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Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York • Page 6

Binghamton, New York
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6 THE BINGHAMTON PRESS, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1939. THE BINGHAMTON ON PRESS Published every evening, except Sunday, by The Binghamton Press Co. (Incorporated), 19 Chenango Binghamton, N. Y. Willis Sharpe Kilmer, Presldent; Ralph E.

Bennett, First Vice President: Jerome B. Hadsell, Second Vice President; Rome R. Land. Secretary; George M. Ely, Treasurer; all residing at Binghamton, Full Associated Press, United Press and I.

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to it or not otherwise credited in this ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF newspaper, and also the local news published therein. THE BINGHAMTON PRESS ESTABLISHED BY SHARPE KILMER. APRIL 11. 1904 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF BINGHAMTON, N. Y.

MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1939. WHAT SAY YOU, GENTLEMEN? It isn't often that members of a city council are given such an opportunity for statewide service of outstanding nature as that which is placed before Binghamton's City Council tonight. A carefully prepared local law which would set up recall as a taxpayers' weapon is being introduced in Council this evening. Its sponsors are the members of the Broome County Taxpayers League, Inc. They say frankly that they are more concerned with recall as a state implement than in its particular application to the situation in the city of Binghamton.

But they are asking the Council of Binghamton to raise the banner and carry it for the taxpayers of the state at large. The local law is so drawn that it will have to be acted on by the State Legislature. That will bring the issue of recall as a taxpayers weapon squarely before the Legislature of the state of New York at a time when important decisions are to be made by that Legislature with reference to spending and taxation in state government. So the more quickly Binghamton City Council takes action on this proposed law, the more quickly will the taxpayers' organizations over the state be able to use it for psychological leverage at Albany. Such the immediate opportunity to do something important, far-reaching and beneficial to the state's forgotten man, the taxpayer.

The only possible political aspect involved is that such direct action at this time also represents real political opportunity in a period when the taxpayers of all the nation are looking for workable formulae and courageous leadership to make the representative in government more responsible to the man whose hard-earned money makes government possible. No well-intentioned public servant has anything to fear from recall as an implement of government. Only those who do not want to be responsive and responsible to the voters who have put them into office need be alarmed. GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP For the first time in the history of radio we have a full and publicly recorded recognition of charges that government control over the substance of radio broadcasts is being exercised by the Federal Communications commission. Commissioner T.

A. M. Craven, at the commission's meeting the other day, demanded a change in procedure and a new commission policy which would "insure freedom of speech before the microphone." He said in effect that the commission should eliminate "implied threats resulting in censorship of a variety which may be either official or private." The former, of course, would be at the hands of the agency, and the latter at the hands of the licensees fearful of "punishment from Washington." But the F. C. C.

ignored Mr. Craven. As a matter of fact, it slapped him down by listing one type of formal complaints under the heading "Programs Contrary to the Public Interest." Now what happened at that radio commission meeting might not be so important except for the headlong drive which has been directed against newspapers in this country by politicos who would like to bring the American under some press sort of government control. This radio situation gives us a first class example of what happens when politicians have the opportunity to put the screws on publie information. For the Federal Communications commission certainly is in position, directly or indirectly, to enforce a type of government censorship.

The life of any broadcasting station in the United States under present F. C. C. regulations is not insured beyond a sixmonth period. For the six months' license policy of F.

C. C. gives it a club which it may brandish over the head of any radio station which steps out of line. In short, the broadcasting business of the individual station continues at the pleasure of public officials. That is bad.

And it is particularly bad because of its temptations and its implications. For obviously the commission is appointed and controlled by whatever administration is in charge. The temptation of the broadcasting station may increasingly be to go along with the political philosophy represented by such administration. It certainly wouldn't be healthy to stand up and violently disagree or to encourage such commentators as might violently disagree. For in such instance the owners of that station with their capital invested might find themselves first confronted with the commission's ruling that their programs were "not in the public and eventually with their refusal to renew their license.

In view of the factual situation as it is and as Commissioner Craven has delineated it, Mr. Ickes' worry about whether the American press is free from advertiser influence seems rather fatuous and academic. For here is another great but younger medium of public information over which entrenched politicos hold the power of life or death. That isn't sound. That's dangerous.

