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Alton Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton Telegraphi
Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEGAL. tVtWuon- comity, Iff CUAKCF.RT, NalViftntel Tucker- -Complainant CharlfiColliruand Adaline Cnllini, hii wife. Jo- Tahrtr and Mtry Tidwir, wife. PMer Wninnl, Nahum Kay anil Mary I'. bli anil J.

OTICK herrby Hint fa ot decree the above cstuir, al the Auguil TMHI, A. D. IflJO. of tire MuUion rait Court, (hc.Wndrrvgntd, ai CtmiiiiMioncr appointed for (ftrt will utleral IVrbtlc Sale on MortiWIha of A. n.

belwerit the hourm oflen oVloek fireo ftlock donr of the cotirl-hoiirt in Hie town county Slum KOR CASH, (ha following trscti or ofland, tituate, Vjlnp nnd being in Xhe county ol ind of Illinoli. lo-writi "One um.iV.u'ttl ilunl of muiu of landiiluato on a certain commonly culled in the rirpr, ihr rllrof Sl.Louii, and hi the Stitle of lUinon, (own i hip number (hrte, noilh of Ihv bate line, nl range ten, of the tlilrtt nrinript.l mrrklisn, imd it botinrkJ and bulled folluwi. of gin- inr on Ihe enit fide uf (he laid island, nl the i or- IM of two and of lownihip noitiJwr (hree north, of range number ten we nfnreiwirt. from wHrh wood Mttrict Court of the United 8latet within and for iha District of Jllinoit (nYhe.mtll'-r of Ihe petition of John Collier.of tho Coontj of Bond, In be ili-cUred. BMikrapt, itml lo liitrlifrhnrr'd from hit debit.

fimn, ihal JOHN MKR. of county of llontl, IIIM filril hit itliliofi in Ihii courl, tn he dei Inrid llnnkrnpl. nd lo Vie tl'ncharjserl from titbit, if Connrew rn tacit mnuV and prnvidiitJ; and hut ad order hnibcr.n duly in court np- the litilayrif Octobprnrxl.iil Ihe I)iitric( room In the rily of SpringfirM', in thii rirl, ni Ihr (Jine nnd for llie hrnring of tan ALL PKRSOiNS ifllcretlefl may then nnd if nnf tliry pHtlion inoiiM iml cranied. UileillhlilCch ibr of July, A. D.

18-13. 36 O. T. M. DAVIS, for Una nnd RiMlrn II.

I'rlcff, which ttjjhl louth of the, KcltannlUiic aeinl seCtioni eleven lilfl fnurtcrnin i'tlieilCB, wett wijh tuiU line, (tin illand lo main fart of the Mil- iiMinpl llience up itiil with ihe mean- ilcrilliernof, to the corner pf uelwm Ibreo and ten In mid (Oiviinbip, a from which cotton wood tree inches i.t diameter north eiglily-livo drRreci (K-rrtty-ieveri dtflnnl, and inrhci dianielcr licari inuth twenljr-lwo wtrt llnkl (hence eail on laid icrdoiml line, btiiiE UIB line between fmctluniil lecttom (wo nnd tlefPn, to (he jilnce uf soat lo inclmlr of und rfihi it and twenly hundreililu of; which aforcsnid tie- ignited iraclof land of number Un and ftfvtu, nnd (Jtrl the nnrlh (i of fractional nclinni nuinber and fiftt nil lyinjf.aud being in fraciionullown.fnj. niimber ihrrf, mirth of Iho of raiiKi- Olitrltt C'H't ViHHi Staler, tin Dittrirt IltltoliJ nUiinMtuioriliiilKlllUnierAiiitnir cmtuy. Ill B.ukiupl, tod to HlKlur- twin it.Mf. OTICE II hffihy Ihnt Jnirtf of nonil tonMv, hn llltil Ihtartntl, ho Ilinkiupl. nnd ro If ilHtlinr cil from HI" dehti, under Hm of Coiurm III ninil'i ni'd nd lliu "til" Im kern nnlr BitMrf In co, olmlns II" rltl foiiil roam In llie ricr "I SpHnjnnld.

In III I ,1,1 i. the tim. plot for me 1 eniln: or IK-II Inn. AM tnirreiiml may Ilicn nnd tti'i. Iffnjr llmr wlir III.

prjyiir t( Ihr BnU petition (tioiild nnt Ualcil Ihw Ut nfflepteml-nr, A. 1). 30 O. T.M. tl ti" I ithfii far Dittrict af In iho mnller of tlie of rjcnrco Koonr liumhflr ten.

itcil of Ihe Ihirt) The to trr.tiTe dett of the iiurchm money, WII.MAM MARTl.V. 'Conim'r and Mnilrr in Chunrpry, DUUOCK ft KKATlisfl, fur compt. 'July S3. IFMiSO-Ot HTATE or IM.INOIS, 'MatlUun Circuit Cmift. li, M.

in iHr auUf A(lnchm nuf A. 11. Smith i fnr 1,580 OTICK Jiereliv given, (lint nn aflNrh.nttif In-rn out uf tliu MadiiQit Uir L'nurt. n( (he mil nf Ihe tmntcd n- iiiimtd dclmitLiiH, far Ihe Minn of llllern hundi And ditllnri, at tht rtt-jl term Mid court, to he lioldm nt I lift court IIOIMI: in totrn KdwurJii-illr, In Uir rounly and SmO fureiiuiil, on Slonday in the moiilli of Sen. lumber.

A. D. Nuw, yuii, the mid VValluce fhall npprnr nl laid next term of court, tu bi lioldi-n ai uforrtriid, and interjunc defime to sclioii of iidnchrnenl, jccordinj to ihr rulcn court, will be entered llicruin, and Iht (iropcUy ullnclud. toUl to ttte lUUl IHlcdal F.dwnrdxvillr, Sfllh, A. I).

10-U. T. MAUTIN. for STATE. OP 1 Circuit tlie Scploin- term, 18-13.

RoliCrt 1 lute Curonrr nf Mnrnupin cour ty, mie nf Ulimm, who for the of Jo Irrion VVrnlherford; and Nicliolui Uoicr, ivlio turt for the ute oi UuaUl At ''Andrew McClurr. Juinci A. McClgre, Jolin Me- Cdrrc.Hiid llin Prrtideiil, Director! of thv.9Ut« of IN CIIANCBIIY. ttj n'fliclavit on fila In llifc Clcrtt't of- Jl fire uf llio Circuit Court of llie county of Ala. ruujilnafufciald, rntlin entitled rniMa, llutl Juhu McOlurr, oiin ot Ilm di iibuvii named, ii a non-ieiidciit of (he tilnle of and witlioiil LEGAL.

whir ihr prn nd tknvr of to ho declted II liinkmpl, 10 lie dlnl of Hond tB heteny'iilven. Hint Oltrr of Hond titv. nleil I.I. peilllnn In lliii roilll, to he Bankrupt, anil to he tram hii Aleil a unil imrftr the net of contrew In iur.h iiiniln nnil prnrl' niMttlinl nn nrdrr dtdr cnlered In npoEntlfiu the ill jity nrOeini-er li'ti, nltlm trie eoSrt roam In of In tritt Bit.teUn.fl nnit the, tieatlngareCiM nell- lion, rtll perMM mny Itien nn.l there nrnr, nmiihow (nuM.lfni.r llmr why prnyri of tlin sn)tl prl.llon ihoulil nnt hit graultil- tldi 1 rfnv of A. I3i2.

