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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

(SHIiEGAL. liiiHica is ncrciiygivtrif lltat On' the flrtt Monday 1 thamonlfTof April I shall nppTyfo the CbV STATR or, Mftmtittfn county; JlltnulK, fur ft jpnthl Mtftnttnt orthe.citaM of Ephraimfi. Siitpfard, ai which tinw and jtUco all huviiw Vdalnts Agaltul calato nfj hereby notified to attend, hotllrraient Ititi nrrie far AH Indebted to saiii citato, are to NO All 11. FLANAGAN, Adm'r. Jan UrMhe Circuit ttmrtl March Icim, ISJ8.

in cjtANCKnir. Samuel Coiver ami Thomas CoU'Cr. A tn piirtu'anci) of an order nude nt tlic Sciifemlmr 17 1815, of tho Circuit Coutt ofCaltimm county, Vwj'J tMdenrignetl, mlmlnUiralor of tlie'oitote of 'Wfllhm A. Wlllhm fJmiflh, JesW CJoutfi, Cslha- rliw MHtrr, lute Culliuttnt! (Joujjli, Milli-i, Doty, diaries fltml, Vufliuiii Ktuut, nml Jamrs IUnl- fom nnil Nnnrj H'-i'-Cnn, IICIM at Riuannah llnlfrrn, (Ici'tmi'd, Jsniicy Uarr.ol.hle Nancy Cough, anil Wil- liani Harriet, Iier husband. I t'f affidavit on fifr (fir Cfaik'n flTtce nl UiB rirruil Court of Grernq cminly, eforcsaiil, in tlie above enlilk 1 that II.

tirmsh, otic (J llic a1 rut -lay nf lite r.cxl Icrm thereof, to IIP in the town of Bttuitc In lha Military nminly Tract. n'crodttof Iwclve m-mllil, nt ll in glvlngbond wilh apl'iovrd iwiirily aiul a mortage' lh last Mn 0a In lll 1BIB IIKNJ'N CHILD, Adio'i SALC. Notice Ii hereby gtvon, thai tiy viiluc of an ordfr 'entered at lho October term, leifl, of the Circuit cwrt county, Illlnoii, the undersigned, adminLi- tort oftbftcitutc of William dcrrauul, bUi of, MtdUon trill, en fhn acih ifoj- at JAH- 1 UABV next, tt tho door of thn Post mitre in ll.n city I il plead, demur, cxcoj.t to, 01 tiill of complaint, occonlJni; (o lh') nilM ar.i| tii court, Iho will lid lalfwi ai ronfc.f^nl, and a decree will madn according tu lliipiaye? Ihrteuf. Dated nt Ciirrollton, Jantiaty 14,1840. Alleuli r-lOSUH U.

Bi.KUSOK, CU-rk. j.mai, iflii-a-iw Nnlicu it htrct.y tjivcn tint on tlic first Monday ii in Hunlei'f addition Ia known tlie CAHR fjntiicn, tllaily, described and bounded ai follows, to-wlt: ttoginning at a (lake on tho south went hlile of I road in Charlei W. Hunter's addition to beta? three chains and sixty links north fur- tj-thrco end a half dcgrros cait from a stone set nt Iho i atiglo in lha iiouth cant slilo of saM road, next nottb'of "the Inleriectloa of tlnloii'Slrecl. wttli tho road an rpprR- fefltcdon tho-plot of Mid IlunUtr 1 mMUloti to Alton; uence running frUrh tho atorcxslil ftlalio a compnii to AJlon, anA Mffant) north fmty-lhrrc tnrt a half east lho tmitli cast nf tlio 'jnjtlfivoetmns and ten luilci (o a thence fbrty-savcn dioi.n and lifltcu lifiks; srtulh ono anil forty-Hvo minuloa wiat seven chsfns and llnlfSj thenrc nritth (lily- eight ami a half degrees wet ari'l ffty Ihenco no till thitly-four went ncrrn and flfly linht, to tho sin acres, inoro or Ion. lho nro a Nriv Ilrlclt DweHing-liomc, containing three ftivimi and a Kitchen; and a mull rrame-houno.

A-credit of six moiithB will ho given, the purchaser giving bond with avpiovcd sccurilyand prtmilci, tn gpcurctht- paynicntofthc tOOliey. MAIUIAIIHT MrBKATH, Adm'X. PKHLGY 0. AdmV. 13, TosTroKCsrrxT, Tim ubuvc cMu lOiljjoncd until McmJay, Iho tfltliday of a I the same hour and place.

M. MMlCATII, Adm 1915-55-71 J'. JJ.WmPPI.E, A rituntcd tim Dfrtrc- I aro ti All sMil ratal nnku iinini'dlitc jisytncnl to the uml J.w31,Mft.5.flt W.M. XECUTOR'S All pfrsons Inviop claims thr, rstilc James L. fiiouud, aro notilliM to pio-icnt th ami lo thft 1'rWiuto Justicu or (lie OP 'TJY virtue of on order iiiaOo at Iho October Inrm, JD D.

1319, of the Circuit Court of Madison nnm- tft Illinois, upon the npphcation of Calvin Kliuter, mr- ul the Kiiulcr, I will and Boll ul public sale on Sjttirday Ihe SEVENTH of MAllCII, A. IH lit, on the prr- miiM heralnaftor doacriiicd, hclwcpn (ho hours of (en o'clock In lho forenoon anil llvo oviock in thn uftur- noon, of aaid day, Ihc following roal eitatn, situate In tho coiintf 01 Matliitai and State liltnofe, of which the said Thomas Kinder nclzcd, to-wit: Tho undivided Iwo-fiflhs ot of hii.l; boinn the south corner of tho norlli wnt quarter of 'tion sovontocn, township throo north, RUIKO nino wcht, Said real eiUto wilt aulil on a credit of am twelvQinontlisi the bond npprov- ed leCurlty, and a upon the pruniiscK. to no tha payment of the pmclmo tnonry. CALVIN KINDER, Adm'r. SALE OF ESTATE.

