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The Moulton Advertiser from Moulton, Alabama • Page 1

Moulton, Alabama
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MOXJLTOI ABYEETIMR P. C.WHITE, Proprietor. TBT.TWHBP I88a TERMS: S1.00 Per Auu is Aaraaea. jVOL. LXXII.


fit BRIGHTER FOR CUBA. 1 mi isst SOUTHERN GLEANINGS. A Pastor'a Disapnolatmeat. Eev. Charles A.

Jessup, rector of St. 1 MARCH 1900. Sua. Mob. Tm.

I Wei Thar. Frl. Sal 2 3 Iil7TTTTo iiililiiiiiiil jZl9 20 222 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31 treasury issued on the 2d showed iable cash balance, $296,622,227 reserve, $232,772,786. monthly statement of the pub 1 ebt, issued on the 1st, shows that at tae close of business February 28, 5, the debt, less cash in the treas-nj, amounted to $1,118,886,059, a de crease for the month of $6,750,168. 'l ie- monthly statement of the di rector of the mint shdws that the tote.

coinage executed at the mints of the United States during February was H5.4'iS,700, as follows: Gold, 1MH- 900; silver, minor coins, The total value of merchandise im ported into Havana during the cak-n ciar yrar 1899 was $48,920,774, of which 7,140 came from the United Stutesj $7,005,419 from the United Kingdom, $1,576,639 from Germany, $9,377,095 from Spain and $10,274,541 from other countries. The secretary of state authorizes a contradiction of the printed report that the state department had secured the assent of other powers to the pro visions of the pending canal conven tion. No propositions in relation to the subject matter of this convention, he says, had been laid before any oth er country. If Prince Poniatowski or any other individual has secured possession of Basilan island in the Philippine group, as reported in a press dispatch, thj acquisition must have been made in a purely personal capacity, and, cf course, does not affect in any way the sovereignty of the United States now existing over the On the 28th the Ohio house defeated Mr. Bauer's resolution proposing to amend the state constitution by giving women the right to vote at a'l elections after January 1, 1901, Si votes being required to adopt, by a Vote of 49 nays to 57 yeas.

The propo sition received more votes than in any previous legislature. Based on a total population of 646,700, the authorities have decided that the respective colonies are ctv titled' under the federation scheme, to tli4 following representation in the Australian parliament: New South Vales, 23; Victoria, 20; Queensland, eighti South Australia, six, and Tas mania, five; total, 62. Just before the adjournment of the senate committee on elections, on the 2d, both prosecution and defense in the investigation into the election of Senator Clark, of Montana, announced that they had concluded the preseut tion of their testimony. There remained some papers to be examined and argumeut were still to be heard battleship Sacheon was reported, on the 28th, to have stranded near Kiel lighthouse during a fog. in sn attempt to lighten the vessel bv removing some of her guns, one ot these was lost.

The battleship Wur- temberg and the coast defense iron' clad Acgir, were endeavoring to get the Sacheon afloat, but little had been accomplished. The: anti-foreign attitude of the Pekin government grows more pro nounced daily, and is regarded as ex- tremely menacing to foreign enter prise. Pi ever in the last 40 years has the central government of China been so intensely anti-foreign. Several ITiinese have been impeached and -)n- prisoned because they had assisted in obtaining concessions for foreigners. Sir Geoi ge Newnes, of London, pnl lisher of the Westminster Gazette and the Strand Magazine, has made ar rangements to bring out an English edition of the Topeka (Kas.) Capital during the editorship of Rev.

Charles M. Sheldon. The arrangement means the exploitation of the most interesting newspaper experiment of the century by the progressive British pub-lisheft The members of the several delegation from Puerto Rico in Washington, saving read the compromise measure idopted at the republican conference, 3n the night of the 27th, have united a statement to congress in which hey say that the idea and theory of a is repugnant to them and that he island is entitled to receive abso-utely free commercial relations at Mice. Th investigation of charges as tc I he polygamous status of certain appointees was resumed, on the id, by a sub-committee of the house onimittce on post offices and post OR'ld. The inquiry had been closed, Jut as Representative Lentz desired to lave the testimony of Rev.