3(i OKO. T. M. DAVIS. Snl'r for pftttinnrr.

liiricTbob'l 'Hi' fuiltd filaln, laitlan and far Ikt Diilricl Ihe willrr of llie prlilion of Jolin II. ri.i of a co (it counly. to he drclnred Unflbrupl, O'l'lf'K i) hi-roliy eivcn, thai JOHN II. HAN- OLK, of Mncouinncnvtrtty, filoit hit jjc- tllion in thucodil. lu he ilcflared a nnd be(l frum hii drbti, undir the acl of in cme undo and providtd; and hal an betn daly tittered in lliii courl.

thf Unlay nfOrluW nixt, Htthe Irict ri-nirl in ihe tily ol in i Diitrkl. Um fur lite hunrin'j. Did ntiiliun. All jierfOin inU'reiietl may ihun and ihr.iv ifuny (hi-y 1he of Ilionid pi-tiliun il.ould nnl bcpnin- Ud- MHlnllt.ijICthdny of July, A. D.

Wrt Court af Ut Du'ltd Stattt. utthinamlfvrlttt Ditlritt af Hlinoii.t Inlliciiuticrofllio of Samuel lloye. of Jortry taunty.tu trciloelnrctt and (o Iiu dlieliar- eol fi'ini liln ih'l'U OTICE hlicrrhyclvrn llml Samuft tbtt.orSrrmy f.oiiitiy. (itlltlm tu ttdd court, to clnrr-l Iliiukriijil, niul in dim hnrgcil from ilnl.l*, ilinlur Ilift nri tif lu men ente iiuidn nml drd; onit U.nt nn niiltt i-tn ilu-y cm.MGil In IUU ctiurl, ni.polnllni (lie Int of Oclo'iir tinxi, nl llie Irlrlronit TiKiin In the rily of in tldi Hum inn) phrn for tlie pf pelt- llun. Alt prranui tutcrcilHil niiyllicn nml tlierc htiil utiotv ennrr, If nny Itipy hnvn, wliy Ih" of (hi: unlit llllon ilimdit noi tic fifdnlcil.

Uuled lldi Ul Hei'lUM tJ A faf Diitrict Court nf the United Sinter, within nnd fur the District nf IW In Ihe of llie ron.of the llnnkruiil. LEGAL. Ditlritt Court tf tin United Stgttt, I wukiit Dlitrlet rf IIHnolt Ihnmntler of RotwM Co Bow, of Mad counly, lo lit ilwltrwl a llnhttrfipt, and to bfl dls- rliniffi! hum lilt deMi. If heretiy glvt-n, fattrl of Ma. 11 rllion rounty.hnB fifed iifjtllloii In thd rmirt.

to a Hank iu ni, nml lu rtlnelifltpcrt ftmn elurr, iirirfcr Hie net oi t'uiiurew In nurh tn.iilc anil rovlilciliniiil that nnfinkr tiniiticeiiitnly cnttrrr" In tlili iurt, nprHjlrHlnj llie lit Any of nnt, ht tlir I in fonrt rmiin in the city af In Ide tlmn mid nhrc for Ihclienrlna nf until (Ion Alt per Nino IritrrMleil inny Ilicn and llirrcnpjirar cniiw, If any thry linve, wtiy Ihe t'rnyer of he pnflKnri itmilrf noi l-o grnnicit. Dated Uiln i.t lay A P. 1013. 3B U. T.M.

MAVIS, iioiy for pillllonrr. District Court nf Ilm United Stain, within anil fur the Diitrict nf in HIP mnlter of Ihe petition of Jonnllmn C. IJV Vf ni, of (he counlr of Aladiinn, lo Ij.t drrhrf a Jintl to lie (H.charfi. ii from h'm deliti. hcrt-hv given, tlml JONATHAN C.

IIAVKNS, of the coiinly of Mmtuan. lu led petition in (hii courl, lo tin deduced a Ha rujit. act be discharged from of Congren in such rn k- hii nd tirovj. ude iltd; mid (hat'an order been duly end itiM conil, appointing Ul dny ot Ortolttr ncxl, (hf Diitnrl court room in Ihe cily of Springfield, in HIM Ditlrirt, ni the and plare for (W henr- 1.15 of mid petition. ALL PEltSOXS inltrritetl may ihrn and Ihcie fipprnranil nhntv rntini', if nny llipy why prnjtr of Ihe mill pi-titinn ihnuhl not be On led tliii dny ofSept'r.

Diitrict Court nf the United Slale.i, and for the District nf lliinnit matli-rof llie petition ofl'cler Slmlfer, ofthe to dtrlnrcd Itankrupl, I It, hr from ileb'i. OTICKii hrrehy PRTKR KKR. oflhw county of hat filnil hi jiclilion In IhU Courl. to lint bun bern duly rntirrii in court, uppniiil IIR the It! llie ctitirt rnom in the rhy of in ibis DII- Irirl, tlir liniK and plncr for tin- tn-nrinjr ol mi ptlition. ALL I'KKSOAS ti tft the nnd ll.rre appcnr mut ihojv if nny lltry why tlie piaj rr of Ihe prlillnn flioitld 'not li tiranlcd.

OUril HIM fifty nfSf nlriiiljor. A. D. Irt.12. (I.T.

M. DAVIS, 1 tin ilt-flni-pd Hnnkrupl, hit tli-Uti, unrlrr the ntfldr. mid i dn Hai.k- niy of Jcrir)-, to ml lo he i TVTOT1CK is hcrrliy ftitrrn, Ihnt STtniEfl M'- 1.1 IlmRON, of tliu county of Jericv. filed hit petition rn M'tln- tlt-clnriitl a liii dtbl. M', thia court, tu be declared Ltnuk- ru(il, anil tube ihicliargrd from undfrlhii net of in cnio mmltt and provided; nnd thai AH order l.n* ticen ilwly filtered tliU rnur 1 appointing the )tl dny of Ortober next, lU Ihr Diitrict ciurt room in Ihe cdy of Spring IJc Id, in thii Diitrict, the limo im.l for thu nf iHiil petition.

