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The Monroe Journal from Claiborne, Alabama • Page 4

Claiborne, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Prton(d Dr Shomo, of Ml. Pleasant favored thi office with USE swat pleasant call laat week. Voewtabt District Sunday School Convention. The third annual Bunds? 'Sobool Convention of the second district of Alabama composed of the counties LI All 'O Sicilian A GREAT OFFER, PATTERN fitEE. MiM Ma ore and Kiln Neville, dangh tern of Cot.

D. Neville, are visiting the family of Green, and rlHLL OHAIR TUBLISIIED WEEKLY other relatives at Pollard. Mr 0 McCiurc of Kempville, was in "Monroeville Satnrduy. 8 Daily, of Kempville, attend' th Hoard of EJoca- A HAHISOME of Conecuh, Escambia and Monroe will be held at the Baptist church in Evergreen, Conecuh county, begin, ning with a Mass meeting Tuesday Ifin Envelope with your name and IUU buslners address printed tl ereoo sent oy nill poslpard for 14 cents. Address.

The JrtVBNiL Job office, Mooiocville, ON TUB WIN0; 1 Me. Eeitob. AsIaraYtravelor sod have bad the pleasure of reading your pleasant little paper, I have eon eluded to write jou few linei. The crop prospects are good, I bave seen the finest errpg I ever saw for this season of the year are said to be be' tor on the Alabama river than they have had in several years, People are in good 'spirit generally wbeu they go out and look at their crops they can imagine they see the green backs on it that is enough tomake a follow feel good. In my travels I chanced to drop In at Perdue Hill in time to attend i Scholarship tn Iho Buiiies C'ol evening, i my aotn ond continuing for University lege 01 Lexington, bargain.

Apply at this office. GIFT Printed Nolo head 8 eent bv tion Saturday. Mrs A Sowel', of evergreen Is visiting relatives and filend at this place. Mr Wm. W.

White, of Walker 8pniisrs, Clarke eonnij. Is visiting relatives and friends near Mon mrongn uursdaj evening July 28tb I8M7. All the schools in the. district are expected and cordially invited to 100. Ion mail.

postpaid to any address on- receipt of 30 ots in ad RENEWER. It Is a mcdicluul preparation, and, at tho same time, an elegant and cleanly toilet article Its action upon tho scalp li health. rul. It nourishes tbo glands whlchiupport tbo hair, and causes thin, dry hair to bo come thick, soft, and vigorous. It retorcs the color of youth to locks which have become faded with ngo or dlncascj tnd rclloves ond cure itching, caused by humors of tho scalp.

Dr. George Cray, Nashua, N. writes "It gives mo pleasure to testify to tho wonderful effects produced by IlaH'i Vegetable Sicilian Ilalr Itcnewer, as observed by mo In very many cases. It will certainly hestoiis Tnn nxia to its original It cleanses tho head of dandruff, mid leaves tho hair soft, glossy, and beautiful." P. T.

Sandheln, 1010 Spruce riilladelphlo. dress, Journal Job Office, Monroeville, Ala. send delegates. The president and statistical secretaries of each county the commencement of the eobool It convention, will please look after the HkilO Envelopes will lo Wsent piepaid to any address upon receiptor only 91 75 Send or- dr lo Journal Jib Office, Monroeville. Ala.

AA Printed Letter Hesds in any style uUU for Si.50. Good quality paper, Or-www Primed Note he-da for tl.60 and $2.00 accon'diDg to quantity. Piraller or large quantities in proportion. Orders slicited Address, Joirhal Job Opfiosv Monrueville, Ala. LTflD CAI C.

A brand new com-rUll dMLC bination Lock No. -H roeville. Di Whisenhimt, of Bnena Vis ta, whs in Monroeville last week. Mr .1 Moore, ot Claiborne, was in town Tuesday. Mr Edgar Hays, onn of Scot-lands popular yoiirg gentlemen gave ns a call Tuesday.

was a gland succe a The Pro, rc-livered an eloquent speech in honor to his students and also another gentleman of that place made an elo qnent and interesting speech. And I spoke of seeing the finest crops I ever saw before I also vv the pret statistical reports of their respective counties and bring them np or send in advance to 8, B. Strout at Evergreen, so that they can be properh arranged before the meeting of tin convention officer will alsi look to toe collection and sending nr TO OUR LADY READERS In ourl'suo of AUGUST 1, wo shall print a Coitpso Order entitling the holder to a pttlern (free) of the abort Jacket, in lizei of 84, SO, S8, or 40 inclirs in bust treasure. A Bittern of this Htylish garment i nry useful to any, lady aa bylalnipl.v leaving ofl'lhe nrerae a pla'n jacket is obtained, which is always deairable and it is just such a pntfern as every lady ahould have in the house. Tiiero will he nnexonse hereafter lor Mrs.

