The Richmond Item from Richmond, Indiana • Page 1
- Publication:
- The Richmond Itemi
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- Richmond, Indiana
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- 1
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ILK OF DAY TORIAL RICK Myron T. HerStates ambassaremoves one of of this lomats. as he an able of the United was a valued ce. The French ed him with a career led life of an oritizen to one of figures in inlomatic circles. than he earned while attending dinner bells and lightning rods the farmers, practiced law and gradually advanced through hard work and applie tion, to a position of importance in Cleveland financial circles.
He became interested and active in a number of great industrial projects, demonstrating his ability as a keen business man. He served his state as governor, was mentioned as presidential possibility at one time, and was in charge of the United States embassy in France when the World war broke out. In the trying days that followed the war Mr. Herrick did valiant service for his Country. He appeared to understand the French people few Americans do, and this understanding was rewarded by a hearty co-operation that served to create satisfactory working relations between the two countries.
Few diplomats have been able to accomplish so much with as little commotion. Mr. Herrick believed in abolishing governmental red tape wherever possible and his direct methods of dealing made possible the settlement of many problems without the necessity of indefinite dickering through government agencies. The ambassador was in the public eye on many occasions. Memorable among them was the time when Charles A.
Lindbergh arrived in Paris after his lone flight across the Atlantic. Mr. Herrick took the young flyer in charge, advised him during his stay, and did much to make the visit the triumphant affair that it was. There are many more instances when the native Ohioan served his country effectively. His long period of publis service includes countless such cases.
And, after all, one of the best proofs of his fine work is to be found in the love which the French people had for him and the deep sense of loss which they feel in his death. CHURCHES The interest which resi-4 dents of this community have in the church was demonstrated Sunday when local meeting houses were filled with Easter worshippers. The response which was accorded the Easter pageant, which was presented in the Coliseum early Sunday morning, also proved that Christian people can get up before their usual hour for arising if there i is sufficient interest moving them. After all, people are interested in religious matters. They may be careless, and negligent at times that is because they adopt the easiest way.
It is easier, for instance, to sit at home doing nothing than it is to get ready for church. But that doesn't prove conclusively that folk are not interested in religion. The churches of today, we believe, are realizing more and more that they need to provide a positive religion, a religion that is active and constructive. And they are reaching out in their efforts to do this. The results may be seen in increased interest and attendance where definite, active programs are being followed.
MRS. SADIE MORROW SUCCUMBS TO BURNS CHESTER, April suffered three weeks ago by Mrs. Sadie Jefferis Morrow, age 73 years, wife of William A. Morrow, caused her death family home on the Fountain City pike this evening about 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.
Morrow is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Elbert HIS Kemp and Miss Nellie Morrow, Chester; two sons, Harry M. Morrow, Columbus, and Roy D. Morrow, Connersville, three grandchildren, Adelaide and Alfred Kemp and Roy D. Morrow, two sisters, Mrs.
William Clements, Richmond and Miss Alice Haisley, Honolulu. Funeral announcements will be made later. I ASSOCIATED PRESS port received each night covering Full eight hour leased wire re THE the world and state news and complete market report. 53rd YEAR -No. 79 5 OR MORE DIE AS STORMS HIT SEVERAL STATES One Dead, Two Injured Result Of Tornado Striking In Pennsylvania HOOSIERS SUFFER HURTS Death Toll In Ohio Stands at Three; Property Loss Reported Heavy (By The Associated.
Press) The Easter storm which swept the Middle West, taking one life and causing heavy property damage, roared into the East yesterday raising the death toll to six persons and destroying property over a wide territory. Sweeping through southern Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, into New Jersey and on into Canada, winds of almost tornado force blew down trees, unroofed houses and other buildings and crippled telephone telegraph communication. Wind velocities above 60 miles an hour were reported in Ohio. Winds diminishing velocity were felt all over the east. A man was killed at Newark, Ohio, by a tree which was blown down on top of his automobile; at Buffalo, N.
