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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 4

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HARDWARE. rpllKintncilter leave In alttnlta n. tnrmo M. ir. Torrino J.

lib oU niloDien, Ih. In, lo, ntlUTIIEII, nil Havlnr. IU fn inlerMt Of Mr. Smurl ftunierh; Hi) S. y.

Sptvinet, he lldttirtnil to all nfs In a nutin-r Dial mill bo perfrnir taliific. lury lo sll parties, at Ihe old stand (m atalt-ilnnl. polite the Franklin Houir. 111 pail rcboileO, In iiiime P. A.

llOAflt.ArY. rj-( aim, a and HoUtl ilealeii in i riTf-Ksr, /no.v, STKEL, XAILS, eMsri.vus 4- roKO.ior, iterant! ILL. In rrcript of large ami well ilock nf Dumeille Hardware ami Cutle- kof Iton lo which stornan.1 rrcriting, 900 bbli Salt, in pri it Salt) fur infer. erht If Aim, 900 tagi of D. ,1.

IIOAnLAN. OIItV buihrli do. Uali, wanleil. MA UK I'IKRSON fc Lo. NEW FA.CH.ET St.

touti Tradtt UKsplendid Ifght draught nlng steamer TEMPEST: STARR, Matter, having purchased and ly fi.tcd up, for the Alton and SU Louii rirbel Tiade, li now funning rfjulaitj-. The Tempest belnR of Urge clan and of a fry ttyln it raft, has unusuil advantages for the storage and life' ly of freight. The cabins and saloons are large and convenient with family and State Rnoms and natien Kersinay expect every attention that will contribute to thoir comfort. The public may rely upon the per nantacy of this packet, and the molt reasonable prlcci for freight and passage. Leaves Alton every morning; (Sundays exrep(eJ) at o'clock) leaves SI.

Louis every ofteriiooii i rxcepled) at o'clock. The palronaga of a generous public solicited. Foi freight or pasisge, apply on board or to WM. WISH, At the olllre at s. fc P.

Wisr, Alton, Junes, '49 HAKE bp 'IN AND NKAR ALTON. JlERK will aoM at I'ubllc sale, on the prcniiias 1,, on Monday, day of July, a larna num buiI.DINO LOW, slluilrd on Fimi itrect, SUte-itreet, Seventh, Kluhth.anJ Nfnth slroed and other parts of the city of Alton. 100 At'flKS Of LAND, adjoining I he city A credit of 3, and 11 months will bo given from Jaleuntll paid. Doml and approved will required, for the fits! and a moitgagoon the premlirsfor (he roiltluo. A Hbrrs! discount will bo made for cash payments.

Tho title ii beyond dliputc. General Warranty Deeds will bo Persons wishing to purchaie property In Alton will never have a better opportunity of gelling great bargains i Maps of (lie Lots ind Lands ran bo teen at (he Store of Met in. If. Hu.herl SecoM-nlrcel, or by opplicaUon to the lubactllirr. JAMKS SFMPLK, June For Hie Illinois Tranipoilallnn Co.

bushels puto White or Veltf well winnowed, for which Hie hliticit market price will be paid, by JuneS J.C. KKTCHAAI. Vo bhli. of this supnilor Cement Jutt received, which wi will tell at maimfjclurcrt' jiricet, Wo shall be con supplied, and are prepared lo make contracts, for the delivery of tnjtruftnUty of," JuneS-lf AT TEN PKIt CKNT. LKSS THAN COST.

having saveil over twenty-five JL' land dollars worth of his slock of at the Isle (Ire (n fit. Louis, snd having stared and owned them In the Second story of Air. D. D. Page's Now Buildings, over Wine Mara of Mr.

A. Michel, No. cotnrr of Commercial ami Wafnut-itrttli Immedialely Soulh nftho Old Marhelj Would beg leave lo Inform tho public, that he will irll his. entire stock at ten cent, leu than coil. Purchaiers at wholcialo or, retail, who Imve Ihe Caih, ate respectfully Invited lo rail, mint sell my Kpilng Summer goods oil; If 1 only roallio lialf what they roil.

In thn course of (wo nionthi, I will bo again at No. corner of Main and MarkcUticcts, with on entire fieih stock of Clothing) when I hope to have (ha sure of waiting upuit my old Mr ml. ami cuitomers, selling them as low at. iitual. 61.

JOHN II. ADAMS. 'PO FAIIMiUIH. The subscriber will coil- A. tract for quantity of good merchantable CORN, to be delivered by (he tint uf New bofurnlihcd'whcn contiocli ore made.

Also, Iho price paid for OATH 1 S. MPIUJANCE. YAIIUS. 117 have fur sale upwards of twenty thousand 11 1 0011 for llfcilc which we wo id llnx St. Louis prices, June tlTlOWN CO.

HITE and MUeil cotton Hoio ami half Hoict Just recM and for sala low by 1 rWl1 TK al nt fll Baleii cotton Oinaburgs and IwlUmf Dagaingi fur 1 1 MAjlKJ-IKUSOfjifcCO. Mo liens of Alton and vicinity, that ho Is now uro. (o minuftrhm tfUcdilcadt, of all kind7, In Krti ipMd a necessary MChlwry. he (6 fill all promptly and to the emlro tatls faction of Ills machl- nwy it oftije very best fiuillty, ami well apitllod, so thu no work made infuclor to thst of Kaitern rnan.

Hit price, alto aro as Low as any In the country! ami such as will suit Iho tlmeill 0-WOOD TUliNlNG, Sawing, Horlng and Ten- nnlBffi done loonier. Allklndt of Itopalrlng altcu- tlBil to with promplneu, and at low raid. i. John Fowlor Improvetl Patent DEDSTKADS, which ran bo taken down tui.l ie- 1 lnl Uiai1 one ml utc i. Wwn on Plasa-st.

adjoining Mrs i. stlgleman. Foundery, an near the PiatS louie. Cf-Cash paid for Walnut, Maple and Sycamo 4 01 and Veils) fine astoitmeulj Juit rec'd. salo low by TX L.

B. MET ii wrou-ftl and ml (able, door ami Mind hinges pair twiited and itratght link trace chains butcher's and shoe knives Col In i' nut axes "Wade fc (and other) flsiori an "Ames 1 "Rowland's" other) inailes B9 snovels 100 "WsUron'i" and "KImbairi and briiih icjtliei 1000 Ibs hone snd wrought no ill So iluor latches to doz sieves oo knob Jt loo Mpercusalon caps 600 (pi wond screws I 39 doz shears A. scissors 10 tltn hanies 15. raior ilrujn 3000 Ihi lions 60 Carolina hoes 300 ox and log chains 39 c. s.

handled An, 30 doz door bolls 90 cnllVft mills 300 pocket ond pen I 25 drawing knives 96 and 20 hack Jt wood saws tonhntni's penlmivcs IUOO llts bran kettles SO grs table cutlery 300 assorted tacks BLACKSMITH'S of Bellows, md Files. Vises, Anvils, Screw-plates, Bledget, Raipi ami Fil CAKI'BNTKH'fl Of alldcscrlpltont. COOPKU'5 TOO Cincinnati rnanutitlure. Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, Oun Locks and Hun Tilmmingt, Needles, Knitting Pins, Sacking Nee. dies, Tl.tmtilei, Fish Hooks and Lines, Itllles, Match Iloxei, Hat am) Mouio Traps, "WaihUa" and Oil Stones, Curry Combs, Cow Itellf, Dinner sml Tea Dells, Wardrobe Hooks, CuKatn Klngt, brats Screws and Hlngs, Pailloclct, brats I)ox and Chctt Locks, fimlly GHnditnnes, Shovels, Tongs, fed fee.

