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Alabama Beacon from Greensboro, Alabama • Page 3

Alabama Beaconi
Greensboro, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 SALE OF LAND m. datcb MQHiurar, I 0 0 ETWeare authorized to anrcunre STEWART BROIV.V, as a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Greene County, at Ihe election in August next. Sep' 6, '45. 13 te IT We ire authorized lo anncurce late 4o 8 INFORM their friends and the public generally, that they have received, and are now opening, their large stock of FALL GOODS, which in qualify and low prices cannot be surpassed by any establishment in the South having purchased their goods for Cash directly from the European Importers and Eastern Manufacturers. They deem it unnecessary to enumerate all the different kinds of goods, but would respectfully call the attention of the LADIES to the following new styles of IFASKSH B(DDIDS STATE CONVENTION.

The Alabama Baytist State Convention will hold its next annual meeting, at Marion, comrnenceing on Saturday be-for the Fourth Sabbath of November. Introductory sermon, by the Rev. Alex. Travis the Rev. T.

F. Curtis, alternate. Missionary Sermon, by the f. B. Jones, alternate.

M. P. JEWETT, Rec. Sec'y. Sept.

24, 1845. DIED. At the residence of the Hon. James M. Calhoun, in Dallas on the 19th inst.

of pulmonary affection, Rev. Thos. Witberspoon, of Greensboro, aged 40 years. The deceased was for several years Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this place, and only gave up his charge when compelled to Ho so by ill health. As a Minister of the Gospel, few men rver labored more zealously or more acceptably whilst in his domestic and social relations, none knew him but to respect and love him.

But wn leave to other hands the task of doing justice to his many virtues. i DIED At his 'residence in this county, on teatiirdv 11th Mr Reuben Hildreth, in the 96th year of his age. Mr. Hildreth was a Revolutionary veteran and served his country well in war and peace. He reared a large fami- Paris Figured rich Gros l)e Soie, do Striped gros De Lyon, do figured and plain black gros De Rhyne, Rich figured Cashmere Coriesnes, Paris striped Ombre Worsteds, Cashmeres OECosse (rich patterns,) 200 Fsa Richest French, English and American PRINTS.

Brussels English Thread Laces Edginos, French Needle-work'd Collars and Capes, Best. Paris Kid Gloves. (Mitts,) Lawns, Linens, Swiss Mull, Jaconets, great variety of Gentlemen will find a good and well selected stock of fashionable READY MADE CLOTHING miTS, BOOTS SHOES, English Broadcloths, French and Cassimercs, and a variety of other goods in that line, all of which we will sell at a small advance on New York cost. 1. F.IIfm A A- RRA9fi: Greensboro', Oct.

24, 1845. rm R1 ECEIVED a very large supply of the latest and most fashionable Opera Music, Sonnrs, Duetts, Waltzes, Mazourkas, Sic. which have been selected with care. J. SEL1GMAN BRO'S.

WO most elegant French action PIANO FORTES. Manufactured bv Stoddart Dunham, one, the richest Rosewood case, the other Crotch Mahogany, warranted equal to any in the Union. Sold at New York Prices, adding freight and Insurance. J. SELIGMAX BRO'S.

Greensboro', Oct. 24, 1845. 24 tf MEW B1 virtue of a Deed in Trust executed bv Bryan Hines on the 18th dav of December. A. D.

1841, and duly recorded in the counties of Greene and Sumier, for the purpose of securing to the Bank of the State of Alabama, the pay. ment of the several sums of money therein specified, and in pursuance to the stipulations and conditions in said Deed, William Hawn. as Trustee, will, on the lGlh day of December next (and each successive day thereafter until completed), at the plantation of the said Bryan Hines in Greene county, proceed to sell at public auction for Cash, all the property contained in said Deed, viz Sixty or Seventy Likely Negroes, as named and described in said deed, consisting of men, women and children, a large stock of Jffules, Horses, Oxen, Cattle If Hogs. Farming Vtensils, Household anil Kitchen Furniture. ALSO The following described Lands lying and being in the county of Greene, viz: I tie west half of south-east quarter section la The south-west quarter of section 14 22 15 14 14 23 24 20 25 Ihe north-east quarter of section The east half of south-east quarter section The east half of northeast quarter section The southeast quarter of section section The soutliH est quarter of section The east half of northeast quarter section The east half northwest quarter of section The west half of northwest quarter section 25 The west half of nonheast quarter ot section 25 The northeast quarter of section 27 The southwest quarter section 27 The southwest quar.

