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The Buffalo Daily Republic from Buffalo, New York • Page 1

Buffalo, New York
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Remarkable and Tragical Occurrence. From the Albanv Atlna. Jul C. 1 Telegraphic. Washington, July 27.

From AVa.ltiiigtou. Correspondence of the' Republic Washington, July 23. Mr. Clay, yesterday, made his concluding speech on the omnibus bill. It breathed the lje Buffalo Pailg Republic, I PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON BI E.

A. MAYNAilD. CoiLiiiina Room No. 14 Seneca? Street, first door West of the Post Office. Senate Mr.

Davis, of presented the; credentials of Thomas Ewing, to take the place Hon. 1 nomas Corwin, of Ohio. Mr. Douglass offered a resolution making the previous question when demanded by a majority of the members present, a rule of the Senate, cutting off all debates, amendments, Mr. Atchinson moved to postpone it indefinite ly, but as the resolution was not under consider ation; the motion could be entertained and the resolution lies over.

A message was then received from the House, announcing the death of one of its members, D. P. King, of Mass. House. Mr.

Rockwell, of announced the death of his colleague, D. P. King, passing a eulogy on his character. A series of resolutions offered well were agreed to, and as a further mark of re spect the Plouse adj. The intelligence of this morning, says that Graham and Crittenden, have accepted appoint ments.

Governor C. is detained by the death of his son-in-law. Louisville, July 27, Interments ending Thursday evening, were 47 of which 32 was Cholera. Boston, July 27. The Governor and Council met this afternoon, and'appointed R.

C. Wmlhrop, Senator, in the piaco oi tne rion. V. Webster. By Hit O'Reilly Line.

Cincinnati, July 26. Deaths by cholera for the last 24hodrs 30 other diseases 33. St. Louis, July 26. Interments yesterday 33, of which 10 were by cholera.

New York, July 27. The Ohio sailed to-day for Chagres with 90 cabin and 30 steerage passengers. Amongst the passengers by the Atlantic were Dr. Bethuue, G. W.

Kendall of the N. O. Picayune, Rev. Dr. Potts, M.

D'Lisle, French Minister to Mexico and New Grenada, and bearer of despatches, and A. Bullitt, formerly of the Washington Republic. Baltimore, July 27. Two very destructive fires occurred last night, one destroying the upper stories of two buildings on the east side of Baltimore street, occupied by Griffith's Carpet Wae House and an Armory, by the Junior Artillery. Loss not stated.

Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Soon after, another broke out on North Gay street, burning out a whole block. Loss estimated at $35,000, partly insured. Several persons wore hurt. Henry Needham, was killed by heat and exhaustion.

Philadelphia, July 27. By the brig William from Bahia, we learn that the barque Channing from New York, for San Francisco was burnt at sea, 200 miles southeast of Bahia. The Captain and crew took to the boats and were saved. Toronto, July 27, The Free Banking bill has passed the House of Assembly after having undergone several amend ments. It will probably pass the Legislative Council.

Cincinnati, July 27. The Board of Health report for the 24 hours ending yesterday 29 deaths, 25 of which were of cholera. Ho I era. Milwaekik, July 24. The Board of Health report one case of chol era.

Chicago, July 25. Thf Board of Health report, for the 48 hours ending on the 24th, 23 interments, of which 20 were Chopra cases. (CT Two cases of cholera have been reported at Detroit. 07 At St. Louis the cholera at last dates was on the increase- Weather hot.

Parliamentary Proceed tugs in Canada, Toronto, July 25. The Governor General has given the Royal assent to 37 acts passed during the present session, Among them were An act to encourage emi grants from Europe to the Uni ted States, to use the St. Lawrence route," and "An act to prevent the desertion of 6earien on foreign merchant ves seisin the Province." The Governor has introduced a bill to reduce the current value of Spanish and American mon ev to five shilling's. Halifax currency. Also, to establish a mint fur coining gold and silver coins.

Clothing for Every Bodv. GraniteStore I 2 Commercial St. nfffalo ISAAC WOODHAMS would announce to the publictoatn. nason hnndalarge assortment ol READY MADE V.LOTU1KO. of all descriptions, qualities and prices, which bavihg been manufactured by himself, he canrccoitmeno'asbe-ingserviceable and valuable eoodB.

His old cust otAers and the public, 'call ing at tne GRANITE STORE. junctionof Commercial and Pcarlstreets.whicbthcyvrii fail to discover in islarge.and having been puichasedin the East ern market, on the clothing aiitiiecneapertnan ever. LUS1UM WUIUi. Havlngin hisemployone ol the bestCuttersinthecitv Isaac WoodhamsisnreparedtoexecuteCustom Work, in all itsvariousbranchesiu the best stvle. and latest fash ions.

Persons furnishing their own clothcanhavetheir niadeonrensonabletcrms. Regulnrlyreccived.andfor sale. Now is the time. the GraniteStore isthe place to save money In the pur chase ol doming. He would say to nis western ins.

tomersand UKU-KB, And atsuch prices as willpreventatrip to New York Boston. Don'tforget ills atthe Granite Store, 12Com mereial street. where bargainsareto be hadintbeCIot ingLine. Buffalo, 1848. ocWUly ISAAC WOODHAMS Advantages o( Warren', Composition Roofing.

