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Weekly Hawk-Eye And Telegraph from Burlington, Iowa • Page 3

Burlington, Iowa
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the fentnor Richard Yatea, Governor of th. State of Illinois, by virtue of the authority vetted me by the Cunstilution, hereby con bers of the 22d sestuon of "UiVGeneral Assem bly are hereby required to be and appear their respective places at tho Capital IQ tbe City of Springfield on the 23d day of April A. 1B61, for purpose oPenacttng auch Urn and adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary upon tho following subjects, to wiu a The more perfect organization and equipment of the Holitit of tbia State, and placing the same upon tbe best footing, to render assistance to the General Government preserving tbe Union, enforcing the laws and protecting tbe property and rights of the people. Also, llie raising sach money and other means be required to earry'out tbe foregoing object, and also to provide for the eapenaea of session, In testimony whereof I hereunto set mv hnnd and heva caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affiied, at the City of Springfield the 15th day of April. 1861 4igud) RICHABD YATXE.

By order of the Governor A. M. HATCH. Setfy of State Union Demonuratloiu. JLout taken Bcmln.

April 14--Ten Diemct of Columbia companies have thus far been mastered into 16 in all required The numberof Tcderal troops.hereboutB amount to 500 An offer haa been made to tbe Treasury Department at Montgomery to take the whole loan of the Confederate States, flB.000,000, at par parties New Orleans. April is great excitement here on the War question, without regard to party The people stand by the Gov ernment and will respond heartiJj to the Preai dent's call forvolunteera BeveraTcompaaiesGre now being orgaoiwd here. A grand meeting of the people la arranged for to morrow at whiefc AlcCJennand, TrumbulLand-otbers-wtll spflafc Gor (zirtCdTrill for menuof State volunteers to morrow The Leg will convene in eitraordinarvsession on the 23i STIRLIKQ, I1L, April 16 --The excitement is intense, A meeting la called for to-niorrow lor the purpose of curdling Tolunteers. -i April 15--Tnewarjiews with profound sensation A Urge. Union meeting waa held to night, in which boib Democrats and Kepubhcana participated Our Representative Col.

John A. JMtClernaud.ninde a tlorioua Union speech. members arejom ing our military companies large mimbeis BGITAIO, April 15--The news of tbe pastiew daja has caused great feeling in this city A meeting this evening at the Court House largely attended, and some hundred here bine eniidted for immediate service Enlistments ate actively progressing Tti morrow night a meeting of citizens to austam tbe Guverument is called. iUUardJPillmore will preside Boaiov, Apnll5 --A requisition, was receii ed bv the Governor this morning foe 2000 troops to report in Washington for duty, forthwith In at. cordauce with this a council was hold, and tbo 3d, 4th, 8th aad, 8th regiments oflnfantry were ordered to assemble on ihe common to morrow, for the purpose of drafting tbenuinbor required Tbe most intense excitement exists among military men, and manywho have served as oft.

ceramtheMencanWaf are particularly annojs to get power to raise companies or enlist the of those companies. DXTOIT, April IS --An immense citizens meeting was held to-day to consider tho present state ol publir, affairs. Party issues are buried and our people are a unit for the maintenance of the Government. Volunteer companies are enrolling throughout the State to ne held readiness for nay emergency Gov Bkir ex pected to caJl an extra session of the Legislature immediately April 15 --Hon John CovoJe offered for Curtm (50,000 of the loan autlu r- uei by to equip the troops order ed by that State A delegation of Putsburg merchants have nude a similar tender PHILADELPHIA, Apni IS, 3 --Tbe cxcita mentin tbis city has subsided. At the various military 0113 volunteers are enlisting ra pidly, especially among tbe Gorman population YORK, Apnl 15 --The steamship Pnila delphia is rapidly loading with guns and muni tions and may carry troops South She is ly ready for sea.

A meeting of citizens was held to day and nr range men made for a public meeting to sus tain the Government. were also adopted in favor of putting the State Militta upon a war footing and requesting the State Le gialature to appropriate adequate funds inime dialely A number of volunteer company's are to be armed, and General Wade of tbo Scott Li lit Guards is expected to assist in the organization of which he will have the command Col Ben netts 78th regiment (Brooklyn,) says it will support tbe government to a man Orders liai been received from Washington to fill up thw Federal regiments as speedily us possible The Kecruitng offices are crowded with up plicants It is stated that Gov Aldcn of New Jersej will, in a few day, tender the Federal au thoriues several thousand troops LMUAMOPOLIS Ind, April 15--The excitement Continues unabated Recruiting has been briafc all day Private militury companies arc nllea and others-are forming A flyiajj artillery com pany was organized to-night TLo Governot is hourly receiving offers ot troops from alt parts of the State PITTSBUPO, April lo --The war news has ere ated mtcnfle excitement here, and business lius tutnoat auepeiidtd since Saturday Tbe President's Proclamation has thoroughly aroused tbe csilitary spirit, and several ConipnmesTolun tccred to sustain tbu inlegntj of tbe Union To-night there is an immense gatbe-ing at tin, Citv Hall, openej bi the ilayor, who introduced the venerable Wm. WilLms as President. Resolutions declaring unding fulcy to tlie Union--approving 01 the course of the iegislii tire and Executive brunches of the State Gor arnment, in responding to the call of the deat--disregarding all partzan feeling and pledg ing tbeir lives, fortuiieb and sacred honor in fence of tho Union and appointing a committsc of public safetv were adopted Also a resolution approving oi the action of tbe Phil 'adelpbta Banks in the prompt ofler of money to the government. The meeting addressed by Judge Wilkios Marshal Hon Shannon, Dr McCook Ex Gov Johnson, A.

citizens of all parties which ehciledimmense a plause The meeting adjourned with tli PC cheers for the Union, Constitution and enforcing tbe laws. MJLWACKEB, April 15 --The war newa recci Ted by telegraph creates intense excitement here, and all through tbe State BoaiOK, April differences hare been dropped, and the universal sentiment of cities and State is to defend to iho last the Sag of the "Union. 1 Volunteers to tho number of 20,000 nave al ready tendered their services at the Adjutant General's office. Butler, an ardent supporter of BrecLm ridge during the election, has tendered-his ser vices with bia entire Brigade. Love of the Union Growlngln Baltimore.

