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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

auugi and'haVe loo strong a bearing, lo bo passed. Without some notice here. We shall, there-1 ton, briefly I0lt Important of mured tho March them. LK. in, thai hy VlrKW of an otoVr ISIO, oTUia completely exposed to the violent itormjt ell tlio Incidental PalMllno.

uK Hgliining. Neither Ihe Hible nor Jose- ful nul citate, Public Vondue, Jotepli Waumoii died iclzedj rtcucrl- mehlloii fact, iHiioh, If it ha rtcenrrcd, would hare strongly excited atlc and certainly been recorded. Besid It vras covtrcd ullh toood, both within ai "ttitnottVftnil must have been set firo to if 'Imd been iltuck. rlghlly Infc In tile criuMc of ten centuries, In th niMslW Iliumler-slmmi, and nges befo trie Invention nrparalonncrrei) (hii bulldln neitfr struck by lightning. Ths came easily explained.

By.rt circumstance app remly fortuitous, lhe temple was provide with paratonnerres similar In principle those of Franklin! The roof of tdo bnlldl ofcedar, covered wllh thick ding, and from end to end adorned by of long lances of iron or sttie). poirilc and gilt. According lo Josephus, the arch Uot intended these numerous points to pr Vent birds from defiling Ihe roof. These "Aral froiiU of Ihe building were construe! throughout Iberl whole extent of wo thickly gilt. Finally, under the porch we Into which the walor qflhe roofwe discharged through metallic pipes provld 'for that purpose.

It appears, therefore, th 'lha rdof protected by a vast number jjolnieil metallic rods commnnlcallnff k' luperabnndancaTof metallic oonductn which were conllnued to a cistern of wai below, so thjl Ihe mtst carcfullyconilru cd parattnnerrci of the nreient day cou Trie ehiirch of Ihe chateau of Count 'til, In Oarlnlhia, standing on an emlnenc 'was so often struck by lightning, and so ny fatalities occurred In tha at linglh, the celebration of divine scrvl was dfscontlnned there In summer. In course of the year 1720 the steeple was flrely destroyed by lightning, Afrer If reconstructed, It continued to ho slrucjt fr or five times a year. In 1778 it was entlr demolished, and being. Immediately built, It was now supplied with a parato nerro. From (hat time Ihe htiildlng free from damage by lightning.

In fiv yean It tvas struck but once, and Ihon tl fluid was conducted to Ihe earth by the pa atonnorre, without nljtiry to (he church. In 1750 ami 170,1 Ihe Dulch church a New York was struck by lightning, and su talned groat Injury. It was after that pr vlded with a paralonnorre, and being age! In 1705, sustained no Injury. The church of St. Michael, at Charlcsloi Hied to bo struck and dmnaeed oimc, i 'least, in two or three years.

It was prov ded with a after which It su lalned no damage. Before Ihe lime of Deccarla, Ihe palace Valentlo, at Turin, was constantly struc by lightning and damaged. Heccarla crec paralonnerrei upon It. and the daman eeased. The tower of St.

at Venice, wa tintll Iho year 1770, constantly struck lightning, and sustained, occasionally, gren In that year a paralonnerro wa placed upon II, and no damage has occurrc Mr. Snow Ilnrrli ilalei, that, of sle. In Dovomlilro, all hnve hecn, within short period, ilruck by lightning. One, on siiilalned no damage, and thai one alon provided wllh a paralonnerre, llf CHAHCtnV. yBwncicr M.

nitnaa n. Mariht doing bulkiest under lha itylo will flnu of Marilj, tltnkiaioa ft iii. JottpfiDuncan, PhooboAnn Fiv widow nfTho- mu 8. Vay, detteairrt, mil William rev, Sa. 1 4 Jl tl Ilie Mil TffflBia JnWli'lwl Oeorjn Bobblni, 1 1 William Q.

Plnckerd.Ioionh Duncan, tho Al- 1 5 il tort Marine and Flro Company, I 3 in tno entitled catisei, at tho May ten Circuit Court, IH'la, (ho mule blta Auc 'on CAIH, 10 the hhh. MONIUY, Iho Fifteenth dSyorJUNK, A. p. the hour) of u'clock In Iho fons ygoon, andflvo o'clock In unwnoon or day, on prumliei. In Wo clly of Allan, In tiro uounly of In Iho lorn (now clly) of Altai, 'r 1 ii mi 1 1 ry to Iho lown(now clly) of Alton.

Ine tore two 1,1,, i. Onlefl otnco, fn.nd for Hit county of Manlion SI 1 bounded M. Slato.atreol, till corner of slain Sccon.l.ilrt.l. tbooco on tt.Uhlln.1 aral parallel llni i Cl Court Of county, Illlnoli, nwli it the noon in4 fl ta 1 ta (lec i d.yof V' 11 Auction, on tljo jo of ten O'clock In p'rlock tho ift ernixin, of 1.14 iliy, tor i 1 oVtta oull MOH Ho, Ivonlr-fuun ownililn No.

