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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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i gooi health cr.n- -or, be Lao by keeping me org-: ns of thf. body in perfect condition. Much weakness results frc.n disorders ot tho Liver, Kidr.ev" arid Bladder. Bi 1 1 UVER Has been known 'or the Diabetes, Brigiit's Disease, Crave), of the l.iver, Kidneys and Bladder. For sate everywhere, FSee, SJ THE 8r i H.

mm 'mmi most successful TARIFFfQURRENCY Fairbanks' Address Before the St. Louis Convention, IMPORTANT POINTS. DISCUSSED. BLACKWELL'S A ND NO OTHER. SEE? GENUINE DURHAM 1011 will flml one conpoii liirtldo cnch two ounce bag, tlVO COIlpOllI four onnce ling of Uluck- Wcll'N Diirliain.

liny of thfa ci-lvhrntccl tobncco untl ruml the lint of vitlunblt jirm- anil how to irrt them. Plea For Return to; Tariff Legislation I of Merit, STRANGE DISCOVERY. Gfuat Anluml'N round In Weot While workmen atPomberton's limestone quarry, turt-OKiml ahis.iti!T avL-nne, were blasting rock on Sat.iiTf'lay they mado itn interesting and mysterious discovery, announces the rhilndelphin HulloMn. The men had put. in blast and after the smoke had cleared uway they found a most curious of affairs.

The stone bank that had been disturbed evidently the frcii wall of a cave that ran back undoi-ground sonic DO feet. The walls of the cavern had been perfectly formed. Tn the center of the pit stood It was than that oE liny animal tho men had seen. Four great tusks stood out from tlie bony jaiv, itnd some of the teeth 1-hat stood in two well-formed, grinning- rows, were six inches in length. The smnllcKt tooth was 2y, inches long-nnd about an inch square.

Most of tho bones were in a- perfect state of preservation. the skeleton ivas what looked like a human skull. The. bones were taken out rind put in a pile. Unfortunately no guard was placed over them, and crowds of people who visited the spot- on Sunday carried many of bones mvny as relics.

What was left of the skeleton was taken to tho Wistar institute of the University ot Pennsylvania for invostig-ation, in hopes of definitely fixing uge, origin and species of the strange specimen. I)r. Milton Crecnman, the curator, says that in many respects the animal looked like a rhinoceros. The formation ot the head wns not unlike that of a. Inrgu tear.

As the bones lay it wns almost impossible to say whether they belonged to one or more -animals. But the men who saw the skeleton Jirstareposi- tive there was only one. Dr. Greenman thinks the animal too small and too young to have been a mastodon. The bones were nol.

over 400 or COO years old. The. skull iHit was found near by vvns evidently that of an Indian. knots orlO.35 miles an hour. This spiM-d jjliiccs it in the very front rank, of ships of its class in the uavies of the world, beating- the Massachusetts, which had a record of 30.

15 knots, and the 'Indiana, with arecord of 1 j.Gl knots. P.y its great performanee the Oregon lias earned for its builders, the Union iron a jiremium of $175,000. Iri'iiijT jr. Scott, president of the '(Inioi! iron works, in speaking of the result, said; "Tho makes the Oregoji absolutely unrivaled among; lihe ironclads of the world. It beats the for defense and olT-'nsc, and only needed a trial to prove that can carry these speed greater than ati3'.

of its rivals. The average speed of IC.7S knots practically for six hours shows beyond question its utility of sustaining great speed for long- periods, Tu every respect its engine performance was without an equal." Soon after its return to San Francisco, when complete, it will be presented with a $10,000 silver dinner set by the state of Oregon. MISS WILLARD IN ENGLAND. of Hrltinh OUTCLASSES ALL ITS RIVALS. New JiittlluMM)) Orcpon Troves Itself to J3n Absolutely Unrlvivlwl.

In its olTicial trial trip the other day the batlle K'riiji Oregon covered 02 knots over tho ollieicU government course -in three hours minnles and -IS seconds, ina.kiu£ iiiafjnilicent average speed tli.i' ti.tnf over the course of 1C.73 Wilt Tnko Part ID Mooting Women's Temporunco AiHochitlon, Miss Frances E. Willard, Henry Somerset and Mrs. Peareall Smith will be the central fig-urea nt the rueeting of the British Women's Temperance association. The ag-emluof the session, which opens on 2, presents a Ecrica of resolutions of no special novelty: International nrbitration, early- closing- legislation for inebriates, option and other old themes, which doubtless will never be too old to rouso tho enthusiasm of the British Women's Temperance association. Miss Wil- Inrd, who is the guest of Lady Somerset, is receiving- pressing- invitations to numerous English towns.

