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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 4

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a 44' I 1 IV iandWfW lurty jtist received TOPPING foct, Patent Fuiefof wperlor received and for jj.iroppitio CUf Eflltyi fOCKFT havejtu rocM 11.lendId aiaorlmenl or IVulilenholm Bon'f, Itodgara', and other branda. lupeilor Koti'cij for tola 6r Dy TOPPING. H--For cilrna, andLtADPlPK; Con J. itaijtiy Hand and for lale by Jtn tffl wy i- 0 TOPPING. toll flour and pork barrel, hall Hoops Adzeif jusl rpcelvcd from 15 K.

D.TOI'PINO. 4 reo'd. a good of Ooodi, Sooli, Unconi, and llard ware, Family Oto- ricif he cheap Tor rath at -OSTON KAH.S-Juit rtfil, alol nf niioifoJ Bt the MAD1SUNMILLS10UK I OO Jmt rec'd, a full aasortmont of Corpcn- I tqrs 1 and Tooli, of Cincinnati minufic DUWMAN.fc JOHNSON. i W. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKEH, IIL.

KPAins every doscriptlon of clocks, Watches, JAand Jewelry, south iltio of second st, next door to Iho Boiton Clnclta and Watches In- trusted ttfhii care will be rciralred in warranted 16 run well for one Q-Uorlti, Watches, Jt-WLLUY, Silver Simono, for at low pikes 1 Cash paid for old Sdvoi' dec IS '47 tf JOIIIV HAVCII J3 L3PECTFULI Mi old friends and mis- tonicrs, that he baa again comnjcnccd Ihi CLOCK, aniLSitiVBntstiTKlJ.islniiBi In Alton; an 1 fn (ends keeping 9 good isiortmcntof all articles In (he line i He has nlao connected l.innctf with practiial OUN- In the manufacluro of and designs to kccpa.gopd (lotk.of niPtKSj'SHOT OUNS, ike- They ore nUp proparsi) to dp all kinds of Johbtng In their bililnesi, with ncatncas onddispatch. All Ouna aold or repaired, Ihcy liojio, by strict ul tention, to receive a Illicral tit) port rhohlghcstprlCepaidrornllGoldandSllver' Eysiiop weit side of dtate a few doori north of the Franklin House, sign of thowrao Watch and Gun OCt 13, 'J9 41 tf NEW JEWEWIY PAMJY OOOOSj Jusl rec'd direct frnm New York CAHY iron. I rail the nltmllon of I lie nub He lo his slddc of Watchoa, Jf WFLHY, 1 ock et Cutlery, clc, which he haa purchaHcil In New oiU at Low Ptlceal and will sell (he sign oftho Big Watch, next door to iiosion Grace ry 31 st, Alton BCI 10 VARIETY. I'ACKKT SI, Unit Trulel (4 JL nlng steamer i TEMPEST! STAitu, Master, having been purchased and neatly ntleil oxprissty fur Ihe Alton and St Louis Pocket 7radc, will commence her regular trip, on vtt UNI cm Tho TcinitCJl being 11 a targe class and otveftfllgM dinjt, has unusual adionlagcs for the storage and ly of freight The cabins and saloons aro largo and convenient, with Family and slate Rootrii pas'sen tors may'expccl every allontlon that wljl.contribnto IP Ihelr The publld may rely upon (his pacltet and the most reasonable price, for freight and passage i Leaves Alton every morning (Sundays cxccptod) al o'clock) leaves St evert' afternoon (Sundays iKccplcdjat I (o'clock patronage ofa generous public solicited. For freight or passage, apply on board or to I 8DAIII1ITT Co, Agents I7OU H4I.C-A ninckof 1'opo and JL i others' addition to Alton, containing eight lots Tor terms, Inquire of 5 WM AStllP have.Ibis'ilnyla ken my brother, Mri lrenry Schwcppe, In business wllh me, and the snmo wilt hereafter bo conducted uh- dcrllio Him off.

W. those Indebted to me; pllhbr by note or nook count, ararrriuoalcil tp.calland settle. Those having my claims against lite will present Idem for payment. Thankful for tho patronage so liberally tiestotvcd upon moi.I would: request' tho, continuance of the aamo for (ho new fllin. 'hin '49 am SCIIWEPPE.

A our" sto will alway. bo found a gootl of Dry Goods) Ilools and shoes) Hat. and Caps). Queenswarcj llcady Mado Clothing, and 1 Imiorsi which will be sold as low as any oilier house In tho llty can Glvo USO call beforeyou purchase Jan 5-3m A "FARM ron Will sell his farm, located at Point, Ma cdupln miles noith immodlately on Iho road fioni Alton to Tho. said 'arm cntilaltis about MO in prollioi nhout CO under fence, and In cultivation! 40 acres of timber lying two miles Kait) on which there Is a stono quarry, nlio, an IncxhauBtlblo stono coal bed.

On tho farm Is a log rabln, barn, and a good well of water Tho farm will ho sold to slut purchasers, as to time, from one (o by the purchaser mailing tho notes payable Iho School paying Inlctest al tho ratc'of 8 For farther particulars ad- Ire83 inoat.ltainhurg, Illinois, or F. B. CILVLH dtwcn, ofsupe O-tior wotkmanihipi also, Steel nnd German Silver do lo suit all agPl Brpt 8 W. OAUY. Ornomoiils.

consisting nrUDaCIastisj: WJ nlngs, Taiiels, i(c i it tcduccO priccil w. sept 0 E. J. Dealer In WATOIIKS, CLOCKS. JMYKLIIY FANCY GOODS, Ncxl iloot to Ilia llcc, T) Tlio lubictlbct lias a very largo XJ assortment or Jowelryj Rltvcr Wart, Snorting Apparatus, al very reduced rates! i IHI Is scllta, oU Clocks omUcwolry nimtrnl al short olid In tin best manner It railetyorTuck ami shlel OAitY's AZOIIS, Vockct Knljes anil Silslor.

Anomlas lorlraont of Itoiluors', Wostoi.liolm ami othoi mihcrsi can bo had ot sopl a LL Idnils oruianh Ilooks, Heconts, bound In JL tlio best st) lo Also, Famnlilcts, Magazines, kc hairorfull UruliiiB. order, will mcolwtlh orajit attention nug 28 If SCO'i'TIS ILt! HK having taken Ilio old stand ly occupied liy fllrs. Lurlon, Uellil, ts now pro- ill Ipaccommodato Ills blond, and tlio public gcn- lly In llw best style. W. A SCO! I Iclbl, marcli 31, 1848.1 8-ly i.oTmrfur Li now In rocflliiUathlsoldslnnil, J-, nnpoillii Ilio New Mill, of til.

cxlen- stock Al and WINTI CLOTH con tins of Wl'ivery it) Ic ond quality that can bo found any. Clothing eslalillqhritont in the countryll have also a lino assortment 'of CLOTHS, CA5SI- which I will make loonier, at the shortest (Ico 1 L. WAPU 3, 2d si, 'in near the Bridge IM -Alulot lino Needles, from anew miciiracturer, anil llU lo uo gnnerlijr lo an; In CA11Y sroijis.iir.sii OABY has Just racclvcd good astorlment of double and slnglo barreled shot Guns, which he has purchased In New YOrk, and will aell them at lower than can lio bought at saint Louis, Ho has also, all kinds of Hunting aralusi such as game bugs, powder llaski, shot bogs, wiping drinking cups, nipple wrenches, wad cullers, cut wads, English and French percussion cane, Sec sept 18 ILK Purses, violin sti Ings, and hair rushes, pens, nuor strops, card spoons, iiwctnclo numerous otll cr arlicli uple can always be found at 'W W. OAllY'3, Watchmaker. niTANNIA full assoitment of Tea anil Cofloo Potj, Sujar Boiyli, punch Cups, or sale very low.