len north tniViim. lumiliatu Ul nu 1 of JULY, bCIUMI) thfl houn Of tOI) O'clock ll, tho dim noon o'clock In iftarnon i AUC 0 llai tor CM ln law, ill of th, of i i In, No ldl 1 1 IWa prin IP" cooUlnlni oTto w.U lsty Ui9 month of on UVB flnt MOU.W next, we wiU atmlv lo Wamioii counlr, pf the ntoto of Joal wil, lrk niut i.U™ i. idh cod of the wes ion No. 7, nngo HI cnntulnliig 40 ncret, titd fjlng on I he rostl 6 milci north of Whitehall situated in Creenn county. On Monday, (he 19lh rt.iy otJiuif, 18J5, he- (ween the houit of 1 0 o'clock tu m.

and tf o'clock of will if 11 ai PuMlc Vr mlnij, on Ilie prcm- lits, part of Ihp loulh end of tho noitrmait fjiiartor o( norlhnrait oficclton No. 34, rann 1 1 30 ill In Rcott rounty, 11 linoli, imt alining tht (turn nf Mtncl A credit ot dx motitlif will ba tho purehta er giving bond with approved icairily and mortgag on ihfl premlKi. to iccurftlhc payment of the imrchai money. TAVLOn, Ailm'r. may ffEW STOHE NEW Dtrtfliy ofpotltt thk-Pott Qfflee.

tTAvmo located JTJ. new ifrttk oTHwionable reclly from the Eaitern citiri, and 3 menu to Itccp.up my tiUnct from them, which I will Wholesale or flelail, ou lermttt lho nmo style and of Owxli can bo obtained (n the Wentem country, for My pt-cicnl itockton. iliti in part, of the following viu Fiiijr.y A- NfttDtr nrj- Om A Tnrloly of nfoiwl-clnlrjj; fincy can A rarlcly of niovl-clolhi: fjncy MMiuicrSi padding; cnrpctingi Manclllcj velllngi) riinMi; krfimllMi York iluo ilrilllnsn while Ilntni 2rfO rwnM cloUij mull, ii SALE OF ESTATK. Virtuu on ortlcr intiio at tlio Debtor term, A.

n. IBM, of tiw Circuit Guilt of 6'roono county; tho Aiitfuiltcrm.A.D. 1810, tho March term, A. D. of court, upon (to iptiUcutiun Ann crtminlitratrU, mil a Bimmotii.

ininUtrator of tho ofJoMo H. Itogeri, ilectaj they will oiler and aell at public sale, to Urn hiilx blildor, nn MONDAY, Ihe'JOth day of JUNK, isirt. the rcitdftticcof Mn. flojcrs, on the prcmiini. bctwe the hotin of ten o'clock In Ilia forenoon, end tlvn clock In.

tho afternoon, of Uws following ciiile, of whlcli lho Maid ilecvclcnt tiled leltei), to-w 100 nerds, lying in tho county of Kullon, one am half rollM from (tie (own cf being the sou or section townihlpt north, ra cut of the frutlh raorhUjn. Alto equal tv AMM fourth of (ho ftillowi'rjcr ifeicrlbod tends, ito (n Uw county or Greene, JlUiioU i Tlio of thn loulhweit quarter of flection 311 the out hit tha Quarter bficcllon tno cast half of louihweit quarteroLMfiJon ner horu, hirrtTWfeioui.iweti 8fl, mhtalnlnit 73 all In township 11 north, ran 14, weit nf the third meridian. The north hnlf of south half of section flj (he northwest quarter oft quarter of lection f) thn north half oft louth half of surlidn Id; the f.iiirler of lonthcMt quarter of irction loj 5fl ocrca olT nf eatt iWe of the norlhvvi'Bl quarter of tho tnutliea quarter tit tcdjon all In townihl.) to noiUi. woilofthethlnlmcrldiuii, There bfl crttiit of monUu given. Ifco pu iMer giving note, nnd niartgnga on I lie the payment of (ho piirclnie ANN HOGKItS, Ailm'r'x.

may JA'S SIMMONS, Adm'r. FINAL BIVT. JVTOTICK icrr tfvcn, that on (lie Monday 1.1 tho inontb of July weal, wHJ ajjjily to UH? Cm of Probate ofMadinonrnunly, llllnoU, for final menloftheeitatoof Jnhn Itoll.dcccaied) ot whl 'tno anriplncc nil jwrioru laving agnmii for adjustment. ELIZABETH lloLT. Adm'x.

may 0. 1610-lD-fliv INAL Nntlco hereby ((Iven, Ihtt on the Mond tho month of July next, we thai I apply lo the Con of Prolate of Mutlion county, llllnoli, fora final ic lomcnt of tho estate of William Norman, rteceaiedf which tlmo ond nbco all pononi having cl.ilnn again laid etlato arc hereby notlllod to attend, ami present lamo for IlENJ. NORMAN, nODT. NORMAN. may 1B4G.ID-01 INAL Nnttce ii hereby given, that on (lift lint Momla the month of July next, we Dull lo tho Cou of Probate of Madlion county, lillnoii.

for a final lement of tho oatatu of Jarm-a Dnlnn, ilcreaie At wlilch tlmo andplacoall pcraons hivln 8 (aimt laid ailalo are hereby notified lo attend, and in lent the camo for adjuitmr.nt. All pononi loJcblod lo laid estate, are reriueited make immediate payment to THOS. CARROLL. mny 9, 10.Gt KDWAUD UOLAN, MK ARTIAL 8BTTLKMENT. Nollcflli on the lint Monday! ho month of Augmt next, I will apply lo (ho Cotut 'robato of Alacoupin county, fiir a partial luttlo lentoflho ostato of Wra.