ALL intcrf-Mvd, nitty thru imtl lliiTC rippenr fcml thuw rnutp, if nny thry hnvr, ifhy the prnyrr of llin tairl jielilion iliouht not lie eranlt-d. Dalcil ofSeittenidrr. A. Dulfltl 1 uitKa atilfur tki Diitrict Hti Hg In llio mailer of Hie pittlllon of dob lane, of larttty county, to rfcrlnreil a Haidtrupt, nml to dliclur- cnl from 'di IVOTlCli li Itereliy jtvcn, thai uf rnunly, linn Illeil petition In rourl, tn ro rlnreil Iliiiikrunt, nnd lo dUclmrumt from tdsdcliU, UmnTluf nwtli tntn mmloninl IliiUnn order I'crn duly onlorcd In flda Diitrict nf the United withit and for the. Dixtrict of In Ihr innlicr of Ihe nrtllinn nf Ab'nlom I'nk" the rounly of MadUon, lo ilccli fmni di-hl OTH.K.I l.i- rc.i rK iten.

Ihnl AlltJALOMRA. KKH. oflhu niiinty of MmlHun. has lllrd liif iicliiiim In IIR llwHk- rupi. nnd to lie from hit under tin art of CongrcK in Mich nude and provided and Ihnl unorder been duly cnlercd iii llii ilay of tin Ihe lime ro for the hraritii; mid iirhtion, ALL PERSONS mny tltrii and there appear nnd cutiic, if nny thry hnvc, why (he prayer of Hie mid petition ihnuld noi be RraMcd.

Drilfil 1-t ilny of Si'iiiccnlHir, A. lR-13. G. T. M.

MAVltf, (ul'r for District Court of the. United Stntet, within and for the Diitrict nf In iiniltorof Ihe petition nf Molh-y, ol Mudiifjii rounly, id drcliirnd a Ilunkrupt, nitil tu iltKrhnrgpil from li'u itolitt. Otii-n iii-reby civcn. (hut TllOMAS AloTLCi', of (ho count)' of Mnttnon, fibd m- lilion 'ni thu Courl lo tie tlYrlnrcil IHK! In Im diirhnrgrd fr'Un hii tlcbc, under the MI in inch nindo nnd pro tided; nnd llutl nn order hai been duly rnturcd in this Courl, Vuinl'iHg UUlay of Qctnltcr nrxt.Httlu- cnurMunm in Hie rity of in this I)H' Ir.rt, tho linn: and pl-irn the ht-jtinj-; of bitii! petition, ALL iniercttcd, insiy then nnil there Hppenr, and coiitr, if nny thry why llie pTDjcr of tlin nn'd petition not lu grniucd, Dulrd lliii lit nf Scplcmber, A. u.

10-li, (i. T. M. DAVIS, lul'r for petitioner. tilt rcnrti of jit unil lite 11 filed ihrir bill of herein, (hineindticriticd: and lubpn-nii in chun- cerv hbirliiff beun ii.n-d herein, accord lo Now you, the tniil defcmlniK, ivhum nliovr, hcn-W notirit-it ihni ittiivtiynii ihull bu and npjiear before the Cirfull Courl uf Mncoupin couniv nforetaUUnti or (Ire firnf ilny of (tie next Ti-rni, to bu litddrn Hie tiuurt hoiitM, llie town of Cnilinville, tJii (ho fourth Monday In month of September.

A. U. 1842, ami jiknd, demur, or iiiiitvi-r to thu taid bill of couijUnliU luTtiu fittd cordfnir to Iho and practice of nalrf court, lliu IN inn will b(; taken niul a ducico bo niadu unit enti-rrd urcording tu tlie pniytr (lie 1 bill of roniplniiil, c. c. CHiiaMJTtt SMITH, for compl'u.

DUtrict Court of the United Sttiii's within nnd fur the District of Jllinoit Tn the matter ol the jittilion of Jnhn ( of MiuliiDH. to lie i.fclnrn\l Unnlt- lo bediir.hnr^cd from hit di'btj. It 13 VIEW SEPTEMBER 10, 1844. FOB HENRT CLAY. 'WHEN KOGUE3 FALL OUT, HONEST MEN WILL GET THEIR DUE." Week beA-re last, Stale vliiino Editor, Gov.

FOH! irm "big- gcsi Har in llio nindo on unn-arrnnl- al.lo Btlnch, totli Fry, iho Acting Co im I Cainmissionrr. ant) Newton Cloud, Treasurer of llio Canal Board. At ttio lime, il was our intention ID speak a word in do- fcnsc of Gen. Fry, nwl only in consequence of tha knotvledgo wo possessed of llie intlo- faligi.Wo mnnner in which tho Ucoeral had discharged tho duties of hii office, bul from a personal friendship we entertained int. We however refrained from doing so, i the hone that llie Locofoco papers would havo candor enough lo defend him from llio unmerited aspersion' 1 of that vile print, Iho State Regitjer.

Tltc Advocate, Lucofuco paper pubttsUcd al Carrollton, hos opened in its columns a ilefenso of both Gen. Fry arnj Mr. ClotnJ; and below we copy al length Iho remarks of its Editor. Tlio vicvvTlho Adcocttte tnliea of loth Walters, anil rlid ni'tserauio clique tu Sprjngfielil who contml his paper, are only a reiteration of our own, frequently before put frtrth through columns uf llio Telegraph. We it will be read by thoso Locos in linn county who hnve heretofore been lo took upon tho Register as Itie text-book of all ihcir political conduct.

l-'rom (he People's Advocnle. Tho Sin'o Kcfialer, uf iliu vHhli nit, contains an article inmling onu Air. 1. N. Moit- Kt-f, who, ujf soniu inuiiiH unlinown nnd surprising (o ilioHo who havo the least knowledge of his utlcr waul of honesty or rectitude of purpose, wua elected by (ho la si Lo- lo 1)10 ullico of* dent of Hit-' Cnnal Board, steps out of the way and mokes a (also, base, and uncalled for ailuck upon the Acting Cmitil ionrr, Gvn.

JACOD Fuv. is cntin-ly un called f'ir, inasmuch as llio Register, if it was so disposed, inight have continued li iMurris until duuinsdoy with llio Manic pfl'uct, as it has in its puerile attack upii Gen. Fry, nnd the world wuuld havo hue none the The assertion of iho Ht'j iatcr, that Oen, Fry was opposed to tho intn diicliou uf retbrin tiputi Urn canal, tdully I'uNt). On tlio cnntrnry, Im lias labored wjih zuiil, lo accomplish that purpose, whcrecvtT nod whenever it was needei), in which lie Ins lieuu ontiruly unsupporicil by Uanc N. Esq.

whom lliu Pipcis- ler would havo us is a "distinguished" mum her of ihe Democratic That Gen. Fry was opposed lo thin mnn iMnrrU making full sweep of all the offt LOOK OUT FOR BREAKERS! Wo have no hesitation in saying that, during ihis and tho succeeding month, Capting Tyler will a general sweep of til uffi- 1 ccrs within his reach, throughout the United Sulcs, that tin not send their adhesion to Ms Majesty. Of tltit, tre nre vnd in Illinuis, not a Clay man will bo laft in office from ODD end or tho Slate to iho oiher. We have lately hoard of some miraculous con- among llio holders in this Sialo. Men who Tor yoaia, cers upon Ihe i wtio were amply (fivt-n, Ihnl JOHN HAKKH, nf (herounlvof Mndiioii, hnAtilrd I this rotirt, to be decUrcd Unnkrufil, nptmliitli trkl, ll tlrm.