Mis 1 Agnes Slack, honorary secretary of the World's Women's Temperance union, will visit the United States in and give a. scries of lectures. She will at Chautauqua in TO CONTROL COPPER MARKET. EothMchUdn About to Purchnso Ono- Ouurtcr Interest In Montana IMlucn. Iliiinilton Smith, tho mining- expert CARTERS ITTLIi IVER PILLS and represent a live oT tho EothscIiiJds, lins Ktarterl Jor no inspection of the Anaccincla copper rain-e in Montana.

He has authority to purchase a ter interest, or 300,000 shares, which, with tho 200,000 shares recently purchased by the Eothsehilds, -will place in thoii- Lands onc-lnilf of the stock. The price proposed is sadd to be bc- Iween 3j and 40. The stock is selling- in London nt about 30. adding the control of the Ann- conda to their interests in Spain and Chili the UothschiJds will, it is said, dominate the copper rnarltet of the world. SOUND MONEVTHE OTHER SLOGAN.

Thoie tin) Principle Themes For Spncch ot More Tliiin Ordinary uubllounlum ErpoumliMl Foi-ci'Tutly untl CHUcmn of tin. Uuino. crittlc AdmlnlHtrution. We give to our renders herewith full report of the address delivered be fore the national convention in St Louis by Hon. C.

W. of In dianapolis upon assuming: temporary chairmanship; GEXTLEME.V or THE am profoundly grateful for this expres sion of your generous confidence. As citizens wo wore never railed npor to discharge a more impm-tunc duty than that which rests upon nomination of a president and vice president of tho United States. This duty is a peculiarly impressive one at the moment, for it is already written in the book of fate that the choice of this convention will be the next president and vice president of the great republic. Three years of Democratic administration hnvo been throe years of panic, of wasted energy, of anxiety and loss to the American people without a parallel in our history.

Today the people turn to the Republican party hopefully, confidently, and it is for us to moot their expectations; it is for us to give them those candidates upon whom their hearts have centered and to give thorn clear, straightforward, emplmnc expression of our political faith. The Republican party is a party of convictions, aud it has written its convictions in the history of the republic with the pen and the sword, With it the supreme question always has been not what is merely "politic," but what is everlastingly "right." The great men we have given to the nation and to mighty dead and the illustrious living, are our inspiration and tower of strength. If wo are but true to their exalted example wo cannot bo false to our countrymen, Rnpubllcnn lleconl, For a third of a century prior to the advent of the present Democratic administration we operated unier laws enacted by tho Republican party. great measures concerning the tariffnnd. the currency originated with it.

The tariff laws wore formed upon lines which protected our laborers and producers from equal and unjust foreign competition, and upon the theory that the best market in tho world is the hon'ie market and that it should bo enjoyed by our own countrymen. Under the currency laws our currency was made national. The wildcat state banks money of tho Democratic party was wiped out of oxistenco. The unprecedented demands growing out of the war were mot by a paper currency which ultimately beeame as good as gold. Since the resumption of specie pav ments in 1879 every dollar of our silver and been of equal purchasing power the world over.

Tho policy of the party has been to make keep our currency equal to the best in tlio world. Under the operation of these honest tariff and honest money Republican laws grew in wealth and power beyond precedent. We easily outstripped all other powers in tho commercial race. On Nov. 8, 1S92, there was work for every hand ancl bread for every mouth.

Wo had reached high water Labor received higher wages than over and capital was profitably aud securely employed. The national revenues were sufficient to meet our obligations and leave a surplus in treasury. Foreign and domestic the Avrurdoil nn of VIOO.OOD. John Clarke, nn employe ot the Illi- noiii eastern hospital for the insane at Kankakce, received word the other dny from his solicitors in JEug-land that he- had jV.len heir to nn valued at over SlOO.OOO. Clarke and his father, lately cleeenscd, have been fig-hting-for tho money, has been in chancery court for -10 venrs.