Dr. Campbell, of Utah, it was determined to re-pen the hearing. After a resistance of many dajs igainst overwhelming numbers that tad earned the wonder and admiration if ae civilized world, and of English-lifii most of all, Gen. Cronje capitulated, the morning of the 27th, sur-en tiering unconditionally to Field 1 -hal Lord Roberts. Among the T'iUss of the hard-fought siege were 'p'-'een 4,000 and 5,000 troops, 14 rn guns, and much camp etiuip-and ammunition.

The praises of he Canadian contingent; which took i prominent part in the long battle, ere loudly sung in London and all over the world. '1 "i monthly comparative statement receipts and expenditures of th ed States for the month of Febru- 1 shows that the total receipts were and the expenditures $37. 172, leaving a surplus for the 0 of $7,892,793. Eathaslaatle Reeeptloa ml the llertBK Colama by the Wera sad Emaciated Defeadera, London, March 3. Col.

Rhodes, the brother of Cecil Rhodes, describing, in the Times, the entry into Ladysmith of Lord Dundonald and 300 men of the Imperial Light Horse and Natal carbi neers, February 28, says: "It is impossible to depict the en thusiasm of the beleagured garrison; cheer upon cheer rang from post to post, and staff officers, civilians and soldiers flocked to greet thenv Thi contrast between the robust troopers of a dozen battles and the pale, ema ciated defenders of Ladysmith was great. "Gen. White and his staff met the troops in the center of the town. lie was cheered with heartfelt enthusi asm. He addressed the civilians and thanked them and the garrison for their magnificent support througn trials, 'which we alone can realize.

We STB OKOTtOli: STEWART WHITE. could have hung on for six weeks long er, but the privations would have been great, and sickness and the paucity of our ammunition would have limited the number of assaults we would have been able to resist. "We started the siege with 12,000 troops, 2,000 civilians and 4,000 natives. Between casualties and sickness 8,000 soldiers passed through the hoS' pital. It is impossible to over-emplia-size the privations of the sick.

Since tho middle of January a man once down was practically lost. The reduced rations of the soldiers just sufficed for their subsistence. Daily 30 old horses and mules were slaughtered and con verted into soup and sausages. From January 15 to now there have been over 200 deaths from disease alone. The last fortnight saw the majority of the field batteries unhorsed, and the guns permanently posted in our defenses.

The cavalry and drivers were converted into infantry, and sent to the trenches. "Since the investment, the total casualties were: Killed or died of wounds, 24 officers and 235 men; died of disease, 6 officers' and 340 men; wounded, 70 officers and 520 men, ex elusive of white civilians and natives." DEFEAT OF THE BOERS COMPLETE, rue Whole Ladysmith District Clear of Them. London, March 3, 2:30 a. m. The war office has received the following dispatch from Gen.

Buller: "Ladysmith, Friday, "March 2, 6:30 p. m. "I find the defeat of the Boers more complete than I had dared to antici pate. This whole district is complete ly cleared of them and, except at the top of Van Reenen's pass, where several wagonB are visible, I can find no trace of them. 'Their last train left Modder Spruit station about one o'clock yesterduy, and they blew up the bridge.

They packed their wagons six days ago, moving them to the north of Lady- smith, so that we had no chance of in tercepting them; but they have left vast quantities of ammunition of ail sorts, herds, grass, camp and individ ual i-eccssariea. They have got away with all guns except two. A SOVRREIGVS SYMPATHY. talis Forth Expression ot Her Sub ject' Veneration. London, March 3.

The Court Cir cular says: The is the text of her majesty's dispatch to Gen. Buller: 'I thank God for the news you have telegraphed me, and I congratulate you and all under you with all my heart." The dispatch to Sir George White reads thus: "I thank God that you and all those with you are safe after your long, try ing siege, borne with such heroism. I congratulate you and all nnder you from the bottom of my heart. I you are all not very much exhausted." Sir George sent the following reply: "Your majesty's most gracious mes sage has been received by me with the deepest' gratitude and with enthusiasm by the troops. Any hardships and privations are a hundred times com pensated for by the sympathy and ap preciation of our queen; and your majesty's message will do more to restore both officers and men than anything else." 1 Bt M.ER HITTERS LADYSMITH.

Boers ta FaU Flight Abaadoa Gans Cama Stores. Ladysmith, Thursday, March 1. Gen. Eujler, accompanied by his staff, arrived here at 11:40 a. m.

to-day. He entered the town unnoticed as more cavalry was coming in during the morning. The news of his arrival soon spread, however, and White and his staff at once went to receive him. The two generals met amid scenes of tremendous enthusiasm, and Gen, Buller had an immense reception. Meat, eibhoaa' Seecessfal Raid lata the Soathern Portion, of Washington, March 3.

