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The Greenwood Commonwealth from Greenwood, Mississippi • Page 1

Greenwood, Mississippi
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HE1' A TT ruWJi OOD GRE ENW War MEJIOIil ll. C'IMli- VOLUME 40 NUMBER 79. gczznwood, ixflos county, Thursday afternoon, decemszr 1955. nv3 czrrra Sen. Eostlcnd Addresses Statewide State To Help Belzoni Officers Judge Jordan 20lli Annifol Dalto Bond Festival Passes Sentences And Winter Ccmivol Tomorrow Benson Names Six Point Program To Deal With Acute Farm Situation Meeting Of Citizens Councils Today By SAM JOHNSON BELZONI, Dec.

1 (JP) Judge Arthur Jordan passed The 20th annual Delta Bandl CARNIVAL PARADE LINEUP out the following sentences at this Foival and Winter Carnival ional Committee, he said Presi- term of Circuit Court: will be held in Greenwood to-1 The following is the tentative State police have joined city, county and federal officers in in-vestiating the shotgun wounding dent Eisenhower had recently ap Lawrence Dudley, grand lar- morrow. All committees of the Mneup for the crigantic Winter JACKSON, Dec. 1 (JP) struction," ho said. A Citizens Council rally approved The present drive, he added, "is proved the plan. It includes ceny, 3 years.

Junior Chamber of Commerce Lucy Dudley, grand larceny, 5 have been working diligently to Carnival Parade Friday afternoon nt 5 o'clock. The parade rout 1. Stepped up surplus disposal today a proposal to form an or- more dangerous because the pres- of Gus Courts, Belzoni civil rights leader. CHISAGO, Dec. 1 (Secretary of Agriculture Benson today announced a six-point program for dealing- with the acute farm situation.

He said it will be presented to Congress" in January. In a speech prepared for a meeting of the Republican Na- and expansion of exports. "nil be Johnson Street west to years. make this a bigger event tna 2. A vigorous purchase pro Carrollton to Howard to Wes Agents of the highway partol's Roosevelt Henry, attempted any held in its long list of pre-f rane.

2 vears. I sent.ations gram to remove gluts. Market to Cotton to the high bureau of identification talked to ganization stretching across tne ent courc aecisions are duui upon South to fight what Sen. Eastland gradulaism; to indue, us to agree called the "monstrous or to force us to comply step by crime" committed by the U. S.

tep. Supreme Court when it outlawed "In Reconstruction there wati racial segregation. the attempt to force the hideous 3. Enlarged soil conservation and incentive payment programing, especially in drought areas. 1.

Wreckers 4. Expansion of the rural de 2. Parade Committee Chairman velopment program for low-in THIS DAY come farm families. The rally backed the proposal monster upon us an ac once, yur made by Eastland as hev urged ancestors rallied and stopped it. members of tht pro-segregation "Its weakness then was that Councils to organize a gigantic they attempted to enforce it all offensive against attempts to in- at once.

It will take special pre- tegratp the races. cautions to guard against, the 5. Stepped-up research, empha sizing lower production costs, new uses for farm products, and ex The Greenwood Leflore Library will be closed all day Friday during the Winter Carnival and Band Festival Day. F. M.

Myers, grand larceny, 2 There will be 42 bands to take years. part in the festivities with aj Lockhart, grand larceny, 1 parade of bands at 10:30 o'clock year. Friday morning. The Winter Clarence Womack, grand Carnival parade will be held at larceny. 2 years.

5 p.m. Motorists are warned to Lucius Evans, manslaughter, 4 remove their cars from the rears. parade route by 4 o'clock. Morris Baker, grand larceny, 2 Christmas lights and decora-years. 1 tions have been installed in the liff Dausher, burglary, 3 years, business areas of the city and Cliff Dausher, burglary, 3 years, will add a brilliant touch of the Note: the above sentences of holiday season when they are "liff Dausher shall run concur- illuminated.