All mill sh id the lnt ilny nf Orlolmr noil, nt ilm Hit ii )n llin rlty nf H(irlniififilil, (u iMn hU- ptHrn fur llio hearing of rioiiii Intrrcilcit inny then nml Ilicr nitic, if nny they linvn, pell- wfil not ho gin MAUSIUL'S Umtt'l Circuit Kxtetiliun 700 virtue of writ in! fi. fa. to mu from United SluliV (hrcuil Court. forltiu UUlNLt of in furor uf GHiiitilv, uud BRHUiit Juhu I ttirtcltd to tell I lift fdllnuliiK jjroperly, littnilfil in Mud jiuii vounty, and Slntfl of Illinnii, la-will Thu cnit half of block number Ij'hig and Utinjf In ilm town of Alton, (now city uf wilt moi fully ajijjtui bj a rccovJtil plut of init) town. Which I itiHll expoia to TuMic Suli-, on tho third dxy of OCTUUKH nekt, nt tlto donr of mid county, lutlie liighut tnd butt biiMtr, for rcfttly mutiey.

SAvLK to comintncn between lioun of 9 oV-lock A. 4 o'clock 1'. nf day, DatidlMiSJI ilornf A. U.1&42. Wftl.

I'ltKNTISS, U. Jhttrirt of lllinoit, liy U. Ul'MiLEr, Deputy. MAKHJIAL'S SALI3. UniltJ tftatti" Circuit Court- Extcvlion JVo.

670 of wrll of to from thu Unltfiil States' Court, lur triclof Ill'molOn favor ofS-unnl ll-hruck, UKM)IIII Iltraui C- JUIIM. Hubert Deliim, nitd liini 'Manning. Ctikb Siuno. ImpleHtlvil why ilm priiyer of itcil. Unieil tliln lit Diitrict Court nf the United I within anJfvr the Ditlrict ofniinoii 1 I Hio mnllnr of tlio prlilion of thu rounly nf MudMon, be declnrcd Umikrtipl, nnd lu be diichnrgml from liit Nulico lii-ruby givtn, Ilial Kinnnity Lod- ivich, of MadiBun county, IIHS filed (icliiitin in lltU budcclnrcil Hmilmijil, niid lo hcclii- from undrr the ntH of In Mich rnie tnndfi Hiid pmvidril; anil tlml un order bui hrrn duly t-nlerfidiii Dili rnurl.

lliu dny of October tuut, at thu Ditlrtcl roml room, Ui Uif v.Uy of 1 in lli'u Oittnct, Ihe linm nnd j.Ucefur llio fituring of mid jiL-lilinn. All tntririlcil tuny ihrn nml llirru nnd iliovv rauic, if nny Ihry hnve, llie it my IT nf (he iielilinn tliould noi Rrnnlfd. lllrd j-t-lilinn jkrujit, nnd to be, from hii tlubti, under the url of Cun- in n.iidc nnd providud; und I lint HII ocdcr littn duly rtilert-il Ui lUU court. (lie tal day of October ni-xt, nl the rourl room i-i tlie city in Iricl, ni ihe lime nnd pluCn for iho of eiiid lu-lilion. Al-r.

I'KKSONS liilrrfltdii may Ihtu nml tlieve appeKr ilmw cniuft, if nny thry hnve, why thii iirityvr nf ihe mid dioulil no I grnnled. Onlfd Ibit lit Scnli-inbrr, A. t). at! DAVIS, iitl'r ruriiLliiioitor. Irt'ct Court of ihe Unitnt within and fir the Dittrict nf In tuulUtr of (he petition of Wiltiftut I'.

ol Mndiion rnunty, to bo diclsrcd Uankrupl, il to he from hcrtliy givrn. Ihnt WILLIAM I 1 county of lint lil.d lUUcoiivt, to be ilixtnrbil a ttnnkrunl, K. Im difrhnrgod from IIM debts unrh'r the BU! of Cong in iiirli cnin iniide and provided; aud nrdcr lint been duly entered En thii courl, day of Ocloljcr nt thfi Uis tiirl rourl room thi of Spiicefield, in (hi Ditlricl, ni the time nnil for hc'nrinir till uetilioa. ALL tM'UlSONH iulerviud ivmy Ae, nd Ihetti niipriirind khniv CHUIC. il nny they bnre, uliy (he prnyrr of (tiu mid netninii ihould mil UHIH! lliii Ut dny of A.

I), Ci. T.M. DAVIS, flol'r for iiflllti to discliarga Llio duties incumbent, upon them, and allow him to place in their stead, llie mere tuols and creatures uf his will, whom hu had imported to do fija dirty work, nuitlier Gen. Fry nor Uia friciula will deny; and in so dointj he was supported by uTiuasvuer of lliu Cnnal Buard, attack was bucuUHti it was jiitc injure Gen.

Fry, wlmm ilm thai inpyo llio Ilcyister, of which this man orrid is an aciivo ntumber, supposes will ain boa candidate in opposition to aome cof their favorites. But the lioli will fall 1 short of its mark, for llio honest and cmtrso which Gon- Fry has ico hu hail been in ollicu, will bo snflicteni securo him from Uio injurious etlocls uf 3G riny of Sflitimlitr, A. 1). 1 T.M. DAVIS.

