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The Coosa River News du lieu suivant : Centre, Alabama • Page 3

Centre, Alabama
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-rf TOOBT OP GBAND 4Ultr. WILL TANKER ESCAPES nvn SlJOeDAT HIGH!" Gome and see One of the finest displays of eaJ aorai aaga wsb gasBg Mi SSL Ki il They have to go, for to-day we chop the prices right in two to make 'era. It almost breaks our heart to make these prices but our loss is your gain, 150 Fine All Wool SacR Suits, good s'ylfl. light and 't'arfe rfiadcs, sold bcreloforo from $12 lo $15, warranted last colors, yoar choice for 75 Fine Tailor Made Frrck Suits, uranrteo. iu nil Fhac'es, guorantecd good value for $18 and 20.

Your choice of this lot at $10. 150 Splindid Tailor Made Iniporte3 Black Cheviot SuUs i pseksatid trofka, all new and stylish and equal in all respects to the best merchant tailors' $35 suits, and you can have yonr choice lor $12.50. 65 Fine Tailor Made Extra Lsige Men's Suits, in new aud elegant pat terns. Tcseh suits are large eenngh lor the basest man in Georgia. The fit and finish perlect, and you can have your choice ot these at $12 50.

50 Children's Wool Sniis fast eclors, heretolore sold at $3,50, $4C0 and $4 50. Tour choice of these at $2.50. Straw Hats -to Published Wekklt By SHROPSHIRE," Editor and Proprietor. FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1891. Church Directory.

METHODIST CHURCH-j. F. STUR-. DIVANT, Pastob. 1 preaching.

-Ebenkzer 1st Sunday in each month and Saturday before. Mountain Spnmaa 2nd 8urida'y in each month and Saturday before. Fawvibw 3rd Sunday in each month aad 8aturday before. CTBB-4th Sunday, morning and Bight, and 2nd Sunday nialit. Sottdat School Thos.

Brad ford, 6rj- pERINTENDBNT. Cbntrb Each Sunday owning at 20 minutes after ringing of the At Fairview. Jub. S. Daniel, Supt af 2nd tinging of bell.

At Ebenezerand Mountain Springs, at call of Superintendents. Local Items. SPEEDY SCOOP The Grand Jnry adjourned terday (Thursday) morning. Thursday evening the Coosa Riv- be News contained their report in fall exactly 7 hours aftei adjournment and was being read on the streets -by our city subscribers' Wonder if anyone will the Coosa River News of being enterprising! Subscribe before leaving town. A full line of Paints and Oils at the New Drug Store.

1 Proposed string-band have several instruments on hand, but they are not organized yet. Mr. Herbert Meeks, son of W. M. (limes-News) Meeks, ef Gadsden, was in the city Sunday last.

Died On the 27th at 9.00 a. m. near Cedar Bluff, Grandma Bytha Wester, aged about 68 years. Mr. an Mrs.

J. B. Shropshire, of Gadsden, have been visiting relatives in Centre this and last week. Mr. and Mrs.

J. P. Savage, and Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. Sntherlin snent Sunday at Bock City, Etowah coun- Judge Talley has certainly been poshing business through with a rush this week. We will attempt to give a synopsis of the proceedings next week. A match game of base ball is to be played here to-morrow between our second nine and the first nine of Howel'a Roads. Miss 'Nodie Strause, of Chattanoo go, is visiting relatives in McGhee's Bend, at present.

She is a pretty young lady of bewitching ways and charming manners. It seems to be a matter of very lit tie concern to the patrons of the Cen tre Training School whether that splendid building is ever painted or Dot Why should not some clever person interested start a subscription to this end swept-out Twenty-five cent Straw Hata now Ten Cents Fifty cent Strw Hats now Tweoty-five cents. One Dollar Straw Hats now Fifty cents. Two Dollar Straw Hats now One Dollar. In fact we cut the heart out of all these goods, and if you want a Suit or a.

hat foreman, boy or child, now is 'time for you to get afirst-class stylish article for half its value. W. M. GAMMON. GO.

marl2-m3 Home, Tbe JLcadins Family Paper Ibc United States. of The bold which this beautifully illustrated weekly retaines udou Hie people's confidence is astonishing, but it is due entirely to its varied contents. The value ol.its stories is not measured by the eagerness of the people io re't It takes len ton ol pper every week print To at ir orer 20,000 pounds And ten times twenty thousand persons ax'outly await weekly Every weekly tssno of the "Satordat Night" ayitains a quality and quantity ot literary materials satisfying to every member of the family, young or old. Tbe most gi'ted mucin's seek the "Sat-UBDAT Night" as the clmnnel by which they may gain a reputation, its pictures are gems of beauty, produced by the best artists. A new story every second week.

