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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 I i I ii' iilngou vohmteers when- Qulncy WbLTandues 5 amiI concert action In their rS sen made for the services i2L t1 0 I'rfncl-i Our friends, therefore, before they take II Is expected that the brl- hn 1 haj we fonder what will bV 1 WO Only (DClk Rjf ti tho General Government had made a I rj -ado wit uj url the Journal, wo only speak for 1. en-' consequences sofMcx" "ie i-eorla HcgUter In which Itorl palgn will 1 11 appeared has been lost ou Ibe'rnul Of Was nUrniiftnlv urlfhlmlil -i roachlng term, commencing at Sprlngflel, Monday the first of June next. Th The General has many acquaintances 'l, 1 1 8 and principles to lho bou aeil ado in different military expeditions as 1 mrtv lhls State," wo seldom have Sm ha ell as many friends In different parts of the ol 1red evo a "in'P'o suggosllon on any thousand volt out of his brio-nilp. wlm A subjeot; and th rcff'nnl In lltn nn ubject; and with regard to tho question lly as lhe number required for the present proposition was favorably received: and Col. 01 me uui A.

P. Field, formerly onr Secretary of State, Ico, but now a resident of St. Louis, happening to call In, was Invited lo address the meet Ing. He promptly complied! anil, in his u- ehorgutlo and foilcltous slyle, strongly enforced lho obligation wliioh binds every citizen, however much he may disapprovi of the measures of the existing Administration, to fly at once tothe derense of the well as many friends In diiTerpni nn. right, and honor hi, country, when as- flat out sailed by a foreign foe.

iA paper was then 1 1 prepared for signatures; (o which, in lhe course of a few minutes, twenty names were sub.oribcd-mostly of young mc well qualified lo undergo lho hardships, and perform lhe duties, of a lhe mm me scrvici su Dr it me of the aovernmont. The General, there P. or tho gentlemen now employed Irrtne Telegraph offlce, and formerly Editor anil publisher of tho Carrolllon 'iZT those wishing lo Join tha "Guards," will ln.hl« make application. As it is desirable thai tlio. company should bo filled up and organ- bcrs, are requested lo enroll themselves termination is Ford, calling upon the officers of the militia em join him In responding to their country's call.

That this Invitation will be prompt- others In the Slate, who repose implicit con fidence in the military skill and gallantry of tho General, ire cannot doubt; and we expect soon to' see him at the head of as fine and cmclent a corps of Volunteers, as has been, or can be, paraded In any part of the Union. GENERAL ORDERS. Office of the Commanier-in- Chltf, SpniJiGFIELD, Ills. May 35, 1840. a more comfortable and appropriate or War, under lhe direc- linn of lho President, havingcalled upon the Executive-of this Slate ImSenial uie iinmemati organuallnn or three regiments or volun leer Infantry or Riflemen for the war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico; therefore, THOMAS FORD Governor of the Slate of Illinois, and Com-' or the militia thereof, do call upon lhe Mnjors and Uriuadicrs Gene rnl and other onicers of the militia, to aid in raising and organizing lhe same.

And as the militia of this State has long been iu a stole of disorganization, the commanders regiment, and odd battalions In every coun 1 6 bo then, the sheriff, of each county-immcliatelv on being notified of this call, are 2 convene tho several regiments and odd battalions, and enroll such volunteers therefrom as may olTor their services By Iho regulation of lhe War department, each company will consist of one caS le ntl0ne scooml four sergeants, four two musicUn, and eighty mcn. Each regiment will bo composed of one colonel, one lieutenant col- of ono mlljnri lieutenant of one of lhe companies, bnl not in addition) maul Tw 1 1 rlc Pri Pal sida a ten nV Ili'" Ih8 eve 1 companies shall at lhe plaoe nf rendezvous, they will be for- Tioad of lhe list ina namK i ne general, mere vntu lire 10 oe mo canrtl noan 01 me u.t the name of Mr. E. Tore, stales that when any squad desires lo dalM lou be selected. We ers.

command, upon being tlr ely Independent or all men, and.o to em un with other squads, so Hint they oan together elect thei to be attach iu 1.1 i uppiy 10 oe aiiacn uciuui macni auoinei wishing to Join tho "Guards," will 8 to command, they will all be duly no- bolh lo possess the requisite uuol- 8 no) Ideations. All we desire Is, the selection of weok He the view or jolnln ey a uy no lied, so as to participate In lhe election batta k.ii it 'l" me election battalion and regimental officers. Sound, and companies desiring to be attached to his P. mm and to palrlotwiilborondTiV i. ln our vavl lhelr eM on.