The nary department, Friday, received from Admiral Watson, at Manila, a more detailed account than was furnished by Geu. Otis, of Lieut. Gibbons' successful raid into the southern parts of Luzon, where the insurgents are said to be making their last stand. The two officers of the hospital ship Relief referred to in Admiral Watson's cablegram ere. Fred.

Hopp, third officer oi the ship, and Charles Blandford, assistant engineer. Boatswain's Mate Juraschka was one of five men attached to the gunboat Marivelcs, who were captured Octobei 16 last, off the southern const ol Luzon, while landing non-combatants. Some of the party were badly wouud-ed, one fatally, but Juraschka wim captured unhurt. Admiral Watson's commendation of Lieut. Gibbons' exploit will be placed on the records of the department and may result in substantial reward for that young officer.

Ho is a native ol Michigan, and did much to organize the naval militia. Admiral Watson's cablegram is dated Mtniln, March 1, and is as follows: "Armed transport Alava received from military governor Sunday. Commissioned immediately, Gibbons in command, with crew and marines from the Brooklyn. Proceeded same, day, on information received, to Gulf Rajaha. Returned to-day with 508 rescued Spanish prisoners, eight American soldiers, two officers of the hospital ship Relief, and three surrendered Filipino officers.

Promptness and of Gibbons and detachment highly commended. All well. Boatswain's Matt Juraschka surrendered by insurgents February 16. Signcdl "WATSOX." DOSE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE Anterlraa Troops Take a Hand la the Ambimlilns; Business, Delivering a Hard Blow. Manila, March 2, 9 a.

m. Col. Anderson, with the Thirty-eighth infantry, employing the insurgents" own tactics, has ambushed the enemy neai Batangas. Through spies, Col. An derson learned that a detachment of insurgents would pass a certain road.

He posted his soldiers, concealed among the trees lining the road, and when the enemy errived the Ameri cans volleyed unexpectedly, killing 24 insurgents, wounding 30 and capturing several. Some arms and ammu nition also were captured. The effect of this blow has been salutary. The enemy in that locality are dismayed. KNOWS WHO KILLED G0EBEL.

Detective John Morgan Snys It was Done by Men Hired by Gamblers to Save riielr Stakes. Lexington, Ky March 3. John Morgan, the noted mountain detective and deputy United States marshal, says he knows who fired the shot which killed William Goebel. Goebel was killed, he men hired by gamblers, who believed that his death would save them the money they had wagered, "pay or play," that Goebel would not be the next governor. Morgan says the assassin resides in the westtrn end of the state; that he knows his name and knows the men who were with him at Frankfort.

Mor gan says he would be willing to make the arrest if he was assured of the re ward of $100,000 appropriated by the legislature. A BRAVE AMERICAN GIRL. The Daughter ot aa American Mis sionary the "Heroine of the Caroline Gronu. Vancouver, B. March 3.

Miss Logan, 21 years of age, daughter of the late Rev. Robert Logan, the tirst missionary to the South Sea islands, sent out from Boston by the Congregational board of the United States, has won for herself the title of "Heroine of the Caroline Group." It is due not only to- her fearlessness in facing famine and tropical diseases, but to her-personal interference in a fight be tween two native chiefs, in which she sustained au accidental, but severe in jury. She has since become an invalid, as the result of the injury, and will re turn home. MR. CLEVELAND INDIGNANT.

His Only Illness an Attack of His Old Eaemy, the Rhenmalle Goat. Princeton, N. March 3. When the information was conveyed to Mr. Cleveland that reports were being circulated that he was dangerously ill, he expressed indignation.

Dr. Wikoff said that the ex-presi- dent, aside from being attacked by his old enemy, the rhemuatic gout. was in his usual health. Mr. Cleve land expects to leave for Florida as scon as he recovers from his present indisposition.

Ordered to Fort Riley, Kas. Washington, March 3. Siege bat tery Seventh artillery, which has been stationed at Washington ever sice its organization, has been ordered to Fort Riley, Kas. The change is made in order to increase the efficiency of the siege battery, 3 Three Yet Remain. Redding, March 3.

