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The Star Press from Muncie, Indiana • Page 3

The Star Pressi
Muncie, Indiana
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3 THE. MUNCIE MORNING STAR. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26 country that the department is nroa UNCLE SAM BAGS 63 OSTRICHES perlng to enforce tie law with care not to unnecessarily injure eny In- Portland U. B.

Minister Accepts Lapel Church teresiH. rRoMNCi TOBACCO TIUT. llf STEEL TRUST? This Is The Last fa Nw York. Sept. 16.

At the tonrlusinn ot tha rrtnfernce on the reortamtatlnn of tha Anjerlcan Tohacro rompanl today, Attomev eneral Wickn-iham id he rould not aura wnn tie petition aettlna forth tie proposed plan for f1t.a,ilut!nn would fca filed with the nltert Stataa flretitt rourt. too General Wickersham he did not think any further ronferenrra would he net-emary. Public hearings will he held as soon aa the petition from the W. H. Hile Arrives in New York With Remarkably Fine Lot of Birds.

ily Says Government I Enforce the Law. tooaiXQ comnany la reralved. When You Can Get This Splendid HI Fire clash at fairmqun I jmM i LONG STATEMENT FEATHER FARM IN NORTH ROUGH AND TUMBLE RGHT Declares Bipeds Fare Better in criminate Fight on Interests Planned. a Cold Climate. Dissension in Ranks of Strikers Summitville to Use Blowing Machines.

f'airmount. Sent Th burning of the Vincennes bottle fac tory may he the means of bringing a large number of the blowers em Scvc York, Sept. 25. Attorney-General Wickersham, tonight, in re-aponsp 10 many Inquiries regarding the possible prosecution of the United Slates Sieel corporation, made the tullowinf statement: It has been the consistent policy of Hie department not to state in ad-ance of actual proceedings that action against any particular party was in contemplation. There are many reasons why this is the proper po- ployed in that plant here to accept places In the Bell factory.

The first real clas-h since the strike was calld came hen one of the men who had returned to work after Joining the strikers for a time was ac iiitin 10 miiiiwn. in me nrst place ntil Investigation it complete, it is The Hey. A. Ilutldleoton. Lapel, Sept.

25. The Rev costed In the fairground and a rough and tumble tight Is said to have taken York, Sipt. 25. After a thr months' trip from Calcutta. W.

H. Hile has arrived in port with the largest consignment of oat riches ever received in this country, and probably the lajt ostriches that will ever he allowed to leave Africa. The bird were taken ashore from the Kansas, of the Buoknall line. Sixty-three of the valuable birds Started un the trip, and, to the amaxementtof thone familiar lth the difficulties of Importing odtrichcl, fifty-three of thorn still livt. Home of the birds are to be uifd to start an otrlch farnu within thv limits of New York, and it Is expected that by next year it will be puaaible for admirers of ostrich plumes to go to this arm and select featltcrri still on the bird.

This will be the first time an ostrich farm hiit ever been undertaken in sue It a climate, with the exception of a small farm started laM year by Mr. HI In. Hllo, who Im tamed an a big game hunter in South America and Africa, broiiHht three pairs of young ostriches to this country Inut year and established i farm At Itloonistmrg. I'a To known whether or not a case of place. A.

JCuddlcston. the now pastor of the L'ntted Hrelhrjn church of thW ittv I'OilOWinir DlA WADtin. M.e comes from Portland, where he was strikers held Sunday, Prank Frazler and Henry Able, president and vice lireSitient of tllO Im-Ul pastor for two years. Prior to that he lived in southeastern Ohio. He is a married man, and has one young son and an Infant daughter.

resigned their positions and demanded mat tney ne accented iniim.i ate v. OrltheuH Anripron uu. succeed Frazler as the president, and violation oi law exists anj. In the second place, the character of the proi-fledings cannot tbe 'determined until then, and If the facts shall require criminal proceedings to be re-lorted to, ordinary prudence would demand that publicity be not given to that until Indictments are found. HK'r Purpose Is Known.

"The purpose and duty of the department of Justice with respect to the enforcement of the Sherman law itt is tne new vice president. Internal illaaa tiufu OUT men S-iiiti to liMVA linun roai.nnulliln for the change In ohlcluls. It OMa tiniin Ihu ttrnr. n-tll a number of separate disconnected parts could not lie determined until such study and examination i.a completed. Kach ase stands on Its owa footing, and depends upon Its own particular facts.

"A conclusion on the part of the department to bring pull against a particular combination would not. of be no attempt on the part of the Model Blflhi IVOrlla at Unm tvi 1 1 i 1 1 nnicn is iinewise Ilea up by a strike his surprise, the birds got along as gainst large corporations which are fiiriyiwl nr nxlar in iitwIha ra.ti.olnt or tne Dinners, to start the plant with human blowers. plans are already fnrnmlntorl to fnltv jwiiiln that well an uiil those that have been ivlng on California ostrich farniH, tory with blowing machines. commerce, or which are fi Tempting monopoly has been de and seven months ago he decided to ix skssion. Evansvllle, Sept.

