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The Buffalo Daily Republic from Buffalo, New York • Page 2

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IVTli nrotMtllpr inr Eclinut. whirh Mw tm several For the Republic. COMMERCIAL. The Seanea of NEW MAIL ARRANGEMENT. Vs Bn ami "Pott Ofiici, I Hereafter the Hails at thia office wilt be closed as fbl- BUFFALO REPUBLIC.

AMUSEMENTsT THEllEWnffiOPOLHAir II EAT HE. CAHK, WARREN SMITH Mutagen. Fiptweir tKQnt and Ltst appearance or MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS EVEKpre, JULY 1853, rerfonuaace to couimence with the American drauia of -L.

rTSTnrCt OS: Til. 4fc AGENCY 4 9 For the Sale of Forma and Cfcr jMb, For Bounty Lands and Pensions; for negotiating the sale of mortgages, land warrants, promisorynoteH, stocks, city and county orders, and other securities, for the payment of taxes and forLife Insurance: BA. HIANCHU3TU, Lend Agent and Broker, at the Earn Land Ottick, corner of Mam and Seneca sts, Buffalo, continues to attend to the above branches of business promptly and oa teasonable terms. Owners of estate, who may bo seeking purchasers among our German, French and Dutch inhabitants, are in-vited to leave it with him on stde, as bis arrangements are such as to enab'c htm to transact business with them to good advantage. Soldiers, Land Wjutanta bought and sold.

Lira Inscraxce. B. A. M. acts as agent for the ''United States 4ife Insurance Co," of 27 slreet, New York and is prepared to furnish lifu policies on as favorable terms as aw offered by auy olbtir K-aiwusible company.

je24tf weeks ago near Madison street bridge, is on a floating dock, waning mmm iduuuvuhi un. her bow and stem are apparently as good aa ever. A portion of the exploded boiler lies in her hold. A view of the hull exhibits the great force of the explosion. Capt.

S. M. Johnson, one of her owners, was to bare last evening for Buffalo, to procure a new boiler. Chicago Dew. Press, Saturday Thx ExpixaiOB This vessel, which was run into and sunk at the mouth of the river by the steamer John Owen, a few days since, has been raised by means of Capt.

Gaper's Machine Pump, and taken to Maiden for repairs. Det. Trib. Ocean Steamem. TO BAH.

Vessel i For. Leave Liverpool, June 15 Arabia, Judkins- New York Uucle Sam Mills Golden Age. r- Washington Fitch New York San Fran. Juno 15 New York. Australia Juno 15 New York Bremen Boston Liverpool New York Liverpool New York Liverpool FhnadelpoiaLlverpool Boston Liverpool New York Liverpool New York Liverpool New York Liverpool New York Liverpool June IS June 23 June 25 June 29 July 2 July 6 July 9 28 Aug.

6 Aug. 20 Canada Stone. Arctic Asia Lott Citv Glasgow Morrison Niagara Lang facitic Baltic Atlantic Arctic ye Comstock West Luce TO ARRIVE. Vessel. Captain.

From. For. Date. Ana Lott Liverpool New York June 4 Liverpool Philadelphia Juno 8 Liverpool Boston June 11 Liverpool New York June 15 'iverpool New York June 18 Liverpool Boston June 26 Liverpool New York June 29 Liverpool New York July 6 Liverpool Philadelphia July 6 Liverpool New York July 21 Liverpool New York Jnly 23 Liverpool FhitodelphiaJuly 77 Liverpool New York Aug. 24 New iork Aug.

17 Liverpool Philadelphia An 20 Liverpool New York Sept 4 CityGInsgow Morrison Niagara uing Baltic Comstock Africa Harrison America Lerth Atlantic West -Alps Hutchings CityManche'rWylie Arctic Luce Pacific Nye City Glasgow Morrison-Baltic Comstock Atlantic West Aily Manche'r Wylie Crctic Luce FOUND In the Post-office, this morning, a purse containing a small amount of money. The owner can have the same by calling on HARRIS, liOl Hum street, proving property and paying charges. jt'29-lw 1ST AMERICAN ART UNION. Subscribers to the American Art Union, for 1851, can obtain their Pictures by calling at Steele's Book Store and presenting their cer-tiCcato. Buftale, June 27 je27tf Professor ROBERT HALLER The unri valled prince of Wizards, and eminent Pianist and Corn.

poser, will shortly appear in this city. jel4 MOORE, Agent gjp" Pew for Sale Pew No. 170 in Central Presby tertan Dr. Lord's Church one of the most desirable in the house, for sale on-favorable terms. Apply to jcl3 EUGENE MULLIGAN, 18? Main st.

V. B. PAI.MEK, the American Newspa per Agent, is the only authorized Agent for this paper in the cities of Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and is duly empowered to take advertisements and subscriptions at the rates as required by us. His receipts will be regarded as payments. His offices are BOSTON, Scollay'sBuild-ing NEW YORK, Tribune Buildings PHILADELPHIA, North West corner Third and Chesnut streets.

3r" POISONING Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, are not aware that while they appear to benefit the patient, they areactually laying the foundation for a series of diseases, Buch us salivation, loss of sight, weakness oflmibs, etc Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as weil as their children's health, aro beyond all doubt the best medicine now in use. In Uver complaints and all other disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Liver Pills. far "Be not deceivkd," but ask for Hobensack's Worm Svrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the sig nature of the Proprietor, Hobexsack, an none else arc genuine je7dly ICF" BOARDlNli A few more respectable boarders can fiud a place for board, with or without rooms, at the Boarding House opposite Townsend Hall, Rt hwan st. 1- Or Vnuted, Several active, well educated Females are wanted to engage in a regular business that would af ford good remuneration for services. -Apply at 56 Seneca street.


Vfa mif'aftnrv and Detlt of HASTINGS SYRUP OF NAPTHA, BRISTOL'S SAR3A- 386 MAIM STREET. TTAVJ3 on hand at all times a full and splendid stock J.J of Gold Guard Chains; Gold Vest Chains Gold Chatalain Chains; Gold Fob Chains. THE BIBD CLOCK, which was on exhibition at the World's Fair in London, t.A n.inrr nf ih kind now in the United States. Price only 8600 and the price for showing tho clock is notmug. GREAT CELEBRATION! IS BUFFALO.

SETEMY-SETEXTU ANXITEKSAliy UF OUR NATION'S INDEPENDENCE, The Ulorioun FOUETH OP Thn oil.wn4 nf Rnffiiln. ever alive to that SDurit of Na- ttnnHtp n-hih -iiniilri otitt in the breast of evcrv Ameri can citizen, will celebrate tho forth-coming anniversary of our national Juuepenaence, in a uvcuimug diuuww manner, to aeep up me Old SpMt of Tfi! Tho day will bo nshered in by the firing of the wnid'favKNTAI. SAI.UTK OF THIRTEEN GUNS." amidst the ringing of bells. At 10 olclock A. the line ol procession will ne lonneu, muku wm wuowu wi mo uiu KegimenL commanded by Col.

Scroggs, tho Fire Department, under Chief Engineer Edward Hclbert, the Odd-Fellows Societies, the Masonic Lodges, tons of Temper-OHM ani-1 the varinus civic institutions and bodies repre sentatives of Buffalo and the adjoining towns. Likewise the variouB Trades Unions, with appropriate Insignas will form a prominent pan, noaaeuoya granu wvaiwue Horsemen, the whole under the command of Col. OTIS VAUtiHAK, Chief Marshal of the day. After parading through the principal streets, the pro-cesBion will proceed to the Public Square, corner of Delaware and Eagle streets, to listen to the reading of the De-inimtUn nf rirfntinnflftnm and an ration. A salute of 31 guns will bo fired at noon and again at sunset The celebration of tho day will terminate with a Brilliant Display of Fire Works, on the Public rquare, prepared for the occasion by Mr.

J. S. Morris, of Burtalo, embracing all tho varied brilliancy attached to the arts of Pyrotechuy. The line of proceflijion and programmo of fire-works tor the evening will be published hereafter. Bv order of the Committee of Arrangements.

jo2Stg TTARPKR'S 9IAOAZ1NB For July. Received by fl DERBY, ORTON Ml'LLWAfl. 187 Main street. BLKAK HOMK-No. 1612i.

London A rt Journal, for June, 75 cents. Mhekinah, for June, 25 cents. For sale at the Literary Depot, Post-office, jP25 3 HAWKS. riURUANT'S COMPOUND KXTKAW oi unwos anu XCopavia ft frsh supply of this invaluable article, just e25 'K Main rt. PU1IK Refined White, Crushed and Ground sugars Stewart's host, of all grades, for sate by JOHN W.

WILLIAMS JeZ 1W) Main street. YON KATHAIKON A splendid preparation for the hair, just received uy OHAMPLIN, 2 Main st, corner West Kagle. BA( UKIJHUt'S CKIjEHUATEI) HAIR DYK A now supply iut received by OHl' CHaMPLIN.OW Maln-st, jc25 corner West Eagle. PINK AND BMIE SAl'CKKH Just received and fur sale by HP CHAMPLIN, MW Main st, corner West Eagle. OIL 8YVKIST ATiMONDS Oil cloves, oil elunmon, oil lemon and oil peppermint, just received by CHAMPLIN, 290 Main st, jc27 corner West Eagle.

