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Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado • Page 1

Greeley, Colorado
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Phone EL 2-0211 before 7 o'clock If you fail to receive your copy of the Tribune, and one will be delivered. by Crwlty In 1171 AND THI REPUBLICAN VOLUME SI-NUMBER 74 GREELEY. COLORADO THURSDAY, DECEMBER I), 1951 WEEKLY TRIBUNE ESTABLISHED 1171 Steve Pledges Larger Patrol By Rotnrt i Governor Steve Me Nichols and J. W. Bclhea, executive secretary of Ihe President's committee for a i safely, kcy- noled the opening session of the Lillle White House Traffic Safety Conference at the Greeley Community building Thursday.

Governor McNichols (old the group that in the face of the -alarming accident and dealh rate, an urgcnl effort must be made to promote safety. Governor To.Ask Larger i The Governor said'he would seek from the coming legislature a larger state patrol to handle Ihe radically increased traffic on Colorado Fort Morgan Escapees Caught in California By Backward Glance SALINAS, Calif. A A backward glance resulted in the arrest early Thursday of three escapees from Ihe county jail at Fort Morgan, Colo. In nearby Greenfield police jailed William Charles a a 22; Frank Cardwell, 19f and Allan Humdnn, 22 and were lo turn them over to Ihe FBI. Police Officer Kelton Reed and his partner, Bill Cain, said they were cruising along Highway 101 when a car passed them, going in Ihe opposile direclion.

"One of Ihcm turned and looked al us," Reed said. "So we turned around to check them out." Reed said the youths-told him they escaped from the Forl Mor-' gan jail last Saturday, taking a .22 caliber pistol and two tear gas guns. The officers said Ihe youths related they slole car in Fort Morgan, abandoned i in Wyoming, then'slole a series of automobiles in reaching California. Agricultural Board Defers Moffett Ruling FORT COLLINS The Stale Board of Agriculture de ferrcd a final decision today aft- reviewing the resignation from Colorado Stale University facully of Joseph 0. Moffell, assislant professor of entomology.

Moffelt quit effective Feb. 1 aft er he said he had been subject to pressure from superiors. The university denied this. Moffett claimed the pressure resulted from his writing publicly that bees suffered from last summer's chemical war on grasshop pers. i The board said it wanted to de fer a decision on Ihe matter until Moffett can be interviewed.

He was out of the cily Thursday. Colorado Weather Temperature at p. m. Thursday was 41 degrees. Local for 24 hours ending 8 a.m Thursday: Public Service, high, 50; low, 19; factory, high, low, 20.

Colorado Mostly cloudy mountains and north, partly cloudy south lonight and Friday; scattered snows mountains; occasion al snow northeast this evening and over east Friday; snow local ly heavy higher mountains; local ly warmer southeast tonight; turn ing colder northeast tonight ant cast Friday; low tonight 15-25 mountains, 25-35 lower elevations; high Friday 25-35 northeast lo 45 55 southwest. Boulder and Longmont Oc casinnal light snow beginning to night or early Friday morning turning colder late tonight and Friday; low tonight uround 30 high Friday 32. Southweslepn Colorado Parl ly cloudy lonight and Friday snow mountains; little change temperature; low tonight 15-25 mountains, lower clevalions high Friday 45-55; Durango 55 30-50. Snark Missile Sent On Round-Trip Flight CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP --A Snark guided missile, the na lion's most advanced weapon cap able of spanning inlercontlynta range, blazed across the Auanli early Thurs.

on the slart-of roun trip flighl. The 69-foot weapon was fircc once before from Ihe cape and re covered. One of the goals of this shoo reportedly was to lest new instru ments a a the Snark. Th range attempted and type of nev campir.cnl used was not disclosed The Snark, capable of carryin a nuclear warhead over 6.000 miie range, will become opera tional next July when the firs unit if assigned to Prcsque, Mains. I cads.

He also said the stale musl vigorous in requiring rigorous xaminalion of Ihosc who drive. MciNichols said he hoped (he con- Tencc in Greeley would come up ilh substantial proposals, saying at he, in lurn, would make every 'fort to see reasonable proposals mplemcnted. Bilanctd Projrim Proposed Bethea called for a balanced trat- safety program in his address the conference. He said lhat here was the possibility ol rcduc- ig traffic accidents by one-half if sound program were implement- d. The problem can be solved by three point program he said.