Positively cured Iby tlieso Little IMils. They also from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty A perfect remeiiy Pizziiuss, K.iaseD, scss, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tonnur Ifain it tlae Side, TORI-ID LIVER. Th'vy Regiiir.te the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Tree on a CliurcH Tower.

On (he top of the church towor, in r.icknoll'>r, Somersetshire, Kng-lancl, is a ypw feet high, and still growing- in a li iyguK- crally believed that tho tree owes its oriyin to a seed dropped by a bird. Surcosiiful V.TItlnf: A lypoNvriting- telegraph enpable of bcinfl- opcrater! over 3,000 miles of wire, is now on view ntthe Xcw Vork olectrica.1 CKi trade was greater in volume a id value than they had ever been. Foreign balances were largely in our favor. European gold was Hosting toward us. ol Dopi-osHlni- But all of this is changed.

Tho causo is not hard to seek. A reaction begun when it was known that tho legislative and executive branches of the government were tn be Democratic, The Democratic party had at-Chicago condemned the protective tariff principle as unconstitutional, and solemnly pledged itself to tho overthrow and destruction of the McKiuley Jaw and to tho adoption of free trndo as the policy of the United States. This bold, aggressive, attack upon the long settled policy of the Republican party bore its natural fruit in shaken confidence and unsettled business, and we, wore soon drifting against the rock of destruction. Before the work of demolition had actually begun a run was started upon the treasury reserve which tho Republican party had wisely accumulated for the protection of the government credit: The drain upon the reserve for the redemption of greenbacks and treasury notes greatly surpassed all prior experience and emphasized the discredit into which tho Democratic administration had fallen. An utter want of confidence in the administration possessed the people.

The Democratic party was harmonious upon one subiect, and that was tho destruction of the McKiuley law. But when they crnie to tho exercise of the creative the enactment of a great vevenre measure in its stead- there was discord. The imperiled interests of thp country watched and waited througU the long and anxious months wanted an aud of certainty. length the Wilson bill was adopted, and- it was chara.cteri/.ep' by a Democratic president as the child of "perfidy and dishonor." It was so bad that he wonld not zontaniinate bis hand by signing it. A bill that was too base for Cleveland to approve is too rotten for the approval of tht- American people.

WIUoivTnrift" This important mw wns wanting in the primary purpose af revenue measure, for it. failed tc provide adequate revenue r-c meet tho requirements it the fiovernmcut. The deficiency thus Ja'r amounts to' some $150,000,000 Tha end li nor yet, for the deficiency day by day This the irousury and the public credit in constant peril. O'jr foreign credit if impaired and domestic capital feels insecure. The sectional favoritism of Wil- BOH law was one of its marked features.

Jti blow at sheep husbandry was an unpardonable offense; it was a flagrant wrong to the farmers of the United States, This great industry had developed and grown under Republican pro-. tective laws until it was one of our greatest. We are now sending abroad millions of dollars for wool which paid to our foraiers under the McKiuley law. Tho bill struck down reciprocity, onfl of tho highest achievements in American stiito.sinan.ship. No measure was ever enacted which more directly advanced the interests of the American farmers and manufacturers than reciprocity.

With its destruction fell advantageous commercial agreements, un- dor which their products were surely finding larger and profitable foreign 1 markets find without the surrender their own. The substitution of ad valorem for specific duties has opened the way t'o systematic and wholesale frauds on tho treasury, and producers, and employes of the country. By means of under nations foreign goods pass through the customhouses without paying their jus tribute to tho treasury of the Unitec States. Thus we have lost millions ol dollars in. revenue, and tho foreign producer boon enabled to unfairly pos cess our home markets.

Clevrliind tlio ruturtr. Neither time norphico will permit reference to the unfortunate logis. ation of the Democratic party nor to he hurtful, demoralizing effects of it. Suffice it to say that it has been tho great and original factor in breaking down confidence, checking progress, emptying tho treasury, causing continued deficits and enforced idleness among millions of willine workers. To meet the monthly deficit and protect our credit and save the government, from protest, tho president has been furced to tell bonds, in other words, he has been obliged to mortgage the future, in a time of peace, to meet the current obligations of tho government.