60 coili'as sotted Hemp Cordage loodoz Hemp Dulcmdt 60 Plough'lnos 1000 Ibs and Linen Twine 200 tons Bttoiled Iron 300 kegs atiorlcd Jttnlub -30 tons assorted. oil of ivhlrh we Invite your cspncla otteiitlnnf ami we trust wo shall bo enabled Bt all limes to furnish you with every attlclo rcfjnlrcd In our line, and on at favorablo terms at can lie procured In any other Western niirkct. mch 30 T. D. A complete ass ortmenToii LEGAL.

LEGAL. STATE or lu.mois, Maditon i-ounty, i Madison Circuit Court: "'J August term, 1819. IN (HAKCEHT. Guy C. Alexander and George W.

Frickellj John SI err It, ami unknown heirs of Amos by. deceased. ron ronEci.osunE or MORTGAGE. TT ip-M-arini- hy affldavll on flln In the Clerk's office tif J. the Cfrruil Court of Mnt.Uon county, aforesaid, In the above enlilletl came, that all of Ihe defendants Ixive non-residents of tho Slate of llllnnls, 10 ihat Ihe ordinary of asid court cannot be penonally served upon them; and the said anla having their bill of complaint herein, to foreclose a certain mortgage (herein described) and a sub- fxrna in chancery having been Issued herein according to tiw: Now yon, the said defendants, whose non-resident arrears si above, are hcietiy not I (led, that unleia yo shall be and appear before the Circuit Court, aforeiali on or before the tint day of Ihe next term thereof, to hoMcn at Ihe court-house In Ihe town of Cdwardsville on the third Monday In the month of August, 1849, am plead, demur, except to, or answer, the complainant, bill of complaint, according to ihe rules and practice laid court, (he same will be taken as confessed, and decree will he made according In tho prayer (hereof.

Dated at Edwsrdivllle, June I3(h, Attest! WM. T. It OWN, Clerk. J. ff sol'ra for compl'li.

June 16, '49-34. STATE or ILL.IKOIS, I Maittton Madlton Circuit Court: Auiutt term, 1849, AlOH hand, consisting nf loo doz Grain and Grass Srythrs GO Hey tho Snattlnj IDgrnis Scythe Stones 60 Hay and Maniue t-'orki; SO for sate low lo Ihe trade, by Juno I TOPPING Ai 11110. p.tCHIMJ ronnlant by June I TOPPING 8t With Ult.niNC IIA Lorki an) I.a(< eral itnro iluor Lockij Dtitti and I'ar- iamonl Hiitti; Shutlor and Sash Units; For lala by Juno I TOPPING BKO. tons " Scolla; 1 two tuns juit rec'd and fnr by pi TOPPING imo. mU CAttES-One dozen "Canary" assorted imtlerns, umio very hariilsornr) Just rec'd tches, with whlto and brnwn min- Oliver Snow fc Co's" Improved Pumps, aiiortod sizcjjjnit rec'd and far laid by ujii 30 jroppiNO fc nuo.

KAD Ciiterni, etc.) a com taut supiity always kept on hand and for sale by april 'JO TOPPING lllto, LACKSMITH'S comploto aiiort. Ci ity" ale low by TOPPING fc BUD'S, Just rccM, tho unrivaled "1'coria ett's" Ploughi, assorted sizoi KTTLKMENT. hcrcbygivcn, (tmton (he 3d Monday In apl 30 TOPPING klJItO. Mt'TIC Sl'tllNGS fc IRON AXLES I Jnil tcc'd by 30 TOPPING fc BIlO. ADLE CUTI.KUY—Fine Ivory and tea tttt, complcle; on hand nnd for tale apl 20 TUPPING BItU.

IttCULAH dozen, ait or led sUctj on homl and fur by fc DUO. AI.LEABLK CAHRIAGE A complete aisorlmcnlj for sale cheap, by apl 37 TUPPING fc IlltO. I7INAL SKI Nollceis ho monlli of Julj next, I will apply to the Couit frobafo of Madison county, Illinois, for a final teU lenient of tho estate of Samuel Tctcr, dcccaicd) at which time nnd place all persons having claims against said ettalo are hereby not III oil to attend, and present ha nmcfnradjustment. Allperiana indebted (osali estate, are requested to malco immedlnto payment to SUSANNAH B. TKTKIt, Adm'x, KNNKSSKF.

30 font, Tctmcsice Char- coat Itoni juit rec'd and fur ialc, by U7 TOPPING fcnno. Oolibls. "Clurk't" iLiperlur In itore ami for salo, by TUPPING DUO. 28 iiipcrtorqualilyijusl rotfd -JO HUW.MAN JOHNSUN. TKWKTPS rccMriom Iho Mnn- ufartoij', Jcwctl't Improved Patent Cary Pluws, brono or two hums, mrh 'U LKA, imoWN CO.

AST IHON PUMl'S-ncini irofuroth blest and must opprovod, Io 8 clhcr with Uad IKON JIOIVMA jp NSON l'''a oi 8 cu blown SM: 1 I. 9UARHITT CO. ulieaiD the tna iiibscrllwr) have pn'tiarcil a mixture I 1 I'hyilclau i iii 1 1 ltalt Vm vnrr, yei as delays ofton occur, it is ahinliitn llT JltVAtllrr IT.n» ln. it lund, In rue of emenjoncy. This 'if'" tol1 lll lcl1 me.

Price, ALTON BY HANSON fc KMERSOff, Manufacturers of 1'ITTS' I'ATKNT 8EPAH ATOIt ALTOS, ILLINOIS. undorsigncd having rcccnlly erected an lion to tlii'lr Shop, and mailo preparations fnr lly Increasing (heir busmen for tho approaching eason, wmiUl announce lo their old cus- omcrs ami tho public generally, that they are now reparcil (ofurn)ih Ibo well known and unlvcrially refcrieil PATENT SKPAUATOH, prompt. uimn application, as they have made such arrange, tents as will Insure tho IUHn of all orders Ihnt (her nay be furorcd with during (lie coming icniun. They would also Inform the public, that thcyaio ow huiialng 13-l'llU 1 Premium Patent Doiitilo-Pln- on IIOItHI. 1'OtVKU; ami are prepared to upply all tndors fnr tho SHIDC.

'Hiis Power, tor dura, olmy, strength, caie and rhi-npness of rciialr, not surpassed in Iho United Slalcsl Tho driving wheel Is feet In diameter, and drives two bull pinions, each receiving an equal amount of power. Two beve) wheels, driven by thcio bull pinions, connect will, two iiln- jni on tho lino ihan.ulviiig laid shaft 63 rcvolutioni Ihe horse once round. Tints It will Lo teen this torso Power is juit double Iho itrongth of any sin. glo gonrcil (Miiven being literally a KJ-doubte pinion A complete FOUIV1IEIC it alio at- ached to the Machine shnp, whore every oitlrleln his line of huilneis, will be furnlitieil at ihnrlcit no. tee.

on reasonable terms) and where the highest cash iricesl will bo paid at all llntes fur OLD CAST IHON. N. I). All kinds of Jobbing, itopalting Machinery, done at short notice. HANSON JiKMERSON.