Eucr. paper Iihs six cflntimied stories, as many poems, items ot interest, the latest lashions, answers to correspondents, aud a variety ot liuoiorotis and entertaining articles. Specimen copies free. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Year. 52 0 Months, 26 .......150 4 Months, 17 ........1.00 3 Months, 13 75 cents, 2 Months, 8 50 1 '4 25 Subscriptions can begin with a ny nnm- ber.

Back numbers supplied at the same rates, or sir.g'e lor six cents each All communications, btisines 8 or otherwise, must be addressed to 1 james EiyErtscr, Philadelphia, fa. Notice for Publication Land Office at Huntsville, A'la. June 3, 1891. Notice is hereby given ibat the follow-ingniniel sealer has filed notice of his intention to make finil proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beibre the Judge of Probate of Cherokee comity, at Centre, Ala on September viz For Home siead litry No. 21090.

for trie W4, EJi aed Sec. 13, 9, 8, East. JaE4 B. Bisbop. He names I be following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivations of, said land, viz James A.

O. Sims, George A. W. Sin William L. D.

Sims and James M. A. Sims, all ot Baud Rock, Ala. Wm. C.

Wells, juieI2-w6 Register. Assessor's Books. THE ST TE OF AL ABA V. Cocstv Office Jiidsrc of Piul) te, No.x? "is herobv given tliel Ikwk o( A-scss-nienls lor the H9I. Iihi heca fx'n-i iier acceotfd In- lie Conn Conn-ty Mid is now lendv iospt'cl'Od by -he luxpaveis, will set on ibc 2 'd Moiidi'v vi Aegust, for the pnr or lie niy to the assessments.

Jnis Ju 22 '91. Thos, Bkdfobd, jnly312w Judge Probate. F. A. GILLESPIE, M.

D. PHTSIC1AH 4" BTOSB02T, Centre, Aia. Prompt attention to ills at all "hours. Will be foiled at the res.dence of the late Dr. Ward, when not professionally junc23-6tn 78 Your Hair BY a linOv Ayev Tins ration has i Hide Vigor.

no equal aa a dressing. It keeps the st-iilpcleEn. cool, aud tiealtiiy, and jr.eservcs the color, fullness, and beauty of the liair. "I was 'rapidly becomine; bald and prr.y but after using two or throe buttles of A.vcr'a Hair Vior my hair grew tliick au.l the oripriual color was Melvin AMrich, Canaan Centre, N. H.

"Soino time r.50 1 lost all ray hair in coin rtieash'd. After due waiting. ajipfrtrfil. I us il Ayer's 'Iiair Vigor and my TLick and I pom'5 to stay. Tho Vi tur i-VMly a Hid to J.

B. Wiiiiuin.4, ill. Texas. hu'-e Ayer' TTr.iv Vi'or for tl: past lour or live years and find it a fatisfactory tlrfssin; for the hair. 1 il desire.

harmless, cp.usin.-j the Imir- to retain its natural cuior, ami imt aMiiall quantity to render (he hair easy to arrange." Mis. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, v.pihtii, Jfasx. I have bt'n nsin-' Ayer's Iiair Vigor for several yea, and beliovu Uiat it lias ca ised ray iiair lo retain Us natural" Mrs.

H. J. Kiiist, Dealer in 0- Ctk ilU-, Md. Hi gor, Dr. e.

A.or Lowell, Mass I IVrfutitert. Non-Resident Notice. DUHNETT Vs. Wm. TniFPR.

Whtains Ihe in cause haveob'ained an aiinch nnnt issued on t'f I3'h rlnv Au4it ISIl, out of Cher- kee twij t. it st Win. B. Trifipe b't ii hy iomui 'Uiii as u-oisnef ami whereas si" Mt that h'fc tti-ea My A. Trippe us i an-t iW eoart tiwt said Marv' u.i' at Sayrnoor P.

Trtu. now Mierefore sha is hereby notided I appear at tile net term i Cir-. cult -Court t'tetohce County to be begun lie second MoixWg iu July Isi-tl and c-on-tr-st wit-h piaintid: 's the riht -to such leltt, if she think pro ter Tins i sile 4ih LS9I. 11. 11ISOLM.

Cleck Circuit Couit Cherofeee (County, Ala! jtuexii-w3 vnt is foehiFUade by Jh nork, for o. Hwkr. my mot mw1 '-tji Botb America, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELBT, Silverware and Optical Goods, Ever shown in the Southern States. I have closed Out mv Stock ol China. Giasswu.