Three men still remain behind the cave-in in the Iron Mcuntain mine, and experienced miners are of the opinion that it will take several days longer to reach the bodif- (Jen. Wilson Says Trouble Is Out of tho Question. Bandera Joins Gen. Wood Leader of the insurrection Accept a Position With a Peculiar Statement Secretary Root at Tampa. Mataxzas, Cuba, March 4.

Gen. Jas. H. Wilson, military governor of the department of Clara, in the course of aa interview today regarding Cuban affairs, sail to the correspondent of the Associated Press: "Trouble is absolutely out of the question. The future depends largely upon agricultural prosperity, and where work is plentiful wages are good and a country is prosperous, no sensible man wishes to alter the conditions.

"Any person who "publishes reports representing the Cubans as preparing a rising does so with malicious intent to misrepresent them or because he has been led to believe this by those who know better. The prospects of Cuba are very bright. If sugar goes to the United States free or nearly so, there will be such an influx of capital and immigrants as would render Cuba ere long one of the richest and most prosperous places in the world. The cattle industry yields enormous profits, particularly as respects working cattle, which can never be replaced by mules, because the peculiar conditions are better adapted to cattle. Coffee, timber and frnits also offer great inducements to capitalists, and tobacco planting yields almost immediate returns.

"I do not consider that the immediate future of Cuba depends chiefly upon schools, road-making, improved sanitation or judiciary reform, although, of course, these things are of very great importance. The best thing the United States can do for Cuba and the Cubans is to give every opportunity for improving the value of the land by putting it to the best uses. In this way capital could do an immense amount of good here, as well as get large returns. 1 suggest supplying cattle for working purposes on a time basis, accepting regular rates of interest, which should be about 1 per cent, a month. Cattle can be landed here at a cost of $70 a yoke, which, once here, would bring more than 150.

"Large numbers of working cattle are required by reliable and hard-working men who are anxious to obtain them. Were I a man of 25 with energy and some capital, I should certainly look upon Cuba as one of the best places to accumulate wealth." Neglected Confederate Graves. Chattanooga, March 4. A com mittee from N. B.

Forrest Camp today visited Silverdale and Gold Point, two places near this city, to ascertain the exact number of graves of unknown Confederate dead recently discovered. Silverdale they found about sixty and at Gold Point ten graves. These men died in the camp hospitals at the time Gen. Bragg was mobilizing his army near this point for the Kentucky campaign. These graves are all sunken, neglected and overgrown with weeds and underbrush.

The camp hopes to raise enough money to purchase the land where the graves arc located, inclose it with a neat fence, and see that the graves are cared for. Old citizens state that the graves are surely of Confederate dead. The Sheldon March 4. At the close of business of the Capitol countingroom last night the subscriptions for the Sheldon edition, beginning with the issue of March 13, passed the 100,000 mark, with a bushel basket full of letters unopened. Today an express wagon hauled to the Capitol office a load of letters, which will require the services of a dozen extra clerks tomorrow to open and put on the mailing list.

Subscriptions are coming from every civilized quarter of the globe. Postmaster Guthrie has telegraphed to Washington for additional bclp. Georgia's Gold Mill. Dahlone, March 14. Tho new mill and chlorination plant will be started here May 3, the event being made the occasion of a two days' celebration.

President McKinley will be invited, and it is the hope of the people here that he will attend. If he finds it impossible, an arrangement will be made for the chief executive to start the machinery by electricity. The first branch of the United States mint was built in this little city in 1838, and gold was coined until the beginning of the civil war. Race Problem Menace. Montgomery, March 4.

Race trouble is threatened near Letohatchie, twenty-five miles south of this city. It is said that last night some white men went to the house of Jim Cross, a negro, called bim to the door and shot him. Afterward the crowd shot his wife, son and daughter. Only a few days ago Sam Powell, white, was shot by a negro in the same neighborhood. The negro was taken from the sheriff and hanged by a mob.

BLATANT POLITICAL." British Tlce-Counl at St. Fan! Denounces the Coarse of Gov. Llnd. Minneapolis, March 4 E. H.

Mor-pby, British vice-consul at St. Paul, is being severely criticised today for a speech made last night at a meeting of British-born citizens here, in which he spoke of Gov. Lind as a "blatant politician," who, in proclaiming his sympathies with the Boers, was prostituting his office for votes. Parallels are drawn with the Lord Sackville-West incident, and Gov. Lind has been urged to make complaint to tlie Federal Luke's Episcopal church, Atlnnta, Co, one of the wealthiest churches in the south, has resigned and left the city, to a dispatch sent from Atlanta says.