ITS protection against Fire Is not superceded by any other roof. Is perfectly water and air light; less liable to gel oul of repair than any other rnofj and more easily repaired, is a non-conductor ot electricity, inpouuoi expense, it is the cheapest roof in use, and has been proven to be very durable. We shall be pleased to exhibit samples of our roofing, whirb mar be aen on some of tne largest ana nest uunaing. in ine city, wan) who win fnvoruswithacail; and will furnish tbtai witlAhe most reliable testimonials that our roof is all taat weelalmfor Cincinnati, June aXb.1845. Wakrrn'b Composition Hoii'iNo.

which flat bjen in extensive use here for some year, past, i. regarded by us as a good protection against Gro.W. Neff, President Fireinan'sfnsursnceComriany John Young, PresldeulCincinn.ti Insurancepjmpany. B. Uiner, Agent Delaware Mutual Safely Insurance John'lv'.

Hartwell, Agent Lexington Insuranee Com- PZkc a cop'eleo. President Branch Ohio Mot.aI.I JoseDh K. Smith, Secretary Equitable InsuiaooeCo. nubbins. General Agent Protection lusurantt Samuel'-1.

Mack, Agent Protection Insurant. Company for Cincinnati. Eden B. Reeder, President City Insurance Company, Cincinnati. John Burgovne, Agent Columbus Insurance Company.

Cthc corner of Carroll and Chicago streets. Office hours from to III A.M., anil 3 to M. WARREN BROTHER, Jyll corner Carroll and Chicago streets. FAMILY GROCERIES-ConsisihifoHugai. of every variety, Rio, Lagi.ira.and Java Coffee, tin Gun Powder, Hyson, Young Hyson, HysonSkin Porto Ricoana On Thursday morning a young genteel and intelligent looking lady arrived from the west in the early train and took a room at the Delavan House, and as is usuSl, retired to repose.

Dur ing the day one of the chamber-maids, in going rouua to place the rooms in order, lound this one, although it was afternoon, still fastened on the inside, as this was no uncommon occur reuce nothing was thought of it. Yesteiday, nowever, in going to the room again, the chain ber-maid found the door yet fastened. On in quiry nothing had been seen of the occupant since sne naa retired to her room. Un trying portions of a lady's wearing apparel could be seen through the key-hole, and it was resolved to force the door. This was done, and on entering, the occupant was found in a partially sitting posture in bed, reclining against the head board and wall.

ner ejes set and glassy, and dead nd cold. How long she had been dead of course could not be known. Information was immediately sent to Coroner mower, and a Jury lmpannelled, whose investi gations were concluded this afternoon. It was as certained that unfornunate lady, soon after her arrival on Thursday morning, had" sent one of the boys at the hotel for some chloroform, which he had purchased at Mr. Burton's drug store, and had taken to her, and a port of which was found in me viai lymff on the bed beside her.

Some of lavender, and sulphate of morphine were also found in the room. It was ascertained by letters and papers in her Hunk, that her name was Marffrct Ann Thornton and mat her family reside near 1 hornten's Ferry, New Hampshire. It also appeared that she had for the two last Years been Principal in the Jack son Female Academy, at Jackson, Mississippi. a. strong fetter of recommendation was lound signed by Charles G.

Athertonaud Franklin Pear. formerly U. Senators from New Hampshire, in wmcn it was stated that her great grand-lather was Mathew Thornton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and her father's brother was formerly an officer in the Treas-ry Department, and then Charge des Affaires to i ma. -m She was well supplied with clothino- and money had two or three valuable books in her irunk, and was evidently on her way to visit her family and relatives in Nw Hampshire, on whom the news of this sad catastrophe will fall with crushing severity. Her remains will be deposited a vault by Coroner Urower, so that her rela tives may remove them, if they desire to do so ine verdict I the coroner lurv has not vet transpired, and until then we forbear to give an opinion whether the case is one of suicide or otherwise.

I wo opinions were expressed this morning: one that it was a case of suicide bv taking morphine and laudanum, and then chloro form to deaden the sensations. I he other was that the deceased had taken some medicine' which had operated powerfully and caused great pain, to allay which she had taken an over dose of chloroform, which had caused her death. The iurv on Saturdav returned as their verdict. that Miits Thornton came to her death by some corrosive BUbstance introduced into the stomach, causing inflammation and perforation of the sto mach. DZT Stone, the celebrated paste man, has for some mornings past been holding forth at the lib erty pole on the excellencies of his restorer of broken china to a sound and healthv state.

"Only 10 cents for a roll, who will buv?" Accident or the Erie Railroad. About thirty miles West of Piermont, the up train of cars on the Erie Railroad last evening, came in collision with three cows, which had strayed upon ihe track. One of them was lying down, and was cut in two by the cow catcher the others were also killed instantly, but the engine and one of the cars were thrown off Ihe track, the car being broken up. No one was hurt, but the ac cident caused a delay of about four hours. The train which should have reached Narrowsburg at ten minutes to one o'ciock tnis morning, did not arrive until about five o'clock and the down train, due at Narrowsburg at half-past two this morning, did not arrive there until six o'clock.

JVeto York Com. Adv. My 25. Parker vs. Hoyt.

This important case, which has occupied the attention of the United States District Court in this city for fourteen days, was decided last evening in the defendant's favor. The question involved, was the right to a patent water-wneen, wnicn tne piaintitt claimed the defendant was infringing. Mr. Hovt is a resident Aurora, Kane county, in this State. Chicago uemocrai, Jtay zo.