iiov 3 WCAHtY, pore-BB, TE A fresh supply of Imperial, Young Hyson end Clack Tea Old Java, and Rio Jor sale by LKAi imoWN CO NEW FUHNITUIlE 1 UST K. BEAI.M Ibe store of II. IJoBaw fc Cd.j consisting in part of 40 dozen Cano and Wood seat Chair. do do largo Hocking Chair. 34 Mahogany Bureaus, assorted slyles Cherry Tables most beautifully molded Bedsteads, of every variety 11 Shuck Mattel.c« Children's Chairs la line LooklhR.OIasses Sethcr wllh his former slodr, his alt'nilmnhl inpleleiwlilrhlui will sell as LOWI.If.

not lamrll aucvcrsoldlioiooratst Louislll Jnr.0 DULL lll Wills constant will bo keptati novSl A Third st JEWED rHIHtEK-OfBlmostanyslzoand niayat all limes bo had, on rcosonoble nis, upon application to Jtutur HICKS! UOO.OOO Bricks, of fltst and part of thorn Pressed, for Low I rffli: Half cash, and half on a reasonable credit. Apply tn Iho undersigned, on below Htiury, OCU, MSlf ALEX'n CIAMBETTI. trilESH GOOUS-Wo havo just reo'd Llnclnnall, an Invoice ol Gentlemen's fluo calf Bool, anil which we wilt warrant equal lo the best lo style, llnlsb, and. workmanship, loaio call and examine Also, a lino assortment of Children', calf Boots, of Shaw's matiufacturo, just irrh ond a splondlit ail) clq of Ladle)' goat sewed Hoots, from 1 hlladolpbta Wp would call tho attention- of Iho puhllo to the abovo, and solicit a call deoB OItiV WArVTED-I will pay highest marlictprloe, for Iho new crop ofCOIIN. 'nOVIT i 0,

I7OR 8 A Two hind SAW WILL Gearing, can bo had vei ry lax! Apply to l. UHVXKK, and St. IKON To nl 1 0 Sl lns BTBEI Just rec-d and for dec s. HVDKH. I KON AXLES and EUPTIO SPIUNGS1-30 set Iron Autos, assorted she.l on pair KUntlc Springs, s.

lo Leaves) In store and fur sale by s. IIVDKB. Ions assorted PillsburghCait. ingij Just roo'd and for ulo Very Lowl by IIYDKK. YDKAUL10 CEBIBWl'-TdO libll.

"Clark' Ccnienl, orbeslnuillly.juil tcc'ilanil Ibi sale liy 3 UST rntolvpS (mm Dgslon a Invoke of Crocli- cry, coniltllng lu ptt of Fairing Bluo Warn, several iwllcras. to ainncr tml tw se I. compWo Ministry ainnet ana Ira lots, comnlclo Paris wblle do. (lo. Oo.

C. C. mil Dlua EJgo do. do. da.

Caitorl, TumUon, Gbn Ljmns, Itc, For SJh to UOWMAN fc JOHNSON. 'AVA 10 sacks, oia aovornmciu Java Colllwi Jail teeth for salo liy A 1 BOWMAN tsJOHMSON. loulli'i and bnys' clolli Csps nil and IMck Uoolsi lust roc'J by HI, co ilVf EW, No.J Nielwnl, tf tin bttrelj Jusl rotM. fl fc HAGS-SOD wool IngrelnCar- 1 i a 1 SDlo v.ry low, liy fcMt lOAMIITT fc CO, 1VJU UfureUlicd Ilitlr necessary sunplei jUedicto.1 of Urn moll approved binds, ami at tha i the latest sty let, ID i 1 1 ft Now Yoill i wracl Printed Blue do do do A ao do' White Blue Pllclie Bowls) UnnuAWIcneril Uluo lidjeiT. IJIllus, ItlPi! Blue rules Sw lr l(o ctllitni of vlcl to all to Louertb, J.F.SIMPSON.

i notion E. 1,. IHMItlOCK Whiteialo dealers In BOOTS, SHOE-f, fc PAPHl HANGINGS, Alton, IIB snhscrlbor having mado arrangement, far Ihe coming season, liy which iia will bo bolln cna ed lo ttccoinnoililo the liulillc, In Ilia abovoliiiHlncsst an formerly, now gives notice, (hot ho wlUCfinl on reasonable terms as any In Ilio connlry, and lit Iho worh dono 10 tbo entire'satlsfa-llon of lih isloracis fit.a KEIUIAM 1UIN11Y Yt' CI01 hand, nnd for sale by sopl 15 WAPLFS OP 6 linn Mahogany Bureau tj Dressing Ourcnua 13 do do spilng (c i rcncji Deditca Isj do spilng (col boIUsj Dlvauaj Otto editca Isj 3 Mahogony Untro lablcsi Sldo do.j Card fcc a Dining, Urcnkfast, Dressing, and ottioc Tubloa 0 Bcdsteadi. comprialtia all varlptici 5 dqucn Chairs, comprliing 30 dillb.enl Idn A largo ataqrtmetit of Stands, of all deicrlptlons Lounges, SoUoos, Cribs, Cradles, nialrcsscs. vorllits, Fenthurs, Wardrobes, Hafos, Cupboards, iusscs, Clucki, Oil Clotlii, Window Shades, -nnsparcndcs, and ovtry Of Ilouio FUIIN1SHINO QOODSH All which we ollercd (o tho public on the moit rca- mblc icrmi, at tho cxtcnih Fumituio Wnrehousoof A.

OLCUTT BQiith sldo Of I doors from Statc-at, up stairs. A DAIRY FAUM-FOH SALB.T'"" FAUM, (btmcrly occupicu Jaf, by Mr. W. Aldtltli, and owned byJffil csBi-s. Drown fc Ivcs, Providence, n.

In onticellu precinct, four miles from Urn steamboat Hi ing ul AHun, la oiTorcd for sala on terms that can. trail to suit thqso who may with to purchase; Sahl Farm contains no acrea oil under fence, 1 dlvl- Into several lota by cross fences, in all of whtclt durable sptlngi of good water. On tha prcmlBos Is good Frame House, contalnlnirclght a Kllcti- Wood-house) and other out- buildings. Alio, a rgo frame Cilb, 30 by is two lorio Hams, Shod Stable, feet by 39 with basement it collar under tho wholo. Fifty acres of Iho laud is tillage, Iwenty-Ilvo acres in that rnto Timothy and ed-top Meadow, nnd (ha remainder In Uluo Gran BKNJ.