An unlianntr love affair seems to have wrecked his life, and he has given op his church because cf his grief and dia- apjtointiment. He was, until a year ago, of St. Mark's church, Bal timore, While in Baltimore, be fell in love with a handsome and ac complished young widow, and some two months ago their engagement was announced and the date fixed for the marriage. The ladies the church in Atlanta made every preparation for the reception of the rector's bride-to-be, and there was great satisfaction over the coining union. A short time before the date of the marriage the rector's iweehe'art summoned him to Baltimore, and while there Mr.

Jessup is raid to have learned, greatly to hia snrpri! and his betrothed was a divorcee. He is a strict believer in the custom of his' church, prohili-iting marriages with divorced men and women, and it was announced in Baltimore that by mutual consent the engagement had been broken. He had purchased tickets for a honeymoon trip to Europe for himself and bride, and had planned for a happy future as rector of one of the leading churches of the south. He is now at Asheville, N. in tha care of friends and relatives.

His case has excited great pity among the church people of the city. Sentenced for an Old Crime. Dr. McGuire, by agreement, pleaded guilty to manslaughter, at Holly Springs, and accented a sentence of year's imprisonment. This ends a remarkable case.

McGuire killed a man named Baitey in 1863. Ho went to Tennessee, and for some reason no effort seems to have been mado to nr-r st him until two years ago. The first trial resulted in a hung jury, and nt the second he was found guilty us charged. The jury was dumfouuded to find that the verdict meant death, and stated that they thought the court had the power to fix the sentence. He was duly sentenced, but waa granted a new trial by the supreme court, and his attorneys succeeded in compromising with the above sentence.

New Enterprise In Texas. F. W. Smith, of Houston, president of the Meadowbrook Cotton Mills, now building a plant at Barker, states that work on the enterprise is progressing rapidly. The couv pany has manufactured 400,000 brick for its buildings, and will burn 1,800, 000 more.

A structure 80x200 feet hai been completed, with an addition 30s 100 feet, but the main structure, to be 104 x300 feet, has yet be comenced. The equipment will include 10,000 spindles, to cost about $200,000 for the complete plant. Prominent Lumberman Drowned. In attempting to escape from an uninhabited island, on which he had been left by a lying boatman, who told him it was Hilton Head island, Wilbur Ellis, a prominent lumber manufacturer of Hampton county, was drowned. E.

B. Stokes, hit companion, a lumber prospector, was taken off the island by a fisherman, who accidentally passed that way, after being nearly frozen. Old Dan Rice. Dan Rice, the veteran showman, died recently at Long Branch, at the ag of 77. His death will bring to tha minds of thousands the old ring song of forty years ago, when the darkiei sang: 1 looks toward the east.

An I looks towards the west, I spies Dan Rice a-comln'. Six black horses All a brtast. 1 Will lan' ub on t'other side of Jordan. Confederate Pensioners. There are now on the rolls in Ten-ncFsee 90S pensioners, who will be sent checks aggregating $23,180 for the quarter.

There are 17 who receive $180 per annum; 28 who receive $120, and 863 who receive $100. There are 1,533 applications for pensions now pending. The state appropriation la limited to $100,000 per annum. Hundred Oaks Sold. A sale has been consummated at Winchester, by Dr.

E. J. Thompson, owner of Hundred Oaks, an old home, to Albert D. Marks, agent for so ne New York parties, who will on June 1 take charge of the property and convert it into a Catholic school. Compliment from France.

Dr. Charle W. Dabney, president of the University of Tennessee, has received notice of his appointment as a member of the committee of international awards at the Paris exposition. The appointment came from the French government. Accideatallr Shot Himself.

Drewey M. Long, who went to Columbus, from Pickcnsville, Ala, some months since, to accept a position with drug firm, accidentally shot himself, and will probably die. Cross Eyes Cost Death. Mrs. Hoy, wife of a wfll-to-do farmer living at Rosebud, Wilcox county, killed her six-weeks-old baby because it was cross-eyed.