OUILU IflAt'lIUVU HK subscribers have the ploaiuro to announce to (lie public (hat they have built, and have now in operation, a 3learn Knglne, together with all tho Machinery necessary to carry on (he FOimDUItY DUSI- NKBS, for building and repairing all kinds of A- CHINKUV, Vli! STKAM ENU1NKS, MILL QKAH. ING, oralldrscrliitlons, Water-wheels, Hone Pow. Turning Uthcs, he. They will slio manufactuie itagei of (his alarm, i Uie llorio Power, (mado and suld so Ivolyby llauion it Emerson,) which Power was got by N. Jolmion, when engaged with tlii-tnj ami III un Maihlnci.

tsh BTOli'UH of their own Hiaiiufacture. As It 111 be (heir Interest, they will icloct noiitt but thtt licit nd iiiost approved patlerni, and nut such as are made icll at a dlitance. Alio, Cialcs, Jog Irons, Wagon lloxoi, he, They are also now engjjicd in utilliUni A. S. IIAIIIIV CO.

011 o' Bbckb.ny rai, for the cur. of Choleio, Cholera. a 1 1 of Iho boweti. Alio (. owei.

Alio lAUVIlHTKItl suld lo be thu best Machine ow In uio. They fed confident Ihat they will be able to compete vithauy other eitabliihmcut of the kind In Hie West, rom Iho fact that (hoy am all practical Mechanics! one eintia practical MlU-wilght, and will have a. decided ilvintago In get Inn up patterns of the latest and Itett lyle.fur Mill Mtdiinci)-, over any other pctJon who is a Mill-wilglit. Patterns will be made In Iho best of order; and such 1. SCAnRITT CO.

STATE or lu.tso.s, I Madiion Circuit Court: tfodtton county, Auguit term, 1640 Adtliion vi. fDotncitlc Attachment, for iOB 13, John Dlrkliy.Jr. OTICfc; li hereby given to (ho above named de IN fondant, (hat Ihe above named plain till has suet out. of the Circuit Court of the county of Madison Slolc of Illinois, wilts of attachment against him, fa the sum of $08 12, directed to the Stierlfli of Madl ion and Macoupin counties, returnable lo Ihe Augus term, of said, court) ami which writs of attach mini liavc been returned by Ihe SherllTi to whom Ihe were directed, levied upon (he oslalo and property (he said defendant: Now, unless you, the said defendant, shall be an appear on Ihe tint day of Ihe next lotm of said cour (n be hnldcn at the court house In Ihe town of Etl waidivlllr, In said counly, on the third Monday in th month of August next, 1640, and then anil there, glv ball, and plead to said action, according to tho rule snd practice nf said coutt, Judgment will bo entere against you, and the property and esUte attached wil bo sold (9 iDtlify the same with will. Dated at Edwardivlllc, this loth day of June, 1849 WM.

T. BHOWN, Clerk. G. T. Dnovvw, atl'y for June to, ISJO-34-4W A llMmiSTrtATHIX-K SALK, Public notice ii hereby given, That, by vlrluo an order of the Circuit Court of Madison county, and Stole rifllllnolf.

made at the Marrh term I hereof, 1840 tho unilcriiffncd, atlministrattlx of Ihe estate of Frank 1m Nlles, late of laid county, deceased, will proccct (risen, In front of (ho court house in Kdwardsvlllc cm SATURDAY, Ihe 4lh day of August, 1818, between (ho hdurs of 10 o'clock In the forenoon anil 6 o'clock in tlio afternoon of aald tloy, at public auction, to Ih highest anil hcit bidder, on a credit of six and twelve mnnlha, tho following described land), together with all ami ilnguhrfho Improvements thereon, of which tho said Franklin NUcs died, seized, for the purpose paying the debts due by said eilutc, to-wll: The not th half of the southwest quarter of section 17, In lownsliip 6 norlh, of range 7 acres and the undivided one-third of Iho southeast rjuaitor Ihe armthwcit rpiotfer of section 33, in township of range lo acres; situate In Mjdlson county. AI in, the undivided one-third of the cas hair of the noHhwcit quarter of section 18, In ihip nuith, of rango 8 acres) situate In Mi county, anil all In tho Slate of Illinois. Tho purchaacr "will bo required lo give bond with ipprovcd security, and a moilgnge on tho land sold, to secure tho payment of tho purchaio money. SAIIAH II. NILES, Adm'x.

Edwards vlllc, Juno 10, 1810-ow i JMNAL Notice is hereby given, that on Ihe first Monday Iho monlh of August next, I will apply to the Court of Probale of Madison county, Illinois, fnr a final tct- lemcnt of tho citato of Henry D. Thorp, at which (imo and place all pcrtong having claims again mill citato are hereby notified to attend, and preienl Iho same for adjustment, csta'c, are reijucitud lo All persons Indebted to talil aim Immediate payment to HATH-L IIUHNHAM, NAT. SKTTI.KMKNT. Notice is Iwrcliyglvon, that on Ihe first Monday In Iho month of August nexl, 1 will apply to tho Com' of Probate of Jersey county. Illinois, fora final act- Uemonl of thn oilatc of William at which lima und place all persons having claims against suitl citalu DIC hcrcl.y notified to altcml.dml present the tame for adjustment.

All jicrsoni Indebted (o said cs- 'iito, are requested (n make Immediate payment to June 1810.23-tt DANIBL Adm'r. itMombyln AHTIAL SKTTI.EMKNT. Nullcoii hereby given, that on the si Ihe montli of August next, I will apply to tho Court df Probate of Maroupiii county, Illinois, fur a partial teltlcmenl of (he ottato of Peter Forbes, dec'd; at which lime am) place all pcrsont having claims against laldctlntc, are hereby notllled to attend, and present tho a mo for adjustment. All persons Indebted to said estate, are cities I utl to make Immediate payment lo jnnel. lBltt.it3-8 WM.

K. PHUSSKH, Kx'r. Notice is hereby given, Hut on tho flnt Mon. day In tho month of August next, I will amily to the Court of Probate nf Macoupin county, Illlnoli. for a par- ial settlement of the eilole of Leltoy Ovcrstrcel, dec-M- at which lime and placo all persons having claims n- Kninsl 10M citato aro hereby notified to attend ami the nmo for adjustment.

All persons Indent, ed to saM citato, are requested to mako immediate tuv. ment. TllO'3 conn, Adm'r. OXKCUTOK'S NOTICE. Mi tl Ihounderilgnctllias obtained nf the Judge of Probale for the raimty of Mo- diton, State of Illinois, letters leslamcntary, tfetrinit lotolheaiitdayol 1 February, 1810, on the estate of William fliton, lalo of said county, deceased.

All wrioni having claims against tald etlato are hereby nolillcd to attend, and present the same lor wlinilnent the Court of Probate for said county, on (ho first Momloy In the month of October next, 1840, Allper- Imlcblcdto said estate, are requested lo mako Immediate payment to Juno JQ.SKPH 11U11NAP, Kx'r of snld eitate. JKWKTrs PATKNT HEUUCCII. PHEuntlfriigned, loloogents of Iheso ccle- Uratcd Plows, Imve now on hand a complete as- sizes. As wo have now educed llio price of earn dais, they may now bo 10- as tho tkeapttt ai well as tho bat orlicle manu- uclurcdlnthu West. SCAHIUTT nia Agents, Alton.