E. VI 23, MB On. Aacntfor llto owneri, ANTFL Pieces 6f tgypllan, American MatUle. Hallari Uartile Monuments, Tombs, Headstones ond irl le Slabij of ol cry for laid at Ilio lolv prices Also, conitsiilly on liiind, New Hydraulic Co ent, Plaster Paris, Willie Bind, Flrii Brick and Tile! MARTINS fttATEIt ftDUCnifNTS TIIArtCUtFonNlAI OR tho approaching Spring, I am mahufactullni tho largest and most splendid assortment of KEAIIV MADE OI.Ol'IIIiVO I ver oflbred liy any homo 11 will lie uoyOnd descrlp ill The wholesale and retail trado of tho past jeor exceeded liiy It'wos a milter Impossibility for mo to supply tho great dcmlndl or tho rpproachlng season, I feel wmrtdent ins. illng that I Will be enabled lo Iho demand of 0 cntira i The tremendous amount of business that I oni doing, entirely upon me'to nuGicturo Qooils ol-'far less'ptlces than any other iccrti) anil lam delermlned to sell them at a small ollll tnmako It an Object for every etchant to Invest his cash capital in Clothing, as it II pay him a bolter prollt, mdcC ullh qiilUier sales, leave no remnants to loso My stock this ring has been manufactured entirely different from previous I havo devoted my whola lime and cntlon to ft, a.

1 my Charles ai.Marlln, al- Is to tho St Louis establishment My slyle. and tlcrns havo all been selected with great ore rich anil All I nsk Is the pleasure of II, when I am confident lhat you cannot fall being oised with my patterns and prices Ma'rcrnnti' who are In the habit'of trailin. East, nnd oie bound for California, will find, by looking through stock, lha't they can buy cheaper than can bo bought tlioi Eastern and aave thereby expenses of ing, coming, transportation, Ate. My stock this Benson Is, and will bo, tremendously rge, and I am tlotcrmtuod to close It oil'with IhO sea All bills he packed goods guarantied tn be perfect. 1 hnvo but ono Moro In Ihe city; No.

1 IB Main eel, SI. Louis, A largo No. 118 on top tho use; All orders packed at tho lowest cosh prices. Si. Louis, fob 83 JOHN 1VMAIITJN.

ruitSiruKKi now receiving our new and splendid assort ment of Furnlturo at our UNITED STATES WAKE-HOUSE, alt's old Hotel buildings, (near tho Virginia Hotel; rnrr of Second tind Grccno-strects, being the lurgesl finest ever brought lo this city) which wo oiler at lolcsalaand retail, for tho very lowest prices, for slit and rcspcclfutly solicit persons visiting the city cxamino our stock and pi U'oSi Louis, apl 8TA NEAU HOTELt AI.TOM. MMIE subscriber. would respectfully 1 inform his customers and the i.ult, He gonorally, that ho ilill continues' to tho 1 AULU forniorly Uuotvn tha Alton HOUSQ very btahlo, In connection with WnUbuni'i Hotel. O-forBoni vulltng tho House uiny bo aasu that tbeir llofies will rocoUo every attention ne ssary, To (hoio wishing to hlro HOlUEflorCAIt IAQKS, ho would beg leave to that they con a limn bo accommodated with cither or at tho lortotit notice, will, good careful drivers. Ho hopoB by strict personal attention to business i inofU and rccoivo a of patronage.

mchlo.MS WUf' VALK. havo now on hand, ready for salo, at th Vy DUNFORD NUnsERV, near'Alton, 40, i.l uf tho moit approved varieties in Ih ao statos, 1 ho oro largo and very thrift) Tha llmalui now arrived for trouip.aniJng, nml 11 ne who hai (and should pcgloqt (9 haye au orchar. terms, am Cush, wA prices AS low at ut In tba All from abroad will ttended to Immedlnlely, MAHSU, 1'IKftSON fc pyNPOHD. Allnn, ipiitgB.Na. -uMMLR raillatoun smiraj proil tlar ami moilo Alpoca-it Callcocij MuiUni) Lawn Unenif llalUn CruvntijLlucn Damnilq Bloptrj Crnil Horia HlailitoUj Hickory Strlptj, He.

tic. MAUK 1'iERaON ft CO. MPOIl'rAXT. Heavy Woolen CLOTH IN at Rirnstt!) tine niiortmc of I'HV UUUP3, ai uiwlly iteducoa I'riccil In onl tu itioui for A Sm-lng itock, RIED fate by Jan -looUjli; in store and (b 11LA1H UALLHSOKH, fJOP I.ATOMEB-ao'doienTlu received nud fur tmlp by K. 'Ipl'lHNU.

rif A general amoilment of JLl petiut Hardware and UiiUcrj-j justrcc'd and fiiUo low, by QUV 1U UU WM AW JOHNSON. fit CU (jj Mjin ulliol. loM llrown,) haxu received per late nrrlvals, large superior Bloclt of FASHIONADLB CLOTHING, aided to the present and approaching arason, manu- clurcd by thenisclret In Ih? city of New In Iho test Among may bo found cj lohilll rrular cloth cloaltfl) brown, blatlr, Ira and nilxl othdreiB.rutJi, and business coits, al i GUperlpr drab, I lite, and peail blanUot rr nndsaclt alflj suponot French black iloosldti and fancy cassl- etc and fancy Bnlln, cashmere, vcl- clolh, homlosln, wool velvet, Valencia and other o-stylo vests: together with triinksi tiirpct bagaj linen and ni'iBlln shirts; wool and cotton and red and white llnnnel under' shirts and draw- sj JidlifSj rravitij scarhi suipchdcra; wool cotton halfhoic, All of which have been acted with great care, and will bo sold at thai nnot fail lo give SBtliTaciIon, Citizens and strangers in want of the best mode atlilnj, and at low prices, oro inviled to call nnd ex inc ball, goods and prices, at KINO fc CO' 8, oct 37 St. Louis, 02 bcl'n Pino fc Olive. LEGAL.

IN SET ABIDH CONVEYANCE. in sigcrson, Wallace slgcrson Enos H. Marrjsort. ti. in A.

Ilaldcrman, Thomas Miles, Rutli Miles, his wife, Jcrcmlnh It. Ifaldcrnian, David I). Holderman, -nd John A Haldermaii, jr Macoaptn.Circuit courlt Septembtr t8IS. decree, rrutie in tho abovo entitled cause, at sqid lorm of said court, the undersign Commissioner, will, fn sal Is fart ion' of (ho scs of said do'crco, on Sahirddy Ihe 7th day of April, n. at tho door of the court-homo, in tho town Cnrlinvilla, oiler for salo, at public veniluo, to the ghost and host bidder, for ready money, tho following scribed real estate, (n-wlt: the oast half of tlio south- si waiter of Bocllon number thirty-six, in township mber eight noillij of fango number (en, in (he county the wost half of tho wost fnftho northeast quartprjtlio eaithalfpf the north- st quarter) tho noitliwoit quatlcr of (ho northwest titter of section number six, in township number vcn north; and tho southwest quarter of tlio south si quarter of section number llilrty-onb, Iirtown- number eight nntth: tlmninr tracts last above tie- ibod, being In rango nuinbor nine, In (ho connly of c-oupinj and all lying westof (blnl ptiqcipal me- Ian.

