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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BALE OF REAl. ESTATE, OTICE benbvglven, Utl rqr flrtue ore decree of ttu Chralt Court of Jerjry enuntf, IWnalt, It UK April lennlhereer, IBI9, (ha undersigned, -execute! of eltsle or Silly Mlnfr, Jectjiol, Ml it rxibtic lucllon, it tlio door nC the coiirt-houto, JcrsCTTllte. In UU count)-, on SATURDAY, Iho dir of belween llio hours of ten o'clock end five o'clock r. of Ihnt day, tlio "fiiDowtef described real estate, of which loid Silly died shill be neccsiary to pay the debts rrom saM estate, to-wlt! The'aoulbeait fourth of lection number nine, town- ahfp rrambor sight, range number ten west; the cast half of the loutbeiit quarter of lection number nineteen, township intmbcraine, range numberten west. Said real aisle will bo lOl.t oil a credit of nun monlhi, the purchaser or purrrroera, executing a note or Srlth ippnrrtd Security, and a mortgage upon the prera taw, to lecare the payment of the purchaio money.

o. MINER, A BMWlITKATOR'S Notice ll hereby given, that by virtue of an order thoOrcnU Court of Madlion county ami SIMeof Illinois, made at the October term thereof, 1944, tha uncler- deralgned, admlnlitntor ofUie eiUte of John Campbell, deceased, will, on the nay otA'ovembtr, 1845, bo. 'tween Uie honra of ten o'clock In the forenoon, anil flvo 'o'clock In Iho afternoon of Public Andion, Jo the higholt and beat bidder, at tha dwelling-homo on the premises hereinafter tleicribed, (being tlio lame lately occupied by tbo laid Solm Campbell, (lercnicd,) Irll the Mrnrliujdescribeil real estate, of which Uie laid do- died seized, or 10 much thereof aa ahall bo ne- to pay the dobti due from laldcitale, The eitt half of tho northeast quaitcr of lection nunv ttfr three, In townlhlp number three north, In range number nine woali and alio, Ilio wcit half of Iho north- welt quarter of lection number two, In townihip Dumber three north, of range number nine, welt fif the third principal iltuato In the county of Madlion end of mlnoli. BaMland will be sold on credit of nine monfhii the purchaser giring tand trltli security, ami a mortgage on tho premises, 'to aecuro tho payment of Iho purrlnic 1IENHY 9TAI.UNO.1, AUm'r aflg so, 1845-35-61 of slid eitalo. JL Notice 1i hereby given, that on tho tint Monday In the month of November next, I will apply lo tlio Coortof Probate of Macoupin county, llllnoli, tor a par settlement of tho citate of llorry Williams, tlcccaa edi it which time and place all pcnons having claims laid eitato, aro hereby notified to attend, and present the lame Ibr anjuitmcnt.

All person! Indebted to laid cilile, iro refuelled lo nebe immediate payment to tho unoenUncd, aug 1815-41 TIIQ'S Adm'r. SETTLEMENT. ATOT1GC la hereby given, that on the IIrat Monday in 1 JA the of November next, I will apply to tlio 'Court of Probate of Madiion county, llllnnla, for a Una letflsmont of the citato of Jamea Madison Gillbam, do. ceased) at which time and place all ncnonshavingclaiml sgaliut said estato arohereto'nctlned lo attend, and pre- the same for adjustment. leptO, OTIS W.

SIMMS, Adm'r. CircUitCouttornlilanlnly: MadilPfi cmmtf, October tent, IN Cl ANCCRY. Kdtbctlnc Smith! vt. Bill for Dirorcc. Samuel C.

Rmllh. i I appearing by ailldavil on filo In tho Clerk's offlec of the Circuit Coutt of county, aforesaid, In ho abovo entitled caust, that Sam'l C. KtitUli, the alovo namod defendant, ii a noiWeiideiit of the Male of noil, and without the rcacti of the process of con it; and'the siid complainant having flle.1 Iwr bill of herein, for a and a subpttna in chancery laving iJiuciI hcrctr irroriling lo law: Now you, tho onld defendant, whoso non-residence appears as aborc, ins twreby notified, that unleis you Bhill bo and appear luifbtw Iho Circuit Court aforesaid, on or before llw flrftt day Of Iho next term thereof, to he lolilen at tho court houio In Iho lown of Kdivanliville, on the fourth Monday in (he Month of October, 1815, plead, demur, except la, or answer the complalnant'i bill of conipliiint, necordirlj to the rulci and practice of aid court, tho same will be blcen at confeiicd, end a Iccrce will do nude according to the prayrr Dated at WwnrdiTlllc, 18 IB, AHcsli I WM. T. BROWN, Clerk.'1. SETTLEMENT. OTICE Is hereby given, lint on tlio lint Monday In the month of November next, wo will apply to the Court of Probate of Madlion coumy, Illinois, fur aflna! s-eUlemfiDt of thcesUto tn Levl fllrJngw 1 ijaccused) at Which time and place all peraoni having claim! againit Stttd estate, are hereby notified lo attend, and prcicnltho lime lor Idjuslment. LOUISA STniNQKIl I Ail- JOSIIUA l)UNNAOANjm'rs NAL Notice ll hereby given, that on tho flnt Mondiy In the month of November next, I will apply to the Court of of Macoupin county, Illinois, for final settle, meat of Iho estate of Sally nice, deceased! at which 'time udplace all persons having claim! against isldec- late ire hereby nollOod lo attend, and present the iamo tor ailjuilmenl. JOHN W.

sept J7INAI. Notice hereby given, that on the first Mondiy In month of November next, I will apply lo Iho Coui of Probate of Macoupm county, Illinois, fur a final icttle. mentof tho citate of William Hart, ueccaiedf st which 'time end place ell persons having clslms against said ci- tete ere hereby notified to itlend, and preient tho lame Ibr Idjuslment. JAMES HIVES, Adm'r. OTICE Is hereby given, that I ibill apply to tho term of the Madison county circuit Court, to be holden it Edwsrdivllle, In the county of Maillion end aisle of llllnoli, on Iho fourth Monday of October nest, Ibr an order to aell tho whole of tha north west quarter of section thirteen, In Iwnsblu snulh, mil range three, welt of tho third principal meridian, or to much thereof will pay tha dobli duo from tbo citato dec'di all persons Inlerci- led ire hereby toihow eauie, If sny they hive, why the samo ihould not be sold.