I.ADU^' DIIEMH A LMANUINK, Tiisiies, Klorazcttes, JA. Llnm Ginghams, French Ginghams, Ilareges, FANCV PltlNTS, and a great variety of choice DUES" GOODSi received, by 1. SOAnniTT CO AUPKT, ps. white ami col' Matting) 4 do. Iniraln 1 do.

Oil Clot! ust iccM and for salo, very cheap, by II I. BCARBITT CO. can be had in St. Louli, for Mill-w uf iki will bo made Bran Callings and Copper Pipe, mstlo to order. All tho abovo work will bo done with dlipalch) ant is rcaienable as can be had in SI.

Louii, or my where the Wett. Their establishment Is situated un Pioia ittect, near Ihe Piasa or Eagle Tavern. N. U. The highest market pike paid tot OLD lion Orass or at Iho Fouiutery.

a. CO. 1100SF. CHAllLKS FOX, PUOPUltiTOH, OULD rosiKJcUully Inform hla old frlenJs an tho public gonsrally, that he hui taken the abov named Huuie, and would solicit a share public patronage. From his past experience in Itulc keeping in and a strict prraonal attention him self to Ihe rumfoit of his ueits, lo ment a coi tinuance uf ihn Uiilrotugu Iwrclolbre bcstowedou Ilia House.

The has In connection a largo and commoJ ous Stable, where the Tiavoler's Hune will bo well i tended. Persona and famtlirs conveyed to any part the adjacent rountiy. nov ai, 10 USTreroiveci lYom Uoslon alaigo InvoiceofCi Flowing lllue Wore, several patients, In dinner inO tea sets complete Mulberry dinner and tea sets, complete Paris white do. do. do.

C. C. and lllue Edge do. do. do.

Caiton, Tumblers, Glass Lamns, he. For sit J1UWMAN i JOHNSON. 7 VV Henry Peters, and Sarah wife, Ambroie Nix, and Sally Nix, hii wife, Jacob July, Samuel dy, Thomsa Judy. Thomas Grant, snd'Nincy, his wife, Sarah A. Wliitlington, Mary Jane Wellington and William 1.

Wbltlington, by nexl friend, Holland Whittlngton, Moses Barber, and Margaret, his wife, Judy, Lyman Barber, and Ann, his wife, Iiaac sndMaitbaJudyi Obi nice, and Miry nice, his wife. ron FAH.TITIOH. TT appearing by alll.bvll on (lie In the Clerk's olllce of the Circuit Court of Madison county, aforesaid, In (he above entitled cauie, Ihat both of Ihe above named defendants, are non-residents of this State, and without Ihe reach of live ordinary process of this courtf the said complainants having filed their tlllon herein, for (he partition of certain real estate therein described and sol forth) and a subpana In chancery having been Issued herein according to law: Now you, the said defendants, whose non-residence Ihaiunlessyou Court aforeiaMj on or before the first day of Ihe next term (hereof, to beholden at the court houie'In (he town of ville. on the 3d Monday in the month of August, 1840, anil plead, demur, except to, or answer the ant's bill of complaint, according to the rules andprac- co of uld court, Ihe same will bo taken as confessed, a nd a decree will be made accoiding to the prayer thereof. Dated at EitwanlsvUle, June 13th.

1BI9. Alteitt WM. T. DilOWN, Clerk. J.

D. GiLtESPic, lol'r for compl'I, June IS, as abovo, are hereby notified, (hat shall be and appear before (he Circuit Court STATE OP ILLINOIS. I I Madison Circuit Court: Madison county. parte- application for an onler to tell Real Etlate, OTICE Is hereby given, that the undersigned, the administrators at the estate of Joel Finch, dec'd, will apply at the Auguit leim of (he Madison Circuit Court, A. o.

1849, for at. order of said coutt, authcrix- Ing them to sell so much of the real esUte of tho said Joel Finch, dec'd, BS wilt enable them lo pay the debts (hat are still due dom mid eitate, to third persons) when and where, Iho litirs and their guardians, aild (he devisees of said estate, and other persons in- tcrostcd therein, may appear and resltt said application, tor an order to sell as aforesaid, If they deem pro- TIMOTHY TUIlNEn, Adm'r a 15, IS1Q.4W MABYFJNCH, Adm'x. To William W. Jones and Rebecca his wife, William n. Adams, Gilbert Evans and Harriet E.

his wife, DC Witt Clinton Adams, Mary Adams, Sarah H. Adams, Fianldtn E. Adams, and Charles Adams, heirs at law of John Adams, YOU are hereby notified, That at tho August term, A. D. 1849, of Iho Madison county Circuit Court, Slate of Illinois, I will apply lot an order of said court, to sell the Real Estate of which the aalil John Adams died seized, or so much thereof as ahall be sulliclent to pay tho debls due by said estate) at which time yo can appear and resist Ihe same If you see proper.

June 15, lB40-3t JOHN H. ADAMS, Adm'r. J. D. GILLCSPIC, att'ys.

FOIIECL03E MORTGAGE. STATE ILLINOIS, Madison Circuit Court. Mmtiion county, August letm, ttufl, IH CHANCERY. Nathaniel Buckmaslcrj w. i.

Jonathan T. Hudson. I appearing by allldavlt on file in the clerk's offlce of (he Circuit Court of Madison counly, aforesaid In Iho above entitled cause, thai Jonalhan T. Hudson, (he abovo named defendant, Is a non-resIilcnt of the Stale oflllliioii, and without tho reach of the ordinary of this court; and the said complainant having Hod his bill herein, for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage therein (Icicribcil; and subpmna In ry having been Issued herein according to law: Now you, the said defendant, whose non-residence appears as above, are hereby notified, that unless you shall be and appear before the Circuit Coutt, aforesaid, on or before the ilnt day of Ihe next term thereof, lo holden at Ihe court-house in tho town of Edwords- villc, on the third Monday In tho month of August next, IB40, and demur, except to, or answer Ihe complainant's bill of complaint, according to the rule and practice of said court, tho same will bo taken ai confessed, and a decree will bo made according to the -foyer thcicot, Dated at Edwardsvllle, June 13th, 1840. Alteilj WM.

T. ItROWN, Clerk. aeo.T, Jroipn, Bol'rforcompft. STATE OF Ii.ur.ors, Madison Circuit Court: Madlion county, Angust teim, 1649. IN CMAHCKRT.

Geoigo vs. F. Chapman, Sally Ann Chapman and Robert Finch. iid.i. to ron EC 1,0 IB A TT appearing by allldttvUon file in tho Clerk's ofllce of 1 the Circuit Court of Madison county, aforesaid, in ho above entitled cause, that John F.

Chapman, one of the above defendants, it a non-resident oftho Stato of Illinois, and beyond (he Jurisdiction of the courts of ho county and the laid complainant having llud his bill of compallnl herein, to foreclose a rcflaln mortgage, therein described; and a subpoena in chancery having been issued herein according to law: Now you, the said defendant, whose non-residence appear! at above, ore hereby notified, that unless you shall bo and appear before the Circuit Court aforesaid, on or before tho first day of the next term thereof, to be loldcnattho court house In thetowiiofEdwardavillo, on the third Monday in the mouth of August, 1849, and demur, except to, or answer the complainant's bill complaint, according to the rules and practice of sold same will bo taken as confessed, andade. will bo made according to the prayer thereof. Dated at Edwardsvlllo, June Oth, Attest: WM. T. BROWN, Clerk.