Smith guiding over io borrow a jacket pattern fiom Mrs Jnea. V' have made arriitenii-utB wiib a New York house furnish these patterns in tlie different sizes as above, tli at the holder of the coupon Oreer may have the stz she may desire. This is great oiler is ich pattern has a full value nf Fifty cents, being accompanied by an lh lustntticn and explicit directions for puttiog together ai.rl nmliiniv writes: "After unavalllngly trying Victur ire-proof Safe Tor aale at a bargain tli a bi It. Has never been nseil. Fur Miss Myra Patrick, one of our most bennUful and particulars oall on or address the pu'ilirter oi una paper.

AFnrtj-nEe taw Taniel Pratt Cotton Gin for ale cheap. Enquire at this office. A desirable bargain at any price. tiest darkey on the stage that nigbt I ever caw btfue. I Also visited Ml.

Pleasant. P. ople seem to bo getting aloDg jpletfdidly they have fine crops, they have good Subbath schools and seem to bn enjoying the blessings of tiiis life. Humsiing Bibs. FBSnRKlCA JaOKKT.

v. v. iu prevem my hair from falling out, and, realizing that I wns fast becoming bald, I tried, ns a last resort, Ilall's Ilutr Itcnewer. I lmvo used only four bottles of the Benewer, and am perfectly satisfied it Is the best preparation In the market for checking the fulling out of hair, invigorating tho hair roots, and promoting a new growth." Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS I i' snbscriho in order to eet our issue of Ano- trtitr young Indies and capable teachers, IeftTneday for Monteagle, Tenn to dtnd the of the Fouth rn Chatanqua. where will spend several weeks.

Mr Jno Posey, ono of the most energotic young men on tne or funds from tho schools in their respective coa ties to aid in c.irrjii forward the work. Money for this' purpose cn be forwarded in advance or turned over at the convention to MoMillan Treasurer at Brew ton, Ala. All who expect to attend as delegates will forward their names before the of July, to Dr A Lee of Evergreen. Chairman of enter OUK NEIGHBORS' AFFAIRS. lUWaud cut ut.

the order, wich will entitle you to an excellent rntterurllLC AN N-H PiM No mpdieiiie is more conscientious- road, icitrftt-rinting Hale. Kraus well PlcPalt'd, more powerful, or more it and several oilier "Loing words, when kindly sooken In life's dark ana doleful boor, Cliter the heart welluigh grief-broken By their sweetly sootliiry power. "Heat ts inspired with warmest reeling Are most sensitive 'o grief, 2 nd crave that sympathetic healing Which alone can bring re ief. niiiij runctMiiraiee. man Ayer oar-saparilla.

Its wlandard of excellence is the result of careful study. This preparation is asknowlcdged by ihe medical profession to the best blood purifier. known business Amis ot Montgomery, called on onr iiierchants this week. The mere factof his boing Monroe boy accounts for the numerous orders received while in the county. Mr Eddie Jones, the popular commends itself to all who bave occasion to use a dye for the beard or mustache It will change gray, faded, or sandy whiskers, to a beautiful brown or black, as desired.

Tho colors produced era natural and lasting. It cannot bo washed off, contains no destructive ingredients, is cheap, safe, convenient to use, anil effectual. PREPARED BY 8. P. HAIL Nashua, 5.

V. 8. A. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Do you tliink married people arc happy Uncle Jake.

"Dal ar 'penda aliogedder how dey enjoy drmelves; Times without number has the world paid tribute to a mother's devotion. Further evidence Tor her love for her children is the fact that if ciey naD chiming an keep Ut liir-gers' Huckleberry Cordial, dey arc certain to be, for hit will cure de bow cl troubles and chilhm teething." tamment Committee, so that homes can be assigned before the meeting. An entertaining programme of sub-jecls embracing the various features of the work is in course of frepara-tion and competent speakers will be secured to discuss them. The earn-est cooperation sympathy and prayers of pastors, superintendents, teacheis and all christians are sh-cerelyand humbly requested that the blessings of God may be upon our work and that the Holy spirit may guide and teach ns. C.

