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Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado • Page 6

Greeley, Colorado
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAUK SIX THE COLORADO IttA KC Society Pre-Easter Cantata, "Seven Last Words of Christ," at Local Church Presented annually ns a pro- Easter feature by First Presbyterian church's choir, Dubols' famous canlaln, "Tho Seven Last Words of Chi-lsf." will again be hennl at the local church. Fourteenth street and Ninth avenue, iicvl Snnray at 4:30. A choir ot 40 voices, Including musicians from Greeley and Denver, will present the beautiful Editor music in a vesper hour with E. J. Remley as director, and Lucy Friend Remley providing organ nc- oompsnlment.

Choir members will include singers from the First Presbyterian church hero, Montvlew Boulevard and Clayton Presbyterian churches in Denver. Featured soloists will be Francis (Fritz) Biomau, bass, who leaves soon for service In the tinned forces anil Norman tenor, here on furlough from the San Diego marine corps base, where he is Chaplain's assistant. Both men are widely known In Greeley musical circles, and havo been soloisls lu other cantata presentations. Others who will do solo work Include Den DiiBch. Margaret Dresch- or, Wesley Diddle.

Bob Mlddleton, Elaine Jensen, and vocnllsls trom Denver, Including Jack and Bonna- jene Taylor. llev. Merle G. Allen, church pas- lor. will serve ns narrator.

Tliero is no admission to this service, and the public Is Invited. "The Seven Last Words of will bo sung by this samo "ciiolr at Montview Boulevard church, Denver, on Maundy Thursday ol Holy Wcok and at Clny- lon Presbyterian church on Good Friday. Mrs. Newland Is New Bible Class President Mrs. C.

Newland was oloctei ss new president of the Women's Bible class, Kirs( Presbyteriai church, when the group mot at her home 1609 Seventh avenue, for covered dish luncheon and business meeting ou Wednesday afternoon Oilier officers tor the year include. Miss Helen Ross, vice president Mrs. Janet McKay, societaly-lrcas urer, and Mis. Amy Crowell, Friday's Calendar 0.0. club dinner for husbands, Mrs.

Irfw Ray, 1320 Twelfth avenue. Chapter. BE, P.E.O., Mrs. D. Fan 1 1014 Fourteenth avenue Mrs.

W. J. Bishop, assisting. Allar and Rosary society games party, Newman Hall. I O.E.S.

Post Matrons. Mrs. RUB- sell Roye'r, 1216 Seventeenth' street, 7:30, Mrs. A a Vlck Roy, Kate Lee. North Side Country club, Mrs.

Roso Bedford, .1321 Eleventh 2:30. Daughters of Union Veterans, Barbara Fillchle tent, K. P. hall. Greeley Camp No.

6, W.O.W., In Odd Fellows hall. Ppst Preildenti' Parley Meeting at Fatten Home Mrs. George D. Fallen and Mrs. lort Lowell wore hostesses to 12 neinuera of the Past Presidents' Parley, American Legion Auxiliary, at the Patlon homo Wednesday evening.

Plans were made for the slate child welfare program, in which a survey of all veterans' families of World War II will be made. Special recognition Tvas paid Mrs. Klhclda Hlnkley for her outstanding work as' chairman of tho canteen corps of the American Rec Cross. Members will meat April 19 in the lounge of tho electric company for the preparation of two layettes ns part of the state clothing pro Ject. PI Kappa Delta Initiates Two at Dinner Meeting Wed.

Alpha Mil chapter ot the Pli Delta Kappa, honorary educatlona a i on tho OSCB campus initialed Jnmes Frasler. and Join Schrant Into membership at a din nor meeting Wednesday erenlui In the Faculty club dining room. Dr. George Willard Frasler, pies Iclent of the collego spoks to 111 group briefly; on tho educntlona a tho Clvl) Aeronautic Administration. Major W.

W. Wall Epsilon Sigma Alpha Hard Times Party Wed. Margo Kulaud won the prize for tho tackiest costume at a hard times party enjo'ypd by Epsllon Sigma Alpha sorority at the homo of Mrs. Evelyn Johnson, 1314 Fit- tccnlli street, Wednesday evonlug. Members ami guests attended the a i their oldest apparel and the Johnson homo had been decorated with comlo strips, cartoons, and other appropriate decoration.