Y. a trackman was killed in a like accident; a 16. year old girl was blown into the path of an automobile and fatally injured at Belmore, Ohio; 10 year old school child was fatally injured at Newell, W. Va. by a falling window, blown in by the gale, and a farmer near Polksville, N.
was killed when struck by a beam blown from a barn. A two ton roof was lifted from a building at Rome, N. by the wind, and deposited 300 yards away. In Canada the high winds were accompanied by sleet and snow, which broke down telephone and telegraph lines and made the roads impassible in places. Eighteen inches of snow was reported in northern sections of Ontario.
STROUDSBURG, April man was killed and two persons were injured this afternoon in a tornado that cut a path four miles wide along the Delaware river between Easton and Portland, Pa. The storm also caused heavy damage on the New Jersey side of the river, particularly near Columbia. Sweeping in from the southwest, the carried houses and barns from their foundations, blew off roofs of scores of other buildings and uprooted hundreds of trees. The man who lost his life was Boyd Titman of Polkville, about two and one-half miles from Portland. He was struck by heavy timbers from the wreckage of his barn.
A brother Charles Titman, and his family narrowly escaped injury or death. They saw the approach of the funnel shaped cloud and hastened to their cellar a moment before their house was carried from its foundation. At Vale, N. Charles Jones, 33, suffered a possible fracture of the skull when struck by flying timber barn was lifted from it foundation. Buildings were damaged and telephone and electric light wires were put out of commission.
A bridge spanning the Delaware river between Portland and Cuba was wrecked and closed to all but foot traffic. Nearly every chimney in Portland, a town of about 4,000 was blown down; scores of houses were unroofed in Portland and in Columbia, and the highways were fallen trees and other debris. The storm lasted only about two minutes. child was killed and three other chilWELCH, W. April dren were injured today when a wind storm ripped a roof from a home at Wilcoe, near here.
The wreckage was blown on the children who were playing on a porch. Wayne Brooks, one year old, was killed. INDIANAPOLIS, April to a number of persons were reported tonight as the result of a windstorm approaching cyclonic proportions which swept across Indiana last night and early today, unroofing buildings, smashing windows and disrupting transportation and communication facilities. many sections the wind was accompanied by a heavy rain, which sent streams out of their banks and washed away several small bridges. Several accidents were attributed to the storm.
The first eastbound interurban to leave Wabash this morning struck a washout near Lagro, and overturned. Charles Williams, Peru, motorman, and Charles. Leap, Lagro, passenger, seriously injured brought to the county hospital at Wabash. Mrs. Wallace of Mount (Continued On Page Two.) WEATHER INDIANAMostly fair, rising temperature Tuesday, Wednespartly cloudy to cloudy.
OH10 Fair Tuesday and probably Wednes day, with slowly rising tempera. ture. Maximum 58 Minimum 29 Noon 34 Midnight 29 Sun sets today ..6:05 Sun rises tomorrow ....5:21 Forecast for Richmond and vicinity-Fair today with rising temperature; Wednesday, partly cloudy. RICHMOND ND RICHMOND, INDIANA. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, RACE PREMIUMS AT FAIR TO BE BOOSTED $1,000 Officials Take Action Looking Toward Improvement Of Speed Program DECIDE ON TICKETS Family Tickets Will Go On Sale In Month at $1.50 Until July 1 Important decisions regarding administration of the Wayne county fair, including the setting of admission prices, and the increase of race premiums by $1,000, were reached by directors of the fair Monday night in a session at the town hall, Centerville.
L. E. Kinsey of Green's Fork, president of the board, presided the session, which was attended by a majority of the directors. It was voted to again sell fam- ily tickets, at the rate of $1.50 each, until July 1. After that date the price will be raised to $2.00 per ticket.
To provide everyone in the counespecially farmers, with an opportunity to purchase the tickets at the bargain rate of $1.50, they will be placed on sale at different points over the county. Family tickets will admit two adults, a man and a woman, and their children under 14 years of age. Tickets will go on sale about the first of May, according to present plans. Single admission tickets will be sold for 50 cents each, with a reduction of 25 cents if they are purchased after 6 o'clock in the evening. one of the most imporof the fair directors increase the racing over the amount Proffered he Secretary Ray Swallow said this action was designed to bring better into competition, with the there will be better races in rolasses.