Uncl tlle than hlr without delay. A duty, promptly perform- In as roc 1 men Is callei 0 'V' 10 befi Policy on the part or lhe cd, more lhan doubles Ils value. lnto ttle from Stale, lo lake part in to bring out candidates for The followlne is the Proclamation nr 1 1 1 aania re, me yvernorin opposlllon fa vnnrociamauonorGov. General is aulhorized by (he Governor lo 8 Locofoco nominees; or lo allow lhe 1 1 0 lhe course without compc- overnor siate tnat those persons who first volunteer rse wou comnc. does not yet seem fully determined A pac ten thousand dollars to the credit of the miiiiia alllla nrji volunteer of Illinois, to aid in raising and organizing the rennisilion recently mado by the nmy aciermineo "Secretary of War, will have a preference number of Whig Editors olmng that expedition, If Ihey desire It, hi fma Northern section or the a loiln i "Wnoul in wll equip themselves wllh horae.1.

expressed Ihemselves in favo; oriho first alternalivc; while the remainder 9 uiguiHtuig icucniiy mane uy me the three regiments required from this State- corelar of War, will have a preference -r 01 cuuors and the Orders of Gen. Hardin to 5 tha If they desire It, hi from tho Northern section or tho hi. ji lolhebr 'f 11 "quipthemselves wllh horae.1. a expressed Ihemselves in favor lo aid 8etHng.olT the uniler nls command, Inviting them to orihn flr.i nait na unnrers. THI orae.i.

Illinolans should respond to the call which has been made upon them, promptly and with spirit. Let not the fame of Ihis Slate vo IIUN1 ui. Btn lo 01 mis atate ly compiled with, not 111 Wlln supposition lhat Ihcre ------o naLutmicu associate, those to whom will be either dimcnlty nr delay In raising whoje upon Ihis queslion will be Tonnd I0 me Urn. 7 Vj'V own opinion on lhe same sub- previous, she had been in a fee I a WMM I.I election could not have been made. WELL DONE, ST.

CLA1R! county of St. Clair, in this State, as raised the first volunteer company within our limit! to repair to the seat of War. They elected J. L. D.

Morrison, their Captain; Mr. Jullui Raith, Isl Lieulcnanlj and Mr.N. Miles, 2d Lieutenant. This company consists of one hundred young men, three- fourths of whom tire Germans! Of the 700 "oitKets tills lo we annnt cn it A TralT i the intolerance of Native Americanism, Ihal case, without speaking against ou would proscribe this class ofniir citizens be- ronR doubtless prefcrabli cause Ihey are not native boml Now as In 'T' wl ll1l or concert; an, day, of the Revolution, our adonT e.i a from a pestilence. JJ-Thomas II.

Holt, St. Lnuls, (Loco) ht(S announced himself as a candidate for Congress In opposition to Be Bowlln, in tho St. Louis District. Mr. Bowlln procured- the nomination through the medium of a packed Convention.

These hotbeds of fraud and deccpllon, are rapidly growing ii, I'" even with our opponents, win i llo 0( i 1 formed ar. tbe father, of the Inlqultou. systeiu. nen a men, and all and having no partialities to in dulge, or prejudices to gratify, wo would no turn on our heel to secure the nomination any Individual, or to defeat that of another su (D uaauo is, me selection men of sound political principles, Irreproach able morals, and acceptable to the great bo Jt usiEi iiaitv aVnilO IOC I ncluding much lhe largesl class, seem, al least by their silence, to prefer the last. Among these, is our eslcemod associate, lUs given, but by many he requisite number orv'oh'ni ra 'T'ne on tne same sub- General asks no one to go, where ho is not llavin been already given on two or -UTO.

re 1 1 0 fh 1 ba 1 mmiil Ine -IHW lu wncre no is noi viiifntf to volunteers resnnnd hv IV nutu iu iBoeai- Webehev a provided acceptable candidates, a to qndcrgo the labors, and submit to an sumt to lhe sacrifices, which an acllve canvass musl nec onnlry. By or.ler of Brig. Gen. J. J.

HAHDIUI W. B. WAnnEti, Brig. Major uouve canvass mus 'o understand thai the Mayor of Ihis necessarily impose upon them, can bo se- City has selected the beautiful grove oppo- leolc 1 to cnrr banner; and thai we can- Te er verr a "gerously sick. ile the residence of Mrs.

Fay, as the comn- aso ever to redeem the stne Locofoco domination and misrule, KZc'i th 1 OP 1 laymtheCily. Its localion adeligh.r,,, a been enabled'lo pnl'lo dealh uo operaon. so long our quarrel only about a division of "the is now the case in Illinois, and many other their dissensions will avail us nothing, except in mere local matters. As wilh a certain claw of animals, lhe severed parts will be sure lo come together again, anil become firmly united'a-Jover, so'soonas lhe cause "eparnllnn shnli cease to exist; while the Whigs, by the adoption of a temporizing policy, and the want of an efficient and cndtir- ing organization, will be in danger of becoming wholly oxtincl a political party. We are not, however, particularly Intro- i iiiMMii uie ixermtliis! Ul IIIC 700 (jaiiiuinuiij who have left St.

Louis, a majority are also 0 0 P' Mio have no wish l( of foreign birth. What reb gs are pre pared lo unite in the nomination and suppo of the days of lhe Revolution, our adopted oil- izens aie among the very first to take arms in derense of our country; whilo ma- ny, who are proscribing them, shrink from nl.lvl -1 at l0 r' A larlinl orme oinccni elected, il, a com ma.dn in tho county, nr if Micro ho II 1 the number of 11,01, mkt nm ach over lie i uiu ngo 01 lorty-live, or under (he ace or eighlecii years. apllntfS'a. 0 re "ill be eS rT 8 Governor Is notifi- fonfor havlJ the mem enoam and of by the Secrntary of War, delay dll i lion ol)lal 'he amount orde.erip a DB received fro lhe lo be received from ru earliest notice to that aepartment, Ihal proper steps may be taken to receive them from other sections of the thelmnols" 8 lh Ca pon lbe a 'flotlsni of themselves ready to peril their In iha Ccn. M.