TlIDD'S MUt'lD CLTICLK For sale by OHl' CHAMPLIN, 2tW Main st, ie27 corner West Euglc. rfii i rJIH, Host fnuility Livo Oeese Feathoi-s, just ro-OUU ceivod and for salo bv TaYLOH, ju27 Ii-7 Main street. ED LEAV ANU 1ITIIAKJ1S for mle by jel A It MUUKK. si. TI.AI 1 fill.KS Our stock is kmo ill ul.Hlsilt.

ana purchasers will do well In exnmininor stock. I'riccs El low at tho Cash store of KVBY ft M'I'HKRSON, jclll IDS Mains FKKfill BUGS I am recoiring lots every day or two at wlioU'sulo and retaU. Also, extra nice table butter jc3 WALLACE JOHNSON, 4u Seneca st. rillOJCK FA3IJLY FliOl'K For sale by I nnisi C. C.

DRISTOL, 4 corner Ohio and Cincinnati sts. rt ILT 1 2. iPh plain Oil VJT llonltUui, Ior sale Uy ll loot in nnanuuc, ai COLEMAN'S Picture Galle COLEMAN'S Picture Gallery, my2S Ho. 7 em swan street. UNOHAV1NG8 A ia-ge and choice stock of French, Xj German and English Engravings, are on exhibition and for sale at COLEMArCa Picture Gallery, No.

East Swan street. DNULIHH and of superior iiuol-Q ity, for sulo by JOHN W. WILUAMS It Trf ISO Main street 1A DsYs MS.CODFIMH Of superioi quality and AV.vUUin fine order, ree'd on eoruagnment br 'mj27 B. M. TAYLOli, '22 Main atreet.

BIIOCADU HII.KH-A fresh nssortnient; also, a large stock of all the shades of Pompedour, silks, solid colors, with fringes to match, for mantillas and capetuallhe Cash store of EVKY MTUEliSON, Je21 198 VUin St. IDUAR Wrong-a story jtir 1ST Main it. JUssas. Emxoas in your paper of I find the fallowing sentence in rcferewM to the Buffalo and fittsborg Railroad "Tfcere i one fact in tie matter not generally known, that if the friends of that mason, i Mm honda) bad taken half the pains get out voters, or spent one quarter tne money as nw.uic measure, the vote would have been an overwhelming one in ite favor, and then the from the tmmYt from all his fears that the citizens of Buffalo are not in favor of the said loan, and he would the disasrreeable necessity lofrespbhig to me. tie Mpuncil comes into being in all bility more oiapeni a juage 01 m- I have nothing iu particular to do with lldermam from the Fifth," although many St was a wise and judicious move, in giv- managers of the road to understand that ds would be issued bv the present eoun- to the "next council," one cannot be as matters now stand, who would Issue b's worth of bonds.

word in reference to getting out votes, lending money It is a notorious fact, officers and friends of the road were ac- untiring in their exertions spending me and money freely, and leaving noth- done to bring about a result favorable to in. They made use of the public press, Professor Hall to deliver a lecture, cir-handbills, and had their carriages to convey voters to every poll in the city; and yet after all this, they were unable to obtain only the meagre majority of tvxnty-scvcn for their scheme. Were an election held to-day, the majority against the loan would be overwhelming. Tfus every Bensitye man knows. A.

l'enrfnl Shipwreck and Loss of The London Shipping Gazette gives the following account of the loss of the emigrant ship Aurora, on the 20th The Aurora. Cherry, sailed from Hull on the 2Cth of April for New York, with a crew of 18 men and 24 passengers. On the 17th of naving encountered strong, adverse winds, it was found that she was making more water than usual, and although hands were kept constantly at the pumps, it was found that the leak increased. At half past 9 o'clock on the 19th, the pumps not sucking, the mate went into the hold, and found the water over the ground tier of casks. All hands were then called to the pumps, and ship was put before the wind, so that both pumps could be kept going.

At midnight the leak was found to be increasing, the water having risen half way up the second tier of casks. The passengers were then called, and, with the men, continued to work at the pumps incessantly until 4 in the morning of Friday, the 20th, when, finding that the ship was evidently settling down, and the sea making a complete breach over her, some of the men began to get out the boats. The skiff was hauled out of the long-boat, but as it was being lowered on to the deck, a sea broke on board and dashed the boat into some spars, staving in her starboard bilge, and rendering her useless. The stores were then got iuto the long-boat, and a warp was passed over tne larooard Dow ol tne ship, outside the forerigging into the gangway to the boat, leaving sunicient slack to allow her to eo ostrn. Just as the boat was in a position for launching, a sea struck it, and stove in two piaDks ot the larboard bilge.

All hope seemed now at an end, but tho master cheered the crew and passengers as much as he'eouid, 'and they succeeded in launching the boat. Six or eight of the crew jumped into her with buckets, and began bailing her out. Two blankets were thrust over the hole, and the carpenter stood upon them to keep them in. Tho boat had now drifted to the weather quarter of the ship, and it was now found that tho weight of tne warp kept tne Doat down, and a new line was made fast to the ship and the warp let go. The master and some more of tho crew then got into tne Doat, and succeeded in nailing a plank over the leak.

The boat was then hauled towards the ship with the view of taking the passengers on board. The master urged those on board to lower the quarter boat, which had previously teen cast adrift. Robert Hesk and William Uuest (seamen,) and Charles Pawsou (pas senger,) cot into this boat, but the nnt thov had made fast to her was too short to ttet her clear of the ship, and they were obliged to slip it. iney naa, nowever, only one oar, and the boat was unmanageable. Those on board the ship and those iu the long boat, each throw them an oar, bnt they could not reach them.

The long boat, however, wrs hauled close to the ship, and made fast The rope used was too short, and before the evil could he.rcmedied, a sea struck the boat, causing it to ship a great quantity of water, and when the sea receded from the ship, a sudden jerk broke the rope and drove tho long boat off. The crew attempted to pull her to the ship, but owing to the quantity of water in her they could not They then left off pulling and began to bail the boat out; and while they were doing so those on board the ship hoisted up the ensign as a signal of distress, and the ship went down immediately, headforemost, taking with hor twentv-six souls. This occurred at, o'clock in the morning. Tho jolly boat was lost sight ol (luring the night, and on Saturday the crow of the long boat wero picked up by the Volusia, M'Nabb, of Belfast, from Havana for (irecnock, where they arrived safely. Hail Hoad Loan.

tssus Editobs: In last evenings Jiqiublie I notice that "Consistency," is somewhat agitated ou the subject of "Alderman Baker's resolutions against issuing' the Bonds of the city to the Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad Company." Is the mony expended to procure voters for the loan likely to prove a poor investment? Is the $400,000 donation about to escape the long coveted hug of his outstretched arms? Do his visions of Indian Reservation Villas, begin to vanish? Read-again the following cool statement of "Consistency:" "There is one fact the matter not generally known, that if the friends of that measure, (namely the loaning of the city bonds) had ta ken half1 the pains to get out voters, or spend ono quarter the money as did. the enemies -of tne measure, tne vote would have been an overwhelming5 one in its favor." Now the fact is that had it not been for the series of articles in favor of the road, published weekly in the city papers, and the parade of a load of coal, day after day, through our streets, by the friends of the road, and tho lectures and reports of a paid Professor, who was sent to the cool beds on purpose to get up something that would read well, and the strenuous and untiring exertion of the officers, stockholders and em. ployees of the Company, and tho money expended and the horse flesh used up in drum- ming up voters, there would positively have been no votct at all in favor of the loan, and as it was, the vote was no expression of the wishes of the rotors of the city, and is it not a fact that some of the boyt who worked at the polls in the morning in favor of the loan, bolted about noon because their promised pay was not forth com ing? The were no friends of the loan, they worked lor pay. I affirm that if the question was submitted to um ou2rafciue tail iwuuuu ii wuuiu ne-uv-fcated' fivcj to One. And is it not time to look about us? lias "Consistency" seen the order of the Council appropriating about $5,000 to pay the fnl-crKt pn the loan to the Brantford yVhcro are the dividends from it? Whoever expects any? Again, road the following statement of" Con.

"So far lis the new-council being more com. potent to judgo of this, as well as other matters referred to them, I nave no doubt. To be lest competent it is hardly to be conceived." This is in perfect keeping with the selfish and hearties course of the friends of that measure. Is it manly, to thus wantonly attack private. character, and sneakingly evado the response bility under that jewel, Consistency." Such a man Would be very likely to vote money into his own pockot or vote it out of Woll aud truly has it.

been said tliat Corppra' tions have no Souls; and if this coursels pursued by tho malingers of corporations, will they ot be justly liable to tho same imputation; i This course shows how littio they can appre ciate the disinterested motives of those public officers; who grahatmuiy expebd their time, tal ent, and beet energies, iu the faithful and con seiennahs discharge of the responsible duties entrusted tog thera by the people. I trust the Council are pot 'to. ne intimidated or driven from thoSrKom'SD by these wanton. They ought to knew full well what an overwhelming rebuke and defeat awaits those who are bold enough to' go to the People with a vote against those resolutions, I trust they will pass. I opposed the loan on principle, 1st, as a dangerous outlet for the People's money; 3nd, as unnecessary; 3rd, as a burdensome increase of the debts and taxes of the and this I call pemocratic opposition.

