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Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado • Page 6

Greeley, Colorado
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P. MATTHEWS- Editor and Manager Editor Manager Issued to The Tribune- Republican Publishing Co. Dy Creel ey Union No. 686 Ingraham, Cooley CofCIn, Now York Chicago National Kepresentatlvos Detroit Syracuat Member ot The PreM i Pnu exclimlvely entitled to the for repub- I lie credited to tt or not otherwise credited and also tUc new. niiblmheJ herein.

NATIONAL EDITORIAL Vf ASSOCIATION 1Q32- Luxury Prison Now York City lias recently opened Jts new $2,000,000 prison, for women. It is called the "luxury" prison because of its cost and because the up-to-date equipment and conveniences. Bullet-proof glass is used thruout, to prevent persons outsid'e from trying either to injure or to liberate inmates. Instead of old-fashioned bars, the windows are criss-crossed with jmw-proot metal. The of glass lire so small that no human being Split Second Editorials Robert Quillen Copyrighted 1931, Fublliheri Syndicate Mo.t ftuotcd Nature gives bright colors to poisonous things, so this idea of decorating taxicabs new.

Separate beds; separate bedrooms; separate cars; separate lives. Of course the meek will inherit the earth if nobody else has any children. What's the use? By the time yoxi develop eternal convictions the world changes Its opinions and you're an old fogy. could go thru the' opening if a pane were removed. There is a chapel with three altars on a revolving base, one ach for Jews, Catholics arid Prbte.s- ants.

There is a fully equipped modern hospital. There is a psychiatrist who scientific crime. Every ward ms a radio. Individual cells have metal mirrors, hot and cold running water, and mattresses on the cots. Chore is a laundry without washboards or clothes lines, electric washing machines and driers making those items unnecessary.

There are showers where Inmates may have as many baths as they like--one a week being com pulsory. If physical equipment and health measures are effective, prisoners should come out of the institution better than -they, went in. Reform and regeneration will depend' on other factors. In the meantime, prisoners will be taken there who have grown up to lives of crime in slums and tenements under conditions far less wholesome and sanitary than will obtain in the prison. Until society takes as much pains to prevent such conditions, it will have to continue its program of bigger and better prisons.

i'ed Allison with his wife and son, nd Mrs. Thelma Allison from Johns- own. Mrs. Llndsey Vance and baby were u.ests in the John Ravithis home ver Sunday night and Monday. Mr.

and Mrs Tommy Brown -visited with the latter's sister and family, the Woods at Colorado Springs, Sun- ay afternoon and evening. A family dir.ner party was enjoyed the home of Mrs. Elvira Wilburt Easter Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.

Nate Hlnton, Miss Flavella Hinton, Carl Hinton, and his dren spent Sunday afternoon at T. A. Smith home. Mr; and Mrs. Ray Copder onfl Uined the following guests at Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Phllll Mr.

and Mrs. Chester Nusbaum, 1 and Mrs. Ray Tnmmonds and child! and John and Ethel Phillips, I Several families of this gathered at the Anna Skul evening for a surprise party in hr of Mr. Theffen's birthday. Mrs.

P. R. Hobllt, Mrs. Pearl Anil son and Mrs. Raymond Newlcirk to Greeley Saturday in the Hobli vnlla Hinton Carl Hinton, anu mo LU glri1 friend.

Rose Hifrra and Hartley Buick car which they purchased iinton and his daughter all from Den-1 cently. If you would keep your husband happy, dear lady, never let him discover that you have more brains than he has. A novel must be silly and poorly written in order to be popular. Asy any novelist whose books don't A monarchy has faults, too. A king wastes almost as much as an election costs.

Another thing that makes it impossible to reduce government expenditures is the ability to borrow. Americanism; Hating the communism that makes all men equal; lifting up the and pulling down the high to make all men like ourselves. Darwin must have been wrong. Monkeys don't howl helplessly While one elected to serve them loots the bananas. The little boy in the third row will now tell us how many grave problems America has solved by waiting for congress to do something.