This is in sharp contrast with the Republican record. Our tariff laws not only raised revenue', but they protected our domestic industries; they impartially protected tho farmer and manufacturer, both north iuid south. Not only that, but they also raised sufficient revenue to gradually reduce the publio rlobt, iind without imposing a grievous burden upon the people. DurinR tho of Harrison $2815,000,000 of obligations woro paid, while Cleveland dnriug the last three years hus added to our fntp.rcst-bearing debt 000,000. such Democratic a'nan ciering: the Republican party enters its emphatic protest.

DtMiiocnuiy In Another Role. Having attempted to reverse the tariff policy of tho United States, with Such lamentable results, tho Democratic party now proposes to reverse the currency policy. It turns to the currency as the parent of our ills. Its efforts to shift the responsibility wilhdeceive no one. Its attack upon tho tariff, its record of inefficiency and insincerity is a part of the unfortunate history of the republic.

The present currency system is the fruit of Republican wisdom. It has been adequate to all our past necessities, and if uncorruptod will meet our future requirements. Our greatest prosperity was attained when Republican currency laws were in full operation. When tho Republican party WM in power our currency was good; it was made as good as the best on the globe. We made sound money, and we also made an honest protective tariff to go with it.

Sound money and an honest protective tariff go hand in hand together, not one before the other. The very foundation of a sound currency system is a solvent treasury. If the people doubt the integrity of tne treasury they will question the soundness of the currency. Recognizing this fundamental fact, tho Republican party al ways provided ample revenue for thi treasury. When in the lost half century Of our history did tho Bijmooratic party advocate a financial policy tliiit in the best interests of the American people? at its currency reoordl Consider its host.ti!;,- to tho currency rendered the exigency of war; and luMir.

its inrlata the currency in a mrtiu, was ably uuti ora-tiiUy cl.jUo'AU The was also committed to international bimetallism, but when It came into power the work which had been BO auspiciously begun by the Republican party was abandoned. It was so absorbed iii its efforts, to break down McKinloy law and empty the treasury that it had no time to promote International Those who profess to believe that this government can independently of the other great commercial powers open mints to the free and independent coinage of silver at ratio of 10 to 1, when the commercial ratio in all the great- markets is 30 to at the same not drive every dollar of gold out of circulation, but deceive themselves! Wit- riif pay- it dn. been peace by the issue of greenbacks ness its opposition to the Republican part3' to resume spi-ci ments. But four short years ago clartd for a return to tho old discr bunk currency. Republican Finttoclal Policy.

The Republican party has not unfriendly to the proper use of silver. It has always favored and favors today the use of silver as a part of our circulating medium. But it favors that use under such provisions and safeguards as not imperil our present national (standard. The policy of the Republican party to retain both gold and silver as a part of our circulating: medium, while tho policy of free coinage of silver leads to certain silver monometallism. It is an immutablo law that two moneys of unequal value will not circulate together and that the poorer alwuys drives out the better.

Tho Republican party desiring fairly; to secure a larger use of silver, pledged' itself in favor of an international agrtiR. meiit. Harrison, true to the pledge of tho party, took the initiatory steps and invited and'- intenurionul mojiefcuy conference Brussels, at which thesub- Joct of an intoriiatioua'. agree- ol I'-fotf Great and splendid and powerful as our government is, it cannot accomplish (he impossible. It cannot create value.

It has not the alchemist's subtle art of transmuting unlimited silver into gold, nor can it, by make 50 cents worth, 100 cents. As well undertake by a resolution of congress to suspend the law of gravitation as attempt SO compel an unlimited number of M- cent dollars to circulate with lOIKceut dollars at a parity with each other. An attempt to.compel unlimited dollars of such unequal value to circulate at a party is biidiu morals and vicious in po'icy. Sound thinkcre upoii the great "qnes- ioii of currency know from the beginning of the experiment how miserably nd certainly it would fail. The com- nerce of the country would be again hrown upon the sea of uncertainty and he specter of want would continue to aunt us for years to come.