Sul'rf rtttrtcl Court oftkt Sd illnon rounly, tn ilfdnrei! nl IVOTKU-: i III JuNr.s.ol*th< TATE or Ir.i.iNoia, county, Ilaiikr OTHJ Eli he MnilUm county, hi ipi, ami lo Ito OUlJiawt, nf m. thnl lltcil poillloit In llnrikruiil. nnd lo dlacliartic.1 from ilfil.u, umlcr Ibe net of L'onurcw In niiiilir nnd niul Ihnl mi onlcr linn ITCH duly eitlercil In the Ul ilny of Ocinl'cr (tie htmict court lonii. In llie thy of irlcl, Oi llie limo nml plnce fur iho heailiiR of inlil llun. All niny (lien nml tlirre If nny Iliry linvn, why HID Circuit the September term, 18-13.

lltnry 1'iige; AKnclinienl for iJOO 00. Thnmni J. VniiDorn.S OTICK i- hendiy lo ihe mid defriiilaul thnl tvnt ofaltnchmrnl Inn onto Ihit clurk'i uirico ol Din Circuit Court nf Mncoupli county and itutc of lllinuu, ctUte, ttm In lavnr of the nbovfl nRinrtl pluinlin; (in of hi iiiitiiiHiiid Ciiruil Court, iii nn nrtiminf ni Ihn fme un llfltrn humlrrit do) Ian, cil mttieMriy term, A. D. uuw HIK, in tn'ul nturt.) rr turnnbla (u (ho term of of KII'H com for llioiiiii.

of fivit hundred didlnn; nml llin I in id writ hnt hten returned by (he her ill" of M. In county, (o whom the iiiuni din-cteil, Ie tliu proptr cunnln A.ll 30 O. T. M. DAViy, l'r for prlilinner.

Jhttrftt Uiititi ou tl nt: I I 1 be 4 of the northenit (junrter nf ier- tltiii Iwenlyievefl, towntlilii No. tix north, mute N(. I Hi. wttl uf (he third (irlncliiul ImU of lot ND. fivr-, blork (HO, liitlia Altun, AI.SO-Un numbrml mid 'even, in bluck furty-flvt-, In llie cily of Allun.

untlivideil hulf pnrt of (hu towliiK lituntfd in lluuttr'i adJilian lo (he fUy ol AUnn, vm lol tlfiiit, hi block IHIC; lul nine, lilfiloi'U illicit ni tutiillRBil, hi blnck nvcii lal uiact In block ctglilueii; Rail Uil liituvn, in black nineieeii-ai the properly uf William all litiuleil ill Muitiiun counly, mid Sluta ol llVmon. Wlitrh I ripn.c lo 1'ubllc Sule.oii tho tl.inl Jftj oFQCTUUKU tluur r.mnly, lo (lie highfilinul btit blddur, for dy iiiontt. SALK to coiiiinem-e bttwurn (ho houi of 9 o'clnrk A. M-, and 4 o'clork I 1 of diy. tluyof A.

1). IU42. WM. PHKN'I'lStt, U. S.

Manlial. l)iilric( uf lllinoit 35 CI 7 Ity J. U. HU.MH.KV, Ueputy To Mnr) Hodjj'ci, widow, unil nnd tn JKCI. cliUtlrt-u mid at law dti-tHU'd, htle of Matoitjiiu cuut Sitll XTOU will plfMB under I o( mW Stlli tlwlgn Kpiily lo Ihe Cirrult Court ol Mncoupin cuiui lenn thereul, (o ba htddui il Hi court-hniifje ia lliu lown of C-'urlinviUe, un th fourth the iiiantl.

of 184, vorun tmltr dtttttnvg uml aulhunilii '(bf oi' nit ilia real eMale pwued by mid Hod 4 ll time of hii tltmth, (ho itenonal UkUOfltiflilcrcilciit hivinr born found Iniuftki for uf ttieuVbtiof ei(n(ai wlit ittov) okUMt to -CuillJMry, you think iirpMr, JOHiN LOVK, JOHN-M. PALMER.) JeUK M. 1'AtMKK. Mtl'y for utlltiuoeii. Uit-y linvn, why tlminnyor not he tin mod.

Hultril Udi td Sdtlti, III the mutter of the of Mwnnl W. I 111, of Sin- (lUnn a llatikmiil, ami (olitiilU- chnrnml fn'tn iliit-U. H'H I'fit'ln- glvnn, Ihnl E-twarJ If. Dill, tif MnilUon nnmty, hin fili'il Ida pel il Ion In Dili rtmrl, lo hniluclnrcil tlnnkruiit, nml iu l-o illM-linrEt'il from liliUul'U, mulct nci of OHISICM lit vuctt tuudi nml iiruvlilrit; am) Ihnl an ufile.r Wen duly rim-rod In tlih rinirl, (lie lit ilny of ( Iliv UUliklfimit iwtm In llvurliy of tfmliiBfliJUl, Hi It rivirlrl, lha Umunml (itnrc fur thn lieiulm( of nulil imllllon. All prrioni nmy wQT.niu.

iliow cD.uo,ir»nyUii Itie vtilil (it'tllioiiiliuulj i 1 ilny of Heiuciiilwr, A. 1). 30 T. M. n.l'r f.trncli Diitrict Court nf tht UitiUit Main.

(ht Uutrict of Iltinoii uiHlltrol of be and bcdiii-baijicd OTICK it htn-bvcivm, (hat JOHN A. IMI- DKRMAN, ufSluditun county, filrd bn liiluu lu Ihitcuurl, to Iiu uVliirvU it ml uutliicmirgttU from hit ill-hit, umlcr ucl in mrli rntv mttdr nnil provided i ami ml nu onlrr Im 1)tew duly tutored lu coui(, Inliny tliB IJlilliy ofUrinbrr nekl, ul tint court room iu tlio rity oi" Sin'inzlicld, in Hid ptlilio.i. All iulerrited tuny llien uml henj tfiaw ibty have, why Nuw, unirn von, (hti ioid njijienr on Ilm finl dny of ihe nril irrni of court, lu t)e hnlde.) nt I lie rouil-lmmc In (hu low uf CiniinvUlr, in county, nn lhc fnurtli Monr'n In munlli pf ScjiUiidirr, A. D. 1UU, tind and lliyri- demur, jdend or tint WIT to mid artiun mTorilinj( ruk-t nnd jirnrdrc uftmidcotir judgment will taken liy di fnult, Hiid luc.iuit will he In ihr with roil: M'KIM DUItOIS, Cl'k mid cour A.

CHK6NUT. nll'v for ul'll'. iinguti U. Iiu prn)tr of (be mid pvtiliun thould iiol IM-EIUU'. cil.

Uuitd tbli 16th July, A. U. UKO. T. M.

OAVlS, wl'r fur lift ict Court af (ht Hlotti, within and far tht Diitrict tif tllim a ilm mnlliir ol' Ibo oi" Jolin ul Mutliion enmity, b. bi-dirlartd nml to hu from (lik( JULIUS A. WIL l.AHO, of MmlUou counly, IIHI tiUU hi. prli- lion in Ihif courl, tu be duelareil Bmikrupl, and lu A. U'ilUrd itoiu bif ilebii, under in turli rate uinde nnd providid; mid DI order hm beeu duly tuteretl ia thit coyrt, liiK Ilia lit dwy of neil, (lie cuurl ruum in (he nty of Springlield, ll.ii Dir Uict.Mthii jilucn for Um hcBring of wiu titiua.

All pononi iuturcited iiray fhtn itnd t(mekr tuU ibow ctute, if my liny wliy th. pmyer of thftuM iicliliou ihaufd not bi trim led. Dated (hi. lliih day of Julr, A. 1) 1842 36 UKO.