II, lB)5-ai-01 a. BAILEY, Adm'r. SETTLEMENT. by given, that on the first Monday in Ihe month of November, t.wlll aimlylo tin Court i of Probile of Madlion connly, Illinoli, fur i final let- Ucmenl of Iho estate of Itoberl J.ny.l, it which tune end place III persons having clalml Igalnit said es. (ale ire hereby notified lo attend, and preient tho aime rlllLlP W.

MOORE, Adm'r. eeptU, laio-n-et TVTOTIOE ll hereby given, that on the lint Monday In the month of November next, Iwlllanplv to Iho 'Court of Probate of Mmllion county, llllnoli, for a Dual settlement of Iho citato of Daniel E. Adami, dec'di it 'which time end place all pcnoni having; claims agjlnst elude, are hereby notified lo attend, and prcmnttho wnelbranjuilment. RACHEL ADAMS, Ex'rx. eept la, ma.

INAL Nollce Is hereby given, that on tho flrsl Monday In the month of November next, 1 will apply lo the Court of Probst! of Madison county, Illinois, for a final settlement of Ihe estate of William OUIIiam.dcccaiedi at which lime end plice all person! having claims agalnit salil estato in hereby aOtUod lo attend, and proton! tbo same Ibr adjustment. QEOKCE H. RICE, Adm'r, sept INAL Nollce ll hereby given, on tho Brit MonJiy In the month ot November noxl, I ihall apply lo the of Prabato of Oreono county, Illinois, fur a eetllement of tho estate of Aaron Harrow, deceased! et which time and place all perioni having claims a- galnil nld, eitate, iro licreby nolWcil lo altenJ, end lire- Mill the lime for idjiutrncnt. All perioni Indebted lo laid oilale, aro requeued lo make Immedlalo payment lo the undersigned.

DAVIDIIAIlllOvVJr. Allm'N OTICE ll hereby given, that I ihal! apply lo tho of the Madison counly circuit Court, to i holden at Edivanhvlllc, In Ihe county of Madlion end atste of minds, on the birth Mond'v of October mxl, for en order to tell Iho soiiUiivcil quarler of the eouthweit quarlir of section' 38, In lownihlp north, lhirt i he dcbta due from the citato of hereby rcquei- A 1 1 ROANA PIEno AdmVx. 1, CUJUM, cll'y ftr pcl'r. lept ll, I8W.31.JI Wotlce ll hereby gfvon, io Illrrtel Dollon, wHow, Ma- fc ry Ann M'Cu lough and Klliebetli II, pirkor, heirs at rJS 14 1 Do T. Dolton, Lucy C.

Dolton, Alella Dollon, Wm. t. Doltun, Mells.i E. Dollon, Samuel II, Dolton and Jolm Do ton, nil- Dolton, deceased- T'li, 'Jj pply oxl lMnl Chilli J. Courtof Madlion counly, lo liuldenil Kdwinli.

ta 1 5 JK lUy Oc ib fur an onler lo soil northwest quarter of Ihe northeast nuaiter of lee. rf 0 tll fll' tor tte Suitor luarter of Iho loul 0 1 0 'In 1 1J real THOMAS M'CULUlUail, Adm'r. KOa, (Madison Clrnill Court, CMAHCtlir. AI SJ T- William Rush, Oeo ffiMS'' Jn ul Hull their Ouardlsii next friend, Mary Rush, north. P., angtt wcit, W. L. SLoii.iol'rforc STATE or lu.iyoit, I Madiion county, 2 i ClrcuitCourtnfi.Idcounty! October term, 1 8lfi. WM. T.

UitOWN, Clerk. Wiltfiiji Li tohn nnyei and Thomai fudy, and oilmlnistralfin of Henry Hayoi deceased, Eliza Ann Judy, Sarah K- llzabclh. Judy, WJlliam'Bnlrtor and Wary Snider, Mi rltacl lUycf, George llayci, Jacob KInilor, ant! George Hunter, hclri of Henry Mnyci, dec. ron SPECIFIC rirRronMANCE. TT appearing liy afllAavil on (lie In the Clcrk'i office tho Circuit Court of Madison county, aforesaid, In the abovecnlitlei.

cause, Micliacl Hayes, George Hayci, Jacob Klnaler am) (Icorgc Hunter, four of the Itoye named dcfendanU, drc non-residents of the State and without thi) rcactioftho proccsi of (hi and the naiil conitilalnnnt huvliig hla hill comphint herein, for a ijicdfic performance therein de- id a lubpoina In chancery having ticcn itauci herein according to law; I Now you, tho laid iltfonJoriti.whoio appears above, aro hereby notified, Uiat unlcii you ihall bo and appear beftiril tho Circuit Court aforesaid, or or before tho lint day of tho next term thereof, to bo at the coutt in the lown of KdwarUjivillo on (he fourth Monday In lie month of October, 1B46, am plead, doniiir, except to, or aruwer tho complainant' bill of romptalnt, according to the rulci and practice court, tho iamo he taken as confessed, and decree will bn made according to (ho prayer thereof. Datodal Ed wards vlllo; Auguil 27, ma. AttCili august Circuit Court ojlht Undid Slatti, District of Illinois. KobcrtA. parries, comppff Itt, Stephen Grlggi, CllAHCEnY.

