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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 1

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ll thai lOll Iheir nshf.und fBut another toglmenl ofllllnol, lit burled 1 renames are tsififiR great and gal vo History tod, I on its am (Hli Heroes' whVwiS for ntMHelr beneath a' thf Ir glorj Ic In circuinMaiiccj cnlenlniril In the hfc degree to Ihe courage and of raw solilleri.i Jhttlndlftna'reglmcnt had iinftlrtiinnlely brokcli, in the Imprudent land MM given plaUo Wa Wither reat which 4ym bfderfetl by thei patronage 1 A'W ic i ll )y'-A l)at deem necessarysatjthls no ihat It l9.worthv.of a plane In every library, nd that should be Itijcam Joseph Iluffn In schd( tc nmr DOhoiili-l auWortfM to ts Bnllco of our mtn'Huirnmn, 3 nril rfad theli'nwn Srediby lhen.e».'S roach, etlnigeil iho Breat Y'MoMASTinsSalthcS r'eoeniobse'aules'or ine imptovemei) elevjdlon it nSw'-dciiraded 3llt their native liiftr friends, 1 lion. as 3 child: Al Mils Iryimi mnmtiif, the Bil imdefCdi lan yet stronger add ii 401) 8 A son 3 trtble Ihrough IJio lines pf his and regulailty-of run Iroopi they reccli cd (he 1 afid tfdvarlclng wllhln chVclive' range, pojir cd upon them mich a fire 01 slopped thelr'ou wariUnlirte mutoi Vl) li Ine Where carnage ragoJ witn dcrcellVRni', 'few yv'i it 1 vf 7- llWlV 1 navcrha, had lifiicli In Ibelronn pralriw WJiero natifflfs itlrtHfoJbrwas near iur I nia oSef wllli (heir nan AlLlheV nik ivlcnXo'lo a-Unry Run IJniinali Hinl, 11, 1 fl'Rj'rifsTcfotiiccond'str'cet llioj.knoiv Itar ft jhere Iwilia netal but not'iilonc-'te St and wviTfconseqrtontlj the no inilho battles BrarUo 11 and ccstlty In sciicral lerjns of the Dirges of of whioh Writtefl B'n'lcman of this' oC Ihcmortn, nitd'arp on' tlrely worthy'of tia'rries 7 and Oerro, QordoJ be aild. thaltMey' 1 -flo KMr itnyflag'of OL -riddled wllhib.illefsi'bdrno'cl'cry tvhere in thickest of thought At tho'Galtlcs of Bra frzito rjallnnl young i-friend'and townsman, Dr i can (bo attho'bfllre of uDr thfftily 3 fCr Vista, and pur -gallant-! Illinois-war represented Brazltn amli Sacramento. Wo nil'feel proud" ootir gallant men Irl New, a) Well ni Ih Old won for'lhcTrHelvejjind Illl nols Imperishable laureN Tile young gen rtleman'wHpibore flag Is a mtive of Vfr and emigrated to Ihli hen a (bojv.sHe'ls airllllijoinn, nml Ilio he wonbyfhis gallant'conducl at'Brailto and have shedliew luUro upon the imamo won fdr Illinois at, Monterey. Buena Vista And Oerrd Gordo of this grnml Wbiclrwtll Be column We muVjmifesj thjt atlhe great number of that' unfoKunato by the Sicrctuy to be re ldents of well as at prefixed lo Iho whioh'sjiotild have appeared last we beenVnblc'to procure'a copy In 1 IIE lJEA.r ji i jnvited an Hcport from Ihe Secretoryof bine Initruofion traled mimber of approprlato cngra vingi, "AlthonglijdMlgneil o'nieflyjor til itVoiilnln! a fund of iuformailon ca culated'tcTbe useful to persons of! and conveyed Id a style which cannot fail I every reSiter of Taste 1 his period An! tit Ibp Deaf and Dumb A In sjovorOilln members of tho jamo family Ids quite probable that the parents and friends of proportion of thetrjarp circumstances, and un ablejo defray the expenses of Iholr ednca lion, and we trust that those thus situated shall tljem tpenlny (o all, jjiit still more precjouiito them than to other mem bers of.society.