BALTUIOEE, Apnl Union feeling here is strong this morning The minute men organization of 2,000 strong, who hare been drilling ever since the Presidential elertion as a mill tary organization, threw out the and stripes this morning from their head with the motto "The Union and the Constitu toon." "WASHINGTON Apnl IB Geo Sanders has telegraphed the following dispatch to Dean Richmond, Augusto Belmont, Uavor Wood and othew 100,000 mercenarv soldiers cannot occupy nnd bold Fensacola." The entire South isunder arras The negroes are strengthening the mill tarv The place will be quickly conquered -Northern Democrats standing by the Southern people will nst be held responsible for Lincoln icta. State Sovereignty is fully recognized -Protect our social and commercial ties by re siating Biack Republican Federal aggression Pennaylvtini by her Legislature, should repudiate the war action The commerce of Khode Island and New Jersey is sale When distm guishable hoist your flag (Signed) GEO If fturoxxs PHILADELPHIA, Apnl 14--12 --There is still much excitement about the Palmetto nag office The whole square is blocked: up i people The Meyoi and police have possession of ihe building A larpe American flag lasus pcnded across the street. Some damage has been done to the interior of the office bv the mob It would have been entirely torn out but for the interference of the Mayor April 15 --The following is ihe epeech tliat was male by llayor Henry to the excited mob which threatened the Palmetto flag buildio FELLO' this morning 30UMBYMEN By the grace of Al God treason shall never rear its head or have a foothold in Philadelphia, cheers.) call upon you as Amer (Irnmen! to stand to your nag and protect it at all hazards at the point of the bayonet if uccessary, bi doing so remember the rights due yo' Many influential men havo tendered their services to the Governor In the Legislature the motion to adjourn woa rescinded, and an extraordinary KBBIOH is now being held on the of the country The bill to pu the State on a war footing passed both houses on Saturday TOLEDO, April 15--An immense gathering of citizens of all parties is being held'to night to ex jiress sympathy with the Government Arrange ments are being made to call volunteers Great excitement prevails and adetermmaciontostaud by the Government. fellow it zens and their private property (Immense ihecnng) That flag TTHB an emblem of the Government, and I call upon all good utisena who love their country and its flag to testifj tbtir b) to their respective plates of abode Laung to the constituted authorities of the tit) the task of protecting the pence nnp every act which could be construed into treason to their countrv Mayor tbcn raised tbo slurs and stripes IfoxreoMFRT, Apnl 1C Davie's answer to President Lincoln's proclamation is rough and curt It js its follows Fort Sumter is ours, aaduobody is hurt Witb mortar paiihan and petal no tender to Old Abu our Beauregard. LOUISVILLE, April 15 --Tbe recent news ha considerably paralyzed tbe people nnd they have not yet recovered from its effects Com panics are enlisting for the Southern Confede ruoj It is rumored that ei al start to morrow The citueus, generally, deploro ihe position of proclamation FT KEARNEY April 1G --Col Winds, in com maud of and comp-mies and band 2d Inf in -oiisistiiig of Lieut DutHcldg Adjt.

Lieut uas Quarter Master Capt Lieut Eoj ea and band, and 161 rank md file, marched this morning via Omaha to Ft Learcnnorth April 15--Tbe Jyew Hue can mail i dates to the 1st instant, has ajrired A correspondent says secession is deid in NLwMexieo and the Union feeling vorv st-ong though will go with Missouri There i Ije no Convention to form a State Consitution as the peoplo are almost unanimous against it Thcj are expecting Commissioners from lexas to make overtures to that terntorj to i TWH 3 Their overtures will be rejected llie Sin Juan mines are elding good wages to miners and a large emigrati is intic patcd Grass on the plains is still but ill be good in a few days Cul ontleroy and Lieut Pegrnm left for the Slates on the 31st ult April 13 --Evans the murderer of Hanim and wife was comictcd a i and sentenced to tbe Pemtentiarv for lift, PKNSACOLA April been landed it For: Pitkuis by the Federal fleet iiEN lonK April 15--Qtiotitions of Virginia per cent discount, Ohio cou it Missouri liGTo-s, Dei April 15 --Tbere is no Del who the taking of Fort Delaware April 15 --An ordinance of scces an i ss within two dojs Toe (rtncrnor i issueno prod imntion until hL jcccncs JD official copv of Picsident coins The Gen ernor bus received notification of a for 3 000 men April IB--The public here are delighted that the uncertainty is at an cud, and that entirely juntiiied in drivmgthe invaders from our soil No one feels i particle of doubt as to tbe result, and the onh regret is ib it President Lincoln does not head tbe expe dition CLEVELAND Apnl 16--An immense Union meeting waa Iicla here last Flint TCiiniHGioir, 1C--The President hag appointed "VT Baltimore, Henry Vf Hofier man, OoHectorsof Caitoms.Wm. L. Harahall, Surveyor, Francis Officer, Feed Schelly, John Mendetb, Chas. lion tague, Appraisers, Bonniphant, MarshallforHd. John W.

Jngalls, Collector foe, the District of Cape Hucuff, Andrew Stevens is appointed Collector at Miami, Ohio Oliptwnt, Assoei ate Justice Washington Territory, Thomas Powers, Agent ISrSipper Missouri Agency, Joseph Hoffman, Sew Tork. Agent for Pawnee Indians Nebraska: Governor Letcber in a nnvate letter, to a fnenS in Washington ears he adheres to the bpinions formerly expressed in favor of a Cen tral Confederacv If however, there shill be further disruption the will of Virginia shall be the rule of his ot--any sacrifice she requires will be made by him, aniif troubles come he will take his share of them. A report was in circulation this afternoon tht Gen. Scott has resigned, but meanwhile he was engngfliwith, tbe Secretary of War and Adju taut General Thomas Becrnltlnffln WlMoiuIn. MAOISOK, April 16 --The Governor is jmed his proclamation to-day, insisting on the patriotic and loyal citizens the State to enroll-themselves into companies of 78 men each, and to advise the Executive of their readiness be mustered into service immediately Detailed instructions will be furnished on accept uce ot Commissioned officers The Governor closes by saying in timea of public danger, bad men grow bold and reckless, the property of citizens becomes unsafe, and both public and private rights are liable to be jeopardized IcnjJin upon all administration and peace officers within tbe State i enewed vigilance in the maintenance and execution of laws, and in guarding against exigencies lauding to disorder among tbe people A RANDALL, Governor HARVSY, Secretary of Stato GH.IEU.ESTON, April 15 --A general order of Gen Beauregard WHE issued Sunday to the Con federate States troopn He orders lhat Anderson be allowed to evacuate on the same terms he asked before the surrender Gen compliments the troops of tbe Confederacv for their bravery, for tha bntluut success which at tended the hardships and privations in the stronghold i.

No unprejudiced render trfiln VoirmbWiik ''tit'the rate of twenty dined the commission IQ the Army, which wan Bosnnr which arrived this raornhg from Savannah, bn a secession -flag hoisted. A crowd proceeded "to. tioa epaechiof Mr Lincoln the wharf and compelled Capt Davis 1 tha traqlc ut right angltfp, ncnr down and andstnpe The SoQthsni mind, limpenrioca to any ar- "She finally stcWa off and then April I Clt gOT, erameatthiB morning appropriated for tho benefit of the famines of those who hare volunteered to defend the country's flag. Co-KidM), April 16-- New Rimpftlra responds to the President's p'roclntaation and will furniah the troops required The Coneord Union Bank has tendered a Toan of $20 000 to the Governor, and" ill the Dired tors, with the Cashier, agree to contribute 51QO each to the support of Such fttaUieti of thial city as may fall defending Sag of the country Mutpnls, AprJ IS, There is an intense ex- uteiient here to night, and a tremendious meet ing IB being held. Memphis is out of tbelfnion.

There are no Union man hero. AJarge and enthusiastic meeting assembled on abort notice last night irreapuctive of party Resolutions were unanimously adopted expresamg sympathy with the Administration and Gov ernor to adopt auch measures aa will enable to cooperate with other Stateaiin untaiPing perpetuity of, tha institutions be quest bed bj our ancestors. A. similui meeting wns held Hudson DELE-INS, April 16 All the-Oonrta of this city, including Che Supreme Court, Irave adjourned to the Monday in May, owing to the present State of aftalis Hon Tipton Walker hirbor Hesaya tiio feat of arms was very great--compliments the gal lant defenders of fort Sumte---saya they only executed the orders of tbeir Government and concludes by ordering the return of shots fired The city IB unexcited It was rumored tint a salule was fired in honor of the British Oonsul and that Great Britain had acknowledged onr independence Tha was fired when Major Anderson lefuho Isabel to go aboard the Baltic. He ind his commnnd i Capt.