URSUANT Ion decree of laid court. In the nbovo nntillcd lull, 1, the itlhicrlher, Mailer In of laid court, will acll FOll CASH, 0 tho highest bid dcr, but ween the houri of eight o'clock, A. and foil on ttie TWENTIETH of AUGUST next ut the couit-houio In Carllnvlllc, in thn county of loujiln and State of Illiiipii, (ho following racts of ittnd, viz. "The woit halfof (he ioiilh writ quarter icctton flf- Icen; wcit half of (ho loulh cast quarter section twelve, tcven north, range west; west half oftho north wosl quaitericclicin lownihlp seven north, range nine H'ciKt cast half of the loulli euit icction thirty, (own ship aeven noilh, rangr light writ) Weil half of the south cait section iventy-flvo, townalnVcJflMnorth, range (en wcntj innlli veil quarter iccllon thirteen, township north, ange wii wcili wcit lialfof (ho south cult qimlor sec- Ion thlrty-lhrep, (en north, range ioven wonlj -ait hnlf of tha south quatlur section thirteen, owns hip ton north, rangtj toven wost." AUo, between tho houri ofeight o'clock, A. and inir o'clock, ('.

on (lio TWENTV-FIH9T day cif AUGUST next, nt tho coijrMiouie In Jcncyvillo, In tho county of Jenoy and State aforesaid, tho following de- "The noitt) wcit quarter icction twenty-four, town- hip elglit noith, range (en wost hnlf of tho toutti rest ftuurtor lection twenly-one, (owmlilp icvcn north, aiigo ten wotl hilf of tho south woit quarter ectlon twonly.fivc, icvcn norlh. range thir- aen wcili all third principal meridian." Peodi will bo executed to tha purchaieri. CHARLES n. WKLI.S, Mailor In Chancery, U. S.

Circuit Couit, Diitrlct ofUlltioIa. July )5, IBIS, FINA.L SETTLEMENT. OTICE la hereby given, that on the first Monilay in tho month of October next, I will apply to tho 'ourt of Probali) of Jersey county, Illinois, fur a final cttlomcnt of dm estate of James Dougherty, deceased; which time and place all persons hnvinf clnlms against aid estalo aro hereby notified toaltoml.nridprcjcnlthe amo for adjustment. K. HAMILTON, Adm'r.

nbivo aalo has been poilponcdj nd will take place for U4 landi in lonoy cnuntr, on TUESDAY tho TWliNTV-THIIlD day of 8EPTEM- EH and for (lie lands In Macoupin county on TUESDAY Iho SEVENTH of OOTUllElt foflaivinff. CHARLES R. Master In awncery, U. 8. Circuit Court, Diitria of Illinois.

i TATK or ILUKOII, i l( Circuit Court of laldcoun. countyt ty: (o October term, 1846. IN CHANCKHV. Jacob D. Smith onalhan Bullock) Xcbcdlah Guild, ami Eleanor Guild lila wife, oqil Richard Emerson.

DILL TO VACATE DEED, ETC, ND now, nt thii Term, mid coniplotnonl, by Keating, lilt lollcltor: and ihowi, l.y ntllilavit on le, tint Jonathan Runell Bullock, ono of laid dcfen- ants, Is a non-rciidcnt of tho Kioto of lllinoii, so that he ordinary proceii of court cannot lie personally rrved upon htnii There(l)rc, on motion, it Ii ordered, tat notice of Ihe pendency ofiold bill be given by pub- cation of this order for ftmr aucccisivo wccki In (ho Alton Ttlegranhand Democratic RealrwJ a public nowi- printed in thii couiMyi and Uiat unleii you, tho aiJ defendant, Khali bo oppcnron the first tiny of Iho ext term of coutt, Ui bo holden at tho court homo (lie town of Kdwardsv lie, on llio fourth Monday In he month of October, A. then and thoro lead, answer, or ilomur to said action, according to Iho ulei and practice of aali) coin Iho iamo will taken or confciied, anil a decree will he mndo accordingly. Atlciti I WM. T. 1HIOWN, Clerk.

BUgUltSO, 1810-35-lt i STATE or ILLINOIS, Madison Circuit Court: eouitfy, Fortclott a Martgwt. 1H ClfANCEttV. filcphtin Sclnnldt) 'tit. Elizabeth Ybcrg, wMow, Jacob Ybent, Annn Ollloman, and Nicholas nilloman her husband, Klixabbth Lango, and William Ungelinrhusband, and Maria Ytrorg.on' ly hclra nl law, ond VftUltun Long, Bdmlnlstiator of Itodolph Yberg, deceastxl. coMhiissioncn's SALE.

OTICE li hereby given, that by virtue of a decree made in tho above onlKlcd cause, at Iho May term of tho MaillHon Circuit CJoutt, A. D. 1840, tho signed, as Commissioner, will oiler for Bale, at Public Auction, ron CAIII, on jlfomJuy, Uio Twenty-ninth day of September, A. D. 1840, between the houn of ten o'.

clock In tho forenoon, unit five o'clock in (he afternoon of aald day, in front of Iho CourMoiiw in tho lown of Sdwnnlivillo, in the couilty of Madison and Btata of moil, the following described piece a ond pan-cla of land alliuto. lying and being lit the county and StateoTorvsald o-tvlft Tho northeast quarter thonoitheBilquartcrofaec- (on number sMctui, lownshlp number three north, in ange numbor five, west of the ihtnl principul meililinn TJio northeast quarter of tho noi Ihwcit quarter iccllon number the township mid range las foreBild. Each of said pk-cea of bml contains forty icroi. Tho purchaser or purchajcra lo receive a doctl on tlio payment of tho pirn-hoi money. WILLIAM MA11TIN, Natter in Chanrtry I Commlitioncr.

lU.csriE A.'ri fur coiiipl't BUgUSt 30, BT.VTC or ILI.INOU, 1 I Madiion county, riioiiwn Judy and John Hays, Admlnlitralori oflicm Hoyi, ilin'vaiudj fi. Louisa llogen, Elonmcl noaors, ar nh Juio Rngeri an Emttllno llogrrs, helrf ftt Uw of Edwanl llogers, tlu ceased, and Jacob Kiilder, Aduilnistnilor of iula Fi ward Itoyers, dec. COMMllljlON Ell'S BALE. OTICE is hereby Khon, tliat by virtue of a docre made In Uio ibjvo pntHUidcuuio, at the May ten of the Mttdlioii Circuit Court, A.

U. 1843, tho under signed, aa CouunUi lone appointed for that punioio, wi otli-rnt Public Auction, 'run CASH, on MuNOAY. tl of A. D. 1845, bcliveon arda liouri of tun o'clock a.

nl. iiHl'flvo o'clock p. of day, In front of (ho com tf house In tho town of EI.WB villf, in (he county of AjutlUtm and Stutu of lllimil), th following piews and panels of land, lying and being i Uio county nnd State nfbreiaid, to-witi notUtmit of aecdon number nine, township number of tho third priitclpiil mi tcr, containing a acre (lio land In laid quarter 'BUll WL'Bt tl notth, run se number nine, ijritlUn-belnK of suld ou moiij or ttmU.mnii outli of a certain sUshUmt lie imjjh (ho furm (hat It on HU j-seven, 111 luwnshlii number tour imniUr 4. VBU weslul Ihe tuirf prlncl. IN, tll utiifii inv lurui iimi ii on HU quarter, 19 aj to Incluili tlm fjrnt witl bulldinui loulh 4lush.