Probably crazy. Blsr Tarn. Shortage. The Anderson (S. Yarn and Knitting Mills Co.

will begin work on its proposed plant, which will be a 5,000 or factory for yarn. Will he Needed at Home. A Georgia railroad man gives it as his opinion that not a bale of cotton will be shipped from that state nezf year tha wills WW 8ll. The President Has in View the Immediate Needs of the Island 1 of Puerto Rico. A SPECIAL MESSAGE SENT TO CONGRESS.

He Recommends That the Reireaa Received from Castoais From the Island be Pat to Immediate lae for tho General I'arpose of Heed ed Relief. Washington, March The president sent the following message to congress: To the Senate and House of Representatives: Since the evacuation of Puerto Rico by the Spanish forces, on the eighteenth day of October, lH), the United States has collected on products coming from that island to the ports of the United States, the duties fixed by the Dingley act, and amounting to $2,095,455.88, and will continue to collect, under said law, until congress shall otherwise direct. Although I had the power, and having in mind the best interests of the people of the island, to use it to modify duties on goods and products entering into Puerto Rico, I did not have the power to remit or modify duties on Puerto Rican products coming into the ports of the United States. In view of the pressing necessity for immediate revenue in Puerto Rico for conducting th-i government there, und for the extension of public education, and in view, also, of the provisional legislation just inaugurated by the house of representatives, and for the' the purpose of making the principle embodied in that legislation applicable to the immediate past as well as to the immediate future, I recommend that the above sum collected, and the sums hereafter to be collected, under existing law shall, without waiting for the enactment of the general legislation now pending, be appropriated for the use arid benefit of the island. WILLIAM McKlNLEY.

Executive Mansion, March 2,1900. Passed by the Hoase. Within two hours after the specia. message from the president recom mending the immediate passage ol a bill to place in his hands an wic moneys colected upon Puertor Rican goods since tin Spanish evacuation of the island to be used for the relief of the Puerto Ricans had been read to the house, Fri day, the house had passed and sent to the senate a bill to carry out the rcc- ommendation. The message came like a bolt out of a clear sky to the minority.

They were at first inclined to hail it with delight as a reproof of the mr. jority for the passage of the Puerto Rican tariff bill on Wednesday. The republican leaders had recommendct a bill already to carry the president' recommendations into effect. Mr. Cannon asked immediate consideration for it, and this was given.

It was only when the debate opened it had been agreed that 20 minutes should be allowed on a side that, under the lead of Mr. Bailey the democrats began lining up against the bill, because it placed no limitation upon the president's discretion in the use of the money. The bill was passed by a vote of 12 to 107, 13 democrats, two populists and two silver republicans voting with the republicans in the affirmative. THE SALOONS OF MANILA P. I.

Senator Pettlsrew Secares the Pas sage of a Resolution Calling for Information. Washington, March 2. Mr. Petti- grew (S. secured the adoption, in the senate, of the following resolution: 'That the president be requested, if not incompatible with public interest, to send the senate a statement of the number of the saloons that have been established in Manila, P.

since the occupation of that city by Unit ed States forces; who are their patrons, and what kind of liquors are sold, and the quantity of such liquors. The president is also requested to inform the senate of the number, if any, of saloons, run on the American or English plan, in Manila before we occupied the place. The president is also requested to infrom the senate whether or not it is within his power, as commander-in-chief cf our military forces, to suppress all saloons in Manila and prohibit and prevent the sale of liquor to our soldiers." Ta Relieve Distress la Paerto Rieo. Xew York, March 3. A special to the Herald frojn Washington says: To relieve the great distress in Puerto Eico, caused by the hurricane, Secretary Root, by direction of the presi dent, has authorized the use of remaining over the emergency war fund.

The Week's Fails res. Xew York, March 3. R. G. Dun Co.

report: "Failures for the week have been 222 in the United States, against 186 last year, and 28 in Canada, gaifet 47 testjreat." NEWS IN BRIEF. Compiled from Various Sources. FICTV-SIXTH CONGRESS. In the senate, on the 26th, formal discission of the right of Mr. Quay to a seat in inai 00a was Degun.

jonniaprauun of the Hawaiian government bill was resumed, and elicited a lively discussion in which southern election methods were ventilated. An amendment was adODted striking out the property qualification of vote lor memoers 01 tne legislature In the house the Puerto Rican tariff bill was again taken up, and the time for gen eral aiscussion extended until tne nigni of the 27th. A large number of speeches were made lor and against tne Dill. In the senate, on the 27th, Mr. Depew (N.

delivered a speech In support of the policy of the administration on the Philippine question. Mr. Turley spoke on the Quay case, after which the Hawaiian government bill was taken up, and (in agreement was reached to take a final vote upon the bill on the 28th In the nouse tne general neoaie upon tne ruur-to Rican tariff bill occupied the session, eluding speeches of Mr. Bailey Tex.) asalnftt. and Mr.

