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Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado • Page 7

Greeley, Colorado
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TUB GREELEY DAILY TRIBUNE, GREELEY, COLORADO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified Rates ay words to Uc Mr Cor 1 for I Cor i i ad iMlnat, m.a.mum discount Crom abova if. paid dajri oC lait $110 UM for nth CLASSIFIED DISPLJJ.T 7o column Inch ta (minimum I inch) We column" Inch Cor 10 within I nontbi. i(fe column Inch for SCO Inchea to utr.d i i IX mantha Report.trrur*-at once. The Trio- will makt no Cor a Inaertloa ot any advertisement. Phone'5 Mais help m'ust S.B.8.

oxrepi. to work on 21 TWO light rooms- Seated, Yof water." Park Place Fnone 11, 1611. RttJ SALE--24t A. Irrigated farm. 70 A.

pasture. Electricity, good do? mestle well, good Irrigation 1 rights 112,000. R. P. Strayer, FOn'BALE--ICO A.

farm; 60 B. can be Irrigated. Under Fierce Lateral. Soft well. miles a and Price 12700.

tad jii Brown, pigskin glove. -Be ward. Ph. 1301J. 303 Sth St.

LOST gold wrist watch, Sunday Keepsake. Re- vrnrd. 1228 4th SU LOST Girl's yellow gQld ova wrist watch. Flcoje -notlly Mary Ellen floors, snyder Hall. TJOST CAR keys with'No.

6233 on line. Pl. 2551W or leave at Yellow cnu office. LOST--Gold identification bracelet with Initial MJS. Finder return to (30 13th St.

Apt. 6. or Phone SflM for reward. LOST from truck between Ureeley Oct. 10, double laundry tuus and hooded wicker baby bas -kef.

Reward. Notify Tribune. LOST- Lady's pink a lei at Sth Ave. Bareway day reward. High ly valued Return to Tribune.

Announcements IP TOU have any old or cast ot notify- Salvation Army They can make good use of It. Professional Service' 8 BATHS Steam, Sulphur, Electric Colonies'. Enema, Hydro Therapy Greeley Turkish Ph. Z20I Cbmo In. Get well and stay we! Help Wanted IUVATE party will pay caah for small, houn or-will trade '41 Packard Sedan.

Phone 1533M. perioaal 'attention to sales, tradei, listings. Prank B. Davis Agency. B.

p. Hiring, Bales- man. 10th Bl. Ph. RANTED to buy--A good business, up to Cash.

Give details. 318 E. 1st Sa- llda, Colo: FOR BALK--How this sound to you tor a-fellow to sell off over Five 'Thousand Dollars worth of lainhs a.nd wool this year orrly hav- Inff four and quarter sections ol grassland: I nave two such' good, with the sheep on thorn arid you welt. $9000. Reml Estate 23 FOR SALE When you -gel thru with your work and have the time will gladly show you some real bargains In Irrigated farms I have 'sorhe stocked and equipped cattle ranches, priced right and good terms, noy O.

Elam, 2 7th Ave. Ph. Oreeley 35SW. Miscellaneous 27 MADE to order atorm combination dyora, cabinets, -farm rna- china partk. Ward A.Slv«m Pinning MtW.

IOL Ith St rig 15( tit CARL MOORE REALTOR JIM SHAW 1 30Z Large- income on 7th street. Haa been completely redecorated. I42BO.OO. Duplex South. College, Income-- 160.00 month Is in first 'class condition.

J4200. 240 Acres under Eaton Ditch, t. irrigation wells; good improvements. This farm is a real producer. for 1945..

to. Acres' near acres farm land, balance good Irrigation FOR SALE--2 larec younir does, set ot carpenter books, i jare. bed pan, rope pulleys. 927U 6th St. House In I've hunted for them.

"Where did you get It? Howard's- Store'at LaEalle nearly everything. can purchase a going concern-at a reasonable price not much down arid balance good terms. Hoy O. Elam, 1E42 1th Phone 356VT, Greeley. Ben A.

Armitage, Laadi, City Property, toana. Business Opportunities, Sales, Trades, Farm Management I hare tome good bays la Farms and Ranches at this time. 'J Ben A. Armitage, Realtor 8th WOMAN to do press work. Sanltar Laundry.

WANTED vWaltresB at Whit Horse Garden City. WANTED Waitress, experlenc hot necessary. Snappy Lunch. WANTED--Topners for II acres, beets. Phone 06GJ1.