AUo, Hto KU ittmutit quutar ofiectluii nm, her tuwmhip number thrco noith, rango niimbe nine. of tliu third principal mcrUUaiii coitt 'UOQcref." The pHtclmscr to rcc.ilvo deed for laid real upon (ho imywuj.t o( thp purchase nioiiry. WILLIAM (H CAun- eery county, ami Commiitiotur ILLCIPIE NILEI, (br comiiVd, Bcptembcf OHK 1IACON. 1,000 IbaiUniaipi.oooibB sides ami Shouldr U. PickleJ trade.

tug ao Jt KETCHAM. DIS. IH idlion Clrcuil Court. BTATE or Mtdium county, tohn Young, AdmlJiUtnitor Of i. William Anderson, dccesifd) To Foreetoii ziort- ti, gayit James Nichols.

MAI.C. Ii henlry given, that by virtue of a decree IN mule In (ho nbovn entitled cause, at tho May crtipicd, IB46, of the Mnilii at Commit sioncTi Circuit Court, the un, Mil oircr for latent Pub- on MONIJAY.tho Thirteenth da; TELEGMPH REVIEW. 30,1 J. HAlLlTAOfIG ho. T.

DAVIS, EDITORS. BANKING. Ai tho Editor or tha Pcoria Judge from hts recent not appear to undoritand our real position in relation to Banking, we do not deem It inexpedient to lake the present occasion to act htm if OCTOBER, A.u.'iais, on ono or two points connected with lock a. m. and 3 o'clock n.

of Uiat dav. In front of Joclf a. m. and 3 o'clock p. of Uiat day, In front of do coyrl-Iiouic, In tlio town of FwlwardiviUc, in tlio of Madison, and Stale of Jllinoii, Uio following tcicritied plccca or partfli of land, viz: "The nntthwcut quarter of the noHhtrcftt quarter of Action ftlto.

tlio nnrtticait fjiurtcr of Iho quarter oficctiun filtceni all In Imvmthlpslx north, If range nine, wcit of the third prlncliral uafod in the county ami State aforoiaM. Tiipjiiirclinseror putrhaim to receive a deed to laid cil citalc, upon the payment of the purchase money. JOHN G. CAAIKHON, Commlnlorier. WARDfl WEST, fkil'ri for comjil't.

EdwardivIHe.iept STATt OF iLLtNOIli Uadbon county, Mullitm Circuit Court. IK cnAMCERT. Tltomis Willum Tomlli wife, and Wil i aibJdleton) 1 t-i. Union, Ann E. 'illtorn flnifton.

Bin lo Forfctott a Mortgagt, COMMISSIONEn'lt OTtCF, hereby given, that by viituo of a decree, made in the abovrenlitled cause, st tho May term, 1B45, oflbo Madison Circuit Court, (ho umlcrslgncil, Commissioner, will offer for sale, at public auction, for Cash, on Iho Klcvcndi day of October, A. D. 1815, between the houri of (on o'clock a. m. and five o'clock PI of laid day, In front of Urn Post Oltlcc, In city of Alton, in the county and Stafo aforesaid, (ho following described real estate and jircmiscs, "A lot of ground, being tho north oast corner of block number twelve, In T-owcr Alton, as will appear by the plot of C.

W. Hunter's addition to the town, now city, of Alton, 01 recorded in tho Hoc-order's oltlco in Kd- wanlivltlo, to-wili Onohumlicd feet square on tho north oaat corner of Raid block: AUo, tho Li mo Kllni, formerly owned by John Lerls. in satil Hunter's addition." Tho purchaser to receive a deed lo the land and premises upon payment of Uio pnrchaio money. JOHN G. CAMERON, Commissioner.

S. G. BAILEY, sol'rfnrcomril't. Eihvardsvillo, sept 13. 1849-37-at To Jano Kinder, widow, and John C.

Kinder and Tho. mas W. Kinder, heirs ftl law of Thomas Kinder, dec. and others interested! TOU are hereby notified, that I shatlnpply to the next term of Iho Circuit Court of Madison county, Illinois, to be hnldcn at Kdwardsvillc, in (ho county end Stale aforesaid, on the fourth Monday nf Ocloltcr nruct, 'or nn order to sell (he nouthwost quarter of tha north- wcstiuartcr of section township 3 north, range west of (he third frindpa! iwridian; for the purpose ol iying the debts due from Raid rslntc. At which timn and ptnt'c, parties in interest, can np- icar, and show cause, if any they have, why flnld real shall not be snM for tho purpose ofnrcsold.

CAIA'IN KINOCK, surviving Adm'r of said dec. nWafarpci''r, JMNAf. Notice hereby given, that on tho first Monday in ho month of November next, I will apply to tho Court of Tobnlo of MiU'ouptn Illinois, for final scltlc- if-nt of the citato of William C. Wood, deceased; at vhlch time and pUro all persons having claims against aid citato are hereby notified to attend, and present tho anicCor mljuitment. SCpt 0, 1H-10-36-01 SAKAH WOOD, Adm'rx, NOTICES.

NEW BOOTS SHOES! HE subicriber has just received. per steamer Champljln, 97 CASKS OF HOOTS )irect from (ho Eastern manufacturers, Ito will bo In cccfpt, throughout (ho Fall and Winter of aJ- Ulonsl nnd Intends hereafter to keep constan-1 ly on a full supply, for tho Wholesale and Iletatl! ratio. Ho Invites all those who wish, to buy to call tmil xamlno his stock, as he is dttermlncd to sell as LOW (hit samo quality of stock can bo liai, at St. Louis 1 Ills assortment Is now complete, of the following: Slocomb'a men's, boys' and youths' thick Hoots -Do Kip Boots Men's, boys' anil youths' tlilck Dootl Do Coif and Kip do Men's and boys' thick Kip and Calf Urogtni Ladies' anil Kip Iloolces Do do tlo Ousklns anil Tics Do hilf Gaiters Misses' Buiklns and Tics Misses' Kid, Culf and Kip Boots large and well selected assortment of Chlldron'a Shoes Alton, aug MB K. L.