gallant'Donlphan deserves to j)p men- itioned't i lllo main forte arrived at and fought the battle qffBrazito'on the 25ih DC day The command pushed on to EI PasVo, was reeetved that the eitemy were moving florin 1to Ihofattaok With a or'5 -i artillery had''beeh left at SantaTe, Wit had been for rettfrned after of 'Expecting hourly an attack frorn seven times number 1 Col reinSes(ed tha( two men should bo picked to sdnd ah express to meet the artillery, antl'puslyt forw ard with all Young 'Hope and 1 Wllibn were frjr-thl(dan gerous Mn 1 they In i wrlinow triveled alf nigh) through a they i shot they gassed, met tthe arllllbry ievmhj frorn El tV delivered (heorder ffiritai'd, a(id Hope returned to T3I whero he arrl Ted at three o'clocklhe next -ing ridden'one hundred'attd fifty six miles In thorn hours unable to return frorri exhaOsiIou 1 Clark, another of our boys, also distinguished himielfnt Brnrtto anil oramento" Ho was to the arlille iry, and fought like a tiger Tcaiinol forbear toirelate an incident'In regard to him the bailie of Sacramento, our troons famished and ilarvlng (having ha' Jf-It Is'sald that Gov 1 Dodge i nd's lo nil, the Wrscaniln Lfgulotiire together a Conititulipn for, die admlssldn of Ihd Te 1 lory Into the Union Stale" 1 "PASSING' 1 cal Is conunclifd VrniictVc WoodWdrfti, andlftiicil moYithly by Mr, 4 J) Clinton 'llaU, Yor ccJ-Clno Dollar'pe'r annuin'for 01 four dhples foVTbre; t. 5 fo able In advance One aqd Ph 1 tft hnl been Utely lbrwaVdet) to arid caloiilatlor fnJerwfftijr the Phrenology ttti ttiectiaraoterit nntl lil nessei of a number of (jistlhgjilshed pcno Patflck'Henryi'Han-Tet Wilde Gert i'TaylorJ'Abby Prof Mprsef Gien Tom Thumb, Dr 1 Se alj, and the Rev Olln, JThw A 'of which 130 600 cpplos were so Unpublished Messrs Powle Wells, Phrenological Cabinet, ISl'Na sati street, New York 4 if 1 the last newspaper, the name of which, to us many pleas Ing incidents of the olden announces 'dccerfse" of ah ohf 1 ipuch ,1 alued bgcainc persppally acqualnteii latepMr. CAin.isi.Et|irlS12, and knnv. that hn great worth as a man, nnd his omlifcn't'osltfulnVs and Izen, aje ijot here lo him, more perhaps than bontlUful clty'of Chllllcothe indebted for Inn ny of.its and, advanced agr, dqath may justly be n. general loss to the commu nily among whom he no long resided Tlje friends of duf Jouth are passing away'onrj After their departure from tho stage of human action earnestly admonish es us that ourowtfoannot be far distant th 1 l.q'clock, A on Mgnilay last, after a short pojnfi nSlhlng Deceased, for the lost fifty jours, lms boei to drink or eat for 36 hours Clark had a cne of active apd useful clllzens part of'a loaf of bread, which lie If apt near JJo herp we Ipari)) his person fdr some time dnrin" the fight, the battle raged, t(io lle like till, othora, sough ry it) the thickest of Ih IIIB onuio ruijuu, vyi bullets flew thick and fast tuoninl lilm, car tied away In the excitement pf Iho scene, he forgot his precious gem, and some Him gry fellow like himself walked off with if Qeprge crinsnled himself, hflwever, tno bill Jels ttill flying thick and fast Ground htm, py aayinff, the old Was oaten, tiiiy.hpwU I will dine with Ihe Oovernor pf i Platt, of this tlty, itfsljimuiihed by his BlUlaut conduct at 'SaorartientS II fight Whorfevcr thp battlo ragpq, the "guidon" and our gallant l))inolans conUl be their sabres ivilh deadly effeefandninifitallng their comrades, to cm ulate each oihor In gallantr) I will here refer to an anecdote of yoling Platt at Sue HP was attached to tho artillery corps His ceminamliug'nlllcer, just before ihe a.ctlqn, promliod him a new coat when fift at'Now Orleans, If both stirvlv ed the battle, if he wquhl "qnlirabcr his gun" within pne of the Tlie fie'lil coimnoiicad, nuiU'ldlt ilrnve.