L. Covoll reached thli Cily on Wednesday evening, hi Springfield, wilh dispatches connected with railing vol. nntners in Illinois. He evinced much grnl- at the alacrity every whero exhib- by lho citizens or tho Stale or his ror- mer residence, lo obey nt onco lhe call matin upon Ihem by the General Govcrnmer.i.- Gcncral Covell will himself, be one of lho number goes from this Slate. iHf-The committee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives, has before it an order from tho Navy Department for the construction of twelve iron Xoameri, and one Iron sixty gun ship.

will never be called for, lhat either delay or Nn IU exist lsi ls is It to be presumed, fur a moment, that the honor of raising it will thereby be Transferred to somo other State, more alive to pa- irlotlc considerations, and more devoted to I OB nT the service of their country. If more than thirty companies; with the r. uuuijjanies, wun in 0 Inr 00 of ofllcers, shall be rals Bomnl i 0 to receive such full companies as fi rll otTer lhelr services. 1 no Mt unaer nc until they are form- ceire i Br wnloh mmi i Arms will be rur- isnea by the government or the United THOMAS FORD, K- A Commander-in-chief, AKDMSOS, Adjt, Gen, III. Militia.

To Ihi and SolJlert of the 3d Brig. 3d Divii. lllinoii Mililia. GENERAL ORDERS. JAOKSonviLtc, May PrLl Go or this State has Issued his nil.T"*i 5 alli lhe of Sad.

1 8 "Blmenls or volunleers. War requUltion or tbe Secretary of Jl 0 oulcers of lho brigade aro herebv "Qlify Ihpir commands, Ihal on'Sat- C4r i30 im.ier the al QV le The olH- wi olif tne General Lai Ol olio arter the 30lh lust 'olunteors are rushing to St. Louis, from all parts of lhe Stale of Missouri, seeking to be enrolled and mustered into tho service of the United Stales. The requisition upon Qov. Edwards having been previously filled, Ihey havo been compelled lore- turn to Iholr respective homes, much to their disappointment.

This spontaneous movement, however, all over the West, when compared with lhe lardy movements In most of the Eastern Stales, proaei who are most willing to obey the calls of their country In lhe hour of danger. We only allude to this, because, during lhe present session of Congress, lhe Western people have been abused without stint or mercy; and charged lhat, In the event of a war wllh Great Brilain, they icouW of the fighting lo do, Philadelphia North American contains a Idler from Its Washington cor WHIG CANDIDATE POR GaVErt.VOrt. In lhe Free Press, (Whig) nf he 14lh we noliee nn excellent com- utiiiiealinii from citizi-n of Jacksonville, njiainst lhe nnd propriety of running "his fnr Onvrrmir nnil Lieutenant Governor lhe next August election. I lie great K'liclh of Ihal eni'iimiiiiicalioii, loifdhc-r with lhe fact, lhat much of mir snow hn.i nrri'ssarlly tn In- given up to the Intelligence from the seat of wnr, nlone pro- vciils our rrpiibllshlnglhat arlicle ill eilenso. One great object hnv in view, is tn call the nllenllon of the Whin, tothe Olh ren.ou nssmnud by the writer, why we, as pnrty, should not rim cnndiilnles.

is as followi During tins ntor Whi frn Pjrtorttosuio, met In 5 an ami onlnions upon lho nuo.llon of lho Th. If not uimntiuou opinion n-JB, tint no cuiltililg shnul I bo nomlnaM. ll. 0r? 1 of opinion, Uloiiuli not of 1,1 2f" Our ihe Hori. Jamc Shields, Commissioner, of the Land OIHcc lefl Waihlnglon-MeWdays since, and m.

bo expected hereby the beginning or nox weok. He comes WIIH the view or jolnln the volunteers rrom'thls Sfalc, who are proceed to Mexico. NoVra'ver man or pure patriot will bo round In the army than hli Ho will find, upon reaching our shores, hearty welcome Iron, thousands of hh ol The Bank of Missouri has place S3-The widow of Col. Cross, who wa tho first victim or Mexican baseness, die at Washington city on lhe 17lh inst. Fo some lime previous, she had been in a fee bio slale of heallhi and Ihe-shock she re report" of lhe death of Colone Cross' widow turns out to be Incorrect VUII3IUIH1UI1 anu oinic tjiOV- JLf-The British have adopted a thank.

1 nil for ll of such which STSS SSTJ thousand Sikhs. A more barbarous and un laralleled slaughter than tho one for which his thanksgiving is offered, never disgraced a Christian nation. These poor Sikhs, arter Tho county or St. Clair, in Ihis State, has lain 1 10 improve tnc loll. 1 10 ri1 arl being conquered, routed, and driven into lhe Ul i Omo rivor mai18 a favn le "port ou the same; which, together with the bill, river, were fired upon from the banks by the Jritlsh forces, until, to use their language, nni a stitl was spared that'could, be- reached by the Suns or the enemy, a "thanksgiving" is of fered by Great Britain as a nation.