DIMMOCK. A DIES' CUSTOM MADE ROOTS SHOES meet tho ilomand for Good Shots, tho subscriber has been induced to mako ancnfragoment with one tho Host nnnufacturors in Massachusetts, for A con- nual supply of Custom MaJa BOOTS and SHOES. He IB now in receipt of his first Invoice of tho above loads, and offers them at retail, niujuit 8 E. L. DIMMOCK.

"I PI-ERA. HARNESS I.EATHEU- LJ Tho mbacriber hai now on hand, a Rood supply tho above. oug 8 K. L. DIMMOCK.

AR1.7rV WANTED! 5.OOO buihcln; for whlrh tho h1 lioit market ricowill bopaitl by IIIIL11KIIT, WATSON fc CO. aug 33 corner of statu and 'JtUti, STATE-STREET UllUO STORE. Under Iho Franklin TO rovA MTBRESTH PUODUCE of every will bo token at Is tcj-Highest cash value, In exchange for GOODS; vtilch will bo sold ni low as the lowest, by HULDEAT, WATSON aug 23 at the corner store. TS WANTED! Any quantity of OATS wanted, at Uio highest market pnco, In exchange for Goods, at cash prices, by aug? 3 HULUERT, WATSON CO. owner of tundry arUclci marked "Georgo Henley," consisting of Trunks, Bedding Mntrcascs, stored with ui in July last, Is rcqucat- cdlo call and take them away within tli.rty duys from this duti), or they will be lold to pay the charges.

HULtlEUT. WATSON Mlii MAHY GODFUKY'willcommancoherregu ar quarter on MONDAY, tho NINTH inst. Gratefu for tha liberal patronage of Iho public In general, she would respectfully lolicit id continuance. ond Spelling 00 Willingnnd ArHhmuUc 3 00 Geography, TUilory and 51 ICj'Ono-haJf paynblo In advance. stptO-3t AIVD.LE8— 30 boxei pun Tallow, Ibr sumnic UID; Ibr lalo by Bug 30 J.

C. KETCHAM. A few bones In atoro and for salo by aug 30 C. KKTCIIAM. I.AST POSITIVELY TlIK LASTl SAVR AN OFFICER MJ indebted in tho lato llrm of W.

UU1IKY are hereby notillvd. tlmt further nt-ilhor can nor will given, and nil notes and account not arrangetl on (he tint of October, will bo placed ii (ha hands of Air luiuiuilMo suit. To uno am nil wo lay, thU nojokt, till ICY In liquidation. 1IITE HEANS-WANTEDI Tho subicri bcr will pay tho highuiit market prlco ftir goot Wliilo Ilcant. ccpt 0 J.

C. KETCHAM. Wool Socks! Woolon Yarn, coun try made Jaiicsi Hfeiwax) I'alluwi Shrrti roll anil Dry IHJci-lbr all which Iho hlshoil markc! wlllbopaUlinGoodl. J. C.

KETCHAM. 24 1 36. 50 FLOWEIl 1'OTS, aisnrtnl liici; tat la T. O. STAIIKiCO, l.lili lursaloby 13 T.

U.JTAUH Co. niu COFFEEi for lato by st-l'! 13 T. U. STAUI! tt CO. Reams W11APPIXU 1'AI'Kll, full coimiTt r-alo hy seplu T.

G. KTAllHh CO. lOHTON am! Duller SI barrel juslrecMby T. U. STAIU1 CO.

UWsLoafandrowdoreaHlKJAIlHSIn alore wwl for salt) by U. HTAim fc CO. 1FI.R end fnr sale i M. reOucwlnrli-fi, and warrsuled of Uii qualily. AO koga IHIW on lift 13 T.

(J, STABIl 1 CO. I Hf theila Y. Il.aiul Imperial '1'KAH: parlo JL which uannol be luipuiwl by any in Dili mir- T. 0. STAIIll CO.

A l.T UrouuJ Alum, St. Xlbcs, ami Kanawhai for sale by jmgol) J. C. KKTCI1AM. i bill on bant) ind Ibr ulr by P' I.C.

HETCHAM. 1 1 hat Important qliusllon; anil will, lliorcforc, irocccil to do 10 with all pr.iclic.ibln brevity, tho first placo, then, our cotemporary errs, vhen ho may bo infcrretl from ils wo consider opposition to ocal Banking a Whig principle, anil object It on that All that we have ov- contended for, is, that 'opposition to Stall Bantu a Whig doctrine," atloaitiii iols. Nover having said, or oron thought, hat tho Whigs, as a party, aro opposed to wcll-rrgulatod wo rlo not doom obligatory upon ai to show Ihnt It is pro- ilblted by any 'Whig Slate In this )n tho contrary, wo know and believe, and lavo frequently so longer ago, fact, than in our paper of last the present condition of the commercial 'orld, the tiso of paper money cannot bo dispensed with; and we are not sure that It vould be wise, under any circumstances, to brogo Us obviom advantages In order simply to avoid the evils to which it is liable, and which, to a certain extent, are perhaps nscparable from Its existence. The mii- ako of our friend of Iho Register has doubt. ess arisen from the fact that he has blended ogcther two things essentially Bank owned and controlled by the Slate, or, 0 speak more properly, by the loaders of the parly in power; and local Institutions, tho tock of which is held by the people, and nanagcd exclusively by private Individuals.

To the former, wo are decidedly opposed. To Ihe latter, if surrounded by suitable re- and all the safeguards which ex icricnce has. shown to be necessary, we lave not the least objection. Wb object to a Slate Dank because wo leficvo tlmt, at least in Illinois, such titulion, if established by law, must, from ho very necessity of tho ease, become a lere political machine, wholly devoted lo arty purposes, nnd used exclusively for tho romolion of party objects, instead of being, it should bo, engaged in advancing the interests of tho State, and.aiturding o- cry pr'oper assistance to Iho peoplo in the roseculion of their legitimate business. Wo ro fully persuaded that no such Institution ill a charter from our Legislature, 1 at present constituted, unless the leaders tho dominant party shall bo assured that liey will be able to turn it to a goorl account.