lilt "piece" up uitl)ln thirty of Iho Mvxl cans, "iinllmbcrcil" It, apd briniRht jtgal laVilly Into action It Is r'portetj of his commander that, lie huninroi)sly io'I'lalf, that he would give him another Boat, if he wpiild lust move off a fimfl far Iher 71 he gallant Major met Platt in New- Orleans and redeemed pledge rvSllll Kavanaugh, otitif kasjclai was also attached tn the corps to t'iatland Clark) of this ally, belonged IJe is the an Irishman who emigrated llhnpis; ajiout thp ear knew-him well, and a ninro gjljanl niid palrlplla-son of Emcrnlil Isle never jived, Yauiig Ka Vanaugh behaved jjallanlly BRcrannuJpi and tike tho rest of our brave. Jlllnoinns qov ered Klmsclf wlih'honor, i)ew lustre to the deeds of nursoni bloody fields of- Mexico" Whereevcr, dancer ua.s to he Ihel-P Were lobe (ought the sons of Illluoli. Of whatever kindred or lohgue, slill Native anil a dopted sous nf Illlnoii allUe, nobly have for State and thai (ore'ver in the history pf the Re. in 1708, and soon entered upon an extensive and successful mercantile career, which was until nfier the, close of Ihe )ato war with Great Britain During that s)rug people pf thq Scioto Val Icy wannly parllcinatedj Mr Carlisle, 01 more than one occasion, inailo large ces to the Oovcnimoiit, both Of goods am provisions, thui contributed mnteria nl4 tho coi)iilry, In hij snfflpijs. In v.nn 4 ilisj.fnguiiilii;df8rlibcrjiji|y (o debtors and prqmptilmle (o conjblnocUho character of a pqbltosplr i jgd cflizen, high mluilod goiiUeinan.

aijd lorprtsinnigorchnnt Ffr last 2J5 ears Mr Carlisle ilo voted imicll 9f his alien (lojl to Ih9 Interests and cqnn of Uoss ty ooniiqucd oonilqucd to thp ijny ofliis hava beet of rnarkqd ajid Jn thp discharge a the dillictiHici of lhat olllce, 1m prpbably pave jiisl of(cnso tp none as one i fejv mjn oj the qldenj time, v. ho hav lo lho goncralion, a of jlnleKrlly, and moply ylttlio Mr, uasjho father of nnuiqrmis fain ly, till of )jt Jiving, ablp in society. Up jtates a rehcl wftl) horn he Hvod, ilovibg Hisboml, for nearly half oentHry, fujifral was. ulleijded by Ol Manonlo fcntcrnity, ami t) laj-go concouritv the municipal dtijlwr i NOTIONS 'We rcoshed nnniboi' I Literature, Art a.ud 'Science. It.

