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Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York • Page 15

Binghamton, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE B1NGITAMT0X TRESS, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1D20. 1FIPT5) it mwrA2 mnflj nM Deyo Oil Co. Inc. SATISFACTORY SERVICE That Is wiint tlm KKfTRITT f. Policy means to you.

Thirty-three years of fair dealing with the public, has given tills company a reputation second to none. The Security Mutual l'ollcles sre unsurpassed, Its eervlc is unexcelled --It meets its obligation! promptly. 118-138 ELDRIDGE STREET Dlatrlhutors of Texico Products Fatuous for their lubricating dualities. TJse TEXICO GASOLINE for wore power and motor rf-flclency. Watch for the sign of the RED STAR.

It means economy plus service. Dealers ull eoctioiiB. You Need Thit Protection Names and Products That Stand Suipreme R1KER DANN GENERAL AGET Announcements by Progressive Merchants and Dealers from Every Section of Binghamton LADIES! Have you been In onr private dining rooms? Two lights up. They re cozy, restful and homelike; Stop In for tea or after the show In the evening. AMEKICAN AND CIIIXKSE DISHES A LA CAItTB SERVICE AT ALL HULKS WEEK-DAT DINNER, 11 a.m.

to 2 p.m. 85 CENTS Victory Restaurant 65 COl'BT STREET One Flight p. "GEO. F. UHLMAN CO.

INC." Signs Painted On Anything Anywhere OITIro and Mudle STATU ST. Telephone SUKG-W, A Trial Will Convince You sr N. Y. AUTO SAOIATOS CO Mark Called for 0MIml. llana kit.

IU2-IU4 Watar Strut -A it The firm Invites any one Interested ui modem methods of bundling milk to visit the plant and see it In vperution. "G.M.G.CO." BINGnAMTONS FOKEMOST DRT CLEANERS, DYERS AND TAILOR Telephone at both eur stores 138 Washington Street, Phone 8050 S484 Chenango Street, Phone 8tH8. At' TO DELIVERY TO ALE PARTS. ICE CREAM FACTORY IS UP TO DATE AND THOROUGHLY SANITARY Hill's hw cream factory Is entering upon its 24th year as an industry of lllnghniiitou. It, was one of Ihe first to Install a modern refrigeration snd cold slona-e b.v me as well as the flml to adopt the modern briue frevi-er, on the Southern Tier.

Mill's Ice cream runs triie to Its motto, "lis the best," for, It Is suld, only the best of materials obtuluublo are used In manufacture, Sanitary methods prevail throughout the manufacturing procea, insuring an appcilKlug as well us healthful, nutritious food. The company also manufactures the much talked of "fruit punch," served at many lending social functions and dances of Binghamton. our New nomo PRESS ANNEX CROWLEY'S MILK CO. ('KKAMKKY 121-120 Conkliii Aveiiuo r.ram lio 102 lYtmt Ktroot; 58 Clinton Street Kill "roxnI iNiMi'urlwd MIIW am! Cream" nml rlve. good Unlivery nervlce.

LBiNnntMTON) OUR NEW LOCATION ncw'vorhI Olflc. DKNKS il UK HAr KM rn.ivu AUSTIN'S COI RT SHOP HTIIKKT Equipment Fire' Extinguishers A quart of prevention is bailer than gallon, of cure Be sure you gt a Fyr-Fyler. The most modern extlngutalier made to protect our home, factory, auto, etc, L'oullnuout streum. Five years guarantee against leakage, evaporation or ilefeclHj Kuld at nil up to date accessory stores. Branch oltlco, 302 Peoples Trust Co, Bldg.

I'M THE INNER Phone 2I70-U 7 STATU STREET PASTEURIZED MILK The only safe milk to use; No more annoyance from sour milk. Phone your order today. Hotaling Dairy Co. Phone 422. 98 Washington "Boston Candy Kitchen" 65 COIRT STREET.

'For discriminating patrons our delicious specialties In Ice Cream, Sodas, Sundaes, at onr fountain (or table, service) will prove appealing For the week-end trip include a box of our pure Candy Confections Fresh dally. Pellerin's Detective Service Private, criminal and Industrial Investigations made under direct supervision of principal or general manager. 230-231 O'Neil Building Allsteel Office Equipment Frank A. West 8 MAIN STREET When Ton Desire to Modernist Tour Bath Ream, conault W. R.

Brown PRACTICAL PU MIIING. Tel. 33H0. SO Mitchell Avenue Repairing work of all kinds a specialty. TYPEWRITER ALL MARKS SOLD, KENTEU REPAIRED "A.H.Barton" 1 WALL STREET Electrical Contracting a General tlectrlc Motor Af'ncy, i Buckeye Mazda Lamps.

Tel. 1S. Eat y.ur breakfa.t at the Superior Restaurant 19 HAYI'LET STIlt.ET and feel right the rest of the day. Pure food only. Prompt service.