19 A AGO From the Files of the GresUy Republican County Mrs Joe Pumphrey was hostess to lenfl with her parents, D. Chris- the G. P. B. club at her home Wed- tya rom ner employment in Denver.

tpVin STIfillt. Carr Carr, April and Mrs. C. C. Snidow, of Fort Collins were in Carr Tuesday visiting their daughter, Mrs.

C. G. Colgln. C. G.

Colgln made a business trip to Laramle the first of the week. Russel Relnheimer was taken to Memorial hospital in Cheyenne Colgln is spending the week in Denver preparing for the state mar- celling exams. Ladies Aid met at Mrs. H. F.

Schroe- ders on Wednesday afternoon, after tne u. r. jo. uiuu nesday. The time was spent socially.

A deliciou? lunch was. served by the hostess. The club- meets in April with Mrs. Paul Sorenson. Those present Wednesday were MM.

George Stanley, Mrs. Virgil Timothy, Gilcrest, Mrs, Paul Sorenson, Mrs. Hanna Sorenson, Mrs. Waldo McNeil, I. J.

Crowley, Mrs. Felix Parker, and Mrs. Dena Kidd. Charles Compton, who attends the Presbyterian college at Hastings, Neb. arrives Saturday to spend his spring vacation with- his parents, Rev.

and Mrs. Compton. Milliken Milliken, April and Mrs. J. Briggs, their son Lee and daughter Dorothy returned Sunday from a two months sojourn at Long Beach, the regular routine of business the Mr ftnd Jonn Dinkier and fam- Mrs.

Maurice Stewart and her moth er-iu-law, Mrs. Wilson Stewart, drove up from Laird for the week end, the ormer to visit with her mother, Mrs. Anna Flood and the latter to visit her oibter, Mrs; William Hicks south of fuhnstown and their mother, Mrs. Ben Ballinger of Longmont and a grandmother in Denver. Mrs.

Leroy Walles is enjoying a vis- It with her sister, Mrs. Lon Hester and her son Bobble from Riverside, who arrived last week end. Mr. flester came also and went on to Nebraska to be with his father who suffered a paralytic stroke recently. In commemoration of the sister's arrival a family gathering was held at the Lerjy Wailes home- Sunday afternoon.

Others attending were the mother, Mrs. Josephine Allison, a brother Al- Aprll 4, 1913 Mr. and Mrs. F. Van Sickle, the nowlyweds, were given a warm and noisy welcome into Severance society last night when the young folks of the community, armed with pots and pans, horse fiddles and the like, stole quietly to the Van Sickle home and gave them a rousing charivari.

Not to be outdone the Van Sickles threw open their doors and invited in the ser- ell Miss Helen Enright entertained the members of the eighth grade of the training school with a class party at the home' of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Enright, Tuesday evening.

Pink and white carnations were used In the decorations and the young people spent a merry evening with games and music. Gill Is the first town in the county to issue a town post card. The progressive citizens have put their approval on one which shows a picture in which is seen a man on top of a high building with a telescope, below which is written, "Watch Gill Crops ot flax and wheat proved Horse snatching nourished in the old west, too, until citizens realized that talk wouldn't stop it. The quickest way to classify a woman Is to examine the class of, people she gossips about. "As a general thing, the region where the population is too thick Is just north of the ears.

The difference between a tax and all, others is that the consumer knows he is saying it. Anyway we are rid of the theory that a man who isn't worth a darn to the world is entitled to a two-car garage. Don't get the notion that a sea' son of softness will keep you from coming back. Look at winter. Correct this sentencss "I don't care liow many millions tho boss makes," said tho red, "so long as I get what I earn." money makers for Gus Miller of Love and last season when he grew severa lumdred acres in the Keota district and this season he will farm there on even a more extensive scale.