Bethea said active citizen leaders influence others to be safety con- cious was a primary requirement, a second point he called for ublic officials lo develop and ap- ly a strong program aimed at mar Cilizcn leaders lo support public in implementing those rong programs was cited as the bird major point. Over 75 Mayors at Meeting More than 75 mayors, chiefs ol olice and law enforcement officers nd community leaders were at- ending the conference from norlli- Colorado', southern Wyoming nd western Nebraska. Greeley Mayor Oscar pened the meeting wilh a welcome the conference. Lt. a Town- ng, assistant Chief of Greeley po- ce called the meeting lo order ating thai Ihe goals of the safely rogram should be to attract, slim- lale and inform those who could ctivcly aid the traffic safety pro- ram.

i Council Exptri Sptlki Highlights of the program fol- owing the opening addresses in- luded a discussion of Communily irganizalion for Safely by Paul F. Hill, manager of ihe field service epartment of the National Safety Council from Chicago; and a state- nenf on Citizen Support in Organi' alion and Program by Walter K. president of the Mountain slales Telephone and Telegraph Company. Fealureci event on the afternoon irogram was a panel on local prob- ems participation in an Aclion Speaking on Ihe panel nd Iheir topics were Hugh O'Neal, Ihief of Police at Sterling, on en- orcement; Lawrence Bower, dis- rict engineer for the Colorado Jepartment of highways In Gree ey, engineering; A a C. Petteys, hairman of the state board of education, on education; Rex H.

Icott, municipal judge at Boulder, in Court and Clarence Werlhan, a i a of the Colorado Highway iafcly Council advisory committee, programming. Robert D. Hopper, district diree- or of the National Safety Council poke on The Action Program Traffic Safety Inventories. A I for Miss Florence Mae Ehrlich, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Ehr Hch of norlb of be held at 2 o'clock Friday" from the Evangelical Congregational church of Windsor? Windsor assembly of the Order of Rainbow-for Girls will have charge of services at Roselawn Memorial park in Fort Collins. Miss Ehrlich died Tuesday after a long illness. CU Asks Faculty Pay To Average $000 a Year BOULDER (AD The University of Colorado asked the Legislature Thurs. la appropriate enough money lo raise the average faculty salary lo about annually. The request was made to a Joint Subcommitlee on Appropriations during a hearing on university's requested appropriation of $4,568,000 for Ihe Boulder campus and extension divisions in the 1959- GO academic year.

The subcommittee was told thai several studies indicate that faculty salaries among the nation's slate universilies will average close to $8,000 a year. "We are convinced a Ihe university cannot be (he kind of institution the people of Colorado need and should have unless the faculty salaries exceed al least (he average prevailing among state universities," Qulgg Newton, Colorado president, said. He said the university is finding difficulty in allracling arid retaining a faculty of quality caliber. "The university today finds that approximately two-thirds of the nation's stale universilies provide higher average faculty salaries," Newlon said. "The.

university's salary status among Hie public universilies in the north central and western states is even worse. Approximately three-fourths of Ihe public institutions in these stales have higher average faculty salaries." Water Rates Increased Inter-Agency Master Plan Has S. Platte Nod Col. David Hammond of Omaha, district engineer, told the Missouri Basin Inter-A committee meeting in Denver Wednesday that a master plan should be prepared under the direction of Ihe Colorado Water Conservation board for water problems on the Soulh Plalle river. On Tuesday, the Soulh Plalle Wa- crshed associalion endorsed a pro- xisal by Mills E.

Hunger that the Missouri fnter-Agency committee requested to create a Soulh Platte Inler-A commillec composed of state and federal agencies lo'prcpare a master plan. Bungcr is Ihe consulling engineer for the South Platte- Water Conservancy district. David J. Miller, Greeley atlor- ney and member of the Colorado ler Conservation hoard, stated Thursday a both- proposals would be presented to the board at its next meeling. Miller has served this year as the representative of Governor Steve McNichols on the Missouri Basin Inter-Agency committee.

Projects Proposed Authorized projects for flood control in. the South Platle basin are the proposed Chatficld dam, soulh and west of Denver; channel improvements and control measures on tributaries near Morrison, Boul der and Erie. Development in the Denver metropolitan area has removed Chal- ficrd dam from the list by making the project too expensive. Since the need for dam on Ihe Soulh Plalte still exists, however, the Army is searching for another suitable site. Weld Reiidenti Attend Weld county residents attending the sessions in addition lo Miller were John R.