The establishment of a Slato Bank, at any imo, and under any circumstances, we hold be, at best, a hazardous experiment; as it lust, from tho nature of become ubservient to tho power to which it owes existence. But it is doubly so in Illinois, vlicro a reckless party hold undisputed way; and where, judging from tho past, 16 public functionaries consider themselves perfect liberty to do what they will with ho property of the State, without incurring lie risk of being held accountable its nlsmanngomcnt. They have a majority of early or quite two to ono in the General Assembly. It is in thoir power, If they so lease, to charter a now State Bank, or to ccall the old one into actitro life. That hoy would do tho ouo or tho other, at an arly day, provided they were convinced he responsibility of tho act could be laid at he door of the Whig party, wo do not doubt.

Jut, we are unwilling thus to play into their lands, and aid. them in hoodwinking am ieceivlng tho peoplo. If another such in titutlon li to be established among us, ii vill be ushered into existence without our and, we trust, without the aiil of any of our Whig brethren. Instead, however, of being opposed to Banking," we aro decidedly In favor of it, under proper restrictions and limiln- ions. But, we believe (hat, in order to bo- nofit the people, and bo wholly free from mpropcr influences, all moneyed institution! National Bank alono should )e owned and controlled exclusively by responsible persons possessed ofrea capital; not by those who are anxious tn Invest $1,000 In, stock to-day, tn order to draw out $10,000 to-inorrow to be used in specula lion, nor by unprincipled politicians.

Banks of this kind, located only at points where business will Justify it, the paper of whlel may, at all times, be convertible Into specii at the pleasure of tho holder, and which shal supply their own State or neighborhood with safe and convenient circulating medium are calculated to be extensively useful; ant could we have such in Illinois, wo ihould bi In favor of them. But, we want no Stall Institution which shall be, eitho directly or Indirectly, under the control the Springfield clique, or any other set zealous which must bo tho offspring of corrupt bargains between intor csled speculators. Wliilo we are fully se siblo of the inconveniences and possible los to which our community are constantly ex posed by tho circulation among us of the pa per of distant Banks, of whose solvency they cannot Judge, we would rather submit them, until the proper corrective can be ap plied, limn to encounter the evils followin in Ihe train of a State Institution, controlled as would In all probability bo, by reckloi and perhaps irresponsible men, and prosti tilted to tho vilest party ox pbnnllon, we trust, will bo satisfactory the Editor of Iho Register; and prove (o bl: that wo do not stand quite so wide apar from each other as a one-sided view of th subject has heretofore led him to imagine. In order to guard against possible mijcoi may perhaps be proper lo observ in conclusion, that the abovo has boen pei ned by the Senior Editor; while the article to which our friend of Iho Register has take exception were written by tho Junior, wh is now absent. There is, however, no es sontial difference of opinion between us am our associate, either In relation to Bankinj or on any other subject of public Interei ilthough we may not always view minor bjects precisely in the same light.

This 111 perhaps account for the Imaginary dls- wbloh hyporcrlllci, with the aid self-glorification spectacles, fancy they, avo sometimes discovered In our columns. MQlis TROUBLES IN HANCOCK. Wo regret to state that now difficulties, vhlch may lead to deplorable results, have gain broken out in Hancock county. Ac- orditig to Ihe accounts which have reached it seems that a meeting of the "Old was held at a School-house in Rooky Run Precinct, on Tuesday of week, for he purpose of consulting upon the measures icccssary lo protect their property from the Icpredalions of the Mormons. While thus sscmbled, a number of persons, supposed be ot the class last mentioned, approached he building under cover of tho woods and ushes, fired one round; completely riddling he door and windows, but fortunately Inuring no one, and immediately retreated.

The occupants, much alarmed, made a prc- ipltate escape, and returned to their rcspeu- Ivo homes. On. Wednesday, having mus ered nil Ihe force they could collect, tho 'Old Citizens" proceeded to a Mormon set- lement called "Morloy's," near Lima; and after giving the inhabitants a brief warning leave their dwellings, they deliberately et fire to them, and burned them down. Che same course was pursued on the succeeding days; and it is estimated that, up to ast Sunday evening, about sixty Mormon luusos, in different parts of Hancock coun had been No personal via once, hownvcr, had been offered lo any one; nor had any injury been designedly lone to any other kind of property. Those ictively engaged in tho work of destruction, are said to bo few in number; but they aro prote'cled by about 300 men, well armed and determined, according to report, to pcr- evcro until every Mormon In Hanoock slml be driven into Nauvoo.

A body of Ihe later, also well armed, but inferior in numbers, erc, at the last accounts, encamped at no distance, apparently watching the movements of their enemies. An attempt was made, on Saturday last put an end to tho excitement by a com Mormons having sent a com- nittoo of three persons, with a flag, to tho 'Old Citizens," offering to sellto the lattei heir deeded lands and improvements, "as ow us it could be reasonably escrvlng to themselves the crops now on ho to take various kinds personal property in exchange. But as they vould not agree to remove from Hancock or to state in what part of the county they "tended to settle, the proposition was declined. Mr. Baokonstoss, the Sheriff 1 of the -ounty, has issued his proclamation, com manding all tho rioters and peace-breakers desist, and return homo immediately, un der tho penalty of the law; and calling upon 11 good citizens promptly to give their uni cd aid in'the suppression of the disturbance le at tho same time gives notice that It is a part of his policy.

for the peoplo of Nauvoo remain quiet, and take ho part whateve tho business until It shall "bo monifoi tho law and order citizens out of tho Ci will not have force sufficient to suppros rioters;" and he intimates that ho ha '2000 oflective men in readiness ti march at a moment's warning to any poin Hancock he find it no cossary lo call out "the does not now appear los of many lives may reasonably be expected P. S. Since tho above was written, have received tho Quincy Courier of Wed ne.iday, which states that the oxcitemcn was Ihen on Iho increase; and that the Anti Mormons were flocking from all quarters aid their friends in the total expulsion of th Nformons from Hancock county. It notice a report-that a fight had taken place be Iwoen Ihe hostile factions on Monday eve nlng, in which several persons were wound ed on both sides, two or thrco of whom ha since died. The Sheriff, Mr.