Lady Firemen. Madame Otto and Mary Taylor, have been elected Honorary Members of the Empire Engine Company, New Tork, whose recherchue establishment is in Murray street. Both these ladies have proved good friends of the Department. We'll run with that machine." Albany Knickerbocker. UlSHOF'S BOSTON STOKE, aiJH Main s-i-etT.

TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AlfD THE PUBLIC GENERALLY: SUBSCRIBER, having inaile several altera- nuns iii ins siure, una newly nueu 11 up lur me Summer Campaign, would inform his old customers, and others, whotnay wish to purchase goods which can he warranted, tuat ne nas just opened a NliW STOCK OF 1RY GOODS, which, notwitltslandinathe great advance in prices at me east, uewiuuc enamel to oner nis customers, ai LastSkasun'sLOW prices. Amonghisslock maybe found the following: SILKS -BaraeedeLaines. fa new article.) -KIUUUIK9, isonnets.Mowers. foulard sua; shawls, Hosiery; Linens. BLACK ITALIAN SILK, andagen-eral assortment of Staple Good, tsf rlavinirinadearransemcntsin New York for a couslantsiipplyof goods from Importers and Manufactu-turere, he wiIlguaranteeeveryarticleatNew York prices.

t7" Do not forgetthe No. (506) Mam-street. apUdtf WM.B. BISHOP. IIKY GOODS.

AT2WMAIN STREET. THE UNDERSIGN El) would rcsiectfnlly invite attention to hisnresent stock of Drv Goods, which are all entirely new.and which has been selected with more thiiu usual care, and isco'nplctc with every article in the line lor city and country trade. ilKLCO UUUU. Scotch pl'd Ginghams, Silk Tissues nnd Muslins, fiain do do Charabrays, do and printed lawns, do do do Laines do do do de Barases Bl'k grosde Khenesilk, do Mallcon do do Lustre, do Bombazines, dn Alpacca lustre, Prlt'd Mull a la Suisse, Bl'k and col'dGrenedines Harage de Laine. Corn col'd de Laine, (lavo- vorue coior.) Chnmeleon Baratrcs, With a line assortment of Bonnett materials of every styieana quality.

Crapes, Embroidery, Lace Hosiery, Gloves, and a assortment of Haberdeshery Goods, N.B. Alexander's on hand. apd M. COMPTON. SOMETHING NEW IN BUFFALO.

BLdfiCDE POHCELAWE. THE subscriherwould call attention to thissuperior, and newly discovered Paint, for Steamboat Cabins, Parlors, Stores and Offices. It possesses manyadvantages over the ordinary method of a few of which are its extreme beauty and perfect whiteness, its durabiiiu, as it does not become discolored by age, as isthe case with the best while leatTpaint, and it dries almost instantaneously; it requires but littlecleaning, as from its fine por-celame polish thedust does not adhere to it. I have finished several parlors and rooms with it. and bave also some specimensatmysliop, alNo.

15 Webster Block, lately occupied by he Millers. mayl51f H. O. WHITE 1850. OLD GAIEN'S LOCK DISPENSARY, NO.

24, COMMERCIAL STREET, UP STAIRS, 3 looraabove the Merchants Hotel, near the Line Boat Dock. Dr. Lake' eld ttaud, Buffalo. Unparalleled success in curing private diseases, by DoctorN. D.SHERMAN.

His practice in these branches is well known, as the most extensive, resectable, and successful; and isthe OLDEST OFFICE OF THE KIND IN WESTERN NEW YORK. No Mercury used, and a safe, sure and speedy cure warranted, without extortionary charges. AN IREWB' PAIN KILLING AGENT, 1 bis celebrated article is lor sale in Is nnd -is bottles, by O. H. Main jyia undi.r Phelps' House.

PHE LORGNETTE, or Studiesof the Town, uy au ueia uoer. or saie at BURKE'S Cheap Bookstore, under Mansion House. JyJ THE CHILDREN OF LOVE, By Eugene one of ttw mosi powerfully written romances ol the day. Price For sale at BURKE CHEAP BOOKSTORE. jy) Undsr the Mannou iloun frindpai AgencwS Sttcit.

Guarantee capital fiioo.ou.. whn pantm a.d invested ibiiie ouhlie ih. Siatesandoi'ihcaiaie of Mew York. Tii companr makes lusurance ou lite live of and every ineurance appertain tne tbeiio. or cosuud

i.d risks and graiita, aud purchase annuities. Parties insuring upon the mutual plan, participate in th nrnim all the business transacted by toe Company, in wnlcb c.ise, eighty per or four-filtbs, is carried to the credit of the assured, and becomes, payable in addition to tbe sum insured, at death. Tables are prepared fori bow who preier 10 insure at very tow rates, witnom participating in the profits. California risks taken. DIRttCTOKS.

rreaenck Sheldon, Luther -radish. Jus i ah Rich, James uyriam, James Marsh, Thomas O. Uoremua Isaac T. Storm, James S.Polheinus, Charles M. (Jonnolly, B.

V. Wheelwright, Wilson O. lluiiL, D.H.Arnold, John L.Luqueer, John J.Cisco. Charles K. Bill, Edward 8.

Clark, F. C. Van dchaiek, Isaac N. Phelps, Francis T. Luqueer, B.

Wtnthrop, JohnJ.Piielps, Wm. T. Wii ute more. C. Carman, Gerard Stuyvesant.