Lamps and refitted my store i(r a strictly first-class rreiry Establishment. I will be pi ased to see my Cherokee connly friends early and often and will offer them btigains in any and everything in my line. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Filied by a competent Optxiin. CLOCKS AMD JEWELRY Repaired by first-class workmea and sat-islaci'on guaiantsed by GADSDEN, Ala. For Sale by iTO vcobput; Rome, Ga.

Take, tbe News. OIDERFUL SUCCESS. ECONOMY IS All the PATTERNS yon wish to one during tin fear fur noUiing (a saying of from $3.01) to 4.00) by Qbacribhig for COOSA. FJYER NEWS -AMD Iem crest's it, WHhTwfv Ordr for Cut Paper Pitfems your own selection and of amy six. Both Publications, One YjEar, MO REST'S EsT fHE BE Of nil ate SXasHzlaes.

COSTAINTSQ TO tirES, POKHS, AND OTHKR LtTKSAttT ATTUACTIOKS, COMSINISS AUTISTIC, TUriC, ANI HorSKHOX.O MATTERS. Ulust-atetl with Original S'rvt Engnt. iiiga, PhototfTumirr, oil l'irttms and fiiis uiakiivj it Model Itaga-of Jmerica, Eacb Itfanzine a conpon order enrltlins Ihe hoUer lo tiiet clcclipn rf a- pattern illutrauA the fashioii department in tl-jit uunibcr. and ra r.y ths eises making psttcras. the tho over three collars.

DSMOlttSllS MONTHLY i3 justly the World's Mu-lcl Murozitic, TheLiirort in orm.tho Lanrt in Circn'aliou, aE! t'ne best TWO Dollar Fsraily 1S37 ba the Twenty-. Uiird rear at fts publication. It Is continually 1m-pwved cril Hj-cxtcrtKiv-ely 9 to place it at Ihebead of Fetnily Periodicals, it coa'aies late anarto, 8x11' 4 inches, dewntly prilled wid fuffr Uliietrjted by W. Ocnniaga Ik-moftst, Je IE EaaflaII SIX-CORD One Hundred and Five Bills of Indictment Found. lo Hon.

Jno JS. lally. Judge Pre' siding, Circuit Court. Cherokee County, Ala We, the grand jury sworn andem panneled for; July term, 1891, beg leave to snbmit the following report i We have examined more than five hundred witnesses have had 325 pre-6enhnents aiade to us, and after careful investigation have" rettfrned 105 true bills into court. A On examination, of bonds of the various officers- of the county, we find them all well secured except the bond of Golightly, J.

Beat No. 13, which is insufficient in se curity. Have examined the county i ail and find it very unsafe. The Commissioners' Court informs- us that they have taken steps to put it, immedi ately, in safe condition. It is impossible for a Grand Jury to investigate thoroughly the various County officers, but in' the limited time allowed for that business we would report as follows The Probate Judges books we find neatly kept.

We recommend that the valt be supplied with shelves made'of metal, also that the Treas urers' safe be transfered from the Probate Judge's office to bis own office, and that he be furnished with a larger safe, of sufficient size to contain the books kept for his office. r. We have exaraioed the book of the Circut Clerk. Sheriff end County Superintendent aDd bo far as we are able to learn, find them correctly and neatly next. We find from the Conoty Treasurer's boobs that he is chargeable with cash $17.52 belonging to the fine and forfeiture fund 1547 94 belonging to the general fund and $831 96 belonging to the special fund.

We have counted the cash and find the correct amount on hand. We rec ommend a change in the manner of keeping the cash accounts, as it is now, the Treasurer keeps all his cash accounts on the same hook, r.nd wa recommend that be be fuiiiisbe.i i a cash book for each of the accounts to-wit fine and forfeiture gene ml and special- A committee from our body investigated the Pauper House and farm acd. report everything neat ami io order. The public roads of cur county are not in as good condition as they should be, bat we think the seasons have been such as to force the far mers to work their crops' and delay road working until tneir crops were We favor working the public roads by taxation, as the only plan by which tbe worli will reflect credit on our county. We return thanks to his Honor, Jno.

B. Tally, for his oourteey to wards us. Also we desire to thank our very efficient Solicitor, Jno. A. Lusk, for his wise counsels and active aid in tbe performing of our duties.

Last but not least we tnank VV. W. Langston, our Bailiff, for his prompt ness in discharging his duties. We recommend that this report be published in our county papers. All of which is respectfully sub mitted.