Who an insult to Deity! What a mockery of re CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Calon has been holding our Com during Iho past week, and has given the mui sup purl unit HUS pi veil lilt o'f'thV er 0r i 1 1 Lie Gov ea 1 'he Bar, tho suilor, 1 "par Jll?" a oolv j.r.'.. "'ion would ai a dm slrallnn nf ir. u. Tailhrul administration of justice.

He ha, regeneration, business with lhe grcalest rapid verlheles! K1h llll sly (lisln lo di "B' a me lime, all tho caiTii.r.s, Msmc to iho! in lap. asau iudrpeudeul nation, but rl "onder that h. 8 1 he Is In his own Circuit. i'copi'e 10 10 rre anii pwr rry 1 1 10 sl wisho iur community for his future usefulness am prosperity. mnile a mo.t ndn.l the 13th inst opnon, thoiiBli not aulhanly upon tha parly, w.u had upon 3 1 a.

aoo Of To the truth orihe'nbove slatoment wo ad our testimony. Wo (the junior) was pres out during the first week of tho Fcdera Lourl, arid know that great pains were tak en by several lo apply personally lo every Whig they met from all sections of the Stale and, as far as our recollection extends, ther was not a single exception to the expreislon of opinion that it would be bad policy in thi extreme to atlempt running candidates a the next August election. What has Irans- pired since then to alter the views of our friends, we are unablo lo say, In consequence of our absence from lhat time to lhe pfesenl But, judging from the inquiries we havo made since our return, we havo no hesita- I on iu expressing the opinion that, could he sentiments or the Whigs be ascertalnei Ihroiighoiil the State, ttfo-IMrd, of them would bo found opposed to running candidates, ir, however, aconlrary course Is do- cidei upon, and candidates nro brought out hopeless as will be lhelr chances of success, wo shall nevertheless give Ihem all the support In our power. Moro ardently altnch- ed lo Whig principles than ever, and more thoroughly convinced than al any previous perind, thai, unlil they prevail throughout Ihn Inn.l (In. r.

prevail mroilgnont respondent, In which he says; "It Is lhe be- tho Ol tno highest stale or prosperity and lief of the President, of Mr. Buchanan, or ha PP lnc of the people will not have been the entire Cabinet, and of Mr. Slidell, that Groat Brilain is at the bntlom of lhe movement on the part of Mexico; and II has been nui nuvu oaen attained, still we most seriously question whether we shall advance the chances of so great a desideratum by running at this time. The elements of discord unanimously determined, after the fullest! llut ccrlaluly doing their work of deliberation, to prosecute Ih. war with lhe ZTates offhl! UniTincT'd' utmost vigor and expedition that thercsour- ing our own; and iu no way can w'e moro" oes granted by Congress will admit." The effectually put a cheek lo this stale of things, succeed in driving our opponents logelh ibove corresponds wllh Information derived jy us In private letters Troin Washington nncl C( the 15th instant; and if it is truo Ihal such' majority is ns'g'rc'at against agnfnsl lo whero tho in Illinois uv lln great us as in Illinois.

nlerfcronoe has been indulged in on lhe parl is precisely what Iho Locofooos are pray- or Great Britain, it mils nn Anil In m.aru mil "ir night and davi and the nomination or Great Britain, It puts an end to every pro- I goi) light and day; nnd the nomlnalloi alter me 30th inst puts un enuioevery pro- mu nnminiiiioii I) ii able speech in Congress lhe hill making a'pprnprinlious ror the nr- ny. We regrol lho crowded stale or ou coliiiniis will n.iVnjt 01 givillg noro exlended noiicb al this lime. are throe rurnaces, now iu sue cesiiful operation, al lhe lend mines In Hnr lin county, in tho Southern section of thi Tlie lead produced is or lho bes qualily, and the ore Inexhaustible. Hut i hltle whilo will elapse, before Southern II linois will compete-successfully with tin North iu tho proiluotlon and sale of this aril cle of commerce. TUB INVESTIOATIIIO COMMITTEES.

In tho House, on the 9lh inst. Mr. Pcllll, from the committee appointed lo investigate the charges brought by Mr. J. Iiigersoll against Mr.

that the said committee be empowered to employ a Clerk, on the ground lhat of the members were disposed to, act In that capacity i and likewise that Ihls committee be authorized to sit during the of tho House. 1 he latter part or lhe request was granted, the rormer denied. Mr. Schenck, Tram the committee appointed lo make certain Inquiries as to an alledged violation or con- ndence, in an exposure of the secret archives of the Department of Stale, also asked permission for the said commillee lo employ a Clerk; which was likewise rerus- ed. Mr.

Wilmol, one or the members or Iho committee first nmned, being confined lo his bed by severe Indisposilion, and unable lo attend its meetings, was excused at ils own request from farther service thereon, and Mr. Brinkerboirappoliited lo fill his lhe ISth, Mr. Petlit, the chair- nan of the same committee, also askcH be excused from farther service thereon, for he reason that the Hou.e, by their refusal allow a Olrik lo the said committee, were disposed to Impose upon him an undue degree of labor. Thai application was grant- en; and Mr. S.

Jones appointed to fill he vacancy thus created in the said com- nitlee. iNcnEASc or TUB ARMY. Mr.Jlenton, from the lUrLBMCn. In on the Ilihlnsl. Mr.