of S-E quarter sec. 22 East half of northeast quarter of section 31! The southeast 1-4 of southwest 1-4 sec. 22 Northwest 1-4 of northwest 1-4 of section 35 Northeast Fraction section 21 Nouhwest Fraction of section 33 West half of northeast 1-4 of section 33 West half north tvest quarter of section 34 Southeast fraction A section 33 All in township 20 range three east, The north fraction of section 3 And ME frac. sec. 4 in T.

19 3 cast. 16 in township 20 range 3 east, together with the several parcels or tracts adjoining and contiguous to said 16th section, making in the tract about eleven hundred acres (more or i i in its; tunveyeu uy juini i nan? iu iiiu eaiu uiy- i an (lines. ALSO- Will be sold by virtue of the said Deed at the Court House in the town ot Livingston in Sumter county, on the 22l day of December IH'XI, the following described lands lying and being in said county of Sumter, viz: The east half of northwest quarter of 6ec. 14 The east half of northwest quarter of sec. 3 The east half of the cast 1-4 of section 11 The southeast quarter of section 10 Fraction of section 11 Fraction A of section 11 (2 acres) Fraction A of section 12 The west half of southwest quarter of sec.

12 i Ea6t half ot northeast quarter of section 10 The west half of southeast quarter of sec. 11 East half of southwest quarter of section 12 jYortheast quarter of section 10 Fraction and section 1 1 I Fraction of sec. 3 All in township seventeen range two west The west half of northeast quarter section 10 i The west half of nort Invest quarter of sec. 11 The northeast quarter of section 10 The east 1-2 of 1-4 sec. 10inT16R2 1 The northeast quarter of section 13 i The southeast quarter of section 13 The northeast quarter of section 11, and i The southeast quarter of section 11, in township 16 range 1 west.

-ALSO- i Five acres of Land in the town of Troy (or Black Bluff) including what is known as the up per ferry Landing, and Twenty other said town of Troy. All the said property or so much thercot as may be necessary to meet the payments of the several sums secured will be osld in pursuance to ttie terms and stipulations in said Deed, and such title made to the purchaser as is authorised thereby. WM. HAWN, Trustee. Oct.

3, 1845. 23 10iv GREENSBORO' LLB Tup 'pc. HE undersigned, 1 rustees of i. ie Greensboro remaei I 3 1 have procured the services of i Ml'. Ml'S.

BRADFORD j.i for the next session, and that the school will be opened under their Monday the FSSIi I i I i in i THE undersigned beg leave to inform their friends that they are now receiving fc opening at their Store in Greensboro', a large and fashionable stock of il I I I II comprising every article in their line suited to the from the latest importations in New York, and market. They would especially invite aitention which are unusually line and of" the toes! styles. low as any other house in town. Their constant regard to the quality price of the articles sold- stock they will enumerate the few following: Ombre shaded Cashmeres, do do Do Laines, Thread Laces and Edgings, New Style Cashmere De Cosse, do do Moiislin De Lain, Gloves and Rein Cashmere, Chanielion Brocades, Blaek ('lot lis and Carsimeres, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Kersevs and Linsevs, 1 1 it IJ Brown Bleached Colored and black Mouslin-de-Laines, Black, brown, blue and green Merinos Circassians, Silk warp black Alpaccas, highest lustre, Bombazines, finest qualities. L.

Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Shoes, Lisle and Cotton Laces, Fine Leghorn, Straw and Gipsey Bonnets, Fringed Ribons, Silk Velvet do Gimps Cords SIII IV LS, Spc. fyc. 24 If Saddlery, Crockery and Hardware. AiYEW and large supply just received and selling low at J. SELIGMAN BRO'S.