Foatei re on their way hi iote to the citv addressed It ivus addressed by Senator Wide, Spauldmg K. Carter, and other p-omi Kcsolutisns were adopted to sustain the Gov eminent approving the Presidents call for vol unteero, recommending the Le 0 islature to ike appropriations of men and rncmev, and appoint ing a committee to ascertain the efficiency of the Cleveland milil-iy The rt.fttest un mimity of feeling prevaileJ, to hii wife aaying he would, meet her in York on Tnursdaj There aie many small boats which reronin with the fleet outside All have muffled oars and oir lodia. Great curiosity is manifested to know how the horses on board will boused. The Fort occupied by two companies thc Palmetto Guards and Oapt. Hallowa-, a company There is no officer of high grade in charge -Major Riplcy will probably be stationed aro buoy clearing away the wreck of the burnt quarters of Fore Sumter Companies are encamped all around the city A land at tack 13 prayed for Carolina wants to have a mortality hat in the next engagement.

8 000 men are now under arms The news of North Carolina seizing her forts is received with great del jjht. The news from Virginia is considered hopeful CIWCIN-NATI April 16 --The cit rens meeting Inst night was an immense nffair Men of all parlies participated One feeling was manifest ed and that to sustain the stars and stripes lit, all hazards Greui activity prevails amon 0 the i i i a all the companies are fast blimp their ranks The home guard for the defense of tbc city ftili consist of 10 000 men nnd is fast filling tip The merchants have "topped ship ping goods to the South CAIRO, April 16 --War news creitcs little or no excitement in financial cucles IB "omewDat paraded and all nnx ously await a final settlement of the question distracting thu country declare themselves unwilling to take up arms against tac South, while others eiprtia a determination to sustain the Government at MILWAUKEE April 16 --Aa immense meeting held ut the Gfnmber of Commerce lust night Men of all parties partiLipated and the excitement was very gient. The feeling is unanimous for as erting the authonlv of the Government and cronds of men ire offering their services to tl il Three volunteer rifle companies were formed resterthr The preparations forwar arc decided and tmmi tuknble NORWICH, April 16 --Gov Buckingham issued a proclamation cilling fnr volunteers to rendezvous The Thames BnnL jf this utj ha tendered 000 to Goveinor Buckingham and tin. Fmrfield Countj Bank lias ofllrDd JANESVILLF Wis April 15 --A large and en th isiastic limon meeting was held hcrekst night, and resolution" adopted pledg ng citizens of Janesville without distinction of to up- port the got eminent henceforth and until pres ent confl ut is ended Theie cm be but two parties--patriots and traitors We ill stand I the Const tut on nnd our National fhg and en dorse action Gov Ruidnll, in rcspon to the call of the Prasidcnt sajs national honor dtaiuids that ill forts which i se traitor should immediately be retaken nd we nill to bring ubou tli with a command and speakers nero constantly uupted A About Sumter. April 15 --When Major Antkr son's quarters were burring General Beaurcg ird sent officers of assistance before tba was run up benator 'Wigfall received the of Major Anderson and returned it to lum Tbe fleet 13 still oft Charles too April 14--The Steamer Nash Yille, from iew York arrived here at 3 o'clock, Saterday morning An eye witness of the firing on Friday Bays it was reached it climax at 10 at night, wnen the skv was over cast by ram clouds.

Tbe streets were jfilled with peo pie oewly all the house tops. ftbippiDg, and ei ery available place Tonn-ds morning the firing diminished A few modem shots only were firea and replied to only occa Bionally by Sumter When the fire and smoke were first seen issuing from Sumter it was sup posed to only a sign il to tbe ships which were in the offing, apparently blockading tbe port, as they remained Every one anxiouslv Rafted" to see what the would and fuLy expected engige ment would become general A i A II bum ter was plainly eeeii to be on fire--the Samoa burst through tbe roofs of tbo houses within il this tima Major Anderson scarcely fired while bombshells and grape scattered liki. bail over him, and drove the soldiers under cover. The iron haitery at Comrngs 1 Point only JfiftO hundred yards--kept up a continuous fire from its rifled cannon Tbe fire from tbe floatinj, bat teryaod Moultriewas regular and accurate The sand battery was scarcely tnjuied by the weak fire kept up by Anderson Scarcely a misslc from this battery missed Sumter The floating battery proved impenetrable--every shot from it told on Sumter Shells from the mortaru at ML "Pleasant battery were thrown with great precision While Sumter was on fire, Anderson was obliged to leave bis cannonading and direct all bis efforts to put it out. Twice he succeeded, and to do this his men had to go outside tbe and pass water through tbc port holts, being ex poaed to a ternfic fire This was not resorted to until the fort was on fire for the third time- AfLcr a few moments be orde-ed them in, nnd the batteries, as tbe smoke too thiokto work them.

At noon the Dames burst from ev part of it, and the destruction waa com From California. The Pony Express passed at 1 o'clock SAsfKAXcaeo, ApnlS --James A. McDougal was again elected Senator He received B9 votes. All Most of tbe Douglas members bun. ild chVeis and responses A simihr proceeding and large meeting at ivorwulk Ohio, last night.

PHILADELPHIA April 14--The Union, pledge recehing the signatures of il classes of cm zens It responds to the President a proclan a tion and dttlares an unalterable determination to sustain the government, throwiu 0 aside all differences of public opinion LANCASTER, Pa April 15--The volunteering 3 brink The Judges and members of the bar af ter a speech by Eon. Tbaddeiia Stevens renewed the oith to support the constitution There was a call for a meeting on Wednesday Ex President Buchanan exhibits intense interest in the from tbo South, and participates in the expression of i determine tion to sustain the GoverBraerjt ST JOHN BURG, Vt Apnl 15--It is under stood that Uoi ernor Fairb inks mil convene the Legislature of Vennontin extrn on les week. He will repond prompth to tho call of ilit, St-crctary of for troopa irjL.vcm:si-ER,N II April ill retpond promptlj to llie cill of tho Prcsi dvnt for troops No requisition lins been re ceivcd yet, but as soon as it Governor Good IL a prompt and active measures for oemplymg nith it. It is not probable that an extra session of the Legislature will bo called -The State -will undoubtedly tender two regiments the government instead of one, as requested by the President. ilosTGOMEiiT, Ala April 15 --Prominent gcnllimen Virginia tekgraphed to ilontgom erv that "Virginia will probably accede to mor row General Pillow has jug armed to offer Jeff division ofTeunessee Everv body 13 delighttd with tbe encouraging news from Tnginia.

