curious Relic Population Acc. of Great Britiau Vaccination: Trans. alien of Boethiu? Btiruase Idol; Intensity of Light Comets. New Publications.

i'O Wholesale Hardware Store. NO. 54, WATER STREET, Directly in fear of Pcarl-Htrut House,) Vrfk -ELI) ct WALKER, are lion receiving, the most respectable citizens of that State. Hartford Mercury. Cold Plague.

It appears by the 1 Louisiana Advertiser of the DOth Aug. that a malignant and mortal disease called by the above name, has recently appeared (though not for the first time.) in the city of New Orleans. In the Cold Plague, says the paper, the brains, lungs, liver, spleen, $'c. seem to be af ilction ot tne oluiite. Bi ffil i.

-S 90 Seats in the of gJTAGKS, which leave Black Rock for Al-Ci) baby am! Tiny, every evening, at 9 'u- tlo'K, p. m. at tiie tavern or .1 isepli cull. Seats -can also be taken ut the f'nion Line iiin of tliis terrible excitement, this kidnap-ij tills carrying olT, this taking the sceptre uf justice into the uidc hands of a mob, an unlawful assemblage at all times, is said to have Office, 1 door north of the Black Rock House. al I be iihovi.

Slnre. hv the latvttpiinl. ot the neouleto give evidence on these fected. They receive too much bloody 1. CARYL, Agent.

Sipt. 13. S9 i' ciavr and from the Package des, a well selected nssmtineiit of Goods, con 'iiisiti': and are too week in their proper action nearly every niti ill their line. As many of MEDICAL NOTICE tneir goods nave been ordercu, wiin a particular view to ti'e tsft.r,'i Aai7.if,ar.d all wilt bi indictments. Officers were stationed at the bottom of the stair-cases, and all persons, but those having immediate business were excluded.

It will be perceived frorn our report, that these trials are posponed until to-morrow morning at to R. ELL'S, lc'ive to inform 'tiic'-i sold at the reduced prices, occasioned bv the been in consequence "fa BOOK, now in progress of publication by Mr. Miller, containing an exposition of masonry. V. bother this hook if fi'lly published, would most expose the fraternity, or it" will nrt pretend to sny but the rash proceedings of one arty can in no wise be justified by any sup ltizens of Black Rock and its viein- peculiar state of ada'us in England, tliey invite ity, that I kk ae le siill coiitini'es of pliys-SurfCrr, at the buildinir, onuosite tho attention ot II extern Merchants.

NAILS of every size, constantly on bund. survey of the river Allegany fronthe city of -e dwellmir hoiK-e of Muior Donald tensor. New York, rfent. 1, 18a0. 4ws-0 posed wickedness of the other.

The proceedings of the meeting are signed CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION. We are authorized to state to the Electors of the Counties of Erie, Niagara and Chatau- WEAVERS' REEDS, ForSalebv TRACY Sc. BUSH. Black Rock, May 24. i by gentlemen of the first respocability.

The Friends of General Jackson, have bad i quo, that DANIEL G. GARNSEY, Esquire, of the County of Cbatauquo, at present a Representative in Congress, is a Candidate for reelection, at the enauinK Election. Pittsburgh to the village of arren thence, through the outlet of Chatauque Lake to that, of Casadauga for the purposo of improving those water courses so as to tender them navigable for small steamboats of CO tons burthen;" stated, that in a commercial, mercantile, ami manufacturing point of view, no object re advantageous, with so small means required to accomplish it, could transcend its usefulness. That 1U0 miles of navigation, with only 9 miles of canal or rail-way, could He returns his sincere thanks to all those who have hitherto favored him with their patronage; and tbrevidcni-es of liis ski'l in the dealing art, he would respectfully refer the bfic to Mess. H.

Dav, Jennings, H. Alley, B. Q. D. llcrrick, .1.

Xoycs, and Jie together with many of those who have favored biiii with a call. From a loin' experience in tl.e healing art, and a general knowledge ot ie diseases, which arc peculiar luis sc of the eomitry. as well to the east south, be flutters himself that be hail --till obtaiu competent share of public coiilideuco and rationale. Sept. Lit, lG.

v'- FRESH SUPPLy. J. N. REYNOLDS CO. ijrapep.s tailors, (At the old stand uf E.

D. Efncr, opposite R. W. Haskins' Bookstore, mainst.) August 21. 6G MARRIED In Canandaigua, Mr.

Thomas B. Barnum, editor of the Advciti-ser, to Miss Clarissa Atwatcr. TTAVE inst received direct from N. York, iHl their Fall and Winter Supply of Broad-Cloths, Cashncrs, and including some 'a meeting at W'aterford, to advance the ts of the General, in the congressional district now represented by J.ihn Taylor and stoutly resolved, that they would strenuously oppose the election of any man for con-jvess, should even be upectcd of adhering to tie present administration and also declared the last presidential election, an viurp-ulion. Mr.

