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Press and Sun-Bulletin du lieu suivant : Binghamton, New York • Page 10

Binghamton, New York
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Jan. 4, 1960 10 BINGIIAMTON PRESS CHANNEL CHUCKLES TV Movlo Highlights Log Free Forces. Gain On Reds in Asia- (The TV tattom ire rtiponilbl tor lb accuracy Ihtaa nhedulet, which art printed In accordance with Inlor. matlon provided by the itationa then, atlvea.) TODAY WNBF Today Channel 12 11:20 p. m.

CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT BARBARA STANWYCK, DENNIS MORGAN. Occasionally funny farce about a newspaper columnist, who Is Instructed by her boss to have a war hero as her family's guest for Christmas dinner. Of course, she has no family and by that thread the film hangs. 1 -1 1 1 Seat the (Continued From Page 1) Clock WIN 40 Dr. Ma Ion a From These Roota The Verdict China and the Nationalists on la Youra Formosa.

Brighter Day Secret 00 hi 15 30 00 HoitKe on 19 High St. 31) Spilt 43 Personality FOUR Most U. S. diplomatic and military personnel In this theatre are capable, dedicated persons, doing an important job Storm Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Formosa. Hong Kang, Viet Nam, Thailand, and the Philippines.

We traveled hundreds of additional miles by helicopter, Jeep, boat, stall car, motorbus, and local air transport. FRONT LINES For Instance, we visited the front lines in Korea by helicop American Bandstand as 1 a with considerable skill. Our am bassadors are top-flight diplo Car. Popey -ffj 00 sSToO Giant 15 15 toon 30 11,30 Caro Carousel mats, learned In the ways of communism. All echelons are trying to conduct an effective ter.

We traveled the length of Formosa to Inspect Chinese Nationalist troops. We rode an air "people to people program, mixing with the local people, Newi Weather craft carrier off Okinwa, and and learning their history, cus 15 Weather 1120 Sports Press News 4 15 NBC News Car'l Carav. The Detec watched jet fighters in a demon-! toms, languages and other na- tives sirauon 01 rocKeiry ana aeriai tional characteristics. DomDing. we saw the Thai air Sullivan Fashions for Milady FIVE There Is a certain Show force and Vietanmese ground Cheyenne "Help!" TODAY'S top television shows as previewed and selected by TV Key's staff of experts who attend rehearsals, watch screenings, nd analyze scripts In New York and Hollywood: ED SULLIVAN.

(7 p.m., Channel 40) A delightful spot on the show tonight is Gertrude Berg's offbeat Christmas story about someone who has Hanuk-kah in mind. For the rest, a busy Polly Bergen goes from "Silent Night" and "Sleigh Ride" to "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Patricia Neway sings her hit "Climb Every Mountain," the Baird Marionettes entertain the children with a Christmas fable, and Betty Johnson, on film, repeats her Christmas medley from last year. Poodles and other novelties, of course. DANNY THOMAS (9 p.m., Channel 12) A change of pace with Beatrice Kay singing "Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl" in a night club Danny Williams and his protege Pat have bought. Danny does his best to be businesslike and belts out a number, too.

A pleasant show with night-club owner Charlie Halper (Sid Melton) getting the biggest laughs in the episode. TV THEATER (9:30 p.m., Channel 40) "Omaha Beach Plus Fifteen." Thpre are some excellent performances notably by Cameron Mitchell in this drama about a wartime deserter who feels compelled to attend a reunion of his buddies 15 years after a major battle in which they all participated. Unfortunately, the script suffers from muddled TV thinking and doesn't deliver the wallop it should have had. amount of local graft and cor troops In maneuvers. We interviewed heads of local ruption in some of the countries fias under heavv rjressure has Eovernments.

includinc Presi- supported oy tne V. t. in Asia 00 15 Dennis dents Chiang Kai-shek at For been struck at 300 foot depth near Surat, India. Father 30 il5 OKeere 1 30 Wells Fargo 1 45 Thievery from U. S.

bases Is commonplace In Korea and the Philippines. There is need for fiscal reform in some countries. Local currencies are pegged at Knows Best 4a mosa, Syngman Rhee in Korea, and Ngo Dinh Diem in Viet Nam. At other places, we talked with defense and foreign ministers, Danny 00 artificially high rates, while oo Peter Guna and local military chiefs Thomas 15 11 Tnn tt tn tvJblack market flourishes. But in Adventures 30 in Paradise 45 30 "Theater 45 Pacific gave us extensive brief-Ve balance, U.