A special noon-day lunch served dally, 25c. Also a la Carte all hours. Where you get (be boat for less. WRIGHT For All Cars" nr cir. We dismantle cars of all makes parts.

Also new and good used tires and 7 LE7 STREET. Jack's Garage 480 COUUT STKIJ-'T JACK R. 8AGER, Proprietor 2812-M CALLS OCR SERVICE CAB Expert mechanics, satlsfled customers. Authorised service station, charges only. 7Se hour.

Honesty Is sur policy. Gasoline, ells, auto parts, etc. PEXNSYLVAXIA AGT.73 I.EWIS STREET i on A PERFECT SMOKE" try Her de FRANKLIN CIGAR, for l.Te. Made by Binghamton Labor. ItlNCHAMTON TOBACCO CO.

Brown Cerbln Distributers. NOrV LOCATES 1 Kr -v in ihe Heart BUILDING BREAD YOU Pure and WHOLESOME "THATEH'S BAKERY" Jutt Aorou th. Viaduct Phana. 23 Chiaant. St VELIE MOTOR CARS ACCESSORIES i Gasoline, OH, Greases GEORGE P.

WELLS St EXCHANGE STREET Service Station, 4-6 Tayntor Avenue. "Cream Dove Brand" PEANUT BUTTER "Good for grown folks, as well as the kiddies." PHONE, 1233-W. Tin Shop 18 PERRY STREET The Progressive Dealers on This Page Are Worthy of Your Patronage CALLS A Parlor City Taxi Service 213 State Street 5)IO)Taxi PLATING AND POLISHING FACILITIES INCREASED BY ENTERPRISING FIRM The Centrul Flntiron Manufacturing company of Johnson City has recently Increased the capacity of Its polishing nickel plating room. In preparing fo this Increased output, especially In the nickel plating department, it has found It possible to take "on some Job work In the nickel plating line. The company la p'athig a great many automobile, stove and other Is done by means of electro nickel platingt and Is in a position to handle this work In quantity.

In the meanwhile the company is, course, mainly turning out, electric and gas Irons, hut It can handle this other work In addition. MODERN PASTEURIZER INSTALLED TO CARE FOR GROWING TRADE The Hotaling Dairy company," of 98 Washington street, hns Juat completed (the installation of a new Simplex Con- tlnuous l'asteuriier. It has also been ueressary to enlarge the refrigerating rooms to take care of the increasing trade. The company says with lis present improvements, which have meant an expense of several thoimand dollars, It has the plant equipped In the last detail to furnish customers with the best milk obtainable. AND Whistle Insist en them In bottle.

Bottled In Binghamton by the BINGHAMTON COCA-COLA BOTlLNO INC. 18 I-eroy Street "HANS JONES" Restaurant Highest standard Cuisine and Service. Onr special club luncheon served from 11:30 to 2 at 60c will please you. A Table de Hote special courne dinner evenings, 5:30 to 8 at toe. Also a la Carte.

Combination breakfasts. (One flight up.) 13 CHENANGO STREET. OCR MOVING VANS ARE THE LARGEST AND BEST IN THE CITT Modernly equipped, prompt and reliable service. Trucking and storage. Suburban and long distance hauling a specialty.

1 John B. Southee 178 STATE STREET Tel. 1360. Kes. Tel.

179S. "Robt. T. Lundberg" 10-12 ELDRIDGK STREET General Overhauling1 and Auto Repairing All makes cars. A car repaired here is a car repaired right, gulck service.

All work guaranteed. Telephone 2831-W. M. TRIPP" Motorcycle Repairing and Fainting. All makes.

175 VESTAL AVENUE 1 SHOWER BATHS MAKE PEOPLE VIGOROUS AND HEALTHY, jAYS DEALER Baths In olden times, when kings and queens spent a little time each day in bathing because It made them healthy and vigorous, were composed of swimming pools on a small scale. Today the business and profeimionnl men of tlils country take their shower baths every morning. I'erhaps the family physicians fflvlsed It or a friend who takes shower baths told him to. 'Cool baths nre strengthening and help the circulation and the heart, "Show me the man that takes a shower every morning and Invariably I will show you a healthy-lopklng chap," says William It. Drown of Mitchell avenue.

"Bath tubs are giving way to shower baths. They provldo the more sanitary way of bathing. "If you can't afford or $100 or (50, get a shower that costs $-0, and you will be healthier and happier than before." SUCCESS IN ONE YEAR REWARDS EFFORTS OF DRY CLEANING FIRM The world admires successful people, whether they become millionaires or 'not. There is one "Company in Iling-hamton that Is deserving of admiratlun for the success it has attained in the dry cleaning and dyeing business. It is the O.