The move is expected even greater interest to a which is traditional with fairs, but which Wayne has rarely enjoyed due to of facilities in the past. Inty Surveyor George Gault, at Instance of the fair board, will Chin a short time survey the enfairground, so that co concession exhibit space may be sold a plat. This action it is expected, will expedite the assignment concession and exhibit space, as well as make it possible for concessionaires and exhibito adjust themselves to actual conditions long before the fair opeds. surveyor will make an acblue print of the grounds, officials will use it in laying dutta pace, DeGeneral business concerning devalopment of plans for this year's fact were also discussed at the meeting. The work of all departwas outlined with superintendents in charge.
Mrs. Floyd Goons was named superintendent of the thome department. board announced it has received an application from the band to play. one day at air. The band is composed of sand girls Liberty, and has attained an enviable reputation in thisapart of the state.
It was not indieated what action will be taken the application. SELECT TIVOLI FOR CONVENTION Business Sessions Of Legion and Auxiliary To Be Held There Business sessions of the Indiana Department of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary at the state convention this August will be held in the Tivoli theater building, it was announced Monday night. It had been announced earlier that Reid Memorial church would be the scene of official transactions of the auxiliary convention, but the decision to hold them in the Tivoli theater is believed to be final. The joint session of the Legion and the auxiliary, one of biggest most important of the convention, will be held Monday morning, August 26. Official sessions of the Legion itself will be held Monday August 26.
and Tuesday, August 27. National legionnaires and auxiliary heads are expected to be present for the gatherings. Harry Ray post convention officials have their headquarters now in the Tivoli theater building, and it is believed the location will be entirely suitable for executive sessions during the convention. FARMER WHO KILLED WIFE WILL BE SENT BACK TO HOSPITAL (By The Associated Press) RUSHVILLE, April Rees, 59, who shot and killed wife Saturday night as they were at supper, will be recommitted to the hospital for the insane at Madison without a grand jury investigation of the affair. Russell B.
Titsworth, Rush county prosecuting attorney said today. Rees, recently discharged from the Madison institution, is believed to have intended to kill his four children also and commit suicide but one of his sons overpowered him. Lowell Rees, Purdue university student, had brought several schoolmates home with him to enjoy the Easter vacation. All were witnesses to the tragedy. JUDGE QUITS BENCH NEW YORK, April States District Judge Francis A.
Winslow today announced his resignation from the bench, and so halted congressional investigation into charges of maladmir tetration of justice made against him in the house of representatives. ITEM 1929 THREE CENTS FRANCE TO PAY HIGHEST HONOR TO AMBASSADOR Body To Be Conveyed Home In Nation's Newest Cruiser, Tourville FUNERAL ON THURSDAY Premier To Give Oration at Bier Of Much Loved Representative (By The Associated Press) PARIS, April -France has taken the death of American Ambassador Herrick as her own loss and will pay his body the same honors she pays to those of her own distinguished sons. The ambassador's last homegoing will be aboard a ship which is the pride of the French navy, the new swift cruiser Tourville. The premier of France will pronounce the only oration over the dead and the French army will render the same honors accorded generals and marshals of France as the procession goes from the American embassy to the church. Those honors spring trom the sentiment of French people all classes who had unbounded faith in Ambassador Herrick and loved him not only for his friendship to France but also for himself.
His genial manners had made him known throughout the country as few other foreign diplomats have ever been known. The funeral services will begin Thursday morning at an hour to be subsequently fixed, it was decided today after Mrs. Parmely Herrick had talked with her husband in New York by wireless telephone. Ceremonies are to begin at the embassy, Premier Poincare will pay tribute to Mr. Herrick's memory in the name of the government.
Immediately afterward, the cortege will form at the embassy and proceed to the American the Avenue George with detachments of French troops rendering honors. The body of the ambassador will probably be transported at once to Brest of Cherbourg, where it is to be placed aboard the Tourville. The cruiser will hoist anchor and sail at once for New York. A special guard of honor will be designated by the government to accompany the body to its last resting place. Although there has been no lying in state, a great number of people have passed along the avenue in front of the embassy to pay their respects in the only way they can, while others stop at the lodge to sign the register.