1 Clinton Gilbert, S.B Altbause. Wiisbington R. Vermilye, Jacob Harson, Eli aha aa William TucKer. FREDERICK SHELDON, President. J.

Eadib, Secretary. Dr. N. H.Warn-R, Medical Examiner, over IheP.O. D.tX.

JV1 HEiO 1 Ag't, No. H. Seneca Hutfalo. FIRE AND A KINK btcuTtdby U. S.

Stock, Ctk, and Bonds, and Mortgage. MUTUAL lftdUK of buualo, continue to insure buildings aud property of every description against lose or damage by 'ire, and also Marine risks. Vessels, Cargoes, Freight, at the lowest rates of insurance. The whole net proriis of this company are divided annually amongst the parties etfectiua Insurance with it. tbe company naWng a net earned capital eU gtemred of over ft I No part of the profits tto towards tne Pnymeol of the interest upon any guarantee capital, as is tbe Case with other Mutual Insurance Companies in Lhiscitv.

thereby ottering lo the insured much greater inducements than any other Mutual Insurance Company can do. Tins Company has been in operation seven years and has declared dividend-to tbe parties insuring with to an average of (4-4) forty-two per cent, each year. trustees. Dean Richmond. John L.

Kimberlv.Rafui C. Palmer. Jas.C. Evans, A.R.Cobb, Gams B. Rich, John 1' leehurty, P.

Parsons, U. M. Kinne, 1 Win. T. Miller, 8.

S. Jewett, C. Hitchcock, Sidney Shepurd. O. Bugbee, Walter Joy, E.G.

Span Id i jig, P. Durlee, J. D. ghepard, S. Howell, Richard Jason Parker, Ambrose P.

Yaw, G. T. Williams, Wm. O. Brown.

tiAi mcHMUftD, President. JAS. C. EVANS, V.Presideut. o.

LEE GO'S BANK, Treasurer. A. A.Eustaphieve, Secretary, office, No. II, Merchants' Exchange. Capt.

E. P. Dorr, Marine Inspector. mriS-ly CTATJ-MENT OP THE AMERICAN 1MU1UAL LIFE liNrfURANCJS COMPANY. Of New Haven Connecticut.

JaKC.1T 1, 18M. HORTOAOES. Amount of Mortgages upon improved real estate in tne city oi new Haven. stocks. 400 shares of Capital Stock of the Bristol (Ct) ManutaciuntiK company 10.000 00 120 Share, ol tbe Capital Stock of tbe New Haven and Aurinauiptun company.

7.300 DO 49 Siiaies of the Capital Stock oi the Connec ticut River Steamboat Com pan v. 8.300 00 14 Shares of the Capital Stock of the City itaii- oirtew naven, uunoecucut BONDS. 8 Bonds of tbe New York and Erie Railroad Company, brut uoorisaKe. 8.000 00 5 bonds ot the New York and Erie Railroad Company, second morufaee 4.000 00 6 Bonds ot the New York and New Haven Railroad Company 8.000 00 i Bond ol tbe City ot New Haven 600 00 1 Bond of tbe Housatoutc Railroad Company 09 Sluu.utMl 00 I hereby certify that the above statement is correct. (Signed,) b.

SILLIMAN 1448 Folic ii in force against the Company January 1, 1H5U. Amount of risks on do. 04,584,500 01 Amount uue the Treasurer 3.000 00 Amount ot Losses not matured and 8,500 00 Amount of Premiums received iu itt49 46,140 44 Amount of interest received, not includinf interest received on Caoilal 1.049 17 Losses incurred in lU.fcOO 00 AmouutofLos-espaidin 1819 18,300 Ot Amount of Available Funds on hand, and not included as Capital 10.060 Of Dividend for 1S49 not yet declared. ii.nukjsb, neeraary. CERTIFICATlfoF AUTHORITY.

Stats op New York. Comptroller's Omc I Albany, February 3d, I860. Satisfactory evidence bavins been lurnished to tne. thai A mas Mason, of Buffalo, Erie county, bas been du ly appointed an Agent oi i ne American, jmmaimu iaj -suranct Company, being an Insurance Company incorporated by the Siateofcounecticui, and whereas it ap-oears iroiii i'ie Statement ot said Company, maoe lorn' on oaib, ano tiled in this office on thesecoodday of February, ledu, that tbe said Company is possesstd of the amount of actual capital, unimpaired, which is required by the seventh section of an act entitled -An Act to provide for the incorporation of Insurance Companies," nassed Aoril linh. lo49.

Now. therefore, iu pursuance of the provisions of tbe acVaforesaid, 1, Washington Hunt, Comptroller of the State ol New York, do hereby cprtifv. that the said Amasa Ma soft, is authorized as an Agent lor tbe said American Mutual Life Insurance Company to transact tbe business of Life Insurance intbo coun'y alore-aid, so far lob as he may be legally em- pOWereU tiy III- iCiiei ui -ipuiuuucui, ou wo lumuu- Lions which may be given to bim by tbe said Company. In -witness wnereoi, i nave oereuniosuDscnoeo my L.s.l name, and caused the seal of my office lobe afflx- -A ami iiddv firal nrmva nrrittan W. HUNT, Comptroller.