Miller had a plow outfit last year and broke sod at $3 an acre. He then planted i crop on his own land and on that others, taking a share of the crop for his work. As a result, from wheat and flax he cleaned up $6,000. Clarence the brilliant Chi cago lawyer, well known all over the United States, is expected in Greelej next Tuesday for a brief visit witL his son, Paul Darrow, and family. The members of tho Billiken clu and other friends were delightfully en tertained Thursday afternoon at th home of Miss Miriam Bunker.

Th young ladles spent the afternoon a cards or with their fancy work, a they chose. An interesting feature the afternoon was the presentation a clever farce, "Improving a Hus band," by Mrs. H. Reynolds and Mrs. J.

B. McCutchoon. The guests aside from club members were Miss Margaret Statler, Mrs. Carl Benton, Mrs. David Bauer, Mrs.

George Cox and Mrs. Elmer Royer. Old ditch flumes made of board arc being removed from the lower Latham ditch in Kersey vicinity and new ce- merit head gates are going in under the supervision of Ditch Superlntend- HSfeUlUl 1 -following officers were elected for the ensuing year; president, Mrs. Bertha Phillips; vice president, Mrs. K.

E. Chadwick, secretary and treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Griffin.

At the close of the meeting the hostess served Ice cream and cake. Mr. ana Mrs. C. R.

Morrison are arents of a baby boy born Monday morning at a maternity home In Anil. 'e has been named Eugene Raymond. G. D. Heinhelmer section foreman as been transferred to McAllister, Mr.

Reinheimer and his family will leave latter part of the week for hat place. G. D. Reinheimer made a business rip to Denver Tuesday. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Acor of Fort Collins were Sunday dinner guests of I. D. Klmple and family. Mrs.

R. E. Stroud ot Ault was visit- ng friends in Carr Tuesday. Mrs J. Lucas of Denver was a guest the home of Mrs.

Carl Satterfield Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. Shelenberger accompan- ed Mrs.

Oldenburg and daughter to Greeley Monday. Mrs. P. E. Andei'son of Los Ange- es, who has been visiting her ily attended the tuneral 01 ivlru.

ler's uncle, the late J. Elmer L-uther, In Greeley, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Nettie Patrie visited with her iVif, and family the J. W. Wilsons in Fort Collins Tuesday.

P. D. Collins returned last week end from Arlington, where he visited with his daughter and other relatives over the winter. Mrs. Fred Bronson, a sister of Mrs Robert Harris from Gill, visited in the Harris home Wednesday.

Her iece, Ramonia Harris returned with er after a week's stay in her home. Miss Ethel Christy spent the week mil lull niiu itia i iT 1 ver, and Mr. and Mrs. A. O.

Robert Tpdd, Eber Gardner, P. D. Coitus Mjss Doris Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Winkler entertained at dinner Thursday evening 'or Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Luther of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ortu- man Windsor and Mrs. Maude Thompson and Joe Borgenson from Ashton.

Delta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fay and children were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers of Greeley.

The South Side Country club will entertain their families' at the Delta school Friday night. John Werkheiser is planning on moving into thejold home this "week He has had the floors sanded ready to varnish and the rooms' papered and Mr; and Mrs. Ray Clark and children of Denver spent Sunday with Mrs. Clark's MR- and Mrs. T.

B. Beauchamp. W. E. Calvin has purchased a Ford roadster.

Mr. and Mrs. Benson of Greeley moved In with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gross, to care for her mother while she is sick.

The farmers are busy In the fields plowing. Prairie View District Prairie View, April Sunday was observed by Pratste View Sunday school with a short program. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Golgart and daughter and Mr.

and Mrs. K. B. Foster and children were 'entertained by Mrs. Pearl Anderson at dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tummouds and family left Tuesday for Maxbass, N. where they will make ttteir future home. Mr.

and Mrs. P. R. Hoblit and chll- Mr. and Mrs.