DISHWASHER wanted. Morrison's Steak House. WAITRESSES wanted No eiper- lencs necessary. Valley Cafe. 'WANTED--Man to cars.

See lIcMllleu, Edwards Chevrolet. WAITED Toppers for acres, i ml Greeley. Ph. 057RJ. man, year, round farm Job.

BUI Kaveny, 1 ml. -1 wist Eaton. Someone to care for elderly gentleman In their home. Phone iSIOJ. 11.

WANTED--Married, man year.rounl It farm Job. Arnold Dalton. 3 ml. No. E.

of Eaton. Ph. Ault IOSU1. and women to work on sorter In warehouse. Ph.

7 or come (17 Sth St. Martin Produce. WANTED--Girl or woman-to assist with housework-and care of cnil- Good salary. Ph. Wheeler Realty Co.

IK Ninth St. Office Ph. 1077 Home Ph. 1930W 1207 4th St. 5 room house, all modern except heat, harfi wood Automatic hot water heater, oil circulatlonE beater house.

'Immediate possession. Price. 611.12th' Aye. 6'room house, til modern. Price J4000.

1117 Are. Income prop- snitaDle for apartments, Immediate possession. Price MOOO. Only I blocks from business district. '1615 Income property, 10 rooms In good condition.

Price $5500." 87 acres; 1 mile west of Well improved, city, water, all modern 6 room bunglow. Price J14.000. 70 acres, Kersey district, Latham water, good buildings, Price terms. WANTED--Woman or girl for A era! housework, small house no children. Ph.

sirs. Arthur KlhiT. and 16(113, WANTED--Housekeeper. 8:30 to Sundays per week with board. Dill and Eleanor's Barber and Beauty Shop, Eaton, Ph.

Eaton 15. Telephone operator and inv formation required for war essential local facility. Good pay; meals. Will train, if not experienced. Apply in person at business, office.

Weld Co. Hospital between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. References re-. quired.

Education-Instruction 12 ACCOUNIINO: traffic: law: stenotypy: business bookkeeping-. Write to Extension University. SZ7 1st Nat'l Bank BidsTv Denver, Colo. Wanted 13 LACT will keep 'house for man. Write P.

O. Box 1BOS, Qreeley. PAINTING ana paper' hanging-' 8. E. Harrell.

Phone CARPENTER and h'rlcV work. Plain a STSNO-OFFICE 'worker would like part work. Write Tribune Box J-3' Cor mutual arrangement. Jake care of or two bt les home. MM.

C. A. Mulllns St. Wanted -To Rent 14 WANTBD 4 or I room Fink, TO RENT. An iiniur tilshcd house.

Ph. 1781H. Furn. for 3. ent resident P.O.' Box 326.

Unfur. upt. or house 'ior 3 adults: Permanent. Rets. fur.

Ph. 1155. For Rent--Houses 15 TOK RENT-- Small 4-room C01 2Srd Ave. "FOR RENT--Furn'shed room mod' ern home, adults. 1934 9th St.

for- Rent--Apartments 17 FOR RENT--2 rm. upt. Adults. 1117 7th Ave. room and kitchenette.

Ird floor. IMC Sth Are. -FURNISHED I room saodern apt. Paramount Motel. 2111 Ith Ave.

For Rent--ROOM 18 for rent-- 1 blks from s. til llth St. A linens, maid Rens. montn rats. Catnfleld HotH.

KICK FRONT bed room for 1201 10th Ave. r.n(. TOR RENT--Single i i room. cently plastered, painted. New rue.

Can furnish. Elderly woman preferred. llth SI Exclusive Listings 3 Rm and bath, Kange, hen houaB, all In good shape, well located paved street, east Cree'ley" 9 Rm. modern, full, tasemeent, located west Greeley. Hm.

modern, finished base-, meat' room, near Arlington achool. Rm. modem clou to bnslne'u section, schools and charcbes. 5 Rm. modern with Rm.

apartment, -1 car garage, near Arlington school. Rm. modern, located near College and junior High. IOC A. on Hudson cut-off.

Good Improvements, soft water well. J1BOO.M-. 80 Acres unlmnroYed, 10 acres In alfalfa, one share of Latham, 2 shares of Union. mile of Brans. O.