A. Newton, Prisidenf, District Con 2nd Dist I Mr Jnc 1, Watson is erecting a bnggj bonne opposite the livery stable. she appreciates White's Cretin) Ve -niifuge the great remedy for worms. Good mothers know ils value, and use it promptly thay observe symptoms of worms' thereby ro-storng their children to pcrfccl'henlih LED A8TKAY. Fesnanbina, Nissua Kla.

March 29 '80 WM If U'DMAN. STULfZ BAUEF BI'IOOS CO AND KliOM OTHER CELEBRATED MANfJI-'AfJiURERS BABY UPRIGHT GllNDE UPRIGHT AND UNEQUALLHD IN WORIOJANSUlP I UN APPROACHABLE INTONE! USURPASSKD IN DURABILITY Call and examine before yon Purchase Also Fifty SECOND HAND TIANOS, of different makes and styles, but little used, cheap for cash or on easy terms. young clerk the merrliantile establishment of Wr Viddleton, lineiia Vista, gave the Journal ffice a call last week. Those twe charming and accom plished young ladies Misses Daisy King and Tennie Xcwbeiry passed a most creditable examination before the Hoard of Education last Satin day and were licensed to teach public schools. Mrs Rebeeca Thompson, wife of Mr Jack Thompson commenced a school Monday abont twe miles from Monroeville, near Mr Emmons', with 19 pupils.

A. J. Hatter Son Dl'ALKRS In Genera! LUMBER, JYE Aland COTTON. Procrietors of SAW 31 ILL, GRIST MILL COTTON Gl. Miles South of Monroeville.

County Court convened Mon day. Judge Sowell presiding. "I have used Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator and always found it to do what is chained for it. The last bolllc and two packages did mo no good and were woie than nothing.

I see it is not put up by .1. ff. Zeilin Co. and not genuine, and a waslc of money to buy it. I would be glad to get the pure and genuine.

Send me smiic from honest hands and Zeilin signature on Wrapper. The fictitous stuff sold will injure some one badly. "Yonr Ob't Servr, BENJ. T. RICH.

Mr 8 Sowell, of Wallace. Es-canibia county, was on a visit to his brother Judge VV 0 Sowell, this week. Master Clarerce Daugett is vis-1 The following cases were dispos FREE TKADE. The leduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medi-. ciiies, no doubt 'jas largely bene fitted tho consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers.

Especially is this the case with Green's August Flower and Boschoe's flprman Syrup, as the reduction ofthirtv- ed of: State vsEosetta McMillan Non. J. H.SNOW, 102 and 104 DAUPHIN Sl'REET. ALABAMA. continued State ts PS McKiii IBH (f? ley, cot guilty; State vs Win.

Lee, call fnrjnry. -a-. The Board of County Commie six cents per dozen, has been ad-! Mr Meador of the firm of Oglesby Meador, thinks if is just as important to fortify against tlie sud sioinrs ill meet Monday for the examination of the tax assessor's (tea to increase the size of the bortles contaiiiincr these rpmmiioo iting his sister Mrs l.K Agee at Perdue Hill. Mr Earnest Eicon, who has grown weary of the monotony of idleness since the closing of the Academy, has gone to the Capital C'ty to secure a clerkship in a merchantile. establishment.

Miss A Salter, of is visiting iclatives and friends near Monroeville. Mr. Jno. Posey dehveied a book. den altitcks of the bowels, as against the robber that invades the household He says Dr Riggers Huckleberry Cor NOTICE NO.