T. M. DAVIS. far a K. M.mre, Henj'itmn NnUno, nml bitwifr, U(e Kmily Mwro.

ami Nrlm Kiinidinn of I), lire John Moore, rlilldrfii im.l Mimro, Hi'IMI Moorr. in ik-rraicil, und ti nl of Jui OU if HI nluniv mbe nnfirc tbtil lliu i will, mi (be dny of Ihcuixt mi tin CiicuilCnuvt of Slnlu Ilinnii, lo lie litlil tit hi the of f'uiliiiville, on tlto fourtli Mimduy in tlii- moat of September. IB I'J, it petition (o mud Cug in partition nml allolmcnt nfiloiver of, of, fullowtiiK real i-sime, the tntu juorler of (be iiorlb-wuil quartrr of IV in 10 witl, tl (iiinrli-rof it-rtinn 7, nml llu- cn.t bu I he ipmrti uf sirlimi 7, thr vt laUiiI (In- tow plnp Nn. 1 nrutli.of rnn of llie iliird cijul meridian, accovdiue brra rnu ran nllei if vtm (Mult in AKbTLlUSVJ inten i tin rhildreu nnd ut law, and Ibr of mid Jn-iic. Moore, when itcnd and ihotv cimtu (u ci THUSA.

ANN'l'ALMKU, hy htr hu SWHF.TSKR, by her ku.ltRi K.MKMNK (JAltltKR. by lir luubsnd, Iliaiil). Umber. NELSON, by her hu.banil, II AKKTHU3A A1OORK, widow of Ji Muurc.decciiifJ. NANCY MOORK.

J. M. PAl.MKK.miurney for Mtllloiicn. SW, HUi-US-41 C. HKILLB1AN, M.

U. (Of tht Washington AltJtcal Colligt, Jinltb TTAVINO retuuicd ihe Practkc of Medici il iBipectfoUy Unde lu thu riiuent ol All hi. Sri-vie lan iu vjrimir. OOke an iu vjrimir. OOke ilia Stor.

A. Cu, lUnkitiiou It Cc.) Juua 18, to bo the ardent and firm of Henry Clay, but who, fur (ha suite of retaining the paltry pittance (heir respective linve bsioly sacrificed their principles, and greed tu support Administration, ilic tnust dfcrepntnulo of any hns ever exis ted since tlio furmatjon of our Guverninont. thosi! persons ore, there will bo difficulty in diicerning. Mr. Tyler resolved to remove every Anil-Tyler nfiico-liold rr tn llio Stale.

Tliosa Uml aio leuincil, must lie cunsidcrcd by Ilia an liii faithful and lingo subjects Tho only barrier tlmt cnn bu interposed to this phrcnzicd spirit of proscription, It the rnnjnriiy in the Senate of iho United States Let them reject every nomination nnda by Mr. Tyler, unless tho victim lie seeks to pro scribe his been guilty uf somo dereliction. duty in his official conduct. Dy maintaining this course on part of tlio Senate, tht) country miy bo saved from being wild tho otFtcial of Jofm Tyler. ANOTHER TURN OF THE CRANK! St.

Lotiis scrip, lung tho par currenr.y tliia, anil tlio StQio of Missuuri, is fast. Cot lowing in Ilio "fonttttps nf its illustrious predecessors," (he State Ihnk ond Shawnee town Bunk. For the last ten its dcpre c.ntion in value has been rapid. It is now nt UO per cent, discount, and still on (he do cline. This is tho last victim that iho bro kers of St.

Louis can have to operate upon uulass tlmy can bring tlin Bant, uf Missou ri within tlio ntraUtrom of thoir operations. tho people will do now, wo have idea. Times, as a tnatter ot' cuurso, wil grow slill harder, and properly of all kind will depreciate still lower. Ono thing ii vc ry evident; thoro nro no two States tn lit Union, that oro more deserving of Imn limes, nnil iho enliro want of currency any kind among them, than Missouri nnd II limns. They have ad.ierod, almost alone, ii llio theory of ihal prince nf uemagogues Tom Uenion, gold and silver currency; tun we arc now being brought under its practi cal operations, as fnst as Uio most fnsiiiiiou of tho supporters uf tlmt doctrine could de siro.

No Lucofoco, therefore, can, wjiti Hi least degree of consistency or propriety, sa one word against the present deplorable slat of monetary matters in this Slate. It i what they have been contending lor fu yoarsi and (ho distress of the people is lli trophy of their victory. A year's more experience, under llio of feels uf (his splendid gold an silve currency will, wo think, open ih and i oltuck. 13ut this attack was nut intended to ope- to merely upon Gon. Fry, bin was men til reach Mr.

Cloud, tho Treasurer uf the I LJnard, who lias huen elected to tim Uuusc Representatives fruin Morgan county, und do has been spoken uf by his fricndd as a itablo person as Speaker to preside over Ho us llio next Thin clique ar tho election of Mr. Cloud, knowing him bo much too honost and correct tu unit eir purposes; lioncc, their covert nltack ion him. A short limo before iho Angiul edion, a similur nl tacit was ma do in thu rgistcr upun Mr. Clmnl and Gen. Fry, for 0 purpose, wo presume, of defeating Mr.

loud'u clique being willing 1 sec hitler Whig in prufcrencu i an honest Democrat whom they could not inulil to their purfi'iscs. But hero, (hey ere igain at fault, fur Nnwiun Clmid stands ft Car beyond the rrnch of this "ininerahle jnue," as they nru iViiin politiutil lioncsty nu honor. The Register occupies in ictnocratic ranks, which should orbid its being used by iliis clique to tits- (itiuco men of standing and reputation in ie Democratic parly, whose claims ser ico iu the pood cause until tim cheek has urrowed and tho hair cluingeii, from tho co- or yuuili the frutiincHH of aye, enlitUis brnrcr shuiild, at least, secure icin frum the inatignattcy ami vilcticss which haracterizes tho pahlicians ul" Ivat iu und ahum Springfield. We nre not on whom llio Register bestows its but wo da must Herimisly proiesi, a member of tho great Di'niocratiu family icd influence nnd its mnintenaiico by iicrc KiilVurauctt at the uf lliu Dumucra- ic party, being alluwcd to nttack unwaver- litMnucUvU fur llio. elovntiug hose whuso only recommendation that WE HAVE BEEN ASTONISHED, Thai Eastern dealers.