Vice President Stevens has ar rued It is said that Virgu ia will unite with tbe Confedcracj Prtsidtnt iJavig ivill vacate Ins scat at Montgomery--the YILC President ns suniing bis duties and will make hjs head quur tcra" at Richmond in ten diys with General Beauregard as second in command. General Bragg can take core of Pensncola. Tho foregoing is by authority The Cabinet will await President Lincoln official proclama tion before taking action CHAKLSSIOV, April J.5 --The alafm was gives last night and early thia morning by heavy booming of guns to seaward. At first it was thought an attempt was making by the Federal lesilt 31-ijor Ptniberton 2 45 tins IE en route for Washington Ou citizens vi II tt rn out en to meet tlio troops, and wish theji Goda peed MOSTGOMKRY i April 16 --TThe Cabinet ere In council this A Mr LiULolu proc lamation amid bursts oflaunhter The Si-cretaiy of authorised the stitemci that S2 000 more treops weie called out to day to meet Lincoln a men RISING Sui Ind April IS--Our citizens are holding a meeting this evening expressing their avmpatlij the Government. A of volunteers ia filing its tanks tor immediate- ser vice Secess on Buuunents are not located in this community RICFIMOID April 16 --The Virg ma Stite Con.

vention is in secret session this morning He porters lire excluded and nothing is known of the proct-cdrnga A tslegram from Gov PicLens to Eon Henrj A lac says it is reported that eleven vessels aie off the bar aud are stopping vessels engaged regular trade The papers of th a city express confidence tbat Gen Seott i ies The chmond Wlitg bauled down the stars and strips tbis morning nnd ran up tho flag of Virginia April 16--The market rived yesterday as a tpccial messenger to Montgomery, fiom G-ulves ton to consult with President Davia about tne defense of the Texas coast 8 (There is much excitement in Galvaston 01 account of the nows The City Council in extraordinary SLSSIOI stronglv expressed a feeling of resistance. There is great- activity on all sides Several pieces of ordnance were to day taken to forts Jackson, St Phillips and St Marks Volunteers have gone to Fensacola. ST Louis, Apnl 16--It is understood that Gov Jackson will refuse, to comply with Sec: tarv Cameron requisition for troopa Ifrw April 16 --The Mechanics Bank of this ty this morning tendered to the Gov ernnr $25 000 for the use of the State in sup porting the national Government FT KEARNET, April 1C--Cnpt Bee en route for South Carolina accompanied by Capt Stnne, on leave of absence, and Ward Suttler, ill Ironi Ft. Lararme, arrived hereycsteiday evening nnd left to day It is understood here that Capt Use will join the Southern arm LOCISYIELS Ky April 16 --A large and en thiiMistio meeting of those opposed to Mr Lin coin war policy was held to night About 8, 000 men present. Resolutions were adopted thit Kentucky would not permit thg marching of troops against the Cou federate States, bin would ahaie the Utters deetin) if war must come and ijmpathizmgwith all patriots IQ the free Stntea, and endorsing Gov McGoffins reply to Soere tary Cameron Kv April 1(5--A.

nuotirg, irres pcctivo of party Husband presiding resolutions lecommendtng the mimedi ate convening of the Legislatu-e tbat no one ith tbe South in interest and uction tbat the Sovernor be requcstedto a proclamation for a Convention at Frankfort at as curly a chy us practicable to consider tho position and 'uturc destiny of Kent icltj, tl peo pic of Kentuckj to ignore trty feelings mid jppose to the hat extremity tho coercive tnd fratrieieal pohoj of tbe Executive DETROIT, April 1C --At an informal meeting of utirei- sent, it equipment of troopo from Michigan, to ruse 000 by priv ate subsci iptions A lirge portion of the a nount wns subscribed on tbe spot and the balani will be ru-ed nn mediately Gen Cat.a resj onded liberally ivjio MakcM TVarl We live under a Government based on a written Constitution The Constitution n.quires eveiy funcnonar) and (on occasion) ever; citi to support and uphold It expresalj prea cnbea thut nil duties and imports ahull be uni form throughout the Union The Presiuent, on his in takes a solemn oath to 1 the. laws He laj perjury to bis soul if he does not in good faith endeavor to do ao To let the revenue go uncollected on half our seiboard IB to paralyze and ultimately pieeludc ita collection' atiywbeie Tu alloft rebels and traitors to nter cept and raisappropiiate those revenues is even worao thin ta let tbem renniii uncollected A Government thut tnmely to this itself j. humbug and a bsstaii Litlier goiern or abdicate is the obvious dictate of If a highwuman to poke his nlc md his head into a stiige coneh and demand the pia nnd purges under pen illy of gttnicbt founded upon jastice Otbertfiae 11 "would concede; as a factj the troth that the re turn of Mr uLtncoln can scarcely be uncorded as a great triumph of the Republican party -Surely tbut party muflt enjoy -many KID! ilarftri mmpha before it can hope to etand on par witb)its' antogoniata Taking A list TresidenlB, from Waahmgton to Bachonan, five have come'from' those five, four were re atoctcdj holding office fon eight years each, IBO that during exactly one half of the pe nbd which baa elapsed since tUe creation of the Hepubhc, ita has beemheld by 1 he highest office Common to day at which Gov Bhirivaspre resolved in ordei to expt-dite the wealth, in a word, bufl been, fillud twelve times by mtin from the Sonth, aad only BIX by moil from the Kortli, the former protest that tJiov ore denied an equal participation in tbe Government of the United States Sisw York-no leas Orleansjonr I nalS'joinichorus a ilery protest lagainatlper- petuating tbc reign, tyranny What tyranny Is it that of a Soutbern-majoritj in Congress over President, or tbat of a Caro hmaaplanter orpr- a of Dated Afncana, death in the sunT Mr. Lincoju hafl State property hoisted po revolutionary flag, convened no illegal as sembhes, aimed no Uwless troops, invoked the authority of no turbulent and seditious rabble The only blunder of any magnitude which has been committed has been pardoned with smgu lar forbc trance Six months ago, hud President Buchanan been sincere his heart and strong in his band, be might; have spared hid successor an mi men of tiouble But Abraham Lin coin, upon assuming office finds himself in the pciplesitj of a new commander in chief, whose predccesaoi has left almost strong posiUpft undisturbed in the haiida of tho enemy In one quarter the palmetto flag has been flo.tmgsincc December, over United Stites prppeity, and tvnbm range of United States the only protest made having been on papei In tho State archives be reads a document, purporting to crme from ccrti in South Carolina Com mii loners, in which the surrender ol a Federal foit ess is deunnded as though tbe pnrttes were sovereign belligerents tieating upon equal tciuia If, as now seernvpalpable, tfte jx Jeter mined upon figJdwg Die NorOi ought no longer to leave us sword the scabbard Ibe first ovcit act of Carolina, with its confederates in Geor gia, MissiBbippi, and AHbnma, shoLld lead to an nnmtdmto concentration of tioops and nn endoavoi, at all events, to reinforce tbe Federal garrisons "Whatever advnntnges belongs to those who obtain the earliest success will be claimed probably by tho old mg purtv, whieh is neirest the ace no of action, and has undertaken the la. gest amount of militaiy pre para tion but the question will become, in the end one of resources and it will be shown to the world if President' Jefferson Davis and bis rmminions of i mock Cocgiess persist in tbeir honuudiil policy, whether a ran patched, and disjointed fcdoiacr--without a itional revenue or tho me ins of collecting one and without manufactures--can suatmi a Strug glc with one rich in the accumulal.o i of seventy yeais, vuth i a a fleet a i and en thuaiastic com unity, open access icioss tho frontier, and un unlimited basis for imht a tram ing It is mUiuicholy to icHect that the ques tion should eome to this but, arnia are to Jo ide, the North ajdthe Northwest will bold toe Mississippi ii 0 auist the South, will abrogate--so far, as tbe Seceding States mo concerned--the lugitive blavo mil isolate tho enemies of the Union nnd tench them at length thut by allowing their pqsaiORu to picvail oicr then they have sacnEccdmanj mtuests ovei whieh the eloction of Abnlmm Lincoln never threw oven tliesbadOH of danger ncereawthe iwo bttfe girls th havrag their gramJmotbbr-- OHO of tbeib was on one'tff the a -cattle guard ne'fllKlne highway, and thooihdr was eitting on the Wil The engineer whistled down breaks was too late It would appeartbat-tho ihilclrtn bad run- 1 ahead of tbeir- -grandmother, arid had sat down to alloV her to overtake them See ihg their danger, the old lady rnn to get them off the trnc, ichcti' -they were all th-ee run over Sixty five yenra of age who mjurcfl severely abooi the head, bui roaTrccovcr 'J Gallon A.