F. StoffrejM, Phone 88--880J C. L. HACKLEY' REALTOR lOtb. St.

Pll.81, Ranches.arid.Farms for Svery Prospective Buyer 320 acres on' liighway, 2 ml. from. Wleglns, 220 a- tinder Irrigation and cultivation, 1209 Irrigation well. Improved 60 A. In alfalfa, ICO a.

-were In bee ta, potatoes, beans and corn this Price $20,000. Requires $7,000 cash, balance terras. 160 or 310 acrew north oC Wig-' (Ins, 2 seti ot improvements, under- irrigation and clutlvatlon. Will take good house In Greeley in trade and" carry balance at int. for 6 Have several good ranches for sale many with additional leased land 1700 a.

on Crow Creek 1 no. ot Hereford with sec. leased. 1575 a. on Creek So.

of leased. 800 a. No. of Driggsdale, 660 a. Ifiased.

2350 a. of 640 a. Crow Creek 12 ml. NoX of Brlggsdale, 100 cow permit 1200 a. East of C.rcetey, HOO leased.

4000' a. East of Greeley, cuti! 360 ton 4200. a. 12 Mr. SouUiwe'st Ft.

Morgan, sec. leased. 8,000 a. So. of Laramle, 2460 leased, 1000 a.

hay. 4200 Northwest Ft. Collins, 3800 a. leased, 400 cow permit. 800 a.

North of HudBon. 760 a. Ea3t of Hudson. 25 Mi. Northeast of Craig, Colo.

900 25 Ml. Northwest of Ft. Collins, cuts 300 ton hay, 250 cow permit. 2600 -15 Ml. West of Livermore, 1000.

a. leased, 185 head permit. Many others 'that will make you money now and in the yearm to come. C. L.

HACKLEY REALTOR 70i i igtfeSt-: Ph. 52. 2923J FOR SALE 4 'dox. lunchroom chairs; 10 tables. All oak and spring steol- construction.

Large Towne Ice uox, SxlxTVl ft. Good condition. Ph: 2S9J or H10 So. 8th Ave, FOR SALE--Farm eiulpTrtent. '30 head dairy Block.

Row crop trac- Possession of farm till first ot year. n. P. Strayer, Plattevllle Rt. S.

we Poultry 36 For Big Egg Crop will pay you to feed a real lay mash. Feed Meyer's Breeder Mash for production. Granite Grit ReuiedtcB MEYER BROS. HATCHERY 719 7th St. Ph.

1826W FOR 'BALE Sand, gravel Phone Berhh'ardt Sand and GTS.V- "el. Pit loc-rUed on 1 -east Ifith SL road, 1 mile iGrecley. WHERE can I buy a fire burner oil stove, cow. bell, a nice, suit of clothes. ami uh-uti-bullet mold? Howard's Store at LaSalle.

I betcha he's "MISTER, I'll coma 'back to your etore when I have something else to'eell," Raid.a railroader that sold us his radio. We. buy radios, sweepers, anything electrical'. Typewriters, musical things, cameras, toys. SUGGEST Cull Your Flocki.Now! Feed for Production Now! Peek or Man-A-Mur for results GOLD FISH CANARIES- Pet Supplies Frank's Seed and Hatchery 709 10th SU Phone 162 Fruits and 38 TOMATOES jl.OO bu.

mile east nl 1st Ave on 18th St. No sldo road. FOIl SALE--Apples: Delicious, Jonathan. Rome Den. mi.

W. uscar S. Tindell. Ph. Loveland 770JS.

Household Goods, Furn. 39 COAI, WATER hemer for sale. 1(30 i A UK 9lh Ave. M.E.HAGAN REALTOR Marvin C. rnnk L.

W. Rei.Pb.lWS-W 761 1 8 rm. mod. Lot 80x190. 2 calci- en houses, Garaga, (4504, 1 BLK.

OF COLLBGJ? Large rm. heat. 1827 lith; AVE. 8 raj brick with; 1 rm. -basement apt 3 Steam heat A good home and income.

ttS Uth ST. rm. mod, bum- Finished basement. 2 car. ffiLraffe.

fa A-l 'cbnd. Immed.fpoH.- rm. brick. Gu hot water heat, 3 apts. -living? quarters.

1S19 I6th AVE. rm. bung. 1 fnV finished In bi JJNM'EH'E 8- rm. brick.

Is one ot the hest $18,000. EATOK 5 rm. mod. Good location, J3250. 30 ACRES ml.

E. at Berthoud. 7 rm. nod. except heat.

2 large chicken houses, cow barn and silo. City- water. ACRES I mL from Greeley. '6 rm. nod.

bung. Grade A milk'ham. chicken house. Good ion and water. ISO ACRES East of Galetln.