of an onter mailo ut tho QclMtor term, A D. ISO, of tho Circuit Coiutof county lUlnnTl, upon tho upplicaHon of Julia Tower, wlmliili tntrls of Caleb Tower, the nald Julia 1 K. admlniatrntrix ofirciald, ami rJt'oigo Foster, with Whom lho has Intermarried tinea granting of sal 1 order, will offer ond irll at public late, on Momlny thi ttoy of March, A. u. latff, ut Lho binrt-houn in the town of KdwarrtsvlHc, twlwccn tho houm of ton 1 o'clock in Ih'i forenoon, ami tlvn o'clock In tho after noon, of sold thy, tho following real but ate, aituato I coawtyof MAdlvon anrl sisiaof iiiinolr.

of whicf CiiU'b Towrr diud lo-wit; Tha inuth half of lha noith cant qnartor of trctlon ten 79 85-100 acresj and 6 ftueu of tho north juit of th north wuil luntUT nf norlion cloven: all in tuwimhli Tour norlli, nmgccWit writ. IxiU No- tin ond it is, on (ho of nnnille-it In.lho lown of co'iutyand BhO, lots No. JO, 1U 187, In adtlition to town of Said real eilato will tw i a credit of tweln months tho purrh.idfr with approved it-cu tity, ond a niortpija upon the promisM, tu secure the pnjmcnt of tho purt'Jiain inoney. JULIA FOSTUII, uto Julia K. Tower, odin'x ofanldcutate.

Notice En Hereby given, Umlon tho lint Monday Ii month of April neat, I will apply to Iht. Court netMcmcii of Ilia eitatu of William flood, dcccnied; at which thu and phco nil havtiiff claimt ogahist etial WO hPttb) notlflcd to atlnnd, pruscnt Uiu latno fo "djmtmcnt. J.AUKIN D. WOOD, Kx'r. 1918-i-at I-'INAI, TVTOTICI.U hereby glnn, l)ut on Jltti tho month of next, we will smily lo lh Court Of Probato orMvllmu county, HUiioid, fur a fmn of thn ostato of Josi-ph N.

M'Kce, di-i-'i at which limoand uhco all tiavlnvclalmi upili ciitdte hereby nolifiej to attend, aiul iire-ient th Ktm.t WKKK, Ailtn'ii. Cl, 1'. Adm'r riS' NI3TT LKM KXT." TVTOTICK In htreby KIVWI. that on the second Honda In Iho month of.March next, we win iiimtylo th C.Jurt of 1'roh 1(0 of coauly, lU'axtlt. (ne a II (ottlemi-nt of thu filulc nf imuc C.

decM, which tlmfl and jilaco all having cliinui fpjnit iilrtcititc are lierehy notified to ttltut-J. uud me icnl tho pjr adjuilnunt. J. C. JOSHUA PEAK claims anainut tho ritate of ArrliUnM AI.

Camp bell, deccaietl, am notincd to tho sama In thr of FlolAlo of lvnpy rcnmiy, Ill'i, for u.tiiiitinont wiUiirt monfha from ihti-i tn4 nil tlioio in Uttbtfld to laid oitalo, aro reqneslml to malio inmic-liat piyrncntlu KLINUA V. CAMPhRLL, UEU. Adm'r. AI.C OF JftKAI. KSTA'L'K.

By an u( (no October Inri of tho Circuit Couit at Aliultvon county, illiimlj 4ho of lliu of 'P. Halt, decoded, will olfor tit I'nlillc Sale, on WKI) MIDDAY, tho 4th tliyof MAIldl, I9tfi, utthodi of iho in tho town nf Kihvurdaviilf bclwi the houri of ten n'rlock in Ihc and fix o't li 'in Ihs inanition of said day, tlio AtliuwlriK ileirriliwl re ill oitate, of which tho laid scifi e- lituaMiu Ilic county of liruwn, and btalu of llll nold, vu: Tha mrlhweit guartur of firirai, In number two io th, range nuiuburtuiir, wcbt uflhu fuuilh 1 incrmuri. I rnonthsj tho Hiving with ww a. on tlm ptvmiscs, t'j scant- the pay, town of tno ntuticy. fi SOWN STAHK, AiW'r.

A. BillVISTH.U'UU'S and lain nrc lirrfby notified tu no CL'RTtSS /U.AKf.MM.V, Kx'r. NOTICES. nitOCHKIIZS mo satUaCnnina Aitini -Sail 60 llio 20 Mids Urlcans KtlliAIl 3 lk-r. cs Him 01) liltln Rcr.titietl Whiffy ilfiro and fnr l.y in WISKS il 76 Milt anil Hn it rccviv'fil iii and for ilccfl VC6" llrttirictl WliUlt mil runty LMY (UlUDH, which Ihcy tiro jiruparnl tell nl IMW TnccJ tic tin ivnntlilf titrnm unylnHUt; in St.

i Madison anil tho uujwning urn itispcclui! nviteil to call ami rx.nmriPdiir nlork WISKS I.KA, corner of Alton, ocf 18, '-15 Second and Stntc-nta. CAPS. 1 Wdiini in rci-fttpt of ono oflhelanjc ond inoM licnulifnl amoitiniTtts i.f ATS CA tivur biouuht to Ihis irnrkct; nil the Inlc Inil it gt catty In lln-ir mlv nrc ilL-U'rmliKM to i-l'M irlce. oct I') nil the Inli dfliic ati-n-c ai tide taRi! by un a rull, them l-atlt ui SA VKIX Titur.K of ClotliiiiB hive liwm riTfiv-fd tiy mn fell) Bin) as thtt tMsmi ia iwlvarciiiir, ctr.Uttfix noic liitnd willbo tmmlt oatitivcai I'crsoni wmditis clothing, will dn well to call and tiio fad, I urn sdlinif good a nt 01 third lius lhan nny other in tint tfly. It mi tnthu juihllc, licit I trail ami do, or why cell Mtirh a I.I^P uiii'iunt? and my sales (nrrcoso jc ly, fur I have this fjll sold mire lliiin in any furmcr Si nnn, which ia a prnof that I continue tu sell lower tli All 1 nitc is thn ptoanui'o nf a when I am mr that you will nay, UM trioiKtinrts havo snid, thnl Ia antoniihiiiu how Uu-ap Mai tin sHIn hiu Clothitic Hear in mind lho numbiT-'l is 111 Main-ilict a hi III on also, a sltine atioss i pavement wilh tlw numc, MA UTIN, on H.