This register now contains the names of all the members of the government, the whole of the diplomatic and a vast number of French people and members of the American colony. France mourns Ambassador Herrick as another of the men who helped it through the dark rocky days of the war. It remembered how, when, in 1914, German armies knocked at the gates of Paris and the government fled to Bordeaux, he himself refused to leave his post, though warned he might be killed. "There are time when a dead ambassador might be of more service to you than a live one," he told them. More recently they know him as the man who took a hero--Colonel Charles Lindbergh-and piloted him among them after his splendid exploit of the air.
Death came to Ambassador Herrick yesterday at 4:10 p. m. after a (Continued On Page Two.) FORMER DEPUTY SAYS NOT GUILTY Charges Of Liquor Conspiracy Denied By Voegtlin at Fort Wayne (By The Associated Press) FORT WAYNE, April Two pleas not guilty and one motion to quash was the answer of John Voegtlin, former deputy United States marshal, of this city, when he was arraigned before Federal Judge Thomas W. Slick this afternoon on three federal grand jury indictments. He is twice charged conspiracy to violate the natienal prohibition act by accepting bribes, and once with extortion of money from bootleggers.
Frank J. Conroy, former federal prohibition agent here, named with Voegtlin the conspiracy. indictments, filed motions quash. Paul Harshbarger, former elevator operator at the federal building, also a co-defendant, pleaded guilty to both of the indictments charging conspiracy. Ralph Rosewinkel, private detective, the fourth man charged with conspiracy, pleaded not guilty.
Jail sentences were imposed upon ten local defendants who pleaded guilty to bootlegging. Arthur Robbins, 20, of Portland, pleaded guilty to forging endorsements upon and cashing pay checks belonging to six members of the national guard living at Portland. Judgment in his case was deferred Monday. Five Toledo boys arrested here five months ago on a charge of transporting a stolen automobile across the state line were given a day in jail. The boys were George Lillicoth, Lentil Norris, Kenneth Kensel, John McCullough and James McCullough.
Their ages were 15 and 16. STAB WOUNDS FATAL (By The Associated Press) LOGANSPORT, April Aurelia Rossi, 36, died tonight of wounds inflicted last night when his wife stabbed atta. after he had come home intoxicated. Both he and his wife said Rossi came home intoxicated last night and during a quarrel which ensued, Mrs. Rossi seized a butcher knife and slashed him across the hip.
He ran to a store nearby where persons took him to the hospital. Death was attributed to 1055 of blood. Before he died Rossi requested no charges be filed against his wife. He is survived by the widow and two children. NET PAID CIRCULATION Daily Over .16,400 Sunday Over 17,000 MEMBER A.
B. C. To Be Ordained as Methodist Deacon Miss Bessie Buhl Next Sunday afternoon at the ordination service of the 'North Indiana annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in Berry Bowl, Logansport, Miss Bessie Buhl, of Centerville will be ordained as a local deacon, Miss Maurine Leakey, of New. castle, is the only other woman from the Richmond district of the church, who will be ordained at this time. The title of local deacon will give Miss Buhl the right to perform marriage ceremonies and baptize.
Miss Buhl has held charge at Greensboro for the past year and holds the preaching services there. She had completed a four study course at the district conference in three years and expects to take the elder's study course in the next two years. This office will be the highest order a woman can hold in the Methodist Episcopal church. JOHN H. SAYLOR IS SUMMONED AT HOSPITAL TODAY Death Removes Well Known Citizen After Several Days' Critical Illness John H.
Saylor, age 73, for many years identified prominently with the commercial social life. of Richmond, died Tuesday morning at 1:45 o'clock at Reid Memorial hospital. Although he had been ill a comparatively short time, his advanced age rendered him powerless in the crisis. His great capacity for friendship, and many other human attributes created hosts of lasting friends here. He was associated in business with Adam Bartel for 37 years, and through this medium came to know and be appreciated by additional friends.
Probably one of the most fitting tributes paid to Mr. Saylor during the last years of his life was at a dinner honoring his daughter, Mra. Ralph Diffendorfer, and her husband, at the Arlington hotel in October, 1927. That occasion was Mr. Saylor's 72nd birthday, and his daughter, took advantage of it to laud father.