Cavil j- EdieaiOt, sol'rs tor compl t. 10, ILLINOIS, Maditon county, Orrcn VI. George Prlcketl. i Madison Circuit Court: August term, 1840, Attachment for $1,000 00. OTICE Is hereby given, to George Prickett, Ihe above defendant, that the said plalntllfhaa tiled ollldavlt In the Clerk's olllce ofthe Circuit Court of Madison county, aforesaid, thai you ate a non-resident tho state of Illinois, and, without Ihe reach of tbe roccss of (his court) that a will of Attachment has nued out of the Clerk's otllce aforesaid, again it you, lie aalil defendant, for Ihe sum of one thousand live directed to Ihe ShoruTor said county, nd returnable to the August term, 1840, nfaald nd that said writ has been returned by the Sherlfl' of aid Madison county, served upon Frederick T.

Knlft, garnlsheo of you, tho said defendants Now, unless you, Iho said defendant, shall be and ppear on the lirst day of the next term of sold court, be holder, ot the court-hnuie In Iho town of Kit- wardsvltle, In mid county, on the third Monday In the month of Augus next, 1340, and Dion and there demur, or answer to said action, according to the rules nd practice of said court, judgment will be taken by efault against you. Dated al Edwatdsvillc, June 13th, 1840. Attest; Wai, T. UUOWN, Clcik. Jl fl J25 ntt pl utlfl lft STATE or II.UKOIS, Madison Circuit Court: JUMJica county, March i er 1849.

Jacob petitioner! Vt, James H. Gillham, and Polly Cillham, his wife, Jacob Marshall, and Elvira Marihall, his wife, William B. Whiloilde, NmlanE. WhUeslOe, Jacob Swlmrt, Sorah Jane Whiteslde. Stephen Brooks, and Mary Brooks, hit wife, John J.

lU-ynoMs, Mary E. Swig- gait, Caroline Swlggart, Julia Swiggut and William W. Singleton LEGAL. STATE or ILLIHOIS, 5 Msulsw. Circuit Courti Jlftfdiion county, IB Chancery.

ronrcLoiuKE or MOJITOAOI. The Picsldent, Directors, Company of the Slate Bank of Illinoltj vi, Thomas Y. Dirks John Mtgulre. COMBIISSIOKCK'S OTICE Is hereby given, that by virtue oft decree In chancery, made la the above entitled cause, at (lie August term of the Madison Circuit Court, A. D.

the undersigned, as commissioner, appointed for that purpose, will proceed to sell for cash, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, ths aad day of D. 1849, it ihn hour of twelve o'clock al noon of that day, In front of the Pott-oltlce, lo the city of Alton, in the county of Madison, and Stale of Illinois, the following described pieces and parcels of land, the same lying and being In the county and Stale aforesaid. with the sppurtenanccs thereunto belonging, to-wil: "The east half of the southwest quarter of section number five, in lonmihlp number five north, of range number eight, west of the third principal 1 Tho purchaser to receive a certificate of purchaie on payment of the purchaie money, and adced at the expiration of fifteen months from (he day of sale, unlesi previously redeemed according to law. WILLIAM MARTIN, Master In Chancery of Madison county, Commissioner. Oeo, r.

Drown, sol'r for compl'Is. ID, 1849-20-flw STATE or ILLIITOIS, (,. Madiion Circuit Court: Maditon county, 4 August form, 1849. IN CtlAKCERV. Lllburn P.

Perry and Mary A. Perry his wife, Antolno II. MoNalr and Cornelia hit Vf. Julia Jarrot, Executrix of the last will and testament of Nicholas Jnrrot, Clayton Tilfln, (he unknown heirs and devliees of Michael Chapie, John Chapie, Administrator with Ihe will annexed, of Michael chajile, Francis Locroix, Shaffer am) Leah ShalTer his wife, Nathaniel Buck- maiter, William Montgomery, George Job, Moses Job, Thomas Elliot, Permella Emert, Mahala Ernort, Margaret Kmert, LuclnJa Emert, John Emert, Geo. Sewelland Margaret Sewell his wife, Snyder Wad.

dell, Mary Ann Waddell, KHcn Waddell, William Waddell, Charles Waddell, Heniy Stalllngs, admin, lit inter of Iho estate of Andrew Emert, deceased, and Green Bruce. LEGAL. STATE or iLtrnois, I Madison Clrnitl Court; MMfim county, August term, 1849. Arnasa B. Barry and Benjamin K.

Hart, partners, firm of A. 8. Barry Co.) 1 w. John Diikby, jr. UomttlSc Attachment, far 87.

OTICE Is hereby given to the above named fendant, that the above named ptalnll'ls have sued out of the Circuit Court of Ihe county of Madison, Stato of JHinoii, writa of attachment against him, for the sum of $101 67, directed to the Sherilft of Madison snd Macoupin count lea, returnable tolho Auguit Icrm, 1849, of sold couit) and which writs of attachment have been returned by the Sherills to whom they were directed, levied upon the cslate and propeity of tho said defendant! Now, unless you, the said defendant, shall be and appear on the first day of Ihe next term of salil court; to be holden at the court house In Ihe town of wardsvillc, In said county, on tho third Monday In tho monlh of August next, 1849, and then and there, give bail, and plead to said action, according lo the rules and practice of said court, judgment will be entered against you, and the property and estate attached will bo sold to satisfy the same with costs. Dated at Edwardsvllle, this Blh dsy of June, 1849. STATE or ILL-MOII. i i Macoupin Clrci Macovyln county, Samuel Attest: WAI. T.

BROWN, Clerk. G. T. DnowM, atl'y for pl'ili. June 8, IBlO-filMw STATE or ILLINOIS, 5 MaiUson Circuit Court: Mediton county, Auguit terra, 1849.

John Qulgley and George Qulgley, partners, firm of J. it G. Qulgley, John BIrkby, jr. Dometltc Attachment, for (3302. OTICE Is hereby given to tho above named defendant, that the above named nlilnlllls have sued out of Ihe Circuit Court of the county of Madison, State of Illinois, writs of attachment against him, for Ihe sum of 02, directed to the Sheriffs of Madison rind Macoupin counties, returnable to Ihe August term.

1840, of said courlj and which writs of attachment have been returned by Ihe Shorltl'i to whom they were directed, levied upon Ihe estate and property of tbo said defendant: Now, unless you, (he said shall be end appear orUhe first day of tho next term of aild court, to be holden at tho court home In the town of Ed- wanhville, fn said county, on Ihe third MonJay in tho next, 1649, and. thqit nnd there, give BtlltottlattdcConVMancttandfafntitrf. by afltdavit on filo in Ihe Clerk's oftlce I nnd to saiu auion, accoruing to the rules 1 of Iho Circuit Court of Madison county, aforesaid, practice of said court, judgment will bo entered J. D. GILI.EIPIE, lol'rs in (he above entitled, cauie, that Clayton Titlln, Ihe known heirs and tlovlsees of Michael Chapie, John Chapie, administrator, with Iho will annexed, of Michael Chapie, Francis Lacrolx, ShalTer and Leah Shatter his wife, George Job, Moies Job, Snyder Waddell, and Green W.