It) grain havo not urned their attention (o this point, moro mu tlipy hivo tieretofore done, for (ho taso of Wheat and Corn, or, in fact, any ind of produce. Ihal will.boar shipping. Vo can assort, fearless of contradiction, that iero is no point in tha Valley of the is- issippi, where as grenl ndvanlnges are com- ined in favor of tho Wheat purchaser as ol Tlio river is always navigable fur all lasses of bants that can reach St. roiglits can bo secured at as low rales here at that cnottgh can bo bought uwcr IIOTO to pay the commissions, nd iho country back of us, fur hundreds of tiles, is iho finest in tho Union. Any quantity of Wheat uf the best qunli- can be purchased here; and the facilities uur merchants aifl such, lUnl hey can purchase and ship Wheat at less ex- te than at any other point below us, on either stdo of tho Mississippi, It is, therefore, a matter of astonishment ml Eastern capitalists, desirous uf making nvcatmcnis in grain or other havo tut turned their attention to Altun.

It is rue, large nro daily piirchaseil for Weign account. Still, there is roiini fur more, without creating any rise, or unnecessary panic, among the sellers. Tho whole country back of 'tis, groaning under iroduclion of Wheat uf this year's growth; and lliosa who desire lu hnve Wheat placed oillier Now York, Huston, or Philadelphia, at a lest price than frum any oilier part uf the Valley of the Mississippi, had better Wward at unco to sumo one or uf oar attentive commission merchants. ILLINOIS NEW WHEAT. 5000 bushels Whcnt from (his State, worn antd in Now York on the 32il ultimo, at from 07 to 1U4 cents per bimhcl.

It was pur chased for the West Indies. Has maintained its firmness during Iho past week, at cents per bushel. Al Belleville they have been paying butUG cents'; onu 1 at St. Louis from 35 tu -ill, according to the kind of money payment. Tho do precialian of St.

Louis scrip, and the sing scarcity of specie, hnvo created a fall in the prico of Wheat, both at Si. Louis nnd Ik-llcvillo. INTERESTING FLOUR, In Now Orlcnn.s, at last dates, was ly dull at prr hatrcl. THE Since our last, has continued oppressively lint, with tlio exception of one duy. Tho lien I lli uf our city, however, untlur tho kind dispensations of Providence, has cunlinueil unusually good for llvts season of the your, lliero being little or no sickness'within the limits of the corporation.

Tho proprietor of this fl some unknown friend, for very phlcl of 00 pages, conlftinlhg 0 of" a new work, now In the cflliun by Mr. JAMES i-lny street, New Yo Life mid Speeches of HENRY Kentucky, delivered mainly House, of Picpresentativea of States, between the years 1310 an' elusive; including liis nale, nnd last Lexington revised and corrected; eibiiut work wan first of August last; and is ly, ot the rale 49 pages, handsotnely stitched It will contain of his most d.Btinguished frlondi grcsa; and be embellished Portrait of this eminent citizen' IMS birth-place, Hanover, VB (I his present rosiileitce, Ashtani), I graved on steel, by occompHuh Tho publication is rccommQntlei eral Cumrriittco of Democroiic MOD of iho City and Coun as "a coinplelc, cord of the eloquent productions i Orator and Suiosmnn" of the IDJ, not bo otherwise than accepiiik his niimcruus.friends iliroughoiit tho ul will ho completed in twentynumVe SMI whole making iwo largo volumes of gcs rccipionttr iho numljei der consideration will be gratified loV si'dered a subscriber for the entire wofl ill gladly aitl in extending its in tins part uf the country, "WESTERN EPISCOPAL Wo arc much gratified to percew, I ilic publication of this valuable 4 was suspended somo weeks, I resumed by Mr. AHNOE.D BUFFUM, I clvangod ii from a weekly, in a journal, and reduced iho price of ihnnV I scriplion to One Djllar per annum, I in advanco. The Oiseroer will bocondocted by its funnor pious and Editor, the RBV. CIIAUKCEV; nnd being Iho only periodical in Valley, designod to sol forth and peculiar doctrines and discipline ol copal Church, it should be in the every Western member of that white iho trvily GUrisimn liborality presides over its columns will mika, unwelcomo in any religious scriptions will bu received 0.1 whero a number of the paper may boieui I ANOTHER NEW PAPER.

Wo have received a number of ern Statesman weekly hey nto bruwling tlc iticnl adventurers, wil anil inero ing and ready to djs- eyes uf (hose who hnvo beon deluded and Ie astray by the artful and designing leaders ihoir pirty. Tho recollections of the pros perity that flowed, in upon them, during th existence uf tho United Stales Bank, arouse them to a sense of their duly; an thu inevitable result will provu that, al il expiration of another twelve inonlh, tlio pop ular cry will bo as great in favor of a Unite States Bunk, as, for the last ten years, ii ha been agninsl it. This change has alccad commenced, anil is palpably visible lo all wh possess tho least discernment. The loss to tho laboring classes of St.i Louis, by the depreciation uf ihoir must bo immense. It is, however, tim vva.

gcsof llielr own sin. They contributed, in a great degree, to give the Locofucos tho ascen- dency in ilio Cay Councils; and no sooner arc llie lullcr fairly clothed with power, tlmn ilm currency of their own city commences a rapid declension in vuluo. Had ilia Whigs dunu their duly in St. Louis, they would havo relumed llie awcnitaiicy in their municipal regulation! 5 and then, ibis scrip wuulil have maintained ila par value, and, tu some ex- lent, l.ttve relieved tlio people, by fnrnisjjing i hem a local currency which wuuld have answered their ends fur all domestic purposes, should nut bo al all seo (his paper lower than ihul uf either uf our limits. Tu the citizens of Illinois, thoro is but one plan of safety; and (hat is, to discard it from circulation among themselves altogether.

HENRY CLAY. Il is now generally understood that this "FAVOItlTE OF TUB WEST" Will visit St. Louis during this foil. In that Cily ar rangemenis are being made to extend to hi BUKQLARY. The Fust-office in (his city was entered, on the evening of iho 7lh hy some unknown rogues, nntl robbed of wlml loose chango lliey could find; amounting to between eighty and a hundred dollars in spe- cto, is supposed Itie entrance was of' fee led through one of the buck windows.

Madison Circuit Court ens ils fall session a week from Mo tiny next. Thero are six persons in close confinement upun criminn! charges. nro authorized by hts Honor, Judge BUEESE, tu say, that in accordance willi ihe whites of llio members of the bar uf thia county, the Tittito WEEK of tho npproa- ling term of the Madison Circuit Court will devoled exclusively to the disposition of Chancery causes. This prove a- recuble information to suitors, as well as lu te members of the bar. Tito Chancery lias grown unusually large, inconsequence tlio increase during llie last two years of 10 common law causes; and by adopting iis course tho Judgo ulfords lo suitors in jlmnccry an opportunity to bo heard, which, iiler other circumstances, they would nut blain fur months, if for years.

practical attain and practical dulioi of lift, 1 recently commenced in Cincinnati, Ohio. Il I is printed by Mr. BUFFUM, mil dueled and published by DANIEL tU Esq. tho author of a valuable work on icu I Economy. Tlie nuinber before ui the improsa of a vigorous and pr and, judging from (he ability willi the Editor Imnillcs tho various sutijoctf t( I whiuh he treats, as well as from ilia itatj.