Itcmcmln'r, I mysctf ti) Inwrr than othci house; ijuubla to I.uub, ilrt-fl JOHN T. MAItTl.V- in Tii IIOLKHALE In Ki.n-1^ and Uom Nth OT huve no tWf of th i Dry arkfil, to whirh They rcspt'Ct fully ml In-s-t liut hiiscv i Iccnttlli-i iiig addllin lrr fl cd intl Unit BliouLl they with call, lliry will ol KOtfli at inch an nut fjil lo j.lcuse thc-in. St. oct iBia: 1 tffit at tht corner of Fourth anti Si, Charles hT. LOUIS.

fl.T-Dr, II. will hn Imjijij- (g rwt-ivo fium lho cituiina of Alton ami vicinity, inn- B. J. l(. AI.CXAMIlEn BAMLTt.COrF, J.

ii. PRODUCE,, C.n.WMISSION FOJl'lfA lltXlt MEltftUXnt, No. -IM Walor-sl, (fiirncr uf I.ou llaronA llyilp, Collins IfiKSi, Kini- iltel-i-o llri.lh.-rsj K. h. lliO'S! J.

K. ft. Ciinn; II. I). Djvid Tnlttiu, I).

D. W. Ciihnaii) Ksq.j Jotin II, I'rct't I'crpclual siiMtictt John iiuoii(li, f.v\.—St. iMUit. McBiis.

Lamb ft Lea. Jutt 'J-l) MQ uut'CH, UVE.STLH Olive Oil, in Ibski, hnttlt ly tlip 'hloriilu of Iri.iftMo.iii; Artnwrout; nuni i 'i'inls, dih, liyc-stiillii, whirh ho piepaii ell rciy Lowl ll. 8AUUUN DRY GOODS. 1'rot raids) Vpnti; Drnweis 1IAHU, of to tliis city. consuts of catei nOOTaand S1IDKS.

Cloth, I'luith, Muilt, Hair Seal CAPS Wool HATS)'ii atu'. t'olton id WOODr.N-WAHB Hhnhct, nnd nicici, Jeans, Sutinrt.i, Twcc'Is, mvl Fhccp'3 fiPWMJ raricty rintjj OirHSlmmsi Camtnimj MulU; Tliroad JkiliMntt and Gloves; Hosicrj-j In; nimps; Cords nnd TaKiclt; tiliirk U-, linen bnd cotton Prrss and I'ochrl Ciuiths; utlunst I'insi Needles; 5klrU; Hooks fc sfllc, wool Shawla; Pfi-rii. paccasj I'laiils; Tlrhing; nsfy; aiul Dj.ipcn Kpili) Tiutki f(C, be. our nl Ifcurf nn-l UMmiticil upon the CAXll-fl. I'KOIUK'i; ilcin, we can trxl will sell GOODS ut Imvrr Irtk than were F.VKII ollen-d In this which ill tic tcnly proved to oil who will cxamlno our APOtOCY.

We nwe an npology; (o thoae of our roail- rw, who tnke liltlc or no interest in inch Uitng.i, for having flftVotcd so much space, in this, and one of our prrccding numbers, to refutation of the 'calumnintis libel recently prnrniilgftlcd thin mcnt. Had tho proceeded frnm source, we should have trccitn) it silent contempt, our invariable practice In cmes. Bui, when sent foirlh by tfio authority of a public meeting, and tinder- nnmes of jtnrsons ivhoinfly be worthy of crcilif, we co. I'orU, idlil Alton, sept 13 HUU1KHT, WATSON Wheat, Corit, OaH, 'Wtiilr end CosHir Hutlrr, I-ard, MJV IliiJr.s, Purs, Ili-mji, ax, Timothy ami Clovi-r liotight at the jhMt market pilrp, STOIII; JOHN lilt ftlilfiirnds, the pulilic (juiifitiiliyi lh it jiiiil rcrtivcd, and In tho liuiliHuc; south Iiotvmnn Johnson, uml iinmrdijtcty opposite Ir. Khdc-itort, a l.iis{o und carefully nr- titUssoitmoiil of Mr.HCHAXDlSi:, uullatlc to tilts nOODS, GnOCT- IKJOT-J, RKADY MAO): CLyTIIISfJ, nl tjvpiy nrticto nsunlly found in retail 'it jrast favoiif til 1 rfftolvrd l'i use his (tent exertions ti lioso in need of rs-rfcw uml CHKAI' of eve- vnrit'ty, and of iiili-nds keeping a constant TO Tho tindiTsijjueil Is to rcrnivit Coi Oats, Dry Ili'ks, JlnoiM-as, andoMictappnivcd I'njtlin which ho will ijive tlw market I friomla, who lute nny thins lo sell, ill llml il t-i their advantage Inpty hint a visit tn'fo JOHN 11UOL (JI1TOM.