KAISER i leaver Cloth, Cassimere. apd Vdsel Testings, AT COST 3 BEAVEH. CLOTH, for Over Cpatt gold at TEOCHRd BROWNE T.IOCDES XEDVDTB ffiOOBKS BROWWfl TROCltfS ssawfTS TROCHES BEOIVK'fl JKOOHE8 a -M TROCHES ritEBTCE, COST PBICS. 1000 yprda of heavy AND AMEEICA2I CAS- SIMEEB6, 'or and CeaU at SILK VELTBT A2H3 FKEKCH CASSUCEBK 1 VEST HEDUOED Saving 25 per cent in HEAT. READY MADE CLOTHING.

1 We have a great assortment of heavy Ov and Cloth Coatt on hand Also 500 pr ol Pants, Price reduced "5 which will be cheaper than they can be bought at any auctfor, Burlington dccO bpt! 1 prwed Dr A A flATES, C- 'U plutaat' jUfjU, Dr C'lUiuAiiutv, to ST LAKB, Boiton. "Ibavepraved Uiem excetlentfor Whoop- Oyugh." Kev H. WXBREK, Her ANDERSON, 8t. twiti. "Xfeclitatln removing and 1r rllatloo ofthe Sbnti, common a eraLSS 3TAQK JOHNSON, Only tTOitjr bonrt Ina Snrtfcgto.

FMP low Mb; way JaUUbPlf Great benefit when Uken UU they prevent Uoineoeu from cDeiH, I think lUeywHl btrot per- TRDt jTnowtBS- A H. Preildent of Athena Co.JefiVTeca. OEMirA BOX Jff A. KAISER CO. A Con-vcrtoA Slnnei Suw tlie trror ol pciitcd.

The notorious Ogilvic Bjrun Toun 0 wno hna been petted by the becLfsioniBts ns one of then most effective eh impious, hua foraakea them -In a veiy cautions letter addressed to a Jadj in Louisville, kaitutitv and sent to the Cincinnati Commercial foi public i on Mr Young tells his experience a atartln style bo bcaitil) guated is he wuh the liypocns and nsciilitj of the traitors tlut he ezpmda in the vigor ol hia indignation till tbe Liglish toi le becomes quite inadequate foi the expression of his loath Heai him HIS i GBEENBAmi, JTo U-Jeferson Street, Whokeala Dealer ID Ready Made Clothing, CIOTHS, CASSUfZRES SATIMET1S, VSSTJA'ff Til LOU I'tnungJJIWG GOOS JHaving -jurchased my stock with nn eye to the wonts of estern MerchaBta would call (he attention of Ihoso visit ng Buillngton to It assuring tliem to advance lhat my prices will corapure farorablv Eastern Bills and I will dui Uoal any Chicago or St Louis invoice i LUMBER. D. BAND CO Manufacturers and Wolesate and Kctad Centers Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Squire on Jefferson Street nenrthc crQssinc i Ridlroad Burlinglon lowi Yarda on both sldiw of the R. RoU iilltlcs for a i i Lumber Into Uie couDtry hifrtotliepurchiis ZTFE PHXS AND PEOENIX BITTEHB TUDBB NBDIJSKS have now been before Ibe poblic for period of TUIRTT rruifl, and doriDg that time Iiave -jftlnUdned ahlgbdiuritcter in the Qiobe, for their extraortilnarj and Jmrnedlaie power of TlTe following are araoDgtliedlstrcealDg TBriety ofhn man dUeutea In put VfcGETABIE LIFE MEDICINES Arc well known to at lufallble T.ISPEPSrA,lyihoronBWy cleansing the first ftnd second stomacha, and creating a fios- of pure, bealthT bile Instead of thcfitoleoaU acrid kind, VUtruLLNCX, Appetite, Jfeartburn jOeadacfit, Tanpti, Anxiety Jjniguorund Jldmttfielv, trlilcbare Uie general of DyBpepate, wlU vanUh, a natural Kongequencc of lia cure COSTIVLNLSS, bj cleantOng tbc whole length of Uie IntestSntM vrlth a solTent process, and without -rioknce oil violent purgaa leave ibc boweU witifn two days IBVt RS, ot iJl kinds by restoring Qte blood to a regular circulation, through Uie process of. respiration ID such cast 1 and the thorough Bolutloa of all InteeUnsl ob Btrnctioaln others Iwenknoirn tocureKHEU MAJTI3M ncrmajiently in thiee weeks, and GODT fobalf tbat time bv removing locolinflammailononi tbc mus clei and ligaments of tbe joints DROPSIES of all Idnde, by freeing and itrenfttbcnlng ilia kldneyB and Madder they operate most deUfihlfnlJi- on thiae ImjionanL orgnni, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for ibeiromcusesorCUA'VEb Also OJUUS, by dislodging from tha turning of Uw bowels tht Bllmy matlcr to which these crcaLurws adhere, SCUHTY ULCEUS and SOEES, bj thepenect purity vhJcli these un MKICIXBS give to the bCOlOJUriC EKOPTIOr.S and BJJI coitrz.ExiotB by thdr alterative effect upon tbc fluids that feed tbc skin, and the morbid 8Uie of which all ernpthe nompltiinU, Ballow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com plnxlans The use of these Pills for a very tbort time will effect an entire cure of SAJVT JIUETJJJ and a striking improve menun clearness of the skin COMMOV COLDS and will (iliraya be cured by one doee by two in the woral cases PJLL-- fhL orljdntil proprietor of these medicines naacureiJof liles of BCye-jrasiandlng bytlie useoftlie LlFBMKDTCWE8Blone FJ'VtR AND ecourge of the Uestera counlrj Uiese medicines Kill be found a safe speedy.

an 1 certain rcmidj Oilier Uedleines Ieae the svstcw subject to a return of the dise-ase--a cure by these Med idnea la permanent--THY THEM sit HATIEFIEU ASD BI CDBKD BILIOUS FMEHS AA1 LHER Lowof Appetite and Diseawt of Fe- nscd with the most ben "acsassjar IHOOKNBOTKIV WITBUn" CHIC Railroad. 5T, QDICKBST NEW YORK BOfiTOV TOCHICAI. PHIA AND BAITIMOEF LOUIS AVD CINOIM POIKTSJSimsoi CUIGAV, OIUO i fr On an after August 13th TWO DAFLV I irtth the KAIHtOAD fortWnci- CEVTSAL ItAuSS Uub Hud Cairo, BurtlogUa JIIonli-OHC, Kcokuls and Sl.l Special BWck Yy HEELER WILSON'S Sewing Uaetnnea wriH 3W IHPROVESfEMS, AT EEDCCED Mcdicfot iffclal results in cases of tbia description ifl 3 lei Is to and worst forma 3 fells to the uiiidytt of these reroarkahle filediclncB Dtbty ra loaded in by breakage isiictl by liny dcaleis KAi.D Murlinition Iowa. I ing Lui Yards nd expense i i llie city Imulln CTOLEN-- premises Ion a I fifteen pressed by the wur newa Lincoln a wtir proclamation as rcceiv ed with astoniBbmcnt. Lverjbody is higfalv pleaEcd, and the people nre resolved to maintain their position it nil hazards.