Adams came ih? ofT.ce in the way prescribed by the cetistituti and on a allotting. It will be recollected, that Mr! came first into office, bv the vote of the hoii'e, after a long and severe to carry it off by the regular circulation. They become in a state (what physicians call) congcestion. Their proper operations become clogged or impeded. When this fcrm of the disease is very severe, the most distressing symptoms are produced.

The pulse is low and weak the mind torpid or delirious the most excruciating agonies are suffered. The blood, which is the vehicle that diffuses heat through the body, circulating with insufficient force, is not carried in due quantity to the surface and extremities of the body. Those parts in consequence become torpid and cold. The matter of perspiration passes off in a state of preternatural fluidity and its rapid evaporation often produces a coldness in the parts much greater than that of the atmosphere. If these symptoms are not soon relieved by proper treatment, the disease quickly proves fatal, or so much injury is sustained as to ultimately cause death.

Indian Outrage. A letter from Miller Court House, Arkansas Territory, dated Aug. 3d, mentions that a party of six men, who had obtained a permit from the commandant at Fort Towson to go into the Buffalo range for their health, journeyed for about two days, when they perceived a party a Osages making towards them. At first they determined to give them battle, but DIED In Cherry Valley, c-T the 25th cloths of eitra fineness and finish, and beautiful and fashionable colors. Particular atten PUBLIC ACCOlVTMCDATIOIfS On t.

British Shle of the NSAG-ARA PALLS. Tiic following appeared in the black Rock a- uon to me coimnanns oi oici customers, i lie Latest and most approved Fashions will be observed. Orders from UpperCanada, and else where, promptly attended to. Constantly on hand, for sale, Buckskin and Lambs Wool Shirts and Drawers, and a geu eral assortment of Ready Made Clotbinj. Gen.

Elij ah Holt, aged 84, of this was a native of Pomfret, Con. In AMitabula, on the 6th inst. at the hevseof the Rev. J. Hall, after seven days painful fickness, Rev.

RotiF.n Searle, A. SI. of Medina, late Rector of the Parish of St. Peter's Church, at Ashtabula. At Pontiac, Mr.

JbAn V. Netelrury, aged 30, late ot Buffalo. In Ohio, in March last, Capt. Asa P. Harris, formerly of Clarence.

At New Brunswick, Hon. William S. Pennington, Judge of the District Court of the Crated for the District of New-Jersey. -Will any numher of the haterford meeting dl Buffalo, Sept. 14.

89 POT METAL. be accomplished with "small means." This measure was one among the many ir which the honorable member thought proper to intromit to this congressional district last winter, to be gulped down, by the tthales He could not have boen serious. To improve the Allesany.a heavy and impetuous stream in the spring, and feeble and shallow in tho summer, would be fully as expensive as a canal and then the outlet of (he Chatauque, and that of the Casadauga, both would have to be The summit-level would be at Casadauga, and where in the namo of wonder, would this "second Daniel" obtain the supply of water 1 Would he get a vote to bring a feeder from the Pale-fac'd moon, On whore broad disk his hand would dare To sketch and print his resolutions there. How many a friend, NslKa careless eye Now wanders o'er the starry sky. THAMES L- BARTON, olfors for sale, for qL cash, a quantity of POT METAL, at his warehouse, Black Rock Harbor.

Sept. 1 910 NOTICE. pnHE copartnership heretofore existing un limine; tkc lutt Tiiomas Jtffnsan as an In rofference to those Jackson meetings, they wont in this state. They may sow tne seed as often ns they please, but the principal part of the soil in New York, is composed of such A-dam stiff Clay, that 'twill never come up." The convention wh'eh sat at Ftica, virtually deemed Col. present Lieut.

guilty of a darclictio- of principle, or it would not have so unceremoniously ive dropt him, without 'one note one tear of at parting with an old friend, one who was a friend in need one who was as efficient a supporter of Mr. Clinton as any in the state gjj dcr tne firm ot lryon cy Jackson, is bis day dissolved, by mutual consent. Mostuftbc notes due the said firm, have been lodged with Roger Y. Griswold, Esq. with directions to MASTER DIXON, by request, WILL ffive another CONCERT, at the Black Rock Steam Boat Hotel, THIS finding the number of Indians about 30, enforce collections alter tne lirst day ol iSov-ember next.

The unsettled accounts and notes declined the contest and all retreated Evening, Oct. 5, coir.mcnuing at 1-4 past 7 except two, who were taken prisoners, clock. payable in grain, are left in the hands of Henry 1. Reos.Esq. for immediate settlement.