Upon open- ug our mints to the independent free coinage of silver foreign credits would bo withdrawn domestic credits would be preutly curtailed. Move than this, there bo a certain and sudden contraction of our currency by the expulsion of $020,000,000 of gold," and our paper and silver currency would instantly and greatly depreciate in purchasing powers. But one result would follow would be further embarrassed, business demoralization would bo increased and still further and serious injury would be inflicted upon the laborers, the farmers and merchants and all those whose welfare depends unon a wholesome commerce. A change from the present standard to the low silver standard would cut down tho recompense of labor, reduce tho value of the savings in savings banks und building and loan associations; salaries and incomes would shrink, pensions would be cut in two, the beneficiaries of life insurance wonld suffer; in short, tho injury would be so universal and far- reaching that radical change can be contemplated only with the gravest apprehension, For Sound Currency, A sound currency is one of the essen- Sial instruments in developing our commerce. It is the purpose of the Eepub- ican party not only to develop our domestic trade, but to extend our com- nerce into the uttermost parts of the earth.

We should not begin, our contest 'or commercial supremacy by destroy- ug our. currency standard. All the eading powers with which we must ompeto suspended the free coinage of ilvor when the increased production of ilver forced the commercial ratio above he coinage ratio to gold. Shall ig- ore their ripened experience? Shall ve attempt what they have found ut- erly impossible? Shall it be said that our standard is below theirs? Yon cannot build prosperity upon a debased or fluctuating currency; as well undertake to build upou the changing sands of the sea. A sound currency defrauds no one, It is good alike in the hands of the em- ploye and employer, the laborer and capitalist.

Upon faith in'its worth, in stability, we go forward planning for the future. The capitalist erocts his factories, acquires his materials, employs his artisans, mechanics and laborers. He is confident that his margin will not be swept away by fluctuations in the currency. The laborer knows that the money earned toil is us honest as his labor and that it is of un- questoined purchasing power. He likewise knows that it requires as much labor to earn a poor dollar as it does a good one; and he also knows that if poor money is abroad it surely finds its way into his pocket.

We protest against lowering our standard of commercial honor. We stand against the Democratic attempt to degrade our currency to the lovr level of Mexico, China, India and Japan, The present high standard of our currency, iur labor a.nd our flag will be sacredly protected and preserved by the Repub- ieun party, Otlicr Important There aro many uud important ques- retiring the enlightened and pa- riotic judgment of the Republican )arty. A pan-American commercial alliance wns conceived by James G. Blaiuc. and the highest motives of self interest requires us to accomplish what had eo well begun.

The Monroe doctrine must be firmly upheld, iiml the powers of the earth made to rospect his grsat but unwritten There can bo no further territorial aggrandizement by foreign governments on the Western continent. Our devotion to the pensioners of the nation wns never more emphatic nor more necessary than now. Tho Republican party believes in the development of Our navy and merchant marine until we establish our undisputed supremacy upon the high seas, Tho struggle for Cuban liberty enlists the ardent sympathy of the Republican party which has given, liberty its fullest meaning on this continent. We wish to see a new republic born on Cuban soil greet the now century, whose dawn is already east. Jiy friends, the campaign of 1898 is upon us.

The great questions for de- jate in the august forum of the United States are free trade and free silver a protective and sound As we repard our homes and our honor, our happiness and prosperity, and the future power and majesty of. he republic lot us dedicate ourselves to ho restoration of a protecti-ro tariff which shall be genuinely American and the maintenance of an honest stand- rd of value with which to measure the xohanges of the people. A distinguished Republican has said hat tlio. supremo desire of the Aincri- an people is for an "honest, currency nd a chance to earn it by honest, toil." ALWAYSJIRED. HOW MAJTF WOMEN 00 YOU KNOW Who Can Say They Are Thoroughly Well! How They Can Ho Strong.

CsriKIAI. TO OCH BMOIBS.J I don't feel very well; I am so tired all the time; I don't know what is the matter with. me. Ton hear these words every day. often as you meet your friends, just so often are the words repeated.

More Hhan likely you 'speak tho saino pregnant words yourself, and there is no doubt but that you do feel fai from well most of tho time. Theie is a cause, And- There is a remedyforall that ia covered by those words so constantly spoken by women. Lydia, E. Plnkham discovered tho source of nearly all the suffering endured by the sex. "Women's two are full more misery to women' than any two words that can be found jn the language ot the world.

Sudden fainting, depression of spirits, reluctance to gi. anywhere or to do anything, backache, bearing down," and kindred symptoms of serious disturbance seldom imagined by your family phy-1 sician, and re-1 luctantly men-' tioned by you. The remedy is found; the same noble woman who discovered the'cause of ail your misery also worked out the remedy. All druggists have it. Lydia E.

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