tl. at wblc Inn and> all iwrsoni having cbitnn against iahl es i(e ire hereby notified to attend, and preietit tho tarn adJuilmenL All pmoni (ndebleil lo laid estate, nro remioitod to akc Ininicdiato paymonl the RQU'T Hl7l.LlUAV, Ailm'r. Notice in boroby lliat on the'flril Mondan the monlli of July I will onply to the Cnurt mtMlo of Mncoupin county lIHnalt, fora partial act oeni of tho tulalo of Iianc Wllion, ilrcensctl! hiuh (ImB ond place nil (loraoni having claims id eifalo nro hrnttty notified to itlond. nucl present the moforoiljuitniPnt. All ponond Indebted lo oitotfl, are remicbdul to akB Lbli hciehy Riven, that nn tlmllut inyn 1 Urn month of July next, I win apply to thn Courl Probate of county, niinoli, for a partial tot- niiintoftha ostotcof Lorcnio T.

HticUor, rtocMi at i cli Imo place ull perioni hnvlng claimti vnlnit ritate, ore notlflcd to nltonil, and wreawtl JO itcforailjujtiuDiil. All iii-riuiia intlublcd to tald citalc, am roquoite'l to he Irnnicdialo puyinent lo (Up iinilcrslsncd. Notice Is herehy lven, that on Ilie first Monday 11 ln lltxt of robolo ot Orceno eoimly, lUlmitH, far a'llnnl nl of tha cstalo of John cleteaiedi at wtilch lieri VingCl 1 IS MlU All penoni Indebted to wid ciute, ore lo he jiaymunt lo uwj- lfl, JAMES CANKADY, 8 awliwehy notified (o attenO, and pro- tit tha HBinH far nttha MAHOAUBT M'uRATH, or ILLINOIS, I I QujtlTto ut mat, Beplemberlenn, ma. IH CHAKCCIW. T.U.IMS or taioti, of Towmljp No.

ooilh, Banjo ho. Iwclvo, wcit of IhsUiW iirlndral murinl. tl, mi, Goorso 0. Ull. Mil la tomtl UiiMJti yoratwi a nto 0 ctaik's olllco of In oiililtal r.u.r, llul ,11 a iran-nildinli of Ito Sl.lo of Illinois, Ih.l Iho loryprocuuftf uUlctiuitnnuot bopcnom 1 'i i 'f' 1 havlnB 1 0 Bnd (brcc4018 iy haying U-pu IBI Noiv i vi I (Mil, illihiul, demur, cxraplto, llwct ho UU, lo tho rule, praclke of MM irt, lhe suw will Ukcn conf M1 ul, i ATE OP.

IH.IK011, Jtrui ames il IA.I:. OTICE I. lictcbr (Ivan, llul vllluo of Jem imito In tlio enlillcu ouio, llw Am mi ot Iho laay qlnuU court, A. 1810, om lo nw fot Ital pui Uo fuWlc Auclluu, KIB CAMI. MONUAY, A.

D. IBII, in, tmta nT Ion i Ito forenoon four oVtock lu lh. Ito door onto Ursull Cwrt cSS wi.i, pieces hTxf pnl.NTSi nuallurc anil pink Blntruun grin nel, Swill, book, Kmbric, and muallnn cordort iklrli; Ions Uwni Irlib llncnj linen napkins oml tallfl ctoWii ond cnvcrsi tmrcail covenl black anil while net ilmwli; M'llfl-lalno ikt.i irmkeil liceit dig. foollniti ami Inurllniii Scotch lawni white Jin cambric illk oml aalln ilreu lulkb) block I cravats; coat ginirham; Rlngham eravali, variety) glovcai mils; buttpna; Coatea' iixml eo Ion; Valencia, allk, latin and velvet lie liiffi; apron checkij brown and Lleachod domestic! co ton yarn; he. H.H(l»WAItn— Nalli; Iraco intt and knli-M arrf forkitj iheep Iflearii poc et end knlvei; iciaanri; Illet; anw lockl; lalelieii nilea; pniliament anil litithlngcli acrow lackai licminlonannninllockiipetcUHlon tap bndhblli) Iron, aleel nndlimaa ilirruplinralnanilgrai a variety) bmihe.i ahoe blacking; flMrolifttviirn.

WlntQ and ff.ilt China tea leu; white gruiltd dinner 1C largo granilA di.hcii ilo. vegetable granite a cnmmon pllchen; dinner, breakfait and plate cupa alul laueeri; mugsj sail ce lira; preserve uishci; cmeta; fee. Illitv, DnuiMilK. llnnli Mole. kin, I'flRlnr, beaver, bruih ond taasiiner lia palm leaf anil atraw.

Ixmnela; mcn'i II rnlf tmnts and Ihoeaicoarin boots anil sllnier lailles 1 ond misses' kill anil Morocco Moroc calf laccri and ttrap abncai ladiel' gaiter booil; saddle-ban; ii.L'«; 1 T. M. DtVlf, gDIITOftl WAH. Id a number of bur exchange poperij wo have noticed varfoUi declarations made by Abolltlotilsta BgBlnitthc war wilh Mexico, la nil of which- tfioy the poiltion that It is a tin In any man (o take up arms, or in tiny way lo ehl, lho Government ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, Gov. Ford aueceeded In making snl- isfactory arrangements wllh the U.