All Irrlg. Fair, top. tll.WO. i I ACRES Booth of Kertejr. A good pro- farm.

(ISO. A. in.eoo. BUYS' A. good soli.

ONfllrle water and" good Irrlt. welt Imp. 2t in Oreeley sen-all lines'of Ins. ttk It Ft. 7W rs, opis, illamomls, jewelry.

ome. Open evenings. topis, Vlsitoiw The Harco Store. 708 Jth Bt. FOR SALE USED CLOTHING Qlrl'a tan, all-wool suit, elzo 16.

Lady's black, all-wool, winter coat, fur collar, lze 36. all-wool topcoat, size 35. Man's brown, heavy, all- wool overcoat, size 37. Ph. 1876W.

1S47 12th Ave. FOR SALE--Estate hentcr, practically new. Pli. 9th St. j'OH SALE--Chambers range, rood cond.

Well Insulated. Ph, 1135W FOR SALE--Latent model Cooler- ator In excellent cond. Ph. 1014TV Washing Machines 2H GUARANTEED washer repairs. Low rate.

Free estimate. Ph. 496W. VClsa- ler Maytaa- ShopJ 7th St. MAYTAQ aervlce, repairs, parts.

Benjamin AlaytJtE Lftundry. 619 Sth'Ave. Phone- J71J. Roofing INSULATE NOW--Conservs heat winter and keep cool In Bummer. Flra proof, Gamti ASPHALT iJHINGLKr-Rolled roofing "anfl brick aiding 1 Guaranteed 17 years.

do complete Joba, labor and 'material, Gambles. COMPLETE stock roofing and Insulating materials. Get our prlcee before you Expert application If you desire. Aleo i and Insulating- Co. llth Ave.

rh. 1044 day 'or night. Sewing Machines-Vacuums 29 HOOVER cleaner service. Herlng- Repp, Ph. 460.

WANTED--Singer or While 1531 7th Ave. FOp SAL1S--fled nialtrcsa, Bprli.g. and radio. Ph. 213SM.

HOLLYWOOD beds JuBt arrived. i and full iEze. See thesa at Camblea. Autos. Uaed qars, Trucks 42 LUANS In purchase cars, pint In- dualrlal Bank Ph.

'II FOR SAL.E--1910 Chev. truck, good condlllon. Kew beet bed. I'h. OC3R11 This Funny World Auto Service and Supplies 43 BODY, tender work EiinrnnteeJ.

Wheel alignment, welding, llelle- i Motor 817 7 St. FOR SALE--Truck tire 82.6x20. One stock, rack for L.W.D. truck, larg-e I circulator 602 23rd Ave. TRUCK and tractor lire repairing and recapptna; Uuekcr's Super Service.

BATTERY INSPECTION FREE at Wards. Recharge only 50c including 3-day rental. Drive to Wards today, Local Buyers Pay To Fanner (Corrected to Spring Wheat Hard Winter Wheat Komar Wheat Barley i(Bushel Prices) Oats Barley Beans, 1943 crop FOR SALE--Round oak range, hot water Also large clrciriallnfr heater. Tom McDonald, Kersey. IF YOU need duoioldi, beds, tables, chairs, and stovea atop at 711 9th St.

west of depot Lewis. WE BUY and sell new and fur- i and appliances. Hamilton Appliance 709 Sth Ave. Ph. Sxl! KITCHENS Installed now Tvlth Inlaid linoleum $21.05, your selection.

Macpherson's, 812 Sth Ave. WE nUY and seH new and used niture, stoves, ruKs. etc. Peterson, 711 10th St. Phone 387.

ilATTRESSKS renovated and re- i new and used i for sale. Proclor Mattress Store. 71 22nd St. Ph. 353.

FOR SALE--Living room suite, bedroom suite complete, drop leaf table, occasional chair, end sewing machine, misc. Items. 1016 15th St. Phone 936J. DINING room suite, whlto enamel coal nlnee, several Inexpensive sprinea and mattresses, clr- culatlntr heater, gas rimge, porcelain top kitchen table, new kitchen pattern linoleum.

Hamilton Appliance Co. 70S 8th' Ave. Ph. SOJ. VAGOUM parts, "j-epalrlnsr and 10th SL Phone 12J1J VACUUM SWEEPER service, Guaranteed specialised service since U4 9th MusITs.