25. John make a big importation. BirdN Show Ii'K" I "roll 'because of" the large profits Hist Howe of Evansvllle was ejected pres clared a number of times by the prcldent and the attorney general. The carrying out of the purpose requires a careful investigation of every one of the combinations whose size, composition and control of the par can be obtained from those, bird, hp ident of the Slate Bartenders' league this afternoon to succeed Olllo Irvln. of Richmond.

The new vice presidents are Charles Mulr of Indianapolis. illiam tlrleger of South Rend. H. Schadle of Richmond, Irfiuls Kolt-Insky of Kvansvllle ad Samuel Scott ticular Dusmesa wnicn eneauea ahl jesterday, "I conctuded that If I would succeed in my undertaking It would be the beginurug of a great industry In this country. "Abyssinia is the home of the only ft nod ostriches, the Wua bird, and right from the start I via beset lth difficulties, because (iermmiy.

course, prevent It from disputing the government's contention and defending the suit. Or. IT In anticipation of action by the government those In control of such a combination should work "out a plan of separation to avoid Illegal conditions the department necessarily would give very careful consideration to the plan so as to avoid hostile operation if possible. Personally I should much prefer that business Interests should themselves re-adjust their organizations ao aa to remove all possible criticism concerning their legality, than that the department of justice should have to Conduct legal proceedings to compel such "It cannot be too positively stated that the department Is not Inaugurating a campaign against lha business Interests of the country or an Indiscriminate attack on all large prosperous concerns. On tho contrary, the care and caution with which the law offices of the government are proceeding to the examination of eHch case should be a guarantee to tha otild give rise to a presumption that was existing" or acting in contra- of tafayotte.

Portugal, Jialy and KiiKUnd have Ihu m-tt ins nrMv ox kirk. against taking ostriches from Abs-sluia, the only nation "Hot having such Columbus, Sept. 2B. Charles laws at the time oiurled being Clayton, a farmer, who lives near vi uie Hiiu-uusi law. "It should fro wtthbut saying that a groat complex combination of cor-pnrailons under a centralized control, dominating the trade of the country In an Important Industry would not escape the careful study and consideration of the department.

Whether or not that examination would re- Burnsvllle, Bartholomew county, gays he has been cured of smoking a pipe in his buggy. While driving to this city he lighted the tobacco and ranee. "German Africa ruled me out by royal edict tho wir before becuuse of my capture there. I had to get Into the Interior to get the birds and then et them out through Krench territory, started my actual hunt from spark flew back, setting the buggy top on fire. disintegration of the combination Into Jibuti, on the east gulf of the coast of lllIlllillAlllllllIIIltlllllltlll-llllJii MUJi.M fv; ii uhltSi.iliiiliUiijIliliiiSaii Mummuam im.ii It will be given free with every Buck'9 Range, Hot Blast Ventilator or Base Burner We have told you in every ad that this marvelous offer would last only a short time.

We had no idea that we would he compelled to ithd raw it so. soon. But this unprecedented offer could not last long and we are only making it for today to enahlc those already interested to close the deal before it is too late. This is only fair to them and you may have the same privilege. It will pay you to lay off from work part of today to take advantage of this offer as it will not be repeated and POSITIVELY not another rocker free after today.

If you can come, telephone or send your wife. This has been the most stupendous sale ever pulled off in Muncie. The supply of Rockers has been almost exhausted, so come early, Don't delay, extra salespeople will take care of you. The lack of money need be no excuse, for if not prepared to pay cash, just have it charged. The Banner profit sharing plan will enable you to get all advantages abtainablc where you pay spot cash.

This plan will enable you to try the stove while you pay for it. Our faith in this stove is so great that we take no chance in making this offer. Som.illlaud. bolng the oblv white hum in the party. In all, I took Pfty-fmir natives, and I was tho only armed person In tho party.

iKor four months we stayed In the interior getting our birds. ComU Built of llru-h. "Our nii ho.i nan nrnt to bnlhl larA f-nvrnt, known aa sThs, of tvri mui Imiah, irmlA alrotia- thnt not en Hon I rouli! hiauk lulu It. Tin PlHhlia)io. who owns ont Ask the man hst (M.

pot, with winita I tint i-tl bnMw Into a trap. MAlwajs I hait two thltms In mnA. Kirnt, I was to (utittira thr birti, and then I hub to k'p thorn llt fur nrottMKMi Ion. mi i p-; tu ili'tr Iih hits is lit Mini day, ai I nan (limn win piffvintif yitii, "The actual huiitina of thrt Iilrrlu imn- MOTOR CARS igil paratlvfiy tatne. We wnitc-U until wp aoitiD and then rhaaM theni Into ftm tm.