Mr. Bartel also spoke in terms of praise of the man with whom he had been associated in business for SO many years. Mr. Saylor was taken to the hospital two weeks ago, and although his condition was regarded as seE until rious, death Sunday. was not fully anticipated His daughter, Mrs.
Diffendorfer, Mr. Diffendorfer came to Richmond from their home in New York and City and were at the bedside when death occurred. The deceased's wife, the only survivor, also was present. The deceased was a sincere and ardent church worker. A lifelong member of the Methodist Episcopal, he had for many years been a communicant in that faith in this city.
Since its formation, he was a member of the Central M. E. church. Plans for the funeral probably will not be completed until some time to- day. OPEN INQUIRY IN RUM CASE Charges Against Congress Investigated By Grand Jury (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, April a customs collector in New York, his assistant and the two inspectors who reported that Representative liam M.
Morgan of Ohio, dry Republican, brought four bottles of liquor into the country from Panama were called today at the start of a federal inquiry into the incident. details of what Philip Elting, collector of the port, Henry C. Stuart, assistant collector, and inspectors L. E. Crawford and James McCabe told United States Attorney Charles H.
Tuttle, who is conducting the inquiry behind closed doors, were available as the investigation opened. But the assumption that they, reiterated the inspectors' story Morgan had brought liquor last week after receiving freedom of the port when he arrived on the steamship Cristobal. BROWNSVILLE MAN BURNED BROWNSVILLE, April Oscar Parks, living about four miles northwest of here, was severely burned about the head, body and hands Sunday evening when gasoline with which he was filling the tank on his school hack was ignited. It is belleved that the liquid caught fire from a lantern. MILLION DOLLARS UNCOLLECTED BY WILLIAMS, CLAIM Missing Girl Found Prisoner In Hut Associated PHILADELPHIA, Tied to a bedpost, in a isolated spot Jersey, Carulo, 14 year old who was abducted more three weeks ago, was night by detectives.
The girl weak from food and was near collapse her rescuers cut the bound her. They arrested tano Aldonido, 48, who said had carried her away automobile, beaten her tacked her. Search for the child conducted here and in ing cities since her March 8. LIGHT PLANT RICHMOND AN IMPROVEMENT: Council Appropriates Out Of Earnings Coal Siding As the result of the nounced improvement the C. 0.
railroad in involving the straightening main line between Main the North Third street station and the establish switching yard, an provement program is to out by the Richmond tric plant. Under suspension of rules council last evening passed nance appropriating $18,800 the earnings of the plant, amount $15,000 is for a along the river bank above with a capacity of 10 cars, purchase of land to be used siding and for the installation additional spray pond or er. Another ordinance app $7,500 of plant earnings for chase of certain new spray pond and for the of an additional line truck vanced to second reading. The improvement program (Continued On Page BOMBARDMEI JIMENEZ Federals Fight On To Town In One Of Battles Of (By Associated STARTS Press) hut Rita school girl than rescued to- lack of when cords that Gaethe girl in an and at- had been surrounddisappearance IN PLANS $18,800 for recently anprogram of Richmond, of its street abs extensive 4 an COM the dad for fapatbe purchase was ad- be PA mid diw Capture ME Revolt government tishtine boatloa destroyed half of Jithe fedfighting 1 a. m.
president Colonel a federal several the rebels their quarof their with tree observation bridges on City blocking Jimenez the rebels. being takGeneral Besmall debecome sepof fedAlma- information this gen- apparently attack and for around the make no described the govof the raged on, it out for in the more than captured as of not pursued a8 back to against moving. Limon," La Cruz that at Mazat- FARM BUREAU MEETING NIGHT IS CHANGED (By BY CLARENCE Associated Press Correspi MEXICO CITY, April Plutarco Elias Calles, feder 'alissimo, informed the late tonight that federal had resumed bombardmentorot menez after a lull in the earlier in the day. At 5 p. he said shelling city was begun again and mill which had served machine gun nest was General Calles said that menez was in the power of erals as a result of the which had continued since The report of the former was relayed by Lieutenant Gustav Leon, who piloted airplane over the rebel lines times today.