That raises a natural question in the mind of everyone as to whether or not the radio will eventually be made the preacher of self-perpetuating officeholders because of their immense power over it. HE SURVIVED THE CURSE Howard Carter is dead in London and we're likely to hear a lot of nonsense about the "Curse of the Pharaoh's For Howard Carter is the man who gave the world that first-hand chapter of Egyptian royal life which was contained in the tomb of Tut-Ank-Amen, uncovered in the Valley of Kings on the west bank of the Nile at Luxor in 1922. When Lord Carnarvon, who financed the Carter expedition, was fatally sticken and died while the experts were still examining the rich loot of that tomb, the superstitious, ones began to buzz. They told of the curse placed by the pharaoh on any who might disturb his centuries-long sleep. "Swift wings of death" would overtake such vandals, according to their interpretations of the curse.

Lord Carnarvon, they said, had been a victim because he had violated the mummified pharaoh's grave. Other members of the expedition died, too, in quite natural ways. But Howard Carter, the Egyptologist who had been responsible for the actual discovery and who had done most of the work in that amazing tomb, lived on. That was 17 years ago. Howard Carter was 66 years old when he died the other day.

Yet we suspect that the old superstition may be dragged out and paraded again. The fact that he came to within four years of the normal life of a man according to Biblical standards probably won't be considered. The superstition mongers will want to talk about "the swift wings of death." Well, the wings of death are swift enough. People want to live. Those who have lived fully like life.

They'd like to go on living indefinitely because they've learned how. And the chances are that for Howard Carter death came all too swiftly, as it does for the most of us. But, quite obviously, the pharaoh's curse had nothing to do with it. IN TODAY'S NEWS NAVAL armament bill is due to go through without Guam, there are other symptoms that the administration at Washington is feeling the pressure of economy demands. For perhaps the first time in the history of this country since it was born out of a demand for taxpayer representation, the people who do the toiling, the sweating and the worrying are insisting on what their forefathers did -and it begins to look as if they might make themselves heard.

VISITORS to the New York spend a billion dollars. makes a sales tax look tempting But it doesn't look so tempting who would be penalized by it. Now attention it's of Pittsburgh's Herr Hitler. Miriam and he sends candy and flowers. American raps but he seems to taps.

Or is it a case in which while he prescribes the tune? WHAT'S this going on in the assaulting an earthen and surmounted by a red flag. thing, by that same indirection the operations of the totalitarians yellow peoples in far parts of World's Fair are expected to This is one of the things that to the legislators at Albany. to merchants over the state Berne who is attracting the She does a solo dance for him Herr Hitler doesn't like have a passion for American he likes to see Americans dance Philippines? We hear of troops fortress occupied by 15 outlaws Is somebody starting somewhich up to now has marked through the brown and white man's empire? BUT external let's not get there confused on the the Gandhi to situation. and against No suggestion except urge eat, it the willpower of a man who knows he may be committing slow suicide in this death fast designed to give civic freedom to the under-dog in India. Diet-starved people all over the world make Gandhi top news.

Empty stomachs have always been common denominators in art, literature and music. They antedated operations in conversation. Uncommon Sense By JOHN BLAKE (Copyright, 1939) YOU CAN'T FOOL THE YOUNGSTERS a among A children of New York City. They chose the most hated and the most loved men of the world. Hitler and Mussolini were overwhelmingly voted the "most hated," capturing 88 per cent of the boys' votes and 98 per cent of the girls'.

They put "the devil" in third place. Stalin and Franco were "alsorans." To the question, "Who do you think is the most loved man in the world?" most of the school children voted for Presdient Roosevelt, "closely followed by God." George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Pope Plus and Will Rogers had smaller totals. UNUSUAL kind of vote was taken recently the school I expect the children have overheard a great many conversations at home. Some of them may read the newspapers. But wherever the impressions came from they are definite.

I can't help preferring the school boy and school girl vote to a poll which was taken some time ago at Princeton, where the tired young college gentlemen voted Chamberlain and Hitler the outstanding men of our age. What blase college senior would have the imagination to include either God or the devil in such a poll? But to the youngsters they are realities which represent good and evil, and to youngsters such things are important. A man learns to outgrow the simple picture of the world which belongs to the school boy. But though many outgrow childish 1m- pressions, only a few manage to keep a vivid picture of the world. Growing up is very often the same as slowing up.

And unless an adult retains the faculty of absorbing colorful glimpses of reality, his adult 1 thoughts are inclined to be mere borrowed lifeless ideas. One of the most appealing characteristics of children is their vital contact with life. They are easily hurt and easily pleased. Many grown-ups who have learned the fatal mistake of mistrusting their own emotions look back with envy on the days when life used to be exciting and full of color. A child's life is painful or it is full of bliss.

