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Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York • Page 23

Binghamton, New York
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S3 mrrw irrx-nrr nr-TrtT TnP2 A F.VttVTKn. 1920. 1 1 Graduating Class of the Theodore Roosevelt School Haw ley ton and Vestal Win in Third District Final Ratings in Penmanship Reported by Beilby Willow Point Second Among One-Room Schools and Hooper Among Graded HATS special group for quick wiling Value to YOU 00 WHITE HATS For tlm hl May mid ftummrr 2.QA to $1.05 MTVHJ; AS tONjC MTEA tlfVEN COURT STREET- An Outstanding Sale of it 1, 1 "7 A 7 v. vleve Middendoff. Cleiwood; John Hranek, Pollard Mill; Chambers, West Hill; James Samson, West Hill.

Second grade Robert Hosklna, Tiona; Agnes Golan, Pterce Creek: Theodora DuBrava. The Grove; Charles Hoskins, Tiona; Januch Riukowskl, Tiona; Frani-es Wolfe, u-t I -1 I NEW SILK DRESSES Glenwood; Mary KuLhctm, Shores Hill; Gl-n Wesigate, 1'pper Willow Point; Margttret Young, Brougham town. First grade Stanley Wlwlgao, Tiona; Teddy Rutkowskl, Tiona; Thelma Steen, East Oak Hill) Leonard Hawley, Tiona. Graded Schools. a Eighth grade Marian Hart Hooper: Olive Benedict, Westover; I'eart Bonney, Hooper; Murlnu Stowell, Hooper; Gladys Swini Vestal; Doric Murphy, Venial; Gene vieve Glbbs, Vestal; Ruth Williams Hooper; Delight Van patten; Vestal; Pauline Beers, Hooner.

Seventh grade Stephen Yurch, Westover; Leda Leonard, Vestal; Eleanor Smith, Hooper; Elma Ellis, RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Vestal Center; Mabel Mcliregor, I inll ott, June 25 leading In ths finals of this year's running penmanship contest" In ths one-room schools of the Third supervisory district, are Hawleyton, Willow Point and Ross Corners, the superintendent Kawson K. Beilby. reports. "These geliooln." Peilhy says, "are In the same order as at the previous lap reported. In the graded school class, Vestal and Hooper still lead as before, but West-over has taken third place from Maine." Kollowins are the points credited to the leading school after examination of the final papers by Mrs.

Kliza-beth Ijindon, supervisor of penmanship In the Binshamton schools: One-room schools Hawleyton, 72; Willow Point, 55; Hoss Corners, 84; HroufthamLm, 34; the Grove, 30; 'J'iona, 30; Pierre Creek, 27; Willow Point, 26; Bunn Hill, 24; Gate District- 20; Glenwood, 20. Graded siiiools Vestal, 227; Hooper, 136; Westover, 118; Maine, 90; Union Center, 72. The writers of the winning- papers in the final contest are named below. One-room Schools. Eighth grade Bernico Warrick, West Hill; Merle Tull, Allentown; Kelda Hendrlckson, Shores Hill; Camilla Allentown; Mabel Chauncey, Bhores Hill; Dorothy Aldrlch, Ross Corners.

Seventh grade Lillian Light, Hawleyton: Larlson Sandwick, Hawleyton; Dwlght Lee. Hawleyton; Dorothy Corwin, Pollard Hill; Lillian Gyrney. Glenwood! Agnes Malloy, New Ireland; Heide Bloomauist, Landon Hollowj Joseph Dean, South Vestal: Beatrice Avery, Brocket Hollow Charles Leahy. Landon Hollow. Sixth grade Roland Phillips, Landon Hollow: Mary Klimek, New Ireland; Harriet Titus, Willow Point- Ethel Saunders, Barnum Hill, Isabella Johnson, Kast Maine; Andy-less Davis, Pierce Creek; Mollie Strickland, Glenwood: Lillian Corson, Glenwood; -John Syivestro, South Vestal; Eva Schuk, Hawley- t0Fifth Mary Hattala, Haw-levton: Steve DuBrava, the Grove; Helen Wrona, New Ireland; Florence Hughes.

Ross Corners; William Bar $10 Coiil. flinrminn: sport mid street dresses. It will a joy to own find weiir Mich dresses. Made in the liiicst lmilcriuls of flut crepe, striped printed Keoi-Retto in. plain colorH, flowered or polka dots and tub nilka.