Clayton, Greeley, at lorney for the Northern Colorado Water Contervaney district; John Cuykendall, Hoggen, chairman 1 of he Colorado Underground Water commission; John Ewing, Fort and Joe Stremel, Charles St-arks, Rollo Shaklee and John Baumgarlner, all of Kcenes- George Andersen, Weld coun- commissioner, and District Judge Donald A. Carpenter. Mrs. Leslie Garner of Sterling, Greeley, attended as a representative of the League of Women Voters. I.yman Andrews and Edward A.

iVfllsh, formerly of Grccley and now with the Great Western Sugar company, also allended. The Soulh Plalte Water Conservancy district was represented by Is directors, Andersen, Stuart F. Bales, William Eppinger, R. Fernald, Orlhy C. Gossell, Hallendorf, J.

D. Mayhoffer, Henry Milze, Alfred Krogh, Ernest a stcttcr, Neil Rosener, William E. Scroll, Shaklee, Slarks, J. i i a Wells and Hugh Sloan, ihe sccre lary. ,) Hcnrylyn Irrigation district was represented by Paul Johnson and Ralph Rousse.

Others attending included Carl Mossbcrg, president of the South Plalte Waler associalion, and Charles Plumb. Flood Control Dimi Only Unlikely Col. Hommand said there is litllc likelihood congress will au. thorize dams for the sole purpose of flood control. He said structures of the size necessary lo control high-peaking floods are difficult justify unless savings can be made by combining flood conlrol wilh other purposes.

These include irrigation anc power development. Col. Hammond said flood control should not be overemphasized to the poinl where it is given pri ority over olher waler-use plan ning and urged development ol hasin-wide pian lo develop mulli purpose dams. By Frink Colohan The cily's i i water rales will be increased an average of about 5 per cent beginning Jan. 1 as a result of action taken by the water board at a special meeting at city hall Thursday The board approved water rate ncreases recommended by C.

II. Hoper Denver utilities engineers, in an engineering report on a rale study made here by the firm for the board. Council Will Conilder Incrtue The water board is required by the cily charter lo annually establish Ihe city's i i water rates. Under the provisions of Ihe charier, city cor.ncil can increase (lie rates but r.annot lower them below the mhlmum sel by the board. The council is expected lo consider the i i a recommended by the board next Tuesday.

The waler board Thursday volcd lo place churches, which at pres- enl ere not charged for water service except for lawn sprinkling, under the metercd, urban classi- ficalion of water, users. This was in line with recommendation of Hoper Co. that no free water service be furnished by the cily. "Well-managed ulili- lies uniformly avoid rendering services at no charge," the firm's engineering report said in this regard. The water board also voled lo recommend lo cily council that Ihe city take over maintenance of all waler melers and that flat rate customers' premises be surveyed at least once every three years.

These recommendalions were Included in the Hoper report. The new minimum water rales Lighting Entry Deadline Midnight Sunday Only a short time remains to enter the Christmas home lighting display contest. No entry postmarked later than midnight Sunday will be accepted, according to the rules. The entry coupon, which has been running in the Tribune, will be irinled for the lasl lime In lo day's paper. The coupon is on page 15.

The enlry blank should be sent post office box 437, Greeley. There are three contest areas: No. 1 is IHh Ave. and all the area the east boundary of the school districl. No.

2 is the area west of Ilh Ave. soulh of 16lh with 6lh St. being extended west to (he school district boundary. No. 3 is he area 'west of Ave.

and nqrth of 16th St. The best lighting display for all three areas will receive the prize, a $100 merchandise certificate. The first, second and bird prizes in each of the three areas will be merchandise certificates for $30, $20 and $10, rcspec- livcly. Merchandise certificates may be redeemed al the member firms of Electrical League In the contest. The the Grccley participating League is sponsoring the conlcst While Ihe winners will have Iheir choice of the firms with which Ihcy wish lo use i cerlificates, purchases cannot be divided among two or more firms.

Lighting displays must he out doors and be lighted from 6:30 lo 11 p. m. during Ihe period of judging, Dee. 14 lo and including Dec. 24 Qualified judges from outside Weld will determine the winners.