Thpy rr then lirowti nuil hci powerful IfRS tl1 until got thmii Iniu nns Imikuli hruH nr ht ki at tiiftl. In tltlN way -a would rarrv i ti n. to I he ti k'Jfp (hoin hers until hp frp thrnugh with our html. "tinn lu'ky Ha to land with mi eh a la rap numbar of hinla i-mi bp ifrn frwri itih fptijlta of othpr fxikmIMIoii ThPin hmn hfpn only tin aurcfMsftil linpor at iyrm itl hird a Miufl the flmt oiifg anlMit-il tntnty VPBts aiio, Then Kd CHMilon f.f I'Hlirmfiln tartrd fvmn A frU l-h L'VO birilg iiul landed irn with one pair. "Thp sipai alu- of tha birds inn dpmonilratpd by Ida I rial ia ir.

Thpi a rr now or oieir erinpi'tiiK lit lh' count i (Kiwy, Ona Oalrlch llrld at In Cur Town throi ono natrbh vn'iifd at 000. This htrd hna already mad vinttt or Ua uwntr. iu Afrlrit owiipra of (rood natrh-ha will aell tliriri only at nor moon prl -a. would titc nut. of thfap brniiaht In loOay for any prlra.

"At ths of nmntha ilia hinlj art-full town and ate ptodicina fpTMm at Bood at 1 Iipv Ml PVfp srow. TIip ttlnl Mill srp nlrtPiy fpathra tt a rroo. Do H.0 fpathPis hlns worth about ll rarh. Tlira a a iipw crop paih piahi montha. "Thti ahowa lha Individual sanilng -apa' iiy iif a bit A from Its own 1 I i but by nr nifwna tie ut-odut tins valua of tha oatrhh Ht art in a ivtt nn pair of Tai hf a Puts the Best Stove In the world in your home.

farmer knowing his buairn-xa run )mt Mi tMy oatrb hoa In tn yrara. Tbera mi front fifty to ou Irh pass mttavu front bird rh of kfepinr a hird is emmmiH- mm. am tlvnly illKht, Itt a year bHi pnouah for 1 fofwl rruulrf i'lii oJ room and good ratp. arm II male 'ot reaaary. "1 rlalm to ba thn flrai man who svpi t-arnd how to hmiill an ot rh fri cM THE PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO succeeds the Chicago Motor Car Company in the sale of Packard Motor Cars and Trucks in Muncie and throughout all.

the adjacent territory tfR Headquarters will remain at 2357 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. The business will be conducted by the same excellent sales and service organization, which will employ the greater facilities of the ne company in giving especial attention to technical service outside of Chicago. All Packard owners in the territory are assured careful attention to their interests and equal service in the maintenance of their cars. Chassis in three sizes: The Packard "Six 48 hot ir power A A M. Ratio The Packard "30" 40borKsocr A.L.A.M.

Ratiol The Packard" 18" 26 horsepower A.L.A.M. Rating- Twelve ityleiof open and enclosed bodies Calalot in rtfuitt The Packard Motor Car Company of Chicago H. M. ALLISON, Manager 2357 Michigan Avenue Telephone Calumet 4316 BANNER FURNITURE d'lmaip. Htthilo it haa 'umtu-l th arm Ijllroi ruii rmil hum ill lTraww' iipfranary In thta eountty.

Tha Mm WHITEHILL HICKSON in J'Pitnaylv woia lat ypr doinn- rt kpII, and thwrp will ioon ynutignhn, I ha va found hat the hit '1 rr hardy I and thptn out In thi vr 1 (UHji.1 i storms Sod that this pnolui Hip vciv f'ftfhf-ra. Jt IS a (ntptk to UhwIw 1 lilfflllll i tali, tad sirh'hPS Hk hot huusa flowwrav "I pKpati that niy cimiMiu' will tnk vPrv larap trints out of thr n9Ur. and my hpp la to build up a I(iofitibijr wnpfp t-prtain s-ti He i'-s I tioid tan bp tried out. Thy ni all faJMWlSaStfNi dpppndfnt on th iiU'c'di of Una farm "K'ankiv, th- rw Vork farm be atartpd larsplv for purposfa of ad i -ft ili a thp Innv viinii rrrn, but tn ao'iion to PnhtblMn th blrda hrp will tiifrd tttato and all their fpatbpia tha Hip dUastf'r was dua tn tha daflsg'a- hint I his hardi ha aMl hd th buglo unit wlih it be hhi S'-moitiis t'to Hlann. nnii nr '14 put'icr as in ih i-aa of ih Ifiia Thpfp waj a roll tall nf the ramnanl nf 1 ti rrfw nf I ha 1 on board i hi An AiH'Sfling KriMrf.