David Franks dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char Meads Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

L. H. Golgart and fi ily spent Sunday evening at the lacs Henderson home. Scout Leaders Meet Kersey Kersey, April C. Mann i Jack Pratt, scout executives of Gi ley, met with the local committeeit Tom Schank, Jay Doty and Fred 'and Scoutmaster E.

J. Melkol, nesday evening to lay plans for fInn ing local troop. As soon as funds are raised the troop will visits from Jack Pratt, rnissioner. A 816 Seventh St. State a and Light Certificate given free.

Protect yourself. Come get yours. I Phone 1271 CASH PAID FOR MODEL A FORDS Bush Motor Sales 1017 Eighth Ave. Greeley Garage Used at Bargain Prices 1931 Chev. Closed Pick-up, drlvJ en only 9000 miles.

Like (POQf tires, like new new in every way- 1930 Chev. 2 ton Truck. 10-plJ $35( 1930 Chev. Closed Pick- up, In perfect condition iDuUt 1929 Chev. ton Truck.

HeavJ tires and beet C9CF 1928 Chev. 1 ton Truck 1928 Panel Delivery 1927 Chev. 1 ton Truck 1925 Ford 1 ton If you are in need of a good uset truck, you can save money by buying now. GALLAND CHEVROLET Inc. rio'luer at the, hotel has gone to Chap man to visit her sister, Mrs.

Tulius Hill. La Sane LaSalle, April evening at 7-30, a special musical program will be given at the First Presbyterian church. Besides various local -talent Miss Jean McKibben ot Greeley and Charles Compton of Hastings, will each give vocal numbers. Regu lar services for both church and Sun day school Sunday morning, and the entire community Is invited to attend all of these services. Mrs E.

S. Atkinson was hostess to the Tri Beta Club, Tuesday. High score In bridge was won by Mrs. Mar vln Winslow. The hostess served dainty lunch.

The club has been changed from Tuesday until Thursday and will meet Thursday, April 21 with Mrs. I. J. Crowley. Miss Helen Kidd was a guest Tuesday and these men bers were present, Mrs.

James Noel Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs, J. L. Carpen tor, Mrs. Marvin Mrs.

I. Crowley, Mrs. Felix Parker, Mrs. Dena Kidd, Mrs. Athol Bright, Mrs.

Waldo McNeil, and Mrs. Pearl Winslow. ent Hill. The Lower Latham ditch supplies considerable area between La Salle and Kersey. A Modern Auto Painting Plant IOLJ-SEEL, inc.

258 11TH ST. AUTO CYLINDERS REGROUND i $2 PER HOLE Liberal Discount on Parts Gereral Machine Work and Welding The Automotive Machine 1012 8th Ave. How about new Hat for your carl AVE you noticed what a big change a new hat can make in man's appearance? A little attention to the top of your car--maybe ihiny top-dressing job--can help looks of your car just as much. As Authorized du Pont Duco Re- finishers we also offer complete Duco refinishing and touch-up service. You are sure that only genuine du Pont Duco will be used on your car.

No matter what type of body service your car may require, we are equipped to do it. Our service includes complete rcfinishing or recolor- ing, touch-up work, or repairs to I fenders, top or trim. Drive in and let ui; estimate on your job. Is still on display at our showroom Today and Tuesday DELIVERED PRICES (fully equipped) V-8 Weld County Garage Runabout Phaeton Tudor Coupe Sport Coupe Pordor Deluxe Runabout- Deluxe Phaeton Deluxe Tudor Deluxe Coupe Cabriolet Deluxe Fordor Victoria Sedan. 612.00 617:00 607.00 652.00 707.00 617.00 662.00 667.00 692.00 727.00 762.00 717.00 767.00 New 4 $527.00 562.DO 567.00 557.00 602.00 657.00 567.00 612.00 617,00 642.00 677.00 712.00 667.00 717.00 Safety glass throughout will be standard equipment on all DeLuxe Models.


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