S. officers ot St. Louli. furiitshtng camp equipage, to the volunleen of this Slate; and bo will doubtleaa isiuo general within a day or ivto, directing the and where lo rendezvous. Capts.

Morrison, and BIsscll, of St. Clair, eoch received orders from the Governor on Wednesday last to march to thin City on Monday next; and they arrive here by has been relieved from command of the Western DlvUion, and the Invasion of vicinity wil, receive slmilaro, Crtflin?) mnhmasi (caij splcesj chocolatei ropp rnij Bait; madilnrj Indign; nlumf briaaton whila paintii oil) Uirpenttne; vnrniihi wlndo cailor ollj iaJMrndu! nupont'a cnnistcr nn k'lg powder. AUo-Wri lil'i Indian Vegetable Till Palmestnck'H VcrmiftiKe; ttc, ic. liivltn tho citliont of Alton nnd the nuiroiin ng country, to cull and examine my which I tak flimi'trlgl Alton, may 23 PETHtl DKLAPLAWR. TT A VK removed onn door hclow, to.tbc Stnro recent LL occnjiinl hy u.

P. Henton At where, In cou ncction with their I)11V (JOOD3 bustnusB, (hoy will pa liittlciilar attention to tho FORWARDING and COI. MISSION iniiincii. $J- All condiments to the caw iviJI be prcmpDy iHended to. mch AM) 8UMMEU ti IIIUGCShavcJ.istrcceive.l.amlor now opt-nlnff, at (heir store on the corner of Se cond and a New Stock of FANCY nnd STA PLK DRY (lOUDfl, of the lalcit styles, among whic may tin found a Jorge aaaottincnttif ti Clottts and Casnfmr-rs Salineta and tvticdi lanes and G.imbrnons While nnd rcil Flannels Illack nndcol'd Aljinri'as Nowpatlcrns M'tlcLoInoi I'rints fllnghami njlzarlno Lawns 'ctfumery and Pnncy nrl.clps of a very Bup'r Together wilh a Inrgn otsortmcnt of Gouda too ni.

mcrous to mention, which tho nubile aic respectful! rcquealod (o call and examine. upril it Gfng Linen Cnmhriu Grailualcd Lndics 1 dress Ildkfs CollnrcU anil Sjwnrc Ud'ii' fc gents' kid Glove LuiHrs' pearl and hco do Tallies 1 olastic a sillt, cashmtrc, ami cotto Hosiery ofall voritlics Incn la AVE now on lunil LAHCJE and SKASONABT-F Stock nf which they are prepared to ell as iCjfChcop 01 tho Clieapest! PANC'V DHY GOODS: Vool-ilyed superior 11 liKiud-clolhi nvislblCRreen, olive nnd bluo do.j Heaver-cloth JJacli nnd Jimry casslmerp pilot cloth; Vermont cloth Konlnclty jcansi cotton cariHtingi Imscya white) and yellow tlanncl; green lacking; padding "'aihnicrti, nilk, damnik, brochu ond woolen Shawls 'nncynnd black Silicb; Swiss musliiu 5O plovon CAML'Oj 96 ps Airnlliiie fhintz; combrlt ingtiam; opnm dicck; brown Ilollamlj crush am! 1). and fancy Bllkni crape and crapo leho lawnj book muiltnj Irish linen; hosiery awni llnun cambric nnd silk lidkfbi; gloves and hlk silk hdkfs; vcstlhRiii Tailor's trimmings nttoiiB! comlmi white ond Inown linen table covers Vlnte damask llnenj cotlim yarnj carpet chain Icactiod and brown domeitict etc. etc. etc." CIlOCKEIlYt 1 nrls white dinner ant) it-a st-tt, complete! Clilim tea lets oris while and common Pitchers; Ewurs and Daala Inner, brookfast, and tea I'lolcii Cups Saucen owls; Vepctnljlo Dtsho.ij 1'latleis; dc, niblcri; Sjll Cellarj; Castors; ilon nuila; siKides; shovi-h; clipt'ic sptinR.ii trace and llerchniiif; butcher knives; siovus; pocket and pen ivenj ItnlvABj tuble knives nnd forhs; razors nntl roiuj sheep nhcars; talloi'mhrnrs; schanrsj hiimmcis; tclictsj miger bils; cuoppi'i hits; saws; framiiiR firmer ciiiEicfe, filL-a; spirit levels; Intlta, latches, bolls; steel siiunrcs; brd screwsimd wrendics; bulls scroivs; tncki; brads; brushes, assorted; Manilla ami inp ropoi cordB; i-lc.

elc, IAT3, C.M'5, JJOOT.S KllOKH, nnd invite the attention of uuroM customers and pnblin to our present stock, as it our constant en- vortoglvo entire aatlsfjclinn in (itinltty unit prieui '-10 11UWAIAN JOHNSON. HEAD QUAIITEIIS FOft iff NEW 'HP. subsciilicr would innit rospoclfnlly Infiirm hit customers nnd lhe public generally, Ural lie Is now receipt of onn nf Ilie linen assortments of SPUING SUMMKH nOUDS ever Itrfnrn oll'crcil in this marl( and will continun tn make additions to his stock du- gthoiieaMoiij comiirlilng, in part, Fnrpf nnd Do- attc IMY GOODS, GllUCKHIKS, HOOTS, SHOES. ATS, HONNRTS, HARD fc QUJCKNSVVAItE, cATIUNa-nUo, a very lar stork of HUGS, MKDICINKS, Pulnts, OIK, and of which have been selected to suit lho wanli of the untry, nnd will be aold nt tha very rket priccl Tenons viitiing our town for tho imr- of purchailng Qomls, nro moil InrileU call, as wo deem It a LUXUHY to thow Goods, who- you mirchuo or nntff Ilcmembcr lho place. Our no has large Sign, cxIvnOlnit tho whole length of rii 18, -w WO EAt( Mait ottlclus of Country Traduce taken "XChangd for Goodi.