Benon, from the committee on Military Affairs, lo which had been referred lhe blllfrmn use lo raise and equip nb addllional S3" Ju lo press, we nl of mounted riflemen, reported lhe that a meeting was held at 1 lmC 1 ltlkln8 0 1 "'o vllle, on Thursday noon, and efTecllve and I The bill as amendS then take," lM A. H. Field, win na III ell ICIKCII ft rn when a desultory debate ensued, which T- Davis, Esq. and Hon. John Rey- 1 intml nnft nf 7 nolds, In favor or responding at once to the requisition of tho Governor for volunteers om this Stale.

A number signified their illingness to We likewise received the following Gen. Semple, to "-annus j. uauttie eiiiiucu. Wnicn loupied part of the day, was continued on 6 Ils 16 Iho House, who subse- SM A nl tlgnlfled their as amene nd Ils 16 lho House, who subse- ently concuircd In lhe aincndmcnl of the nate. nr.w BATES or TOSTAOC Jn tha llth ii mo omcc and men of his brig on aTp'osI a'ls, reported tO tllP hill -TV, To Ofllcm owl SWiIJtrl 3d rt( Mtfti a GENERAL OltDEItS.

IttAp Qiunrcns, Moy os ce an Post Roads, reported to the House a bill lo amend the net of March 3, 18-15, lo reduce the postage, to limit the use and correct the lnhcrrrrilnk Privilege, and for lhe prevention of frauds on the revenues or the Post Office Department; which was read committed. bill Axes the rate ol postage on every letter of one quarter of an ounce or under, conveyed 300 miles or less 5 coins; over 300 and less than 000 miles 1 itfn an 00 mllM "Velbre aincer, of brigade coiuUtW of' Mt con 000 miles and over, 15 cents: and bf M.di,on, Bond and MonSS a 1 additional poslnao for every addlliounl yf' )l hch I C01 nrter of an ounce, or less, except lhat 'ViVTir 1 lcx ofJuno iamrJ to! Ii Jen a letter is written on a single sheet of ane'r, per, weighing less lhan half an ounce, lho call will bo made for volirnieen cr cost njngr, igle postage Is to be charged. the above reoulaltlnn. uuw.r aloveai mih liinrler 01 an ounce, or less, excepl I 'hen a Idler Is written on a single sheet ol paper, weighing less lhan half an ounce, lho single postage Is lo be charged. Newspapers, If sent less than 100 miles, lo be id 1 cent each; over 101) miles, latnphlets, In the same Mr Hopkins also reported a bill to amend so much of lho act of March 3, 1845, as relates transportation of the malls'on nil- roads and steamboats; which was likewise read and committed.

M1LITAHY ACADIMV. In the House, on tho llth Inst. the bill "PP'oprlalions for the support of (ho Military Academy, was taken up for consideration in committee of lhe whole. As ioon as the bill was read, Mr. Sawyer mov- Jd lo amend the came by striking out the enacting clause; which was pronounced out or Ihen moved to strike out the first secllon or lhe bill.

An animated dis- inssion ensued, which occupied part of the day, and was continued ou the 18th nnd 13lh, and In the course of which the motion nl Mr. Sawyer was negatived, together with others subsequently made to distrny the bill: at the close of which tho committee rose, and reported. On the 14lh, tho hill was read the third time, passed-ayes 90, npcs senl up to thn Senate, where It was referred lo lhe commillee on Finance. THE lilt, H.KUITUIIIE9. On the llth Inst.

from lhe Territories, reported to the Flouje a bill dtsafflrmlnic all laws or the erritorlcs of Iowa and Wisconsin granting Banking privileges which was read, and committed. The same gentleman, from lhe above commillee, to whie.h had been referred the bill to enable lhe people of Wisconsin to form Constitution and Stale Gov- committed. TALLS OP THE OHIO, ut 1 UK U1IIO. In the House, on tho llth inst, Mr. R.

imllh, from the committee on Roads and 3nnals, to which had been referred tho bill nakinean approprialion to improve the fall wc, ogeer te ll, committed lo the committee of the vhole on tho stale of Union, and ordered lo he "river ran blood." And for this morel' ho priutcdT ess and brutal which not a Sikh MIHEIU. On lhe 12lh, the House, as in commltlc. or the whole, proceeded to tho considcra- llon ol me bill Trom the Senate to organize corps of sappers, miners, anil poiitonlers A short dcbnle ensued; after which the committee rose and reported (lie bill wltli in amendment, which was agreed lo. Thi Jill was then rend tho third time, passed, returned to the Senate, who concurred the amendment. MAIM IK roncion couNTnir-s.