Just whut you want for over ho holiday week-end as well as for vacation time. Westover; Eldora Schoolcraft, Maine; Ashley Brearley, Vestal; Kathiyn Dlehl, Vestal; Howard ltob-erts, Vestal; Steffie Kwiatkowski, Hooper. Sixth grade Marion Tjmeson, Maine; Lorena Ingallfl, Maine; TERM IS FINISHED Weather Forecasted for Next Two Years First 30 Days bf Summer Will Be Warmest, Next 30 Changeable with Cloudbursts and Cyclone and Last 30 Pleasant, Says Astrologer FATHER FISCHER LEAVES ji ICQTT Assistant Pastor of St. Ambrose's to Be Succeeded by Father Cunningham Mahlon Michelbach, Vestal; Vivian Davis, Hooper; Mary Mitchell, Vestal; Chester Van Etten, Hooper; Exercises Will Be Held in Park Avenue Baptist Church pndhxXt, Juno 25 The Rev. An A special program is planned for thony Fischer, who Is leaving Endl- Another Lot of Summer Dresses.

cmt on the advice of bis physician, Sunday night at the Park Avenue Baplst church to mark the closing of Jane Brien, Westover: Dorothy Golden, Parkview; Margaret Williams. Parkview. Fifth grade Esther Miller, Vestal; Robert Landon, Vestal: Thelma Curtis, Vestal; Gertrude Brearley, West-over; Lucille Ellis," Vestal: Dorothy Mills, Westover; Magdalena Schehl. Maine; Alice Swan, Parkview: Alex De Shetler, Vestal; Marie Roberts, Vestal. Fourth grade Lillian Russell, Vestal; Alta Fdster, Vestal; Alice Downey, Vestal: Verna Galloway, Vestal; Leona Smith, Vestal; Mary Rowland, Westover: Helen Terray, Hooper; Roger Brooks, Vestal; Gertrude Michelbach, Vestal; Dorothy goes today to New York, where he will visit friends and receive medical treatment.

lAtcr ho may go to all- torn la to live. It Is suid; he has All new summer styles in all the new summer colors. Prints, stripes, crepes and flannels, one and two piece effects. Come enrlv and avoid the rush. They will not.

lust long. the 1925-26 season of the school of religious instruction, that held Its final session this afternoon under the direction of the pastor, the Rev. Clarence O. Walker. brother there who la an otticer In the United States Navy.

leather Fischer raine to Ernllcotl Dec. 1924., as assistant pastor of "December will be en unusual month. The first few Jays will be cold and disagreeable. A enowMorm will occur about the 11th. (Probably six inches for litnghaniton and 10 to 12 in The snow will May on the ground and a larger downfall will follow about Dec.

119. The indications lead to isonclnslon It well to have plenty of coal in the cellar, es transportation may be tied up for more than, a week. "Grain crops of all kinds will be good for this season, but it will prove a poor year for garden truck. It is going to be a good fruit year. Grapes will be plentiful, bud of good quality.

Toads, snakes and worms will abound. "Generally, the year 1927 will be a dry year. Venus, the ruling planet Indicates the spring will be lata, but favorable to fruit and grain. The summer will be damp, sultry and This Bchool has enjoyed unusual success, with an enrollment ana interest never exceeded in any previous year. The pastor is assisted by According to a long distance forecast of weather conditions for the Southern Tier, prepared by Reuben H.

MacDonald of this city, "weather student and astrologer," the remainder of this summer will be variable with the best part coming In the last month of the season, "during which touiiHis are advised to take their vacation" and the coming year will be dry "with the summer damp, sultry and marked with great heat." While both summers will be productive of heavy crops, MacDonald emphasizes that Is a Venus year, and three sterile years alwaya follow a Venus year. Stockmen should begin to lay up stock food in store for these three years" MacDonald prefaces his announcement of his forecast with the following: 'Much of this information I obtained from the lato Dr. Jeremiah MacDonald, my father. He made study of the advance or long rtistajice forecasting a life pursuit, teachers. The program presented NEW YORK TF Sunday night will feature the courses of study, and will show to St.

Ambrose's church, 1 luring tils stay hern he hits made many friends and upon departing he spoke appreciatively of the friendly regard In which he Is held by both Catholics and non-Calhollcs. A parish committee preaenli'd to Father Fischer a few days ago a testimonial purse from the parishioners of St. Ambrose's as an expression of their love and esteem. He expressed his gratitude to all participating In this the congregation the methods fol- ILK and SPECIALT owed. The average attendance Is between 60 and 60, with an enrollment much larger.

