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The Star Press from Muncie, Indiana • Page 8

The Star Pressi
Muncie, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MUNCIE SUNDAY STAR. MAY 15. 1910. 8 citizen who has not yet done hi part toward having the opera houee well! filled will certainly make an effort to; do so tomorrow, as thera ara still VALUABLE PICTURES SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Timely Talks on the Library BELONG 10 MUNCIE Franklln-Davls Wed din-. certain acquaintance with th moods and contradlctiona of Mr.

Chesterton, this book should read with pleas A beautiful wedding, marked both by Its prominence and elaborate dec orations was that of Miss Ethel Davis, ure and re-read with positive delight. Th Dbrsry ta open Nk Amy for Ji 4Uvrjr of took from m. i 19 9 m. H4Sng room opn from I a. id.

to I m. tundr and faolldy from to p. nv Chtldrtw' depart meat It open from ft. m. m.

the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. Chesterton's estimate of Art Association Possesses Five Dickens as a novelist la fiercely nega Llewe lyn Davis, and Mr. rnomas t.

Franklin, of Philadelphia, which took tlve. Dickens's work Is not to be reck home food seats to be had. Children Are Faithful. Th children have prepared their parts well, the teachers have been untiring In their efforts to have them purely prepared the coetnmers have very faithful In their work. The.

result of all this Is an evening which will thoroughly delight all who are fortunate enough t' attend. It now remains with the citizens to show their appreciation of these efforts by having every available seat taken. The program for the evening Is as follows: Introductory muste Conservatory bey bend, conducted by Prof. Osrret. Folk dstirs liven br foe group of four children and on.

group of eisler-, 1 "I vnu Swsdlsh asm. Dlace last evening at 7:30 o'clock at oned in novels at all. It la to be reck oned always by characters, sometimes Paintings Which Cost More Than $3,500. the home of the bride'a parents, 4 IS South Jefferson street- The ceremony waa oerformad by the Rev. Dr.

C. M. by groups, oftener by episodes, but never by novel. You cannot discuss, Carter, pastor of the First Baptist he contends, whether 'Nlchalos Nlckleby' Is a good novel, or whethe Nerw Fiction. Land Is "Angel of Lonesome Turner "Gloria." Ward "Lswly Morton, Colonist." Kelly "Little Aliens." 'Our Mutual Friend' is a bad novel church, and was solemnised by the double ring service.

An orchestra from Indianapolis played a number of appropriate bridal melodies and as NEW PURCHASE PLANNED for, strictly, there la no such novel as 'Nicholas Nlckleby," and there la no the bridal party descended tne stair such novel as 'Our Mutual Frlena Von Vorat "Girl From Hla Town." way, changed to bridal chorus they are simply length cut from th "Coming Through in Rye." I. "The cuckoo." English M.r 4. "Hansel end Oretel," HumpeMfnck from Lohengrin. First came William flowing and mixed substance called Thanet "By Inheritance." Bheldon "Paul Uouglas, Journal Hitchcock.

dressed in white flan Dickens A book Uka Mr. Intermission roup of efliff br Mis Clar nel suit outlining the bridal path with ist." Purpose of Splendid Entertain ment Tomorrow Night. white satin ribbons, the groom ioi Hoyt "Personal Conduct of Be- Chesterton's does not merely Invite quotation It compels It. Any sort of epitome la Impossible. The reviewer Is forced to emphasize every estimate lowed attended by the best man.

Mr. Charles Kremer. of New York city, issa Ktonl Operetta, L.IUIS Woy Blue, lad children. NEW YORK FACES and the next. Miss Helen Spangler, of with the blunt advice: "Read for yourself.

Parker, O. F. "Recollectlong of Zanesvllle, Ohio, aa maid of. honor. The bride came last accompanied by her father.

The wedding vows were taken under a canopy of thickly Orover Cleveland." This Is a sym vs. There i a vast difference between the modern method of ironing and the ancient between the Electric Iron and the old tove-heated iron. "Wiomen who adhere to the old atjle never used the Eles. trie Iron. If you belong to this clagg we have a treat ia tore for you.