Leon said well entrenched in Jimenez with the tops trenches camouflaged branches which made difficult. The aviator said that the railway lines to Chihuahua and Parral were burning, the only rail outlets to which were controlled by He said measures were en to locate and to aid nigno Serratos, who with a tachment of troops had arated from the main group eral attackers under General zan. This was the first received here of the loss of eral to the federal attack. The insurgents were fully prepared for the their entrenchments stretched two miles in a semicircle approaches of the city. Reports from the field mention of casualties but the capture of 84 insurgents.
While this battle, felt by ernment to be the real test revolutionary strength, smaller rival armies fought seven hours at Limon, Sinaloa, west coast campaign. General rigo Telamante reported 100 enemy dead and 50 against total federal losses more than 20. The insurgents were far as Copotitan and fell their main force at La Cruz, which the federals were The town of Limon or "El is about 28 miles south of and about half way between town and the federal base lan. CENTERVILLE, April 1- Dr. E.
F. Hinkle made the principal address at the meeting of the Center township Farm bureau in the high school building here tonight. His topic was "Feeds and Feeding." This was followed by an interesting discussion. In the business session, it was decided to change night from Monday to Wednesday. The next meeting therefore, be Wednesday, May 1.
Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Approximately 30 persons were present. (By The Associated Press) EVANSVILLE, April This is no April fool story. Urban Martin, circuit court bailiff, gave a startling demonstration this afternoon to convince disciples of the rod and reel that they know nothing of the fine art of obtaining worms. Connecting a steel rod with an electric extension cord from his home, he stuck the rod in the ground and turned on the current, Immediately there came crawling from the earth within a three foot radius, of the Martin rod, gathered more them than in.
30 Beat This REORGANIZATION OF POST OFFICE BY U. S. SEEN Postmaster General Brown Plans Shakeup To Get Nearer Paying Basis BY ROBERT S. PICKENS Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, April post office department is on the verge of a general reorganization which will include a large part of the administrative branches and extend on down through the entire postal service. Postmaster General Brown has determined not only to bring the post office nearer a paying basis but also to raise the standard of character and ability in the tremendous personnel of the.
postal service. If the present plans of Mr. Brown are carried out, and it is understood that he has submitted them to President Hoover and received from him the promise of hearty support, the only assistant postmaster general to remain will be W. Irving Glover, now second assistant in charge of air mail. First Assistant Postmaster General Bartlett is to be replaced and the duties of that office so remodeled that instead of spending time settling personnel disputes and studying post office sites first assistant will become the right hand of postmaster general the formulating of policies and their execution.
No one has been selected to succeed Mr. Bartlett. The third assistant, Robert S. Regar, is to be replaced by a certified public accountant if one can be found who has what Mr. Brown terms "a knowledge of the broader phases of business." Mr.
Regar under the present plans, will be retained in another capacity. When Mr. Brown completes his official family he intends to turn his to the elimination reaucratio, in methods in the with departdealing employes and in relation with the public. RADIO CHAIN IN INDIANA PLAN Banks Of Wabash, To Establish System, Report Asserts (By The Associated Press) TERRE HAUTE, April A special dispatch to the Terre Haute Star Washington says that reports are current there that Banks Wabash, Evansville, is planning to purchase a chain of Indiana radio stations. "Although no confirmation has been obtainable," the dispatch says, "and though it has been said that the stations will not operate as a network, it is further reported that the stations may serve as a Columbia outlet and that Sam Pickard, vice president of the Columbia broadcasting system, is scheduled for an early visit to Indiana." The Evansville corporation today took over radio station WBOW here subject to approval by the federal radio commission of the transfer of license from Banks of Wabash Broadcasting association.
Directors of Banks of Wabash, are Henry B. Walker, Curtis Mushlitz and J. William Heyens, all of Evansville, according to the incorporation papers. These men also are said to be the owners of station WGBF at Evansville. Other stations mentioned in connection with the reported chain plans include WKBF at Indianapolis.