Bruce, part of Ihe defendants abovo named, aro non-residents of tho Stale of Illinois, so that the ordinary piocess of said conrt connot be personally served upon them; and the said complainant! having filed (heir bill of complaint In, lo set aside conveyances and for relief therein and a subixcna In chancery having been Issued herein according to law. Now you, the said defendants, whose non-residence appears as above, are hcicby notified, that unless you shall be and appear before Iho Circuit Court, aforesaid, on or before the first day ofthe next term thereof, to be lioldcn at the court-house In tho lown of Edwerdivillc, on Ihe third Monday In the month of August, 1840, and. plead, demur, except answer tho complainants' bill of complulnt, according to the rules anil practice of sold court, the sanio will be taken as confessed, and a decreo will bo made according to the prayer thereof. Dated at Edwardsvllle, June 13,1849. Attest! WM.

T. BROWN, Clerk. laflMw STATE cr ILLINOIS, Madison Circuit Court: Madison county, August term, 1845. IN CHANCERY. Abraham Sippyand Jemima Slppy, Felix Coonce; Mary his wife, Elizabeth Isbel and William It hcrhuiband, Pat Us B.

Long and Emily his and Lewis Newhall- w. Peter A. Labaume and Enoch Steen, administrate the estate of William Rector, deceased, the -widow of William Rector and. her husband, Rector, Mary Walker and Walker her husbi Mary Wella, Josephine Wells, Polly stcen, El bcth Barton, Palmer, widow of Thomai. Hector, Samuel Hempstead, Elizabeth his wife, i lyCockran, Laura Albider and Alblderherh band, Kliseph Deal), William Beat), William fthU ami Eliza hii wife, John W.

Garret ion and Sarah 1 wife, William Pelham and Mary his wife, Ellas' Conway, James S. Conway, John B. Conway, liam B. Conway, Fiedericlc IU Conway, Thai Conway, Henry M. Rector, Rector, wldoi Ettas Rector, Thomas Rector, Rector wldoi Stephen Rector, and.

unknown hclri of William 1 tor, deceased. Jlill fof Injunction and I by olllilavlt on (Ilo in the Clerli'a JL of Iho Circuit Court of Madison counly, aforrs the above entitled cause, thai all the defend) bovc named, except Peter A. Labaume and ED itccn, ore non-residents of tho Stato of Illinois, so 1 he ordinary process of said court cannot be persd scivcd Ibcm- and the jaid. complainunts ha lied their bill of complaint herein, for an Injunc and relief tticieln described; and a subpccna In cha ry having been Issued herein according to law: Now you, (he saiil defendant, whoso ippears as above, are hereby notified, that unless shall be and appear before Ihe Circuit Court nforet on or Iwfore the Hist day of the next term thereof, holden al (he couit house In the town of Edwards! on the third Monday in the month of August, i and plead, demur, except to, or answer the CDmp! nants' bill of complaint, according to the rules iracllce of said court, the same will be taken as 'cased, and a decree will bo made according to grayer thereof. Dated at Ed wards Hie, Juno 13,1840.

Atleatt WM. T. BROWN, Clk. against you, and the properly and cslato attached will be sold to satisfy tho samo with costs. Dated at Edwanlsvillo, this 8th day of June, 1849.

Attest: WM. T. BROWN, Clerk. Q. T.

BnowM, atl'y for pl'll'j. June 8, I STATE or ILLINOJB, Midlson Circuit Couit: Madison county, August term, 1840. Lewis Beach and Joseph A. partners, firm of Beach SL Eddy; vt. John BIrkby, jr.

Attachment, for $17877. OTICE is hereby given to tho abovo named fondant, that tho abovo named plaintilli have sued out of the Circuit Couit of the county of Madison, State of Illinois, wrila of attachment acainst him, for tho sum of $173 77, directed to tho Shcrilft of Madison and Macoupin counties, returnable to the Auguit Ierm, 1845, of said court) and which writs of attachment have been returned by the Sherills to whom (hey wcro directed, levied upon the estate ond property of Iho said defendant: Now, unless you, the said defendant, shall be and appear on the first day of the next term of said court, to be holden at (ho court houie in Ihe lown of F.d. wardsvillc, In said county, on (he third Monday in the month of August next, 1849, and then and there, Rive ball, anil plead to said action, according to the rules and practice of said court, judgment will be entered against you, and the properly and estate, atlnrhpii LEGAL. TT tulilavlt on nip, JL CtroliMTrible.foconc on uuo Uqulr, ahi cannol bo found, 10 that Ih, owi ry pntnu of IMi court ran icrved upon h.r?.i,a S' o-itltleo c.u.o btlng t-ourl, for a divorce, and undetermined: rl, for Public nollco li bcrcby clven, that unlcii j. defendant, Sarah Caroline Trlblc.b.

ami. foro Mucoopta clicull court, at th. C.rlinvlll., In the connly Btale or laid coui lo be hoi Jon or! the tecond Mon lav monlh o( October next, 1849, and demur, rdead aniwer complainant', bill, the urn. wlilbe William Fellow, and Bcnbmin Adamif ri. 0 J.

C. lluddcll, Alexander Martin, William ir William nnddell, Mar, M. Hudd.ll, dell, Demon M. Hudd To tet ailde Deed, and for RtHrf TT appearing alllilovlt on (lie In the Clerk'i 1 tho Circuit Court of Madison county, aft, the above cntilied cause, that all of Ihe-deSS 1" hove named, with the exception of William nil. and Sarah H.

Nltes, ore non-resident of the si. Nowyou, Iho said defenJanls, whose appears as above, ore hereby notlfled, that unlcti shall and appear before the Circuit Court, on or before Iho llrsl day of tho term thereor holden al Ihe court-house in the lown of Ed-vsM. on the Ihinl Monday in tho monlh of Aupiilncxt and plead, demur, except lo, or answer the com, ants' bill of complaint, according to the rulei an lice of said court, the samo willbo l' and a of. Dated at Edwardsvllle, June 6lh, 1849? 1 Attest: WM. T.

BROWN, Clerk. "I Wlinqt Partons, sol'rs for compl'li. Juno 8, '49-23-4W STATE or lu.mora, counlj, Madison Circuit Court! Auguat term, tail Ancrnv. Clara Cordelia Fiihcj; vi. Catharine M.

Fisher, Lowil Moiiulll and Calhirlni I 11 Ann J. D. att'ya. June 18, 49 4w STATE or ILLINOIS, Madison Circuit Court: Afadlion county, August term, 1849. IN CHANCERY.

Charles Manning; VI. Cyrus Edwards, Albert G. Edwards, Nlnlan W. Edwards, Dcnjemin s. Edwards, John Cook, Margaret B.

Lane, William P. Avis, and William Manning. Ml to Perfect Title, TT appearing by afildavH on (lie En the Clerk's ofllce of Ihe Circuit court of Madison county, aforesaid, in the above entitled cause, thai Albert G. Edwards, Margaret B. Lane, William P.