Ph. 71W BosincM Service 30 SAWS filed by machine. F. C. Mann.

I2S 7th St. Basinetta Opportunities 24 FOR little buiineas. In QreeleT. Orlll. MONHT to loam oa real estate.

Albert 8. Kersi- 1st Nat'l Bank Bine, FARM LOANS--II years, Gree- 4ey National Farm Tjoan Acs'n, Russell Rojrer, Sec, BM Sth St. Money To I AM 25 2 US for money to -purchase- a car or trurk, lowest rates In flree- first Industrial Bank. DO TOU need 7pu will be pleased with our' personal i loan terms and-rates. Greeley National Bank.

A electric me tor worVs. lOrtln and.Wynn. 11814 9th 8t Ph. 71s. QREELKY Curtain Cleaneri.

No pin marks. TOt Sth Ave. Ph. Ash Banters 32 PHONE Barlow 152 or 772. Asn ha'vllng and crease traps.

ASH HAULING-and traps cleaned. Earl Pb. 1G01K. SEPTIC TANKS pumped, hauled. Abbott.

Ph. 1125R. Machinery 33 sea J. 8. Cable, 200 Qreeley 'OK Cabinet grand piano, rood cond.

Rascoe Miller, Kersey. WANTED to buy An electric Ha wallln prultar. Write P. O. Box 263, Loveland, Colo, VE HAVE several nice appearing upright pianos.

Also one beautiful MILKERS--Fnlsator, Vacuum Tank, Pipe Line Type. One, Two or Three unit. Each teat enp Independently. 25 A whlcji pay off in annual pay- meat, also standard year loana. Prepayment ASA T.

JONES. JB. 710 Tenth Sfreet Miscellaneous' 27 Foil SALE--1937 Indian niotor- Excellent. 2126 1th'Are. TOH BALE--Dressed rabbits.

Ib. 1SI2 Sth Ave. Ph. ISSSSf. FOB.

SALE--1! 1830 2nd St. acres hean straw. COLLAPSIBLE baby bouse AUTO and truck glass 'installed. Hoffat 61S. Sth at.

WANTED--To buy office safe. P. 0. Box Cheyenne, Wyo, RAWLEIGH products for sale. 1113 7th St.

1722W. WKl FARM PLANT Batteries IS-cell, 32-voIt. Heavy duty. Guaranteed 10 yean, IH5.S6 exchange. Gambles.

T-20 International Tractor Large Size Alfalfa Special Bear Cat Hammermil! New Saddle) Jacka Hydraulic 'Jack! Weed Burners Guns Radiator Alcohol, Schierman Trading Post End IRh ATS. Ph. 26H Livestock WANTED--Stock field for or St. "WANTED horses, In. Ph.

17S7H. with thermo- 'and all controls, available now. 1 Gambles, i PARTS for all makes of and furnaces. Hamilton Appliance. 709 Sth Ave.

-Phone (03. FOR SALE Guernsey cow, fr soon. Ph. I01W. SELL your old horses direct to the fox farm fox feed.

Pb. 1II7J. TREEtH 'and springer milk cows. TB A. Keltner FLOOR sander window, auto Paint Glos for rent, lass.

Weld County WE BUY, sell or trade cameras and other photographic equip. Wilson Wilton. 1513 Sth Pfione 74. WANTED--Good used office dejk, chair, filing cabinet and a trunk. 'Phone.

152SW, WE PAY top prices for used typewriters. (General Typewriter Sup. ply Co. Ph. C-10 milk cans.

New washing vat "for milk cans. Oscar Salberg, Ault. Phone 119IU. WANTED--Clean cotton and woolen rags." Must be free from all buttons, hooki and eyes. Qreeley Trlb- POR SALE-- 1 well rigs and tools at Greeley.

Oliver Shaw. 7(11 North Portsmouth Ave. Portland, Ore, MT GOODNESS! Tou don't make mueh money selling; at such low prices, do your 1 asked A a farm lady. Sweepers, radios, musical Instruments, toys, jewelry, Iron cords, bob pins, floor, table and bridge lamps, car radios, and hundreds of other 171MB1. 1 a Flash ''lights, knlvea, zipper bill folds, upen nines.

Visitors welcome, The Harco Store, 711 Ith M. FOR 10 head white face steer calves. to be mad between now-and 10th' of Nov. It miles Orchard. F.