6421. Land Office at Montgomery, Ala June 'otiee is hereby that the following-named settler has riled notice iofliio intention to make final proof in suppoit ft his claim, and that said roof will he made be; fore, the judge or in his absence the ele'k of the circuit court at Monroevill, Ala-, on auguftl2, 1887, viz: Alvl Williams, by widow f-'allie illianis Hd 21104 lor the SWU I Sertion 27 JJ Wf S-'ec 34 5 4 east, Hie names the following witnesses Commercial College of Ey. University, Lexington, ITy. uiai is me weapon, a dead shot, to We will give one yeai's subscrip tion to the Journal as a prize for oowei troubles. The Cheapest and Best College in the World for a Practical Business Education.

the largest water luelou raised us uraauaics uic 1x1051 ouccesstui. ctuuu Graduates in Business. Highest Honor (Diploma of Honor and Gold Medal) at World's Exposition for System Book-keeping and General Business Education over all Colleges. Atvujrj iu MUTllEKS. Are this year.

thereby giving one fifth more medicine in the 75 ceni size. The August Elower foi Dyspepsia and Livei Complaint, and tpe German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale of aiiy medicine in lie world. The advantage of incieased size of tho bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized countries. Sn'i to prove tier crinimtouR residemenpon and cnlti vatinn of said land viz: Jake English, oraown pan oecui re any ume, wier natracted inatriduallr, by 10 teachers. No Tacstion.

you fiisutcbcd at night and broken from your rest by a sick child suffering with pain of Cultinir teeth. If so Rev Sturgeon preached at very entertaining lecture on Sun try ihe Tresbyteiian church last Sun i send at once and get a botlle of "Sirs day Schools at the Baptish church IOKeth(r reilucltnn i. mMo on '-nrh one. tnUlnn. Nn rhnrm rn.

rn day in his usual impref and last Sunday at 10 a. to. Mr Posev PnONOBKAPH V. TTI'E. WRITING and TELEGRAPH iptiaIUo mi htye spasl tnan-tol KpuUa LltraiT Courra Ov for remainder of KMion nnder 10 protestor.

Orer 600 student, from 31 State, and Poralan Conn, trie. In attendance tut rear. Kentnekj Unlvereltr Diploma, nnder eal, presented it. on eraduation. Islington, Ky.

contain, nearlj 30,000 InhaUt.ou, heanurnl, Mitorlcal, and easU; aoceaalMe, peine dtnateda me leadiD. rail-roal. from tae North, Uoulh, Bait and WeH. For eirouiara addxeu ir. WOJIDB K.

SMITH, Leilturton. En eloquent manner to an attentive is a very eloquent and forcible ties for 10 cents remain NOTICE NO. 641 S. Iand Office at Montgomery, Ala 1887. Notice is hereby tliat 'tlie following minted settler lias filed noticed liis inten tion to T.nke final proof sjpport of his Winslows Soothing Syrup" for children leclhing.

Ils value is incalcala-ble. It will relieve the poor little sttt fcrer immediately. Depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Rowels. congregation. tLe same speaker and his enlistment in the sick THE BEST Sunday school cnse is highly commendatory to him.

Wl ile tt Sheriff Burns had very horse the first of the week. ana mat saut notice wil' be Mi he-toie the or Irs absence the Clerk cures wind colic, softens Ihe was not our pleasure to hi ar the Wives, mothers, Danghtesr! RE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN! A lady who for years suffered from distressing female complants, wcak- to do better work mid do it nrl In iTi; lecture we know that we ml se la rare treat. of I lie Lirnuit Court, at Monroeville, on July 30, 1887, viz Adam Hiillinger, Homestead fortlie i of SW KEJ 'A Sec 30 4 It 6 He names tlie following witnesses to any other machine In tho world. Warranted tlve years, and If It don't wasU the cloUies clean witliout, wo will refund the money. We regret to leain that to common to ner sex.

nmuucs iiiijamatioii aim gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs Window's oothing Syrup" for child len teething is yleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians and nurses in the U. and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Trice 25 cents a bottle. Rp aim, nan despaired of a cure, finally AGENTS WA NTPn Inevcryconity.

Mrs 35cMilan, wifo of Dr prove ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Tom Dees, Win. House, Monroe Arrington', George Wet'ANSHOtV iuuuu ii-uieuius i comn otnlv PROOF that Agents aro makinit from S75 to $130 montli. Farmers make 200 to durine the winter. Ladim McMillan is quite fick. umcu uui.

jiny stuieier can use btewart, all of Nero. Ala. ARRIS, Register. Save ereat euoceas scliinir this Washer. Kctail price onlv Sunn tn tlineA HaiHnv an c.