commences the Volume of that a Uttble pliblicallojl, oii il embellished, by yory tona pprlrall of Uiq IJoti, Qporg Kvain, a late jlistlnguUhed member of th US Senate fjom Ihe State of Maine Th 'hlerarj lilcb, as usual, are uwke by great ab.l)tiyi uto follows, Thp Constitution, Unpublished Poems by Jaihes Staunto Hon George 7 Eli Sylph -T Abraham Jluslloo txhibltit of the National Academy of Desigm 1847 Ode for the Fourth of July by btomfo arta i hqinagfi there I .4 nn Sffl ilitK trnaUit ir cries COLLEGC The Comhiepcemetit of co CollcfEe j4 held On Wcdnes Juf) uerp preceded by au address IK ered befpre the SuclcU, oyevdnihprf Hy'Pfdr tiunmltngs address of Ibo'PrnfesKor of right moral (and tellcctqal lone, apd characterized undtjoinmon sense for so dis its treatment ho pointed out a of nhtob but ton prevail in re to what constitutes, a prpper eilucation, id thoni in a very clinr and forcjbfe man or 1 oxhibiled the true Idea Of education', and manner of Its ly forenoon, the exercises consisted of an Idress of cmacy of Intellect fjie qf tho leaker was bold and strong, often beauti I He depleted, In forceful terms, thi ower of intellect, ijs ever active oharac the necessity that It iqnld be properly directed, vhlch hit con tided could ily be accomplished by right lental and moral training' Th.i.v was froth rof Hl4 adifress niighl icjenzeil as plea for Ihqrough niciitnl and (oral training, and the study pf flic ancient lasilcfl 1(1 diction It Was pdrc, chaste in spiced throughont'wlth Ir'ne "At- okalt severity 10 fnjl; of ll)e age, as exhibited in thp inul farlous M) roads tn knowledge now found ut, Nor was he less severe on the "folly'ol method.piirs.ucdjn. tclrchiug the air lent langjages 'lle'i's tlecl'dedl) in favoi the Gt-rman method np'rovcd by a choir, hicli nips music The afternoon was occupied by Preifqen VehtwPilhrin'lhedelivery'nf his Inairgura AsJhls W'U bq published, v. lehanli "a 'AltSri; JlilySlit, I6n' I need pfescht oo casiou of singular and Interest 1 bis. aable draper) glSotny the service and rcquicntjust that death is in our midit but ll Is not in nn llie' inYtraiii of announce mg, have MiiimciiHofdealli hnVBtiQL CO ipyed tuo HfeJ (Tespitc the healing tlW unlirlilg attention of announce)! qf the "King of ter Mrs But, sudden!) ihe vigor pf man I not say, In Ihe uloomof jonth, and the perfeclion of'health, and ol manly jand noble as ihe liijhtuiijg'i boltifrotp an unclouded sky, Ihesp of hope ljav.e their untimely end has confirmed tlPo melancholy and oft repealed tnilbjffbat "Jnthe irildat of lifev are in death Ml Less were wiihyou )ou ii aclKltyYar" bygloomy the) aro wiihyou but, nlntl Ihelr and friends, beneath It? of liiejr jm'n, Dm Itfbugh they ink ilTiot. IS iticnTft thetr imiilc.MI is lo the''c'aniie 6f pa trlolism, (mil ihd lioubncf Ibclr'ertlldllJ it Is that jou record ileetls-i-t- Tes, when jpi) shall their "earth Ib earth, 1 bidding them until tlit'-volee bf (lie arohniigdl and nf Ood tlinll man llitm to IhejruurrocUoii of Iho then spread It 011 lh() pur conn Iryfltuctlbe It Home enduring: (abicl, or tome IritinoViIble tilllnr, on, or ncnr the bank of the of Itcjo the linjsciiger of future nees jot 1111 may read ll, in jcffnsc of Ihelr honor 1 ill it to ly, (hat tlicj harkcnrd to the roll of ilnl 1 hat Waned nof.

like'iiiilty as less-deioted hm done, IP solution of iho quetlion, "Iln'w came nr?" 1 ho (lino. f'ir tlili MI )ou in all Iho jiriile, am) jf, i 'anflnuo)nucy8f'alireduiniblilered uny of death' wiihyou but, alasl lleniory has lost.notliingi of Jhey ere I he blight and Jpj ful counlcjianci! the maul) genteel deportm'cnl 'till I Irred, in cqur'tp, on Rev 1 Weer, Brov.n, Onsklll, John 4 i remark pnnpej-nltU it, lhat it as, in hi iiial'mastprly manner, and gave great sal sfacllnn to Iho numerous as dl ilso.lhe-other.addr>sfics; nan con Rev Irolter Ilallnm, Serlpni, that of B. Rev; honpiary degree of il vas conlrrrcd on Hov, A of Cincinnati, Editor of the Chrislla. ApnlngM. atidllioTionorarydegrco6f A SI an Hav Dalln? Lore, of Rio Janeiro 1'rofpssorships PF" ia I'rpfessorshii o'lho Chaii of whlrh Professor lal if the Ohio UiilVersitj has bien Mrcfei iild a Professornhlp of Physlitlngy and Com inralln.

1 a latltr, M. pnlieqn, Mi ban been The prpsjicieij under il tow" Faculty beyond Iho expectation of il most saneulne friends It is now ill a cot lilion to give satisfaction to all wish to avail themselves of Its education! advantages) and wearp happy Ilia Your present the fall tertrv'wf open as.mauy.<iludenl» at can 'be no cpminnilitctl 'fhis bp ptherwise Ilia gratifying lo the able and laborious Tacully ill n. thp frit nds of the Institution au orrducaiion July 23, 1847. TO MISS I the Hiring III wVtho year, WiUi JU llcra'tn, Iho Wl I adorulnE Tim met nus lioltl. Khlih srtcl, IHo ml From watMtall Uriti, en 'or luorolnj.