If Consistency" is so confident that nothing can defttt the operation of the law after the first of January, why oppose Alderman Baker's AU those who opposed the loan ask, The present is the reason of pleasure excursions. It it in theJieat ot Summer. The clash and clatter oV in. 4s which has been stunning everjr ear tour the opening Spring to the present timie, is mellowing down a little, and we can begin to hear people Converseing with each other about watering places, summer jretaf hatle rustication, trout-fishing, and excursions of all kinds. As a matter of course, there is no 11 1 excuTj water ever 1 a pic; peneJ at su! drfi cers.

of trsj and the I a gid. backv land, other were smoke and cinders, clothes full of and head full of ire these are the pleasures of travelling. the traveller could be asleep or otherwise insensible, during the transit, thero would be nothing lost. For business, steam travelling is just the but, for pleasure, we would prefer drinking boneset tea or scratchmo; a coarse criudstone. If chloroform were less dangerous to life, few travellers on railroads would be without it.

We had intended, when we commenced the above paragraph, to caution all those who go in search of ainusemonts, pleasure and health, during the hot season, against all those casualties that lie hidden in the paths of travellers, especially inexperienced ones There is the danger of standing in improper places, in railroad cars; the danger of at tempting to get in or "out, when the train is Jinotion; the danger of head or arms pro truded from car windows, when passing, other trains, bridges or other objects; the dan ger of losing-a good seat on the shady side, by getting out to "fire up;" the danger of being left, -on the same occasions; the danger of having pockets picked by the gentle men who travel for that purpose; the dan ger of sickness from drinking too freely of cold water, and the greater danger of partaking too freely of fire-water. All these are dangers that beset the way of the pleasure seeker, which it will, be well for him to be ware of; and as to be forewarned is to be forearmed, we, who cannot get loose to participate in either the pleasures or the dan gers, will do what good we can by croaking at those who can. The Tompkins' Statce. We are glad to notice that a movement is on foot, in the city of New York, on tho jpart of citizens who cherish and revere the memory of Dan iel D. Tompkins, to honor his name and per petuate his patriotic sacrifices, by the erec tion of a Bronze Statue in Tompkins Square.

Tiik Hottest Day. Tuesday last, says the Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligencer trnd Jour nal, was the hottest day, so far, this season. The thermometer, in this city, indicated, about 2 o'clock, 98 degrees in the shade. In Chambersgnrg. we observe, it rose to 100 degrees.

A tote-graphic dispatch from Wif. B. Lk Course lx, to Mr. Nicholas Ottekot, of this city, announces the arrival of Archbishop Bedine, at Now-York, yesterday morning, in the steamer Africa. It is' generally known tliat the business of l)iw prolate is to endeavor to settle to difficulties between the St.

Louis congregation and the Bishops. If he comes armed with bulls lo enforce obedience to tho latter, by the former, lw will, in all probability, leave the dillieulties us he finds them. Kohshtii An application was lately ninth to ji8uth to know if lie would accept an ilivitnl ion to visit Sheffield, to be presented with a testimonial. In his reply, he says: It is ub affectation on my part, but under presolit circumstances I can pledge myself to nothing, not even to beiiig in England, If affairs were to be tranquil, if circumstances permit me, I should feel honored to visit Sheffield as suggested." For the Republic. outlier, iiramhoppera, (Mrkaem, and won.

Concord, June 30, 1853. Sir Tho drought is over. We are enjoying a succession of showers, which are doing much to revive the pastures and meadows, but too late for the hay crop, which is thin and short, and must be a very light one, although the prospect wns so fair for an abundant yield in the spring. Bui grass is backward and green, and, as it 'will be some days before haying commences in ear nest there will be a chance for it to improve considerably yet. Some days before the.

rain; the sun beat down so hot as to burn young plants, that were just coming tip and tender, so that their roots remain sound and plump, while the tujH arc entirely withered away and dead.f-r The rains, though heavy, have not been strfficiput to close the deep fissures made in the ground by cracking opon while so dry. Mitch complaint is heard about grasshoppers Countless swarms nf them are consuming the held, pastures, and even oate and the garden Vcgitnhl. It is surprising to sec what multitudes there are of them, mid what mischief they are capable- of doing. Tewards evening, when they have finished the depredations of the day, they congregate upon the fences, rocks, stumps, bushes, and so forth, in some places entirely to cover them. In some pastures they cat mori than the stocks of cattlo do.

The oldest inhabitants do not mind that they were, ever so thick before." Health of the country lias been interrupted by the change of weather from burning dry to wet and muggy. Fevers and summer complaints at tend the rains, and are somewhat bat I have not heard of any recent dtnths. BALLoomer A Paris correspondent of the New Vork- Time, dated Paris June 13tb, says: A balloon ascended from the Arena yesterday, with a heavy cannon instead of a car. When about fifty feet from tho ground; the match was applied by the aironaut, who had fastened him if in soino the cordage, The (lis- ciiurge filled the air with little gilt balls, tissue paper parachutes, and a cloud of explosive- cracking torpedoes, serpents and other whizzing and zigzag it set the cannon' wiugiug like pendulum, from the effect of tho rebound, and lightened the balloon of three or four poiinjde -(This Increase 'in bnoy ancy was very: percoptiblci for. its ascent was considerably i accelerated.

At about the same moment, the balloon from Hippodrome started also on ite voyago, tarrying up below it the two brothers Bbislat, hanging head downwards, one beneath the other, supported from cross-bars. Mere ballooning has long since lost its Intenest in Paris; the attraction is now5 centered in the object translated to the skies. 'Tne cannon and the two men upside im-' mense sudiencee, while' the balloons slenn would bars attracted mtsgsr sUtndsnce." raws: Batavia. Rochester, CaMnnaignn, beneva, Auourn, Syracuse, Ctica, and trov, daily, at 8 A. Jl- ana r.

m. (except Sundays.) Attica Mail dail-htfi'i a. and 3r X- Oafundya at 3i j. only. Way MaiL via B.

N. Y. Citv R. daily (except Sun days) at 9 a. m.

Albany aud New York, at P. M. and 9 P. M- On Sundays at p. M.

only. On Sundays only one Mail to all offices eastward, closing at 33 p. except at the small, imv offices, which aro not supplied on Sundays. SpnngviUe Mail, daily (except Sundays) at 1 A. V.

KflHt Uambunc to Ulenwood and Colden. daily except SundavH) at 2i P. m. Pilot Mail, via Wiliiamsvillc Tuesdavs, Thursdays and davs) at 2hi i' u- Moil An crnt at? p. st.

A sec ond mail in made up'for Erie and Cleveland, closing at Bv this tram ail oniees www vw.v- hmdaresnnpjied. luK.iu hm vrf flic Y. and Eile Railroad, in tlio eounties of Allegany and Cattaniugun, are supplied by me iniin ieang at r. ju io Alau maue up ior uie wesson uuuajo. Niagara Falls and Camilla Mail, daily (except Sundays) at 8 a.

if. Lock port Mail, daily fexeept Sundays) at Oa a. ji. A second Mail is made up on Saturdays for Black Rotfk, Tonawanda and Niagara Falis, closing at 4 p. M.

fort Uffloe will open at A. M. anu cioae at a r. a. Sundays, open from 8 to 9 a.

m. and from 4i to 5 P. M. jeldtr JAMES G. DICKIE, P.

M. Hnilrond Arrangenienw. nrvr.i.o asi rochkstkr railroad. tRAIXS. 3rd 4th 5th Till T1XK OF i-KAVlMJ.

Express Freight Mail Emigrant Express Freight A. M. 8:00 8:80 .10:00 12 00 noox 6:00 p. M. 5:30 ..11:00" ,5:00 8th.

Express One train on Sunday at BITFALO nORXKLLSVILLE T. C1TY.1 Acconi'd'tion M. Lightning Express 8:00 Mail 10:45 v. M. Night Express 4:30" One train ou Sunday at 4: BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS.

1st A. II. n(j. 9:15 moon 3rd ......12:00 P. M.

4th 4:35 v. M. train ou Sunday at. 9:00 A. ji.

BUFFALO AND CLEVKLASO. Express 7:30 A. u. Accom'd'n I'J 45 A. m.

Sd Express 2 30 r. 4th 9:30 SOCUKSTER, I AO ABA FALLS fc BUFFALO. 6:30 2,1 4: DIED. At Chicago, June 27th, A BR AM FERO, eldest son of Rob't i ero, oi mm city. SlichJgan tjomheru Knilroad Line.

Cakhtixg tiik Grkat Westers Through Mail, for Chi cago, AV AUKK.GAN, KENOSHA, RACINE, MILWAvKKB AND SUEBOTOAN, VIA TOLKDO AND CLBVBLAND. The mMtfiiBcent Steamer SOUTHERN SisnnT mClllMx, Capt. Pkrkins, will leave foot of Commercial street VilS EVENING, at 94 o'clock, tor Toledo and ClevelarJkWJgasengers hy taking this Une, avoid much trouble and detention in changing Cars and Baggage; will arrive at roieao in is nours, wnere xney wui toko Cars diiect for Chicago, and without any other changes. JtorireigU! or pushage uppy uh uu.uu, vi iu II. M.