Z. T. Lawrence, Foreman. FEMALES FAIRLY. FLOGGED.

Three or four females were fail ly flogged at "West Point," near this city on last Saturday, in a literally and thoroughly satisfactory manner. Corroberative evidence was given in about the following manner to a News man "Lura and Anna West, Marry Fuller and Martha Greenhill, it seems, have been keeping a very popular ancfdetestiable resort, at the above named locality. Un last Sat urday these parties Reing warned of impending danger, ma-ie hasty prep erations to remove. Prior to taking their departure they decided to pay their reepc-cU to the community, which they were a iVv hours afterward paid for, with double interest, yi about way Several small squads arrived at this resort jibont 8 o'clock p. m- composed of from 5 to 7 each.

They went through with their proceedure. which repreNented a good flogging for a majority of the inmates. Their absence was in this manner very easily affected. An informant says information runner man tne facts given can be obtained irom Big 4 2,000 ACRES OK FINE LAND For Sale 1200 Acres of it Tillable 800 Timber and Mineral. 680 io iMl Piay the finest timbered lands to be found anywbere oak, hickory, ask, poplar, sweet- gnm, beech, postwoak and pine also a good deal of birch and other higher-grade timbers.

One place in McGhee's Beod, of 20 acres, well watered and fertile, on Coosa with improvement on.pWe worth $1,000, and we'ling worth, over half the money This one of the best arms, must be sold i6me one will get a bargain, as the owner is going to leave for Texas. VS. H. 'A'EJST, Real Estate Agent AVI ft Vy 1 ALA. 2 SPRING AND SUMMER From An Officer And is Now at Large.

Will Tanner the young white man from Cherokee county, who was confined in jail in Gadsden, was taken by Deputy Sheriff B. H. Melton to oirmingmim ana tirere turned over to an officer from Coalbnrg. He was convicted in the Cherokee county circuit court, but took an appeal to the supreme court and was brought to Gadsden jail for safe keeping. Al few days ago the news came that, the supreme court affirmed the decision of the circuit court.

So Tanner, in tbe custody of Mr. Melton, was car ried to Birmingham and turned over to an officer from' Coalbnrg last Thursday. But on the way to Coal-burg Tanner's two sisters held up the -officer and released him He took to the woods, hand cuffs on, and has not been beard of sicca. Fi nafly the officer overpowed the women and took tbem back to Birmingham where they are held in durance vile HOW IT HAPPENED. Jim Smith, a guard at Coalburg and deputy constable, started out from the Birmingham jail with Bill Tanner to carry him to Coalburg tn serve cut his eentence.

Tanner's sisters, Mesdames Kelly and Avery, went along with them and also a lit tie four-year old son of Mrs. Kelly. The party had gotton just outside of Birmingham; The prisoner was shackled and walkng and the constable rode a horse. The child got weary toddling along with the grown folks, and Bill Tanner carried bioi for a while. His arms were shackled, however, and it made him weary and he put the child down.

So they ent along for some time in thin shape. Then it sebms Tanner himself com plained of being tired and the constable consented for him to mount the horse. This he did and for a little while rode along with the boy on tbe horse behind bun. Then it. was that the opportunity came and was seized.

By soma pretext or other the'' wae from tha hore find Tah'ier Inff. on it. As soon an the child was tnhan from the hnrse Tauner dappled his heels to the horse's sides and hs went like a streak. At the same rn; ment his sisters suizad Smith by the coat and arms and rendered it hdn possible for him to shoot at or fol- low the escaping prisoner. The result is that Tanner effected bis escape and has not heard from, aud IVIesd-itrieH Avery and Kel ly ere in the oonnty jail at Birming hsm- Two charges are docketed against tbem viz.

assault and battery and aiding a pnooner to escape Gadsden Times News. A LIBERAL PROFOSIflON. uno oas not neara or tuat para gon of family pipers, the enterpris ing and popular Wbkklt DSthoit Fbek Prkhs 1 For a generation its name has been a household word, and it has become a synonyn for all that is excellent, pure and elvating in purnolism. it is deligtfnlly en tertaining without resort to cheap sensationalism, instructive without being prosy or pedantic. Combining the liteiary qualities of the expensive magazine with the bright, broezy characteristics of the newspaper, it leaves nothing to be desired by the average reader.