An fk it sh or 1 hp tliaanffr an va. Vi blip an kit a Mliti iriv unity ihia nioiti- hoM h'Shlp Hoffrpti tonight. Th g' Pii wm pi i If ul aa ttiany of thpin war Injur Sml rnosi of ihptn wcia In tpata. llilf about bfilf past flvi a lot I dts- French Battleship Blown to Pieces tlv mW It'tif niniri iiiiruiii urn ironi tf tt LWortf. llsvlng h'ar a rumor tliiu thp 1 allfp, I so If) to tt" flttinM ri'Si.

hrd ha i oat bunk re and afif-t thai il waa diffhtilt pifv-Mit thn iti'ns tha jH)m iMisasuu It s-'ia i fl if and dn aS bi'-akms tw or Km rtufin'T iii-d to l-a i-pb list-d An iianif mho th'ti bt'tng a'o' in from i iort and hiu oilier wai ships lying ft the hmlur IWwta Hunk With MpSj. si whr-ii th, wh'il ship rr'w fp-imd fit hav rm ht boats atf'lv toai v.a a tnitlf pi'-sUn. Thp KibPiiu ns j-nji ifd ovtif Tm si'if and it" jh hpr i bf full fon- nf tbp csfHoa.oit ms f-it. lut'hPd IfBvl.y a Bit ppuitifc cmh, nowundr! all ai'la 'I Of of lh ships Hh i b. r-l'(ji ia Mod ffom tii sank How I ftom this rir fit fill liiiHiiilty I do not now Vt om (taiiu4 from First rag) fny w)tt- (l will l-i to go bom, tbprp tN aiira io tin an "Kaidly bml I t(ok Hi'' words whan th most.

aji'iltttft ri'i'oi I pvr bai in my lifp alioosi thrpw us to Ibp around, a Sfpst sioii of flaoi'S iMfolnaiii.g thp isitha roM'ta't ti Thrl onikiiia op at Ou tky, I dlKiliiKtOahpd lOtlp liiar poHttj Vhhlilius Ihiouah tho nr Oipii bark fmo Hi a-a sppmrd onij mtnm-M'--" ittjii'ttf did fin atprna and tin- had vanisbfit, it-avlna In pla of (bp gr-Mi toi h'Sliip the BMttMpaa toass iho wai'-rs A UPW'tmpT l-iortrr kIui mil on tiP (uay lnirn'ttp(y aftwr thf dlaaatvr m- in -d, a rut fbaj ot rnl Iip tHrIor aiol Itjf sin mioiip rd and htwi-itng ttfoatl vaM ho XUi out to th a hp a a'oop from hr l'nt i b-, 'b-h as (lost- tii tljr'o-ttt. TIm- ulliMi Kfifi Mi-id and 'taking with ernofmi at 1 0 bomb" sight thy had Ot '1 Stop Diarrhoea Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Q'lli-Hy Diarrhoea, Iynntry, Infantum nnil all bownl trou-ble without constipating. No opium hulilt forinlnn AcckjiI only Wakefield', It cur. aftr other ram-frllr fall. l(o of I bottla (or II Is Kvarywhar.

aboP tbp war cnjid be riard and sf-f -amtiis for hlp. nht'h thi rs-currs -ttrm unabia tu giva. lilvev oot 11 fr. Th lowr dh was an Inf rual Hfhr, 'ma man bad foji w(idr a urn nf wfghirif tons, Af'r 'h' houf ain ffoT 'a to- lift tha ma, a amputatf-d the foot. Thiough a fi'il Itt lb ifirttotia of i-rnrtni so-) Jrd lospthpr, Id b- tT all of lhin barred fann-a ftnm at thp a a inn! offha-.

bo ram "ill of th liuni'K'if fti" ifh ortiy BliKht ruf in the forrhd, Mlifi of thp d)s-r loriTirtjt, awid. Tip ft' out In t'O'. anions 'So of iu't ot i nt "'I ihr innarnmsunes. la syius A afiori Mbl itiofitAiit alt con at tua ttT ass Im-1 Hip lt-iot-lUjo was (sk-n tut tit, Wb I bad won- wiin! if n(1 rov snt a tlt' ni oat (im'I ht "Afict Hip tSi'Ti S'l pnormona fia rtipfit bit ha-d (' iin iti- bows 'tt l.t,-itP oio -( of 1 in Hip It'imfi- a)tii'ttn th fit'lKo and ortfcln; o'i-ii k. 1 ii bos at of in- I ttt t-A ilooo iop a'r fi'oii 1 1 ii it is now com JtH Ill -laiptr P' if- "i- li-- pubij.

aiii ha ai up ba'Jijr.

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