Muncie Electric Light Co. Few people are iwir of th value Ml pictures owned by th Muncl pathetic and close study of Cleveland MIGHTY PROBLEM which begins with hla early days and Art association, which fprm th val woven ami tax. studded with hanging white rosebuds, and white blossoms. The background was massed with takes him through the yeara In which llnda. Voynlch "Interrupted Friendship." By request the library haa purchased the following book on (Sunday school work: Trumbull "Yale Iectureg on the Sunday Hchool; Jts Origin, Mission, Methods and Auxiliaries." llaslett "Pedagogical Bible School," a scientific study of the Hunday school with chief reference to the' curriculum, with Introduction by G.

Stanley Hall. Wells, A. R. "Sunday Hchool Success," a book of practical methode for Sunday sc hool teachers and officers. Trumbull "A Modern Superintendent;" a sketch of the life, character and methods of work of Henry P.

Haven. Ulark "Practical Primary Plans." ha aerved his country so well. There are aide lights showing his friendships and religious views, and estimates by standard palms and potted ferns. uable nucleus of a permanent collection for the city. Boston la Justly proud of Its famoua art gallery Nsw Tork of Ita metropolitan piuMum- Mantel In the ceremony room was various public men.

which give us Must All the People Eventually filled with long hampers of greenery In the center of which bloomed many rosebuds. Draperies for the1 doorway good Insight Into th tru character of the man. George, W. Ft. "Th Junior Re were formed of rope smuax ana tiea with white satin ribbon.

The same Wastlngton of Ita nailery Chicago of Ita art Inatltuta, and Detroit, Pltta-hurir and Buffalo all possess valuable collections; as wtll aa other cities where art museums hold priceless Walk or Ride, the Question. public." Every one knows of the "George Junior Republic," and this whole artistic scheme was carried out In the second parlor. The floors book, written by Mr. George himself. and setting forth Its history and Ideals treasurer for the conitant enjoyment the, entire horns was stretched with white canvass.

The appointments were all In green and. white. The Is filled from cover to cover with In Ham II "Sunday School Teacher formation of unusual Interest. Here Training. of the people.

While unci Is atlll looking for ward to an art building where Ita col bride was beautiful In a gown of prin we learn how a high standard of cltl Ktenheneon. Heulsh Bsll. Mrs. A. Sheets.

CONGESTION NOW SERIOUS Haslett "Pedagogics! Bible School." Peloubet "Front Line of Sunday ctsa satin with trimmings of reach zenshlp Is taught, and the sort of Krs John Ball. Messrs. uiea ana inaries GOT SHORT SNIFF Barnett and H. Stephenson. lection may be hum, annual exhibit held and art work promoted.

It haa School Work." point lace and tulle de sole franc lu. Her only ornament was a diamono "liberty that fits men for liberty." Klrclrical Club for Boy. In a long honk review on G. K. now In ita possession nve paintings and pearl broach, the gift of the Hndsoo-Beekett Weddlag.

The R.v. Dlerbrgr Joined In marriage whose value la estlmarrri to Da ii.auv, The regular meeting of the Boya' Electrical club will he Friday evening, groom. Her shower bouquet or lines of the valleys was tied with white After each of the Ave annual exhibits Vehicles and Pedestrian Traffic terton'a "Life of Dickens." the Bookman says; "Granted that intimate knowledge of the event of Dickens's life and of th stories and characters last night st 10 o'clock st the parsons. Miss F.thel Beckett and Harry Hudson. OF FREE III held by the Muncie Art assoctstlon tulle.

Mlsa Spangler wore white silk May 2D. at Mr. Wilbur Banders will talk on "The Motor." Reports The yonng coupl. will realde In Muncl. Not Both Continue.

over which was fashioned net and carried white rose tied In green tulle. win also be made on experlmenta per W. B. Austin and family will spend of Dickens's novels which we are in the habit of ascribing without question to every normal English reading man and woman, and, In addition, a Mra. Davis, mother of the bride, wore formed by other members.