It is looked ilfjon as a welcome visitor by every family who reads it, while thousands regard it as indispensable and would on no account go without it. An enormous circulation of copies per week attests its won derful popularity. Recognizing the fact that there are those-who are unfamiliar with its surpassing merits as a home paper, the publishers offer to send Ihb Feee Peess to them for the balance of this year (over five months) for only 30 cents a club of four for SI 00 or a club of ten for i2 00. All oar reader should sub scribe at once. Send for free sample copy.

We. will send you The News and Thh Weekly Fhee Prbxs for the rest of thu year, 1891, for 75 cents. Send yotir subscriptions this of fice. For Sale!) Lots in a Body S'de of North Rome. East 8 Lots have new 3 room muk them 3 wells young Eico house found seporate.

VVjlJ sell all for cash or cash, balance in 1 and years. Any one wishing to 'secure good paying property, whea it wiil do well to call on or write to me at once. Jno. T. Patte3-(1n, ulyl7-m3 (hi NOTICE Tbe aadrtigned bsn.tptKrt ted by Cti-tncelioi' MoSpudi -o a Trustee of all the assets of.

the law firm of Waidso Son Parties indebted to said firm are called on come and settle with me as such Trustee and surviving partner, and air parties biviny cliima agsiost said fitm are notified to preut the same to me, lone 231, 1S91. -4 IS Waldes. Trustee ai.d surving partner. THE POLICE GAZETTE Is the only illustrated paper in the world containing a'l the latet sensa-tiooKnd sporting news- No Sal-, oon.ReJiper, Barber or Olub Rwm can afford to be withoftt It al ways makes friends wherever it ernes. Malied to any address ted States, securely wrapped, 13 weeks for llOO Franklin Square, New York City, At No 24 Broad ROME, A.

The largest nd most select Stock In PiOME, at the very lowest possible Cb Piice. Call and see us, and see how cheap we sell Fine Good RESPECTFULLY, f. JOHNFLTNN, President and Gbs'l Mvkoer. Bro. W.

Cobb is still making brick at the old stand, where be is enabled to turn out this necessary article with as much precision as if the stand had never been used. He hopes to burn a kiln of 200,000 bricks by mid-autum. Mr. Berry Stephens, a popular and well-known farmer of near Piano, was in town last week talking Thomas Jefferson Democracy by the hands full. One thing abont a ))emocrat the News is jet to Sod one who is not proud of his principles and his party.

Col. Jab. Tanner, of the law firm -THE Gadsden Fcimdery And Machine Vorks, ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL KlitDS OF IRON AND ill ASS CASTINGS, Boiler Feedera, Inspirators, Globe, Check and;le ValveS, Lubricators, Oil 5 Cups, Steam Guages, Wmngnt Iron Pipes, and all binds of FITTINGS FC2 EHfilNES And HACSIITEIir A good stock or Supplies always on hand. Parts supplied aud BROKEN DOWiM ENGINES REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. SATISFACTION GDARANTED OH NO PAY.

WM. HAG AN. Bec and Treas. 9 Ga. No.

8-J7 firoai 8t hive opened Jewel ry, and Plated-ware, A 40. to A Home, have lemnvr eVit uliow looma. new oj-gnods. con's. nj ot Watches, Clocks, silver of Denson -Tanner, Gadsden.

Aia was in attendance upon the Court bere this week, and took occasion to call on us. Col Tanner is one of the ablest young lawyers of Noi th Alabama, and is rising rapidly in his chosen profession. Prospects are that bis name will be written high on the pinacle of fame one of these days. Do you want to save from 25 to 50 cent 8 on every dollar you spend? If so, write for our Illustrated Catalogue oontainig illustrations and prices of everything manufactured in the United States, at manuf cturee' prices. 10,000 Illustrations all lines represented.

CAT ALOIA3E mailed free on Address, Chicago General Supply. Co. 178 West Van Buren 5 Chicago, 111. MURDERED. Report came here Wednesday last that A.

Hurley, Ala had died at bis home on the place of W. H. McReynold's, Tuesday night, after a spell of sickness of some weeks. Bis death bad been expeo ted sooner or later, from his diseased condition, but an inspection by Dr. Elliott it was found that Mr.

Pojjne bed been foully murdered th an axe twowonnds one co fife back and another on the side of the head. of the ajt nniqne niiO'i. Don it call aotl luem, of' DFteiiainn' doneia lle had tvoU 'a wyles and wsi'antod to fcive Spectacles, spectacles su" 'i aue. WMte Tinriet(r of tho ft i-' Jf trj Kt iorr 7' He was found lying in te fSSot'ot uih BiDiu wnn tees tartieu and a pair of his pants and $8 of be bad "been living on Mr place emce bss. wir" year 9 big hor holds TO.


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