Tocam, PASTURB FOR SALE--10 a. alfalfa new 65 SL old alfalfa; 27 beet tops. Rar.nond Brammeler I1J I Lupton. Ph. 57R.

WANTED--We pay for dead horses cattle and sheep. Highest prices paid for hides and pelts. Qreeley Plant, Free pbone FOR.SALE--Some-one year breed Ing ewes at a real bargain. Also some two and three year old breed- Ing ewes, aoy O. Elam, 1641 7th Oreeley JB6W.

Poultry 36 SAM PMIS8 wants your poultry Will call. 407 Sth Et Ph. 1511. WANTED pallets ready to lay. Ph evenings or Saturday, HIGHEST prices paid for poultry KS 10th St.

Phone 2954 W. Zuhn SCHAFFErt wanta your poultry Schaffer Poultry House, 102S lit: Phoae OUL.TRT feeds, squlpment. Salsbury's remedies. Kocky Moua HltUlMry. TOT Ttk Pb, USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Chest of Drawers 13.95 Solid Panel Metal Bed, full size 9.S5 Tuttless Crib Mattress, 28x52 Walnut Buffet Circulator Remnants of Linoleum, bring your 7.9 Ph.

Z700 811 Sth St. Musical Instrumenta 40 righ all Greeley Markets Pay To The Grower (Corrected to Oct. 27) Butterfat in trade White eggs, 68 Ibb. and Mixed etrffs, 56 Ibs. and over-40c Current receipts.

54 Ibs. and over Colored hens, 4 Ibs. and hends, Ibs. Colored fries Young 'stags -Leghorn tries IbB. to -S7c 80 Greeley Feed Prices Selling (Corrected to Oct.

27) Whole' Barley Barley Chop Rolled Barley Screenings -Corn Chop Whole Corn Standard Bran Mill run Bran Stock -Whole Oats Rolled OaU' -Oat Chop (Net prlcei) DENVER-POTATO MARKET U. S. potato for Thursday 817; Colorado on track at Denver Friday 3 care: auppllcs liberal; demand slow: market steady. Wholesale market: 1M Hacks Colorado U. S.

No. 1 size A round whiten to 2.60: Triumphs S.SO to 2.15; Red McClures 2.85 to 3: rUsset Burbanks 2.90 to 2: red son" russet Burbanke 3 to 3.10. Carlot sales II- S. No. 1 slse Colorado red McClures 1 car 2.60; Idaho russet Burbanks I car 2.85.

A house burned down, I lout an my tenants, my wife bu disppwe and yon it Undm throws me my game." Public Forum ROOSEVELT To tire Tribune: Does Roosevelt know now any better (lion he did when: He said Hoover was bankrupting the nation (flS billion). Ho ran that to about $60 billion before the rar. He said he would prims the bust- ness pump with a third of a billion and put the nation on Us feet. He spent a hundred times that and business small 'bungalow piano. All In perfect condition.

Hill's Muste Store, Oppnslta sterling Theatre. REE A beautiful Hawaiian or Spanish Guitar with COUTM of les- nons. Also violin FOP, SALE-- flat alto- sal, 10 bass "accordion, electric Spanish guitar, violins, guitars, strings and all type of lesson music. Werner Music Shoppc. 1611 Sth SL Autos, Used Cars, Trucks 42 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet L.W.B.

truck, new motor, tires, transmission. (02 JJrt! Ave. Ph. 018R1. kW.B.

Chev. truck, nood tires and box. Will sell or (or Ute model Oil No. II Paramount Motel. CAB BARGAINS 1941 Packira 4 door 1)39 Hudson 1 door 1341 Ford 4 door 1939 Packard door Plymouth 4 door 13(1 Packard Clipper 1939 Gruham 4 door 1935 DodRTe 4 door 1914 Chev.

4 door Cher. door 1932 Cliev. Coupe 1934 1930 Model A Truck and Cs.r Radios Heath Motor Co. N. llth Ave.

Catlle: Salable 800; total 1.100; calves salable and total 200; active, steady; load choice 890 steers IS.2S; common to good cows to 10.50; few good lots 1 to 11.50; few common graasers to 9: canners and cutter cows 5 0 7.50; common to medium bulla .50 to strictly good heavy calves 1 to 11.50; common to good stocker nd feeder steers 9 to 11.25; flEshy in loads 13.10. Hogs: Salable 500, total Z.BOO; ac- Ive, steady; complete clearance; to choice 160 to 240 barrows Ellis H.75; heavy velslits and most sows 14. Sheep; Salable 6,500, tola! iErly pales steady; good to chotce rucked fat Iambs 14 to 14.55: sev- lots 14.40; trucked slauRhter ewes 3.SO to 5-35: good to choice kinds selling at 5. to fi.25; 2 loads medium light weight feeding lambs TO SERVE YOU For your transportation needs, see your Cheyrolet dealer. "THB HOME OF THB GUAB- ANTBE THAT COUNTS." EDWARDS CHEVROLET CO.