Vondn XJbrlch and Freda Scholt charge of varied incut, with going to Mrs Winifred Kltts, For dessert, guests wero served beaus, salted waters, mid coffee. Sharing the evening were Mrs, Winifred Kills, Marge Ruland, Alrel Armcs, Freda Schott, Viy fclnla Widows, Catharine Johnson, ivclyn: Johnson, Vonda Uhrlch liirjorio Gelst. Model meeting will be heU larch 20 nt the'home of Catharine ohnson, 1904 Eleventh avenue, at o'clock, with Rose Schott and 'onda Uhrlch' as hostesses. Fourteen at New hair stylos wore described answer to v.qll the meet- ng -Wednesday of Friendly Fourteen club, members enter- allied In the lounge of the electric ompnny, Mrs. George Has Club Program Eaton, teacher.

Mrs. C. Mooro and formerly ot the psychology divlslo: Mrs. Thomas Brockman arc assls- of tho college, told the group of re tant teachers. Rev.

Merle Q. Allen, pastor ot Mrs. E. Fooso in chavgo of the meeting, and Mrs. Ralph Cox received the penny' gift.

Mis. Cox vas named chulrmair of the'fo-ad project. Mrs. Winifred Campbell; who was have had tho program on ''Home Management" was uuable to be present. After delightful refreshments liad been served by Mrs.

Jake. stein, the green and while tor SL the predominant colors, tho club adjourned to meel April 19 lu the lounge ot the'electric company. Mrs, Joe Brown is to entertain. Sorosli Luncheon At Angell's Wednesday A Interesling nnd blith tiny program followed a delicious Wednesday afternoon for mem hers 'of Sorosls club. Mrs.

George Adams was hostess for occasion while Mrs. A. Do'yd and A. Ritchie were, in charge of the program. A short- business was held and Mrs.

Nova" McKinloy wns welcomed back Into the club as an active member. Paul FaBOrbcrg will be th hostess for the April IS meeting; while 1 Mrs. Glen -Brlggs aud Mrs. Carl -Peterson will ho In charge of the program. An excellent review of Ruth and Helen Hoffman's book, Married An Englishman," was given for Bookworms.

Wednesday' after: noon by Mrs. Bernlce George, when members were etftcrtalifed at SLW runch by Mrs. Harvey Wltwer, Jr. The hook Is the amusingly written story of two American girls, twins and artists, who traveled to Iraq with mi overpowering amount of luggage; to meet an English engineer, Douglas whom Ruth married, there; new house was located 300 miles south of-nadhdn'a on. the Tigris rlver.

Tho story Is concerned efforts 'adjust' themselves to the customs and character'bi-a'strang'e imbued like all 'Orientals, ivjtK maddenlu'g' disregard for Ime. They write of any- picturesque native, they give of several Plaits' -to tlie es- Inbllshments of. sheiks and to their liarems are a different picture ot these desert warriors than the oveM-omautlclzed conception which moBt. Americans have. The book Is made even more lively by 'the' 'inclusion of -many sketches', drawn by both girls, 11 lustrntliiB the people and places o' Iholr text.

Guests' of the club -were Mrs William Steele, Mra. Grace Wakeman, and Mra. Gene Mavcli 29 meeting.will ha at the Adolf'IreJ- home, 'the program to be in charge of John Btou. L. T.

W. Club Entertained in Mrs. Hooper's-Home T. W. club a entertained Wednesday In the home of Mrs May Hooper, 1G30 Eighth street wlth'13 meinbera aiitl.a guest pre's cut.

Mrs. Myrtle Jennings asatste the hostess In serving refreshments April 6 meeting will be with Mrs Mary Smith, 1804 Eighth -stree with Mrs. lilanche Reed 'as her as ststawt. the church, was au afternoon guest. Devotions were pres6ntcd by Mrs.

Thomas Brockman at the opening of the meellug. Reports were heard from the secretary-troasui'er, and Mrs. Pearl I Moss reviewed a variety of articles I ou the Solomon Islands, the Bible society, and St. Patrick concluding with a humorous reading, "Bo Cheerful." Benediction closed -the meeting; Mrs. Charron's Birthday Celebrated at Dinner Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Soheck wore 1 1 hosts at 'their home' in Pierce on Sunday, eiitertahilug at an at- tractive dinner party which lion- tired (he 'birthday of their daughter, Mrs. Helen Chnrron of Denver.

Mra. Gharron was- accompanied to Pierce by her daughter, Carol Centerpiece for the dinner table was a large angel food cake, beautifully decorated In pink aud white, and topped with lighted birthday candles. This was cut and served by the guest of honor. Dinner guests, including friends of Mrs. Charron and the Sobecks.

were Mr. and Mrs. James Starr and son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aavls and daughter, Niun, Mrs.

Rachel Felt and Nick Starr, all of aad-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cozad and family of Pierce, Eddie Sobeck, the hosts, Mrs.