Court Tells Teamsters To Obey Reform Rule Set Forth by Monitors Stag Night For Shoppers This Evening This year no man will have to drop his work on the day before Christmas and rush out into the throng of last-minute shopperi to buy a gift for his wife or iweet- heart. From IS to 20 stores handling women's gift items will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight for men shoppers only. No women will be Slae night will enable the men to do their Christmas shopping leisurely and without being outnumbered and outmanuevercd at the counters by the other sex. The stores will close at 5:30 as usual and reopen again at 7 p.m.

for itag night. established by the board arc as follows: Residential flat rate inside city, 15.59 a quarter for residences occupied by one a i with four rooms or less including one water closet and one a or shower. The present rate for houses olals $5, since the minimum for four-room home is $3 with SI each being added if the residence ias a water closet and bathroom. Some Rates a charges under this rale, which were left the same as at present, include: Each additional room, 50 cents; each additional wa- er closet, 50 cents; each additional a or shower, 25 cents; and sprlinkling, of residence of 50 ect or less frontage, lawn and garden, $3.25. Metered rate inside city: The per 1,000 gallons quarterly lilling rale was left the s-amc as at present.

This is, for i 30,000 25 cents; next 120,000 gal- pns, 20 cents; next 150,000 gal- ons, 15 cents; and all over 300,000 iallons, 12 cents. Minimum a Rates i i charges under the urban melored rate were increased as follows, per quarter: For or meter, $6 one-inch meter, $7.50 to $10; lu-inch meter, $9 to S13; meter, $12 to $15; two-inch meter, $18 to $31; three-inch meter, to 543; four i $51 to $70; six-inch, $120 to $124; eight-inch, $180 to $205. Metered rate for schools: Increased a billing rate per 1,000 g-allons present 10 cents to 12 cents. The mctcred rate for residential or domestic a use oulsidc the city was increased from the present quarterly billing rate per 1,000 gallons of 32 cents to 35 cents. CommercUl Outside City The melercd rale outside the city for commercial and resale use was increased as Monthly billing rale per 1,000 gallons for first 100,000 gallons, 30 40 cents; next 100,000 gallons, 28 to 37 cents; next 300,000 gallons, 25 to 33 cents; 'next 500,000 gallons, 20 to 26 cenls; all over 1,000,000 gallons, 18 lo 21 all campaign water, 7 to cents.

The i i meler rate per month for' these users was creased as follows: or meter, $2 to one-inch meter, $2.50 to $3 lo $4 lo 59; two-inch, $6 to $18; three-inch, $12 to $27; four-inch, $18 to 5-iO; six-inch, J40 lo $70; and 8-inch, 60 lo $120. Hoper Co. recommend lhal any special water contracts into which the city enters in the embody the rates recommended in the report. Red Delegates Lose Tempers At Attack Talk GENEVA (AP)--The Soviel Union delegates' lost their lempers Thurs. in the' conference on prevention of surprise atlack.

They lashed oul wilh i a tions of NATO and accused Ihe West of Irying to trick Ihe Communist bloc wilh Trojan horse tactics. Soviel Dcp. Foreign Minisler Vassili Kuznelsov became so angry during his speech lhat he ap a misunderstood some of Ihe Iranslalions of remarks made by the Western side. Kuznelsov thought he heard the name of John Dulles and lhat set him off on a bitter denunciation of what he described as "aggressive Western tendencies." Actually, Ihe Western dele- gales had made no reference to the U.S. sccrclary of slate.

Soviet Col. Gen. A. A. Gryzlov followed Kuznctsov with a speech filled with references lo alleged Western attempts lo spy on Ihe Soviet bloc.

D. Wilgress and Air Commodore W. W. Bean, both of Canada, and Gen. Olio P.

Weyland, commander of Ihe U.S. Taclical Air Command, denied the Soviel bloc allegations. WASHINGTON (AP) A U.S. Dislricl judge Thurs. ordered flic Teamsters Union lo comply wilh reform orders of court-appointed monitors.

The union was barred from holding a scheduled new convention next March. Judge F. Dickinson Lells upheld complaints of a two-man majority of the Ihrcc monitors that the union under President James R. Hofta had failed lo comply in good faith wilh reform recommendations. Hoffa had nothing to say immediately on the ruling.

He is in Miami for meetings of the Teamsters Executive Board. Judge Lctls, noting lhal Ihe monitors are officers of the court and subject to Ihe court's supervision, said Ihcy have all powers reasonably necessary lo bring about a clean-up of the union. By implication, Lclts raised a threat of contempt aclion--which could be'jail--if union officers fail to comply with his orders. He commented at one. point in his memorandum opinion a "remedies are nol lacking in our judicial processes if Ihe orders of the court White House Asserts Nixon Consulted Upon State of Union Paper WASHINGTON A The White House vyont all out Thurs.

lo nsist that Vice President Nixon being consulted on administra- ion policy to be outlined in the President's Stale of the Union message. A flurry of statements by presidential press secretary James lagerty followed a conference Vixon had Wednesday night with hrce Cabinet members. Ally. Gen. William P.