There is seldom anything in between. Grown-ups are capable of subtler emotions, but they are capable also of flat boredom, stale hand-me-down ideas, and an unprofitable sense of futility, It is a debatable question by exchanging a black or white grey outlook. One of the most and bored with existence. Personally, I should prefer to the hero of the college senior, in have heroes. I think it speaks very they have taken a definite and It is more than some persons in The Once Over By H.

I. PHILLIPS EXAM FOR AN AUTO DRIVER (Written examinations for applicants for licenses to drive automobiles are urged by head of New York Motor Vehicles Bureau.) 1-What is your understanding of the words "School Zone. Go 2-Fill in the missing word in this sentence: "Officer, I am 8 of the mayor." 3-What's wrong with the following sentences? (a) One of the grent satisfactions of motoring is giving the other fellow the best of it. (b) The truck moved over and 1 let the little fellow pass. (e) As an automobilist and a gentleman never toot my horn in manner to disturb or frighten anybody.

4-How many "1 are there in the word "driving," and why don't you use them 5-Write a two-hundred-word thesis on the subject "Why is it that a driver at a traffic light can never bear to wait 6-What is wrong with this sentence: The autoist said, "I don't care what auto registration I get as long as it isn't a low number" 7 Problem: is a new limousine driven by a liveried chauffeur at 80 miles an hour and having the license plate 2." is a dilapidated old boiler driven by its owner at 50 miles an hour and having the license plate Which will be chased by the motorcycle cop, and how do you explain it? 8-Give the derivation of the word "Stop" and state what meaning it has in your language, if any. 9-Which is correct: A sign reading "No Parking" there is no parking. A sign reading "No Parking" means welcome. A sign reading "No Parking" means we are going to have an early spring? 10 -Check the clause which properly completes the sentence "When about to make a sudden turn the thing to do is (blow your horn); (light a cigar); (hold out your hand); (whistle through your teeth); (imitate two Hawaiians), 11-When a motorcycle policeman comes abreast and says "Pull over to the curb," which of the following things do you do? Step on the gas. Tell him your uncle is state motor vehicle commissioner.

Ask him if he has read "With Malice Toward Some." Pull over to the curb. 12-Problem: You are driving through a crowded street at 55 miles an hour because you are in a hurry to buy a spool of thread; a man riding a bicycle at 10 miles an hour to get home to a sick wife suddenly comes out of a side street and makes you put on your brakes so suddenly that you skid into a lamppost; which of the following remarks will you probably make: (a) What the is the matter with you? (b) Sorry, it was all my fault. (c) Well, what do you think of the general business situation? 13-Is the following statement true or false: I always give pedestrians a break and never start out from a curb without giving the proper signal. 14-Check the phrase which properly the sentence "I keep my registration license (on a shelf in the cellar) (in my wallet); (under stone in the back yard); (in a pocket in my auto); (inside my wife's hat). The Barred List Girls who like to mother men Can work their wiles on other men.

Avery Giles. "Jersey Governor Will Cut All Extravagance in State Employes' Traveling Bills." Wanna bet? Wanna bet? Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, 15-year-old heiress to four million dollars, spent only $32.00 last year. In other words, she ate at home and didn't buy a ticket to "Hellzapoppin." J. Edgar Hoover says that women kill more people with guns than men do. Well, it always seems to us that they have more excuses.

(Copyright, 1939) Another Wonder From the Pittsburgh Press One of those inventions which marks a milestone in history seems to have been developed in Pittsburgh. Tests of newsprint made from wastepaper products have within the last week been conducted here 60 successfully that they promise to revolutionize one of the world's big industries. Paper making is an industry of tremendous proportions, involving not only great factories but millions of acres of forests furnish the raw material they which consume. For many years the world has been seeking a way to re-use this raw material just as scrap iron is used over and over again in the making of steel. Dr.

F. W. Hochstetter, Pittsburgh inventor, has found that way. As a result, a new industry is likely to develop in the United States, and thousands of persons may also, gain work in the collection scrap paper, which will have a value that it never before possessed. Dr.

Hochstetter also has announced discovery of a process for making paper of straw, hay, reeds, cornstalks and certain types of dry grasses. In view of the proven success of his first venture with newsprint, there is every reason to believe that his second adventure also will succeed. If 60, he has done something which will vitally affect the economy of many nations, will preserve millions of acres of forests, will rank as one of the outstanding inventions of history. Desecration From the Manchester Guardian. Weekly On the subject of early railways and Sunday traffic a correspondent writes: Many years ago the Eastern Counties Railway Company was reported to be on the point of running Sunday excursions from various towns to Cambridge.