Alton, June 7, 'J3 HAVKN.S invite Urn nlU'iilion cif liis iisti-nipifl ami iho In his very extvniitvn sltHlt of NKW I-'ALI. WlNTEtl GOUUS, uat rt'i't-ivcil from Vuw York, CONNISTISU P.VRT OP lUonil rlolhi; cassimcrrsj satint'ts; Kcnlnrtfy jearu; pilnl ar.rtliftivcr cloths; red, white, it sn-cn hiiun; nirnil fulled ctnlh; nton tliitint'l! htuiyti and and glwe- limwn nnil cottnn (Jsnsl.Hrslis; forest cloth; clioi liinln-cjc, IScotch andlUii- H-l nnd 10-1 ibtiosk Hiioit; Irish lihf k'n-ilii'ii rnvals; cotlon wunll iinfintcrs; iln. t'olurRh, Vlctorw, vvifk, Ttw, wnlB Imib iiinli-r-MhiM-Ji Miickskii! milieu du. mtn's ii-k floirpa; whiU- Mutlii JuaiiGi rose bUnfa Muc. nwl ecu Mafkiitaw do; vvlvt't, im-iiiio ond Vjlontin icat- IflO ps nnwi'st style ficn FfllXTS; Turkey rcil lilt'il anil cToss-Ovur C'liihtitcrc il 1 Kcoasc; rich nrw yli! Mousiicliitcn-ilc-luinc; UiRunilil nw, jj-jla aid ihnm'ls forctiildivn: Clitistim; ptatiki Mft (join- l-aslti; il.if!; l-l .1 It nnd coin ml sillt Alpaccnluittioj black an'1 colfucd 1'ninielta clothig Al- rtitdannsli, umriirm 1m vi-lvct Jnd istiitwls Mnrk Ila- lian opc-ru cups: a-pphyr plai-1 silkj; hi-ny nml RCailct imlUa couls ami fiinp's; blue); £tlk fitucjra; tirli new stjtc Ltniuet rihlonsi'tallVt und satin ribiKui, "II colitra; hr.

super while, black and colored kid Iht 1)0 do silk Do white fi lilark long mils C'aslnncrc nnd worsted mils, now style Children's mils, new Uyle TUun's white Mack tillt cloves; lliitlrnj blark ami rolouil hose Do do and white Cashmere Blaik Bndcoloicii wontt-il; hilt sjiun silk white nnd cDlorerl cotton; wixilcn and worsted (Ii'iifa wook-n and culton socks Willow traveling nml work baskets shoes; ready-Tii-nlc cloth- cullcryj fcr. rx- J.OIC jirtial at No. Sfcoiid-tr, W. Co. Alton, ocl'JS HIESII TAI-t.

AND WINTER SITPPI.IKS. Is now in receipt of anew ant) irt'shiiSKOilincnt of (JOUDS, suited lo Iho present uml sensrm, to hf would in' the all i-n linn of jnirthan-Ts: among which will be Satinets; pilut rlolha; casaimcrci; Ken- tuliyjt-ans; IMlK'd loth; twillcil Itcrscya; nuw anil lidi Ktyh'i I'rinls; niosissi'Iiiics Ijiin. 1 ilc binr; taah- HtiTCRj nlpuras, vni'mns colors inul styles; nu'rim rud, yellow Itanne); brown nml colored t'jntnn llaiiin-l; cotton uutlinu; cotton wicl pl.iiil nnd pi lin liitst-j hicliury slripcit; blwai li- IH! nntl unUunrhcil npron colored ruinlnii-s; linen tnl'li; cnvt'i's; linen thmask nnplJ crash; jjcnt's wrmluii undi-r shifts; white i mixed wonlen yarn; biid'H PJD linen; Hi lawn; plain, btripril und wutilen thawls; cash- inn-i- and hrni-ha lailit-'s' ami childicn's itpcra woolen, Bilk iiiul zypliynnitsi Vulcntiannd awnnnil vcstings; ial.ntmiulor Miiju'MdL'fs; Bilk do; chiMr tpcolt'ii stiper (j'criiiiiHtoivn ilo; Jailit-a' Mack worsteil, wnolcii, ntciinu nnil cashineic hose; moilcco- loipil ciishnieiii whi(u nml intnto colotcd coUoji Swiss, litMilc, nuill und jutxmot muslins; bill nml whitB cap I-ICPSJ ccdnrrd paper cambrics; linen bolil'inj! linen nnd I.yslt- iiiul iiiflor- lilt Itidinii nuvats; Cent's white kill Rliivcs; lorvit sill; iliij super Lid glovcsj bUdf, colored and whilutilli ilo, lied nml canvas cnl'd cnmbricH Woj-filcil I'oit ilu du do cords llio. Hi'lLmli bioi-hailp, and lasting coat bultoi Itiilion Mjwingsond twist RhnuM he faithtoss lo bur sncreil ilnly as an Ed i I were wb'to jitifTer it to pas.1 unnotic- i'd, or full tn mfict it Jn ttio iHrpct nml indignant thosD personally nc- (ptnlntcil with us, we need not.tny, Irovcrsies of (his characler nrc exceedingly to dttr l.istu anil repugnant to.onr reelings. Many ynnrs hnvini; become nt (In: lutlercnt lies which often disgrncctl the columns ol loo many of our piijjjlte thtit thpy exert a pprnifiotis influpncc njutn the morals of iho be- Hevintt that it loc.oiultictavrry decided party, new.fpnper, witJ: out ro.iorlincf (o opfirohrions upon mnkint, (lie TiifrTter In plve'thc mat rer irrfparlfnl (rinf, we mnde oitrmitid, when in dlacns' of any subject, rather to stilTtT our article to iippertrtiimonnd 5pirillpss, than to Inrii (he risk nf tho limits prnscrib ctl by decnrnm; nnd ht.d long fitipposcd on attempt hail fully suceoedcd, when vi! nnd unlookedrorntlack upon the purity nn Independence of our press, convinced that it was possible we might have been mi: taken.