Salo ivllltout redemption, and on payment'of purchase niohey, tlio puVchasor will be entitled to Commissioner's deed. A M'KIM DUDOIS, Caillnvillc, March 1819 to TRU8TKKS SALE OP REAL KSTATE. IIR ALHION Deed orrnisl, dated tho fourteenth day uf April, A. n. 1818, 1 recorded'in the Hdcortler'a olllce, wllbiu and fbr county of Madison, in Iho State of Illinois, in Ilaoli thirty-one (31,) mi ciElity-aovcn nnd eighty- lit (87 and SB,) conveyed to the undersigned, and A.

alderman, tho following tracts or parcels of lying and being In Hie county uf Madison and ate uf Illinois, olbtLiaU, viz: (he cattt lib If of (ho uthwost quarter of flection number llvei' the south- quaitcr nf seclinn nvimbcr fhur) tho simthcnst' arler of section number ilvcj and tho northern half the northwest quarter of section immlier nine; all In vnshln number live, of rango'(light, west) in all four hundred and eighty acres, logulhcr with Pppurlcnanccs. Which conveyance was mado in ist, to secure Thomas Y. Itirks (he payment of four lam promissory notes, In said Dcod of Trust fully ipribcdi And whci'cas delmUl hns been made in Ihe yment of otto of said promissory notes, tho st ono duo, whereby, by Iho provision of said Dcod Trust, all suid notes havo become tho raignetl has been requested by tho. legal awncia of Id nolos and Deed of Tnut, to enforce tho provisions said naflil o(Trust. Now, therefore, (ho undersign- hereby gives that ho will, on Ttiurtday tho ten o'clock in (ho foronoon, and IIvo o'clock In tho tprnoon of said day, at the court-homo door in the wn of Edwardsvillc, in tho county of Madison and ato of Illinois, aforesaid, proceed to sell at public ondne, for en ah in hand, (o Iho highest bidder, tlio Id several tracts of hnd'abovo described, under and virtue of (ha provisions of said Deed of Trust, or many of (hum as may lo necessary to pay said nolos nd satisfy'tho costs and expenses of Bald Deed riistV i 1 Tho tltlo to sold land is bollcvol to bo undoubted ut tho undersigned will convey such title only as has icrt vested by (ho provisions of said Deed of Trust mih M.

0. JACKSON, 7'nnfta. TATS or II.MMOI8, Jersey circuit Coutti Jeney county, 180 A LL persons interested iu. tho estate of Garlan Doswcll, late of Jersey county, doc'd, nrp horob ollilcd that, on Uioiirstilay of tho next term of orsey counly Circuit Cuuii, to bo liolilen at Uie coin ousa In tho second Monday In Ma B40, or so sooi) (hereaHor at pounsgl cun vill prosont a petition to said court, for an order lo so much of tho real estate of said deceased as may ecossary.tq tho dobls allmyed against sal potsonal eitato being InsutUcicut for tha oud where they arc- required (o oitoin ml show cauio, if any (hoy wn, against ttio nuking 8NELL, Adm'r. D.

MiMKn, oU'ylorpct'r march u.imtMl UowlanJ'a ot fcol mill and vroi cut; Suwti do; Juit rocM and To talaljy, D. TOPPING. by TOPFINO. mate, loll, piotluqliom, Cu WMOUU of lUo Gold Ilcglom, MHTpALF fcjOflfll AUUU'AHE. Justioc'd, Amci'ami I land's Ct Sboveli Mi irn Shoveli, lung and iliort Cpol ai 1'frki; Hoy Folks, 3.

llneOf Uuali Sylhoi; For "lo by Ctoy Vlcki; ond Orwldlwg lotoPStonu for rouuhcuUU.BWlfudBK, 18 D.TUPPINu; recM, a i clo. of iiultidQ Clolh, fbr a rI i a IVesb supply, jutt mrba LKA.Ji^pW 7 FURSAND PELTRIES. 'i HE subictilxjr w'ill pay the maikct for futs pcltrick ttuoinh tlio seainii. AUun, nuvll J.C. KI.TC1IAM riRC la's.

co. CAPITA', 3100,000. ills Company, rcn.ovcJ lo Uielr new olllco on slale-strccl, (nAdei'lhe Franklin House,) whelt 'o Fire Proof Valiltforlho. c- mil Hills on New brlain.nd all Ihc IJilern cities ght £xrhanga on principal cities, for In ms lo lull purchasers Gold, all descriptions BanU notes, purchased st best rales Thcr latin's MaHho'tiid Fire Risks) and wmill rc- cclfully solicit fiom Iho cllltcns of Alton nn.lsor- unding share of Ihelt speedily adjusted, and promptly paid ty. Of Now ilIlamThompfon IcfJ SlryltM mwTnyiot 1 vld SanOeraoh 1 William J.

Don-ne KJwM Payion, fftw ork aiatt llitdiilate. 0. K. Power, Rrooklyn- 1 XK No fJUilfU CIUCIi.EieiXd]. ATTOHNKY Ai LAW, MASTt IN CHAN6tnfc AND 4 tfOft Tilt COUIIT3 1 bH-'THfc UNITED Franklin; Homo.

LBV! DAVII I't UulrA DAVIS i ATTORNFVs'AT LAW AND'OENERAli LAND XKOU'f Oil's 8AJ.K. 8AJ.K., lven, thai (ho undersigned, or of William fiton, jr docea.e'd.YIII till Kxecutor of Willi am on, ocea.e.I tll 11.6 of hlM.le Upper 1 Alt6ri, Madison tfri SHI NrAqr, 1840, the Personal Property belonging to.llio cittlo of dtcoasedi con- a THHESlttNO MACHINE, (Eaton's Im tiEHHY nirttiraa. "iBWrtn jh PARSONS, ATTORNEVS fc COUNSteLLOHS At iAW AND OFNFRAL'LAflD 1 WillpraoUeold thdtvarloui State and united States of Illinois on State street, a few tloora below jho Fiaoltlin 4 e. i 5, Voomripj, THOMPSON, rral "MIL hat Ing been appointed Agonl fop the obove Ctimpany, for Alton anil vicinity, aoll a of (he 1 public itatronoge Fire Anil Marine taken'On the moil fivorablo terms lonea yntiy adjusted, SAKOBNT. ii prepared lo take Marine riski st favorable terms.

Jan 1 "AHTroitD PUOTfcCTION INSUHANCH COMPANY imilefsigned, Agent ofcjlil Bcnerally, on ilio LAMB COLUMBUS (O.) HVSURAIVfJB CO. CAPiTALjJj.100,000—$HO,000 I AID IN Agents for tho above Company in thi i city, the undersigned aro prepared to take risks against by lire upon ImlMluga and other in marine ks on tha western watcrifand by or son. ontl from Iho eastern rlticsj also upon cargoes Ly or Icect Upon (ho moit favorable terms. The gp amount of papifal actually this com- nytpmcttany loaa tliat may OLCur, In Uie moit manner All losses tvilt be adjusted ami paid this city i JOHNSON, Agonla T. SAWYER.