721 10th Street Highest Prices Paid for Clean Used Cars Phone 141. Appraiser Will Garnsey Wheeler 711 lltti St DM Cu- Deft CASH for.your car Ptohipt 'Just Phone 32 and our rep- will call at your home. Weld County Garage attll going down hill, with ten to llfteen million men still unemployed. Ha said we are on our way. Did he know then just-where he was leading us? I rather think there Is quite a lot ot fact In Unit O.T.

Jim story. He Insulted Charles A. Llndberg for telling him the truth about what Germany WRS preparing for and as far as the public knows he has never offered to apologize to Llnd- berg. He called Mr. Dewey's Idea of a two ocean navy just platn dumb.

Pearl Harbor proved how much he knew about it. He preached class hatred by calling big business the economic royalists and did everything In hts power to rut big buslncsi out ot business. Just Imagine we would be today without the economic royalists. lie said certain powers in the hands of some men would be dangerous but not if put In his handc so he went ahead and'proved In the Montgomery Ward case how right was. Of all things, accused "the greedy farmers" of causing the trend toward Inflation (he must hn-ve cleared wllh John Lewis and Bill Green before he said that.) He said we would Quarantine Germany; Hitler proved how he knew about that.

He said "I tell you again and again that not one American Mother's Son will ever be called on to fight on foreign soil. How in the world con a soldier, his motlrer, father, brother, sister or friend put 11 any In any thinsr hc says. Do you suppose he really meant when he said "that's the way we planned His Saturday night-talk on "far- ren" (foreign) policy remluded me of chicken soup minus the chicken. He practiced the Good Neighbor by shipping thousands of Ions of scrap Iron to Japan up to within four months of Pearl Harbor. Does his record prove he knew or knows even now just what it all about or that he knows or even suspects to be trusted with guiding the Ship ot State thru the mighty dark future.

W. G. BROWN. Wall Street By VICTOR A (Auociatai rrnsl New York. Oct.

recoveries gave tile stock market a elightly better appearance today al- tbo many leaders continued to labor In minus territory. Third bidding apparently 'ii'aS based mnlnly on Individual sltua; ttons such as earnings, dividends and peace prospects. The big victory in the Pacific, still was on argument for conservatism. Turnover was around 800,000 shares. Doiida were mixed.

Hospitals Admitted: to tire Weld County hospital Oct. 26: I-aVerle Darling, 1330 Eighth avenue; Darold Glenn, Routs 3, Box 83; Elaine Brill, 700 Fifteenth street; Gertrude Woodward, Belford ball; Rex Fair, 957 South Corona, Denver; Raymond Bart Day, Wray; Mrs. Andrew Nlckerson, 1104 Sixth street. Dismissed; LaConne Box 3S5, Evans; Janet Helen Carter, 1216 Ninth street; Barbara Ann Johnson, 1128 Sixth: street; La Von Salyards, 322 Elm street, Eaton; Harlow Hants, Mllllken; Mrs. Robey Parrlott, Akron; Lee Longley, Box 54, Eaton; Rex Fair, Denver; Phlllia Dahns, Wiggins; Harley F.

Warren, 1217. Stittr avenue; La- Verle Darling, 1330 Eighth avenue. CHICAGO hogb S.OeS; total 19.000; opened steady; closed steady to weak; moat good and choice 160 to 240 Ibs. 14.75; few lots srood irrades HO to lit Ibs. late 14.S5, these weak; arood and nous over 240 Ibs.

and sowi 14: rood clearance but undertone definitely on weak side at Salable cattle total laMe calves 500; total 100; generally steady market; two loada 780 tb. otrerinxrs 17.81; scattered lota medium and Kood 12.50 to 15.50 moderate supply common and medium heifers to 12: most grass bulls i.K to II: heavy lausace offerings up to 11.50 and better: fairly broad clearance; stock cattle falr- Jy active at 11 to 13.25 mainly; veal- steady at 15.50 down. Salable iheep MOO; total 8.009: late ThiiTFday: slaughter classes steady to IS cents lower; eood and Pits In western North Carolina in which 300 year old trees are row growing are believed to be the remains of mines dug by De Soto. Dlrlsujr Helmet In the early days of now. famous Mil Gene Nohl'i rtecp ica divine experiments he fashioned himself a ilmple dlvinf helmet from a S-eallon paint can with an inserted (lass window and connected air bose.