I uients avowed in the Prospectus, we iho Si'ties man will not belie its tide. lib I neatly printed on smfcll. but wcll-filW I without any ndvorlisemenls, it Ilia I rato of 12J cents per month, payableffloa.1.-1 ly or in advance. uf llicii litilo supcTlicinl in I PIUS, fur the largest Hum in dollars and tcnu. Thin course DIVA burnt tuu Umg pit by the Keg is 1 or, and if wu do noi much mistake iho tug politico! tlio Democratic par who linvo tiubniitted, until "uuhinissKii nav ceimn! to be a virlun," nro determined lu put an mid lo the paltry clique that nrro- 5010 to thoinselves, through llie columns of he State Register, right dictate to the Democracy uf (he State.

writer in the last Advocate, a Lncufipcopnpcr, gives Mr. iho Auditor, a pretty severe rapping over tho knuckles, fur hii llritish edict tu llie to obuy his instead of tho laws of tho land, in collecting the taxes fur IB-t'J. John A. McClernnud, of Uallatin county, is a prominent candidate fur Uia U. j.

Scnutu. Wo hupo llio Suuih will nut Inno divided (is to throw iho uf puwer in iho hands uf the North. Tho South it) entitled to thu Senator; but sho can not ex peel tu gm him, unlusa i in tlto in tho trouth, gu loSpriiigfltild with unaniin- ily and cuncorl uf action. nUontiun of those ulllictcd wjili CurtiM, ia invited tu tlio notice uf Dr, BAR- INDS, which may befuundjn another column- His rccominendationt aro at the first ordur; and such as Irava been operated upun by him bear the highest testimony to his skill. such a welcome aa his long tried services and distjnyuUhed ((landing among tha Ama rican people entitle him to.

Tlio object in thus early alluding to tliis mailer is, to call the attention uf ihe Whigs uf this cuutuy and section uf iho country tu tho propriety of taking early steps tu invite lo visit Alton at the same time ho viailnSt, UmU. We stand il will lie uut of his power to visit al this lime any the inland towns; and knowing Iho anxiel) that exists in tho oilier counties contiguous lu Madison lu sen him, wo proposu that ar ringi'iimnls be made in behalf uf all lliosi counties that are willing to join with us, It invite Mr. Clay tu meet them at Altun. Thi; place svuu.J bo mure cujwtn.ici.i tlmt. any ihor that it wuuld be in his power to viaii a tliia limo, and would ba as central fur th surruundiug country ttsony (hat could, bo so Icctcd.

We hope uur friunds will tnovu a on co in ibis matter, and (five Mr. Cloy sue a welcomu as nu other distinguished status man of uur country has ever received in I linuia. i folio wing is tlio vote on lot Tariff bill, in (ho.Uuutteuf IleprcHfliilativcs Whiga Loco locos 10 Locofoeos 34 Whigs 3 Tyler inea 3 Tyler me FINE GRATES. Tu llio attention uf our respected friend townsman, B. E.

VIALL, Esq. we are nibbled for somo excellent Tuhlo Grape, he product uf his Vineyard, in this neigh- lurhoud. Tliey arc of the Isabella and awba species, very largo, pcrfucl, and uf un flavor. Thoso fund uf this ions fruitt may obtain it on reasonable erms, at 5Iedsrs. Wlnpplo store, Sccontl-sirect, where a constant supply will be kept on hand during llio season.

LARGE Wo were presented this week with a specimen of fine fruit, from the farm uf Mujor cargo W. Long, which equalled any wo IQVO ever seen in tho uld States, where fruit supposed to Imve tcan brought to jiorfcc- ion. Tho Apples weighed from a pound tu one pound seven ounces each, and were of denomination catted Pippins. Frum llie various specimens that havo beon presented .0 us tliis season, wo have no hesitation in naying that ihero is moro fine fruit in tlio vicinity of Alton, limn any other place in the Western connUy, Q3-Wearo indebted to the Hon. R.M.I Young, of (ho Senate, and tho Hon.

Joitph I Ridgway, of tho House of RepresenUlitti, I for several papers and public document" rf value. friends of John C. Calhotm M-1 rt that ho will run for Presidenl, hu obtains Ibo nomination of a Convention or not. Go it, John 1 tho way "HARRY OF THE WEST" distance you, will be "a caution." LOOK OUT (T Thcro are altered bills of the St. scrip in circulation, Tho papers tiny tliitl the denomination altered are put- iiigcil lo fives.

Wjlcy, who acted as Ihfl ney uf the Bank robbers, convicted uf receiving Iho money iluWi knowing it tuba such, lias been new trial by the Supreme Court of York, and is now in jail a waiting bit tenco, which will be passed upon course of this month. OirThc Senate of the State of New has passed an Apportionment bill, blu in its nature that it received thft 11 inous voto of that body. It hm boon i tho House of Rep res en tall via, of the Locofoco demagogues have upon it, Tha genera) impression, is, that il will rcaeivo vutes enough its passage through the House. SHAWNEETOWN PAPER, In St. Louis, during the week, has sold fur US cents in specie, and Smla ftmk paper at 35 Ttio great scarcity of sjvo- cie at prcjcnl in St.

Louis, will havo a dency lu deprccinto llie paper of both Banks still lower. Iloth institutions havo valuable and desirublu real ostato, that they will dispose uf at fair prices fur (heir own paper. Persons desirous uf purchasing, never will have as good an opportunity as the present in leceiviny iual eMalo at very low rulca. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. ELECTIONS, On tho 33d ult.

the Senate, ai in toe of the whole, proceeded lo ihe conn' aiiuu of thu bill from the House to elections, and proscribe llvo mode of i testimony in cases of contest. An i nt ing dJHcusuJnn ensued, which WBI NOTES OF THE DANK OF ENGLAND, Of tho denDininaliuu uf £10 and jCiO, ore already in circulation in Cincinnati, Louisville, and Nuvv Orleans. Is this tho that Turn Denlon promised should flow up the Mississippi river, if ihe Banking insiitu lions of oor own count ry could be destiovei until the closa of ihu next day; rosic, itid reported Ihe bill with an amendment, the object tu legalize the elections which been hold this year in those Stales general ticket system prevails, eudment was agrOfld toby the 1 which Iho bill as amended- wns rwfl" 1B to tho committee on lite On tlio S4lli ult. Mr- ij' to the Uuiwo a joint Ihe President of tho Senate, and I of the lluuse (o adjourn the bram which thoy respectively preside, on of the same munib. 'i'he reiolulion greed to, and aent tip to the it was read, and ordered lo lie for the preseat..

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