The rumor aroused the ire of Dr. Corrie, master of Jesus college, who sent a letter to the company couched more or less as follows: Sir- It has come to the knowledge of the master of Jesus lege that the Eastern Counties Railway Company intends to run excursion trains to Cambridge on the Lord's Day. The master of Jesus college wishes to point out that such desecration of the Holy Day is doubtless as unpleasing to Almighty God as it is to the master of Jesus college. FAVORITE BIBLE PASSAGE But to us there is but one God. the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Cor.

8:6. What if the Camel's Back Is Already Broken? -By CARLISLE LEGISLATION LABOR TVA UP. THAT'S ALL COME ON. GET DEBT WE'RE GOING TO LOAD 50 ONTO You COM BUSINESS (AR In Washington Roosevelt Will Prove Own Worst Enemy if He Fails Now to Consolidate Work By Raymond Clapper WASHINGTON, March 6-Personal memo on Roosevelt: been a long, hard fight, these six years since Mr. Roosevelt stood on the east steps of the Capitol, on a bleak day, and took over guidance of a nation that had suffered a complete nervous breakdown.

I sat in the press section that day, dictating running descrip-6tion of that first inaugural. Just a few minutes earlier, I had finished writing the advance lead on the inaugural message. During the six years intervening I have seen the New Deal unfold in its early glory of great promise. I have reported its long struggle with powerfully hostile forces, seen and unseen, economic and human. I have seen it severely set back by the sudden recession in the fall of 1937.

More recently I have seen its morale disintegrate until now even many Democrats themselves foresee repudiation at the next election and are anticipating a Republican president in 1941. Through all of this time I have seen Mr. Roosevelt, sometimes up, sometimes down, now striking with the daring of genius, and again blundering into appalling errors which needlessly undermined the great work he was trying to do, playing cruelly into the hands of his enemies. Mr. Roosevelt is the fifth president whose activities I have reported.

None has been perfect, certainly not Mr. Roosevelt. Yet to me he stands as a giant of our time, for the mark of a great man is not an absence of weaknesses but an abundance of strength. And with it one great gift to the country in these times his buoyant, good-humored confidence that on March 4, 1933, turned national despair into national courage overnight. For that gift alone the nation should be eternally grateful.

I am convinced that Mr. Roosevelt's own resilient, inspiring personality has to an incalculable degree sustained the morale of the American people, and that it has much to do with the fact that although unemployment and the agricultural problem still present discouraging problems, the American people are not licked but have their tails over the dashboard. Imagine, if you can, what would be the mood of the American people today with a sour-puss, hand-wringing defeatist in the White House. Mr. Roosevelt is SO close to winning that it would be a most appalling national tragedy if he should fail now.

Measures which he has established to improve our democracy would be endangered. perhaps wiped out, on the ground that no reform is worth keeping if the country cannot prosper under it and there's sense to that attitude. But he doesn't need to fail. In and out of the government the best-informed persons are certain that conditions contain all of the makings of real recovery. All that is needed is a push from Mr.

Roosevelt, action that will give to the capitalist and managerial group the same confidence that a large remainder of the population hasor certainly did have--in what he is trying to do. That is the surest way to save the essential reforms that have been introduced. During a remarkably brief period, Mr. velt's drive has given us Federal protection for collective bargaining, stock market and securities regulation, minimum- and maximum-hour protection, social security legislation, and development of hydro-electric power which is working an economic revolution in a backward section of the country. Now is the time to digest reforms, to adjust their functioning.

and above all to Into the American team the private entrepreneur group which in the long run is the most economic sparkplug in a LETTERS TO the Editor Reasonable space will be given any person who has comment to make on matters of general interest. Writers will, of course, be responsible for their utterances. The name und address of the writer must be signed to the communication as a guarantee of good faith. To avoid the weakness of anonymity 10e suggest that we be given authority to publish the name of the writer, although this is capitalist system. Mr.

Roosevelt will prove his own worst enemy if he fails to take this last step toward consolidating his monumental work. I once described Mr. Roosevelt as a living symbol of democracy who is trying to subdue the ugly facts of society to some more rational scheme of things, who wants to bring about in his time a world which shall venture some few paces on into the vistas of hope which science and man's ingenuity have opened to us. He has the stuff to make the grade, more of it than anybody I have seen in th White House, and I hope he makes it. (Copyright, 1939) The Music of Your Violin (Triolet) Within my heart still sounds today The music of your violin.

The song that woe cannot allay Within my heart still sounds today. Last night when you began to play I felt the future closing in Within my heart still sounds today The music of your violin. -ERMA SHEPHERD GRIFFITH, In One Word From speech by Representatire Thomas H. Martin of Iowa, delivered at Albany on February 13. In Washington I have come to feel much like the Russian peasant who was being shown a powerful radio station.