M. (S. company. The concern has experienced trials and hard times, but through hard work and nerscver-euce has climbed to the top In less than one year. All kinds of tailoring Is done at both the Washington street and Chenango Street stores, while all cleaning, nd dyeing Is done by a well-known expert at the plant on Front street.

An auto truck is always on hand to call for or deliver work In Klnghumton, Johnson City and I'ort Dickinson. Stecker Urban it 78 SHERMAN PLACE. Makers of Pure Meat Products BAI SAGES, PRANKFORTH, BOLOGNA, the quality kind. Atk your dealer. Prompt auto delivery.

Tel. W. R. Hancock" JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Established 1808 Highest quality and service always maintained. 255 CHENANGO STREET.

"We specialise In" O.W-ACETVLENE WELDING AND CCTTINO of every dewrlptlon. Iron Stairs, Fire Escapes, Forging and Tool D-esslug. J. J. REYNOLDS Office and works Tel.

S7S8-W. 83-87 ELDREDGE ST. 'M. D. Ainslie Electric Co." 80 HE Nil STREET.

Successors to Vera D. Jonn.on. Electrical Contractors Fixtures and Electrical Appliances of all kinds. Wiring, Motor Impairing a specialty. Tel.

238. "Now Is the Time to Purchase Good Used Car ELI KAPLAN Hat the largest varfMy, and best bargains in Broome county. Roadsters. Touring Cars, Trucks. Xtandard mskes.

Mechanically right. Tel, IBM, tl-m STATE STREET. O'NEIL MURPHY Plumbers and Gas Fitters ROLOSON Estimates Cheerfully Furnished i88 WATEIl STREET, Expert repairing and general overhauling all stakes of cars. We specialize on FOIlliS, imlng genuine Ford parts only. All work personally supervised snd guaranteed.

Call 4M6-W. and tell your motor troubles to us. STOVES STORED FOR SEASON, ANNOUNCEMENT OF STORAGE CONCERN Conlon and Culhiu of 217 Stale street are offering to store their customers' stoves for the season at reasonable This a rather new departure in the stnrngM business, the (Inn delivering the stove at the pleasure of the owner, thus obviating the necessity of moving the stove in the home for tho Summer months. The firm also makes a specialty In long distance moving. Furniture is removed either from house to houso or In long dlKtance moving In the same careful manner under personal direction.

"Main Shoe Repairing Shop" 1 MAIN ST1ILKT (Just across the bridge.) We are experts In high grado, quick shoe Shoes repaired while you. wait. Itubber heels a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work culled for and delivered.

Tel. 16.V1- J. H. KHANZADIAN, Prop. Moving Time Is here.

We take particular pains to see that your furniture is handled promptly and carefully under our personal supervision. special lie In long distant moving Conlon Callan Storage Warehouse 217 State Street Phone, 1M-W. "Geo. H. Moore" PtRE POOD BAKERY Baker of drliclons home made Bread, Buns, Cookies, Cakes, etc Delivered to you FltESII DAILY on the GRE1SN WAGON LISTEN FOU THE WHISTLE.

Service all Sections. rilONB DAI AND NIGHT for Parson's Taxi 228 STATE STREET We also do vulcanizing. "Central Flatiron Mfg. Co." LLECTRO-NIt KEL PLATING AND rOLHIIINU are equipped to do ail kinds of work. Automobile parts, stove work, etc.

Leave orders and work at X. Auto Itadiator 1U2 Water Street, or at our plant. Grand Avenue and Cook Street, Johnson City. Binghamton, 824. J.

60M-IU 4 HAWLET STREET. Used Parts Don't pay high prices to repair yo and can save you money on slightly used tubes. METAL WEATHER STRIPS IXSIBE TOm HOME AGAINST BAIN, WIND AND DEST. Garrett Co. 6284-M.

Arlington Auto Parts Phone, 9f Ferry Street PHONE tllt-W "Lieberman Michelson" ROOFING CONTRACTORS General repairing Eave Troughs, and Conductor Pipes of all kinds. Tel. J828. Ill WATER STREET. Furnaces, one pipe or many.

Ee trougn, ronuunor Set your work done before tho rush comes on. and price, go hjgher. Me bought early and can save you money. "Bruno Gruschwitz" Manufacturer of high grade SAt SAGES AND FRANKFORT None better made. Quality always first.

Tel. 21(11. 130 WASHINGTON 9T, Aata delivery- Call for "HILL'S" ICE CREAM AND Fruit Punches PHONE, 110. Delivery Wen Ire That Serves. "CREEGAN'S" tjl It'K AI TO DEMVERT I.I NKHAI.

TltlCRINtJ. I'honi 8930. Office, 120 Cluiplil St, SATl'RE'S GK.NKllOrS SOFT DIUNK CU-RO sparklps and bubbles in the friendliest Way. Try it with that after-the-show lunch. STANDARD BEVERAGF.


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