TOIINEY AT LAW, 8OLICI1OR IN CHANCE J1Y, AND NOTARY! POBLICf i io-JuiMce of the Peace and rommtutonef for tfie Stnta of Wrtiowrt, for taking Depositions, "Olllco at Iho corner of State and 3d H. PTORNEY fc COUNSELLOR AT LAW, fc LAND EilwaFtttvlllt, Vorffion cifl, iVillpay particular attention to lamt titles, anil tho lection of debts, he In this or adjoining counties ATlOMAtLOAh A8Si)liASCE si5CIETy "A Hank for the and the Otyttan MONO Ilia atilagca offered by this Institution, fX aro the gumntce of largo cnpilal, In aiMitlon to ttccumuliitlon of premiums; the peculiar, se- rcil (o tlio nssurcil principles of tha Loa'n Dc- rtmcutj tl a payment of rciiiiunu, balf jcorly, or artcrly, by patties Insured Tor whole term of at rilling additional tlio traveling leave cxtciv FC ait Tho ing founded-on the utual Joint Slock principle, te in tho prolita of Iho Socirly, two Ilitrdi of which qtmually divided among thoao assured for life on paiticipnlion scale Thcic cro placed nt tha disposal anil control of Iho nctican gent lemon, who- havo boon selected as clors Biid sums Jn SUto ockp antl other locul acQurlllcs, DS a guarantco Tumi IQ payment of claim reals with mi and so soon they doclilo upon is drawn on London ofllco Ibr tho tho 'guarantee nd remains Bo that, Tor all pioctical rposc), HID Agency iMhls country is essentially Amorlcan strenfithcucd by a large, Iwna caplUl, snftly Invealod in Lonilon, avails to American, as to British Policy holders mi I1UHS VAYAI1LE Ago next For one birth dayVar only 10 20 25 10 15 40 Til) 55 lid tQ 77' -0 SI) 0 03, 1 21 1 45 1 01 1.72 1 2 31 3 78 yeota 81 0 HI) 1 05 1 30 I'M 1 fll 1 2 00, 2 Sli 2o profits 47 1 03 1 2 22 64 2 03 3 47 4.21 6 28 0 OS With' I prollts 41 G4 1 87 2 2 40 2 80 3 20 3 85 1 03 0 80 7 42 Persons who would insure their Ihcs, must do so ille Uioy arc healthy Ifjouug tlio annual premium 11 bo light Clergymen, and have a slated and regu Income, lion hi Insure Ibr the benefit of Ihoir faml- aj or their congregations should subaciibo small iual fund for this purpose. Uen engngcd In mercantile; pursuits, ever varying uncertain In Uielr issue, should thus plao prqvtdo those so door (o thorn who may survive. a yonbg merchant'engaged In business in this en- prising couiitfy, the knowloilgo of his life being as. red adds greatly to his 'credit, and Is, therefore, lo rlatn extent, capftal.

Lawyers, public cifllcera of ory grade, tlciks cm ycd in public olllccs, mechanics, anil others, can ea' lay Up each yoar'n sum which, invested In prcnii- i or will'overt that anxiety which every sband nnd father mUat fuel, hi view of Iho uncertain when, ho will bo icmoioJbi deatlvanil when Iricojiio whi(ili talonls and industry have j-Tcl- tho aiipllcaliot) of which has made his'family so mforlable and shall bo for over withdrawn. LEANOHl blAUR, (Jcn'l Ag't, No 71, Wall street, New York IVOWAIIDS, 11 Lotto, Wcdl Ixanilners 0 ATWOOD, an ly Agent at Alton, Iltlnuta 1 SUNDRIES. FOUJiMHOHY St, MACHINE HK subscribers, thankful for Iho Hborolpatronage hcrotofote received In this city, and from tlio coun- surrounding, since they havo been conducting their chine Shop; would DOW to announce to Ir customers and Iho public gcnorallyi that they recently lilted up and atlachad to'their Machine op, a complete IISON DKKY: ami prepared lofUrniah every article In this lino of busl- on the shortest notice, and at prlcosl! They would'also inform (ho ptiblio that they atlll ittnito (o manufacture I'lTTN'SCl'AIlATOIl, ether with IIORSj: POWEH. The these Machines havo I alien er all others, ami their character and worth being so II established, renders further notice of them unnc- ssary. purchasing Machines of the un- will have tho Patent right aecured thorn.

01 they ore llie'solo owners of the Patent for nt Stale. i' klnila ot JODDINO, nopalririg Machlneryj at tho shortest nbtlcol N. D. Tho hlghcstCash price paid for OLD CAST may 28, '47 HANSON EMERSON. WOODCOCK HHOl'i II13 lubscrlbcw havo pleasure to nnnounce to Iho public that Iboy havo buiUi-ond have now In leratlon, a Stcani together with nil Iho Wain cry necessary ta carry on tho FOUNDKIIY BUSI- ES3, nml for building ami repairing all kinds of MA HlNKHY.viil STEAM ENG1NK3, MILL GBAIU NG, oTullilcscrlplIona, Water-wheels, Horse Pow- Turning LnUieSi tc.

Thoy will alio ninnufjctute 0 Improvoil Horse Power, (mado arid sold so oxten by Emerson,) which Power was got 1 by N. Johnson, when 'engaged witli and lit uj nd repair TIIHESHINO Machines. They aro also preparing ind will soon bo oblo to fur I sli 8TOVIIS of tlicirown manuAicture. As I 111 bo their Interest, (hey will select none but the bos td moit approved palternnj and not such'os ate mad sell atb dislance. 'Also, Grates, Plough-casting! Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, fcc.

They aro also now cnipgod In building UK AD'S lAIEVEh'L'EHt aaid lo bo Iho best Machin They feel confident lhat they will he ablo to compel lib any other establishment of Iho kind In tho West fom Iho fret that they ate all practical Mechanics) on clnga practical Mill-wilghl, and will decide dvanlago in getting up patterns of the latest ami boa. lylo, for MIU Machinery, over other peraon whoi ot a Mill-wrlBht. 1 Patterns will bo mado la tho best of order, and sue can bo had tn St. Louis, fur Mill-work, will bo mail 'Yen of charge) Brass Castings ond Copper made to onler. 'All tho above work will done with dispatch, ii r6asonablo as can be had In St.

Louis, or any whet the Their establishment Is situated on Piasa street, near Ihe Praia ur Eagle Tavern, D. Tho highest market price paI4(lirOLD Iroi Brass or Copper, at tho '43-ly STIOLEMAN, JOHNSON fc CO. i to'tho'Mouidin buslucsa. AppV immediately tu JOHNSON fc CO, CHAHLEg ft. FOX, PRpPniETQn, OULU inform hUj old friomls i Iho ttubllc Bonornlly, that do taken tlio ab naniCd House, ond roinectlXtUy solicit a share iiubllc iiatronage; Front jwtt experience in Hot In AUon, and st self to cOiiifoit ofbu ijueiti, bopei to rpvnt a co tlniiancQ of tlio heretofore'bestowed on 3 lie House lias In conupctlon a largo ond oui SlablOj whore iho Horse will be wall tended.

Pcrsom ptid ftjmiljcf. pbnveycd to 4B PLENP1D Caiicocaral "Wt rents per yard Shccltugi, Clici'kt, Satlticlt. ualo very km! ttj. J. lUTCllKHS-ji T.

ISROM'iV, i ATTOttNBY COUNSELLOR AT LAW. -AffO NQTARYj 4 DAVID 9IEIVRY ATTOliNPVS COUNSELORS AT LAW, nd General Lam! Agents for Iho State of Illinois) Second sli Alton, 111 SARGLNT, rvoTAUY ILL Notice is hbicby gWon, that, by VfrtUe bf a Deed must mado to itobcii Dunlin by Alonio nobln- on, dated the 96th day of 1830 ts numbcplwo and four, in bloclc number foui la noch Long's addition to tlio town ot Upper Alton, ith the Bppiiitcnanccs thereto belonging, which deed recorded al Hie, Madison county, fn vol pages 0 s'ecuro tho payment of a note $1,000, namade by-tho satd Hobinsoh (o Robert imlop, and Bpccltlcd therein, and which said note is 11 duo and unpaid) and by virtue of on assignment of Id Deed of tho therein, no William Eaton, Jr now deceased! ond, also, by rtuo of a clause lu tho Will of tho said William Ea authoriilng tho undersigned, Joseph liurnop, Executor of Iho to soil nil his estate! al and personal, the undersigned, pa such oxcctitor, ill ptoCccd to sell, FOR OASH, to tho highest bidder, Id lots, two and fourr ill said block four, In Enoch midiitot. to, Alton, with the appurte CHAS. COOK, tatlee of'the Peace, arid of Maa- Isoh Alton, III. W.