Greensboro', Oct. 24. 24 tf Guns, nines and Revolvers. UST received at J. SELIGMAN BRO'S'.

Greensboro', Oct. 24. 24 tf B' EST Mackinaw Blankets best twilled Ne gro Blankets, white and black wool Hats, Oak and Hemlock tanned Russets, Domestics just received and for sale cheap at J. SELIGMAN BRO'S. Oct.

24. 24 tf market. They have been selected with much care for style and variety, will compare with any in this to those goods intended for LADIES' DRESSES, In conclusion they pledge themselves to sell as aim will be to do justice to their customers both in Among the numerous articles to he found in their Fringed Bonnet Riband do Neck do do Sash do Paris Robes, Plain and Polka Tarllons, Paris Cord and Velvet Trimmings, Silk and Jaronet Muslins, Imperial Robes Corded Skirts, Fancy Alpacca Black do Calicoes, Flannels, GOODS. and French Calicoes, do Ginghams, German blk white Cot ton Hose, Blk Worsted Hose, km Gentlemen's Booots, do Calf Brogans, do Kip do Buskins, STATE PRESS AND WAREHOUSES. THE undersigned having taken charge of the above-named Press and Warehouses, for the purpose of transacting a Compressing and Storage Business in Mobile, under the name and s'yle of DcTAMPEKT WEBB, solicit the patronage of their friends and the public.

All cotton consigned to their press, shall receive their personal attention, and be stored at as low rates as any other press in the city- J. DeYAMPERT, J. II. Y. WEBB.

Greensboro', Aug. 25, '45. 17 2m. Storage, Drayae and Wharfage, WITHOUT COMBINATION THE subscribers have given up the Relief Press and taken HITCHCOCK'S PRESS WITH Eargi Wharves Mtached, Which has been closed by combination for the last five years. Five of the largest size Boats can discharge at the same time Our rates, established in May, 1844, remain unaltered.

Say, Wharfage, per bale, Drayage, per bale, Storage, per season, 5 cents. 8 cents. 25 cents. Gentlemen that are disposed to patronize us will please direct their Ware-House Keepers to take Bills of Lading from Boats, deliverable at Hitchcock's Press Wharves. HOLMES, JiUl a fcin.L.r,.

H. C. Holmes, M. A. Bott, J.

W. Earlb. luiTieimoBi A. II. FA CON EH.

I as forre election lo ll.e effre of Circuit Court Clerk of Greene rouMy at the election in August 1S40. Jore etc IT We are authorized toar nourcc JOIIS T. PACr, as a candidate ler the (friec ol Circuit Court of Greene County at the election in Atgrst 164C. April 5. 49 to 17" We are authorized to arnotrre OH EH l.TI I', as a candidate fur the office nf Circuit Coirl Clci I-of Greene Cmmtv at the election in lf4P.

Sept. 15:4 1. IS te 1" Wc are authorized to nriimcrro the nan.e of FH.IA'Kl.M.Y ItOItr.rSC.Y. ts candidale for the oflice of Chrrk the court uf Greene Countv, al tic clectirn in IHV. Autusi 17.

IP)4. 15 le. 3 an Miihoriz. In i ounced COL. JOHN T.

JACKSON, as a randidafe fur the effre of Brigadier General. A CARD. j. semgtiax INFORM the ptiMir grncrai'v. that thev have heroine Agents for (fie sale ii PIANO FOR TVS, manufactured by Stodart, Di n-h am, and other most celebrated factories, whirl' Pianoes are uirranfrd perfect and superior in err-ry respect, and tngii general satisfaction.

The Pianos will he sold in Greensboro', at New-York Prices (adding freight and Insurance.) One or two Samples kept constantly on hand ar their store, where a List of the various modern styles and shapes may be seen. XTOrders thankfully received. J. SELIGMAN BRO S. March, 15, 1845.