S. foreign policy ings, as did the American envoys 1S helping to bring about politi-such as ambassadors MacArthur economic and military sta Said he'd rather hang around his TV set now that's it's fixed by DON'S TV SERVICE 25 MILL ST. RA 3-0455 Like most folks, he finds his favorite programs more enjoyable, after expert set repairs by our technicians. in Japan, Elbridge Durbrow iree Asia. rs 15 I Steve June Allyson 30 I pi rt'v txt? 3 News Weather Sports Th i nTVwtl flm S1X To manV Americans Sr 'in Pnn should tO impose Oilstrap in Korea and Consul, it jm; General Holmes at Hong This theatre encompasses too complicated for them to more 4than 80,000,000 square absorb, particularly when 85 per miles, mostly ocean areas, and cent of tne people in some of larger than all the land masses these erstwhile colonial areas III 00 Press News 10 Weather: 15 Sports 25 Jack Paar Movie Movie 00 jy 00 Jack Paar is iBuieworiu.

iiinwuaesBaozeniare illiterate, and there is no ilec IldLluUS, Willi OIJ.UUU.UUU ActnhlicliOI TroHifinn fi i 30 Jack Paar a re 45 sponsible free press. Democracy, JACQUELINE SCOTT and CAMERON MITCHELL Paired In Channel 40's TV Theater tonight free people, most of whom have achieved their independence only In the last 10 years. Eight of these countries are allied wee economic progress, has to TUESDAY come gradually. SFVTV Tk ADVERTISEMENT) hi- il i i i ji iuc ihuwic iu ueaue wiui uie u. o.

oy treaty this Dart nf lh RoH 92 PI! )0 Today AS Tl XT a nt. mutual defense pacts. Breakfast Time China not Soviet Russia. In an 1 1 2 31 Todav MORE EFFECT the long run, the Chinese Com 45 Tent Shoiv Gave Jacqueline Her Start at Tender Age 45 In the long run. developments' by a series of hostile acts tremendous with its population Breakfast 00 Time 15 Capt.

30 Kangaroo 45 00 Today I 25 Press News 30 Toaav 1 45 nVrtl Vl lief 1A 1 wv nit took au jtaia iJit-iuuillK Ann lanH arpa mnv havo Stop Heart Gas 3 Times Faster Certified laboratory tests proe BELL-ANS tablets neutral ne 3 times as much stomach acidity In one minute is many leading digestive tablets. Get BELL-ANS today (or the fastest known relief. 35 at drufgists. Send postal to BELL-ANS, Orangeburg, N. Y.

for liberal fret sample. 1 tne Korean war. the Chinese effect on the welfare and wil rt it; ity of the U. S. than our historic! whatsoever that they want to be T'sure House 1 ,00 Cartoon Carousel JO Janet Dean 1 45 Cartoon Eape of radiioiibiups vvun uie mouierja cooperative, law-abiding na-countnes of Europe.

tion. Red China remains the only Certain conclusions emergejnation ever to be officially from the sum total of our exper-j branded as an "aggressor" by "If I've had any success In this business, 1 owe it to the kindness of Mr. Calhern. He taught me how to act," she continued. Her next Broadway role came in "Inherit the Wind," which starred Paul Muni.

Prior to coming to Hollywood in 1958, Miss Scott had appeared in many live TV shows from New York. New York Jacqueline Scott, who plays the feminine lead with Cameron Mitchell in "Omaha Beach Plus Fifteen" on TV Theater, (Channl 40 tonight at 9:30) falls into the elite category of child actors who have succeeded in show business as adults. Jacqueline obtained her first stage experience at the age of 5. "It was traveling; with a tent show in Missouri," Jac lences on mis inginy liiioruiauve.ine unitea Nations, Search for tour of the Orient. I think the most significant are these: EIGHT U.