I loro, oW Uin loountaln bro ID Or aim i lilt IJ anting I to ilcw the gallant O'er Kcptuko's dark WuB a Ibamlng. Buttvnat Ul liatupo il Ihort can vlo, Or en to half As tbtt niafclc snot (toni llic Of twain Kate, wbilst llui nulling -t depended on lhat more now depended on acm resistance the srtne of aonfl.61 itfan'bnVno'lltTc'al controversy ho And their Us Inihicnco In jenrs tr rome Pulnro generations up, anil in uiBir.onr> and nllil rabbit) they voile) aftcb blley Into the encjnys coliiinW ond him nthnjflinlll reinforced by oljier Feel mcntu, Ihev able tn tu drive him.from on mjnd cir laiul) one of Ihojtl6st hnndrlarit features of Ihe blillle, nml, coiWIdotcd by many persons as Iho movpijiejitjv.hich jayed our irmy from defeat, as not accomplished wlthbut heasy loss on the part of the IlllnnUlans Out of Ihe MX Col led (n to Ihe taerp killed and eighty one is, full com pnnjes out of six, were placed halt rlu com' bnl in the field 1 Ihe number of details required lolnko core of thp wniimlcdi Ihls gallant rtgltrjcnj llh but a frnclion of it? Original Bjit even with III re' dnctd numbers mid barn a ctiniplc'nons part lu all Ihe'billllani of that extrnrirdlnnrj cnnfilcl i rk Peter Hint, If j-i 'o Wm Dcvolrtjjfl'iei 'James 16, St y.1 Luiher Whlloomh, OB'-yea Oxford ,1 Birnet.SO cui Whataofcrj.o^thls^galanljbo)) of Illl olans, hate just arVhod in our clt)t hav Ingjiceti the scrvlcd nml paid by Mnj Pailildge, at They numblr flvo hundred ffnlf eichly slv, out of 1.1 i Pilcher, 6 years tho nine I W(l hull. ni call them blccscd Ai(d wlicn andfpnhltaal strife shall fie' resorted to, by some, ns a remedy for of ar, the lioary iage n)ll stand up in the councils of Ihe wise, ami pointing lo the faithful inarblp which you ulll hate erected, ill acted the patriots of Ihe nlnt tc Sill ccntur) Thus have Ihrf gajlant.splilli pf Fergns6n, and hnnorcii Iherr) bmng, and new mi mourn them, rfenrf. BWwhilp of (onr, mourns Ihelr unlimel)' eiid, and kjndrcil, and friends, up loss than kindled lc(t oiie jcar their march to MiMicItivn Ihe onsimltiex of liriVfj tlilmipil their who lifticjuuvl.ccl nrcn.o(.ej9^rAnpheMllinml Umisbjcor CoKliicl ami llh areot ubilllj' "IKclinrncd liifi Mnj llicir return (riMhPJr ho in OH ainHnnii lies be TnlJ of jo) hoppH.c**, tuny Ktakrul coiijtlrj never forget their services rfftirsacrJfifles! ti seek fK tliefr frtrmer or ui Ihetavncatioiis of former ears 1 and the are, nflt then, tnoro like th6 mclrinchol) dreatp erlsh brain soBer 1 reality of IrnOi nt they are jio more4 there a the neces (her ofth sity lqf the sa country on lo jiertons II u'as fthmael. nor jpf lhej.