All bova Interested are cordially Invited to al Sunday with his father at Summlt- a beautiful green and white silk com vllle. ien a. bined with Brussels point lace. The Convict, Joyous at Sight of Thomas Powell has returned from New York, May 4. Must all New dining room was resplendent In Its a visit with his daughter, Mra Verles York eventually walk, or will every Ing during the on hour amounts to decorations of jasmine, sent from the South by a friend.

The bride's table Bookout in Dayton, O. CRAB SEASON IS OPEN; body be compelled to ride? That a nearly (4.000,000, while the Dobbin Liberty, Halted at Prison Door, The Misses Elisabeth and Ida Miller tiad an artistic center plateau or drawn vehlclea could add another MARYLANDERS ARE BUSY lilies of the valley and maiden hair are guests of theirs brother In half million. Altogether It Is safe to choice must ba mad between the two la dally becoming mora apparent, provided any one, Is to go any fern. Around this burned the white assume that 150.000,000 worth of ve taper Under filigree designed green More Than One Thousand Persona Frank Prlns and Davis Plost of hides roll past this corner every day. shades.

Hand painted baskets of autos constituting over $40,000,000 of where on the surface In a resuect Marlon will visit their cousin, Miss Marie Cohen, today. llllee of the valley Indicated the the total. K-mplojedl In Fishing for Deliver, ancy by Iteltlmore Dealer. VICTIM OF AN ERROR places. Tiny green baskets were filled Ten years ago It would have been able length of tlm.

For, unless the streets of the city are remodeled along some plsn yet unknown to Miss Clara Galnor will leave this with nuts. Significant hearts, lilies week to remain Indefinitely with her difficult to count 140,000 worth of the latter. Of course, th traffic does not Washington, May 14. Do you know me worm, the time la a ready close. sister in Cincinnati.

continue at the ssme rate during each and wedding bells were moulded in the cream. Among the out-of-town hi eat a were the grooms brother, William Franklin, of Bethlehem. in certain districts at lesat, when It that the crab season really begin on Mrs. Visa Pemberton who has been will be no longer iioealhle for ve of the twenty-four hours, but It Is safe to assume that 11,000 autos pass the spending the winter with her sister, Placed on Parole List, but Head hicles and pedestrian traffic to con Miss Helen Spangler. of Zanesvllle.

Mrs. B. W. Gibson, In Baltimore, has May 17 And, perhaps, you ars not aware of the fact that "Maryland, My Man land," furnishes the bulk of the corner In question each day. Taking tinue together.

Ho atrongly do the returned home. Ohio, Mrs. P. T. Monroe, of Pittsburg, Keeper Saw Mistake.

12 feet as the average length over all intersecting currents of traffic flow William Jamison of Indianapolis of each machine, they would. If placed Mrs. Fred Wood, of Astubula; Ned Bedle. of Detroit, Mich. best crab gold In restaurants, hotels.

now that only the strictest policing makes It possible to cross some streeta Is the guest of William Brothertorr. end to end In single file, stretch The engagement announcement In "the wild and wooly nearly thirty-five miles, or at a con at an. Mrs. Harvey Hooke haa returned to Kven so It Is often neceasarv for aervatlve estimate, three tlmea as far Th crabs sold go extensively throughout the country, and advertised her home In Terre Haute after visiting Mr. and Mra.

J. R. Hooke. th person on foot to wait many min aa th horse-drawn vehicle procession, waa one of the most beautiful ever Klvcn In the city, being formally given out by Mr. and Mrs.