In the Senate, ou tho 13lh Inst. Mr. Nile ee on os ce am 'ost reported a bill supplemental lie act la provide fnr carryine the mall be ween the United States and foreign conn anil for other purposes; wliioh end, and committed. roiiTiriCATioKS. On the 13lh In.t.

the Senate, as in com iiillee of lhe whole, proceeded to tho con derntion of lho bill from the Homo mak empe, officers and men of his brigade; which ers. 111 tftjxlt, cHAMKAa few JVi A. Hol NEW STORE HEW HOODS. ncir st. from Die the Weilem counlry, Tor cash.

lisu In Dirt, of the Mlowlns arlUs, ita FniiCy- Gootfit A variety of Broad-cloths irprlinji MarteUfe! ranvalj ijlonglawjij I Is Ii iBtrtf Hat naiijiinj jag nd coverii bumti blariTKHrwIiUfl MMe-hlnc do-t worked collarj; lireit etlg. 1 -ollnra and IntwrilnRii Scotch Iflwm lulKfgj iiik anil satin dren hilkfiti Mack'illli coat tjlnghatui in Mm crarati, varifttyi inn. i In Uut C(l Coalca' ijwil ouicen 01 me mijuic will the General ai "pncia, amin and velvet 'fJhe'K'" Commander CM. 1' 5" a 1 IMPOIITAMT. Jj" toM Bylluill from PhlbdelpUa'laat'iiY hi J1 tk UaaK laiw inaiUi dlihesi do.

vcBitablo granllinnj common inlcherii dinner, brealtlait nnd tea plates 1 1 11 illltipc mi tod, and (hit the isj cvcnc f0 OWed b)r TaU Is only bitelllmce wo could no mill ii re ctlrcablli b- ctlrcabyllin lit, TEMPERANCE Tho attention of lhe piiblic respectfully to be held Dt UP. id on Tuesday, they will the audience on WEDNESDAY. of the houae am a nrocel- anil maKli lo Maxcy'a Grove, i VM 1 Variety and abundance of nrovi- Th' S' 1 vorul prcaencc. friends ofTemiiarance, and all others, are Invited uiibe 0 Wo are authorued to announce s. Uiu-l, of We arc authorial to announce Andrrv Muto- candidate for Sherlfl' of flladlion county.

In rICI Whlj, of Jersey couTl, are 0 or iH aca O'clock, A. im'. TO ml 3li csndlilatM, fur I 1 nlul oilier I ualnca. a. may i-ome helbre Uioni.

uance wiU bo expected. Lot ovcry viaueuny ll! cooler. lo recede alowly, but Is itlll In excellent order for boat, of overy tlaia .1111 ret of ai licloa uncertain, to lhe commence- uenlor hnuillles wllh Mexico, and lhe that they may bo followed by a seneral war. Thi.

INK mo ion, Mr niles, inaimey may bo followed byaoeneral war. Thb alili rom the committee on tho Post Olllco ami bt however, will not protabl, conllnue loiV i nd osl rennrlptl liill buimcla may bo rxFieclml annn tn n. LIOI rcc-u, iiy uniuun ft a. BOOO as- sorlmenl of SPUING and SUAIMKfl GOODS, vixi ninghaml Gingham Lawns Prints, a.anitod Mouxsellnei-tlo-Lalne Shawn ami Scarf. anil Inseillng.

conunuo lonirind ofallkinda LaceH; Ac. busmcia may be to resumo it. natural 1 Summer Stulnt; Summer Clothlniu Gro- rour.o, although it may be tliot tliu dfmaud fcr ournro Cirlcs Hardware; Cluccn.ware; (vc. All of which will not horeaner ho as good II iva. early In tho CaU SPARR'S HR Projirleloroflhla Houao has Buro Inlbnning hla friend, and the nub.

JJIJI lie, that thoro hus Itcen added a Itrge number NKW, and newly furnished IWMFII iinat of them desbil-d fur uie of faniillca. Tlie old por OK npproprlations for the erection and mir of rrrlalii Forliflralionsj when, after oino delinle, lhe citniinllleo rose, and re- orted the Mil, which was read the Ihlrd line, and passed. INniAN DrPAnTMKMT. In lhe Senate, on the 13lh Inst. tho bill tlie IIoiiso making fur he.

current and rouliiigelit expenses of the ndinu Depnrlment, for tlie year ending une 30, 1817, was taken up for cniishlera- ion In committee of the whole. Au mil- naled discussion enxiied, in the course or vtiich lho bill iinderweiit sundry amend lenls, In Its nnd which was colilln- ed until Iho evening of the I5lh; when Ibe ill ns amended was ordered lo bo cngrnss- for a third the 18th, the bill vas accordingly rend the third time, passed, relumed lo the House lor Ibeir concur- ence in the amendments. AnMV APPnOPniATIONS. On the 13lh Inst. lhe Hoii.o, ns in com- ilttce of tho whole, proceeded lo the con- dernllon of lho bill making appropriations or Iho support of lhe Army, for Iho year ndlng June 30, 1817.

An Interesting do- ale en.ueil, pnrllcnlnrly ou a molliin'mnde Mr. Tibballs, lo increase the pay of lhe rivates to $10 per month, which occupied art of the day, and was continued dolly nlil the 18lh, without being brought to a lose. iKCncAsc or TIIC KAVV. In the Senate, on tho Hill Mr. reese, having obtained leave, Introduced bill lo repeal part of the act making ap- roprlalinns for the Naval service, fnr tho ear ending June 30, IS'IO; which was rend, id referred lo the commillee on Naval On the 18th, lhe said committee reined the bill, which was immeillnlcly Inki up and its provisions explained; after hlch it was rend the third lime, passed, id sent down to tho House for concur- nce.

On the ISth lint. Mr. Cameron, from the ininilhie on Patents, reported to the Seno a bill in addition to, nnd amemlnlory of, is several act. to promote the. progress of spring.