The whisthv at the rently. light plant will signal the turn4 Frank Charles Ervin, burglary, 8 of the lights and the 3 Vears. Yuletide season will officially Frank Charles Ervin, burglary, PP" in Greenwood. pansion of markets. Courts yesterday at a hospital in Mound Bayou, 80 miles north of here.

Then they came her.c to question "all witnesses. Courts, 65, president of the local chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, says he was shot because he tried to get negroes to register and vote. Sheriff I. J.

Shelton said there are few clues, but he thinks the gunman who fired through the window of Court's store last Friday night was a negro, not a white man bent on racial violence. 6. A speedup in a 10-statc Applause frequently interrupted gradual acceptance, ana tne ero-Eastlands' speech. An occasional sion of our rights through the cheer sounded as Mississippi's se- deadly doctrinP of gradualism. cheer sounded as Mississippi's se- deadly Great Plains program to make better use of wheat and grazing land.

USAF Lieutenant Colonel Frederick A. Stinson, 38, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Stinson 3.

Color 4. Jaycee Float 5. Department 6. First pi-esbvterian Church 7. City Officials 8.

First Baptist Church 9. Pershin? Rifles 10. County Officials 11. Scabbard and Blade 12. Club 13.

Arnold Air Society 14. Hamrick Motor Co. 15. University High Band 16. Winona Band 17.

Girl Scouts 18. Kosciucko Band 19. Pearl Band 20. Brownies 21. Chamberla'n-Hunt Band 22.

Indianola Band Benson said the program, now Six Point Program preparation, was not ready for of has been assigned discussion in detail. for duty with the Washington, It will be no nostrum, no one- D. C. headquarters of the worm shot remedy, no cure-all," he said wide USAF Air Weather Service. nior senator urged all Southern states to join hands.

The regional commission proposed would present the South's viewpoint in the segregation fight. It would try to get the backing of Northern opinion. It would rule out violence, re-lyinor on public opinion to support the South. Thr commission should be financed with stale funds, Eastland added. To Keep 2 years Ane nrewuiKs vuiuuunce ua.

the above sentences of completed plans for the display un of nvrotechmcs and will be held Shelton added that entry of win ue lunsnuvuic. Answering repeated attacks by FBI aaents in the case was de The love sonnet, How Do Lnvp Thee? by the famous Eng on the north bank of the Yazoo layed by the $52,000 bank hold Democratic leaders he said farm proposals of Adlai Stevenson and Segregation Willie Her'ren. burglary and The disPlay this fiLuBl i introduce some new novelties up at Ackerman, Miss. Gov. Averell Harriman of New poetess, Elizabeth Barrett, will assume a new interpretation as it forms the theme of York have reached "ludicrous Richard Lewis Hunt, grand lar- MSCW's Elizabeth Barrett of Greenwood in her campaign for lhere can be no outcome but JACKSON, Dec.

1 (JP) He said the Democrats have Education Confab ceny, years. S. I. Wiggins, burglary, 6 years. river 'bank to see the fireworks 1 ill 11 i-V.

toiai ana complete victory," tne The first statewide rally of Cit- President Pro-Tern of the Missis i.r I wnicn win iouuw senator told the first statewide izens Councils todav approved a sippi Youth Congress which will picked "agriculture as the major domestic battlefield for 1956" after failing in prophesying "disas the Winter Carnival parade. rally of Mississippi Citizens sixpoint program to help keep seg- An award for the best float in convene the btate lapito S. I. Wiggins are to run concur Favors Federal Aid Building in Jackson Friday and the Winter Carnival parade will oounciis. regation in Mississippi.

ter and attacking Eisenhower rently. be made prior to the football The Councils are irroups dedi- The recommendations, present Saturday. "church? oing activities." -0- e-ame. between Indianola and cated to keeping racial segrega- ed bv John C. Satterf ield, preei- Winona at Bulldoe: stadium.

tion all walks of life. They dent of the Mississippi state Bar, Kiwanis To Honor This vear many new and novel How to get more groceries for less money is a common dilemna claim about 70,000 members in are essentially the same as where the first Coun- elect J. Coleman urged the Le- By HERB ALTSCHULL WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 (JP) The White House Conference on Education seemed almost certain amontr housewives, but the Con cil was gal Educational Advisory Com- floats will be seen in the parade and the various organizations taking part have gone all out to make them the prettiest ever sunier Education class of Mis Eastland said the "judicial tsr- mittee to adopt. ootball Team The same people who had shackled the farmer with price controls who sought to ram the Brannan plan down the throat of agriculture, suddenly began poping up all over the place with quack remedies and discarded nostrums.