KINNE, Aifent. Central Knilroad LIiic. For Detroit, Chicago, bIilwaokee, and Ports on Lake Michigan. Also St. Louis, Galkna and Duboo.ce.

Through to Detroit without Laxng Carrying ths Great ft ssTBRNrs.JttAiL. TnbiSreaure United States Mail Steamer HAY FLOWER. Cant. Willough by, will leavu me Micluijan uemrai iiauroau wnan inio EVENING, at 9 o'clock, on the arrival of the Express Train from the east. jyl-lt J.

MOMCS. Agent. EXCURSION. UO('UITKR, liOtkt'OJtT AM) NIAGARA FALLS HAILDOAO! EXCt'WlOX TRAINS TIM? FOURTH OK JULY! Will leave Roc(iter ftiOMagarft Falls and lutemicdiato stations at 7:15 Returning leaTtTslagara Falls at 6:10 p. m.

A lso, an extra train from Buiralo for Rochester and in-termediate stations? at 7:45 A. M. Returning leave Rorherter for Buffalo at 4:35 r. a. Tickets for the above trains at HALF FARE.

Fare on regular trams will be as usual. LAKE ONTARIO. Estm tmins wilt lcavIlochester for the Lake at 9 and 11 a. M-, and 1. 3 aud 5 j'.

x. Returning at 10 a. and 12, 4 and p. si. Tickets to Cliflrlatte and return 25 cents.

Excursion on the fneambont, i cent. WARREN COLBl'RN, jyld2t Supsrintendeat ANTKD Snintcd, immediately, two Journeymen jyltf liio "Waabington sts, upstairs: Jt'SX UECElVfED A newupply of pocket books, Banker's leases, and railroad Conductors, at mmORTOS MULLIGAN, jvl 187 Alain-st. BUFFALO PRINTJNO INK COMPANY. C. C.

BRISTOL, Prkr't. H. S. MULLIGAN, Seg't The above company having completed their arrangement are now prepared to offer to Printers and the Trade, a superior quality of all tbeir varieties of Printers" Ink. Their Inks have been tested in even' style of printing and proved equal, if not superior, to any in the market.

The com puny are determined to preserve the standard of their mamifuctuve, to which ss much merit has been awarded, and it will be their aim to produce a quality of Ink Sir in advance of any heretofore offered to the public, at such prices as will be satisfactory to tho consumer. fTOrdere addressed to either the President or Secretary will meet Mttcntion. Buffalo, February 71h, 1853. je3 IjlOR PsALE 310 acres of Land, within 6 miles of Buf-' falo, on the Batavia, Williamsville and French roads tne Willhimsville road running through the farm, nearly the whole length; five dwelling houses and barns on the land; one-third heavy timbered, and a creek running thro' the farm. It will be sold ou liberal terms.

Also, a lot on Franklin street, corner of Walden alley, east side; lot 40 feet on Fianklin street and 140 feet on alley; said alley is to bo made as wide as GoodeU street, which will make this lot -rery valuable. GOODRICH, Real Estate Agent, jcSO '222 Main st. I'. BECKER CARRIAGE BUILDERS, WASH1XGTOS ABOVE ALL KINDS AND EVERY STYLE of Work done with dispatch, and iu the bent and most approved manner, and un reasouuhle tunas. TAX SALE AT ALBANY A sale of lands fur arrears of State and County taxes will take place in Albany in November next The subscriber has a book containing a complete list of those lands which those interested can examine at his office, o.l Brown's Buildings.

Those wishing to pay the taxes due on their lots and prevent a sate, can do so throuah the subscriber on reasonable terms. A MANCHESTER, je29tf Land and Tax Agent- $300 REWARD! SlAYOK'H OfFCF, Buffalo, June 28th, 153. PORTER SEAMAJiS, of this city, having disappeared under circumstances inducing the belief that he uos been murdered if any murder has been committed, three hundred dollars reward will be paid tor tho detection and apprehension of the perpetrator of the offence, to be paid on the conviction ot the criminal. je29tjy2S ELI COOK, Mayor. MTHItEE SMALL FARMS FOR SALE.

The subscriber offers for sale Three smalt Farms, one ui. 75 acres, one of 50 and one of 16 acres, adjacent to each other, lying on the Buffalo and New York City R. between Darien Centre and Darien City Depots, 25 miles from Buffalo. These farms arc all under cultivation, pleasantly situated in a healthy location, and are of thu tirst quality of soil, adapted to either spring or winter crops. Hit lot of 7ii acres hat on it a frame house, a very large ana excellent barn and sheds attached and other out houses with good orchard, etc.

The 50 acre lot has on it a very choice orchard of about 200 trees of the most esteemed varieties of apple, plum, pear, peach, cherry, etc. The bouse commandu a beautiful prospect, and is roomy and good large frame oarn, and plentv of watoj Thn lot of 15' acres hai uU It a small housp. a voting root grafted orchard, mostly planted last sprihg, well wutered, These lots will be sold -together, each separately, to suit purcnusers. For particulars apply at tho Erie Land Office, No. Browns Buildings.

A sIANCHKSTKR, je29tit Land snd Tax Agent. UNITED STATKS 1 Llil'STRATEU East, No. 1 Containing accurate views, auci descriptive and historical articles on the President's house- in WBHhington; Niagara Falls; Barhydt's lAke, near Saratoga, and the Bun ker iiill Monument. West, Mt lLkB Batiko, (ourcM ot' the Mhuifrippi); Falls of tit. Anthony, (two plates); and San Francisco.

Price 50 cents per number. MKVlvKS OMVKHSCM Vol. 2 No. 1 Containing the views and descriptions of Columbia Bridge, Smquehan-nnh; scenerv bn the river San Jnan, Nicaragua; Caetle Sax enburg, near Vienna; the valley of Uoknu, near, Constantinople, and an engraved title page. Price 25 cents a number, or $'i a vol.

For sale at the Literary pepot, Post Ofilce. T. 8. AFRESH supply of Wolfe's Aromatic Schnapps, just received and for sale by A MOORE, Successor to Bristol, je29 225 Main street. IKE SI I LEEl'HES Constantly received by express and for sale by A MOORE, DruwiBt, je29 225 Main st.

AIU'EH'S IAK Julv, received je'J STKELK'a Bookstore, 100 Main. lUTN.Ul'M MOXTI1LY For Julv, received at jeS'J STKKLEVS Bookstore, SWJfain st AXTUD-A Law Clerk, who can write well. joa LYMAN a BM1TB, over I)KKSEKVK YOI'H and lungs, of course; tn afew of Brvan Pulmonic lifers; 25 cebts a box; they' will cure a cough or sore throat in a short time. Sold by ir je29 corner of West Mgle. U8M1A sSmUiI Iw witliouto box It of thU silve- in cases of sudden accident, wounds, tte soro mXi tatonmatlon before healing up the wound uil soi-eutss ana rMH Jfain shwli corner of West Eagle.

Tl now -and supo rocclv. I iHt by corner of Weat Kagle E-Wl'MTIiR HXCltEU Vo. 1 When court inj-Blumber: 2 If yon bright star. 3 The llight of time; 4 Behold tho western cveoiug light; Thou art ray ad to thee I tleo; income, whilo the bloBaoniH of thy years Sanford Martin -Turner Bonney I Woodbury Bonney Oaborne ivcelnd tbUmor Caroline May do Thowwelove do tientle moon .1 do Sweet (lowers do- Mv dear New Kngwn.u uonio-He died in Cullforuia do Plymouth Rock do Nouvcllo PHne dc Perlea, fantaaia, Ijy The aliove new ond popuhir muaic wa 1 i Muaic Store 300 Main itrecU RDOITR NET BEADED FR1NGJB8- rfiv nnrM thii morning, at the Cash store of k'V, 1 OmcB of tub Buffalo Repcsjlic, Buffalo, Jaly 1, ISA The market for flour continues very qttlet and dull, with no appareat disposition on the part of- buyers to operate. We could hear of no sales beyond small lots at about former qaatfttkns.

V.v- Wheat There wu a better inquiry for what to-day1, and holders are more disposed to meet the views of buyers. The sales are 2500 bn white Michigan at 91 03 2500 ba do on private terms; 600 hji xed Ohio at 90c; and 2500 bo. da on terms; and a boat load Milwaukee mixed at Corn in fair request, and ve note salts 10,000 bu warm at 45c; 4000 bu do on prop Troy at 46c free; and 5000 bu prime Illinois at 5Qc frep. 'A r- Whiskey in moderate request; sales of 150 bids at 21c Canal freights Boats still scarce and freight unchanged at 68c on flonr 16c on wheat and 13c on corn to New York. LAKE IMPORTS.

The following is a list of the principal articles of imports for the last 24 hours Flour, bbls. 1,157 Wheat, bu Pork. Corn 36,000 1 ABhes. 7 Barley tt iuskey is Kye. Seeds 365 Butter, lbs 5,800 2,750 Cheese Horses, Cattle Hoes.