c(iintnpii pnfis 9 lha clii) the bosl blood 1 the country mHsl How 1 he slory, toon oh) From a pf not to of, o)ir fron- er wns trf bo tnennced llh fn asion Pnxjfite prfijicrty WBS export-tic life of hardypioneer was thought to HI flanged (fit atlon, uhlctf Una pledgeil for tl)dr on was nt heixrlug-Ihl 1 Ilicar cttt nnd noblo spirits uo aro now others not-less o( onj-lam), (opk-fire, and as of me) cy, ID the they flew -r- llto of the tiinrch, 1hn mitlea of (he nmp, ihe frightfiil fornjH'of a llinAle not hoshJe Ihan the foe Hifj might, nnrt the Storms of Ihe buttle fiiht, I.ey^irteti'RlRiVMoiinternoiteMheJrlivcs'be' cen Ihejr und narin All nt l(me of their departure, here UAS a fn fflcfef) ivJiich cdnjd mly be filW 1 by thetr" safu returti Mnnj 1 a ilcsstui! una breathed upon them, as thoj ud AlnfJ with there, It a (Dg-rU last farewetlf-ln the iniilHtude of who (firpngcit Ihe and mnnyn rajtr IICHVCII fur (liuir finftly Months passed au'ay Rumors of balllcs heard At length rmnnr Into certnint'ji fielil of Uutnii.Viaitt had Ihprftia innnllo snlufabtion in the tbat Uityfell aay they of not merely viclinip a gift, nor cojljjit sorrow! as others of good Their blnoij (Ire of then- nafiiolmn l( not ajif (jit; sn vn ir of tin Ir names Is nol sperlt, nnr has iKo pnVctrPf Hielr labors Out of Ihe ashes 9f each a ounir Sjilrfls as as IhcinscU CS rca dy 16 tread'm their the same rue: ceil palh of duty and fetor), and ready, Illto Ihem, tn (heir oaths of tn Iheir cpuulry uilli iho drop of their own heart's blood To ItnT earth, Ihc failhful guardian of Iho deadj now cnlnmlt Ihelr ashes 1 heir names, ami chivalrous commit tu tlie keapim; of.a grateful country, which them to fulnte ages, ns blight njecimens of Hatch) A irtitlnn, nanto llolchldss, boy, 8 years 30 yearn old, Poslville. Joslah diughlcr, 0, Wiysvllle'. rorsytho, Mdulsoii; f', 'j Mr 30, (In school) Upper'AIIon. Atvvaler, 80, i'ollj A Broton.SOr- ,1 Louisa lirown, ll Hobeit Opening's Mary daush(er of Will Head, 6 or 1 lames A Edwards. early pafriotUtn iheir IVSTITDTION T)IF Dt If AJSD DUMB, MOATI- AT ILK he directors bog leave to call Iho alien lldn 6f 4Jiejpubllo lojlhc melancholy fad, have accurate slalitlical juforma tlpn of hco hundred and ninety uersani'ln Ihe- Stale of Illinois, deaf and dumb, ami they tone lo (hejvlifilo linmoorj notjels Ihap (juti 3 4j all pf are entirely des a slate of Intel 'leotuaNand nnArol darkness, linrfaralielctl, b) ttleVoudKioifdrany other class pf belies lu of thP Horlil A grfal majority of them aro not only igno rant pf their own names, but dn nolieicn know lhat Ihey names lheir parents many cases, are unaoq tainted the existence oftlio Asylum for the deaf and dumu, and, tn niauy (nore, with its er to ppen their dark minds lo Ilia light pf tlip world around them, and of Iho norld a hove them aild aro often, so strbngly lo ihcirTuufortunate clnl drpn, lhat they are very reluolantito parl wilh (hem 1'hey jieed Ihe counsel and en ccmrart moijt of their ffjsmls am) BPJSbboM, tha.piii.clors earnestly hope that Ilinto thosp who feel sultlalent Interest in thn deplorable cnndlliou of these afllicted dren, tn Induce Ilicln IP visit llielr paceiils, and endeavor (p impress IhitJr minds wllh Iho uiupeakableitnporlance of having them mend tn God who gas them, expecting lo -again: In Tthe resurrcclioii of the just, i John pdwards, 7 Driskell, in sol Searlos, 65 years old.t Charles Iliooks, school.