Having vainly tried to disarm 01 assailants, by courteous nnd friewljy cxpta should have been "salisfrtc tory" to nny tnie Christinn, or real genllu alternative has been left us tha fo repel tlio unprovoked assntiK with all (h means at our disposal, and compel our ac to drain to the very dregs the hilt cup they hnd prepared for our lips. this shall he elTi-elnally accomplished, ni the honor of nnr journal completely vindi we trust will he satisfactorily ilon in our shnll resnmo the even tem of our course, hnpinp Ihat nothing of the kit will again occur; at least for a long time come. JHr'An amusing account of some trick recently performed in ono of Ihe Piltsbnrg markets hy the celebrated "Fakir of va," now on a visit to the may 1 found on our fcnrth page, first column. FROM I Hy the steamer John Anil, which cam np to St.'.i on Sunday last, the Kdito of the Missouri Republican received Nc Orients to the 2-lth contniriin advices from Vera Cruz to Hie 13lh, an from tho city of Mexico to the 8lh.

The character is highly important. It appeal Ihat Gen. I'aredes, the leader of tho la riotrt difference 6f opini abert Peel Duke li stylo bo et rihbons; French Tec (lowcr t)oniitt(lo ntfies and ribbons wtJUis ami colors hnir cloth brmhes 1 1 c.isk Winu 1 Prciuli llr.inajVI'pllrrviim'' hrandjaau pcriur artitlt'j just icc'J uml fur i.ili) liy Jin SI II. SAHGRXT. OTICR li hcrul.i- I have IhU (lily sold mil nil my tillo end lnt.ucst in, nnd to, Die Hlicknmit'i h-rctiifiiro on licit nn In Ji-rscyviftOt Ji'riey county, and f'mn un-t utlerlhn ilny, IQ10, I am not Inuiiywiso connrctfd with HID iiuuo.

All iivriQnt inilutited tu iiro to unite piynioul nurnoiu li.ivin? c.l.iiins uguiiist inn uro reiUK'Stml to cnl tlio unmu tvittiout dclny, SAMU. WlllGHT. tlm t-statu i Sfncca Gale, diK-auuul, nw nntiiied tu iiiiiaoi.l tin- Hum Ao Wju Violate Justice for county, wifliiu nin iiiuUUlthoao Indchtod lo ni.i ori) lujiiihy iimilivil tu make tmiiunllato iiaynionl tu tiM'iit tout of neimliio Silver, on Copjiur, Cumuli tllvrr, or nld Plalcil by a stiiiplu ajipli iuit, ami tiilVrng cost, J'nr mlo liy 17 W. A. 1IOLTON, Smitli sMo of '-M-vt, UViilc, pink ofi't Wnu ('up vibtiouHj bUu'i pii Tuilvtn Shell, Giilc.aniltuclc i-oni CoaVs SIHIOI rottnnt Wnrron'ttninl MnTUiunK'n iv Ruiiil rfinsit.lini( of fur, ial and ncalotlcfii ciiil-lrcu'i cloth und velvet dn il All consist ing in part of bti-lics; I utt-i; tuvksi br.uls: Univci and 1 rlisj Univi-i) Imiul-saw lilea; wcKKl-sawa; anus; HiiKtT liilii chisels; r.hnvi'l and imn.s; tniss-rut miwsi mSH-suw lies; 1'jsianl lilrs; blDL'kiintlh'a nsiis; butcher ttr rjiKTlv, iloiir-bolti; bnui butts; screw jiullii'ii; Ua and liiiiAtis; p.ul-locUni cheht nnd lovki; Toallorwhit'h'Uio raff, i is c.xnmioc buy ,1 lo do co.

ULI'lUTi; OF jusl u't'il i UK it nv.iy lie yuur "No tiaiti; f))r tli'ming 11 K. 1). TUl'1'IMi. U. K.

I Qiluiilt-il (o (hu ivnntu' c-ullun, Vitiliitiatul Uio tdiiin for a'ljmlmi'iit. ANOIIUW W. AUw'i BTATI; ur I count (., (CUcuUCoutliif laifttioi If lyi AHUUinii, Win. L.J-pfftujts ifttAtt'ttait iu tti'J vst.itQ uf Oatticl 7 nun, 1'itii nf county, uio hen mtifled tlul on thy of the next term of B3- IVOTICK. a i-ractii'al UUNSMITH and IN- STIIUMKM' aiAKlIU, I'ruin liiivItUkolfr.U-a HIM lity of Alton fur I'M'noc, ru- c.UVrs liU Bfivirt-n lo llic puUic Ho is to iiuuurutiiHN any aiticli- in liii lino, ut UH; blunts I Imtifi 1 uiul ut vo- M'W I 1 xl 11 hii-h Imvu su-levted with iaio in ii! he toM very fur cash only.

MAIlK riUILSDN N. TO. A tho I'aUuil Fl'SK, ani: UVntiu'ky Itillti IjL'XI'OWhEU. having firli't, will UUC will Cum UH i'iy AnuN iin: for iK' t.y by I 1 I'l'l'Il UAUNKSS -f Iticabnvc. Hit- of Hie n- jrtul HVDKU.

rcvoltitionnry rnaverncnf, reached the cap tal on the 2d, without opposition, and imtn dintely dissolved the Congress. A meotin of lho principal officon was Ihon held, which it was resolved that a Junta of "notables" should be called forthwith, in der to establish a provisional Govcrnmcn nnd elect sotrio person to exercise tho Ex ctitlve functions. The Junta accordingly nn the JM, and unanlniniisly elected Pareil President, pro ttm, Ilo waRinanp-iirntPil Iho'Ith, M'ith ceremony; whi ho made an, appealing tn Hear for the of his molivfis, a drelnriiiff that he woulrt retire as Boon as liltcrd'es of the country should ho re-esla Hshed. The ncxv Ministry is composed the following qentlemcn, viz Don Juan Almonte, former Minister to the Uni'crt Slates, Secretary of War; Don Castillo Lauzar, Secretary of Foreign AHTalrsi Don Luis Parrcs, Secretary of Iho ami the Bishop of Chiapas, Heecrra, Minister of Justice. The city of Mexico remained perfectly quiet; and no apprehension of conn- ter-rtvolulion was entertained.