J. ATTOnNFY AT LAW, Carlinville, Macoilpln couiity, HI A Knanp GOODRICH I4.NA1T, COUNSLLOns Al LAW, Jcrsoyville, Illinois IIOBCRT FOSTER, HNty'to COUNiLLIOn AT LAW, CARLINVIILE, ILL Will practice In Ilio.counties Qf Macoupln, Greene, racy, and Montgomery), and la tho 1 District and Su- ome Coiuls of this suio aug 4j 4a II. V. A. TAl-l'AIV, 1 LAW.

Bunkerhtllj Macoupln county; III, Refer to HOD Samuollappan cnry ddy, Shawneotownj Lincoln Knpwllon, sn orlaj Gon I ickcrlng, Albionj I fndcr, Chariest and Ebcn02er Howell, Burikerhlll. dec M.B. 'MIXER, ATTORNEY fc COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Jarmyvllft, III. IATE Ii.i.ivois, i MacCuplu Circuit Court Macoupai count IN "hcnezer Marsh, assignee of Benjamin Kd words, elson hdwards, mlnistralrlx and wjdow, anil J-mily Dailcy, solo heir at law, of Samuel Dili to Compel Conveyamc of Land 'T appearing i allltlavlt on file lu the Clcik's olllco of tho Circuit Court of Madison rountjjafbrcsniil, in 10 above entitled cause, thatJoncD Bailey and 11. Bailey, two of the defendants nbpi named, are in-rcsidents of tho Stalo of llllnuis, and without HID nch oftho prdhnry process oflhia courtf nnd the aalil complainant Ills bill of-complaint herein, cnntpel tho conveyance id subpoma in chancery having been Issiicd herein ccordlngto lawt' Now you, the sald'dcfiindaiits, whose non-resilience ipcara as above, orb hereby nolillcd, that unless you lall be ond appcarbororo tho Circuit Court, aforesaid, or before the of the next lerm Ihcrcof, to be olilenot the' court-housei In tho tow'n'of Carlinville.

n'tho first Momhyln tho mohthof May nd pleadi demurj except toi or answer the complain, of complaint, according to tha rules nnd prac- co of said tout tho same jvijl bo taken as confcsscO, id a dtcrco will bo made according to (he pi aj cr there Dated nt Caillnvillc. February 32U, 1810. Attest A McKIM Clerk, march 2,1819 4 A. S. BARRY alers in Drugs.

Medicines, Paints, Oils, Oye-Stults, Window Glass, Patent corner of Second and ALTON. S. E. INSURE alers In Drugs, Brushes, iGlassware, Patent Medicines, Small's, Window Glass, Putty, anil everything lu (he Ino of two doors from State AL1 11. alorsln Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Also, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, corner of Second and State SCARRITT CO, alors in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoas, Hats.

Caps, Clothing, and Forwarding' Merchants, ILL. Also. Veiomi sheet ALTON alers In Dry Goods, Crockery, Boots and Shoos. Groceries, Also, Commission and Forwarilinc It LAIR BAXLUVGJCIC, 'Stale it alers in staple and fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, latsj Hardware, Queensivaro anil in Grain and S. J.

Sl'IUJANCE, STAtE STIU5ET, ALTON, IUTNOIS. alero in Staple and Fancy Dry Goads, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hati, Caps, Hardware, tjuccns.ware, fcc. SIMEON RYDER, Cotiimlttton ALTOM. S. Meicnlf niEVCAUF Btl'HIE, OMMISSION fc FORWAHDING MERCHANTS, Attonj'W.

Croery 1 uchanan fc Smith, Brothers Collins fc Kel- gg, and Edward Gay fc Louft Mess J. Buchanan, and Orleani, MARK. VIERSOiV PRICE CASH STORE ALTON. onercl Agent, Forwarding and Mer diant, Dealer in Grain and 'Alton, R. DEUOW calero in Clothing, Dry Goods; Boots and i Shoes; Qucensware, -AHon, III.

N.B.,, ourstoto extending to (ho YCr, wo wlltglva strict attention to tho forwarding ommfoton, and Produce. liiHtncu. JOSEIM1 COUNTY SURVEYOR fc LAND AGENT. WOl.fc 1 i RROTHER, FORWARDING fc COMMISSION MKUCIIANTS, -V HI. SYSTEM OF MEDICAL PRACTICE.

II. ill. V. services tp citljens qf Alton Hal tern hhnsclf from ten years success I practice, he will be enabled to combat disease In arious r. In may 12, us HE subscriber to inlbfm hln friends, ani tho public that resumed tho prac ca oChls profoatisn, In its various iay bo found at his old reilrcmeut, on tho oast sido llddlctown.

TIIOS. STAN TUN, 'lien his tirofusilonal icrviccs lo ttio citizens of Alto end over the storo of Mcssis. Scarilttfc formerly occupied by march Pf EUS his scivlccs In tlio various branches of Ii profession ta the pillions of AKpn and Its vldnll, laying fbr (lit) sixteen years bccit fu the pracili incdiclne, twelve of ivhlch have been in tho Amor an Bottom, ho hopes by Gtiict attention to the dutle This profeisloQ, to tuoi-lt a liberal share of public qn the, of the QCCUPM Isaac ScarriU -V Co; march. 1810 YT1H. IIISUDOIV, I iutlio former used os.

Uio I'ost Olllco, will give altenti(in and superintend, and promptly fu ilahaUqrticIesfor ready to Hearse and Carriages procured uatlce; Ciave Fftucos made to onlet. i also tho uf tho AUon Cemetery, i op 2 7, 48 by 'janB" IntoVoant) for sa MLAIR fc PALLINQERi (lie of April hoxt, I will apply (o tho Cou of Prbbatebf Jenoy county, a UnaUe tiomcut oftho octata of Lcoltcn Eillogi, doceascdj, whichlimo bavJoaclalnwajain ore hereby ho(Mled. to attend, and iho same foi adjifiltncnl. indebted to ta fclolc, arc reiuoicol tu make immediate paymciit lo fvb H. J.