Ilogcrs. Secre- ary of Labor James P. Mitchell Nicholson Not To Run Again DENVER (AP) Mayor Will F. Nicholson said Thursday he has decided against running again. The city election is next May 19.

"I have made up my mind, with nr chance of a i the decision," he said. "I am making this announce ment far ahead of the legal date required under the charter so to open the field to all men ant to release my a friends from i which (hey have a lo me." Dist. Ally Bert M. Keating bealen by Nicholson in the 1955 election, also has said he doesn't plan to run. Nicholson, 58, is former state senator and lived for i time in Colorado Springs.

Seawolf Needs Repair, Crew To Be Dispersed WASHINGTON (AP)-The crew of the nuclear submarine Seawolf, which established a record by slaying submerged two months, will be dispersed and the individuals assigned to olhcr submarines within the next two monlhs when Ihe submarine is withdrawn from service for installation of a new power The 20-million-dollar job will require from 11 to 13 monlhs. A few of the officers and men in her crew may be in the new crew formed when the Seawolf is recommissioned sometime in 1060. Capt. Richard Laning, skipper of the Seawolf since she joined the fleet in 1957, has been ordered lo duly in the office of chief of naval operalions here. Fire Destroys.

Hofel in Mass. Tourist Area MAGNOLIA, Mass. (AP) A general alarm fire early Thursday reduced to ashes Ihe fashionable 400-room OceansWc Hotel, three guest collages and three shops -all i during the winter this A a i seaside summer resort. No casualties were report- eed. nd Secretary of Welfare Arlhur Flemming mcl first at Nixon's ildeaway office in the Capilol, hen adjourned to a restaurant.

The conference led lo reports bal Nixon was moving to cut himself in on the preparation of he State of the Union message 'resident Eisenhower will deliver Congress next month. Nixon vas said io feel a the message nay have a direct hearing on his prospects for winning the Republican presidential nomination 1960. Hagerty took exception lo an Associalcd Press story saying Nixon had cut himself in. Hagerty said this implied that Nixon's views had not been soughl. He said "nothing could be further rom the truth." Hagcrly later called reporters lo a second news conference and said he had talked lo both Eisenhower and Nixon about the story's implications.

"They bolh said nothing cmild be further from the truth," Hagerty stated. He quoted Eisenhower lha "since this ridiculous point has been raised it might be of int terest" lo make-it known that th President's chief speech writer Malcolm Moos, conferred for a hour with Nixon regarding th State of the Union message. Afler Thursday's National Secur ily Council meeting, Nixon staye behind and discussed Ihe forlhcom Ing message wilh Eisenhower for half an hour, Hagerty said. Hagerty said Nixon reported Thursday that he and Ihe three Cab inel members discussed the 195S legislative program in general lerms, but reached no conclusions. Asked whether it wasn't rather unusual Nixon and three Cabinet members lo mcel by them selves' for discussion the message.

Hagcrly replied "nol at 3 Die in Plane Crash at Nucla NUCLA, Colo. (AP) Three men died in the crash of a one- engine plane in an attempted landing at Hopkins FieM, an airport serving the Western Colorado communities of Nalurita and Nucla. Fire Chief Ted Daniels said Ihe dead were identified as Paul L. Gardner, 28, Nalurita mine oper alor who owned the plane; Robert J. McPhcrson, about 25, of Telluride and Stewart W.

McLaln of XJravan. Danieli said a walch on one of Ihe men was stopped at 12 o'clock and he presumed the crash occurred about midnighl. The acci dent was not discovered until a plane from Grand Junction landed at the airport at 8:30 a.m. The pilol spotted the wreckage in a canyon soulhwesl of the airport runway. The field is lighted at night.

Children To Be Guests Of Merchants at Show Two hours of cartoons, including such old favorites is Bugs Bunny Donald Duck, will make up the program Saturday for the first of three free movies which Greeley a will give for children. The free cartoon shows will be Regional Wcathdr Wyoming Mostly cloudy tonight and Friday with scattered snows mountains and rain or snow changing to snow lower elevations tonighl; scaltered tnows over slale Friday; snow locally heavy mountain areas; occasional gusty winds east of Divide tonight; colder east of Divide tonight and Frid a low tonight 15-25 north to 30 south; high Friday W-35- New Mexico--Partly cloudy at times northern border and northeast, elsewhere fair through Friday; locally warmer east tonight; lows tonight 15-30 north, 25-40 soulh, high tomorrow north, 65-75 loulh. held at Ihe Chief and Sterling theaters, beginning at ID a.m. The same cartoons will be shown at bolh theaters. All kids are remainded lo bring a clean slocking to Saturday's movie or lo the second one on Saturday, Dec.