Two more volunteer companies left to day for Pcnaucola, and the -eat vnl 1 prohablj remain to defend tbc city Volunteer regiments are forming tbroughont the Stite Thirty4lireo desGrter" from tho Federal nrmv stolen the propeity and find at tli Union--aie, before God in man lor irlmtevei of bloodshed uay death who could blame tint erwho re aisted 113 peaeobreaker and a Who would rot Buy to nny remonstinnt, "Ad di ess our a el to the rorjber--it is he ho bre iks the the brave de endor of property There 13 no pence--there can be none--on any other basis tbun that of re3pect foi eonstituted luihoritv and aubiinssion to law Thev who defj leeilly constituted authorities--who break and trample i the law---who haie 3 i the from their icbell on have pence--mat in perfect lasting peace but only on the bn of subm obedie; ee to the laws obedience we have all sworn to is ou simple dutv to ren cler it--it 13 tho imperittve duti ol the Govern ment to requ re it Peaee on the bas 3 of 1 t- tmg ev erj one who chooses defy the laws, resist the laws trample on tho livvs, would be a stu pendous he a hideous mockeiy fliat la not peace whieh leads inevitably through ness to unnrch) Who are lor tbc Union the Constitution and the cnfoicement of the laws? Let them show it in the erisis now upon us! Thoiioends liave teen ttlkmg of their devotion to the Union let them back their words by deed The Gorernment is about vindicate its right to assert ita authority md set forth if Let 113 see who stands by it nnd nlio propose to substitute the Spanish America: of pron mauimeiitoa nnd revolutions for tlie peaceful supieraaey of a 1 Maik the men TV ho prove i a in th a hour of our countrv's World have landed at FortJackson Icmng 12 behind, so anxious were the) to jc Confederate army lOIltl! in the The steamer Lccomptc hence for Shrci pport, sunk 8 miles Compte boat and ear total loss, pstbsengers snvcd iloat valued at $18 000 insured for 000 in Cincinnati TheGalveston Civilian says that tho idea that there is nnv consideinble of persons clis posed to agitate the question of uaion in Texas is entirely erroneous The steamer Arizona ims at on tho 7th waiting tho embarkation of troops for In dianola inking troopi to laud at Stono, buLlleam from parties thence thut the supposition was incorrect. The Isabel is Uluog itLprovisiona. Moro engines have been sent to Sumter Tbo fire haflTjecn eiungimhed, but necessary to cool off the These -arc vnry hot and ihej are afraid to open them lest they explodfl by ventilation One hundred and twenty bfcr xels of powder are jet irT the tuagzines. CHICAGO, April 16--Dispstches received to day from almost every point In Illinois Wlaccn em and Iowa, Jiat can be reached by telegraph, declare a settled determination on part of tbo jeople to support tho Federal Government in ta efforts to promptly administer tbe laws fmd uphold the honor of the nation TORK, April 16 --The special corrcspon dencc to tho Post aaye --It is reported that the Goveroora of Kentucky Virgimn, Jforth Carolina and Mi souri, have refused to respond for troopa Haryhnd however, promptly, and the Baltimore Eegimtnta tender ed their serviced to tho President to dnv The quota for isaachiiaous bos been donbled and three reg raenta from Boston are ordered here atonce Genoril Jus Line, of Eansas, will tato the eommand oT a thouifind rain )iere Ihe Comraetcml de 0 iteh --Hoa. Geo AshmuB was sent to Canada on a eecret missioii No ordera are yet issued to blockade the South ern parts or stop the mail Tbe Pjqiident haa orders to garrison.

Harper's Forta Washington, ITonroe, anl other" One of the Massachusetts regimcntB goea to Port Monroe with a Sow York regiment. The route between Philadelphia and "Washing ton will be guarded by Western troops At a meeting of merchants of thia city to day waa voted that a cnll be isaued for a raeetfag, irrfapective of party, to Constitution and Lnirs. TBOT IT Apn' Ifi --A great Union dem onatration took pluce in thr-j city laotnight meeting adjoorneii a body to General Wood's residence, who responded a stirring speech. iRj-OLK, April 16 --One hundred guns vere bfirtvand there is great rejoicing over tbe Jail of Fort Sum ter An order has received to fit out tba IT steamer Mernmac immediately and tow out eaels from tho fort. pi EFJ-ECTS or A Co POCICY UPON THE TKCANS --Tho Houston (Texas) Pa tnot, one of the most rabid of tho secession ibeeta contains a long article in its isauc of April flth, under the bend THE CHIYALB1 ,3 iniCMPirfD AND TDJ! JTOBTH 1 liTS DIRT Once ive thoight the North, with Lincoln to would fight we tho ight tli it, though funat n.J, the Republic ins ivere not cowardly dogo thought they would at least attempt to ike good their proud scornful boiits ugainat the barbarians South But as dftj after 1 buck dOTn," firat to the mititiry necessity of giving up Sumter, then, to gne up Piekens, in liict every place except TorLitgas and Key West the only pine'" Northern Wide Awikes cannot be netdeil to conquer tbe rebel," we see no prospect of a and ean only rejoice over the ypectiLlc, of the tables being turned and the Yankees, eating Such la now the state of iltairs Lincoln has proved utterly unwoithv of ulmg the Eepub is forget all in the basest scramble for office, their scheme has failed and it present they are rleos Tfuyliaiecetifcrcedto 'eatdnl and ooio again to tfte dominant Sou.

hern raco and Qieir thruks of rage are ihe only heard from the Yftrough tfu proa jrom the looinhop, from the starving rant the nieicftarUn ruined, from every trade and tondUjon, comes the crvgiie iip the forte letTM 'eat dirt," let us again 6oatotfte superior race iioiiifi let iw live The cowardly eighteen millions North told us we sfould not facie tlie Vnum Wo did it openlj and boldly, and they humbly aelcnowl edged our Govemniint' as a necessity" Thej shouted the of the 'stars nnd stripes' and i 'chivalry'" emblem Wo linve toi lou will be ns niueh deli a hted ns astonished to learn of mv conversion and redempLion fiora the bonds of political death and imquitj My conversion hna been is sudden, but levs genuine i i i i Puil, declared himself 1 the greatest of bmnei-, --such em I it tho a a fallen fiom niy ind Ijtowwe tfux ost and uiatatioi al faeces SIOH, in all htxnakcd ughi ess and hideous deformity It is a splendid ehe-u--t humbug a stupei duus lit--a gig nUe deception deetmed to dissolve before the light of season md good sense, like the basekss ibnc of a di earn TDK AIMS Oi THE BFCtSSIOVlSTS It ia my unwavcnng behel--i I would not saj it I did i a know it bejond the posibihtj ol a reasonable donbt--iVwrt it is tha prime piapoae and gi ar orient of tltus Junta at Jfm Igoi ivy to plmije Ife South Jirst-tato anarchy --this wit furnish deipotv a Jot --the esntte idea of Jeff Jlami oul So soon is he his accompli hcil ibis, whieh 13 well nigh ftehieved now and shnll Imve eollccted around him i Bufhc ent corps paid merLeimiiea ho will re enact Jje t-mtp dctat of Louis and the countiy wiILcmergc i under bloody secptro and in iron cronn And King Cotton and the cotton bile amtotracv 11 rule witii imperious sway, and lord it over land LOOK around you and if tho is not tending as rapidly as possible to th 8 uimappv end UPOTTBD UEtT These potti tyrants at Montgomery saw that undei that government their hopes ol political orclerment were foreclosed--ihtic they nere spotted men upon whose sinister biows Goda primal eldest cuifie' rested--brindcd bone deep ehiraeteis of fiio Hence like tbeir exemplar--the hery Lueilor--they re jelled and no ild luio revoked had they like him been in Heiven it-elf Fir other a i motives th 11 those vvhirh inttucoced mo incited them to tho uiihillowed work I win tod mv rights under the Oonsim tion in the Union and unless those i hud been conecdLd and rev crenced I wauled to fhjit it needs be, for their mumteiiunco tlie Union, under tho Oonetitu tion Tina iras mv plan, which I conceive will be rcndilv conceded far more patriotic and poll tic th tbat adopted by the Ten of Montgomery It would huve left the issues in uVpute approachable by both parties. We might bavo mot conciliation wilh coneil ation or gnniza ion with orgmuitioo--contert with con eert--action with action The bit would have been made, and long joais of peice and prosperity would Imvo thrice doubly blessed this unhappj land But no, these mis chiet oug men. cared not for the perpetuity of tho Government; a public weal, ns their acts abundantly attest. Zhey must reign or ruin- ana tnc madlv on to tho consuirraatu ot their diabolical purpose--tlio ovcrlhroiv of the the erection of a nionairhy upon its ruma IHEta COUHSE NEARLY HUT Zbeao ftiekcd men at Montgomery liavo near their courec In tho mid-t of their car of lust andinfern dsaturni liaof a disrupt ed and bleedm 0 countrv, tbe ominous hand of destmv is now writing upon the wall of then guilty oi yes--' Mate ment teU iinn mi "-Venly vtulj atecnblu (ate attaitB these des trojers of a nations repose ind authors of llicy will full beneath the very which they guthered Like the LUthors of the of Terror Trance incv will be coudemned bv their own laws and perish by the hands of tbur own friends A PECDLURLT TllRCR DEMCNCIATIOt Of such a foul set of un consecrated trmtori be it written upon mv Comb, that I lived and died in notliing their debtor I joshed Jny Liids. of them forevei, aighinn TM- Should Lave been curfiert by i subscriber near Kossutli lie qf ihe 22d a bay hfeL star la the foreliead ej irk mnuo and taJl very small vi lilii.