Wilh (ho news a verbal report, that our Minister, Mr. Slitlell, having failed in tho object of his mission, hnd applied to the new Government for his which had been denied him, on the pica that, ax ho never had been in his diplomatic capacity, no passports wort? necessary, and hii vva.s al RO where ho pleased. Ilo then an escort, which was also refused; whereupon 'he dispatched a messenger lo tho briif Sinners, then at Vera Cruz, with a. statement of tlio fuels, when a number of the Ulcers nt once dulermlned to proceed to Jala pa, for tho purpose of escorting him to the appears to bo ftomc doubts to lho authenticity of the report In all iU parts; but it seems quito certain that the failure of tho mission, and thu demand for the passports, are entirely Whnt steps otir Government may tftka to vindicates the honor uf tho nation, thus outraged in the person nf her Minister, yet uncertain; but will bo known in a fow is imagined by somo thai the nritish Government inny huve had somo agency in tho Uto revolution, ami pe nUo itisligutuil the rejection uf Mr. Slidcll; but this, of course, is mere conjecture.

It is, however, notorious, that Con. Paredes lias been rn'ued to the supreme command in trie; repeal ofrtKe ivs, Ministers In their ion the 10th of pecember; which wero amplly accepted'by the 1 Queen, and Lord hn aussell immediately intrusted with lho a trt of a new Cabinet. TJie latter, w-evcr, having soon loitntl it impraclicablo construct an Administration to his Ming, doubting his Influence with the Parlia- ent an-I (he nation, voluntarily mitred, nf- having nominally held the reins of Gnv- ntncnt for the space of about ten days; Sir Robert Peel is once "more at the head This new change Is generally nsidercd decidedly favorable to the con- nuance of peace; and wo fervently trust at it will so prove to be. But, as we are much room. we must: re- rvo whatever we may wish to say on this bjecl to a future occasion; and simply ro- tho render lo our Washington letter of 2'lth and the extracts to be found in lotlicr column.

The papers received by the llibcrnln, tint nin several Hems of IntelHtfence, fnr hich it is entirely out of our power to find oni this woek; but hone nf much ipnrtance. It is staled that nearly oho idred vessels were lont, nn tho French id in consequence of terri- gnlus uxperlonr.cil in the Channel In tho lonth of December; and that no less than nrs hundred souls have perished. The journal? contain their usual amount accidents, crimes, Sonet npws, Ac. wilh which wo shall ot trouble our readers: while tho French npers pnwciit horrid, pictures of the proso- utlon of tho war in Africa, in which it Is viMent no real glory, qr permanent ad van- ago, Ts obtained by tho invaders. Of the ommcnUof the Paris press, upon the Pros- dent's Message, may bo observed, in gen- Tal terms, that they arc of little importance ir Some speak of it rather others in terms of equivocal commendation; but fow express a very decided opinion about it, except perhaps the Journal den Ministerial holds it up to ridicule for having, as addressed England in terms such, as i commeror, in the height of his power, votild USD lo wards a third rate Stale; as veil ns for its rodomontade about foreign nterferonce.

Tho Chambers were opened the 27th of December, with a speech 'rom the throne, in which the King alludes tho general prosperity of the country, the trosccntion of great public works, the pacific aiiurnnces received from all foreign countries the amicable intercourse wilh Great Uritain, the affairs at Algeria, Stc. but says not ono word about the United WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. It will he observed, by a reference to our columns, that the Junior Editor is now at Washington City, whore he will probably spend mouths. As the present session of Congress bids fair to prove tho most important of any hold for full thirty ycarsj anil as his means for obtaining accurate information of alt that may transpire around' him, arc inferior to those possessed by no other person not In the secrets of the Cabinet, his correspondence will doubtless bo perused with deep interest by our readers. The first of his did not reach us until after tho publication of our last bo found on our first page; the others on tho-third.

Their insertion will relieve us from the necessity-of giving any more than a more outline of tho proceedings of Cangro.M, in our weekly Summary, ns they will furnish tho most interesting details, loarn from the Ohio papers that the- three citizens of that occasioned seems that, while the hands wore at work in the mines, about fifteen acres of the roof foil in, burying between fifty and sixty persons under the ruins. Of these, the greater part were rescued, with more, or less Injury; but a boy died soon after ho was taken ont, and fourteen men are missing, and supposed have perished. Ono of the overseers, Mr. John Hosic, had an almost miraculous At tlio time, of (lie accident, he was tn-the mine, nearly a mile Its at some distance from the thaft by which tt was ventilated. Being in an instant left In utter darknoss, by tho extin- guishment of all the lights, Including the lamp bo held-in his hand, he groped.about vainly trying to find, or work his way out at, practicable opening; and was finally extricated from his perilous situation, by an assistant overseer ami (wo men, who were looking for him and others, two days after tho accident.

Me had been severely stunned by a fall over a car, during his peregrinations through the darknosi, but had received no other injury. The pecuniary Joss sustained by the company who own the mines, will bo but trifling; but some must elapse before their alterations con be act of 1812; uhlch was twice read and Corn milled. AMr.KDMFNTS TO THE COXSTITUTlQH On tho 2lst ult. Mr. Bagby offere a Senate a series of joint resolutions, propo lug certain amendments to the Constitutor of the United States; uhloh were read, afjfl ordered lobe printed.

'It AVAL In the Scn-itr, on the 2lsl ult. I bill aq thorlzingtho construction of Iron steam and for other reported on the 12th from tho commtttoo on Navnl wis Inketi up fo considers tion. The hill being read, Mr. Speight moved lint it bo laid upon the table, which was negatived, ayes 23. Mr, SoVl- IT then moved that the farther 0 of the report bo until Tuestla February 10.

Fairfield moved to mend thn motion by subslitutim; Tuenj a January 27. An animated disunion Cm ed, which resulted In the tuloptiot, of no amomtinent-Mr. Seviur'n motion havi nR been previously negalived-nyes ID, lUiisljington Henry liirhanj'" tho celebrated artist, departed this Hfo in the city of New the 27th ttlt. at tho ago of 4ii. "As portrait painter, ho has no equal behind stood'at tho head of his profession since the death of Sir Thomas Lawrence.