Lard Tallow. Hams Bacon Hemp, bales. Woof. Pelts Furs Lumber, Stares, Shingles. Lath Dressed hogs.

Sheep Tobacco, hlids. 639 7 Lead, pigs. Iron, tons Coal Leather, rolLq. .548,204 17,000 24,000 Tobacco, Skins; Hides, No Feathers, CANAL EXPORTS. The following are the principal articles cleared for the last 24 hours Flour, bbls.

5,101 287 Bacon, Lard Wheat, bu Corn Oats 15,000 Port. Beef. Corn meal Whiskey, galls Seeds, lbs Wool Cheese 19,200 13,300 340 Barley. Staves. No.

43,000 .306,500 46 75,000 Lumber, ft. No. Clearances. Tolls, am't 83.356 98 "Receipts at Toledo, June 29th Flour 1992 bbls; corn 20,342 bu; wheat 11,100 do; oats 275 do; whiskey 282 bbls. Receipts at Detroit, Juue 30th Flour 840 bbls; wheat 404 bu; corn 610 do; oats 454 do.

1 Receipts at Chicago, June 29th Flour 2tf bbls; wheat 1815 bu; corn 8296 do; oats 840 do; barley 112 do. 13 Receipts at Cleveland, June 30th Flour 2220 bbls; wheat 6000 bu; corn 2100 do; whiskey 200 bbls. 1 Rocoipts at Sfilvrankee, June 28th Flour 75 bbls wheat 210. bu Shipments of Wool. Messrs.

Wells Hill, of Milwaukee, shipped on Monday last, by propeller Forest City for Buffalo, 93 bales, containing 17,250 lbs wool. Messrs. Bell, Courtney shipped 60 bales by the same boat. A Largb BoMrs. The Michigan Central Railroad Company have offered a bonus of 8200,000 to the Canada Railroad Companv, on the condition that it shall be completed by the 15th of January, 1854.

The Canadian management say they will win the money without fail. This will bring Detroit within 20 hours of New York, at all seasons of the year. Chicago Journal says that the barque Canada, which sailed on Saturday last, for Buffalo, took down the largest cargo of grain that has been shipped from this port this season, consisting of 38,000 bushels oats, 7500 bushels corn, and 100 tons lead. The Canada is owned by F. C.

Clark, and is one of the largest vessels in the trade, being about 800 tons burthen. Lahce Receipts of Grain. From Saturday evening at 6 o'clock up to the same hour last evening, there was received at this port by canal, 51,154 bushels of corn, and 8667 do oate. This is the largest quantity received during a similar period since tuc opening oi navigation. Thnrn aUn arrived about ten tons of hewn, together with other articles which will be noticed in our daily list of Receipts" and Shipments.

Llimcago Uem. I'ress, usth ult. The Chops. We have good reports from all parts of the country in reference to crops, and corn never promised better. East of us we hear that the fly is at work in the wheat, but do not learn the extent of injury by this insect.

The ground is gt-tting dry, and some crops already show symptoms of Oonneaut Reporter. DETROIT, June 30. Flour Nothing transpired yesterday of importance 54 0C4 may be considered fair quotations. Wheat brings 98c in the streets. Corn without change and dull.

Oats steadv at 41e. Wool The receipts by teams were nof large, ond prices ranged ironi 4U to ree I'ress. TOLEDO, June 29. Our market opened more active this morning tor wheat, ot whicii tuero was a good supply, sup-oorted bv a livelv demand for careoes. Flour firm but dull.

The only sale we heard of was a small lot of common at S3 96 for retail trade, which may hardly be looked upon as a standard tor the wholesale price of flour. Wheat Active Inquiry; sales 2000 bu red Wabash at 89c afloat 2000 do 90c do 2000 do 91c from store 5000 do 92c UO. Corn oulet. No transactions. rRep.

CHICAGO. June 29. In conscouence of the break in can id at Dresden, the receipt of grain by that source haveJ entirely fallen otf. Only two boats, which were this side ofil tuo orenK, nave arnveu since yesieruay morning, team, by parties arrived from the break, that the damage will pro bably not he repaired so that boats can pass before Sunday! or Monday, so tliat a dull time may be expected tho balaneef Ot tue ween. The market is without any feature of interest difleren1 from neretotore.

imiip arc as muows Wlio-it Knlon fiOO bu choice Horinir to mills. 75c: 160 bu nnllnnrw rln fiftn 100 ffnOll WUltcr 80 and 100 bu VeH fine white do at 90c. The last was a very ehoice lot, an was taken at oc above the market tor prune winter wneni. rWnSnlns 2R4n hu rivftr. not first rate, at 47c on board 2000 bu prime do at 48c on board; and 500 bu heated at 40c, Sales at the ranroau station are ior iv.

Oats Sales from railroad station at 3031e. Barley No sales and very little doing. Jour. MILWAUKEE. June 28.

The wool market this morn ing is buoyant. Receipts very large, and pricos firm at last quotations. TlieTeceipts ot waeat ngnt aim prices a simut lower; 83o appears to be tho maximum Tor tho best grades of whiter. Receipts of other articles of produce rather limi ted, anu uusmess in general uui moueraic. PORT OF BUFFALO.

ARRIVED July 1. Steamer Emerald. Young, Chippewa. Steamer Louisiana, Davenport, Sandusky; 21 bis eggs 82 do, whiakoy 1 do flour Cobb 8c co; 1 box goods 8 kegs butter Gibson; 155 bis dour 52 baleu wool It tc Dcshler; 1 bl eggs Cowing! 107 baos wool Parker; 24 do Patterson; 126 do Martin; 107 do Evans; 2 bis seed 1 bg nails 6 bis 4 bxs 1 hf bl butter 1 hhd tobacco 36 bis Hour 7 bales pelts Marsh; 1 kg butter 18 bis eggfi Abell co. Steamer Mohawk, Hollywood, Stanley; I kg butter Wilkes co; 11 bdls skius 13 sks wool Bierthropt; 1 bl beef 1 kg hutter 1' do egga Hooker co.

Steamer Soatliern Michigan, Perkins, Toledo; 37 kgs butter 67 bis cheese McKnight. Steamer May Flower, Willoughby, Detroit; 47 bales wool A Oatman co. Steamer Mississippi, Hazard, Detroit; 1 stave machine 1 bx sundries Cobb co 140 wool Parker, 102 bis flour Dcshler. Steamer Quoeu of tlio West, MeBrido, Cleveland; passengers ano luggage. Proneller Trov.

Densbam, Toledo 4600 bu corn Guth rie; 3100 do Hazard; 2300 do Johnson; 180 bis flour Palmer co; 420 do 72 cks highwines Hawley; 10 kgs butter 7 cks ashes 30 bis Sour Fleming co 68 bdls furs Tallmadgej 10 do skins te Patten; 1 bale wool 1 bdl pelts J-Storni. Propeller Iowa, Hathaway, Chicago 17,000 bu corn 300 his seed Evaus; 90 bdls hoopjtolcs.C Williams; 63 bgs seed 18 dxb turmture 1 chcsrFbt.L3 bisZ3 bales wool ki rainier co; 75 bis flourGjWRogeni. Brig Missouri, Erie feet of lumber Washburn. 4 Schooner Albauy, Butler, 'Erie; 115 ft lumber Hale; 17 shingles Watson, Schooner Susanna, Lynn, Iiyrnc; 48 in feet lumber Schooner Congress, Hobpcr Efic; 140 feet of lumber Schooner Treoton, Stone, Erie; 87 tons coal Watson; 42 do oani Townser; 2 do pine 2 do oars Evans. Schooner I'urdy.

Middleton, Mq City; 4273 bu corn Rogers; 3032 do Daw Son; 6172 do llichmond. Schooner Kent, Corkins, Windmill Point; lot fund-tnre. Scow Mastadoiii Arless, Jnin-iile; 180 feet 6f lumber Craie. Scow Lady Elgin, Appleton, York; 194 ft lumber Hotch- Scow Fruiml. Evaus.

Mt Hollv: 70 ft lumber Newton. Scow Rogers, Clair, Caledonia; ft lumber 24 lath linoz, CLEARED Juno 1. Sieamor Emerald, Young, Chippewa, Steamer May Flower, Willoughby, Detroit. Steamer Mohawk, Hollywood, Stanley. Steamer Southern Michigan, Perkins, Toledo, Steamer Dover, McSwain, Dunvltle.

Steamer Louisiana, Davenport Sandusky. Steamer Queen of tho West, McBride, Sandusky Propolle Kent, Iterriek, Toledo. Propeller Niagara, Gebhard, Chicago. Propeller Princeton, Woodworth, Detroit. Brig Blau.

Busher, Chicago. Brig Cruekfl, Jones, Wallacebnrgh. Brig Missouri Butler, Erie. Schoonor Hagar, Clifford, Toledo. Selioouer Kent, Peppard, Burwell.

Schooner Larwick, Sinclair, Dover. Schooner War Eagle, Sanderson, Hownn; Schooner Burton, Shndock, Blk River. Schooner Cpngross, Hooper, Erie. Schooner Trenton, Stone, do MARINE RECORD. 1 FmruT, July 1, Collision on tub Tho steamer Louisiana, Capt.