The books and ctfectsol'the concern are in the pos and stripped of all their clothing except their clothing pantaloons. The Indians session of Amos S. Tryon, who is authorized took a pack mule and horse, and after 7-cite, a few weeks since and 't Invint t-cn eil received by the puU-, ft is how respectfully submiircd in the form of an advertise nieut. To the Editor of the Black Rock Gatette. the a xomiii oi'tiie public, and iff the advantage of toe owners, there are two splendid buildings on the British Side of the Niagara Fulls, kept by If m.

and JOHN BKO-' N. The site of the Hotel of Forsyth's is unequalled fur the grandeur diversity oftiic views of tliat sublime cataract, as ivull as of tiie beautiful village of Munches ter, on the American side. The enterprising host deserves the partronac oftlie He was the Hi st to commence- running a post coach line from BuffUo by way of Waterloo, (opposite Black Rock,) to the Falls, butt a down the terrific precipice, below the Falls, and was reaping a fair reward from a generous public, wlien a rival started up in J. Brown, who built a house which could uot eoriipare in any respect to tho house of For syth's. Brown's house was burnt last fall by seme accident, while occupied by asonofF's, The building was insured as I understand, for $3,000, and Foisyth's son was the greatest sutl'erer, having lott much of his Since that time.

Mr. Brown lias built an elegant huMe, vavt uparjlhe fame jijace wber. his former one stood, which would not discredit any place, on either frontier. And there is business enough for both bim and bis competitor for public, favor. But, iB onhii to pr-vent Forsyth from obtaining that shari of his exertions merit, the most ua generous, unjust, and infamous reports, have' been clandestinely circulated, throwing out insinuations, that be was privy to the burning of the house of Brown, and subsequently des troyed his harness, It is to be hoped that no lady or gentleman will be deterred from stopping at Forsyth's, on account of the base reports put in circulation, to injure an enterprizing individual who has done more to accommodate the public, than any other stage proprietor or tavern keener in Canada.

I understand' that an attempt is now making or already made, to deprive bim of the right of ferrying below the Falls, which Would smile upon that orb to meet, Those resolutions, clean and neat. Casadauga Lake being emphatically little more than a fish-pond, which, during the summer solstice, would not furnish more waiter ban a sufficiency to float a canoe, freighted with the saccharine produce of the neighboring sugar-orchards I CASA-DAUGA. to adjust and settle all unsettled business appertaining to the concern. Dated Asbtabulu 13th Sept. 182G.

AMOS S. TRYON, who opposed equally the machinations of abusing the prisoners with irom their tomahawks, turned them loose and 90 OLIV ER P. JACKSON. the magic seventeen," and the "numerous notions Of the committee of nine." let them come home, but followed to the settlement and stole some horses LONDON EOOKS, The Natchitoches paper of August MERCHANT TAILOR, TT5 AS removed his shop from bis late stand 4JLL to the new store two doors north of the Eagle Tavern, where he has just reciv'd from New York, a most elegant assortment of Jfall WlinUt dcota Comprising Super black, blue, olive, mixt Ingratitude's a Weed of every clime, It thrives quite fast, at first, but shrinks in time The pride of Day, its blighting touch goes far, 14th, mentions, on the authority of a JUST received and for sale by D. STEELE SON, Booksellers, 437 South Market street.

Select British Poets, or new elegant extracts. Frora the Lockporl Observatory. Congressional Election. We congratulate the electors of the 30th Con gentleman from Texes, that Lapt. Clark from Chaucer to the present time, witji critical re and his family, consisting of his sister gressional district on the accession of Strikes Tallmadgciovm, his party's polar star.

perssMM, were trieo found guilty and sentenced, as 6tated below, with two childen, his nephew, a Span marks, by Wm. naztctt, 1 vol. royal ii vo. A complete Concordance of the Old and New TcstanniWte, lif A. Cruden, M.

A. Life in Paris, comprising the ramble9, spree Cloths and Cassimeres, Stripe (ienoa Velvet, ish boy, and three friendly Indians, wnb jvES had encamped three leagues on this i nt the late assizes held at Ninon IT r-nsusn en VEST1NGS. amours of Dick Wildfire, Squire Jeukius, and Capt. O'Shuffleton, by David Carey, ebmellislied louatiei, vaicuua, Florentine and other side of the Brasos, on their" return to Toyeac, were attacked by a party of wnn ui colored plates, by U. Uruiksbaufc.