20. The sock5 will hang in the theaters until the i a show, Dec. 23, at which time they will be filled and returned to their owners. At the last how, a youngster must return to the theater where he took bis stocking. He will have a ticket stub lo identify his sock.

The free shows will give a chance lo do (heir Christmas shopping without hiring a baby-sitter or worrying about their children while they are shopping. The shows have been arranged as a holiday treat for the kids and as a help for busy, mothers by the retail committee of the Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the two theaters. are violated, disregarded or ignored." And he hinted lhat Hoffa and- 'ther Teamsters national officer! ould be removed. This was by icling lhat a consent order which irovided for the monitors had orly Termilted Hoffa lo take office pro- isionally. "Such permission was temporary inly and subject to revocation," he judge said.

"The Teamslers are obliged to omply wilh such of rec- immendalion (by the monitors) nd in good faith cooperate with le monitors," he said. Monitors More Than Advisors Ixitts, an 83-year-old former Re- lUblican congressman from Iowa, ejected a conlenlion that the role the monilors is merely advisory rc Ihese words: "The courl does not subscribe the view that Ihe dulies and irivileges of Ihe monilors are merely advisory." Lelts -said iL his 12-page memo- andum opinion lhat the Team- lers, wllhout the knowledge and onsenl or approval of the cnurt- ippointed monilors had issued a for a convention in Ihe early lart of March 1953. He ordered Hoffa and the Team- ilers to 'cancel all plans for the icheduled special convention a iession Hoffa frankly arranged to ieok lo end the monitorship. Monitor Power Expanded The judge further expanded powers of the monitors so a heir approval must be secured efore a new convention can be leld. A convention date was also made subject to approval by the courl.

Must Follow Reform Orderi Letts ordered the Teamsters to 'ollow all reform orders of the monitors and such reasonable orders of recommendation a may be made in the future. Godfrey P. monitor, and the monitor chairman, Martin F. O'Donoghue, brought the complaints before Letts that union officers were defying clean-up orders. The judge ruled that certain provisions of the union constitution dealing eligibility Teamsters members to be candidates for union office are invalid.

These provisions require that union dues must be paid one month In advance if members are to be qualified as candidates. Some employers, collecting dues from workers on a check-off system for later Iransmillal to Ihe union, 'have heen late in turning over (lie money and Ihus making certain members ineligible. DUBS Payment Barred Candidates It was under the dues-payment provision a U.S. Dist. Judge James C.

Connell of Cleveland arrcd rnnk-and-filc candidates 'rom running against officers of a foungstown, Ohio, local. Connell also ruled that the mon- lors powers were purely advisory. 'Us ruling Is being appealed. Connell's ruling came under scrutiny by the Senate Rackets Investigating Committee this week. Among questions the committee raised was whether Connell had accepted a $100' silver champagne ucket as a Christmas present rom Ohio Teamsters.

In Cleveand, Connell told newsmen he had not. Letts' decision's are subject to appeal as Connell's ruling. 3ut lawyers here said it appeared, Letts had primary jurisdic- iwo Accused in Cult )ynamiting Are Dead (Set isrliar story on 7) VENTURA, Calif. (AP)--Krishna Venta and the two men accused of dynamiting his cult headquarters definitely are dead, detectives said and so are seven oth- The body of Venla, a barefoot, sell-slyled mystic, was identified by denial brirlgeworX. Identified by fingerprints were the left a of Jlalph Mutlcr, 33, and a thumb of Peter Kamenoff, 42.

Tape recordings made by Muller and Kamenolf a few hours before the early Wednesday indicate Ihe men did not plan a mass murder but wanted only to get rid of detectives said. Besides Venta and the bombers, five adult members of Venta's cult and two children were killed in the explosion. More Snow Forecast For Stormy Oswego By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS OSWEGO, N.Y. fAP) gave away to renew gloom Thursday in this blizzard-stricken city as residents awoke to new snow and a forecast of more. Another four inches had fallen overnight, raising to about 6V4 feet the thick, white blanket that has broken roofs, buildings and business, and almost broken spirit here in ihe last five days.

Two local building contractors i a that damage a reached $500,000 would go if and probably.

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