William Hitchcock at a dance given for their nelce In the Commercial club hall, March wnicn a decade ago would have ex Fred Hftnnon of MonlDeller. was largely aa "Baltimore crabs" are aold. ute at every corner, and fifteen mln-titee for a trolley rid nf a scant half ceeded th gasoline parade fifty-fold. the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Adam as a rule, by Baltimore merchants, a good picture haa ren nought, in 190 'Tihe Bandplt," by Carleton Wiggins, valued at 100; In 107, "The Kntrsnce to the Orotto," by Child Naasam. valued then at MOO; In 19011, "A Winter Morning," by J. tl Adama, value, tl.OflO. The purchase of this picture waa mad poe-alhle by the generosity of the artlat In giving It to the association at an available price, that It might be owned by Muncle. thla having been hla home for several yeara.

Thla picture, waa awarded first prise In on of the annual exAilblla of th Western Artista'a association. Fine Ifaaenin Ptctnm. At a one man eihlhlt held a tear ago, "The Iloy," by II, Howard nf Buffalo waa bought. While the Isat year's annual exhibit, "Iiawn," by Ieon Jbo. valued at tTOn, was added to the collection.

Mr. ttahn'a pictures are increasing In value each A recent art periodical writes at length upon hla success and the sensation his pictures are cresting in the New York One fact which ahowa th plcturea bought have been wisely selected Is that the Muncle Art association have sent "The Urotto" to I'lttsliiirg for their annual exhibit, this In response to a reqtieat from th I'lttahui'K Art association, Mr. Hsssam having told them that considered It on of hi best pictures. They ssked the privilege of exhibiting It. they psylng alt expenses of shipment and Insuring It fully.

It now hanga In their annual exhlhlt. bearing an engraved plate Inscribed "Property of, the Munrl Art Association.1' All these pictures are hung In the public library whers they may be ronstantly enjoyed. In past years, these purchases have been msde possible by the generosity of a comparatively few I'lllsens, who have contributed a sufficient amount. As all the rlllxens slier In the enjoyment of thnm, It lis been planned Hist this yesr, all the citizens of Muncle may liavs the privilege of sharing In their purchase. For this purpose th entertainment for tomorrow evening, the folk dances end operetta, "l.lltle Hoy Mu." Is being given.

Kvery loyal gui-a -1 1 I. mile Is nothing uncommon. How tremendous Is this congestion wss who give employment to considerably FOOTPAD ROBS A BARBER, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin left for a Howard Paine of New Castle was strikingly Illustrated at a recent count over 1,000 persona.

The crab business Trenton, N. May It. Just a peep at the outside world of freedom whnt the aun was shining and the birds wn Ringing was all that waa allotted Antonio Sarionelll. After one short look from the open door of the state prison through which he fully expected pass a free man, he was hustled bat to the deadly monotony of prison Hit Sarionelli was one of the appllcane to the court of pardons for pun arid hie case was considered st iwttr. In the city Friday.

lasting one hour at a Fifth avenue THEN GIVES HIM $5 TIP wedding trip West after which they will be at home In Philadelphia where the groom Is prominent In business 1 not only pursued by many mer corner. Mrs. J. R. Walk, of Iowa.

Is the chants and dealers during; the season guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bloomftcld. affairs. The bride's gnlng-away suit Robber Identifies Victim a Man Who but, owing to th Increasing great de Mr.

and Mrs. Genre Phllllo Melr. of fn- Irnhlran Itecomrej Kerlmia. During that period 2,361 vehicles fllsnapolta. and Miss Frances McBlwalne.

was of brown with pretty hat to complete th smart attire. mand throughout the United States, Is no recently returned from an extended passed, traveling three abreaat. In lOtourn In Herlln. (lirmmr mrm nf continued throughout the year. Gave II Im a Good Knave In the Afternoon.