SI.MMUN-ij AdiuT. Palchteo's ght to coDithicI, nhil iilo; ahil Vend to blhors to UIP, Improved Grain Throshenwid Cloaftorf In nil a territory of tho United Stales, with the exception Illinois, Iowa, UlOiitan and Wisconsin. Atinju rarTool Chcsts a variety 6f JWn I'botsi olio large Wearing AppSrelf nt-mi of All oyer (5, a crcdltjof nine onths will bo fllTcn, the purchaser giving bond with prav ed securttyi and for all sums under that amount, icysale to cnmmenco at to rfclotlt a JOSEPH, IJUllNAP, Ujipcr Alton, march 'JO DO on or before day of tho nOxt WSSff Uo lioldcn at the amrt house, In tho town villa, on tho first! Monday In month next, IBID, and plead, demur, except 1.111 -r i ur ouu oiaie 01 iiunois Tlie umlcMlgncd will execute the deed to tho pur ascr, on paj incut of tlio purchase money Tho above described premises contain about on acre a quarter of land, on which la a dwelling Iipuscj tablei Hood well of wateri somo (ifly or sixty bcarinc uit trees, nioitly of select and la pleasantly lualcd In a ccntial point oft lie town niatchl, 1810 0 0 JOSLPH BUHNAP, Executot ofiaid TATE OP ILLINOIS', Macouptn Macoupln 'Way Vlrden, Fmlly Irdcn, William Hardln, Elizabeth Viitlen nnd John B. (tin, vi avid McGlicc nnd'A. filcKim Dtibois, adminlatratora of John Henderson, deceased, John I- nglond, Lllzn beth 1 nglnml, Ulram Kodcs, Lucinda Ics, unknown helra of Mary McCoy, deceased, John Dull; Juliet Dull, John Bradloj, Henry Bradlej, Wilbourn, Sinn 1 Maria John Benjamin Henderson, Jainos Jones and Klvlra' Jonei, heirs at law of said John Henderson, dec.

JlILt. FOR SCECU'IO PERFORM A appearing by alllilayil on fllo'In tha-Clerk's ofilccof tho Circuit Court of Macaupln coiintyj albresaid, In 0 above entitled cause, that Hiram ndaEadcs, two of tho above "are non-res, cnta of the Slate of Illinois, end beyond I lie JurUdic- oii of the courts of tlio county aforesaid; and that Mary eCoy, dduglrfer of John departed (his and that tlio names of her- heirs or devisees, are nkiioivnj" ami tlie said corajtlalnants having Illud Ilicli; It of complaint herein, described and set foillij and a in cliiincory iving bocu issued Iierclu ncconllng to law; Now eald us notified, that; unless you mil be and appeal before Uic Circuit Court afprcBaid, 1 or before the il rat day of tho next term thereof, to bo olden at (ho court house In the town of Car.invillo, on 10 first Monday In the month of May next, (B49, and cad, demur, except to, or answer (ho complainants' bill complaint, ncconling to the rules and practice of said sambwHrbo taken aa cojifuiECil, nnd a do- rco will bo made according to tho prayer thereof. Dated at CarllnvUle, February i Atlwtl McKISl DUI101S, Clerk. A Cfictnut, sol for complta 0 4w Daloil ol Corlinvlllc, Fcbmory 28.1810 1 'lorrMPr" OUBO Cllr, OlINTOK, CIRCUIT E. Worcester nnd hnh llufa Jamos'tanliln nnil Efeabclh tils wlftJBencai MW Harriet W.

H'aU, OoorM Ho I Worrls UulUml Anthony Coijj 1 i. 1NP4RTIT10N OF LANDSt 'M5fl A PFIDAVIT been c.ui.'.bii' uX onlllleil, Ihnt Bcncillct Croftit bU Wft, Hail, Gcorgo Hull ndd iMmU a llS live or ilio therein named, art, non reskS of tills stjldi Ihcreroro, notlco Is hereby Blv on Li Unus Worcester and Sarah Maria his wlfo Itefll 1 Jlioncrs in sold causa named, havo filed (lietp IbrlhbparHlloiiorthorollowlnBdescrtodlandssSll. llii! coun ty orcilulMi In tli "slut, or nl School Lots, numberod Iwo arliUhreo, In sec I'm ay ncland that umcs the 0 fondants, then and thero appear to said nollllon default will be entered andjudgmeVl teU March 8, 1840 10 if Ihe Sin, a homas BlrhiVnd John SAt 1 OTICE hereby given, llmt oy vlrfuo of a ilem. in Llmncory, mado in tho abovo onlllloil at tho August lerm of tlio Madison Circuit Ca5 f' undersigned, as oommlsslonor.aS.i, tor that, will proceed to sell for raili ii highest blililcr, on Salurilau, Iho iln A 1840, at tho hour of Uvoho o'Sk: .1 of lhat da), in front of Iho Post olllce, ta to cB Alton, In Iho county of Madison, and Slale of llllnJu' Ihe Ibllowlng described pieces parcels of laMlS saino lii ond bolus In Iho county and Slalo BfortS' ao with the appuitcnanccs (hereunto bclonclnff, "The east half of Iho aoulhwcst quarter inri number flvo, In township mnrtber five, oS fl number eight, west of Iho third principal ho purchaser to receive a ceHlflcale of pai inont oMhe purchase money, and a deed at the piralton of flfleen months fiom the day of sale. unlMi previously redeemed OLConllng to law WILLIAM MARTIN, Master in Chancery of Madison county, Commit 5 Qeo Brown, soPr for compl (s.

Allon, Ow TATE OF ILLINOIS, Macotipln Circuit Couiti Macoufla coitntj, 5 Way term, 1849, McKim ptalnUjfi Belt by Attachment. Debt $10 75 defendant i Damagei OTICE is hereby given lo.tho said Claik, the named defendant, that the said plum in (lio 'above entitled came, lins'llled nnalllilavit the ClciU'a olllce of the Circuit Court of Macoupln ounty oforosaid. that you, tho said dcfandant, ore a on-iesldcnt of the State of Illinois, wlihoiil the oachflf (no Ordinary proqcss of (his cour(j wilt I Attachment lias bceii issued out of tho Clork'a ottlco' foresail), ngoinstyou, (he said defendant, fur the sum of wenty dollars and seventy-llvo cuntH, directed lo Iho. herUf of said cQMnty, And returnable ta tho Way crm, I84D, of said court) and that sail) writ, has been cturnedbythn Sncrlifof said county of Macoupin, Ic- Icd upon certain real estate, an (lie propel ly of tho aid dcfendontr i. 1 Now, unless you, tho said defendant, shall be and ap- icar on IhofiritOoy.of tho iicxttcnn of- said court, to to holden nt.

tho couit-houso in of Corliri- illc', in said counly, on (ho (Irsi Monday in tlio month May, 1649, and thun and there demur, plead or nn- wer "to said actlqn, according to tho rules and practice f. said court. Judgment will be taken by dcftmlt, and te property oUacltcd will be Bold to satisfy tho same. vim Dated at Catllnvlllo. Fcbrunry 16ih, 1840.