The rateaand terms of Life Insurance will be mads knowa on application to Office, No. 6, Merchant's Exchange. Dr.F. H. Hamiltom, Medical Examiner- uiriitf ITIJAL ANl JOINT STOCK LIFE INSURANCE.

HART JrORD LIFE It Ui-ALTa INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash Capital, This Couifany having a perpetual charter, with a large cash capital, all paid in, and judiciously and profitably invested, are enabled to otier advantages to all tbose desiring Lipb Insurance, lupertor to those presented by any other company in the United States. Pamphlets containing all desirable information ontno subject will be furnished atthe office oi the agency, gra- l' California Risks taken on liberal terms. OPTIC EES. JAMES DIXON, President.

WM. T. HOOKER, V. President. H.L.MILLER, Secretary.

BRYANT Bli WELL, M.D.,Med.Eim'r. RKPERENCIS. Hon. N.K. Hall.

Hon. A. H.Tracey, Messrs. White Williams. John T.

Noyo, A. M. C. Smith, Jason Sexton, Esq. ENS WORTH CHADWICK.

Agents, ap 1 3 No. 0, Spaulding's Exchange. UM'I KI) STATES LIFE INSURANCE in is Company atthe usual rates. For list of Officers, fcc, see advertisement nn.ha.niiimnofthisnaner. Buffalo Asencv.

No. 8 Seneca stre I. aplU B. A. MANCHESTER, Agent.

CITY 1NURANCE-Tbe Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company, of Erie county, offer to lnsur afecitypropenyontberoostfavorableterms. This Company has insured this month property to tbe OffiSfi, ABINET AND CHAIR lUANUFi- CTO-yj undersigned bave been engaged during past winter in the manufacture of the largest and be, assortment of Cabinet ware ever ottered for sale intb.i city, consisting of the choicest styles of Rose-wood, Ma-faogony and other furniture. BLAIR'S PATENT- SOFA BEDSTEAD, We will continue to manufacture it beintbe cbeflpest and best invention ever patented lor a piece oi furniture. FOWLER'S PATENT IRON FASTENING, Bedsteads witn this valuable improvement, at whola lB SPRING BEDS AND HAIR MATTRESSES of the very best material, made to order. N.

B. in tbe rearof our ware rooms, and fronting on Washington streel, we have in constant operation steam Engine, with every description of machinery to facilitate manufacturing. Connected with ibis is Jobbing shop, where all kinds of Planing, Sawing, Turn- ins, will be done at the shortest notice, and a trea sonable Every description of stock used in the manufacture of Cabinet ware; also Chair stuff of ail kinds, constantly on hand and for sale. HERSEE At TIMMERMAN, my4tag3. 87 Main-st OCEAN HOUSE NO 2, MAIN ST.

AND THE DOCK. Tbe undersigned woold re pectfully inform his friends and tbe publie that be has Dttea up the above place id an eisgam wbswiw diousstyle, where be will keep on band tbe eboiceel of WINES, LIQUOR9.Sl-.GARS, c.Tand bopes by constant attention to tbe wishes ol tbose who may favor bim, to merit a share of public my 3d if H. A. STRICKLAND. WHEEL BARROW FACTORY The Subscriber has stall times on band an extensive supply of stone, coal, and dirt Barrows, for sale on the most reasonable terms, at hit Main and Chip- GERRET PETERS.

pawa Streets, Buffalo. nan DIAMOND KINGS-stngie atone and Cluster Diamond Fineer Jusi from New Tnrk, at jvtfi rinucsX jtwetry store, in nun s. DOCTOR TAYLOR'S BALSAM JO' LIVERWORT For sale by CLAKH. VOUUUT, WimaiBR-. JyM was of MONDAY MORNING, JULY 29.

1850. OTSEE FOURTH PAGE. Henry Clay. It is said that Henri Clay, the great Kentuc ky Senator, has made his last and, probably, his grandest effort in favor of his omnibus bill. It is spoken of, on all sides, as even by that statesman in his palmiest days.

To use a common phrase, he "laid himself out," in a man ner which excited the applause of tho galleries several times. (. There is certainly a nobleness and daring a-bout Mr. Clay that, differ with him as we may politically, excites our admiration, and our regret, too, that he will probably soon vacate his seat in that honorable body. There is no man within the ranks of the whig party so capable as a lead er, certainly none so bold and so eloquent in the defence of their doctrines.

Far in the sear and yellow leaf, he yet exhibits herculean powers that but few constitutions, even in meridian life, could endure. He has long been the idol of a large portion of his party, and lie has ever reciprocated that attachment by the warmest devotion. Disagreeing with him politically, we cannot refrain from honoring the man as an American statesman. A round about Compliuent. The way folks.

in high quarters, amongst British authorities, take to speak their thanks for a mere every day courtesy is rather amusing. Not that we object to the course pursued, for we well know that there are various articles, such as wine, porter and brandy, which intoxicate the more the longer the voyage they take. We hope, then, that our sober city Fathers will not be blushingly overcome by this far-fetched compliment, but be prepared to acknowledge it through the same channel. It will be remembered that Lord Elgin and suite, a few weeks since, took a voyage on the "raging ca- nawl" called the Welland, and that, prompted by a laudable curiosity to see what sort of a critter was this Uncle Sam, to which Miss Canada proposes annexation, the party determined to push on to Buffalo. The winds, waves, and other minor matters being unpropitious.