Omaha. May 11. Bert De day's session. The man was senteum At the present time hard shell crshs Pretty Hem Weddlag. Befor a Isrc eompsny of frlenrts and from Paterson In September, Mlsa Clarissa Kooni They ram.

to attend the performance of "Th. Third Pegree" Isst ntffht and to visit Miss Marlon Kerhy, a member of th. eompsny. Miss Koons met Mlsa McRlwalne while abroad aevera) years ago studying music, th. two being prominent In th American colony at that tlm.

in th. German capital. relatives tti. pretty wedding ef Visa OlarHa Jcnea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Ollvar Ruse, barber, wss tipped to the ex are being caught In the vicinity of Old Point and York river, but In a few weeka, when the season open, the oft shell variety, which is found in abund serve ten years for assault and btxm and keeping a disorderly house. Hi) application was denied, but throw each direction, or at th average rate of about forty tu the minute. A this means Hint a vehicle passes every second and a half, It can lis aVtem how small Is th chance for th pedestrian to cross the street. To enable him to do so means the holding up of the vehicular traffic, with constant re Jones, and Mr. Herman Marbry, th.

sna of ance along the Rappahannock, Ma tent ef IS for a ahave, but It was hla own money, On his way horn at midnight a highwayman held him up John Marbry, of Robinson. took plar error and haste the prison ollciu received notice last night tint 8n-onelli had been paroled. gothy and Chester rivers, will take Ita Miss Klliaheth Ramnson la th nmt mf st 1 o'clock last Just befor ths irtvuua e.1 Anderson. ceremony Mrs. frank Anderson, sister of sultant blockading, which reduces the and took all he had.

When the place. Crabs are caught on trot line and then the ahedder or peeler Is sep Mr. Jamee Wis. has returned from sti th snd Wilbur Wrlsht, vio up man completed th task and was arated and nut Into floats. Hera the axienaea visit in fan-mount, w.

v. linist, played brldsl air snd Mr. Ben Walton Psrr. of Kokomo. ts In ths etts rsle of travel to a snail's pace, while If this trattlo were not held lip th pedestrian might wait for hours to cross.

In both cases the rale of crab will shed lis shell, causing the about to allow his victim to go his Jones sang "Heart of My Heart." Th l- in. gu'it or nis sister, Mrs. noy Manager. crustacean to become what Is com way happened to look Into De her.grln wedding march announced th ert monly known aa the soft shell crab Mr. nd Mrs Arlfy ffklff and Mr snd Mrs.

Henry M.rderlng will spend todsy travel Is extremely alow, and with Ruse's face, and, stepping back, ex dal party, headed by little Mies Fust. Kalh-rln Anderson, nlec ef th bnd. In dainty The catchers, aa a general rule, make several trip during the day to these claimed; 'iingestinn Increasing rapidly. It seems be only a question of lime before lie foot traveler or the vehicles must Herahel Miller apent yesterday st Albsny. whit dress snd csrrylng a basket of flow noats and remove th soft crabs.

"Ain't you a barber?" De Ruse admitted ha was. and. Roy Curry spent last evening In Ander ers Ths croora snd beat man, Clem Jones, They are then packed In grasa and son. glv way. laughingly, the footpad remarked: preceded th maid of honor.

Miss Ivs seaweed and shipped In awlft ateam- Mrs. J. Arthur Mseks snd Mr Erl Huggestions for the eslahllahment "This Is funny. You sre the barber (tlount Her was of silk muslin, with Meek, bar returned from Connersvllt. of various different levels of travel dslntjr lac.

trimmings. IJttls Miss Vers. who shaved me this afternoon, and gav me th beet shave I ever I Miss Mary Thomas and Homer Bowles nave not as yet been based on practical grounds, and the Idea of exHml. Lorain Orr, In ths path of th who will he the guests or Mr. and Mra A.

H. snipa to Baltimore. STUNTS WITH BALLOONS BAD AS WILD MOTORING Stoops at Montpellsr today. Mls Bell Wlllard has returned from New Ing vehicle from some streets and pedestrians from others Is visionary was unsccompant.d, strew.d vlol.ta snd pstsla. Th bride's gown wss of silk mull, mad princess r.d faablon.d with Tork city ana a winter's stay In Walton, Florid.

like your work. Here, old man, take thla IS bill snd go blow It." Five dollar of De Ruse's money wss handed back to him, and, as he thanked the highwayman, both turned and went In opposite at best. Kven the raising of the aide- bead trimmings Eh carried walks to th height of twelve or fif Mark Wftrfel, of Indianapolis, wss In th Flying Over Paris will Probably fir roses tied with whit, ribbon. Wills city rrinay. teen feet above th street level would Kenneth Spurgeon sttsnded a sane In th pianists softly played "Hearts and csuse sucn tremendous damage property as to make It almost out of Anderson last ventn" ths Hav.