Altcstt- -A. McKIM nll'y for pl'llV 1 849 fl-4 STATE ILLINOIS, In Madison Circuit Court luthsncery I ORECLOSUllL 01 MOBTOAOE Tho President, Directors and Comiiany ot Iho Slale Ilank of lllmolsi vi Oilcan Adams, John Helm, Aram Corson.Na i lachl Holland, and Oanlil A Lantennan OTICE is hcrcbj gli tn, Ihal by tirlue ofa derm in chancery, mada in tho abovo entitled rauie, tho'August telmof Iho Madison Circuit Couil, A 1018, tlio undersigned, as commissioner, ai nolnlm I lhat purpose, will proceed lo sell for cash, lo Ibe glieal bidder, on jSorurctoff, Iho nisi day of Jfcrri, IBID, al Ihe hour of twelve tlocb at noontt at da), In front of tho Post olllce, In Hie tllfof lion, 111 Iho county of Madison, and State orilliaoU, 0 following described lilcccs.orparcels of laud, Ihg mo lying and being In the count) and State aforewu. ith the appurtenances thereunto belonging, lo-ml "Ihnt lot of land known nnd designated upon Ins 01 of the town, now cily, of Alton, being tbo wcslw part of block forty nine, in that part of Ihe cily of Al laid out nnd plotted by one Itufus Fulon. and at. tllicd and bounded as follows, to-wil Ilcclnnlniil southwest corner of said block fort) nine, and run ng liicnco eailwardly on tho north lino of Scconil reel seventy four feet, more or less, lo (he souuV) esl corner uf a lot of lanll being twenty ono feet on Second street and seven!) feet deep, as located by said aster Commissioner's Uciiort, oa confirmed by Ilio uprcmo Court for Ilio Male of Illinois, nt the Decent erterm thereof, A 18-19, in Iho suit of Craig ind VameragninstJohnB Helm and others; llicnconorlh ardly al right angles with Second street, and oil lit ost.line orthonforosahl lot, seventy feet, totlionorlti- osl'corner'thereof, thence on Ihe north' nindar) line of said lot Iwonly ono flol, lo Hie noilr, isl corner 'thercofi thenco 'northwarilly on a line nW llel wllh Plnsa and Market slrecls forty lhreofci.t,i more or less, to point equlillstanl iu said block ccond and Third-streets! thonco easlwardly on a line rallel with said Second aiidlliitdslrcpts.amlcqiililli nt therefrom fourlceii and a hailfccti nioio orlcii'jtoa 3inl ih said block front Plasn nnd Market, rcct.l Ihonco northwntdly in a line parallel wilh Fii- a and Market streets, and cqul-'dislatit llicrcfiorooDa jtiilrcd and Ihirleen feet, more or less, to Iheieulh ioofThtrd.slrcoli'thonco'weslwardly on tho.rofilh! no uf Third street anil northern boundary of iilJ ock one hundred and nino and a half feet, is, to tho northwest corner of said blork, at tlio of.TliIrd and P.lasa-slreotsi somtuvqrilly on west lino of sold block and Piasa slrcel, Iwo bun ITATE or Ii-LiHors, Madron county Madlaoii Circuit Cout't: in Chaiiccry Illehard McDonaldj JonalhapT.

UTIOK is hereby given, (hat by virtue of a decree 'in matin in' tho above eiitlllcllcausct at tho Juno tenu of tlio WaUUon Circuit Court, A. D. (840, tho or that purpose, will proceed lo flell Jor qash, to (he bidder, on Saturday, Iho firth, day of May, A. D. at the hour of twelve o'clock ot'noon, of that lay.

in front, of the in (ho cHyof Alton, (no county of MadNoti and Htati of Illinois (ho fol- owlng described piece nnd parcolpfland, tho sumo ly- ng and bblng tho county, and afgroaaid, with Jlptug lot humticr nino, in Mock liMmbor tho tovyn lltowl'ltl) of tho said town (now city was laid out by ono Kufus Ka.lon, and recorded in Die Hoc-order's ptllco In tha Inwn of Eilwardsvlllc, nl by a refcicwe tp said plot will nipio fully al large pear. 11 I'lio purchaser to receive a'dcod for Iho pronorty oil the payment of the purchase money. WILLIAM MAIIT1N, Master In Chancery -v for Madison cpunty, Cpmnil.ssioner Alton, marcUIl, 1-llNAI. ii Kotlce is hereby given, Ihal on Ilio first Mcnda tnUio mouth of uexl, -1 will apply to the Puur of Probate pf lersey counly, 1 Illinois, Ibr a llnal sol ilement'of the estate of Abrain Borcr, dci'easedt wiriest time nnd place allpcraons having claims ngalns said cslal.a:o-hereby nollliedtp Ihe sanio(br ailjustincnlt estate, aro rcmiestcd lo mako immediate paymcnl marcli JOIIN C. ASTEItN rrc'd, a vailety ofco or.

of Kasipin Ibr sale lovv. by noy riQLD Lfglwrn and Florence Dmiilj incli bavB now full assotlmcnt of CUUDS; ati 040 piepatcd sell at llio Pitrcsl iK PlEHSpN ft, cpj AO ll.s aiticlctjml rec'd. LflO K. D.l'UlTINU* rod nnd tweplyrsix feet, more or less, lite purchaser to receive a certificate ofpurchaio on 1 ymenl of the purchase moneyj and a deed at tho lion fifteen months frcrii (ha date of sold is. tho lands nro previously lo iV," Ji WILLIAM MARTIN, Master in forMoilison Drown, sol'r for cpmpl'ts.

or ILLINOIS, Macovpin county, Circuit Way Icirn, Ebenuxcr Maish, aisigneemul surviffhg E-, Marsh and Levvls M. Ibntin- partners, trading under' tho name and sljle of i clq White and William Miller, partners, uo.t dcr tho namo and'stylo of, 13. White Attachment, Dell, $54 01. OTICE is hereby given'tb tlie said drfcndanlli IhaUho flaid plainUirhaa filed an alMivit in'lho lerk's olllcc of, tho Circuit Court, of Matroupin county) foresaw, Mini, the sa(d dcfeodantShiua entu of tlio staid of Illinois, ami wiiiiouf (ho 10 proccss'pf this 1 coiHtr'that of Attachment ias issued out of tho Qltlce aforesaid, eplnit 10 sold defendants, for tho ftysix cents, directed to the sherHl'of sold nd returnable to the May term; IS.o.of siiiacoutljwJ that salil writ has, been returned, by oUniy'of Macouplh levied upon certain real ciUta herein described, as Iho estate of the aald dolbndanlt: Now, unless yoti, the. said defendants, shall be linear on the llrst day of tho next term of court, bo bolden at the town of CoiUu- illo, In said coypty, oh the (trs In tlw n-oiitn Mojf' html; tBiO, and then 1 and demur, piwim nswer to said action', accortllng (6 tho rulos wd vnt; Iccofiaid coLirtJudBTiicnt will bo taken by Uelault.iiw Attached will to sola to satisfy the ftm'i paled at Carliuvillo, February IT, '-A'ttost: Ai McKIM DVBOIS, Wari oll'y for marcli Citij.

Itobert Barncsj' sicphen Armlsleail lawless fc')lcrnian QMJf 1 UILL TO DISCOVER ASSETS. I appearing by allldavlt on Ilio In the tho uircull Court of Macoiipiu counly, Bfoics' 1 Ibe above entitled cause, Hlml Cite'; J. tho above named defcndanls, is a. 1 state," ond wlllitnil Iho roach'of the ordinary of this co. urtl anil Ilio said cornrdalnant hsvtne his Mllof complalnt-hereihj Kir tho loin miclil and a lubpuna tn chancery Inving sued herein according to lawl Now ai'i cars a.

above, are hereby liotUlcu, tlwt shall bo 'and appear bcfpre tdo Circuit on or before the first day oftho next lcl 'f, re 1 holden al the court house in Iho town of Csr" 0 Iho llrst Monday in of 'S'SLSi ploail, demur, except to, or answer of olcouiplalnt, (KWdlng to Uie rules pjscllc. samo will bo taken as confess decree will I'o nude according to Ihe er 11 Ddlcit at Carlinville, Fcbiuiry Allesll A.MiKIUJJWJ ll'nr, lol'r, for qunuTiiv ficslij fur sale l..

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