Backenstoss was using every exertion In his power suppress thedislurbanoe; and intended, as last resort, to lead out a force from Nauvo for that which event blood work was anticipated. Ho had been forci bly driven out of Carthage; and it was fear ed that ho would fall a his zea Some citizens of Quincy, in view of tho pro bability of such result, had gone out to re move his family to that City. The abov paper also stales, in a postscript, that Franklin Worrell, of Carthage, had bee shot dead, between that place and Warsaw by the Sheriff 1 but whether in necessar self-defense, or not, is not telllgence from tho disturbed region will course be looked for with deep anxiety; an should any thing farther reach us before 01 preient number is sent to press, it will given in THE METHODIST E. CHURCH. The Annual Conference of the Episcopal Church In Ohio, was held at Cir cinnati on Wednesday the 3d of this month and tho following one hundre and sixty Preachers being in attendance Bishop Soule being present, Bishop Ham lino, who presided over tbo Conference, in vited him tomporarily to take Iho ctmi While on tho 5th, tho Re Jacob of the oldest and most ii fluontial Preachers in the fcred a preamble and resolutions, rccitin tho co-operation of Bishop Soulo in the so cession which took placo at Loulsvillo a fo months since, nnd declaring that it is inox pedlent and highly improper for that gentli man to preside at any of the Annual Coi fcrcucos ofthe Methodist Episcopal Churo The question being called for, and Bisho Soule stating that he oould not put itj t' chair was resumed by Bishop Ilamllm when the preamble and resolution wei agreed to, with but few dissenting vote Bishop Soule loft the homo a few minul after Iho -The original rule of tl lato Rev.

John Wesley, concerning drui kenncss, anil the drinking of intoxicating I is more rigid than the rule force for somo years restored 1 a unanimous vote. THE OHIO ABDUCTION. CASE. The case of the three cltizeni of Ohio, for- ply token out of their oivn State, about twp onthj since, and committed to tho Par- rsburg jail, oil the charge of having aid- In Ihe escape of certain runaway slaves, me on for trial before the Superior Court Wood county, Va. on Monday the first of ptombcr Insl.

Soon after the impannel of the Qrand Jury, an indictment wns urncd against tho prisoners Peter M. arner, Craton J. Lorain, and Mordecai charging them with having nssls- and ontlcod, within tho said county of ood, six negro slaves, the property of a r. Harwood, to escape into The in- ctment contained. four or five counls, each rylng the to suit Ihe different sec- ns of the statute.

On tho following mor- ng, the ncoused. wore brought into the ourt; and the indictment being imme- atcly road to Ihem, they severally return- a plea of not guilty (o the charge there- laid, and expressed their readiness to oceed to trial. Mr. Jackson, the prosecu- ng Attorney, then slated that, owing to a vcro attack of erysipelas, he would be un- lie to conduct the prosecution, nnd should compelled to demand a continuance until 0 next term, unless other counsel could be ocured to manago the case on tho part of State. No member of the bar appearing illing to prosecute, Mr.

Vinton, who, wllh her eminent counsel, had been requested tho Executive of Ohio to assist in the dense of tho prisoners, objected to the con- nuance, on the ground that a prompt decis- would allay the Intonso oxclletncnl Ihon revailing In both States; while it would be opt alive and heightened by delay. lie It confident, he observed, that should the ial proceed, and result, as ho thought it ust, in llm acquittal of tho defendants, Iho eoplo of Ohio would immediately rub out 1 unfriendly feeling towards thoir fellow- tizcns of Virginia. But, should the motion a continuance be granted, he was sure nn idiclment would bo found at Iho next term the Washington county Court against the Virginians whohad seized the prisoners; hat a requisition for Iho delivery of thoir ersons would be made; and that, if brought trial, they would, in all probability, bo on'victod of kidnapping, nnd sent to tho hio in which event the most irious dillioultios may arlso between the vo States. Mr. Jackson, on behalf of tho rosecutiou, insisted upon the continuance ol 10 case, on the ground that those who shouli appointed lo prosecute during his disabil- would not have time at this term to moke 10 necessary The Court, af- ir having heard tho arguments on both des, granted the motion; and fixed upon 10 17th of November next for a special ses- on to try the issue.

They also admitted 10 accused to ball, in the sura of $500 each which, it was not doubted, they would be ble to procure. Although the excitement as great, good feeling and harmony pro- ailed throughout; and nothing linplcasani ecurred, except that the prisoners were uarded with more strictness than appeared no Idea that an attempt would made to release them, by any other than ogal means, being entertained by any one. SLTVERY IN TEXAS. From the Galybslon Civilian of Iho 23d August, are laken tho following rcsolu- ons, which wore altered In the Convention Gov. Runnels, and adopted by a largo ote.

Wo commend Ihom lo tho atlcnlio Iho Abolitionists, to whom Mr. Polk is ndnbted tot his election! "Resolved, That the Committee on tin Provisions of the Constitution, nstritcted to inquire into the expediency nd propriety of incorporating in tho Con" tilutlon tho following provisions SLAVES. '1st. Tho Legislature shall haVo no power pass Jatva for the emancipation of slaves, without the consent of their owners, or with- ut paying their owners, previous to such o- nancipation, a full equivalent in money for ho slaves so emancipated. They shall have 6 power to prevent immigrants to this Stale rom bringing them such persons as aro eemed slaves by Ihe laws cf any ono of tho Jnited States; so long as any person of the ame age or description shall be continued slavery by Ihe laws of Ihls Slate: 'eti, That such person or slave bo the borm- fide property of such immigrants; And pro- tided also.