"Even when the best possible farm program is envolved, it is unkcly to bear the imprint of such agricultural experts as Jake ranny" of the Supreme Court can The program includes: sissippi State College for Women will take a field trip to a supermarket, to learn how to solve iust that problem. announced seen. be deleated by an aroused and or- 1. Prohibition of common-law Mayor Allen Saff old and Chief ganized South. marriages.

23. National Guard 24. Forest Hill Band 23. Greenwood Jr. Band 26.

Sirma Alpha 27. West Point Band 28. Brandon Band 29. Greenwood Woman's Club 30. Starkville Band 31.

Clinton Band 32. Junior Auxiliary 33. Port Gibson Band 34. Ackerman Band 35. State Forestry Commission 36.

313 Army Reserve Band 37. Houston Band 3. Jones Sign Co. 39. Aberdeen Band 40.

Greenville Jr. Band 41. Mule Barn Furniture Co. 42. Canton Band 43.

Batesville Band 44. Magnolia Iron Works 45. Lambert Band 46. Tunica Band 47. Dukes Club 48.

Yazoo City 49 Citv Band 50. Army Recruiting Service 51. Homes Jr. College Band 52. Philadelphia Band 53.

Linn Band 54. Exchanere Club 55. Clarksdale Band 56. Marks Band The Greenwood Kiwanis Club Rufus Shurden make a request Defensive action "is the road to 2. Repeal of compulsory school Mr.

William Roberts, social stu met today at the first Methodist to all merchants that no sale be today to go strongly on record in favor of federal aid to schools, particularly for buildings. Discussion table chairmen, sitting in two teams of eight until 2 a simmered down the views of 166 round tables which had discussed school finance duriner the evening. Each of the two teams designated one of its members to aestruction and death," said East- attendance law. dies instructor. land.

"We must take the offense. 3. Provide penalties for barra- Church, Pies. Ed Antoon presid- held of fireworks, sling shots, ing. I pea shooters and water pistols We must carry the mesasge to ev- try, maintenance and champerty, ery section of the United States, unauthorized practice of law and C.

W. "Charlev" Walker mado as these have detracted greatly Two doctoral students at the a most interesting and informa- from the enjoyment of the huge Uur position is righteous The agitation of court suits to end seg- University of Mississippi hav tive talk on the new tav laws Mr. 1 crowds. great majority of the rank and regation. been awarded fellowships for re search work in educational ad Walker was introduced by Ralph Th grand climax to the day file of the people of the 'North be- 4.

Provide penalties for persons Neelv. will be a football game between lieve exactly as we do. The law of interfering with state law under ministration, Dr. Forrest Murnhv of the School of Educa Kiwaman E. A.

Yiehols nresent- the Winona ligers and lndianoia nature is on our side." color of federal authority. perfect attendance tabs to Rav Indians to be held at Bulldog He said "the drive for racial 5. Provide penalties for abusive tion has announced. The awards Arvey and Carmen DeSapio Bensen's reference was to Jacob M. veteran Chicago Democratic leader, and his fellow Democratic national committeeman, Carmen DeSapio of New Yo'k.

Benson said, "The efforts of Governors Harriman and Stevenson to outbid each other in this realm of what they think is 'agricultural planning' have already reached ludicrous proportions. "When Stevenson recently flip-flopped back to riaid, 90 per cent Roberson (R Will Hnmer btadium at 8:15 p.m. lhe winner amalgamation is both illegal and and obscene telephone calls and refine the findings further for final presenation to the conference tonight. Team No. 1 reported: 1, More than 2-1 sentiment among participants at 83 round-table discussions in favor of some increase in federal aid.