Davenport, bound from Sandusky to this port, was run into yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, about 12 miles above Cleve land, by the propeller Michigan. The Michigan was com ing mit of Cluvolond bound up the lake, and tlio Louisiana of her wheels, entirely demolishing Uer saloon and soverul state rooms over head. So person was hart. The damage sustained by hor will probably amount i Tug SouTKiiiK MiomoAS. We were in error yesterday, In saying that tho steamer Southern Michigan had i-uu from Buffalo to Cleveland in yisa nocBfl and fiftbbh minutrs, Hertimo was ninu bovhm and tkw kinttrh, and what Is more, there was no intention on the part of Capt.

Porkias or his officers to make better time than usual, and it was only on lynching tho Cleveland dock that they ware aware of what time Uiey had made. This speaks well for tho management of the boat, and Hbows boyond a doubt that she Is in perfect order. Tho shortest timo over wits by the Nortiioai Indiana, in siwu uovm A5D vimrty-bbvin ty fita steamer Queen of the West," Capt MeBrido arrlTOd from Ciereland hut evening, making tho run In a little ovar ian hours. She left this morning for Cleveland, from which place she takes on a pleasure party and leaves at 0 o'clock P. for DetMit, returning- oh Saturday aftw-noon, lJii The Mississippi returned to port this morning from her trip to Cleveland and Detroit A IjAtritrn.The Cleveland Plain Dealer learns that Messrs.

Laflrenier Stevenson will launch from their ship yard In Ohio City, on Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. one oMhs )arget pmpellertr ovor built In this section. The following art her dimensions: Length of keel 200 feet hrwdth oi beam 28 foot, depth of hold 12 foot. She has ft capacity of 700 tons. She is bujlt for SuffaJcud the work It all of the hest material, put together in the most substantial aunatr, HerVi that her lanQob auy be a meaftaral om BUFFALO, N.

V. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 1. For itibceUaneoaa and Local Mattel ee trmt nnd Third Pases. The Hanaonixera. There is a conspiracy among a few of the old scabs that have hung npon the limbs -of the New York democracy, which the healing sores of the party are throwing off, to break the party into factions again, so that they may be in the majority when they throw off their vizard and take their final leave.

They know that they must seek more congenial alliance, or disappear as fast as death and shame can reduce their numbers. There is shame left in some of those whom circumstances, and not choice, have enrolled in their ranks; and these are dropping off daily, whilst death and the Judiciary are doing up the business for the ineorrigibles with sure progress. The organs of this beautiful faction are the Albany Argus, with its Ocean Steam Company secretary for its conductor, whose democracy and honesty have been so long and so well tested that there is no longer any doubt about cither; the National Dem-ocrat, with its mountebank, too-snapping editor, whose itinerant charlatanism is his beat recommendation; the Rochester Advertiser, with its long-eared trombone, ho is ready to take the pitch of the leader and make the notes stiU more harrowing by braying them through its assiniue throat and nostrils; and last, if not least, our Buffalo cotemporary whose columns echo them all, though not like Paddy's hill-side, which returned "pretty well I thank you" for "how are you 'league." It is the daily employment of these engines of harmony to seek out every possible means of making mischief and preparing for the success of whiggery in the state and nation, as fast as the elections come round. To this end they exert every faculty and pull every string. To this end they daily teem with lying abuses of state officers who endeavor to guard the interests, tlielrasr lire and the honor of the state against the ma: chinations, rapacity and cunning devices of the freebooters whose organs they are.

To this end they belie the President himself, representing him as swinging his fists and declaiming in public about the Buffalo platform" and "the Baltimore words which -probably never escaped his hps 1ft the public And to this end these puny things will labor till their ad herents will be reduced to a mero corporals guard of political black legs and desperadoes, who cannot steal enough to -support them. Let every true democrat understand that thee haruionizers are laboring for the cause of whiggery, and that the efforts they are making have nothing in view but the num bers that they may be enabled to carry with them to swell the whig power in the state. They confidently expected to be enabled to control and monopolize all the official patronage of the general government in the state. Failing of this, and finding that the President takes the course in these matters which his own judgment, aided by. the best information his reach, indicates as the proper one, they have determined that he and his administration shall be deprived of the support of the Empire state.

They have commenced thecampaign witli this firm determination. This every one can see. The question for democrats to answer is, shall they succeed The way to answer it is, to pay no attention to the lies uttered or the mischief attempted by the traitor, but to press forwnrd in the straight path of duty, keeping steadily in view the best interests of the state and nation, and the integrity and success of the democratic party. The question of preserving tlio fmifovi of the territories obtained from Mexico, which for a long time divided tli national democracy and prostrated limit- rioWcf, having been permanently disposed of, the radical democracy of New York and other free states, now stand higher far higher in the estimation of all honorable southern citizen than those infamous traitors to principle who toadied to the south for sops during the controversy. There were a great many good and true democrats who became enrolled on the side of the toadies, in the split of the party in this state, because they deemed the nomination of Mr.

Cabs obligatory on them, notwithstanding that the stat of New York was disfranchised by the action of a majority of that convention which put him in nomination. this decision, those who differed with them never complained. Between those who supported Mr. Cabs on the ground of party obligation, and those who refused to support him because New York was not slloWed to participate in the nomination, there is now, and lias long been, perfect harmony and this harmony cannot be disturbed by tie machinations of those traitor organs and their adherents. As jegards a "table" which we see passing round among the harmonizing organs, which is the production of the toe-suapper of the National Democrat, wo.

have only to say that it is of a piece with his former table performances a palpable cheaJU-an unmitigated lie, notwithstanding the facts that may be garbled into tho misrepresentation, Who could not make out. a case showing that General Scott was elected over General Pierce, in the same -way? Dor the toe-snapper think he can thus "biologise" the whole people of the state I If hn could do so, we presume he would not cry "oil right till the whigs were safe in Rochester Water. Rochester has resolved to have a supply of pure water. The creek known by the nameof Hoiieyc, in the town of Rush, Monroe County, is the source from which the supply is to come. The water is said to be.

pure and soft. If our Rochester friends tvill take from those who have, had experience, the corporation will take the matter into its own hands instead pf allowing a aanpjiriyte own and construct Water. Wcontroll-edonly by the: authorities. tW city' fa which tie works are located. VBuifalo ifi ere long have to buy out the water', company located in' this Tfto people will never be satisfied until it is done, and our public grounds and high ways, abundantly supplied with Ihn wholesome clement of health, Monument to Mr.

Kino, Tho Alabama papers aro agitatingtho question of the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Vice-President King. hope they trijl succeed, toUsa Barnev Williams. M.ta. Schmidt, and U- Therew. To be followed with thl Irish drama of rAUV MK PIPER.

-0 laMv Donovan wUichthe comic dfama i BRYAN UrfN. "2f "i llr- WUliaina narnry WiUiams. Dance hy Horn. Schmidt and M'lle Theresa. with the lnoghaWe burlesnne of UMAX'S RIUHTS, t)R FEMALE CON VEEl'ION.

Dress Circle and Parquettc50 centfj Private Box So-Orcho5tra Seats To cb? Family Circle, 25 cents: VmtrSSSf 2o cenL. Seata can be socured nj-appUcation at the Box Office, from 9 to 12 a. and lroin 2 to 6 Principal Entrance on Main street. Eentrenee to Third Tier on Washington street. Doors open at o'clock-perfornianee will commenoe at precisely.

EXCURSION ON THE FOl'ttTH OF JIXY. THE UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY, Of tin's city, will give an Excursion on the coming Anniversary of our National Independence, on thu splendid steamer LADY from lirifflth's dock, foot of Evans street, leaving at 9 o'clock A for Gravellv Bay and Grand River, C. W. ty Ti diets 50 cents each. Dinner on hoard at 50 cts.

Thera will also be a (rood Cotillon band In attendance. je30d3l fEW 91UH1C AT SAtJE SON'S-Anaie, i own love, ballad, by Foster. ciuuiu, oauan, oy uener; Ah, could you but see my heart, Burke: ButtcrUy polka, La CidUumne Inchn, Meyer; La 11 aches; Hoffman; Hempstead; Grobe; ArieL noliu. red Viola iichottischt boys carrv me Ring, ring the Baujy ij avm; poiKa, Badger (juieksti) Hempstead; Youn pianiit-iH collection of" melodies from the most iaorue operas arrsngf.fl four hands, by Fred Beyer: Xo. I Norma, yA.

7 La Soranambula, 2 Relisaiio, Czan and Zimmerman, Jiucia, 4 II Puritani, 5 Les Huffenil. 9 Elisire Amosc, 10 Robert Le Diable, 11 Romoo aud JuUetto: 6 Fille du regiment, 12 A Uestrand etrand. SAGE SONS" Piano Forte and Music Store, 209 Main-st. jyi. IRON RAILING WORKS, cliktok stkejst, oitositk the coukt hotseh, buffalo.

tiAirtu increasea our iacUities we are-now prepared to furnish Irou Fences and Rail- Ling, Verandahs, Balconies, Awning Frames, Stair Railing, Printers' Chases, Side and Foot sticks, etc. We are also prepared to castings to order Window Weights, Cate Weights, Hitching Posts, Stench Traps, etc, on hand or made to order at short notice. 3 Owners of Lots in Forest Lawn Cemetery aro in-fvruied that we will fence their lots in a good substantial manner, anu mrniMi stonc-woi anu tnuseiiev-injr them from the trouble of attending to the matter them- selves. TcP Orders from abroad should be addressed to R. M.