ITo was likewise highly distinguished for his excellent taste as literary writer, and much beloved for his amiable as a man and a At the time of hU death ho was President of the' National Academy of Design. THE SMALL POX. The Cincinnati Dollar Commercial states that the above loathsome 'and dangerous disease "is raging nil over tho country;" and 'has been inhumanly started on its errand of death" in that Its appearance in the City is attributed to tho exhumation, for dissecting purposes, of tho body of a colored mnn, ono of its victims, who had died at tho Pest-house. The authors of thu mischief are still unknown. WASHINGTON, Jan.

20, Tho resignation of the British 1 GALENA AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. The subject of constructing a Railroad, from Galena to Chicago, is occupying much of tho attention of the people of Northern lliiiois; and a Convention was recently held at Rockford, Winnebago county, for the pur- ami the organization oFb new 3 Lord John Uusscll, with LoA PalScnite i the head of Foreign Affairs, has ctveh new aspect to tho Oregon question Tn Us el- ty. It is now conceded, that all hope of compromising this question, by ncnepUne the'19th degree, even with the free navi Ea tion of the Columbia, is nt an end: and the most judicious and discreet statesmen here do not hesitate to give it as their opinion! that unless the differences between the two Governments be scltled by arbitrntion. war must incvhnbly ensue. Unfortunately for tho amicable adjustment of (his controversy two of the most illiberal statesmen, and bi(.

lerest opponents of our Government anil In. slitutions, stand nl the head of tho new Urilish Yom- readers will reatlllj discover that I allude to Loids Russell, and PalmenMon. The latter of these British no- hlrmcn, denounced itt iinmenji-tirtd (cnnsttiB Aihburton Tronty and charged thntihii Government in acceding to it, had sacrificed not only the honor, but the in tils put able rights of England. The same feelings.of Imstility he publicly evinces ngaliist our claim to Orrgo'n, even to the 49th degree; and with him at tho hciuVof'Foreign Affairs in own country, nothing like culm and disj: bel peaceable relations between tile two nations, the prospects at present are, to say lho least, very gloomy. Tho arrival of tho DrUfoh which is looked forto-raor- row or next (lay, may give a more lose of taking it into consideration.

It is bought that the stock must be very profita- and that tho road, when completed, will command much of tho travel now performed way of the river, the navigation of which Is very uncertain during the sum- ncr months. This attempt to execute such a work, through a of country which, ten years since, was almost a but which has more than doubled its popii- atlon since the census of stirn- ilate the citizens of the middle region of liuois to exert themselves to set In motion tlio proposed Railroad between Springfield and Improvement not less useful or profitable than that contemplated by their Northern friends. rs. Sarah M'Crea, of Clarion county, is extremely desirous of obtaining tidings from her husband, Charles M'Crca, who left hfs residence in March, oil a trip down the Ohio, and has not yet returned home. The only intelligence received from him since his departure, was a letter.

Loraine, nnd in tho dated Cincinnati, April 30, 1844, hv which at Parkersburg, Vn. for somo months ho announced his intention of visiting the on tho charge of having aided in the escape country West of the Mississippi, and return- uuuiiuj', imu ni in anil spasslonnte reflection nnd negotiationlean 2 looked for. So far, then, as maintaining ing appearance to our foreign relations. Dispatches were received by the ship Liberty, from our Minister in England, Mr. M'Lane; but what are their import or character, nothing that can bo relied upon known.

They were- brought York to this city by express, by the direction of Mr. M'Lane; nnd that fact seems to indicate that they are of much importance. Congress did not sit yesterday, in nence of the burial of Mr. Taylor, wlioio ealh I mentioned in my last letter. Today but tittle has been done, except the dij- cushion that has arisen upon the report of majority of the committee on Elections, misting the present member, Mr.

Florida, from his seat, and giving to'Mr. Brockeiibrough. from present appearances it will be discussed several days, and then take a party turn, which will result against Mr. Cabcll, though he received his certificate from Locofoco officers of The bill introduced by Mr. McCIernanil, to which I nlluded in my last, for the cslab- Hshment of an Armory at Fort Massac in our Slate, contains but one section, anil ii in these xvords: t( Ba it enacted, there shall be erected, umler tha direction of the Secretary of War, nn Armory and Foundery at Fort Mnssac, on the Ohio river, in Ihe Stale of Illinois; said Armory to be eslablitihcfl upon scale adapted to Ihe fabrication of not exceeding fifteen thousand stand of arms annually; and the said Foun- dary upon a plan suited to tho niniuifactura PS nnd olhcra Naval service of tho Sinles: and Ihe sum of one hundred curtain runaway slaves, have been, ad- ing to Clarion about the 1st of June fallow milted to ball in tho sum of $100 each, and ing; and the poor woman still entertains a set nt liberty.

This is supposed to be the feeblo hopu that ho may have connected thousand hereby end of the kidnappers'war. himself with ono of tho caravans which have crossed th'e Rocky Mountains nnd be 'yet among the living. Tin it now nhnnt "5 years of agp, fret high, nml proportioned fur strength and activity with dirk appcn MERCIIXNTS AND OTHERS, Who aro about to visit the East for tho purpose of purchasing or other rtrli- gray eyes, block hair, ami, when hom wore a pair of large whiskers. mation respecting him, cither by letter or, greatly fur the interest of- otherwise, directed ns above, will be grate- fully received by his anxious wife. 5 i a I.

HOS. WM. TAYLOK, K. 1- I 1 titw ttUa 30 ClIAI'MAN -H. 1 suited to the Western trade, are invited lo examine the from sundry whole snleestablishments in the City of New York, which will bo found in anothpr column.