Tlnlllver in.) in favor of the measure, attracting full Dencnes and crowded galleries. In the senate, on the 28th, the vote on the Hawaiian government bill, agreod upon for that date was, nevertheless, postponed until the 1st. Four hours wevs devoted to consideration of the bill with small results. Mr. McLaurin S.

D.i made a strong speech forexpansion. scouting what he called the "bugbear of imperialism," with whichitwassoughttofright- en the people In the house discussion of the Puerto Rican tariff bill was resumed and concluded, and the hill, as amended, so as to reduce the tariff from 25 to 15 per cent, of the American tariff and limiting its life to two years, waj passed oy a vote ot nz yeas, to lbi nays. In the aerate, on the 1st. the bill pro viding a form of government for Hawaii was passed without division. At the instance of Mr.

Foraker, the Puerto Rican tariff bill was made the unfinished busi ness; and will be considered as soon as the conference report on the finance bill shall have been disposed of on the In the house the contested-election case of Aldrich vs. Robbins was taken up, the democrats thus scoring their first victory of the session. Consideration of the Loud bill, relating to second class mail matter. was posiponea. In the senate, on the 2d.

consideration of a bill embodying substantially the provisions of the house Puerto Rican bill and in addition providing for a' temporary form of government for the Island, was begun An hour and a half of the sessloi was devoted to the Quay case In the nouse a special message irom tne nresv dent recommending the immediate nass- age of a bill to place In his hands all the moneys collected upon Puerto Rican goods since the Spanish evacuation of the island to be used for the relief of the Puerto Rlcans was read, and within two hours a bill carrying out the recommendation had been passed, 162 to 107, and sent to the senate. Thirteen democrats voted with tho majority. PERSONAL AND GENERAL, The Rodman Manufacturing doeskin manufacturers, at Wickforrl, R. announced a ten-per-ccnt. wage increase to their 500 employes, on tho 1st, taking effect at once.

During the past eight months the total receipts of the government have exceeded the expenditures by 000. A Manila dispatch says that the transport Alav.i, with 50 marines and six officers from the cruiser Brooklyn, was sent to the Gulf of Ragal, on the south const of Luzon, and succeeded in rescuing 500 Spanish prisoners and ten Americans. Prof. Arthur C. McGift'ert, of the Union Theological seminary, whose views are the subject of attack by one group in the Presbyterian church, has definitely decided to withdraw, and will seek fellowship in the Congrega tional denomination.

Gen. Buller relieved Ladysinith none too soon. The garrison was on short rations and generally in a bad condition, albeit bearing their privations cheerfully. The men will require some little time and plenty of nourishing food to put them again in fighting trim. Gen.

Cronje and his immediate en tourage, according to a London dis patch, is to be placed on board the flagship of the British squadron at Cape Town, to lie held a prisoner of war until final disposition of him is made by exchang-j or otherwise. Little Hazel Rogers, a bright and popular 12-year-old child, committed suicide nt Fort Madison, on the 1st, by placing the muzzle of a revolver against her breast anil sending a bullet through her heart. The deed was deliberately planned. The commission appointed to inves tigate the prisons in the Havana district has finished its labors. Out of 703 persons waiting trial the commission has recommended 310 for liberation, and 135, who are under conviction, have been recommended for liberation.

Ex-President Grover Cleveland is said to be a very sick man. While not confined to his bed, he seldom leaves his room, and takes little interest in current events. He has lost a great deal of flesh of late, his face is of an ashy pallor and his eyes white and. puffy. nee the news of the relief of La dysinith became generally know London literally went mad with joy, and hroughont England the scenes wit nessed have no parallel in the memories of the present generation.

United States Minister Merry arrived at Grey town, on the 2d, from Costa Rica, on the way to attend a confer ence at Managua, Nicaragua, with President Zelaya. B. G. Dun Co. reported on the 2d: "Failures for the week have been 222 in the United States, against 18S last year, and 28 in Canada, against 47 but year..

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