EDDY Buffalo, N. Y. R. Bl. EDDY, jylitf R.

M. BINGHAM, IRON KAILING WORKS. WILLIAM LEAK1 mas actcre kvebt vabietv of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCE. VERANDAHS, BALCOXIK8, BALBHTBAPES, IROX VAULTS, DOOKS, STTTTJ'KHS, AWNING FRAMKS, Lichtniim Rods and ftmithwork in all its branches, at his IRON RAILING Main street, south of Chippewa, opposite North Presbyterian Church, Buffalo. Leak respectfully soliritsh sliare of public patronage, as it i his linn resolve to be prompt in all hU undcrtiikingK, and to work upon the most reasonable terms.

Builders mid all who arc in want of Iron Railing, etc, will do well to call an'l examine mv prices. je21d6mo W. LEAK, Main street. LIGHTNlNti RODS! TIX'KKH EOWAROS, MAXl'FAC'Tl'REItS OF LlfiHTXIXtf RODS FOtt PPBLIC BTILDIXUfl, DWEI.tlXHS, KTC. Put up at short notice and in the be-st possible manner.

XO. 1 EAST SKJflCrA StkKkT Miuoor westoi ioe rosi Office. (r Orders k-ft at the Hanlware store of F. Peatt Co, Terrace, will meet with prompt attention. je20tf TICKER UPWARDS importers AN-n dealers i FRENCH WINES, BRANDIES, BONDED GOODS always on hand and for sale At Wholhsale Retail, No.

14 Buffalo. je20 II. C. CJAUEY, MANUFACTURER OF HATS AND CAPS, AND DEALER. IN FURS, BUFFALO ROBE), TRUNKS, VALISES, Carpet Bngs.tiloves, Mittens, India Rubber OMd I'mbrellas, at Wholesale and Retail, So.

144 Ma ix Street, Btpfalo, X. Y. 3 my5ily A III (' Uli TUKAL WAItK IIOf SK AWl SEED STORE, Nos. 11 LI West Se-vsca Street, Bcppalo. IMPLEMENTS and MACHINES, of everv de scription and most approved patterns.

(tArden, held and slower seeds. Atrricuiturat uooks. Fertilizers, kc kc, kc, for sale as above, hy jcl13m MASON LOV BRING. FLE1SHARTY Tl'TTLE, TUODUCE, SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KO. 27 CEXTKAL WHARF, BUFFALO, If, Y.

Liberal advances made on nil kinds of produco for bale in Buffalo, Albany, New York, or Boston. Particular attention paid to purchasing produce for Eastern markets. J. Flekiiartv, jeltf Arad Ttttlk. "77 J.

BVEtL, PRODUCE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, OX THE CaNAI, COlUiER OF LLOYD ANU PRIME IJTREKT8, DrFF.U-O. JtF" Ample facilities for Storage, and Shipping at all times. Also, wholesale and rvtail dealer in Salt, Water Lime and Ground Plaster. jel JA31LS I1LLLOWS 4k STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DART'S ELEVATOR, COKXEB BUFFALO CKKEK AND SHIP CANAL. Jahes Bellows, Buftolo.

C. W. Bently, i R. C. RtNTLT, I Mami BUFFALO, N.

(rsT11 Cash advances made on proiWrty in store, or cou signed to our correspondents in Albany, Boston and ew lorn. rUv.fin ami PnlHrxr Vrotirht Wi.po1.aiiu (jj. a mridtt J. KIUKPATKK'K, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. AGENT FOR CLEVELAND, COLUMBl'S CINCINNATI AND CLEVBLARD A PITTSBtTtGH RAILROADS.

Office corner of Bock and Water streets, Buffalo, jel Law Pnimerslilii. PETER M. VOSBURGH WELLS BROOKS, have formed a Partnership for tlio Practice of the Law, under the name and firm of VOSBURGH BROOKS. gj" Office over the Pont Office, formerly occupied hy. P.

it. Vogburgh. Buffalo, January 1st, 1863. j20dly NOTlliJf "The Books of Subscription to tho Capital Stock of the Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad Company, are now openat the offlcfi of the Secretary, No. 11, Spaulding's Exchange.

rSOflice hours from 9 m. to 3 p. m. detOdtf F. ORIOLE Yf Secretary.


jelSly J43. B. H111TI1. LYON'S KATHAUION. The Kaftiainm neutrntiva the efTeota nf disease, climate and old age, in preserving and restoring the human hair even auer a oruaness oi many jvarsjeieanses ine dandrulf -ami ita natural inmorrfiost niil euro the Nervous Head-aehe, and aU Eruptive dineoae.

of the skin, wa the most desirable article for curling and Imparting- glow the hair in the world. It happily unites the effects ol the choicest Pomades to theoert French Extracts, and hales the perfume of the most delightful dowers. Ko per-son shotlki be mthont it. Price only wofevra largo bottles. Sold by all dealers everywhere.

I Barnes, Proprietor, 161 liroadwav, Sold in Buffalo, bv 0 ttirmim, WiHianM Co, A I Mathews,, Ccflwrist UoUmm, ni Jr and Colenan. jelCdlm Jf. JIOHUAN,, tiajn nnd Baal Putater, (iilderer, Ac, No. 32 s.vECAsr., fkw nooas niaow PosTOJrtcE, u'oald rosiiectfullv inform the citizens of Buflalo and ylcuiltv that he is prepared to all kinds of House, Sign and Boot Painting, (iilding, Uloauig, Paper Hanging and Decorating in general.

B. Parlors tiurmshed with Porcelain Paint in a superior style and warranted togivo satisfaction. rFAll OpJers promptly onenue'i xo. tenns moo- erate. IMJIPTHADKIKI-D'SLAM) I liave opened on office at No.

West Soneca street, where 1 wilt attend to the purcluue and sale of Heal Enlate lcttinR of Stores, Houses, dealing In Railroad Stock, etc. All who may entrust their business in my hand, will And their affairs treated with lidelltv and prortiptne. rm5 It- IIAUWF.LD. Seneca Street Ktomu UU. FL0UH, FINE ALL KINDS OFHILLFKKD.

First quality of Extra Flock fresh jrrouiid for Hotelfl and Families. Delivered frw any part of the citv. All kind of Hit T. V'rt'Ti on hand, and cau be supplied regularly. Quantities above 200 nouodti delivered free in tho citv.


148 Maix Stiuckt. BurFAM), N. V. apWdtf PATENT MOWING ACHING. MAWTrACTCRKD BY HOWARD tt 00., CORNER DP COUAQO 8THXET AM) 1UXBURUH OAA'AJ iuir Eaittrn Railrotd Depot, Bvjfalo, jf.

1' Warranted to cut and spreadwith one span of horwaand driverfrom ten to fifteen acres per-doy, of any kind gnus, aud do it as well as is done with the ecytlie- by tlie beat of mowort, Cau give any reference required, as to the full perform-ance aa above ftated. myl8dtf' IIANUFACTUBERS AND IHP0RTER3OF AND TRUNK HARDWARE, BXCLCSrVXLT QMet mni 31 Room Pio. 10a Mmin itrut, miatr lohtturfffri'uriatinriii PATENT KOSrN tUIi Kirttrtly from grease dr moke gives a steady brilb'ant Ughi WITHOUT 'DANOER OF EXPLOSION. This is the cheapest and best light now in use can bo bnrned in any common oil or fluid lamp, with a Might alteration, costing but sixpence per tube. -Solo Agents to the Patent Rosm Co.

in Buiralo, GIBBONS, FARNHAM DAVIS, oclGtf corne of Commercial st and Packet Dock ENUltA VIM! STEEL COPPER-PLATE Plt'NT-IN(i. L. MOONEY, Engraver and Copper-Plate Printer, wonld inform the citizens of Builalo, tliat he has added to his facilities for executing all orders, in every branch of his business at the shortest notice, and in a style which cannot fail of giving satisfaction. Drafts, Bill-heads, Certificates and Labels, Business Wedding, and Address Card. Seals, Rinps, and the smallest articles of Jewelry initiated at short notice, and with the ut-most perfection.

DOO PLATES alwavs on hand, and engraved to order in the most approved styles. Rooms at the oW stand, 206 Main street, ovor O. O. Steele's Bookstore. "g9lf POEMS By H.