"A word to the wlso siijncienJ." JTjr" The recent elf ction in Louisiana appears to have resulted in favor of the Loco- i Tocos, who have, according to report, carried (heir candidate for Governor, and secured tho majority in both branches of the Legis-: 19th uU immediately after the lature. All tho returns, however, have'not mcetinp; of the Senate, the decease of lho yrt H-acbeil nml this result, although "on. Wm. Tnylor, a member of lho House highly probable, not absolutely certain. om lno Slnt a of Virginia, was communicated in feeling nml appropriate terms, by Mr.

Ponnyhncker, one of tho Senators from We regret to state that, on Saturday eve- MmQ S(ftto Jvhosc mo iDJ)j ho reso last, between ten and eleven o'clock, a hmo(H ugual OH such Occnsion3 wwo imuni -re broke out in the Oil mill of 0. M. Ad- Qtl Tho membcrs then Em- a short distance from lho Haptist CCC(lcd tha Unll of tfco Honsej whera tho Jhurch, Tho Firemen amUirizens prompt- fimcm! so i emni( es wcro performed by the repaired to the spot; but, owing to tho Ch in rpsenc of both branches, combustible nature of the materials, it was (hc Prcsit i ent of lho Unltci i Slates, and his found impossible to save the mill, which, Cilbinct tho rc i ft ii voa nnd -friends of tho with its contents, ami a stable adjoining, eccasei nn(Uhe Virginia dclogallon, at- was entirely consumed. Fortunately, all mmmicr At the close of the Oil previously inamifncturcd had been removed In the morning; so that itnly a fuw fnr the site ciUMMicnrinir lh? of the ntfCPi- works fir Annoiy iiiul Fuunde- ry." Upon nn I'Viiininaiinn of the subject nectt'tt ihi; bill now before Ihe House, graduating the price of tho. public lands, I Any i un fnrcihly Jeil lo the conclusion, that It ii his stipfjcs the United Statc.4, and avowed dutermlua- tion to attempt tho recovery of ami that 1m will seek to retain hU present finu, by at feast seeming anxioiii (o carry out Ins views, is more than probable.

The next arrival from Mexico will ho looked fm with intcn-so anxiety. Tnn FOREIGN NEWS', RpcolviMl by the sleam ship Ililit-rnin, ant which may bo found in (mother part of thl; day's paper, will bo perused utlh deep In tercel, will be obierveJ that, owing to FIRE. as well is the u'holo Western States, Ihat this bill should become a Jaw. Tho question of a distribution of the nf the public lands, among ihe different filules, Is nt end, at least for the next four years to come. The prospect of Ihe public lands being ceded to tho different Stales in which Ihey are uatecl, is without any reasonable hope iu the mind of any sensible man.

And the only question to bo determined is, is the. graduation principle, embodied In (bo bill now bf Hire the House, the best obtain for tho West? I am clearly of opinion it is. addition to its giving to Illinois within ft Fraction of four millions acres of land, which Itself would nearly extinguish our Inlrnw Improvement debt, il would give to Southern nnd Middle Illinois an mlvantRgoovtr the Northern portion of lite Slate, that wowj 'invite immigration ond prevent the balance of power being wielded again" us to as creat an extent ns in tho absence or this law It will be. All the low priced lattj, subject to entry at 25 cents, fiO cents, or one dollar, will be found in tw Southern and Middle of the Stntt) while all the lands iu the North will be si nf membcrs an i Jlt ha at SL nt of Oov of Uuans which liappunod to be in the building, were lost. The Dean-house adjoining, although in great was savc.I through lho of biilinMs was tmnsncl- tho Fircincn.

Mr. Adainn, wo un'lcrslaml, continues to jiurchaso ai usual. His Inss ia caliinutoil at about $300, ami is cov- iuiurancB In Hie (Ohio) of of llio committee on Elcc- Ollico. Tho cause of the fire ii not certain- i 10 seat now by Kir. ly known; but it is supposed to havo origi the body wa, conveyed to tho Jcct to enlry Bl only one di.llar and i i I ivo cents I in ncrc.

This discrepaMJ.r CamiJlcry, and in lho ri flll or feUm of Ihi iU Slate, coining thn North lo vlsil Ihc lands tn he elite'" 1 Ihn reduced rales; when, if they held at Ihe same price, not one out of a ilrcil would ever conio Soulll fif KwtuXK oil in cither IIouso on Ihat clay. FLORIDA CONTESTED ELECTION. In the Ilmuc, on tho 20th nit. tho report nalcd in Ihf chimney. Caboll, tho from Florida, to Mr.

IlroekonbroiiEh, the conlestor, was ta- loarn from our exchuntte papers, 'ken up, nml renil. Tho minority report, that tho Illinois Supremo havo reloas. which ilcchres Mr. Cnbcll cntilleil lo his ed from arrest Mr. Thatcher, hto Clerk of neat, was then likewUe rcntl.

An aiihnat- tht' Onurt nf IfincneU conn- nl nivl BOmewlint humorous ilehite ensued, ly, and decided that ho hni'arlght tn oct as which wns continued on the 21st, 23d, 2.1d, Clerk of snid Oonrl, nntwllhstnndinj; his al- land 2-lthi nn which lust named day, the re- loilgeil.romnval by Iho nnlil port of tho majority, removing Mr. Oabell, his bo heard boforo tho Circuit fmnlly afreet) 105, nncs Court in May next. I Ills seat was then given to Iho ccmteslor, I cncl- iniRhlnssigu, I have been led lo the cone tion Hint it is fur Iho best interest of Stato of Illinois Ihat this bill shonla and I am not without slrofip; hop" will receive Ihe united tupporl L. delation. Judse Shields, Ihc jns'ly ulnr Commissioner of Ihe kand-mhciV liculaircd nlilcll xlleallon main sm r.t anil his fxcitlons iu ils behnlf will ''f eb tho main causes nf ils pnssnse, come a law.

II is brst for the ol cnnocrned, that this question, Mnntly ncilaliliK uboilHl" 1 W. lands, should be Reltlrd ns early as and the present proposition being n-c can nblam. it appears tn me la of wisdom and prudence for all tho Wost lo unite Iu its acoompi.

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