Mr. 1 KoDerts of Perdue Hill i2 Celebrated KKYSIONB WRINGERS at manufkifin; was in town Wednesday. rere- lowest Wo invite the strictest investlMtion. Eja au um Mr Teacock, Grand Lectur er, will lecture the lodge in the Masonic Tlall Friday the 8lh. Dr Eusstll, assisted bj Dr McMillan- veiy skillfully and successfully pcrfoimeu the operation of tapping" the person of Mr Elijah Wiggins living about.

6 miles southwest of Monroeville, on the '26h ult. Mr Wiggins has been sflering from dropsy for several The doctor in. mem ami tuns cure herself, without the aid of a physician. Two recipes, treatise and full directions free seakd. Address Mrs.

W. 0. IIot.iih-q Send your adt ess on a postal card for further particulars. sure and ask for "Mrs. Winston's Soothing take no other kiad ADRCCCIVJT I for names of two rrtCaCns I agents and 12c The claims to merit of Tahlm-'a LOVELL WASHER ERIE, PA.

oas Broadway. N. Y. Name this uucKeye 1'iiftUiiitment will not fade Pl)tsrj. 12m away in the light of candid exneri Sunday School Notice.

stamps ror postage we, will mail yon 17 1) large Steel Parlor Eugrauing efalir 1 II li our Poesirtedts, including Cleveland, size 22x28 inches, worth $5 Also the great boos for agents, '-The Lives and Graves of our Presidents," over full page por inent, for His Ihe onlv remedv that win nord permanent relief for piles. Many who have applied vainlv to THE FAMOUS CUSTOM MADE PLYWU ROCK $3 PASTS uaus, sonrst li.ngkb. "Made over SfiO' first week" V. -ALLISON "Took ill nnlw. first Aav physicians for relief, haye found it only in Tablet's Buckere Pile Oint- $25,000.00 IN GOLD I fflll BE PAID FOB ARBUCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS.

ineni. JNowyou have ihe nainn of Fum. Owing to the coming presidential campaign it outsells all other books in ihe field. Complete outfit including engraving for 50 Cents in fifamno Alravi AAaa forms ns that tour and a half gal- Ions of water was taken from his patient, and left him much mo greatest pile remedy. The County Sunday School Executive Committee have selected the.20tli and 2lst days of July as the time for holding the Annual Sunday School Convention of Monroe county at Bell's Landing Presbyterian church, and have adopted the following partial programme The Convention to assemble at 11 a.

m. July 20th hen Dcvetional Ex ELDER PUB. Chieaeo. 111. 6mlv Green SandorPolotoes.

In all the conties bordering the Black Lands ot Alabama and Mississippi green sand morls are more or less abundant. will be interesting to the people living in these regions to know that the Ameiicah Farmer assures us that these green sand morls are highly valuable as a fertilizer for the sweet potato crop. Tbe gieen sand is usually mixed with "stable manure andap plied by pottnisr in thends-e nndar- Cut to order from woolen cloth careful ly selected for the style and wear- Every pair is gnaran-teed, and money PROMPTLY BEFUHD- EDoranewpair made it' goods are returned as unsatisfactory. 1 Premium, 2 Premiums, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiums, 91,000.00 $300.00 each $250.00 8100.00 950.00 3 820.00 1 810.00 I "Watermelons are very plenti. inl and are selling cheaper than for several years.

Bermuda Our esteemed correspondent "Tim" sends us the following items: Mr. Editor, as it has been some time since 1 have written to you I will write a few lines. Crops are looking fine. We had ercises will be conducted by Rev. PO YOTT WEAR 7 W.

followed by an address PANTS No injurious effects can follow the use of Aycr'sAguoCure. It contains the diaws. Green sand morls are For full particulars and directions see in every pound o( Abbdobxxs' Crrts. an unfailing antidote and fcpeeific for rich in potash, and to thiH fact is due their value as a potato itiieenmg rain to-aay. it was like the rain the Presbyterian wanted, a drizzly drozzN- raiu.

myasmanc poisons, together with Tell us about Khat color you like, send us your waist.hip and inside leg measure, together with $3 and A good many of the people 0 around here took advantage of 35 cents postage (or prepaid expressjand packing. Or, sjnd 6 cents either tous or to remedial agents which purify ami re-invigorates the system. Mr Conover will begin the erection of Lis phctogiabh pllery soon. JJvbart, with Response by T.