Avis and William Manning, four of tho above named defendants, are non-residents of Iho state of Illinois, and without the reach of the ordinary process of thli court; and the said, complainant having filed hii bill of complaint herein, to perfect a certain title therein described; and a subpujna l'i chancery having been Issued herein, according to Now you, the said defendants, whoso non-resldenra appears as above, are hereby notified, that unleis you shall be and appear before the Circuit Court, aforesaid, onor before the tlist day of the next term thereof, to bo holden at the court-house la tho town of the 3d Monday in the monlh of Auguil nexl, 1B49, and plead, demur, excvpt to, or answer Ihe com- bill of complaint, according to tho rules and practice of laid court, the same will be token as confessed, and a decree will be made according to Ihe prayer thereof. -Dated at Kdwardsvllle, June lath. 1840. Allesl: W4I. T.

UltOWN, Clork. Davit Keating, lol'rs for compl't. June 16, Illinois, viz: PETITION OTICE Ii hereby nlven, that, by virtue of an order or laid couil, mado al Ih. March term thereof. 10, in the above enlllled cauie, Ihe underlined com- minloncr, aiipoinled ror thai punHiit.

will icll.on Km. DAY, Ihe Ulh day or JULY, law, between the tour. of 10 o'clock m. ana 4 o'clock p. m.

of lala day, in front of Wm. N. Wkklille'. ilore, in Ihe lown of Col. liniville, In laid counly and stale, Ihe following il cribed pleco or parcel of land, lo-wit! norlheail rjuarler of auction No.

aa, In town- STATE or ILLINOIS, Madiion county, Henry T. vi. Itachael Madison Circuit Court: Auguit term, 1849. IN CHANCERY. Bill fa a TT appearing by aOldavll on Ille In tho Clerk'i olllce JL or the Circuit Court or Midlion county, aloreiaid, In the abovo entitled cauie, thai Itochel Carter, the a.

bove named defendant, ii a non-reildcnl of thli State, and without the reach of the ordinary procen or (hi. Court! and Ib. laid complainant having Hied I'll bill of complainlhercin, for a dlvorcej and a lubtxcna In chancery having been iiiued herein according to law: Now you, tho laid defendant, whoio non.reiidrnce appcara 01 above, ore hereby notified, thai unlen you ahal IhoUlhdiyor 8 o'clock NEW liavo Just received a amall Invoice of Gentle men's Calf Boots, from Cincinnati. They aro x-iroiily fur our retail rUe, and we will warrant them I o.ual In stylo, workmanship and wear, lo any custom vork that can be made. Wo invite all who are In want ofa yowl article to call and examine.

fiom Iho East, a assoitnwnl of wean consisting of light col'd Oallcn, a iupo- lor ailicloj light colM half white and kid, Buikins and a fuw ilosen, of "Kxcelslor Ties," a new and neat stylo of Summer Shoes. "I K. L. DlMMOCtf i CO. A OAIIIY FAH1U-FOR SALE.

FARM, formerly occupied by Mr. D. W. Aldik-h, and owned Mfiirs, Urown hoi, Providence, MontU-elto nrecinct, four rullei from the steamboat landing at Alton, Is ollbred (br sate on terms Ihat can. nol tall lo suit those who may with to purchaie.

Said Farm contains 140 acrei ell under fenw, divided Into levera! lots by cross fences, in all of which ore durable spilnga ofgood water. On the premises is a -rood Frame House, conUinlm; Wood-home- and otbei 'n fit Ejwaitlaville, In said counly and Stole, Iho following dearribcd loti and lands, lo-wid 1'he west half of the northwest fractional quarter of number Si, ID township number 4 north, of range number 8, weit of the thiid principal meridian: couUlnlng 02 Also, claim number 619, survey number Aatt remaining 400 acres. Also, the toll wing lots in Ihe city or Alton, via- Block 7, lot a Block 34, lot 9 I Block 31, loll a 19 SO, 7 49, 46, 4 41, 4 fc 6 Also, an-undivided ane-tl(Ui of the following lotai Lots 4, 6 and 8. In block l) and lots 7 amis, In block in Mechanic's Square, in the city of Alton. All of said lands and lota are sltuale in the county of Madison, and slate of Illinois.

Said real esUte will be sold to the highest snd beit biiUer, on a credit of six and twelve months, (he nur. chain to five bond, security, and mortgage on the preiuUes, lo secure the payment of the imrchwe money. s. BHOWN, Commls- aloncr. bo lioUen at the court house in the town of Edwardi ville, on tho Third Urn-lay In Iho month, of Anguil, 1849, onu plead, demur, except to, or answer the com- Plalnanl'i bill of complaint, according to the rules and practice of laid couil, the same will be taken si con- a decree will be made according (o the pray.

erthereoC Daled al EJwardivUlo, June 13, 1849. WM. T. BHOWN, Clcik. I Madison Circuit Court: Auguit term, 1849, IN CHANCERY.

Bill for a STATE OF ILLINOIS, county, Nancy Dmnsj Gales, heirs it law, and Clementine widow, of Nonnan E. Gates, ed, Dempsey Hodlcy, and Justima his wife; W. iusan Otwell, Ceylon Young Otwell, Helen Francis Otwell.Elmlra Dedima Armlnius Otwell, William Marlon Otwell, Emory Harrison Otwell, Merlol Deneen Otwell, Jusllnius strange Otwell, Mary Francis Olwell, Harriett Clementine Otwell, William Henry Hcrrlson Olwell. and Joanna Elizabeth Otwell. SALE, VT OTICE Is hereby given, that by virtue of a decree LA In chancery, mado In the above en tilled cause, -tlhe March term of the Madison Circuit Court, A.

1849, the undersigned, as commissioner, appointed or thai purpose, will proceed lo sell to the highest lidiler, on Saturday, the twenty-third day of June, A. 1849, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of hat day, in front of tbe court-house, in the town of In Ihe county of Madison and State of II. inols, the following described pieces and parcels of and, the same lying and being In the county and Stato aforesaid, with the opimilenances thereunto belong- ng, to-witi Sixty acres, being tho south part of Ihe southwest quarter of sccti-n four) and thirty-live acres, being (ho part of tbo noilheast quarter of section nine: all township number four north, of range number eight "BiL following described lands in Macoupin Vwqrofneo.rofsec.30.lown. 13 range 7 40 hf of se qr hfof no qr hfof no qr ll 80 6 so 6 80 6 80 0 BO Whfofnwqr ao acres of land, being Ihe south part and cm- iractng the whole breadth from east lowest of Iho east lalf ofthe southwest quarter ofsccllon number thirty, township number seven north, of range number six west. three and five, In block five, in tho town of Staunton, in said county anil Slate.

Said real eitate will be sold on a credit of six and twelve the purchaser giving bond, with approved, security, and a mortgage on the premlies sold. LUVr DAVIS. Commissioner. may 18,1849 30-Gw TT appearing by affidavit on file in tho Clerk's offlce of A tho Circuit Court of Madison county, nforeiald in the above entitled cause, thai Lucinda America CaM well, William Caldwell, and Turner R. Lurton Ihe abovo named defendants, are non-rcaldcnli of thli Stale, and without the reach oftho of this courtj and the said comiilalnant havinjr filed her petition herein, for (ho partition of certain real eitate therein described and.

act forth- ond a subpccnaln chancery having been issued herein according to law- tow you, tho said defendants, whose non-reslilcncd cars as above, aro hereby notlllc-l, that unlesi you II bo and appear before the Circuit Court aforesaid, jr before day oftho next term thereof, to bo len at the court house in the town of Kdwardsville, third Monday month of ami ad, demur, except, to, or answer the complainant's of complaint, according to the rules nnd practice of 1 court, the samo will bo taken as confessed, and a rce will he maila according to the prayer thereof, )ated ot Kdwardsvillc, June 6lh, 1840. Atleil: WM. T. DItUWN, Clerk. Seating, aol'r for compl't 'Juno 8, l849-23-4w TE or Madison Circuit Court: idlian counly, Auguil term.