Dr. Clark Crawford Forbidden by I aa Measure of Public Safety. met night the convict was told Urn he was to leave the prison this mora-Ing early, and he was overjoyed ti thee news. He haa Insisted from tin start that he was not guilty of lit crimes for which he waa serving tint He claimed that he was Induced plead guilty by a lawyer without fulS understanding what he was dolna Bright and early this morning I deputy keeper took to Sarlonelll'i ft a suit of black clothes such si given discharged convicts. He dnnnei them Joyfully and felt the Jlngls th coins with which the stat sending him out into the fres trerl for another chance at respects btlit! He ate little breakfast, so esger ni he for the time of his release.

Finally the happy man was march! to the center and put through lit usual examination and course of as to his duties under parole. Then the great gate leading to the main corridor were uM open and he started toward the pri entrance. Here a deputy keeper swung wide the big iron door url freedom was Just a few steps sheet of Sarionelli. He could see the brlM sunshine, hear the songs of the Mr and the breath of the spring morning came to him through th open door. "Where Is that man going." hiitllf called Head Keeper Osborne from the office door.

"He haa been pardoned," replied Parole Agent Madden. "There ia some mistake." Keeper Osborne. "Hia parole PPii- Clyde Oady. of Kokomo. 1 th guest lie question.

The only solution aeem. ft enounced th. niarrias tows. Th bridal party stood In front of a background formed rnenas nero Psrls, May 14. Aviation Is fast be Wllford Wlngat I spending today st to He In a decision between riding and walking for everybody, to do awav with the conflict between these two of greenery and snowballs Vines adorned Albany.

coming as much ef a menace to pub chandjlisrs snd mantels. Ths decorations Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rawllng sr. th lasses of traffic, at least between cer He safety In Paris as motoring long In Th.

dlnlnr room w.r In whit, earns guests or reatlvaa st Anderson todsy. Mr. T. A- Royal snd dsughter. Miss Llns has been.

Illustration of th new lions and wedding bells. Much Interest hss t.een shown in the nuptials, aa th. brld. nf Ifsyerte. sr.

th. guests Mr. and tain hours It Is not beyond th range of possibilities thst the near future may bring forth signs warning- foot passengers that they may not us cer ntl her parents sr. eell known. A wed danger was furnished this week in the flight of Dubonnet over thla city.

This ding supper mas served and among th. guests wer. th. fol. owing from out of ths city: Miss Nsn Jones, Mr.

and Mra Bsroue) aviator la a mere boy and at best an Jcne snd Mr snd Mrs. J. Jnnes, of tain crossings during specified periods, snd vice versa. Indeed, In a few localities this, to a cartaln extent, la al. Ir.

and Mrs R. E. feWeea. of MISS Wva Scott, of Montrjsller- apprentice In the flying art. With the reckless ambition of youth to show off he Is willing to accept all chances ready the practice.

Mr. Robert Royal. The Misses Msry Bishop and flora Addl-son wer st Anderson laat evening. NO OPPOSITION TO DIXON Renominated by Acclamation at North Vernon Yesterday. North Vernon, May 14.