Charron and Carol Lee. Mrs. William L. Sobeck of Greeley was invited to the dinner, hut could not attend. Mitchell-Rohn Marriage of Feb.

23 Is A Mr. snd Mrs. George A. of Route 4 are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Margie Marylyn, to Heinholdt Rohn of La Salle on Feb. 23.

A Greeley justice of the peace officiated, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Kerns of Evans were attendants. The bride's street dress was blue, and her accessories were black.

She wore a corsage bouquet of pink roses. Mra. Rohn Is a graduate' of Greeley high school, aud her husband attended the LaSalle schools. They are now at home ou a farm, southeast of La Salle. Colds' Coughing and Chest Muscle Tightness Grandma often treated cold miseries with horne-mediqtted mutton Today there's a sal ve that works on the same principle.

It's Penetro modern medication base con tainihg old-fashioned mutton Mothers now rub on stainless white Penetro for real relief from these colds', Always get Fenetro Elected few Century President 'Ada Ferguson elected president of the New Century ub to succeed'Mrs. John James, Wednesday afternoon at tlie club eeling, held'at the homo of 724 Twelfth' street. Other fleers include Marks, vice president, Mrs; L. A. Klght, ccrelary; Mrs.

Robert Wallace,, and Mrs. OY English, orrestwndent. A 1 o'clock covered dish lunch- on preceded the business meet- g. A total of fd was donated for ed Cross overseas kit bags. Mrs, Margaret owe will eu.tertaln: at her home 323 Tenth Honor u'eil'at Mr; and Sheldon 1 Brooks ere guests of h'ono'r at a surprise uucbeon Tuesday at the electric the.

Administration committee, 1 perBOnhel tenant-purchase iwople from various "sections.o!. the The 'luncheon, attended by 0 guests, was a jarty to will-leave Is position as supervisor--of the Veld-county FSA to enter the'navy i uncheon consisted of a musical his; ory of Mr, and Mrs. Brooks' Hves the form of a guesslug game. Bryan Page and Mrs. P.

H. Gold- nlth won prizes in the guesslug Contemporary Music at Club study 'contemporary rn6dern American composers; the Fortnightly Musical club met Wednesday, afternoon as guests of Miss Marjorle SIxth-street. E. Southard opened the program with the. piano, numbers, by and "Conga Jo Madia Noctie" by.

cuona. She. later provided accompaniment for vocal, and violin Mra. Elmer J. Lee's vocal'solos "My Friend" by' Malotte, "At Kvehtide" by Uenevleve Davis, and "Prelude to March" by Rash- As piano solos, Mrs; Robert Has- juan.

played'- "March American" Deft Mowery and. "The Tide," Marian Bauer. Mrs. Wilbur Bcnton's violin numbers were Haescho anil a Monastery Garden." Mrs. Prexy by Sidney-Homer, "Ships if -Arcady" by Michael Head, and Needtiam's "Four Ducks' on a Poiid." To close the program, Mrs.

A. F. Reeves, played two numbers froin Crete's ''Mississippi Suite," in eluding "The' Father ot Waters' and' Finn." Memorial to Rachmaninoff serve as the program at the March Notlor To' accommodaU club wonun In rural whoie moinlng edition of not reach on rural until noon-or later, calendar will printed two ahead, with the following ulel will carry of Monday and. no, Tuei'diy, will -Club women are reminded that notion for the'calendar mutt be 'telephoned Into: Tribune of- flee, telephone 3 'day afternooni 'for. following week 1 Household JED Roll -Tueiday.

A roll call of Household Hints" w6re p're'sented by members of tlie D. 'Extension club: on Tuesday afternoon when they with Mrs. Frank on making collars and dickeys, was given by Mrs. Doris' McNulty. A -'guest day observed at 'the-'next to be.

held on March 28 at the electric lounge. Gladys Rein'aud Mrs. Charles Fay will ha hostesses for-the affair. Anniversaries Are Celebrated Sunday Windsor, March birthday, anniversary and -wedding anniversary were observed Sunday at a. dinner given at the home of Mr; Mrs.

P. E. Bracewell. It was the 66th birthday I of and the Z6tb weddlug', 1 anniversary his daughter, andi her husband, 'Mr. and'" Etter -of -Bracewell.

Those 'at. the dinner. sharing in" the Trere Mrs" Tinges, Fred their four.chil--} and Mre. Daniel Herbsjj and and Mrs.y* Robert leges and Stella' Tigges, a dent -iii ail i Denver Alice Tigges, who- teaches In .1 Those.from Brac.ewe.U- and Bey- i attended an alumni tea tor. the 'Theta' -Sigma Upsilpn -tveri in Fort Collins-Satur- 29 meeting, to he Mrs.