HOOTS AJviT sifoEs." mhacrilmn havu it-ct'lvcd by recent arrivali largo idililbni to tliolr Hock OC Hoota anil Shooa, reel from Ilio maiiurartor)'. Thoy nro now enabled oiler to tliolr custoinera and (ho mordmnta ccneral- aa great a variety and ni well icloclcd a itiick ai i bo tmnd In any ilmihr cilaWlilunenl In St. Louli; il Iliey plciljo to tell o.i lerrai Ihal will llify all Ihoiu In waul at jncli cootli In calllnjand aminlng their stock beforo bvij-tng elicwhcrc. Wo shall bo In receipt weekly of additional ah'ip- anil thereby bo enabled to Imvo at all Um cl a aiiorttncnt ufrrcih goodi. TjTE avonow In receipt, direct from New York, VV Do.ton and New Orleani, of a aplenilid slncl to which attention ot oat and oil is in.

odl IIHY ooons: rinted Uwni ami MuMlna; plalil Swill TaMcloni lluUorbini Unensi Uibhenii uloveii lloilen- Ureiallur Bhiwlai lilack ll.llan -Sllki; Jacouel. CamMci) Chcckti Summer slullki brown me ui rown and bli.ichcil Uoniellleii Ciughomi; Alnac- call CLOTHS; CASSlllEIISj netij Cullou Yarn; lie, HAllItWAUE: Tf Hay Hake, ind Porks, lock Table, the third rrinclwl meridian.", Adm'r'x, TIM0TIIV TUIINEll, Adoir Salb. Susar, roireo. Tea; Satoratii.j I'eppcrj Spice, amim IndUjoi Madder, Canlai Cluvea; Wolanei, kc. He.

i. hll 1'rcisrcd to nwalVlvanUie WOOBSOM fc 13-Our ra vw tlOrik tho literal natronano horetotore recclved.Jus llw belief that weato not alon. In Ihinkilur, tna w. keen AS OOOD A 5VOCKI and SEU. AS LOW aa any concern in tnia country.

CJ-W till) lato ,11 I'KOOVVE ft whlcli ve clllwtCiih or Cooda. An exantimitian coiti thorf wo lav i one. our k'l 11. I', 1IU1.UUI1T it CO. TV EW OOOKS.

i 1 roreivo.l, by We urlnla, from No OrleaDi w)d llojlon, a Jargoittjil'lr otGHllCtiRLKS ar DKV GOODS, which will to aold vay tow tor ea.h! M.UIK I'ltllSON CO. rnlshed at! election, (of convince llto world (hat, oC all factions that hate ever exlitcii In this notion, from Iti Yoiinclnlion to tho 'Ime, the Abollllonjiarly Is by far tho most been given. Ford was in this City on Tuesday of this week, and went to St. Louis tho corrupt, the couriejjiiriuoi) by tho Abolition- 1 same day by lho packet. He Is determined Ists in our with Mexico vrotlld not to return until ample arrangements havo furnish It.

They are, In fact, the only class been made by the General Government foi of citizens (hat make nn open resistance to providing our volunteers wllh provision, and Ihe United Staies'dcfendliig themselves a- jan officer sent to this Clly to muster them gainst the; attacks of a foreign foe; and whatadds lo the infamy of such a course; Is Iho fact, thatj'ai a -they aro tho chief cause of the present war. Who Is there, that paid the slightest iltcnllon lo the political history of his country, that does that they used all IhcjrciTorts as political body, indirectly, bat ertbclually, Voleot Mr. Polk, and defeat Mr. Clay? Wliti.has forgotten Ihe electioneering thrpiighoiit thoi Into the service of the United States. Charleston, Coles county, In this State, a volunteer company of upwards 80 men was organized on the 3d instant.

W. Bishop, Esq. was elected Captain Mr. J. C.

Adams-1st Lieutenant; anil Mr H. C. Duncnn 3d Bishop Is tho Whig Editor of tho Republican. ing tho volunteers of Sangampn olreulatcd Bounty, earliest upon the list, ore lo id'Slateiiln'the'ove of taaaA ll "anies Waiters, Web bcr, Conner, Brtllanl, nntl frotn tbeoftlco of the S(ato Register.