45 lv. Hfii'tT (iimiMi. rilHE subscriber is now ready erind heal al short notice. at his Mills to anv dav in Ihe week except Monday Having ld his l'hmr Mill tlmroeijlily repnire and havirg tin e. rrien-ced miller to tal; cl -(je ef it.

I ho es lo give general satisfaction. R. W. WITHERS June 7, 1815. 5 t' B.

F. ROWLAND GO. KF.TAkL ii, Kn St let t. Mo' lie 10. I- 1 if it 5- r-; I VI" I X.

t.Ci Siirgrrv and lbsi i He will be found at his ot: re one door below ihe ICE IlOUSi: sent, anil bones, when not pro'cssinrally ah-bv strict attention to his nrc lessmn, tosecurca liberal share cl age. public pi-tron- N. B. He will keep constantly on hand a coed supply jo BOTANIC MEDICINES. Jan.

11, 1815. 30 tf. CHEAP! tnmi'l 1 1 Subscriner tenders his thanks to tl.c neb- JL lie tor their liberal nalronpfte. lie inkr this method of informing them that he is still in his old line of business. He is now Mobile and New Orleans a large supply of GrwcerieK, Harriusire, it rem ware and Crockery of all descriptions.

Consisting in parr of the following arlicles: Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, Meal Train Oil, Sperm Oil. Linseed Oil and Castor Oil Snirit.r Turpentine. White Lead Glass, Putty. Iron, Castings, Wagon Boxes, Hoes, Hinges," Planes, Drawing Knives a fine lot Cutlery Pnd-Lreks, Nails, Spades, Shovels, and every Ihir.g in tho above lines of Business. He is also receiving from Tennessee a large lot of BAGGING AND HOPE, LIN-SEYS, SOCKS, FEATHERS, BACON AD LARD.

The public are invited to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere as he is determined to sell for SrKciK, and for NprxiB Pmcr.n, as Low as anv Jt rr Gentile in this place. Put the Specie in your pockets and come and try him. JOHN SMITH. March 8, 1945. No.

38 Commerce Street, 1(1 6m. July 12. 1S45. GENTLEMEN'S DRAB, D'ETE COATS AND PANTALOONS, iust received and lor saie at extremely low prices at J. SELIGMAN April li, 1845.

BRO'S. 49 tf CICOTT'S COTTON YARNS all numbers krpt constantly on hand and for sale bv II. STEINIIARt. May 24-3lf. Salt Fcr Sale- A FEW SACKS SALT, lor sale by Hie subscribed SI 75 ca sh.

R. W. WITHERS. Sept. 13, 1645.

19 if. THE GUARDIAN, A FAMILY DI V01KI) TO ITMAU rr.tTlON ON (HIUST1AN 1 It I t'i II TS 11 I', (i. Vll'f Oi M-A Coluinbi am ol I he is a Insiitiiii I i-lit Rrv. Ti--iiiil'lisiicd iii 81 i I of (he er, in ot in a.ivn-T, or six (opirs i Sy.i the Si. i'i- reel, sit 'Ins fh" Ciu'i: 't'i Fil.

4. lj-45. Printeri rgiHE hi 15 ni (': llSlT.i'i'l'S llllVt' Ol'. a i it Type i they tre ready lo supply orders to ar.y extent, lor any kind of job nr fancy Tvpe. Ink.

Paper. Cases, Galleys, Biass Rule, Steel Column do. Compos, ing Sticks, Chases, and every article necessary lor a Prin'ipg Office. fhe 1 ype, winch are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of Matrixes with deep counfers are warranted to be unsurpassed by anv, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Priming Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the most, approved patterns.

Lotnposition Rollers cast for Printers. A Machines! constantly in attendance to repair Presses and do light wcrk. Editors of Newspapers, who will buy thieo times as much type as iheir bills amount to, may give the above six months' insertion in their pa. peis, and send their papers containing it to the subscribers. COCKROFT OVEREAT), CS Ann Street.

New York, Aug. 6, 1S45. 21 Cm. diAT (liv en- l.dro' and country, in lie I SURGEON DENTIST, IS in reensboro1 and may be consulted at the Mansion House. June 0, 1645.