His Lordship failed in the accomplishment of his cherished desire, but a great part of his tail (we beg pardon suite,) arrived here and received the usual hospitalities of bed and board, together with toasts and speechifications and high wrought sentiments. They went home and reported to Lord E. the good treatment they got, and he reported it to Earl Grey, in London, and Lord Grey in London thereupon reported the thanks of Lord E. to the American Minister, and the American Minister reported to the President of the United Stales, and the President of the United States reported it to the Mayor of Buffalo, and the Mayor of Buffalo reported to the Buffalo newepapapers and the Buffalo newspapers have given the fact to the citizens generally that Lord Elgin feels grateful for the compliment intended to be paid him. Garabaldi.

The report that Garabaldi, the Italian hero, had arrived at Quarnatine, New York, turns out to be untrue. The vessel, however, in which he sailed is over due and may be soon expected. Not alone his Italian friends, but the citizens generally, of New Y'ork intend to give him a reception worthy of his great patriotism and exalted devotion to the principles of human liberty. Active, indefatigable, courageous, he was among the very first to take up arms against the tyranny of Austria, and never laid them down until the last ray of hope had expired. With what a sad heart he must have left his native land! How her ancient glory and present degradation must have crowded on his.

mind! There, in those mountains of the Appenines, amid the grandeur of unsubdued nature, driven from that sunny land of the vine and crumbling monuments, must he, indeed, have fell the full spirit of freedom. Buthe comes to our shores from the sun-burnt shores of Morocco now, where he has lived for some lime past. He is to be placed, through his friends, in command of a packet ship and hereafter follow the peaceful pursuit of commerce, to continue in jt unless, perchance his country should again require his aid. The United States Senate. Maine.

The legislature of Maine on Thrsday, re-elected Hannibal Hamlin to the Senate of the United States. In the House of Representatives he had seventy-seven votes, one mure than is necessary to a choice. In the Senate, on the fourth balloting, he received fifteen votes, the exact number necessary to a choice. Air. Hamlin's re-election has been vehemently opposed by the hunker fac- tion.

Iu the face of this opposition he made a speech, in which he maintained the free soil ground, with great zeal and boldness. It was an able speech, too, which made the act more unpardonable, 0A short time since, Dr. H. D. Spencer, of Triangle, Broom county, cut from the side of a young lady of that place, a large sewing needle, about two inches in length.

The needle is supposed to be ono which she had swallowed some years before, and had worked its way out near the region of the heart, causing severe pain in its course, until it get external to the ribs, when it was discovered and extracted. Hon. T. F. Frelinghuysen was installed President of the Rutger's N.

Y. College, on the 22d inst. It is rumored that Mr. Bates will decline nomination for Secretary of the Interior, on account of private affairs. Heat The Duily Commercial at Cincinnati, July 2Gth, says: "This the hottest season, so far, ever known in litis latlitude.

IDMr. Paine is called by one of the papers, having occasion to speak of his new and brilliant invention, "the gentleman who has discovered the process by which you may light the pipe at a pump." What a queer idea! Murder at SeX Two persons were taken into custody by the U. S. Marshal, at N. Y.

on Thursday, one for causing the death of a child aged six years, on its passage to this country, and the other for an alleged larceny at sea. PresbttkriaK Church. The Rer. Hiram Eddv, who has occupied the desk of this thriving church in our village, with so much credit lo him Belf and profit to the church, has accented a call from the Firs'. Presb, terian church at Ellicottville iu the adjoining county of Cattaraugus.

i We are informed that the desk which was made vacant by his resignation, will be filled by 7 Fj.i.v who has Doen lanortnir lor suiue time past at Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Spring- mM spirit of "Zimmerman on Solitude" and "Her-vey's Meditations." His mind was filled with lugubrious reflections, that seemed to be an elon gation of his despair when the deposites were re moved; when Mr. Webster violated the Sabbath iu a speech at Baltimore, and declared the coun try in the midst of a revolution bloodless as yet; when Mr. Clay and a whole band of bank ora tors, for month's preached panic and ruin, when by their inflammatory declamation a committee of ten thousand was sent from New York to over come and intimidate Gen. Jackson, and when, finally, through their fanatical appeals, a person was rendered insane who attempted to shoot the old Hero, who had the firmness to resist all efforts lo foist upon the country amonted aristocracy.

It has been the favorite policy of federalism. since the days of Hamilton, to preach ruin and distress in order to extort legislation for some spe cies of aristocracy It is the basis of federalism that the people must be ruled through fear, and when ever any man rises in the councils of the natiou and represents this country in a slate of distress and civil commotion, especially in a time of profound peace and in a time of general prosperity, we can safely conclude that he has all the raw material, in his composition, necessary to make a federalist of the U. S. Bank and Hamilton school. The Casses and Dickinsons, Webstkks and Clays of the Senate, for the past seven months.

have represented the country to be in a drowning condition, which they alone were able to fish up by the locks. Mr. Clay, yesterday, even went farther than the redoubtable Senator Footk, who named a day on which, in the twinkling of an eye, this Union was to be dissolved. Mr. Clay declared that it was 'absolutely necessary, to pass his compro mise scheme, to re-unite the Union.