1 Ip Ilronki, 7 Peterebtirgh 1 Mr son, 10, Alhen Dtinlnt, 13 yen i 1 Girl, curt old. educated, aid those Who desire to db Wlinaijt McUlnuis' Andrew 1 hpmpson's dauoliler, 11. Parker Nanrf Van Oloavn Ojl; -Cyrin McCary, 81, Andrew Schneider, 87 Iimals, 14, at fchonl Chambersburg.n« Amia linjnTn, 4 i Cannpn, Perry Ihomas Atnaler's daughter) 10. Su'nn Sloul, ID thing in ttie.Secrclnry gives be Hit of all Iho jlcnCmiJ iul jcrojuo the L)l there were mei a I trdmtiHn: conflict ig hearts omoug us I i From tbb 0 OWla TUB 1LWNOISIANS. Wo have had oocnslon befpre, express our hlgli admiration pf the and readiness of the Illlnoisians, in obeying the call of the Government lo rally in diTenie of our.nalioiial gMlantry-aud' capduci pu the, Qf battle, £jn Slate has furtiislud so largo a 4 ipl the choice spirits of our cilv.

and country there, Particulars 'Ilio list of killed and wouiidednt length") was lead with au Intensity "of Inlcfcst, utiknouii but to the molher, Ihb or Iho Ihenb of -whose nflecHnns is'kunwn fallhful records nf the fiLld, jeport thp names pf Lieutenants Fkt cher, and Robbins, ulth plhers not less dear to their cnniilrj' anil filfncN. no more among Ihe living I ho heart of (he community grew sad. Tho shout of victory was rained, but It blended with thp. wall, aniUihe orphan's cry Songsi of Jicrc called fpf, brole the recent victory, but the uples ucrp lost in Ihe deeper au I heavier tones of lolllne bell, andlhe melody of Ihe VVfleurn was by Ihe notes of Ihe illrge, and we fell nallen't (cars Here mlnRled wllh a ualum's jpy Olll wasaiosllysarrlflce Ills a dear boiighrpeace-whloh 1 Is Ih'o prloe'of blood but Ilial which is Ihe purchaie of Jives fp must be eitei(nieii 'far above rublis," for Iho InurfHs npblj "on when the exhansled pla it pii-hlS'blceHing brow: Their sad remains are now wllh Tho vital has "Ihe ipiritielurn-, who 1 The dreaiui nf war, and pf ulory, are ilissiiiatud 1 hey sought (qshpu liieiufelves worthy dtedj 1'hey havp II, and now they rest conlenl 'I hey "hai fomsht svgobdflghti Ihoy have Jiavu kept tho qf Ihe patriot and now Ihey coijie, according to bidding, la recede Ills' cr6wn nf (tip dear bought a grateful country Is war, nor has'any SNte been so largcl) rep resented In the great battles wluclf llnve s.llf!d so tnllch lustre hlS' tpry of the o.f Hie Umlod Sltitts regiincntsof tif the field, each has had fortune to share in Ihe IHO greal balllis of Buiin Vis la aiu) Cerro.Gttro'o..^In thu'regf- menu of DakcrnnJ FOHIUII lud the msnnll on tile well defended au 1 covered of Iho cucm), and hen they had carried (hem, vtcrefosemosi In Ilio purstlll nf bantu Au iiijuadronsV Hint gu.t|iii superior; and fleetuess 11 the haul) boys of Iho prai uere full) proreil by fhelr passing all Ilio other coldieis'lh Iho'racej and being Ihe who.ivfio "in al tho denlh" liMhis ex- A) huena Visla, and rrgimenls lore for somo lime, ainl with the miiHt lu rolo the whole brunt ol the Mexican 1st regluient acted In cnpcelt. ivilli Ilio KcnlucdioHi, nnd in Ihe glory and loss of lhat felal charge against the main body iif tlio' Mexican nrmy, lu which of valor were jeifurmid soliliem, and su many of our Ulcers fell "uith Ibeir to Ihe foe." II was In charao whose ames, lit.

has-been procure Por sons know lug the nnmelt of nlhef 1 not lu this lUt, confer a Jayor by comniunlca linn IhLin ai early as ponlbU. '0 The Insmutlon'wlll commenco on the first of October, and con liiiue nine months Pupils from other Stalls, and Ihosl residing in our ov, ho aro flblojo pay, "III bp clinigcd $80 for bonrd, lo fuel, lights tuition, books, and tveiy Ihlifg ixoept clolliliig and travel Ingcxpinses arenls ur guardians are unable tn pa) (his fncl should be made known by a cetliflealo from juttlcesof Ihu peace, residing in the snmo county wllh Hip appllnanl' Intsnch cases, thu pnplh me pnilid and educated ot the t.x|l^lise Of the clothing and trat cling expcn ccs exceptcd. i Applicants fur admhslon should not be under Icn ears of age I'ci desiring further Information nil! plcnsc address, feU, IHOMAS, Secri-lnry of Ibc Boa id of or IIIOIIAI QrnoEn, Priticlual of Ihe Initllulion. WM 1 IIOMAS, Sec'y of A Attaint usi or Mvrr-t, Mauha Noriis Julia Baker, 0 88 cars old i Mr Wnrvjll'sspi), Winchester, Mailn Sherwood, 8Q laliiu-IInr't Myiu, 19, Cold Spring P. 0.