1849. ard Keating; Action of Debt, in aid of Diitrai V-w- Warrant, QmKincaid. Debt, $105 00. Damagtt, (100 09. JTICK Is hereby given lo William Kincnid, thn defendant above named, that the sold plainlitV led an ntlldavit in the Clerk's olDce ofthe Circuit of Madison county, aforesaid, that you are tesident of tho Stole of Illinois, and without tlio: of the.ordinary process of this court; that a in an action of debt aforesaid, has isiued out of crli's olllce aforesaid, against you, directed lo ierlll'of sold Madison county, and leluniabte lo ugustlerm, 1S4D, of sold couit: unless you, the said defendant, shall bo anil 1 on the first tlay of the next term ot said couil, olden at the court-house in the town of EJwarJi- ti said county, on Ihe third Monday hi the month next, 1840, nml then and there demur, plciil to sold action, according to Iho rules and of sold court, judgment will be taken by de- such other proceedings had, as ifyoubml erionally served with process.

il Hi Edwardavlllc, June Bth, 1849. Attest, WM. T. BROWN, Clerk. ia49.23-4u- or ILLINOIS, I Madiion Circuit court: ion county, "') August term, 1849.

.1 Dimmock ami James S. Stone, partners, firm of E. L. Dimmock V5. i John Birliby, jr.

Attachment, for $370 05. OTICE la hereby given to Ihe above named de- Iheabovc named plalntiifr have sued out of tho Circuit Coutt of the counly of Madiion, state uf Illinois, writs of attachment againil him, for he sum of $370 Ofi, dhected lo tho Sherills of Madi- ion and Mocoupln counties, returnable to tho Auguil crm, 1819, of said court) anil which wills of attachment have been returned by the shcrilla to whom they were directed, levied upon the estate and property of he said defendant! Now, unless you, (ho said defendant, shall bo ond iplicsr on tho lirst day of the next term of said court, obo holden at the court house In the lown of vanlsville, in said county, on Iho third Monday in Ibe month of August next, 1849, and then and there, give bail, and plead to said action, according to the rules and practice of said court, judgment will be entered igalnst you, and the property anil estate attached will ie sold lo satilBy Iho aamo with costs. Dated at Ed wards ville. this Bth doy of June, 1949. Alteiit: WM.

T. UROWN, Clerk. G. T. BHOWN, atl'y for pl'il's.

june8 '49-23-4n' STATE or ILLINOIS, Madison Clrcull Courti Madiion county, August terra, Chatles vi. Domntic Attachment, for $140 48. John nirkby, Jr. OTICE is hereby given lo (ho above named defendant, Ihat tho above named has sued out of the Circuit Court of the county of Madison, State of Illinois, writs of attachment against him, fot he sum of $140 48, directed to the She-ills of son and Macoupin counties, returnable to Ihe Auguit erm, 1840, of saiil court) and which writs of attachment have been returned mi) I appearing by alndavltonflle in Ihe Ckik's olllce of the circuit Court of Madison la Ihe above entitled cause, that John Bums, the i- bovc named defendant, is a non-resident of Ibis stale, and without the icsch of (ho ordinary process of this court; and the aald compUioaot bavins; Hied her bill of complaint herein, for a divorce) and a subpmoa in chancery having been Issued heieln according to law; STATE or ILLINOIS. I Madison Circuit Court: Madlion county.

August term, 1810. John Suiinger, petitioner! VI. Nathaniel Duckmaster, and (lie heirs of Alexander Byram, deceased. PETITION ron PAHTITIOM. TVTOTICK is hereby given lathe said defendants, That 11 the above named John Spilnger has tiled his petition in the Circuit Couit of Madiion counly aforesaid, (br a partition ofthe following land, lo-wit; The south east quartet of section seventeen, in township number Uve north, of rango number eight, west of the third principal therefrom fifteen out of the south east also, the (allowing piece of land: beginning al the north west corner of the south west quarter uf section number twenty, En lownsnlp number Uve north, of range umber eight, west of Die third principal meridian! running thence south on the line or said quarter section forty poles to a stake; thenre east sixty to a stake; thenre north forty poles to a slake on the section line) thence west sixty iioles to Ihe place of beginning- containing fitleen which Ihe said petitioner owns live-eighths, the said Dtickmaster owns half, and tbe heirs of Alexander Bynm, deceased, who are unknown, are the owners of one-eighth.

That summons bcs been issued herein returnable to the next term of said court, lo be holden at the routl house in Edwardsvllle, on the third Monday In Notice is hereby given, that oa the first Monday mouth of August next, 1 will apply to the Com jylii8SI.erI.ii to whom Ibey were directed, levied upon the estate and property of he said defendant: Now, unless you, tho sold defendant, shall he and appear on the llrsl day of (he next term of said be holden al the court house in (ho lown of 'anlsvllle, In said (ho third Monday In Iho month of August next, 1840, and (hen and there, ive ball, ami plead lo sold action, according lo the luks and practice of said coui Judgment will ae entered! against you, snd the properly and estate- attached will. bo sold to satisfy tho same with costs. Dated at Edwardsville, Oils at day of Atlest: WM. T. BHOWN, Clerk.

G.T. BHOWN, att'y for pl'II'. June By virtue ofan order oflhe Circuit Court of coupln county, Illinois, made at the September term, A. u. 1848, the undetsigncil, administrated of James Dorr, deceased, will proceed lo sell, on the premlut hereinafter described, on Saturday, Ihe 30th day of A.

n. 1840, between (he hours of 10 o'clock a. and. ft o'clock p. in.

of said (lay, at public auction, to.tha highest and best bidder, Ihe following described of which tho nail! James Dair ilicd seized, fur the purpose of paying Iho debts due by said estate, lo-wiU The cast half of Ihe southeast quarter of section "I and the east half of tho northeast quarter of section 28' both In township 8 north, jaiigo fl, west of Ihe thlid principal meililian. Also, the north half of (be noruV xvesl quarter of Ihe multicast and the noiU) half of the soulhcasl quarter of the noil newt qnaiKn Mh in sot-lion 18, township 8 north, range well of Ihe third principal nwil.lian— subject lo the right of situate in Macoupin county, Illinoli. lands will be sold oh a oedit of nine monlnii the purchaser giving bond with approved security, sod a mortgage on ihe premises sold. RACHEL ANN DAR ISAAC I) A It NEIL, Adm'r. may 18, ARTIAL Notice hereby trivcn, that on the I Monday iff the monthof August nexl, I will apply lo the Coui I of Probate of Macoupin county, I 111 noli, for a 1'aiUal settlement of the estate of ivier Wagner, al which time and place all persons having cluing act-loll estate are henby uutillcd to attend, and pre iciit same for adjustment.

All persons Indellcd to tale, are requested to ma JU are requested to nutku IminetluUe mo JACOB D. Qiiorl I 1 HUJ II fnr sale by.

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