SHOP The classes ttudy the fundamentals of alt religion in general and of the 27 Court Street Next to Fanny Farmer friendly action. Vandeburg, Maine. Third grade Cecilia Veselka, Hooper; Ulna Russell, Vestal; Harold Kahler, Hooper; Evelyn Calvert, Parkview; Warren Davis, Maine; Inez Hill, Maine. Second grade Josephine Sevclk, Union Center; Jane Stewart, West-over; Everett. Greening, Westover; Lela Chandler, Vestal; Bernita Nichols, Vestal, Orvis Lamphere, Hooper; Doris Stanton, Hooper: Beatrice Benedict, Westover; Irene Mills, Union Center.

First grade Paul Lowe, West-over; Margaret Murphy, Hooper; William Crawford, Hooper; Katpxyn Meeker, Vestal: Leon Williams, Union Center; Wilma Luce. Vestal; Charles Moyle, Westover; Ruth Wega, Westover; Gerald Cuff, West-over; Victor Murphy, Westover. Baptist church in particular. Stu Father Fischers successor, tie dents will read papers or make ton, Broughamtown; jum. Gates district; Elizabeth luBrava, the Grove; Nora Wake, Tiona; Esther Hadley, Turkey Lane; Cora Eldred, the Grove.

Fourth grade Jessie Van Auken, Willow Point; Florence Snyder, Willow Point; Anna Slmko, Hawleyton: Lorena Gaige, Hawleyton; Joe Kupschia, Broughamtown; Lily Ke-Jehian, Jit Et trick; Eleanor Stewart, Willow Point: Irene Loppersberger, East Maine: Stella Wlwigac, Tiona; Helen PulUs, Rounds Hill. Third grade Stearns Southwontn. Upper Willow Point; Agnes Greene, Upper Willow Point; Martha Willow Point; Mary Valenta, Oak Hill; Anna Hawleyton Josephine Sinjko, Hawleyton; Gene- Rev. David Cunningham or Oswego, la expected to arrive in Endicott to peeches that will review what the classes have learned in courses of morrow. Father Cunningham, who great heat will prevail.

Hay and grain. In some localities will rot in the fields. It will be a poor potnto year. The fall will be warm and fair. The winter will be dry and mild turning to wet In 192S.

"The hest advice to fanners is this: Sow all your seed early and do not. plant 1t very deep. Cultivate early to get ahead of the weeds. doctrinal subjects, arranged as fol Silks and Wash Goods and he in turn received much of his lows: Fundamentals of faith, sin. own knowledge from his ratner, retribution, salvation, the Trinity, recently whs ordained, said bis nrst mass at Oswego last Sunday.

New Victor Records 1 "Somebody's Lonely," Ya Gotta (my grandfather) Captain iienry Howland, whaler and captain or dual human nature, conflict between two natures, baptism, communion, covenant and church membership. merchant vessel, who sauea mo seven seas for more than 40 years. These forecasts are strictly based on Grapes will be excellent, but are liable to rot In damp localities, "liay.up stock foods and all grains After this stage in the studies, the classes also study prayer, tithing, stewardship and other subjects. The meteorological observations, cover Know How to Love," "Hello, Aloha! How Are You?" "lrfl's Make 1'P," "Slttln' Around." "Nothing Else lo Do But Sit Around and Think About You," "Love Bound." "Roses." "Statin Strut." "Trunpeekoe "Trip as three sterile years always follow ing a long number or years, ipn- school now is in the third summer, a Venus year. seiiuently, they, are not 'prophecies INSURANCE AGENT FILES PETITION TO RE in the Latest Weaves and Patterns at June Clearance Sale Prices Plenty of Real, Honest to Goodness Values in the Latest in Yard Goods and Mr.

Walker is preparing for fur "This will prove another year where toads, snakes, grasshoppers ther advanced studies for the next lets." "Rainbow KH'Ples." All are erm, starting in September or Octo or iut are caicuiaiioim made on what has taken place, and therefore, will take place again. The methods and principles on which their author has been laboring for and worms will abound. Fish, except eels and bullheads, will be ADJUDGED BANKRUPT ber. new Victor Records on sulo at Fow ler's. Advertisement.

Special Victor Release Mr. Walker and laymen have se abundant, "A very good book on the family lected Sunday, Sept. 26. as the date for dedicating the new church bulld- "Mciutain Greenery," fox trot, from garden oai be obtained by asking several. years past, and the numerous successes thus obtained in his forecasts will be equally reliable as In the past." ng at Vestal and Rush avenues.