WIIEAT-Ilaj not varied slnco onr lail, anil com. T' 1 I 1 bl receipt, arc lishl. C.OIIN-Item,,,,, .1 nut fom ci 0) ,3 -i aiuco our la.t- -s; preicn-e Molc.kln, beaver, brush ma ca.ilmer hatJi ilm leaf and unborn bnnnotsi men's wot. and ihoe.i cojr.e boon broginsi klj Morocco shoeai Monxcv nriio ajjUJ coObei moluiesi teasg coppe- rii sail madden Indto alum, 1 i white lead; iialnts; turpcntinei varnilli: window CS-I Invlle Ihi clllien. of Alton and' the suiround- Kki Alton, may S3 PETKn 'the subscriber, am instant, a lirge KOAN SE, blind of bolh Also, an Inu blllck bald mt one hind fool white.

Bolh are a wlllbogivi Allon, HO-ll-ll OILMAN SMITH. PATENT MEDICISES-ieo dotcommon 1 tent HedlcliKsi a. Cojfreyi. cordial, Bateman'a Britlsli OIlp Lee'. Pillji tic.

Sic. For vetv 23 W. A. HOLTOH CO. ilOHTRY.

MERCHAZITB-mn wish to purchase llrvtjt, Mtiltclnti, for cash, will find It for their advantage to call on lha subscribers, may S3 A. HOLTON CO. EHVE fc DONE doien or UJ. valuable icmcdy, on hand and for sale by W. A.

HOLTON i CO. "for CO. IJG i sale by roayai W. A. HOLTON OlliW Vermifuge) Fahncslocli's do.i Hull's Loiensesi tora' Ext.

of rink nool; Xulinllocb's and duration's VcrnSfose Syruii, Koraafa 'T may 13 A. HOLTON t. CO. ENCK BRAA'DV irilVES. galla.

Pure French Drandy, for medicinal lilt. AI.o, tho Be.t Old POUT and MALAGA Wine, for Invalids. Xoraaloby A. HOLTON fc CO, may us whnlesala and retail DniffiliU, Allon. UST rec'd, by OIlICGS rAYSON, a pmS sanlof no aalei our last- them desigiil'd fur uieof faniillca.

Tlicotdpor-' rcnulncd at our tail 1 Hi" Home ii undergoinsropalri, inil repleubti- jnl. per bu.hel. Futmlurc He IWers himself Ihal his I nioilations are now eqtialto the best to lie found In any public bimio in this cily, and would cutulilently claim a continuance of patronage. Ratft of ihai-qtr. FortialiBlent boarders, tbr first 1 cent, per bu.hel.

WHITE readily tlTO: CASTOH BEA US-Still commun.l 74 Ground Alum, 811 pr.iac I Karawta, IS cenli. n'. 1 1 arawta, IS li In demand at 50 A Al7j! 5 7 cen ISJA-r Conl1 COFI' Havana, SlaOc 7 lq DecnkinM to uc. i c0 Is In ilmuaiid nl 38 ccnlt per In. (DbilUfltrj.

i ry, Vcrmonl, aoi-d auoul ts. pOHT WIKK-Of a IhrValo may BO BUprtlM. jm.r, ly uriianBieni lor 1 flays, $1,25 per day; fni weoU, $7, by the month, $301 regular without lotljlog; au per monlli. Louis, inayMiMl-iltr J.'AnR. bnvlngpiinhaiej Ilia Block In trade of Mr. Jl. Sargent, will tonllnu the buBinoBS of ilealluff in UIIUGS, MEDICINES, hci at tha old aland, on Ed-lit, two doors east from StatK-M. 'Jfl W.

A. HOLTON It. W. A. Dealer.

In Drupa, Medicines, Oils, Dye-Stullt, Painll, Pcrfumen-, BruihtB, Gla.iwaro, Pattnl window Glan, Putty, and every thing In bctwten Mcsirs. E. L. niramoclii Co. a.n.1 Ilarrj- i tiuilllyi nr Balo I I 1 ACT ava us- s- H.

BUprtlM. I snbicribera are prcnaicd lo furnish Phyal. i iv- 7-HISF I and all vlmuar Mul I 1 A "flh. N.

of their line of bu.lue.., will, goods of oM stlnitod In i'. 10 'I west, Imnprtmu can lo i.l,lalned In the wliTsoll St. A OS GKO- T' UAV1S A Allon, may biujh i. Campbell. QO BblB Sllffar MOLASSTS- i pU J.

M. While, and for low by Ui'o'bVl or SSLi 0 In 1 lv "1 the tlral Monday the month of September next, wo will applv to tha Court of Probate of Madhon county, nal selllemrnl oflta ncoto of Joel present tb All Indebied lo are remiBtte tomakeinimedlalopaymnnllotbounaarirBned? pElipilMKKY, Cermin.rrrnchaiidA. mcricaii Lavender and Roto Water, An- IlKiio and llear't llili Olio of SmcllinG aitst fancy Soipi anil Pnwilcn Hair, Tooth and Finner llrushcs; ic. fcc. For sale by W.

A. HOLTON wholesale find-retail ariBn MAIIY FINCH. Ad TIMOTHY TUnNEII, Ator. SO SALE OF VALUABLE IMPHOVKD TJ vlrtuo of an order of lha Circuit CourtofMa IJ coupln county, mailo at Iho May Ici he year 1811, th un the useful arts; which was read and com- mllloil. A DMlNISTnATOII'S SALE OF LAND.