2. A lirge majority in favor of construction aid. have been made to Flavous Hutchinson of Route 1, Tupelo, (9 vears), and Marshall Levitt 1 game win De nam-eu immoral, and those who would define and provide penalties for year). ueua vaney omerence cnamp and Eugene Smith of Forres mix mue cnnaren of both races criminal libel. Guests were Bill Quinn, J.

D. 10ns City, Ark. in our schools are following an il- 6. Creation of a state authority -O legal, immoral and sinful doc- for the maintenance of segrega- Conrad, and visiting Kiwanian J. K.

McMullan of Clinton. The at- tnne. tion. The Delta Society of Labora MORNING PARADE BANDS 3. A narrow majority opposing endance prize was won by Ed lhe senator urged Council mem-! tory Technicians will hold their At 10:30 o'clock "Friday morn federal aid for school operation Crook, fcers -to avoid violence.

57. Lions Club 58. Durant Band i59.Charleston JBand ing the bands listed below wil which would include purchase of regular monthly meeting, Decern ber 6. 1055, p.m. at the Gen Announcements were made re "Violence and lawlessness will price supports and then threw in his version of the Brannan plan for good measure, I watched with some interest to see if Averell open- the Delta Band-Festival witlf garding the annual football bari- hurt this organization." he said textbooks' and Team No.

2 reported: ciaUioapiiaJU Greenville. nnot r.v tv A parade. The line of march wil Cold Weather Begins Easing Off "These acts are turned against us by our enemies. They ar effec cemberS, at which time the Harriman could top that. 1.

More than 70 per cent' of participants at the other 83 round He did. He even chided Adlai tively used to mould public senti reenwood Kiwanis Club honorsl. -r the Greenwood Hich School foot for being too 'moderate'." ment against U3 thP North." to Carrollton as far as the Cry-stall Grill, then to Johnson back tables in favor of some increase in federal aid, with a small minority opposed to federal aid for He said that war, rather than ball team and coaching staff. It The South must get public opinion on its side, he was also announced that members "J.ff- JJle lJl0' bands will take nnd high price supports, made high By The Associated Press ing part ap incomes, and no political party It is the responsibility of education in any form. 2.

Almost all tables, as distin Plans for Religious Emphasis Week to be observed February 19-23 are being developed at Mississippi State by a Committee, of 100 including both student and faculty religious leaders. Professor Howell Gwin of the English Department and John Hartruan, Education School sophomore from are co-chairmen xf the planning group. can or should take credit for war of thp Kiwanis Club would man che Salvation Army kettles on December 17. the eastern two thirds of the to violence guished from participants, in fa time prices unless it also assumes prevent and to prevent appeared breaking a lit responsibility for the war and vor of some federal aid for con struction. the bloodshed.

60. Rotary Club 61. Ruleville Band- 62. Kiwanis Club 63. Drew Band 04.

Grenada Band 65. Odd Fellows 66. Sunflower Jr. College Band 67. Itta Bena Band 68.

V. F. W. 69. Cleveland Band 70.

Belzoni Band 71. Cub Scout Pack No. 9 72. Lexington Band 73. Greenville Band 74.

Boy Scout Troop 18 75. West Tallahatchie Band 76. Greenwood Band 77. Southern Bell 78. Minnie Simpson Dance 'School 79.

Billups 80. Le Bonte (Miss Greenwood) 81. Theme Float (Miss Miss rne mistreatment ot any man," Eastland declared. "The fight we wage must be a just and legal fight." 3. A substantial but smaller Mrs.

G. W. Bennett tle in sections of the mid-conti-nent today, but not much relief was in prospect for the eastern part of tho 1 country. Early morning temperatures were higher from Texas north majority of tables in favor of soma aid for current expense op eration. He said Mississippi has a better record of lav -enforcement than the Northern states which criticize William S.