The (Special to The Blnrhamton Presl) I'tica, June 23 George O'Brien, an insurance agent of 41 Mont "The Garrlck Gaieties played bv Roger Wolfe Kahn and his or principal speaker will be the Rev. H. for extension bulletin 74, published by the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University, Ithaca. Clarke Colebrook, D. general di chestra.

Weeks Dickinson, 39-41 gomery street, Binghamton, filed a ENDICOTT PUPILS OF JESSE WESTON WILL GIVE PIANO RECITAL lTndicott, Juno 25 Recitals will he given this afternoon end tonight in the First Baptist church by piano pupils of Jepse H. Weston. The performance of the Junior Btuients. which will begin at 3:30 o'clock, will be supplemented with violin selections by Ralph Wade. The performance of the senior students will begin at 8:15 o'clock.

The program includes compositions by Chopin. Mendelssohn. Liszt, Rachmaninoff and some of the modern Frwich composers, lnoluding Claude Debussy. Pauline Birdsall rector of the New York State Mis Chenango street. Advertisement.

sionary convention, and head of the petition, in Federal Court today asking to be relieved of debts of $1,120 denomination In tills state. otner $4.60 Bordered Crepes New, neat designs 30 new pieces just arrived; V2 yards makes a dress. Special, CO Yard prominent Baptists will attend. $1.19 Imported Pongee Pure silk, first choice, not powdered. Another 1,000 yards at Yard OJt under the bankruptcy law.

He has no assets for distribution among hifl 2 3 creditors, according to the petition filed through Attorney Robert VESTAL CENTER 1 Brink. Those of Binghamton in--liirio B. O. Moffltt Bo. $60; Vestal Center, June 25 The fol MacDonald iasued the rollowing forecast, "for The Binghamton Press, for the remainiter of the year 1926.

and for the year 1927;" "The summer of 1926. according to the study of astrology, will be very warm during the day, but the nights will be cool and pleasant. As summer began on June 21 with the winds prevailing from the south, all signs indicate that this particular feature of the forecast Is correct. "The first 30 days of this summer will be the warmest, but the breeziest. The next 30 days will be very changeable, with variable temperature: hot one day and cool the next.

Many thunder storms and hail storms will occur. Tornadoes, cyclones and cloudbursts are liable in almost any locality. Campers and lowing pupils of the village passed $1,69 Sport Satins all subjects in Regents required, and have received preliminary certifi Brotan Clothing $29; Bartlett Boland, Judgment, $125; John W. Benedict $500; Leo C. O'Hara, $25; Earl J.

Green, $32; Lester Miller Clothing $51, and Binghamton Oil Refining $80. There are a number of creditors of Syra Wonderful for slips, Adamy. contralto, wlU fitng a group cates: Wilson Truesdell, Harry Striley and Elmer Ellis. In the grade examinations, the following fiuxirft- dresses and (J1 AA Special, Yard J)x passed the subjects and were pro moted to the following grades: cuse. LEON H.

DE CAMP WEDS Seventh, Taiil Hlllls, Francis Gar rison and Glenn Morton; sixth, $2,50 Rough Pong-ec Pure silk and very heavy; $2.60 and $2.69 Printed Crepes Pure silk, new design; a real buy at Aft Yard $3.75 40-lnch Skinner's Flat Crepe That famous make, pure silk, heavy, washable crepe; guaranteed lowest, price in town. Special I0 fft Yard D.UJ $1.08 Tub Foulards All s'k and designs. i ll i UIM fl MB ArtHur Benjamin, Gladys Clapper, MISS MARION MANNING of. songs. The public Is Invited t-o hear both the afternoon and the evening program.

SHOWER IS GIVEN FOR MARGUERITE WHITNEY nndicott, Juno 25 A linen shower was given Tuesday night at Ideal Home in honor of Miss Marguerite WhltnVy of 27 Charlotte street, Bing-hamton. who soon will be married to Coonevof 40 Elm street, people living near rivers should be very careful for their personal safety during this period. "The last 30 days of summer will be the best. They will be warm, with cool nights, but will have plenty of washubl June 25 Miss Yard Dorothy Jenks, Arthur Pierce and Owen Pierce; fifth, Esther Benjamin, Leola Garrison. Roland Miller, Michael Patrick, William Ellis and Walter Benjamin; fourth, Louise Broneon, Arma Patrick, Florence Striley and Malcolm Ellis; third, sunshine during the day and clear skies at night.