12 if. PAYABLE FIRST JANUARY. drs. urn. 1 ANNOUNCE the citizens of this place and county, that they will give a credit till the first of January next fur all Dental ope.ations of which they may be favored, at Cash prices all operations periormed by tlicni warranted! One ol us (Dr.

is now at the Greensboro' Hotel, where he will rcn.ain a few days only, owing to his engagements elsewhere, but any letter addressed to Shaw Parker at Marion, or any commn-dication to them through Major Hopkins of this place will meet with prompt attention. Office at Grecnshoro', in the Greensboro" Hotel for the present, and at Marion, oyer the store of Wm Iluntincton and Son. Julv 12, 1845. 10 tf DR. THOMAS WITHERS OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Greensboro' and iis virinitv.

IT Office next door to the Mansion House. Feb. 22, 1815. 42 tf LAW ARTHURS HIP John W. Womack.

Gkoroe G. Sxedecor WOMACK SHED EG OK, ATTORNEYS A'l LAW, AY be found in the Office for rly occupied by Murphv Si Jones, at w. Thev will attend the courts in Greene, aim adjoining counties. Also, the Supreme and Federal Courts. June 20, 1844.

5 tl Scottsville Osnabergs and SPUN YAKN, XUST received and selling at factory prices a suddIv of the above nonds will I. kept on Bro's. 1 tf hand constantly at Mav 31, 1845. J. SELIGMAN BUKSTEK.

fglllS verv larfe and iher ough bred Stallion .1 ii my otatiie, at rigni iohms. payable first January DESCRIPTION. Burster is a verv rich Mahoirnnv Bav, will, out any white murks. i7 hand high, of great muscular development and immense bone' and sinew. PEDIGREE, Burster was sired bv old Leviathan, his dam bv Bertrand.g.

dam Willis' Wonder, g. g. dam old Hamilionian, Sec. He has proven himself a sure foal getter, and his colt6 are large and fine. ROBERT W.

WITHERS, March 1, 1815. 18 tf LIVER STABLE IN GREENSBORO' nnllE Subscriber begs leave to inform the tra-JL veiling public that he has a Livery Stable in the town of Greensboro where Horses and Vehicles of the host quality can be had on the most reasonable terms and at the shortest notice, jllacks will alto be kepi for the purpose of convev- ing travellers lo any point required. This stable is not inferior to any in the State of Alabama. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction lo those patronising tho same There is atlached lo this Stable a WAGON YARD, HORSE AND HOG LOTS, where Drovers and Wagoners can be accommodated with corn and fodder, and a camfortable house in the Lots for their convenience. The subscriber will keep on hand, to sell, Hatch, KiigSV, Draft Iloisun, and Wagon of ail Descriptions.

Travellers stopping at the Greensboro' Hotel will find excellentaccoinmndation. and their lior- i ersons Hiring uorses or venicies at ns fttr.t) wl" 111 casrs 1e responsible lor accidents, 0 0 Horses or vehicles will be hired at 11,0 day-excep' auend church or a funeral. I hp suhsr.riher keens warrnns anrt tennis nf 9 1 orO horses and will do any hauling that maybe required. Ho will also furnish the citizens with fir wood on tife jn hS Ti 'nected with tins Stable a BOARD. nosa road, known by the sign of KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE ENTERTAINMENT where boarding can be had on the most reasonable terms.

JOHN SMITH. Greensboro', Feb. 15, 1845. 41 ly NEW SPRING AND SUMMER a tr THE Subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have received and are constantly receiving a choice stock of Spring and Summer Goods. of the latest Styles and Vat terns; Snefi as Balzarines, Printed Muslins and Lawns, All kinds of white Muslins for Dresses, Sic.

Szc. A great variety of Eaces. Edgings. Gloves, anl Hosiery in general-The latest style- of Koiuiels. iti! bous and Flowers, Callicops, Uirghauis, Sink ings, Shirtings, ere very cheap.