The announcement, that the Union is actually dissolved. does not seem to have any serious effect upon stocks or upon the people engaged in their ordinary avocations of life. The people well know that the announcement of distress, is but the trick of old politicians of the raw-head-and-bloody-bones-school. The people will naturally enquire of the advocates of the compromise, what calamity has befallen the country that musi be alleviated? It is true the people of California and New Mexico, have met in conventions and resolved that they desire a fundamental law against slavery? Is (heir action considered a calamity? Will their action dissolve the Union? Is not a dissolution of the Union mistook for a dissolution of the political prospect of those who have opposed a fundamental law, in Senatorial bills for California and New Mexico, against slavery? However much chagrined may be a few old bruised politicians, the whole people of the country rejoice that New Mexico and California have thrown the full strength of their influence, in favor of free soil; and the masses, in even the southern sections the Union, will never consent that slavery shall be extended into New Mexico and California against the wishes of the people there. The people of the new territories have spoken, and all true non-interventionists will now carry out their views, and those only who are in favor of the extension of slavery, will vote against the territorial bills containing a prohibition of slavery or state constitutions containing such inhibitions.

Jefferson. Burglars. An attempt was made about three o'clock, yesterday morning, to enter th house formerly occupied by Mrs. Sidway, corner of Hudson and Cottage streets. One of the inmates hearing a noise, resembling the working of an auger in boreing, rose and quietly went to the door, and opening it suddenly saw two men hur-ridly leave the door steps and disappear through the shrubbery.

Upon examination in jhe morning, the marks of an instrument, used by burglars, were found, impressed upon the keys of the outside doors, one of which they succaeded in unlocking, but which opened into a recess with another door more secure, putting a stop to their operations at that point. They then made the attempt at the door at which they were detected. There was an auger hole in the latter 3i inches in diameter and (IT Mr. Leahky, who advertises himself as a reformed Catholic, and travels the country pretending to expose the vices of Catholicism, was prevented from delivering one of his lectures at Racine lately, by what the Racine Advocate calls a "disgraceful mob." Confession of Unniel II. Pearon the Murderer Professor Webster.

ll'orrerpondcnce of the New York Tribune. Boston, July 24. Daniel II. Pearson, who is to be executed iu the jail-yard at East Cambridge, day after tomorrow, for the murder of his wife and twin daughters, at Wilmington, in May, 1849, has made a full confession of his guilt. He made a clean breast" of the tragedy to Rev.

Mr. Merrill, Chaplain of the prison, and Rev. E. T. Taylor of this city, to-day.

He can't give any reason why he killed them. He says they never gave him any cause for committing such an act. He says that sometimes be can hardly realize that they are dead. Instead of being stupid and insane he turns out to be a shrewd, sharp, cunning person. He nas lately ueen Drougnt to a realising suuse of his situation through the efforts of Father Taylor, the famous seamen's preacher.

Pearson once heard him preuch and was favorably im- pressea wun me IVBV. ramer, auu at ma iuni- sou's earnest wish. Father Tavlor has visited him during- the past week. He talks much about his execution and reads his itie constantly, ne has ridiculed the idea that he would be hung until within a week. He will be privately executed between the hours of 8 and 11 A.M., on Friday.

Pearson has a little daughter living about lour-tAAn vears of are. Ho has a brother who is a merchant in this city, and a very intelligent and respectable man. His father is living in Wilmington. He is a white-haired old sire, and a very-respectable man. Pearson has been frequently visited by his only sister since his confinement.

rrolessor euster IS in remarKaurt goou Hem, is constant in his devotion and appears like a man who realizes the awful and ignominious fate which awaits hitn. I perceive that your telegraphic correspondent has furnished your readers with iha fae.t that the Death Warraut was read yester day, with the prisoner's reply. Nothing further of nv interest occurred at that interview. He is allowed the usual articles in his cell that he had before the decision. I mention this because some have thought it a matter of surprise that he should be allowed a knife and fork, glass-ware, they being impressed with the idea that he would commit suicide.

He once said, when spokou to upon that am too much of a Christion to commit suicide." We shall see. Beta run high that he will never be hung that he will take his own lire. Others are equally as fierce in betting that he will be hung. i ST Our hotels re well filled, daily, with PERMS Deli veredtosubscribersinthecity, every dollars per annum, monthly inndvance.or twelve evr per week, payable at lie end of each week. TRl-WEEKLY To ma Hand oflicesubscriLiersihrec dollarspayahle in advance.

WEEKLY OiiPDoHariml FiftyCcnts pc murium, pay-a ilc invariably in advance. TERMS OP ADVERTISING BY THE SQUARE. Square. liusertion. 50 1 Square 1 month.

0 5 a months 3 08S 3 4 1 00 1 a Jweok 1 43 1 2 week? 2 00 I 1 year 3 9 5 I TERMS OP AIJVERTISINC INSIDE 00 4 50 6 00 10 00 13 00 10 00 When AiIvertisementeareplncedtet'oretlieMarriagesani! lieatns.tweiity-iive percentin auuinon 10 tno uuwv rates. YearlvAilvertisincft30nerannum thespace to heoru- pied never to exceed squares. Advertising for six months, limited as above, tf-U. Artvertisemcntsnotaccompanied with aritUa dtrectxona, will bemscrted till forbid, aiidchargcdaccordingly TUo privilege of Annual limited to their ownimmeJiatebusmesB; aiirialladverlisementsfor the benefit of other persons, sent iu by be paid for at the usual rates. BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

O. B. EVANS, Premium Daguerriau Gallery, No. 2-2 Main Street, Buffa lo. S.

O. IIARNUM, Great Variety Store No. Main Street, Buffalo. lusurauce fJompauiesi. HORACE WINANS, Agent Ueion Mutual Life Insurance Company.