That laws may be passed to prohibit the introduction into this State of slaves vho have committod blah crimes in other States or Territories. They shall have full tower lo oblige tho owners of slaves to trea hem with humanity; to provide for them lecessary food and clothing, and to abstain 'rom all cruelties to them; and, in case of heir neglect or refusal to comply with the oquisition of such laws, to provide by law or Ihe sale of such slave or slaves for Ihe lenofil of the owner or owners. '3d. In tho prosecution of slaves for crimes if higher qrade than petit larceny, the Log- slalurc shall have no power to deprive them liciously dismember, or deprlvo a slave of life, shall suffer such punishment as would bo inflict- id in caso the like offense had been commit- ed on a free white person, and on tho like except In caso of insurrection of such Slato.Reg thy nrtlolo tn 0 tl, e' Douglas, atlftcitlng tho for. One fnot It Irovony, Bnd thnt Ii, (he Jf lor all, but vorjr llttlo Interest In wns pocketed by John Tyler.

that our Loootoco delegation In Cotigreij ju equally divided upon tho qiieitlori of makln. approprlatloni for tho Improvement Of qj, II Woslerrt rlvors and harbors. This should not bo As a peoplo wo hayo too raiid, atslakothus to bo doprlvediof the henefli. of by the-General Govern, mont, through the division of our CongtJi. sionnl deiogalion.

The loss of every lowevor, provos tho truth of tho old A hfnui divided againit itulf cannot ilanj Wo most fervently trust, for the sake not inly of tho Stnto of Illinois, but of the Ire West, that, at the approaching senleii if Congress, our dolcgitlon will present in mbrokoli front hi tho support of all noasuro! afTocting the Interests of this loc ion of the Union. Political differences do" and perhaps should, oxist among thorn. this is no reason why they should not upon great measures involving Iho mont of our rivers and harbors, in which every citizen of Illinois and of tho Woit an immediate and direct interest. our paper of last week, we ilatsj that our Locofoco delegation In Congreis utood two to four in voting upon the bill king appropriations for tho Improvement of certain harbors and rlvors. The State Uct: ister of the 13th Inst.

contains the yeas and rong ai naysj which show that we were wr to the division -tho delegation itu Ihreo to throe, instead of two to Those who voted in favor of the bill, were Messrs. Douglass, Smith, and Wontworth' those against It, Messrs. Hogo; Flcklin, an! of nn Impartial trial by a petit jury. '3d. Any person who shall mal ETir 1 The Locofocos of Michigan have lominated Judge Aiphous Peloh, for Governor, anil L.

Greenly, of Adrion, for Lieutenant Governor. Judge Foleh is high- spoken of by a correspondent in tho N. Y. Tribune for his amiable qualities, and is said to be "one of tho best men of his party in tho State." MoCicrnand. public dinner has boen tenilcrid Mr.

Ctxv, by tho visitors at tho White Sal. phur without distinction of but decllneiUjyJhoJi tin guishod slatcsmiii, The lossees of tho Penitentiary in this Oily, aro making preparations to com. menco tho manufoctiiro of hempen arllolM by the convicts. This will open a oaih mit. ket hero, for another staplo product of lh( country.

33-There arrived at tho port of N. Yoft alono, during tho month of August last, 12J. 878 emigrants from foreign life of Henry Clay is now in press, and will soon bo published. As the author has enjoyed great faoilitios In arriving at facts, nnd has devoted much labor nnd time In perfecting tho work, there will be but few of tho admirers of Mr. Clay that are ablo but who will purchase it.

recent hension, In Lincoln county, well-' grounded suspicion of having boon engaged In coining nnd counterfeiting on moat extensive scalo, was announced iti our last- have been admitted to boll in tho pitiful sum of four hundreddollara enoh, and are now at large! As they aro wealthy, there is no probability that, if they know themselves, guilty, they will ever be brought to tria'l-lK? bail required of them, under the circumstances, being much too small to secure their ap. pearanoe to answer any charge which may bo preferred against them. Wo heard afeif days since that two men of name and William said they wore from Kentucky, passed through this county one day last weok on their way to the North. Whethor they aro tho persons mentioned above, or not, we of course are unablo to say; but the coincidence of name, and placo is at least remarkable. VERMONT.

i Complete returns of the recent election la this gallant Whig State have not yet reached us; but those received justify the belief" that her sons have, as usual, nobly'dis- charged their whole duty, and vindicated her olaim to the honorable name of "the Star that never sets." The final result will doubtless be known in the course of a few days. SJ-Tho special election to fill the eiiit: Ing vacancy In tho ninth Congressional district of Massachusetts, which was held on tho first of this month, led to no satisfactory of the candidates having.ob- ained the requisite majority. In this rict, tho Whigs and Locofocos aro nearly equal in Abolitionists holding ho balance of power. While, therefore, lie latter continue to run a separnio Tlekef, mil tlio Constitution requires an absolute majority lo elect, it is no easy matter lo make a choice. Tho district In question vas represented In the last thi 'Ion.

Henry Williams, a zealous Locofocfc Minor II. Doming, lato Hancock counly, died at Cartilage, of conji gestlve fever, on Wednesday of last weelr. At the time of his death he was under tor lictmont for the murder of Dr. Marshall, Iwo or three months since, We learn, from tho Shawneetown Gazette of tho 4th that Mr. Harrlion a furnace in operation in the county of Hardin, which produces Lead from ore dug in that county, that yields from 05 to 70 per cent.

The mineral region in tho Southern section of this State has been heretofore entirely overlooked. Both Iron and Lead are to bo found there In inexhaustible quantities) and we trust the day is not far distant when capitalists will direct their attention to that desirable portion of our State. Governor of Kentucky has been notified by tho Secretary of War, that Gen. Taylor, who Is in command of the Texan forces, Is authorized, in caso of an invasion to call on his State for troops. Governor Owsley has responded that the Kentuokians stand ready, at a notice, to obey tin call of their country.

special election, wo understand, will be held In Ihe Second Ward on TueidtJ next, to fill tho vacancy now'existing in tlrt Board of Aldermen. Rev. N. L. nice and the Rev.

Blanchard have agreed to engage in a public discussion of tho slaver; In itself sinful, and Ihe relation betwe'Q master and slavo a sinful relation?" Tb' debate it to tako place at Cincinnati, and 10 commence on tho first of October next; but tho other preliminaries aro yet to be settled, substance of tlio foreign Intelligence brought by the steamer Caledonia, will be found in another column. Its tenor, tiie reader will gladly perceive, Is decidedly pacific; and there is every reasonsU' ground to hope that the mission of Lane to England will result in the satlifV: tory adjustment of tha Oregon The commercial newi has had a favorable effect upon the markets, both In New and Philadelphia. Great Western had not at New York, onjthe of the 8th inrti.

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