Henry Glnsbuvg'a home the Faculty club. Mrs. Arthur is co- hostesa. -Miss Hthei and Mrs. r'Mabel Egan of The' tea was given' al" tlie Homo of Mrs, Don llllllgan.

B. Owen accompanied to spend the time with Mre. Lillian Nowton. Lt. Clifton "Wain, an officer i charge of the V-12 navy v' at the University of Colorado, is a houeeguest of.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen i C. Turner, 1625 Gleiiniere boulevard, i the latter part of tills week. LADIES Now Visit PHONE 565 Open until 7 p.m.

GO URST TO THE FASHION BAR AND cent educational innovations In th Positively, the rage! This. 100.. per cent VVool Shetland Suit is an expression of feminine excellence and features an unusual dart-tfeatrheht at the shoulder, pleated skirt, and, three novelty button trimmed. to 17. Colors: MELLOW GOLD POWDER BLUB BROWN RED BEIGE TONE Others frojrh $16.95 Better avoid this- Llamora Fleece Classic if you can't afford admiring glances of all by-standers.

Faultlessly fashioned, of an open vent back and flattering saddle-stitch trim on collar and pockets. Sizes, 10 to 20. POWDER BLUB RED SEASON NUDE Others from DODD'S 824 Ninth Street FOR YOUR WEARING PLEASURE HILLS BRQS. COFFEE can noW buy Hillsrcoffee red can.packed in glass or carton, 1 lb. glass jar 33c 2 lb.

glass jar 65c 1 lb. pkg. 31c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING You know the. quality of this most popular salad dressing. Pint jar 26c ALL-NUT PEANUT BUTTER Smooth and fine flavored, 2 4 oz.

jar 33c LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP You'll enjoy the real chicken flavor. Pkg. 9c JELL-0 Cherry, Raspberry, a berry and. Orange pkgs. 22c BiSQUICK For tender, light biscuits In a jiffy.

"Lge. pkg. 32c Sm. pkg, 19e SOFT-A-SILK CAKE Uae Betty Cfbcker recipes for delicious Large pkg. 27c BIRDSEYE JROSTED FOODS No points required on these items.

BIRDSEYE APPLE; SAUCE Already, sugared and ready.lor use. 23c BIRDSEYE RHUBARB Strawberry variety, ready to serve. Pkg. 20c GREEN CUT BEANS Tender and stringless.

Pkg. 23c PEAS AND CARROTS fine, fasting combination; Pkg. 25c SLICED PEACHES Delicious served as sauce on shortcake. 12 points. 29c CHOCOLATE PUDDING A quick amTeasy dessert.

Pkg. lOe 3 pkgs. 29c The original i health drink. Plain or 6 1 a i Small jar 37c Large: 69c YACHT CLUB BONITA Whole chunks of hie flavored light meat tuna; lb. can'33c 3 cans 95c SHURFINEPORK -BEANS.

-V. Tender beans with.liberal poiv tioiis of pork packed in toma- to sauce. T. No. 303 can 9c No.

SOO.tall PIMIENTOS 2-oz, 4 oz. can 16c 7 oz; jar 'SAVORY MUSHRpOMS oz. 'glass DR1ECTFRUIT RATIONED 'the demand 'tor dried fruit will increase considerably, fiuy.prunes, raisirisVdried peaciies, black and white figs: while theseitems are not requiring SANTA CLARA PRUNES DRIED PEACHES Very fancy-quality. Medium Ibs. 33c 12 oz.

cello bag Large size, 2 Ibs. 35c BLACK FIGS, lib. cello bag 29c Extra large size; 2 Iba. 37c WHITE FIGS, 12.oz. cello bag 35c Jumbo, size 2 Ibs.

41c i DRIED oz; cello bag 49e Junket Freezing Mix: Chocolate. Maple, tnd Vanilla Pkg. 10e THOMPSON'SiSEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lb; bag 27c 4 Ib. bag 53c 1 lb. pkg.

14e '1 lb. pkg. seeded 16c Junket Danish Dessert Easy to fir. Pk'g. HONEY CORN MUFFIX OR HONEY BRAN MUFPIX Each package makes eight large or twelve tea muffins.

Pkg, lOe. pkgs. 29c FRESH PEAS NEW POTATOES NEW CARROTS with tender sweet peaa. Good sized and well Young and fine, flavored. 2 large bunches lOe Lb.

15c 2 Ibs. 29e 3 Ibs. SNOW I.

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