READY-MADE CLOTI iLNG, of the latest Fashion cy tit reduced prices. Hats. Boots and shoes. Cheaper than ever. Without going into We only beg leave to state THA IV ARE DETERMINED NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD by any establish- mem in tne country, ana iu always Up the reputation of our Establishment for having the BEST and IHuATES I goods in the market.

31. ROSEN BAUM CO. March 29, 1645. THE SUBSCRIBER run a weekly Packet to Mobile during the ensuing season leavinn there er. ery Tuesday evening.

He solicits the patronage of his friends and the public. GEO. B. CLITHERAL. July 5, lm.

9 tf. i I I I Sheeting and Shirting, do do FOREIGN English Black Cloths and Cassimere? French do do do English Bluck Silk Hose, English do English lv, and lived to see his children all happily settled in life -Marengo Ledger. FOSTER ATTELLE, II ILL CONTINUE THE wholesale Grocery Business VT their old stand in Mobile, and respectfully invite purchasers to call and examine their f'ock. A "Look in" will aflord uj much gratification, while it will be of but little trouble, and (may br) to the interest of buyers. All orders will be promptly filled at the lowest rates.

Address us by mail other conveyances are and uncertain. Mobile, Oct. 25. 1S45. 21 3m.

Letters of Administration, HAVING been granted to me on the thirteenth day of October by the Honorable Judge of the Orphans' Court of Greene county, Ala on the estate of John A. Lester, dee'd, all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me, and those having claims are requested to present them duly authenticated within tlie time prescribed bv law or thev will be barred. SIMEON LESTER, Adm'r. Oct. 23, 184.5.

24 Cw rror-iror'a Mrtttce. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Stith Evans, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the thirteenth day of October, 115, by the Honorable the Orphans l-ourt op Greene County; all persons holding claims against Mill estate are hereby notified that they must pre- i sent them duly authenticated, within the time pre- scribed bv law, or they will be forever barred; and indebted to said estate are requested to immediate payment. SAMUEL COWIN. Executor. Oct.

24, 1845. 24 Cw from the plantation of W. Warren k5 in coiiiuy, two mules, one a (lark bay, vears old, the other a In'ht bav. 4 ars old. I iil irive a liberal reward for their delivery at said plantation, near Athens, Dallas countv.

HARD A WAY B. HEAT. ct. 25. IS 15.

24 2. vw a it a. ul i or T.JESSRS. MOULTON CLARK, beg! if leave to announce to the citizens of Greens-1 horn' and vicinity that they will open a school for i nif'riic'ion in the above accomplishment, on Tues-ds. next, 21st at half past 2 o'clock, P.

'a- Ladies, and at early candle light, for gentle- i men, in the room usually occupied for Faires. in the large Building of Messrs. Jones Fife. Parents and Guardians may rest assured that eve- rr attention will be paid to the carriage and deportment of their pupils. Messrs.

M. C. will refer to Wm. M. Murphy, R.

B. Waller. Col. Wm. Armis-tead, and Mr.

Charles Whelan. Those who wish to improve in this beautiful exercise will please call on either of the above named gentlemen, who will give any information respecting the school that may be desired. Oct. 18, 1845. 24 2w LAND FOR SALE- THE subscribers offer for sale a valuable iract of black land, containing 320 Acre, situated 8 miles south of Greensboro', and being part of the tract on which the subscribers reside.

The land is of superior quality there is also upon said tract several very fine hammocks of valuable Cedar timber. For terms, Sic. apply to G. Stol-iemverck. G.

A. A. STOLLENWERCK. If not disposed of by the tenth day of November next, It will be offered for sale at Public auction, in the town of Greensboro', on said day. forms, Sic- made known on the day of sale.

G. A. S. Oct 18. 24 ts.

WE have just received from New York, some very rich Cashmeres, De Laines, Chusans, Calhcoes, which cannot be surpassed in this place in quality and stylewhich we will sell at very low prices. I. C. A Oct. 11, 1845.

SHELDON. 23 4w nmrn. (Of Mobile,) "WILL continue to practice the remainder of the Season in this vicinity. Orders from the country will be promptly attended to Oct. 11, 4845.