"Bill" Eubanks, Division Manager, Pan-Am Corporation, Jackson, has Thus federal aid for school Dies At Midnight ward- into -the Dakotas. But they wjiiu i house buildintr was strongly pop tit; been named State Chairman of staJe, emorces still were below freezing as far ular but there was about an even the Oil Industry Committee. Baptist Music Group Superior Ratings were received today me wjLnoui iavor ne said. HOUth as Oklahoma and north-Jbastlands proposal for a re- western Texas and between 10 split on aid for operation. Tables represented on Team No pear in the followingr order; Kosciusko Forest Hill Lexington Tunica Chamberlain-Hunt Academy Clarksdale Holmes Jr.

College Brandon Indianola Itta Bena Canton Rulevilln (Starkville Durant 313 Army Reserve Sunflower Jr. College Charleston Lambert Grenada Calhoun City Greenville Jr. High Belzoni Marks Linn II. B. Tyler Louisville, cuiimibbion 10 present the and 18 degives in the Dakotas.

Mrs. Alice Thrcadgill Bennett, widow of G. W. Bennett, died Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 at 1 reported a predominant view and Hvdc Construction OUUUH.T 1 viewpoint is similar to a The warming trend was expect that all. states should be eligible Jackson, have a $3,191,577 ne maae last year dur- ed to spread over much of the i for federal aid but that provision contract to construct a primary issippi) Sii Ci- mp lsn ior, -election.

north central region during the runway at Eglin Air Force Base, annua suouiu De usea, 1 aav 82. Theme Float (Miss Hospi- monev wouid be distributed with- Fla. ne saia. in lact, the use of pub- Temperatures in the eastern tality) from the Statp Baptist Church Music Department for the groups who representod First Baptist Church in the Music Festival held in the states to the poorest school districts first. 4.

XT oniy way we can areas were mostly in the 20s this get the resources to answer the mnrni no- nnrJ fnlH air evfpnd- ream jn 0. round about an in Jackson last week. All groups yast attack and to cope with the ed southward as far as Jackson- 'A proposed up-to-date survey of Mississippi's forests will be discussed Dec. 14 by officials of even division on whether federa 83. Theme Float No.

3 84. Theme Float No. 4 85. Theme Float No. 5 86.

Parade Committee The Jaycee Parade Committee requests that all entries, other tiemcnuous sums tnat are being yille, which reported a chil money should go only to needy the Mississippi forestry Com uocu aj misrepresent us ana xo ly 39. states. mission and the Mississippi For Rain fell in Toxas while freez participating were rated Superior. Judges were teachers from various Baptist colleges in the state. Representing the local church in the festival were the following; Hymn Playing, Mary Nell name ine puoiic mind against us "We have nothinir to be asham.

estry Association. ed of. We mistreat no one. We are proud of our system. than bands, enter the line of the home of her daughter, Mrs.

R. E. Arledge of Midnight. Services will be held at Berea Friday morning at 11 o'clock with burial there. Besides Mrs.

Arltdge, she leaves two other daughters, Mrs John Blaine of Greenwood, and Mrs. Tom Bradley of Tallulah, one brother, J. S. port Arthur, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Bet-'y Turner and Mrs.

Gimma Proctor of Leland. 0 Mrs. Cummings Taken By Death Mrs. M. F.

Cummings of Yazoo Vacancies Exist The State Building accepted tentatively bids of Steele; Violin Quartet composed "Why should we not advertise and explain it?" Eastland asked. Air Force Personnel $820,512 for a new men's dormi of Don Harper, Cynthia Heritage, Juanita Heckler, and Billie Haas; Drew Houston 'Yazoo City Pearl Port Gibson Ackerman Aberdeen Batesville Greenwood Jr. High Greenwood Sr. High tory at Mississippi btate College, ing rain, snow and sleet spread northeastward into Oklahoma, southeastern Kansas and southwestern Arkansas. CRCPIacedOn Subversive List boutnern states have a duty, as well as right, to use public funds march at corner of Dewey and Johnson Streets and proceed ast on Johnson where a member of the committee will direct them their place in the line of march.