spot oil one hip left hind foot wli le liberal reward will be given to imy person retunilnc Ihehorae 01 for information of his wliermbouts march ISd-dw Aw JOHN QHRIS'E ALLEN, A I Engine Brass Work Manufacturer. Corner of Main and Washington STJELf2fOT02f, IOWA in aaaortment of Iron and Lead Pipe, Piuctrf Steamand Water Oocfcanlwajson hand duds fbifiUattanof'tJU jfeari, ipeedlly cured MUICUKUL DISEASES--Persona whoac congtitu lions have become Impnred by tlie Injudicious aw of wiilfinel tlieae Medicium a perfect enre, as they Mercury infinitely sooner tl Ue moat pon erridprejnr nliing of fi irsapariJIa eparedaodjjoldby MOFPAT 835 Xroadway lark. good H-lecUon of i Appk Trees Sm JBI! llardy FloirerinE 1 InutB Al Potato llanls Cherries DwwfPcara pi EGAL NOTICE. JL' a a 1 ESTATi, 01T JOIJX C11EI6SINGBB. IQ the matter of Hie Last 11 HI ana Testament of In County Court, 1 said County MES.

I An experienced Nurse and Female Phygician, presents to tbe attention of Uotbera ter I SYETJP, POB CHHJ3EEIf TEETHIWG UhlchgrcaUyfaditiiUjsHiep ocesfioriecthlne bysoftcn ing tne gums reducing all -will allay ALL FAJji and upasmodic action, amJIesure TO RBGULATIfl THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, It will rest to RELIEF AhD HEALTH TO YODE INFANTS It not only relieves the cull Irorn pain, but lml oriil witaaadi ud and ghcs to er DOWELS AND WIND COLIC, Wnnisn baring palntd ALI, tbeir tiOita Triifc ufaciuurs of "ewuigMdiln 5. shall be boneilUed thereby aajtiavi tbs prices of tlielr t-ewlng Ma-lines will be wtd at rales Uiu u-IU i-ny of manufucture capibU Invested, and Bales such prices will them toonw i mchtrca and, heretofore, puaraniw Uao partlcnlnr iiov20 liwtf Floilrotratfcum rmiboa wtu Kr S. vith it, bi Ifct impression ib ttoTtrnraeni. replv tbe cor Oar ruden will Scrofula, or is a wl tiej Ok tl c.

ood, i UGH Jbi the cue uauon', it ihe vb and m-v, barstout 11 anvptrafi orgaji free ironi it. attacks, zotsfet oncuhichitmt-v notdestrov ILensdn touit is caused mereuraiasttst, JiTng or disordered or unhesltin bat, impure air, fi'ih and Sthv habio, tko- preesng vices, and, aboro all TM Will Tut as an estament of said Da 8 ereby th on thia Efl April ll 1 wntlnr purporting to bt Uie Tutam nlcf uld Dwtdent product in oj en Court mid the first in A 1SG llxtdns thK day for suld Instrument 'Web tirna nnd place nil JnteiMttd will be rillLIP ItOItt Rr CHlUSsINGEH npr4 w4w Executors namid In edd Inatrument lieard EAL NOTICE JLJ onvulsions wllchlfncts oi ray every JUoiIier lio ausa child from ani of Uie fotiRoIog couiplnlnu DO NOT ihT vocii PLEJUBICKS J.CR rax WUUD OWW nad'th" r'rfteflhM 5 LVSL1U--- to follou tlicuBe of UiisSedidne if timely used ull dli ectiona for uvfog nil! accompany each bottle Sold by UmgglEis throughout tne Vi orld Principal Office 13 Cedar Street, M. Y. PJtIUB ONLY S5 CENTS PEE BOITLE TiarcQiS oiirly DLH Mol ESTVTE OP JOSEPH PLATT. I)EC 5 To unJrnom Heirs nl law ofsnid Decedent ire htribj notified llut theie Is now on file In sold ti I itlUra of Iho undo dune 1 AdmbuBtrMor i inp lIcLiise and authority of ail 1 Coi Court EBtnti, sull 11 Ji aid irity of BiJl Court li siphPIaUdledsciied i Sul dliis-Ion No i f.ll In Jl fto for tt purpose of rate njr mums lih ID pay off and dlschwEe the in ngftinst suld Fstnto nnd ilifltihc saldpeii lonwlllbelwiiril on eDrat Moodavin Maj next andih it uultsa you thtn appear i ud our abject bus lo tlie p-onlint of bucli LI pay the dulniB against Enid EfiUte then Slowed QSAGE ORANGE PLANTS Plnr 3 per loM Mn (00 Oeage Ornnpe Plnnts one rder far sale per oi ear old and In One GKIQSBl jyjoOOEMICK'S Reaper and Mower Una GREAT IMPEOVEliENTS for 1861 DElsTISTS Jdand The natural Jin 2 IS60--dwtf TEETH WITH of Dental sen-IceB will mill find us at lie also on CheoplasUc 1'ro -Ui filled lo preserve lielr beauty and uil uard times and Warranwd.

tan 11 the constitution, fiom cnts to cluldrca unto the rJurd and fcod geuoratioa, indeed, it seems be the rx of Him who "I will viat ti of the fathers upon thou- cluldrcn. Its effects commence by depoa.aon blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, irhicb.a tho lungs, In er, and internal organs, is tcsaa tubercles, tic glands, swoUwga, 'adoa tlto surface, crup jons or This foal en ruptioo. which genders the the CQcrgicc. of life, GO that scrofulous constita tions n.ot-.onlj' euffer from acrofalaua. com plainta, but they far lcs power to jtinid the attacks of other diseases, conse- q.uently, numbers pcnsb.