S. armed forces 00 Dough-15 Re-Mi 30 Play Your 45 Hunch Tomorrow 00 Guid'g U'bt 15 Kitchen 30 Party 45 TV SALES SERVICE SOUTHSIDE ELECTRONICS 257 Floral Johnson City SW T-4S74 NEW G-E TV SETS 183 Court St. 1290 Upper Front St. OPEN ffh 0PEN TIGHTp.M. Prices in this ad effective in all Giant Markets thru day, Jan.

6th. We reserve the right to limit quantities. ONE President Eisenhower's, and our allies in Asia need mod-good-will mission to India, Pak-ernization of weapons. The Navy istan and Afghanistan was a bo- needs a new Forrestal-class car- Love 00 nus for the free world throush-rier. ine UN command in Korea Lucv la I I )0 Price December 30 I I 15 Is Right out all Asia.

It identified the needs missiles and communiea- Bride 43 I I 30 Concentra President as a man of peace, and tions equipment. The Army SAVE THIS BUILDING SUPPLY CHECK LIST 45 an American who is interested 1 would like to fill out its under in the future of Asia. An Eisen-' strength divisions. There is need Three 00 Stooges 15 ftn Tmith nr I 15 Con'quences News Z5 hower visit to the Orient would for a radar aircraft warning sys-be highly welcome, particularly tern in Viet Nam and Thailand LEAN CENTER-CUT oe 30 11 louia 45 You Neighbors 45 in Japan, Formosa, and the Phil-! Most of the 1,200,000 native ippines, I troops in the area need modern small arms and automatic weap Heart of the 00 Home. News 15 World 30 Turns 45 00 Liberace 15 30 SherJock 43 Holmes TWO Leaders of most free ons.

STfltlDHRD MATERIALS 1 Asian countries are dead set NINE In the economic field, 00 Queen for a tnere is a need for greater in 1 queline laughs. "And I was probably the worst child tap-dancer to ever haunt an audience, but I loved every minute of it." The red-haired, brown-eyed actress loved the entertainment field so much that she performed in many schools I plays in Sikeston, Mo. Shortly after her 17th birthday, Jac- 1 queline obtained her first professional work as an actress when the St. Louis Theater gave her a part in "Rain." From St. Louis, Jacqueline went to New York and Hunter College.

She played in several off-Broadway productions, then got her big break, a major part opposite Louis Calhern in the play "The -Wooden Dish." Day In 00 Court 15 Gale Storm 30 45 I sw imx sw 15 I 7-1279 QutTTSI 7-1279 against recognition or trade with Red China. They are skeptical of any solid accomplishments resulting from the exchange of visits between Mr. Eisenhower and -Khrushchev. They think it vestment of foreign capital to speed industrialization of free Asian nations, and an improve 15 Dav 30 The Thin 45 Man 00 Young Dr. ment in agricultural production Southeast Asia needs basic com be a damaging blow to; Beat the Clock Verdict la Yours 15 Malone 30 From These 45 Roots munications such as new high ways and airfields.

It would be trnorale of persons behind the llron Curtain who hope for even-! tual freedom. But the visits are accepted as an act of "good will" on the part of the President. desirable to achieve some stabili aright Day 00 Storm 15 ty in commodity prices of local products, such as rubber, tin, 00 House on 15 High St. 30 Split Per-45 sonality American 30 Bandstand 45 rice, copra, and oil. In a series of articles tn fnl.

THREE Most Americans do SHORT SHANK SF.iOKED PICNICS Plastic Wall Tile Glass Fireplace Screen Polyethelene Paper not realize it, but the U. S. is under appropriate datelines, still at war in the Pacific. There we will tell more about how the Is no peace in Korea and Viet frr. nmrw ic onim-na Popeye Theater RATH BLACKHAWK SAUSAGE roil 2C 15 Cartoon i 30 Carousel 45 on HOTEL I Nam only an armed truce, communism in the battle for ib.

i inere is not even a iruce in me Asia Formosa Straits. A state of Civ il War still exists between Red! Tomorrow The Japan story. News weather Carroll Lockup Salamanders Casting Piaster 0 Scorbord 9 Plaster Color Reinforcing Rods 9 Access Doors i o7 I V5f LINCOLN 1 ,1 15 Weather 1 1 20 Sports A 166 Clinton St. i 30 Press News 45 NBC New ji Mike Se Jan and Fred Snyder ISroke in on Fninily II DELICIOUS i I HOT PIES 8 wi iiiW TAKE OUT RA 3-9875 NEECOl One Seized, Second Sought In Robbery, Kidnap, Rape CALIFORNIA ICEBERG L1TTOC1 S. NO.