Entries are requested to report at 4 p.m. Boy's Chorus, composed of Roy Meeks, Billie Haas, Tommie Aus Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss) in us campaign, he added. is scheduled to deliver the mam lhe drive for integration "is an tin, Jeff Htckler, Johnnie Pike: Jerry Ladner, Maurice Miller attack upon the sovereignty of the address tonight when the state's Citizens Councils hold their first states Wayne Price, Charles Grace, Buz-zie Peoples, and Don Harper: and The senator said his colleagues two choirs the Carol choir, ages 912: and the Concorn choir, ages T-Sgt. Otis E.

Keen urn, loca Air Force Recruiter announced today, that any Air Force, Veteran who possesses the necessary requirements may apply for duty in Jackson, Mississippi. The USAF Recruiting Detachment in Jackson is in need of Air Force Prior Service men to fill vacancies in administration and transportation. For detailed information please call or visit T-Sgt. Keenum at the Post Ofifce Building in Greenwood. Phone 984.

in Congress from the South should unite "to fight upon the national scene." state-wide meeting in Jackson. Local Novices Shrine Ceremonial Nation Trying To Stay Alive Today Bv Thp Associated Press I the Loon: "You! The man in the 13-18. We should cooperate with th City died early this morning. She was the mother of IL A Cummings of Greenwood. Services will be held at St.

resistance and give leadership to Southern people." At least 10 persons were killed gray overcoat! Get back. on. the in early hours ox oaie unving i siaewaiK um.ii me ugui. cnaugcB. One hundred and one persons S-D" Day.

Mrs. House Dies At Cleveland died in traffic deaths each durinir the first 10 months of 'The following Greenwood novices will attend the December ceremonial of Wahabi Temple in Jackson today: Curtis Lary, C. H. Hawkins, Dr. R.

E- Arline, H. Bivins, W. M. Biggers, W. A.

Covington and J. H. Staten. 0 This one-day effort is to (Shortly after sunup, the toll by states included: Ohio four, Michigan two, and Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana and New York, one each. Arkansas and Tennessee said Sen.

Eastland, are faced with integration against the wishes of the majority of their citizens because, the states failed to organize. "Racial integration will occur in Arkansas, in Tennessee, or in ary other state where through fear, weakness, inaction there is no state policy to oppose it Grenada Girl Miss Ole Miss show that the casualty toll can be cut -down if everyone makes and extra effort every day, like today. UNIVERSITY, Miss. Dec. 1 (JP) MLss Shirley" Wagner of Gre Since the average daily figure of 101 includes when WASHINGTOaN, Dec.

1 (JP) A member of the Subversive Activities Control Board recommended today the Civil Rights Congress be required to register as a Communist front, Retiring board member David J. Coddaire found the CRC is "substantially directed and controlled by the Communist party," and is "primarily operated" for the purpose of giving aid and support to communists." There was no immediate comment from the CRC. Coddaire conducted months of hearings on a petition Ly Atty. Gen. Brownell to require the CRC to register under the 1950 Internal Security Act, list its officers and sive an annual financial aci counting.

Constitutionality of registration provisions of the act has been challenged by the Communist par-tv. The matter is awaiting decision by the Supreme Court. Trial Of Davis SHOPPING DAYS LEFT nada won the title of Miss Ole more motorists are on the roads Miss at the. University of Miss and persons who die a day to All the nation is trying extra today to stay alive. It is Safe Driving Day the country's second attempt to go through 24 hours without a traf-fice death.

Few persons expect complete issippi. Miss Wagner defeated Miss several months later of injuries suffered in accidents, today's toll suiierea acciuenis, louay tun r- Uolp Fight TD -1 850- CLEVELAND, Dec. Services were held at 2:30 this afternoon at the Methodist Church in Boyle, for Mrs. Rowena Thayer House, longtime resident of Cleveland and Boyle. The Rev.

J. H. Holder pastor, officiated, assisted by the Rev. James F. McCary.

Burial in the Cleveland Cemetery. Thweatt Funeral Home was in charge. Mrs. House, who was 70, died Wednesday mornin? in the City Hospital here after' a long illness. She was a former resident of Muilin of Greenwood cannot be used as a basis for 484 yesterday.