Office over 1711 Main-street, buffalo. jc4 -unFi'ED states lIFeI'nsTco; Principal Office, Wall N. V. liiiliiiio Agency.S Seneca St. jet B.

A. MANCHESTER, Agent. FIRE MutualY BUFFALO CptTAt, ungual. Office No. 11, Merchants' Exchange.

A. A.KUSTAI'HIEVE, Sec'y. Capt. E. Dorr.

Marine Inspector. je-Uf AMERICAN MUTUaT LIFE Insurance Company of New Haven, Connecticut. B. SILLIMAN, Pres't. Amasa Mason, Agent.

Cilice No. 5, Merchants' Ex- change, Buffalo, MUTUAL AND JOINT STOCK Life Insurance and Health Insurance Company, with a cash Capital of slliu.nllu. ENSIVORTH it CHADWICK. jeltf No. d.Spauldhigs' Exchange, Buffalo.

Clothing Sloresi. WM. A. COOTS, MerchantTailor.and dealer in Ready MadeClolhing.No. 137 Mainstreet, Mansion House Block.

WM. CARL AND, Boston One Price Clothes Warehouse, Gothic Hall ISAAC WOODHAMS, Merchant Tailor.and Clothing Warehouse, GraniteStore, No. IComuiercialstreet. THOMAS KENNETT. Merchant Tailor, No.

lea Main street. Dry oo. M. COMPTON, General dealer in Dry Goods, at wholesale or retail, No. ait? Main street.

VV. B. BISHOP, (Boston Store,) Healer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 2(18 Main strtet. Groceries. Paints, Urugg.

Medicines, 4c. A. D. A. MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Groceriesaud Produce, No.

28 Main street. JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries, Uruga and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass. Dye-stuffs, c. IM Main si.

OLIVER P. CLARK, Apothecaries' Hall. No. -2110 Main street, corner of Eagle. R.

M. TAYLOR, Wbolesaleand Retail Groceries and Provisions, 227 and 3(19 Main street. ALSO Produce and CoimnissionBusiness.CentralW harl and Prime street, Hindu. my2 ly T. C.

PETERS, MilkDepot.anddealer in Wool, comer of Washington and Exchange streets. o. h. pTcI-amplin; Family Medicine Store, No. il Mainstreet.oppositethe Churches.

S. N. CALLENDER, OilStore, Bnd Wholesale Retail liealerin Groceries, Provisions, c. No. 319 Main street.

Books and Stationery. PH1NNEYS CO. Wholesale and retail dealer in Booksaud Stationery, etc No. Its Main street. O.

G. STEELE, Wholesale Dealerin Books street. T. S. HAWKS, Dealerin Cheap ate, Post Office Building, corner Washington and Seneca streets.

MAYNARD BALDWIN, Commission Merchants, and Wholesalcanil Retail Dealers in Paper. Also Paper Hangings, 14 Seneca street. B. A. Mavnakd, S.

Baldwis. Produce and Com inssMioii. DEAN RICHMOND, Produceand Commission Merchant, corner of Indiana st on the Dock. L. O.

MATHEWS Commission Merchants and Agents.footof Washington street, upstairs. Printers materials. BUFFALO TYPE FOUNDRY, Lyman, Founder, corner of Swan and Washington streets, lir-lcorncr north of Postoffice. Hardware, Stoves, t'titlery, Ac, JOHN FATTERSON, lmnorterand Wholesale Dealer in Iron, Steel, Copper, Tin and Manufactured Hardware, 170 Main street. sons.

Manufacturers ol Copper, Tin and I Sheet Iron Works, Denlers in Stoves, c. No. 4 Webster Block, Main Exchange Broken. ROBERT CODD, No. Ul'-Malnstreet.

B. A. MANCHESTER. Real Estato Agent and Hroker.No. SScneca Street, between Main street and the Post Office.

jelily Attorneys and Counsellors. 1. V. VAN DERPOEL, AltorneyandCounselloral Law, Solicitor andCounsellor in unancery. inutc.c, mt ELI ELISHA COOK, i n.u I5R Main street.

EI CooK, Attorney toliciOramlCo-ii-eUur. Vtlorneysand Solicitor, D. TILLINGHAST, Law Office, No. 27Spaulding'B Exchange. LORENZO K.

HADDOCK, Attorney, Solicitor ami Counsellor, Post office Buildings miscellaneous HERSEE Cabinet Makers, Furniture Ware Rooma, 3U ai st, P. COFFEE, Beef, Pork and Flrii Inspector, Dayton street, Buffalo. H. RAINEY, Flonr rnapeclor.No.'W Central Wharf. MrHONELL.

tarmcr'a iiotei. MRS. LEWIS STEVENS, D.iffucrrlanHallery.cornpr of Main and Eric streels.up aiairs.entrancetrotn BURNS JONES, GlfostainerPan-l Printers, andOumuaaltlon Decorators, tic Mainstreet. COXGRKNS I.ETTKR PAPEU-F'oniihe mamitmitory of Owen A llurlhert, Lee, Mass. I his Paper will challenge competition.

For sale at ho. BALnwN 300 UOXEB FIRE CRACKERS No. 1 Fur nftlf (it taidB AkNUMd' Great V.ryWo, piy-J.

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