Tha printers of tho United States, in proportioi to their numbers, have furnished more volunteers than any other class of citizens; there nro any true patriots In tho land, it Is the lost elcbllon'jIrVWnleh'ho urged tho Icctlonof'Mr. (h preference lo Mr. Clny? And wSe'ro Is the man, so lost to every sense of moral principle, that will dispute the fact, that this amalgamation between tho Abolitionists and the Locos was coniummatetl nflor Mr. Clay's Idler was lhe made public, avowing his opposition to lhe annexation of T'exas, nnd after Mr. Folk's lomination, accompanied by the resolutions of the Convention, who brought him for ward, that they were for the whole of Tex ns and Oregon? And yel, after having succeeded In draw- ng the largest portion of their parly in Now York, into the support of Mr.

ociired his denounce the wa wllh Mexico as well as all those conncclei with It: when, but for their Influence, cas the scale of Polk, Mr. Cloy wouh lave been elected, and Texas continued as free and independent Republic. This the Vbolltionists know as well before (he lasi Iccllon as siucej and equally well assu- ed wore they, that in the event of Mr "oik's election, Texas would be annexed is a slave (cnilory to the United Stales, no- em tiolera. Under such circumslanoes wha nblushlng hypocrisy is manifested In the ollowing resolutions, lately adopted at a Convention of Abolitionisls in tho Northern ecllon of tills Stale: Kasoloea, That the net of annexing Tex- to tho United Stales was iinnuthoriieil by he Constitution, injurious totho (rue welfare our country, unjust In Mexico, and enlcn- to the just reprehension tlio civilized world nnd the righteous in- gnnhon of Almlghly God. In the above rcsojution, they have written was-the Abo- IJoiflilsMnrilreot Jupgort of Mr.

Polk, that anseil tho annexation of Texas over a vio- led Constitution. It is the Abolitionisls at have brought iipon us a war "injurious Ihe welfare of our country," "unjust to lexlco, and calculated to bring upon us the st reprehension of the civilized world:" id If justice was nieted out in this war III an oven hand, Ihe Abolitionists who led for, or aided the eleellon of Mr. Polk, oulil be placed in the very front uf the 1ml- and (heir blood should bo thn first Id fer- ize tho soil between the Nueces and lho Oranilo. But craven like, they shrink om the defense of their country, though main cause of our beinginvolved In hos- 'Hies with foreign power. THE WIIIOS Of this county, have no less than six can- lates before the people at present for the eglslaluro.

Do they. Intend (o surrender county to the enemy without a struggle? so, they have adopted a course which will miosllohably 'result In the gratification of clr wishes. Six weeks more, ond the ecllon comes off; and If (here (s lo be any ng like a regular -Whig ticket, it Is tlmo was agreed upon. This is the last time shall trouble our political friends wilh suggestions upon tho subject. If they efor Lnoofoco misrule, we have no objoc- Wo can sland the scourge as long as ey can, any wag they can fa it.

seml-oenlennlal anniversary of first soltlement of tho Soloto Valley, In Slate of Ohio, Is to bo celebrated tho ty of Chillioothe, we on the 31st iy of October next. From the proceed- gs of a meeting of tho Pioneers, held on ie aath and attended among others by venerable the first hilo-maii's cabin In' Ilia Soloto Valley," as ell as by another assisted In raising ie flrst house in Cincinnati," we Infer proposed celebration will be uncommon- attractive, and will brine, together a great- number of tho early settlers of that beau- fill and ferlile region, than have over as. emblcd on any previous occasion. Ample rrnngoments will bpinado lo accommodate nd entertain them. 23-The Whig State Coniral Committee Indiana have nominated Alexander C.

tcvcnion, Esq. of Putnam counly, as a uilaulo person lo be supporled by the Whigs that State for Ihoo'Aloe of I.leut. Govern- In tho place of Qodlove S. Orth, 10 nominee of Ilia Into Convention, who as dcclinedj-tinnlnjras a candidate. A meeting at the cillieni pf Ran' loluh county, Is to be held at the house o.

Adalr, on Saturday tho 13th Inst, 'for the purpose of giving an expression he sentiments of tho mass of Ihe people organ county has raised three companies of volunteers; Mason and Cass a fourth; and Scott a fifth. This is unquestionably to bo attributed lo tho great popularity of Gon. Hardin, who regarded as the best military odlccr in the Slate, am tho most prominent candidate for the first ii command of the Illinois forces. second company of volunteers ha been raised and organized in St. Clair coun ty.

They hnve elected Dr. Wm. II. Biasell Captain, Mr. J.

C. Hlnckley 1st Lieutenant, and Mr. Gilbert McParland 2d Lieutenant. They number about eighty men. Jf-Tho Hon.

E. D. Daker reached homi on Thursday of last week, with instruction: and authority, from tho President lo raise i. fourth regiment of volunteers in this Slate. Wo learn that his regiment Is nearly full; and thai they aro to camp ot Springfield.

ICf-Tho Hon. Jas. Shields, Commissioner of lhe Land-'ofnce, passed through Edwardsville, in route to Springfield, on Monday of week. Whether he designs enrolling himself among tho volunteers from Illinois, is questioned by many of his political friends. JTJ" Judging from tho editorials in both the State Register and Sangamo Journal, ALTOM has been determined upon by Gov.

Ford as the place of rendezvous for the vol- mteers from this State. The selection corresponds with the suggvslion of the Secretary of War, ns well as the views of Qen. Brooke. All things considered, it is tho nost favorable point on the Mississippi. mong the appointment of officers In ho regiment of mounted riflemen, or third cgiment of dragoons, as authorized by the act of'Congress df Ihe 10th May, 18dO, nnd which wore confirmed' by the Senate, are, B.

Dnclionstoss, Caplnin, Thos. Duncan, irj( Lieufcnant, and Thos. Second 'vieulcnnnl-all of Illinois. The appointment if Mr. Backenstoss is not only an Insult to he Slate, but a disgrace to those who in any manner participated either in his nomination confirmation.