I if in nndnn n.ik. Way os and 1 awanka Indians, and mur tares of Bob Tallyho, Esquire, and the Hon. Tom Albert H. Tracy, as a casydidale for an election to the 20th Congress. If six years service in this responsible capacity, marked with prudence and ability in managing the interests of his constituents, and a devotion to republican principles, entitle a man to the favorable consideration of his fellow-citizens, Mr.

Tracy's claims upon the suffrages of the District, are well founded. Inexperienced in public life, at an age uasnan. The Holv Bible. Oxford ed roval 8 vo. dered.

Judge Tate, who was in company with made his escape after Lives of" Eminent Scotsmen, by the Society oi ancient acots. Blair's Sermons. 3 vols. 24 mo. receiving lour or five wounds.

The same paper states, that a party before Justice Sherwood. William Corbin, a colored man, for Horse Stealing: to be hung 25th inst. Adam Grass, for Horso Stealing; to be bung on the 25th inst. David Springstcad, for Sheep stealing' to tie hung on the 25lh inst. Jeremiah Quirk, for stealing $22, to be banished 7 years from the province.

John Weiekirk, for a Rape, fined 20 and imprisonment 3 months. of hunters had been attacked near the The Gem, or Select and entertaining Tales, 4 v. Salmagundi, by the author o( the Sketch Book. A Christian survey of all the primary events Pawnee village on Red River by a par when few are invested with offices of watt ntan lirst cnmmelififtd hv him a rut General Wlite and red flannels, Alsc, gentlemen's and ladies' Camblets. A complete assortment of first rate Trimmings; and a general assortment of Ready Made Clothing.

Likewise, Suspenders, Riding Belts, and Gloves, Buckskin Drawers and Wrappers, Clothes' Brushes, He continues the TAILORING BUSI-MESS, as usual, and every description of work, will be executed in the most fashionable and durable manner. Persons wishing to furnish their own materials, may depend upon having their work done in the same style, as if furnished by himself He will also sell any description of articles on hand, to those wbo may choose to have them made in their families or elsewhere. Buffalo, Oct. 2. 92 ty of Osage Indians, who took two of Jf bttnev.

tne worthy keener ot tlie Mutel on this side ofthe Falls, who likewise deserve a share of public furor. equal importance, Mr. Tracy took upon him the duties of a representative in Congress. The manner in which those duties were discharged pleads stronger in his favor than any encomiums we Benjamin Green, stealing to the amount of ana periods ot the world; irom tne commencement of History to the conclusion of Prophecy, by Granville Penn, Esq. Aug.

24. Just Published, and for sale, as above, The American Builder's Companion, dr a System of Architecture, illustrated with 65 copperplate engravings, by Asber Benjamin, a newedi. Rufiaua, or the Poetical Siumugs of Wm. Rufus of Charleston, S. C.

Gaston de BlondeviHe, new supply. Aug 25. Forsyth has a post coach every morning at, 1-2 past 8 tt Rattbnn's Eagle Tavem.BuiTalo, 10 shillings from a dwelling bouse, to be im JoW in tha illAAf Black prisoned till the first day of next sessions, publicly whipped 30 lashes. are able to bestow. No better test of Rock, thence crosses the river in the horse-boat Cossack, to Waterloo, U.

and after. visiting the celebrated battle grounds of Fort 9 his talents should be reauired than the the party, stripped them of their clothing, whipped them most unmercifully, and ordered them back. Secretary of Legation to England. We understand says the New-York Times) that in consequence of the resignation by John A. King, Esq.

the late incumbent pf the above office, the appointment has been conferred on William B. Lawrence, Esq. of this city, who will shortljr proceed to England to enter upon the discharge of its duties The following are the drawn numbers of TTFEEFINJS ROCHESTER FLOUR.tuis part he took where the interests of many tne, proceeds down- on tue margin oi ruenv- on one of Uie finest roads i Amertca, luid Sugars, Teas, day roe'd and sate, by oi um cuusuiuents were deeply involved the bill for the relief of the suf- Sept. il-f(90) M'KNIGHT CO. have this day ree'd, Brown and lumo Susars.

the Washington Canal Lottery, last Class 20-55-22-15-46-5S-8-1 6. The nqtorioniCol. Pluck of Philadelphia, is bqav i)D Baltimore. passes over the plaipi'Of- thtppaw, to tue Falls, ia the short space of io4ira---at a expense of only One Dollar. fpfo iiiri I.P.B Vnm tha Snrirwa.

CrandalPiCtfumbianStfellingBoolc, lerersontae Niagara Frontier. This bill, though founded in justice though Old and Young Hyson Teas, and mnR sale- at tlia Black Rock Bookstore, bv Raisins, by wholesale or retail, al re- ii! the dz. or single. Sent. 20.

90 it v. as DacKea up the earnest pray dtfxi prices. Oct. 3. 1S26.


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