Uy viiluorifan Circuit Court ofMa- ronpiii rounly, ma'le at the May Icrm thereof, in (hcynar IBIS, tho undcrKl fe 'neil, admlnUtrntor of the I cilito of John wlll.on lhe I lib ilayof Ham nnekuuVilnnascd, will, in! the I me. talwnen tho houri of ten o'clock In the foro anil Die o'clock In the aricrnoiin, of da! tor it Public Auction, on lho premises I tbe liifhrsl and lic.l HJ.Inr, fur cla.h In ha all Ih rish lille lm of tho a.ld Willi.m a luo limonfliit irriticil real cousin Tljj.we.l lulfofthe ioulhcnit quartrr of No. I arty-rnurj uthl tht- call hulfoflhe qunr HCIIOI, No. Mh In towj.6l,!p No it north, range No. eight, wtit (if Hit, third urin if, In, ontl lo thu rolKni-liiKiJc Jjunlr, lying nnd lu sn id ju w.

limn i.iwr, ut-Luukcii, win, uii mo (lay nr sak-, ut Public Aucllmi, ou lha noon kml o'rlock (ho nflcrnooii, of tola for CiiilUn fianil, nil of lhe right, title und Interoil of tho tcr of ciiif I i nicrulan-ronlnlnlng one hundred ilxly wo lll V( money. 1 1 011 (l GEOHGR LAYCOCK, Adin'r. 30, ISJC-Ua-Bt TIKnCE NEW lull ronlvrd i.v MAnKPIKBSONlL OSTON 1HON CO. for.alo by may 10 MAHK PIEnsON Co. ucniuiij irorn mo jnij jniin Kltar do mi 1 i ay may 10 MAHK i referred thi House lln resse lhe rank nnd file of lho army of ihu i Tl of tho midlKhisi ou.riw nl MA PIEKS Co.

United Slates, reported the said bill lo Ilio I tbe A WIALI, Ul of Cotlon Sucks, suluisi tor mini IIMIHlfl en nu a .1 tnasOllllm-OItnllartl-r olBerllntl Nn. BISO, a row hullllrvll l.rnnrl r- A 1 1 nd lo change lhe lerm of eiili.lmcul from of Nn. ipl wto b. CLOC 5 1 fcTisto In Till.,.

will I1KWBHHON i liree to five years, The bill as amended Till. InOi.putible. Dcoil. will li on the vas then taken up; and 0 lni1 purcbsso nrnnoj-. red, read third limo.

oa.sed nnd rrinm MICHAEL SELIJ, Adin'r i. iL win limn- en 10 me uouse, wnere lhe nf ed by them as au event that Is lo restore he Senate were promjtly tooy jniin, ut tow uy ST4MkCO. tACKSMITH'S Anvils, of in anJ for sale low bp Jan 4 snd Bio. Alum Salt, Iur lllc by j.n] 1 1 ld I eail Vt 'nltiiui nedTumpWeckj 1 Neslslbnl 1)11, Sp. i ratnl Bno VarniBll Uruahcs; Se.h Toolst "uthcs; Cnmnl'.

Hnlr Pencils) ke. For W. A. HOI.TON fc Prugllts. 1 1 0 1 VV lhe bc.t bruudsi for BBle by 10 W.

A. HOLTON (t Alton. Sl "cllJ Kin. A lum SA I.T to. roraolebv ri MARK 1'IEIISON CO, S05IETI1INP.

HF.WI A UnUK MEDICI.NEIf The CMnclt Eftrnrli Or, I a OHerrd to thu public as a snft 1 anil mtuin ruro for J- coMs, BUI! all dUfasca ofllto lungs. During Iho four mouths over 3,000 bnlllos havo been inlil in lha rlly of llnrlnnill alone. There Is no ofcow uha It It faaili a Wcslern plant, n-i-ry i-oily and I. of rcat vir. les.

1 or BCC psmphldt, which can be had of tin Asrnla gralli, A. S. llAKliy AgeiilsJ-or Alton and vlc-lnlty, si'nixu A. SUWMKH CI YiTniNn JltpWN now in 1 SOCK of TaVf lu larl-cinlli uren and frock a and fnuo- mo- 1 1 ck Crolon tlolh, Aitruclian, Indiana, cnra ran'blcl i-hii-l 'KrtDu'I fn lulous Uylca of fancy Franrh, Ameilon ai En- ras.ta,.,, Crolon clolh, mciino, Inih. fancy Hncn a nucw ami faiu-y sulin, black ai cy velvet, Vrienrh, Wired and Ivllllo Idald.chally and Congrci.

Vests) linen, muilm and f.ncy silk, t.y«lo Anaola, game IlBnnel, and colton net Un- and Drawtrl. wblUluun ntFers)hbrk and f.ncy und Cruvstsi B.lf-iuljus. Bnrl 50.1»m'er« Oloies) lochet Mdkfsi nicrmoBnil collon half Hoac) Gownui and collon Unihrcllna; fcc. itc. lO-iluyori ini respnlnillr Invited lo call anil Nsin-al.

be.t COFFEE.

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