This is the time for Marion Manning of Endicott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Manning of Dryden, was married to i.Bnn H. De Oamn of Dryden, Thurs $2.25 Darbrook Stripes the auto tourist.

to take a vacation Earl Benjamin, Veverly Ellis, Mel- vln Cargell, Clyde Swartwood; sec day afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the manse of the First Presbyterian "The fall and winter of 192 generally will be dry and fair. After a rainy period, which la slated for the Pure silk, washable stripes, ond, Douglas Ellis, Clyde Pierce, Ruth Striley and Darlene Warner. church. The ceremony was per new neat colorings, (J 7Q last of September and a few days formed by the pastor, the Rev. R.

Special Yard $1.29 A meeting of the Town of Vestal In October, the weather will be most Special, Yard J) 1 I 7 agreeable. Light frosts will cause Sunday school association will be held in the Lower Tracy Creek M. E. church, Saturday. Paul Schearrer.

The couple were attended bv the bride's parents and Mr. 'and Mrs. Willis W. Reigle of Trumansburg. The bride wore a gown of blue Elizabeth crepe and carried a bouquet of white roses.

Mr. and Mrs. De Camp will live at Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morton snd Binghamton.

The color scheme was pink and white. Luncheon was served, pink candles decorating the table, which was centered with a basket Of Pink Those present were Miss Whitney, Mrs. May Conrad. Mrs. Jay Doty, Miss Ella Whitaker.1 Mrs.

George Whitaker. Mrs. Halsey Merriani, Mrs. Clarence Mott, Miss Helen Hess, Miss Florence Streevy, Miss Louise Torino Miss Catherine Bricker, Mrs. John Hart, Mrs.

Henrietta Rogers and Mrs. Paul Reck. EPISCOPALIANS WILL son Glenn, and Mr. and Mrs. Willis but little damage.

Leaves on the trees will stay longer than usual, and the forests will gradually change color. "November will be a pleasant month, with little snow or rain. 5 Wash Goods Warner and daughters Dorothy and Darlene, spent Sunday at the. home Dryden. Mrs.

De Camp has been a of Guy Blowers, near Deposit. member of the faculty of the Iirth Mrs. Mary Jackson Stanley, 85 Side school. LONG EDDY years old, who died June 17. at the home of her son-in-law, Henry Eg-gleston, on West Hill, was the widow of Matthew Stanley.

She was a native of the state of Connecticut. She Endicott News Notes $2.69 Bordered Crepes Pretty designs, also plain colors, 1 7. yards $1.00 Quality Alpacas, Plain and Fancy Guaranteed' sunfast and washable; neat cheeks, stripes and plain. CQ Special, Yard l.mliroll, June 2." All member of Oncactah Council. Degree of Long Eddy.

Jtmo 2S Little Helen Biorkland, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bjorkland, was injured June 16, when a barn door fell from its hingea and struck her as she was playing about the building. The child was rushed to a doctor in Hancock, and it was feared Pocahontas, "are asked to meet at is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Willianu Dean of South Vestal: two sons, William, of Vestal, and Ed of Friendsville; 21 grandchildren; two great grandchildren, and brother, Cyrus Jackson of Canada.

The funeral was held at the Eggleston $1.29 makes a dress. Special, Yard. Red Men's hall Sunday at 2 o'clock to join with the Oneactah tribe of Red Men in memorial services at at first that her hip was broken, but home Sunday. The Rev. Owen L.

69c 40-inch Polka Dot Voiles Riverside cemetery. The condition of Mrs. Charles A Buck, pastor of the Vestal M. K. later it proved to be Just dislocated.

Paille. who has been critically ill New neat dots; guaranteed for more than a week at her home, 407 McKlnley avenue, shows consid to wash. Special 43c UfQ REAL REDUCTIONS y3 A hat Mean Worthwhile Prw Savin8'! jV II See these wonderful valuet Jr TLo in our windowi. Come in and nf A trY on many Pir you JPl wish, and then you will know 1 wby thousand of women will TTf ava'' themselvet of Newark' vL Wr Price ilahing Sale of 9 1 sjL i I "A '1''e Summer and vacation A 'J i hoes. Every woraan will fj wear "White" thi Summer II jl Get Yours in This II Money-Saving erable improvement.