"We are not considering the location of a radio broadcasting station in Richmond." This statement was made to The Item last night by Henry B. Walker, Evansville, one of the directors of Banks of Wabash, Inc. Commenting on the report that representatives of a radio broadcasting concern were in Richmond last week inspecting a site on the west side Mr. Walker said he was positive these men were not connected with his company. LINDY ENROUTE TO VISIT ANNE (By The Associated Press) EL PASO, April bound for Mexico City to visit his fiancee.
Anne Morrow, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh stopped here at 5:30 p. m. today to refuel his Curtiss bi-plane before continuing his trip to an unannounced destination on the border tonight. Lindbergh left Barbara, Mexico this morning.
GARNER ABSOLVED IN REPORT WASHINGTON, April 1-The title of Representative Garner of Texas, the house minority leader, to the Democratic nomination in the last July primaries is held to be as "clean as a hound's tooth" in a report by the special house campaign investigating committee. Money Is Due State From Contractors, Municipalities, Allegation CHARGES MADE PUBLIC Hearing Against Director Of Highway Commission Set for Wednesday Press) INDIANAPOLIS, 1. -The answer of the state highway commission to the request of John D. Williams, state highway director to make more specific and definite the charges on which his removal from the position is sought, was made public by the commission tonight. Twenty two complaints are listed by the commission, chief among them the charge that the director failed collect more than 000 the state of Indiana from various municipalities and contractors.
Other charges include mitting the terms of a contract to be failure to inform the commission of certain matters, and failure to refer certain decisions to the commissioners. A hearing on the charges against mission's request that he resign, Williams, who has refused the co comwill be held before the commission Wednesday. Among the charges made by the commission were: "He failed to collect over 000 due the state of Indiana various municipalities and contractors as shown by the records of the state highway commission." "He failed to install all steel guard rails at six different locations." "He failed to page that part of road No. 36 between Montezuma and the Illinois state line." "He failed to maintain the Oldenburg road as part of the state highway system." "He failed to file his report on or before the first day of December, so as to be incorporated in the report of the state highway commission as required by statute." "He permitted the terms of a contract with the Standard Oil company of Indiana to be violated in that he permitted the purchase of a lubricant at higher prices from the D. A.
Lubricant company in the sum of $3,133.89, when a contract had been made with the Standard Oil company of Indiana to purchase of said last named company the entire requirements of gasoline, oil and lubricant for a period of one year, beginning August 16, 1928." "He has neglected to collect, since the year 1927, the sum of $1,857, due the state highway commission from the Denham Oil company for drums returned by the highway department to said Denham Oil company at the expiration of the contract with said company." A copy of the charges was presented to James Bingham, attorney for Williams, tonight by James M. Ogden, attorney general. Williams refused to discuss the charges. Members of the commission would make no comment on the charges, that "they speak for themselves." The funds due the state from municipalities and counties includes money that should have been refunded for paving done within the corporation limits of towns, right of ways and similar expenditures, it was said. Among the alleged amounts were: Lake Knox, Marion, Cass, Monroe, and Wabash, $28,948.25.
Among larger alleged uncollected debts from municipalities were Crown Point Paoli, 020.74: Rockville, $20,000, and Westfield $23,560.27. Some of the larger amounts alleged to be uncollected from tractors were: Dietl Construction company George M. Cross Construction company McWilliams Dredging company, $1,4 408.42, and Municipal Construction company $2,392.36. The commission cited two matters in which it alleged he failed to intform the commission, and which they said should have been brought to their attention. They were: "He failed to inform the state highway commission of suits arising out of contracts and filed by construction companies.
"He failed to inform the state highway commission as to the widening of state road No. 40 between dianapolis and Terre Haute, which he had arbitrarily taken upon himself to do." The arranging of a joint conference of the state highway commis sions of Indiana and Illinois, "without consulting the Indiana sion in advance," was charged as one of the matters which "should (Continued On Page Two.) AUNT HET BY ROBERT QUILLEN 2 "She looks so happy an' inde pendent, I wouldn't believe she was the new preacher's wife until somebody said she was his sec ond." (Copyright, 1929, Pablishers Syndicate).
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