bv duordet are soil rendered latol by this taint ifl. tut 3Iost of the consumption whuii to- cunatea tho human fimuly has its ongindutcdy in this scrofulous contamination, and UCUTC diseases of the kidncjs, ten, and, indeed, of all the organs, fern a are aggravated by tho same cause. One quirter of all our people arc soufclMi their pcraoaa sre inTftdcd by dus temiaaUon, and, theirhealth is undanued7 it To cleanse, it fronv the system wo mus toncvate the blood by an alterative i and invigorate it by healthy food and Such a medicine we supply in AYEK'S EXTRACTED DBS BHONSON 4 McCOIlOir Cor and 3l3te prepai-ed to extract teeth without pain burin the Utctro OutOSittJna U) heretofore lutroducid for that purpose aikd and full and partial seisortectfiSerte spheric prindpl- All operations ptrrormed und arraated BOOK B1NDEKY. gTEI'HENT. ACRES, BOOKBIMBB, to touch the sitcied it clown we ive placed in its stead the flag of the Confederate States, we luive dared the resent the inauli to 'coerce" anil qjmve invited their vaunted numbers to tlie field, lid Qte only cry that from OIA eraxen- tve up Hie forty eai dtrt having laialm ffie i necessity itMraw tfic ft oops let vs II sicieninff to thtniof npeo- pfc but Tet its riyoice at our and took Southward The game North is beneath con tempt, wihlc Uenco invites us, by im-aaioo of Texas, to re enact our former achievements -if Evra rjuTiiiruL STAra--Tho benttful carved mtrble tablet contnljuteil bj the State nf -Louwiana.

to the Washington monument bears the following iof)onptioii "THE STATE 01- TEE FUTIITCL TO OOSSriTUTlOM AKD TJmOK AndasafanW pledga ot a magnifi cent tablet waa contributed ly tha Oontioentui Guard df New Orfeana, on wl icli tbo immea of Ita members, honorary and nctivo, to tho num her 6f ovfir one hundred, jire engraved, Friilty thy name over ihould bcon rt bj sncU mbum monsters of turpitude IF thpre Ta i ollad up tlio ailig.nina Bbi'cla of a more cur, IIBIIL of cold oloSdpd bUoUieirtMl treason than Tljuis, i would nbdlcato (hrfrAiS fiLnda ran lioalmg from tV infen ibailLS to tho reaenco of i nets dtpravil too hideous oven lor tli'S dumntd look upon A on ri, triot breast should uLhor. nn I 'iC7J should uljbor, and tpVfani) ttG ALL 8 MOWJSK HAS NO SUPERIOR, wUghlng only about fi70 Ibs Call and eta ramphlet and Kxamuie the Wcw nfnclune. 0 McOOKMICK 4 BRO and Bepalr, for no. Mo s0 ffl Ml Pleasant Street pot, Al! comi miUI, or ivSS wtf BURLINGTON, 70WA rk constitntl on hand and Orders 0nJerB gTEAIi PBEET BOAT, AT ST SUtUPhS HOI 00 MO FUEBTITIIBE. For realty money the greatest NEW AND SECOND I Hay be had at a- n.

-v i CelebratedEstablislunent 55 MAIN STREET, A cti door ioH S. Scotfs, he most effectual remedy which the medici skill of our times can devise for this evoi here prevailing and fatal malndy It is com buied irom the most active lemedials that liatt been crcd for the expurgation, ct this 'oa. diiorder from, the blood, and the zcscuc of tfci system from its destructive iience it should be emplojcd for the not only scrofula, Tut also those olhcr affie- tion 1 winch ansc from it, such as and StLtv DISEASES, Sr AKTHOVE'S HOSE or Euvsipzijii, Putrua RnrtKi BLOTCHES, BLAINS and Eons and SALT RIIECM, SCAXD HEAD, Kisowoa KUPCMATISM, SYPIUXITIC and SIxaccBUtDs- EASES, EBQPST, DYSPEPSIA, DEEiuir, indeed, ALT, COMPLAINTS AXISIXO raox Vm TLD OR IMPUHE BLOOD He popular bcM in impurity of fiiLaded ia for scrofula is a degeneration of tie blood. Tin particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa tula, is to punfy and regenerate tms vital Qiii4 without which sound health is uaposabifl contaminated Ayer's Cathartic Pills. FOR ALL THE PURPOSES arc so composed, that disease withro the Uicir iction can nrol uithstand or llieir penctraung properties search, and and invjgoratc every portion of the cumac ism correcting its diEcnscd wstwoS its healthy ntahcs.

As a consequence of properties, the mvaud who boired dcbihty astonished aw iwalUi or enwrgy ratorco. by a remedy at simple nnd inviung 'Not onh do they cure the evcrv-dsr of crery Wj, but also many dnngcroue diseases Tlio aircnt below 8 pleiuwd to furnish gratis my Amencaa contRuiing- tcmficaiea of their for their use-in the folloivm- now on hand at A I S'S 10 clieapett and greatest vmrlety of CHAIRS d. ar i -3 i i irith Arnold and Bull erlanm 0 or ntl erL 6 there ji no intfrmLdmte eui 11 nrRato Mr Tonng probaWj ftcla butter' 1 Jo,, Motidn ftte. nnothcr ohanlct to their crown of mfimj b) Mauling a witU tbc uuptunci) ol a Fcae appoint mont in ttat qt.t» It ,3 go tw i te Tto governtocnt paid OTO million of Tor Uidr umorablo nmnpi. Md a coad JVom here to Hlco a leak ufrom 1U and nearer by EM erul XKWIB forty millions more to drlveliomthcij few score ot Sommolea, nnd now tl iccded fr6m tha Union, Rtoleii jjil tho ment property witbiu tboirroai-h, and law to hang every govcrnmBnt omep cancatoh What olso oonid JS, cd from tlilevea, cowards Bndtrttitorg? up 1 lea Molnwi con ritli white oa to'hluaKct" iimd, mess OXD living lo JockjoD TowmJJn four year browii eoU Ko mark or I rand Postd i bvll WeaUy 01 apman, Ftli 16li IbUl J011K LAHEE clerlcCo Court Dollar," POET014E ESTABLISHMENT.

A larpi lot or SOCTHK Sf, Aims at S5 oc STK Takit STKAYiNOTIOB up by Jo! 1800 omi Jtay llnre'nlio flacli hind foot--nngboo or branrfi perceived haw day WAuoneRraao. JOHNLAUt.t Olerk In ihort, anyUilnBand almoel may METIS'S -NEW SECOND-BAUD FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Jarvtx pays QASHfor nw descrtutien AtfdGoodt tnacttott Of the UoKtls fiuiiiit-my, t'tt Jenwfhee, wid other kindn-d uli from a low tstate of the Iwdr or obsottrtTM ofitsftincdont Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TUB KAPJD CCRB OP Colds, InHoenza; Incipient ticn, ant for the relief of 1 In adutuccd of disease. So wide Js the Held of its mcroxis arc the cases of its 1.C Bectloli of country aboundsjfl and ocen d'espcrato of iwf 1 uaCi When once- tried, its supcnontj ow sc sonvitnKtiiind uhcrotsMrtucs are fcii ubTic no what flntioolc to ciw tbo iiffcfti 01 lmonari 1 nnl TOulc eomt eomtnunih failed and bem a ban caloM Wends mory trial co-iieim! tOT tiic nijbctcd. tbey can 4 duoed cures top ammorouif nuu 1 AKB2E j.nnVEDJo^SSr BARTLKTC, KAVfe i (K) Kfotak.


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