1 flAv POTATOES In Color Today Channel 40 10 p. m. Steve Allen. Tomorrow Channel 40 6:30 a. m.

Continental Classroom. 11 a. m. Price Is Right 12:30 p. m.

It Could Be You. 9 p.m. Arthur Murray. Gastonia, N. VP) C.

G. Robert Case, 28, Shedd's uncle 9 Roofing 0 Sewer Pipe Steel Sash Tile Board Wall Ties Pre-Fab Chimneys Waterproofings Wall Coping White Sand Window Wells Cinder Blocks "YOUR BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER" who also lives at Smyre. Offi nttiiut y7 PICTURE TUBE cers, seeking him for question ing, said Case fled on foot into woods. Black, his pretty wife, Janet, and their two sons were watching television at their home in nearby Crouse yesterday when two men armed with a pistol and knife forced their way into the house. Black and his sons, aged 13 2-YEAR WARRANTY 17" SIZE $27.95 1-YEAR WARRANTY 17" SIZE $24.95 All Tubes Installed FREE Red China A-Bomb Soon? FRO-JOY and 10, were tied with rope GUARANTEED TV and robbed of $44, and Mrs.

Black was forced to accompany 14-gai. 126 Water St. RA 3-5510 LARRY BLYDEJf and Mary Fickett have been signed for "One Loud Clear Voice," NBC-TVs Sunday Showcase presentation for Jan. 17. The teleplay deals with a political reformer who becomes a political boss.

21 GLEHWOOD Binghamion, N. Y. Washington UPD A weekly the men. Fast Service All Makes TV Police said that 2Vz hours news magazine has predicted later Mrs. Black, a petite 31 ICE CREAM FRESH, LOCAL GRADE-A LARGE EGGS that Red China will have an year-old blonde, was found near Lowell, about 25 miles north.

atomic bomb within two years dozen In a copyrighted article, U. S. Lowell Police Chief Jack Ridley said she told of a wild ride News World Report quoted 1 during which she was raped. inteuigence sources in Hong your trip is i. AInn 1 win Eecch-Nut and Chase Sanborn nve ui ujr u.

Kon th th Chinese A short time later officers' arrested Billy Shedd, 25, of jCommunists would explode Smvre. a small community just i their first test device in late DIAL RA 39-3-63 For correct time- day or night. pound can 1961 or early 1962. It said Red China is six years ahead of its original nuclear schedule. HELLMANN'S Water Pipe Bursts In MAYONNAISE fuU quart jar four Cellar Tonight- outside of Fastonia.

He was charged with armed robbery, rape and kidnaping. Gaston County rural police said Black and his sons identified Shedd as one of the men who entered their house and that Mrs. Black picked Shedd from a lineup from her hospital bed. Officers said a posse with bloodhounds began a search for WHITE rolls sconissuE 9 to ChhmM nr CAMPBELL'S IP Tour Son Driven a Borrowed Car DOES YOUR PRESENT INSURANCE GIVE YOU THE PROPER COVERAGE? This protection, with local claim service, can be yours I See us tomorrow. We're home town Independent Insurance Agents who are always nearby, eager and able to serve YOTTl May We Help Finance Tour Car? "Customer Service Is Our Most Important Business." when you go ackawanna! lb.

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BOVVEN BUILDING BLOCK 17 Brown St, Binghamton (Off Glenwood Ave.) ek. HAWAIIAN INSURING AGENCY, INC. Established Since 1904 66 HAWLEY STREET RA 3-3563 JAMES r. BOLAND, JR. LYNS H.


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