Tho only benefit possibly be derived from his appointment is, (hat ilinois will got rid of one of its worst clli- npt. Thornton, of the army, was ut under arrest by Gen. Taylor, immo- lately on being exchanged ns a prisoner of war. Wo learn, from a source entitled to rddit, that the alledged cause of this arrest that Capt. Thornton had disobeyed or- ers In engaging in a skirmish with the Mexicans.

Tho friends of'capt. Thornton link that ho will be honorably acquitted. orders given him being verbal, some ispute has arisen as lo what they were. Gen. Scott has declined to lake charge of he forces against Mexico, upon the ground hat it would be doing injustice to his brave comrade in arms, Gen.

Taylor. This is no more than might have been expected from he Hero of Lundy's Lane. brevet rank of Major General the army of tho Unllod States has been conferred by the President, wilh Iho unanimous advice and consent of Ihe Senate, upon Brigadier General Taylor, lhe gallant commander of our forces on tho Rio Grande, 'or the bravery and skill displayed by him the late brilliant mllilary operations a- galnst the Mexicans. This rewnrd is well will meet the general approba- lon. iTJ-Capt.

Fremont, well and favorably cnown for his adventurous expeditious n- cross the Rocky Mountains, has received Iho appointment of Lieut. Colonel in tho new rifle regiment, ordered to be raised by a recent act of Congress. Hon. James Shields has been In St. Louis for two or three days during this week, 'giving his asiislance In perfecting the arrangements by which the volunteers are relieved from the suspense In whloh they have so unnecessarily been kept for the last two weeks.

Great credit is due Judge Shields for bis perseverance In this matter. We learn that this gentleman determined to be among the volunteers from he county wllh regard to the proceedings of; Illinois, and will proceed with them to Mex- he late Kaikaaltla Convention; and alio, lo' i(1 ake lutotonsldorntlon lho propriety uf call, Cincinnati Gaiollo slates tha hi Brevet Brigadier Brooke Ii assigned to tho commaml. The order of lho War Department making thts Important change, Is short and comprehensive. It Is as follows: HEAD QnAnrcrtj op rnr Anur, Adjutant General's Office, WASHINGTON, June 2, 1810. GESCtlAt.

OlIDEK, No. 10. The following order from the Secretary nf War Is published for Ihe government of all "WAn DEPARTMENT, June 2il; 1840. By direction of Ihe President, Brevet Major General Gnl.nea is relieved from the command of tho Western Division of the Army and will repair lo Washington without delay. Brevet Brigadier General Goo.

M. Brooke (Signed) W. L. MARCY, Secretary of War." The Head Quarlcra of (ho Western Division will bo established at Jefferson Barracks until further orders. By, command of Major General Scott JOSES, Mf I General.

Gen. BROOKE. MADISON COUNt The Th. following uaytru Telegraph of with 1 many of our readers In thV.count, intelligence communicated Vyour'sft. correspondent Is (he more valuabl.

U' 4 muoh of it, nnl being found on the It is asserted In several of the Now York papers, that Mexico has asked for tho intervention of. England and Franco for the ad- juslment of lho difllcultloi between tha power and the United States. We donb whether cither of these nations foolish as to burn their fingers by Intcrforln, between us and Mexico. Louis Legion sailed from Now- Orleans on Wednesday week last for Point Isabel, and have ere this joined Gon Taylor's forces. of Missouri Is apparently a jrcal pet with tho Administration.

One thousand more mounted volunteers are called for from that Slate. We regard this as a groat piece of Injustice, so far as Illinois concerned, as not a single mounted company has been taken from thU Such man ifest partiality ought not to be passed over in silence. Locofocus of Clinton county, by an overwhelming majority, have repudiate! the ncllon of tho Kaskaskla Convention, and nominated tho Hon. R. Smith as a candidate for Congress In Ihls District.

Mr Trumbull will see lho necessity more than ever of continuing his exertions to obtain Whig votes. Tho following are the resolutions adopted at tho Clinton mass meeting "Stsolsid, That the delegates from this county to the late Kaskaskla Convention, In or Mr, Trumbull, acted in direct op- loallion to the welj known nnd clearly ex- ircssed wishes of a large, majority of lho Democratic voters of this betraying their trust, nnd violating overy prln- giving countenance to fraud, and striking a death-blow at the fundamental principles 01 the Democratic creed. "Itaolved, That wo repudiate the acts our delegates in that Convention; and inas scoured Mr. Trumbull's "nomination!" wi consider that neither wo, nor any olher por- well as because lhe ConVenlion was Improperly constituted in other respeets, and un- (airly conducted, we hereby, declare our des, ami vole for lho Hon. Robert'Smllh for re-eleclion to Congress.

"Resolved, That lho following named gen quest him to become a candidate for Congress in opposition to Lymnn 01 Wllcox Lovi Edmonds, JAMES'HILL, re E. H. BUADLY, he accompanying illustrations. Also, for a of the President's Message nnd accompanying documents, relative to an invasion md commencement of hostilities by Mexi- 10. Also, for his reports as chairman of he commitjoo on Roads and Canals, in regard to the'improvemont of the Upper Mfs- issippl river, and tho Falls of the Ohio.