Ut MoNuly, -10 grtmual Smlger, 10 il, mule under care of lltlleillle Hradbury, 17 years old, Lebanon. I sou, 1C, llllnoii Sou of Mr Bcul, 14, (-1 pulsoti's son, 9 years old, Mr Dlack'n sou, 9, near Augusta, ft '1 isdale's daughter, 8 years old, Hpwardsvllle 'f Jacob Dnlley, Hy'rs old, Pekln. hllasor ins Berry, 11, Dillon, S. llnlsar Ivell, 17, U'aslnnglon. Calharme Ki'il, II), Peter Kill, 4, Mr Hqnsou's son 11, Oroveland Viunn Lotejo), (at school) 1 mizilflli Many, 23, Mackinaw.

Ira Waihlngtpn. ft Louisa Durham, JaiieKlii that llar(lin 'i) death Hi. impe nous doling and, (lull of Un bin play ha I the charge Ihe cooler conr ago of Col McKeu doubled Ihe prudence of replied Hardlif, 1 hate butane life letiu ot Ihemr McKeegaiy Ihprrdcr.audgal lanlly it execute but, rlunuli'l) Ihe enemy hnl su slrrngthcued fnrri, lhat the--cliarga tif our'ninall and' already much faliguul teBlmsuti me(b) a force of Ihuusaud mfanln au.1 a Ijrigale of 0 ir Ironpf stool llxir clurge until thrlr officers ere all don and their ranks were so Ihlli thai it'seemeu liUu courting death and destruction, to, tain theif position any longer Ibis much of first regiment, whoso i) tanf by and tbe memory of gilllanl Caloncl il mi George Hnpp. 25) ears old, Onlnc) i Margaret 20, near Qulncj, batptiel I clanton, 11, Mrs jMcCliiilotli Ihomas Slmomls, 21. at school Charlis II Langhllu, 10, Laughlln, 0, mar Qnlncy.

Bcvcilj, A Rlil, lUjrars old Qilncy oiiiJ-Mai) Ilerrv Rebecca Hirry, 7, OrconUlle noiry, 2, Cull, 0 Fickelt, 13 y'n old, 8, Cherry Grove UOUKIH uuniint, I i read), and auxioui to ooufi 1 ho fkld of 1 In tlio htorls of Ihv people Catj-QeorRi! Lelbcrl, 14, Panther Creek Post ofllc.e Aiidmnni 43, near Deardstcwn. Davjs, 83 ears pld DIIIIIII, 10 James Inninan, 85 'n uld, Marlins ville Sebia Cooper, "5, Tlisha Leonurd, 11, (at n.ho°l) York, lobiut Mm tin, II, Marshill W. Duncan's son, 9 years old, Av- Islon Hope II 7, Carljle., s'l homns Mchols, i' Sarah Nichols, 11, MUiols, old man south ol Pekin. rtrmllim WllUin ll'arrtn -Ilnuict Sterling, 20, (at ichool) I jenrs pld, Berwick, i Laird's spn, 17 jean oldi Alouzo llorlou, 8 tv Shore, 7 Nancy I ontatd, 11 Willlmn Prlcknll'f davshler.

7, HVide-Bradford jtanold, Palsj I dmondson, 16 l(n Edward P. Holmes, 6, Coroo. III lei I SS, Portland. a rhn Puller, 80, i Mr Nichols' daughter, 9, Lyndon." Mank, 16 harlps IHub), 10 ears old, Rockfotd. tl Jlniay's ton, 8 to 10 years old Jmeph tijM Sflnrrl Cold PIW cll.l for into st Iflulsprirci.liy 1 of ntbtaul Imrtlcli Inml llcularlj invjlnj mayl 'wtMtoiisO A Battii IV itu KmiaulwMIt, in.

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