Lin Mtss Sarah DeWeet. of Halbse: Mr and airs. T. Fos. of Hsaerstnwn: Ulaa feeyere.

of Indianapolis: Mra Harah favell. May fioon lie Ilrr4ess) City. Tncldcntslly. on of the most Inter snd do atunta In the air that adult wincnesier. Mr.

and Mr Marhrv will etv. tomorrow to realrts at 40 North Jack CHILD EATS POISONOUS PUDDING THAT HE MAKES Add Liquid to Dish Found In the Kitchen, Then Partake) nf It In Woman', Ahscncr'. Big Raplda. Mich May 14. Death cam to Howard Lee, a g-year-nld boy of Ilemue, aa a result of eating pudding prepared by himself.

Mrs. Jack-aon. with whom the lad and hi rather boarded, was preparing a rice pudding for supper, and when she went to a neighbor's to get some milk Howard took It upon himself to prepare the pudding. With auaar and rice be mixed a concoction of horae medicine, disinfectant and other liquids from vsrlous bottles snd at the pudding before Mra. Jackson returned.

He showed no III effects until the next morning. When celled to get up he complained of being dlasy and III. Th bov lay In a stupor until a few later, when he asked for a rirtnk ef water, but he died before the water could be brought to him. aviators would carefully avoid. son street, Roblnaon.

111., where th groom I. a prominent buslneaa man. While he waa making daredevil experiments hla balloon collapsed and coln Dixon, of thla place, congressman from the Fourth congressional dis Wedding Anniversary. One of the Interesting social affairs fell In th Pols de Boulogne at a spot where a party had gathered for after cation was refused." Madden produced the paper. properly made out and signed, trict, was renominated by the Democrats here today.

Aa there was no of last week was the celebration given by Mr. and Mra. Joseph Barth In noon tea. In another case aom Inexperienced nonor or tneir twenty-fifth weddlna- opposition to Dixon the chairman of Keeper Osborne showed thst mis take had been made, and persons went aloft, and while trying the Democratic county committees for each county In the district met weeping like a child, was led twi' hla cell. An effort will he made to ehow their Importance to people nd declared him the nominee.

Ar- annlversary following high mass at 8 o'clock at Kt I-awrence church Thursday. An elaborate dinner was served at noon and In the evening a reception was given. A beautiful program of music was rendered bv Adom In the streets the balloon rot beyond rangementa were made to have the nomination made in thia manner some their control and came down In the have the court take up his case next session, as It Is the Impress of his keepers that he Is not either of the crimes charged esting festure of the trslflo count above referred to has to do with th manner In which It beara out the prediction mad ten yeara ago thar New Vork would become a horselesa city. While the prophets and their prediction were scoffed at then, the figures show that the horseless city la arriving even mote rapidly than th aeera who made th prediction expected. Out or the vehicle which passed during the hour's count, 1.631 or.

roughly, two-thirds wer self-propelled, while only 140 were drawn by horses. Figuring each machine as rating on the aversae at forty horsepower, the total for thoee passing during the hour would ba slightly over 0,1100 horse power, or about equal to the amount developed by the greatest steamers afloat. luring twenty-four hours It Is probable that autns with a total horse power of nearly t.otm.oon pa th corner where the count was msde. If the average cost of each machine be placed at IZ.SnO, tit total value of th machines pass- time ago In case there was no oppo courtyard of an apartment house. The irauo, and Charles Zink.

soloist: sition to Dixon and none developed. violin number bv Qeorare Psrchsr and piano olos by Miss Margaret Ol- three passengers hsd the fools luck to escape unhurt, which aa a wonder, considering that In Its descent the balloon hit a chimney hard nen ana miss May Median Many beautiful presents were received. The enough to topple it over. General proteat has been roused out-of-town guests were Mrs. Fischer.

Mrs. J. Dorfuer. Mrs. P.

Bronder and Alfonso Fischer ef Pittsburg. Mrs. D. Miller of Chicago. against the foolhardy Indulging In thie sort of sport to the peril of earth- bound ritlxene.

It is said that police SuriMl Dinner. orders will soon be Issued forbidding flights over the city. Ankle Strap Pumps No woman wardrobe will be complete thli leuon without a pair or two of Ankle Strap Pumpi or Strap San-dali. The prettiest and daintiest footwear a woman ever wore. One, two and three strap and cross strap models.