Mary's Catholic church in Yazoo City Friday morning at 10 with burial there. The family requests flowers be omitted. Besides a son here, she leaves two daughters, Miss Helen Cummings of Yazoo City and Mrs. Xavier Phelps of Dallas, Texas, also two grandchildren, Catherine Cummings and Henry Cummings, Jr. -0 Convict Negro In Grocer Slaying HERNANDO, Dec.

1 (JP) Willie Jones, 30-year-old negro, drew a death --sentence on conviction of murdering arf elderly storekeeper last April A jury found. Jones guilty of the murder of George Fritz, 76, last April. Fritz, who operated a small store near here, was beaten to death. figuring success of S-D Day. success.

But President Eisenhow- er's Committee for Traffic 'Safe-J The Associated Press made a Buddy Alliston, an outstanding guard on the Cotton Bowl-bound football team, won the title of Colonel Rebel without opposi survey on Thursday, Nov. 17, a comparable and found that tion. he said. Sen. Eastland complimented his home state of Mississippi and Virginia for moving to overturn the Supreme Court's decision on a state level.

"Mississippi led the way and furnished the example that others have emulated Eastland said. To. Council members, he said, "'when history writes its final verdict on this present' generation of Mississippians and Southerners, the names of you ladies and gentlemen will have a very high place upon the roll of honor. time of erave troubles, you have reached in keeping with the finest and highest traditions of our state and region." The present drive to integrate the races, said Eastland, is more dangerous than Civil War Reconstruction days "There was. no attempt to have interracial schools during Recon- Square Dances To Be Sponsored The Park Commission is begin ty, which designated today to dramatize the idea that carefully driviner and careful walking can save lives hopes for a sharp reduction in traffic accidents.

Eisenhower on all Americans to help show that "we can by our own personal efforts reduce accidents on our streets and highways." All across ihe United States policemen are wearing armbands urging safety. In many cities banners are strung across streets urging motorist and pedestrians to be extra careful. Loud-speaker-equipp-" nolic" crs are crusin 7 the Tm Chicago, en amplified yoice boonis across a street in ning a series of weekly square dances tonight at the; new Youth 69 persons were killed on the highways. That figure is used as a measuring stick today, when the AP again is tabulating traffic-deaths across the The National Safety Council will keep a count of traffic fatalities during the period 10 days before and" 10 days after S-D Day to determine the effectiveness of the safety drive over a broader period. The nation observed 'its first S-D Day Dec.

15, 1954. Fifty-one persons were killed on the streets and highways an improvement ovt an ordinary day without, a safety campaign, officials MISSISSIPPI Cloudy and-cool occasional rain tonight and Friday and north portions this after Center on Henry Street. Instruc Greenwood. Born 'in Swan she was graduated from the old Grenada, College. During the 47 years she had lived in the area she had been active in civic improvements.

A member of the Methodist Church, she held a life membership in its auxiliary and was active in its work. IShe leaves her husband. N- P. House of Boyle; a son, the Rev. John Adair House of Wellington, and a sister, Mrs.

V. Thonas of Eoyle." Continues Today Trial of Walter Davis on charges in the alleged disappearance of 8,000 cases of beer, continued today and several more witnesses were being examined in tho matter. The hearings have lasted the entire week. It is expected that hearings will be completed this afternoon, and turned ovpv the juiy. 1 tion in the square dance, steps will be given at 7:30 p.

with noon. Moderate easterly winds be square dancing from 8 until 10 o'clock. The square dances are open to the public. The dances are Circuit Judge Curtis Swango set Jan. 12 as the execution date, but an appeal to the state Supreme Court is mandatory cases where the death penalty i-i coming locallv resh Friday.

-TEMPERATURES -Today: Max. 38, Mia. 27 Mas 44, Mia. 22. Rainfall: .46 primarily for adults, but teen-ag ers are invited to attend.


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