PICNIC AT ENDICOTT Inrlicott, June 2i Preparations indicate that one of the pleasantest picnics of the season will be that of the parish of St. Michael ami All Angels' of West Endicott, which will be held at Ideal park on Saturday, beginning at 2 o'clock. Supper will be served at 5 o'clock. About 100 persons are expected to be prejent, including the 45 members of the Sunday school. The growth of the Sunday school has been steady and satisfactory, the membership increasing from three, three years ago.

to 45 at present, the superintendent, Mrs, Leonard M. King, said today. PAGEANT AT EXDICOTT Endicott, June 23 An interdenominational pageant will be presented tonight at 8 o'clock at the Vhurch of Christ. Madison avenue at Broad street. A silver offering will be received.

The public is in-ifed. Yard church, officiated. Burial was in She is recovering. Vestal cemetery. An entertainment was given Tues- Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin J. Morton day night by the school children to of Union visited their daughter, raise money to apply toward the en-Mrs. Devitt Gardiner, Sunday. jtertainment course for next winter Mr.

and Mrs. Martin Darrow of here. The program was most excel-Westover visited the former's sister, lent and varied, one of the numbers Mrs. Fred Gurney, Sunday. I being a drill which many children, Mr.

and Mrs. George P. Wells of appropriately costumed, took the Mrs. S. Blouin of.

901 Monroe street ts visiting relatives in Boston 59o Mayflower Chintz Guaranteed fast color, 30 pieces to choose from. A Special, Yard TTijC $1.19 Silk Mixed Prints The newest and largest selection in town most all are washable. Special 7C Yard JC and Lowell, Mas. Mrs. Joseph L.

Brown of 900 Monroe street has returned home after visiting relatives and friends $1.00 Dress Linens Pre-shrunk and fast color: a special buy at CQ Yard DVZ South Montrose and Mrs. D. J. parts of natives of France, Germany. in Towanda, Pa- Sherman Northrop of Monroeton is the guest of his cousin.

Miss Helen M. Brown of 900 Monroe street. Fowler's Dress Sale Many other Silks, Woolens and "Wash Goods reduced-plenty of white in everything. Please Shop Early. No Samples During This Sale Switzerland, Japan, Iceland.

In this the fan drill by the High school girls was especially colorful. Another in- I terestlng number was a one-act farce, entitled "Elizabeth's' Young Man," In which Wilroa Hoolihan, 1 Marjorie Sands, Marion Gould and Clinton Skinner played the charac- ters. The entertainment closed with i a pageant, "The Stars (and Stripes Forever." in which the greater part of the school took part Much credit is due both pupils and teachers, as well as to the general public, which Tomorrow on Second Floor. Plenty of dresses for tall-stout and short-stout women are included in BUY NOW While Sale Is On this Big Sale, bee page 7. Adver New Victor Records "Somebody's Lonely," Ya Gotta Know How to Love," "Hello, Aloha! Osterhout and Miss Lena Osterhout were guests Saturday at the home of Mrs.

Wells' niece, Mrs. Frank L. Kellam. Miss Helen L. Griffis of Binghamton visited her aunt, Mrs.

Minerva G. Roberts. Sunday. John Rounds of Bingliamton visited his brother, William on Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Werton of Vestal and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morton of Sew Milford. called Sunday at the home of Ashton W.

Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lauder of Union district spent Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. W.

H. Fair-brother. Miss Ruth Fairbrother accompanied them. Miss Anna Hanrahan, teacher of the primary department of the -village school, has returned to her tisement, Pipe Organ Solos played by Jesse Crawford for Victor records are "Valencia" and "At How Are You?" "Let's Make Up." "Sittin' Around, "Nothing Else to Do But Sit Around and Think About You." "Love Bound," "Roses," "Static Strut." "Tampeekoe," "Triplets." "Rainbow Ripples." Alt are ffew Victor Records on sale at Fowler's. Advertisement.

Peace witji the World." Hear thi TTT Don't Wish for What You Want Use a gave hearty support to the presentations. Morris Peak of Franklin was in town Sunday. Mildred Armstrong Is at home for the summer after completing' her Jkrarf: Shz Stcrea Co. 400 Brashu THroachont the Unlt.J Stale Binghamton Store 82 Court Street (lavaHi Stores Open Saturday Evening a to Accommodate Cuatomn beautiful record at Weeks Dick trson. 3S-41 Chenango street.

Advertisement. JJT RESS WANT A sophomore year in Oneonta High Y2 Prica Dress Sale'. school, and Robert Armstrong also home in Hallstead. She will teach Live Bait at Parsons', 139 Water street. Tomorrow in Fowler's Basement.

in the public scbool of Binghamton i is at home from his studies in Cook See page 11. Advertisement, next year. Academy, Montour fails..

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