Nohl now holds the record of walking oa the ocean bottom' at 420 feet under water depth. BneeDosli Infecttav' Tbe most common method ot ipread of Brucellosis Is throuch tho mouth and the digestive system. Cattle usually get the disease by licking an aborting cow or diseased afterbirth; also by eating infected feed, grazing on infected pastures and drinking i a (streams and permanent troughs), CARD OP THANKS LUGAR We wish, to thank our many friends In Colorado for tto cards and letters of sympathy in the death, of our son aad brother, Truman, who was killed in action. Mr. and Mrs, A.

Lugar, Clifford, and family. K. ANDY CAMPBELL'S LIVESTOCK SALE SATURDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 28th carload of work incf taddle one carload unbroken horsctr marei and Several teams of mulct; laddie hones a'nd Shetjjnd ponies. carload thoroughbreo and quarter horses. This Is a fine lot Some of breeding you'll find in thoroughbred ind quarter horses.

A number of good brokt saddle i We.have for sale one carload of 2 Yr. old steers; one carload whfte- choice native Iambs 14 to K.2S: top face 00 ewet and 700 Iambi. Bring In anything you hive to 14.35; mixed medium to choice Mon-' tanas 13 25 to 13.40; load Rooil to shorn lambs 13: medium to EOOd 10.75 to 11.25: ewes 5.S5 down; today's opened steady: eariy sales choice natWe lambs 14 to H.J5; beet held at 14.40; few medium to good lambs 12 to 13.50: common snrtouta I I down; 39 to 50 Ibs. culls to 9.25: scattered lots native ewes 5.75 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET CMcaxo, Oct. trade In futures was dull today and prices were Wheat waa about steady but the feed arralnff showed tendency toward weakness.

Fractional Rains were made at the on- enTnr but the marked eased buck. Wheat higher at the when brokers bought for elevator Interest)). orders and ernment support of the market prevented more than minor war news s.nd denial by War Prodncllon Donrd of that a holiday was for checked the Intercut In the trade. Thero was no volume to the trade In corn. Data tarred; under pressure.

i At cloao wheivt waa to It higher Chan 'yesterday'it finish. Da- hfajher to era re mber ir.fiS. Corn lower, a wera unrhftnjsrerf tn fifli. lower to 1H higher, December Sl.lS^-H. Barter was alt to December fl.OStt.

sell. Sale starts at 7:30 P.M. Jack Campbell and Sam Forbes, Aucts. A. J.

(Andy) Campbell, Mgr, PUBLIC SALES TUESDAY, OCT. 31, 11 o'Clock KANODE AND EDWARDS, 2 mile, cast, north Port of by Nunn Ladlea Aid. 60 head cattle: 7 head Guernacy cows, 2 to 7 years, i i now; 4 year Just fresh. These cows an all T.B. and Bangs tested.

A real bunch of milk cows. 0. K. Kanode, owner, 42 head milking Morthorn cattle; 10 head frem 4 to 8 years, i i now, and will-freshen about Jan. yearling heifers; yearling steers; 2 2-year-old Heer's; 11 steer calves; 8 helfir calves; yearling Shorthorn year old purebred Shorthorn bull Leadbetter herd) year old bull.

James Edwards, owner, Mr. Kanode and are quitting the dairy bud and arc.aellfng their htriii, If you ara locking for real producing cowi. Attend this sale. -1 D6-A1I RumTey row crops with bean cutter; 1 2-row whtat land 2-row John Deere go-dig cultivator; 1 2-row International cul- tjvator; 1 10-foot diio.harrow; 1 Superior grain drill; 1 HarVla h'sy rake; 1 Model hay truck and hay'rack; 1 IVi Inferiuitlwul gaa engine; -1 Del-aval cream separator No. 15; 10-gallcn milk 1 W.W.

24-inch hammer mill. J.H.C. Farmill 20 on ruWwr. 10 head C.W. wvahling 'pigs.

Some good furniture. A E. I I Auct, Phofw.

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