Wiggins and 1. D. Roberts, alter which the delegates will be enrolled. of Committees. At four p.

m. Committees make their reports and aselection ot officers lor the nsuitig year and close the evening session with such exercises as may be adopted. Second 8 a. Devotioual Exorcises, Address by O. J.

Burson. Five minuio talks on Sunday School work. Reports ot'Statistical Secretary and Ticasurer. Address bv Rev. J.

C.Suncai.. Mai tne othce ot this paper, and a package of samples will bi mailed you, including a good Mnen tape measure, as we bave deposited with the prtiprielors ot tins paper a.nuuibe of packages for "sale at SJcen ts. FLYMO TH CCK PANTS 18 HUmner st, ton, Mass. the excursion to visit Fort Pickens to see the Indians. Mr.

J. J. Autry is qu'te sick. The drummer who wanted his life insured when ne traveled on the Pine Orchard road looks like he needs It. Tim.

Mr Jno I Watson contemplates the erection of several cottages for rent jn the snbnrbs. Copious sbowers of rain have vittited this section within the week. ThcfeBrnow Is that there will be too much. There are remedies, and remedies but no preparation has ever been com pounded to ebnal White's Cream Vermifuge as a worm medicine. It is absolutely pure, safe, simple and efficacious and no mother who has Stabler, B.

J. Skinner and Capt. O. 11. Spence.

Miscellaneous business. ever tried it but pronounces it not on Mr oonover is preparing to ly a success but the onlv worm medi Closing Exercises. James Thames, A. J. McCanth, Committee River Ridge.

June 27, 1887. erect a substantial bain on his cine that positively accomplishes all that claimed for it. ingmagi The Great Southern Remedy for all place. The picnic at Battel's mill Satur All members of Monroeville Lodge No. 153 are requested to attend day was well attended, and wss tjoite a sm-cesw.

We bave not space to give a mere extended notice of it this special meeting of said Lodge at 10 o'clock a. m. on Jnly 8th 1887. at A Trial Trip. The St.

Louis Christian Advocate Will be sent from until the First nf Jan. kv. TOM Absolutely Pure. BQEJEL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHINC. There are very row who do not know of this i alongside of our mountains ut few wallie the fact, that he little purple berry, ivhlth so many of dj haye eaten In most every shnne.therels aDrin-cinle hi it liaviiitt a wonderful effect onthe Iwweis.

Dr. BiKer-a ucklcberry Cordial ia "Pi'JMKBW tiKMKDr that restores the little one teethine, and cares Diarrhoea Di-senlery und Cramp folic. "mtruoea When It considered that ot this season of the year sodden and danst-rous attacks of the bmm are so frequent, and we hear of so many before Physician can be 'i18 "nportant that every hornet rrovfde. themselves with some speedy relief, at lose of which will relim the pain and save much anxiety. vlTXJl AATfAl.gSS" and Mullein will cure UMiekx, Croup aud CoS mmptlon.

Price fficti. ami a hotife which time T. J. Peacock, Grand Lecturer will be with ns, and members of any other Lodge are cordially be present also. A.

M. LeLIB, Sec'y. NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES and Rotary Movements, Automatic Direct and Perfect Action, Cylinder Shuttle.Self-setting Needle, PositiveFeed, -No Springs, Few Parts, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No Noise, No Wear, No Fatigue, No "Tantrums," Capacity Unlimited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, Nickel-plated and Gives Perfect Satisfaction. Bend for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO- 28 Union Square, Now York.

nary 1888, tc any person ho has not here-1 to'ore and i if r. iiiupuwuCT never vanes. A marre! The people of Kempville and Scotland neighborhoods will onite in giving a picric at ihe latter lace on Friday Jnly 29tb, which promises to be the moBt successful one of the season. All are cordially invited to attend. JO.

nominal sum of FIFTY CENTS. I epurity, urt egio and who lesomeness. Mor eonomical than the ordinary kinds, and cau no be fold in competicion with the multi-ude of low lest, short waiglit alum oi phos pbate powder Lold only in cans Royal Pi kino Powdkr York Marvelous Library for sale at 5 ets Thl" to retrodcee the drocate with toe -edT on Chester Seymour at the pobtofnee. 913 Pme etieet, st.UuisM?. Jfeakio.

tlili psptr..

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