K. Smith. Also, Poems, by Alexander Smith, a new supplv received by sliun st. milE ART For June, received, by I je4 187 Main st. Anu- ant miiTW iilklf AT Til IS I'ANF- JJ PHLET CASES A new article for prcseiving Har- iers, uouey aim uumr nHui ww.

thorn. Thev are the best tlune of the kind ever offered, lor sale at je23 15 Main st, next door to theatre. QUAKER HERBS AND EXTRACT A iun 13 assortment just received and ior naie oy i Maui ai, je27 corner West Eagle. CHARLES H. 3UELEU, VERY ESTABLISHMENT, Pimrl Siiiwt.

iwnveeii TeiTnce and Senccu St. The subsbrilw has now the most complete LvtflLiivhnwnt west of New York. He hiLtiitv u-itli ilio most modem imLuvcments, and replenished his former stable with a CoacllPS Rockaways, Buggies, and everything in the Carnage Line is or the latest siyie. He has also attached to his Extensive Stables, a RIDING GALLERY, rr tivnfUVVUVKfV fHfpd Ult in superb style.

This will accommodate Tt.v Riders at a Strangers in town in want of Carriages, or anything in his line, are invited to call, two three hundred visitors call upon this place per day. je3 ViSITTES AND SHAWLS. LACE GOODS: Wc have opened the best assortment of VES1MES, SHAWLS and LACE GOODS, ever opened in any establishment west of New York city; Wo havo Vesittes-: to 100 -ALL NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DES1UNS. Ladies will please call and inspect the above assortment 1 BISHOP j0J4 No. 218 Main street.

FAMILY BL'TTER STOKE. E. F. COOK CO. BEG leave to inform all tlioso house-keepers whe would like to be supplied with the first auality of bible butter, that they hare opened an establishment at No.

7 South Division street, which is exclusively devoted to that buBiness. -They have all the conveniences forkeeping butter cold and sweet, and they have engaged an adequate number of the best dairies in this region of country. The butter is made and seasoned strictly in accordance with their directions, and brought in as'fast as it is made. They furnish families with any quantity desired, Bending it in small or large crocks to their houses, and giving them no trouble farther than to call and leave their orders. jeOdtf ADY'f BOOK For July.

'25 Craham's Xj Magazine, for July, '25 cents. Arthur's Home Magazine, for.lulv, lSf cem. For sale at the Literary Depot, Post-office, je20 HAWKS. BKER MATKfiLW-S confilwntlv on liand andforsalebv A Ji MOOKE. je20 225 Main fit.

'ATEU received and for sale by je20 A MOORE, ilain st. LUBIN'S PKKFrMKS An assortment, just and for sale by A 1 MOORE, ERJIAN VKlt'S By Charles Urooks. received lljr by DERBY, UltTOX MULLIGAN, JCZU 3 IlHK OI.D HOITSE BV THE 111VER By the autlior of "The Owl Creek Letters," received by DERBY, I J.20 187 Main street. "nK ERUMSU the Kife: I tcenth century a series of lectures by v. uiacLa.

received bv DERBY, ORTON MTI.LIOAN. 5e20 1H" Mam street. IHJS TEXT OF HHAKSPKAHE HESTOKKll 'Pn ha in RilttiHn Iiarts. WOJ-M Ol fuaksp eare reprinted from Hie newly discovered copy of lie folios of 1032, in possession oi J. i'ayne Loiner, con taining nearly tli a historv of the ita-re to the time.

nuTiritrod action to tach nlav.a Life of the noet. bv J. Pavne Collier, F. to wiucu are auueu liiossarMuanuoiueriioiOj gitg he readings of former editions. Parts 1 and '2 now ready.

ror sate at tne uterary ifepor, rosi-oince, je24 HAWKS. LvS.JIKIH'S IM)I cele- 1 Drareu ever anu auiipij jus. cceived bv 11 CHAMrLlA, '2W Jlam-st, jeH corner of West Eagle. SECOND HAND PIANO PORTE We have five or six very good second hand Piano Fortes for sale, varying in pneo irom ciginy-nve xo ono nuuuruu uuu my dollars, which as they have all been used in private faoi lies, we can confidently recommend as semcable instru- We have now the finest assortment of new Piano Fortes ever exhibited in this city and for sale on most reasonable icrms at J. SAGE SON'S Piano Forte and Music Store, je4 No, 200 Main street, AMERICAN WOIU.IVS FAltt POLKA A few copies of this beautiful polka, by Charlie C.

Converse, dedicated to Horace Greelv, have been ree'd at A0E SON'S Piano Forte aud jc4 Music Store, 209 Main street. )OCfiJT KNIVES A splendid assortment of Hoi lv Cy'd American Pocket Cutleiy, ree'd at -Je3 STEELE'S Book Store, 266 Maln-st. OYSTERS! OYSTERS I 3m FOKTESCUEtt JACKSON successor to IIiggiss, Blosieb Will Ucep constantly on hand OYSTERS, in kegs and cans, of tho choicest kind, and GAME of every description. Also, have agency of 0. H.

Blosier Co's superior PH02NIX ALE, at tho old stand, No. 146 Main street, Buffalo. Dec. lt, 1852. dcc24dtf HUSHES Cloth, Hat and Hair Brushes a large stock of new styles, and beautiful goods, at BAKNUM'S Great Variety Store, je2 215 Main street NEW BOOKS Tho Genius and Mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.

by Rev. Calvin Colton, L. L. D. Father Brighthopes; Or, an Old Clergyman's Vacation, by Paul Crayton; ree'd by DERBY, ORTON MULLIGAN, Jo2 187 Main slreet.

TjHOPllORUfS A large quantity In ten pound cans Jl just receiveu ana wr saie encap oy a je23 Druggist, 226 Main st OLD HICANDY For sickness, the purest article to bo had, for sale by A MOORE, je23 225 Main st. CLARET WINE Of a choice for sale by je23 A MOORE, 225 Main st. TlliST KECK1VED A large assortment of Drawing lepers, ol ail sizes anu qualities; aisoine large rrencn Drawing, in rolls, which will be furnished to engineers and draughtsmen at the most reasonable rates. DERBY, 0RTOX MULLIGAN, je23 187 Main street. BALSAJI FIU Hiompson's cyc-water, Godfrey's cordial, muriate and sulphate morphine; McMeuon'a euzer opium, liquia opoueiaocK, jaynes expeciorani, uuu carminative balsam, cowage down, pure nitrate silver, caraway seed, ground slippery elm bark, bark, Alexandria senwugum shellac, etc, just received by CHAMPLIN, 290 Main st, je27 corner West Eagle.

LEE BROTHER'S JEWELRY STORE, KO. 104 MAl.V STKKKT, BUFFALO. XfOW is the time to select something handsome in tho Xlj way of Jewelry. We' are constantly receiving nw patterns of fine goods, as per arrangement whh Manufacturers and Importers. Also, DIAMONDS, ZfW of the flirt quality.

Our stock of WATCHES complete. 5 Without making any i.argk pretentions, we intofiu to sell as low as any house in the city. WKLTZ A- HCH.MITT, i IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES. i XO. 204 MAIS BTRKKT AM BRIOA BLOCK, HAVE just received a new importatfon from Paris, eoniurisitiir ft larco stftck of FANS Of the newest styles aud the greatest variety of patterns.

PERFUMERY The Genuine Ladies' Extract, Pomadum, Hair Oil, Flour de Kia. Ponder, perfumed fancy baskets and bags. FRENCH ACCORD EONS Embroidery and sew ing silk; Combs shell and imitation of shell; Morocco find Russia leather Reticules, Traveling cases and fancy work boxes; port monies, port folios, and shawl-pins, with chain; fob and guard chains; pearl buttons and (icnrl breast-pins; dominos, French playing cards, chess-ioardR and chess-men; inlaid work; French spectacles. Agathe and bone buttons, besides the most complete assortment of FRENCH WILLOW WORK BASKETS, -with handles, containing quite a variety of new patterns, to which tho proprietors would respectfully call the attention of tho Indies of Buffalo and tlio trsdo in general, jelV NEW VARIETY STORE, 204 Main street. OCKPORT WATER LIME A supply of super-Ij ior Hydraulic Cement kept constantly on hand und for salo by L.

II. PRATT, myl'dtt' Foot of Michigan atreet. PUTNAM MONTHLY MAttAZINS-For July received by DERBY, 0UT0N MULLIGAN, jo28 187 Haiti limit. New Confectionary and PuMry Eslnbllshaient. XAI BOU YON Begs to acquaint the puhlic that lie has just opeoed anestnblitshmeutin this citv, nt No.

2S Main street, just below the American he will keep on hand a constant supply of the finest desct4p tions of Confectionary, Pastry, Jellies, -Ice Crm, Iced Fruits of all kinds, ftc. He will also prepare to order on short nHee, all of the fashlouable French delicacies, aich as Sorbets, Biscboffs, Cramolatca, Frouiage Bavarois, Charlotte a la Jardiniere, Charlotte Kusse, Charlotte Plombiere, Ate. Orders for. Parties, Wedding PicNl, pronipUy He hni'lHttd up Rt conslderabio eiponse a neat and pleasant ICB CIIKAM l'ARI-OK, hor Ladiii and OonUemtn w( ftitnlslwj the abore artlclea, at all. seasooabls houn of thaaajraM 'S! mil, and ha Sartors hlBself, tworablt towwa to amrol th drst HotIIIm in rhll city, to whom can re rJrrtr.iii.n, to hi.aihllllyana,ualineat onslnhia Is that the resolution! may ps..

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