The guide explained: "The program going into that microphone can be heard all over Europe and the United States." "Really? How marvelous," exclaimed the visitor. "I would like to speak over that just once." no," said the guide. "That would be impossible." Whereupon the visitor begged to say just a word. Well," said the guide, "they are about to change the program. Perhaps they would allow you to speak word.

But mind, now, just one word." Whereupon the old peasant stepped to the microphone and shouted "Help!" Parting A while ago you were still coming to see me. We had our farewell to arms amid the daisies and the stars. With the dawn's curtains rising as you sang love's requiem. And still you returned, even as snow fell on the old year And ushered in the But the spring, returning, brought the true finale When at last we were numbed and aquiescent. I think you wanted me to storm and refuse to let you go, Even at the last.

-ERMA SHEPHERD GRIFFITH. SAVING FOR A PURPOSE E. E. Britton to the Royal Geographical Society, reported by the Geographical Journal. I must mention the three Somali boys who were with us for the whole six months of our stay.

They were excellent in every way. I remember one of the boys saying one day that he wanted to save as much of his wages possible--to go back to Somallland and buy a good rifle with which to shoot his uncle. GOOD IN THEORY From the Indianapolis Star Our neutrality is strangely reminiscent of the security provided by one of the so-called safety zones, not necessary. March 4, 1939. To the Editor of The Binghamton Press: SirIn your issue of March 3 I noticed a letter signed by "ESG." I am very much interested in what the writer has to say in regard to the preservation of family history and historical records.

I would be pleased to get in touch with this person so that I would have an opportunity to discuss the matter, hoping that both of us may be benefited. Yours very truly, WM. E. FLOOK, County Clerk. To the Editor of The Binghamton Press: Sir: I am writing you in relation to your editorial criticism of my having supported the so-called "school nursery bill," Assembly Print No.

814 by semblywoman Jane Todd. Miss Todd has won a very well-deserved reputation as an able legislator, and I am very glad that I could take the blasting on this instead of her having to get any of it. However, my good opinion of the introducer of this hill was not my reason for having ported it. Your reaction of opposition to this proposed new piece of educational and social legislation was similar my own at the time I first heard it last year. You appear to have based your opposition to it on grounds of economy which.

for reasons hereinafter stated, I do not think really apply in this particular instance. My own original antipahty to the bill was caused by its having impressed me the first instance as being a kind reversion to the days of ancient Sparta when the children were taken over completely by the state at a very tender age, or the more modern system as exemplified by Mussolini and Hitler. Without the benefit of the scores well-reasoned communications from educational organizations and individuals occupied with educational activities, and others, I never would have cOnsidered the bill from all the various angles involved so as to have changed my original opinion in regard to However, due to the reasoning ex: pressed in these communications and other discussions which I have heard, I gradually came to the conclusion that the proposed measure might serve A very useful purpose under certain conditions where local school boards in certain communities felt there was a sufficient need of setting up this facility for the care of early training of children from three to five years old. This proposition was before the Legislature in its 1938 session in form of a bill for the same purpose. The bill was reported out by both the Assembly and the Senate committee on public education.

It was, passed almost unanimously by both houses. It failed to become A provision the law by its having been vetoed by Governor Lehman. No attempt pass the bill over the veto was made. The Governor wrote. a message in returning the bill to the Legislature.

Did he disapprove it for reasons economy No, he did not. He stated only one reason for his failure to dorse the bill of 1938. That reason was, in substance, that it did not contain a provision relative to qualifications or method of determining fitness of personnel who would be eligible for appointment to positions in charge of young children for certain hours of each working day. That objection was met in the present bill by cations should be formulated and respecific provision that these qualifition department, the same as is true quired by regulations of the of all other teaching positions In the public school system. The Educatien department issued a memorandum support of the bill.

The bill in its present (1939) form was reported out by the Assembly committee on, public education. was passed by a majority vote the Assembly. It came over for ace to tion the in the Senate Senate. committee It was on public referred education. All members of this the committee concurred in reporting bill.

It was referred to the committee calendar. of the It came up for whole and placed on ment to the order of the third was reading on Tuesday of this week. of I the one of the members in favor advancement of the bill and points acted in Its favor. cordingly There in was presenting fairly general debate were on briefly the bill, referred some to points in your news a of which (Continued on Page Ten) whether the adolescent gains anything impression of the world for a dingy pathetic sights is a young man tired be the hero of the school boy than so far as jaded college seniors can well for our school children that unquestioned stand against dictators. diplomatic circles have dared to do..

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