The two first above named aro ilghly interesting, and valuable: and for hem all, wo return our thanks to Mr. Smith. HOIlniD. A dreadful rencounter took ploco at Palmyra, a few days since, that proved fatal to bolh parlies engaged therein. It ap.

icars that Georgo W. Buckner, and Joseph W. Glover, Eiqs. had boon engaged as seconds lo a contemplated duel between H. C.

Broadus, of Hannibal, and John L. Taylor, of I'almyra. The duel falling through, some evcre newspaper publications passed be. ween tho seconds. Messrs.

Buckner and Glover met accidentally, tho former being armed with a six barrel revolving plilol, and he latter wholly ArTalie'roation ensued, which reunited In Buckner's draw- no; his pistol, nnd shooting Glover directly hrough tho body, The laller, in some way, succeeded in wresting the pistol, after he was shot, from Buokner's hands, and rotu ng the firo wllh tho same weapon, lluokner through lhe heart, who fell dead a foot. Qlovor lived until Iho next morn ng, when he also expired. They were boll members of lho bar, and were highly es teemed In the private walks of life. house of a Mr. Crosawell, of Woymouth, Canada, was burned to the ground, a short time since; and, awful to relate, three of his children perished In tho flames, In splto of the almost supernatural exertions of their parents to rescue them It Is staled in the Montreal Gazette, thai the unfortunate mother has been so deeply af fected by her bereavement, as to become maniac.

Issuo of several millions of Treasury Notes is already eontemplaled by Ihe Administration, to provide the means (o carry on this. Summer's campaign against the Mexicans. Volunteer Gitardt," was the third company that reported Ihemsclvcs lo the Governor as prepared for service. "ie cords, Is dangei of bejng lost lp cease of the few II to the public. Slmllkr.ln.formaUeri?^ 1 lallon to every county In'tho peclallythoso organized at would be of great iJalue io'll Mjasns.

a Jfiho Telegraph, I a to tho old son counly, for omm. omm. jm'iel-Jirfjr, Goorffo DornrtSckand recorded in Sh Clnir county. The fust ubiH born vvns James II. Glllham.jr.

at them, ent residence of David Nix, Slaroh The first residence oTlJaao' Miss Polly Glllhamnnd Mr. Robert side, by Ucl Whileslde, E.n., In.1803 June 9, 0 FROM MORMONDOM; We learn from tho last Eagle'thal Irani quillily is so far restored in Hancock'counlj nnd the prospect of permanent peace so to terlngi that Major Warren's detachment of rinemenhavo loft Nauvooj and prdo'ieiled to Quincy, where they will be mustered In the service of tho United Slates. gl lant Major has gone express lo Sprlognelo, "to assume the duties which will deyolte upon him in consequence of the call open Illinois for troops, by the General is stated in tho same paper, tint tho greater part of the Mormons have tho county; and that the limited numbiii who still remain "continue tholr prepay. ivoo, olhers at Fort Madison, and rainr leave in steam boats. The camps on'the Iowa side have nearly disappeared; and "the road lo the Des Monies river is literal- Edilor expresses tho opinion that, "allto.

rato they now move, it will take them near a year to reach tho Pacific;" and it is quite ig the journey. Tho new seniors continue fp freely; 'and many of them nave already made arrangements for the reception of their families. Two good schools have been lablishedin Nauvoo; "and a gentleman, wjip will soon open a third." is also in contemplation to purchase the Arsenal, view to Us conversion into a Seminary, for which it is admirably adapted; and it is believed that tho mciisuro can bo consuirinia- led without difficulty. A meeting of citizens was to be held on Thursday of tail nco of Iho public tranqnlllllyi hoped that nothing calculated to ir lho purchase of tho Templo have uapti wilh a favorabio prospect of a sue. storm of wind, rain and incommon severity, visited the ug county of St.

Clatr in the afternoon of Wednesday of last week, and caused much ujury to the crops, and other property exposed to its ravages. Some Idea of III vlo- enco may bo formed from the fact, that the lail broke through tho top ofthe mail itsge, knocking tho driver from his scat, and lhe horses that they set off at foil ipced. It Is stated that a farmer, on bU ivay to market with six dozen live ohioke'm a coop, had all of (hem destroyed but half a dozen; and that a large number of Vario somo of which, three no liuiiaionea, soino 01 wiuuti, UMVB iftcrtho ttorm, were still of the size of nan's fist. In the vicinity of Rook Spring, ho hail descended In irregularly-shaped 'alls, from one to three Inches in and "Mr. a man of ln(egriiy "'I assorts that "he mass tB inchos in tays an inlolllgeiit correiponden Missouri Republican.

The same stales that "Hie course of the storm roin West to East; and tho width of 'ailing hail was, on an average, five njllMi but not was visited storm of lightning, thunder, wind, and mixed with hail, on tho same afternoon) but the stones hero were but little larger peas, and caused no serious damage to 'Mng, JJ-The River RaisfiTflank chartered by Iho Michigan lature while Gen. Cass filled the chair of tho a few since. Mr. Wing, the lately appoln' slial of the State, Is Us President. the papers assert that It will evenluallybtt- ble to redeem all its circulation.

iTJ-Anson S. Miller, Eiq. has been now as the Whig candidate for the StP- ale In tho Rock Island District. lie illMlnguUhfil member of tho last IIouM Represenlativps, of liheil inleiirily, and will honor lo Ihe i lion, lo which" a majority of his District will without doubt elevate him,.

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