Patent Colt, Oun Metal, Black Suede and Tan leathers. Lowest prices. S1.48, $1.98, $2.50, $3.00 and S3.50 Frank W. Sowar GOOD SHOES. 221 and 223 S.

Walnut Muncie, Ind. ir. atue miner, or Albany, aas iven a pleasant surprise Krldav In 1 1 nonor vr nig nity-wrona tilrtru'sv 'mversery. At o'clock an elaborate TO PREVENT DANDRUFF timner was to Mr. and Mrs N.

Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charts jill- ler. Mr. ami Mrs.

Hinsel Miller of uncie: Mesdames Roger Miller. Hel- Miner. Wayne Miller, Kermit Ml Special Monday we sell any $4.00 ler; Misses Lena Miller. Clara Hobh snd Myrtle Miller: Messra Vilas Miller SONG BROUGHT HER FAME Isittle Collins Made Future From "Ta- ra-ra IVmnt-de-ay. New Tork, May v14 Miss little Collins of "Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay" fame, whose death In London was announced recently, was the Kngllsh music hall singer ho rose to fame upon her performance In one song and cleared in her first American tour, Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay" was written and composed in Uta hy Henry J.

ttayre. who waa connected with the old Thatcher minstrels, an American company. It attracted no particular attention until made over for Lottie Collins, hn In 1M1 made a tremendous hit with It In the 'Uayety Muslo hall, where before that she did a skipping rope dance and duet. In a month she Jumped from ISO a week to I oo and all Kngland began to whistle th air. In the autumn of It Mr.

Charles Frohman engnged Miss Collin to come to this country at a salary satd to hav been $1.1100 a week. "Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay1 caught on In this country as it had done In Ixn-don and Miss t'ollins sang It for several seasons. Itcr she added to her repertoire. "Daddy Wouldn't Ruv Me a Bow-ow which also popular. Mlsa t'ollins.

who In private life was Mrs. Samuel P. tVionev. retired from th stag fiv years ago, i sna Marry Miller. F.MrrtatnrxI In Indianapolis.

Sheet Music Sale 5000 Copies to be Sold Regardless of Cost 2000 Copies for 3c Per Copy 2000 Copies for 5c Per Copy This Is 25c Music 1000 Copies for 10c a Copy Regular 25c Music Deterling Music Co. 205 East Main Street Mr. and Sag of Indianapolis aixl f0 Trimmed Hat In our store for Tills Home lu-namty kerM Kcadp tlrwn ami Hair HewlOiy. Dandruff la nut alwava a forerunner of baldness, but tf dandruff Is permitted to remain on the scalp It affects the roots of the liair. making the hair dull in color, dry and likely to com out when rnntbed or brushed.

Any good shampoo removes dandruff, but It will form again In a dsv or to if the ecalp Is not in healthy oit.lltlon. To give the scalp and hair health and vltulitv It I necessary to use a good hair tonic once ir twice a week. To make an excellent hair tonic at home, ttt from your druggist one ounce of qtunol and one-half pint alcohol; mix with one half pint nerni water. If preferred, the ounce of Iwta qiiluol in be mixed with a Pint of bay rum. It Is the bei qulnoi thst nourishes the hair follicles, and makes the hair long, abundant and glossy.

$2.50 iu nr ainner party mis evening for Mlsa Kstelle Kclig. of that city, snd Mr. 1-eo Netiorg. of Muncie hose wedding will be a prominent event of June. For Muncie Guewtts, Miss Eva Rice will keep open house this afternoon for th Misses Crystal Karrar and Ullian Rice of Muncie, at her home In Indianapolis.

See Our Window Patterson tit South Walnut Street. I tee Mis Taaser. Mra MMM. Ps-nett entertained a m-her fru-nrls at her noeie en South Cherry street. Fries evein.

is honor of miss 1 Isnrt Tane.r. or laid foe in Misae Uaur. Taaaer, the..

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