23 tf NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to J. W. B. Stokes, 1 Sdj leather Purchased in the years 1843 rf are Partlcularly requested to call and make payment atan early day, as much longer indulgence cannot be iriupn against the firm are rpnut r.

Mil at II Fine Beaver Hats, Warranted, Broad Brim Biack'lkts, Fashionable Russia Hats A good and general Assortment of ill i First day of September next. ING HOUSE, for the convenience of Stock undersigned are prepared from long ac- i vers, situated on Main Street, fronting the Tusca- Bm AMID) HCDEl Ladies' French Ties and Slippers, I Ladies' Patent Leather French Ties, do Welt Buskins, do do do Ties, Gaiters, Half Gaiters, do Kid 1000 Pair of Rtissct BROGJ1JYS. Again the undersigned would invite particular attention lo the last named arlich In quality and cheapness they cannot be excelled. BRAGG, TOLSON CO. Greensboro', Oct.

11, 1845. 4S quaintance with Mr. Mrs. Bradford to give as- surance to Parents and Guordians, that all pupils will receive at this Academy the advantages of competent and eminent teachers; and that tne conduct and government of the school will be directed to the moral as well as mental improvement of the pupils. The usual branches of female education will be taught, and competent assistants will he employed.

Board can be obtained in private lamilies at reasonable prices. Terms of tuition the 6ame as last session. T. M. JOHNSTON, W.



Greensboro', Aug. 13, 1845, 15 3m. AT THE CHEAP STORE. PR of Ladies and Gentlemen's as NEW 2000 sorted BOOTS, SHOES, SLIP-A large assortment of PERS, Ready-Made Clothing. Fine Hats.

Ladies7 Bonnets. Hosie ry- Fancy and other Dry G-OOdS. just received, licli will be sold I. H. COHN.

11 tf at New Orleans prices. Greensboro July la, 184o. BEST Havanna, Kegalia, Canones, Irebucos and other Spanish and half Spanish ust received at the New Cheap Store of July lv, 11 tt 1. 11. uuiiJi.

NOTICE. THE public are hereby notified that I have been appointed Trustee to hold, manage and control two-thirds of tho property known as Cindy's Landing, and that 1 cannot afford to store and ship cotton for less than twenty-five cents per bale. JAMES MAY. Sept. 20, 1845.

20 tf Lime for Sale e-AA BUSHELS a first rate article for OUU sale low by H. STE1NHART. July 19, 1844. 11 tf JOB-WORK, Neatly executed at this Office. Administrator's Sale.

BV virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Greene County, made Oct. 15th, 1845, the subscriber will proceed to sell on Saturday the 20th of December next, at public outcry, to the highest bidder.the Land or Plantation belonging to the estate of tho late Elisha B. Wood, dee'd, lying in said county, containing in all THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES. Said land to be sold for one half cash and the balance on twelve months, with good security. Sale on the premises, commencing at 12 o'clock, M.

R. WOOD, Adm'r. Oct. 15, 1S45. 24 ts.

The State of Alabama. 21st District, Middle Chancery'Division. Wm. Carter, Adm'r, i rs. Jno.

V. Crossland, el al. In Chancery, at Eutaw. BY virtue and in pursuance of a Decree of the Chancery Court made in this cause at the September Term, 1845, 1 will proceed to sell public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the Main street in the town af Greensboro', on the 3d Monday of November next, the negro slaves, NELSON, MOLLY and SUSAN and also any part, or so much of the other personal property in the bill and decree mentioned, as may be necessary to satisfy the said Decree and costs and expenses The said sale will take place within the usual hours of sheriff's sale, and the terms made known on that day. WM.

P. WEBB, Register, October 1. 1845: 22 ts. 6 BALES of Brunswick and Lowell Shirting and Sheetings, ust received and for eale at Mobile Prices, at SET.ifiMAM JOHN STOKES, WILLIS B. STOKES.

10 3m. AS- 23, 1S45. 22 6m May 31, 1845. 4 tf 1 October 4, 1B45..

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